#Samantha is a trans woman and Evelyn is transfemme enby
gilly-laughs · 2 years
"Do you actually believe in the supernatural?" Samantha asked.
"Are you serious? We're immortal. We went through a whole ass ritual to trade a 'sacrifice' for long life and you don't believe?" Evelyn scoffed while grinning at their oldest friend.
"In over seven hundred years, neither of us have seen anything supernatural except other immortals."
"Maybe they're really good at hiding? It's not like we've met every immortal on the planet. There has to be more than nine of us."
"Eleven?" They asked with raised eyebrows.
"A four hundred and two thousand year old couple passed through thirty years ago."
"See that's what I'm talking about! A two thousand year old immortal that neither of us knew about. What else could be out there hiding?" Evelyn gestured widely with their arms.
"Zie wasn't hiding from us. It's a big planet, there's a limited number of us, and we usually just pass as human even to other immortals." She ticked her points on her fingers.
"The same could be said about any supernatural being. The magic spell that-"
"The ritual."
"The MAGIC SPELL that made us immortal works so why wouldn't other magic spells work?"
"I don't know. The RITUAL works but no one knows how or why. We follow the rules and directions and poof a new immortal. We're worse than amateur bakers. They at least have a more than one recipe to study. We're like monkeys that stumbled upon an easy bake oven and just add water cake mixes in the middle of the jungle. If more magic exists its beyond our understanding."
"Ok, but what about Bigfoot?"
"Bigfoot? Do- do I think Bigfoot can do magic?"
"No, but that would explain how they stay hidden. Do you think they exist?"
Samantha sighed. "I'm going to go lay down until you forget we were having this pointless discussion."
"Don't sleep too long. Halloween is in less than two months."
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