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He refused to elaborate...
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evolutionsvoid · 5 years
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A powerful carnivore that stalks rocky landscapes and arid environments, the Clubtail is another deadly member of the Manticore family. This beast stakes its territory in drier and rockier habitats, often found in canyons, on mountains or patrolling the fringes of deserts. Their exposed hide is tougher and not as slick as the skin of their brethren. This is to help lock in moisture and lessen the toll taken by the dry air and hot sun. With this, they can travel during the day without fearing dehydration, though they do take shelter during the hottest parts. While they do still enjoy a refreshing dip in pools or other water bodies, they know that these sources are few and far between. When water is found, they are quick to drink their fill and get what relief they can. Once that is done, they will seek out a nice hidden spot to lie, hopefully one with plenty of shade. While this serves as a nice moment of rest, it isn't about relaxation. Hanging around this water source means that it has a quick access to moisture and one of the best baits around. The Clubtail isn't the only creature that is looking for a drink, and that is what this beast is counting on. Like the rest of its family, the Clubtail is a voracious predator and a skilled killer. While it possesses spines and hardy scales like the rest, it has changed its technique to better suit its environment. One of the most notable things about the Clubtail is that it is incapable of launching its spikes, meaning it cannot perform the famous ranged attacks its family is known for. Closer inspection of their tail (on a restrained or preserved specimen, I hope!) will show you that these spikes are stubbier and are firmly anchored to their flesh. Even if they could detach, they would be poor projectiles. Now some may wonder why this ability was lost. Why would this species abandon such a powerful and deadly weapon? Well, study and observation has shown that this tool may not be so useful in the environments that Clubtails call home. As I talked about before, the Clubtail's hide is tougher, thicker and all around stronger to help protect it from the harsh conditions it lives in. This is not an adaptation that is unique to this beast, as every creature that dwells in these habitats have turned to hardening their bodies. Scales, plates, shells and leathery hides are very common in these parts, and each one of these serves as decent armor. The rain of spines that are unleashed from a manticore's tail would have a hard time piercing these things, and thus would not be able to deliver their venomous payload. It is believed that the Clubtail lost their ranged prowess because it cannot take down prey in an efficient and reliable manner. Even then, they have not lost a bit of their deadliness. While we say that they "lost" this ability, it is more that they traded it in for something more useful. Though they are no good at long range, they are absolute monsters when it comes to close quarter combat. Clubtail Manticores are beasts of brute strength and unrelenting savagery. Their bodies and limbs are packed with muscles, every inch of them radiating raw power. The perfect symbol of this adaptation is their tail. What was once a slender, whipping appendage is now bulbous and dense. The majority of it is covered in short spines, ending in an armored stinger that would make a scorpion envious. A bit of flexibility and mobility is lost in this change, but such finesse is unnecessary for a barbaric weapon like this. This new tool is where the Clubtail got its name, as it now wields a bludgeon that can crack stone and shatter armor. No exoskeleton or shell will protect you when this thing makes impact! When this manticore hunts, it does so with brutal force. They shall either stalk or ambush their prey, often using watering holes as a lure. They will sneak up as close as they can, but they will not give up if they are spotted. Clubtails will charge prey that has spotted them, as they cannot afford to let a meal escape. Once in range, they will swing their tails about and beat their victims to a pulp. The short spines still secrete venom, but it is much weaker. The real nasty stuff is located in their club-like stinger, and the manticore aims to impale prey with it. No armor will stop this weapon, as it strikes with the force of a war pick. Once the cruel barb punches through the victim, it will pump in the paralytic venom. Even if the creature is able to escape or ward of the Clubtail, the poison shall freeze their muscles and shutdown their body. After that, the manticore can swallow the poor soul at its leisure, slinking back to the shade for a nice nap. While their bludgeoning tail is by far the most noteworthy weapon, it is not the only tool in their arsenal. The forelimbs of a Clubtail are much stronger and more developed than that of other Manticores. In a brawl, these can actually serve as punching arms, and you don't want to get a haymaker from one of these! Their feet end in lobed suction cups, which can fold together to form a fist-like structure. This is then partially retracted into their forelimb shells, turning this appendage into a nasty gauntlet. By rearing up on their hind legs, they can deliver stunning blows and devastating punches to those who oppose them. These are mainly used when the Clubtail is stuck in tight quarters, where its tail cannot swing freely. Those who think they have bested a Clubtail by severing their stinger are in for a surprise and a rather brutal beat down. With all this combined, the Clubtail is a brawler who will not give up or accept failure. Even the feistiest prey will be hard pressed to scare them off, as they will continue their assault ruthlessly. Hiding behind armor is also no escape, as their weapons can puncture pretty much anything, and anything they can't pierce will be seen as a challenge. One researcher tried to test the determination of a Clubtail by sealing meat in a chest of iron and lead. The aromatic bait succeeded in attracting one of these beasts, and the impenetrable trunk succeeded in withstanding every blow and punch. In the end, the Clubtail did indeed give up, but not before chucking the whole thing off a nearby cliff. So in the end, you may be able to wear out its patience, but you probably won't be around to gloat about it. 
With their brutal weapons and savage nature, Clubtails are widely feared in the regions they inhabit. Since prey can be rare in their habitat, they will target any food source they come across and pursue it with unstoppable determination. The nightmare of every local farmer is a Clubtail discovering their herd, as they will be a constant terror until the beast is slain or the entire farm is devoured. Deterrents and barriers may stall them or keep them out for a bit, but once they know food is there, they will keep coming back for it. Only through death or severe injury will the Clubtail cease its attempts, and doing this is no easy feat. They are heavily armored and have very few weak points. They can also heal from practically any non-lethal injury, even regrowing chunks of lost flesh. So when a bounty is put out for a troublesome Clubtail, very few will go for it. Only the greatest or dumbest of warriors will attempt a fight with one of these beasts, and it can quickly go bad if you make the slightest error. Any attempt to slay one of these creatures should be done at long range, as you cannot, and I mean cannot, withstand a close range fight with them. Unless you have poisoned or weakened it, or you are capable of killing it in a few strikes, the Clubtail will overpower you and beat you to a pulp. This nature has given it quite a bit of infamy. Clubtails are preferred symbols for those who enjoy a more barbaric way of fighting, and quite a few warriors have bore its likeness. There is a style of pugilism that captures the Clubtail's brutality, though quite a few rings have banned such techniques. Other arenas, however, welcome the Clubtail with open arms. Since it lacks the flying shards of its brethren, they can be placed in coliseums and arenas without fear of collateral damage. Bloodthirsty patrons go wild whenever once of these beasts make an appearance, as it guarantees a brutal and bloody show. In some cases, the owners will sever the tail and oral stingers, forcing the creature to fight with its fists. This is done so that opponents last a bit longer and so the crowd can watch the slow and painful beat down. I think this is absolutely horrible! Not only do you make these poor creatures fight to the death, but now you mangle them for your own amusement! How sickening! I cannot stand such a cruel and barbaric sport! I would like to chuck some of those fiends into the arena and see how they like it! Well, I say that, but I kinda already did that once. In my defense it was kind of on accident, as it wasn't my intention for him to go over the railing. He was getting all shouty and stabby over the whole "revolution" thing (which isn't my fault you guys are jerks and the people don't like you), and so I tried to ward him off. A good sock to the jaw later, and he goes head over heels into the pit below. I didn't see what happened to him (what with the whole revolution thing going on around me) but his screaming filled in the blanks. I am pretty sure he turned out to be the first of many meals for The Pit King that day. Man, politics are rough, that is why I stick to science...       Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another Manticore, but now in orange creamsicle flavor! Mmmmmm!
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