jrueships · 3 years
got any Kyle/demar thoughts? I’m looking to be in pain and scrolling through your masterpiece of a blog
AWWWW that's so nice of u to say! Thank u so much for enjoying my random spirals on this blog LMAO fr that's so sweet!!
I have SOME kyle/demar thoughts but sadly like.. not a TON... which is weird because they're literally one of my top fav ships and the first ship I saw that really got me into sports tumblr LMAO. So it's not like I DONT think about it because I DO but I think they're just so popular with so many other supporters and analysts of their ship that it's like??? What thoughts can I have that a greater tumblr nba gay historian has already thought LMAO
BUT LIKE. I THINK ABOUT THEM NONETHELESS. My thoughts are just like?? Very plain to me tho idk!!! I hope u like them either way tho!!!!
So like.... uhh... you want sad!!! Hmm!! I can give that!! That's also what makes kyle/demar so great like... you can focus on the sad parts of their relationship if you want, the goofy, or the soft! It's a whole package deal of different emotions! BUT ANYWAYS UH
I'm SERIOUSLY not an astrology knowledge expert like FR I have no idea what a rising is or stuff so... u can take any mistakes I make in saying this with a grain of salt BUT
Demar is a Leo and like.. that just sticks out to me. I think most like??? Regular zodiac analysts like to think that ALL Leos are extroverted, selfish, comedic braggarts with a lot of pride because uhh?? It's a lion I guess? And lions are used to being the head of the pride so. King mentality but like... demar isn't like that. He's in that special category of leos that are generally super quiet, but like FLIP A SWITCH only when they're with a really trusted friend. As long as they're with people they trust enough and feel confident enough with, they're going to show a louder part of their personality! But ONLY if they're with the specific people they CHOSE to let see it... and that takes a lot of trust and time and love... and demar being so happy and having so many antics with Kyle just really exemplifies the amount of devotion he has for him. Those kinda leos and their relationships are just really beautiful to me because they're usually pretty cool with everyone, but they pick like ONE (or just a few) specific people to devote all their trust and care into because they truly believe that that person will give it back. They're an introvert who's willing to turn extrovert all for one person who they believe deserves to see it and wants to see it. It's a very special and deep relationship that often develops without them even knowing how tbh! They just know that they've made best friends with that person they chose and they're gonna stay best friends as long as they live and breathe.
Leos like that really Value their one special relationship.. they sometimes believe they'll never have another one like it and are therefore afraid of losing it... secretly, but powerfully, they get worried easily about the other person not devoting as much care into the relationship as them. About that one person who they chose to put above air, moving on like the friendship was merely another footnote in a book that bored them.
And at the start, that would have been easy for Kyle to do.
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Kyle sets goals and he gets them quick. He's an Aries, and that probably means something but I don't know much about aries so. I'll leave it at that LMAO. Anyways... what I mean is that like? Just because Kyle is cute n small and kinda giggly (especially when he's with demar) DOESNT mean he can't be a stubborn, prickly, and determined asshole. He can put certain things aside for a purpose that he thinks is better. He put aside his hurt at the demar trade to work for a championship with kawhi. And like. Yeah. I personally think the best think about Aries is loyalty, which is why Leos and Aries make such great friends. Shared loyalty, with the Aries remaining loyal to whoever helped them soften up their stubborness to allow some?? Self like... soothing to themselves? Because Aries can sometimes put aside too much for something that it gets unhealthy... and the leos remaining loyal to whoever they believe deserve it.
what I mean is that he'll always be loyal to demar even though he's having all this fun with kawhi. Because Demar was the one who bent down and whispered that he was always going to be there with him, even after the fact that Kyle missed a shot that could've won them an advancement. He was the one who let Kyle know that it's going to be okay and he'll always be there for him. And knowing that really helped settle Kyle's persistent??? Running. I guess. Either toward or from something, I don't know and I don't think Kyle knows either but.. yeah. Demar was the one who let Kyle know that he has someone in his corner and he's not fighting for something all alone. And Kyle, this guy who makes sure not to devote himself Too much into things, to make sure he doesn't let himself enjoy something for too much or too long... let himself relax for Demar because Demar let him know that it was okay.
So he'll never forget Demar for that.
But despite that loyalty, I think Demar still worries. Worried about losing someone that he never thinks he'll ever find again all because he couldn't play basketball better. He's been traded for 'a real superstar that can actually lead the north', and here's kyle... laughing with the Real Superstar. Smiling with The Real Superstar. Possibly even having a better relationship with The Real Superstar that overshadows the one he had with Demar.
And that's scary. Because it's a selfish worry, to not want someone to enjoy something with someone else as much as they enjoyed it with you... but he can't help but (quietly) want that because he's afraid. And he's alone. And he feels like he's going to lose the one person he chose to keep with him forever.
And that's scary. Really, really scary.
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