wilwheaton · 2 years
favorite goncharov character
Goncharov! Holy shit I haven't thought about Goncharov in YEARS!
I remember seeing it at the Vista theatre downtown in ... I want to say 1983? It was either 82 and I was 10, or 83 and I was 11. Now that I think about it, it must have been Spring of 83. I remember that Kimmy Mendini was my babysitter, and she drove my friend Ahmed and me all the way downtown to see Goncharov. She would have been at least 16, but I feel like she was a little older. I remember that she LOVED movies and just never stopped talking about European cinema.
Ha! I can still her her sort of roll "Cinema" out of her mouth. Movies were for the masses to watch, while sophisticated adults experienced Cinema. I'm just realizing now that she absolutely pronounced it with a capital C. She was like "you are so lucky to see a clean print of Goncharov!"
I had no idea what a clean print was, but I understood it was important and impressive.
She had read about this screening in the LA Weekly, which I didn't know at the time was TREMENDOUSLY subversive in our suburban part of Los Angeles County, and we were going to an old theatre in maybe not the greatest part of town, but Kimmy had been watching me since I was in second grade and was like my big sister. I knew we'd be safe with her.
That old theatre (which is now a fucking swap meet) was just so beautiful inside. 100 foot ceilings, box seats, gold paint and murals. It felt like a place you went to experience Cinema, but, like ... it had absolutely seen better days. I remember that I felt kind of bad for the place, a little embarrassed, like when I got a good grade and accidentally made eye contact with a friend who got a D.
Okay. This clearly hit a memory artery, and I appreciate you staying with me this far, when we finally get to the fireworks factory. We're walking up to the box office, and she tells Ahmed and me that we have to wait on the sidewalk, because *technically* it's rated R, and she's not our legal guardian, but what does this guy making two bucks an hour know about art anyway?
So we wait. She buys the tickets, and then we all walk in as casually as we can.
I remember how scared I was that we were going to get caught and they'd call the cops (that's how it worked in my anxiety-ridden brain), but literally nobody cared. The theatre wasn't even half full, and everyone there was a dude at least as old as my parents.
You know the story, so I don't have to recount all of it, but I can at this very moment remember how shocked I was when Bruno was shot. This was the first time, ever, I had felt an emotional connection to a character. I didn't cry when Bambi's mother was shot, I didn't cry when ET died, I didn't cry E V E R.
But when Bruno died? I didn't make a sound. I just silently wept. Tears just poured down my face and I wanted to roll back time, rewrite the movie, and get him out of that room.
I obviously understand now, all these years later why I connected to him and why his story meant and means so much to me, but at the time I had no idea. I just thought the actors were that good.
I can't believe that guy who played him died so young. I think he was like 40? I remember thinking that was old. Now I know different.
When the movie was over, Kimmy asked us how we liked it. Ahmed was obsessed with the photography (he grew up to be an illustrator), and I obviously had my Bruno Moment.
We got Thrifty ice cream on the way home and listened to Donna Summer in her Datsun.
I haven't thought about Goncharov or Cinema or Kimmy in FOREVER. Leave it to Tumblr to boost my nostalgia check to a natural 20.
tl;dr: Bruno. I know he's supposed to be that character we all hate, and there are so many valid reasons for that. But when I was 12 ... well, I was a different person.
Oh! And now that I know what a "clean print" is, having seen so many "dirty prints" in revival houses before they all turned into swap meets or churches (hey, two places where people sell you stuff and take your money!), I retroactively appreciate it in a way that would make Kimmy happy.
Thanks for the trip into the crumbling mall that is my childhood memories. I haven't been here in awhile and it was nice to visit.
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birchbow · 2 years
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For the me and my readers both; my reference document for Clown Church nonsense. Compiled character ref, clown scriptures, fleet ships, saints, schoolfeeder names and specialties, etc. Subject to change and additions.
EDIT: nice lmao
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Griefing Specializations
Subjugglator – frontline barbarian/tank, high damage low defense.  Not much concerned with stealth, not worried about taking hits.  Ex:  Feeder Rissan, Sungazer, Cisine, Khalse, Travye. 
Laughsassin – stealth and assassination, not good at taking hits but very good at infiltration.  Quieter/subtler weapons, or the strength and size to make one hit count.  Mime-inspired paint.  Ex: Rishet, Kurloz, Untoxxic, Hurrel
Contorturenist – field interrogation experts, armored, usually with long-distance weapons.  Clean-up crew for missions where information will need to be extracted during the process of the mission.  Ex:  Ianche and Verato Uderak, Yettah
Acrobatterer – frontline opportunist, experts in speed and evasion.  Many lighter, faster hits instead of one heavy one.  Better at taking prisoners.  Friendly rivalry with the subjugglators, because they’ll often use a noisy, head-on assault as a distraction to opportunistically whack their target on the head—sound tactics or cowardly cull-stealing depending on who you ask.  Ex: Ravell and Raywar Olemma.  If asked, some of the younger clowns would probably group Karkat here. 
Gymnabsolutionist – On missions, a form of field chaplain, praying for fallen faithful to make sure the messiahs took note of their sick-ass sacrifice.  On-fleet, spiritual council and advisors.  The oldest is expected to lay to rest the soul of the previous Grand Highblood and help the new one through their prayers/vows, although this role hasn’t come into play in a very, very long time.
Joker – Not technically a position you can train for, but colloquially a highblood who multi-classes or whose style and focus doesn’t fit neatly into a category.  Gamzee is technically a subjugglator (very big, doesn’t give a shit if he gets hit) but can rapidly flip to acrobatterer tactics. Travye's bonekind uses subjugglator style, but his bookkind doesn't fall into a category.
Saints And Martyrs
Saint Mortor the Defender — Burned alive to protect other purplebloods from lowbloods; like his giant salamander lusus, he proved incredibly hard to burn, and his execution pyre burned for a night and a day.  Saint of aspiring martyrs.
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Saint Trasti — Prayed to the messiahs for vengeance as she was cut apart by lowbloods; when they burned her corpse, the messiahs listened and brought up a plague from her ashes.  Prayers to bring a plague on your enemies or for sick/poisoned faithful
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Saint Ekorot — Patron saint of pupation and cocoons, and especially the faithful who die during pupation. One of the oldest saints, said to have hatched with the lower half of her body deformed/largely missing and survived a perigee before being found by the church, surrounded by dead lowbloods and wild animals she'd killed. She was sanctified on the spot because lo, it was fucking dope as hell.
Her bladekind became the Knife of Messiahs' Mercy, the weapon the Grand Highblood uses for ceremonial culling of the faithful (By the new Grand Highblood to finish off their predecessor after the fight is won, when church kin pupate too malformed to live or are so deeply wounded in battle they won't survive, etc).
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Saint Jakill — Fought an entire army despite being ripped to increasingly brutal pieces. Refused to go down, until his skull was finally split with his own hatchet. Patron saint of berserkers, death-rages and suicide missions.
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Schoolfeeders Of The Flagship Dark Carnival
Halore Travye — The Stædfast, advanced scripture and exegesis.
Separates his letters with an extra space, capitalizes nouns and the letter I. Square bracket smiles/frowns.
"sacredDidaction: T h e q u I c k b r o w n F o x j u m p e d o v e r t h e l a z y D o g . : o ["
Veneno Krelle — The Untoxxic, advanced mediculling, poisons/antidotes.
Doubles Xs and inserts them in place of similar sounds. X-eyed smiles/frowns. When speaking they tend to have difficulty finding and forming words due to a long, long career being exposed to all sorts of neurotoxins and poisons.
"abstersiveDetoxifier: If you axx me, the foxx has better things to be doing. X...X" (=uX, XnX XsX)
Ianche Uderak — The Inquirer, advanced information management/propaganda.
Hisses on S, ends all sentences as questions except the occasional Shocking Headline. Snake-tongued faces.
"mortalRigor: Sssso why wasss the fox with the dog at all? >:oY Ssscandal!! Quick Brown Fox Hass Torrid Pitch Affair With Ssslothful Barkbeasst?"
Arelux Stelos — The Sungazer, schoolfeeder of galactic navigation, omens and starcraft. 
Starts and ends with ~* and *~, replaces I and O with 1 and 0. Tends to trail out words and emphasize with capitals and multiple asterisks/punctuation when worked up, which is often. Smiles/ frowns have starry eyes.
"grandlyCosmic: ~*000h mess1ahs you w1ll **never** bel1eve what the STARS told me today about the fox's dest1ny!!!!*~ *u*
Belico Rissan — Warmaker, Combat/griefing, avid collector of various strife specibi
Largely normal clown syntax but will frequently phrase things with all-caps over-the-top violent language. Doesn't bother to capitalize or use periods but an avid user of exclamation points.
"sanguineEclectica: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy barkbeast and landed in THE PIT OF A SPIKED AND BLOOD-PUTRID CULL-TRAP as a lesson to complacent wrigglers everywhere! :o)"
Karkat Vantas — Schoolfeeder of quadrantcraft, originally as a joke, but unfortunately for all the elder members of the church the new baby clowns don't know that and he's increasingly accepted and legitimized with every class he teaches.
Minera Tresor — Scriptural basics (deceased)
The Holy Holidays
The troll equivalent on New Years Night/Day; for most of the population it's a raucous all-caste night of celebrating that they've made it another sweep without dying. For the church it's their most sober holiday, a reminder that another sweep came and went without the promised Vast Honk and Dark Carnival. Faces are painted white (funeral paint) during the night, and in the morning everyone takes off their paint entirely until the new sweep is rung in at noon.
In the meantime, it's expected everyone will spend the night/day fasting from food and drinks, and tempting themselves with things they want or enjoy, whether that's making your favorite food and not eating it, or hooking up with a quadrant and then breaking off before either of you are satisfied.
Then at noon everybody goes buckwild and indulges until they're sick.
A very rowdy church-wide holiday. Work forbidden, only fun and capricious impulse. Copious colored clothes and decorations, painting, and powder dye are rampant. It’s traditional to stash little brightly-colored objects (and vials of blood) throughout the rest of the sweep and then hang them out a day at a time through the week so that the decorations get slowly more colorful and vivid.  They lump the seadwellers in with the rustbloods and the last colors to get hung up on the last day are the colors of the church.  
There’s also a different major saint for each day, which some people remember to pray to and some people don’t.  There’s a lot less quiet internal prayer at this point too--if you have something for a saint or messiah to hear, you probably shout it.  
Also; massive games of--essentially--capture the flag.  Teams are assigned according to age group, with the youngest/most numerous cohort starting on the first day.  They’re split in half into a team with a seadweller-color flag and rustblood-color flag, which they play for for the first day.  After that the next age-group comes in with their color, and all three teams try to collect the flags, and onward and upward until the schoolfeeders and generals come in to play, each with an incredibly high-point-value purple flag.  You have to challenge them to a duel to win one, in whatever area they teach/specialize in.  It’s pretty widely assumed that you won’t actually beat them, they just respect your attempt enough to hand it over, but if you do everybody is like !!!!!!! WOW HOLY SHIT DUDE and you’re a hero to the rest of your team.  The points system is pretty unofficial but the more flags you have, and the higher the blood color of those flags, the more you “score”.  Winner gets preferential treatment for the next two weeks.
Ships Of The Holy Fleet
Names of ships are subject to change when a new captain takes over, although they aren’t always changed—when Kurloz joined the fleet, the flagship was the Painted Disciple, and Kurloz changed the name to the Dark Carnival after he successfully challenged the previous Grand Highblood. 
The Blessed is intensely focused on prayer and meditation and prophesy—much less in the way of combat training etc.  You can get religious training anywhere on the fleet, esp. the flagship, but if you want to basically focus your life on spirituality the Blessed is full of like-minded trolls.  
The Orisoner is Just Straight Up Vibing to an extent that many trolls find unnerving, but the crew of the Blessed are absolutely ride or die with her/him/them/etc. His powers are 100% min-maxed into sucking hate/rage/fear out of people, and the resulting good vibes and soft euphoria are a powerful (and borderline addictive) combination. Secretly terrifying, because nobody wins fights against her--because very few people can even bring themselves to lift a hand against them in the first place.
irenicDevotion: no caps, sooo many smilies :o) and just like... emphasis extensions my duuude :oD copafuckincetic
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The Sinner is a party boat, which is considered an act of worship in and of itself.  People just get rowdy and wild and live it up at all times.  If there was air in space, you would be able to hear it as you approached to board—when it’s landed, you can hear it, and it’s super eerie.  Lots of trolls whooping and honking and shouting in a big metal box.
The Libation's powers are addictive in a different way; he's physically intoxicating to be around. If he focuses, he can easily have most people, especially people who aren't used to being drunk/high, blacked out and pretty much incapacitated.
ecstaticEroticism: 8RO h'es. straiht up nightdrinking rn. look hers his 8onkinggourd. all teh 8s their 8s its little drinking gurds. motherfuckr this paryts LIT roflmao
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The Joker is a pretty standard barrack ship, although it has the notable reputation that under the current captain if you’re cheeky enough to do something and do it well, you should be allowed to get away with it even if it’s against the rules. It takes the majority of mediocre-to-fair trainees every generation, and compared to the Dark Carnival, a much higher percentage of its graduates go on to live off-fleet on shuttles or colonies.
Sister Waspclaw is a walking test of everyone who meets her's ability to read a passive level of threat and calculate accordingly. Very talkative, encouraging and pleasant, with an extremely dangerous and unhinged core. Her whole philosophy is that you can get far in life by figuring out what the most daring trick you could pull and get away with is--but it's very important you don't try to take even an inch with her. She's tiny, but her claws are incredibly venomous and very few trolls in the entire church fleet can match her for speed.
toxicAudacity: wazpclaw'z zo excited to talk zhe can't even bother with the zentencez and ztuff like that and it all flowz together but if you pizz her off you're DEAD MEAT and you can tell if you've pizzed her off becauze when zhe's angry zzzzzhe zzZZTARTZ GETTING A LITTLE UNHINGED AZZZZZHOLE!!! >:o[
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Elixir and Stardust are commercial centers; the two ships used to be separate, but the people living there had so much reason to cross between the two, they put boarding passages up and welded them in place, fusing them together.  People who handle the dark, mysterious and miraculous arts of financial management and resource acquisition work here.  It’s also the most common place for the few cult members who aren’t purple-blooded, one of the few places they’re comparatively safe.  Some non-church quadrants of purplebloods will also set up hive here.
The Abattoir is canny, sober, and calculating, a loyal ally until slighted and then a bitter enemy. The nature of her identity is a topic of fierce public debate, and he's certainly not giving out answers. Whether her consciousness is originally one of his bodies now inhabiting two, an amalgam of two minds indistinguishably linked, or some completely external force puppeting two bodies, everybody can agree she's damn good to have on your side, and that crossing him is a fatal mistake.
duelReactor: II speak clearly and concisely because II respect your time, motherfucker, and forsooth you will respect me similarly. II am busy today: I am on-ship and I am travelling to the flagship for work. II will be back in office by sunrise.
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The Freakshow is a cesspit of violence and bloodshed. A very dangerous place, but also prime picking ground if you have strong conciliatory urges and are looking for your One True Diamond. People who want to settle shit once and for all can come here, and the winner will probably get a cut of the pot from the people betting on their death-match.  The bloodshed and rage are technically holy and irreproachable but most fleet faithful tend to give this ship a wide berth.
The Behemoth is the epitome of Alternian culture: take what you want through force of bloodcolor and unmitigated violence, and maintain it through merciless supremacy. Sharper than it likes to act, and with a blatant disregard for any power except its own monstrous strength, it's been butting heads with the Grand Highblood ever since it came to power, and only a surprisingly canny ability to judge the rare occasions it's outmatched has kept it from marching on the Big Top and trying to take the throne by force.
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The Penitent is essentially church jail, for sinners and troubled faithful, especially/specifically those who don’t have any close mentors or quadrants to help rehabilitate them.  It’s also where prisoners under suspicion of church-related crimes are kept to wait for inquisition, as well as non-urgent/non-imperial messengers from outside the church who are waiting to be heard by the Highblood.
The Judgment is both incredibly stern and strict, and also surprisingly forgiving--her job isn't to decide who to cull, it's to decide which sinful highbloods can make their way back into the church, through a lot of prayer and ritualized punishment. In person, though, she's a terrifying battle-ax of a troll with zero patience for dilly-dallying or lollygagging or talking back or not talking back enough or failing to use her title or answering clearly and concisely!!! She has shit to do!
consecratedCourtroom: Very rarely embellishes. Very rarely ends sentences with anything but a period. Speaks CONCISELY to get her point across. Uses emphasis scaling that always seems a LITTLE passive aggressive and sarcastic. Occasional interjections of OVERRULED. GUILTY. DISMISSED. IRRELEVANT. Etc etc.
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The Dark Carnival is a little bit of everything, but the clowns who work there are generally the best of the best in at least one area, or extremely promising.  Intensely-devoted cultists, genii of violence and/or interrogation, artists, artisans, the rare mechanics, geeks and scientists, navigators, or just trolls who show a lot of ambition and leadership, all get funneled into the Dark Carnival to be trained up as heads of their respective fields.  
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Trolls are always coming and going from ship to ship for whatever they need or to visit other faithful, and there’s always the constant low level of kinship between any members of the church, but there is also a certain amount of distance between the microcultures of each different ship.
Outfitting is pretty consistent ship to ship, with exceptions; on the Penitent nobody but the sufferingmasters and the captain are allowed weapons, armor, or decoration.  On the Blessed clothes tend to be plain and austere by cult standard, but they are allowed to wear armor and carry weapons.  
Scriptures (to date)
Beginnings - a clown book of Genesis, of sorts. Creation myths and ancient church history.
“When it started we had fuck-all but dark. And so it stayed until Messiahs pulled back the curtain and said ‘let’s get this motherfucking party started’.  And they threw stardust down and it hit mud and it made dirtbloods, baked all dry enough like they could crumble if you breathed wrong.  And it hit water and it made waders; wet, cold, mirthless salty motherfuckers with too much eye for their own motherfucking sparkle.  But where it hit oceanside it made trolls out of sand, all capricious as fuck and changing with the water.  Trolls who could go hard or give when they had to.  All balanced on the universe high wire and not ever falling sea-side or ground-side but right there on their line like the acrobatterers they were.  From the sand were made the faithful; from the beachwood their horns, their goddamn bone snapped off from sea-floor stones on mountains under the water.  And what they made was Troll.  Only that.  Just that and no motherfucking more.  And when the last world was all fit together, messiahs looked on it and said ‘motherfucking money’.  
“Remember this story, faithful, and remember its lesson.  Change yourself always like sand in the water, you motherfuckers hand-shaped of surf and whimsy.”
“Urge of chaos and whim of change be ever on your skin like paint, in your pusher like blood, on your horns like a crown.  Mirthful, faithful.  Kickass and giving no shits.”
 (Book of) Colors - church policy on lowbloods, seadwellers, social order and painting, as well as the meat of the “Dark Carnival” scriptures/afterlife mythology.  
“You’re next.  You’re motherfucking next, give no mercy because the mercy of the messiahs is only as much as fits in their hands and what’s poured out on shitblooded scum will not be given you in the dark carnival gates and—”
“The Vast Honk will deafen and take from us, and all together we’ll head on up and get our dance on through fire and over skulls and horns—”
“No fear, brothers and sisters, no fear of the waders, the brine-drinkers.  There's no mirth in the sea and no painting the water doesn't wash off and you've got your hands on the righteous shit they won't ever know. No fear of the waders, for you're higher than them.  You're higher than anybody.”
“I fucked up, I fucked up, the fault's mine and there's no motherfucker I can share it with, I fucked up, forgive me.”
Sacrament - ceremonies, specifically related to new initiates and promotions within the church.  Naming ceremonies, promotions, priesthood bestowal, etc.
Suffering - Stories of martyr deaths and heretic executions.  Unique in that it is occasionally edited or added to if the church believes a story has been included in error or that a modern event needs to be added to the record.  
“…I am lost, kin.  My eyes see no colors I know.”  
The Cult of Flesh were a heretic movement deemed too dangerous to the faith of the readers to be included in the book of Suffering. Their belief that the Messiahs came to Alternia and were raised in flesh bodies by a troll acting as a lusus has been stricken from this record; their attempt to win over the current Grand Highblood, who they consider the descendant/reincarnation of the holy troll-lusus Brother Immortal, caused a schism and internal inquisition violent enough to be purged from the accepted imperial history.
Hilarities - Platitudes and words of wisdom, including the rules of comedy, the Great Unfunny Jokes, and some really quite good dating tips.
“It’s not a wise one who leaves the place of their motherfucking heart untimely.   No laughter in the suffering of those early lost of their quadrants so rest you with heart and spade and club and diamond and speak of the fucking Hilarity to each other.” 
“Fill the night enough full of holy deed and you’ll have no need of sopor to bless you with dreaming.”
“Ha ha, you salty motherfucker.”
“Let your spade burn hot, drive you up and make you great.  In this motherfucking way your kin will increase you and I’m not just talking about your bulge, LOL.”
“The wage of weakness is death; fear the only edge sharpened by waiting.”
“Take all you can grasp in your greed and your lust.  If something you want comes to your fronds, motherfucker, take it and run like it’s yours.”
Hot Shit – Letters from a historical Grand Highblood to his matesprit.  Considered by some to be a holy template of pity and matespritship, and to others a hot piece of smut that has been hilariously canonized.
(Hot Shit 1:1) "My sister in mirth, blessed in hilarity, peerless in holy rage; u up girl? :o?"
“Only let me hear you want me!  Hold me down and devour me, my love.”
“When my feet touch soil again I’ll make my way to you.  Take me as you like, heart of my heart; throw me down and fuck me under night sky and the Messiahs will only hear me sing praise out louder.  I’m hollow as a thunderstruck tree for you, sister.  I need you like starving needs food, like rage needs mercy, like sin needs forgiveness, like pain needs pleasure.”
"In grandest tradition of hot motherfuckers at the prime of their lives, fuck if I don't get mad stupid when I'm horny, sister. :o("
"Well the fuck I will reward you when you come back to hive. So well will I show my love for your thicc motherfucking ass, not for a night and a day and a night will you get feeling back in your motherfucking legs."
Revelries - Praises and adulation to the messiahs.
"I'll sing out my praises with wicked flow to the messiahs who saw fit to smile on me.  I'll praise and shout how I'm greatly blessed, I'll cry and weep how I'm not fucking worthy; their claws are in my soul, in the shape of my body, in the beat of my pusher.  Oh, my holy kin, we are color and light inside.  We are stardust.  Hands raised and faces laughing, spitting sick and delirious, together in glory.”
“…the halls around you will be painted bright and all the glitter and shine you’d want; get ye lit as fuck, brothers and sisters, let the beauty of their holy color and noise spin your pan like a motherfucking top.”
“Oh that I’m of use to you, all times and ways and places, my idle rest is to watch your show and my dreaming to hear the holy motherfucking noise."
“For not a troll was ever made, who didn’t fuck up nightly; never a faithful hatched who deserved their seat at the show.”
“Never will we be anything but loud, nitty-gritty dirty little freaks.  Lo, pour elixir and raise a glass.”
Conviction - The duties and trials of the church
“…leave ye not the dirtbound warm of blood to crawl and scrape, and waste offerings in vain.  They owe you penance and awe and what they give you are owed to take. A good ruler does the mercy of taking.”
“When your feet are unsure and what comes on you is un-fucking-funny, seek you holy suffering in penance.”  
“Dumbass, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“If fool-ass jokers fail to learn from looking, let their bodies learn it for them; scars teach best what a motherfucker’s too deaf to hear.”
“If your kin gets you sinning, cut them away, no true fucking family can they be. If the noise from your flap be blasphemous, carve it from you and stitch shut your filthy mouth, motherfucker. If your flesh leads to sin scourge it clean, washed in blood; cut away rot, and leave only what’s holy. Repentance by mouth never saved a soul; spill blood and flesh in price of forgiveness.”
Angels - Death, last rites, damnation/double death, hell, etc.
“[death] itself is not a glory; more glorious far to walk on and trail paint where you walk.”
‘I suffer pain, and want become need…I am allowed no motherfucking means to make resistance.  I wait for death, brothers.  Pour one out for remembrance of my soul’.”
“Why seek martyrdom when you could bring a hundred down with you?  Turn martyrdom to murderdom.  Paint the way; make them pay.  Shit, kin, let’s be destroyers.”
Devotions - Prayers, repentances and rituals.  (”Leader.”  “Congregation/faithful.”)
Repentance of sin (ending) - “Hail messiahs both.”  “Their works, their great motherfucking joke in the pits of the worlds they left and in the space in between.”  “Hail messiahs both.” “Your penance is paid.”
Reaffirmation of faith - “If I go false on promised devotions let messiahs grind stardust out my bones.”  “If you’d paint the face of flawed unholy troll with the shades of our holy messiahs, answer yes brother I will.” “Yes brother, I will.”“If you believe truly in what holy mess and bloody riot will come at end of worlds, if you plan on being full and motherfucking ready, make some motherfuckin’ noise.” “(Response, freeform).”“Have your ticket ready when you kick it, give me an amen brothers and sisters.” “Amen.”  “No mercy, faithful one.” “Amen.”  “No fear.”
The Dark Scriptures - only shown to religious sacrifices before their deaths. Readers must subsequently die. Contents are a mystery.
His/Her/Their Mirthful Majesty
King/Queen/Crown of Colors
His/Her/Their Holy Hilarity
Biggest brother/sister
The Ringmaster
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
FRENCHIE | Queer!Mode, Detected
The Boys, Season 1, Ep 2 - Cherry | Season 2, Ep 3 - Over The Hill With the Swords of A 1000 Men, 6 - The Bloody Door’s Off, 8 - What I Know | Season 3, Ep 3 - Barbary Coast
I’ve seen a lotta chatter in The Boys fandom (mostly on Reddit but also TikTok. Appropriately this take wasn’t on Tumblr much) that ppl were mad at Kripke and Co for taking an unforeseen “gay turn” with Frenchie’s character in S4 ..? And I’m over here with my Sherlock Holmes cap and pipe and tiny detective notebook just
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trying to understand how these ppl didn’t pick up on the bipan vibes from this beautiful, majestic, so-French-he-can't-help-it butterfly.
(Also all this hand wringing about Frenchie "turning gay," te lo juro me esta eloqueciendo alaverga. Like canwenot with the bi-erasure, it’s giving Ashley telling Maeve she’s a lesbian bc is more “clear-cut” and easier to sell than bi. It’s just as insulting to call a bipan person gay as it is to call them straight. And I don’t mean like the use of gay as a catch all that a lotta us queers use sometimes interchangeably for queer, I talkin ppl acting as tho bipan isn't real and/or thinking Frenchie jumped out the closet as a gay man 3/4 of the way thru the show.)
And their confusion over this has got me confused. Like I didn’t even realize it was such a plot twist until I got on Reddit and a lotta ppl were screaming like Ned Stark's head just got cut off, or like it's some wild-ass writer's room shenanigans where the character is suddenly a diff person for no discernible reason. Like have you seen this man? Do you know where you are? Bc they’ve been dropping hints throughout the show. Case in point:
a) Little Nina and all that talk about her Sergei ahem it's Serge and his overwhelming enthusiasm for butt stuff and Vincent Cassel try to convince me Sr. Cassel wasn’t a childhood crush of Frenchie’s or someth and that’s why it’s his safe word. You can’t
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b) this time he planted a fat smooch on Hughie’s face after finding out he leaked the compound V tip to the press (bonus points for his attempt to make out with mm before getting a no-homo hard pass)
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c) this deep, abiding love of The Golden Girls this is unequivocally the gayest thing on the list
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d) how he turned tricks in mad NYC before Little Nina locked that mf in a chastity belt and held him hostage by his penis he went to ‘work’ for Nina. -> Disclaimer: this is not to imply that queer ppl’s participation in sex work is bc they’re hypersexual. This is here to point out queer coding, as lgbtqia+ ppl are more at-risk for mental health issues stemming from severe trauma, food and housing insecurity, and addiction, often without access to the care they need to recover. So sex work becomes a viable vocation to survive bc unlike a regular 9-5, it’s more conducive to untreated mental health issues and substance use also it’s an easier market to get into than arms dealing or contract killing
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e) this throuple arrangement btwn him, Cherie and Justin
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f) His attempts to…er broaden mm’s horizons ?
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g) the evident lack of knowledge or interest or acumen for this mysterious sportsball of which mm speaks of but he’ll still go on that dumb golf bachelor trip bc he loves his fraaand
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h) this fondness for Eurotrash raves and dancing
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And look, I might get it if they sprung it on us. But this shit has been since the beginning. The earliest indicator being ep 2 of S1 — THE FIRST EP HE’S IN. Hughie asks what it’s like to kill someone and Frenchie waxes poetic about his first hit (just before ominously dropping, "I carry them all with me" buried the lead on that one to Hughie's horror but to the delight of bbygirllovers like myself everywhere) and well, I think the evidence here speaks for itself
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Like the dichot— nay, Bichotomy of talking about how mindblowingly hot this chick is whilst, in the same breath, gushing over her outfit. Okay I’m sure there’s a token straightmale who can id high-end designer brands on sight. I’m sure that unicorn exists somewhere, right, cuz humans contain multitudes. But this man? He just a bipan butterfly. So those who felt blindsided by Frenchie gettin’ dicked down, oh you beautiful, naive, sophisticated newborn babies. If not spelled out, it was so heavily implied, I saw the fling with whatshisname with the murdered fam whose name I’m too lazy to Goog and was like, “hm yes, the math is indeed mathing, these calculayshuns are correct”
Like u thot a mf dressed like this??? was straight ?
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Mans is in a scoopneck bunny crop top that looks straighr from the juniors section of Forever21 with plaid pants and fuckingsjs suspenders iconic so to think he'd nary tarried in sausage-central before, well ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
taglist: @drabbles-mc, @complete-nonsequitur, @rerorero-my-cherry, @ladygoatee, @tofuwildcard, @tinylittleobsessions
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witchofhimring · 1 year
🌸Persephone🌸 x reader friendship alphabet (platonic)
Kinda just decided to do this last night. Guess now I have to make a LO masterlist.
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A= Activites (what do you like to do together?)
Chill in a field blooming with flowers while reading. Its relaxing and very nice. The two of you will also spend a lot of time in the library while enjoying overpriced lattes.
B= Best Friend (how close are you?)
Very. The two of you had known each other since childhood so you two know everything there is to know. She tells you her deepest fear, hopes and dreams. She trusts you implicitly. And yes, Hades is very much jealous.
C= Communication (how do they text?)
Persephone prefers to say important/personal things in person so the text messages are mostly just the two of you goofing off. Mostly just memes and the occasional request for one another's opinion on a dress.
D= Date (have you tried dating before? how did it go?)
Nope. Its not like Demeter would let Persephone date anyone. So Hades is her first and only romantic relationship. The two of you are soley platonic.
E= Embrace (are you guys physical or not? if so, how?)
There is hand holding and hugs. Persephone is very physical when it comes to her affection and she likes people knowing she loves them. This is very much canon as Persephone does mention that people on Olympus are more reserved in their affections.
F= Favorite (what’s their favorite thing about you?)
How she feels safe with you. She doesn't have to worry about backstabbing or you running back to Demeter. You have always been there for her and she also wants you to be happy.
G= Gifts (what gifts do they get you?)
She gives you books, teas from all over the world and booked goods. She likes giving you comfort and care packages.
H= Happy (how do they act around you when you both are really happy?)
Very cheerful with flowers growing out of her hair. Will lead to the two of you goofing off (much to Demeter's chagrin).
I= Impression (what was their first impression of you?)
The two of you were so small when you met so she can't really remember. But the first memories she had of you were that you were loyal and kind.
J= Jokes (what is your collective sense of humor?)
Memes. It drives everyone else in the group chat crazy.
K= Kind (what kind of friend are they (crackhead, soft, opposites attract etc.)
Platonic soulmates. The two of you complete each other, always being there to help.
L= Lasting (how long has this friendship lasted?)
Since you were babies, so about 18 years by the beginning of Lore Olympus.
M= Midnight (just a midnight adventure with them (hella chaotic)
Because of Persephone's childhood there weren't very many opportunities to let lose. The wildest thing that has happened have been when the two of you sneak out and observe the mortals. The two of you are curious about life outside of Demeter's little garden.
N= Nicknames (what are some nicknames you have for each other?)
For you: a shortened version on your name
For Persephone: Percy
O= Open (how open are you with each other?)
You two know everything about each other.
P= Pet (what’s their favorite animal?)
Persephone has always wanted a small pet turtle. It now has a place of honor in the library.
Q= Question (what is the weirdest thing they have asked you and what's the context?)
"Have you ever farted out of your vagina?" The two of you were doing yoga when she asked this question. Yes, any woman knows what I am talking about.
R= Rhythm (what is both of yours favorite song?)
Best Friend by Doja Cat
S= Smiling (what do you do that makes them smile?)
-When you send memes
-Make jokes
-Do small things to make her feel better
-When you show your support her
T= Talking (what do they like to talk about with you?)
She loves talking about books with you.
U= Unique (what is a weird thing both of you like to do?)
Not very weird, but tickling contests.
V= Visit (what is your favorite place to go with them?)
Random human villages where the two of you can sneak around and observe their lives. Its peaceful and gives the two of you a feeling of freedom.
W= Wild Card (just a random headcanon)
Boop contests. The two of you pocked eachother on the nose in a game of tag that would last all day. Shenanigans ensue with honey on the floor to waylay the other, rotten eggs dropping from about and other such dirty tricks,
X= X-Ray (how well are you able to read each other?)
Pretty damn well. The pair of you are pretty perceptive to one another's emotions.
Y= Yuck (what do you guys both hate?)
Apollo. Enough said.
Z= Zoo Outing (again- y’all go to the zoo)
Enjoying Hade's pool.
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nocoffee-notea · 2 years
TWST said by me and others 6
Cater: Put me in a room by myself and I’ll be fine.
Cater: I might be lonely but I’ll be fine.
Kalim: I’m illiterate I don’t know what you’re saying.
Yuu: *petting Grim who is asleep*
Deuce: Come on let’s get something to eat.
Yuu: *holding Grim* No my friend needs me
Ace: No he doesn’t
*Deuce and Ace in a vc*
Deuce: Alright I gotta go cause my mom needs help.
Deuce: Love ya dude
Deuce: Dude?
Ace: *typing in chat* love ya
Deuce: DUDE?!?
Ace: *typing in chat* L O V E ya too
Deuce: LO-
Vil: If you were to ever fight a bear, my money is on you.
Rook: :D
Trey: I want to learn more about cooking.
Riddle: My mom is a pretty good cook, she could teach you.
Ace: I mean maybe you shouldn’t count your mom as a person after what she did to you.
Riddle: :/
Cater: He has a point.
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kiestrokes · 1 year
kie!! i’m in love with doom 🥺 [attention all others, doom at your service spoilers ahead]
i saw the kiss you were talking about, the kiss oh gosh i m e l t e d. the way she asks him to love her and he just smirks with his cute lil no and you can actually see the words fuck it flash in his mind before he goes in 🥵 ugh it was satisfying. and the kiss when she’s about to wish her loved ones forget her after she dies (ok i would have kissed her too, my heart broke for her) 🥺 oh and you know when he’s on his couch with his hand over his face and she just stares at him. and he turns to look at her directly. why was that so incredibly hot?? was it just me?? idk why but the over the top sexual stuff is never… how should i phrase this… like it’s never butterflies-inducing or heart fluttering? for me at least. for me, its the way he always holds her hand 🥺 or the way he looks at her 🥺 or the way he said she doesnt need a wish to make him fall in love with her 💔💔💔💔 and it doesn’t hurt that he’s exactly my type, an annoyingly smug brat with a questionable past and a heart of gold 🫢😘
i’m only on ep 9 and i just know this is going to end with me in a pile of tears on the floor. he keeps saying he’s gonna save her. which is possible, but what about him? what will happen to them? or her brother? what what what 😭😭😭 im scared
and the side story of jina and jooik and hyungyu!! i feel like it’s just getting started but i’ve seen enough of jina and jooik to be team jooik lol he’s adorable in a mr darcy sort of way. he seems incredibly kind and i feel like they’d be so cute together (and i mean, jina is pretty much elizabeth anyway)
ok now that i’ve rambled on and on, i shall be off 🫡 i hope you’re having a wonderful week, darling 😘💕
This man Lo, he could have anything (might contain spoilers)
Seo In Guk is so fucking adorable, like who allowed this to happen?
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why is all of him incredibly hot? And not in the typical cringe “he’s so hot -flips hair-“ way, he’s hot like the darkest embers of a fire. It creeps up on you. like A+++ to the stylist's man. his attire was 🤤
YESSS the build is truly so much more fist bite worthy. it's basically romantic foreplay. the little touches, the glances, the smirks, the laughs, the teasing. give me it all. his hand holding obsession makes me fucking 🫠 tell me that’s not Min Yoongi.
Her asking to forget her loved ones hit me in my core, I’m pretty sure I cried.
-sips brown sugar latte- have you seen Tale of the Nine Tailed 👀 because their plot lines are v similar. Although I found TotNT more dramatic, in a good way. Like I actually fucking cried during that drama. A couple times.
HOMIE this side story was EVERYTHING. I want a side drama of just them. I want to see Jooik PINE for her while she dates his best friend. This side story had so much depth to it. Not just to characters thrown together so that everyone ends up dating 🙄 I adore Kang Taeoh but Lee Soohyuk steals the show with his ethereal beauty.
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I also really love that “God” is a young woman in this 👏🏼
I hope you had a wonderful week too bby!
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Have I talked about Skyrim au? Probably. I know I've at least mentioned it. Anywho. I'd say I'll be brief but I'm laughing at myself. Me? Brief? No way
Remus — Remus is a part of the Dark Brotherhood. They are ! assassins ! He specializes in contracts that are meant to send a message to the general public and he's kind of weird. A bit like Cicero but even Cicero says there's something off about him. He fits in extremely well though and it satiates his blood lust enough for him to actually chill the hell out the rest of the time.
Roman — Roman is a part of the Companions! They are a warriors guild and he has proven himself to be one of the best among them. A true shield-brother! He's also a werewolf in the inner circle (a fact of which Remus is extremely jealous) and he always plays the hero for whatever they have to do.. which is good because its the schtick. Clearing bounties, picking bandits off the roads, whatever. He's up for it.
Logan — Logan is a professor at the College Of Winterhold! I'm going to pretend there is more storyline to the College and actual classes because I love mage Logan and he deserves love!! He actually kind of hates that it's freezing there but he wants to learn more magic so he does. I love him and he is babey. I'm on a Logan kick rn.
Patton — Patton attends the Bards College in Solitude. He learns to play instruments and he travels. Why? Honestly, I just really like the idea of someone thinking he's a stupid bard but he has gossip from across Skyrim and will break his lute on someone's head if he needs to. I don't want to push Innocent Useless Patton; he's a deadly bitch. And bards aren't usually deadly in Skyrim so I'm changing things for him <3
Virgil — Virgil is a vampire in Clan Volkihar but he's often on the roads instead. He's not a big fan of the leader of the clan (Harkon when I catch you Harkon) and was actually friends with his daughter Serana before she went missing (to his knowledge). He was originally a member of the Dawnguard (vampire hunters) but he contracted vampirism and couldn't cure it in time. He treats it as a "you ever have one of those days where this might as well happen?" thing.
Janus — Janus is a thief in the Thieves Guild in Riften. I have been waiting for this. He is one of the best thieves they've got and he's cocky about it. He's basically Vex, except that he's actually better at pickpocketing and sneaking into places. He's also a fence, which means anything stolen that he's given he'll turn around and sell for a profit. He's immensely cocky but it's for a good reason.
Thomas — Dragonborn. Just some dude who turned out to be Dragonborn and is now travelling and oh god, why does he have to meet such interesting people?
Anyway they all know each other. Virgil and Janus are exes, Patton and Logan grew up together, the twins see each other like once in a blue moon but Remus occasionally tries to kill Roman for the fun of it (it's practice!), and I love them all dearly. I'm actually replaying Skyrim so !! Yippee !! I have something to base all this on :D
— 👑
Fucking D E V O U R I N G this I L O V E L O V E L O V E it S O fucking much!!! Assassin!Ree, Werewolf!Ro, Mage!Lo, B A D A S S Bard!Patt, Vamp!Vee, Thief!Jan, A N D Character!Thomas in AUs rep??? Sign me the F U C K up holy shit I N E E D it!!!
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silentinfamies · 1 year
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karrueche   tran.     she/her.     cis   woman.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   shamaya   ngu   ,   most   likely   listening   to   i   am   by   baby   tate   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   thirty   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -reticent   yet   +compassionate   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   freshly   manicured   nails   ,   designer   sunglasses   hiding   lifeless   eyes   ,   the   sound   of   stilettos   against   marble   flooring   ,   followed   by   n°5   parfum   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   pop   sensation   turned   businesswoman   in   heated   legal   battle   with   record   label   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   reece   ,   25   ,   they / them   ,   est   .   )
B A S I C S 
full name: shamaya ngu. nicknames: maya, yaya (close family and friends). gender:  cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality:  pansexual. age:  30. date of birth:  march 1st, 1993. zodiac sign:  pisces. birthplace: los angeles, california. current location: manhattan, new york. residence:  loft on the upper east side. occupation:  former child actress, singer-songwriter, businesswoman. languages spoken: english, vietnamese, patois.
faceclaim:  karrueche tran. height:  5’1. eyes:  brown. hair:  naturally dark brown. piercings:  standard earlobe piercings.  tattoos:  here & here.
traits:  (+) compassionate, honest, headstrong, loyal , business savvy. (-) reticent, stubborn, temperamental, workaholic , unforgiving.  mental health:  depression; medicated.  physical health:  very healthy physically. likes:  weed, working on her business ventures, traveling, fashion, partying, thunderstorms, cosmetics.  dislikes: being in the spotlight, being lied to, being told what to do, performing, the music business.  fears:  getting pulled back into the music industry.  phobias:  insects. hobbies:  shopping, sketching ideas for new designs, coming up with new makeup looks, movie nights with friends, clubbing. skills: business savvy, singing, cooking. quirks:  switching between spoken languages when very angry or upset, tapping her nails against any flat surface, humming when annoyed or irritated, hitting whoever's closest to her's arm or leg when laughing really hard.
ice cream flavour:  neapolitan.  time of the day / night:  late night.  weather:  hot weather.  colours:  colors on the red spectrum.  music: r&b, pop, hip-hop, rock, indie. 
a cherished item:  the diamond necklace her father gifted her for her 13th birthday. first love ( celeb crush ):  beyoncé, chad michael murray, keanu reeves. usual mood:  neutral.  character inspo: prue halliwell ( charmed ), bonnie bennett ( the vampire diaries ), sidney prescott ( scream franchise ).
born and raised, for the most part, in los angeles, shamaya's rise to fame was destined from birth. with her mother being a pop/r&b sensation and her father being a well known producer, her life was pretty much set financially from the moment she entered the world. and while it was great that she would never have to worry about struggling like a majority of the world's population, the cons that were attached to her lifestyle tended to outweigh the pros.
like her mother who was forced into the industry at a young age, so was she. as much as she loves her mother, there's still a lingering air of resentment that maya has towards her because she feels as though she stole her childhood away from her. one would think that because her mother went through something similar that she wouldn't want her daughter to go through that, but they'd be wrong. from the time that shamaya could walk and talk, she's been working.
she had her first acting gig at the wide eyed age of four years old, and by the time she was ten years old, she had a hefty catalogue of work underneath her belt. movies, tv show appearances, and the main role of a kid's television show. and at the time, she absolutely loved it. she enjoyed working. it made her feel like a grownup, something that a lot of kids wished that they could experience. what she didn't notice while growing up was that she was missing out on a lot of fundamental childhood growth. going to school instead of being homeschooled by private tutors, making friends on the playground, etc. she never got to experience any of that.
looking back on it, the most fun memories from her childhood were the times she spent a few weeks of the summer seasons in jamaica with her mother's family or in vietnam with her father's family. when she could just be a normal child, playing and enjoying herself amongst relatives; especially her cousins around her age.
she was thirteen years old when she entered the music world. a girl group was her introduction to the music industry, a trio with two other girls who were both talented in their own respect. they were met with quite a lot of success, selling records and selling out tours by the time she was fifteen. at that point in her life, she had fallen in love with music, and didn't see the issue with her giving up her youth in return for all of her success. she was on the rise, and no one could stop her from reaching the top.
due to contractual conflicts and butting heads within the group itself, the trio disbanded by the time shamaya turned eighteen years old. and once their breakup was solidified, she immediately signed with a new label as a solo artist. in her excitement and naiveté, she recklessly signed a deal that ended up shooting her in the foot. a contract that locked her into a legal promise to provide the label with eight studio albums; something that seemed fair and doable to maya in her youthful ignorance. what she didn't realize was that it would soon become apparent that she shot herself in the foot with her decision.
booked and busy didn't even begin to describe maya's life from that point on. if she wasn't recording an album, she was promoting an album, or doing some form of work to keep her name at the forefront of the general public's mind. from 2011 to 2020, she released an album almost every year, resulting in having seven albums in less than a decade, a feat that very few artists can say that they've reached.
apart from being overworked, maya's former ways of being overly kind and accessible opened her up to being screwed over and taken advantage of many times, both professionally and personally. this treatment eventually led to the hardening of her heart, turning her from a wide eyed, bushy tailed, eager to please pop star, to a scorned, miserable songstress in the spotlight. she began hating the music industry for destroying her love of music. she never wanted to touch a mic again, whether or not she was contractually obligated to.
after releasing her seventh studio album in 2020, she began focusing on other prospects. her makeup line was the first of her business ventures, and quickly became a success due to its diverse and inclusive shades of foundations and concealers, gaining traction amongst the beauty industry and the public. not only was it high quality, but it was easily accessible to people from all walks of life. her next business venture involved a line of high in lingerie, another successful accomplishment underneath her belt. despite all the success she achieved as a businesswoman, the lingering knowledge in the back of her mind that she still owes her label another album terrifies her. she doesn’t want to go back to music, and she doubts she ever will. she’s been trying to hold off on that final album for three years now, and her label, and fans, are growing more and more impatient and irritated with her delays.
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strywoven · 6 months
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@drippingheart has requested a story : A letter finds itself in Verona's possession — Delivered by hand from a small, rodent-looking curse which disappeared into a cloud of smoke upon completion of the task. Crisp white of envelope and letter and elegant, black strokes of beautiful calligraphy. The contents of the letter  —  ❛ In the case of Getou Suguru's death. Succeed where I have failed, but most of all protect them. Protect my daughters, and keep all of my family away from the clutches of the sorcerers and their elders. I beg of you. Thank you. Thank you for everything. ❜
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Change of seasons does the soul good ( lo’ the months-long reign of winter fades & so too does its somber chill gnawing away upon the human spirit ; a revival thereafter ensues & we are free , reborn , free — ) .  And Verona herself , however remarkably r e c l u s i v e in part of her exile , does tend to wander off beyond her carefully unkept boundaries / borders to preen within a world come ALIVE AGAIN in the spirit of Spring ( the wicked , too , crave for simple solace , so give her this much , allow her a moment detached from self-made ruin ) .  There is no better space to bask than the park nearby own estate – a quiet place , to be sure – seated upon a bench aligned next to a pond and trail , book in hand ( & what else might this mad woman read but the existentialist philosophy ? ) . 
Verona senses the curse – a prickling , almost , like an internal ward being tripped and resounding through her entirety – before she deigns to acknowledge it.  Though her companion ( a chimeric beast , summoned of own sorrow , festering in own contempt ) rouses long before she does.  His horned head l o o m i n g out of her shadow , crooked maw splitting in a show of teeth as he drags himself from her presence , trying to CONSUME the interloper only to have the rodent bound onto his snout and s p r i n g expertly off of it , landing gracefully beside the woman upon the bench , u n h a r m e d .  Pandora gripes and growls , but does no more than sulk , receding back into Verona’s darkness , his eyes following the interaction from below with a WARY SCRUTINY .
It offers Verona an envelope and no sooner has it completed the task , then it disappears.  Verona blinks a few times , rightly perplexed.  She exchanges a look with Pandora before setting her book aside and opening the letter , reading the fine calligraphy printed therein.  Gilt brows knit together.  For good measure , she reads the words a s e c o n d time before the letter is lowered to her lap and she gazes off in quiet contemplation.  Pandora rises , curling and coiling around her form , large head propping atop hers.  He grumbles – a concerned question spoken only she can perceive – and Verona l a u g h s , shaking her head.  
 ❝ Oh , it’s nothing , ❞ She lies smoothly , ❝ But it does seem as if it will take us a little longer to go home. ❞  Pandora grunt-warbles , his spectral , ever-chaning body stretching , slinking around her shoulder to peer into her face , eyes narrowed and confused , large ears perked upright.  Verona smiles , lifting a hand to lightly stroke his cheek , a gesture that seems to soothe the beast ( if only marginally ) .  ❝ No , we simply … Have a new FAMILY now.  I believe we owe it to them – to h i m , especially – to keep this promise. ❞  The one in the letter , she means ; keep them SAFE , ensure his will is FULFILLED ( she does not know what possessed suguru to grant her such a duty , but there is something to the gesture that fills her with an unfamiliar conviction & comfort ) . But ... WHY HER ?
Clawed thumb smooths over the letter in her lap as she considers the prospect. The thought rises - you're welcome , but I should be thanking you , Suguru - then drifts away just as easily.
❝ And besides , this is about more than loyalty , hm ? ❞  Pandora growls , a disapproving noise , his head shaking back and forth rapidly , tossing off a mess of smoke.  Verona grins at him , grabbing his head , holding it still as she cradles it to her breast like a mother might a petulant child ,  ❝ Hush , now , I did not say LOVE !  Though a family does involve love.  You ought to try it sometime , it would do you some good. ❞
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nadiazahedah · 1 year
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i felt it deep within me as lovers left me to b l e e d alone, something's missing in me
Nadia Zahedah // 36 (DOB: February 12th, 1987) // Special Victims Unit Detective with the TVPD
Dis my girl Nadia who is technically a Tonopah native
Oldest of five siblings (three younger sisters and one younger brother) born to a pair of Christian missionaries
Whenever the family wasn't abroad in the missions field, they'd be in Tonopah Valley, but they were constantly travelling so she never really had a definition of home until she was 16 when she basically begged her parents to let her go to a regular school so she could make friends her own age
She was v much into education and came across as a teacher's pet but she was just extremely excited to finally be somewhere for longer than a few months at a time.
She went to college and got a double major in education and English, returning to Tonopah after graduating to teach at Tonopah Hills High School. After a few years of teaching, though, "normal" started to get boring. Grass is always greener and all that.
While on a bachelorette trip to Vegas for her college friend, she met @antoniojimenez and the two got married while super schwasted. They decided rather than get divorced, they'd see where things went.
Things were fine at first, but she got pregnant a few months after they got married and that put some strain on their relationship, especially because Antonio was then deployed and wasn't there for the birth or the first year of their daughter's life. He was there for the birth of their second child, but his dedication was clearly more geared towards the military than his own family and that rubbed Nadia the wrong way.
PTSD and addiction tw: She had to change her career path to be able to afford to pay bills because teachers don't get paid well u feel and she had to pick up the slack since Antonio was dealing with PTSD and drug addiction following his discharge from the military. She joined the TVPD and started to work her way up, wanting to join the Special Victims Unit so she could still work with children and help them.
When things got to be too much to handle with Antonio and basically being a single parent anyway, she filed for divorce (about two years ago) and sole custody of their kids. She's pretty bitter about how all of that went down but is focused more on making sure the kids have a good life than anything. They're currently 7 and 5, respectively.
She's been an SVU detective for about a year now and while she has a very general knowledge of there being gang activity in the area, she's not aware of Antonio's connection to Los Santos or the cartel in general
Personality-wise, she's pretty worldly and loves to learn, so you can almost always find her turning mundane things into educational, interactive experiences for her kids. She's got a good heart, but she's definitely had it rough over the last eight or so years with her marriage. She's perceived and internalized Antonio's unwillingness to prioritize his family as some kind of statement of her worth, and though she's been working on her insecurities through therapy, it's ultimately made her somewhat guarded when it comes to letting people in too close. She's also seen some of the worst there is to see because of her work, so she's determined to try making the world a better place for the next generations. If she sees you being a dick to kids, she'll absolutely wreck your shit. She takes her work very seriously she's fine with being the bad guy if necessary, especially if it means making sure people get shit done.
All that said, pls love on her.
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"Timothy Drake, you're needed at the front office." Looking up from my doodling of Robin I look at the teacher who just finished her call. "Put your stuff in your backpack, you're not going to be in school for the rest of the day." Nodding at her I put my stuff away and just before I close the door of the classroom she put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry, Tim."
Whirling back to look at her in confusion I'm all of a sudden standing in a hospital room. Only Dad was there. Only Dad. Walking up to him I start crying at how different he looks, all thin and death like. Sitting in a chair and holding onto his hand I curl over crying.
Fai l ur e
"What?" Looking back up in shock I see that his hand is pointing at something at the end of his bed. He's still in a coma?
Fa i lu r e
Dad wasn't the one speaking. Slowly looking at where Dad was pointing I saw my Mom's rotting corpse standing over us, and I sat frozen to my chair. Mom hobbled over even though one of feet fell off until she was less than a foot away from. Leaning down over me maggots fell all over me.
I look up at her in fear as she started to card her fingers in my hair leaving bits of her in it.
Fai lur e. Yo u d i dn 't g et h el p in ti m e. We d ied b eca us e of yo u.
Mom grabbed my head and forced me to look at Dad's hospital bed. Laying there was Dad in his favorite suit and laying with his hands on his chest, and no hospital equipment in sight.
At the headboard a tombstone was there. 'Here lies Jack Drake. A loving husband and Father to his child who got him killed'
Tears covered the sight. "No! No, Dad not you to!" I felt Mom moving my head to look up at her again. "Mom I'm so sorry, please don't let Dad die to! I'm sorry I wasn't faster getting help, please don't leave me all alone!"
S h ush Fa i lur e. St op de n yin g th e tru t h. We s ti ll lo v e y ou, ou r lit tle mu rd ere r
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eliijahs · 2 months
Gang still pouring 4's up, foreign
Still throwing 4's up, foreign
Lil Rari skrrt, foreign
SickBoy smoking purp, foreign
Shit, everything I do foreign
Two cellphones staying foreign
Two goth hoes, foreign
Pull up real fast, foreign
4's up, foreign
Doors up, foreign
Can't slow down, ayy, foreign
Four in the skeet, foreign
When I bling, when I slide, foreign
4's up when I cry, foreign
Damn, she wanna take a nigga guap, why, why?
'Cause I got that cash and the guap, foreign
Pull off in a white Rari, foreign
Counting all this guap, I'm sorry, foreign
Ayy, shit, white Force foreign
Ayy, smoking on this purp, snoring
Foreign, ayy
Foreign, ayy, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, stacking
Foreign, ayy, shit
Foreign, huh
Foreign, ayy, stack
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, 4's up
Foreign, ayy, gang still pouring 4's
Foreign, ayy, shit, these diamonds looking, ayy
Foreign, ayy, skrrt, ayy, shine, ayy
Gang still pouring 4's up, foreign
4's up
Pouring... foreign
Can't slow down, foreign
Four in the skeet, foreign
When I bling, when I slide, foreign
4's up when I cry, foreign
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 26, 2023)
23:55 Dalminjo - And She Said (Ex-Girlfriend Mix) 23:52 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 23:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:38 Bite My A - Discover 23:35 Faro - Bahia 23:31 My 7sky - With Love Sankt-Petersburg 23:28 Duane Alpert - Cool Experience (Laurent Paradise Mix) 23:21 Atb - We Belong 23:16 Flashbaxx - Escape Hawaii Go Ibiza 23:15 Nathan Cole - Ideal Emotion 23:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:07 Chris Leblanc - Ahora 23:02 Eguana - Long Trip To Nowhere 22:55 Coyote - Tanit's Groove 22:52 Xemplify - I-'m Tired (Acoustic Mix) 22:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:44 Lux - 100 Billion Stars 22:39 Papercut - End Of A Love Affair 22:36 Albert St. Barth - Aqua Del Mar (Original Mix) 22:33 Poldoore - No Face 22:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:28 Five Seasons - Sky (Original Mix) 22:22 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - Anymore 22:16 Jane Maximova Feat. Dmitry Raschepkin - Morning Bird 22:13 Smooth Deluxe - Estoy Loco Por Ti (Ibiza Vs. Miami) 22:06 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 22:00 Trinah - Let's Stay Together 21:57 Dave Palmer - Venezia (Love In The City Mix) 21:55 Roberto Sol - Miles Beyond (Late Night Mix) 21:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:48 Alex Cortiz - Spoonful Of Air 21:43 Dj Alex Air - Flipside 21:40 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 21:37 Soundset City - Loungebox 21:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:32 Marc Hartman - Like The Sunset (Original Mix) 21:25 Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix) 21:19 Living Room - A Day At The Beach 21:18 Lemongrass - Maison A La Mer 21:11 Kings Of Convenience - I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (Royksopp Remix) 21:05 Bananaquit - Hold Me Up 21:00 Bloomfield - France Calling 20:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:52 Ganga - Golden Lightfalls (Feat. Sophie Tusnelda) 20:47 Mathieu & Florzinho - All Forever One (Feat. Barbara Rebecca Boahene) 20:41 Euphonic Traveller - Cafe Champs Elysees (Original Mix) 20:40 Ganga - Skyscraper (Original Mix) 20:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:35 Fused - Twisted (Reprise) 20:28 Hooverphonic - Mad About You (Llorca's Radio Shot) 20:24 Lounge Lotion - Dawn Of Light (Guitar Del Mar Mix) 20:22 Leonie Meijer - Message In A Bottle 20:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:14 Cinematic - We Are Alone (After Sunset Mix) 20:07 Night Cruzer - Timeless 20:02 Two Heroes - Leave Me 20:00 Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow (Bonobo Remix) 19:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:51 Lazy Hammock - One Of Those Days (Original Mix) 19:46 Twentyeight - Butterflies (Original Mix) 19:43 D.batistatos - Summer Wind 19:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:34 Castlebed - Heaven 19:32 Weber & Weber - Melody Of Love 19:26 Capa - People & Places 19:24 Hotplay - Turn Around (Guitar Del Mar Mix) 19:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:15 Late Night Alumni - Summer Lies 19:10 Lazygrooves - Walk With Me 19:08 Hotplay - Turn Around - Guitar Del Mar Mix 19:04 Alex Cortiz - Uma 18:58 Rangiroa - La Isabela Beach (Original Mix) 18:55 Schwarz & Funk - Savannah Sunset 18:48 Max Melvin - Seasons 18:45 Cut Groove - Yedeka 18:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:36 Spooky - Strange Addiction 18:29 Andrea Revel - White Noise 18:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:25 Liam Van Dyke - Cafe Del Mar (First Class Lounge Cut) 18:19 Vibrasphere Feat. Iz - Tierra Azul (Vocal Version) 18:12 Cling - Abandoned 18:09 Sweet Velvet - From Within (Sensual Soulful Cafe Buddha Mix) 17:59 Homebase - Dzihan & Kamien 17:55 Marc Hartman - Never Let You Go 17:51 Brauns - Around Us 17:48 Simon Le Grec - Coming Back To Give 17:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:39 Purple Avenue - Love & Sex & Magic 17:35 Flunk - Blue Monday 17:32 Dj Rob De Blank - Love Is All Around Me - 17:29 Afterlife Feat. Neve - Miracle 17:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:20 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 17:15 Michael E - So Many Colours (Original Mix) 17:12 Cane Garden Quartet - Into The Green 17:09 Lee & Sun - Underwater 17:02 Pensees - Intro 16:57 Funkorama - Funkachild 16:52 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue (Cafe Ibiza Edit) 16:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:43 Polished Chrome - Come Home 16:39 Trillian Miles - Summerdust 16:34 Blank & Jones W. Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Afterlife Mix) 16:32 Alexandra Hampton - 90 West 16:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:23 Max Melvin - Event (Sunset Mix) 16:20 Juzhin - Wonderful 16:18 Tracy Diamonds & Step Away - A Pain That I'm Used To (A Lounge Tribute To Depeche Mode) 16:14 Lorenzo Al Dino & Deep Josh Feat. Cope - Lullaby (Deep Josh Into The Lounge Mix) 16:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:06 David Tort - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 16:04 Five Seasons - Smooth Workout 15:57 Blank & Jones - Sun Starts Smiling (Eclectic Mix) 15:56 Everything But The Girl - Flipside 15:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:47 Rue Du Soleil - Angel Eyes 15:41 Bonobo - The Keeper 15:39 Redlounge Orchestra - Liquid Cool 15:35 Velvet Lounge Project - Ven A Mi 15:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:30 Two Heroes - Leave Me 15:20 Olive - Miracle 15:18 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 15:14 Jazzamor - Ain't No Sunshine 15:08 Lee & Sun - Underwater 15:05 Aquarius - Clue To A Mystery 14:58 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 14:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:53 Cantoma - Suomi 14:46 Eriq Johnson - I-'ve Got You 14:44 Mathieu - Maha - Amba 14:40 Martin Liege - Balearic Jazz (Original Mix) 14:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:35 The Funky Lowlives - You Have To Come With Me 14:29 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 14:23 Dab - The Call 14:21 Naoki Kenji - My Destiny Rmx 14:11 Lounge Jam - Mistery 14:09 Sigh - The Bomb 14:02 Randy Crawford - Give Me The Night (Chill Night Mix) 14:00 Magnus Wedberg - Red Stone 13:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:50 Miguel Migs - Breakin-' It Down 13:46 Jens Buchert - Airboarding 13:41 Delerium - Keyless Door (Feat. Azure Ray) 13:39 Nexus 5 - Just Another Day (Original Mix) 13:32 Triangle Sun - Summer Of Our Love 13:26 Honeyroot - Sunrise Sunset 13:22 Blue Six - Aquarian Angel 13:19 Moonwatcher - Sofa Loafer (Original Afterhours Mix) 13:12 Edapollo - By The River 13:10 Atb Feat. Melissa Loretta - White Letters 13:04 The Chiller - Chiller (Original Mix) 13:01 Loft Tapes - Tears Shrieking 12:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:54 C.cil - Sunset 12:49 Velvet Dreamer - The Fall (Feat. Yvonne Ambrée & Tim Gelo) 12:44 Orbitell - Sundown Highway 12:42 V - Sta - Peaceful Day (Original Mix) 12:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:34 Johannes Huppertz - New Beautiful Life (Feat. Twila.too) 12:31 Krystian Shek - Samarkand 12:24 Emma Brammer - Thunder 12:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:16 Schiller - Strandmusik 12:10 Man In The Moon Feat. Debora Vilchez - Another Way 12:05 Dave Jerome - The Future Is Love (Original Mix) 12:02 Danny Hay - Night In (Original Mix) 11:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:57 Living Room - Brasil Soul (Original Mix) 11:54 Kabanjak - Gypsy Soul (Ancient Astronauts Remix) 11:44 Nate Connelly - You Echo 11:41 Falling - Gaelle 11:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:32 Hp. Hoeger - Calm Down (Original Mix) 11:29 Urban Phunk Society - Siesta 11:28 Sky Sergeant - Hawaii Island Hoppers (Beachwave Cruiser Mix) 11:24 Garden City Movement - My Only Love 11:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:15 Omnimotion (Feat. Aleah) - Days Of Silence 11:13 Carmen Mcrae - How Long Has This Been Going On (Mj Cole Remix) 11:06 Bijelo De La Cruz - Driving In Circles 11:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:01 Soulchef - Road Trip 10:56 Edo - Heaven 10:52 Trillian Miles - Summerdust 10:49 D. Batistatos - This Road 10:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:41 Man In A Room - Brave This Moment 10:39 Hotel Riviera - Another Chance For Love 10:32 Sunburn In Cyprus - Passage Of Time (Original Mix) 10:29 Marga Sol - Buddhanima 10:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:24 Above & Beyond, Zoe Johnston - Falling 10:20 Lisa Rose Harrison - Paint It Black 10:14 March & Starseeds - Strange Planet (Zouk Mix) 10:07 Lung - In Bloom 10:06 Alternative Jazz Lounge - All Around 09:59 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 09:57 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 09:54 Sven Vath Feat. Miss Kittin - Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus 09:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:45 Chimaera - Fly Away 09:40 Taty - Love Is All I Want 09:34 Light In Color - Lovely Shelters (Original Mix) 09:31 Svendaq - Tropical Bells 09:25 Blank & Jones - (You're Gonna Look) Good In Blues (La Version Francaise) 09:19 Marc Hartman - I Walk The Ocean 09:14 Grande Delacroix - Your Name 09:12 Gary B - A Better Life 09:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:06 4 Wings - Penelope 08:59 Wet - Lately 08:56 44th Floor - Saint Placid (New York Sunset Mix) 08:53 Jens Buchert - Mystic Flower 08:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:44 Giyo - Interplanetary 08:38 The Sushi Club - Niku-jaga (Beef And Potato Stew) 08:35 Key Of Dreams - The First Time Ever (Original Mix) 08:34 Armand Frydman - Vacation Break 08:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:25 Pier-o Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 08:21 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 08:18 Honour - Aradeo 08:16 Roberto Sol - So Awesome (Cafe Del Mar Mix) 08:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:08 Yppah, Ali Coyle - Autumn Phase 08:03 Pixiefish - Stars (Ocean Mix) 07:58 Lukas Greenberg - Sometimes 07:56 Hacienda - Late Lounge Lover 07:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:51 Alien Cafe - Sundae Dream 07:48 Sandra - Footprints 07:41 Flume - Sleepless 07:40 Bank & Jones - Beyond Time (Ambient Edit) 07:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:34 Albert St. Barth - Vie Amoureuse (Lounge Mix) 07:27 Trillian Miles - Don-'t Cry 07:21 Sky Dor - Calor 07:19 Living Room - Space Traveller 07:16 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:14 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale (Original Mix) 07:08 Soro Sori - Starry Light (Vocal Dub Version) 07:06 Dj Maretimo - La Mere Du Genie (Funky Waves Mix) 07:03 Anthony Island - Turn Around 06:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:57 Steve Osaka - Lazy Day 06:51 Peter Nijntjes - Nightflight (Original Mix) 06:46 Jeremy Russell - Rainforest 06:44 Blank & Jones - Heart Of Wax (Late Night Mix) 06:41 Emilie Simon - Desert 06:34 Comfort - In Travel 06:31 Mo'jardo - Now & Then 06:28 Krono - First Kiss (Feat. Lijie) 06:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:19 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 06:17 Marcel - Love & Lite (Feat. Katie Gray) 06:12 Sangar - Love Again (Original Mix) 06:09 Kieser.velten Feat. Jen - Together 06:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:03 D. Batistatos - Homeless 05:56 Mara J Boston - Precious Diamond 05:51 Bob Harz - What We Are 05:49 G-spliff - I Know 05:42 Spiritual Soul - Green Coffee - Ethereal Mix 05:37 Kosta Rodrigez Feat. Amy - Gale In The Waterglass (Long Beach Cut) 05:32 Vinny Troia Feat. Jaidene Veda - Do For Love (Mike Hiratzka Downtempo Remix) 05:31 Jaytech Feat. Melody Gough - Blue Ocean (Original Mix) 05:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:25 Olivia Broadfield - Silence 05:24 Ted Irens - Dreamland Trip 05:17 Pascal Dubois - Smooth Calling (Slide Da Bass Mix) 05:16 Music On Canvas Feat. Tabitha - Upside Down 05:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:11 Jessie Goes To Bali - Soul Shine - Ibiza Chillout Cafe Mix 05:05 Leonardo Bortolotto - The Vibe 04:58 Andru Donalds - Lets Talk About It 04:57 Andrea Cardillo Project - Fourth Floor 04:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:52 Roberto Sol - My Nature (Midnight Lounge Mix) 04:45 Morcheeba - Slow Down 04:40 Urban Phunk Society - Love Echoes 04:37 Kid Coconutz - Take On Me 04:30 Andrea Revel - White Noise 04:24 Sven Andersson - Melodia Amore Feat. Moon De Lounge (Buddha Lounge Bar Chillout Mix) 04:23 Jens Buchert - 1001 Miles 04:16 Koop - Relaxin' At Club F****n (Dorfmeister Vs. Madrid De Los Austrias) 04:13 Sven Van Hees - Pastel Paradise 04:06 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 03:59 Dj Maretimo - Una Historia De La Mar (Siesta Stories Mix) 03:58 Pnfa - She Found Moments 03:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:52 Aandra - Baak Waa 03:42 Pnfa - Keating 03:36 Re Lounge - Fast Love 03:34 Max Melvin - Roots 03:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:25 Jp-Juice - Cette Planete (Sushi Club Remix) 03:19 Craig Armstrong - This Love 03:13 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 03:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:09 Aandra, Soul Sista Shakti - Songs Of The Sea 03:03 The Alchemist - Life Is On The Sea 02:57 Mirage Of Deep - Stone Words 02:55 Orbitell - Sundown Highway 02:48 Living Room - The Essence 02:43 Pascal Dubois - Deep Into The Night (Long Island Mix) 02:37 S.w. - Terokh Jeruth 02:36 Jens Buchert Feat. Hanane Laraki - Polaris (Angel Mix) 02:29 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 02:27 Edx - Falling Out Of Love Feat. Sarah Mcleod (Lounge Mix) 02:24 Café Du Midi - Don't Believe 02:20 Phontaine - Million Dollar Baby 02:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:16 Florence - You Should Never Know - Baiha Del Mar Mix 02:09 Cafe Americaine - Maritime (Caribic Flow Mix) 02:07 Faro - Language Of The Stars (Remake) 02:03 Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 01:53 Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul 01:47 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 01:42 Marga Sol - Beautiful Morning (Seven24 & S.a.t Remix) 01:40 Late Night Alumni - Moonwalking 01:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:36 Gary B - Without You (Original Mix) 01:29 Sunset Session Group - Soulsalicious 01:26 Catching Flies - Komorebi 01:22 Dido - I-'m No Angel 01:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:13 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 01:09 Lazy Hammock - Deep Sunday Bliss (Original Mix) 01:07 Chris Le Blanc - Enjoy Your Life 01:04 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 01:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:55 1000 Memories Feat. Nikki Sale - One Man Ahead & Nikki Saletta 00:49 Purple Avenue - Love & Sex & Magic 00:43 Michael E - Mistral 00:40 Billie Marten - Out Of The Black (67th Hour Remix) 00:30 Ielo - Solaris 00:26 Matthew Kramer - I Want You Back (Feat. Liv) 00:20 Diario - Indigo 00:17 Bent - I Love My Man 00:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:12 Mo-'jardo - Summer Rain (Original Mix) 00:05 Chris Leblanc - Ahora 00:00 Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix)
0 notes
slimepuparibaba · 4 years
ChiLumi | The Battle of Golden House
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Golden House was what screwed my feelings over the most, if I'm being completely honest here. It hurts so damn much.
I don't wanna get into too much of the nitty-gritty before we start but here are some FYIs.
Childe temporarily joined Lumine's team after their little outing in Liyue. His reasoning to the Fatui was that it was to squeeze out information--in reality, he just wanted to spend time with Lumine.
The team was compromised of most of the characters, except for Venti, Klee, Bennett, Mona, Keqing, Qiqi, Jean, Diluc, Ningguang, Zhongli, and Xinyan. This took place BEFORE the 1.2 update happened!
Kaeya, Chongyun, Xiangling, and Barbara were the least suspicious of Childe as they spent more time around him and knew of his feelings towards Lumine--they are also the main team members in this fight.
All this is based off of my gameplay in Genshin!
Leading Up to the Battle
Childe and Lumine were very close. Weeks had passed and Childe had gotten to the point where he would use "Lumine" more often instead of "Traveler" or "ojou-chan". Childe would also call Lumine "Aster" due to her favorite flower being a Windwheel Aster
Kaeya was also the closest to the two of them and gave advice to both Lumine and Childe on how they should court each other
However, Childe was eventually reminded that the good times can't last forever. After he hard that Lumine visited the Jade Chamber that floated above Liyue, he remembered that he wasn't here to chat. His initial goal was to bring back the gnosis.
The night before the fight, as the team rested at an inn on the way to Liyue, Childe, cloakee by the darkness of night, left the group. He ditched the weapons that Lumine gave to him as well as his artifacts. If he held onto them during their destined battle, he knew he wouldn't be able to fulfill his duty.
Childe hesitated to leave, and yet, with a heavy heart, he left the Inn behind and stationed the Fatui to mobilize in Liyue.
The next morning, Lumine was shattered to see that Childe was gone.
The group heard of the Fatui being mobilized as well as the Adepti and the Qixing about to throw down, and Zhongli gave Lumine the tip that Childe was behind it. She really wanted to be able to talk it out with Childe and convince him he didn't need to go this far, but Zhongli himself stated that "sometimes, they won't understand that until everything is said and done."
Lumine was ready to confront Childe, but her heart was shaking and she felt uneasy. The uneasiness began to settle in though when she and the rest of the group approched the Exuvia and heard Childe's chilling laughter echo throughout the empty hall.
Lumine, hoping to resolve this without fighting, tried to talk to him.
"Childe, you don't have to do this! Don't you remember all the fun times we had? All of us? You're one of us, Childe! You don't have to be their pawn!"
Deep inside, Childe agreed. He knew full well that Lumine had a point--that he was merely being used as a pawn and he could easily discarded. He wanted to join Lumine, but...
"Monsters like the Fatui cannot be saved."
That was all that ran through his mind.
He wanted to agree; god knows he did. What he wouldn't give to leave the Fatui, resign as a Harbinger, and join everyone on that team on their adventures and protect everyone that he ever loved.
But he just couldn't do that.
Childe knew that Lumine wouldn't give up, no matter what, and he kept battling within himself. Sadly, though, his "loyalty" to the Tsaritsa got the better of him.
"Shut up!"
Lumine fell silent, and the entire group watched as Childe began to call her out. It pained him to do so, but his loyalty to the Tsaritsa practically demanded that he continue with this farce.
He said many things he truly wished he didn't say, many things he wanted to take back. But he was too far in. He stopped calling Lumine by her name, instead only calling her "Traveler", trying to distance himself. He mocked Lumine, as well as everyone else, calling them naïve for trusting a Fatui, of all people. Deep down, he was happy they trusted him. He wasn't upset with them, but himself for doing this.
Childe was waiting for Lumine to retort--to fight back and say something, and it looked like she was about to...
...until he said he was simply toying with Lumine's feelings.
Lumine didn't want to take that at face value, and Childe didn't want her to either. But, as soon as he said that, even though he may not have meant it, she shed a single tear.
Kaeya intervened, stating that Childe went too far. The Harbinger knew that... he knew that all too well. But, time could not rewind. He had already done enough damage.
He convinced himself that there was no turning back. If he was to fulfill his duty as a vassal of the Tsaritsa, he needed Lumine to hate him. He needed to crush all the lingering feelings that were held between the two of them. He needed to be the villain.
With that, he challenged Lumine to a battle. And thus, the Battle of Golden House was set in motion.
Phase 1 and 2: Childe Unleashed
He was completely ready for Lumine to throw everything at him, but instead, she stood still, not moving. Her eyes were devoid of the hatred he was hoping to see. It was... empty.
Instead, Kaeya, Chongyun, Xiangling, and Barbara hopped in. Noelle shielded the rest of the party, Lisa and Amber comforting Lumine, who was silently weeping in heartbreak. Everyone looked upon Childe with hatred, wondering why he would do such a thing.
Xiangling would crash into Childe, crossing blades and questioning why he was doing this. She believed he was happy with them, so why did they have to fight?
Chongyun, too, was upset. He may have come late to the party, but he saw how easily Childe fit in. In fact, while Chongyun was trying to train to get on par with the rest of the team, Childe would help out.
Barbara was one of the only rational ones, and she sensed there was more to the story. She tried to talk it out with Childe, saying that he didn't have to do this and there was no real reason they had to fight. She knew that Childe wasn't happy with this either.
But it was Kaeya that completely lost it.
People say that Kaeya is one of the chiller, cooler people in all of Teyvat. But, make no mistake... Kaeya is scary when he gets angered. When you push the wrong buttons, he will show absolutely no mercy.
While the three main fighters were throwing questions at him, trying to persuade him to stop it, Kaeya threw himself into the battle without second thought. He asked no questions--he only snarled at the one he once saw Lumine happy with.
Kaeya was supportive of Childe and Lumine when he saw how happy she was with him and how Childe seemed to be the same way. Kaeya understood Lumine didn't have her brother there like she used to, and he understood that same feeling, so he swore to try and be the brother that the both of them didn't have at the moment. Lumine was practically his little sister.
So when Childe betrayed her, when he broke her heart, Kaeya was ready to go absolutely apeshit.
Throughout the battle, even when Childe reached Phase 2, Kaeya would be the one throwing blow after blow at the Harbinger. It wasn't just physical hits, either. It included emotional daggers.
The two men would argue constantly, Kaeya threatening Childe and Childe laughing in response, mocking him.
"She trusted you--no, WE trusted you! I let the fact that you're a Fatui go because I thought you had some piece of humanity in you!"
"Then that was YOUR mistake! You just had to believe a Fatui all because, what? Your "surrogate sister" fell in love? Haha, don't make me laugh! Just because you didn't have a brother for half your life doesn't mean you need to project yourself onto the Traveler and become hers!"
The more their blades crossed, the more enraged Kaeya became. However, a third blade came into play and threw Kaeya's sword out of his hands.
It was Lumine.
Phase 3: Tartaglia's Foul Legacy
Lumine was standing still, her sword at her side. She stared at Childe with no emotion showing on her face. This was it, Childe thought. She finally hates me.
Childe held up his weapon, but before he could strike Kaeya and Lumine, she blocked it with her anemo skill, her feet digging into the floor as her geo skill kept her in place. Kaeya lept away, and all that was left on the battlefield was Childe and Lumine.
A large explosion of light occurred, but Childe simply appeared on the Exuvia, ready to grab the Gnosis. But when he discovered it wasn't there, he didn't know what to think.
Lumine stood still, and Childe wanted to end it there. But part of him delusionally screamed "No!", and instead pinned the blame on her.
It felt like Childe was slowly being torn apart on the inside. He wanted to stop it, apologize to Lumine and run away with her and their friends, but he needed to fulfill his duties.
In the end, Childe listened to his head. He unleashed his Foul Legacy transformation and destroyed the flooring below everyone, sending them to the lower platform.
Kaeya was going to step in, but Lumine game him a look. It was as if to say "This is between me and him." So, Kaeya backed off and retreated to the rest of the group.
Lumine and Tartaglia simply stared at each other. Tartaglia expected for Lumine to say something, but no words were spoken. Instead, she immediately rushed towards him.
Tartaglia expected to block it, ready to stop her in her tracks. He was ready to take her head-on and see her full power...
...then she drew two blades made of water.
Tartaglia was in shock. Lumine pulled a surprising move... she was using his weapon! It stunned him, even amazed him, but for some reason, it also broke his heart. He left behind the weapons he used when with Lumine's team, not wanting to use them in fear that it would stop him from using his full potential, but here they were... being used against them.
It was after she pulled those weapons out that Tartaglia's moves grew slower.
Many speculated this was because Tartaglia's armor was heavier and using up most of his power. However, Barbara understood. She saw the look in Childe's eyes when Lumine entered the arena. He seemed prideful, but his eyes said different. He, just like Lumine, didn't want to do this.
Tartaglia was holding back.
Tartaglia and Lumine kept clashing. Their powers were equal to each other, and Lumine kept switching between using her blade and the weapons once used by Childe himself. Even still, no words were exchanged. There was no expression on Lumine's face. Within the Golden House, all that could be heard was the sounds of blades clashing, lightning striking, wind howling, and water crashing.
The two of them fought hard. In the end, both were one hit away from being knocked out and losing. Tartaglia had one charged attack he had been storing up and was ready to unleash it.
"If I use it, she will obviously dodge it... and then she can beat me. Then, she will hate me like she was destined to."
Tartaglia lifted his blade into the air and, using his Delusion, summoned a large amount of Electro energy. It wasn't undodgable--in fact, Lumine could just jump back and strike him and the fight would end there.
Just as he was about to strike, however, Lumine instead rushed towards Tartaglia, rushing right past him. Instead of dodging, she ran straight into the attack. Tartaglia was shocked, staring at the Traveler being pierced by the lightning. Just as she was struck, she whispered softly the only words she had spoken throughout the entire fiasco...
"...if I knew it would've come to this, I wish I never fell in love with you."
Lumine, at last, fell.
Childe dropped his weapon, staring at Lumine's body as it hit the ground. She was knocked out cold. He reached out his arm, only for Barbara to rush in and throw her arms out to her side, as if forbidding Childe to touch her.
Memories of the times that they spent together flowed through his mind. He couldn't move. He felt paralyzed. He wanted to pick up Lumine and apologize, say it was all a joke and he just wanted to test her strength, but he couldn't do that. He glabced at her body, lying on the cold floor, and understood.
He did this to her.
This was all his fault.
The words that Lumine said kept repeating in his head, echoing and resounding, practically taunting him. Just as he was caught in a trance, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.
Kaeya stabbed him through his armor.
Childe, his Foul Legacy transformation fading, then collapsed on the ground, returning back to normal.
Paimon and Kaeya confronted Childe, who expected Lumine to be the one to get upset with him instead of the Calvary Knight. The Fatui Harbinger looked at Lumine, who was being healed by both Diona and Barbara. He felt like saying sorry, but the angry looks from everyone told him one thing, and one thing only.
"You're a liar. You never could've been saved in the first place."
"Monsters can never be saved."
Childe, feeling he had nothing left, lifelessly continued forth with the plan that he had formulated weeks before he had joined Lumine. He was still waiting for her to wake up and hug him, beg him not to, or at least just try and stop him. He wanted someone to tell him that he could change.
But no one did.
With a heavy heart and a false smile on his face, he summoned Osial and escaped from the Golden House. He felt no reason to stay there...
He was now a lost cause.
Kaeya, still angered by Childe, wanted to chase after him, but a weary Lumine told him to worry about Liyue instead. Kaeya protested, saying they should nip the issue in the bud, but Barbara agreed.
Not only that, but she knew that Childe wanted them to stop Osial. She could tell... she saw it in the saddened look on his face.
The group, after fully healing, ventured to the Golden Chamber and fought against Osial alongside the adepti and the Qixing. They succeeded, naturally, with the Golden Chamber sadly sacrificed. The Qixing became the ruling power of Liyue, with the Adepti stepping down.
In the end, however, the mystery of the Gnosis and it's whereabouts still remained. Thus, the team ventured to the Northland Bank.
It was there that they saw Zhongli, Signora, and Childe.
Childe saw Lumine and was about to congratulate her, but Kaeya stood in the way, and Signora gave Childe a dirty look. He realized that, truly, what was done couldn't be undone. He had to continue lying through his teeth, just as he always did.
Childe made a false apology, saying that he truly was just a pawn and just doing his job. But, truth was that he meant to say that he didn't want to do it, and that he wanted Lumine to scold him and steal him away from the Fatui. Even then, though, Lumine didn't look him in the eye and fell silent.
The answers to the entire "Rex Lapis murder mystery" were solved, and Signora gained the Geo Archon's Gnosis. With that out of the way, Signora commanded Childe to head back to Snezhnaya with her. Reluctantly, he followed.
But, just before he could leave, he waited at the door and for Signora to keep walking just out of hearing distance. When she did, Childe turned around and looked Lumine in the eye. He gave a sad smile, and said one last sentence to her.
"...Lumine... I... really hope you didn't mean what you said back there..."
Lumine, taken aback, had no words to say. He responded to what she said back at the Golden House... did that mean that he...?
Before she could try and ask, Childe left, walking out of her sight, never looking back.
From then on, Childe and Lumine weren't reunited. All that remained with the both of them was the memories of the time they spent together before the fateful battle that tore them apart.
...that is, until Childe's Story Mission.
may i just say that this entire thing broke me
bruh. childe. Why did u do that
also the blows he made to kaeya's pride
"i know you and diluc aint close, dont go projecting on lumine"
fucking christ dude you needed LUMINE to hate you, not the fake pirate dude!
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isalabells · 4 years
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„Alles gut.“
#Polizeiruf Rostock#hro*#Hi I live here now#the thing about this scene... is that it makes me cry#not like I wasn't already a goner at 'Hi' but-#a) I can't with his softness that's in literally anything. words. glances. smiles. a c t i o n s#b) seeing him being ALLOWED to initiate this kind of intimate closeness for the first time (it was always her before!) and it happens almost#casually and seeing her follow i m m e d i a t e l y sure is an experience#c) wie sie sagt 'Bruder muss los' dann aber einfach STEHENBLEIBT und den Kopf senkt und regelrecht darauf wartet dass er jetzt#was macht und bestenfalls bitte ihre Argumente entkräftet (hashtag Katrin König 100% was that child that got told by her parents#way too often 'Frag aber bitte erst ob Du wirklich nicht störst' before heading out to a friend's) und wie er's einfach sofort versteht.#d) he's kissing her three times at first two for reassurance third one already lingers more sensibly and then before the fourth one...#the way he's w a i t i n g and not making a single move until she comes forward first#Oeller once more capturing the entire essence of their dynamic up to here in one single scene nay kiss and they perfectly executing it#how DO they do it#e) Corona WHO#(also as an add-on: the way it actually unfolded the way we thought it would. Hörspielversion be like 'Erschöpft sieht er aus' and all of us#thinking the man's got enough on his plate atm surely he won't be able to reassure Katrin 24/7 girl needs to pull her weight- oh wait nope#he's doing it folks because OF course he is. his heart's too big and when he loves he L O V E S what can you do about it)
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phobidawg · 5 years
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