crunchycrystals · 2 years
im gonna throw up
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maxdurden · 4 months
I’m gonna have to go with Skrank for blorbo bingo please :))
blorbo bingo!!!
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thank youu!! for the ask <3 i tried so hard to be nice about it,,, but the issue is i just rewatched the seven,,, and skrank really did ostentatia dirty and i do think people should be guillotined for being mean to my girl,,,
(in all reality, skrank seems like a messy guy in the way teenage boys tend to be. no shade to him, but i will squeeze him so hard his eyes pop out about it)
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unsleepingtales · 7 months
I feel like Brennan is doing a lot to emphasize how many students at Aguefort are getting really angry without proportionate provocation (Molman, Skrank, Quincy) and I haven't seen the Intrepid Heroes take that much note of it which makes me nervous. They've really been laughing it off as a bit and maybe I'm just tinhatting but I feel like it's a bigger deal than it seems.
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ratgrinders · 4 months
HIII i’m also a rat grinders fan in the “not interested in pretending they aren’t fucked up” but rather “interested in Why they are so fucked up” way 💥💥💥 i have Thoughts on how the shatterstar ritual affected the rat grinders in different ways and i wanted to know if u had any similar thoughts :3 - @teenagerebellion
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ASK thank you for sending it!!!!!!!!
Ok so I AM gonna be working off the assumption that a rage crystal functions less like "mind control" and more so amplifying existing feelings to murderous extremes. Think Adaine in the mall fight when she's asked to picture "what would the world look like if all Adaine thought about was rage" and we see a destroyed Sylvaire from Adaine's search for her mother. We know that Adaine would never do that, but we see the underlying motivation is the same.
Off the bat we know Kipperlilly's ritual is different from the others since she chose to do it "willingly" and wasn't forced to choose via death (it's described as having no scar, unlike the others, so she may have not even had to die at all). That doesn't mean though that she wasn't infected with a rage that caused her to do things she never would've done normally, as I don't think Freshman Year Kipperlilly, whose biggest grievances were "I think Aguefort likes them more", would jump to coldblooded murder. I think the fact that Kipperlilly chose the shatterstar affects her mindset pretty greatly going in to rest of the year, because there's no easy way to differentiate between what's "her" and what's the rage star. She probably is constantly thinking things like "This is all me. I am in control of my own faculties. There was no coercion involved I'm just naturally a villain", partially because she doesn't want to admit that she, a mastermind, let herself get controlled like that. Essentially, the ritual itself was so seamless and the descent so gradual, I don't think even Kipperlilly has a strong sense anymore of who she is without rage.
Ruben we know canonically has a bit of amnesia after being revived, not even seeming to remember the entire year he was shatterstarred. Ruben basically has the opposite problem from Kipperlilly, where his change in identity post-shatterstar is so drastic that his sense of self is almost completely eroded, because "how could I have been motivated to become someone like that?". Ruben's not a naturally angry person, but still though, that WAS Ruben, the rage star just tapping in to Ruben's underlying desperate need for approval, emotionality, etc. and bringing it to the forefront. The rage star imbued Ruben with such an intense pain and rage that he felt he could only express it through his music. Post finale revival I think was Ruben just being in shock at how much he's changed, but I think the memories will come back to him and he'll have to reconcile these two Vastly Different versions of himself.
Ivy I believe was still kind of a mean girl before the shatter star, the shatter star just made it more likely for her to say it to people's faces rather than behind their backs. Honestly, I'm imagining her maybe as a young Sandra Lynn before, in the sense of both having this constant bemusement. Beyond that, though, I think Ivy may have been the most likely to take the rage star willingly as opposed to being killed for it (I actually think most of the Rat Grinders still could've been persuaded to take it willingly, but that's a post for another time). Ivy seems to have a lot of pent up rage and disdain for the world around her, and the shatter star only amplified that.
Oisin got buff after getting shatterstarred, which is a really funny canonical fact to think about lmao, because I'm just imagining him doing a bunch of angry push-ups or something. Anyways Oisin before the ritual I'm honestly imagining him to be the type to hang out with guys like Skrank and Shellford, aka those kind of nerdy unpopular guys who nonetheless are still kind of egotistical and little dicks sometimes. (This is actually why I think they were the ones playing pong at the party with Oisin, because they were actually kind of friends before.) Just like Ivy, the rage crystal just gave Oisin more of an excuse to externalize his rage at the world, but I think the main thing it did was just give Oisin a little more self-confidence because now he has all this power backing him up.
Mary Ann was EXACTLY the same before and after the ritual, it was actually a little disconcerting to Jace and Porter and they didn't know what to make of it. The main thing for Mary Ann, I think, is that she really doesn't have much of an emotional stake in the rage ritual, or the beef with the bad kids, or anything like that. She's just Entirely Indifferent to whatever atrocities are being committed, which is just a different type of fucked up lol. Honestly, I think as a barbarian Mary Ann's a bit more used to controlling her rage which is why the rage crystal might've had less of an effect, Lydia Barkrock style.
Buddy's death was so sudden and traumatic, with such a short amount of time to get used to the implications before the finale, I think Buddy's mind is just in a tailspin post-ritual just trying to grab on to anything that makes sense lol. He knows worship and devotion, its been a crutch in his life for so long, and that's what he defaults to when he can no longer reach Helio. In fact it almost seems a bit like a coping mechanism, latching onto it so securely even in the face of all other logic.
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artificergorgug · 6 months
Riz has always had a Baron. So long as he can remember, so long as he lives.
They were playing MASH in second grade. He gets an apartment. He was going to live in Bastion City. He's going to be a garbage collector. And he's going to marry Cynthia.
Cynthia was... cool, he guesses. She had springy brown hair and dark green skin. An orc.
Riz remembers another girl in his class, Rose something, whisper loudly that he had a crush on Cynthia. He didn't contest it. Why would he, what did he know about crushes? Crushes were assigned, won in a game of MASH. Fate interwove them into a spiral that you call out stop to.
He swings next to her once on the swing set and when their rythym sinks up, Rose something shouts that they're married. He hops off the swing and Cynthia moves to Dune Fort that summer. He doesn't really notice she's gone.
Lumis and Riz have never share a class, but Riz sits with his back to him in the lunch room every day for two years. He hears how Lumis' friends laugh and his witty remarks and how interested he is in birds and trees and fossils.
In fifth grade, Riz gets switched last minute into Mrs. Goldhelm's class because Talindra signed up for classes late and Talindra isn't allowed to be in the same class as Riz anymore. Not since she pushed him into a trash can last year and told everyone he bit her.
Fate is funny like that. Send a bully to nudge you toward a crush. Riz's heart pounds and Mrs. Goldhelm points him to the empty seat next to Lumis.
The fire genasi smiles and Riz smiles back and they whisper about trilobites in between reading and math.
When he goes home that night, Riz writes in his Clues Journal new cursh on L?
A month later, Talindra spreads a rumor that Riz likes boys though and after that Lumis doesn't want to talk about carbon dating so much anymore. He doesn't want to talk about anything. Crushed in a different way, Riz stops writing in that journal.
Most of Riz's classmates go to Oakshield Middle, but Riz has a plan. He begs and makes presentations and leaves flyers until his mom agrees to let him transfer to Caskstone Middle. Aguefort's feeder school.
There's a lot of wannabe wizards and fauz fighters, but in the grade above him is Penny Luckstone.
She makes convoluted jokes in theives cant and Prestidigitates smeared chocolate on their bullies' pants. She wants to be a Master Rogue and Riz is definitely in love.
He knows it because he doesn't mind her 'babysitting' and he gets excited to tell her about new mysteries he uncovers and because he's devastated when she goes to high school and can't hang out as much anymore.
His mom says she's glad he has a friend, but he knows it's something more. Even if he doesn't 'feel butterflies' or 'want to kiss' or 'live in the same house as her.' It doesn't matter. He has a crush because he says so.
When she goes missing, it's like his whole world shrinks. He ignores the background relief that he will never have to hold her hand or ask her out.
Baron's name slips out before Riz can think of a single classmate he's interacted with in the past year who isn't in their party.
Aguefort has a pretty strict rule about inter-party dating (you have to spend a whole hour talking with Jawbone about your feelings and Riz doesn't have the time to give). He doesn't want to tempt Fate on the off chance that whoever he mentions having a crush on actually wants to date him.
Riz is too busy for dating. It's sophomore year and Riz can't handle another thing on his plate.
AV Club is already bogging him down. Adaine is gone this week and for whatever reason, Skrank gets on the topic of dating. Riz fight or flight reflex (the butterflies?) activates and he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.
No, Skrank doesn't no them. Yes, they're long distance. Yes, they're definitely dating. No, Baron isn't coming here anytime soon. Yes, Baron is from the Baronies.
The lie sinks deep in his stomach in a way Cynthia, Lumis, and Penny never did. Adaine's casual ponderings over the summer about being asexual cycle through his head. Kristen mentioning that the only partitioner at the Church of Yes? is aromantic swirls around him.
He ignores them, digs in deeper. When asked where he's getting his kisses in, at least he has an answer now.
When Baron manifests themself the first time, Riz almost feels vindicated. Riz is so alloromantic that his made up crushes become related. Nevermind that most alloromantic people don't actually know the term because most alloromantic people don't spend hours taking Fantasy Am I asexual? Buzzfeed quizzes.
When Baron manifests themself in the Nightmare Forest, Riz feels arrested. He can't move, can't breath. Surrounded by images of futures that he can't fake his way to. Confronted by the reality that he doesn't love people like he's supposed. But comforted by the truth from his dad that he doesn't need to love people any differently.
When Baron manifests themself tumbling through his briefcase, Riz feels ready. This shame he's tangled himself up in for so long chases after him and he prepares for it to slam through him just like always. But Baron doesn't overwhelm him. Just quietly insists that he's a part of Riz. And Riz accepts that. Baron is a part of him. Just like Cynthia and Lumis and Penny, he is part of the myth that Riz has created about himself.
But unlike his previous 'crushes,' Baron isn't going away. In everyway, they are Riz's romance partner. There is always going to be a part of Riz that wonders what he's missing out on. That will look at crumpled up notebook page with a MASH game scrawled onto it, a journal entry asking new cursh on L?, a photo of him and Penny in detention, and ask what he knew then that he doesn't know now.
Baron is firmly embedded where Cynthia and Lumis and Penny once were and because Baron isn't real, he never needs to be replace. Riz is free to never love anyone the way he thought he had. Riz is free to love himself as he is.
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dullgecko · 9 days
Oh okay fine twist my leg. The reason why coffee liquor is banned from bad kids parties. (Skrank is a fucking creep)
Tw: under-age drinking
People were slowly starting to trickle in, mostly staying confined to the back yard for now but Riz knew they'd start coming inside soon. He wasn't particularly in the mood for socialising today, though he was still here just in case his party needed him for anything, so his plan was to grab enough coffee that he wouldn't need to reappear for a few hours.
Fig wasn't coming tonight and she was usually the one who would steer people away from him when she noticed his social battery was dying. Better to just make a quick appearance so people saw his face before disappearing into one of the locked rooms upstairs until he was called for.
He was currently standing on the kitchen counter, having to stretch onto the balls of his feet to see into the higher cupboards in his quest for coffee beans. Fabian had apparently run out but he could see a bottle at the far back of the cupboard labelled in halfling but with the word 'coffee' written in fancy looping script in common across the front.
He figured it must be some sort of pre-made iced-coffee syrup like you could buy from the store. He tended to find them overly sweet and a little chemical-y but beggers can't be choosers. When you're out of coffee beans the weird syrup will have to do.
He ended up stealing one of Fabians large travel mugs, pouring a decent amount of the coffee mix (and it certainly smelled like coffee when he unscrewed the cap) inside and filling the rest with milk and ice and popping on the lid. The mug was massive in comparison to him, easily large enough to hold an orc-sized coffee from the fancy place downtown, but it meant he wouldn't have to get a refill for a while. The now half empty fancy syrup bottle getting put back where he found it so he could go attempt to socialise a bit before disappearing upstairs.
He ended up hanging around for a while, sipping on his slightly weird tasting coffee and just chatting whenever the opportunity presented itself. Riz finding that he was enjoying himself a lot more than usual the further he got through his drink. It was.... weird... but not bad. Maybe his judgement was a little impaired but he decided to just enjoy the kind of easy socialising that seemed to come naturally to his friends.
At one point he ended up drifting away from his party, joining in with some other people he was acquainted to through his various clubs. He was having fun, and maybe getting a little too far into peoples personal space but he didn't really care for once. Some of them even dragging him down to sit with them or drape across their laps like he did with his party while they chatted. Plus he kind of wanted to be sitting right now. Sitting made the floor stay still and sometimes people would give him head scratches which were nice.
Skrank was his current perch, Riz having found his fellow AV club member chilling in one of the side rooms and clambering over the couch to flop against the aarakocra with his half-empty iced coffee. He'd been halfway through a conversation about the project they were currently working on when he'd been pulled into his lap, Riz just laughing and resettling himself into a more comfortable position before continuing where he left off. Still occasionally sipping at his drink as his friend nodded and made vague sounds of agreement to his suggestions. The rogue too engrosed in the minutia of crystal circuitry that he didn't notice the hands settled on his hips.
His party had started to get a little concerned when news of his personality shift had filtered back to them. They'd assumed that when he disappeared he'd gone upstairs to decompress because he'd reached his social limit. They had NOT expected him to still be hanging around in the crowd, apparently completely wasted and a little flirty according to some sources.
They started hunting for him in earnest when someone mentioned he'd last been seen with Skrank, the aarakocra apparently having left the living room he was chilling in with the goblin and a few other people and leading Riz away deeper into the more deserted parts of the house.
They'd all split up to cover more ground in the massive manor, Gorgug being the one who finally pinged the group text saying he'd found where he went.
Fabian intercepted the half-orc first, Gorgug dragging a squawking and protesting Skrank by the front of his shirt down the hallway towards him. Fabian paused mid-step, unsure what to do because their barbarian looked furious. Shaking the aarakocra every time he tried to say something as he stalked down the hallway towards the half-elf.
"You good Gorgug?" Fabian arched an eyebrow at him, his party member reaching behind himself with his free hand to pluck Riz free from where he'd been clinging to his back and depositing him gently on his feet.
Riz beamed at the fighter when he spotted him even as he swayed slightly in place, tail swinging wide arcs behind him to try and keep his balance. Hands clutching the oversized travel mug in front of himself for a moment before he took another sip. From how far back he had to tip it it looked like it barely had a quarter of its contents left.
"Will be in a few minutes. I'm going to go cool off a bird in your pool." Gorgug answered, sounding surprisingly calm despite the fact he was radiating malice. He handed Fabian Skranks crystal on the way past, the fighter giving him a confused look. "Give that to Adaine. She's in the AV club and will know how to delete photos... and make sure he didn't upload any anywhere."
That took a second to sink in, Fabian lunging for Skrank when it finally did but Gorgug blocked him with an arm to the chest. The aarakocra squawking in alarm and throwing his hands up to block his face.
"Rrakh! I didn't do anything! He came on to me!"
"Shutup. He's wasted and you're a creep for even thinking about doing anything." Gorgug gave Skrank another hard shake, letting Fabian go and continuing down the hallway with his captive. "It's nothing explicit, but I did catch him taking a selfie with Riz on his lap. It needs to be gone by morning or Riz might die from embarrassment."
"Tch. Well, do a good job of making sure he keeps his mouth shut. If I hear a word about this on Monday I will not be held liable for what happens." Fabian hissed, Gorgug giving him a nod before rounding the corner of the hallway and heading back to the main part of the manor.
Once Gorgug was out of sight Fabian shoved the crystal in his pocket, turning his attention back to their rogue who had wandered away in the oposite direction while he wasnt being watched. He hadn't gotten far though, clearly unsteady on his feet as he made his way towards some unknown destination.
"Hey hey no. The Ball. Stop." He had to snag Riz by the back of the shirt to get him to stop walking, the goblin tipping his head back to grin at him when he was caught.
"Fabian! Hiiii." Riz put the cup down on the ground so he could reach up to grab the fighters wrist with both hands where it was holding his shirt and make him let go. Twisting around as soon as he was free and hauling himself up to cling upside down to his forearm with both legs and arms wrapped around with a surprising show of dexterity, given how clearly wasted he was.
"Hello. Yes. What the hells have you been doing? You don't drink." Fabian gave him an amused look, having to bundle Riz around until he was right side up and depositing him on his shoulders for safe keeping. The goblin immediatly wrapping his arms around his forehead to keep his balance as Fabian bent down to retreive the cup.
"I w's talkin' to Skrank about our AV project. He said we should go somewhere more private. 'sfine." He got momentarily distracted by Fabians ear when it ficked, reaching out to run his hand along it which made the half-elf flinch but he didnt protest. The fighter actually leaning into it slightly as the petting continued even as he set about examining the travel mug Riz had been carrying around and drinking from.
"Who gave you this?" he asked and gave the cup a suspicious sniff, noting that it smelled strongly of coffee even though he knew they'd run out of beans two days ago. Taking a sip to ascertain what exactly it was and pulling a face when he was practically punched in the face by the strong taste of coffee and a burning sensation as he swallowed that was clearly alcohol, but it was fairly tempered by the milk that had been added to the drink.
"Ugh gods. No wonder you're wasted. How much of this did you drink."
"All of it. Iiiii made it. Found some coffee mix in the pantry." Riz made a thoughtful noise, leaning forwards and licking the ear he'd been playing with with a purr. The combination of the sensation and the sound sending a jolt of lightening down Fabians back that settled in his stomach and nearly made him stumble. He squashed the feeling immediatly, knowing that Riz wasn't exactly in his right mind even if he would kill someone to make him do it again.
"Hey! No. Stop that. You are very drunk." Fabian hissed at him for good measure, the goblin hissing back and laughing before burrying his face in his hair. The half-elf reaching up to rub his ear to try and dispell some of the tingling that was left behind. At least the flushing of his face and ears could be explained away by him saying he'd had a little too much to drink
"I'm pretty sure we don't have any coffee mix.... show me where." He carried their rogue down to the kitchen, Riz pointing at one of the high shelves that he had to climb to reach but Fabian could easily access while standing. The rest of the drink and the travel mug getting dumped in the sink even though there was still quite a lot of liquid inside. Fabian soon starting to pull things out of the cupboard looking for the mystery 'coffee mix'.
He found the bottle fairly quickly, turning it over in his hands as he read the label written in halfling. Unlike Riz he actually spoke the language, eyes going wide when he saw the alcohol content emblazoned on the front.
Well, that was the one mystery solved at least. If Riz had consumed even half as much as what was missing from the bottle he was probably well and truely into blackout territory. The last time he'd seen Riz drunk he'd just been sleepy though instead of flirty, so the question of why he was so handsy right now was still up in the air. If he had to guess though it probably had something to do with the equally absurd caffeine content of this particular liquor. Halfling distillers didn't fuck around when it came to their alcohol.
Kristen had come into the kitchen while he was still reading the label on the bottle, their cleric trying to hand Riz a glass of water to drink even as the goblin hissed at her and bat it away. Clinging tighter to Fabians head as his tail thumped against the fighters back.
"Leave him be. We'll get him to drink some water when he sobers up a bit." Fabian pat Riz's leg, the rogue stopping in his attempt to claw Kristen and dropping his chin back onto the half-elfs hair. Purring resuming in earnest when Fabian didnt let go of his ankle and rubbed circles with his thumb over the strip of skin just above his ankle bone.
"Sweet Cassandra. I think this is the drunkest i've ever seen him." Kristen laughed, putting the glass down on the counter and looking at the bottle Fabian still had clutched in his hand. "Whats that?"
"The culprit... I think we need to banish it. It makes him do insane shit... like flirt with Skrank." Fabian handed her the bottle, turning to go find Adaine so they could make sure Skrank didn't have any compromising photos saved to his crystal.
"We don't breath a word of this to him tomorrow, understand? Gorgug is making sure that fucking bird keeps his mouth shut but if Riz finds out he might try to flee the county."
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cottoncandybitchfuck · 9 months
Okay, so... Headcanons for the bad kids, mostly because I am still slowly getting through neverafter but aI have had to take a HARD break
-She tries to make her concerts available to Ayda, going so far as to video call her so she can see it and control the volume for herself
-She still has the feather from Ayda, and has found a way to make it part of her outfit (somehow? idk she's creative)
-She still hates Porter and there is literally no reason. Like I understand all the Sandra Lynn connections would be fun but it's funnier if he is Just a Guy TM
-He still has nightmares where he becomes Gilear. He never tells anyone
-He hates pasta now
-He makes sure the Hangman is away from him when he's sleeping, just in case
-She checks on her siblings every once in a while
-She talks to Cassandra about her siblings and they bond over strained family relationships
-She has a paper in a notebook that she let everyone write on and it's a cherished item
-He is still really sad that he upset Zelda
-He beat Skrank up as soon as he saw him
-He carries his parents around on his shoulders sometimes for fun
-This is a common one but she changed her last name to O'Shaughnessey when she was adopted
-She calls Fig her sister and they go on shopping trips with Aelwyn
-She hangs out with Riz at his office to make sure he's not missing anything, and that he goes home at a reasonable time
-He will never admit it but he loves having Adaine around to help him because the office gets quiet and she's actually really good at catching things he missed
-He asked Fig about Asexuality and she explains it, and when he comes out she gets him a small pin to wear
-Him, Fabian and Gorgug all get together and do random shit, but always with "I believe in you" said over and over because FUCK do they mean it!
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paintbrushnebula · 3 months
Intermission (3/?)
(1/?), (2/?)
Gwen’s eyes squinted shut as her face cringed into a wince, her chin pressing into her collarbone with her shoulders hunched slightly as she kept her back turned from the other person in the room. This room was bringing up so many regrets. 
Miles said in a light, plush-soft tone, “Hey. Are you ok?” His gaze shifted from her to the sheet music still in her hand. She could see his eyes scanning the few lyrics she had scribed as he began nodding his head along to some beat. Then, his brows rose, and he blinked in what she assumed was admiration. Apparently, Miles could sight-read. Gwen honestly wondered if there was anything this boy couldn’t do. 
As if he’d just been caught looking at something he shouldn’t have, Miles averted his eyes from the page. He tentatively looked up at Gwen and pointed at the paper in her hand as he asked earnestly, “Uhh…what is that?”
Gwen breathed a soft chuckle and rolled her eyes playfully at him. “Just some old idea I had right before I left. Never got it all down.” 
Miles tilted his head, his eyes softening with empathy for her. “Oh…I’m sorry.” Miles inched in closer to her, and he opened his mouth to speak. “Did you forget it?”
Gwen returned the sheet to the vanity, smirking at his deep concern for her work. “I never forget an idea. It’s all up here.” Gwen tapped her temple like she did before.
Miles smirked at the gesture, remembering her exact words from the last time she did it. “But I thought you were a-” Miles tapped his own temple, “-forgetful spider.” He stretched the vowels and put heavy emphasis on each ‘r’, imitating the clarity of Gwen’s enunciation. 
Gwen barked a laugh, the hearty kind that comes from the gut. Miles beamed at her expression, appearing delighted that he’d elicited that reaction out of her. Gwen clasped a hand on the crown of his head and shook it before shoving it back lightly. “You skrank!” Gwen left him to head toward the wardrobe, shaking her head as she bit back more laughter. “I swear you got weirder. Lil’ goon.” Miles snickered mischievously at the lighthearted teasing.
Gwen was basically tearing her dresser apart, a pile of clothes mounting with every toss of outfits she felt wouldn't be to Miles’ liking. 
She hoped to find something that could make him think of home. 
Gwen looked back at Miles, who she caught eyeing every window in her room like each one was a potential threat. Eventually, the window to the right of the wardrobe seemed to captivate his gaze. His eyelids twitched and his orbs danced around in subtle circles, and suppressed a flinch as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He looked like he wanted to throw up.
When Gwen’s eyes went to the window he’d turned away from, she could practically see the exact visual that he must’ve imagined just now–Miguel O’Hara, no longer concerned with capturing Miles alive, launching in through the window like a meteor right into Miles. Now Gwen wanted to throw up.
Upon catching her eyes on him, Miles snapped out of his tense staring contest with her windows and mustered a patient smile for her. 
That had happened a lot since the band had found him on Earth 42. When Miles wasn’t actively participating in the group’s conversation, his bubbly, steadfast demeanor would fade, exposing the tired, panicked boy who was hiding just how much terror he was in. 
It was when his thoughts weren’t occupied with the mission that he remembered how much danger he was in. Dread would paint his features, the bags under his eyes would reveal themselves, and it looked like bile rose up in his throat whenever his wary stare would get lost deep in every shadow, every dark alley, every unlit room if they stood in one, like the darkness hid a loyal Spider Society member ready to jump him if he turned his back. 
He really thought Gwen hadn’t noticed? Ah, Miles wasn’t very aware of himself. 
Right now, Miles stood there patiently for Gwen to find something for him to wear, letting himself become preoccupied picking at a hole in the arm of his new temporary “suit,” which was an old training suit lended to him by a certain doppelgänger of his. Gwen thought it looked janky, unfashionable and suffocating, and Miles seemed uncomfortable in it. 
It had this elaborate backpack with straps wound way too tightly around the shoulders and ribs, the puffy dark brown hoodie worn underneath was a coarse, durable, inflexible fabric that seemed to irritate Miles’ sensitive skin, judging by how frequently (and furiously) Miles picked at it, and jeez, there were so many buckles and zippers–some of which Gwen was sure served no function. This suit looked like something you'd find in Tetsuya Nomura’s sketchbook. Christ, this other Miles must've been a total nerd. 
She didn't want to see her Miles in that suit for another minute. 
“I’m sure there’s a hoodie in here…” Gwen argued at the wardrobe, “I used to play soccer, there should be a jersey in here.” She poked her head out from between a line of tops hanging on the wardrobe’s rack. “You like jerseys, right?” Her head retreated back in. 
Miles shook his head, “I'm fine with anything, Gwen.” When Gwen wouldn't relent, Miles continued. He touched his fingers to his chest, “You’ll come to learn,” and spread his hands out to emphasize, “that I’m an easily satisfied guy.” 
See, now usually Gwen would lose her mind over that raw display of the signature Miles Morales cringe. However, Gwen knew better now not to fall for that cheeky sunshine act so easily. Not after…well. 
Yeah, it’s a wild understatement, but simply put, the past few hours had been a lot. For both of them, honestly. Quick recap.
The good news was, Unfunny Edgelord Dystopian Future FullMetal Alchemist Miles–aka The Prowler–has been successfully tamed and is now the non-lethal protector of Earth 42, a dimension now free from the subjugation of the Sinister Six, courtesy of the Spider-Band. The oceanic applause of a liberated city was deafening. It mirrored the same standing ovation they received from the grateful populace of Mumbattan just… a day ago, wasn't it? Christ, it felt so much longer than that. 
The band’s heads were spinning at the world of possibilities that had opened up, all by the testimony of the Spider-Man that never was, who had filled the void with a mask of his own making. And to think that in the most unforgiving worlds, Miles Morales always found his way. Gwen and Peter shared a look of mutual pride and hope, their eyes as misty as the humid brume left behind by Earth 42’s perpetually rainy weather. He must’ve been having the same epiphany as her. 
Then their eyes went to the source of their pride. Miles shrink-wrapped his twin in a loving–albeit seemingly suffocating from where Gwen was standing–embrace, like one would give to their dearest sibling. It had Edgy Miles writhing, his form hunching away from the embrace, his flushed face contorting in humiliation. Had this guy ever been hugged by a peer before? The poor dude shrunk under the amused gazes of the rest of the group (Margo’s especially, interesting). Once Miles freed his counterpart from his hold, the edgy boy said something to Miles that neither of them could make out by ear. But Gwen happened to be skilled at lip reading. 
“I think I gotta tell my mom,” he took a deep, shuddering breath before continuing, “about everything…?” He cautiously looked up at Miles, appearing small and tense, wary of what Miles might say, and truly scared to fix everything alone.
Miles’s breath hitched, many unreadable emotions flashing through his features. He bit his lip and looked to the ground like it had the answers. Gwen knew they were thinking the same thing. Is that such a good idea? Then, determination filled his features as he met his twin’s eyes. 
“We’ll…go together. Sounds good?”
The other boy's tired eyes widened, his brows knitting together as hesitation painted his expression, before softening into a resolute calm as he steeled himself for what came next.
And what came next was one Morales family bond amended.
One more to go.
Miles had two thoughts preoccupying his mind at the moment. 
First, that hoodie worn underneath the training suit was chafing his skin to the point of rashes, he could feel it. Did Forty-Two hate himself? 
Wait, yeah probably.
Second, why did Gwen’s room have so many windows? There was one on each wall, was that even normal home design? Miles refused to turn his back to them. He felt like haphazardly boarding up the windows with 5-too-many layers of wood like they did in the cartoons.
Gwen finally retreated from her wardrobe, “Alright. Try these on, I guess.” She then handed Miles a graphic Nirvana T-shirt with deliberate bleach stains littering the edges, a pair of shredded black jeans with skulls etched at the knees–aligned so the holes torn at the knees matched the skulls’ mouths–and an oversized sage green flannel. Miles gingerly took it from her, giving the clothes a once over. 
“Thanks.” Miles met Gwen’s apologetic look with a small, grateful smile. “They look cool,” Miles hastily added, and he meant that. Sure they weren’t really his style, but they made him think of Gwen. Although, even if he liked this style, his parents would never let him dress in grunge. He was pretty sure if his dad saw him in these jeans, he’d faint. 
Gwen lost herself to thought for a beat, then she perked up. “Oh! Oh oh oh!” Miles flinched, his neck craning back from the sudden exclaims, their loud noise grating on his already frayed nerves. “You know what, I just remembered-”
And there Gwen went vaulting back into her wardrobe. More clothes flew out. One blouse flew directly onto Miles, swallowing up his head and shoulders like a fish caught in a net. Miles actually wondered if Gwen’s wardrobe possessed hammerspace with how many clothes it stored. He felt guilty about the mess she was making on his account, oceans of clothes littering her bedroom floor. He made a mental note to clean it all up when she wasn’t looking. 
“I got this thing my old band mate Em Jay forgot here once, I think. I'd been meaning to give it back to her. But, uhh…I don’t see her much anymore, and well, y’know…” Gwen shrugged, opening her mouth to elaborate, “If she wanted it back she would’ve busted my door down to get it.” That got a chuckle from Miles, but Gwen was only half-joking if she was being honest. 
Deep within the caverns of her clothes, Gwen let out a little gasp as she felt her fingers brush a familiar crisp, thin fabric. Found it. 
Gwen met Miles’ intrigue with a glint of anticipation in her eye, her prize in hand. “Besides…” Gwen smirked, “It might go great with that new hairdo of yours,” she said in a sing-songy lilt. 
Miles perked up at that. He was pretty happy with the significant change to his look: hair extensions intricately woven into his natural hair, styled into long, thick Afro twists about as wide as a toddler’s finger—all Forty-Two’s handiwork. Something begrudgingly referred to as an “apology for knocking your lights out.” They had all been thoughtlessly clustered into a high, entangled ponytail by Miles, tied together by a makeshift web-scrunchie given to him by Gwen. The ponytail was sloppy and haphazardly made, with stray locks hanging from the cluster in random places. But Miles liked it that way, as much as Margo begged him to let her fix it.
On his own accord, Miles closed his eyes and held his hands out for what Gwen was about to hand him, the same way someone receiving a surprise gift would. “Ahh, I get it…so is it hair dye? Like, since we both got new hairdo’s now, you think we should match?” Miles crossed his arms at the thought. “Yeah…Yeah, I’d be open to it. Not pink though, nah, see that’s-that’s your thing. ‘Sides, if we both had the same color, that’d be cringe. You got any blue?”
Gwen gingerly pushed an unfurled red bandana into Miles' hands. 
Miles opened his eyes and examined the bandana curiously. Bright crimson fabric adorned with an intricate floral pattern—white curling vines interspersed with teardrop-shaped motifs resembling little leaves. 
He attempted to tie it around his head, but he seemed to struggle with his right hand, fumbling a few times with his scared fingers, prompting Gwen to swiftly complete the knot for him. She lined it up to border his hairline. 
She thought it banded his forehead nicely, but Miles scrunched his nose at the way the fabric irritated the skin of his forehead. 
He pinched it and yanked it back past his hairline. 
Gwen gave him a once over. Miles must've forgotten Gwen was there, because he began eyeing the window again. With a sigh, he let his moody “kicked puppy” pout creep back onto his face, his fatigued gaze drifting to space. 
Gwen reached up a gingerly hand and ran it across a few rows of dreads that trailed his scalp, her hand tucking slightly beneath the bandana as her palm smoothed over his forehead and down his temple. 
The contact at first made Miles flinch only slightly, his mouth agape and cheeks glowing the radiance of fine wine, then he melted with an exhale, like it was a breath he'd been containing for 2 days. 
Oh, but whatever possessed Gwen to be so bold with her touch had just abandoned her that same moment. Now Miles’ head was fire and Gwen snatched her hand back before it could be burned anymore. It now cowarded behind her back like it’d been caught stained with someone’s blood. 
Her haste pulled a pair of locks from the group beneath the bandana, and now it curtained the corner of his temple–the same side as where Gwen’s hair was longest. 
Ugh, so clumsy. For as long as she could remember, Gwen had the most precise hand. She could thread a needle in an earthquake. She had, like, zero artistic ability, but she could etch a perfect straight line. It's what made her such a great webswinger. Top of the ranks back at HQ, actually (not that she’d brag).
And yet, when her hands held Miles Morales, she feared. Feared dropping him, that he might slip through her slender fingers and he’d shatter to a million pieces. And her fear was what made exactly all that come to pass. 
Now, Miles was like glass in Gwen’s hands, fragile and exposed to the vast, ugly multiverse populated by dangers that all wanted him shattered. 
Oh, but those loose, hanging locks, and the perfectionist in her.
Her hand darted back up to tuck the loose locks behind his ear. Miles' small gasp at Gwen's latest lapse in self-restraint only intensified her urge to flee the room. “You should, uhh…” 
Miles blinked back to reality with her in that moment, and with a sheepish grin he turned toward the door with clothes in hand. “Yeah, yeah, you're right–”
Gwen hesitated. “Umm…” She snapped her fingers, then pointed to the floor before she spoke. “You change here. So that you can nap for a little bit afterward.” Miles half-rolled his eyes resignedly. “I'll take the bathroom.” Gwen wasted no time in scooping up her own clothes at random from the pile closest to her, then turned to leave, until she stopped in her tracks to face Miles once more. “Uhh…cool?”
Miles offered a tentative nod, “Cool.”
Gwen clapped her hands and snapped, “~Too cool for school~,” followed by her eyes going wide as she cringed at her own words. “What,” she whined.
Miles dragged a hand down his cheek to smear that grin forming (was he blushing?). Then, “You're cool,” he reassured, freeing his face from his palm to give her a bright, toothy smile, genuine and full of understanding, love, and a promise of something more. 
Gwen melted with relief, “Great, yes. Thank you. Good. Eherm. Bye.” 
Gwen, as if she forgot where she was going, traipsed in the opposite direction of the door, nearly bumping heads with Miles, muttering a hasty apology. Flustered, she spun on her heel, briefly pointed to where she was now heading, muttering something about “that way,” and scurried briskly toward the door right out the room. 
Miles stared at the space where Gwen had been for a few long seconds. He waited until he could hear the slam of the bathroom door closing. Slam.
Was it hot in there? Was his face red? He palmed his cheeks. Warm. Warm and red as a fire hydrant, he betted. 
Ok. Ok, ok, ok, take it easy. Don’t get too crazy.
No use. Miles tried to hold back his big, dopey smile the best he could, but a snicker fought its way out and became a nervous, inaudible giggle fit. He was almost worried he was going mental. 
No, wait… GWENTAL. Hah!
Because it was funny. It just was. It was so funny and strange how he’d never noticed this side of Gwen. He supposed that those 2 days spent saving the multiverse a year ago hadn’t left room for Gwen Stacy to shine. Just Spider-Woman. 
That’s what it was, wasn’t it? Miles hadn’t fallen for Gwen Stacy a year ago, not really. He fell for Spider-Woman. 
An idol without faults. Who didn’t stutter, or call grown-ups by their first name, or hide the truth because it’s what she thought was right. Like most humans, Gwen Stacy doesn’t always know right from wrong. 
Spider-Woman could be perfect, Gwen Stacy couldn’t be. 
That makes her like me.
Things suddenly felt easier, he couldn’t explain it. He was walking on air now, a gentle giggle slowly creeping its way through his toothy grin. He hugged the clothes—her clothes—tightly to his chest as he twirled on lanky legs in a clumsy circle, until his legs nearly gave out while he was completely lost in the hype because oh right, he sprained them! Pffft. 
Miles was so lost in the hype, he hadn't found his footing before the sleeve of a sweater sprawled out on the ground snaked around his foot and plunged him back to planet earth (65) and right into one of the many piles of clothes Gwen made with a crash and a startled yelp.
“Miles? You ok? Did you hurt yourself?” He could hear Gwen shout from the bathroom. Her voice was muffled by the faint sound of running water. She must've taken this chance to replenish with a shower. Good idea.
“No! Ow. No, no, I'm good, don't worry!” Miles managed to keep his pained winces very quiet so Gwen couldn’t hear. 
He looked around at the mess Gwen had made scouring her closet for clothes for him. 
Oh! He had to organize everything! 
With what little time he might've had before Gwen finished in the shower, Miles scrambled to fold clothes and put them back, hanging up sprawled out shirts and blouses.
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comrade-ellis · 1 year
fantasy high junior year predictions/hopes
trackerbees breakup and kristen moves in with gilear
kristen discovers a disowned gay uncle and deals with the emotional fallout of having been kicked out of her family at 14 (can we please talk about THAT instead of more religion???)
her parents fucking die and through the power of friendship her gay uncle gets custody of her and her brothers
seriously can we please explore kristen's material familial relationships i think shes cool with god for now
gilear gets neutered
*gilear voice* i thought i was going to the doctor but it was the veterinarian fig. they took my balls.
ragh and aelwyn are friends and carpool to community college
aelwyn gets so much therapy and she gets super into zen and has a sand garden and picks up a multiclass in artificing
aelwyn and fabian retcon. they never banged and they actually do group therapy together. for some reason gilear is the receptionist at the therapists office he gets fired for breaking hippa
fabian is also in therapy. they all are
aelwyn gets super into welding. shes blue collar now baby
adaine starts sewing her own pants. i won't elaborate
fathrethriel comes back. don't know why this is in the adaine section. it is though.
adaine and ayda are friends more
adaine and ayda volunteer at the animal shelter together doing therapeutic readings to dogs
zane darkshadow is present :)
tracker transes their gender and kills a man any man is good maybe that like bird guy in the av club skrank
fig, fabian, gilear, and hallariel go to family counseling
sandra lynn goes on a scam therapy retreat but she gets really into the scam therapy. she doesn't get real therapy even though she should
jawbone + thistlesprings polycule. i dont want it and you dont want it but it could happen
gilear gets neutered
gilear successful yogurt enterprise foiled by sandra lynn's scam therapy
fig and ayda queerplatonic relationship
fig quits music. she starts doing slam poetry. it is unsuccessful and she experiences professional and creative disappointment
fabian engineered the gilear neutering
hallariel gets pregnant after gilear gets neutered and fabian obsesses over proving gilear is not the father. chungledown bim is the father. fabian obsesses over proving gilear is the father. fabian struggles with brotherhood. parallels to kristen's relationship with her brothers
cathilda gets a 2 bedroom and fabian moves in with her. new mom now. at strongtower luxury
fabian joins a competitive dance team à la dance moms
the night yorb is taken care of first combat
fabian is in a ballet class but because he started so much later than the other kids it's just a bunch of 6 year olds. there's a recital. this is related to the hallariel pregnancy story line
zelda and gorgug break up zelda is probably gay and gorgug is super supportive about it they're still friends they just weren't meant to be
gorgug and biological parents can we revisit this he met them last episode freshman year and didn't mention it sophomore year
gorgug decides to become a jazz musician and leaves fig and the sig figs
gorgug interns at tech start up. also elon musk is heavily implied to be the Big Bad. no one knows what gorgug does there
gorgug starts working at the ice cream place
gorgug fucking dies
gorgug and ragh accidentally get legally married and spend the season undoing that as a B plot
riz gukgak my beloved
riz and penny are penpals
riz and ayda are friends
riz considers getting his GED and leaving the group but is paralyzed by the notion of choice
riz laser tattoo removal arc
sklonda gets fired cuz her kid is a criminal and its a bad look for the PD
riz, sklonda, and gilear blow up elmville PD headquarters and seize control of dispatch to send every single cop to one address that's just a field so there's no cops in the city and the Bad Kids can break into gorgug's tech internship
arthur augefort dies of a congenital heart defect in the first seven minutes. garthy obrien new headmaster/principal
they build a new apartment building across the street from strongtower luxury called strongtower plaza. it's not relevant but it happens
torek railgrinder owns a sexy rat who is at the vet when gilear gets neutered
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verosvault · 7 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 00:24:45
Video Length: 3min. & 40sec.
Adaine meets Oisin and Ivy (‣Pt. 1 | Pt.2)
Brennan: "The blue dragonborn has a couple Conjuration glyphs tattooed into his scales."
Ivy getting impatient with Oisin 😭
Adaine offers Oisin some bad baby milk 😂😂
Oisin doesn't like how it tastes 💀
Adaine: "I can cold it up for you, if you like."
Adaine casts "Ray of Frost" on the glass 😭✋
It's good when it's so cold that you can't taste it! 😭✋
Oisin introduces himself to Adaine 😭😭✋✋
Oisin is a conjurer!
Adaine doesn't remember seeing Oisin and has to do a history check with disadvantage 😭
They had a history of glyphs class together on Thursday mornings in Freshman year 😭
Oisin got buff this summer and it's why nobody recognizes him! 😭
I love Ivy so much already 💀
Adaine mentions that Kristen also got buff over the summer 😭✋
Ivy introduces herself to Adaine 😭🥲
Riz is loudly talking to the soil kids about being the Photosynthe-KIDs 😂😂😂
The AV club has 6 people 😂😂
It's Shellford's turn but he's really slow 😂
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everyone who wants to see Gorgug throw Skrank across a room and out a window for being a fucking creep say “I”
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terriblelizbians · 3 years
literally want to rewatch it immediately. all of it so good but OHHH yelle’s ending scene was so fucking good and cathartic it really they did exactly what it needed....... her bringing up the skrank thing. Brilliant choice by erika but it was like. can’t believe that a skrank mention was more emotional than funny but it wassss oh im so. it was so good. ALSO YELLOPE REALLLL AABRIA WITH THE KISS ON THE CHEEK OHH
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unsleepingtales · 7 months
Ok I did not have a chance to watch the ep last night and I’m mildly hungover today but woo! FHJY party time!
17’s not bad!
A goddess with one cleric, one follower, and a shrimp allergy
KrisFIG Applebees
Oh Cassandra is in literal physical shards? Great. Fantastic.
Everyone here... makes steel. And I think that's wonderful. (Still one of the best moments I've ever seen)
You're doing a better job 😭
She LOST money
Very fucked up white russian
This is what they drink in the jungle!
They're so silly I love them so much
'I don't do this to you' zac started playing it out and beardsley immediately felt so guilty
Oooh love a full moon dice cleanse!
Ohh he's the church guy
It's filled with water 😡
I'm glad at least one of them also feels weird about tricking someone who really doesn't want to drink into drinking.
"You gotta go right to their house and tell the Applebees house and tell them that their daughter's good"
"He must have repented an-" "Oh nooooo"
You should go to hell sometime! It's really fun!!
It must actually be so lovely for Kristen to hear her friends talk about her with so much love <3
Hellhound!Hangman!!!! <3<3<3 So cute I love him
I love the idea that instead of advisories or anything the yearbooks are grouped by party
Really idiosyncratic high fives. Incredible.
A Gardener's Dozen!!
What is this guy's vibe. I can't clock the vibe.
This blue dragonborn is hot I haven't even seen art
OH THERE'S THE ART yep he's hot.
The energy, the conjuration glyph tattoos.......
Hi Skrank!
Riiiiight dragonborn. Hoards. Etc
I love Siobhan's collar pins so much. I need more collar pins.
That's SO cool.
Adaine. Fig's not infectious Oisin is distracted by you.
That 'I'm so tired' came from Brennan's soul
What the FUCK are you two TALKING about
ohhh I've been bested :|
y'all Kalina is currently discorporated
Watching Brennan's physicality change through that speech was great
ok but guys. Ragh taking a cleric level would not be the worst thing
AWWWWW 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love them SO much
I love friends that steal each other's clothes it is true and real
The High 5 Heroes! Ok!
Ok what happened to Lucy Frostblade
We're not in the library you can't rip pages out!
Are they still in the party? They weren't wearing pins right? Are they so intense because they already had to go pass/fail for a year when some of them left the party??
Kristen I love you to the ends of the earth. But why do you love the steelworkers plant so much.
What are you DOING
Ohoho spreading the message. For a second I was convinced they were gonna say spreading the gospel. And that would have been weird.
Isn't Max a senior?
Girl what if she's DEAD????
Someone tagged his house :((
He has to live here tomorrow :((
Babe are you sure you want to be the party house?
One last time?? What are you gonna do to the page?
So glad I'm not the only one who had the what if she's dead thought
'I am compartmentalizing in a way that makes me think I will be doing this the rest of my life' OUCH. You can't just say that man c'mon.
Fabian had a signed copy of catcher in the rye????
Reliable Talent is so neat
Yeah it's a utopia
You could make a really campy entrance oh my GOD
That's the ice muffets drunk adaine you have my heart
Fuck yeah Fig
Mazey is so cool.
With tears in her eyessss
Mazey is a cig figs fan!!! Love that for her!
I love some exploration of bardic power. It's so delightful. Art resonates with the universe!!
Love Gorgug running some interference
Ok so just bc they're not wearing the pins doesn't mean they're not still in the party.
Oh god what did they do
Put it in the hangvan make it a plane
Are we not allowed to take drugs?? We murder people!
Adaine is actually sleeping!!! Oh I just read a great fic about elves and sleeping vs trancing.
Gertie Bladeshield is so pretty
Hell yeah Gertie
If we get the bees on our side we'll be unstoppable 😭
Oh shit she can't cast right now?? I mean yeah that makes sense but oh god.
Jawbone is her UNCLE. BABE.
Oh noooooo
Adaine Abernant I love you so much <3
HAVE A GREAT LIFE?????? You live in the same HOUSE
Aelwyn what are you up to
Oh damn ok so it might not be a pass/fail issue
Is it?? is it perfectly put??
A real dark night of the soul :(
Emily with her legs curled up at the table she's just like me fr
Ohhhh no ok
Oh fun have downtime rules changed?
oh GOD the red gems are back
fun episode gang :)
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 years
The first time Katja met Adaine Abernant, she didn't think about her that much, there was a dragon to slay after all and she hadn't seen Cinnamon in over a year.  But when you're both part of the best adventuring parties at the school, it's kind of hard to avoid each other.  But after a few more meetings with the Elven Oracle and Katja finds that avoiding Adaine is the last thing on her mind.
The first time Katja met Adaine Abernant, it wasn’t really a meeting.  Ms. Faeth had just rescued her and the rest of the girls that would become the Seven Maidens from Kalvaxus’ lair in the Red Waste and brought them to the gym of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy.  Katja had been locked in that crystal for nearly a year, without Cinnamon, and was pissed.  Johnny Spells was dead, Penelope Everpetal was dead, Kalvaxus was dead too, but not passed the point of a revivify spell which meant he could still be a target of their wrath.
So the future Seven Maidens said their hellos to the Bad Kids, some light introductions group to group, before the seven of them went to town ripping apart the scaley bastard in retribution.  Adaine, well she was a pretty elf wizard in a cool jean jacket, but she barely registered on Katja’s mind with revenge on the way.  It wasn’t how Katja ever thought her prom night was going to be, no white horse for Cinnamon to court while she danced with some faceless someone who didn’t judge her for wearing her riding clothes, but it was still a good night. Katja just thanked the Bad Kids for what they did for them.  She wasn't really herself, she just wanted to kill Kalvaxus again and get her beautiful horse.  Still, it was a good night.
   The second time Katja saw Adaine was a few weeks later.   Technically it was a lower stakes, but still anxiety ridden environment, a party at Katja’s house, or her family’s manor as it was.  It was supposed to be a small get together organized by Penny between the two parties so they could get to know each other better.  But unfortunately, Skrank, the guy Ostentatia was dating, thought it was a house party and ‘accidentally’ invited the whole school.  Ostentatia apologized, but the deed was already done and at least a hundred or so Aguefort students were in her house partying down.
Once the ‘guests’ arrived, Katja was too anxious to tell them all to leave, she wasn’t good at speaking in front of crowds.  Ostentatia took charge and responsibility and assured everyone that if they went above the first floor or out on the grounds, Gertie would kill them, and no, they wouldn’t be paying for the resurrections.
There was loud music and dancing, and so many people talking, it was too much for Katja who left immediately.  She went to the stable, her happy place and started brushing Cinnamon, her happy Horse.  “Mistress Katja, I thought you were having friends over this evening,” Cinnamon asked worried about her mistress.
“I was, but it became this whole big thing, not Ostentatia’s fault, but still, more people got invited, and you know me better than anyone else so you know that I don’t do well with so many people,” Katja said disappointed.  Forming a party with the other girls had done a lot for Katja in getting her to socialize more.  She wasn’t ready for parties, but she had friends, people friends for the first time in her life and it felt good.  She was hoping she could make friends with some of the Bad Kids that rescued her and the other Maidens, at least some of them.
There was a slow creak at the door that surprised Katja and Cinnamon, the door to the stables didn’t creak.  It was a heavyish wooden door, but Lockwood, Gertie, and her could open it easily without drawing out the slow creak.  At the door was Adaine, who looked just as shocked to see someone else outside the party as Katja.
“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to snoop, I promise,” Adaine said panicking a bit, “the main hall was a bit too noisy and I wanted to finds someplace where I can hear myself think.  I didn’t mean to disturb you, I’ll go-,” she said moving to leave.
“No,” Katja said loudly, shocking the two of them and the 101 horses in the stable. “I mean,” she cleared her throat to center herself, “you don’t have to go, I came out here for the same reason.
“Oh,” Adaine said surprised, before letting out the prettiest smile Katja had ever seen, “well thank you.”  For a moment the two of them sat in an awkward silence before Adaine broke it.  “I’m Adaine Abernant,” she said holding out her hand for Katja to shake.  “I know we’ve met before but I don’t think I ever formally introduced myself.”
“Katja Cleaver,” Katja said, taking the smaller woman’s hand in her own.  They were small hands, Adaine was a small girl, even smaller compared to someone of Katja’s size, but they were calloused and rough, not like any elf or wizard Katja had ever met.  “But you knew that…,” she said awkwardly, she wasn’t good at talking to anyone outside the Seven Maidens and the staff that worked at her house.  Then she thought of something, “and this is my horse Cinnamon,” she said pointing to her best friend.
Katja could talk about Cinnamon and horses for days, she knew that it weirded some people out, but if Adaine thought she was a strange horse girl she would leave and probably wouldn’t get along with Katja anyway.
“Oh she is beautiful,” Adaine said moving closer to get a good look at the horse in the pen, “she’s a palomino if I’m not mistaken,” she asked Katja, though Katja didn’t know why.
“That is correct Ms. Abernant, she is indeed a palomino,” Cinnamon spoke up.
Adaine made a weird sound, something that Katja didn’t know and was worried.  A lot of the girls she knew growing up loved horses, but whenever Cinnamon started to speak they would freak out.  Katja didn’t know why, a magical talking horse should have been every little girl’s dream, it was hers, but most girls her own age didn’t seem to agree.   She was worried that Adaine would be like those girls, but instead Adaine’s eyes lit up.
“A magical. Talking. Horse.” Adaine said each word separately.   The Elven Oracle was practically bouncing with excitement with that knowledge.  For the rest of the night, Adaine kept asking Cinnamon and Katja question after question, her curiosity never being satisfied, until the party was over and the rest of the Bad Kids came to collect their wizard.
It was Katja’s house and being one of the few members of the Seven Maidens that was drunk meant that it was her job to do most of the cleaning.  Oh her friends tried to help the best they could and Gertie and Lockwood really wound up doing most of the actual cleaning, but looking back, it was still one of the best nights Katja ever had.
    It would be a while until Katja and Adaine would get to hang out.   They were friendly of course, exchanging smiles and pleasantries when they passed in the hall, they had a few conversations here or there when they could, but they were in different parties and were different classes.  Fighters and Wizards didn’t have much cross over in classes at Aguefort unless they multiclassed, or depending on the subclass you took.
Katja was hoping that Adaine would change her wizard specialization to bladesinging.  She always seemed eager to punch people according to Zelda’s second hand stories and she had the dex for it.  Katja just really wished they could hang out more since that night.  You know like friends did, friends that were really pretty and super interested in your best friend who was a magical talking horse.  It wasn’t a crush thing.
Besides, Adaine being a literal Oracle kind of meant she was stuck in the divination school even if she wanted to.  Katja thought about changing her subclass to eldritch knight, she liked being a battlemaster, but she always felt like she came up short when it came to magic unlike her friends who all seemed like they could do magic stuff.  But the stories she heard from the eldritch knights in the fighter classes always made the wizards they had classes with into bullies and snobs.  Always making fun of them for not being smart enough, and since she was already held back one grade, Katja knew she would be tormented the second she walked into a wizard class.  Since she was a half-orc, they’d probably assume she was a stupid barbarian who was too dumb to know the number of her classroom.  Nope, Katja couldn’t put herself through that, so she stayed a battlemaster just as Adaine stayed a diviner, and she just wouldn’t hang out with her very platonic friend at school.
But luck would change one day, when Adaine approached her after school one day, “hello Katja,” she said in a friendly tone, but Katja could tell there was some worry behind it.
“Hey Adaine,” Katja said trying to sound as cool as possible, “do you need something.  Not that you need something to talk to me,” she tried to assure the wizard.  “I just mean you look worried, not that you look bad, you always look beautiful, I can just tell that something is on your mind.”  Saved it, no one would be the wiser.
“I actually do need a favor,” Adaine said ignoring Katja's slip of the tongue.  "You probably know that all sophomores need to take a class on Traveling, you know making camps in dangerous terrain, finding food and water to turn into rations, and of course long distance traveling on and off road."
Katja knew where this was going having taken the class last year.  It was an individual class where you couldn't cooperate with your party.   Each student needed to spend 5 days outdoors without a permanent form of shelter, prepare 10 days worth of rations from foraged or hunted resources, and log 10 miles on some form of transportation other than one's own feet.  It had been easy for the Seven Maidens, Sam had let the other girls use her car, Sebastian made sure no one crashed, or Katja had over a hundred magical horses to choose from.
"Most students either use this to get hours towards their learners permits or take the bus for their mileage," Katja said.  Though she couldn't understand why someone would choose to ride in a car or bus over riding a horse.
"That seems wise," Adaine admitted, "Fabian has his possessed motorcycle, Gorgug has his parents van, Fig's mom has her griffen Baxter for her to use, we have all carried Riz enough to count for his time, and Kristen…, her girlfriend Tracker is a werewolf so there's that," she said shaking her head in annoyance.
"I'm sure there are a lot of jokes about her riding her girlfriend," Katja couldn’t help herself, though she felt slightly bad when Adaine let out an actual groan.
“There are so many,” Adaine whined.  But Katja thought it was cute all the same, “it’s even worse since I live with them.  Well, I live with Jawbone and Tracker,” she explained, “Kristen just happens to spend the night more often than not.  I don’t mind that, her parents are horrible, but it was bad enough when they just had sex every night, having to hear the all the bad sex puns they make has become too much.”
“So what are you going to do,” Katja asks, knowing Adaine mentioned her party members but not herself.
“Well…,” Adaine said as she played with her massive crystal orb in her hands without meeting Katja’s eyes, something she did when she got nervous.  “I have some options, Jawbone offered to let me use his car, but the thing is a death trap.  I could ask my friends for a ride, but I think that defeats the purpose of an independent study.  I thought about asking Tracker if I could ride on her wolf form like Kristen when they weren’t…, you know,” her pale cheeks burned bright red, but Katja didn’t say anything.  “But I don’t think I could stand the jokes that would come with asking anyway.  My fly spell would count I suppose, I heard from some of the other wizards that was an option most of them used, but I don’t feel like trying to fly for miles and doing nothing else even if I could knock out my required mileage in a day.”
That was a lot to hear, but Katja let her go.  Katja wasn’t much of a talker at the best of times and Adaine seemed like a wordy woman, it was probably best to let her go and get to her point.
“I was hoping that maybe I could come over and ride Cinnamon with you,” Adiane asked, finally getting to the issue.  “Or you know another one of your horses, if you don’t want anyone else riding Cinnamon.”
It was too late, Katja was already imagining it.  Adiane, beautiful, regal despite how small she was, dressed in a classical cowgirl’s outfit, an outfit Adiane wouldn’t even how it looks much less own, riding Cinnamon, the greatest and most beautiful horse in the world.  It was something out of one of Katja’s wet dreams.  A very platonic wet dream of course, one that all young women have about their friends growing up.  Definitely not something strange.
“I mean sure, I have no problem with that,” Katja half roared half whispered, she was having trouble controlling the volume of her voice.
“If it’s any trouble, I know how sometimes people get possessive and protective of their mounts and friends,” Adaine said worried she offended Katja.
“No, I think it’s perfect,” Katja assured her as quick as she could. “Cinnamon is an amazing horse and riding her can change your life. I have told her a bunch of times how much I want the whole world to be able to ride her.  It will be awesome, Adaine,” she said, making sure the smaller elf girl was looking her in the eye, “it will change your life.”
For a moment, Katja was worried her enthusiasm would scare Adaine off.  Katja knew she was weird, and her obsession with horses despite being in high school made her seem like a freak. That was why she put up such a stoic front, so people wouldn’t be creeped out when she got excited.
But once again Adaine surprised her, sure Adaine was surprised by how excited Katja was over her riding Cinnamon, but she found it charming. And cute, but much like Katja, that wasn’t a road Adaine was willing to explore at the moment.
“Great,” Adaine said with a grin she hoped matched Katja’s, “when is a good time for you? Tomorrow’s Saturday, I’m free all weekend, but I wouldn’t want to ask you to give up any of your weekend to help me with my school w-.”
Katja cut her off, “Adaine, there is nothing more that I’d want to do, believe me.”
The sincerity in her voice shocked Adaine, but also made her stomach heat up in a strange but not unpleasant way.  “Alright then,” Adaine managed to get out, “if you really don’t mind then, how about tomorrow, we can start early in the morning and then if you get sick of me you can kick me out and we can try another day.”
“Works for me,” Katja said, her face breaking out in a huge grin. She never smiled this much, but she liked it for some reason.  “I’ll see your bright and early, let's say 8:00 ish,” that would give her enough time to brush Cinnamon down and the rest of her morning chores before Adaine came over.
“Then I’ll see you then,” Adiane said, brushing her hair out of her face in another one of her nervous habits.  But she was smiling too, which was also strange to her, but like Katja she liked it.
“I’ll see you then,” Katja echoed, and the two of them went their separate ways for the day.  At least until Katja realized she was walking back into the school.  She waited 10 or so minutes before leaving, she didn’t want to make things awkward with Adaine by walking the same way as her after they said goodbye.
So yeah, Katja is a huge horse girl, and when Adaine mentioned being able to ride a horse I kind of ran with that.  Katja and Adaine are actually really good foils for each other, *spoilers* Two rich girls from families, but Adaine's parents were cold and tried to dictate her life, often emotionally abusing her when she didn't live up to their impossible standards. while Karl at least loves Katja a lot but is never around, he tries to make up for it by giving her what she wants, but never understands that she wants him around.  I doubt the Abernants ever let Adaine have a pet, that would bring too much comfort to their daughter's life while Skullcleaver manor has hundreds of horses with Katja not only having her own horse that she is able to love and carefor.  Adaine killed her dad Katja killed her mom. stuff like that.   Hopefully the next part won't take nearly as long to post, but I am gonna bet it's going to be after tomorrow's episode
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rainzday · 3 years
I’m re-watching the first episode of sophomore year
And near the end of the first episode they talk about Danielle,Ostentatia and Skrank situation.
I didn’t understand or really pay attention to it but now I know
Ostentatia dated Skrank even though she knew Danielle liked him then Skrank broke up with Ostentatia because he likes Danielle.
I didn’t get that because I didn’t completely pay attention 
Also Fig pretended to be Skrank to get information out of Danielle because Fig thought that Danielle was being possessed by the nightmare king or something
it’s around the 2 hour mark if you want to go watch it for yourself since I didn’t do a very good job explaining anything

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dullgecko · 6 days
Ok but sprank, Riz and adaine are all in the a.v club, like can imagine how awkward it’s going to be after the party.
Adaine refuses to let sprank anywhere near Riz (she’s doing her best impression of figs German Shepard mode, figs dubs this adaines Afghan hound mode since she saw one once and thought it kinda looked like a dog version of adaine).
Sprank being the weirdo he is, is trying to act like nothings happened and continues to be friendly with Riz and poor Riz just has no idea what’s happening.
Riz has zero memory of the party, or even several hours beforehand and his friends just told him he got accidentally drunk and slept it off in Fabians room after the fact. He beleived them because he for sure woke up in Fabians room, and the massive hangover he had after the fact confirmed that he sure as hell had been drunk. No-one mentioned that he may have done anything embarasing or weird, only that he'd been really talkative and he couldn't find anything suggesting otherwise so he just left it at that.
Gorgug had done a very good job of getting Skrank to promise to keep his mouth shut and once Adaine had seen the photos she'd straight up drawn up a magical contract to force his silence on the matter.
There had been multiple photos and some of them probably would be considered a little risqué because Riz had flopped on the bed in the spare room he'd been dragged to and had stretched in a way that looked pretty suggestive from the angle, especially with the way his shirt had ridden up as he arched his back to pop out a kink. Gorgug had only walked in on him taking the last one in the aarakocras lap and the elf had been pissed when she saw the others and had to wipe not just the crystal but also his online backups.
They made sure to leave zero evidence behind, because if any existed Riz would find it.
It was incredibly awkward the next week at their AV club but Riz just figured their fellow club member had done something to piss Adaine off at some point. It was likely, half his party had beef with the guy after the whole Zelda and Gorgug thing but Riz thought he was harmless enough. Adaine shoving herself between him and the aarakocra every time he tried to ask him a question regarding their project was a little weird though.
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