eopederson · 2 years
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El arte de la piedra Inca IX - Tambo Machay, Cuzco, 2010.
¡Una fuente sagrada!
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entheognosis · 19 hours
Take a good look at the corner of the boundary wall at Sacsayhuamán Fortress—it's not just a stone wall; it's a jaw-dropping testament to ancient engineering prowess. Forget your modern-day building techniques; these stones look like they've been doused in some kind of sorcery, bending and merging together as if they were made of rubber. Go ahead, try to wrap your head around this: today’s engineers, armed with all the fancy technology they can muster, admit that replicating such flawless craftsmanship would be nearly unthinkable without diving headfirst into the world of chemistry. Imagine trying to concoct rubbery bricks from a material resembling clay, just to mimic what those ancient architects achieved with hard, unforgiving andesite. What kind of people were able to magically transform rocks into a pliable form, like we shape clay pots, and still create structures that could withstand the wrath of earthquakes? Each colossal stone chunks—some tipping the scales at several tons—were meticulously placed at a staggering 11,500 feet above sea level, marking an extraordinary command over both chemistry and engineering. The burning question lingers: who were these outrageously clever builders, and just how expansive was their civilization? The real story behind Sacsayhuamán is not just a mystery; it’s a challenge to everything we think we know about the capabilities of ancient societies.
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 days
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Cuscoc Perú 🇵erú. La antigua mampostería de piedra encontrada en el Perú actual ejemplifica una notable artesanía y perspicacia de ingeniería. El análisis histórico indica que el proceso de construcción puede haber implicado cortar una piedra mientras que simultáneamente cortar y fundir otra para lograr un ajuste perfecto. Esta sofisticada técnica se muestra de manera prominente en estructuras de renombre como Sacsayhuamán y Machu Picchu, donde las piedras se alinean con extraordinaria precisión. La complejidad y eficacia de este método puede ofrecer una visión de las articulaciones perfectas, que continúan desafiando e intrigando a los ingenieros y arquitectos contemporáneos. Dos técnicas diferentes al parecer … También serán de la misma época?
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enjoyedbygod · 10 days
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Sacsayhuamán is this amazing fortress right outside of Cusco, Peru, that the Incas built back in the 15th century. It’s famous for its gigantic stone walls, with some of those bad boys weighing over 100 tons! What’s really mind-blowing is how all these stones fit together so perfectly without any mortar – it’s still kind of a mystery how they pulled that off. This place really shows off the incredible creativity and engineering skills the Inca civilization had.
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flebur · 3 months
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museum-of-artifacts · 2 years
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The 15th century Incan Sacsayhuamán citadel in Cusco, Peru. The huge stones, used in the construction of its massive terrace drystack walls (no mortar), can weight up to almost 200 tons, and are so closely spaced that a piece of paper will not fit between many of them
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lantur · 10 months
Before I go on airplane mode during the 4 day/3 night hike along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, highlights of the last few days in Cusco with my friend:
Visiting the beautiful Cathedral of Cusco on Friday evening
Spending Saturday at the Museum of Pre-Colombian art, and then hiking up to visit the Inca ruins of Sacsayhuamán
Spending today visiting the enormous San Pedro Market - one of the biggest open air and indoor markets I’ve ever seen! It was filled with food and fruit stalls, people selling different herbs and wares, and open air sales of fruits, vegetables, and so many flowers. Later we went to a chocolate museum and a bean to bar chocolate making workshop where we roasted our own cacao beans, peeled them, and ground them into paste, which we used to make hot chocolate and chocolate bars
Eating delicious Peruvian food
It’s been amazing to get a little taste of this city. I’m excited that we’ll get to spend part of the day on the 24th here before we depart for Lima and then on to home.
We’re spending a good chunk of next week in the Andean mountains :) so I’ll check in when we get back. With pictures! I hope you all have a great week!
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viagginterstellari · 3 months
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Sacsayhuamán, 2014
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
Thoughts about ROTB
I expected an action blockbuster and I got an action blockbuster. I am neither dissapointed nor pleasantly surprised. It's not something I would have bothered to watch much less drag my friends if it weren't Transformers, but under those expectations, it's a perfectly enjoyable movie.
Well, let's talk about what I care about most: Optimus. I was expecting him to be angry and jaded from the trailers and he was. I do kinda like that since he was given a reason to and he became his more gentle self by the end. I mean people looked at the camera to explain his deal which is eeeh, but I don't expect subtle characterization from these thigns, so it's fine. At least he was given something compared to mostly everyone else who didn't get much in terms of character so I can't complain. I do like that he blames himself for everything and externalizes that, reminds me of IDW1. What was a bit jarring for me is his disregard for humans, I don't mind an OP that's violent or angry, but an OP that doesn't care for all life is eeeeh? Well, I guess they needed to give him an arc and he gets over it, he was having a rough time. I liked him pleading to Noah instead of blasting him. Also him being like "I'm going to do extreme acts on violence on Scourge" due to him killing Bee. When he rips off Scourge's head spine included that was sexy. His seriousness was effectively used for comedy so that was nice. I feel I still would have liked something different but eh, what did I expect, really. It's fine.
Noah was good too, again no subtle characterization here, but he wasn't an annoying protagonist or anything. He was fun to follow and I like how he inmediately volunteers to go look for the transwarp key.
Mirage really was the highlight of the movie, he was so fun. Oh I love him. His interactions with Nova were great. My friends were shipping them.
Primal was nice. So was Elena.
Wish Arcee had gotten more, and I wish Rhinox had gotten actual lines, but ah, the movie barely had time to do all it wanted to do. Sucks because I feel like if we had gotten more of Bee and Optimus, his death and Optimus reaction to it would have been more effective, there really weren't particulary interesting dynamics. But I mean, at least they cared to try to endear you to the characters. I'm told by my friends that this was was better tahn Bayverse and Sam Witwicky. But I feel Bumblebee with its more contained story did better in this regard.
Ironically, even tho I was the one who cares about Transformers and asked my friends to comes, they are the ones who watched the Bay movies while I haven't.
Bee should have stayed dead. I mean, I knew he was coming back because trailer, but he should have stayed dead. It did make me sad that he died and reviving characters feels so cheap to me. Also, it would have confirmed that this isn't the same universe as Bayverse.
Like seriously, what's the status on that, this is very important, how do I tag this movie in my continuity tags???
Nice that they bothered to say the aliens aren't the cause of all the things pre-colonial did. I mean, the bar is on the fucking floor for this sort of thing, but yeah
Friends asked if the Inti Raymi was legit or if this was a James Bond Día de Muertos sort of deal. It seems part of the Inti Raymi celebration takes places in the Sacsayhuamán ruins were the Autobots arrive and were completely empty.
Anyway, I likes the action!! I loved the transformations so much, they were extremely sexy. Friends say that they likes these designs better, but the action wasn't as bombastic as the Bay movies and the CG wasn't as well integrated at times. But honestly it was all good enough for me. I have no complaints. That time Mirage transformerd to turn around while on the car chase, ah, so good. I really would watch this again just to see the robots move.
I.... was not expecting G. I. Joe
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.21
Alzheimer’s Awareness Day
Atheist Solidarity Day
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Banjo Lesson Day
Bill Murray Day
Create a New National Day Day
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Father’s Day (Egypt, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Syria, UAE)
Ferris Wheel Day
Flag Day (Greenland)
Flag Burning Day
Global MND / ALS Awareness Day
Go Skateboarding Day
Het Meetjesland Day (Belgium)
International Climate Change Day
International Flower Day
International Anirida Day
International Music Day (f.k.a. World Music Day)
International T-Shirt Day
International Yoga Day (UN)
LP Day
Martyrs' Day (Togo)
Migraine Solidarity Day
Naked Hiking Day
National Aboriginal Day (a.k.a. First Nations Day or Indigenous Peoples Day; Canada)
National Arizona Day
National ASK Day
National Create a New National Holiday Day
National Day of the Gong
National Dog Party Day
National eGiving Day
National Heroes’ Day (Bermuda)
National Jimmy Day
National Professional Medical Coder Day
National River Tubing Day
National Seashell Day
National Selfie Day
National Wedding Day
National Yard Games Day
Obscenity Day
Onion Day (French Republic)
Reaping Machine Day
Reserves Day (UK)
Shades for Migraine Day
Short Story Day (Africa)
Show Your Stripes Day
Stock Up On Antiperspirant Day
Suffolk Day (UK)
SYNGAP1 International Awareness Day
T-Shirt Day
Turner Syndrome Awareness Day (UK)
Ulloortuneq (Greenland)
World Day Against ELA (Spain)
World Giraffe Day
World Handshake Day
World Hydrography Day
World Kamasutra Day (India)
World Motorcycle Day
World Music Day (Paris, France)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gin and Tonic Season begins
Johnnie Walker Day
Lambrusco Day
National Cookie Dough Day
National Smoothie Day
Peaches and Cream Day
Red Apple Day (Australia)
3rd Wednesday in June
National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Greenland (Assumed Self-Rule; 2009)
New Hampshire Statehood Day (#9; 1788)
Principality of Aigues-Mortes (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Alban of Mainz (Christian; Saint)
Aloysius Gonzaga (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Crab (Pagan)
Engelmund of Velsen (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Samosata (Christian; Saint)
St. Henry (Positivist; Saint)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (Artology)
Leufredus (a.k.a. Keufroi; Christian; Saint)
Martin of Tongres (Christian; Saint)
Meen (a.k.a. Mevenus or Melanus; Christian; Saint)
Onesimos Nesib (Lutheran)
Ralph (Christian; Saint)
Sam Kinison Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Skateboarding Day (Pastafarian)
Solstice [1st Day of Summer in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Acophony (G’BroagFran of Anti-Music; Church of the SubGenius)
Alban Hefin (a.k.a. Litha or Midsummer; Celtic, Pagan) [4 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Aimless Wandering Day
Anne and Samantha Day
Aymara New Year (Año Nuevo Aymara; Bolivia)
Cuckoo Warning Day (it will be a wet summer if the cuckoo is heard today)
Daylight Appreciation Day
Day of Private Reflection
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Feast of the Great Spirit (Native American)
Fête de la Musique
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Indigenous New Year (We Tripantu; Año Nuevo Indígena; Chile)
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Into Raymi (Incan Sun God Festival; Sacsayhuamán Andes Mountain Natives)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Juhannus Day (Finland)
Kupala (fertility rite)
Kupala Night (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; northern hemisphere)
Midnight Sun Festival (Nome, Alaska)
Midsomarsblog (Norse celebration of fishing, trading & raiding)
Midsummer Baal (Celtic)
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National Daylight Appreciation Day
National Day of Greenland
National Energy Shopping Day
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska)
Saint Jonas' Festival (Lithuania)
Solsticio de Invierno (Bolivia)
Sommar Börjar (Sweden)
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
33-1/3 Day
Tiregān (Iran)
Wadjet (Ancient Egypt)
We Tripantu (winter solstice festival in the southern hemisphere; Chile)
Wianki (Poland)
Willkakuti (Andean-Amazonic New Year; Aymara)
World Humanist Day
World Peace and Prayer Day
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
Sub-Human Cannonball (Muppetism)
World Humanist Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 29 of 60)
Ain���t She Sweet (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Alpocalypse, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 2011)
Anna (Film; 2019)
The Bling Ring (Film; 2013)
The Blue Umbrella (Pixar Cartoon; 2013)
Bon Ives, by Bon Iver (Album; 2011)
Chinatown (Film; 1974)
Cocoon (Film; 1985)
Creepin on ah Come Up, by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (EP; 1994)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1868)
Donald and the Wheel (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, by Elton John and Kiki Dee (Song; 1976)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Animated Disney Film; 1996)
Impact is Imminent, by Exodus (Album; 1990)
Lifeforce (Film; 1985)
Lilo & Stitch (Animated Disney Film; 2002)
The Litterbug (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Minority Report (Film; 2002)
Mr. Tambourine Man, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
Monsters University (Animated Pixar Film; 2013)
Moves Like Jagger, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2011)
The Parent Trap (Film; 1961)
The Promise of Joy, by Allen Drury (Novel; 1975)
Return to Oz (Film; 1985)
The Rocketeer (Film; 1991)
Smoking: The Choice is Yours (Disney Educational Cartoon; 1981)
Sweet Child o’ Mine, by Guns n’ Roses (Song; 1988)
The Te of Piglet, by Benjamin Hoff (Spiritual Book; 1993)
Toy Story 4 (Animated Pixar Film; 2019)
A Walk on the Wild Side, by Nelson Algren (Novel; 1956)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Film; 1966)
World War Z (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Adalbert, Florentina (Austria)
Margareta, Naum (Croatia)
Květa (Czech Republic)
Sylverius (Denmark)
Kaari, Karlotte, Karola, Karoliine, Karolin, Lota (Estonia)
Into (Finland)
Silvère (France)
Adalbert, Florentina, Margot (Germany)
Methodios (Greece)
Rafael (Hungary)
Ettore, Silverio (Italy)
Imula, Maira, Rasa, Rasma (Latvia)
Silverijus, Žadvainas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Salve, Sølve, Sølvi (Norway)
Bogna, Bogumiła, Bożena, Florentyna, Franciszek, Michał, Rafaela, Rafał, Sylwery (Poland)
Metodie (România)
Maria, Valeria (Russia)
Valéria (Slovakia)
Florentina, Silverio (Spain)
Flora, Linda (Sweden)
Earl, Earline, Errol, Fatima, Ofelia, Omar, Omarion, Ophelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 173 of 2024; 193 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 25 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 4 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 22 Sol; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 8 June 2023
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Henry]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Cancer (The Crab) begins [Zodiac Sign 4; thru 7.22]
Summer [Season 3 of 4; thru 9.23]
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ancientoriginses · 2 years
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"Las famosas murallas de Sacsayhuamán (1940) Sacsayhuamán, a sólo 2 kilómetros de la ciudad del Cusco, fue originalmente un gran Templo sagrado llamado "Casa del Sol", que luego fue utilizado como Fortaleza por las tropas comandadas por Manco Inca, líder de la resistencia Inca de Vilcabamba. Según el cronista peruano Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, el sitio es "la mayor obra arquitectónica que realizaron los incas durante su apogeo". Su construcción fue iniciada por el Inca Pachacutec en el siglo XV y fue culminada por el Inca Huayna. Cápac en el decimosexto. Debido a la destrucción y ocupación de personas como cantera, actualmente solo se ve el 30% del conjunto arquitectónico”.
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eopederson · 2 years
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El arte de la piedra Inca VIII - Sacsayhuamán, Cuzco, 2010.
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truemountaintravel · 3 days
Uncover Cusco’s Historical Gems on a Half-Day City Tour
Explore the heart of the ancient Inca empire with True Mountain Traveler on our Cusco City Tour. This half-day experience takes you through the vibrant history and culture of Cusco, Peru’s most iconic city. Start your journey at the impressive Koricancha (Temple of the Sun), then wander through the charming streets of the historic district.
You’ll also visit Sacsayhuamán, a majestic Inca fortress offering panoramic views of Cusco, and uncover the mysteries of Qenqo, a sacred ritual site. The tour continues with a stop at Puca Pucara, a military ruin that guarded the city, and the serene Tambomachay, known as the “Bath of the Inca.”
Whether you’re short on time or looking to immerse yourself in Cusco’s rich history, this tour with True Mountain Traveler offers the perfect balance of adventure and cultural exploration in just half a day. Experience ancient wonders with expert guides, comfortable transport, and unforgettable memories.
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bafflingmysteries1 · 7 days
Explore the incredible construction techniques behind Sacsayhuamán, the ancient Inca fortress known for its massive, precisely cut stones. Discover the methods and skills used by the Incas to create this architectural marvel, and uncover the secrets of their advanced engineering and stonework. Construction Techniques of Sacsayhuamán: Mastering Stonework published first on https://www.youtube.com/@bafflingmysteries/
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Experience Peru: A Journey Through Ancient Wonders, Vibrant Culture, and Stunning Landscapes
Peru, a land of rich history and diverse landscapes, invites travelers to embark on a journey of discovery through its ancient ruins, vibrant cities, and breathtaking natural beauty. From the legendary Machu Picchu to the vibrant streets of Cusco, Peru offers an array of experiences that captivate and inspire.
Begin your adventure with a visit to Machu Picchu, the iconic Incan citadel nestled high in the Andes Mountains. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas," offers an awe-inspiring glimpse into Peru’s ancient past. Trek the Inca Trail or take a scenic train ride to reach this majestic site and explore its impressive stone structures and panoramic views.
In Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, you’ll find a fascinating blend of ancient and colonial influences. Wander through the cobblestone streets, visit the impressive Sacsayhuamán fortress, and enjoy the vibrant local markets and cuisine. Cusco is also the gateway to the Sacred Valley, where you can explore traditional villages, terraced landscapes, and the impressive Ollantaytambo ruins.
For nature lovers, the Amazon rainforest offers a rich tapestry of biodiversity. Take a riverboat journey through the lush jungle, observe exotic wildlife, and experience the unique flora and fauna of this remarkable ecosystem.
Peru’s blend of ancient wonders, cultural richness, and natural beauty ensures a travel experience that is both enriching and unforgettable. Whether you’re marveling at Machu Picchu, exploring the vibrant city of Cusco, or immersing yourself in the Amazon rainforest, Peru promises a journey filled with adventure and discovery. Let us help you plan your perfect Peruvian escape and experience the magic of this extraordinary country.
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alpacaexpeditions · 25 days
Ultimate Guide to Cusco Day Tours: History, Culture, and Adventure
Cusco, the historic capital of the Inca Empire, is a city rich in cultural heritage, vibrant traditions, and stunning landscapes. As the gateway to Machu Picchu and other Andean wonders, Cusco offers a diverse array of day tours that cater to various interests, from archaeological sites to scenic valleys. Partnering with Ulist Properties, travelers can find comprehensive guides to the best day tours and experiences in and around Cusco, ensuring a memorable and immersive exploration of this fascinating region.
Exploring Cusco’s Historical and Cultural Treasures
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Cusco itself is a treasure trove of historical and cultural landmarks. A guided day tour of the city often includes visits to its most iconic sites:
Sacsayhuamán: This impressive archaeological site on the outskirts of Cusco features massive stone walls that were part of a grand Incan ceremonial complex. The site offers panoramic views of the city and insights into Inca engineering and architecture.
Qorikancha (Temple of the Sun): Once the most important temple in the Inca Empire, Qorikancha was dedicated to Inti, the Sun God. Today, visitors can explore the temple’s impressive stonework and learn about its historical significance.
Plaza de Armas: The heart of Cusco, this vibrant square is surrounded by colonial architecture, including the Cusco Cathedral. It’s a great place to soak in the city’s atmosphere, enjoy local cuisine, and shop for souvenirs.
Experiencing the Andean Highlands
For those interested in outdoor adventures, the Andean highlands around Cusco provide opportunities for hiking and exploring breathtaking landscapes:
Rainbow Mountain (Vinicunca): This stunning mountain is famous for its vibrant, multi-colored slopes. A day tour to Rainbow Mountain involves a challenging hike but rewards visitors with awe-inspiring views and unique geological formations.
Humantay Lake: Nestled in the Andes, Humantay Lake is a turquoise gem surrounded by snow-capped peaks. A day tour includes a scenic hike and the chance to marvel at this pristine glacial lake.
Choosing the Right Day Tour with Ulist Properties
Ulist Properties offers valuable resources for selecting the best Cusco day tours. Their platform provides comprehensive information about various tours, including detailed itineraries, pricing, and reviews. By partnering with local tour operators, they ensure that travelers have access to high-quality experiences and expert guides.
When planning your Cusco adventure, consider factors such as your interests, fitness level, and the duration of each tour. Whether you’re interested in historical exploration, natural beauty, or cultural immersion, we can help you find the perfect day tours to make the most of your time in Cusco.
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Cusco is a city brimming with history, culture, and natural beauty, offering a wide range of day tours to suit every traveler’s interests. From exploring ancient Incan ruins and vibrant local markets to venturing into the breathtaking Andean highlands, Cusco day tours provide a diverse and enriching experience. With the help of Ulist Properties, travelers can easily discover and book the best tours to ensure a memorable and fulfilling visit to this enchanting region.
For more Information
Phone No : (+51) 84 254278
Visit us : www.alpacaexpeditions.com
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