owlfacenightkit · 1 year
“You’ve got a rage problem, Raph”
“Oh snap”
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Oh yes
Raph remains my favorite turtle
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feeshfries · 9 months
brbaai was AWESOME SAUCE !!!!!!!!! late posting what whatevs… i caught the stream in the last hour or so and even tho ive yet to watch brba, it was SUCH an experience, esp with my friends and others on ponytown !!
it qas so fun getting to talk to everyone, friend or not, while things were happening live ESP right at the end when the trailer started. ive never seen the spot so active and being there to witness it was so much fun i cried real tears
thank u to everyone who joined in, and im so so excited for hl2vrai !!!! squeee !!!!^_^
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 28~ Well, I heard this season’s supposedly got 60 episodes total (don’t quote me, that may be wrong) so we’re almost at the halfway point... I’m gonna wait till episode 30 to talk about that though.
This episode I actually rather liked, even though absolutely NOTHING happens other than the important things at the very beginning and the very end. That’s becoming a pattern this season - lots of nothing sandwiched in between hints of big dramatic things to come. Eh. But yeah, I liked it anyway :P for a few reasons that are probably not that objective. It’s not the kind of episode that’s gonna make you want to rewatch though.
Cap of the week!
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Look we all know Jou is exactly the kind of 12 year old who folds his clothes neatly even when lost in a mysterious parallel world. Also he brought more textbooks (social studies and Japanese). Aka more ammo for Mimi
More below:
Last week we ended with Patamon evolving to Angemon in what was a pretty anticlimactic moment, despite a big villain being there and a cliffhanger ending. Seemed like a waste after all we went through just to get him.
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However, I do think the beginning of episode 28 makes up for it somewhat. Angemon gets to show off how Very Very Cool he is, but it’s also made clear that he’s not up to full strength. Seeing him throw all his effort into the battle to save them even though it’s clear he won’t win was actually pretty great.
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More typhoon winds throwing everyone back XD they must have so many bruises
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Poor Takeru gets thrown back all by his lonesome
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So last episode, I said I thought Darknightmon was gonna go for Hikari and was surprised and somewhat relieved when he stayed interested in Takeru/Angemon. Um... I guess that was a red herring x’D he’s after Hikari after all.
He literally says “I have no use for you” to Angemon LOL sick burn my dude
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Hikari: “There is a new cutest child.”
Takeru: “Um, actually the phrase is ‘smallest child’.“
Hikari: “No. Cutest child. Do not interrupt my moment, impertinent one.”
Grogu: “Did someone say ‘cutest child’?”
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Angemon’s peeved that Hikari stole the spotlight so he immediately jumps into the way and prevents Darknightmon from grabbing her.
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Angemon: “No one treats ME like some washed up has-been!”
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But as hard as he tries, Angemon just hasn’t recovered enough. It probably took all the energy Patamon had stored up just to evolve. His wings lengthen and release into millions of shining feathers, and both he and Darknightmon de-evolve.
I really did kind of enjoy this battle! Seeing Takeru be all strong and heroic, and the desperation with which Angemon tries to protect him... me likey.
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Next it’s a nod to 99 series! D-D-Digimon!
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Yamato screams like he’s at the dentist’s.
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There’s lots of freaky black lightning that rains down seeming to give dark energy and empower random Digimon who get hit by it. Just to ensure our heroes don’t get to waste time on any more “breaks”
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A single feather floats down where Taichi lands and dissolves. I am not sure what happened to it, if it did anything or if it was what protected them until this point...
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Taichi and Hikari wake up and discover they are alone. So last week I thought they’d get swept off into pairs... I didn’t even consider that they’d each wind up alone. Mixed feelings! On the one hand, seeing each kid interact with their partner and their partner only was one of the good things about this episode (except it wasn’t always true, which I’ll get to in a minute). On the other hand, my fears last week were that whoever ended up with Taichi would be overshadowed by him. Turns out, if no one’s with him but Hikari, that means all the plot stuff is with them and the others have nothing in particular to do. -_-; At least not this week. My hope is that it’s coming (and there were a few promising hints this episode so), but next week’s trailer looks pretty Taichi-centric too..
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Taichi: “Can I help it if I’m so charming cool awesome and dare I say it adorable”
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The impact of everyone being “alone” is cut short by the fact that they can all still communicate via digivice. I would be fine with that, except for what I said earlier - they wind up spending too much time talking to each other instead of their partners. Particularly the ones who like to Plan Things. Eh.
Yamato tells Taichi to protect Hikari, doesn’t even mention that he’s sadly separated from Takeru at this point ;_; He knows Takeru’s okay though because Takeru is also communicating by digivice.
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Sora: “Hello yes, it’s in my contract that I get to be awesome X number of times per episode, and I have doubts that you are making your quota.”
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I love how Tentomon’s job is basically Koushirou’s secretary x’D “Put my calls on speakerphone Margaret” “Yes Mr Izumi”
The partners really are suited to each other... Koushirou gets a secretary, Jou gets a mom, Mimi gets a gal pal, Yamato gets a therapist, Sora gets a sister, Taichi gets a... preschool child who eats paste... -.-’
takeru and hikari don’t count because they’re Special and their main attribute is Cute
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All the kids have ended up alone except for super-charged monsters who want to eat them. Palmon hoists Mimi up a very sheer rock trying to escape Golemon who is not great at climbing but doesn’t seem to know that
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Meanwhile Jou... is like “Ohh yeah, you guys have it so rough, I’m trying my hardest too, keep fighting the good fight y’all”
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He’s relaxing in the hot springs and freaking studying.
Gomamon’s unusually fine with it though. Because he gets to swim. He says “Let’s invite the others here.” They’re both like YEAH THIS IS WHAT I CALL A VACATION
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It’s all fun and games until the hairy guy with the tattoos and veiny arms sharing your hot spring starts staring at your ding-a-ling. Uhhhhhhh.
he does make the “Nanimono?” joke so all is well lol
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No matter what form he takes, Patamon is always an Angel 👼
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Takeru is alone but he has Patamon... but Patamon is...
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... ADORABLE... and conked out. Takeru’s so proud of him though, look at that smile *sniff*
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Taichi remembers to ask Koushirou how conditions are back at home. This kid is too organized.
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Koushirou: “News and variety shows continue as normal even though the world’s ending.”
I’m not going to get into everything he says but it’s pretty much more of the same regarding the power influx from the human world to the digital world and the way the Zurumon’s attacks are wreaking havoc with electronics...
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Taichi almost says “You’re so sugoi!” Almost. He’s grateful anyway. *chews on those Taishiro breadcrumbs till they’re broken down to atoms*
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Then... Hikari’s acting strange!
Agumon: “What are you looking at?”
Hikari: “I don’t know.”
Taichi: “You don’t know but you’re looking at it?”
Hikari: “It kind of looks like Steve Buscemi... it’s hard to tell”
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Taichi’s not too wigged out by freaky Hikari because he’s lived with her all his life, and she’s always been a freak.
Baby Hikari: “Shteeve... bushemiii....”
Agumon: “Your sister’s weird.”
Taichi: “Yeah but she’s MY weird sister.”
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Yamato is fighting, of course. He stops for a moment to be impressed by how well Takeru’s handling himself. Garurumon points it out. I suppose it’s simply time to accept that this season Yamato is just not the disaster boy he was in 99 x’D
Now have some gratuitous adorable Patabutt images.
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Patabutt patabutt pata pata butt butt
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Um... is it just me or is Patamon kinda... oversized all of a sudden lol...
Takeru: “Did you eat all of my candy stash again?”
Patamon: “I just can’t seem to quit”
Takeru: “That’s it we’re getting you into rehab”
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Patamon tries to fly but just can’t ;____; poor baby is totally wiped out. Takeru takes a long time to catch on to that. I REALLY HOPE THIS GOES SOMEWHERE, like Takeru has to protect Patamon instead of the reverse etc... pleeeeease don’t just leave this where it is writers!! The potential for cute is endlessssss
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On the matter of Things That Are Not Cute... -.-;
Jou: “Please stop looking at my junk”
Nanimon: “Stop looking at mine”
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Mimi is much more useful! She discovers a shiny rock!
This rock... could be the raw material for their Crests!!! Squeee~!! I mean, it’s about time something about that came up, assuming it’s still a thing. (Since they already seem to have their Crests loaded in their Digivices and got to Perfect level without any talk of values and personal strengths, I don’t know how much of the old Crest legacy remains in this season.) I, uh, did the same thing in my fanfic so I guess I’m just biased... These could totally be Evil Rubies Of Darkness and Terror but I’d rather have Crests :p Of course I would have expected Mimi to find green stones in that case sooo... maybe not.
Anyway she and Palmon are suitably distracted from running from Golemon and go mining instead. I’m sure that will not cause any problems.
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We swing back to Taichi and Hikari, who are being approached by a big scary monster...
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Taichi: “Watch my Tarzan impression.”
Hikari: “Nooo! I don’t want to be Jane!”
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Fortunately Agumon evolves just to catch them in midair x’D Now is not the time for impressions, Taichi, seriously.
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They are attacked by Volcdramon, which is a dumbass name.
Taichi: “Velcromon the Velcro Digimon?”
Voldramon: “what NO i am Volcdramon-”
Hikari: “Voltronmon? Voldemortmon?”
Voldramon: *sniveling* “why does this happen EVERY time i JUST want to be one of the cool guys youre all such BULLIES”
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MetalGreymon and Volcdramon face off, but something’s not right! Much like... the Digimon in the last episode whose name I already forgot *cough*, Volcdramon seems able to absorb other Digimon’s power. This presents a problem because last time it took all of them shooting into its mouth together to overload it so they could win. MetalGreymon is having a hard time on his own as Volcdramon just absorbs all his attacks.
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Hikari prays to Jesus to save them. Digimon is approved for Christian families 👼👼👼
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ugggghhh I love them
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Taichi promises Hikari everything will be okay. His back-and-forth with MetalGreymon here is kind of cool. Every time MetalGreymon takes a hit, Taichi’s encouragement and coaching?? I guess keeps frustration at bay.
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Buuut eventually they’re both feeling pretty desperate :P It was hard for me to take this battle seriously since, after all we’ve seen MetalGreymon capable of, it seems weird that he should be struggling this much. But obviously they don’t just want to make him invincible. And this problem makes sense: the ability of Digimon to absorb attacks and turn them into energy is definitely a new problem.
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The question is, how do we solve it?
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Apparently it helps if you have a little sister who’s some kind of super battery.
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Taichi: “Nothing shocks me anymore with Hikari. She could announce she’s been Beyonce this whole time and I would believe it”
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WarGreymon appears (again) as his goldeny vision self, defeats Volcdramon, then promptly de-evolves back to Agumon.
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So the question is, why is this happening... From earlier episodes we know Agumon & co are some group of legendary warriors who have had their memories tampered with (??) to some extent (because they do still know each other, or at least Agumon and Gabumon remember knowing each other). Omegamon’s a given for that of course so I suppose that’s why. Hikari seems to be the key to unlocking the legendary warriors, maybe with Takeru. That’s my guess. Of course, Tailmon’s probably already in the bad guys’ clutches, much like Patamon was. I hope she’s still working for them. I want more double agent fun times. Also ANGST
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Hikari: “Thank you, Agumon-” *disappears*
Taichi: “GEEZ I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without something bad happening anymore, like excuse me for BLINKING”
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Yeah so... Skullknightmon appears and abducts Hikari like it’s nothing xD
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Skullknightmon: “What’s under arm number two? Iiiiit’s your sister!”
Taichi: “Aw damn, I wanted the sports car”
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Taichi quickly gives chase. I assume Agumon’s pretty exhausted after that and probably can’t evolve now. Bad timing. Oooor maybe this is all how Skullknightmon planned it...
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Then... the unthinkable! Hikari looks at her brother rushing desperately to save her... and turns away!
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Taichi is SHOCKED! Le GASP!
Taichi: “But but but I’m the MAIN CHARACTER”
Hikari: “Not anymore bitch it’s my show now”
Yeah okay jokes aside! This bit was AWESOME. Like, I’m sure it’s obvious that she can tell the voice that “called” her to the digital world is with Skullnightmon. Or at least, her heart’s telling her she has to go with him in order to meet that person (Tailmon, duh). I’ll be surprised if that’s not what’s going on. But... to so coldly just turn her back on her brother... I mean, maybe she also thinks she’s protecting him... but SHE JUST GOT HERE... holy crap...
To think we spent so long theorizing that Takeru would be the one abducted but no it’s Hikari... In retrospect should have been obvious. She’s 1) a girl and therefore a damsel, and 2) the one who was abducted in 99 xP
But I really like her semi-willingly going off with Skullnightmon. Much better than just screaming as she’s whisked away King Kong-style. In 99 she also got abducted voluntarily (I mean, it was coercion, so... that’s not voluntary, but you know what I mean). So they kept that in this season and I like it.
That’s it for this week’s episode! So the bits that I liked were the individual moments with the kids and their partners, of which we had more than usual but still not nearly enough. Nowhere near. In the end it was still a Taichi episode.
As a Taichi fan... it’s not like I’m ever sad that he gets more focus. But I love ALL the kids and they’re NOT getting development. We do keep getting hints about them but it’s so, so, so slow. To be fair, it’s not like we know THAT much about Taichi either. He gets so much focus because he’s always fighting. This season doesn’t seem concerned with personality and character bits like the 99 one, and I am gonna compare them for that. Because I think that was the heart of the 99 show. Without it, it’s missing something. I keep hoping it’ll come back, we keep getting those hints and special moments here and there, but the plot is such a distraction... if it was like a really good plot maybe I’d care less but...
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Next week...  as far as I can see, it’s another Taichi episode xP But I do think they’ll do the same as this episode and intersperse Taichi’s battle with what’s going on with the others too. If that’s how they do it, I won’t mind. It might even be better. Fine, Taichi can fight, as long as the others are showing us more about themselves and getting other things done in the meantime. Mimi and Jou both look promising. Takeru too. Sora and Yamato, not sure..
Koushirou better not just sit at his computer the whole time -___-
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Le owch.
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Taichi: “Look being the main character’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I have three concussions and six broken bones. Also I can’t feel my toes anymore”
hang in there bud im cheering for ya
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