#Sabius michaelis
444names · 2 years
cornish names + french and roman emperors forenames BUT excluding "e"
Adius Ailan Alailia Allian Aléris Amick Amilitus Amill Anathérin Ancius Anfra Anfry Ankis Anman Anmaran Anmarn Anmius Anordius Antord Ançoin Ançoinian Ançois Ançoisa Arian Athéran Audin Auligh Auraklonin Auray Aurnows Avivianna Balluca Bascolcott Baswar Blanin Blasco Blian Bliana Bliang Blickaëll Blinck Bliock Bliust Bodgallian Bolaul Boldsworgo Bonow Brias Brick Brickanpas Briusick Brolcock Bruanic Burin Burth Béanda Cadin Cadoviloas Cadra Cainich Cajagaël Calagnès Caliasio Camarna Cambarnius Camélick Caméliust Caran Carcura Cargh Cariandry Caric Carth Casdosso Casius Caulang Chada Charic Chawlydin Chaël Chric Chrichan Chrick Chriundry Clain Clang Clangy Claud Claura Clawath Clawn Clawry Clémitus Clériust Coantin Cocadian Coclan Colaingy Coldswaymo Colian Colydius Colyn Comaus Conichaddy Corguin Corry Couis Croca Crock Cundry Cyrin Céang Cédron Célauling Danman Darno Darvart Davian Didilin Digwyn Dobus Doron Dosébar Dovick Draga Dranmarray Dundrégo Dundy Dunorry Fabas Fabasius Fabrius Fabruns Fangy Fidommas Floard Flous Floïc Fracis Frandra Fransa Frasia Fravist Frégo Frélianoît Gabing Galay Gallybrick Ganmius Gaska Gaskinius Gaskith Gaway Gaymonston Gaétal Ginna Glyan Glybry Glyon Gooldavy Grodin Gromary Gronis Grouc Grous Growny Grédrégil Grégidgar Guinus Gulia Guliang Gunwyn Gwanikos Gwaymoylan Gwidin Gwinaur Gwithonin Gwora Gworançois Gworna Gworromay Gwyntan Gélian Gériandry Gérick Hallibius Hanna Hapha Haran Harus Honsabra Honwingy Hoolaul Hosill Hugulimo Hugus Istus Iusla Jackaël Jaglo Janory Joaray Joascon Johan Jolian Jonios Jorvé Josimonnis Josion Jostépho Jowny Joëll Juliam Juscor Juslay Justanoway Jérand Jéroliana Kinnios Kitiosius Lacilicto Lagnna Lagul Lanmilbas Laulucin Liano Lippas Lislaur Loucin Loémich Lucadin Lucarka Lucian Lucianna Lucinny Lucissa Ludry Luscoth Mabius Maccal Madicha Magarlack Magnnan Magnès Magonick Magor Maillia Mainius Maity Majoël Mandry Mandrédri Mankin Mantianory Manus Maran Maravitus Mardius Maric Marin Maris Marnows Maronius Marra Marth Marthicia Martian Marus Marvild Mascard Maskin Maximius Maximona Maxioca Maxisan Micha Mictois Milgay Milios Millin Mitus Moddan Modiusis Monan Monantona Monin Monon Mulucis Munowana Myght Mélinès Mélius Nacalbal Nalioninès Namin Nangan Nanna Nanus Naran Naudias Nickaël Nikosius Nustinan Oddan Odoskin Odundarc Olaulus Olcorick Ophil Paliang Palls Palluc Paskislan Patil Pauddyway Paugus Paulas Paulian Paulight Pawanow Pawny Paymaill Phargidin Pomatian Poolian Prock Prons Quilaurn Quistan Raynoway Riantin Rocaswora Rolannack Rolighan Rommo Ronisaack Rospaulian Rosso Rosson Rostias Rouina Rowna Ruslan Régon Réliang Rémius Rémygh Saack Sabalbius Sabas Sabin Sabinès Sabius Saran Sarick Sarthan Sawlyn Sawry Silia Skitus Sophilis Sparght Spayn Splaus Spriandy Sprish Sproca Stisa Stonian Stonin Stéphill Stépho Surarth Surian Sylan Sylaud Talinès Tannan Taskina Taugus Taulian Thain Thançois Thick Thillin Thistia Thérès Tiana Tiannarn Timius Tinck Tonian Tracla Tragon Trallyorgh Trian Triana Trianna Trias Trichalas Trigwitt Trocall Trock Trolcord Tronian Tyaclauddy Urinan Vainan Vallaudor Vandy Varanna Vinius Vislam Vistan Vithannius Viviand Vivianluc Vivick Vonin Vyann Vérius Wanna Warlagnès Widgays Willigh Yacain Yandywan Yankios Yanna Yançoiss Yvyack Yvyan Zonday Zonius Zonwyn Élawlyna Élian Éliannah Élichrian Élick Élimon Élippasdos Élius Élorgh
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lucifer5lucy · 2 years
hey, I don't know if requests are open "or if you actually order", but as I'm adventurous and I like to test my luck, I'd like to ask if you do/would make headcanons of Grell with a "twin brother" of Sebastian, I think that would be fun
Hello there lil mage! I do in fact take requests and review headcanons.
My masterlist is under editing so the request status isn’t seen(sorry for that!). 
P.S: I usually use female pronouns for Grell as Yana-san does. I hope that's alright.
Since I was in an amazing mood, I wrote a scenario for their first meeting. 
This was really interesting to write by the way!
Now onto your ask, Grell with Sebastian's twin as her S.O
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Assassin and Scythe {Headcanon}
It was always a blessed day whenever Grell could meet her devilish crush.
The bespeckled reaper had just finished her workload for the day when she heard a familiar voice from the bakery  below her. Inquisitive she landed near the person, dressed in a freshly pressed maroon suit and raven hair.
The man turned to find her standing behind him. Our flamboyant redhead pounces on the gentleman, paying no heed to the bread in his hand. “Oh SEBAS-CHAN!! You look so dashing in red! Are you finally admitting your feelings towards me?!” She lets out a small squeal whilst hugging him.
The man’s voice, much softer than Sebastian's usual tone, made her move away from him. “Do I know you Sir?” Her eyes widened at the figure before her. “How could you forget me! ”
She places a hand on her chest whilst dramatically leaning backward. “To forget a lady such as myself.. It’s just unbearably cold. However that makes me so very very hot.” Stumped at her confession, the ravenette blinks a few times as he registers his mistake.
  “My sincere apologies milady.Let me…” His eyes wander the streets and settle on a cafe.“treat you to a cup of coffee? ” 
Grell excitedly agrees,taking note of his change in addressing her and his attitude.
After they seat themselves a waiter comes to take their orders.The duo make small talk with Grell mainly speaking and the other listening intently.
As she begins to state Sebastian and her meetings and interactions the twin smiles, realising that she has mistaken him for his brother.
“How wonderful!”he exclaims.” You must be the attractive lady my brother often mentions meeting.”
“your brother?” she questions, a blush rising to her cheeks.
“Oh! Such impoliteness on my part. I am Sabius Alacritas Michaelis, Sebastian is my younger twin.” He flashes Grell a charming smile, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.
Grell makes an attempt to talk that goes in vain, the heat caused due to Sabius’ words never leaving her face.
“I apologise for my brother’s behaviour. I may have pampered him a little too much.” Sabius reminisces about his time with his younger twin.
When Grell recovers from her initial shock she asks Sabius, “Why didn’t you correct my misunderstanding while I rambled?”
He replies smoothly, “ It is abundantly rude to interrupt a beautiful lady while she speaks.”
That day was an interesting turn for the two of them. They had multiple rendezvous following their first meeting, with both taking an equal interest in each other. Sometimes the duo would meet up after her work time or Grell would come to meet Sabius at his workplace in the secret society HQ.
The sniper demon and the crimson reaper, they make quite the pair.
How some changes occur in other characters lives due to their relationship:-
->The most shock would be faced by Sebastian. Though knew that his brother was different from him, little did he expect his twin to develop feelings for a reaper no less. However Sebastian is extremely supportive of his older brother and Grell’s relationship, partly happy to have Grell off of his back.
-> Another candidate that would have major disturbance would be William. Grell’s sudden shift from constant gushing of the demon Phantomhive butler to that of his angelic twin ate away at both his peace and working hours.
The most comedic part was when Grell announced her relation ship with the demon twin and started bringing him over to the reapers head quarters. William had given up on his sanity with his coworker singing praises about her lover throughout his day.
Subtle things in physical affection:
->Sabius gives Grell a lot of kisses in general. Whenever he sees her  waiting for him diligently or after her having a stressful day, he just kisses her gently and holds her basking in her warmth.
->There is bound to be plenty of  cooking sessions between them because Sabius is the one who taught Sebastian to cook human food.(mainly pastries)
->Grell does not know personal space. Sabius faces surprise hugs and countless loving words as soon as he comes within her radar.
 -> Apt to her personality Grell loves making teasing comments at her crush, Sabius, who returns the favour with more flirty lines making her an embarrassed mess.
->There will be quite a number of inside jokes that they pass while de-stressing in their home. Sabius massaging Grell’s hair as she sits beside him. It was quite an adorable scene that William has walked into.
->Cue for sniper dates:-
Grell gets to exercise her skills and Sabius gets a scrumptious meal… 
->Shopping dates:
Grell needs to get colour coordinated outfits for her significant other. 
->makeup dates or pastry shop dates:
Depending on who needs more cheering up that week, the date could lean to either of their favourite activities.
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