#SHADY. i love her
choccy-milky · 3 months
hello!!! i just recently began to play Hogwarts Legacy myself and then saw your art and was like WOW💕 really love Clora/Seb dynamic! here's a small gift, he-he. genderbend version of my favorite art of yours. (if anything isn't okay, just let me know! sorry in advance.)
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OMG THIS IS SO COOL??? IM SO IN LOVE WITH CLORA AS A BOY HOLY AAAAAA 😩😩seb, girl, id be jealous and protective if i managed to lock that down too🤺🤺 the OG is also one of my fav drawings of seb and clora ive ever done and omg, seeing it redrawn genderbent is such a treat i didnt even realize i wanted...also your painting/rendering is beautiful?? im so happy you like my art, esp enough to do something like this, this is so awesome😭😭THANK YOU🙏🙏💖💖💖
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majickth · 2 years
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So dark, no moon, no stars, no stars No sound, just hearts and walls of art
in which Grian goes to a small town and finds that things aren't as the seem.
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feroluce · 3 months
Had the cutest realization last night- so there's a saying we have in English meaning to get something done by any means necessary. It specifically includes dishonest methods, such as violence or lying. So when you're willing to resort to that kind of thing to achieve your goals, you say you're going to do something
"by hook or by crook"
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multiversal-pudding · 1 month
Enough fics of Sebastian’s lover/spouse going down and infiltrating/storming the facility to find him well actually not bc I love that s$&!
Do you know what I wanna see
I wanna see a fic where Sebastian’s MOTHER goes and raises hell looking for her long-dead son-
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shady-groves · 2 months
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after i saw juniper's two heart event, i'd thought it'd be funny if my farmer was a REALLY potent mage but just has absolutely no idea 😂 since juniper can kinda sense magical energy, she meets river and gets BLAM blasted with potential from broccoli head here fasdrasdfldkrj
Close ups:
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theirloveisgross · 1 year
Look at Florence talking about her new movie Oppenheimer.
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The direct and specific Nolan mention is sending me.
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God, I love her.
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mintywolf · 2 years
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“Hold my hand, I’m scared.”
Laudna running away from the flowers that want to love her and clinging to the giant goat monster instead.
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rat-rosemary · 25 days
"Jeez, I wonder why Dteam fans don't like us"
^^^ Was immediately aggressive and rude the moment the fandom even brushed against yours
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gnomewithalaptop · 1 month
Hmmm.... Young Justice '98 Star Wars AU? Yes? Is this anything?
Look. Just. Hear me out. They all fit in so well. We got:
- experimental Kaminoan Clone-of-a-Jedi-Master Kon-El (who may or may not have an Order 66 Chip stuck in his head)
- Pre Clone Wars Era Padawan Bart Allen, who spontaneously time traveled to the future one day because he fucked around a little too hard with Lothal's Time Cave and then immediately found out (in his defense it was at least 30% Max's fault)
- Rebels-Era Padawan Cassie Sandsmark, who's off doing espionage shit for the Rebellion under the spotty tutelage of the top-secret spy master known only as Troia (she keeps hearing whispers about some kind of new weapons program -- something the higher-ups have been calling "Project Stardust")
- Just-Some-Guy New Mandalorian Tim Drake who stole his dead neighbor's armor and has been wreaking havoc on Imperial shipments ever since (he claims it's more complicated than that, but it really isn't)
Like. They're all off living completely different plots that shouldn't intercept at all, except somehow they keep on running into each other
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clownery-and-fuckery · 2 months
PheeTech feelings, I will never forgive SW for not giving us more Phee characterisation so I'm going to create it myself.
Tech, a devoted soldier, whose duty is to the people, and then, to his family, is sincerely protective of Phee. Should any harm come to her, he would prioritise her safe return/health above all else.
Phee, on the other hand? Phee is a pirate. Inherently selfish, heart hidden close, reluctant to be vulnerable. She's rough around her edges, it's how she stays safe.
That being said, she also loves selfishly. When she loves and allows herself to be loved, there's a certain risk, with how many enemies she's made, what she's done, who she's pissed off. When she let's Tech in, he knows.
Still, when push comes to shove, and her past catches up to her, to them, the lengths that Phee goes to. Because she's never had many this close. She's ruthless, in the prevention and in revenge. In her book, there isn't a threat she won't answer with something infinitely worse.
Between the two of them, they are a force to be reckoned with. They're dangerous, but Tech is the one with restraint. He is her restraint, without him, Phee is a scary woman.
He thinks it's the hottest thing, but his brother's a bit worried for their safety, should they accidentally end up on the other end of Phee without their brother to sooth her.
It's not like he even entirely realise he does it, either, no- Tech's clueless to the extent of things. He thinks his brother's are a bit silly for being so genuinely worried. Phee is entirely unapologetic, as well. Don't mess with what she loves, and she won't burn your world around you.
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nat-20s · 9 months
was reading a doctor and donna novel where the doctor is like "time to employ the ol' Donna Noble method: answering questions with more questions" and im like GIRL YOU'VE BEEN DOING THAT FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE DONNA EXISTED
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mskinkyafro · 2 months
The Natasha switch up is CRAZY.
I feel like I need it to be explained to me like I’m stupid bc I’m having a hard time with understanding how she’s snakey for chatting and pursuing Stefan.
Especially, if 👏🏾you 👏🏾don’t 👏🏾want 👏🏾him. 👏🏾
*And this RANT is for people who didn’t even choose Stefan or want him. Bc I’m seeing most of this take with them. Vs someone who is on her route. Natasha Stan’s I feel for you. It sucks.
I keep seeing three big reasons why she’s the “worst.”
1) She’s obsess with Mc and Stefan. And gladly is second best to Mc/wants Mc’s leftovers.
Okay, in order to relate it and make common ground with Mc is to tell us that “hey, we were both the same season. Except I was a casa girl. And oop, we might have similar taste, I tried grafting/dating your ex but he was so into you.”
“And overall, y’all appeared so perfect and cute. I admired your relationship and want to have a relationship like yours or have someone be that interested in me.”
(if we go off appearances. Bc Mc can say that everything isn’t what it seems. )
Like clearly she is our exposition/lore character to help us understand what is the status quo BUT narratively, you can infer the questioning especially as we get to Casa is to make sure Mc FOR SURE is done with Stefan. Bc let’s be honest. Ppl be seeing their ex’s and old feelings be coming up.
And they all here for a second shot at love. Plus she has history with Stefan, whether you believe it’s as strong as Mc and his, is beside the point. It’s Casa and she’s single, and he is too. She has the right to explore that.
2. If you’re on a Stefan route, she pulls him for chats knowing I’m interested.
Once again it’s love island. Step your pussy game up if you’re scared of competition. Like it’s chats, BFFR why are we acting like she’s stealing your man, being so vicious and talking bad and sabotaging you behind your back.
I feel like there’s nothing wrong with having chats and still exploring ALL available options.
I get the argument of “if we been spending most of the time with one li, why should she step in and talk to him.”
But at that point it’s the final chats before recoupling, I see no harm in getting final graft time or check in with all casa boys and villa girls to make sure you didn’t overlook anyone. It’s no different than the casa boys, trying to sell Mc about themselves before recoupling. Is that them moving snakey? (to Marshall in my game) And either way, Mc always chooses before Nat so you can still choose him. She can’t fuck you over.
3. It’s just shady behavior how she’s moving bc shes’s been pressuring us about him and saying we are couple goals. But she turns around and grafts and brings him back. Why not just say you want him from the jump?
We as in-game characters didn’t know he was coming back. I mean I feel like it goes without saying she was interested in him from their season. But it was pointless. So fast forward now, idk about others but her talking with him before and after our own clear the air chat. That was clear she is going for him. Go for it girl, I can’t be mad. I don’t want him. And it’s no girl code rule break bc she didn’t even know Mc before this show.
I ain’t gonna hold her to some dumbass standard when we all signed up for a show where we are literally sharing men. I just fail to really see the snake behavior.
To me it differs from Kat who takes your li unprovoked for a chat and heavily tries to flirt and make moves just because. Knowing damn well she’s full of hell and just wants to make her partner jealous, and she chooses yours because she respects Mc the least. 😭
Now if Nat was moving like that with Stefan or your li you actually wanted. We could talk, but girlie literally did what she’s supposed to do on the show.
Make a connection, lock it in and is bring him back. Idk I just find more and more of these overreactions in the fandom so annoying and exhausting from players.
Like damn no one can be competition no more. No one wants to work for their Li affection. They all should worship the ground Mc walks on and never acknowledge any other girl ever. It’s boring af.
Final thing, which just speaks to her overall personality or character traits. Some are holding on to her “shit talking” from the PDA Awards.
But was she wrong?! No! Kat IS and ALWAYS will be ANNOYING and a whiny ass bitch.
Calling Kelly basic was shots fired and Kelly def caught a stray but I mean…Kelly does have more of simple vibe compared to everyone else who embodies the *That bitch* energy. Still all love for Kelly though.
Like y’all please. The “shit talking” was some of the most tamest shit ever. And let’s be for real, if Mc said this shit or has options to be even more bitchy or cuntier, we call them all kinds of Queens, Savages, and Icons. But with Natasha she’s shady.
I’m sorry I REFUSE to let y’all slander Natasha. She be riding for Mc. Remember she was one of the only ones on our side during the PDA debacle with Finn. Whether you did mess with him or not. Like Natasha is a rider.
Even with the drama that Melissa brought, that was Melissa twisting things to be messy. Not Natasha trying to be hurtful. Idc this rant was for her bc I hate how yall switching up on my girl. It’s WILD!
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more characters who are technically from T$$ (lore under the cut)
So Lis/Lisbet (more commonly known as "Lu", her codename) was one of Vic's first victims when he started working on his own. At the time, Lu was a secretary at a law firm. Unbeknownst to her, her bosses owed money to a local mob boss, and Vic was hired to "apply pressure". By pure coincidence, Lu was the unlucky target. Her torture was recorded and sent to the firm, and it was roughly three weeks before the money was coughed up and she was released.
Her captivity resulted in the loss of her right hand and most of her left leg, and a pregnancy. With Lu not being in a healthy emotional or mental place, the baby was raised by Lu's sister and her husband. Meanwhile, Lu decided she was sick of feeling like a victim and began devoting her time to training, getting physically stronger, and hunting down Victor Shepard.
While her family was very supportive for the first few years of her recovery, most of them were horrified by her desire for revenge. Despite being raised in a close-knit Catholic family and being religious herself, Lu quickly became disgusted at her family's urging to forgive Vic and move on. The only relative who didn't shy away was her cousin Adrien (also known by his codename, "Uriel")
The two were close as children, and Adrien wanted revenge for Lu as much as she did. He not only listened to Lu's violent fantasies, but encouraged them, offering ideas of his own. As a former Marine, he had training to back him up, and helped Lu on her own journey, swiftly becoming her second in command and the most trusted person in her life.
Through the years, Lu tried to maintain routine visitation with her child, but the visits always felt strained, and gradually her goal took over and she came over less and less.
Years later, Lu's son (then going by Leo) sought her out. His aunt had warned him that Lu was going down a dark path, but he was desperate to form some kind of connection with her. He knew the basics of what had happened to his mother, but at her own request, he'd always been told that his father had passed away before his birth. Lu welcomed him aboard, finding it easier to foster a connection when he could be viewed as a soldier and not her son. When he came of age, she welcomed him into her group officially, granting him the codename Gabriel.
Though Vic is her target, Lu and her angels also chase after people like him, capturing and killing them in the name of avenging those who have been lost or had their lives destroyed.
In canon, Lu briefly captures Vic, but he escapes before she can do any real damage. However, in this AU, she manages to contain him, and gets the revenge she's sought for so long.
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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when you look at lipxlip...
The Charm Points of LIPxLIP, As Seen Through the Eyes of Those Around Them
Film live, anime, new songs, MVs, novels, etc… In the 4 years that have passed since the release of their previous album, the world around LIPxLIP has been portrayed from many angles via all kinds of media developments. Let’s check out the charm of the pair, as seen from the eyes of the people around them!
The People at their Agency
shito: The President is a person who knows what Yujiro and Aizo are like deep down inside, so she is the one who spoils the two of them, even when they selfishly say “No means no!”. I think that she’s able to treat Yujiro and Aizo that way because they trust her wholeheartedly.
Yamako: The President is the only person with whom the two of them can be selfish without having to act cool, isn’t she?
Their Fans
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo, as seen through the filtered lens of Chuutan, are truly the epitome of “perfect idols”. I tried to be extremely conscious of this when I was drawing her MV in order to portray them as perfectly cool as she sees them.
shito: However, from the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, Chuutan is just one of their many fans. Aizo doesn’t like women, so if she got too close to him, he would inevitably grow to dislike her. Their relationship will not go anywhere, no matter what she does.
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo put on an act even when they are at school, despite being off work. They are not truly off work when they’re attending school, having to play the role of “idols during their downtime” so that they do not disappoint the fans around them.
shito: That’s probably why Chuutan views them as “perfect idols”, huh? She doesn’t know what they’re truly like, after all.
Their Family (Brothers)
shito: They don’t pay much attention to their family so they don’t take the initiative to converse with their brothers all that often. However, the two of them do trust their brothers from the bottom of their hearts. I guess it’s something like that sense of distance that can be found between family members in general.
Yamako: They have a realistic sense of distance with their families. They don’t encourage each other with simple words, but I think a bond that can be conveyed through the atmosphere, like the one they have, can only be found in families that trust each other. And I’m sure that there is love at the root of the bonds that the two of them have with their families.
Same-Aged Peers Who Know What They Are Truly Like
Yamako: For Hiyori, oh gosh… (laughs) They don’t express their gratitude nor consolation directly to her, with their intentions peeking out through their not-so-honest sides. For Nagisa, they have shown a tiny glimpse of jealousy with regards to him. For instance, in the anime, when their manager asked Nagisa “Would you like to be an idol?”, this very feeling of theirs surfaced in their response to her of “Why are you scouting a guy like that? You already have us.”. I find them very cute when they’re trying not to show their cheeky and twisted sides in front of others, only to be unable to hide all kinds of things about themselves.
shito: I think Yujiro and Aizo try to play it cool in front of Hiyori and Nagisa. The fact that they get along seems to be the very thing that makes the two act cold and put on airs with them, which may be linked to that feeling of wanting to overachieve, which is distinctive of High School students.
Their Co-Performers in the Entertainment Industry
Yamako: Minami is mainly an entertainer, so he is not a rival to Yujiro and Aizo, who are both idols. As such, I get the impression that they get along as pure boy friends. On the other hand, they do not have good relations with mona… They look down on her with a sense along the lines of “Well, if you’re gonna give it your all, go ahead and try.”.
shito: From the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, mona is just like any other idol. mona is trying to catch up to them, but it seems like they don’t see her as a worthy opponent yet.
A Unit of Their Seniors
shito: Despite being respectful to FT4 because they are their seniors, the two of them are eagerly awaiting their chance to surpass them, like “One of these days, we’ll really let you have it!”...
Yamako: FT4 and LIPxLIP sing together in Shin Jidai, though that song itself is close to the settings that FT4 are familiar with. I think LIPxLIP were cool when they were desperately trying to break out of their norm to keep up with FT4. It was nice to see a different side from the usual LIPxLIP.
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sapphire-to-the-rain · 3 months
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the most babygirl to ever (happy wip wednesday everyone 🥰)
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stupidrant · 3 months
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