crazysaru99 · 2 years
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Silver is the biological son of Sonic and Shadow in the future (alien biology mobian) In this timeline the events of 06 occur but Sonic does not die, but is seriously injured enough to cripple him for life. To which the Blue Blur was hiding for their failure to save them all. His friends try to stop the advance of Menphiles and Iblis without any success, causing a massacre in which they kill everyone except Shadow… For centuries to come they dedicate themselves to helping survivors in this apocalypse that seems to have no end, until they meet again… Both alone and the only survivors of Iblis's awakening find mutual comfort thus giving the beginning of their relationship and subsequent birth of Silver.
But that little happiness would not last long…
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Headcanon: Sonic tiene inmortalidad/longevidad por absorber constantemente energía Chaos.
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one-half-guy · 1 year
No, serious doubt here...
How much are you guys bothered by the "everyone is royalty" stuff from Archie Comics?
It seems like if the character were important, they would become royalty in some point! THAT'S SOO BORING!!
We start it good having only Sally and later Sonic because he's her destined boyfriend or some nonsense... And Antoine being only highly related to the royalty because royal guard father and stuff.
But then comes Amy, who's cousin of Rob, who's a king.
We had an entire issue focused only in reveal that Charmy is a prince 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and I can't be serious talking about it.
We had also Khan, I won't lie, I liked him... Until the point when he was revealed as the "King of the Free People" or some bullshit
We had Shadow becoming King Shadow in the Light Mobius alternate future.
We had Scourge becoming King Scourge, doing in Moebius what Shadow would do if wasn't Sally's interference.
Being the guardian of the Master Emerald seems a political role equivalent to monarchy, because God, they had even a council formed by the predecessors.
Espio is son of the leader of a clan (Bride of whatever), what's almost a queen since together they had enough impact to REJECT Snively's girlfriend's reign.
I wonder how it would follow 🤔🤔🤔...
Like, would later be revealed that "Silver's the, for long waited, destined king of the Knights of Kronos and that's why he's above time alterations and distortions"?
Honestly, in the pace the stuff was following, I wouldn't get surprised if Vector's "huge secret" was that he was a denying prince from Downunda all along.
Weren't the Babylon Rogues related to the Battle Bird Armada and the BattleLORD Kuku _insert roman numerals_ ?
LET'S NOT FORGET THAT BUNNIE WAS NIECE OF ONE OF THE GRANDMASTERS OF THE EGG LEGION!!! "But that's not equivalent to king in anyway, Eggman was already emperor" Yes, buuuuuut, if Eggman had ever succeeded in world domination, his empire would be the whole globe... Who do you guess that would manage the countries for him?
Julie-Su was daughter of the leader of the Dark Legion, right? He was like an emperor, wasn't he?
Tails' parents' arc was basically being jealous from the king's power and wanting a little and you can't change my mind.
And then they allowed Naugus to become the king 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pais do Ano.
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flamechar33 · 2 years
I am only posting enough about some Sonic AUs I've had in mind for context for an image I've come up with that I don't think I can just Not share: This entire chain of AU ideas started when I was in my mid/late teens when I started reading Ghosts of the Future (that Future AU written by Ian Flynn Evan Stanley, don't know how I got that wrong ) and after catching up I ended up thinking up a Future AU of that set after GUN's been defeated. All that's relevant of what I called GofT Whirlwind is:
The 'main' character who I'll refer to as the originally planned last name Hunter is a descendant of Infinite and son of a famous Extreme Gear racer known as the 6th Black Baron, who originally was a member of GUN before a whole Plot happened and ended up on the other side and taking up the mantle of his dad's opposing racer the Red Rider. (He was a faded green wolf originally but now I'm thinking that Hunter and his dad should be Jackals. Also I could go into depth about his suit as the Red Rider and how it isn't necessarily red. Also I can't remember if the notion of Chaos Powers was introduced in GotF or if I just expanded/made it up from somewhere, but his ability was Chaos Sight which gave him...essentially Eagle Vision from AC? idk I was inspired by the tracking mechanic from Lego Lord of the Rings. There's also just too many OCs from this to talk about Just in this post so, like, ask I guess.)
The only other OC I will mention is sleeper agent murder android fox who very much does not like 4 of those 5 words and ends up defecting before Hunter. She's called Sabina, probably more of the protagonist than Hunter is at first.
Tails uploaded his mind immediately post death to become an AI. He gets a robot body after being stuck inside the Tornado up until (reads notes) Story Chapter 2 of...5? (the entire Plot I mentioned earlier? That's just Chapter number 1)
Also there's another noteable part of this AU which is that Infinite had a sister who survived/left, who had a son who ended up as a part of the batch of Rookies and the main one's best friend. Remember this later
Then I ended up making an AU of the Dark GotF AU (where Shadow died instead) with Hunter having things A Lot Worse. His family died in a resistance raid and he nearly burnt to death, only to be taken by the GUN higher ups and made into a living chimera weapon who could absorb Chaos powers through absorbing blood. His deal in this AU is that when he gets introduced he pretty much only likes Silver, and that he disguises his nature with a longcoat, gloves, orange tinted glasses and a lot of other things to hide the wings and tail...and pretty much everything but his head.
That's the past context: onto this year, where Adult Me is looking back and brainstorming/rethinking again, while I'm also looking at IDW comics - especially Surge. I looked at Surge and Kit, I looked at Dark GotF Hunter, and said "yeah this could be fun" So onto the last AU of this, this time of IDW. A bad future ends up happening with Eggman Empire in control because Surge ended up killing Sonic, so Silver ended up going back in time to help Sonic. Hunter ended up going back in time as well to also stop Surge but meets them and goes "wow ok these guys need help." Sabrina also comes back in time but everyone thinks she's here to stop them from Preventing Sonic's death.
Long Story Short Surge ends up unable to kill Sonic, Sabrina finally gets to reveal that No she's here to stop Hunter because he gets all the Chaos Powers and ends up getting a vision that Maybe drives him insane/is him being possessed. I would have kept that as a surprise but Hunter going and releasing Infinite from the Phantom Ruby as his right hand man is important. But eventually everyone (except Sonic) wins and the future is changed again with only the timetravellers remembering the whole deal.
A later incident ends up with the planet from two different times (present and Silver's future) being in each other's sky. Another long story but basically Infinite joins Eggman and the future villain because he learnt from last time that he has surviving family, and basically Hunter redeems himself during this whole thing and takes Infinite to go see his sister (leading to him retiring). AI Tails also appears from the future world.
Then there's story set exclusively in the future, which I'm Not going to spoil since If I write it well it's going to have some really good twists, but I ended up thinking about in this future Surge and Kit being immortal due to whatever Starline did to them (Kit's also taller now) and them being part of Gun, and a bit where Shadow and Robo Tails meeting up with them (Tails is not allowed in Kit's stuff) ended up during the thinking process having Surge say something along the lines of "the hangout's not today".
So yeah, the image: Shadow, Surge, Kit, Robo AI Tails, Infinite, Metal and Mecha Sonic all sitting around at their usual immortals hangout session.
That's it, that's the entire reason I've released the knowledge of 3 of my Sonic AUs out into the wild. dropping this and seeing what happens overnight
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kuivamustekala · 2 years
okay okay one more then I'll stop this might b an Odd One but I hope u can have fun with it sjjfjd
silver the hedgehog!!
THATS MY ORIGINAL BLORBO THATS MY LIL GUY this is not even an odd one lmao you have n o idea how much ive thought of this guy lets go
First impression: well... my friend basically kin assigned this wild haired hedgehog to me idk who he is but the design is?? kinda neat?? i guess i'll go with it
Impression now: son boy. Wrote my first ever fanfics about him (I don't count the knockoff warrior cats oc stories as fanfics bc that was several layers removed from the insp material). Drew so very much fanart of him. Got introduced to the whole fuckin concept of fandom bc of him. Some of the first tumblr blogs I ever followed were ones I followed bc they posted fun hcs and fics of him. There's a telekinetic-hedgehog-from-the-future -shaped impression in my heart forever and ever.
Favourite moment: HE HAS HAD SO FEW CANON MOMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE COMICS THAT I NEVER MANAGED TO READ PROPER IT MAKES ME SAD and the only game he was in proper was a fucking mess but even then I have several moments I had to pick between but in the end, it's the moment where he's trying to contain Iblis himself and refuses to let Blaze do it. And then eventually he relents but it was that specific bit of the moment that I first wrote many pages of analyses about in my notebooks and then kept referencing in my fanfics. I willn't get into the details of why this moment specifically burned (hah) itself into my mind so but that's gotta be the one I pick as my fav
Idea for a story: that one fanfic I never got to write where Silver, having again returned to the present for some reason, gets overwhelmed with how much Sonic and the gang can be and floats himself out to the sea (with telekinesis) and then plops down to float (more literally) in the water, and the stars in the night sky get reflected in the water, and he has an "oh fuck existing can actually be really beautiful" moment. I thought it so many times but never wrote it. Maybe I should tho
Unpopular opinion: okay so I'm working off of fics and headcanons from years ago but I often felt like people kept writing him a little too much like a soft boy. Bc don't get me wrong he definitely has that side to him but I think he should be kind of emotionally volatile in all directions. Not sensitive as in gets sad easily but sensitive as in he feels very strongly about many things and can also get very angry very quick, and laughs at things easily, and just overall feels everything More. (kid me expressing frustration over how I was constantly seen as overemotional and wanted to feel validated in it? partially yes. but also it's just true. sources: trust me bro)
Favourite relationship: genuinely I think him and Shadow would go real well together. Not rly otp wise but just... they're both from different times and they're both extremely good at angsting (said so very affectionately) but in pretty different ways and I just think they could balance each other out pretty neatly there. Silver could teach Shadow how to find joy in small things even when the world is collapsing on you (sometimes literally so) and Shadow in turn could teach him how to strategically make an escape to cool down to cope with some real fucko moments. I could go on tehee but this post is already growing stupidly long
Favourite headcanon: this one, unlike all the other answers so far, is actually directly yoinked from someone else - the headcanon that he's got a lot of scars, mostly hidden under his fur. Look, I read a drabble about it when I was like 14 and it probably fundamentally changed me as a person in some way
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Book/Pairing(s): The Royal Romance || Liam Rhys x F!MC (Jasmine Wilson) LAW STUDENT AU
Category/Warning(s): Teen || none
Word count: 2.7K
Premise: A different take on how Liam and Jasmine could have met. Liam and the gang search for baklava, and Jasmine is a law student and a talented baker, working in her mother’s bakery.
Author’s note: This is for the 200 FOLLOWER GIVEAWAY WINNER #2: @texaskitten30 . Congratulations! Hope you enjoy :)
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New York City is known for its culture, fashion, Broadway musicals. Its approximately 8 million people.
Maxwell sighs. “C’mon, Liam. There are so many other desserts. Pie, cake, cupcakes, those drizzled thingies...”
He is right. The deserts here are magnificent. Every one of them is fireworks on someone’s tongue, the rich flavor evading the mouth.
Drake surprises him. “For once in my life, I’m going with Beaumont.”
But there is one thing New York City seems to not have.
“No,” Liam responds.
Maxwell open his mouth, but then closes it, flabbergasted. 
“Who are you, and what have you done to Prince Liam?”
The prince chuckles wryly, a sarcastic leer taking place. In a few months, he won’t be able to do this again. In a few months, he will marry a noble with no love in between. 
In a few months, his freedom will be over.
He has to make those few months worth it.
And he will.
By finding baklava.
However, Liam almost gives up. Every bakery they went to in New York City had everything, including Indian sweets, such as laddu, gulab jamun, jalebi.
But they weren’t selling anything from the Ottoman Empire. They weren’t selling baklava.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees a small building. A bakery. It has a small cupcake on the top of the name. 
The prince clears his throat.
“We’ll stop in this bakery. If they don’t have baklava either, then we can go buy cupcakes and go to a bar.”
Maxwell fist bumping the air and Drake sighing of relief, tells him they are both comfortable with his plan.
One more bakery.
That’s it.
Slow Dough.
That’s the name of the bakery. Immensely creative.
The three men step out of their rented car, the sun’s rays showing off its magnificent light, creating shadows as they take each step towards the bakery.
They open the door, the jingling bells on it acknowledging their presence.
It looks beautiful. The inside of the store takes on a more pastel theme, the baby pink with white stripes adorning the walls. There are sky blue tables and chairs, adorned with a vase of pink roses on each table.
The front of the bakery has a glass counter-shelf, filled with delicacies. Cupcakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream. You name it.
Maxwell seems to have that same idea because he says, “Maybe we can steal some cronuts and-”
“Maxwell!” Drake admonishes.
“Hello? What is the commotion here?”
A woman, probably in her fifties, with natural tanned skin, paces into the room from the silver doors ahead of the counter, which Liam assumes is the kitchen. Rather than taking a chiding tone, her voice is laced with concern.
Liam glares at his two friends, Maxwell sporting a nervous smile. Drake shakes his head at Maxwell’s antics.
What good friends he has.
“Apologies for the loud... conversation ma’am. We were searching for a dessert named baklava in New York City. We searched almost every bakery we could find, but left empty-handed. We were hoping we would find some here?”
The woman grimaces. “I’m so sorry, son, but we don’t sell baklava here.”
The prince sighs. 
He knew it. Of course he did.
After mentally calming himself, he sports a tender smile.
“No worries, ma’am. In that case, would you mind giving us three cupcakes? One vanilla and the other two chocolate, please?”
“Now that, I can give you.”
She smiles as she opens the counter, probably finding the best cupcakes she could find.
The woman is probably the most solicitous person she ever met during his bachelor party.
The men sit down on of the chairs, surprisingly more comfortable than Liam imagined. They fall into an agreeable silence, with Maxwell playing with one of the pink rose petals, and Drake glued to his phone.
And they are interrupted. By a soft voice.
A beautiful voice.
“Excuse me, sir, but... did you say baklava?”
He stands up immediately to turn towards the voice, addicted to the melody.
And hazel eyes meets blue.
The lady looks like an exact copy of the older woman, only more younger. More irresistible.
Even with glasses on.
For some reason, his heart starts beating faster.
Silently scolding himself, he straightens up and nods his head affirmative.
“Yes, is there a reason why you ask?”
“I happen to know how to make baklava. Do you want me to make some for you?”
Shock rolls over him as he mulls over her words. An American tries to help him?
He glances back at Drake and Maxwell. In return, they give him an exact sense of a whammy blown on them. They are probably thinking the same thing, too.
Liam discerns the older woman slapping her hand on her forehead in an almost idiotic sense, walking to stand next to the younger woman.
They are practically twins, if people count out the wrinkles.
“Apologies, son. She is my daughter. She knows how to make almost everything.”
Liam softly grins at the mother and turns to look at her daughter. 
A beauty.
As if she came from a painting.
As if reading his thoughts, she takes a glimpse of his face and smiles. He catches a glimpse of a faint blush creeping on her neck, even with the tanned skin.
Liam allows himself a quick smirk and hurriedly straightens his face to a more gentle expression.
“What’s your name?”
She clears her throat and looks at him straight in the eye. “Jasmine.”
Maxwell gives her a wide smile. “Nice name!”
Liam and Drake nod their heads in agreement, looking back at Jasmine. She grins from ear to ear.
Her smile is infectious.
And Liam just met this girl.
“I’ll get started. I can set up a mini cooking show for you guys. This might take over an hour though. So, are you sure?”
Before Liam can respond, Drake interrupts.
“We can wait. This dude, here, was acting like he was waiting for baklava his whole life. If he doesn’t get his hands on one, he’ll probably punch something.”
Before he can give him a new one, he hears Jasmine’s laughter, music to his ears. He only knew her for about 10 minutes, and something makes him want to get closer to her.
He can see scars sprinkled on her chest.
She’s an air of mystery.
“I can most definitely understand that feeling. I’ll go gather the ingredients!”
She flees like a small human Sonic, and he infers for a second that she did track in school. 
Maybe she did.
Jasmine comes back with nuts, cinnamon, dough, butter, sugar, water, honey, vanilla extract, and a lemon. After buttering up a thick pan, she sprinkles in a bunch of nuts and cinnamon.
Just like those chefs gave him a show and made baklava for him back in Greece.
Maxwell starts speaking, most likely attempting to make small talk during the awkward silence.
“So... where are you originally from?”
She softly smiles.
“Queens, New York. We moved to the city when I was 10.”
“What made you move to the city?”
“Oh, well...”
Jasmine slightly hesitates.
“My father had passed away, and we had to do something for a living. So we started this bakery...”
A tense silence invades the bakery, Jasmine quickly swiping her eyes. Maxwell grimaces, and Drake takes over.
“We’re so sorry. We didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable...”
She shoots him a weak grin. “It’s okay. It still hurts, but we’re trying our best to move on.”
At this point, she places two sheets of dough into the pan, and butters it up. She then layers it with nuts and repeats the process. The prince makes a mental note to remember these steps the next time he attempts in making baklava.
He tried to make baklava once, but failed, even after searching the internet to find the recipe.
It had been proved to his friends how much of a bad cook he is.
Liam attempts successfully in changing the topic, in a way to console her.
“Are you a student or...”
“I am! Final year law student at Yale.”
His eyes widen. “Yale? That’s impressive.”
Her mother comes back from the kitchen. “Wait till you hear how she skipped five grades and will be graduating as a lawyer at the age of 21.”
The gang’s eyes widen.
They’re speaking to mini Albert Einstein.
“Mom!”  The law student covers her cheeks in an attempt to stop the light rose pink that’s flooding her face.
Maxwell smiles wickedly. “That's so COOL! Liam, here, is the same! He managed to even excel better than his tutors. One time, he was making fun of them because they got a calculus problem wrong, and he managed to solve it in less than five minutes! He skipped three grades, but always managed to make tutors mad and made them speak to his parents because of his smart mouth-”
Drake chuckles.
“What? It’s the truth!”
She chortles again. That melodic laugh.
“It’s alright. I did that every time, too.”
Jasmine cuts the baklava into diamond shapes and puts them into the oven. She stretches her arms out, unsubtly displaying off her muscles.
“Alright. This’ll take about 50 minutes.”
Comfortable silence flows through all of them, Liam enjoying the clock ticking surrounding the small building.
Drake cuts it off. “We forgot to tell you where we’re from. We live in-”
“Cordonia, I know.”
Liam's breath catches.
A part of him wants to berate himself for being so idiotic. For believing that maybe one person won’t know who he is. But he should have known.
He should have known.
Drake closes his mouth and opens it again, unable to say anything.
“Wait, so you know Liam is a prince?”
“Crown Prince, yeah.”
“Then, why didn’t you let us know and treat us like normal people?”
“Because I know.”
Turning to him, she says, “Liam, all you’ve ever wanted was freedom.”
His eyes widen. He feels like he’s being mind-read by a fortune teller. At that moment he should’ve felt uneasy, but all he wants to do is open more of himself to her.
And that petrifies him.
“How... how do you know?”
Jasmine’s expression turns stoic, indecipherable.
“Your eyes. They express everything. You feel like you’re being locked in a jail cell. I was once like you, you know so I know that look anywhere...”
Her eyes turn misty, but she quickly shakes her head.
“You do want to lead your people, but you want to be free in choosing someone at the same time. You want someone you’ll fall in love with.”
Her educated guess is mind-boggling. Straying his eyes back to his friends, they appear as if they’re seeing Liam in a new light. Shocked.
That they didn’t know anything about this, and they’ve known him for years.
Maxwell shakes his head. “Wait, but... if you knew who we were, why didn’t you address Liam as ‘your highness’? Don’t get me wrong, we liked how you didn’t...”
Jasmine snorts. “Because even through he has royalty flowing through his blood, he is a human, just like us. I don’t mean it to be offensive, I swear. While titles also show respect, they put more benefit for someone than for another ‘commoner’. And I don’t like that.”
Liam becomes curious. Jasmine is not one of those average girls who shrieks over a celebrity. She is one of a kind.
And that makes him want to know everything about her.
“Say if... you became a queen one day. How will you rule?”
The law student takes a deep breath before responding. She unconsciously touches her dark brown hair, and twirls a curl over her finger.
“I... I would never go by the rule book. While rules are good and all, sometimes... it would lead to injustice. As Princess Diana said in her interview with Martin Bashir, I would  want to become a queen of people’s hearts, not just for a country. I would be there to do good, not cause harm or difficulty over another citizen’s life. I’m not a violent person. Quite the opposite, actually. I would want to be treated as a typical person with a typical life. I would want to be treated as an everyday person. And... I would want everyone to reminisce me as a woman who did good works, not as a woman with a prestigious title.”
Everything is confirmed. Drake’s mouth opens and closes as he tries to respond to what Jasmine just said. Maxwell has a goofy grin on his face.
Liam, however, has a cheeky smile that one would actually say is of respect and admiration. He admires her.
Even as she now bites her lip, he wants nothing more press his lips to hers. 
And they’ve only known each other for about an hour.
The oven alarm lowers the mounting tension in the bakery. Jasmine jogs over to the oven and takes it. The delicious smell of baklava invades Liam’s nostrils, and he immediately wants to taste it. Looking at the pastry, the gorgeous crispy brown of the dough stands out, with green nuts garnished.
“Take caution! It’s really hot.”
Maxwell smirks slightly, already reaching for a baklava. “Oh, I don’t think it’s that- HOLY SQUIDS!”
The once smirking Maxwell now has a face of pain etched on his face, holding his right hand after it burned a little. Jasmine, seeing this, snorts.
“Told you so.”
Shaking his head, Liam -carefully- takes  a piece of baklava, blowing it slightly to soothe the heat. Once it is lowered to a considerable heat, he takes a bite out of it and-
It is scrumptious.
And it appears that Drake and Maxwell are thinking the same thing, their friends’ eyes filled with astonishment.
Jasmine bites her lip, most likely unaware of the action. God, if he could just-
“So, did you like it?”
Shaking off his dirty thoughts, he responds, “Like it? This is the best baklava I’ve ever tasted.”
Her wide eyes contain jouissance, Liam can tell.
“Thank you! Glad I didn’t mess it up!”
Jasmine blushes again, something Liam just knows is a rare sight for anyone.
Just then, her mother comes in, sauntering hurriedly up to them. Her eyes are tense and full of worry.
“So... how is the baklava?”
Liam smiles, hopefully soothing her mother with the action.
“I can reassure you, even the most famous chefs in Greece hadn’t made me this tasty baklava before in my life. It tastes like heaven, ma’am. Your daughter has talent.”
She sighs in relief. “Thank you, sons!”
Without hesitance, the mother kisses Jasmine on her cheek, and in return the daughter kisses her on her forehead. The act reminds him of his own mother, before she died.
“How much does this cost?” Drake interrupts.
“This? This is free.”
Liam refuses. “Oh, that’s not possible, we have to give you something-”
Jasmine laughs. “I insist. First of all, this wasn’t even part of the menu, although we do need to add it to ours. Second, you deserve this. For the first time, other than my mother, I felt like someone else got me.”
The words make the prince look at her deeply into her eyes. Jasmine stares back, not one of them blinking. Finally, the law student breaks the contact.
Just then, Drake clears his throat. “I hate to interrupt but we have to leave. Is it alright if we take more of these?”
The mother smiles. “Sure, sweetie! Take as much as you need.”
As Maxwell and Drake grab more of the baklava, Liam goes up to Jasmine.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye,” he says, his tone with a hint of heartache.
She smiles wistfully. “Yeah.”
And they hesitate before hugging one another tightly. Liam closes his eyes, in what could be his last moments of freedom. He makes this time worth it. Jasmine reluctantly pulls back and clears her throat.
“But hey, something tells me we’ll see each other again soon,” she adds, with a hint of a smirk.
And just like that, Liam starts to have second thoughts.
Maybe New York City is not that awful.
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Narrator: Jasmine was right in what she said. They will see each other again. And they marry, and they make babies-
Author’s note: First Liam x MC fic lol. I hope I did this some justice HAHA. Anyways, if you’ve made it this far, thank you! ♥️
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Lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist! 🥰
Perma: @potionsprefect @gryffindordaughterofathena @maurine07 @missmiimiie @mom2000aggie @nezuzoned
Liam x MC: @kingliam2019 @jared2612
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geek-gem · 8 years
Metal Sonic
I’m gonna put some exuse me burp just some spoilers in this for some things. Also had to click on here twice. But I wanted to write this and I’m on my phone. Just I’m a bit nervous. I’ve honestly wanted to talk about Sonic related stuff.
I like the character of Metal Sonic. But I think I like him a lot due to thinking he can have so much more lol reference with his character. I think it’s mainly the Sonic OVA movie I honestly adore and liking what they did with his character. But I don’t know if theirs much to talk about.
Yet I seriously do like Metal Sonic as a character and honestly wished they could do more with his character.
Really in a way these ideas have been done before. Yet I’ve noticed writers have tried to do new things with Metal and I keep thinking my ideas are like fan fiction lol since I am a fan.
What I’m trying to say is I do love the idea well it’s this idea and the Sonic OVA movie talks about this how Robotink/Eggman got Sonic’s thoughts and memories and other things to complete the transformation of Metal. I have not seen the movie in quite some time. Yet it’s this idea cause of having Sonic’s memories and other things. This some how even gives Metal more of a free mind.
Sorry trying to be understandable but it’s this idea Metal develops more then a robotic clone of Sonic who can be better then him. He actually remembers and knows everything in Sonic’s head. On a funny note think of the STRANGE ISN’T IT scene mate lol. Yet other things.
It’s this idea of despite he finds out his whole purpose in life was to only kill Sonic. Yet he seriously questions his own existence of what should be his purpose his own purpose. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes it. But I do remember and learning he has this idea that their can be only Sonic and that should be him.
Mainly this whole idea is that cause of Incorporating Sonic’s personality in his mindset. He’s seriously question his purpose in life. Such as ideas of what it feels like to be a normal being. Also this idea him gaining a voice that is similar to Sonic but different enough it can be his own.
Okay I’m gonna open a new screen. I’m gonna link this lol funny short yet sad man. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3ChEsjyei7c there got it man lol but it’s kind of a more serious version of that.
Sorry I’ll just put it in a nutshell almost left out heh. It’s basically this man
Metal Sonic: father I realize you only made me to kill Sonic. After that what else is that all to my existence. Yet also I’m am in his image. What would you do with me help you with your army or just….I’m having this idea what ifs theirs more to life. I’m realizing more and more of that. The idea I can try to have my own purpose in life but I’m still just the robotic image of some one else. I want to have a purpose in life I know theirs killing Sonic but no I want to just I don’t know father can you help me
Dr. Robotink/Eggman: do you think I care also I’m not your father yet in a way I am
Metal Sonic:…….I have no father He just walks away the only person in his life or some how in a way his father just flat out and I turned can into care lol and Cate you get what I mean
Honestly these ideas are for some of how I would handle the Sonic franchise if I could only work with the games. All started with adaptation ideas for Sony’s Sonic movie in 2018 lol if their was ever sequels. Honestly some of them Shadow’s story is almost the same yet more deep and some things added, Silver has been reinvented being from Blaze’s world yet I’m worried of what people would think ha man.
But it’s characters like Dr. Robotink/Eggman and Metal Sonic who got a bit more deep. Despite the doctor almost left bot ha yet….him not being like from certain shows and comics.
This was an idea that well Ivo has a family such as siblings and parents. They’ve disowned him since he uses their names Robotink despite they changed their last name cause of the events that happened on the Ark and supposedly what happens in Sonic Adventure 2’s story line but their found out.
Also the fact he has a sister or brother who have families now and children who don’t know who their uncle is until they found out. They mainly disown Robotink/Eggman cause of who he is.
Almost put lol also again and out. But the end of this Metal Sonic story line and I’m mainly trying to adapt and respect certain characters game origins ha. Such as Metal Sonic and Amy Rose first appearing in Sonic CD with the Little Planet being a bit focus with the good and bad futures but yeah heh man.
Yet the ending I keep thinking after some what Metal Sonic in a way dies and is some what a hero. Sonic manages to grab a piece of Metal Sonic and give it to Robotink/Eggman and the doctor realizes how he treated Metal Sonic is the reason how he became. Only treating him like a robot and seeing Metal develop more of a mindset and curious about the world. The Doctor actually takes off his glasses revealing his eyes and sheds some small tears that everyone can see. Since he realizes and him saying he didn’t just lost his greatest creation, he also lost what was his in a way his one and only son. Including admitting he destroyed his own life considering his family hates him and that he does not deserve a family.
Honestly a lot of things stories revolve around family of how it deeply affects characters heh. Sorry I’m at Pizza Hut gonna finish this pizza lol and put tags. Meh removed Metal Sonic twice the tag lol gonna get more dr. Pepper cartoon Network one lol on phone must stop um heh…..
Sorry I wanted to talk about this. I’ve been wanting to talk about deep related Sonic stuff and control certain urges like right now heh
Edit got that shit done heh but must finish pizza. Yet worried about making Metal Sonic some what an anti hero heh heh um heg
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crazysaru99 · 2 years
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Mi intento de dibujar a Sonic de la pelicula
I remembered the fanfic Chaos Barren by @moralitas and my scattered mind began to work on an idea in which Wachowski grows up as time goes by while the others stay with their normal ages and in that the other Sonics see the roll of cinnamon to grow and settle (obviously they don't expect him to join their Shadow)
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Here we see Sonic introducing him husband and son who don't expect it to be Silver
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crazysaru99 · 2 years
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I heard the songs of Sonic Frontiers and they are beautiful, I imagined these brothers playing them in a concert, that's how this drawing was born nsadbjsakd
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Silver se parece a su tio Manic uwu
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crazysaru99 · 2 years
Sketch de Enero
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Zilla y su bebe Gino (Zilla Jr.)
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Battra diseño uwu
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La bebe Maddie
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Mi bb Fiona <3
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los padres con su bebo
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No se hacer gorros de vaquero
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