starshinegoblin · 5 years
Beautiful & Mine
Read More of Show Me Where Your Love Lies || This was cut from a one-shot I have cooking up lol. I thought I'd post it here.
It was after one in the morning when Forth finally finished his prototype design and was able to take a shower then get comfy in bed. He probably would have already been asleep if Beam had been home but he wasn't. Beam had gone out with his two crazy best friends for drinks. Though he should be home anytime now. He'd gotten a text when he got out of his shower from Pha that his boyfriend was being delivered back home to Forth's room.
The sound of the beep from his boyfriend swiping the key card to get into his dorm drew him from his thoughts. Beam's warm drunken laughter spilled into the room as he stepped inside. Forth heard the clinking sound of the key card being tossed in the keys dish as the other got out of his shoes.
"Yes, Pha, I'm home." Beam chuckled "He's asleep. I'm hanging up now." The sound of Beam's phone chiming let him know that his boyfriend had went into the living room area to set his phone on the pad charger on Forth's desk.
"Ooo pretty." Beam commented on what Forth assumed was his prototype before the sound of bare feet padding towards the sleeping area. Forth was treated to the sight of Beam stripping out of his shirt and jeans on his way to the bathroom.
"He's my favorite." Beam happily stated after the dim lights of the bathroom flipped on pouring into the room. Forth bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing. He knew that Beam had found his neatly placed clothes on the counter for his shower. Since he knew that Beam preferred to shower after a night at the bar drinking.
Forth hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep waiting for Beam to come out of the shower until he felt the other crawling on top of him instead of laying beside him. He kept his eyes closed feigning sleep. The delicious scent of Beam's expensive shampoo coming from him as he made himself comfortable on top of him. Forth thought he'd just snuggle up but the exploring cool hand running up his shirtless chest let him know that Beam had other ideas.
"Beautiful and mine." Beam mumbled in a possessive drunken wonder as he went from Forth's throat to carefully tracing the later's face with lithe fingers. He loved the sharpness of Forth's jaw and the freckles that dusted the man's cheeks. He leaned down to kiss Forth. Beam kept the kiss almost torturously languid leaving Forth dazed when he breaks it for them to get much needed air. A proud smirk on his lips watching Forth try to recover from his daze. Dark chocolate eyes fluttering open. Beam's gaze dropping from Forth's lips to his chest. The tempting rise and fall of his name above Forth's heart kindling the flaming desire.
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
I can keep you warm
#2 of Angst/Fluff Prompt list! 
"Thank you much,P'!" N'Ruth said as she gathered her books from the low table where Forth had been tutoring her. "You're welcome." Forth said getting up to walk her to the door. He held the door open for her and waved goodbye as she headed to her own dorm room. Forth turned around rubbing his head. He cleaned up his own books and notes from tutoring. On the way he shut off the table light. He stepped around the privacy wall to find Beam laying on his bed. Beam was wearing one of Forth's long sleeved black henleys and some comfy grey sweats. "All done?" Beam said stopping the episode of house on Haunted hill and pulling out his headphones so that Forth could watch the episode with him. "Yeah, she was just over thinking the mechanics of it." Forth answered putting his phone on the wireless charger on his night stand. He took off his over shirt and laid down behind him. Beam moved back against the furnace that is his boyfriend. "You keep this place so cold." "So, I can keep you warm." Forth teased while nuzzling Beam's nape. Beam rolled his eyes starting the episode again.
Click here to read my dedicated Forth x Beam prompt fic , Show Me Where Your Love Lies! 
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
We’ll Get Through This
Beam grinned still pleased with himself about how he’d turned the tables earlier at the paint ball field. They’d been about to loose their teams best shooter -Kit; when Beam decided to trick Forth - who was about to shoot Kit. His trick had given Kit the opening to hit Forth securing their victory against the engineering wolves.
He was sitting beside his boyfriend in the back of Pete’s ride. As the losers they had to go to the winning teams choice of place to eat for lunch. Forth was purposely looking out the window with his hand cupping his jaw. His sharp jaw was tight but was softened by the remaining green dye from the paint ball that Kit had hit him with earlier. The color covered some of his tattoo on his neck. Forth was pouting and he couldn’t help but find the childish behavior amusing.
“Ming just texted and said that they’d chosen sushi!” Kao announced from shot gun “He says just to follow him because it’s close.”
“Sound good.” Beam said for the both of them. He leaned into Forth whispering so only Forth could hear him, “Remember we play for rewards.”
Forth turned giving him a wide expression that had Beam laughing. Kao and Pete shared a confused look.
Just like Ming had said the sushi place was close. It was a small place but it was clean and cozy. They took up three tables with the the lot of them. Beam wasn’t the only one who noticed that Forth sat in front of Beam instead of beside him.
“Trouble in paradise?” Lam joked nudging Forth after the waitress left to get their drinks.
“Nothing we can’t get through.” Beam grinned while winking at Forth. The waitress returned dispersing the drinks before taking their order.
“Oh?” Lam inquired edging it on after the waitress left “How are you going to get through it?”
“Rewards.” Beam responded gleefully as Forth’s ears started tinging red. The engineers at the table erupted in laughter and playful teasing at Forth.
Read More Here of my dedicated ForthBeam prompt fic, Show Me Where Your Love Lies.
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