vexahlla · 6 months
songs aren't 6 minutes long and about how that goes in there anymore
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When You Least Expect It, Part Sixteen
Jensen Ackles x Musician!Reader
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Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is a much shorter chapter than the rest, but I hope you enjoy it! 
Spotify Playlist
Series Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Series Warnings: Language, Break-Ups, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mild Violence, Talk of Domestic Abuse
Chapter Summary: With the festival rapidly approaching, everyone is both on edge and excited for what lies ahead.
Chaper Warnings: None
WC: 6.5K
Series Beta’d by @closetspngirl​​
The private investigator Dee hired last Spring had been worth every penny. The information he delivered on Jensen’s new girlfriend gave her more than she could have hoped for. Her plan to contact the little twit’s ex-boyfriend seemed like a good idea at first; but as the weeks turned into months, even Dee could see Nathan’s instability grow. Once word of the incident at Jensen’s brewery reached her, she knew that maybe things had gone too far. All she wanted to do was try and cause some drama, hoping Jensen would shy away from the beach brat he was suddenly so obsessed with and come back to her. But as she sat, nipping at her cuticles while waiting in her rented Beamer for Nathan to show, she realized what a futile effort it had been.
The plan completely backfired, only pushing the two of them closer. Gen had let it slip that Y/N was now living in Vancouver with Jensen, completely bringing Dee’s hopes of a reconciliation crumbling to the ground. Even she had never been asked to move to Vancouver with him while they were together, and was instantly crushed when she heard the news. There was no chance of Jensen coming back to her; Dee knew that now it was a matter of protecting herself. Only God knew exactly what Nathan was capable of, but with the glimpses Dee had caught of him, she seriously began to fear how this would backlash onto her, if her part in everything had come out. 
Everything she had done up until that point hadn’t been illegal, really. All she did was make a few phone calls and provoke a stranger into reacting. Yet somehow she knew that if Nathan was caught, and started talking, her name would be spoken and she’d have some things to answer for. Knowing the light it would paint her in, knowing how it could affect her career, Dee needed to be sure that Nathan would keep her out of it. After all, HE was the one who took things too far. 
Dee turned her delicate wrist and checked the time on her watch; already a quarter past ten in the morning. Nathan had promised to meet her early that day outside of a small diner located in the outskirts of Austin. It was two days before the festival was to kick off, and she just needed a few reassurances before the big day. She still hated Y/N and loved Jensen, but deep down she finally conceded that SHE wasn’t the one he loved; Y/N was. 
Another twenty minutes passed with no sign of Nathan. When she checked her watch again and saw it was nearly eleven, she closed her eyes and felt her stomach bottom out. Dee pushed the start button on her rental and hung her head, long strands of red hair obscuring her face and the handful of regretful tears that ran through her makeup. A soft, yet shaky laugh turned into shaking sobs as the air conditioning began to blow her hair back lightly. She drew in a deep breath and brought her vision back up towards the windshield. Off to the right of the old titanium plated diner, stood a tall, lanky man in a grey hoodie and ripped jeans. She felt his eyes on her and a mild bout of nerves raced through her veins. The man’s hood was drawn tightly around his head, leaving his face in a swirl of shadows. Regardless, she could feel his eyes on her and knew that it was Nathan. 
They had only met in person once before earlier that Spring, and it was a brief encounter at best. Dee had been hesitant to meet face to face, but Nathan insisted. He said he was worried for Y/N, and the kind of people she’d gotten involved with. He was pushy and borderline manic, so Dee agreed to meet at the same diner she was now parked in front of. They drank coffee and Dee listened as Nathan recounted his surprise visit with Y/N. The way he explained it, she had turned her back on him, and then provoked Jensen into attacking him. His expression was concerned and fretful, but Dee knew it had all been an act. She was an actress, after all, and she could spot his lies a hundred miles away. Yet, it didn’t stop her from encouraging him to fight back, and fight for his girl.
The break-in at the condo hadn’t been all her idea, though as she sat in nervous self-reflection, she wouldn’t be able to deny planting the seed of thought in Nathan’s head. But, her little birdies told her that the amount of destruction that had been left was extensive, and far more than she felt comfortable with. 
She killed the engine of the car, again, and slowly opened the driver’s side door. The minute it cracked open, Nathan began to approach her. When he was closer, she could see his features were drawn and his complexion turned ashy. The dark circles under his eyes and the pale tone of his lips caused her brow to furrow.
“Jesus, Nathan. What the hell happened to you?”
Nathan shrugged. “Life.”
“Well, maybe you should rethink the life you’re living if it’s leaving you looking like that.” Dee gave him a good once over, and noticed his hands were shaking. “Are you on drugs?”
He let out a deep, haunting laugh. “What the fuck you know about the drug life, Princess?”
“N-Nothing really, but I’ve been around enough people that do them to know what a junkie looks like.”
“You don’t know shit about shit. What the hell do you want, hm? You nagged me to get here so you could just put me down like everyone else?” His words weren’t threatening, but the tone and body language he delivered them with, was.
“No, I just… shit, man… this all got out of hand. I just wanted to check in, make sure you were okay,” she lied, doing her best to keep her face from betraying her. “I’m concerned.”
“Are you now?” Nathan snorted, and pushed the hood off his head, revealing his shaggy, dirty hair that was plastered to his head thanks to the heat of the Austin summer. “What made you so concerned? I did what you asked. I tried to break them up. But…” he trailed off, his eyes looking in Dee’s direction, but it was clear that he wasn’t actually seeing her.
“I was wrong, okay? Clearly those two idiots are happy together. So, I wanted to tell you that you could stop trying to break them up.”
Nathan shook his head slowly, and in a way that caused a bolt of anxiety to run down Dee’s spine. “Naw, can’t do that.”
“Can’t--can’t do what?”
“Stop trying to break them up…. Y/N is all I got left in this world.”
“But, what if she doesn’t want you? Then what? Do you really want her if she doesn’t want you? You deserve someone who loves you for who and what you are. Don’t get hung up on some past relationship because you think it's what you deserve. Trust me, Nathan, I speak from experience.”
“I give two shits about your experience. Y/N is my girl,” he snarled at her, “...always has been. So why don’t you bug the fuck off and leave me alone.”
“I will, I promise. But first I just need to make sure…” Dee let her words hang in the air, hoping he would get their meaning without her having to actually say it. From his expression, she knew that he got her point, but the concerning grin that unfurled on his face told her he wasn’t going to cut her an inch of slack. “...are you… I mean, can you, leave my name out of it?”
“It?” he asked, goading her into having to say the words.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“Jesus.. Fine. Please leave my name out of any involvement with whatever scheme you come up with next? Yes, I wanted them broken up, but the things you’ve done… I can’t be a part of it.”
“Too late, Princess. You’re part of it. And if I go down for any of this bullshit, so do you.”
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In the few weeks after their vacation at the shore, Jensen and Y/N were busier than ever. Each day brought some sort of hurdle that one or both of them needed to clear. As days dwindled down towards the start of the festival, they were more determined than ever to make it the best weekend Austin had ever seen. A few last minute additions to the various stage line ups caused some headaches, but they made it work and in the end. Jensen was still in awe watching Y/N handle the musicians, the vendors, the sponsors, the various charity groups involved, and all while she was trying to get her own music set list together. Not to mention practicing via video conference with Robbie and the rest of Louden Swain. 
For most of his life, Jensen always wondered if a woman like her existed. Y/N was by no means perfect; she could be moody, and a bit of a slob which sometimes drove him crazy. Then, he would see her sitting on the couch, legs crossed in some ungodly way, with her head buried in her computer or a guitar on her lap, and any of her imperfections just melted away. Y/N did little else other than eat, sleep and breathe the festival. There were times in those weeks where despite the hectic schedule of planning and also filming the show, he half wished it was over already. Jensen wanted to start his life with Y/N, be with her without the current pressure that sat on both their shoulders. He and Jared had discussed on numerous occasions that maybe it was time for Supernatural to come to an end, giving them the opportunity to explore life outside of their precious Impala. But it wasn’t until those weeks between Seaside and the festival, that he was seriously considering it. 
The idea of not living and working in Vancouver with his best friend normally caused a mild panic to settle into his gut. However, the last time he and Jared had discussed it, they both felt that the end was in sight. Jensen never brought it up to Y/N, never felt like the right time. With all their respective traveling and work loads, trying to plan a future needed to be put on the back burner. As much as it killed him to do so, he knew it was best for both their sakes. He decided once the festival was over he’d bring it up to her. Then, they could make a plan. If there was one thing Jensen knew for absolutely certainty, it was that he didn’t see any type of future without her in it.
They were knee deep in filming the seventh episode of the season, so if a decision was to be made about the future of the show, it had to be soon. Production was shutting down for five days solely so the entire cast and crew could fly down for the festival. Every single one of them had agreed to volunteer, or help out somehow, and it warmed his heart more than he could put into words. These people had become his extended family, a support system when he felt he had reached rock bottom, and some of the best damn human beings he’d ever met.
Filming had wrapped for the extended weekend, and Jensen was feeling that last scene in every muscle and bone. Fight scenes were always fun to block out, but once it got to actually throwing the stuntmen around, and executing the moves on camera it tended to wear him out. As Jensen plodded back to his trailer, both relieved and exhausted, he noticed a light was on inside, and saw the shadow of his best friend moving about. A little smirk twitched on his face as he climbed the metal steps to the trailer and quietly pushed open the door.
Jared was singing under his breath as Jensen walked in unnoticed. Jensen leaned against the door watching him, trying not to laugh as Jared’s head bobbed to the song stuck in his head. It was when Jared started making guitar riff noises that Jensen’s resolve broke, and he started clapping loudly, making his best friend nearly jump out of his skin.
“Bravo my man!” Jensen teased and walked slowly through the large trailer. “Hey, how come we didn’t find you a slot in the festival? With pipes like that--”
“Shut up,” Jared sighed and sat down on the leather couch, still clutching his chest from Jensen’s sudden intrusion. “Damn near gave me a heart attack.”
“Yeah, well, now you know what your singing does to me.”
“I’m sorry, DEAN, I thought we were done filming for today.” Jared rolled his eyes, but was unable to hide his own smile at their banter. “Seriously though, I thought we were done. Took you long enough to get back here.”
“Had to re-block one of the fight scenes. I was completely off my game, man. I don’t know if it’s exhaustion or what, but I could feel myself half-assing it.”
“Dude, do you not realize the year you’ve had? There are times I am amazed you’re still standing.”
Jensen shrugged it off and grabbed two cold beers from the mini-fridge, before handing one to Jared and sitting on the recliner across from him. 
“Not like we haven’t been here before,” Jensen replied, but he knew what Jared really meant. Ignoring the look he could feel coming from the other side of the room, he leaned forward in the chair and finally met Jared’s eyes. “Speaking of… I think me, you and Misha really need to sit down and talk.”
Jared snorted a laugh and nodded. “Yeah, I agree. It’s why I’m here, actually.”
After so many years together, the two friends could talk without words. Due to previous discussions and the telepathy that had developed through more than a decade of friendship, neither had to say what was on their mind. 
Jared raised his beer and Jensen followed suit. They clincked the bottles together in cheers and each took a long draw of the dark brew. 
“To one final season of Supernatural,” Jensen said with Jared nodding in agreement. 
“To one more kick ass ride,” Jared smiled and took another pull from the bottle. 
They sat in silence for a moment, feeling the weight of the decision slowly rolling off their shoulders. The air in the trailer felt lighter somehow, as if just saying the words out loud relieved some of the tension it had contained. 
“Misha on board?” Jensen asked and looked up to see his friend nodding. 
“He is. He’s broken up about it as much as we are, but he knows its time.”
Jensen just nodded and sat back in his chair. “Think we got one more year in us?”
“Damn straight we do. Hell, I know we have another FIVE years in us. Truth is, I think we are just both ready for the next thing… whatever that looks like.”
Again, Jensen nodded in agreement but sat quietly, contemplating what that thing was. “Do you know what you want to do?” 
Jared shook his head. “Not really. A few offers have come in for movies, a new show or two, but nothing that really jumps up at me. I just know I want to be home more, help Gen with the kids. Actually be there and see them grow up.” He paused and looked at Jensen, who seemed a million miles away despite sitting two feet in front of him. “Jay? What about you? Do you know what comes next?”
A hint of a smile pulled at the corner of Jensen’s mouth. “I sure do, my brother. I sure as hell do. I want what you have with Gen. Wife, kids, house… the whole nine. When this festival is over, I’m going to ask Y/N to marry me. Whatever happens after that, doesn’t matter. I just know that my life isn’t complete, unless she’s in it with me.”
Jared nodded in agreement, and despite the heaviness of the decision they had come to, he could see the love and excitement in his best friend’s face. He raised his beer again, “That, is the best damn thing I’ve heard you say in forever. I admit I was skeptical at first, but Y/N brings out something in you I’ve never seen before.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” 
“Pure, unadulterated, happiness.”
Jensen leaned back in his chair, and for the first time in his life, he knew that no matter what came next, he would be okay because Jared was right. Y/N made him happier and more alive than anything else ever had. The life he had always wanted, with the woman he always dreamed of was right in front of him for the taking.
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Forty-eight hours from the start of the festival, and Y/N’s nerves were showing signs of strain from the pressure she had put on herself. She wanted everything about the weekend to be perfect; from the many venues, band line ups, vendors and volunteers. She oversaw everything, right down to the signs that she had the local schools help make that marked each section of the festival. 
The idea had hit her months ago, to divide up the Austin Hometown & Brew Fest into little representations of each major city that was contributing food, drinks and music. Each school district in Austin was responsible for creating colorful signs for each “town”, and as she stood looked through the pictures of each one, her tired heart soared with pride and a surge of adrenaline she desperately needed. When she had been offered the job by Jensen, Y/N never believed for a second she would have the knowledge or drive to pull it off. Yet somehow, here she was--in the home stretch and still running. 
Y/N stared at her phone flipping through the images Bri had sent her, as she walked barefoot through the Vancouver apartment waiting for Jensen to get back from filming so they could leave for the airport. They had a late flight to Austin, which didn’t give them much time, but they could make it work. Somehow, they always found a way. With Robbie, Bri and Mama already in Austin, Y/N knew that everything would get done that needed to, because they were just as invested in this as she and Jensen were and she couldn’t ask for much more than that. Y/N had an amazing crew behind her, a boyfriend she loved more than life, and a future with endless possibilities. 
Just as she felt her stomach rubble, and made her way into the kitchen, the phone in her hand began to buzz. Bri’s name popped up, causing Y/N to smile and forget the hunger pains that nagged her. 
“Hey Bri,” she answered with tired enthusiasm, “everything okay down there?”
“Stop being a worry wort, everything is FINE! I’m calling to check on you. How’s the nerves? Holding steady?”
“Eh, let’s just say I am holding it together. Too much to think about for me to start feeling the heat now.”
“Mhm, okay. Now, you want to try to say that in a way that will make me believe it?”
“Hush, I’m fine. Tired, but fine.”
“If you say so. Honey, I promise you, everything is on track here. Robbie has the venues locked down. The stages are finishing being built, all the lights and equipment have been tested. Mama has the two theaters ready to rock n roll. Hell, even Gen is getting in on things. Do you know she took the kids down to the elementary school and helped them finish up the last few banners. I am telling you, there is nothing to worry about.”
Y/N felt a surge of relief, and let it wash over her taking with it the stress of last minute details. Yet, there was a nagging feeling left she didn’t like. One that settled in the pit of her stomach like a led weight. 
“Bri…” Y/N paused, unsure of how to phrase what she wanted to ask. “...has there been any signs… or even a whiff of--”
“Nathan? No. There hasn’t.”
Y/N sighed audibly and felt her knees weaken at the sound of his name. She hated that even after the months that had passed since the breakin and incident in the brewery parking lot, the sound of his name could bring her such anxiety. 
“You sure?”
“I swear. The police still have an APB on him, all the volunteers and security guards have seen his picture and know what to look for should he be stupid enough to try and get into any restricted areas.”
“Okay.” But Y/N wasn’t totally convinced. She felt it could be her own paranoia and years of history with Nathan, but she needed to focus on the tasks ahead, and not look back on a past that would continue to haunt her, if she let it.
“Listen, it’s late. Tomorrow morning, I’ll meet you at Jensen’s place here in town, and we will spend the entire day going over every last minute detail. You can bite your nails and stress the day away, but for now, go grab some food, take a nap, blast some music… whatever is going to make you chill out. Robbie and I got this. Mama, too. That lady is a force of nature and loves you somethin’ fierce. So if there is any one thing out of place, I guaran-damn-tee, Mama June will handle it.”
Y/N laughed, and immediately conjured an image of Mama bossing Robbie around, while Bri sat back chuckling. “You’re right. Between her, you and Robbie, I really have nothing to worry about.”
“Good girl. Now, how long before your flight leaves?”
“We have to be at the airport by ten, and I think it leaves at twelve thirty.”
“Okay, I’ll have a car there waiting to pick you guys up. Now, I know you two horn dogs can’t keep your hands off each other, but may I suggest some SLEEP when you get to Austin. Big days ahead, and we need you both well rested and ready to kick this in the ass!”
“You know Briana, there are days I truly, from the bottom of my heart, cannot stand you.”
“What can I say, it's a gift. I’ll see you in the morning,” she laughed and made three loud kissing noises.
“Love you too, Bri,” Y/N laughed and shook her head, “See you tomorrow.”
As Y/N ended the call, her stomach reminded her of her promise of cold pizza from the fridge. She placed her cell phone on the counter and began to rummage through the two left over pizza boxes. She grabbed two plain slices, and just as she took a huge bite, her phone began to ring again. Assuming it was Bri calling back, she answered without looking at the caller ID.
“I swear, I am going to eat and take a nap!” she mumbled in protest as an answer, with a mouth full of cold pizza, but no response came. Y/N chewed and swallowed as quickly as she could, thinking that her jumbled greeting may have thrown Bri off. “Sorry, had a mouth full of food. Miss me already?” she teased. 
Again, no answer came, and that weight in her stomach twisted up like a tornado and clogged her throat. 
“Hel--Hello? Bri?” She moved the phone from her face and looked at the screen. Bri’s name wasn’t there, nor was Robbie’s. Instead it just said, Private Caller. “Who is this?”
Five, maybe ten seconds passed, but for Y/N, it felt like an eternity. She could hear someone breathing on the other end, and in her gut, she was convinced it was Nathan. 
When the person finally spoke, it was not the voice she suspected to hear. Not a man’s voice, but a digitally altered one. “Just a warning… cancel the festival, or there could be consequences.”
Y/N was speechless. She stood in Jensen’s kitchen, frozen in place with the phone glued to her hand. Slowly she brought the screen away from her face again, staring at the Private Caller and their ominous warning. She wanted to yell into the phone, curse off anyone who would try and scare her away from everything she’d worked so hard for. But her nerves had been pushed to the edge, and no words were coming from her lips. 
The caller hung up before she could find the strength to reply. Her hunger faded instantly, taken over by a swell of bile rising in her gut. Her good feelings from just moments ago were gone. As she felt herself on the verge of puking, she dropped her phone on the counter, and ran for the bathroom so her empty stomach could purge itself. Once she had gotten up whatever had been left in her gut, she sat back on the cool tile, and rested her head against the wall. Y/N had no strength or will to move; the stranger’s words “...there could be consequences…” continued to repeat over and over in her head. 
Y/N never did get up to get back to the kitchen, and when Jensen returned home a short time later, that’s where he found her; half asleep with a tear streaked face sitting in the corner of the bathroom. He didn’t ask her any questions, but instead sat beside her and gathered her into his arms, leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head. 
“Whatever it is baby, I promise you, we’ll get through it,” he cooed in comfort as she felt herself melt into his side. Assuming it was stress and anxiety over the festival, he held her close there on the bathroom floor until it was time to leave for the airport. 
That’s when she knew for complete certainty, she wasn’t going to tell him about the call. She would NOT let anyone interfere with all they had worked towards; certainly not some piece of shit like Nathan, or a petty schemer like Dee. Y/N would never let either of them take anything from her, again.
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He watched as the snotty little redhead and her fancy ass Beamer pulled out of the diner parking lot. Nathan’s face remained stone-like as Dee’s gaze didn’t leave his until she had turned left and sped out of view. Nothing she had said to him gave him a second of pause; no reconsidering, no backing down. Nathan had reached the “couldn’t care less” portion of his actions months ago, and now all he could think about was how to enact the best possible revenge, on all of them. 
Getting lost in his thoughts, he stood motionless in the parking lot, absently watching the traffic pass him by. Austin had a ton of traffic, and people, making it easy for him to blend into his surroundings and stay unnoticed. He knew the cops were looking for him, so he did his best to stay off the radar. It wasn’t until an Austin City cop car slowly passed the diner, that his feet finally decided to move. He still had too much to do before he could put his last plan into place. 
Nathan pulled his hood back up, then shoved his hands deep into his jean pockets as he casually strolled down the busy Austin streets. He cut through a few alleyways, and popped out a few blocks away. Though he looked like a citizen going for a casual stroll, he knew just where he was going. It had taken a while to get the cash he needed, but snatching a few purses from some old ladies, and that one grab ‘n go hold up at the gas station finally gave him what he needed. His fingers felt around in his pockets for the wad of cash that was now bundled there, giving him an odd sense of security. 
None of his plans had worked out since landing back in Jersey last winter. He had tried being friendly and getting back into Y/N’s life the right way. He gave her space and time to realize her own mistakes, as well as hopefully accept and forgive his own. Nathan thought for sure that would bring them together, but instead, she just ran back to this new guy trying to forget all they had meant to each other since they were kids. Just thinking of it caused his heart to pound, and his fists to clench around the silky bundle of bills stashed in his pocket. That money was the key; it would get him what he needed to make one final convincing argument on his own behalf. If she didn’t see how they were meant to be after that, then he would have to go with Plan B.
Hours later, after he purchased the items he needed, he began to wander the streets, trying to clear his head some. As Nathan passed by a hulking skyscraper, he caught his reflection in the mirrored panels of the structure. He saw what a dirty mess he was and decided to head back to the abandoned warehouse outside of the city where most of Austin’s homeless settled in for the night. It was a risk since the cops liked to come in randomly and bust up the encampment, but one he was willing to take. There he could clean up some, find a change of clothes and try to look the part he needed to play for the next few days in order to win back Y/N, once and for all.
Nathan successfully bartered for a clean pair of jeans, an almost new shirt and one use of the make-shift shower. Once he was clean and newly clothed, he found a quiet corner where someone abandoned a sleeping bag, pillow and even a few packets of Ramen noodles. Being an expert at living on the street, Nathan found a way to make the food, then hunkered down onto the sleeping bag. As the soup cooled, he transferred the items from his old jeans to his new ones and then tossed them aside. He wouldn’t need them anymore, because after he talked to Y/N, they would be together, and she could buy him a whole new wardrobe. After all, she was working with the bigwigs now and he was certain she could afford it. 
Picking at the hot noodles, Nathan let himself reminisce on the days when he and Y/N were happy and carefree. Days on the beach, nights on the boardwalk, him and her hand-in-hand. Countless days spent out on her dad’s boat with her and her brother Dave, and just as many nights drinking under the boards, dreaming of what life was like far away from Seaside. Y/N dreamt of being a rock star or some dumb shit, but Nathan knew she wouldn’t have the guts to really leave their hometown. She was a born and bred local, and no real locals ever got too far away. When she actually left and went on to make a new life for herself, he felt betrayed. He felt abandoned and hurt that he wasn’t enough to keep her put. Now, as he sat on the rumpled sleeping back with a cup of steaming, tasteless noodles in hand, he let his free hand slip into the pocket of his jeans again. This time it wasn’t the bulk of cash giving him comfort, but the touch of the cool metal that lived in his pocket. 
“One way or another,” he mumbled, tossing the soup aside with disgust, “I will have my girl and my life back.”
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Austin, Day Before Festival Kicks Off...
Thirty-six hours from the start of the festival, Jensen, Y/N, Briana, Robbie, Jared, Gen, Mama and about two hundred volunteers stuffed themselves into the theater where the Burlesque troop would be performing the following evening. The seven of them stood on the stage watching as swarms of people claimed a seat, all talking excitedly about the events that were to follow. Most of them were familiar faces to Jensen and Jared, having worked on the show with them for so long, but the ones they didn’t know, didn’t give them a second of pause or concern. They were all here to lend their time and services for free in an effort to do their part for the city. Every single person that walked through the doors of that theater had been background checked, and vetted through a private sponsor to ensure the safety of the festival goers, the bands, and especially those behind the scenes putting it all together. 
That was one thing Jensen had insisted on when the idea of community volunteers had first come up. It was well before he and Y/N had fallen in love and had run-ins with Nathan and Dee. He needed to be sure that everyone involved would be safe, and in turn the weekend could be a huge success. Two separate private security firms had been hired, with special attention focused on keeping Nathan out. Jensen didn’t think Dee would have the nerve to show her face, but he made sure that each member of the security team had Nathan’s photo and full description. 
Getting lost in his own thoughts as the stream of volunteers finally closed the vestibule doors, he barely noticed Robbie setting up a microphone and begin addressing the crowd. It wasn’t until Y/N casually made her way to his side and brushed against his shoulder, was he able to pull away from his own mind and come back to the present. 
“You okay there, Hollywood?” she whispered, casually glancing at him from the corner of her eye. “Big crowd here. You got stage fright all of a sudden or something?”
“Huh?” he asked, then quickly shook his head, “No, I’m fine. Just… thinking.”
“All of this,” he said and snorted a laugh. “I mean, look at what you put together… all of these people are here because they believe in what you created--”
“What WE created. Jay,” Y/N grabbed Jensen’s hand, and despite two hundred pairs of eyes watching them, turned him towards her and kissed his lips. “I didn’t do this, you didn’t do this. Not Robbie, Bri, Mama… But ALL of us together.”
Before Jensen could respond, Robbie turned his attention towards them, holding out the microphone. When neither of them knew why, he raised his eyebrows then covered the top of the mic with his hand. 
“You wanna jump in on this pep talk, kids?”
Jensen cleared his throat and passed Robbie a sarcastic smile. “My pleasure.” He took the microphone in hand and before he could speak, the applause radiated towards him from the theater like a shock wave. He felt his heart surge at the entire crowd, much like it did every time he was on stage at a convention. The overwhelming love and gratitude was hard to miss when in this type of setting. 
“Thank you guys, really. Y’all are far too kind. It's us who should be applauding you! Because no matter how hard we have collectively worked to put this whole thing together, without you guys lending your time and efforts, it just wouldn’t be possible.”
Another surge of applause from the captivated audience caused Jensen to lower the mic and just enjoy the moment. 
“Seriously, from the bottom of all our hearts, we thank you for not only the love and support you’ve shown us from the get go, but for the love and dedication you are showing to the city of Austin. All the proceeds from ticket sales this weekend will be divided among various city organizations that work towards education enrichment programs, women’s shelters, soup kitchens, including a new music and arts program that will benefit children and teenagers from all across the city.”
Applause again, but this time even more deafening. The sea of faces before him were smiling ear to ear and cheering loudly. As Jensen moved his vision to the right in what felt like slow motion, he caught the wide grins of his closest friends who were sharing the stage with him, who were also clapping along with the crowd. 
Jensen brought the mic up to say more, but he was at a loss for word. The energy and vibe in the theater that night left him speechless, and it took all his will to not let himself shed a tear. Y/N could see his emotions building under the surface, and gently took the mic from his hand. He smiled at her thankfully for it, and took a step back as she proceeded to prepare herself to address the crowd.
“We can’t thank you all enough for the support, and love you brought with you here not only for tonight, but for this entire weekend. Now, we don’t want to take up too much of your time, so I am going to pass the mic over to Ms. Briana Buckmaster who has a few quick things to go over with you. After that, Mama June and I will be at each end of the theater exits handing out your official volunteer shirts for the weekend. One last thing before we get to the nitty gritty, while you are out there working hard to make sure our guests have fun, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the festival yourselves! We have done our best to make sure that all volunteers get plenty of breaks to go enjoy the food and music, as well as give each of you a free admission voucher to pass along to a family member, friend, or just someone you know who would enjoy the event but can’t afford to buy their own ticket. We want this to be an all-inclusive event. So have fun, work hard, and let’s make this something not only the city of Austin, but every other town and city represented here, will never forget!”
For the last time that night, the volunteers cheered and applauded the words of love and encouragement bestowed on them. Y/N passed the microphone to Bri, who’s smile lit up her dimples nearly as bright as the lights of the theater. Briana pulled Y/N into a big hug and held her tightly. Right before she let go, Bri squeezed her and whispered in her ear, “You’ve come a long way from that scared, nervous woman I met New Year’s Eve. I am so fucking proud of you!”
With that, Bri released her from the embrace, reset herself and turned to address the volunteers. Y/N took a step back to stand beside Jensen, and immediately felt his hand snake into hers. They watched on as Bri continued to captivate the audience with her distinct and charming way of explaining the processes and procedures for the weekend. Just as Bri wrapped up her part of the speech, Jensen and Y/N took a moment to meet each other’s gaze. Y/N had all but forgotten the call from the day before, and found herself feeling more confident than ever that everything they had worked so hard for would unfold without a hitch.
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Tag List:
Everything:  @coffeebooksandfandom​ / @sorenmarie87​ / @yallgotkik​ / @thefaithfulwriter​ / @sister-winchesters99​ / @thymeheals​ / @keymology​ / @divadinag​
SPN RPF (Jensen): @screechingartisancashbailiff​ / @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ / @sandlee44​ / @wings-of-a-raven​ / @negans-wife​ / @kazosa​ / @deans-baby-momma​ / @teaspoin​ / @whiskeyandapplepie​ / @hobby27​ / @breereadsthings​ / @maddiepants​ / @adoptdontshoppets​ / @squirrelnotsam​ / @faughnphotography​ / @katehuntington​ / @his-paradox​ / @deansenwackles​ / @destielhoneybee​
When You Least Expect It:  @mrsjenniferwinchester​ / @vickyfarley​ / @winchest09​ / @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ / @aomi-nabi​ / @luciathewinchestergirl​ / @alexiswinchester​ / @seppys-return-to-madness / @donnaintx​ / @deans-baby-momma​ / @the-is13 / @stoneyggirl​ / @captaindorit0 / @fanfictionjunkie1112​ / @focusonspn​ / @deanwanddamons​ / @theebeee​ / @ultimatecin73​​ / @deanwinchesterswitch​​
Wanna get in on one of my tag lists? View the different Tag Lists, and send me an ask with which one you’d like to be on! Series Tags are on one sheet, Character tags on a second sheet.
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mimirue · 4 years
2020 Blog Recap
I saw @desira-sims make a post recapping the events on their blog for 2020 and I thought I’d steal the idea
Everyone knows 2020 has been a crazy year and for me it was no exception. I started working from home in March and I’m still working from home now. I got shingles and that was a painful process of recovery lol. And then after many things pushing it back I started streaming on twitch and hit affiliate which has been such a great experience and feels like such a fit.
Posting in tumblr has been a definite constant throughout 2020. It’s been mostly Markus’ BC and gens 5 and 6 of my not so berry but I’ve loved every second of it.
Be sure to let me know if I included any of your favorite moments or even if i\I missed yours!
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A Muse for Markus: I started out Markus’ search for love with the thing he’s loved most in the world. It was finally time for him to find the person he loved just as much as music. Markus’ BC has by far been my favorite thing I’ve ever done in the sims and I definitely look forward to doing another BC in the future.
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Solo dates: We started out the competition with solo dates and there were three girls who had quick leads for Markus’ and my own hearts. They all made it to the final half of the competition so obviously the initial connection meant something. From a storytelling perspective it was challenging to try to think up 12 unique dates for the girls and I learned quickly that this struggle wasn’t going to go away any time soon.
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The first rose ceremony: *sigh* ...I took a 2 week break before actually writing this scene. I didn’t think it would actually be so hard to let someone go home but hell it really was. I don't think this was made any easier by the fact that the first girl to go home was that of one of my best friends or that it kinda came as a surprise to me literally at the end of the pre-ceremony party when I totaled up their relationship scores. I would soon learn that each elimination really does get easier.
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The first kiss: I have so many feelings about the Angie X Markus pairing lol. I love Angie so much but I hated how her in game actions made me have to write her (I actually wrote her so much nicer than she was in game lol). Markus was OBSESSED with her for the first half of the competition and I almost felt bad for the other ladies. He viewed her through rose-tinted glasses and she could do no wrong...until she could. For some reason living an entire season (on the longest setting) together was not enough for Angie to stop feeling tense around the other girls and eventually she started taking that out on Markus. All of that being said I put so much love and care into the first of many kisses for these two and also of the competition.
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Nadia Nadia Nadia: The early favorite to win, the first tears, and the only one to let it be known that she was upset at Markus at the end. I thought she wouldn’t actually fall in love with Markus when this thing started but by the time it was time for her to go you could just tell from in-game actions that she was way more in love with him than he was with her and that was a bit heartbreaking. This screenshot might still be my favorite screenshot ever taken. And I love that Nadia left the show just how she entered it, a fucking queen.
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The Finale:
(Don’t tell me you expect me to pick one photo from this emotional rollercoaster of a post)
Six months is how long it took me to write this sims story and while I still stand by what I said at the start that I’m not a good writer by any means I learned a lot about writing over those six months. I learned that I CAN write if I want to, I learned that it’s okay if it takes a while to get to the end, I learned that the journey is just as important for you as it is for your readers. And most importantly to me I learned that I want to be that person who writes those cliché stories with the plots you’ve seen a million times because that’s exactly what I like to read and it’s so important that you look back and love what you put so much of yourself into creating. 
Now to these two hotties: Simnosa is no stranger to the fact that I didn’t feel much of a connection to Lorena at first (I tease her about it endlessly). It seems appropriate that Markus was the same as it allowed me to fall in love with them at the same pace that they fell in love with each other. At the very last minute I decided to make the winner a mystery till the second to last post and to have Markus get Lorena back for all the teasing and pranks she had thrown his way. I knew if I made it look like there was no winner I would never be able to pull that off again so it was quite literally now or never and I quite liked the result even if not every reader was the biggest fan of it haha. I love these two and I promise I have more planned for them once ya girl gets the time.
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Nsb Plum: By the time I was done with the BC I was missing the Berry family something fierce so it was so refreshing to get back to something a little less story focused. 
For some reason I didn’t realize that gen 5 of the Not so Berry challenge would end up so story heavy. I never really wanted to write fighting scenes before but I also wanted to showcase that their divorce was technically neither of their faults individually. Indi was a work-a-holic because he somehow felt he had to be this super successful person in an “important” career just like his family before him and he felt that Clem didn’t understand that. While Clem left without telling him that she was pregnant and then only telling him about his daughter after he had shown signs of growing up (here’s a secret: she needed to do some growing up as well). It was like watching my children grow into adults even if they weren’t necessarily the more fair of parents.
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Aspirations: I wrote and started posting my first sims challenge. It seems quite fitting that my sim for this challenge was Emilee as she was the reason I first started posting anything on tumblr and she and Sutter were also the only reason I ended up writing my first sims story. It was time I wrapped up their story so we can move on to that of others ~in her family~. It was so nice for me to tell a story that spanned a few years of their lives with no dialogue. I really liked this style and I’ll most definitely adopt it again in the future.
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Nsb Orange: Back when Ginger wasn’t 90% chaos and she was at least 40% naïve. I’m always excited to move on to the next heir but Ginger had me more excited than normal.
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October Photo Challenge:  This was a fun one, it was a nice way to give some love to the characters that I’m playing next as a bit of a preview. I also think the photos turned out pretty snazzy. 
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Next gen: The twins are so freaking cute as both toddlers and children. What I never expected (and kinda planned against) was for them to get along or for Ginger to be such a good parent. I wanted Ian to be a bit of a loner but the two best ladies in his life love to shower him with too much love and care for him to have too much time alone.
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End of Orange gen: I had so much fun with her story. Ginger might not be my only polyamorous sim but she’s the first one really showcased on my tumblr. I covered a lot of borderline controversial topics and it seemed like you all enjoyed it, for which I’m grateful. Gen 6 is the first generation where there are no rules on your spouse so I knew I didn’t want her to get married. But that didn’t mean I wanted her to be single. 
Thank you all to all of you who followed and read my dumb little blog during 2020. 
And a huge thank you to all the people who made sims for me! My blog and stories would not be the same without your creative geniuses being added to the mix as well!
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live-on-laughs · 7 years
Jumin x Zen: Musical Appreciation (it gets dirty)
Jumin finds a CD of one of Zen’s musicals that Assistant Kang accidentally left on her desk. She had gone home for the night, and he was wrapping up in his office, and as he passed by her desk, the CD refracted light from the window that caught his eye. Stange, she must have taken the cover home with her and failed to put the disk back inside.
He has to admit, he’s curious. As much as his assistant raves about his performance, Jumin has never actually seen Zen in action. This is what prompts him to insert the CD into his office computer and sit down with the intention of watching the first ten minutes or so.
He watches the whole thing. Twice. There’s this scene in the middle where Zen is chained up and the two groups confront each other, and now he keeps replaying it. It’s like Zen is a different person, which, he supposes, is the point of acting. He really is admirable. Maybe Jumin does understand how Assistant Kang could have been swept up in Zen.
But of course, Jumin wasn’t. He wouldn’t become obsessed or fall asleep to Zen’s voice reciting passionate lines and watching those electric red eyes make so many emotions on their own. No way. Jumin wasn’t so emotional that some character played by some actor could entice him or bring out any of Jumin’s own emotions.
That being said, Jumin buys all of Zen’s musicals on Blu Ray. This would support Zen’s career after all, and Jumin had always been trying to support him, and if this was a way Zen could accept his help, he could do this much. Yes, that was the reason.
But they would go to waste, collecting dust on his shelf of movies that he never truly had time to watch. When Jumin could spare a moment, he found himself drifting over towards the glass case of DVDs and inserting a different play than the one he’d watched in the office.
When Jumin had not logged on to the messenger in days, Zen got worried. So did the others, but Zen brought it up the most. -Zen has logged into the chatroom-
Zen: Jumin’s not here, huh?
Zen: What’s wrong with that jerk? He can’t bother to say hello anymore?
Zen: rich life has finally consumed him
Jaehee: He seems to be spending more time at home, I’m not sure what exactly he’s been up to, but maybe he’s taken an interest in something.
Zen: yeah, right. Trust fund kid and hobbies don’t go together.
Jaehee: Also, it seems I have misplaced one of your musical CDs. I am searching for it, but I believe I left it in the office. I have the case, but I must have left the disk out somewhere. I will ask Mr. Han about all of this tomorrow. Get some sleep, staying up is bad for your health. Goodnight, Zen.
Zen: Tell that jerk to come talk to me. I need to know he’s not malfunctioning.
Jaehee: I’ll let him know.
Zen: night, Jaehee
-Jaehee has logged out-
Zen: Jumin…
Zen: are you okay?
-Zen has logged out-
No, he was not okay. Any time he had to himself, Zen’s CDs would be playing. He’d even downloaded some of the songs to his phone. He never realized how nice Zen sounded.
Just as Jumin was thinking of Zen’s voice, he received a call from the devil himself.
“Hyun? What do you want?” Jumin inquired. It must have been the middle of the night.
“Who do you think you are? You haven’t been around much lately, you think you can just blow us off?!”
“I’m not blowing anybody, Zen.” The actor scoffed.
“Still the same jerk as always! Except something’s gotten into you. What’s taking up all your precious time, anyway?” He had to ask.
“Well, you have, actually.” Dammit. He hadn’t meant to say that.
“… what?”
Jumin coughed lightly. He might as well go with it. “I said, you’ve been taking up my time. This is your fault, Hyun. Assistant Kang left her DVD of one of your musicals, and I have been… pleasantly surprised. I’ve currently been supporting you.”
"What?! What do you mean? If you, bought my CDs… you’ve been watching them? Oh, I get it. This is one of your lame jokes. You’re not funny!”
“It’s true. I… don’t know why. But to be completely honest, you are quite talented.”
Jumin noticed a hitch in Zen’s breath over the phone.
“I’m not just talented on stage, you know. I’m a great person, with a dazzling personality. And my face is flawless.”
“I wonder, what other skills do you have?”
This time Zen coughed, a bit more conspicuous than Jumin’s. It was a surprised choking sound, really.
“What do you mean by that, jerk?”
“Oh, nothing. Anyways, I fairly enjoyed Assistant Kang’s CD, what was it… Jalepeño something?”
“But I did. It was quite an enjoyable experience.” Zen was having a hard time coming up with something to say, and stumbled over himself a bit. It was a lot of noise, Jumin was sure a few mumbled curses had been directed towards him.
“I can’t believe… what’d you even like about it? I can’t imagine you enjoying yourself. Acting is pretty… well, emotional. And you’re a robot.”
“Perhaps that’s what I enjoyed about it. I didn’t feel like a robot when I was watching you.” By now, Jumin was having fun teasing him, and felt like he had been having one of Zen’s performances all to himself- except, Zen wasn’t acting. And yet, there was still as much passion as what he puts into his work.
“Yeah, well…! Ugh, I can’t even talk to you when you’re being agreeable! I don’t get half of what you’re trying to say. Who even are you?!”
“I suppose I’m a fan.”
“I don’t want your pity support, dammit! Why are you pretending to like what I do? Is this funny to you, you sadistic jerk?!”
“I am not lying to you, Hyun. I would hope you would take yourself more seriously. Obviously you are very dedicated, so when someone says they appreciate you, you should accept the compliment.” Jumin’s tone was stern, to convey that he meant what he said.
“Th-thanks, then…”
“Hyun. You realize it’s 2 in the morning, correct?”
“I was too worried about you to sleep, idiot! At least let the world know you’re alive!”
“I see… you care for me.” Jumin sounded affectionate, a small smile playing at his lips.
“Don’t take it the wrong way, stupid. You’re an RFA member, and so-”
“You and I both know that’s a load of-”
“AAAACHEW!” Zen sneezed on the other end of the phone. “Talking to you.. achew! Reminds me… a- achew! Of your damn cat! ACHEW!”
“Thinking of Elizabeth should improve your mood.”
“You really are a.. A-..ACHEEW!”
“I know, I really am the best person you know; kind, handsome, rich, reliable…”
"Don’t pretend that you’re not into me,” Jumin said, meaning it to be playful, but Zen gagged.
“Wh-what? Me? Into you?! That’s.. that’s!! Ha, that’s the funniest thing you’ve said during the entire time I’ve known you, haha… and if anything, you’re the one that’s obsessing over me!”
“Whats wrong? Why are you being so defensive? Do you actually have feelings for me?” He was half-joking, but something in him felt… nervous. He tried to suppress it.
“Why would I have feelings for you?!”
“I don’t know. Why do you?”
“You’re insufferable, arrogant, insensitive, you don’t understand what an ALLERGY EVEN IS-”
“Zen, I know I’ve been… hard on you, in the past. But I do that. I expect much more from the people I respect.”
"The way you talk to me doesn’t make me feel respected.” “Well, you are. By me. Respected.” That sounded stupid. What was wrong with him? “You… should stop watching me. And talking to me, right now. You need sleep.” “So do you, Hyun.” “You keep calling me by my real name. Why’s that?” “Does it make you uncomfortable? I can-” “No! No, not really. It’s… nice.” “Hyun… I’ve always liked your birth name. Almost as beautiful as-” “Elizabeth the 3rd?” “I was going to say you, Hyun. I won’t deny your looks, but the way you present yourself is what really attracts people.” “People like you?” Zen sounded like he wanted the words to come out different, but they were hushed and hurried. “People like me,” he answered. There was a stretch of silence as both thought over the implications of such a statement. “You’ll… have to come to one of my shows. Take Jaehee along with you, she’ll appreciate it.” “I’ll consider it. She may talk through it all though, while I’m trying to concentrate on you.” “Are you saying I won’t capture your full attention? I’ll just have to make it so you never take your eyes off me.” Zen’s voice came through melodically, as if he were born to speak them, and like listening to one of his many love songs. “I’d love for you to put on a show for me.” How far were they going to push each other? Jumin wasn’t about to back down. He wanted to hear Zen’s flustered tone more and more. “I don’t need a stage to put on a show.” Jumin sensed a hesitancy to utter this phrase, which only began to make him more excited. His heart rate had accelerated, palm sweaty holding the phone. He knew this wasn’t like him, but he really didn’t care. He enjoyed this feeling… these feelings. So he acted on instinct. “Come over. We can test that theory.” The line was dead for longer than a comfortable amount of time. Jumin shifted his weight to his other leg, one arm across his chest to support the other arm with the hand holding the phone up to his ear. “Hyun..?” Zen responded at the prompt, realizing he hadn’t said anything. “I’ll be there, give me gen minutes.” “Okay. I’ll be waiting, Hyun. Text me when you arrive.” “Jumin… you’re not messing with me?” “I’ll tell you plainly so that you do not misunderstand. I want you. Here. Now. We’ll do… whatever you wish. How’s that?” Zen stammered, “S-see you soon, jerk.” “Be safe, Hyun. See you.” He brought down the phone, watching as the screen flashed with the call screen and then darkened again with the end of the call. His fingers were slightly shaking, and Jumin began to pace the floor of his incredibly large living room. – “Hello.” Zen was at the door, bashfully looking away with a strange mix of annoyance and excitement written in his features. Hands in pockets and leather jacket zipped tight, Zen looked anything but comfortable. “Come in.” Jumin stepped aside to let in the guest of honor at 2:30 in the morning and drinks in the other’s appearance. The leather suits him, and the jeans hug him right on his- “Ahem. So, Jumin…” His eyes snapped up to meet Zen’s, which had been looking over his shoulder while Jumin had been checking out Zen’s backside. Zen gave a small smirk. He already had the edge. Jumin could change that. “Like what you see?” “I think it’d look better in my room.” Score one for Jumin Han. “Y-yeah? Wait, I… can we go somewhere with less… oh god my eyes are tearing up-” “Elizabeth the 3rd does not go into the guest bedrooms, if you-” “Yes. Good. Let’s go.” He grabbed Jumin’s hand and started down the hall. “Where to?” “Down this hall, take a right, second door on the left.” Jumin felt as if he was caught up in a storm, with no control over his own thoughts or actions, judgement cloudy. It’s what he gets for giving into his curiosity of Zen. He was about to learn so much more about him, too. Every weak spot, every pleased expression, every sound he could make- “Jumin.” Zen paused outside of the bedroom’s door, trying to get Jumin’s attention. “I don’t know what this is, and I don’t want to know, so… this can’t be anything. Not yet.” “I… all I know is that I want you. If those are your conditions, I will abide by them. And I do not mean to take advantage or offend you in any way, as you often take my actions to be offensive-” Zen tugged hard on Jumin’s tie, still tightly knotted from earlier today. In fact, he wore the same clothes from this morning, minus the suit jacket, and his sleeves pulled up to his elbows. Jumin was forcefully tugged into a deep kiss, lips slightly parted as Zen licked into his mouth. His hands wrapped around Zen’s waist and he brought the two of them flush against each other. Then he pushed Zen up against the door, gaining control and breaking the kiss in favor of mouthing at Zen’s neck. He heard a faint whimper, and his dick twitched at the sound. He went back to Zen’s lips and grinded into Zen, noticing the other’s mutual excitement. Zen broke the kiss, face turning away, to say, "Jumin, I thought I was going to perform for you.” This caused Jumin to become even harder. Jumin leaned in to whisper in a deep voice, “What would you like to do for me?” “I want to…” Zen trailed off, thinking. “How about I show you my other skills?” He smirked, sliding against the door until his knees hit the ground, hands finding the belt of Jumin’s pants and undoing it, torturously slow. Jumin’s breaths were becoming shallow just thinking about that tongue, Zen’s movements- “Hyun.” He glanced upwards, waiting for Jumin to continue as his hands hovered over the waistline of Jumin’s dress pants. “We should use the room.” “Right.” Jumin helps him stand and they go inside, closing the door behind them. It’s dark, but the large window across from them supplies moonlight that floods the entire room. Jumin moved to sit on the bed, spreading his legs for Zen to kneel between them. “Take off your jacket,” he commanded. Zen followed his order. “I have a feeling that watching me now will be much more… satisfying, than on screen.” He would be right about that. Jumin was already enjoying himself more than just an hour ago. “I still have yet to assess your ‘skills’, or so you say. Impress me.” Zen’s eyes sparkled in the low light, and he got to work. Jumin didn’t expect to be a mumbling mess, but here he was, hand pulling Zen’s hair so hard it might almost come out, head thrown back, spouting curse words every time Zen dragged his tongue over sensitive skin. When Zen started humming, low in his throat, Jumin thought he might go crazy with so much stimulation. Fully hard, Zen took him all the way in, the head hitting the back of Zen’s throat. Jumin shuddered, tugging harder. Zen had gone into a certain rhythm, so Jumin started to thrust along to it, pushing himself further into Zen’s mouth as he brought his lips further down his length, still humming and moaning around his dick. Zen’s hands roamed around a bit, over Jumin’s chest and pressing into his thighs. All of a sudden, Jumin used his grip on Zen’s hair to pull his mouth off of him, both catching their breath. “Hyun… get on this bed.” He carefully stood, climbing onto the top of the sheets and turning to sit up, legs sprawled out as Jumin came between them. Unbuttoning his shirt and loosening his tie, Zen put out a hand on top of Jumin’s, stopping him. “Can you keep it like this? You look… sexy like that. All disheveled.” He was blushing, hard, and his voice was wrecked and nervous. Jumin smiled, waiting for Zen to meet his eyes. “Of course, Hyun. But now you should do something for me.” His face showed he was partly afraid, partly turned on. Just Jumin’s taste. “I’ll only be a moment.” With that, Jumin scrambled off the bed towards the door, going to look who-knows-where for who-knows-what. Zen could only hope that Jumin wasn’t going to bring that damn cat into the bedroom to watch. He sniffled, lying himself down on the mattress until Jumin burst back into the room, holding something Zen couldn’t make out. “What’s that?” He asked, curious. As Jumin came closer, getting up into the bed once more, Zen inspected it more closely. It was a length of red silk ribbon, neatly wrapped around Jumin’s fingers. “W-what… what’s that for?” Searching his eyes for answer, Zen only found smug elatedness. Jumin asked for Zen to remove his shirt, which he did, and to put his wrists together, over his head. “I have your permission, do I not? We don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” “No, I… I want to. If it makes you happy.” Jumin looked surprised for a moment. His expression shifted, small smile at the corners of his lips, eyes soft. Then he moved to tie Zen’s wrists together, and then tie his bound wrists to the headboard. A darker, more lustful look overtook Jumin face, leaning down to steal a deep, long kiss before sliding Zen out of his belt and jeans. Jumin wanted to reciprocate what Zen had done for him. Restricted in movement, Zen could not cling to his hair, and Jumin had full control, especially in this position. Jumin was on top of him, mouth hovering over Zen’s briefs to blow hot air on him. Zen, almost fully erect, bucked his hips to get some sort of contact, but Jumin pushed them back down into the mattress. Zen’s bulge grew. Jumin laughed a bit, more air blowing across Zen’s (still covered) dick. Zen wiggled and writhed, hands tugging at the ribbon that wouldn’t budge, hips being pushed even deeper into the bed. “I knew you were a sadist. Tch, a jerk even in sex. You get off on making others squirm, don’t you?” “What can I say? I get aroused just thinking of you begging me to touch you.” Zen blushed deeper, if that was possible, and held eye contact with Jumin while he slowly removed Zen’s underwear. “You’re going to cum for me, but not until I say so.” Another twitch, more wriggling. A vicious cycle ensued, and apparently Zen was just as foul-mouthed as Jumin. He let his hot breath out over Zen’s cock a few times, admiring how it continued to grow and pulse. Then he grabbed it, painfully tight, and squeezed as he moved his hand up and down, his other hand holding the base just as tight. Zen gasped, letting out ragged breaths and short, cut off moans that grew more and more sporadic with how fast he stroked. When Jumin stopped, removing his top hand from Zen entirely, a whimper emanated from above him, only to turn into a full, loud moan as Jumin quickly took all of him into his mouth and sucked until his cheeks were up against the sides of Zen’s dick. He looked up at Jumin, whose eyes were closed, and noticed an intense focus. A focus on him. A focus on making him feel good. “J-Jumin-!” Zen called, and he watched as the man’s eyes shot open and locked into his gaze, not stopping his rhythm but surprised at the call of his name. He does move off of Zen, though, to ask him something. “Hyun, I think it would be best to establish a safe word, so that I know when you really need to stop.” “Uh, okay.” At Jumin’s considerate words, Zen found himself getting flustered again. He cleared his throat. “Um, how about, uh… stop?” It was the most obvious word. “Do you think you wo t accidentally blurt out that word when things get intense? It’s quite unoriginal, and the safe word would be in place to stop everything on a moment’s notice, and not just something I do in the moment like teasing you.” “Okay, that makes sense… um, then what about…” Zen’s eyes widened as an idea popped into his head. “Cat! I would never want to say that in bed.” “As you wish.” Jumin moved to resume what they’d been doing, but Zen quickly added, “Wait, then what’s yours?” “I don’t need one. I’m sure there’s nothing I won’t agree to with you.” Zen’s dick, which had remained mostly forgotten during the exchange, twitched again. “Y-you can’t just- no, you need one! Please, just think of something, just in case.” Zen worrying for him made his heart flutter, pounding more intensely. “Well, then, mine would have to be… you’re ugly.” “WHAT-” “Because I would never say it,” Jumin replied smoothly. Zen’s face softened, still red. “You would stop immediately, of course, just to argue with me.” Jumin’s smile spread wider, enjoying himself. He didn’t mean to, but Zen smiled back in spite of himself. “Last thing- uh, well, I’ve had sex before but, you know, I’m not experienced with… the whole…” “Getting fucked? Yeah, you may have to get used to it.” Zen froze, eyes wide, and then shuddered as he imagined it. “Don’t worry… I’ll go slow.” ----- Tumblr had a weird glitch in drafts (I'm on mobile, big surprise) and the paragraphs mash together and I didn't want to edit this again. It's been sitting in drafts because I forgot about it but I re-read it and thought it was worth posting, so for my fellow juminzen trash, this is for you. ;)
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