#SIL weighs over 250 lbs.
mezmer · 7 months
Oh the war is freaking on, tumblrinas. I'm kidding this is just annoying asf. My partner's best friend goes to get his hair cut by my sister in law (no idea why, she's fucked up all of our hairs before. I think he does it to gossip) and she apparently talks about me lol. Of course John waited months to tell me what his best friend said. I guess one time, she said "I don't know what she thinks she's going to accomplish with that diet. Does she think it's going to heal her brain from the drug overdoses?"
PROBABLY DUMBASS IT AINT GONNA HEAL FROM MCDONALD'S YOU DUMB FUCK! What fucking diet too? The diet of Not Eating Trash Diet? Same woman whose daughter is physically addicted to sugar and cries when she can't have anything with sugar in it. Ketchup, Popsicle, cookies, PB and J, cakes, and pizza. In 4 years I've known her, she refuses to eat anything else. The girl has chronic health issues and they "don't know what's wrong with her". Ok well. I'm sorry you feel that way because you are just too fucking dumb lol
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