#Safe Redlands Schools
nando161mando · 7 months
"On our latest podcast, we spoke to members of Safe Redlands Schools, a group of antifascist moms in the #SoCal area, who are pushing back against gender fascists and groups like the Proud Boys through grassroots organizing."
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The Shadow Speaker (Magic Manipulators #2)
To read Magic Manipulators #1, The Curse Breaker, click here.
"And if you were accepted to teach at Knights, what sort of research would you conduct with the school's resources?"
He spoke slowly. "I... am interested in the farthest extents of magic manipulation--the rare cases in which people have been shown to do things far beyond their given abilities. For example, my mother has a gift for manipulating the weather, yet she has learned to transport herself to different planets, in a manner that is different from that of traditional transportation magic." He did not mention that she had first transported herself from a different solar system all together, or that he hoped to use Knights' resources to find a way to break the pixie curse he had inherited from her. He had learned that the hard way--in his last interview at Knights. He marveled that the interview process for teaching was somehow normal, a far cry from the application process students endured.
Nevertheless, the questions here led him deeper into mythologies and his need to explain why he believed they held grains of truth. Within the last century, people had discovered, had they not, that a very small percentage of the population was gifted with death magic--a magic that drove them to execute criminals and protected them from dying themselves. In his hometown of Whitefall, some TV executive had even created a show where several of them came out of hiding each year and killed each other in an arena-style competition. They weren't actually going to die, after all, so it was perfectly safe and humane. If death witches were once thought of as myths, why couldn't other myths be true?
When Julian walked out, he pulled his communicator out of his pocket and sent a message to his old professor. If Knights didn't work out, he might be able to get a position at Redlands University, where he had finished his last degree. Then he went to Independence Market.
Once a fully outdoor market, a stained glass pavilion had been erected a few centuries earlier to protect buyers and sellers from bad weather. Julian always marveled at it as he passed underneath. They could have built a large shock shield, like those used in windows, or created a magical weather barrier, either of which would have been essentially invisible. Instead, someone had thought to make an artwork out of it, making the market wholly unique to Whitefall. It was also one of the last traditional markets in the area, which means it came with the added benefit lacking the giant telescreens seen other parts of the city, which at this time of year, were advertising Death Tag. He could not, however, avoid the conversation.
"I don't know why she even competes. She loses every year."
"Eh, you just like to complain about everything."
Julian stopped at one stand to buy some strawberries and a bottle of juice to drink. "What do you think, professor?" asked the bookseller next to him. "Why does this 'Lights' girl even try if she knows she's going to be the first one dead?"
Julian suppressed the urge to chastise them over their morbid interest. "Maybe she doesn't care about winning. And I'm not a professor yet."
"Don't mind him," said the fruit seller, a tall man who was clearly trying to make up for early hair loss with his incredible mustache, "he's just cranky because the girl who helps him ran off with some boy who had a backstage pass. But tell us, how did the interview go?"
Julian shook his head. The fruit seller was the biggest gossip he knew. But, he supposed, working in the center of Independence Market every day would make it easy to hear all the latest news. He had learned not to be coy with his answers. "It was an interview. If they hire me, you'll know." Knights professors were immediately recognizable by the orange neckties they wore.
Julian turned then to the bookseller, a man who he suspected had grown out his own facial hair to disguise the scars from an accident in his younger years. "Do you have anything of interest for me?"
The man's disposition changed as he extracted a volume from a box labeled reserved. "Only Kai Casco's History of the Development of Magic. I know you've been looking for it for a while."
"Yeah! He's supposed to offer a unique insight on..."
"...the early discrimination of non-transport wizards," the seller finished with him.
Julian grinned. "I guess I've been talking about it for a while."
"My girl wanted it, but I told her it was for my best customer. Glad I did, seeing as she's not here today."
Julian thanked him and paid for the book. "Hope you don't have to wait to long on that interview!" The fruit seller called as he walked away.
Julian turned and waved. "Well, if I don't get it, maybe I can go back to Octavia," he said, naming the planet where Redlands was located.
He didn't have to worry. Knights called him the next day to offer him the position. When Julian returned, he briefly met with the president of the school, who then introduced him to a young woman with mousy auburn hair and hazel eyes.
"This is Emily Ronin. She'll be your teacher's aide. Emily, could you take Professor Day to his classroom?"
Emily didn't look particularly excited about this. She stood with her arms crossed, scowling at the door frame. But she did as she was asked, and brought Julian to a roomy classroom with an office inset on one side.
"My office is in my classroom?" He said surprised. He dropped his bag on the desk in the smaller room and surveyed the books that the previous professor had left behind.
"I guess someone thought it made more sense than making people move around room to room. And the room is properly warded, since you're teaching about magic." She pointed to warding pattern painted around the top of the room. 
"So you took the class last year, with uh... Professor Askin?" He tried to remember the name of the Magic Studies professor who had just retired.
Emily snorted, arms still crossed. "No. He was in denial that..." She shook her head. "Never mind."
"Well, if you haven't taken the class, how did you become my teacher's aide?"
"The president intervened." She mumbled this first part to her shoes, but then she stood up straight, and looked him in the eye as if offering a challenge. "Anyway, I was in here cataloging books earlier, and I borrowed Speaking Spells into Being. I can bring it back to you tomorrow."
"You haven't taken this class, but you're reading Speaking Spells into Being." Julian said it slowly, trying to convince himself the girl was telling the truth.
"I needed to conduct some research," she said matter-of-factly, "I think there have been some magical anomalies at the Hayder Street Temple."
Julian smirked. "Aren't they building there? Maybe the Calistian gods are stopping by to oversee the construction."
"I doubt it. Do you still need me?"
"No, I... I... guess I'll see you when classes start."
"See you." She walked away, leaving Julian to wonder what type of student became the TA for a class they had never taken. If the president had intervened, maybe they were related. But that didn't explain her research, unless she was lying about that. There was one way to find that out.
Hayder Street was in the oldest part of the city. The original temple had been destroyed during Patlee War, and only some of original outer walls remained. Some followers of Brian, the god of plants, had since turned it into a public garden, with a spiral walk. Now someone was building a new altar at the center of walk, as a way of building an open air version of the old place. As Julian walked down the path, he didn't notice anything of particular interest, magically speaking, though he liked being surrounded by so many trees. He supposed that was his pixie blood. The foliage was just beginning to turn yellow. In a few weeks, the stones of the path would be covered with fallen leaves.
Someone bumped into him. it was a brown-skinned woman with her hair in a puff. "Excuse me." She stopped suddenly and looked at him, turning her head slightly, as if there was something about his face that puzzled her.
"Yes?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, I thought I recognized you for a minute." The woman also looked familiar to Julian, though he couldn't place her. But before he could ask, she had gone on her way. 
Julian continued down the path to the half-finished altar at its center. The builders had already gone home for the day, and the sun was beginning to set. Julian looked at his watch. It wasn't nearly late enough for that. He didn't know what it was, but apparently Emily had been right. Something weird was happening. He set off back down the spiral path, walking quickly, to see if the sun was setting only in this area, when he ran again into the woman.
"Okay, very funny," she said, "but I've had enough of your little shadow realm, so why don't we leave?"
"Your one mistake was coming by. You knew I was supposed to meet my contact here, and you thought you would twist her magic to trap us. And you might have succeeded, if you had just done it from a distance. But no, you had to come in person."
"I have no idea what you're taking about." Julian raised his hands slowly into the air, hoping to prove he wasn't a threat.
"Really? Then would care to elaborate on why you're here?"
Julian felt a snap in his spine as her request activated his pixie curse. Before he could stop himself, he answered. "Something is off about my student aide, and I'm trying to figure out what it is."
The woman blinked at him. "That answer came way too quickly."
"I'm telling the truth!" 
"I know you are. Which, unfortunately, means you are not the person who set this trap." She squinted at him through the growing gloom. "Who are you?" He actually saw her eyes roll when he didn't answer. "Would you tell me who you are?"
"Professor Julian Daye," his curse forced him to give his name, but he added, "if you really want to play this game, let me warn you, my mother taught me well." He had spent much of his childhood learning how to comply with requests in the most literal way. He did not mention he was out of practice.
"No thanks." She had turned her back on him and was now peering around the garden. "I'm not stupid enough to play games with pixies."
"How do you know about pixies?" Julian and his mother were literally the only two in the Tristan system.
"I'm a death wizard, I know about everybody."
As the sky grew darker, Julian noticed the silvery ribbon in her hair continued to shine, as if it had a light inside it. "Lights," he said. He had seen the woman before, on the advertisements for Death Tag. She was the competitor the bookseller had mentioned, who was typically the first to die.
She turned around and offered a hand. "Lilith. If we're stuck in this together, we might as well be a first name basis."
"What did you call this? A shadow realm?"
"Illusion magic." Lilith started off down the spiral path. Julian followed by focusing on her glowing hair ribbon. "Someone very talented can create a world that resembles the real one. Even to the trained eye, it can be difficult to see."
"How do we get out?"
"Well first, we're going to need some light."
Julian could barely see her now. He looked up. No stars. No moon. It was like a cloudy night. "You can do that, right?" He asked, hopefully.
"I'm a death wizard, not a light wizard."
"But everyone calls you Lights."
Lilith sighed. "Are you familiar with Kelli's Junkyard?"
"The shop that sells neon signs? From the old days?" Julian had been there once. It had been a cacophony for the eyes.
"That's the one. I'm friends with the owner. Did a favor for him once. My first time in Whitefall, I kept hanging around the place. The TV execs were even getting annoyed because I wasn't around for interviews after I died or whatever. They finally just interviewed me there. But that's why they call me Lights." She paused. "Why don't you bring us light? Aren't pixies supposed to be good at weather magics?"
Her ribbon stopped bobbing. Julian nudged closer. It was more or less all he could see now, though he imagined other, distant pinpricks of light. "I've never been particularly good with electricity."
"Well, I think you should give it a try." When Julian didn't respond, Lilith sighed. "Would you please bring us some light?"
Julian felt the snap in his spine. From deep inside him, something bubbled up, it ran down his arms, and out through his fingers, growing until he held a ball of lightning, roughly six inches in diameter.
Now he could see Lilith's face. She looked at him thoughtfully. Then a smile slowly spread across her face. "Would you get us out of here?"
He felt the snap again. This time, without thinking about it, he threw the ball of lightning into the air. It spread out across the sky, giving them flashes of light in the darkness. He looked at her. "Somehow, I don't think that worked."
Her eyes were on the sky. "Then you probably don't have the ability to get us out. But getting out is... somehow related to... a storm?"
Julian shrugged. "My mother understands the curse better than I do."
"It feels like a clue at least." Thunder boomed. "Oh no," she groaned as rain fell fast and cold on them.
"I blame you for this!" He tried to concentrate on directing the water away from them.
"There's a teashop across the street!" Lilith called. "We can figure this out from there!"
"Will it even be open?"
"It's better than standing in the rain!"
Julian followed her down the spiral path and across the street. Though sporadic, the lightning gave them enough light to see by, but it was harder to keep the rain off while they ran. The teashop was open when they arrived. They dashed inside. Lilith found the lightswitch. The lights flickered in the storm. Julian found the same bit of power that had wound through him to cause the storm and directed it toward the lights to stabalize them. "Old lights," he said, "still run on the old electric grid."
"We are in the old part of town." Lilith sat down at one of the tables. "Did you know this was the first tea shop in Whitefall?"
Julian joined her at the table. "For someone not from around here, you know a lot about the city."
"I've been here six times for Death Tag."
"Why do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Death Tag. I mean..." He drummed his fingers on the table, deciding how rude to be. "The god of death grants you what, fifty years of immortality, and you all use to slaughter each other on interplanetary television? It seems like a bad use of the gift."
He prepared himself for one of the usual responses. This was a way for death witches to blow off steam. It was a good catharsis for everyone--the audience could indulge in violent urges while knowing no one actually got hurt. Some even said it discouraged violent crime because criminals now knew what they were up against, not that there was any real research to show that.
Lilith didn't answer with any of those. "Well, I'm not in it for the killing and the dying."
"I come to see my friends. Why do you think I'm the first person to die every year?" She spread her fingers out on the table. "There's not a lot of us, you know? It's nice to spend a few weeks with someone who gets it. But I guess I'm teaching the valedictorian, talking to a pixie." She stood and walked to the window. "Besides, it's a good cover."
She looked back at him. "Didn't you wonder why we're stuck in this place? I don't think anyone's after you."
"Who's after you?"
"I don't know exactly. Have you ever been to Octavia?"
"I studied there for three years."
"I was born in Kulai. You know about the book bans?"
Julian nodded. Redlands was in the country of Aither, and he'd had several classmates who had come from Kulai due to decreasing access to books.
Lilith slumped against the window. "You can get a laser gun at fourteen, but you have to be twenty-one to get a library card."
This time the snap didn't happen in Julian's spine. "You're a smuggler, aren't you?" She'd turned around completely and grinned again. "I'd heard rumors at school," he explained.
"It started when I was seventeen, banning books from schools. And then banning kids from libraries. So we started a secret one. Then they started banning some books altogether, so we went across the border. Only now, other countries are following suit--Zagrad, Andos. So I joined Death Tag. And our secret library flourished." She threw her hands in the air. "At least, until my contact didn't show, and I got stuck in this place."
"Why do you need a contact? Books aren't illegal here."
"She gets books from work. That way it's harder to connect me to them. And she's an illusionist herself, so she could disguise us at the drop-off point."
"That's why the magic has been off at the temple recently. My aide noticed," he told Lilith when she looked confused.
"That's probably how our captor figured out where I was meeting her." She put her head in her hands. "I knew I shouldn't have waited for her to get that last book."
Julian stood up and joined her at the window. "Well, we can't just sit in the tea shop all day.... night... illusions can be broken, right?"
"Yes, but I don't know how to break this one."
He peered out the window, but he could barely see anything past the water streaming down the outside. "You said it had something to do with the thunderstorm."
"Well, I asked you to break it, and that's what you did. If it didn't have an effect, I'm not sure why you did it."
"I think we're going to have to go back outside. If you stand next to me, I can keep us dry."
"I live near a moor back home, so I'm used to the rain. And the humidity's wrecked my hair already."
Julian opened the teashop door and stood just inside it, pushing back any rain attempting to fly in. He looked up and down the street. At first, all he saw was the lightning and the rain. Then he noticed it. "Look." He pointed.
Lilith squinted into the darkness. "I don't see anything."
"That area there. It's not raining."
"How do you know?"
"I can feel it," Julian realized.
The two exchanged a glance and then plunged into the storm, running for the clear street. As soon as they crossed the intersection, they stepped on to dry pavement. Julian looked around. The shop walls were draped with ivy, and gas lamps, rather than electric or magi-tech lights lit the street. "There are lights." He paused. "Is this some accident?" It wasn't Whitefall.
"No, it's Kippel Way. They kept it like this because of all the antique shops." She laughed. "In fact, I think the bookstore owners are the ones who..." She trailed off. "Oh no."
Lilith looked at one of the gas lamps above them. "I know how to get out."
"Isn't that a good thing?"
She moved her gaze from the gas lamp to the window of books in front of her. "There are twenty bookstores on this street." She opened the door to the shop and stepped inside. "I bet they didn't think I'd do it."
Julian lingered in the doorway. "It does go against your nature."
Lilith thumbed through the books in the window and selected two. She handed one to Julian. "I'm killed and reborn every year. The books can be too."
Julian opened the door on the gas lamp. "You're sure this is just an illusion, right?"
"If not, hopefully someone will stop us." That was not a comforting thought. Nevertheless, Julian placed the book in the flame, and when the corner caught alight, he tossed it into the store. Lilith followed. They walked down the street and repeated this at every bookstore they came to. As the flames rose in the last one, waves of heat came off it, giving way to the temple. As the illusion faded, Lilith breathed a sigh of relief. Julian blinked in the bright light. He could tell it was later in the day, but it was still not yet sunset.
"So this is your partner," said a voice behind them.
Julian turned and saw the fruit seller from Independence Market. "I should have known it was you, you quidnunc!"
"I have to say, I didn't think it was you," he responded.
"Wait, you think I'm a part of this?"
"But you spent three years on Ocatvia. That's how you met, isn't it? I almost didn't notice, until that book this morning."
Lilith turned to Julian. "You have my copy of History of the Development of Magic?"
"But I have to say, I didn't expect the famous Lights to be your accomplice."
"My accomplice? I'm not a part of this."
"Well you certainly won't be now." The man aimed a laser gun at Julian, who raised his hands into the air.
"I don't know if it's a good idea to shoot someone in a public place?"
"Illusion magic, remember? No one else will see."
Lilith threw out a hand toward Julian, as if trying to stop him from falling. "You don't want to do that," she told the fruit seller.
"And what are you going to do? Kill me? I'm not sure you can. You haven't even killed anyone on Death Tag."
"You won't kill me."
"That's the thing about Death Tag. I learned. You may come back, but you will die. Long enough for me to get you to a prison in Kulai. You can live out your eternity there." Lilith took a step toward him, but before she could do anything, the man fired.
Julian opened his eyes to see Lilith's face. He was laying on the ground and she was bending over him. "How are you?" she asked.
"Pins and needles," he groaned.
"All over." He gasped. "Am I alive?"
In response, Lilith looked to where the fruit seller had stood. Julian slowly pushed himself up on his elbows to see the man laying on his back, a hole blasted through his chest.
"Let me help you." Lilith grabbed his arm and pulled him into a sitting position. "Do you... remember who you are?"
"Julian Daye..." He looked at her and then at the fruit seller again. "He's dead."
"He looks like he got shot."
Julian knew the gun hadn't backfired. He actually remembered the blast hitting him. "You did something, didn't you? So that... whatever he did to me... would happen to him."
"It's like like making you a death witch. Very temporarily."
He looked at her again. "Your competitors. In Death Tag? They can't do that, can they?"
"So... you could win. Any time you wanted."
"I told you. I don't care about winning. Come on. I'll walk you home." She helped him to stand.
Julian continued to look at the body. "Shouldn't we... do something?"
"I contacted the proper authorities on my communicator. They know where to find me." She tugged Julian down the path toward the street.
"What will you tell them?"
"The truth. He tried to kill someone. I prevented it. It's not like they can't test for it."
"I have your book you know. Your contact couldn't get it because her employer saved it for me. You can come by the school and get it."
"Oh I'll be coming by. Somebody needs to check on you."
Lilith was as good as her word. She stepped into his classroom on the first day. "How are you?"
Julian nodded from his chair. "Alive. Shaken. I got a call about it. They asked me to make a statement."
"What'd you tell them?"
"That I was nearly killed? By a complete stranger? After apparently being locked in a... shadow realm? I don't know if I believe me."
"Whitefall has some of the best truth wizards in the system. It's how they keep us in check."
"Shadow realm?" A new voice asked. Julian looked up to see Emily. Lilith spun around, and for a moment, the two women stared hard at each other.
Emily broke eye contact first. She turned to Julian. "At Hayder Street Temple, right? The man they found there. He was a shadow speaker?"
"A what?"
Emily handed him a book. Julian looked at it. Singing Spells into Being. "That's what the author calls them. Because most people start out creating shadow realms by describing them in words. Like telling a story."
Julian nodded. "And they're called shadow realms because they're dark?"
Lilith smiled. "No. That's how you find them, if you know how to see magic. They look like a shadow."
"And you saw this?" he asked Emily. 
She shrugged. "I guess."
"This is your aide?" Lilith said to Julian. When he nodded, she turned to Emily. "You should just tell him." Emily said nothing, so she turned back to Julian. "Fine. Professor Daye, would you tell your aide your most guarded secret?"
"I'm half pixie," he blurted out. Then to Lilith, he asked, "Why are you doing this?"
"Because it's incredibly amusing."
"I thought pixies were theoretical."
Julian turned to Emily again. If she was a death witch, like Lilith, she would know they were real. But no one else in Tristan knew about pixies at all. Unless... "You have the gift of understanding." Emily's blush was evidence enough. She had been born with an innate knowledge of the inner workings of magic. She had probably noticed his magic was different when they had first met, even if she didn't know why.
"No wonder the president made you my aide. You could be teaching this class yourself."
"I'd have to want to first." She shook the book at him, and Julian accepted it.
"What about field research?" He asked. She didn't say anything, but she turned her head to show she was listening. "I could use an assistant, and together, I bet we could find more of those theoretical ideas of yours that are real." She smiled for just a moment, but it was enough for Julian to know he was beginning to break through her facade of indifference. "Think about it."
"I will."
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vishnu4921pandey · 1 year
First Aid Certification: Empowering Individuals to Save Lives
First Aid Certification is a vital qualification that equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide immediate care and assistance in emergency situations. Accidents and medical emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and having a certified first aider on the scene can make a significant difference in the outcome for the injured person. This article explores the importance of First Aid Certification and the benefits it brings to both individuals and communities.
CPR Certification
CPR Classes
First Aid Certification
Why First Aid Certification Matters:
When an emergency strikes, time is of the essence. First Aid Certification ensures that individuals are prepared to respond quickly and effectively, promoting the well-being and potentially saving lives. Certified first aiders possess a comprehensive understanding of basic life-saving techniques, including CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), controlling bleeding, treating burns, managing fractures, and providing initial care for various medical conditions.
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Confidence and Preparedness:
Obtaining First Aid Certification instills confidence in individuals to handle emergency situations calmly and efficiently. Certified individuals gain the skills and knowledge to assess the situation, prioritize actions, and provide the necessary care until professional medical help arrives. The certification process includes practical hands-on training, enabling participants to practice their skills and build the necessary muscle memory to respond effectively in real-life scenarios.
Workplace Safety:
Many workplaces require employees to hold First Aid Certification to ensure a safe and secure working environment. From offices to construction sites, having certified first aiders on-site can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and minimize the impact of injuries. Workplace-related incidents, such as slips, falls, or allergic reactions, can be swiftly addressed by trained personnel until medical professionals take over.
Community Resilience:
First Aid Certification extends beyond the workplace, benefiting the community at large. Certified individuals become valuable community members who can respond promptly in emergencies, whether they occur at home, school, public places, or during recreational activities. By providing immediate care and stabilizing a victim's condition, certified first aiders increase the chances of a positive outcome and contribute to the overall safety and well-being of their community.
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Enhanced Personal Safety:
First Aid Certification not only equips individuals to assist others but also promotes personal safety and self-care. Participants learn about injury prevention, recognizing potential hazards, and taking preventive measures. This knowledge helps individuals make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and protect themselves and their loved ones from harm.
First Aid Certification is a crucial qualification that empowers individuals to take action in emergency situations, potentially saving lives and minimizing the impact of injuries. It provides the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to respond effectively, whether at work, at home, or in the community. By obtaining First Aid Certification, individuals become valuable assets to their workplaces and communities, fostering a safer and more resilient society as a whole.
For more information:-
ADRESS: PDRE REDLANDS OFFICE 1815 W. Redlands Blvd. Redlands, CA 92373 1-909-809-8199 [email protected]
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mybestmeau · 2 years
Kogarah Child Care
If you are looking for a good quality Kogarah child care, you will find a wide variety of options. Kogarah is a suburb with many schools and childcare centers. Many of these facilities have warm, welcoming, and safe environments. They encourage regular communication with parents and use child-directed activities and programs to foster creativity.
Alternative Daycare in Kogarah
If you are looking for an alternative daycare in Kogarah, you have a number of options. There are several childcare centres in the Kogarah area, including Bayside Child Care Centre, which is located on Tierney Avenue and Sutherland Avenue. It is also near the Redlands Hospital. This centre is registered with ACECQA.
If you are looking for a daycare centre, you should consider a centre that provides education and care. There are nine childcare centres in Kogarah, and the average cost of care is $116 a day. Regardless of the size of your budget, it is important to know your options before making a decision.
Quality of Childcare in Kogarah
If you are looking for quality childcare in Kogarah, NSW, you have come to the right place. Toddle is the ultimate resource for child care in Kogarah, New South Wales. With over 15 child care centres in the area, Toddle will help you find the best place for your child. You can compare childcare services by cost, quality, and service vacancies to find the best place for your child.
There are many things to look for in a child care centre, but one of the most important factors is the ratio of staff to children. A child care centre's staff should be qualified to provide quality care. The ratio of staff to children should be at least one. The staff should be able to provide feedback and encouragement.
A quality child care program should provide a range of activities that stimulate development and ensure safety. They should also be conveniently located and affordable. They should have activities for children that enhance cognitive and social skills, while respecting the culture of the family.
Cost of Childcare in Kogarah
Whether you're looking for a daycare for your toddler, or a full-time nanny, you can find quality childcare in Kogarah at an affordable price. The city has nine childcare centres, with the average price of $116 per day. These centres are regulated by the NSW Department of Education and comply with the National Quality Framework for Early Education and Care.
At My Best Me, we believe early childhood years are the most vital in a person’s life as it sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, and wellbeing. Therefore, we are committed to providing quality early learning that helps us ensure each child’s best start to life and empower them to be the best versions of themselves.
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When at the polls on Nov. 2, Moreno Valley voters will be asked whether to raise sales taxes.
At their Aug. 3 meeting, the Moreno Valley City Council voted 4-0 to put Measure G (dubbed the “Local Moreno Valley Essential Services Measure” by the city) on the November ballot. If approved, the measure would add a 1-cent sales tax to purchases made within the city. Proponents argue the $20 million that would be raised is necessary to pay for existing public safety spending.
“Our city could definitely use $15 to $20 million a year for things like roads, for things like homelessness, for a plethora of items,” Councilmember Ulises Cabrera said.
Moreno Valley currently has a 7.75% sales tax, in line with 10 other cities in Riverside County, according to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. The cities of Blythe, Cathedral City, Coachella, Corona, Hemet, Indio, Lake Elsinore, Menifee, Murrieta, Norco, Palm Springs, Riverside, San Jacinto, Temecula and Wildomar all have sales taxes higher than Moreno Valley now does.
More on Measure G
Moreno Valley floats 1-cent sales tax proposal in phone survey
Moreno Valley: Measure G
Who’s watching over the billions of dollars in voter-approved school bond money?
According to the argument in favor of the tax, which will be printed in the sample ballots sent to voters, Measure G will provide local money not controlled by the legislature in Sacramento to improve residents’ safety, keep fire engines serviced, pay for existing gang and youth violence prevention programs, “address homelessness,” maintain funding for programs intended to prevent robberies and burglaries and keep public areas safe and clean. Without the funds, according to the argument, 911 response times will rise, after-school programs may have to be cut, and roads in the city will decline in quality.
The argument also calls the measure “fiscally accountable,” pointing to the public disclosure of all spending and annual independent audits. Similar measures intended to watch over school bond money have been criticized as inadequate.
There were no arguments submitted to the city clerk against the proposed sales tax.
The idea for the sales tax was first floated in a phone survey last August.
According to the city, 78% of the 479 residents surveyed told pollsters they believed the city either had a “great need” or “some need” for additional funds. Nearly half of all respondents — 48% — reportedly told pollsters that Moreno Valley had a “great need” for additional revenue.
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-on September 24, 2021 at 05:45AM by Beau Yarbrough
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
It appears as if my dream is coming true without me; racial understanding and unity are being achieved.  Madison, Wisconsin these days reminds me of Rutgers and China.  The sky seems almost unreal. In the past I didn't realize how big China is; I only thought about Chinese moms and girlfriends... or spies. * When I was 14 I seem to have been offered a happiness.  At 16 I had that happiness taken away and distrusted the people broke it up.  At 17 I liked or loved one of those people but was wary of her father whom I never met and didn't dare to ask a question. Instead of taking nothing, I took something else which was offered. I was offered a second or final chance recently but was unprepared or failed to follow through  / deliver the complete ready 'suitcase.'  Today I feel beyond sadness.  I have not felt guilt in a long time either but fear of the sky and the new day.  I also sense I taught the wrong things to the wrong people at the wrong time, and they became... I don't know why I tried to be so many things, or hold so many dreams.  I never followed through on one true thing.  I never awaited or sought God's confirmation. All I see is light and beauty.  The population of the United States is increasing / has increased.  I thought my life was over; I was satisfied with my 'museum.'   I wonder whether this is a new 'classical' age a la Yeats 'Leda and the Swan' but I hate things like that. I remember my Taiwanese aunt Jamie and I am thinking of Chairman Mao. Originally my aunt's name was 'Gloria.'  I do not know her Chinese name.  I know she lives in Redlands, CA, and last I checked had a long commute in LA traffic to a Buddhist college. I just want to disappear.  In all my life only two people trusted me, and I ripped them off - one I misunderstood; the other I miscarried or betrayed. I had all these dreams that were alive or lifelike, physical, fleshly - 'carnal' as Houellebecq says in 'Liquid Birth.'  But what's the point? I used to ride the bus around Korea thinking about an old war but now I don't know why.  It was one of those 'parallel' novels with small and large: here is the war, here is someting else, a relationship, as though to say, 'And while __ also __.' I was in Delafield which I visited first in 2009 and thought about the Iraq War.  I thought about General Mattis.  Before attacking a certain Iraqi city the Marine Corps played 'Hell's Bells.'  Why were they so eager to hurl souls into Hell instead of reaching out to them some other way?  Or am I misunderstanding? I was sitting by this river in 2009, wondering about renting an apartment - 'Do you like Asian art' said the person.  In the end I gave him like 500 dollars for the rent-deposit but didn't live there or something.  'Dirtbag!' I met Zola Jesus the same year and also gave her and her brother 500 or so. The Great Recession was cozy for me.   I was happy in a way with my downsized life, as if the pressure were off. I remember the McCain v. Obama election.  At first I was happy John McCain came from behind to win the Republican primary. It occurred to me again that I and McCain are 'Japanese' in some sense of accepting failure and wanting to go down as having had the right idea. I don't know why I lobbied for so long to get fair treatment from the world when I wasn't even asking either what I meant or ultimately wanted, or what God wanted for me, or what was going on or had been going on perhaps since the Lutheran Reformation and the Reformation Wars  - one long war, perhaps since the civil wars marking the Fall of Rome.  As if everywhere is 'Germany; the Holy Roman Empire.' * In the past I read Ecclesiastes a lot - 'and the ocean is not filled.'  I don't know why in some sense I thought I could fill the ocean, or wanted to keep sinking things in there. I remember in 2007 or so I ate buffet food with Taiwan-GF and her parents and they said, 'Why do white people eat Jell-O?'   We also ate some rice with raisins and nuts or something. I don't know why I was eating everything with everyone, trying to be cultured in small ways instead of 'made,' 'made for a purpose.' Nowadays everything seems like Rutgers with these modded cars and people 'expressing themselves.'  I don't want to critique others anymore 'cause I am not a teacher or social critic or columnist or whatever.  I wish I wrote a column for the Joongang but I don't understand their 'angle' or 'cropping' either.  I always just want to make giant arguments and if my organized argument doesn't work I tend to take a 'Red Army' approach as with pedagogy; cf. Kruschev in 'Enemy at the Gates,' saying 'Lose the other half [of your troops].'   People gave me all kinds of 'sign' advices and I don't know what I was thinking experimenting with their advice. I wish I were just working at a gas-station or something with my wife like my boss's Korean parents who became millionaires but the world is bigger now.  These country road I used to yearn to have one of to myself; my grandfather's house at the foot of the San Bernardino's, somehow reminding me of Belgium(?) or Alsace-Lorraine.  I guess in retrospect my happiness place was my apartment in Korea with its fire-door or suicide-door or whatever it was, feeling like a coffin of safe-deposit box; and 'office-tel.' I used to get mad at people for not doing what they talked about.  'My dream school; I'm offering you an idea...' No you're not.  'I want to start a kongbubang' - then he made a Smoothie King instead.   I don't know what anyone is trying anymore or what they dream.  Everyone seems to be trying everything; relationships are what they would have.   I thought of 'a small personal voice,' Chekhov, or something Nabokov said about Chekhov, about people confessing things in quiet voices.  I wanted to scream and yell at people when I was younger but I couldn't in my family and then the moment passed; I wanted to teach HS but was corrupt by then.  Nowadays people can't guess my height; they said I look 6'1 or somtehing but it's really like 5'10 5'11.  All kinds of failures and people I nuked and feeding toxic chemicals to people who love chemical-warfare. I remember in a way the person I wanted to be or the one person I tried to be was in 2002-2003 at the South Mountain Arena ice-skating with HK-ex-girlfriend.  I just liked that image of myself with my nose.  But why?   I keep trying to make a self.  There is this Korean poem, 'I made a self; like peeling an apple; like running off with a woman who was my social superior.'   I never ran away with anyone that I know of; I went to 'Taiwan and Its Contexts' Yale Conference with TW-1, ate some rice and shellfish and the guy said, 'Many of my white students become lawyers.'  I thought about IP and wrote some stuff about teaching HS civics after making money when in the back of my mind I thought, 'If a BigLaw associate makes 160K first year, in 10 years how much money can I have so I can retire and write.'  then at UW-Madison the average starting was like 90K, so... then I remmebreed S'hai's letter about not wasting your 20's and was like what if I just made a ittle deal with myself, my parents, a semi-noncomittall offering to S'hai-1?  What is the point of such gambits(?). I miss 'Maria.'  I like her sunny voice and wish I met her mom or knew more about her.  I taught 'process-writing' which in retrospect was a mistake b/c 'process-writing' is 'German, socialist, patching, bit-by-bit.'  It also mixes past and future, admits failure, and denies individuality or rather implies that individuality comes from other people or something.  Like if Chairman Mao kisses me here, KJU kisses me here, Rose-Apple kisses me here, overall, I'm the Blarney Stone of David Johnston, 'the glass man without external reference.'  Why?   The Bible says, 'God will establish you' or something... I remember all these Democrats saying stuff like, 'In my day we took our neighbors' kids aside and blah blah...'  Communists... My uncle 'Uncle Hammer' once told my dad, 'Discipline your kid.'  My dad walked out and never entered that house for years.  Years later he said, 'Actually Uncle Hammer is right DAvid is a terrible arrogant person etc...'  at the same time Dad was stealing my IP like, 'Let's figure out all DJJ's pornographic adventures, eat his brain and live vicariously...' Everyone was like, 'When everyone says something about you it's probably true...' I don't know if I have anything to say fairly about any of this.  People supposedly derive their impression of God from their parents / father but I've had more than enough time and spiritual 'invasions,' really, to have more direct knowledge of God.  I just had all other affections and dependencies and side-projects and assumed 'trying this would be good enough' without asking. I just wanted my 'little life' and later felt done.  I thought I was sincerely schizophrenic.  I was glad the pressure was off b/c everyone seemed to blow up in my face or doors closed; or I didn't know.  I looked all these Edu. programs but never determined in my heart or mind or prayed for the right to join. All these psychopaths... My dad studied Economics - my family are 'Chinese' - and now his dreams are coming true.  I wanted to be 'RCCP Mediator.'  I studied nuclear weapons but never wanted to drop them.  I was interested in 'nuclear sublime' an idea about Japanese cinema / anime.  'God gave us nuclear weapons to _ _ _.'  I wasn't there to hear His voice so I wouldn't know.  Truman said, 'The power of the sun, something something...'   Later I became intent on 'petite culture' and 'the feminine' and so on.  'I am not gonna think about this.'  I don't work for the Pentagon.  I should've applied to Cornell Hotel Management.  In the summer of 2003 I ate the hearts of burnt-outside oatmeal-cookies and thought / didn't think about Korean-Presbyterian.   * Xi Jinping is going to visit Korea after Covid.  'What's his angle?'  I didn't dislike Xi; I believed in 'Rule of Law,' questioned the Cultural Revolution.  My 'apologetics' for all this were / was flawed in that I argued about weapons-systems killing everyone and how that's why we should love each other, love / obey God.  'OMG weapons-systems?!'   I thought today of my Ukrainian old friend Stan.   I once wrote or started, 'Everything Is Spies.' I think it was about Jiheon Fromis_9(?).   Today I thought about, 'Brides.'  I wanted to say, 'You were like this, that, Korean, Black - just be someone's wife or rather you could be a bride, w/ covered hair.'  I admire the aesthetics of the Catholic Church and their talking about demons and stuff but what if... I feel like I was always reading to lose everything and I gave everything to the wrong people who just eat and eat and eat, then examine the excretions too.  I saw this picture of LOONA Yves and thought, 'My daughter, hold her.'  A beautiful hand, neither boneless nor bony like it has many purposes.  'A wifely smile.'  None of these people care what I say; they don't see what I see.   I remember being happy listening to Wonder Girls' 'Draw Me' and writing stuff.  Most of these people will never care.  Glee, glee, glee.  'Spend my life-savings!'   I wish I could offer myself as a resource to someone but no one's got questions for me anymore.   Everyone figured out what I had to say and what I was right about; those who didn't are determined to be wrong or evil anyway.  And I was evil in trying to make everyone 'right.'   I thought about 'character.'  I pretended to have good character but never stuck to it. I wasn't manly either and never studied manliness.  I didn't think about offering myself to a woman or loving a wife as Christ loved the Church; only 'making deals.'  Later I thought investing in the younger generation would be better; and I was happy to 'downsize' myself. I do not know either why I believed everything was suddenly going to change after Covid Alpha.  People still have secrets, holdings, ambitions, relationships, things which made them special, records, fellowship or lackthereof.  I thought the Millennium was upon us; foolishly as well 'engaged every target' in job-hunting and wasn't ready and I didn't understand journalism either or things like whether NK, TW is a legitimate government in terms of God ordaining a government.  I also didn't know how much of news was propaganda or not; I used to believe everything was lies or disblief was smart then believed everything in books.  I didn't understand 'the game.'  I loved Creation.  'Classic garden.'  Why not train people well?  All these well-made Koreans.  Before KR I hated others and in KR 2012 hated myself or felt alone or IDK.  It's a big country.  These AmKor Twitter ppl, Korea small blah blah.  IDK if they are even being sincere or just peddling cliches. I thought today, 'I am a failed Korean' - or 'failed to be a Korean.'  For a while I thought everybody in the future wanted to be a Korean but I guess they wanted to watch the Olympics. The Midwest is full of farmland more than ever. Man is continuing to subdue the Earth, to be fruitful and multiply. I have no excuse for myself.  What is the future? I didn't go to China so perhaps I do not know. I wonder whether people in the Midwest are still thinking, 'Sth's going to happen.' I have had too many options.   I always thought that I could 'parlay this in to that.'  I considered my CV as a series of changes or mutations.   'Seek thee first the Kingdom of God / and His righteousness'
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elliottbngg498-blog · 5 years
The Evolution of miglior elettricista torino
Someone who wants to be an electrician needs to be happy to obey the rules in addition to the basic safety rules intended to safeguard the public. He will take in to consideration your exact electric requirements and extend an electric remedy to satisfy your specified requirements.
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As a homeowner, you recognize precisely how crucial it's to get an electrician that you will anticipate. To insure all sorts of electrical work, he should be hired. Your plumber might be a man like me and naturally there isn't anything wrong with that.
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epacer · 5 years
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New County Office of Ed Policy Lays Out Student-Teacher Boundaries
The San Diego County Office of Education adopted a new policy this week that governs boundaries between adults and students following a Voice of San Diego investigation that highlighted how many districts lack such policies despite numerous cases of abuse and child grooming by predatory educators across the county.
The new policy will guide the County Office of Education’s staff, students, volunteers and community members in recognizing and maintaining appropriate boundaries with students and provide guidelines on what type of behavior should be reported to authorities. It will also serve as a model for other school districts across the county to potentially adopt.
As of now, the policy directly applies only to schools under the County Office of Education’s purview, which include juvenile court and community schools and some schools serving students with special needs.
VOSD reported last month that some districts across the county, like San Diego Unified School District and Sweetwater Union High School District, have paid out millions of dollars to students abused by educators who argued the schools did not have sufficient protocols in place to protect them.
The lack of guidance has also created confusion among educators who are state-mandated reporters on what signs of child abuse need to be reported to police or Child Welfare Services.
♦                    ♦                   ♦
The County Office of Education’s new policy lays out what actions are prohibited between adults and students. It instructs employees to not intrude on a student’s physical and emotional boundaries unless the intrusion is necessary to serve a legitimate education purpose.
Those boundaries include an employee showing favoritism toward a student, mismanaging feelings of frustration toward a student, failing to recognize that an employee is not a peer, parent, therapist or friend to a student and inquiring about overly sensitive or personal topics without a legitimate educational purpose for doing so.
Staff are also instructed to avoid being alone with individual students out of view of others, inviting or allowing students to visit their homes, remaining on campus with students alone or visiting a student’s home.
Some of the specific professional adult-student boundaries violations include:
●    Singling out a particular student for personal attention and friendship beyond the professional staff-student relationship
●    For non-guidance/counseling staff, encouraging students to confide their personal or family problems and/or relationships
●    Exchanging personal gifts, cards or letters with an individual student for which it is directly or implicitly suggest that a student is to say or do something in return
●    Socializing or spending time with students including activities such as beverages, meals or movies
●    Transporting students in a personal vehicle in a non-emergency situation and without proper written authorization forms in advance
Staff are also instructed not to contact students for personal purposes outside of school by phone, letter, texts or social media including “friending” and “following” students on social media unless the social media page is dedicated to legitimate school business. If they want to contact students for educational purposes, they must loop in another adult, like a parent or the school principal. When a coach or club adviser wants to text students, they must message all team members at once, unless it involves a student’s private academic or medical issues, in which case they must loop in the school principal.
A February investigation by VOSD revealed that fewer than 10 of the 43 school districts, including the County Office of Education, had clear policies on appropriate electronic communications between educators and students.
The policy also recognizes the state’s mandated reporting law and tells employees that if they observe misconduct or have knowledge of another employee violating boundaries outlined in the policy, they should make a report to the county’s child protective services.
Music Watson, chief of staff and spokeswoman for the County Office of Education, said the board began drafting the policy in May. Watson said the office’s legal services team reviewed existing policies from other districts like Redlands Unified School District and San Francisco Unified School District and adapted them for San Diego.
The board voted to unanimously to adopt the policy Wednesday night.
San Diego County Board of Education President Paulette Donnellon said that it was important to the agency’s leadership to address appropriate adult relationships with students.
“We want to make sure there are tools in place to clearly define boundaries and protect students and teachers alike. This policy will help students feel protected and parents and guardians feel confident that their children are in a safe environment,” Donnellon said.
Watson said the policy was enacted faster than usual because the board felt it was important to have it in place before students return for the school year next month. *Reposted article from the VOSD by Kayla Jimenez of July 26, 2019
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elisepederick · 6 years
A really useful and interesting podcast, the interviewees consist of sixth-formers. The conversation discusses the Bristolian accent in depth, their attitudes and the dialect that comes hand in hand with it. Their parents are from a variety of areas, which is clear from the interviewees accents - some are a lot stronger than others whereas some are influenced by their parents and sound more London-based. 2004.
Interesting points/notes
Thought on accents in different parts of Bristol:
“Theres different cultures in different areas...its all really different but some areas sort of clash slightly.”
“We tend to see the outer-city areas as having more of a Bristolian accent and the inner city areas as being more middle class or having a strong ethnic minority, those tend to have less of a Bristol accent.”
“As Bristolians then, how would you aspire to speak? Would you want to be recognised in later life as being Bristolian?”
“When its really strong, I wouldn't want to have that accent because its quite annoying”
“Personally, I don't mind too much. If I went to Nottingham or wherever and they said ‘Hey you’re from Bristol’ I’d say ‘yes, yes I am’.”
“It holds quite a lot of stigma now, due to people like Vicky Pollard and that, people think of the Bristolian accent as people who are stupid or a bit ‘ooh ar framer type thing’...but I am really proud to be from Bristol.”
“I don’t think the West Country is the most flattering of accents”
“You go into Broadmead and Vicky Pollards are everywhere...it is the right kind of stereotype to an extent.” Eg: ‘Yeah but no but’ - reinforces a stereotype”
“I think people may think Bristolians are associated with farmers a bit too strongly” 
“Our teacher is from Cornwall and she uses loads and loads of similar phrases as we do, so its interesting that it travels all the way down to Cornwall”
“Did you safe him up then?” - did you say hi?
“Dope” - Good (probably American)
“Alright my lover”
“Meader” - someone from Broadmead, “they drink a lot of Bacardi breezers and wear tracksuits...they’re chavs.”
“Whats the most annoying accent?”
“Newcastle, I can never understand what they’re saying”
“What do you call your family members?”
Mother - “Ma”
Gran - “Nan”
Baby - “Babber”
On Racism:
Bristol has become a lot more multi-cultural, “its so mixed, we’re at a multi-ethnic school.” “Its not acceptable.”
“All the people who think they are tough are from Clifton, Clifton or Redland, they're all from there. They have the poshest houses by The Downs.”
“There is a stereotype of a thick Bristolian”
“Bristolian can be a difficult to understand”
“Should accents be discouraged or encouraged?”
“It gives you a sense of identity and unity, its a topic of conversation and I definitely think accents should be encouraged.” 
“It gives a sense of tradition and a sense of place and identity, so definitely encouraged”
“Theres definitely a lot less now than there were about 50 years ago or so, so it gives a sense of unity, as the shops are becoming big brands. An accent can keep a sense of togetherness.” 
“It can’t be discouraged, you can’t stop an accent”
“I think it will eventually peter out though”
“As we get television, we’re exposed to other dialects, which can help people to understand different accents and I guess that won’t help to preserve accents...that probably adds to why accents are fading out a bit.”
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mybestmeau · 2 years
Kogarah Child Care Centres
Looking for a great childcare centre in Kogarah? Then you have come to the right place. This article will provide you with some information about a few of the Kogarah child care. You can find out more about My Best Me, Shining Stars Childcare Centre, Bayside Garden Centre, Ocean Street Kindergarten, and Garrigarrang Early Education and Care Centre.
My Best Me
My Best Me is privately owned and operated. As parents ourselves, we understand the trust you are placing with us when enrolling your child. Our commitment to you is that we will provide a safe and nurturing environment, while delivering the highest quality program and meaningful experiences. Our unique approach to childcare goes beyond education to encompass the health and total wellbeing of every child.
Shining Stars Childcare Centre
Shining Stars Childcare Centre at Kotarah is a community centre for children. Located at 36 Chapel St, Kogarah, NSW, this centre is well-equipped to provide a warm, safe environment for your children. Its location is close to Redlands Hospital and offers a pleasant backdrop of bushland. In addition, it's part of a vibrant community service organisation that provides services in the St George area. Its purpose-built centre has an excellent range of resources and a secure play area.
Parents can relax knowing that their children are being cared for in a caring environment that nurtures their young minds. Parents can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their children are receiving a quality education.
Bayside Garden Centre
Bayside Garden Centre is a joint venture between Bayside Council and the St. George Intellectual Disability Foundation. The Centre offers a range of services for children and families with special needs. The centre is also a community hub for families in the local area. It offers a unique environment that combines an outdoor play area and educational activities for kids.
The Bayside Garden Centre is a community garden and plant nursery. It is a unique initiative that is a joint venture between Bayside City Council and the Intellectual Disability Foundation of St George. The Centre provides employment opportunities for people with disabilities through its contract growing and delivery services. In addition, the Centre also provides technical assistance to local councils and other organizations.
Ocean Street Kindergarten
Located at 62 Ocean St, Kogarah, NSW 2217, Ocean Street Kindergarten is an exceptional child care centre in Kogarah. This childcare centre offers a range of services for children from infants and toddlers to school age children. It is a licensed Centre-Based Care centre with a capacity of 29 children. It is accredited by ACECQA and has received a current KindiCare rating of 8.1. This centre also meets the national quality standard (NQS) for child care services.
There are currently no vacancies at this childcare centre. However, you can contact the childcare concierge to find a suitable childcare centre that will meet your child's needs.
Garrigarrang Early Education and Care Centre
If you are looking for a child care provider in the Kogarah area, then the Garrigarrang Early Education and Care Centre is a great option. The centre is located at 2 Garrigarrang Ave in Kogarah, NSW 2217 and is a licensed centre for up to 66 children. It has received service approval from the Australian Centre for Early Childhood Assessment (ACECQA) on 30 November 2020. It is rated NR by the KindiCare quality rating system and Provisional by the national quality standard.
The Garrigarrang Early Education and Care Centre is a new child care facility for the Kogarah community. It features a balcony for outdoor play and generous internal facilities. The centre is a new development on the former Darrel Lea site. It is located in an ideal location, with easy access to schools and public transport.
Bayside Council
Kogarah residents can look forward to a new child care centre opening soon, overlooking the beautiful Scarborough Park. The centre will feature generous internal facilities and an exciting outdoor play area. It will provide 66 places for children aged 0 to five years. It is part of a redevelopment on the site of the former Darrel Lea estate. The project is funded by a Voluntary Planning Agreement.
The new Kogarah Child Care Centre is situated in the inner-city suburb of Kogarah, NSW. The facility offers 66 places for children and is housed on two levels. It features generous facilities, an outdoor play area, and a large balcony.
At My Best Me, we believe early childhood years are the most vital in a person’s life as it sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, and wellbeing. Therefore, we are committed to providing quality early learning that helps us ensure each child’s best start to life and empower them to be the best versions of themselves.
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wutbju · 7 years
Bob Jones University Junior and friend of the Archive, Ryan Ashton produced this testimonial promotional video about his experience in a cult in California. 
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BJU’s own Jay Bopp is involved in Ryan’s project for his graphic design major.
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Ryan is very popular among BJU Alumni for talking about abuse. A self-described “anti-abuse advocate” Ryan wants to be our guru on all things BJU. 
After completing his sophomore year, Ryan declared:
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His entire text:
"What Kind of Culture Do BJU Students Want?"
This is a difficult time for everyone and in no way do I want to cause further distress. The news is not easy to hear. While I admire the loyalty many have shown to their alma mater—the evidence of what kind of culture we have as a school is plain and self-evident.
The first part of reforming a culture is to recognize what that culture is.
There exists a sizable amount of Christians committed to silencing discussion of any kind, who do not see a problem with the status quo, who deploy Christian vocabulary ("forgiveness," "grace") to coverup news of crimes, and who use shaming tactics to pressure misbehaving believers to fall in line.
The following tactics have been utilized against me in the past two days:
—You're shameful for posting about this —You're whining —You're making it about yourself and not the victims —You're trashing our school —You're punching Christ's bride in the face —You're harming others if you don't take the post down —Your post is disgusting —Your history being abused by Christians makes everything you say suspect —You're bitter
These are the signs of a university culture with goals contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ. If God favors silence in the face of evil, Jesus would have stayed home.
It is always ironic when God's people—children of light—are more outraged by those exposing sin within Christian communities than by the actual sin itself.
A bride who destroys and then covers up the devastation—pleading blamelessness while suppressing truth-tellers—is an unfaithful bride who must be confronted if there is any hope for true healing to occur.
I stand by what I believe: Bob Jones University deserves a better culture than the one we have. Since few people at BJU are willing to ask the hard questions about our culture of shame, fear, and silence, I am.
After escaping the insular, self-contained worlds of Mormonism and a house church cult, I can now recognize a self-destructive culture when I see one. There are many laudable things about BJU, but our response to truth-telling that doesn't agree with our viewpoint still needs work. We will live with far greater shame if we do not embrace self-examination for if we will not examine our culture, the world will continue to do it for us, and justifiably so.
When young women in our midst are victimized, feel shame, and fear retribution and thus are silenced from coming forward for years, we have a problem. When a student is allowed to enroll after a victim reports to the university that she was assaulted by him, we have a problem. The response of my post—the guilting tactics, the silencing, the rationalizations, the outrage over exposure of sin rather than the sin itself—stands as sad witness on why the victims, our classmates, waited years to come forward.
Even if you are a friend of the accused, and even if you are aware of sin in your own life, I challenge everyone to think about the victims in this situation—specifically, the young women who will live with the ramifications of sex assault crimes for the rest of their lives.
Be a loyal friend to the accused. Be a loyal friend to the school. But be a loyal friend to the victims, too.
What kind of culture do BJU students want? One where we cannot discuss the facts of what happened without sanctimonious micromanagement? One where the narc-culture of students tattling on other students makes vulnerability impossible and help seldom found? One where we endure the guilt and shaming tactics by peers who have grown up in toxic environments? Some students have already made their choice. I want a university without peer pressure that shames me into silence, where honesty is prized, where secrets are abnormal, and true grace is for all.
It is clear there are many students who want a better Bob Jones than the one we have currently. It begins by admitting what is plainly obvious: our enclave of fundamentalism has problems and it's time to be honest about them.
Grace without Justice is enablement. Forgiveness without accountability is negligence. We have work to do to make our student body a safe place for people to speak honestly about what happens on our campus.
When this archivist asked for clarification, however, Ryan the Advocate was not pleased:
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He’s talking about Ricky Altizer’s BOJE.us which I didn’t satire with BOJO.us. Another set of alumni did. Brilliantly.
And the whole Declaration of Empathy after the GRACE report was staged too. It was as plain as day. 
Now, however, we have a clearer picture of the reason for Ryan’s blow-up. He was already planning an academic project designing a book on the Redlands cult. He didn’t want to hurt his brand.
The book is pretty cool-looking. So good for you, Ryan. What does it say, however?
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Oh! I wish I had thought about that. . . . 
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There’s a novel idea. Hmm. . . .
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Jay -- why didn’t you have him cite a source? Ryan’s not an expert on this, but there are plenty who are. Why not have him go to an expert? 
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Okay. Well, there is that. How does this intersect with Bob Jones University?
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This is a picture of Bob Jones University’s mentoring and counseling and education. Read the book. Is this how you’d want your young adult child’s maturation to be . . . branded? 
Consider the employment options. Is this what you’d want your impressionable millennial to create for his portfolio? 
Look at how he treats someone who could be on his side. Is this how you’d want your young adult child to act?
Ryan desperately wants guru-status, a goal that has been exploited to distract people from the problems at Bob Jones University. Ryan, you will no doubt see this and will tell me to “go back to my cave,” and that’s fine. You are entering a tradition among BJU graduates of self-promotion in the name of “ministry.” We’ve all seen it for years. It never ends easily. I hope you find healing. 
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ronaldcwilliams · 4 years
Local Professional Photographer, Cindy Slocum, Offers Back to School Portraits with Mobile Photography Sessions
With back to school in mind, most parents, teachers, and students are getting ready; and Cindy Slocum wants to capture these special moments. She is offering back to school portraits with her mobile photography studio around The Inland Empire. Cindy, a local professional portrait photographer offering mobile, outdoor, and home services, made the announcement while explaining that with COVID-19 causing so much disruption in life, including the school calendar; it’s amazing to be able to capture these moments before they are gone. “At PortraitsbyCindy.com, we are making it easy by bringing the photo studio to you” said Cindy, adding that her mobile photography sessions are undertaken with strict observance of all county guidelines for safe business practices.
Cindy has been setting up photoshoots at parks and at people’s homes, taking newborn photos, back to school portraits, graduation photos, and birthday portraits. With her mobile photography setup, she brings her services to her customers now that social distancing has prevented people from coming to her.
Cindy, who has been offering photography services at locations, says she is making life easier for her customers by going to them with her mobile sessions. With COVID-19 having put on hold most activities and so many businesses closed, Cindy confirms that she is giving families a chance to capture those memorable moments in the comfort of their homes or selected locations. With the back to school portraits, she is giving parents and children a chance to look back and remember the good times. She believes that those memories are worth cherishing and should be preserved for the future. “Moms from all over the Inland Empire were calling asking about school photos. We’ve had some parents schedule me to come out and do photos for over a dozen kids in 1 neighborhood! It’s been really fun and the kids love it” said Cindy.
Highly Rated
Cindy’s customers rate her highly and highlight her professionalism, quality, and the perfect, natural shots that she delivers for any occasion. One customer, who had hired her for an engagement and wedding party, describes her as “an amazing photographer”. This satisfied customer also added that Cindy helped her with great poses and always correctly figured out where the shots should be taken. “She makes you feel comfortable and relaxed, taking her time to get everything just right,” confirming that she will always use Cindy for her photography needs for any occasion.
Another customer who had hired Cindy for a graduation and gender reveal photos, described her as “great and easy to work with”, revealing that she will be coming back for the newborn photos.
With a rating of five stars, her customers are pleased with her work, praising her for the great work and assistance accorded during the photoshoots. “I am so glad that my customers are happy with my work. I’ve taken maternity photos, newborn photos, birthday photos, graduation photos and the coolest part of what I do is being able to watch children and families grow.” Cindy said in reaction to her customers’ reviews.
Win A Photoshoot Raffle
Cindy is also running a promotion where she is giving customers a chance to win a free photoshoot. To enter the raffle, all you need to do is fill out a form where you provide your name and email address. There will be one winner who will be selected every month. Participants are not required to make any purchases to enter the raffle. Winners will be notified through email.
About Cindy Slocum
Cindy Slocum is a professional photographer living in Redlands, CA. She is the Chief Photographer of Now Start Marketing, a local digital marketing company. Cindy’s passion for photography began as a passion for film and evolved into photography. She studied photography at Riverside City College in 2007, where she made a name for herself taking pictures of local models, artists, and musicians.
Her photos have been featured on album covers, living room walls, magazines and websites across the world. Cindy has expanded her photography endeavors into product photography, food photography, commercial photography, and portraits.
CONTACT INFO Cindy Slocum Professional Photographer 909-246-4609 http://www.portraitsbycindy.com/ [email protected]
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Amazon Warehouse Worker
Warehouse Team Members
Shifts: Overnight, Early Morning, Day, Evening, Weekend
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Hourly pay rate: Earn $15/hr or more Immediate openings available now. Start as soon as 7 days. No resume or previous work experience required.
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Amazon remains open as an essential business to serve our communities delivering critical supplies directly to the doorsteps of people who need them. Find out what Amazon is doing to provide a safe environment for employees at this time on our COVID-19 FAQ page.
Candidates must be 18 years or older with ability to read and speak English for safety.
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Check out what some of our employees have to say about their jobs: https://www.amazondelivers.jobs/about/culture/
Amazon is hiring for the following types of roles in your area: Fulfillment Centers – Work inside an Amazon warehouse, selecting, packing and shipping customer orders. If you like a fast-paced, physical position that gets you up and moving, then come help bring orders to life. Work a set, full-time schedule. Shift options include overnight and days, and usually at least one weekend day.
Sort Centers – It’s no small job to get every order from click to customer door. Our sort centers are the first stop on the journey from the warehouse. You’ll be up on your feet moving and sorting packages between trucks. These are part-time opportunities with a consistent schedule of 25-35 hours per week.
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*Full-time and part-time roles with set schedules may also be available.
  Basic qualifications:
High school, GED, or equivalent diploma
Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
from California Jobs https://ift.tt/3l4vOlU via IFTTT
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redlandsiphonecases · 5 years
Your Phone Probably Won't Give You Coronavirus, But Here's How to Clean It Anyway
You aren’t likely to get coronavirus from personal tech devices you don’t share with others, but cleaning them is still a good idea. 
As governments, event organizers, and businesses have ramped up their response to the Coronavirus, now officially deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organization, normal people have responded in a lot of different ways. Some of these, like sharing hand-washing memes and stocking up on hand-sanitizer (even when it’s crazy expensive), make a lot of sense. Others, like the celebrity hazmat suit craze and the run on perishable oat milk, boggle the mind.
So, where on this spectrum from common sense, science-backed preventative measures to pure insanity does constantly stressing out about your germed-up your phone fall? If Google Trends is any indication, a lot of folks are curious.
It’s no secret that our phones are cesspools of bacteria. But according to experts on infectious diseases, when it comes to Coronavirus, they really aren’t the biggest risks.
“The likely contamination [of Coronavirus] from someone else to your personal device is low,” explains Dr. Jack Caravanos, a Clinical Professor of Global and Environmental Health at the NYU School of Global Public Health. Caravanos says it’s unlikely that any of us will get Coronavirus from personal items, like our phones, laptops, and keys.
“Other people don’t use your phone. Touching your phone only puts you at risk, if you’re already contaminated or if you touch something that’s contaminated and then you infect it that way,” he says. “But that’s sort of on the low scale.” It’s far more important, he notes, to pay attention to anything that is shared. “Whether it’s a doorknob, a toilet handle, a tray table at an airport, or something like a remote control, which we share in a family all the time, those are the critical items.”
Out of an abundance of caution (and because Coronavirus isn’t the only thing that can live on a touch screen), it’s still probably not a bad idea to clean your personal tech. And the best way to do that is with a disinfectant wipe (most are currently out of stock, so you’ll need to purchase them in person at the grocery store). In fact, Apple recently confirmed that using a disinfectant wipe is perfectly fine on any of its phones, tablets, or computers. The following now appears atop Apple’s support page on cleaning your phone: “Using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you may gently wipe the exterior surfaces of your iPhone. Don’t use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any openings, and don’t submerge your iPhone in any cleaning agents.”
Safe to say there shouldn’t be any risk in doing this on your other devices as well. “Once a day, at most, is probably good enough,” said Caravanos.
As long as you’re also following the guidelines set by the WHO—washing your hands and using hand-sanitizer whenever you might come into contact with a public surface, trying to generally keep at a distance from others, avoiding touching your face, and calling your doctor if you feel like you have symptoms—disinfecting your phone is another smart step you can take.
This article Your Phone Probably Won’t Give You Coronavirus, But Here’s How to Clean It Anyway originally appeared on GQ.com
Please feel free to come and see us at Redlands iPhone Cases to check out our cases.
from Redlands iPhone Cases https://redlandsiphonecases.home.blog/2020/03/19/your-phone-probably-wont-give-you-coronavirus-but-heres-how-to-clean-it-anyway/
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friday1econlive · 5 years
Econ Live: My Monthly Trips to San Diego with Friends
Name: Ryan Vinh Nguyen
ID: 10619852
Discussion: Friday 1:00 - 1:50
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In High School, I usually told people that I have two groups of friends. Friend group number one was the friends that I made at school, through classes and random interactions. I still see these friends quite a lot even though we all go to different universities. Friend group number two, however, are the friends that I made through traveling throughout the Inland Empire because of a club that I was in. My group of friends ranges from East LA, Santa Monica, Redlands, San Bernardino, and as far as San Diego. Because we all live so far from each other, we all knew that it was going to be hard to visit one another once we all went to college. So we all made a pact that at least once a month, we would make a road trip to San Diego and spend the weekend together. I would say that this pact seemed a lot more simple when we first made it but after six months of San Diego trips, I have to say that it’s a lot more difficult to organize and execute than I expected.
Throughout this Econ Live, I’m going to be explaining everything I do, everything my group does, and everything that has to be done and considered when we plan our trips. I will be talking about trade-offs and opportunity costs, factors that shift demand curves, how we respond to incentives, and how trade makes us better off. I’m the only one in my friend group that has taken Econ so I guess I’m the economist of the group!
The first thing that we as a group discuss when setting up the trip is the incentive, also known as: what do we get out of going to San Diego? While we all agree that one of the incentives that we all share is being able to spend time together as a group, everyone has additional incentives that may differ from the rest of us. Examples include:
I have a significant other that lives in San Diego so going on the trip means being able to see her.
A friend has a family that lives in San Diego so going on the trip means being able to see them.
A friend has a favorite food joint that is only located in San Diego so going on the trip means being able to eat there.
A friend loves going to a beach in San Diego so going on the trip means being able to go to that beach.
Other incentives affect our trips as well. For example, one weekend it was predicted to be raining and for us living so far away, driving in the rain was a risky thing to do. When the percentage of the chance of rain rises, more of us decide to cancel our trip. Another example includes the price of gas. Because we use a lot of gas on our trip, when the price of gas rises, fewer of us are willing to drive. But if the price of gas were to lower, more of us would be willing to go because we wouldn’t have to pay as much. A more recent issue that we’ve run into when planning a future trip includes the effects of Coronavirus. Because most of us are afraid of catching Coronavirus, when the number of cases of Coronavirus in the US begins to rise, fewer of us are willing to go out from the safety of our homes. 
The next thing that we talk about is what we all have going on during that weekend, whether we’re busy with other priorities or would rather do something else because the value of that outweighs the value of going on the San Diego trip. In economic terms, these are the trade-offs we face as a group.
List of Trade-Offs that we faced when planning the trip:
Studying for midterms or going on the trip
Attending a family wedding or going on the trip
Watching a movie or going on the trip
Attending a club convention or going on the trip
Saving money or going on the trip
Attend an SAT workshop or going on the trip
Not making parents mad for going out so much or going on the trip
Trade-offs in economics, lead to opportunity costs. Opportunity costs are what you give up by choosing the other option. There were several times that people chose to attend the trip over the other options and vice versa. The reasoning behind us choosing one trade-off over another is that one trade-off has more value over the other trade-off. In the following table, I go into detail of the trade-offs stated above and state the opportunity costs and effects of it. 
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After planning out what our trade-offs and opportunity costs are, we begin to plan out our itinerary, and in that itinerary, we designate the roles for each person. The main role that I would like to go over that relates to a topic that we’ve discussed this quarter are the drivers of the trip. Drivers are one of the roles that are the most important in our trips but no one ever wants to drive. Several costs come with being the driver, which include:
Paying for Gas
The condition of the vehicle begins to deteriorate.
The drive is long and boring
Driving can be tiring
You’re responsible for keeping everyone in the car safe
If an accident happens, you have to deal with the consequences
Being the driver might not be fun but in our friend group, we’ve decided to lay ground rules and benefits for the driver. This is where we institute economic principle #5, the trade makes everyone better off. The benefits that we’ve instituted for the driver include.
Everyone pitches in for gas
The driver gets to pick the music for the drive
Everyone has to pay for the driver’s first meal in San Diego
Whoever’s in the passenger seat has to stay off their phone to talk to the driver and keep them awake
This trade allows the friend in the group that is good at driving to specialize in it and get benefits from it and for others to be able to rest in the car and do other activities. Everyone wins with this trade.
After finishing our planning, we are finally on our way to San Diego. The total drive from where I live to San Diego is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes but it is always changing. The ETA is always changing because of the unpredictability of traffic. Traffic on the way to San Diego is often caused by accidents that are blocking lanes which lead to negative externalities. Car accidents cause traffic which leads to longer arrival times for drivers, with idle cars that are running their engine, wasting gas and batteries, on top of angry and irritated drivers which represent this negative externality.
After the long drive, we finally arrived in San Diego. The first time we had a San Diego trip we created a tradition which was to go get ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop. The first time we went, it was very busy which we expected because it was the middle of summer and the temperature was over 100 degrees outside. But as the months passed and we started to enter November and December, the lines started to get shorter. This is a simple example of a factor that shifts demand. In the graph below you see the demand for ice cream in the summer, with a price equilibrium of $4.
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The factor that shifts demand to the left is the cold weather. As winter came, the temperature began to drop which resulted in fewer people wanting to buy ice cream. The price equilibrium went down from the original $4 to $3, meaning that if the management of the ice cream store wants to achieve the equilibrium price, they would have to make the price of their ice cream cheaper to attract more customers and make up for the customers that weren’t coming because of the cold. Our group continues to eat there no matter what the weather is like.
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While basic expenses continue to be spent throughout the trip (paying for food, entertainment, and hotels), that sums up the economic factors that play in during my trip to San Diego. While it is time-consuming and sometimes the incentive doesn’t outweigh the cost, I appreciate these trips because it allows me to see all my friends together again. Just like old times. We all love these trips until someone asks who’s driving home.
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Redlands QLD
Roof and Solar Panel Cleaning for Redlands
Looking for professional cleaning services in your area of Redlands? You are at the right place. We specialise in Roof and Solar Panel Cleaning but provide much more.
Let us understand your cleaning needs and relax as our experienced and professional cleaners turn your residential and commercial back to sparkling clean.
Reach and Wash Cleaning provides a wide range of cleaning/ washing services to residential and commercial locations. We have built an outstanding relationship with our clients on the basis of affordable rates, ethical standards, and high-quality services.
We have 20 Years’ Experience in cleaning services and have our quality services to thousands of clients all over the region. We have the knowledge and expertise that you need.
Reach and Wash Cleaning provides cleaning and washing services at Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, & Ipswich. (Australia).
Roof Cleaning (including Gutters, and Tile Pressure Washing)
Regular roof cleaning preserves the life of your roofs, shingles, and tiles, eliminating the damaging grit, algae, soot, moss, and restoring the beautiful roof color.
Maintaining clean gutters is essential in preventing clogs, which can lead to leaks and damage of siding or flooding of your basement.
At Reach and Wash Cleaning, we provide gutter cleaning services, cleaning every bit of your gutter system of debris, including twigs, mud, leaves, and ice.
Our professionals will take care of cleaning your gutters so you will not have to get up on a ladder and spend your valuable time doing the maintenance work.
We also provide tile pressure washing to remove all the debris by blowing the roof off with our pressure washing machines. We take great care to ensure we do not break tiles, but in case any gets broken, we have the replacement tiles on hand.
Solar Panel Cleaning Redlands
The use of renewable energy has increased gradually, and its essential that you maintain the performance of your investment.
Though solar panels have a self-cleaning mechanism, dust accumulation and lichen growth prevent light energy from hitting the solar surface, maximally reducing the conversion capacity. We use the latest heated pure water technology for safe and efficient cleaning to restore your solar to maximum efficiency.
We do the cleaning per the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions of avoiding to use detergents during solar cleaning as it leaves microscopic residues that attract dirt and grime.
Window Cleaning
Nothing brightens your home or business like freshly cleaned windows. At Reach and Wash Cleaning, we are aware of the significance of bestowing a lovely commercial premise, building, or office in maintaining the right company image.
We are hence committed to offering the highest window cleaning standards. Our window cleaning process is quick and tailored to your lifestyle.
You can contact us today for an on-site demonstration. Once you set an appointment with us, we will get there on time and get ready to start working.
Commercial Cleaning
Your business customers and clients get significantly influenced but the appearance of your commercial property. When the need comes to clean your commercial residence, we have the required experience, cleaning equipment, and expertise to leave your commercial property sparkling clean.
We will ensure we protect your commercial investment making sure that clients and customers are not put off by its outside appearance.
Pressure Cleaning/Washing
Pressure cleaning your home’s exterior, such as aluminum, vinyl, wood, or composite siding is an excellent way of brightening up the look of your home. RWC is no ordinary pressure washing service. We provide a combination of washing techniques and experience to efficiently remove concrete surfaces of tough stains, mold, algae, and dirt, leaving it as clean as new.
Signage/Awning Cleaning
We know the importance of exterior signs in attracting clients to your business place. It is essential in making it unique from others and reinforcing your brand. At RWC, we have an advanced water fed pole system that delivers hot water up to a height of five stories for though cleaning.
As Billboard advertisement tremendously gains popularity, we provide a large format display and a digital LED cleaning.
Awnings serve as a great addition to a property, adding a pop of vibrancy and color to your properties and also serving as weather protectors, offering shade for those hot summer days.
However, if you own an awning, you know how dirty it can be; bird droppings, mildew, rust, and even dust. At Reach and Wash Cleaning, we provide professional washing services for all awning types, including vinyl, canvas, and glass, removing unwanted debris and mold without causing damage to the material.
Our experienced experts remove unwanted grime and build up from your canopy or awning, restoring it to a brand-new state.
Can Reach A Height Of 20 Meters Washing/Cleaning Windows
Our company has modern state of the art and water fed pole machines to access and clean the areas that are problematic to reach. We also have safe working platforms, scissor lifts, and mobile booms to reach high heights of about twenty meters window cleaning and window.
Fully compliant with Health & Safety Procedures
Reach and Wash Cleaning are fully compliant with safety and health procedures. We ensure that we use safe and eco-friendly washing ingredients that are approved by the health and environmental bodies. As stated above, we mostly use pure water that has no additional components.
Reach and Wash Cleaning Use the Latest Technology with Pure De-Ionized Thermopure Water
We have advanced in the use of hot pure de-ionized thermopure water, vacuum recovery pressure cleaners, and truck-mounted soft washing units.
We use the latest technology in ensuring we leave no room for dirt, giving our clients nothing less than the highest quality services.
We transport and supply all water required for the job from a technologically advanced filtration unit providing 100% purified and deionized water at optimum heated temperature for more effective cleaning and absorption of dirt.
We provide our service for commercial businesses, residential homes, schools, conservatories, and others, which is proved by clients who keep coming back for regular cleaning services.
Why Choose Us as your Redlands Cleaner?
BCC Registered Water Competent Operator
Innovative themopure water cleaning system technology
Established track record
Skilled & Uniformed professionals. Our qualified staff is well trained to provide you with the best outcome for all your cleaning needs.
Reachable Referees
Contact us today through our telephone line to book an appointment or discuss your cleaning requirements. Our friendly and experienced staff will explain to you all your cleaning and washing needs and ensure outstanding results every time they attend to you.
We provide a full guarantee of being the best cleaning company, and you are sure of ultimate satisfaction.
  The post Redlands QLD appeared first on Reach and Wash Cleaning.
source https://www.reachandwashcleaning.com.au/roof-cleaning/redlands-qld/
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