#Salto mortal
sr-roto · 2 years
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tornbluefoamcouch · 2 years
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Artista: Medulla Álbum: O Fim da Trégua Ano: 2005 Faixas/Tempo: 10/34min Estilo: Alternative Rock Data de Execução: 27/10/2022 Nota: 5,0 Melhor Música:  Salto Mortal
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ninoelesirene · 7 months
Lo stesso balzo è un passo da gigante e un salto mortale.
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mytinystay · 7 months
it’s Barbie’s scene when she’s jamming while driving but with “voy a pasármelo bien” by hombres g
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rwpohl · 4 months
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salto mortale, michael braun 1969
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saugerencias · 10 months
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Una Banda, Dos Canciones #1
El martes 10 de enero comencé mi columna en el programa Pequeño Salto Mortal / @psm.radio. La primer idea que tuve fue hablar de una banda y dos canciones, elegidas por mí de manera simplemente personal ya que Saugerencias es un espacio personal, un lugar donde sugiero todo lo que me gusta, lo que veo, leo y escucho.
En esa oportunidad le tocó el turno a Collective Soul, una banda de Georgia, Estados Unidos, con un sonido post-grunge, tipo rock alternativo, hard-rock. Ese sonido característico de mediados de los 90s. Collective Soul está liderada por Ed Rolan, miembro fundador, y actualmente cuenta con nuevos integrantes que se fueron sumando al pasar los años. Está activa desde 1992 y tiene lanzados diez álbumes de estudio entre los que se destacan los primeros cuatro (apreciación personal).
Una de las canciones elegidas fue "Shine" del disco 'Hints, Allegations, And Things Left Unsaid', el primero de la banda con el cual se catapultó a todos los rankings de la #Mtv de ese momento. La otra canción saugerida fue "Precious Declarations" del disco 'Disciplined Breakdown' de 1997 que lanzaron en búsqueda por superarse. Esta canción me gusta mucho.
Post-grunge, rock alternativo, hard-rock. Sonido de mediados de los 90s que se parecía mucho entre varias bandas pero que siempre me gustó y hace un tiempo volví a escuchar.
Seguime para más saugerencias. IG/FB @saugerencias [email protected]
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peliydoritos · 2 years
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cfffrk · 6 months
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...and when I gathered all Wooster's will in my fist and decided to deal like a man with this incognito who had interrupted my secret rendezvous with the c., I heard a voice that made my heart do a salto mortale.
"The doctor has forbidden you to smoke, sir."
And then you're like: ayo wtf cjjferk?
Well, this is my au about their lives during the WW2 :,)
An idea I had one night. Nothing more
Of course in the book as far as I know this period is just skipped and they just move on? But the series ends before WW2 so I have an idea about that~
In my AU Jeeves works for Aunt Dahlia while Bertie is learning to pilot. But one September day Jeeves mysteriously disappears on his way to his and Bertie's flat. He then becomes a spy and is sent to France on various super secret missions. Jeeves can't get in touch with Bertie, so he thinks Jeeves has abandoned him or died(
But then they meet in 1944 in a hospital somewhere in the more southern part of England don't ask me how. Bertie's plane crashed and he was wounded but slowly recovered. And one spring day while walking in the hospital courtyard he decided to hide behind the hospital building and smoke.
...And just as he was about to put the lighter to the cigarette some hand took it out of his mouth.
In fact my whole idea is shattered by a simple question: why wouldn't they have gone to America?🤔
I'm still working on it
Btw if you know any good fanfics in English about it you can tell me🥲👉👈
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orotrasparente · 10 months
comunque io ancora non riesco a realizzare che ho iniziato il 2023 che mi mancavano 10 esami (chi fa l’università sa più o meno cosa significano 10 esami) tra cui il più difficile della mia facoltà che mi portavo dietro da 2 anni e finirò il 2023 da laureato, io non so quale divinità mi abbia baciato quest’anno per farmi fare questo salto mortale di rendimento ma penso che non la ringrazierò mai abbastanza
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Corpse bride. but it’s Dan and one of the Batkids.
Danny and Dan are in front of the cameras at the entrance to the Batcave.
Danny: Will someone PLEASE marry my daughter son? I'm not asking for money; I'm literally giving him away.
~~~kill the clown~~~kill the Joker~~~kill him~~~
Ship: Dan x Jason 
Hell, I spent half a day yesterday trying to find an officially accepted ship name. But it doesn't seem to have one yet.
@starlight-storytime​ "For Want of a Nail" suits both of them perfectly. It's beauriful!
However, here are a couple of my ideas for DxJ.
1.“Popping Sugar” or “Pop Rocks”
“Popping” because they were both victims of an explosion. Jason died because of it. Dan lost his family because of it. 
“Sugar” because I’m sure in secret from everyone they’re very nice to each other. Like, kiss the partner in a forehead and on an exceptional day of hugs fight for the right to be a small spoon.
2.“Flamethrower” or  “Heat gun” 
I mean, Flaming hair and the Batkid with guns. What could be more obvious?Chaos.chaos.destruction.
3. “ Book of Dead” 
Because Jason is a bookworm and that should be respected.
Ship:Tim x Dan 
Ship name: Never Sleeping Evil
Why? Because evil never sleeps. "Evil" part is from the backstory of Dan and "Never sleeping" from the present of Tim.
"Deadly Coffee Cup" or "lethal caffeine dose" also works.
Romance with Tim would be ridiculous. 
~~~circus freaks~~~ circus freaks ~~~circus freaks~~~
Ship: Dick x Dan
Ship name: Salto mortale
or Funeral Party  maybe
Dick x Dan ship is amusing. on the top of the comedy. The contrast between the characters is adorable. I don’t see them together if a dynamic is like between Deathstroke x Dick in those fanfictions where the mercenary is a manipulative douche.
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notasfilosoficas · 11 months
“A un muerto hay que tratarlo como se trata a un dormido, a quien uno no se atreve a despertar, porque se abriga la esperanza de que algún día despierte por sí mismo”
Søren Kierkegaard
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Filósofo y teólogo nacido en Dinamarca en el año 1813, considerado el padre del existencialismo. (corriente filosófica que sostiene que la existencia precede a la esencia, que la realidad es anterior al pensamiento y la voluntad a la inteligencia).
Søren Kierkegaard nació en una acaudalada familia de Copenhague. Su padre, Michael Pedersen Kierkegaard, era un hombre muy religioso. Estaba convencido de que se había ganado la ira de Dios, y por ello creía que ninguno de sus hijos viviría más allá de la edad de Jesucristo, 33 años. 
Gran parte de su obra trata de cuestiones religiosas: la naturaleza de la fe cristiana, la institución de la iglesia, la ética cristiana y las emociones y sentimientos que experimentan los individuos al enfrentarse a las elecciones que plantea la vida.
Su tema central es que la existencia humana está llena de una sensación general de ansiedad, pecado y desesperanza, y que la única cura para esto es un acto de fe, un compromiso total con Dios. 
Consideraba que, para tener verdadera fe en Dios, uno también tendría que dudar de su existencia; la duda es la parte racional del pensamiento de la persona, sin ella la fe no tendría una sustancia real. La fe no significa aceptar las verdades reveladas por la autoridad de la Biblia o la Iglesia. La fe es un salto, un compromiso apasionado con uno mismo a algo que parece absurdo desde el punto de vista de la razón objetiva.
"Querer ser aquel que uno es verdaderamente, es lo opuesto a la desesperación". 
En su libro 'La enfermedad mortal' (1849), Soren Kierkegaard propone el autoanálisis como medio para comprender el problema de la "desesperación", que según él no procede de la depresión, sino de no encontrarse en comunión con la propia existencia.
Kierkegaard afirmaba que, mientras la concepción humana de la muerte es el fin, la concepción cristiana de muerte es meramente otra parada en el camino de la vida eterna. De este modo, para el cristiano, la muerte es nada que temer. La verdadera "enfermedad mortal", que no se describe como física sino espiritual, se deriva de no quererse a uno mismo.
Kierkegaard describió varios niveles de desesperación. El más bajo y común procede de la ignorancia: de la persona tiene una idea equivocada de lo que es el "yo" y desconoce la existencia la naturaleza de su yo potencial. La verdadera desesperación surge, según él, cuando aumenta la conciencia de sí, y los niveles más profundos de desesperación nacen de una aguda conciencia del yo unida a una profunda aversión hacia uno mismo.
Actualmente Kierkegaard es reconocido como una importante e influyente figura del pensamiento contemporáneo, sobrepasando los límites de la filosofía, la teología la psicología y la literatura.
Kierkegaard murió en noviembre de 1855, posiblemente por complicaciones derivadas de una caída cuando era niño. En el funeral de Kierkegaard su sobrino protestó por el hecho de que su tío estuviera siendo enterrado por la iglesia oficial Danesa, cuando él había dejado claro en vida que quería alejarse de ella, derivado de las multiples controversias que el tenia con ella.
Fuente: Wikipedia y ecured.cu
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
Remember when I said I was gonna dice into the differences between the Eng and Spanish subs of Infinite Wealth?
WELL WAKE UP BABE, IT'S TIME FOR 'Vicky analyzes language differences'!!
Believe me when I say I would've loved to start this by dwelling on character interactions and whatnot, but as it turns out, that is a VERY time-consuming task and I'm still working on it (can you believe the Eiji-Kasuga interactions in chapter 2 ALONE take up 25 Word pages? Between Spanish subs-English translation of Spanish subs-English subs? Yeah, crazy). So, for now, let's focus on something else!
The chapter titles
As we all know by now, the English names of the chapters are all based on Elvis songs. In previous RGG games (and by that I mean the ones who actually have Spanish versions: LAD, Judgment and LJ), the chapter titles were all direct translations of their English counterparts. However, this doesn't happen in IW for the reason listed above; the meaning would pretty much be diluted, even if many Spanish speakers DO know about Elvis and have listened to his music. So, what did they do for the Spanish version:
Simple! Change the titles to Spanish songs (oldies, mostly) who convey a similar meaning. Or, as we'll see with chapter 1, a radically opposite meaning to the original, but which highlights a different side of the chapter itself/the characters personalities.
This would be a PRETTY long post if I talked about every chapter here. So, for now, let's focus on just one per post, yeah? Starting up...
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In English: Doin’ the best I can
In Spanish: Voy a pasármelo bien (I’m gonna have some fun)
The songs chosen are pretty much opposites in terms of... everything, really.
In the English version, we have a very mellow Elvis song. It’s more about heartbreak than anything else, which is pretty fitting when you think about what happens in the chapter. Ichiban is living the life, with a stable job and carrying on Arakawa’s legacy (Doin' the best he can), he scores a date with Saeko and they have fun. It all comes crashing down afterwards though: Saeko rejects him then ghosts him for a year, he is exposed by the Tatara Channel and loses his job, and he goes from being ‘the hero of Yokohama’ to being at rock bottom again. At some point, after being fired, Ichiban says “Everything is back to how it used to be.” He tried his best, but it wasn’t enough (“I’ll be a dreamer, I’ll be a fool”, “Doin’ the best I can but it’s not good enough for you”).
Overall, the vibe of it is more about what goes wrong rather than the good things that happen.
Then there is the Spanish version picking a very hype song from Hombres G, a band that was very popular here in the 80s (they are still active, if anyone is interested, and they have many iconic songs under their belts. We still quote "Sufre, mamón" ('Suffer, asshole') to this day where I'm from).
The vibe is the complete opposite:
Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal 
Echado un par de huevos a mi sartén
Dando volteretas he llegado al baño
Me he duchado y he despilfarrado el gel
Porque hoy algo me dice
Que voy a pasármelo bien
(Today I woke up doing somersaults / threw a couple eggs in my pan / doing cartwheels I made it to the bathroom / I showered and wasted the shower gel / Cause today something tells me / that I’m gonna have some fun)
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Sé que tengo algunos enemigos
Pero esta noche no podrán contar conmigo
Porque voy a convertirme en hombre lobo
Me he jurado a mí mismo que no dormiré solo
(I know I have some enemies / But tonight they can count me out / Cause I’m gonna turn into a werewolf / I swore to myself I won’t be sleeping alone)
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Voy a cogerme un pedo'e los que hacen afición
Me iré arrastrando a casa con la sonrisa puesta
Mañana ya, si puedo, dormiré la siesta
Pero esta noche no, esta noche no
(I’m gonna get shit-faced like never before / I’ll drag myself back home with a smile still on / Tomorrow, if I can, I’ll take a nap / But not tonight, not tonight)
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So yes, this song is all about the positive vibes before it all comes crashing down. Even so, after things do go sideways, Kasuga is still smiling and not letting it get to him (at most, he feels like shit because he dragged Adachi and Nanba down with him). The song goes very well, not only with the ‘happy’ part of the chapter, but also with Kasuga’s personality in general. Especially the “I know I have some enemies, but they can count me out.” Cause boy does Kasuga have enemies after the Tatara exposé. And even after all that, what he is worried about is how his actions affect other people, his vibes are that pure.
Overall, I would say that, although the vibes are completely different, it works as a sort of contrast. English goes for the ‘downfall’ and the sensation of failing even after trying your best not to, which is was Kasuga was trying to do employing former yakuza through Hello Work; meanwhile, Spanish chooses to go for a more light-hearted, slightly unserious tone that just so happens to perfectly match Kasuga’s personality and how he chooses to see the good side of things despite being back at rock bottom.
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elenascrive · 2 months
Ogni giorno prendo la rincorsa per fare tuffi di tipo triplo salto mortale nel mare della Mia Vita. 💪🏻❤️
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zeitundraum77 · 2 months
O "Dead Loop", também conhecido como
"Korbut Flip", é um movimento de ginástica inovador realizado por Olga Korbut durante as Olimpíadas de Munique de 1972, que revolucionou o esporte. Nesta manobra ousada, Korbut subiu na barra alta, deu um salto mortal para trás e agarrou-se novamente à barra.
Esta rotina audaciosa chamou a atenção global, apresentando um nível sem precedentes de capacidade atlética e criatividade na ginástica. O Korbut Flip não só rendeu a Korbut grande aclamação e um lugar na história da ginástica, mas também ultrapassou os limites do que era considerado possível no esporte.
Este movimento inspirou as futuras gerações de ginastas a incorporar elementos mais complexos e acrobáticos em suas rotinas. Apesar da sua popularidade inicial, o Korbut Flip é agora proibido nas competições de ginástica feminina devido aos riscos inerentes associados ao movimento, sublinhando o seu legado como um momento espetacular e controverso na história olímpica.
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ilfildiarianna · 1 year
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La giustizia sarebbe che io adesso ti saltassi addosso con un triplo salto mortale come tu fai con me alle 6 del mattino..😜
Buonanotte Muffin.🖤
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poesiablog60 · 10 months
Rivendico il diritto di essere gentile
la commozione della tenerezza
la capriola sublime della bellezza
l’acrobazia difficile della semplicità
la magica centrifuga tritabanalità.
Rivendico il diritto a esistere col cuore
quello di offrire parole d’amore
l’ostinazione della poesia
il mal di pancia della nostalgia
lieve la danza della naturalezza
il salto mortale dell’interezza
Laura Ricci
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