wastingawayinmyroom · 3 months
fierrochase ship bingo i beg of you🙏
say no more
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whatwooshkai · 2 months
Uhhh hiiii! For the sketch request:
Your oc Saint!!! They are so cool ^w^
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if you get past saint’s mean and hostile exterior you get to their softer yet somehow more hostile interior who loves belly rubs
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Beast Wars X TFO scenario
Optimus Primal, Cheetos, Black Arachnia, Tarantulas, Ravage, Silverbolt, Ratrap and Dinobot meeting a TFP Predacon reader that just crashlanded into earth as a protoform and the pod scanned the bones of the first creature it could find (that being the dead predacon)
I'm assuming you mean Rampage instead of Ravage given Ravage was kinda barely there. If you did actually mean Ravage, my bad just let me know and I'll do him separately!
-For Optimus, well... Isn't this just prime? They already have enough of a headache fighting Megatron and his merry band of idiots and assholes. And now they have to deal with an ancient Predacon proper? It's not looking good. But, he hasn't completely given up hope. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or, rather, he's hoping you'll join HIM. Predacon altmode or not, you're still an intelligent creature. Perhaps you can be reasoned with.
-Cheetor is nowhere near as scared as he should be. The Preds just have one extra aft to kick, just so happens that this one is a whole lot bigger. He's not exactly happy about it, but hey, what's complaining about it gonna do?
-for blackarachnia, homegirl is in full scheming mode. She wants an alliance with you yesterday. She's gonna try every tactic in the book to get you on her side so she can stage a coupe. Really, what are the chances ol' Buckethead can take on a wholeass mechanical dragon? You're practically a trump card. A trump card she wants in her hand.
-tarantulas has a thousand different plans for you. Convincing you to join his side, convincing you to stay far far away from that witch blackarachnia, taking you apart to study your mechanics, taking you apart and putting you back together, digging you with a shock collar to make sure you stay loyal to him... So many evil little plans to make.
-rampage is almost comforted by your presence. He sees a kindred spirit in you: a spirit of incredible violence and destruction, not to seek power, but simply for desolation's sake. He wants to commit unspeakable crimes with you.
-silverbolt is considering this his ultimate test as a heroic character. He's always strived to be the perfect knight in shining armor. Now here's his dragon to slay. Of course, if you prove to be reasonable he probably won't lean into the whole slaying thing as much, but he will be at least a little disappointed that he doesn't get the chance to.
-all rattrap can think is just... Nope. Nah. No thanks. Nada. Negative. Negatory. Nein. Not happening. He's gonna pack up his shit and he's gonna scram. Off to live as a vagabond rat. Of course, he'll come back about an hour later, but he REALLY doesn't want to fight a fucking dragon. He likes being alive and not crispy fried, thanks.
-dinobot is in absolute awe. He is having a religious experience seeing you glide through the air. A Predacon... One of the ORIGINAL Predacons. Those his kind were named for... Alive. He wants you on his side so badly. He'll seek you out, try to tell you that the Darksyde's crew has no honor, and that you're better off with the Maximals, backwards as it seems. Then he'll try to fight you because he really really wants a match with what he considers a worthy opponent.
-Rhinox is so fucking tired, please let this be a nightmare. He's already carrying the Maximals half the time with his chainguns, but they can only do so much against a fucking dragon. He's honestly considering taking off with Rattrap, but unlike Rattrap, if he's at that point it's gonna take a lot longer than an hour for him to change his mind and come back.
-Waspinator would really appreciate it if you would not take part in the tradition of using him as the communal chew toy. Please. Please consider it.
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vspin · 7 months
Artist vs OC
Thank you @cheekylittlepupp for tag!
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Me vs. My all-time favorite bg3 OC Tav’Lyn. Shocker, I am not a Drow irl (although I am as tall as one lol).
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My Tav from honour MP run with @silver-horse who just has my name. She looks like an alien here lmao.
Tagging @dolceaspidenera @mercymaker @grandmother-goblin @elminsters @communistfries (anyone else who wants to do, ofc I forget everyone I ever talk to when I have to tag.)
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cecilcreepler · 5 hours
wahaha,Waluigi here.
wah(give money to Cece)
(get ice cream)
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what’s a Waluigi and what is he doing in moralton?
enjoy your ice cream silly little purple guy🍦
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xoxochb · 14 hours
ahdhhsha can I do good looking for the event?
I'm fairly short (5'2-3 ish) and a brunette, I wear what are basically coke bottle glasses bc of my horrible eyesight, I dress goth a good 75% of the time, and my hair is medium length but I usually keep it up in a ponytail :)
- she walks on me
- bad reputation
- cherry bomb
- west end girls
- blackout drink
- post party trauma
- pop star
hope you like 🫶🏼
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rayllurn · 1 year
baby soren crumbling away for "mr stark i dont feel so good" purposes
viren's body getting swept off the raft i'm sorry that was just the funniest god damn thing i have ever seen
callum getting just absolutely snatched by amaya
e4 22:57 ish the divine ballerina bait
e6 when the dragang has just arrived in scumport and soren and callum are being stupid and callum shoots fingerguns please and thank you
e7 10:01 ish with callum just being awesome
e8 18:34 callum swagger
e9 6:59 callum scritch scratchin stella literally the Cutest
that's all srry i didn't have timestamps for the first 3 luv ur work 🫶
I *think* I've done all of these, as of the gif set I just posted: a compilation of Callum being an absolute badass (we love to see it!). Thanks for the requests!! <3
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wikipediadogdotnet · 1 year
DRAWING REQUEST ,, steven [universe] enjoying drink ^_^ [i am asking this so i can vicariously live through him cuz i had a rlly bad mango smoothie this morning]
you would blend a minion and drink it⁉️
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number1villainstan · 1 year
& Endeavor
How I feel about this character:
Has potential, but isn't the character I'd obsess over 24/7 (that honor goes to Chisaki). Much like his children, it's fun to explore his potential, but I usually prefer AUs and such. If you're asking which I like better, Endeavor or Dabi, I'd say it's about equal.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Rei: Only in an good dad/good person Enji AU, like my in-progress Eldritch Rei AU, but those AUs are always fun.
Hawks: Because I think it's funny.
All Might: Because my mutuals ship it.
I don't really do a lot of shipping with Endeavor, given that he just...doesn't grab me like some other characters do, but I have a bit of a list.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Fuck if I know. Maybe Touya, in a similar AU as where I'd ship him with Rei? I know that he and Touya have a close relationship in the Eldritch Rei AU, mostly because they're the most 'human' in the family (except for maybe Himiko. Which is a whole thing.).
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't really...think about him enough to have an unpopular opinion? Nor have I watched through his redemption arc in S5 (because Crunchyroll made S4 premium while I was dallying in the middle of it after the Hassaikai arc and it's a lot of effort to translate where I am according to Crunchyroll to where I would be on another site).
I guess, idk, his jumpsuit/hero suit looks kinda stupid is my unpopular opinion. The color scheme is cool but it's way too tight.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Would be kinda fun to see a version of canon where he was actually a halfway decent dad, idk.
Send me a character and I'll break their ass down
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tealbeats-archived · 7 months
@hollowreliquary sent: ' YOUR LAST SINGLE WAS TERRIBLE. ONE HIT WONDERS? HA! NOT EVEN -- You should be BEGGING the great VIEGO to collab with you! '
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This again? His past solo career blew up in his face pretty badly, sure—he could admit to that. But if Ezreal was being honest, it was also the last thing he really wanted to talk about. His nose wrinkled softly from Viego’s words—Beg him to collab? Yeah, over Ezreal’s dead body.
A loud sip is taken from Ezreal’s nearly cold latte—far too much whipping cream and vanilla syrup in there for an average person. The sound is loud and obnoxious as he stares directly at Viego with his golden eyes before the ‘sip’ finally stops and Ezreal looks down at the phone in his own hand, now scrolling social media.
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“Sorry, can’t hear you over my fan base.”
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rubydracogirl · 1 year
oh no💘 that totally answered my question! the mind body and soul thing is something i hadn't noticed, but it feels very endearing and i feel as if i understand them on a deeper wavelength! i appreciate the fact you divert from canon, because while having a perfect replica is definitely an achievement- small differences are a sure requirement to allure readers, and make your story pop! the readers being the heart is a very flattering concept and you can definitely see the display of this lovely dynamic in the "stars in your eyes" fanfic! if it wouldn't irritate you, i'd love to hear all of your headcanons, even the small ones!! if they're hidden in chapters or yet to be shown i would love to hear what you have to say 💗💗💗
Omg. Oh boy. Hell yeah I wanna talk about more of my headcanons! Idk if I can list all of them but I'll see what I can do!
This is probably gonna get long, so I'll list the things below the cut! Also, if there's any specific headcanons you wanna ask that I might miss, please feel free!
Alright, let me see if I can do this in some kind of organized way.
I'll start with Ink!
I know Ink's canon height is like, below 4ft. but I usually prefer to write tall/bara Sanses, so he's a solid 6 ft (All other Sanses in my works would still be taller than him, lmao). I just like them big sksksks don't question it
He eats weird stuff and gross combinations of food. Which, considering that he drinks paint (emotions) isn't too unique of a headcanon.
Even though Ink can't feel emotions, I headcanon that he does feel sensations. He can feel both pain and pleasure, and extreme sensations can be very addicting to him. Hence why he can be so thoughtless about consequences, towards himself and others.
Ink is not a virgin, but I won't go into it any more than that.
🤭Alright now let's do Dream!
Dream's height fluctuates depending on how much positive energy he's got stored/is surrounded by. Typically, I picture him to be 6.2
Speaking of positive energy, I like the idea that he collects energy in bottles and keeps them on his belt. He'll ingest the energy directly in dire times, but also uses his reserves to boost others.
Dream is a shapeshifter and an illusionist. He can change the perception others have of him according to who they most want to see. This ability is especially strong in the dreamscape. (I like to write him with tentacles like Nightmare. It's not a form of corruption, more like an overflow of his magic)
Dream's ultimate purpose in the multiverse is to regulate and monitor the hopes and dreams of others. He has no intention of stopping or destroying Nightmare because he believes the both of them are necessary forces for the multiverse to exist. However, he will fight when Nightmare becomes greedy for more power.
And now Swap!
Swap (and most of the other AU sanses I write) is 6.4. He's also very athletic- pretty much a jock.
Swap learns to travel the multiverse from Ink. It takes a lot of energy, but he's fairly adept at it.
I've never really gathered a headcanon for why Swap becomes friends with Ink and Dream. I think most likely, Ink and Dream chose him as a third companion/ally based off his energy and abilities.
Swap becomes more stoic during his adventures with Ink and Dream. He never loses his hope, but he does become more quiet as he sees the darker parts of the multiverse. He does act as a grounding presence for the two immortals, and in turn, they train him to become a stronger, more efficient magic user.
That's all I can think of right now. There's a post where I talked about my headcanon voices for the Star Bois, which is right here.
If there's any other questions or more specific things you wanna ask about, let me know! And if you have any headcanons you wanna share, I'd love to hear them!
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Hi hi! I've recently been listening to a ton of different vocaloid lately, and I've been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of meanings and symbolism present in the lyrics and the music videos ( niru kajitsu, syudou, hiiragi kiraii, etc...) and so, I wanted to ask you : how do you analyse songs with ambiguous meanings?? I've read all of your analyses, and I was amazed by your analysing techniques. So it would really help if you could share your methods. If you want to ofc!!
I would love to! It's a little hard to explain if I'm honest but I'll try my best!
First and foremost, very obviously, listen to the music! Listen to music that you like enjoy! If you enjoy the music then you won't get tired of listening to it as easily, which will allow you to look through everything in the video without being bored of it!
Next, start with the easy things to analyze. It will get the bigger more obvious things out of the way and it will help paint the picture for the smaller details! Make sure you do your research too!
Next, work your way towards the smaller things. A lot of times this is a more difficult area to work with because of how much there is, and sometimes even I myself don't know where to start. Sometimes it's best to take a break before starting on this part!
Make sure you take an adequate amount of breaks. You don't want to drain yourself.
Next, don't be afraid to take pointers from other theories or reference things other people have found. For example, in some of my theories I've quoted someone who used to do Hiiragi stuff (9lore, name since changed I believe). Just make sure if you reference someone else's theory, you credit them! And also, don't be afraid to research something someone else has already researched.
Next, onto the topic of doing the research. Sometimes a simple Google search just won't give you the information lmao. Sometimes it's best to look for leads elsewhere, but make sure you don't endanger your internet safety for it. When I say "elsewhere" I mean things like witness accounts, or articles surrounding the broad topic instead of the specifics.
Never ever put your safety on the line for this kind of thing!
I hope this helps at least a little bit!! I'm not very good at explaining my process lmao. Send me another ask/comment/pm if you have anymore specific questions on it! I'll do my best to answer them!!!
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desperatecheesecubes · 2 months
comics ask game: 11 & 28 !
11: after NUCH contemplation I think I’m going to say it’s one of these two probably (but I lost the motivation to go through EVERY cover I had)
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28: there’s a number of runs I’ve 100%ed but the ones I’m most proud of are Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E, Batgirl 2009, and Starfire 2015. (And also the fact I have all of all four of Black Canary’s solos. I am that bitch 💅) but I’m SOOO close to 100%ing Birds of Prey. Of anyone ever gets curious here’s my LOCG.
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kauenelikha · 3 months
omg omg uhh fyodor ballad of songbirds and snakes!!
Ok so the name can be pretty misleading, this one's got the essence of tbosas more than it being a hunger games au. It's Fyodor's first life (and possibly the many after it) and the origin of his need to be rid of abilities. We're gonna start out feeling sympathy for him 'cause of his circumstances but then he'll spend the rest of the story reminding us why he's the main villain in canon and terrible.
TW: Death and violence
Oh. Fyodor isn’t in pain yet. Half the spear is lodged below his sternum, deep, deep red burbling around it. The blood stains his pale hands the same as the lamb’s fleece from so long ago. Strange that his fingers don’t tremble now. He hears his name from far away. He should respond. He can’t seem to tear his gaze away from the wood. An unsteady step back has his vision blurring, the calls of his name louder. He’s sure he fell but his landing is soft, warmth cupping his face until his eyes meet livid brown.  “Fedya,” he hears through glass. “Fedya please—” Daniil never finishes the sentence. His last gift to Fyodor is his head in his lap, felled by the only axe worthy of taking his life.
Another excerpt
I haven't written this one in so long 'cause Fyodor's voice would be way different than my usual writing and I'd like to involve religious aspects that I need to research for.
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thedemonastrophel · 3 months
for the Doctor Who ask game, answer all the multiples of eleven.
11) Who is your doctor
13, ngl I started watching 10 first cause David Tennant was in Good Omens and I saw that first, but now being caught up on nu who I can safely say 13 is my doctor. I will defend her forever and always, I absolutely love how much heart her run has in it. Yeah I'm a bit sad there's no x-mas specials for her but honestly I didn't notice when watching. I just love everything about hers run. The feel of it, her acting, the relationship with the Doctor and Yaz, just all of it.
21) Favourite Companion?
Honestly my favourite has to be Ruby! Surprising to me as well but the way she's written- there's just something about characters that have trauma and are just fully willing to accept that someone suddenly left them for no reason (the doctor, 72 yards), and not even be mad about it. Also I adore her outfit design.
31) Favourite Episode ever?
Ooh probably The Midnight Planet. It's one of the few episodes that the doctor actually feels like they're about to perma die and no one can do anything about it. Idk I just love the position it puts them in.
41) Classic Who or New Who?
I love the vibes that classic has but I think because I started with new who (and that's where 13 is) I'd have to go with that one. I do love the janky CGI classic who has though.
51) Favourite monster/villain?
The weeping angels. Gah I love them, their into episode is so well done. Not a fan of how they're handled in that one episode with Amy in the forest, but not much can be done about that. Either way I love how terrifying they can be, the potential for indimitadion factor is incredible.
61) Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventure?
I'm gonna be so honest I haven't watched either but I'm extremly bias towards Jack Harkness because of the him Rose and 9 thing, I got so excited the first time I saw that lmao
71) Favourite peice of alien tech?
Kerblam man, there's something so funny about those guys I love them sm (and if that's not a good enough answer uhhh those space age clockwork robots from 10's season)
81) Time period you'd want to go to with the Doctor?
Far future earth! I wanna see the shiny evil capitalism! :D
91) What historical event would you like to see?
I want to see the reactions of people when the Wizard of Oz premiered for the first time, I wanna see how people reacted to colour in a movie like that.
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thirstywaffles · 6 months
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Guess who drew this instead of doing my thesis haha.....
Template by pompipurin !!
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