#Salaar T-shirt
printigly · 6 months
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depressedfordestiel · 8 months
Salaar Brainrot
Sometimes life gives lemons, and asks you to make a lemonade. But to Varadha raja Mannar, life gave him the devil, with the name of Deva.
Varadha grinned at the irony of the name, as he listened to his beloved friend’s angry rant, and in the end his adorable sorry for beheading a man for him. Varadha was still in shock for that. The sounds Deva’s pleas and slick sound of Narang’s head being cut off reverberated in his mind repeatedly. It was a bad idea bringing him here. He became selfish. He needed to use that blood thirsty attitude of Deva to cleanse Khansaar. Heneeded his Deva. 
“I’m the one who has to say sorry to you. It’s all my fault.” It was, He knew the consequences of bringing Deva to this hellhole. He knew the extent of crazy his Salaar would go for him. He knew how it would affect Deva. Deva did not choose this, he did not choose to murder people, but for his Varadha, he couldn’t help himself. He knew this, Yet he did nothing.”No matter what happened here, I restrained myself from calling you. But I couldn’t do it.” Tears started gathering in his eyes, as he remembered those lonely nights he cried himself to sleep missing this man. He looked down, trying to keep his tears at bay. 
If he did not have his pride as a Mannar and as a man, he would have let his tears flow easily,  “You could have been great anywhere except here. I’m Sorry” He tried to look at Deva, through the tears, only to find himself face to face with the man. T
he bars separating them were bent out of shape. The astonishing part was how they were wide enough for this monster of a man to fit right in. In his shocked state he didn’t realise had let go of the tears he tried so hard to keep in. At least not until he felt rough calloused fingers wipe his cheek. 
Deva was a little taller than him, so Varadha had to look up to catch the man’s beautiful hazel eyes. What he saw in them had Varadha weak in his knees. The amount of devotion and love he saw in those eyes ; Varadha couldn’t help but put his arms around Deva and pull him into his embrace. 
Once, in his drunken state, Varadha had confessed that he felt scared, but he forgot to mention how safe he felt in Deva’s presence. His relief knew no bounds when Deva agreed to come back to khansaar. To him. He sobbed more freely now. His shoulders shaking from all the feelings he tried to hide, now flowing freely in the arms of his loving Salaar. And Deva simply stood there, holding the crying man close to him. His nerves boiling with anger at whoever caused his Varadha so much Pain and Hurt. He wanted to kill each and every one of them. Sacrifice their lives for his Sultan. He wanted to curse himself for not being here, with him. To not support him. But right now all he could do was gently hold the man, rubbing soothing circles on his waist and manoeuvring his head towards his chest to get even closer to him. 
Universe seemed to stop at that particular moment. It was only the two of them and no one else. Varadha felt so safe he felt it easy to let go of his consciousness. He was sure that no nightmare would haunt now that his Salaar swore to protect him. 
So much had he comforted himself In the arms of his loved one, that Varadha didn’t even realise that they were now seated on the slab of stone kept for them in the middle of the cell, with him completely occupying Deva’s lap and his hands grabbing on the the fabric of Deva’s shirt on his back. He didn’t even realise that all the guards had been silently shooed away by Deva by a simple gesture of silence and a glare which promised their deaths if they dared to disturb his Varadha’s long awaited peaceful slumber. 
“ I do not care for what they think. Just tell me what decision you take for yourself.” That’s what Deva had said to him, the night before the voting. It was clear, that Deva was ready to do anything for him at that moment.
“Khansaar erupu skala!” He had declared for him. A promise to avenge him, to get revenge for him. He knew Varadha was burning with the need for revenge for all the years of torture he had to bear at the hands of all those who claimed to have ruled Khansaar. It was Deva’s promise to Varadha, his Sultan. 
“You asked me what I named him when I was young didn’t you” Varadha said to his brother, who had hurriedly come to his side, fighting his side of the battle. He was looking at Deva, the scars on his back indicating his shouryaanga desendance. While the world knew that the shouryaanga sword ritual was performed as an allegiance to their God. Varadha knew who Deva was performing the ritual for, to whom he was pledging his loyalty.
“Salaar.” He said, proudly, looking at the strong beautiful man who pledged and promised to make him his King, his Sultan.
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luxshine · 5 months
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Deep below the surface of the ocean, the under water kingdom of merpeople has a king, a shark who will attack anyone who comes near... but the truth is that he never needs to soil his hands and fangs with blood, because he has a trusty white shark mer who is devoted body and soul to him, and will bite the arm off anyone who dares to touch his king in anger.
This piece is once again, based on Salaar which is the second gayest straight movie I've ever seen. Seriously, it rivals RRR when you measure how frigging devoted Deva and Varadha are to each other. And of course, at some point Deva SAYS that he will be Varadha's shark so... their tails were obvious.
This is Salaar's trailer, and you can watch it on Netflix (I also shared it on Day 2, but seriously, any excuse to share Salaar!)
And once again, if you like the art and want it on your wall, or on a shirt or a button? Here it is!
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sometimesbrave · 6 months
Secret Rendevous
Varadeva Band AU brain worms consumed me and I vomited this out.
Warnings: nsfw, 18+
Sunflower Vol. 6 - Harry Styles
Honey(Are you coming?) - Måneskin
Deva watched The Mannequins perform, from backstage. His band will go on stage after them. Rama, The Mannequins' manager was beaming proudly at her brother, the lead singer. He wanted to get a good look of the lead singer's face. He didn't necessarily hate the view of the lead singer's back. He couldn't wait to get hold of Varadha's perfect ass into his hands, once the Annual Day event ends. He wanted to watch Varadha whimper in that crumpled light blue shirt so badly. He was afraid he would take Varadha into his mouth once they get into his car.
As Varadha started to sing, Deva noticed the first line of audience filled with pretty boys in cotton shirts and pretty girls in summer dresses, all looking up at Varadha so admiringly. Then he observed that the audience started hooting more for Varadha. So, he went to the front stage to watch Varadha's performance properly.
I couldn't want you anymore
Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
I couldn't want you anymore tonight
Wondering headshake
Tired eyes are the death of me
Mouthful of toothpaste
Before I got to know you
Varadha's style was performative with every lyric. The soothing melodies he sang, the way he performed always took the audience's breath away. He performed to be free, to sing and to dance.
Varadha was also amazing at enticing the audience . Picking out a particularly enamoured guy and lick his tongue on his upper lip while making eye contact. Blowing out a kiss to the pretty girl in the right side of the audience which made her faint. At the end of the performance, Varadha opened up a water bottle, took a sip but poured the rest of it down his face and chest. His translucent shirt now sticking to his chest, showing his nipples and his eyeliner which was now completely smudged. It didn't help that he was completely dazed from the performance and his chest was heaving very much.
Deva felt a tinge of envy towards Varadha because of his performance. He felt a bit annoyed that the audience got to see him like this.
Only I should see him like this. This messy. This vulnerable. This dazed, he thought
Backstage, as usual Deva and Varadha didn't interact at all. Their bands didn't like each other. Whatever trysts or random hookups Varadha and Deva had, their bandmates were completely in the dark about those. They both preferred it that way. Or so they assumed about the other.
Deva and Varadha were rivals. Whatever they have going on over the past few months will fade, they both thought. They were waiting for whatever this is to fade. To end. But it only seemed to be growing stronger. Deva's eyes met with Varadha's as he was about to step on to the stage. Varadha stuck out his tongue and gave him a wide grin.
He put up a thumbs up and mouthed, "Good luck, baby", cheekily.
Deva took to the stage and he was intimated by the swarming crowd. Deva observed that the first line of the audience changed. Now the line consisted of pretty girls and pretty guys in heavy black eyeliner most of them in black T-shirt and jeans.
His demeanor changed entirely as he stood in the middle of the stage. His lips touched the mic and looked into the audience as the sound of his breathing reverberated.
"Hello, everybody. This is Cheap Green", he shouted at the top of his lungs as the crowd shrieked.
We're gonna get sky-high and create a new world
Where somebody might die, but nobody gets hurt
And if it sounds good for you, baby, just say the word
You will like it
It's 5 am
We feel so good, it's almost frightening
It's 5 am
I'm made for you, we can't deny it
The entire performance was a blur to him. He recalled that at one point, he and his bandmate Bhaarava were jamming together. And he must have screamed out the lyrics very loudly throughout because his throat felt sour. But he remembers the electricity he felt on the stage. He already missed it as he got off the stage.
Deva headed straight to the bathroom after hugging his bandmates. He was still shivering when he washed his face at the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was extremely sweaty. His black T-shirt sticking to his chest and under his armpits. He now recalled that he had worn a formal black shirt over the T-shirt which he had thrown into the audience. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the bewildered look of the guy who caught the shirt. He closed his eyes and breathed steadily to ground himself for a few moments.
The bathroom door opened and closed. Then he heard a clicking noise as the person locked the door. He opened his eyes to see Varadha eyeing his reflection in the mirror.
He was still wearing the blue shirt and the light brown shorts showing off his perfect legs.
Deva eyed Varadha as he grew nearer. His stomach fluttered.
"You were really good.", Varadha said in a low voice as he stood beside him, leaning against the sink.
Deva gave him a little smile. "So were you", he said resting his hand on Varadha's.
Varadha's palm trailed up his hand and reached his neck. He squeezed it gently that sent shivers down Deva's body. He gently placed his lips on Deva's lips.
"You put on quite a show today", Deva said, his breath hitching as Varadha bit into his collar bone.
Varadha put his hands under Deva's T-shirt, and whispered into his ear, "God, you are sweaty, baby" as he pulled the T-shirt off Deva's chest.
"Vara, not here, no", Deva chuckled.
"That's where you are wrong, baby. Right here. Right now.", Varadha's eyes turned darker.
Deva's head hung back as he saw Varadha's hands trail down to his jeans.
"Varadha, someone is going to come and knock on that door. Let's do this later", Deva moaned as Varadha pulled down his zipper.
"Are you sure you don't want this? Your moans tell me otherwise.", Varadha mumbled, focussed on caressing Deva's happy trail.
"Don't worry, no one is going to come. Everybody is ogling that actress, Aadhya, that they invited.", Varadha explained hastily.
"You need me that bad, huh?", Deva said as Varadha pulled down his pants. "Cannot even stop yourself for few more hours, can you?", he murmured as he saw Varadha get down to his knees on the dirty floor.
"I need you so bad, baby", Varadha said as he cupped Deva's crotch through his boxes. Deva's hips jerked forward involuntary and he grabbed Varadha's hair to control himself.
Deva moaned outloud as Varadha pulled down his boxers. Varadha pinched his thigh lightly to make Deva look down at him. Varadha's smudged eyeliner and his sweaty hair made Deva's grip on Varadha tighter. Varadha continued to look up at Deva as he licked the head of Deva's dick. Deva groaned as Varadha held his thighs apart with his hands, squeezing them. Varadha licked up the length at leisure.
"Vara, please hurry the fuck up", Deva said through gritted teeth.
"I thought you didn't want this, baby. You said we should do this after we leave here, didn't you?", Varadha teased in between licking up and down the length.
Deva's knees shivered slightly. Varadha's mouth was now driving him up the wall.
"Vara, please"
"Do you think any one of your fans can make you feel this way?", Varadha said and proceeded to suck the head and swirl his tongue there.
Deva couldn't reply except moan. He couldn't form words.
"You think the guy who caught and smelled your shirt or the girl who flashed her tits at you can make you feel this good?"
"No, darling. No way. Only You, baby, please, Vara", Deva groaned.
"That's correct", Varadha nodded slightly and he took Deva entirely into his mouth.
After the rendezvous, they both went their separate ways. They mingled back with their bands. It was exciting and hot keeping their (relationship?) hookups a secret but then again, they both felt a tinge of sadness.
Their bands were set to go onstage again to say farewell to the audience. Varadha and Deva looked at each other from across the room backstage. Something passed between them.
Why are we hiding? Who cares?
They both felt it. But neither of them said it. They didn't need to say all this:
I want to go back to your apartment and make you perform all your songs with just me as the audience.
I want to kiss you all over, hear you say: "You are mine and I am yours" again and again
I want to dance with you to my favourite music.
I like your arms around me even when I turn away from you in my sleep.
I just want to be with you now.
Have ice cream with you. To feel at peace.
To ask you again, what is your favourite ice cream flavour? Because, sadly, love, I forgot.
I want to be young and in love and stupid
As they approached each other, Deva took Varadha's hand.
"Deva, here, Deva...dude, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?", Bhaarava shouted.
"Varadha, come back here, right now", Rama, said through gritted teeth.
But Deva and Varadha were gone.
Varadha and Deva were walking in the empty campus, trying to find the food stalls setup for the Annual Day.
"Do you have a favourite flavour?", Varadha asked in a light tone but he was listening very carefully. He wanted to remember this so badly. To never forget it.
"Orange. What's yours? Wait. Let me guess", Deva held up his hand.
"Go ahead then", Varadha chuckled.
"Second favourite"
"Damn. Vanilla?"
"God no", Varadha said scandalized.
"Alright then what is it?", Deva said, giving up.
"Grape", Varadha replied.
"What?! No, that's just not true"
"Why would I lie?", Varadha sniggered.
"Grape? Grape?! Grape. Okay, there is a darkness inside you that doesn't meet the eye.", Deva said wisely.
"Uh-huh. Sure, there is.", Varadha said, side eyeing him.
"There's the ice-cream stand. Finally, we found it. We should have really listened to that organizer. She was blushing so much when she met you. Well, so was I, but.... ", Deva babbled walking ahead of him.
Varadha just stood there. Remembering everything about this moment. Letting this moment wash over him.
Deva turned around and looked back at Varadha, raising his eyebrows, gesturing "What?" with his hands. He stretched out his hand towards Varadha. Varadha took it with no hesitation. Deva pulled him closer wrapping his arms around Varadha's waist as they walked together clumsily towards the ice-cream stand.
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antonytumb6 · 1 year
Salaar The Mass | Salaar T Shirt
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Whatsapp -> http://bit.ly/2OJE5ht (+917497971245) _Look Effortlessly Handsome By Pairing These Stylish T-Shirts. Look Fashionable!_ Catalog Name: *Premium Men's Top & Bottom Set Vol 5* Fabric: Top - Polyester Blend / Cotton Blend, Bottom - Polyester Blend / Cotton Blend Sleeves: Sleeves Are Included Size: Variable (Message Us For The Details) Type: Stitched Description: It Has 1 Piece Of Men's T-Shirt With Bottom Work: Printed Same Day Dispatch Designs: 7 Easy Returns Available In Case Of Any Issue. (at Dargah SYED Salaar Masood Ghazi (R.A) bahraich u.p) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mTct-nj2f/?igshid=165e5pq60f9kj
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Whatsapp -> http://bit.ly/2OJE5ht (+917497971245) _Look Effortlessly Handsome By Pairing These Stylish T-Shirts. Look Fashionable!_ Catalog Name: *Premium Men's Polyester Blend Printed T-Shirts Vol 3* Fabric: Polyester Blend Sleeves: Sleeves Are Included Size: Variable (Message Us For The Details) Type: Stitched Description: It Has 1 Piece Of Men's T-Shirt Work: Printed Same Day Dispatch Designs: 6 Easy Returns Available In Case Of Any Issue. (at Dargah SYED Salaar Masood Ghazi (R.A) bahraich u.p) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mTPkWnBhW/?igshid=1p66ubhk8z6kb
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