omgthatdress · 1 year
What are y'alls favorite absolutely unhinged female rage anthems?
Working on a new writing project and I need inspo. YES most of the songs I already have are Florence + The Machine.
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Evil mc…but prison au? 👀
The cell block is her dance hall, and all the boys want to tango. Since she's a villain I'm assuming she's a fellow inmate.
Sans: Her eyes and ears in the prison... her unassuming spy who learns everyone's business and funnels it straight to her. Evil Mc being Evil Mc, she's probably found a way to place herself in the lower-risk prison block- perhaps convincing the prison board that she's at risk of being attacked if she's in the main cells. Perhaps Sans did the manipulation for her to get her more freedoms. Either way, she and her right hand man get a lot of quality time together.
... Sans likes having someone who knows the truth about how fucked up he is from the very beginning. She saw through him from the start. He doesn't have to pretend to be goofy, harmless, he doesn't have to wear a smiling mask; she knows exactly how dangerous he is and she likes it. It feels good to be alone together... to have someone with which he can completely drop the act.
Red: They still have that on-and-off highly flirtatious relationship that they have in the regular villain AU. He's just as devoted as before, he can't get enough of her, and she can't get enough of him either- he likes the danger. She likes his claws.
... Rather than being her ogeneral, he's more of a... bodyguard/supplier/willing boytoy. He keeps her safe if she ever ends up in the main prison population, he twists the guards' arms into doing what she wants, and he constantly delivers her a stream of any banned goods she needs (no questions asked). She respects the chokehold he has on the prison population and doesn't try to disrupt his command like another villain might- ironically, it means he now wants to give it to her willingly. It puts her in a position of massive power.
In a way, it does actually mirror the general and his superior. The army just happens to be the population of the prison.
Skull: Skull is less like her personal guard, and more like a personal bomb.
The fits of rage Skull enters when separated from Mc are something to behold. The prison, reluctantly, allow Skull and Mc a lot of time together- anything to get him to stop killing. Though he's muzzled and bound he still follows her everywhere like a lost dog, ready to take off the fingers of anyone who gets close; she happily feeds his obsessive connection to her, she's very doting and loving with him. The constant stream of attention actually leaves him in a stable enough state of mind to hold slow conversations, and forge alliances with the other two skeletons- it's easy to find common ground over their shared desire to be with her and keep her safe.
It's not dramatic to say he'd do anything for her. The moment she asks him to, he'd kill anyone, he'd break anything, he'd lay down mid-rampage, he'd start a riot. Anything she asks. Many 'incidents' of death or dismemberment chalked up to Skull just being insane were actually direct commands from Mc... though 'command' is a pretty harsh way of putting it.
All she did was ask softly, and kiss his cheekbone. That's all he needed.
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indestructibleheart · 8 months
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all we are is skin and bones (for @nontoxic-writes)
He had even less time to stop, turn to the asshole with the intention of saying something (hopefully) less cliche than, "Hey, I'm walkin' here!" and watch helplessly as a perfect stranger stepped backward, off the curb and directly into the path of a bike messenger. And that's the story of how Alex Claremont-Diaz went from doe-eyed future lawyer to an actual murderer. Cue the Cell Block Tango. No, that's a joke—but it is how he ended up here, anxiously drumming his fingers against his thigh in a hospital waiting room while someone he may or may not be responsible for maiming gets his wrist wrapped in a cast. …Actually, does this qualify as a maiming? Does the injury have to be permanent, or does even temporarily snapping someone's bone count? What is the legal definition of maiming, exactly? Alex is about to get his phone out to Google when a very tired-looking nurse pops out from the emergency room door and says, "Alex? Is there an Alex out here?"
OR: Alex didn't plan to push Henry Fox into oncoming traffic.
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phoebe-delia · 6 months
Chicago's 6 Merry Murderesses as Taylor Swift's songs
I thought of this earlier today and thought maybe one or two people on here might find it amusing so here you go lol.
For context, you've got to know the lyrics to Cell Block Tango. (If you don't and you want to read on, here are the lyrics.) I will refer to each of the murderesses by both their character name AND the sound they make in the song: Pop (Liz), Six (Annie), Squish (June), Uh-uh (Hunyak), Cicero (Velma), and Lipschitz (Mona)
I am assigning the songs based on the vibe their story gives me. I am also challenging myself by excluding "No Body No Crime," since that would be a bit of a cop-out IMO.
I had fun putting this together! I hope someone else finds it interesting lol.
CW: discussion of murder, guns, blood, violence
POP/Liz: "Bejeweled" from Midnights
Liz says she kills her boyfriend because she came home from work in a bad mood and he was popping his gum too loud, which was a frequent habit of his. She was annoyed and told him to stop, but he didn't, so she shot him. This is, obviously, completely unhinged. It gives me "Bejeweled" vibes because of the lyrics "didn't notice you were walking all over my peace of mind" and "familiarity breeds contempt." Idk I just see a similar feeling of "you've gotten on my last nerve and I'm done with you" from both.
SIX/Annie: "Babe" from Red
Annie says she killed her boyfriend because he told her he was single, they got together and moved in, and then she found out he had multiple wives. So then she poisoned him. This gives me "Babe" vibes because it feels like she fell fast and hard and found out he wasn't the person she thought he was. This one is all about betrayal and feeling blindsided by infidelity and I think the song fits really well.
SQUISH/June: "Getaway Car" from reputation
June says she was making dinner when her husband burst through the door, screaming and accusing her of having an affair with the milkman. She then says he "ran into" her knife 10 times. We don't know for certain if his accusations against her are true; she doesn't let on either way. If he was screaming and raging, she could've thought she was in danger and acted in self-defense. My interpretation, though, is that she was cheating, and then killed him to keep him quiet. For this reason, I chose "Getaway Car," because the milkman was her own "Getaway Car" out of that relationship similar to how Taylor describes in the song.
Uh-Uh/The Hunyak: "Haunted" from Speak Now
Her story is SUPER sad. She's falsely accused of killing her husband, and then no one will listen to her because she can't speak English and properly advocate for herself. To me, this song captures some of the turmoil and grief she's feeling, both for herself and her husband. As the song says, "Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/I thought I had you figured out/Something's gone terribly wrong/You're all I wanted." And like, obviously, her husband didn't leave her here. But I think it portrays a similar feeling of dread and panic.
Cicero/Velma: "Better Than Revenge" from Speak Now
This was the first—and I'm pretty sure only—time Taylor addressed a woman with whom a boyfriend cheated or wronged her. I think it fits Velma's story very well. Velma and her sister did a traveling dance act, and Velma's husband traveled with them. One night, Velma caught them having sex, so she "blacked out" and killed them. Just look at the lyrics to "Better Than Revenge" and see what you think:
"She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause/She took him faster than you could say sabotage/I never saw it coming, nor would I have suspected it/I underestimated just who I was dealing with/She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum/She underestimated just who she was stealing from."
Lipschitz/Mona: "I Knew You Were Trouble" from Red
Mona describes Al Lipschitz as being a sensitive artist. She says she fell deeply in love with him, but that he was trying to "find himself" and ended up cheating on her with multiple women. She's vague about how he died, but she does give us this pretty crazy line:
"I guess you can say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive... and I saw him dead"
Anyway, to be honest, part of what made me pick this song was picturing the music video: this suave, charming artist flirting with this girl and then leaving her because he's a "loner" and a "drifter." I think the story she tells goes well with the vibe of the song.
If you made it this far—thanks for reading!! 💛
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
Now that we know he’s okay, reposting this, because the old formatting annoys me.
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Cell Block Tango AU.
The Prohibition Era.
He was soft, just the way Louis liked all his little birds - pale, and pink, and pretty. Much, much too pretty - a peacock in a cage of pigeons. Hungry eyes lingered too long on the sway of his hips and the swell of his backside, mouths slightly agape as they stared at the purse of his utterly sinful lips.
He would need his own cell - hell, his own prison, if Louis had anything to say about it. It wasn't safe here for someone who looked like that. Well, it could be - if they belonged to Louis.
The guards seemed to understand, though - seemed to grasp the gravity of bringing this luscious little lamb into the lion's den. But something told Louis that this one could tango - kick up his heels and dance circles around predators until they were dizzy and drunk on that darling smile. This was still the slammer after all, and you didn't get put in here for being a damsel in distress.
“In you get," the constable announced gruffly, but just as he was about to place his beefy hand on that delicate shoulder, the little bird dodged it.
“I know how to use my gams," he teased, sashaying sweetly into the cell. "I'm a big girl, officer" he crooned, with a bat of his long lashes.
The constable blustered like the idiot he was, his face almost purple from trying to fight down his blush, and Louis could only hold in his snort for so long.
At the sound, Peacock turned towards him, a smirk playing on his lips like he was waiting - excited, expecting Louis to get into a tussle. But much to the bird's surprise, the constable only walked away, and Louis smirked back cockily. He was untouchable here - the king of this joint - and Peacock was gonna learn that soon enough.
Just to prove it, Louis made a show of pulling out a ciggy and placing it in between his lips, watching amusedly from beneath his lashes as Peacock's pretty little mouth fell into and o as he lit it. Louis looked up then, and blew a stream through his lips.
“So," he started, raising his brow. "What're you in for, dollface? The little bird stayed quiet for all of a second - but Louis saw the moment he decided to play, his green eyes twinkling. He pushed himself up off the cell bars, and Louis' eyes fell to his hips - right, left, right, left, right left - until he saw smooth fingers curl on the curve of his knee."
“I’ll tell you for a puff, dreamboat," Peacock giggled into his ear.
Louis smirked, and Peacock plucked the cigarette right from between his lips, the soft skin of his fingers pressing light and delicious against Louis mouth.
Louis watched him inhale - watched the way his sweet dimples made an appearance as the curls of smoke fell from his lips.
“Well?" Louis teased.
Peacock smiled, coy and sexy, and batted his eyelashes innocently.
“I fell in love," he said with a shrug and a smile. "That's a crime nowadays, ain't it?"
“It is if he broke your heart, darling," Louis chuckled, playing along. "Pretty little thing like you."
Peacock lifted one shoulder and pouted, his lips so plush Louis bet they tasted like apples. "He broke my heart, he did,” he admitted. And then he winked. "And I stopped his."
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elegomez · 3 months
regarding some of the tags in that other post - sexual development in children is normal* and a process over time (not just "poof you're 18, here's your libido"), and is generally formed around what people are exposed to in their lives. (Would anyone like to see some historical ponyplay by the way? Lots of that when horses were part of most people's lives.) Obviously, shouldn't direct sex at kids or sexually assault children for a lot of really good reasons, first and foremost, holy shit does it harm them for life. But bodies are not inherently sexual, and at the same time humans of all ages will develop sexual feelings for whatever's around them. Like - covering people up and stigmatizing what we think of as sexual doesn't stop sexuality, it just transfers over to the new thing. The stupid foot fetish anxiety aside, most of us don't think twice at seeing someone in sandals, or with ankles/legs exposed; but there was a point in the US where that was the height of scandal. The same energy stays, because humans are fairly consistently sexual creatures. The context of what's viewed as sexual and what isn't just changes constantly. (There are plenty of places where exposed breasts aren't blinked twice at.)
All that is to say, Catherine Zeta Jones and everyone dancing Cell Block Tango in Chicago might have been my sexual awakening** but if she weren't there and I lived in Victorian England or whatever, God knows I would have had a thing for ankles.
*ace people also usually experience some form of sexual development, at least in terms of recontextualizing touch that would have been fine as a child as sexual (eg sitting in someone's lap is very different when you're a child vs when you're an adult), but it doesn't end in them necessarily being attracted to people/having a libido/etc. There are also some people who don't go through the social recontextualization process, but still have libido+attraction. Normal here is functioning as a median experience, not a blanket statement.
**not precisely true but generally upsetting to explain; I, however, can name Chicago as the first time I was explicitly attracted to the way a person looked or dressed.
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roberrtphilip · 8 months
incredibly random and idk if you’ve talked about this before but i can’t stop thinking about robert taking giselle to see a broadway show especially if they went to see smthin like cinderella 😭🤍
omg I think about what shows they would see all the time !! I have a little list, too, actually !!! (spoilers, it's not little)
Legally Blonde the Musical (they saw this show so many times, and Robert did Not enjoy it, but he likes making Giselle happy, so he suffered for her. she was devastated when it closed, but thank god mtv recorded it !!!)
The Little Mermaid
Daddy Long Legs (I watched the proshot years ago and I'll be honest I don't remember much, but I feel like Giselle would enjoy it)
The Addams Family
Elf (I've only seen the movie, and I heard this adaptation isn't exactly the same but idk for sure? either way, they would see it)
Spiderman Turn Off the Dark
First Date
Kinky Boots
Nice Work if You Can Get It
Anastasia (I don't think Giselle liked some of the changes, like In the Dark of the Night not being included)
Frozen (Robert wanted to die)
SpongeBob SquarePants (Robert wanted to die)
Mean Girls (and Giselle was very excited to hear it was getting a movie this year !!)
Moulin Rouge
She Loves Me
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast (This was her first Broadway show, and they caught it just before it closed)
Chicago (really love the idea of Robert coming home to Giselle singing the Cell Block Tango and being like 'um 😳')
Mamma Mia
And this list is shows they saw that I think Giselle wouldn't like/care for but Robert really enjoyed
Catch Me if You Can
Jersey Boys (Giselle did like the music in this, just not the story. I think Robert loooooves Frankie Valli)
The Producers (so,, apparently this show closed right before Giselle arrived in New York, but I'm ignoring that and we're going to pretend it ran longer because I think Robert loves Mel Brooks movies. I think he really wanted to see it when it first opened, but he had no one to go with, and Morgan was too young. So, when Giselle asked what he wanted to see, he was like "well,,,, 👉🏻👈🏻". and he really loves it !! we just have to pretend it was still open :))
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
The Book of Mormon (picturing them going into this blind and Hasa Diga Eebowai throwing her off completely. the entire show probably made her so uncomfortable 😭)
Avenue Q (I think the only thing Giselle could say about this was "well... the puppets were... cute, I suppose..." another show that just. made her so uncomfortable kjfoisdjfoidfjsd)
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wyxan · 5 months
Artist ask game! #5
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself.
Hmmm I would say I post 80% of my digital pieces online - like full drawings. That’s normally on either discord, tumblr, AO3, or all three. Any ones I don’t post are usually because: the inner perfectionist got to me, no one was expecting them anyway, they stopped sparking joy before the end of the drawing process, or I don’t think it will get a lot of traction and that is likely to crush me that day. (Sometimes I quite enjoy posting something for me and 4 people, but sometimes it makes me sad. Like Peter Parker recently I thought he was so cute I got a teenie bit crushed).
I post almost none of my sketches that I do for practice or fun, the exception being things like Cell Block Tango Slade that I think will make other people laugh to see like they made me laugh to draw. I also don’t think I’ve ever posted anything I’ve drawn without a reference - I don’t see images in my mind so some of them are hilarious, maybe I shall save them for a day we all need a cheer up!
I post like 50% of the things I draw in life drawing sessions onto my instagram for my friends and family - all the longer poses but not a lot of the practice exercises. I don’t know what it is about life drawing but everything I draw in those sessions is my absolute baby, they feel way too personal to share elsewhere!
This was a great question thank you!
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
Fanboy & Fangirl take Chicago
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Hi my loves!
Just wanted to stop in and show you some of the pictures of a surprise trip Mickey planned for us! We drove to Chicago! He knows how much I’ve wanted to visit!
I have to say there was a moment I fell even more in love with this man was when we spent a day just volunteering at a local animal rescue. We even took one of the dogs for a doggie play date at one of the local parks.
Oh and the answer is yes… We did listen repeatedly to the Chicago musical and sing a long to Cell Block Tango until we lost our voices as we drove around town! 😜 Then we saw it live at one of the theaters 😭.
We really enjoyed this much needed trip!! But we have to get back to reality…
Until next time!!
Fangirl Garcia
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📝 A/N: I do not own any of the photos included in this post. Photos used have been from Pinterest or Tumblr or Instagram.
🏷 List: @luckyladycreator2 @bayisdying
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omgthatdress · 1 year
Every time I ask for song recommendations the replies are always full of people saying "Cell Block Tango" STOP I HATE MUSICALS
I have "went to a fine arts magnet school" trauma okay?!
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izukushgizraael · 4 years
what did she have that i didn’t ?
bakugou x fem-reader
warnings: cheating , broken-heart , pregnancy , little fluff , cliché ending , pretty dramatic,,and pretty much angst. there will be mentioning
excuse my mistakes i just got back into writing. there will be a mentioning of god but not too much. me and friend did half and half on this so don’t worry about the different writing skills. this is trash to be honestly😭😭
Standing in the living room.
You stood there with your hands bawled up in a fist. Tears welled up in your eyes. Looking at the man you loved with everything in you. Your high-school sweetheart.
‘why?’ you asked. You should have known something was up with him. Bakugou didn’t respond just looking down drowned in shame.
‘ANSWER ME DAMMIT!’ you yelled. He jumped at your outburst.
‘I don’t know.’ he replied.
‘YOU DON’T KNOW? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? YOU DON’T KNOW HOW YOU ENDED FUCKING YOUR SECRETARY?’ you yelled letting your tears falling down your cheek. Bakugou noticed this quickly. He got up from the couch and went over to you.
You backed up going to the other side of the room. He knew he really fucked up.
‘I give you so many chances bakugou. I really fucking do. I cant keep going through this.’ you said adding on. You wiped your face off with your sleeve.
‘I can change. Come on y/n. I really can. I promise you. Just don’t leave me.’ He said having tears welled up in his eyes because of the thought of you leaving him for good.
‘STOP SAYING THAT! YOU AREN’T GOING TO CHANGE. STOP MAKING PROMISES YOU CAN’T KEEP.’ you yelled. you tried calming down. you really did. you couldn’t. too many emotions running through you.
Bakugou stayed quiet. He knew whatever the next thing he said was going to make you leave. He didn’t want you to leave.
‘I-I love you so much y/n. I really do. I promise you i can change. Just let me show you.’ Bakugou said voice cracking.
‘you can still love a person and still cheat just like people love god but still sin.’ you said getting your purse/sling bag/mini-bag.
bakugou just watched you. he didn’t say anything.
‘where are you going?’ he asked sniffling.
‘leaving. i’m not going to keep putting myself in situations where my heart is on the damn line all the damn time. i wish you could see where i’m coming from. i wish you the best. honestly. you replied.
‘y/n wait-‘ bakugou said trying to stop you.
you slammed the door walking out not trying to hear what he has to say. walking to your car. you got into your car. you sat there trying to think all of the times you were genuinely happy with him. you couldn’t think of any. ‘you can handle yourself. you didn’t need a man’ you mentally told yourself.
you saw bakugou sprinting towards your car. you drove off.
bakugou pov:
he saw your car speed off.
‘FUCK!’ he screamed.
he ran back into the house. he went looking for his phone. he went through the door , almost tripping , looking for his phone.
he dialed your cell-number.
‘pick up. pick. pick up.’ he said feeling tears well back up in his eyes.
you didn’t answer.
he went into the bathroom splashing water on his face wishing this all was a dream.
until his phone rang.
he quickly picked it up hoping it was you. when it was the woman he cheated on you with.
‘heyy.’ she slurred over the phone. she must be drunk. he thought.
‘what the hell do you want ?’ he snapped feeing anger over take his senses.
‘woahhh somebody’s fucking anger. did that bitch make you mad-‘
‘watch who you are talking about you stupid bitch. you never ever speak on her name like that again.’
‘mhm whatever. what time your thinking tonight?’ she asked.
‘no no we’re not doing this again. not any fucking more. you made the love of my life leave me.’
‘hey it takes two to tango.’ she laughed out loud over the phone.
‘oh yeah? it also takes one to not have a job anymore. you are fucking fired.’ bakugou hissed. bakugou hanged up and blocked her.
bakugo sat there crying his heart out. never has he ever felt this way towards somebody and he blew. just fucking blew it.
bakugou noticed something in the trash can. it caught his attention.
he wiped his eyes trying to see it more clearly. he put his hand in trash can looking at it. his heart dropped to his ass..
a pregnancy tests.
four of the them to be exact. he sat them all on the sink looking all of them one by one. they were different brands.
positive. all of them were.
he knew they were yours.
‘holy shit.’ his voiced choked up.
he picked up his phone again dialing your number once more. it went straight to voice mail.
‘y/n i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. just let me be there for our child. please.’ he cried. he got his keys for his car. he ran out of the house getting into his car. he went off looking for you.
y/n pov:
you drove as far as your car could take you. while driving you were filled with so much hurt. so much pain.
‘im sorry little one. mommy won’t be crying as much when your here. i’ll do this for you and only for you.’ you smiled through the pain , looking down at your belly of 2 months.
if anything you don’t thank bakugou for. it was this. your pregnancy.
i need to work on my writing skills it’s embarrassing😭 anyways i hope you enjoyed.
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 years
I'm new to your blog and I wanted to know if you got any fics of yours to rec to read first? Thanks! 😀
hi, anon!!!! welcome, welcome! it's so good to have you! idk why these asks get me so excited but i've gotten two people telling me they're new and that makes me incredibly happy 😭 okay so i MUST preface this list by saying i am incredibly critical of my own work yet i can't bring myself to proofread, correct spelling mistakes or even stop putting out trash content into this world. but oh well! i'll pick 3 fics that when i read them, i realize that wow isn't it funny how they are literally targeted to me because i am ultimately my one and only main audience? aka 3 fics that do not fill me with self hatred! here we go, i hope you’ll like them, anon! ❤️ also i’m sorry i held on to this ask for a couple of days because being nice to myself is hard anyway lol <3
TO BE SO LONELY (part 1 & part 2) with joe baylor! (the best work i have ever written)
SET FIRE TO THE RAIN with danny sharp! (i lied, this is the best work i have ever written)
well, that makes 3 fics mathematically speaking but... i’ll give you a few more that i think are sort of not that bad? most of my one shots are safer, they’re more recent so i think they are definitely better than the earlier things i wrote!
CELL BLOCK TANGO with detective loki!
LA PAURA DEL BUIO with jake!
LOOK IN THE MIRROR with tommy cahill!
DISTRACTION with jake! (it’s my new one but idc i actually really like it)
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electricxmayhem · 3 years
wish people would STOP saying this is my 13th reason when they don’t like something. start saying this is my cell block tango monologue
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dogwhizzer · 2 years
what are your thoughts on anthony rosenthal saying that the 2016 cast’s headcanon for marvin’s last name was lipschitz
i honestly think it’s better than the other fandom headcanons out there but also i can’t stop thinking about cell block tango when i hear that name so
huh! i didnt know about that, do you have a link or something? and i agree, it's definitely a lot better and fits better than a lot of the fanon stuff. tbh usually i just go along with whatever the last decent fanfic i read had him as lol
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asphyxiateher · 3 years
Only Monsters Come Out at Night *Chapter 6*
Chapter 6: How Do I Live Without the Ones I Love? Summary: Veronica wants Desdemona to come to her senses and escape Castle Dimitrescu with her. The problem is...Desdemona doesn’t want to. A/N: Character death. Graphic descriptions of violence. I  tried to link my previous chapters and I’m having issues sjfodsogsdkg I’ll edit when I get a chance to lol
              Desdemona was slowly losing her mind the longer she tried to stay alive in Castle Dimitrescu. Alcina’s daughters were more than what she could handle but she did what she could to stay on their good side. Her methods were unusual to say the least, but she managed to live another day because of her strategizing. Bela was the eldest daughter, so her needs came first when she required Desdemona’s attention. Cassandra was the middle child, and she had her own insecurities that made her a little high maintenance, but Desdemona didn’t mind that at all. Daniela was…well, she was certainly rambunctious enough to keep the surviving Hawthorne twin on her toes. Desdemona had managed to prevent another poor maiden from being struck by a blunt object by immediately interfering and pulling Bela to the side to calm her down with a kiss. They stayed in each other’s warm embrace for quite a while, giving the maiden time to excuse herself and run off elsewhere. The distraction was effective, and Desdemona could have pulled away the moment she knew the other woman was safe, but she didn’t. Bela hummed happily against her lips and Desdemona reveled in the feeling of being wanted so of course she was reluctant to break the spell between her and Bela. That’s what was starting to feel unusual for Desdemona. The more time she spent with each of the sisters, the less she hated it. They were evil, filthy creatures and yet she could not get enough of them.
Cassandra made her forget that she was a sadistic monster that enjoyed tormenting the people around her for giggles. Desdemona decided to watch some of her movies with Cassandra on her laptop, and she made the mistake of playing Chicago, her all-time favorite musical. As soon as ‘Cell Block Tango’ came on, Cassandra became so infatuated with the song and the scene itself, she asked Desdemona to replay it several times until she memorized the lyrics. It was fascinating to observe the vampire attempt to recreate the dances she had just seen so she laughed at the utter absurdity of it all. Cassandra suddenly stopped dancing and glared at Desdemona. “What are you laughing at?” She asks, now completely uncertain of herself as she nervously plays with her hair.
“Nothing, I swear. You just look so happy, it’s kind of cute.” Desdemona replies, her mouth snapping shut the moment she realized what she had just told the other woman.
She’s blushing now, unsure of why she had just told her captor that she thought she was cute. Cassandra’s scowl slowly turns into a knowing smirk, and she places her hands on her hips as she stares down at Desdemona with hungry eyes. Desdemona gulps. Was she about to be gutted alive or were they about to engage in what Cassandra calls physical play? She didn’t have a chance to rethink what she could have done differently in that moment as Cassandra throws herself on top of Desdemona, her hands clawing at her clothes and cupping the most intimate parts of her body. While Cassandra respected her boundaries when it came to wanting more, Desdemona did not come out of that room unscathed.
The hickeys and bruises did not bother any of the sisters much as they knew they had to share their favorite little pet between all of them. Daniela enjoyed marking Desdemona as much as the other two did but she was convinced her love bites meant more to her human pet because their “love” was true and eternal. Desdemona dared not contradict her in fear of her throat being slit but she played along with it. Eventually, Daniela would grow bored of her, would she not? It was hard to say especially when she wanted to snuggle with Desdemona almost every night and wanted her to read one of her books aloud. Desdemona would read to Daniela and the red-haired vampire would listen patiently, her fingers tracing senseless patterns along her plaything’s arms.
Other days, Daniela liked to play rough and tossed Desdemona around like a rag doll when it was her turn to spend time with the pet. Daniela just wanted to assert her dominance with the human and to let her know that she was hers to love and play with. Desdemona endured painful slaps to her face and rear, bites to her breasts and deep scratches on her back only for Daniela to giggle at her handiwork and whisper in her ear how much she loved seeing the smaller girl covered in her markings. It ought to be too much to bear for Desdemona, but for some reason…it wasn’t enough. She kept going back for more every time so she must have learned to like it. Desdemona figured she must have been conditioned to enjoy it because no longer could she hear the rational voice in her head telling her to run away and push back but instead, she hears whispers that soothe her into submission. She is convinced she’s losing her mind and her best friend could easily verify that.
In fact, Veronica had not been herself either for quite some time, Desdemona noticed, and her behavior had been odd ever since she toured unseen parts of the mansion with Lady Dimitrescu. Her demeanor was subdued in a way she had never seen before, and she tried asking her friend about it but all she would get in return was a furious shaking of her head. There was no glimmer of hope in Veronica’s eyes anymore; instead, Desdemona found herself staring into a void of despair whenever she tried meeting her friend’s gaze. It was a little worrying for a while until one day, she recognized a familiar spark ignite in Veronica once more.
 Her friend was hot-headed and sometimes the littlest of things could set her off and today, of all days, Veronica reacted to the sight of Desdemona cozying up to Daniela in the library. Desdemona was not aware that her best friend was allowed to roam the premises freely but judging by the uniform her friend was presumably forced into, she was possibly tasked with cleaning the ground level while the other maids were sent upstairs. Veronica kept a neutral facial expression as she approached her best friend, but she swallowed hard at the sight of Daniela’s hand being held by Desdemona. She couldn’t help but clear her throat awkwardly as she stood in front of them snuggled up so comfortably on the couch.
“Dezzy, I need to have a word with you…in private, if you can grant me the time.” Veronica says stiffly, her nostrils flaring the longer she found herself staring at Desdemona. As for Desmond’s twin, she was in such a state that would imply she had just gotten intimate with the vampire with the smug grin on her face. Veronica noticed a new hickey on the nape of her best friend’s neck, and she had to clench her fists to keep herself grounded.
“Veronica! Yeah, I’ve been wondering where you went, I think we need to catch up. Will you excuse us, Daniela?” Desdemona responds, her cheeks reddening at the fact that she had been caught in a private moment with one of her mistresses.
 Daniela lazily glances up at her mother’s little plaything and grimaces at the sight of her.
“Don’t keep me waiting, love. You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.” Daniela says as she plants a sloppy kiss on the corner of Desdemona’s mouth. She casts a menacing look over to Veronica before she turns to walk away, giggling like a madwoman.
Desdemona exhales anxiously and gestures for Veronica to lead the way into the corridor. Veronica ignores the request and leads them to the nearest available window, staring outside and trying to make sense of what she could. The windows were frosted over, ice building up quickly and the view of the outside world was smothered by snow. Desdemona used to like the cold weather, but recently, she’s developed an aversion to freezing temperatures. She wanted to stay warm and snuggled up close with Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. She could not admit it out loud, but she ached to be near any of them and there was a profound sense of longing whenever she was away too long. She is changing and she thinks Veronica has noticed.
“You know, it’s amazing how quickly you’ve forgotten that these freaks were responsible for Desmond’s death. Our mothers are out there trying to get a hold of us because we haven’t been keeping in touch like we’ve promised and now they’re thinking something horrible must have happened. News flash: your twin brother, my loving boyfriend, was disemboweled in front of us and you’re out here fucking the vampires that are torturing us! What the fuck, Desdemona?!” Veronica shouted, the calm and collected manner in how she usually carried herself in conversations quickly turning up a few notches.
Desdemona was taken aback, clearly not prepared to have this conversation with her best friend though she knew it wasn’t going to be easy regardless.
“V-Veronica, I haven’t seen you in three days since you Alcina took you and you want to talk about what I’ve resorted to doing for survival?” Desdemona asks, ignoring the way Veronica rolled her eyes at that.
“For survival or for your sick pleasure, Des? In the past few days since my unfortunate trip down to what I think is the portal to Hell, I’ve seen you and how you behave around these monsters. I’m worried for you; I think they’re changing you and I don’t like it. I understand being compliant out of fear, but you’ve been getting real goddamn cozy with them, like they’re all your lovers or whatever! I need you to tell me what is going on because from my perspective, it looks like you stopped giving a shit about survival and you are just giving yourself freely to them like some pathetic, spineless slut!” Veronica replies hotly, taking a step towards Desdemona, who doesn’t flinch. Daniela was still hovering around the library but she instantly appears next to a bookshelf to observe the conversation more carefully should the other human overstep her boundaries. She pulls out her sickle and grips it tightly in case she has to defend her lover from the loud-mouthed pet her mother enjoyed tormenting.
“You have some nerve, Veronica, you won’t even tell me what happened to you down there! You don’t think I’ve been traumatized by what I’ve experienced so far? I don’t know what’s fucking happening to me anymore! Everything you’re telling me to do, like find weaknesses and whatnot, it all makes sense to me but it’s not sinking in for whatever reason. I have this urge to run away but it goes away when I hear these voices in my head telling me not to leave the girls. I’m tethered to all of them, V, I don’t know how but there’s this fucking connection I have with each and every one of them and it’s like I’m in physical pain when I think about hurting or leaving them. I’m more whole as a person now then I ever was before because of them and I don’t know what that says about me.” Tears begin to stream down Desdemona’s face and Veronica somewhat relents.
She lets out a frustrated sigh and places a comforting hand on Desdemona’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before she speaks to her with a calm voice.
 “You want to talk about traumatic experiences, then let’s do it without downplaying each other’s experiences. I clearly don’t know what you’re going through, it sounds…difficult, and very hard to believe, but you’re obviously bothered by it. Do you want to know what I just went through to get the opportunity to speak to you outside of the dungeon? Another maid paid with her life to grant me this position. The countess dragged me to some dark, untouched part of the castle where we were confronted by this horrifying…slimy, blob creature that looked like a goddamn mutated fetus.” “You can hear its ungodly laughter as it approached us and from the elevator, Alcina pushed out the other maid that was with us and she locked the door behind her. I had to watch this ungodly science experiment eat another human being alive and Alcina made me watch every second of it. Every bone crunching sound it made and the unforgettable wailing from the poor maid haunts me when I try to fall asleep at night. If it weren’t for that maid, I doubt I’d be up here begging you to come to your senses. I need your help, Dezzy. Please understand how much I need you to see how badly we need to get the fuck out of here.” Veronica finishes as she pulls Desdemona into a hug. She’s weeping onto her shoulder now and all Desdemona could do was squeeze her tighter and hold her for longer. Even though Veronica had been ready to throw hands with Desdemona, it was almost always too easy to get her to calm down when she held her like this in her arms. Everything felt normal in that moment, like everything was as it should be but deep down, Desdemona knew that wasn’t true. Especially when Veronica sniffed and pulled out a journal, almost like it was a personal diary, and placed it in Desdemona’s hands.
“I think once you read the first few entries, you’ll be a little more comfortable with the idea of leaving this place once and for all, just you and me. I found this while I was snooping around in that horrible part of the castle and I just knew I had to show you. All we have to do is open a few windows and we can do away with lady Dimitrescu’s daughters. Once we get rid of them, we escape mama’s wrath and run back home where we belong.” Veronica tells Desdemona as she plants a kiss on her forehead. Desdemona did not have much of a chance to respond before Daniela spoke up for her. They hear maniacal laughter echoing from behind one of the bookshelves and it’s all it takes for Veronica’s sour mood to return.
“Get rid of me and my sisters? Oh you foul human, it’s so adorable that you think you can take on all of us, let alone me. I’ll let you off with a warning because my plaything is attached to you for whatever reason but touch her again, I’ll shove this sickle so far down your throat, you’ll be shitting steel. Now back off!” Daniela warns as she approaches Veronica, a move her friend was hoping would happen since they just so happened to be standing next to a window.
Guilt begins to settle in the pit of Desdemona’s stomach as a new conflict arose from within. She shouldn’t be conspiring against her mistresses for they loved and cared for her but then again, she should be siding with her best friend, someone she had known since she was eight years old. She didn’t know what to do, her worry beginning to initiate a full blown panic attack. “Why don’t you make me back off, you disgusting piece of rotten filth! If I’m going to go out, it’s going to be on my fucking terms and I’m not going down without a fight.” Veronica says as she shoves Desdemona behind her.
Daniela smirks, then raises her sickle in preparation for the fight to come. What comes next sends both Daniela and Desdemona into a panic. Veronica quickly twists around to fully open the window, a freezing cold blast of air hitting Daniela and impairing her almost immediately. The pained shriek she lets out could be felt throughout the castle, but Desdemona feels it tugging at her heart.
“I…don’t…do well…in the…cold! You can’t stop me…mother…will kill…you!” Daniela moans, dropping her weapon as she starts to solidify under the intense temperature change in the room.
The red-haired woman is wildly swinging her arms around and Desdemona can tell she’s slowing down. It’s only going to get worse, and Desdemona is torn.
Veronica rushes to pick up the bust of a famous historical figure off the nearest pedestal and slams it against Daniela’s head. She howls in pain and Desdemona has to hold back tears as she watches her best friend attempt to murder Alcina’s youngest. She’s frozen to the spot, painfully aware that Veronica is shouting at her and ordering her to help her but she hears dark whispers in her head again. “Daniela, what on Earth are you shouting about – wait, what are you doing to my daughter?! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER AT ONCE!” Alcina’s voice booms through the library and it seems to pull Desdemona out of her reverie.
Alcina looks furious as she strides towards them from across the library, her claws beginning to form and from either side of her follow both of her daughters with terrified expressions on their faces as they watch their sister die from the harsh winter cold air. “Mother, what about Daniela? Is there anything we can do for her or is it too late!?” “Daniela, no, hold on just a little longer, we’re almost there!” Veronica glances over at Desdemona and tosses over Daniela’s sickle to her. “Come on, Des, it’s now or never, let’s send out the message that we should never have gotten fucked with. Let’s go!” She shouts as she encourages Desdemona to deliver the killing blow.
Desdemona is violently shaking as she observes Daniela’s form slowly start to freeze over and it isn’t until she sees the heart-breaking expression on the dying woman’s face that Desdemona decides what to do.
“I don’t…want…to die!” She screeches, the words vibrating in Desdemona’s skull.
The dark whispers tell her that she can still save Daniela’s life and that all would be forgiven should she do so. Her mistress loves her, and she needs her to love her back. Desdemona would have to forsake her old life in order to live out the rest of her days in Castle Dimitrescu but the only obstacle that was left remained alive: Veronica.
Her best friend since elementary school, Desdemona closes her eyes and fondly remembers the first time they met. Veronica brought her Spice Girl dolls to play with at recess but nobody wanted to play with her. Desdemona shyly approached her and asked if she could join in on the fun because she loved the Spice Girls too and Veronica welcomed her into her life. Ever since then, the girls became inseparable. From sleepovers to prom night to celebrating each other’s eighteenth birthdays by going to LGBT nightclubs, Veronica was like family to Desdemona. After this holiday trip, Desmond was going to propose to V and they were all going to move in together down in Colorado where Veronica’s mother lived and where V planned on continuing going to school.
Desdemona exhales and steadies her grip on the sickle as she walks towards the open window. She slams it shut, reluctantly turning to face Veronica who was just about to smash the bust against Daniela’s face again. Cassandra and Bela immediately rush over to Daniela and embrace their younger sibling, relief etched on Alcina’s face for a moment before she refocused her rage towards Veronica.
Desdemona couldn’t take it anymore, she knew she had to follow her heart and so she did. “Dezzy, what the fuck are you -hhhng!” Veronica begins, her jaw dropping as the heavy bust she’d been carrying fell to the floor.
The last thing Veronica’s beautiful dark brown eyes saw were a pair of cold, gray eyes staring at her with regret and soft pink lips mouthing “I’m so sorry, Veronica!” repeatedly. Desdemona pierced through the side of Veronica’s skull with Daniela’s sickle, her hands twisting and pushing until all life finally drained out of her best friend. The hardest part for Desdemona was watching the light leave those familiar pretty eyes and it was all because of her. When she yanked the sickle back out, V’s body dropped to the floor with a loud thud and a chunk of flesh remained on the edge of the weapon she had just used on her best friend. Desdemona felt bile rise in the back of her throat, so she turned and threw up, her hands still shaking after she was able to gather her strength to look up again.
Alcina’s claws retracted as the woman stared down at Veronica’s corpse before looking back at Daniela then over to Desdemona, who was now kneeling on the ground.
“You saved my daughter’s life. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your intervention. I understand this may be difficult for you, but you made the right choice. Thank you.” Alcina tells Desdemona, leaning over to place a comforting hand on her shoulder before retreating to where her daughters stood.
“She saved my life! I told you Desdemona loves me the most out of all of us! She truly cares for me!” Daniela croaks out, trying her best to wriggle free from her sisters’ hold on her but they were stubborn.
“Not bad for her first kill. I prefer a hot blood bath myself, but I’m seriously impressed. Oh crap, I think she’s going to freak out.” Cassandra says with a chuckle as they all watch Desdemona react to Veronica’s death with interest.
Desdemona was sobbing uncontrollably now, her body rocking back and forth as she tries to wipe off the blood on her hands. Her eyes flick over to the sickle with the chunk of brain on the end of it and back to Veronica’s lifeless body. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, V! I loved you more than anything!” She whispers to herself, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort. It wasn’t going to last long, however, as Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters surrounded Desdemona and Veronica’s corpse laying at their feet.
“Tonight we celebrate each and every one of you with a feast. This wasn’t how I wanted dinner to be served, but as you can see, Desdemona Hawthorne is eager to please. How can we refuse such a beautiful gift from our lovely newcomer? I say dig in, girls.” Alcina declares before she walks over to Desdemona’s kneeling form and forcefully sets her upright.
“Wait- wait, what do you mean dinner is served? What are you going to do to Veronica’s body?” Desdemona asked with desperation evident in her voice.
Alcina Dimitrescu simply smiled and held Desdemona close to her body, keeping her in place with a headlock so tight that if the younger girl tried to escape, Alcina could easily pull it right off. “Your corruption is not yet complete my dear. I am simply welcoming you to my family and you will become accustomed to how we do everything around here. My daughters love you and you will learn to love everything about them, including how they feast on the blood of the innocent. Now hush, girl, and be thankful you are not the corpse ready to be devoured.” Alcina whispers in her ear before she laughs at Desdemona’s feeble attempts to escape.
“No, oh for the love of God, please don’t make me watch! That’s m-my best friend, please don’t do this to me! I’d rather you kill me now, please, just don’t make me watch!” Desdemona pleads and screams but it does nothing, it only sweetens the air around the ravenous vampires who are about to tear into the corpse at their feet. Daniela growls when she uses her sickle to cut off Veronica’s tongue, Bela giggles as she begins to yank out Veronica’s piercings one by one and Cassandra has already begun working on tearing out her limbs. “Save me her mouth, I wish to savor the flavor of a pathetic nobody that dared to try and take away my precious Desdemona.” Daniela says as she throws her head back to laugh wildly along with Bela and Cassandra.
Desdemona’s screams and protests are ignored, Alcina forcing her eyes open as she’s forced to watch the three vampires consume her best friend. When Bela cuts into certain parts of her flesh, blood sprays out and lands on Desdemona’s face, causing the young girl to feel faint. She eventually can’t handle the horror of watching the girls tear apart Veronica and so she passes out in Lady Dimitrescu’s arms. The last thing she remembers hearing before the world fades to black is Cassandra chastising her mother for laughing and begs her to let Desdemona sleep in her arms instead.
18 notes · View notes
backslashdelta · 3 years
Glee Soundtrack Rating Project Results: angelhummel
Favourite character: Kurt Hummel
Least favourite character: Will Schuester
Favourite season: Season 5
Least favourite season: Season 6
Mean song rating: 4.91
Mean song rating for favourite character's songs: 6.59
Mean song rating for favourite character's solos: 7.36
Mean song rating season 1: 4.93
Mean song rating season 2: 5.1
Mean song rating season 3: 4.95
Mean song rating season 4: 4.95
Mean song rating season 5: 4.92
Mean song rating season 6: 4.38
Songs rated: 702
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[ID: A bar chart titled Number of songs assigned each rating by angelhummel, illustrating the number of times each score was assigned to a song by angelhummel. 10 was assigned 36 times, 9 was assigned 15 times, 8 was assigned 56 times, 7 was assigned 86 times, 6 was assigned 99 times, 5 was assigned 97 times, 4 was assigned 89 times, 3 was assigned 86 times, 2 was assigned 74 times, 1 was assigned 64 times, and 0 songs were not rated.]
About the Project | Results Masterpost
1. (10) - S1x03 - Bust Your Windows
2. (10) - S1x05 - Maybe This Time
3. (10) - S1x06 - It's My Life/Confessions Part II
4. (10) - S1x13 - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
5. (10) - S1x18 - Rose's Turn
6. (10) - S1x19 - Dream On
7. (10) - S1x20 - Bad Romance
8. (10) - S1x22 - To Sir, With Love
9. (10) - S2x04 - Le Jazz Hot
10. (10) - S2x04 - With You I'm Born Again
11. (10) - S2x06 - Teenage Dream
12. (10) - S2x06 - Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer
13. (10) - S2x10 - Baby, It's Cold Outside
14. (10) - S2x11 - Thriller/Heads Will Roll
15. (10) - S2x18 - As If We Never Said Goodbye
16. (10) - S2x22 - For Good
17. (10) - S3x04 - Candyman
18. (10) - S3x11 - Scream
19. (10) - S3x11 - Smooth Criminal
20. (10) - S3x13 - I Will Always Love You
21. (10) - S3x14 - Cough Syrup
22. (10) - S3x17 - How Will I Know
23. (10) - S4x04 - The Scientist
24. (10) - S4x06 - There Are Worse Things I Could Do
25. (10) - S4x08 - Home/Homeward Bound
26. (10) - S4x09 - Being Alive
27. (10) - S4x15 - Come What May
28. (10) - S4x20 - At the Ballet
29. (10) - S5x06 - Just the Way You Are
30. (10) - S5x07 - Nasty/Rhythm Nation
31. (10) - S5x09 - Brave
32. (10) - S5x12 - Defying Gravity
33. (10) - S5x14 - People
34. (10) - S6x02 - Home
35. (10) - S6x03 - It's Too Late
36. (10) - S6x07 - Somebody Loves You
37. (9) - S1x13 - Don't Rain on My Parade
38. (9) - S1x16 - Home
39. (9) - S1x18 - The Boy Is Mine
40. (9) - S2x04 - River Deep, Mountain High
41. (9) - S3x06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You
42. (9) - S3x13 - Love Shack
43. (9) - S3x16 - Disco Inferno
44. (9) - S3x17 - So Emotional
45. (9) - S3x18 - Shake It Out
46. (9) - S4x03 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
47. (9) - S4x14 - We've Got Tonite
48. (9) - S5x10 - The Happening
49. (9) - S6x07 - I Know Where I've Been
50. (9) - S6x11 - Take Me to Church
51. (9) - S6x13 - I Lived
52. (8) - S1x01 - Leaving On a Jet Plane
53. (8) - S1x10 - Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl
54. (8) - S1x11 - True Colors
55. (8) - S1x15 - 4 Minutes
56. (8) - S1x15 - Like a Prayer
57. (8) - S1x18 - Lady Is a Tramp
58. (8) - S1x22 - Don't Stop Believing (Regionals)
59. (8) - S2x02 - Toxic
60. (8) - S2x03 - I Want to Hold Your Hand
61. (8) - S2x05 - Sweet Transvestite
62. (8) - S2x09 - Dog Days Are Over
63. (8) - S2x09 - Valerie
64. (8) - S2x10 - Last Christmas
65. (8) - S2x14 - Don't You Want Me
66. (8) - S2x16 - Blackbird
67. (8) - S2x17 - I Follow Rivers
68. (8) - S2x18 - Somewhere Only We Know
69. (8) - S2x18 - Born This Way
70. (8) - S2x19 - Go Your Own Way
71. (8) - S2x19 - Songbird
72. (8) - S3x01 - Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
73. (8) - S3x05 - Uptown Girl
74. (8) - S3x11 - Human Nature
75. (8) - S3x13 - Cherish/Cherish
76. (8) - S3x17 - I Have Nothing
77. (8) - S3x17 - My Love Is Your Love
78. (8) - S3x18 - Not the Boy Next Door
79. (8) - S4x02 - Boys/Boyfriend
80. (8) - S4x02 - 3
81. (8) - S4x04 - Don't Speak
82. (8) - S4x08 - Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time
83. (8) - S4x11 - No Scrubs
84. (8) - S4x12 - Centerfold/Hot in Herre
85. (8) - S4x13 - Don't Stop Me Now
86. (8) - S4x13 - Nutbush City Limits
87. (8) - S4x16 - Cold Hearted
88. (8) - S4x16 - Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way
89. (8) - S4x17 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
90. (8) - S4x21 - Higher Ground
91. (8) - S5x01 - All You Need Is Love
92. (8) - S5x02 - Hey Jude
93. (8) - S5x02 - Let It Be
94. (8) - S5x03 - Seasons of Love
95. (8) - S5x05 - If I Were a Boy
96. (8) - S5x07 - Into the Groove
97. (8) - S5x09 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love
98. (8) - S5x14 - Downtown
99. (8) - S5x15 - Not While I'm Around
100. (8) - S5x15 - Broadway Baby
101. (8) - S5x20 - Pompeii
102. (8) - S6x03 - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet
103. (8) - S6x03 - Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move
104. (8) - S6x08 - At Last
105. (8) - S6x09 - Cool Kids
106. (8) - S6x11 - Chandelier
107. (8) - S6x13 - Someday We'll Be Together
108. (7) - S1x01 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot)
109. (7) - S1x05 - Alone
110. (7) - S1x07 - Hate On Me
111. (7) - S1x07 - Ride Wit Me
112. (7) - S1x14 - Hello, I Love You
113. (7) - S1x15 - Like a Virgin
114. (7) - S1x16 - A House Is Not a Home
115. (7) - S1x18 - Jessie's Girl
116. (7) - S1x19 - I Dreamed a Dream
117. (7) - S1x20 - Funny Girl
118. (7) - S2x01 - Empire State of Mind
119. (7) - S2x02 - I'm a Slave 4 U
120. (7) - S2x02 - Me Against the Music
121. (7) - S2x05 - Time Warp
122. (7) - S2x06 - Stop! In the Name of Love/Free Your Mind
123. (7) - S2x11 - Bills, Bills, Bills
124. (7) - S2x11 - She's Not There
125. (7) - S2x12 - When I Get You Alone
126. (7) - S2x14 - Blame It (On the Alcohol)
127. (7) - S2x15 - Landslide
128. (7) - S2x16 - Misery
129. (7) - S2x21 - Some People
130. (7) - S2x21 - Pure Imagination
131. (7) - S2x21 - Try a Little Tenderness
132. (7) - S2x21 - My Man
133. (7) - S2x21 - Back to Black
134. (7) - S3x01 - Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do
135. (7) - S3x02 - Something's Coming
136. (7) - S3x02 - I'm the Greatest Star
137. (7) - S3x03 - Spotlight
138. (7) - S3x03 - Cool
139. (7) - S3x03 - It's All Over
140. (7) - S3x06 - Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another
141. (7) - S3x07 - Perfect
142. (7) - S3x08 - Buenos Aires
143. (7) - S3x08 - We Are Young
144. (7) - S3x09 - Christmas Wrapping
145. (7) - S3x09 - Let It Snow
146. (7) - S3x09 - All I Want for Christmas Is You
147. (7) - S3x09 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
148. (7) - S3x09 - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
149. (7) - S3x09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
150. (7) - S3x11 - Never Can Say Goodbye
151. (7) - S3x12 - La Isla Bonita
152. (7) - S3x15 - Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf
153. (7) - S3x15 - Somebody That I Used to Know
154. (7) - S3x16 - If I Can't Have You
155. (7) - S3x17 - It's Not Right But It's Okay
156. (7) - S3x20 - Because You Loved Me
157. (7) - S3x21 - Paradise By the Dashboard Light
158. (7) - S3x21 - Tongue Tied
159. (7) - S4x02 - Oops!...I Did It Again
160. (7) - S4x03 - The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
161. (7) - S4x04 - Mine
162. (7) - S4x05 - Hopelessly Devoted to You
163. (7) - S4x06 - Beauty School Dropout
164. (7) - S4x07 - Some Nights
165. (7) - S4x09 - Don't Dream It's Over
166. (7) - S4x10 - The First Noel
167. (7) - S4x11 - Tell Him
168. (7) - S4x11 - I Don't Know How to Love Him
169. (7) - S4x14 - Getting Married Today
170. (7) - S4x17 - Wannabe
171. (7) - S4x17 - Mamma Mia
172. (7) - S4x21 - You Are the Sunshine of My Life
173. (7) - S4x21 - Superstition
174. (7) - S5x03 - Make You Feel My Love
175. (7) - S5x04 - Marry the Night
176. (7) - S5x04 - Roar
177. (7) - S5x08 - Mary's Little Boy Child
178. (7) - S5x09 - Every Breath You Take
179. (7) - S5x09 - Don't Rain On My Parade
180. (7) - S5x10 - Hold On
181. (7) - S5x13 - Don't Stop Believin' (Season Five)
182. (7) - S5x14 - You Make Me Feel So Young
183. (7) - S5x15 - I'm Still Here
184. (7) - S5x15 - Colorblind
185. (7) - S5x15 - No One Is Alone
186. (7) - S5x17 - Pumpin Blood
187. (7) - S5x18 - Doo Wop (That Thing)
188. (7) - S5x19 - Take Me Home Tonight
189. (7) - S5x20 - American Boy
190. (7) - S6x02 - Tightrope
191. (7) - S6x03 - So Far Away
192. (7) - S6x06 - Promises, Promises
193. (7) - S6x06 - Alfie
194. (6) - S1x06 - Halo/Walking On Sunshine
195. (6) - S1x07 - You Keep Me Hanging On
196. (6) - S1x09 - Dancing With Myself
197. (6) - S1x09 - Proud Mary
198. (6) - S1x09 - Defying Gravity
199. (6) - S1x11 - Bootylicious
200. (6) - S1x15 - Express Yourself
201. (6) - S1x15 - Vogue
202. (6) - S1x16 - One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home
203. (6) - S1x16 - Fire
204. (6) - S1x18 - Pink Houses
205. (6) - S1x19 - Safety Dance
206. (6) - S1x19 - Dream a Little Dream
207. (6) - S1x22 - Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
208. (6) - S2x01 - Listen
209. (6) - S2x02 - Baby One More Time
210. (6) - S2x03 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
211. (6) - S2x03 - One of Us
212. (6) - S2x05 - Science Fiction Double Feature
213. (6) - S2x07 - Forget You
214. (6) - S2x07 - Singing In the Rain/Umbrella
215. (6) - S2x07 - Nowadays/Hot Honey rag
216. (6) - S2x08 - Sway
217. (6) - S2x09 - Don't Cry for Me Argentina
218. (6) - S2x12 - Silly Love Songs
219. (6) - S2x14 - Tik Tok
220. (6) - S2x15 - Animal
221. (6) - S2x15 - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
222. (6) - S2x16 - Raise Your Glass
223. (6) - S2x16 - Candles
224. (6) - S2x17 - Turning Tables
225. (6) - S2x17 - Ain't No Way
226. (6) - S2x19 - Dreams
227. (6) - S2x20 - Dancing Queen
228. (6) - S2x22 - Light Up the World
229. (6) - S2x22 - Still Got Tonight
230. (6) - S3x01 - It's Not Unusual
231. (6) - S3x05 - America
232. (6) - S3x06 - I Can't Go for That/You Make My Dreams Come True
233. (6) - S3x07 - Constant Craving
234. (6) - S3x08 - Control
235. (6) - S3x08 - Man in the Mirror
236. (6) - S3x08 - ABC
237. (6) - S3x09 - My Favorite Things
238. (6) - S3x10 - Summer Nights
239. (6) - S3x10 - Without You
240. (6) - S3x10 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
241. (6) - S3x13 - L-O-V-E
242. (6) - S3x15 - Up Up Up
243. (6) - S3x15 - Fighter
244. (6) - S3x18 - Cell Block Tango
245. (6) - S3x19 - Dinosaur
246. (6) - S3x22 - You Get What You Give
247. (6) - S3x22 - In My Life
248. (6) - S4x01 - Chasing Pavements
249. (6) - S4x02 - Everytime
250. (6) - S4x02 - Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
251. (6) - S4x02 - Womanizer
252. (6) - S4x04 - Teenage Dream (Acoustic)
253. (6) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
254. (6) - S4x06 - You're the One That I Want
255. (6) - S4x10 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
256. (6) - S4x12 - This Is the New Year
257. (6) - S4x13 - Diva
258. (6) - S4x13 - Girl On Fire
259. (6) - S4x13 - Hung Up
260. (6) - S4x14 - Just Can't Get Enough
261. (6) - S4x15 - You're All the World to Me
262. (6) - S4x16 - Closer
263. (6) - S4x17 - My Prerogative
264. (6) - S4x17 - Copacabana
265. (6) - S4x21 - For Once in My Life
266. (6) - S5x01 - Got to Get You Into My Life
267. (6) - S5x01 - Yesterday
268. (6) - S5x01 - A Hard Day's Night
269. (6) - S5x02 - Here Comes the Sun
270. (6) - S5x04 - Wide Awake
271. (6) - S5x04 - Applause
272. (6) - S5x05 - Wrecking Ball
273. (6) - S5x08 - Away in a Manger
274. (6) - S5x08 - Love Child
275. (6) - S5x09 - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
276. (6) - S5x09 - Breakaway
277. (6) - S5x10 - Gloria
278. (6) - S5x10 - Jumpin' Jumpin'
279. (6) - S5x13 - Party All the Time
280. (6) - S5x13 - I Am Changing
281. (6) - S5x14 - Rockstar
282. (6) - S5x16 - Love Is a Battlefield
283. (6) - S5x20 - All of Me
284. (6) - S5x20 - Shakin' My Head
285. (6) - S6x01 - Let It Go
286. (6) - S6x02 - Take On Me
287. (6) - S6x02 - Mustang Sally
288. (6) - S6x06 - Arthur's Theme
289. (6) - S6x06 - Wishin' And Hoping
290. (6) - S6x09 - I Want to Break Free
291. (6) - S6x13 - Daydream Believer
292. (6) - S6x13 - This Time
293. (5) - S1x01 - On My Own
294. (5) - S1x01 - Rehab
295. (5) - S1x02 - Push It
296. (5) - S1x03 - Mercy
297. (5) - S1x04 - Taking Chances
298. (5) - S1x05 - Last Name
299. (5) - S1x07 - Keep Holding On
300. (5) - S1x08 - Sweet Caroline
301. (5) - S1x11 - Papa Don't Preach
302. (5) - S1x12 - Smile (Lily Allen)
303. (5) - S1x14 - Hello, Goodbye
304. (5) - S1x17 - U Can't Touch This
305. (5) - S1x17 - Physical
306. (5) - S1x17 - Run Joey Run
307. (5) - S1x20 - Shout It Out Loud
308. (5) - S1x20 - Poker Face
309. (5) - S1x21 - Give Up the Funk
310. (5) - S1x22 - Faithfully
311. (5) - S2x01 - Telephone
312. (5) - S2x02 - Stronger
313. (5) - S2x03 - Losing My Religion
314. (5) - S2x03 - I Look to You
315. (5) - S2x03 - Papa, Can You Hear Me?
316. (5) - S2x04 - Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
317. (5) - S2x04 - Sing!
318. (5) - S2x05 - Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?
319. (5) - S2x05 - Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me
320. (5) - S2x08 - Marry You
321. (5) - S2x10 - Merry Christmas, Darling
322. (5) - S2x11 - Need You Now
323. (5) - S2x15 - Afternoon Delight
324. (5) - S2x16 - Loser Like Me
325. (5) - S2x17 - All By Myself
326. (5) - S2x18 - I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
327. (5) - S2x20 - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You
328. (5) - S2x22 - Yeah!
329. (5) - S2x22 - As Long as You're There
330. (5) - S3x03 - Out Here On My Own
331. (5) - S3x03 - Fix You
332. (5) - S3x07 - Jolene
333. (5) - S3x08 - Survivor/I Will Survive
334. (5) - S3x10 - We Found Love
335. (5) - S3x13 - Stereo Hearts
336. (5) - S3x15 - I'm Still Standing
337. (5) - S3x16 - Boogie Shoes
338. (5) - S3x19 - Take My Breath Away
339. (5) - S3x21 - Starships
340. (5) - S3x21 - Pinball Wizard
341. (5) - S3x22 - I'll Remember
342. (5) - S3x22 - Roots Before Branches
343. (5) - S4x01 - It's Time
344. (5) - S4x01 - Call Me Maybe
345. (5) - S4x03 - A Change Would Do You Good
346. (5) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise)
347. (5) - S4x06 - Greased Lightning
348. (5) - S4x07 - Heroes
349. (5) - S4x07 - Holding Out for a Hero
350. (5) - S4x11 - Locked Out of Heaven
351. (5) - S4x12 - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)
352. (5) - S4x12 - A Thousand Years
353. (5) - S4x12 - Torn
354. (5) - S4x12 - Love Song
355. (5) - S4x14 - Anything Could Happen
356. (5) - S4x15 - Shout
357. (5) - S4x16 - I Still Believe/Super Bass
358. (5) - S4x16 - How to Be a Heartbreaker
359. (5) - S4x16 - The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up
360. (5) - S4x17 - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
361. (5) - S4x18 - Say
362. (5) - S4x20 - Longest Time
363. (5) - S4x21 - I Wish
364. (5) - S4x21 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
365. (5) - S4x22 - All or Nothing
366. (5) - S5x01 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
367. (5) - S5x02 - Get Back
368. (5) - S5x02 - Something
369. (5) - S5x07 - You're My Best Friend
370. (5) - S5x07 - Cheek to Cheek
371. (5) - S5x08 - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
372. (5) - S5x10 - Barracuda
373. (5) - S5x10 - Don't You (Forget About Me)
374. (5) - S5x11 - America
375. (5) - S5x12 - Toxic
376. (5) - S5x13 - Be Okay
377. (5) - S5x15 - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
378. (5) - S5x16 - Addicted to Love
379. (5) - S5x18 - Story of My Life
380. (5) - S5x19 - Memory
381. (5) - S6x06 - Baby It's You
382. (5) - S6x07 - Time After Time
383. (5) - S6x09 - Lose My Breath
384. (5) - S6x09 - Friday I'm in Love
385. (5) - S6x10 - Rise
386. (5) - S6x11 - Come Sail Away
387. (5) - S6x12 - Pony
388. (5) - S6x12 - Popular
389. (5) - S6x13 - Teach Your Children
390. (4) - S1x01 - Mr. Cellophane
391. (4) - S1x01 - Respect
392. (4) - S1x01 - I Kissed a Girl
393. (4) - S1x10 - Endless Love
394. (4) - S1x11 - Hair/Crazy In Love
395. (4) - S1x11 - Imagine
396. (4) - S1x12 - Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
397. (4) - S1x13 - My Life Would Suck Without You
398. (4) - S1x16 - Beautiful
399. (4) - S1x18 - One
400. (4) - S1x21 - It's a Man's Man's Man's World
401. (4) - S1x21 - Tell Me Something Good
402. (4) - S1x22 - Over the Rainbow
403. (4) - S2x01 - What I Did for Love
404. (4) - S2x05 - There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)
405. (4) - S2x05 - Damn It, Janet
406. (4) - S2x07 - Make 'Em Laugh
407. (4) - S2x08 - Just the Way You Are
408. (4) - S2x09 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life
409. (4) - S2x10 - Welcome Christmas
410. (4) - S2x12 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
411. (4) - S2x12 - Fat Bottomed Girls
412. (4) - S2x13 - Somebody to Love
413. (4) - S2x13 - Sing
414. (4) - S2x13 - Take Me or Leave Me
415. (4) - S2x13 - Baby
416. (4) - S2x14 - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
417. (4) - S2x16 - Get It Right
418. (4) - S2x18 - I've Gotta Be Me
419. (4) - S2x19 - I Don't Want to Know
420. (4) - S2x19 - Don't Stop
421. (4) - S2x19 - Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?
422. (4) - S2x22 - Bella Notte
423. (4) - S2x22 - Pretending
424. (4) - S3x01 - You Can't Stop the Beat
425. (4) - S3x01 - We Got the Beat
426. (4) - S3x05 - A Boy Like That/I Have a Love
427. (4) - S3x09 - River
428. (4) - S3x10 - Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash
429. (4) - S3x10 - Wedding Bell Blues (Bill)
430. (4) - S3x11 - Bad
431. (4) - S3x11 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
432. (4) - S3x11 - I Want You Back
433. (4) - S3x13 - Let Me Love You
434. (4) - S3x14 - Glad You Came
435. (4) - S3x16 - You Should Be Dancing
436. (4) - S3x17 - Saving All My Love For You
437. (4) - S3x17 - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
438. (4) - S3x18 - School's Out
439. (4) - S3x20 - Flashdance...What a Feeling
440. (4) - S3x21 - Edge of Glory
441. (4) - S4x01 - Americano/Dance Again
442. (4) - S4x04 - Barely Breathing
443. (4) - S4x05 - Everybody Talks
444. (4) - S4x07 - My Dark Side
445. (4) - S4x10 - Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
446. (4) - S4x10 - White Christmas
447. (4) - S4x13 - Bring Him Home
448. (4) - S4x15 - Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
449. (4) - S4x15 - Footloose
450. (4) - S4x17 - Creep
451. (4) - S4x19 - Outcast
452. (4) - S4x20 - Little Girls
453. (4) - S4x21 - Uptight (Everything's Alright)
454. (4) - S4x22 - Clarity
455. (4) - S4x22 - I Love It
456. (4) - S5x01 - Help!
457. (4) - S5x01 - I Saw Her Standing There
458. (4) - S5x03 - I'll Stand By You
459. (4) - S5x05 - On Our Way
460. (4) - S5x08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
461. (4) - S5x09 - Whenever I Call You Friend
462. (4) - S5x10 - Danny's Song
463. (4) - S5x13 - Loser Like Me
464. (4) - S5x13 - Just Give Me a Reason
465. (4) - S5x16 - I Want to Know What Love Is
466. (4) - S5x16 - Let's Wait Awhile
467. (4) - S5x17 - Lovefool
468. (4) - S5x17 - I'm the Greatest Star
469. (4) - S5x18 - Wake Me Up
470. (4) - S5x19 - Lucky Star
471. (4) - S6x01 - Suddenly Seymour
472. (4) - S6x04 - Thousand Miles
473. (4) - S6x06 - What the World Needs Now
474. (4) - S6x06 - They Long to Be Close to You
475. (4) - S6x08 - Our Day Will Come
476. (4) - S6x12 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot/2009)
477. (4) - S6x12 - I'm His Child
478. (4) - S6x12 - I Kissed a Girl
479. (3) - S1x01 - Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat
480. (3) - S1x01 - You're the One That I Want (ver. 1)
481. (3) - S1x02 - Gold Digger
482. (3) - S1x05 - Somebody to Love
483. (3) - S1x08 - I Could Have Danced All Night
484. (3) - S1x08 - Thong Song
485. (3) - S1x10 - Lean On Me
486. (3) - S1x11 - Don't Make Me Over
487. (3) - S1x12 - Jump
488. (3) - S1x14 - Gives You Hell
489. (3) - S1x14 - Hello
490. (3) - S1x15 - Borderline/Open Your Heart
491. (3) - S1x17 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
492. (3) - S1x17 - Ice Ice Baby
493. (3) - S1x20 - Beth
494. (3) - S1x21 - Loser
495. (3) - S1x21 - Good Vibrations
496. (3) - S2x03 - Only the Good Die Young
497. (3) - S2x04 - Lucky
498. (3) - S2x10 - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
499. (3) - S2x10 - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year
500. (3) - S2x12 - Firework
501. (3) - S2x12 - My Funny Valentine
502. (3) - S2x16 - Hell to the No
503. (3) - S2x16 - Big Ass Heart
504. (3) - S2x16 - Trouty Mouth
505. (3) - S2x19 - Never Going Back Again
506. (3) - S2x20 - Isn't She Lovely
507. (3) - S3x03 - Run the World (Girls)
508. (3) - S3x04 - Last Friday Night
509. (3) - S3x04 - Waiting for a Girl Like You
510. (3) - S3x05 - One Hand, One Heart
511. (3) - S3x06 - Hot for Teacher
512. (3) - S3x07 - I Kissed a Girl
513. (3) - S3x11 - Black or White
514. (3) - S3x12 - Bamboleo/Hero
515. (3) - S3x14 - Stand
516. (3) - S3x16 - How Deep Is Your Love
517. (3) - S3x16 - Night Fever
518. (3) - S3x18 - The Music of the Night
519. (3) - S3x18 - Cry
520. (3) - S3x19 - Big Girls Don't Cry
521. (3) - S3x21 - We Are the Champions
522. (3) - S3x21 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now
523. (3) - S3x22 - Glory Days
524. (3) - S3x22 - Forever Young
525. (3) - S4x01 - Never Say Never
526. (3) - S4x01 - New York State of Mind
527. (3) - S4x02 - Hold It Against Me
528. (3) - S4x05 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
529. (3) - S4x05 - Born to Hand Jive
530. (3) - S4x07 - Superman
531. (3) - S4x08 - Live While We're Young
532. (3) - S4x08 - Gangnam Style
533. (3) - S4x09 - Something Stupid
534. (3) - S4x09 - All That Jazz
535. (3) - S4x15 - Unchained Melody
536. (3) - S4x15 - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl
537. (3) - S4x15 - In Your Eyes
538. (3) - S4x18 - Your Song
539. (3) - S4x18 - More Than Words
540. (3) - S4x19 - You Have More Friends Than You Know
541. (3) - S4x20 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
542. (3) - S4x22 - Hall of Fame
543. (3) - S4x22 - Wings
544. (3) - S5x01 - Drive My Car
545. (3) - S5x02 - Revolution
546. (3) - S5x03 - If I Die Young
547. (3) - S5x06 - My Life
548. (3) - S5x08 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
549. (3) - S5x11 - More Than a Feeling
550. (3) - S5x11 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
551. (3) - S5x12 - Keep Holding On
552. (3) - S5x14 - Don't Sleep in the Subway
553. (3) - S5x17 - Who Are You Now
554. (3) - S5x19 - Werewolves of London
555. (3) - S5x19 - I Melt with You
556. (3) - S5x20 - Girls on Film
557. (3) - S6x02 - Problem
558. (3) - S6x03 - You Learn/You've Got a Friend
559. (3) - S6x05 - It Must Have Been Love
560. (3) - S6x05 - All Out of Love
561. (3) - S6x06 - I'll Never Fall in Love Again
562. (3) - S6x09 - Uptown Funk
563. (3) - S6x10 - The Final Countdown
564. (3) - S6x11 - Mickey
565. (2) - S1x01 - Can't Fight This Feeling
566. (2) - S1x02 - Take a Bow
567. (2) - S1x04 - Tonight
568. (2) - S1x08 - Bust A Move
569. (2) - S1x10 - I'll Stand By You
570. (2) - S1x13 - You Can't Always Get What You Want
571. (2) - S1x14 - Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
572. (2) - S1x15 - Burning Up
573. (2) - S2x01 - Getting to Know You
574. (2) - S2x02 - The Only Exception
575. (2) - S2x05 - Planet, Schmanet, Janet
576. (2) - S2x06 - One Love (People Get Ready)
577. (2) - S2x09 - The Living Years
578. (2) - S2x10 - We Need a Little Christmas
579. (2) - S2x13 - I Know What Boys Like
580. (2) - S2x15 - Kiss
581. (2) - S2x16 - Only Child
582. (2) - S2x20 - Friday
583. (2) - S2x20 - Jar of Hearts
584. (2) - S2x22 - I Love New York/New York, New York
585. (2) - S3x02 - Somewhere
586. (2) - S3x06 - You and I/You and I
587. (2) - S3x07 - I'm the Only One
588. (2) - S3x08 - Red Solo Cup
589. (2) - S3x11 - Ben
590. (2) - S3x11 - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
591. (2) - S3x12 - Don't Wanna Lose You
592. (2) - S3x12 - Sexy and I Know It
593. (2) - S3x13 - Home
594. (2) - S3x14 - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly
595. (2) - S3x14 - Here's to Us
596. (2) - S3x14 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
597. (2) - S3x16 - More Than a Woman
598. (2) - S3x16 - Stayin' Alive
599. (2) - S3x18 - The Rain in Spain
600. (2) - S3x19 - What Makes You Beautiful
601. (2) - S3x19 - Love You Like a Love Song
602. (2) - S3x20 - Mean
603. (2) - S3x20 - I Won't Give Up
604. (2) - S4x03 - Celebrity Skin
605. (2) - S4x04 - Give Your Heart a Break
606. (2) - S4x05 - Juke Box Hero
607. (2) - S4x08 - Come See About Me
608. (2) - S4x09 - Being Good Isn't Good Enough
609. (2) - S4x09 - O Holy Night
610. (2) - S4x10 - Jingle Bell Rock
611. (2) - S4x11 - I Only Have Eyes for You
612. (2) - S4x13 - Make No Mistake (She's Mine)
613. (2) - S4x14 - You're All I Need to Get By
614. (2) - S4x19 - Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel)
615. (2) - S4x20 - We Will Rock You
616. (2) - S4x20 - Everybody Hurts
617. (2) - S5x02 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
618. (2) - S5x05 - Blurred Lines
619. (2) - S5x05 - You Are Woman, I Am Man
620. (2) - S5x06 - Honesty
621. (2) - S5x06 - Piano Man
622. (2) - S5x06 - You May Be Right
623. (2) - S5x06 - An Innocent Man
624. (2) - S5x06 - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
625. (2) - S5x07 - The Fox
626. (2) - S5x11 - Vacation
627. (2) - S5x12 - Valerie
628. (2) - S5x14 - Best Day of My Life
629. (2) - S5x18 - Piece of My Heart
630. (2) - S5x20 - No Time At All
631. (2) - S5x20 - Glitter in the Air
632. (2) - S6x04 - Bitch
633. (2) - S6x05 - Father Figure
634. (2) - S6x07 - All About That Bass
635. (2) - S6x08 - I'm So Excited
636. (2) - S6x09 - Break Free
637. (2) - S6x10 - Rather Be
638. (2) - S6x13 - The Winner Takes It All
639. (1) - S1x02 - I Say a Little Prayer
640. (1) - S1x03 - I Wanna Sex You Up
641. (1) - S1x05 - Cabaret
642. (1) - S1x07 - No Air
643. (1) - S1x08 - What A Girl Wants
644. (1) - S1x10 - (You're Having My Baby)
645. (1) - S1x10 - Crush
646. (1) - S1x14 - Highway to Hell
647. (1) - S1x15 - What It Feels Like for a Girl
648. (1) - S1x21 - Another One Bites the Dust
649. (1) - S1x22 - Bohemian Rhapsody
650. (1) - S2x01 - Billionaire
651. (1) - S2x01 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
652. (1) - S2x04 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
653. (1) - S2x07 - Conjunction Junction
654. (1) - S2x08 - Ohio
655. (1) - S2x09 - Hey, Soul Sister
656. (1) - S2x13 - This Little Light of Mine
657. (1) - S2x14 - My Headband
658. (1) - S2x16 - Jesus Is My Friend
659. (1) - S2x20 - Rolling in the Deep
660. (1) - S2x22 - My Cup
661. (1) - S3x01 - Big Spender
662. (1) - S3x04 - Bein' Green
663. (1) - S3x04 - Take Care of Yourself
664. (1) - S3x05 - Tonight
665. (1) - S3x07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
666. (1) - S3x09 - Blue Christmas
667. (1) - S3x12 - A Little Less Conversation
668. (1) - S3x13 - You're the Top
669. (1) - S3x13 - Chapel of Love
670. (1) - S4x01 - Sister Christian
671. (1) - S4x02 - Gimme More
672. (1) - S4x08 - Whistle
673. (1) - S4x10 - Feliz Navidad
674. (1) - S4x11 - Baby Got Back
675. (1) - S4x19 - Fight for Your Right (to Party)
676. (1) - S4x19 - Next to Me
677. (1) - S4x22 - To Love You More
678. (1) - S4x22 - Rainbow Connection
679. (1) - S5x03 - Fire and Rain
680. (1) - S5x03 - No Surrender
681. (1) - S5x08 - O Christmas Tree
682. (1) - S5x11 - Mr. Roboto/Counting Stars
683. (1) - S5x11 - I Love LA
684. (1) - S5x12 - Raise Your Glass
685. (1) - S5x12 - Happy
686. (1) - S5x17 - NYC
687. (1) - S5x18 - The Rose
688. (1) - S6x01 - Sing
689. (1) - S6x01 - Dance the Night Away
690. (1) - S6x01 - Uninvited
691. (1) - S6x02 - Viva Voce
692. (1) - S6x04 - Rock Lobster
693. (1) - S6x04 - Whip It
694. (1) - S6x05 - My Sharona
695. (1) - S6x05 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
696. (1) - S6x07 - You Give Love a Bad Name
697. (1) - S6x07 - Same Love
698. (1) - S6x08 - Hey Ya!
699. (1) - S6x10 - Far From Over
700. (1) - S6x10 - The Trolley Song
701. (1) - S6x11 - We Built This City
702. (1) - S6x11 - Listen to Your Heart
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