#Sakura Yumi
rebelangelsims · 1 year
Sims Followers Gift
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Introducing Best Friends Sakura Yumi & Park Mi-Young
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Mi-Young is a Gumiho (Nine Tail fox), Best friend of Yumi and super protective of her since the two met in high school specially when she got bullied for glasses and her hearing aid and she won't deny that she hasn't ate the liver of those who cross Yumi.
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Yumi is an inspiring artist (I forgot to giving them skills but she would be like a level 8 painter), she is a lesbian and has been best friends with Mi-Young since they were in high school when Yumi's family moved from Japan to Korea for her mother's work; Yumi knows that Mi-Young is a gumiho
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Also they have matching tattoos. Please tag me if you use them!!!! also Fox only have one true love
Download them here
CC List:
Skin // Eyes + recolor // Tattoo *T*r Warning // lips (Tender) // Teeth (Merged package)
Yumi cc:
Hair // Glasses // moles // Eyebrows (Velvet I think)// Top // Jeans // Jacket // Boots
Mi-Young cc:
Hair // eyebrows // Fox Eyes (Hellion) // Jacket // Accessory top (7) // pants //Shoes (Leather ankle boots 05)
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magical-girl-mayday · 1 month
Pink Magical Girls 🩷
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avfanatics · 28 days
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Yoda Rin 与田りん
Nijimura Yumi 虹村ゆみ
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Hanazato Akari 花里アカリ
Sakura Suzuka 桜すずか
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Futaba Rena 双葉れぇな
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Momona Tamada, born 2006, Japanese, Canadian
similar faces/older versions requested by @leelestrange:
Jessica Lu, born 1985, Chinese, Japanese
Kiko Mizuhara, born 1990, English, some Scottish, Irish, German, Zainichi Korean
Rina Sawayama, born 1990, Japanese, British
Sakura Heffron, born 1994, Japanese, Norwegian, American
Midori Francis, born 1994, Japanese, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Italian
Adeline Rudolph, born 1995, German, Korean
Yumi Nu, born 1996, Dutch, Japanese
Natalie Nootenboom, born 2000, Dutch, Japanese
Cha Lor, born 2000, Hmong
Jennifer Koch, born unknown, Korean, German
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kanazawa-division · 10 months
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Let’s have a word with our Judges!
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@saitama-division @okinawa-division @minato-division01 @shizuokadivision @akihabara-division03
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crescentmoonrider · 6 months
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mizuki genazo my beloved <3
(i still cant watch the movie)
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shizuokadivision · 4 months
"Uhh... boss?"
That was the first words spoken by one of Sakura Kito's underlings who poked his head into his boss's office, who was busy getting some work done before her birthday was over.
"What is it?" Sakura asked, without looking up.
"Uhm, a gift arrived for you. It's outside by the entrance." The lackey answered.
"Okay, and?" Sakura responded, sounding slightly annoyed. "Just leave it there. I'll get to it later."
"Uhh... that's the thing, boss," The lackey said, sounding nervous. "Your gift... it's uhh, it's moving..."
"Moving?" Sakura questioned, finally looking up. "What do you mean it's 'moving'?"
"Never mind, I'll come see it myself."
Curious and annoyed, the Yakuza boss stopped what she was doing and headed to the entrance where all of the Kito-gumi were gathered around to see a very large and tall crate that, while seemingly looked harmless and empty, was moving periodically, causing all of the members to have their weapons out, prepared to put this strange thing out of its misery. Looking as their leader had arrived, the group wordlessly moved out of the way, letting her through. True to her lackey's word, the crate did move, making Sakura frown.
"Who delivered this?" She asked.
"We're not sure, ma'am." One of the lackeys answered. "We checked the security feeds, but it doesn't show who dropped it off."
Frowning even more, the Kito-gumi boss ordered it to be opened at once. Obeying, one of the men opened the crate while the rest of the group continued to have their weapons at the ready, prepared to obliterate whatever it was. As the box was opened and the lid fell down on the ground, everyone, especially Sakura's, eyes opened wide. Why?
Trapped inside the box were three men that Sakura knew very well.
One, was a dark purple and neon green-haired man with golden eyes, looking more annoyed than anything. The second was an older gentleman with long dark blue hair that was tied back by a red ribbon and had emerald-colored eyes behind a pair of oval glasses, looking slightly scared. The last one, and the one Sakura had her attention on the most, was a familiar-looking glass-maker with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes looking scared out of his wits.
...The thing is... all three of them had nothing on but black thongs, which, unfortunately, did little to cover up anything decent. They all stared back at the Kito-gumi leader, who was too shell-shocked to say or do anything, even as everyone's attention was on her.
Elsewhere, on the outskirts of Shizuoka...
Driving in a high-priced car, leaving the city, a familiar blonde-haired adult film maker was driving the car with a well-known socialite beside her in the passenger seat.
"You realize she's going to kill you for this, right?"
"Maybe, but that's a problem for future me to worry about. Now then, drinks at your place?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
Sakura stared at the scene in front of her gobsmacked not even bothering to hide her surprise. The rest of her men seemed to share her sentiments as well given that they as well had similar shocked expressions. Even Irina and Fengzhui two of the most cold and callous people she had ever met could barely keep the shock off their faces.
What, how, and why were all of Toyama in front of her dressed like that? Sakura liked to think she could roll with the punches given who her teammates were but this was just what the fuck?  Was this punishment for all the shit she's done over the years because if it was she’d like to have a few words with whoever was in charge of that. 
“Someone give them something to cover up with,” Sakura ordered rubbing her face. “You three I’m not sure what the fuck this is but my men will give you clothing to wear so you can leave with some of your dignity intact. I….need a fucking drink right now. No one fucking bother me while I’m in my office for the next hour or else.” 
Sakura turned to head head to her office not at all wanting to see what was gonna happen next. Collapsing in her desk chair Sakura pulled her hair out of its usual ponytail and much to her annoyance, her phone began to ring. Groaning as she saw it was Reika Sakura put the phone on speaker mode.
“What Reika? I’m not in the fucking mood.”
“Someone’s being a bitch for just having a gift delivered.”
“You would feel the same way if you saw what gift….wait how the hell did you know I got a gift right now?”
“Well, would you look a that? Seems like I’m out of time to chat!”
“Was it you?”
“Sorry, Sakura I have a guest over! Ta-da!”
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arbitrarygreay · 3 months
2024 list of 20 H!P vocalists
Tsutsui Roko (OC) Nishizaki Miku (OC) Yofu Runo (TF) Fukuda Marine (TF) Yagi Shiori (TF) Kasai Yumi (TF) Nishida Shiori (Byonz) Yamazaki Yuhane (Byonz) Matsunaga Riai (J=J) Inoue Rei (J=J) Dambara Ruru (J=J) Matsumoto Wakana (Anju) Hirayama Yuki (Anju) Kamikokuryo Moe (Anju) Yamazaki Mei (MM) Kitagawa Rio (MM) Oda Sakura (MM) Hayashi Nina (KSS) Goto Hana (Anju) Kawashima Miju (J=J)
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akihabaradivision · 10 months
Keiko's Thoughts on Takatsuki Division (Redux)
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Aiko Mayeda
"Wow... so Aiko-san is leading Takatsuki Division now? ...Huh. It's kinda funny, to be honest. He seemed like a very laid-back guy, not really interested in being a leader, much less being in the D.R.B., itself. I know he only joined in the first place cause he was friends with Ryoko. But now that she's... passed-on, what's his reason for still doing it? Is it out of respect for her? If so, then good on him."
"Besides that, I haven't much to Takatsuki lately, so I haven't had a chance to stop by Club Nova. I hope with his new responsibilities as leader, he'll still have a chance to perform."
Kirumi Mayeda
"I actually got a chance to speak with Kirumi-san recently. She did the voice of 'Mikio' one of the female leads in "Red of the Ambitious". Not surprisingly, she did very well! I'll never understand how voice actors can change their voices to sound so different, yet so similar to the ones they've done before. I have respect for them. I haven't spoken to her since Ryoko-san's passing, but I can tell she was upset about it, especially since she was the one who found Ryoko in her... state. I hope she's doing better..."
Yukiko "Yuki" Sakura
Keiko frowns at the photo of the bartender woman. "...No offense to Aiko-san, but, and this is just my opinion, he could have done a lot better, or searched harder for a new teammate to replace Ryoko in the third spot. Takatsuki is a... fairly large city. I don't think it would have been all that difficult to find someone much better. I mean, I know she's his girlfriend, but… he could have done better than having a former porn star in his group."
"...What, you're curious on how I know about her "former" profession? I read up and do research on everyone in the D.R.B., or everyone that attracts Chuohku's interest. So when Aiko came to Chuohku to give his new team roster, naturally, I looked up on who it was. Imagine my surprise when his new team consisted of himself, Kirumi-san, and... his girlfriend, the infamous 'Yukiko Sakura'."
"Truthfully though, I didn't need to do research on her since I already knew about her thanks to my mot-, I mean, that woman. Anyone involved with the porn industry I keep tabs on. Why? So I know who to avoid in case they are acquaintances with my mother, which they usually are. ...Gah, as if having one porn star in this tournament wasn't bad enough. Now, we have two. I get that she's "taking a break", but I've no doubt she'll slip back into her old ways. Porn freaks can never stay away for too long..."
Fractured Eclipse
"...You know, no offense to this division, but... I'm kind of surprised that Otome-sama let them reform after Ryoko-san sadly passed. I figured the only reason they were allowed to form in the first place was because of Ryoko. But judging the success rate they had against the other divisions, I'm surprised the Prime Minister left them alone for so long."
"I suppose since they were already involved in the tournament, letting them disband because of Ryoko-san's passing would be a waste. Still, and nothing against Aiko and Kirumi, Ryoko was, perhaps, the only real threat out of the previous team. With her gone and Aiko-san taking over, I don't see this new team doing any better than the previous one. ...But then again, Ryoko-san did have a lot of animosity with many other people in the divisions. Perhaps with Aiko-san in charge, the team's reputation will get better. But as for performance-wise, well... we'll see what happens when they have their first battle."
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astoldbyfolkslore · 3 months
[ sick ] sender cares for receiver while they are sick "Don't worry, I'm here for you!" she chirped, while she gently passed a wet cloth on his forehead. "You'll be fine brother"
A groan could be heard from the archer , rather reluctant to accept the care . He was fine , truly ! Even if .. every other sign was against him. In truth, he just hated being out of commission, considering there were so many other things that could be done, and yet, here was stuck in his bed due to a cold. In a sense to him .. it was humiliating. Yet, despite all of his huffing and puffing, he wasn’t alone in this.
Takumi had his younger sister! Which made it feel as if this dreaded sickness was somewhat easier. " Thank you, Sakura .. " Would he softly mumble, eyes closing feeling the cloth upon his head. A soft hum at the coolness upon his forehead made the room feel as it were a bit cooler.
" Be careful though .. I don’t want you to get sick .. cause of looking after me. “ He grumbled, tired hues peeking from underneath closed slits. Not to mention that he would feel guilty for getting her sick, from taking care of him. A tad bothered by how bright the light was, yet far too tired to properly make a complaint about it. Only refuting it by closing his eyes once more. Throat rather scratchy, Takumi would let out a small cough to try and soothe it. Though .. it didn’t have to much of the result he had expected.
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gracieelinn · 6 months
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Okay, last update for the day.
Books I Read in January/February (from top left to bottom):
Yumi (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson)
Spensa Nightshade (Defiant by Brandon Sanderson)
Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess manga series by Akira Himekawa)
Vin Venture (The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson)
Enola Holmes (Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose by Nancy Springer)
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ashitomarisu · 9 months
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(Took me long enough to post something for the new year).
Almost done watching Ah! My Goddess, but not without drawing crossovers. Obviously, Skuld!Keroberos is just everything I need right now in a crossover. Urd!Gomechan, on the other hand, was an afterthought.*
*Urd's seiyuu, Yumi Touma, originally voiced Gomechan in the 1991 anime adaptation of Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken.
Believe me, if I went any further with Gomechan, I'd end up with an army of school idol Gomechan variations (I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DRAW 30+ SCHOOL IDOLS FFS).
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takatsuki-division · 10 months
Yukiko’s thoughts on Otaku Corps
The woman frowns slightly.
“I haven’t met this girl and I do not wish to should she ever find out my former profession. I will however state this bluntly- your mother did what she had to.” She sighs “When my father walked out on us my mother had to take to the street corners to make money to support us- she tried her damn best to make things work out for us. Porn has its ups and downs- your classmates probably weren’t kind in high school but at least your mother LOVED you”
“I’ve resigned myself to never having kids after hearing from Aika-san how much you hate her. I couldn’t bear to have a child look at me with so much disgust. Sex sells sweetheart- and I did what I had to.”
“I Hope one day- you grow up. You grow up and see that your mother wants what’s best for you”
“She seems like a real sweetheart- Kirumi says that one of the people she was tutoring was close with her” she smiles “Her content isn’t my cup of tea usually- I’m not one for ghosts but I watch her videos from time to time”
“Ah a gamer- Kirumi told me about her before I think. I’m not big on video games- mainly playing them to support Kirumi. She seems alright”
Otaku corps
“I have no problem with Criss and Nikki but…Keiko. I Hope maybe i can knock some sense into you when we enter the ring”
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annikavelde · 1 year
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Kaya Body: Ebody - Reborn  Hair: VCO - Jena Eyes:  REVERIE - Ichigo Eyes *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Horns: Vermilion x Hollow - Monster Girl - Horns Tails: Vermilion - Sucuba Tail Claws: STOIC - Manicured Claws
.:CLOTHING:. Necklace/Choker: Kibitz - Jodi’s Necklace Shirt: Yumi - Nensi Top *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Bra: Lunar - Kini Bikini Top Summer of ‘22 Shorts: Lunar - Sati Shorts Stockings: Lunar - Lala Stockings
.:SCENE:. Plushies: Sakura - Hanging Plushie Tower *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Frog Chair: Mishmish - Frog Bean Bag *NEW* @ Kustom9 TV: Astralia - Love in Space - Television Pose: Versuta - Junee
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cauterisen · 1 month
okay. does anyone remember in like. the old cartoon network website there was a feature where you could bid for cartoon images/characters or something as a auction? i remember it being called cartoon orbit
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kanazawa-division · 10 months
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We took careful consideration for our judges for this pageant. Five judges to judge our contestants fairly without any prejudice or biases, we searched high and low across all of the Divisions before selecting the following…
1. The Model: Lola Takahashi of Saitama
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2. The Sweetheart: Evelyn Rose of Okinawa
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3. The ‘Expert’: Aika Yumi of Minato
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4. The Boss: Sakura Kito of Shizuoka
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5. The Professional: Shian Meizono of Akihabara
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We look forward to see their thoughts and judgment in the following rounds!
@okinawa-division @minato-division01 @shizuokadivision @akihabara-division03 @saitama-division
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