#SMOOCHES YOU AGGRESIVELY but also softly because this is a violence-free zone
pridewon · 2 years
1. What is your favorite trope to rp? 13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? 20. Do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence?
waves around a giant foam finger to celebrate being a big fan of the pridewon blog idk if you've heard of it
@pontevoix (munday memes)
pridewho, never heard of ‘em, who’s that loser.
1. favourite trope to rp? okay here is the thing, i love tropes with all my heart, but mostly insofar as i’m allowed to play with them, and give them a lil twist (especially when it comes to romance-related tropes). with that being said, my top absolute favourite trope of all times is probably siblings with a strained relationship - which may or may not explain why i latched onto the miya twins like a feral kitten to be honest. bonus points added to the fact that they are twins, another trope that i love while simultaneously hating the whole mystification of twins in popular media, but the fact that the miya twins are not your typical, stereotypical “speak in unison and can read each other’s minds” twins, and that i have consistently had rp partners who were more than willing to embrace them as brothers who happened to be twin, rather than as a single entity (blows kisses to cassi and saturn my beloveds) made this dynamic my absolute favourite to write about on this blog. the big brother/sister trope (actual older sibling or found) is a very close second.
13. a trope i can’t stand? again, my main issue with tropes is when they are really tired and cliché and sometimes even problematic. the latter i flat out ban from my blog and don’t tolerate from myself or rp partners, the former... i try to avoid them (but no one’s perfect) and obviously everyone is allowed to do/like whatever they want/like! so i suppose it’s less tropes i can’t stand and more trope i’m not interested in. to name one, i suppose “unhppy character with a really sad and tragic backstory and you just keep adding to the horror again and again and again” which, after a while, kind of turns into a pity party and weird tragedy fest? like i get it, your character is sad and unhappy and had a rough life, but i always find it... kind of weird when people revel in it like “wow this character has already lost their entire family... what if i make them lose their friends in gruesome circumstances, and also their right arm and left leg and then they’re also betrayed by their s/o who then aLSO DIES and they get TORTURED and -- “ like okay, that’s a bit much for me mate. but then again - people are free to do what they wanna do, whatever floats their boat. it’s just not my cup of tea, an after experiencing a fair bunch of such rpers in a previous rp community, i would rather avoid it (thankfully it’s a very hard trope to justify in the haikyuu universe bhvf). 
20. music/noise or silence? it largely depends on when i write and what happened during the day. generally i like to have music while i write, but i also have sensory processing issues, that happen to be mostly of the auditory variety, so if i write after work during the week, i’m usually already in sensory overdrive from office sounds and discussions, and... “silence” is not really silence because the neighbours’ dogs/the birds outside/street noises/my laptop are providing background noise anyway. after a workday, that’s usually more than enough to keep me focused while not straining my last remaining braincells.
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