danganronpavfd-blog · 7 years
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General Hogwarts AU Headcanons
House Sorting post is here!
Janna as the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and Syndra as the Slytherin Quidditch captain
Ravenclaw and Slytherin rivalry is a thing now
Janna is a Chaser and Syndra is the Seeker
Janna has a great gray owl named Zephyr
Her best subject is History of Magic
People often ask to see her notes
Has gotten locked out of her common room before
She has a cup of tea and reads before bed
Syndra is a Wizard Chess champion
She has three black cats that are collectively called Multi
She has trouble differentiating between them, so they are just Multi
Eats a lot of Chocolate Frogs
She doesn't collect the cards; she sells the rarer cards to students
Does homework in a corner of the Slytherin common room
Spreads out her papers and books so no one will sit with her
Jinx and Miss Fortune are the Beaters for the Gryffindor team, and Ezreal is the Seeker
Jinx, Miss Fortune, and Ezreal being best friends
Jinx and MF play Exploding Snap together regularly
MF usually wins but that doesn't stop Jinx from trying
Ezreal gets injuries frequently from Quidditch, so he visits the hospital wing often
It's not because of the cute girl that helps out Madam Pomfrey. Not at all
Jinx and MF giving him shit for it
“Isn't she getting tired of seeing your ugly face all the time?”
And helping him out
“Oops! Didn't mean to hit you!”
Jinx named her broom Fishbones
Shiro is her Snowy owl and Kuro is her kitten
Yuuto is Ezreal's barn owl
MF sometimes borrows Yuuto to send messages back home even though Hogwarts has owls
Ezreal sneaks out to fly at night
Boki and Baki are twin cats
They get along with Kuro very well
MF, Ezreal, and Jinx go to Hogsmeade together
They all get butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks
MF loves butterbeer
Jinx always buy more sugar quills to eat in class
Ezreal looks at the goods in Zonko’s Joke Shop
Soraka is studying to be a Healer and helps out in the hospital wing
Mildly concerned about the blond boy who gets hurt all the time
She's amazing at Astronomy and tutors some of the students
Some of her tutees give her cinnamon rolls as thank-you presents
Cue blushy Soraka
Got mistaken for a unicorn once
Shisa is her overprotective orange tabby
He’d follow her everywhere if he could
Poppy is a prefect and is also the Beater for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team
So much House pride
She and Jinx have a small rivalry
She hates Divination and thinks it's all a hoax
Jogs around the lake every morning
Very good at Defense Against the Dark Arts
Studying to be an Auror
Lulu is oddly good at Divination
She has foretold some events
Lulu loves Herbology and spends a fair amount of time in the greenhouse
Probably tried to sneak into the Forbidden Forest at some point to find unicorns
Also tried to get Lux to come with her but Lux said no (Lux almost said yes)
Pix, her white rat, is always in her book bag or robe pocket
Ahri’s best subject is Charms
Talks to her cat, Kiko, a lot
She used to get weird looks, but everyone's used to it now
Doesn't play Quidditch, but she attends every Slytherin match
Sneaks out at night with Syndra to get midnight snacks
Lux is clumsy and trips on the staircases
Found the Room of Requirement on accident as a first year because she was lost
She’s partners with Jinx for Potions class
Their first potion almost ended badly, but luckily, Lux was able to restrain Jinx from adding unnecessary ingredients in
They got a good grade, and now Jinx insisted on being Lux’s potion partner
Lux reluctantly accepted, but now she enjoys Jinx's company
Says “Good morning” to all her professors
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