strayklds · 4 months
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Shin Ki Tae aka Eddy (LEE SEUNG GYU) and Lee Wan aka Ian (LEE JONG HYUK) loving on one another. (I can't help but to smile because of their happiness)
Oh and one of Eddy being jealous watching Ian with Jamie & her friend (a supposed set up and Eddy ain't having it) plus Mr. CEO saw their picture on Eddy's phone.
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - The Stand-in Stands Up (all puns intended)
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 eps - I do enjoy that the other Joe’s past is now coming back to haunt the present. For our Joe, the hits just keep on coming. Meanwhile, I know my heartstrings are being intentionally tugged, but I did feel sorry for Ming in this episode (at the last). And I think Up is doing a great job with this frankly difficult role if he can make me feel anything approaching sympathy for Ming. Ming's breakdown was excellent. Very dramatic.
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 6 of 12 - These two are entirely boyfriends who just don’t happen to be dating. It’s Schrödinger’s relationship. It's crazy that these two are already sleeping together and I still can’t wait for them to kiss. Very nicely done. Good tension point. This was a really cute episode but nothing much happened.
In other news, the sound effects REALLY bother me in this show. It might have been in the running as a 10/10, except for those fucking sound effects.
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We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 10 of 16 - I like how the majority of this show is just basically struggling with first love. It’s strangely sweet and innocent as a result. Frankly, right now, I need that - it’s comforting. It’s not exciting, but I can’t deny that thi is the highlight of the middle of my week.
Peem to Phum = use your words. Phum = SMOOCH. 
Bet you all heard this one coming: NO SINGING. 
Note: Satang (Toey) is a fantastic actor. I love the way he changes the physicality of his body for his roles. In this part, he’s kind of loose-limbed and floppy. He doesn't look younger but the way he inhabits his body does.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 1 of 12 - GeminiForth (AKA G4) are back and glory-be they showed up on YouTube. Still I’m worried it won’t stay there after the Cherry Magic debacle. So I stayed up late that night to gank it. 
Back to the show.
One of the things I’ve always loved about this IP, is how genuine and decent and earnest all of the kids are. They’re all trying so hard not to hurt each other's feelings. It’s all just a terrible case of miscommunication. G4 are perfect casting for these roles. That said, I have the same challenges with this version as I did with the JBL - it’s a bit frenetic and can be clownishly too MUCH for me. 
Meanwhile, the he feeds strays trope has popped up again. 
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Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - Trash watch here. MAME warning! I found it rather lacklustre and inoffensive but still managed to invent dildo smores.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) eps 3 of 12 - Honestly? I’m kind of enjoying watching the friendships develop between the housemates. Of course I know they’re probably gonna all end up sleeping together, but right now the communal easy-going companionship and teasing is the most fun. Other than that, this is an unremarkable Thai BL pulp with better than normal acting and consistency (for a pulp).
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Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - Moo is the clinginess boyfriend in the entire universe. The thing I think I love best about this couple, and the show, is what great communicators they are. That said they are not great actors. I don’t mean to be rude, and I don’t expect great acting from my Thai BL, but it’s a little rough going sometimes with this pair.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - It’s taken me a long time, but I finally realized what I dislike about this show. It’s the pacing. Or rather, the lack of it. And I’m not saying that the pacing is necessarily off, in fact this is a typical JBL thing. But for some reason, in this show, I find it particularly annoying.
Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 5-6fin - Honestly, this was a perfectly fine little friends to lovers BL, with better than average kissing from Korea. But for some reason it never really hit for me. The very end was extremely odd. A bit of a disappointment for a longer piece from Strongberry. I think they tried to be too classically BL and that is just not their strength-berry. Strongberry is better when they explore something a little edgy, or a little outside the box. 7/10
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It's airing but...
The Last Time (Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - also I can't find it. Comments from last week suggest this is not my thing anyway, but Lee Long Shi very much IS my thing, so... maybe I'll put it on hold for a bit and y'all can let me know.
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In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS. How?
You Made My Day (Thai YT) - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard. Apparently it's cute but basically a 10 min advert.
KWill To Reunite With Seo In Guk, Ahn Jae Hyun in Comeback! For those who don't know the MV for his song Please Don't is a heavy hitting shock tactic BL adjacent piece featuring major Korean actors. (The closest we are likely to ever get.) Look it was a BIG DEAL at the time. Kinda like Kpop's Broke Back Mountain moment. More here:
I don't often report on the Kpop scene but this is very interesting.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
June Releases
6/14 Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru 2 AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (Japan movie Gaga?) - Continues the (frankly) lackadaisical story from part 1.
6/15 Sunset Vibes AKA SunsetXVibes (Thailand Sat iQIYI) 12 eps - Star Hunter + MosBank on iQIYI for 12 weeks? If nothing else it's gonna be a wild and sexy ride. A one night stand but "uh-oh he’s my boss," adapted from a web series. I’m game. Maybe it’ll have a better story than Big Dragon? Maybe it will have a plot? We can but hope.
6/26 The Rebound (Thai Weds VIU?) - MeenPing are back in their 3rd BL together, a basketball based romance (Meen was a national basketball player, so yay for that). I like this pair better than most (I still do miss Meen with Est but Est has a fantastic looking new BL coming from GMMTV so yeah...) Anyway I'm up for a sports romance starring a man who, yah know, actually played that sport so... I'm game (pun intended).
(Speaking of, why can't Est be a merman? This... I ask you?.)
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Flipping stellar side couple Wandee, thank you.
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Love the mains too of course.
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This is that funny little unnamed (muli-named) BL/GL something from Korea that's happening on YouTube right now. It's cute! I guess it's falling under the moniker Fake Buddies.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
123 notes · View notes
x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 months
Alright Chapter 9 of Dating up is here. I split it in half, this is set directly after Chapter 8. I hope you guys like this and the next chapter is almost done and will be up soon.
Let me know if you guys want to be added to the tag list! Also if you have any ideas you want to see, like any episodes that you would like to see Chica in.
Warnings: Sexual contact, fingering, sucking dick, a hint at anal play, marking, dirty talk
Master List
Prompt List
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Tag List: @pear-1206
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“Oh god,” you muttered shoving your head deeper under the pillow. “I hate life.”
Your mouth was dry and felt like cotton but also a little minty as you tried to work out what happened last night. It all got a little fuzzy around the time Rafael and his friends showed up. But you were sure there was something in there that was embarrassing, something…
“Oh jesus, please tell me that was just a weird ass dream?” you pleaded.
“If you’re talking about last night, then I’m afraid not Chica,” Rafael’s amused voice drifted over you. You groaned in response, burrowing further into the nest you had made in his bed. The events of last night became a little clearer the longer you were awake, you felt your body turn to ice, your stomach dropping as you remembered in detail what you did and said.
“I am so sorry,” you whispered sitting up, turning to look at Rafael, you felt so bad about last night. You couldn’t believe what you had done.
“Why?” Rafael asked moving forwards, sitting down and taking your hand, bringing it to his lips.
“Cause I was meeting your friends for the first time and I was so drunk that I talked about your dick and sex,” you whined eyes watering a little. “And everything else, I must have been so embarrassing.”
“Carino, they thought you were adorable,” he assured you cupping your cheek and stroking under your eye to catch the stray tears. “And believe me they were happy for the material for teasing me.”
“Are you sure?” you asked. Rafael tugged on your hands urging you to move so you were sitting in his lap, legs straddling him and arms fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. His hands ran up and down your sides soothingly.
“Sweetheart, I am so sure,” he nodded, kissing your nose. “You could never do anything that would embarrass me. You were showing affection and being yourself around my friends. That is all I could ask, plus you made such a good snarky remark against Carisi, so there’s that.”
“Rafi,” you smiled feeling a little better about last night. “Promise me you’ll tell me if I made them uncomfortable?”
“Of course,” he agreed. “Do you feel better?”
“About that yes, but I still feel like death warmed up,” you rubbed your head. “Thank you for drinking my margherita.”
“Ah, see I made a good choice,” he tweaked your nose just to hear you giggle. “Alright, do you want to have a shower or some food?”
“Hm, shower, definitely,” you were about to get up but suddenly sat back down your eyes staring at Rafael, studying him.
“Chica?” he asked, brow furrowed unsure what you were doing.
“You said no to sex last night,” you stated
“Of course, you were drunk,”
“It’s like a low bar, don’t get me wrong but thank you,” you shrugged. “But just for future reference, I would be okay with us fooling around when I’m a little drunk.”
“Noted, let’s have this conversation when you are a little more awake and alive,” he grinned.
“Alright,” you agreed. “But…wanna join me in the shower? I’m not drunk anymore.”
“If I ever say no to that question, it isn’t me and you should call Liv,” Rafael’s grip tightened on your hips holding you to him to stop you from getting up. “First, though I want you to drink some more water.”
“No, water and I’ll join you in the shower but that is it,” he tapped you on the nose. “You are hungover and as much as I would like to fuck you in the shower, I don’t think you’re really up to that are you?”
“No,” you pouted. “Though speaking of, did you clean my teeth last night? Whilst my mouth is dry it is minty.”
“Ah, no, you woke up, threw up and then cleaned your teeth while complaining about the light,” Rafael answered. “And then you preceded to do your whole night skin care. Which was not something I thought I would ever see done after a night of drinking.”
“….yeah that sounds like me, sorry should have warned you I tend to do that,” you scratched the back of your neck. “Sorry about throwing up.”
“Chica, it’s fine, you made it to the bathroom,” Rafael kissed your neck nibbling on the skin there.
“Woah buddy, if you don’t want to fuck me you better stop,” you wiggled away from his mouth before groaning a little. “Yeah, I think I need water. My head is trying to kill me.”
Rafael laughed wrapping his arm firmly around your waist as he leaned to grab the water bottle from the side table. Opening it behind your back before bringing it up to your lips, raising an eyebrow when you pursed your lips, face confused.
“Oh, so I can help you drink water when you’re drunk and don’t want to let go of my friend’s hand but now that it is the two of us suddenly it’s weird?” he asked. “Nice Chica.”
“Oh my god, I did that?” you asked.
“You did, and you owe me for that,” he nodded. “It completely ruined my hard arse reputation.”
“I’m sure you can make that back the next time you make a witness cry, or refuse to get a warrant cause they don’t have enough evidence and their “maternal instincts” aren’t enough,”
“Okay I told you I did that in confidence for it to never be mentioned again,”
“You never said off the record,”
“You suck,”
“You like my sucking,”
Rafael rolled his eyes as he brought the water bottle back up to your lips. You eyed it for a second longer before opening your mouth and letting him pour some in before swallowing, repeating the action until you pushed the bottle away.
“Alright, let’s get you in the shower, so you can eat something and take some pain meds,” Rafael said, recapping the bottle and sitting it on the bed beside the two of you. His arm still holding you close on his lap. “Now hold on tight.”
“What?” you were confused until Rafael stood up holding you against him. “Aw, you’re spoiling me.”
“Don’t get use to it,” Rafael warned you walking towards the bathroom.  “How’s the light?”
“Hm, hurts a little,” you admitted, eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. Rafael hummed as he sat you on the counter before reaching for the light switch and dimming them.
You merely hummed in response, smiling a little dopily at him. Rafael chuckled in response, pressing a kiss to your temple as he walked past you to the shower, fiddling with taps until it was the temperature you preferred. He made quick work of removing his own clothes before helping you out of yours, pressing kisses to your cheeks, temple and forehead as he did so.
“Want to wash your hair?” he asked carefully running a brush through it to get rid of the knots that appeared overnight. He hummed when you didn’t answer right away, leaning to press a kiss to you should blade. “Carino?”
“Don’t know but that feels nice,” your voice was getting drowsy from the gentle way Rafael brushed your hair, you were always a sucker for anyone who played with your hair and this, surprisingly, was the first time Rafael had brushed your hair.
“It doesn’t feel like it needs a wash, so maybe that can wait for when you’re more human,” Rafael joked reaching for a hair-tie that seemed to live on the bathroom counter. His fingers were gentle as he carefully gathered your hair and tied it into the bun he had seen you wear when you didn’t want your hair to get wet when you showered. “Is that too tight?”
“Not at all, I may have to demand that you play with my hair more often now,” you told him turning around to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I think it may be my favourite thing for you to do.”
“We’ll see,” he said, but he knew that he would never be able to deny you that request. Turns out he rather liked being able to play with your hair and brush it for you.
“We both know that means ‘Yes of course, Chica, whenever you want,’” you attempted to mimic his voice, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you pressed your naked bodies together.
“Chica,” Rafael warned, as he grabbed your hands and pulled them away before leading you into the shower. “Behave.”
“Sir, yes sir,” you mocked, attempting to hold a serious look before you broke and giggled at him.
“When you’re feeling better you are going to get it,” Rafael stated, gently turning you around so your whole body was wet before he grabbed the soap and a wash cloth. He switched places with you as he started to lather you, being so gentle with his movements.
“That feels nice, Rafi,” you whispered leaning to kiss him as he turned you around to wash your front. His eyes were soft with an emotion in them that you had never seen before, it caused your stomach to flutter and not in the way it normally does after a night of drinking.
“Good, let’s get you rinsed off,” he smiled. “Do you want to spend the day in bed?”
“Only if you are with me,” you prompted, taking the wash cloth and soap from him. “Can I wash you?”
“Maybe next time,” Rafael promised you switching places with you again to rinse off the soap. “Let’s get you dried and in bed, which yes I will join you, after I have made you some food.”
“Ooh, some greasy?” you asked.
“Bacon and egg sandwich with hashbrowns?”
“Perfect, with a cup of tea?”
“Of course, Chica, this is technically your breakfast, I know you need tea with breakfast,”
“You know me so well,” you grinned following him out of the shower.
Later in the day
“So, how are you feeling now?” Rafael asked running his hand through your hair. You smiled happily up at him, relaxing more against his lap. The two of you stayed in bed all day after your shower together, Rafael cuddling you at first and then he switched to sitting up with you laying on his lap while he read over some case notes.
“Much, thank you for looking after me,” you nodded.
“Of course, my darling,” he bent down to press a kiss to your forehead, gently stroking your cheek, before tweaking your nose.
“Normally, on our girls nights out we don’t get quite as drunk as we did,” you moaned.
“Oh?” Rafael sat his case file on the bed side table. “You young girls don’t go wild every other night?”
“Rafi, you read my dating profile, I’m a nerdy little librarian, all four of us are nerdy,” you rolled your eyes. “I prefer a night in. Last night was special it had been over four months since we were all able to meet up.”
“I know but you are still young,” he shrugged. Your eyes narrowed as you studied the way his face was twitching a little. “If you need to spend more time with your friends so you can meet up more-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you interrupted him sitting up so you could look at him properly. “The only reason we weren’t able to meet up for nearly four months was because Shannon was out of the country visiting some of her family and Courtney had been out of state for work. And that is the second time you have said I’m young in a short time span. Rafi, does our difference in age bother you?”
“No,” Rafael denied, but he refused to look at you as he shifted sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his face. He had hoped this might never come up between the two of you but he forgot that you were annoying observant, well, annoyingly only when you turned it on him. Adorable when it was any other time.
“Really, cause it seems a little like maybe it does,” you insisted. “Rafi, why haven’t you said anything before?”
“Because I guess I never realised until last night when I meet your friends,” he said. “And a part of me worried that I was keeping you from being with your friends and that maybe I was a little old for you.”
“Absolutely not,” you assured him, climbing onto his lap grabbing his face between your hands to ensure he couldn’t look away from you. “You listen to me right now Rafael Barba. You are not too old for me, me and my friends rarely get drunk like that, we all actually prefer hanging out at one of our places, checking out a museum or just getting a nice dinner. We occasionally get drunk like that but it is rare. You are not keeping me from my friends, now that Courtney and Shannon are back in town, we will be meeting up like we normally do. Understand?”
“Chica,” Rafael whispered his hands reaching up to cover yours, the light in his eyes coming back.
“Do you understand?” you repeated forcibly. “I need an answer bub, I need to be sure that you understand that the gap in our ages is not an issue, my friends adore you.”
“Yes, Carino I understand,” he nodded leaning forward to kiss you. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Anytime, babe,” you nuzzled your nose against his. “Please tell me if you start thinking like that again. Because I can tell you how you blow all other men out the water, my girls said their first times never ended with them having orgasms, well cept for Courtney but she had her first time with a woman so.”
“Really?” he asked, hands moving down to grab your hips.
“Yep,” you hummed popping the ‘p’. “So, I’m never letting you go, for the sex alone. God only knows if I could find another man who can make me orgasm from finger fucking me.”
“Good to know you aren’t superficial at all Chica,” Rafael squeezed your hips teasingly.
“I mean obviously I’m not letting you go because you’re-”
“Gorgeous, charming, sarcastic and incredibly intelligent?” he asked.
“Did…I say that last night?”
“Correct,” he nodded. “You also said I was really good in bed so.”
“God,” you groaned resting your head against his shoulder. “I’m never gonna be able to see your friends ever again.”
“Well, I mean at least you whispered your attempt at bribing me to give you your drink back,” Rafael pointed out dryly, causing you to lift your head to stare at him blankly.
“That’s something I suppose,” you agreed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, running your fingers through his hair.
He hummed contently at your actions, letting his head fall to rest on your chest. You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, settling more firmly in his lap. The memory of what you whispered to him coming back, you couldn’t believe you said that even if no-one else was able to hear it. Though, the thought of doing that did make you excited, it turns out not even being hungover was enough to keep your desire for him down. You wiggled a little on his lap, feeling his dick underneath you didn’t help. You whimpered as you grew a little wet. Rafael’s arms tightened around you as you continued to wiggle in his lap.
“Want another shower?” Rafael asked.
“A shower?” now you were just confused…well, confused and horny but mostly confused.
“You’re feeling better,” he started, his hands holding you firmly in his lap. “And if you still want to, I would like to join you in that shower.”
“Hmm, I suppose I could be persuaded to have another shower,” you sighed, moving to get up from his lap.
“Oh, no, stay right there,” Rafael clicked his tongue, his hands holding your hips tightly to keep you firmly in his lap. Smirking when you looked at him confused. In one smooth motion he stood up holding you to him.
“Rafi!” you squeaked grabbing hold of his shoulders, legs wrapping around his waist as one of his hands moved to hold your ass, squeezing it teasingly as he walked to the bathroom. “Thought you said not to get use to this.”
“Hm, I thought this was an excellent way to get you to the bathroom so I can have my way with you,” he shrugged. “Now, what was it you said to me last night? Come on bub, let’s go.”
“Rafi,” you giggled, before grinning at him, words bubbling up inside but you held them in. Instead, you nuzzled into his neck, kissing and nibbling at the skin.
“Shit, Chica stop it,” he groused. “I could drop you.”    
“Oh, now why would you ever do that?” you asked licking up along his neck.
“Oh, now you’re going to get it woman,” he growled, a dark promise in his voice that caused you to shiver in delight. Both of his hands grabbing your arse and squeezing.
 “Maybe after this shower, we could do what I suggested last night?” you proposed.
“I have a question about that, what was with the vest?” Rafael asked sitting you on the counter, hands trailing along your thighs.
“I saw how you got one time I tried it on,” you raised an eyebrow. “It’s the same look you get in your eyes when I wear lingerie.”
“Hm, wear my blue and silver one,”
“Yes sir,” you reached out to start undoing his shirt. “But…how about I suck you off in the shower first?”
“Twist my arm, Chica,” he grinned, hands tugging your panties down as you finished with his shirt, pushing it off his shoulder and dragging your fingers back up his torso scratching over his nipples to get that little noise out of him.
His fingers trailed back up your thighs and under the shirt you were wearing as he started sucking kisses along your neck, he thought it was a little bare and that just had to change. You gasped, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer, you could feel the outline of his cock against you as he rolled his hips.
“Rafi,” you moaned. “I thought I was meant to-”
“We’re not in the shower yet, Chica,” he whispered into your ear before he bit your lope gently. “I think I want you to cum on my fingers first.” Leaning back, he smirked down at you, the fingers that were gripping your thighs squeezed once before one hand inched up closer to your pussy. “So, be good and spread those legs a little more for me.”
“Aw, don’t you have enough room?” you teased before gasping as Rafael’s thumb pressed down on your clit without warning. “Rafi!”
“I suppose I could make you cum just from this but I really want to fuck you with my fingers,” he growled lowly. “Don’t you want to feel my fingers inside you?” He moved his thumb in a circular motion alternating between pressing down and barely any pressure, his other hand slipped up under your shirt to tease along the underside of your breast. “Come one, Carino, don’t you want my fingers inside you?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” you nodded.
“Then spread your legs,” he ordered. You unwrapped your legs from around his waist, opening them wide biting your lip at the look in Rafael’s eyes. It didn’t matter how many times you saw it; it still took your breath away to see him look so hungrily at you. “Good. Girl.”
Rafael kissed you as he slowly teased you by pressing the tips of two of his fingers into you before taking them out and then inserting them again just a little further each time. Each time he pulled them out he stroked them upwards and rubbed at your clit with his thumb drawing out whines and gasps from you in between kisses. He knew exactly how to work you; he could bring you to the edge but never let you tip over.  He left his fingers inside, stroking them against your walls drawing out your pleasure as he removed his thumb from your clit.
“Rafi,” you moaned leaning back from him your hips rolling as much as they could.
“You know, I have heard that orgasms are great for hangovers,” Rafael grunted nibbling on your bottom lip.
“That is true,” you whimpered a little, one of your legs moving to curl around his waist as your hands scratched at his back when his thumb pressed down on your clit rubbing it in circular movements again. “Ah, fuck!” tears started to form in your eyes as the pleasure built.
“That’s it, Chica,” Rafael encouraged. “Cum for me baby. You can do it, be a good girl and cum on my fingers.” Your walls clenched as your orgasm hit you, clamping down on his fingers. Your hips twitched as you clutched at Rafael tightly as you let your high run through you.
“Rafi,” you whined as his fingers continued to stroke you. He pressed a kiss to your lips, his tongue swiping into your mouth.
“Hm, fuck I love feeling you cum on my fingers,” Rafael whispered against your lips, slowly pulling his fingers out. He made sure your eyes were focused and on him when he put them in his mouth and sucked the wetness that clung to them. “Fuck you taste so good.”
“Come here,” you dragged him back to your lips, tongue licking into his mouth tasting yourself on his tongue as they twined together. “Fuck Rafi. You’re a menace.”
“Pay back,” he murmured before tugging your bottom lip between his, letting it go so he could kiss along your jaw and down your neck to make another mark.  “And I’ve been holding back since last night.”
You tilted your neck to the side allowing him more access to your neck as your other leg wrapped around his waist joining the other squeezing him tight. Your hands lightly running over the marks you left on his back, grinning a little at the shiver that ran through him.
“Rafi, I need you,” you whispered, running one of your hands up into his hair and tugging humming at the groan it pulled from him.
“Hmm, but I’m not done yet,” he pulled back lips pouting a little.
“You keep going at my neck like that and it’ll look like I was mauled,” you laughed, tapping his lips. “Plus, I need to get your cock in my mouth like now so…”
“Only if afterwards, I can take my time eating you out,” Rafael countered.
“You drive a hard bargain Mr Lawyer,” you rolled your eyes. “But I guess I can live with that.”
Rafael helped you down off the counter, using that as an opportunity to squeeze your arse and thighs again, sighing a little happily. His hands moved upwards, pulling the shirt up as he went, making a slight detour to lightly squeeze your breasts before throwing the shirt into the laundry basket. His hands trailed down your body again before you stepped away from him, backing towards the shower, reaching out blindly to turn it on.
“Boxers off mister,” you pointed. “Then you can get back to copping a feel.”
“A little hard to cop a feel while you’re on your knees,” he complained. “Why don’t you help me take my boxers off and I can cop a feel.”
“Always a lawyer,” you chuckled stepping towards him, before grinning cheekily and backing towards the shower again and crooking a finger at him. “Come on bub, boxers off or you won’t get to take your time eating me out.”
“I should hire you as my second chair,” he muttered as he pushed down his boxers before joining you under you under the warm spray of the shower. “Let you turn those amazingly, annoying negotiation skills on the defence. I’ll never have to go to trial again.”
“I don’t think that’ll happen,” you warned him.
“Oh, I don’t know, you got Liv to drink a shot by looking at her,” he shrugged. “I think you could get Buchan to agree to a deal.”
“Buchan…oh that big fella who is an absolute piece of shit?” you asked turning Rafael around so he was under the spray.
“That’s the one,” he nodded, hands pushing your hair away from your face, before they started stroking down your back. “Chica!” he whined as you dropped to your knees taking away his ability to touch you anywhere other than your head.
“I’m about to suck your cock and you’re whining?” you raised an eyebrow at him. “Got to say, I don’t think there are many men out there that would complain about getting their dick sucked.”
“That’s because those men are idiots and don’t know how to appreciate a gorgeous woman in-front of them,” he defended himself. “And dios do I appreciate you, with your-.”
You ignored his statements as you leaned closer to press a kiss to the head of his dick, causing him to cut off his statement with a curse. You looked up at him, grinning as you pressed kisses along the length of his cock, before licking up along the vein before you took it into your mouth. Swallowing around it as you took it down all the way to the root. Rafael wasn’t the only one who learnt how to play your body. Your hands held onto his thighs for balance as you moved up and down, swirling your tongue around the head, dipping into the slit before you swallowed it back down. This time only taking a small part each time you went down.
“Fuck,” Rafael moaned. “You’re so good with your mouth Chica.” Tangling one of his hands into your hair he tugged on it as you moved, his hips lightly thrusting to match your movements. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well.” Pulling all the way off, you smirked up at him as you trailed kisses along his length again.
“Bet you’re glad I talked you into this, huh?” you asked him as you pressed a kiss to his balls, quickly licking them before moving suck on his tip again, tasting some of the precum that was dripping from it.
“Hm, I think I would prefer this if I could be eating you out at the same time,” he mused.
“You’re impossible,” you sighed, before going back to sucking his dick.
One of your hands reaching to gently squeeze his balls, before you gently reached behind to stroke at the skin there. Rafael slumped against the wall the water hitting his chest and falling down to you, his eyes watching you burned with a hunger that he knew would never been fully satisfied.  His hand continued to tug on your wet hair, encouraging you to take him all the way down again and hold him in your throat, swallowing around his thick length.
“Carino, look at you,” his whispered in awe, his other hand stroking along your cheek before rubbing along your bottom lip, his thumb pushing in a little beside his cock before retreating. “Fuck you look gorgeous with your mouth so full.”
Your body warmed at the words coming from his mouth. You hadn’t really heard him dirty talk before, it was doing things to you. Your pussy was throbbing in need, suddenly you wished this was happening in a bed so you could feel his tongue inside you. Although, if that was happening you wouldn’t be seeing this side of him. You swallowed once more around him before pulling off so just his tip was inside your mouth.
“Fuck, gorgeous I am close,” he told you, pulling your hair a little rougher. “You going to swallow for me?”
You whimpered in response, focusing on his slit as you moved your hand back more, lightly rubbing it over his hole. The first time you did it was a slight accident but when you noticed how Rafael reacted you made sure to do it more often. You even thought about brining up an idea you had been having for a while but you weren’t really sure how to go about it. But for now, it was a good way to get him even more turned on as he got closer to finishing.
“Ah shit, close,” he whimpered, hips thrusting a little more as he got close. You hummed around his cock before you felt his orgasm fill your mouth, you moaned at the taste as you swallowed it down. Licking at the head as you pulled off to catch any stray drops.
“Not to copy you, babe but, fuck you taste good,” you stated pressing one last kiss on the head of his cock before an idea hit you. You ignored the way he tugged on your hair to try and get you to stand up instead you started kissing along the top of his right thigh. Biting at the skin, sucking on it to leave a mark, as you moved along it to his hip bone.
“And you’re a menace,” he moaned. “Come on stand up, please.”
“Aw, you’re begging?” you asked teasingly as you marked up his hip bone and then left a path of kisses along his stomach to his other hip bone to leave more markings. “And at least these can be hidden.”
“You like my markings,” he pointed out finally managing to get you to stand up as he pressed lightly against one of the markings on your neck.
“Not as much as you do,” you said stroking your hands up his stomach to wrap around his shoulders. Rafael grumbled a little as his hands found their way to your arse again, the grumbles turning to happy little hums. “You’re an easy man to please, you know that?”
“Hm, maybe,” he shrugged. “But it’s not like it could be used against me.”
“Really?” you asked as you attempted to step out of the shower but his hands tightened their grip on you tugging you against him under the stream. “Well, that’s rude.”
“Aw, don’t you like that I can hold you against me?”
“You know I enjoy how strong you are,” you leaned up to kiss him. “Just like I know how much you enjoy my arse, my thighs and my pussy.”
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lactoseintolerentswag · 11 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 6!!!!!!
After the turtles and Splinter, here we have the girl Ever. She's pretty spunky, I had fun analyzing her for writing.
April O'Neil Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Uses bae/aave, something she could have passed on down to Raph and Mikey as they also use bae/aave
Most notably uses "mm-kay" in place of "okay"
Uses a lot of filler language, interjections, or onomatopoeia. Think "mhm", "uh huh, uh huh!", "oh yeah!"
"Ah nuts" is her go-to disappointed phrase
Grits and or strains her teeth when she's frustrated
Uses her own name (the full "April O'Neil!!!!") as a battle cry, or brings her name as a motivator i.e. "the one and only April O'Neil will solve this case!"
The more worked up she the louder she tends to be, this extends to stronger emotions such as passion or panic
Over text uses emoticons
Refers to splinter as "splints"
Refers to the turtles as "the fam"
Refers to villains/antagonists through insults rather than their names
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Adrenaline junkie, as she's often the first to jump into a fight. She also laughs in the face of danger, and was seen maniacally laughing and smiling the entirety of the gumbus episode
Jack of all trades. April has a lot of skills she's picked up from various jobs or personal adventures she's seeked out (like canoeing through the sewers in a hazmat suit and earning a crane license)
Wild and blunt. April is Loud, and rarely ever afraid to share her opinion. This can either make people draw back from her bluntness or be drawn in by her excitableness
Self-conscious. Despite her strong sense of self-esteem, April is still often motivated to impress the popular kids at school or at least fit in. She doesn't want to be seen as the weird kid, or associated with the weird kids
Persistent. April is always quick on her feet to hit back whatever comes at her. She has a good set of problem-solving skills that she's gained from all the skills she's picked up
Loyal. She's always willing to back up the turtles, and goes out of her way to keep Splinter happy with her company. Once she finds a friend it's hard to pry her away
Unlucky. Mostly in absurd or mundane ways. She has that whole curse with her birthday, but things don't often tend to go right for April O'Neil, which contributes to the disasters that cause her to get fired all the time
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Code-named "yellow submarine" by raph
Tends to have information on wifi passwords, secret exists, and access to keys from all the jobs she's been hired and fired from
Has a preference for blunt objects as weapons (most commonly bats, clubs, pipes)
Uses the environment in a fight in general
She's been part of the "warren stone fanclub" since 2010, and keeps all her ids in her wallet
Likes unicorns and cats (as seen through her brief texts with sunita and her pajamas)
Loves laser tag
Can beat Donnie at video games (if he didn't use cheat codes)
"sherlock_corn" is her handle online
Lives in an apartment/flat with her mom (showed onscreen briefly), that has its own bathroom
Has a subtly mentioned interest in fantasy, as noted by Donnie she tends to download fantasy rpgs and freaks out over cosplay wizards
Just an end note to all of you who aren't black, some offensive tropes I would stray from is making April the angry black girl. This is one of the most common stereotypes of black women in media. I wouldn't mistake April's passion or loudness for aggression. It would be a disservice to dilute her lively character into familiar but ultimately harmful tropes in media.
I am in no way saying you cannot portray April as angry, this is a powerful emotion and it should be explored with black characters, but I am saying that should not be the base of her character. Because well that's not even April's base. She's centered around fun and thrill-seeking.
Wikipedia (yes I know, But they have proven to be more dependable these past years) has a good article on the angry black woman stereotype, so that would a good place to start research on what to Avoid. In my splinter post I also provided some links on doing research on writing poc.
Anyway!!! We've ended our analysis trip of the main cast in s1. Next I'm thinking of picking apart our antagonists :]. Gonna take a break to work on my own fic, but stay tuned if you found any of my other posts helpful! It's been a fun ride with you all <3
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bengiyo · 1 year
Wedding Plan: The Lesbians and the Closet Matter
It seems I find myself in the position of feeling the need to defend a MAME show. How did I get here? I haven’t been doing Stray Thoughts of Wedding Plan because I think MAME shows require too many caveats for me to write about off the cuff. However, I’ve been quietly impressed with the seriousness with which MAME has handled the decision Lom and Yiwa made to enter into a lavender marriage. More than anything, I want to talk about how important the lesbians are to this story and how much I like the execution of Lom as a closeted man. Finally, I want to talk about how Nuea is stronger than Lom, and has been the entire time.
Before we get into this, I want to lay out some of the MAME caveats. It’s clear that she has a fascination with taboo and what it means to cross a line. Even Ae has a hard time listening to Pete say no to him when it’s about keeping Ae away from him. I went into this show knowing that Sailom was going to overstep boundaries with Nuea because that’s who MAME is. What I focused on is what lines were being crossed and how Nuea would respond to them.
Yiwa’s Choices Matter
As of episode 6 we’ve been given the backstory of how long Lom and Yiwa have been in this scenario, where they properly came out to each other when they were 15 and 13 respectively. They opted to use each other as beards to keep their families off their backs, and Yiwa hopes to use her marriage with Lom to gain independence from her family. What I love so much about Yiwa and Marine is they understand that the path they’ve collectively chosen is hard for all of them. Marine doesn’t get to love and be loved openly, and this also forces Lom to sacrifice for them. I love that they encourage him to be open with Namnuea because they care about him and want him to have love too. I love that their relationship is important to both of them, and that they do love each other.
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What’s so important for me about Lom’s relationship with Yiwa is he is completely loyal to Yiwa. He’s locked himself in a place where he won’t jeopardize her. Despite her encouragement about Nuea, he won’t make a choice that he worries will expose or endanger her. It’s fascinating to me that we have a gay man experiencing romantic angst because of loyalty to a woman that he loves, and it’s about protecting her from homophobia and not some twisted sense of infidelity.
Yiwa being able to rely on Lom and Marine is what makes her decision to run away with Marine so special for me at the end of episode 6. After the confrontation Marine had with Yiwa’s mom, Yiwa rushed back to their home and fully expected Marine to possibly be gone. Instead, she found her sleeping and recovering in their bed, waiting for her. Yiwa knew in that moment that she couldn’t sit idle and allow this kind of cruelty to continue. Since she’s the one who proposed the idea of the lavender marriage, I think it’s significant that she’s the one opting out of it to run off.
Sailom is Not Evil. He’s Just Closeted.
Now, let’s talk about Sailom. I posted yesterday to see what people were especially bothered about with Lom and got useful responses from @williamrikers and @twig-tea. I felt much of what twig-tea felt at the beginning of the show. Like the two of them, I went into this show worried about the way Lom’s wealth would allow him to push Namnuea around. I was worried about the way Lom would impact his finances and professional reputation. What has surprised me with this show is the slow reveal that Lom is the one in a more precarious position than Namuea.
Regarding his job, Namnuea does this job because he loves it and because he’s good at it. His angst with Nuea is that he’s flirting with him instead of handling his business for his wedding. We also learn that Nuea’s feelings for Lom are not a problem for his boss or his colleagues. When the worst finally happens, they give him the time and space he needs and hold the line on protecting him from Lom. When he decides to be closeted with Lom, they watch his back and make sure the two of them don’t get caught. It’s clear that regardless of whatever else Lom may have been up to with his money, it wasn’t going to impact Namnuea’s role professionally too much by episode 6.
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Lom doesn’t have that. He’s trapped in the closet, and he has a closeted man’s brain. He describes one of the most classic cases of The Knowing that I’ve ever seen. He tells us he’s just a normal person who realized early that he didn’t like women and that he should keep that knowledge to himself. He’s under a lot of family pressure. The only friend he has in this is also suffering, and they’ve come up with a plan to help each other, but their overbearing mothers want to continue to surveil them. He is wrong to put Nuea what he did, but I understand how he ends up making those decisions.
As I’ve explained before, I lived in the closet for a very long time. When you’re living in a state of hypervigilance like that it alters the way you see the world. Sure, Lom should just approach Namnuea like a normal person, but Namnuea is a Known Gay and visibly queer. Visible queers are so much stronger than a lot of us who could hide and pass because the ones who survived and maybe even thrived developed a protective coating to deal with the constant public perception of their queerness.
From the inside of the closet, you need plausible deniability for everything you do in case you get called out. Hiring Namnuea gives him easy excuses to see him. Being a difficult client gives him a reason to make Namnuea see him away from work or in private. This is all NOT GOOD, but I understand it because I lived it.
What I respect about Lom is that he doesn’t presume that Namnuea should put up with his shit, and he never asks Namnuea for the impossible: to closet himself for Yiwa.
Namnuea is SO Gay and I Love Him
First, I just want to gush about the fact that Namnuea is not a gym gay and loves food. Sure Pak Naphat is fit and well cared for, but I like that Nuea feels like he enjoys creature comforts. It’s Nuea’s ability to love things earnestly that draws Sailom to him. He’s not putting on a performance for others except that which is necessary to manage their event. It’s this ability to love things so earnestly that also makes Namnuea so strong.
Regarding the power imbalance, the most important thing about Namnuea and Lom is that Lom is closeted and Nuea is not. The truth cannot harm Namnuea. He has no reason to lie to anyone. He can tell his boss that he’s having a professional conflict because he’s in love with the groom and that doesn’t become a huge blow up. He can tell his mom that he messed up and slept with the groom of a wedding he’s supposed to be planning, and she will console him and reassure him. When Lom rushes to Nuea’s family’s home to reconcile with him, his family will close ranks around him, and his pregnant cousin will try to throw hands with Lom.
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Namnuea is not taking any of Lom’s shit. He pushes back, and when things go to far he leaves. We saw clearly in episode 6 that Nuea can handle himself if a man is flirting with him and he doesn’t want it. Nuea has choices that Lom can’t even conceive of because of his family. Also, Namnuea’s family clearly has their own wealth. Nuea and his cousin Ryu are the beloved gay sons of a landed family with generations of wealth. Lom may command a lot of wealth, but Namnuea isn’t beholden to him.
This is once again where Yiwa and Marine are so important. Yiwa tells Nuea quite seriously that she and Lom love each other like siblings and that all of this is because he’s trying to help her, and Marine has an earnest conversation with Nuea as someone who’s on the outside of this family situation. Just like Sun helped Lom find a way to work with Nuea’s family, Marine is sharing her perspective with Nuea about the sincerity of these two closeted rich folks.
Also, let’s talk about that sex scene. I love that Nuea is allowed to want this. I love that it’s clear that Nuea has experience with sex. I also like that Lom has some experience, too! (You just know he and Prapai fucked when they were in England) I like that he’s allowed to have fun and tease Lom during sex.
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I love that after they had sex the second time, Lom shares quite plainly that sex is also about closeness for him and that he wants to be more intimate with their address with each other. It’s in this moment that Nuea reveals that he’s willing to work through this situation with Lom. I loved this moment because you can see Lom trembling in awe of Nuea.
Onto the Final Arc!
Now that I’ve gotten all the praise out, let’s talk about MAME. There are teasers for the next episode that Lom will be drinking from a flask and putting eye drops in. I am not keen on how Lom’s substance issues might blow up in what could be a finale or penultimate episode, but what I am excited for seeing what Yiwa facing down their families means for all of them.
MAME seems to like unnecessary nonsense at the end of her stories. Even if I appreciated much of LITA, Rain and Sky both being kidnapped as the final major complication of their stories was not fun for me and is part of why I haven’t felt the urge to rewatch or show them to Emily. I am hoping that we don’t have to suffer some ridiculous nonsense like that at the end of this show when Yiwa choosing not to continue with this sham marriage is more than enough.
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baileypie-writes · 18 days
~My Thoughts on Wonderful Pretty Cure: Episodes 31-35~
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Episode 31 - Nyanfluencer Mayu:
This episode was really sweet!
I feel like Mayu’s backstory about her friend kind of came out of nowhere in previous episodes. However, it makes me feel better about it now that they’ve talked more about it.
Chiran is very similar to Mayu. Almost to the point where’s there’s no difference between them. So I wish they added more traits to her. But she was okay! I really liked her chinchilla too.
It was very sweet when they both apologized to each other, and finally made up. I also loved how Yuki was watching the whole time. She really cares about Mayu a lot.
Also, we finally got more content of babygirl Zakuro! She’s so beautiful and sassy. That’s pretty much my type when it comes to Precure villains.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 32 - Favorite Animal at the Zoo:
When I tell you I squealed when I saw Sora on screen, I’m not joking.
My babies are back! I was so happy! I wanted to cry when I saw Tsubasa. I missed that boy so much! We also got a short shot of the Witchy girls. I’m a bit disappointed that we didn’t get any dialogue, but whatever.
We got even more Zakuro, so I’m happy. You can probably tell she’s my favorite villain.
Lastly, I was pretty disappointed that none of the other Pretty Cure helped out the Wonderful team in battle. I was really hoping they would. But what can you do? I’m still happy we got to see them!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 33 - Full Animal Smile
I don’t have much to say about this episode at all.
It’s just more filler. But I did enjoy seeing more of Iroha’s hot dad- I MEAN-
But yeah. That’s all I have to say.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 34 - Cat, Cat, Cat Meeting:
This was a nice, Yuki focused episode!
I feel like she definitely feels some jealousy when it comes to Mayu’s dad. Which, by the way, why is everyone’s dad’s so hot in this anime? Lemme see Satoru’s dad next…
The cat meeting was super cute. I’ve never seen one in real life. I don’t live in an area with a lot of stray/outdoor cats. But I wish I could see one! I think Yuki’s definitely gonna keep participating from now on.
I enjoyed seeing Zakuro interact with the cats. Or, try to. It shows that she’s not all cruel, and that she really does care for all animals. Too bad they did not like her back though.
Lastly, I just wanna know who on Earth came up with the idea for the Kirarin Fox’s power? I can’t take it seriously at all. I mean, I just watched a giant cat toy with Cure Nyammy’s face on it for like two whole minutes.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 35:
(nothing yet!)
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
💌 Would this be considered a social suicide? : Chapter 1  💌  
Summary: You knew it was dangerous to take walks at night but hearing the water rushing under the bridge was calming to your nerves. You didn’t imagine you’d ever fall into the river and somehow wake up in your favorite anime. The isekai that I’m sure will come back to haunt me. It’s kept me up all night but I might as well get the brainrot out.
Notes: Reader is Isekai’d into BSD, Slow to start, Chuuya is endgame but there’s a fair bit of reader & Dazai moments too 
💌 Word count: 2,348 💌  Available Chapters [You are here] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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You stood over the bridge looking out at the sunset. You would have to return home before it got too dark but the tranquil sound of the rushing water underneath you always calms your nerves after an episode. Things have been pretty rough lately but you’d live. As a writer you were your worst critic. You were almost done with your first big manuscript and you just needed to get past the final hurdle before you could start seeking out publishing companies. At the beginning your novel came easy but as the ending chapters were approaching you started to dread finishing it. The unknown future was a scary thought. Multiple what if’s flooding your mind. The fear that you would have wasted the better of a year and a half writing a story for no actual gain was one of them. It shouldn’t be considered wasted time because writing it helped you in many ways but the ever looming thought that you could have accomplished much more in the same amount of time is a burden that will never leave you alone. If only things could be as easy as the media you consumed. Your recent obsession with a certain anime series wasn’t helping either but it’s captivated your heart and it’s all you think about nowadays. Which is what spurred on the little tiff with your writing. All you’ve done recently is play the Bungo Stray Dogs mobile game trying to pull the rate up Chuuya unit to the point where you were actually no lifing it. While you agree that you might be going overboard just a little, you might actually have formed an addiction to playing marbles. You honestly preferred when you were analyzing and fantasizing about the contrast of the strong bonded characters. Not to mention how much you can see yourself in everyone. The amount of character study is comforting to you and one day you wish to write something that makes others feel the way you do when you read BSD. From your perspective this was just research but to the rest of the world haha whoops just your autism is showing. It’s a limiting belief you weren’t sure how to get rid of either. The need to constantly do and be productive with your time otherwise you fail at society when ultimately success is subjective.
Before you could turn around you were harshly grabbed by the arm. You were pushed against the railing as your assailant threatened you to stay quiet. A knife was brandished against your neck but almost foolishly the wrong side was being pressed against you. The man reeked of alcohol so maybe he wasn’t all there right now. Mustering as much rage and aggression you’ve been bottling up for years you think to yourself that this was now or never. If there was one thing you have been thinking about since childhood it was pulling off a Miss Congeniality. Shouldering him in the gut, stepping on his foot, elbow to the face, and finishing it off with a swift kick to the dick. Panic was starting to kick in. You didn’t think that would work but that doesn’t matter right now you should start running. As you were about to bolt he grabbed your leg and your dumbass clutched onto the railing trying to use your bodyweight to break free and it worked due to the thug letting you go but your momentum was already set in motion. You threw yourself over the railing crashing in the icy water below.
“Dazai I swear if this was one of your planed double suicides I’m going to kill you!” a voice rang out. You could still feel the sensations of floating your memory murky. 
“I assure you if it was, me and this lovely lady would already be dead but unfortunately Atsushi here ruined that miracle for me.”
You choked, you recognized those voices “D-Dazai?” When your vision came too you were in Atsushi’s lap as Kunikida was shaking his partner. This couldn’t be real. 
“Ah so sleeping beauty’s awake. Kunikida as a gentleman you should ask her if she’s alright and stop strangling me.” 
Reluctantly the blonde did as he was told and let go, kneeling in front of you “Are you alright my colleague said you were floating in the river?” his eyes were full of concern.
You looked dazed, glancing around to see the familiar riverbank that Atsushi starts at during the very beginning of Bungo Stray Dogs. You looked at your hands. You were still wearing the same clothes you put on this morning, admittedly they were much soggier than you remember but you had no memory of the day or how you ended up in the river. For some reason you knew who these people were and what seemingly happens to them in the future. The most notable thing was you were grossly aware of the fact that this universe belonged to your favorite manga that currently was on its 108th chapter? This had to be a dream. If you played along maybe you’d eventually wake up. You’ve had lucid dreams before, it wasn’t too far fetched but the ache in your heart didn’t want you to wake up. Finally you looked up at Kunikida who was patiently waiting for your answer but before you could give a response your stomach growled. How embarrassing, now you really wanted to die.
Dazai keeled over laughing “I guess introductions can wait till we get something to eat, how about that?” He offered you a hand over his partner's shoulder to help you up. You snapped out of your haze to grab his hand and say “I can’t remember much so I think that’s for the best.” 
What have you gotten yourself into?
At dinner Atsushi spent no time at all stuffing his face as Kunikida and Dazai bantered back and forth. Dialogue you remembered from when you watched the show originally. You forgot how furious Kunikida was over the whole ordeal and you felt bad knowing what Atsushi was going to say next. He really needed a hug.
“I came to Yokohama straight from the orphanage. I’ve had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep since. I thought I’d starve to death.”
“You came from an orphanage?” Dazai questioned. He was sitting across from you casually and despite being hungry you noticed that he didn’t order anything to eat. You had ordered one out of solidarity. You’ve always wanted to try tea on rice but never bothered trying to find a place that makes it in your area. Atsushi was already on his twelfth bowl or so as he continued the conversation. 
“I was yes but they kicked me out.”
“Sounds like a real philanthropic organization.” Dazai turned his attention from Atsushi to you “How about you? Remember anything now?” He rested his head on the back of his hands.
You nodded “I think my name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Still trying to work out where I came from and how I got in the river but it’s something to start.” Being vague was probably for the best right now. Although you would have to find some way into the Armed Detective Agency eventually. After that you could be a little more bold with your knowledge. Without an ability though, it would be by the skin of your teeth and your memory of the events to come. Not everyone in the agency had an ability or combative skills but they had plot armor, you sadly do not. Being caught up with the manga was great for knowing everything to come but you'd have to remember things you've read and watched months ago. There was no room for error as it stood currently. Your life literally depended on it. You wondered if you could pull it off. If you didn't you could always try the port mafia. It would be more risky and twice as dangerous but at least you could hopefully get a glimpse of a certain redhead before you died. Who knows, could be fun.
“Dazai we’re not a couple of do good-ers going around helping hard luck cases. We’ve got a job to do.” Kunikida nudged the other with his book leading Atsushi to question “That reminds me. You said that your current job involves the military. What kind of work do you do.”
“We’re private investigators” Dazai gave his signature smirk bringing his hand up to rest under his chin. What an absolute dork you loved this waste of bandages.
“But we handle more than lost pets and cheating spouses. Our office has uniquely gifted investigators, we’re the Armed Detective Agency.”
You sat upright with Atsushi. While he was having his little monologue you softly muttered “The Armed Detective Agency.” trailing off you made your eyes as wide as you could like you were seeing a vision before you shook your head staring back as Atsushi. “Tiger?” you stated in a hushed tone. Hopefully you were acting strange enough for Dazai to notice, it was the only way your plan was going to work out. You needed a reason to be kept around but not to upstage Atsushi's importance. Not like that could really happen since he is the tiger but still. You needed your bases covered without being too off the wall. The harsh bottom line was this was your only chance because you have no idea if your choices affect the story yet. On top of that you have no money, no friends and no shelter so they were your only option.
“You guys are looking for a tiger.” You stated it as a fact, regaining their attention after Dazai’s little health hanging prank.
Kunikida stopped strangling Dazai as the two exchanged looks. “We never said what the job was, it's not supposed to be a secret or anything but how’d you come to that conclusion?” He pushed up his glasses for emphasis.  
You tilted your head for effect. “I don’t know it was just a feeling I got when I looked at Atsushi kinda like a weird deja vu.” you played it off quizzically like you were also figuring things out as they progressed. 
Atsushi stared across the table “You’re looking for a tiger?” You could feel him tense.
“Yes, a ferocious man eater who's recently appeared in the city. Well not that we know for sure it's devoured anyone but it’s ransacked warehouses, eaten farm animals and caused general chaos. The authorities have received all kinds of scary reports about it” Dazai sighed, slipping back into his uninterested mood. In Atsushi’s panic he knocked over his chair and a couple of bowls as he tried to crawl away. You watched the scene play out as Kunikida pinned him to the floor and the interrogation started. You sat patiently as Atsushi was then asked if he was free to be bait.
“Forget it no way!”
You laughed at Atsushi’s outburst trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t know Atsushi. If it’s after you I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to get it off your back for good. What if I tagged along? Strength in numbers right?” He stood up and defended himself “That doesn’t make it better! I’m not doing this okay. I know what you’re thinking, you’re planning to use me as bait-”
“There’s a reward you know.”
From there Atsushi’s fate was sealed and you all made your way over to the warehouse. You waited around for hours, everyone keeping to themselves. This was something they didn’t show you in anime but you figured time would pass as normal anyhow. You were laying on one of the crates that was across from Atsushi. You had been staring up at the ceiling after staring at Dazai became boring. He was literally reading his book. You saw his eyes move across the page. You really weren't sure what else you expected. As soon as Atsushi opened his mouth you rolled your eyes.
 Finally, show time.
 It’s not like you’d actually be of any help, you just needed to make sure you didn’t die or get in the way. Hopefully the groundwork you set prior would be enough. If you were in Dazai's shoes and some girl you've never seen before who has amnesia but happens to know the details of your mission, it would be pretty strange. It's not as strong as Atsushi’s but fingers crossed it was enough. When Atsushi started to turn, you stretched and said “Guess that’s my cue to leave, I’ll let Kunikida and the others know.” Dazai only smirked and continued to monologue to Atsushi who would not remember the speech later. You casually strode out of the warehouse seeing the others already surrounding the building, hearing the ruckus inside. You didn’t speak, only waved them in as you made your way back to Dazai seeing that the dust had already settled and Atsushi was already on the ground. After everyone else got to take a jab at him the brunette finally spoke.
“I’ve already made my decision. We’re going to make them one of us.”
You sighed in relief when he gestured to you as well. You didn't want to be presumptuous and assume he meant "them" as in plural when that's not always the case. Regardless, your personal mission was accomplished. It was enough to be lumped in with Atsushi but you weren’t out of the woods yet. It was enough to get you through the night. If you didn’t wake up from this dream you’d still have the entrance exam to worry about. Then the matter of how much you give away about possibly having an ability and next being able to live the lie you’ve crafted. As a writer it shouldn’t be that hard to craft yourself a solid backstory but there was still no proof of your existence outside waking up at the riverside. You’d have to be careful but you were up for the challenge. After all, what have you got to lose?
Chapter 1 | Next Chapter =>
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
7 Days Before Valentine Ep 6: Stray Thoughts
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First of all, Sunshine, @respectthepetty and I are on the way, we've got bats with your name carved in them, so I'd advise you to start running.
Sunshine is one of the characters I hate the most this year, especially as a main character/protagonist. But I do think they are doing an incredible job with his characterization in that this is a man with no one in his life, he doesn't interact with his parents, he has no friends, and based off the way he behaves you can tell exactly why. This is the most impulsive, self-absorbed man I've seen in quite some time.
Sunshine reminds me of the guys in my life I've known who are deeply in need of help, but turn everything in to a joke and absolutely, willfully refuse to talk about anything real. Sunshine absolutely, willfully refuses to pause for long enough to actually think about how terrible of a person he is and how much he is harming those around him as a result of that.
I don't even think Sunshine knows what he wants. He had a chance in his previous wish to just completely try again, in the best possible scenario where marriage equality has been passed and Rain doesn't know who he is, Sunshine has a clean slate, but that isn't good enough, so he ruins society, and that doesn't work, so he hurts Rain in the most fundamentally cruel way by removing his best friend from existence. Sunshine is hurting Rain so that he can be in a relationship with Rain, which is all I need to know to decide that Rain and Sunshine better not fucking end up together in this.
The Flowers
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gif by @save-the-data
Okay, I don't know why, but the way Jared talks about his flowers is making me this of this book I read years ago called Daughter of Smoke and Bone where the main character is like living in the real world but has connections to this other fantasy world, and she goes to her friend to make wishes (for example, she wishes that her hair would naturally grow blue) and she only learns way later that every time she makes a wish the wish is paid for with (I think?) someone's tooth. And she realized that people, creatures, etc had died or been tortured to have their teeth removed so that she could make silly little wishes.
I don't know that I want this, I don't know what it would do or what it would say, but for some reason I cannot get it out of my head that these flowers with names that Jared talks about so lovingly are actual people's souls. Especially after that one rose fucking screamed when Sunshine dropped it.
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gif by @save-the-data
The back half of last episode and the first half of this episode were really heavy on the theme of conformity. And I don't think I have a lot of words for it right now, but it is feeling very much like metaphors for externalized/internalized homophobia and the closet. Like how the little girl draws this picture of herself in a pink dress and writes SOS, while walking neatly in a line, in the same boring uniform as all the rest of the kids. Like the vibrant ecclectically dressed property manager, also choosing to conform when she goes out in public because she doesn't want to be stared at. Like the busker getting hauled away/punished by the police for breaking free from society's order. Like Jared, bright, happily, bubbly, and (in my opinion) visibly queer man being terrified of being hauled away to be "corrected". And this is all stemming from snap decisions Sunshine is making out of petty bullshit with almost zero intelligent thought behind his wishes.
How I want this to end
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gif by @pharawee
I think I want Sunshine to wish Q away from existence. Q's job is very clearly weighing on him, and he deserves rest. For fuck's sake, his clothing gets darker every episode Sunshine needs to accept that Rain is gone from him, that he fucked up and can't go back, and I do not want Rain getting together with someone that really seems to disregard the harm he is causing.
Anyway, I am really enjoying this show, but it is slow as fuck and if it wasn't filmed, written, and structured like a play I don't think I would have had as high a tolerance for it's pacing.
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twig-tea · 7 months
Tagged by @lurkingshan and @stuffnonsenseandotherthings to dig into the vault. Friends, I have been Perpetually Online since 1995, when that meant I had to haunt my school library computer at lunchtime, so this is going to be for the fellow Olds. Sorry in advance for the HP mentions.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Have I let any ships go? Hmm. I'll go with Mulder/Scully from X-Files. Watching now, they should definitely not end up together lol
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter from Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. I. Was. Obsessed. This ship hit me like a ton of bricks in I want to say 6th or 7th grade.
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I watched the show as it aired with English dubs, found out the episodes we got were censored, immediately fell into my completionist ways, went to the Asian mall (it was literally pan-Asian with stuff from Japan, China, Taiwain, Korea, etc.) and got definitely not official VCDs with Mandarin subtitles, and would sit with friends who spoke Mandarin and had them translate the subs to English for me (I say this like I forced them, but they offered because they were my friends and they also felt passionately about people seeing the uncensored show). I then learned how to Internet and would trawl for fanpages of the manga (it would take 20 minutes to load an image at the time, so rather than full scanlations I'd get walls of text describing what happened with maybe a single panel illustration). Uranus and Neptune were fantastic, but I already had Ami and Makoto aka Mercury and Jupiter long before I got to the Uranus/Neptune episodes (or the Sailor Stars manga arc).
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Definitely Sailor Moon fanfic was the first fic I read. It was an easy step from finding fan summaries of the chapters not yet out in English > finding fan sites with fanfic on them, back before we had archives or even decent search engines and you had to just find the sites you needed through links from other sites. It was like a whole new world of possibilities opening up. The first real fanfic community I was in was Harry Potter.
In terms of first fic I wrote, I am not a writer; I've only ever written a small handful of not worth mentioning ficlets featuring the Kirk/Spock ship (Star Trek TOS).
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Oh it was likely Serena/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon and it was in person, because I had friends who got me into anime and manga early and they were artists who drew a lot of fanart.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Friends, I had a Livejournal. It was impossible not to get into ship discourse.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I am going to echo @stuffnonsenseandotherthings and @lurkingshan and say I was dead-set against Hermione as a ship with any of the men in Harry Potter (Hermione/Luna or Hermione/Ginny, though, we could talk), and I also really disliked Draco/Ron. I also am not here for Spock/McCoy (Star Trek), and I don't really enjoy Stucky (as in Captain America/Winter Soldier or Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes from Marvel).
OH and can I be a hater on main for a second? The first couple that I remember hating as a thing was probably Jo and Professor Bhaer from Little Women; I was SO MAD they married in the end. I felt very validated years later when I read that the author Lousia May Alcott was forced by her publisher to marry Jo off and made up the couple out of spite.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
The last fic I read was a Word of Honour modern AU pairing Wen Ke Xing/Zhou Zishu in which they rescued stray kittens.
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SInce I started this, I've also read a One Piece Luffy/Zoro fic (and that's not even my favourite ship--I've been a Zoro/Sanji girlie since the early 2000s! I'm weak for banter.)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I have so many. SO many. Truly. I don't even know where to start with this question! I follow several AO3 tags and fanfic writers that I get regular fic updates from. Most of my OTPs are either canon (from queer/BL/GL media) or the most popular ship (I feel very lucky that my taste is so basic). There is no one couple I love the most. Just going to throw a dart at the board: From BL, the one I come back to a lot is Hira/Kiyoi in Utsukushii Kare, because their dynamic is so intense.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Hmm. That's what fandom is for, so not really? I usually get more annoyed when people do get together that I wish had stayed platonic (never forgiving Pacific Rim for that kiss, it was so unnecessary). And I'm extremely mad about censorship, i.e. couples that DID get together but we didn't get to see it for whatever reason (see e.g. Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon Sailor Stars; Chinese danmei novel live-action adaptations). Otherwise there are lots of these but I just read the fanfic and recover. I'll say I'm still annoyed Buffy didn't get to have with Faith what she had with Spike though. Their chemistry was off the charts.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
This is such a hard question. I came around a little on Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng from MDZS/the Untamed, though it's still not my fave (it's a soft no not a hard no). I'll also give you an oldie: Andie McPhee and Pacey from Dawson's Creek. I hated Andie's character back in the day but now I like her character but really dislike how she was used in the show, which isn't the same thing. And I actually really liked how she and Pacey worked together.
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I'll also give you a BL one: Kurosawa and Haruta in Ossan's Love. Ossan's Love s1 & 3 it was clear they were not OTP so that's a bit irrelevant anyway, but it's much less clear in s2 (the AU season) and the first time I watched it I wasn't sure how I felt about the way that season ended as much as I loved the season as a whole. I like it more every time I rewatch.
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
LOL I am with everyone else on the Brian/Justin train but since that's been said twice I'll go with something else. I was a big Harry/Draco shipper back in the day, which would now probably get me cancelled for shipping someone with his bully (though a significant part of the fun of that ship was about how Draco was such an ineffectual bully...but I digress), in addition to of course how the author's transphobia ruined the whole thing for all of us (fanfic doesn't make her any money, so I don't have a problem continuing to read it in theory, but it's left a sour note over my experience and makes any engagement in that fandom less fun).
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I was one of those foolish people obsessed with Hawkeye/Coulson before we'd even seen them face-to-face or knew almost anything about MCU Clint Barton. I still read fanfic of that ship even though it's been fully jossed and makes no sense at all anymore. Ok one more, I really love the very small Breakfast Club fandom shipping Brian/John and Claire/Allison. I've read the few fics on AO3 for the queer pair ghost ships in that show multiple times.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Of all time, I've probably read the most Kirk/Spock fanfic. But that's due to the length of time I've been into the ship, the amount of time it's existed, and its popularity. I still read Kirk/Spock regularly.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Honestly most can be boiled down to grumpy/sunshine pairs in which both are very competent in specific ways and both are hiding crippling self esteem issues behind their grumpy or sunshine-ness, and have strong but differing moral codes that they each respect in one another (and is usually where the feelings start). Banter is a must. I am admittedly also here for height difference in my ships. Double-plus bonus for terrible communicators who learn to understand one another's particular communication quirks.
Perfect encapsulation of this dynamic is Danny/Steve from Hawaii Five-0 (listen that show was copaganda trash but the fanfic was fun as hell).
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Power dynamics that remain unaddressed as part of the story. Hate to love that isn't earned over time. When the relationship makes each other worse rather than better. When they never learn to trust one another. When one of them is in it as part of a savior complex and that doesn't get challenged or worked through. When only one of them has a personality. There's very little that I'd say is a hard no in terms of dynamics or setup for me, but it has to be handled well, and sometimes I don't have the energy to give something the benefit of the doubt.
tagging: @respectthepetty @wen-kexing-apologist @so-much-yet-to-learn @ginnymoonbeam @bengiyo with as always no pressure, plus anyone who sees this who wants to fill it out, consider yourself tagged and let me know so I can see it!
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kerubimcrepin · 9 months
Liveblog 6: analsysising harder
I am having a finals' nightmare week in university, but finally found the time to sit down and relax, so here's to episode 3.
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He's so supportive. For all his faults as a father, (like the fact that Joris might not be able to read yet in here, despite seemingly being pretty ready to be taught how to, as was pointed out to me by @dullard during our separate rewatch from this rewatch) the fact that Joris can sell things at the market all by himself at 7yo and knows what a commission is, is actually really cool. Good job, Keke! This once, I will not kill you with hammers.
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Do start teaching your son to read/write soon. Please. Please.
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Joris is seven years old. Kerubim was, by his own words, "barely older than him," during his confirmation ceremony at the Orphan Temple. Can we actually ask what Kerubim Crepin was doing, at seven years old, in the orphan temple??
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As we know from Dofus Heroes Kerubim comic, he was busy being an orphan, plotting to resurrect his parents, (either adoptive, or step-father and biological-mother. It doesn't really matter !) and being sad, to the point that, as an adult, even while amnesiac, he empathizes greatly with a stray kitten.
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Having dreams of not wanting to be lonely, projecting his loneliness onto stray animals... It's the reason why he's afraid of showing people that he's weak and driving them away, and what makes him a compulsive liar, as I've pointed out in the last post. He can't bear being alone.
No wonder, then, that despite being old, and having a decrepit house, he didn't try to find Joris a better home. It would be a betrayal of his own ideals of protecting children from what he went through. It would mean that someone so similar to him would, too, be all alone. And, a bit more selfishly, he does need someone by his side.
I would point out, that Atcham was in the temple, implied to be mistreated, that they are both full brothers who grew up in the same family, and that him and Kerubim didn't have the best relationship even as kids, — with Bashi also disliking Atcham heavily, for unstated reasons, — and how it all might tie into Kerubim also adoptng Joris out of guilt, because he feels like he might end up like Atcham, but I don't have ten hours.
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And also bc Atcham doesn't appear often, and I am mostly delusional about this.
Kerubim avoids mentioning Atcham or any of his adventures in Brakmar, so... man just give us anything to work with.
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Despite Keke playing it off now, he really didn't have an easy childhood.
For all the times I say he's a bad dad, or that I want to beat him up, it is all in jest. I think he's a very tragic character who was just... never really given a chance to develop a healthy way of interacting with the world.
And for what it's worth, he grew up to be as decent of a person he could have, and did the best he could, at becoming a family with Joris and raising him, as flawed and uneven as it is.
He really just wants this kid to have a good childhood, or an approximation of one, with no violence, loneliness, or fear he went through — and it's all going to be ruined in the movie, isn't it?
It won't stop me from joking about beating him up in the future of this blog, but I wanted to make my stance clear. No non-joking slander of Kerubim in this household. Ever.
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I think he was scared shitless of having a deadly quest here, but HAD to pretend he wasn't, for the public. He looks happier now than seconds ago in the queue line, lol.
Low self-esteem can result in seeking attention through being loud and obnoxious, as well as a fear of embarrassment, so, it checks out. Lying is a likely thing for Kerubim to do, and I love and respect him for it.
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His immediate reaction to being embarrassed by getting a clothespin, and made fun of, as audience laughs? Double down, baby! Though, his angry facade doesn't last until the end of the line. He's just... looking sadly to the side.
By the way, considering he's only a bit older than seven, the "I've been training for years" is a bit haunting.
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Do you know who DOES deserve to get beaten with hammers for real, non-ironically? The god Ecaflip. Can I get an amen?
No wonder, Kerubim coddled Joris and wanted his life to be better! His life sucked!
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Of all the things not to lie about, he seemed not to lie about being trained. Doesn't stop him from being beaten up, though...
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We have to beat God Ecaflip with hammers. There is no other way.
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For all his cockiness, he's so stressed out. His facade is so, so ruined, the second he realizes his plan is not working.
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Really, this whole scene puts their relationship together the best. He's a God, holding Kerubim, a 7-9yo orphan, on a tiny string.
His whole life, Ecaflip just belittles him over some random bullshit, makes him hate his brother for being bald, and then gives him a gambling addiction before putting him into a mental asylum to treat it. All of that because he loves him that much.
We have to kill him. There is no other way. I may be a wakfu season 3 hater, but Oropo was right.
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Yay, trauma bonding, in its correct definition!
If my whole family died, and a god cared so much about me, he made me the protagonist of various sad cringe stories of overcoming personal adversities mostly caused BY him, I too, would develop some sort of complex to cope. So I get it.
But I feel like, even if Kerubim will never voice it out loud, considering what repercussions may follow, deep down he knows that Ecaflip himself is one of the reasons for his loneliness, and that most of all, he's scared of him.
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x13 Witch Hunt
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 844
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Regina was no stranger to grief–after all, she’d lost both of her parents as well as her first love–but nothing could have prepared her for the overwhelming, all consuming, oppressive grief of losing a child.  Granted, Henry wasn’t dead.  He was hopefully living a full and happy life with Emma in New York, and that was certainly some comfort, but still the grief of knowing there was no way of ever seeing him again was so crushing she felt like she could barely breathe.
It was the main reason she’d come back to her castle.  She just wanted it all to end, and she knew exactly how to do that.  Putting herself under a sleeping curse might be extreme, but hey.  It was better than living out the next forty or fifty years with this overwhelming sadness.
“Make yourself useful,” she tossed over her shoulder to the man who had followed her like a stray puppy, or perhaps a guard dog.
Regina’s broken heart swooped at the remembrance of discovering Robin Hood following her.  What was wrong with her?  Why did she have this strong, overwhelming reaction to him everytime he showed up?  Yes, he was handsome, but she’d had dealings with plenty of handsome men through the years.  What was it about this bandit that affected her so?  She didn’t need this distraction.
And so, she’d resorted to her default when she felt flat footed–sarcasm and snark.
She did her best to ignore him as she went about gathering the supplies she needed for the curse.
She should have known he would make that impossible.
“What is that?” he asked, suspiciously eyeing the bottles she’d amassed.
“Nothing that concerns you,” she said dismissively.
He pulled an arrow at her, actually pulled an arrow. “I won’t ask you again. What is that?”
Regina’s anger flared–anger at him, anger at herself, anger at Pan, anger at the witch who’d stolen her castle, anger at the whole damn world and everyone in it.  She raised her hand and choked him.  “How dare you threaten me in my own castle!”
He struggled against her hold, but the defiance never left his eyes.  “Even if you choke the life out of me,” he gasped, “this arrow will still leave my bow, and trust me, I never miss.  Now what manner of dark potion are you making?”
In an instant the anger drained from her, leaving nothing but the emptiness–and something feeling almost like shame.  Why did it bother her so much that this man jumped to the worst conclusions about her motives?
It was something that didn’t bear contemplation.  She was so tired, so heartsick, she just wanted it to be over.  She let him go.  “A sleeping curse.”
“The kind you used on Snow White?” he asked.
“That spell came from Maleficent,” she answered, mixing ingredients. “I finally learned how to make one of my own.”
“A spell?  This is why you wanted to come to the castle?” he asked.  “That was your plan? To use it on the witch?”
“The witch?” Regina asked in surprise.  Truthfully, the idea had never occurred to her.  “I don’t care about her.”
“Then who do you plan to use it on?”
Regina stopped for a second, letting the pain, the heartbreak, wash over her once again.  She closed her eyes for a moment, wishing things were different, wishing, in a rare moment of brutal self reflection, that she’d been different.  “Don’t worry.  No one you’ll miss.  No one anyone will miss.”
“This is about your son, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice tender, understanding.  “I can’t let you do this.”
And she couldn’t let him stop her.  With a lazy wave of her hand, she stuck his feet to the floor.  “Then it’s a good thing you don’t have a say in the matter.”
He tried to dissuade her, speaking of his own heartbreak, his own guilt at his wife’s death.  He spoke to her of second chances and new reasons to care about life.
For a moment, a single moment, she almost wavered.  Her traitorous heart leapt at the hope, the possibilities his words brought to her.  What if…what if he was right?  What if there was still a possibility of a…if not strictly happy, at least content…life for her?
But as soon as the hope sprung up, it dissipated.  It was too late for her.  Too late for hope.  Hope was for the heroes, for those who still had their loved ones at their side.  Her hope was gone, and she was never getting it back.
“This isn’t an end,” she said finally. “It’s an eternal middle.  This curse can be broken by the only true love in my life and the only reason I would even want to wake–my son.”
“Regina, listen to me!  This is a mistake!” He tried one last time.
“Don’t worry,” she said, resisting the allure of his voice, “I’ll keep my word.  I’ll lower the protection spell so that Snow and Charming can be victorious, but then, then I go to sleep.”
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fullmoonandstar · 2 years
who's the australian dude?
Glad you asked XD And I will take this chance to also bring this full circle and tell you why you will probably see or at least hear him in Deadpool 3.
(This is about that post)
So, out of all my celebrity crushes, he is both, the most realistic and the most unrealistic at the same time. Like, personality-wise I think we would be a good match but he is also a kpop idol lol
So Chan in three photos:
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(Why is this the only photo of him in the studio that I found???)
He is a producer, songwriter, and singer. I know, people think kpop is never written by the performer but he made songs live on stream several times, if you are interested you can watch episode 158 of Chan's room for example. (he gets a phone call around 55 mins into the stream with a request from one of his group members XD The subtitles are a bit weird in some parts but in general okay^^)
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Already mentioned Chan's room. It's his weekly live stream (usually on Sunday) where he listens to music and talks to the fans for an hours or so. In this gif it's a subset of episodes that I call Chan's actual room lol
Once someone asked for advice on period cramps on stream and he did not embarrass himself with his answer which puts him in like the top 10% of people without a uterus that I know. (Maybe I'm pessimistic but I feel like this half of the reproductive parts is not very well understood by those who don't have them^^;;;;;)
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90% of the time his hair is straightened, but he actually has curly hair. (relevant bc most of my celebrity crushes have curly / wavy hair lol) This was his Halloween stream from last year and I adore the curly hair. I think I have all the gifs of every moment that was caught on camera where his hair is not straightened.
So yeah it's Bang Chan (Or Christopher Bang). Now, for the one person that is asking themselves why would he be in Deadpool? The short answer is bc he and Ryan are buddies and Chan loves Deadpool. Now how do they even know each other in the first place? This is an interesting story.
In Kingdom, 6 male Idol Groups prepared performances for a different theme every week. Every round was followed by a vote that determined the ranking and some manoir details of the show. To this day, I have not understood how the voting system worked even though they explained it on the show like every episode lol
In Kingdom, 6 male Idol Groups prepared performances for a different theme every week. Every round was followed by a vote that determined the ranking and some manoir details of the show. To this day, I have not understood how the voting system worked even though they explained it on the show like every episode lol
One of the themes was "no limit" basically everything goes. They could collab with anyone, remix songs, or some third thing (I know nothing about music) but they could do basically anything they wanted.
Stray Kids have a song called God's Menu which was their first real break in 2020 and propelled them to the next level of popularity. Now, there is this Black Pink song called Ddu Ddu Ddu. Both songs have a part in the chorus that goes "du du du" but at different rhythms and they thought "wouldn't it be funny to make a mash-up?". Black Pink is well know and their songs are popular so why. They made the mash up and it's amazing. This performance is the reason I became a fan btw. I watched Kingdom for one of the other groups that competed - Ateez - but this mash-up is so good it put Stray Kids on my radar.
This performance was very Deadpool-inspired, from the hand draw map to the outfits.
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(Mnet took down the original performance video for some reason but you can see it here)
Quick side note: When Chan is talking here, he is talking in English, but because this was Korean tv they used these cards to write subtitles on. however, the first one says something different. It says "JYP 바보 (JYP is an Idiot)" Park Jin-young (JYP) is their boss and founder of their record label they work for lol (I think he resigned as CEO but is still involved with the company)
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After the performance, Chan took one of probs, a Deadpool mask, and appeared with it on hos weekly live stream.
Another side note: The live stream is called Chan's room but this is really some sort of play on his name bc "room" in Korean is bang and it's written the same way as his family name. (This doesn't mean that his family name means room bc family names in Korea are almost always based on Chinese symbols and the name is just the phonetic version of that)
The performance doesn’t go unnoticed, Ryan post something under a tweet about it. Some interaction followed - I’m not on twitter so idk what exactly happened here but yeah, - this was the beginning of their bromance. Chan send Ryan a signed album and Ryan sent chan a bottle of (what liquor is he selling?) which is funny bc Chan doesn't drink so it's just there on his desk. In a later stream he opened the bottle and sniffed it. You can imagine the reaction, I don't have to tell you XD Chan also interviewed Ryan when Free Guy was released.
Given that Ryan reblogged a post with Chan gifs recently leads me to think they are still bros and if the opportunity arises they would totally do something together.
This is the reason why so many people, including myself, are convinced the Stray Kids will be on the soundtrack for Deadpool and I wouldn't be surprised if they even have some cameo in the movie in one way or another. It could even just be in some reference only fan will get or one of their songs plays in the background. There are lots of possibilities
One last thing. Maybe you saw the screenshot of Chan from their performance on Kingdom and thought "Man, he don't look like Deadpool." And yes he doesn't. Because Chan wasn't Deadpool. He was.
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This is Stray Kids' other Australian dude, Felix. (If you watched the performance, yes, that is his actual voice.) He even got the swords <3
(Did this sit in my drafts for two months? Yes, it did.)
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 4 ("The Road Trip To Harvard") Aka JessMas Eve This episode makes my list of favorite episodes. On that list of episodes, only two of them don't include Jess (the other being Rory & Paris' super gay spring break trip). So I guess you could say I enjoy the episodes where the characters manage to escape The Hollow for a bit and visit The Real World™. I already reviewed Jess' debut in the next episode ahead of schedule (which you can read here), so next time you see me post it will be Season 2, Episode 6. You can read the rest of my reviews here. I'm going to enjoy these last gasps of breath before Jess shows up and the agonies begin. Until then, let's pack our shit, print out our Mapquest directions, drag out the giant binder of compact discs, and get on with the road trip. Let me just say I admire Lorelai's ability to self reflect and admit to herself that she wasn't ready to get married and that Max wasn't the right person for her.
Rory: What did that sign say? Don't? Or Death? We're doomed. Lorelai: Wrong. We're being guided by fate.
Same things I'm saying as I await Jess Mariano's arrival.
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I love Rory's disdain for all the late 90's pop music that I cherish so dearly.
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Is that the name of the local asulym in The Hollow?
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Debatable. Lorelai: I hope you didn't get too far on that cake. I know the kind of work you were gonna put into that cake and I'd just kill myself if you went crazy for nothing.
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"Oh sure, don't worry about it Lorelai. It's not like I poured blood, sweat and tears, dozens of man-hours, and expensive ingredients into this god damn monstrosity just for you. I'm not going put you in a chokehold the next time I see you or anything. I'm Sookie! I'm too cute and quirky for that!"
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"Here's what I think about your cold feet, Lorelai. " *grabs knife*
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Awww Sookie, you're too kind. Thank you. I... don't understand Lorelai putting down Bed and Breakfasts. Doesn't she literally manage one? I suppose there is some minute difference between a charming, small town, New England "inn" run by quirky characters, and a charming, small town, New England "Bed and breakfast" run by quirky characters? Lorelai at the Cheshire Cat B&B: We can't stay here. Rory: Where are we going to sleep then? Dying of exposure in a car is my worst nightmare. Rory when she saw Jess dying of exposure in a car:
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Lorelai: We found the only room that would have made Liberace step back and say "Wow, step back, no one's that gay!" Early 2000's tv writing, everyone! Lorelai: Are you hungry enough to risk having to answer 100 questions about Chilton, your life in a small town, and your hunky hunky boyfriend? No matter how far from home she strays, Lorelai's's thoughts are never far from Dean. Handsome, tall, beautiful, hunky hunky, 16 year old bag-boy Dean Forrester.
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Rory: What do we do now? Lorelai: Go to sleep? Rory: It's only 8:30. How about we talk?
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"Please say Dean, please say Dean, please say Dean..."
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"...Damn it."
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This screen shot has so many potential uses for future reviews! I will be stealing it. Thanks Lorelai! #Yoink Lorelai calls Sookie again, who is just chilling at Luke's instead of at the Inn for once, honestly kind of an unusual sight that threw me off. Earlier in the episode, on her first call to Sookie, Lorelai asked her to have Miss Patty spread the gossip that the engagement was kaput, but we learn that news has not yet reached Luke, who is in the middle of trying to throw Kirk out of the diner for ordering 8 refills of his coffee and occupying a table for too long. Kirk: I've been trying to figure out the tip, I'm not good at math. What's 6% of $4.43? 8 cups of coffee for under $5? 55 cents a cup? Good deal. See that Gilly Girls? Someone who pays Luke for their food and even leaves a tip! Granted, he's only about to leave 26 cents but at least it's something. Learn from this man. I know Lorelai eventually begins to pay Luke back with Nature's Credit Card (booty) but that's still a few years off. Sookie breaks the news to Luke, and the Grinch's heart grew 4 sizes that day. In light of the bad news, he decides he won't charge Kirk for his (now 9) cups of coffee, forgoing his 25 cent tip, and also gives free coffee to everyone else in the diner, plunging himself even deeper into debt. Anyone else ever think about poor Jess waiting tables, depending on tips but knowing that R&L never tipped him? And Rory would never even tip him with Nature's Credit Card. Shame, that.
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I recognize the woman on the left from an episode of The Golden Girls and the guy in the middle from an episode of Seinfeld (Fun bit of trivia: Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson both made appearances on Seinfeld!)
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Sorta kinda. And now for easily the best thing ever spotted in the background of a tv show.
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Wanted: SAT Instructors? No, that's not it. Conference on Voting Modernization. Hmm, not quite...just move up a skosh there... Affordable Spanish tutoring? No..
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Rory, you desperately need a job and I notice you're not jumping to sign up for this easy gig. I think this would look impressive and really stand out on your college application and you may learn a thing or two. Dean and Jess would be very appreciative. Sadly, even with my good vision I can't make out what the rest of the tiny writing says except "Gay and straight" and that the last line is some pervy perv's email address.
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"Hey baby, you signing up for the Porn Watching job too?"
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Sounds like a good place for getting paid to watch porn. I think Jess would have loved college, and in my headcanon he definitely gets his GED and goes to college in his 20's. The WB network basically made a show about it. It's called The Bedford Diaries. Or as I affectionately call it "Jess Goes To College". The GillyGirls commit some light breaking and entering and walk into an open dorm room.
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I just wrote a song, want to hear it? Here goes: Vintage computers, oh so cute, early 2000's I love youuuu!
I know this was 2001, but Lorelai thinks it costs $100 to take a class at Harvard.
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How do you know you're really at Harvard? Everyone wears sweatshirts that say "Harvard" on them. Rory tries to sneak into the class unnoticed but drops her coffee which causes every single person in the room to turn around and angrily glare at her and she gets reprimanded by the professor for not sitting in a seat. My heart breaks for her pathetic self. But if it's any comfort to Rory, in The Real World ™ I can promise you nobody in that class would give a shit about you or your coffee.
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♫ I'm at a payphone, tryin to call Luke, I never pay him for his food ♫
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The two women next to Rory are rolling their eyes so far back in their heads they're going to make a full rotation and come back out the other side.
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Oh hey I know that guy in the red shirt! A time traveler from the distant year 2006. He didn't stick the landing, had to re-live 9/11 a month earlier and now he's being forced to listen to Rory Gilmore's thoughts on philosophy. That was a Heroes joke. That's the guy who played Hiro on the tv show Heroes. He could travel through time.
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My man in plaid here has fallen into a coma.
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Out of Context Gilly Girls Lorelai comes home and forces her mother to watch slides of their trip. Emily to Lorelai: Why would you go out of town right before your wedding? Wouldn't your fiance mind?
Heh heh, woopsie daisy! Emily thinks Lorelai eloped and flies into a rage but Lorelai tells her what happened. Emily's only response is that she's returning Lorelai's wedding gift. Lorelai once again swallows and represses her ongoing trauma and instead grills her mother on what the gift was, but she won't say. Doesn't Lorelai recieve an ice cream making machine in the mail with no return address a short time later, or was that just a fever dream? Ah, I suppose we shall soon find out. And now for the Relevant Stuff That Happens In The Last Three Minutes: Lorelai & Luke have a very sweet conversation where she decides to keep the chuppah and turn it into a positive instead of a painful reminder. Lorelai asks Luke if he will give her guidance on owning a business and he accepts. She wants to begin the process of opening an Inn with Sookie. Lorelai opens her flip phone and thank god she's just calling Sookie again and not Christopher. And Lane escaped from Korea. Good for her.
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Tomatos Sign: Spotted.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Tokyo in April is... Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Ren took on a facilitator role after a colleague came forward to him about Sanada preying on women at their workplace. Meanwhile, Ren and Kazuma have settled into comfortable domesticity. Kazuma made putting on a shirt and talking about pasta absolutely sexy, but unfortunately Ren ran into Kazuma's mom in the shirt she made for him, so it's time for Ren to panic and regress.
Ah yes, let's start by returning to the shirt scene again and add even more sweetness before we deal with mom.
"That shirt doesn't suit you." Brutal.
I like the way they filmed all of this spiral for Ren. I like the way they intercut with the young actor and used voiceover. I like the angles of Ren freaking out in a tunnel inside of Kazuma's shirt that's too big for him.
Oh, baby boy. Don't apologize for loving him.
Rain? After the La Pluie finale?? Don't do me like that.
Kazuma is going out in the rain again. He better not get sick and die again.
Are they filming in legit rain? He's having to genuinely hold this umbrella.
Feels like I'm going to be building up quite the collection of boys who lost their loves years ago and now have abandonment issues.
Alexa, play the clip from Dragon Age 2 of Merrill wailing, "Why did you run away?"
Oh, excellent use of the actor's stubble.
Sakurai Yuki is playing Kazuma's despondent dismay pretty well.
Oh, I felt that relief wash over him.
Oof, y'all called the cut correctly.
I love when we have to spend an episode with a character in romantic despair they show memories of things we didn't see. It feels like it's things that are specifically special for the one left behind.
I'm glad Ren isn't just wallowing somewhere, and is still on mission.
Oh no. They're actually doing that plotline next week.
I tell ya. Even knowing some of the beats from the source material, I was not prepared for how hard the separation was going to hit on screen.
@nieves-de-sugui for calling the cut a means to see Kazuma, I give you my highest award:
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The Chenford Analysis: Season 1 (Eps. 5/6/7)
To focus on quality exclusive #Chenford interactions, we skip past episode 4 straight to episodes 5, 6, & 7. I wanted to focus on moments that really helped them to build a solid dynamic, especially in this season. As time passes, and we have more of a foundation to build on, we can dive deeper and deeper into their interactions without skipping anything or morphing too much together. There are SOO many more intricacies to dig into as we continue to get content from these two in future episodes and seasons :)!
Season 1 Episode 5:
All T.O.s and rookies participate in a roundup competition to see who can get the most arrests in a day. Lucy is thrown off by how seriously Tim takes the competition and grows increasingly shocked and concerned when he makes the day about scoring points rather than making arrests. Already struggling through her break-up with Nolan, she is generally bothered by the men around her who have turned life into a selfish competition. Tim picks up on her mood and attempts to clear her doubts about the aim of the day. I should point out that he doesn’t necessarily do this with any sensitivity towards Lucy’s mood, rather a declarative callousness which leaves Lucy no option but to heed to his point. At the end of the day, Angela and Talia are discussing a way to tally the points in Tim’s favor. It is then that Lucy realizes why the competition is so important to Tim. Angela explains that it was something he and Isabel used to compete in when they were rookies. Lucy wonders if keeping this competition alive is really the best way for Tim to move on. Angela states that its the only way Tim can still feel connected to Isabel and implies that taking away this competition would be unnecessarily cold, while letting him have the win is the least they all could do. Lucy seems to feel guilty for suggesting otherwise. In the end, Tim and Lucy are announced as the winners of the competition and Lucy seems to have let go of her inhibitions regarding Tim’s obsession with the game. From a writer’s perspective I really enjoyed the hot and cold they gave us with #Chenford in the beginning. Even though Lucy’s strength is in her emotional intelligence, she often struggles to understand Tim’s morality early in season 1, maybe because he himself is a little lost in that sense. Just as well, even though Tim’s strength lies in his sctructure and sanity, he seems unable to give Lucy much else besides instability. Making their relationship so tumultuous helps the audience to view these characters in their most vulnerable extremes; Lucy at her most emotionally unstable and Tim at his most strayed from structure. By inherently giving Tim and Lucy such a wide gap in compatibility to start off with, writers are then free to craft more unexpectedly warm and tender moments between the two characters as they help each other return to the stable and balanced versions of themselves. In other words, their rocky relationship sets us up for a really good “redemption arc” for the rest of the season, so to speak.
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Season 1 Episode 6:
The first prank/inside joke. Lucy deciphers where Tim keeps his money clip after he tells her she needs to start thinking like a crook. She takes it and calls him later to tease him as revenge for putting her through a tough Tim Test. He tells her she's in trouble, and she shakes it off, telling him to "glove up" and wash the dishes to pay for his bar tab. Not that this might mean anything, but this is also the first time he calls her “Lucy” and the first time he is visibly entertained by her joke. There was definitely some sort of comfort that she won with him in this episode, setting in motion the proverbial aforementioned redemption arc. Undoubtedly, Lucy begins building psychological rapport with Tim in the first episode from the minute she becomes witness to Isabel resurfacing. Still, something is to be said about the nature of this interaction and what it did to add to their rapport. It is the first time we see Tim and Lucy interact outside of a working environment which adds to the capacities in which they know each other. It is within interactions like these that Tim and Lucy can find solace in each other. It is one step towards sanity, structure, and emotional stability. However small, this little joke was instrumental to their development stage and to their appeal to the audience as a pairing.
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Season 1 Episode 7:
The first time Lucy helps Tim as a personal favor is when Isabel gets arrested. She offers to serve as a lookout so that Tim can talk to her in the holding cell. She also follows Tim to Isabel's apartment and talks some sense into him after hours about not helping Isabel hide drugs. He gets mad at her but implies the next day that he wants to keep their conversation a secret. Although we learn that Tim had made the right choice about leaving the drugs in Isabel's apartment rather than hiding them even before Lucy tried to talk him out of it, I believe this scene served more to show that Lucy was interested in having Tim's back from the beginning. She gave her insight wherever she could, even though she was his subordinate. Lucy's ability to look past age and seniority when it comes to matters of encouraging integrity and moral correctness in others is a quality that is absolutely essential to her development with Tim. No one else would have had the guts to speak to their T.O. like that. I think, in some aspects, that quality about Lucy is also extremely polarizing for Tim, especially in season one. Lucy, from the beginning, has always had the ability to get away with certain things as Tim's subordinate that no one else has. I think it's because she caught him so off guard initially that he couldn't argue with her. This, coupled with the fact that she is usually always right whenever she puts Tim in his place, makes it hard for him to retaliate in any valid way. Looking back, Lucy has always been Tim's perfect match because she has always demanded the same unconditional sense of respect and understanding from him as he has of her. What's more is that it requires a deep knowledge of human intimacy, adversity, and friendship to write a relationship like this. There are so many aspects of #Chenford that, from the very start, have been so realistic that it makes you want to believe in their potential immediately. Setting their development up in a way where you are giving the audience exactly what they need to make their own inferences about the motivations of these characters and the depth of responsibility they feel towards each other is the perfect way to engage an audience and hook people onto a ship just six episodes into the series. Truly phenomenal work.
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