#Sandwing headcanon
notchai · 7 months
more headcanons 😔
These gets more likes then my art *sigh sigh sigh* must feed algorithm 😭😭😭😭😭
Uhhhh Sandwings now, did I do them??
anyways here
Ancient Sandwings used to build pyramids and shrines for their past queens. Burn wanted a pyramid when she died but too bad Thorn just buried her 😜😜😝😝😝
Sandwings use makeup, like eyeliner, lip liner and eyeshadow. They are usually very bright and colorful
Sandwings have dyes, where they dye their frills, wings, ears and talons
they have large ears like fennec foxes (so cute)
They are the smallest pyrrhian tribe
On rare cases some Sandwings have rattlesnake rattles at the end of their tails, these Sandwings have venom that must be transferred from a bite
sandwings have eyelashes to block sand from getting into their eyes
They are nocturnal and have the third best night vision
sandwings like all firebreathing tribe are distantly related to Skywings
Sandwings can have firescales, although it's a lot rarer than Skywings
Jerboa had animus magic because one of her distant relatives was the first Skywing animus
sandwings frill can look like a cobras thingy when they are threatened
sandwings have some slight venom immunity to other Sandwings venom. Sandwings are completely immune to their own venom
Some sandwings swallow their food whole like a snake, while others think it's disgusting
sandwings can be pale yellows, tans, gold, pinks, oranges, reds, greys, whites and blacks
they usually have black or dark brown eyes, some sandwings wear colorful contacts
Sandwings were originally only carnivorous until some famine where Sandwings started to adapt to be omnivores
sandwing royals have gold frills and slight black diamond markings
sandwings (and mudwings) are seen as the most barbaric tribe mainly because they are the least advanced
Sandwings originally had very little treasure until they started stealing other tribes treasure, now they have the most
2/3 of the Sandwings royal treasure is stolen
sandwings can have ram horns, most commonly found in males. Burn had ram horns and blaze called them extremely hideous
sandwings are the worst swimmers, they hate deep waters
just like mudwings Sandwings usually always fight on the ground
sandwings make jewelry out of string and beads
Sandwings jobs include shepherd, merchant, assassin, thief, spy, and cook
Sandwings love cooking and they use many spices
Sandwings love spicy food
Sandwings used to worship cats (like Egyptians) there are many ancient paintings of cats, most Sandwings still refuse to eat cats
Sandwings are very artistic
Sandwing pets includes cats, fennec foxes, snakes, lizards, camels, and beetles
more later
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endlessknights · 2 months
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I think Sunny should’ve started biting people
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ashscarce · 26 days
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I've been wanting to redesign Sandwings since I watched Dune part two, that movie got me obsessed with Sandwings and I decided to draw them for a school project.
anatomy- sandwings are quite short compared to other tribes. they have flat bodies covered in spikes similar to thorny devils. they have large barbed tails, the stinger is strong enough to break through bone. Sandwings wings have large feather like structures that can join and separate at will, once separated they will create a rattling sound, sandwings will often rattle their wings as a sign of anger or fear.
unlike other tribes sandwings have partial hairs on their bodies. these are most notable in hatchlings who are covered head to tail in dark micro hairs which are used to protect parasites from digging under their scales. they also have whiskers which can detect changes in weather.
speedpaint- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiChdD_k1YA
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dead-end-draws · 5 months
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WOF tribe Merchant/Trading booth concepts:
Hey folks! This one was the recent winner of this WOF poll, so here’s my concept art that headcannons trading in Pyrrhia.
Read below cut for close-ups of the individual booths + the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
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Skywings: The Sky Kingdom’s mountain ranges provide plenty of pasture for raising sheep. As such, Skywing shepherds benefit from traveling to sell their wool, dyes, fabric, and woven tapestries. Many of these merchant tables also include herbs grown exclusively in the mountains, or ibex drinking horns that can be strapped on a dragon’s shoulder & carried in flight.
Along with goods, Skywing merchants may offer sewing services to fix tears, burn marks, or other fabric damage. They are sought out for their quality clothing, and most fabric across Pyrria originated from a Skywing’s talons.
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Mudwings: Mudwings’ abundant food & cooking skills are envied almost anywhere in Pyrrhia. Their swamps have fertile soil, responsible for hosting diverse crops which can be purchased as produce at merchant stalls. For those lucky enough to find a traveling Mudwing merchant, the promise of a delicious dish can be whipped up and served at the stall in no time. Along with produce goods, Mudwings sell weaved baskets, spices, and cooking ware.
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Sandwings: Sandwing booths offer luxuries of the desert: It’s most common to find accessories such as gold carved jewelry or musical instruments such as drums, lyres, & mandolins for sale. Though, even more sought out across Pyrrhia is Sandwing tattoos/piercings, which are done within the merchant areas. Ink etchings on papyrus paper are stationed outside their tents to showcase designs. All which can be selected, and poked into the skin with a tapping stick and plant dye ink by a trained talon.
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Seawings: SeaWings sell a variety of ocean related goods; taking a share in the fish market with Icewings. Outside of food, there are den decorations like driftwood carvings, accessories such as seashell & pearl jewelry, and rope nets weaved by expert Seawing sailors. Some Seawings even sell fishing equipment, canoes, or offer sailor knot tying instructions to curious dragon buyers.
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Nightwings: During the war, it was near impossible to find a Nightwing merchant. Most refused to participate in merchant territory, mostly as a way to keep up with their tribe’s mysterious nature.
Though in the more shady, unground parts of the market you can buy from a huge selection of obsidian weaponry, the sharpest in Pyrrhia. No one knew initially how Nightwings smithed so many weapons, or why, until their secret volcano kingdom and the intention to invade the rainforest was discovered. Then forging armor & weapons became clear. Along with a vast armory, for the right price, some Nightwing merchants offer Prophecies & Nightwing Literature (not always guaranteed to always be reliable) and assassin services as well (very reliable).
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Rainwings: Though Rainwings haven’t been part of Pyrrhia trading for years, they have a vast hold on dragon medicine. An apothecary of herbs, salves, and remedies are all offered for various ailments due to the rainforest’s abundant resources. Along with medicinal goods, many Rainwings are fruit vendors, promising to any hesitant meat-eating dragons that such an array of flavors isn’t to be missed. Though, their fruit selling pitches often fall flat to most other predominantly meat-eating tribes.
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Icewings: Icewings have everything a dragon could need to brace the cold, with a selection of goods only found in the most frigid regions of Pyrrhia. Furs, bone jewelry, and fresh fish (thanks to frost breath) are served on ice. Though Icewings themselves don’t require fur to withstand the cold, it’s considered fashionable and common in upper ranks to wear fur as a status symbol. Since metal is hard to smith without fire & in cold temperatures, fur and bone are more accessible to Icewings for clothing statements.
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clockys-soul · 26 days
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Updated designs for these guys!
Here’s some Ideas/Headcanons I have for the tribes:
For all tribes:
-they don’t use any weapons outside of daggers maybe (bro you’re a quadrupedal creature, using a spear or sword or bow is not gonna work how you want it to, and you have claws and teeth plus fire or venom??? You have weapons built in bro) it just looks dumb to me, like what are you doing.
-Dragons Never stop growing like crocs
-Most aggressive and bad tempered but not unfairly so, they don’t trust strangers and are much less friendly out of caution.
-prefer poultry and red meat, fish not so much, they also like to smoke their meat for special events.
-Hatchlings are capable of flying and breathing fire within a few months of their lives, quicker than most other tribes.
-their horns are the longest of any tribe and they take great pride in them, most (especially nobles) adorning them with jewelry.
-when on the ground they sometimes use their wings as extra arms, holding onto something for example.
-they are the best blacksmiths out of tribes, their craftsmanship is respected even amongst other tribes.
-they are almost completely fireproof, which is why they rely on their teeth and claws when fighting amongst themselves, their flames range is also the furthest and they can breathe fire the longest without stopping.
-Firescales have to touch another Skywing for a longer time to do damage.
-they have the best endurance when it comes to flying and they are also the fastest. They hold annual races.
-like birds of prey, they have insanely good eyes. They can see the furthest out of all tribes.
-during the before mentioned races they paint their wings with cool patterns just like they do during war, however the patterns are different, the Warpaint pattern is darker and rougher.
-their teeth are similar to that of medium to large theropods, they rely mostly on their fire an less on their bite as it’s a bit lower due to their longer necks.
-their eggs are white and long. Usually only laying one per clutch.
-relatively sociable, suspicious at first but especially once they get to know you they act like they never had a problem with you in the first place.
-obviously they prefer fish but also crustaceans and other sea creatures, SeaWings living more up north, hunt seals.
-second strongest bite force, also their main weapon.
-very round scales and thick skin.
-Hatchlings need to stay underwater for the first few months of their lives as their lungs finish developing.
-Short but very curvy horns, their "whiskers" vary severely between individuals.
-their glowscales vary in size and sometimes even in quantity, I think they use them mostly region-wise (face, tail for example) and then by how often they flicker (like morse code maybe?).
-Most of their jewelry consists of seashells and pearls, but also of platinum and Gold.
-they are expert tattoo artists (just like sandwings) and they take pride in their underwater murals.
-their sails/frills also vary a lot, there are several variants, some more wavy.
-Seawing families living in colder water up north have developed a bit of blubber over the generations.
-they have pharyngeal jaws (like sharks), their teeth are also a bit more flat like most sharks.
-Medium to large in size. (Everything in the ocean is big so why not)
-their eggs are round, a bit reflective and darker shades. SeaWings may lay up to 5 eggs per clutch but usually ist between 2 and 3.
-small to medium in size.
-amicable tribe, they often help dragons stranded in the desert.
-they have the second most fire resistant scales, while hotter fire and longer exposure will do eventually do damage getting blasted for a bit does nothing.
-they have keen senses, their sense of hearing and smell being the best.
-they can go without eating or drinking for weeks without issue.
-they have naturally warmer scales (like Skywings do).
-Sandwings love jewelry and accessories in general, they like decorating themselves with all kinds of stuff, like tattoos and piercings.
-Hatchlings hatch with more pronounced markings (like lion cubs), sometimes they stay that prominent even into adulthood.
-sandwing eggs are dark in color, Sandwings lay up to 2 in a clutch.
-sails are unique and every Sandwing looks different, they like to adorn them with piercings and other accessories.
-they also like to take sun naps, not nearly as long or often as Rainwings but they enjoy the sun.
-rely mostly on their barbs but also claws and teeth when fighting, less so fire.
-Medium to large, (trees can get real big)
-eggs are long and pale. They may lay up to 3 eggs a clutch.
-omnivorous but mainly meat, fruits and vegetables are usually just a side dish or snack.
-their scales change to duller hues in during winter, patterns stay the same though.
-hatchlings are pale and only get more saturated if exposed to sun, like rainwings.
-they have lots of golden accessories along with colorful cloths and gemstones.
-leading tribe in toxicology, they know their plants and how to use em, and they love their spices.
-they have the second longest tail of all tribes and like Rainwings use them to hold onto branches when perched in Trees.
-while they are typically shades of Green or Brown/Orange, they may also have accents of all kinds of colors to varying degrees.
-they have Treehouses but also build stone temples, their Royal Palace is a rather large one with large gardens.
-all silkwings have "fur" but some have less and some have more, typically it’s a line down their spine to their tail tip.
-they are omnivorous, mainly eating fruits and the like, but every now and then they will eat meat to balance out their diet.
-they have the shortest claws out of all tribes, which makes sewing and the like much easier for them, which it’s why it’s what most Silkwings do as a job.
-their wings patterns and shape is their most unique feature, they are also relatively quiet during flight.
-while Silkwings are typically very colorful they may have black accents (almost every butterfly has black so how tf are the butterfly dragons not gonna have some)
-they have the weakest biteforce, and rather weak claws, they are naturally pacifists.
-Silkwings have long thin tongues, cuz why not.
-it’s common for Silkwings to braid and generally style their hair, adding cuffs and other things like hair clips.
-they also have relatively weak scales, they’re a rather weak tribe, but flamesilks are about as fire resistant as Sandwings.
-eggs are small and round, per clutch it’s usually 3-4.
-laziness is not normal, before the main story Rainwings were much more active and kept track of their eggs
-eggs are round and small, very similar to snake eggs, 2 max per clutch.
-Rainwings are the second smallest tribe.
-their frills are essentially and extension of their ears.
-they require meat at least 3-4 times a week.
-only tribe, aside from Hivewings, to have fangs.
-their jewelry consists of flowers, gemstones and feathers mainly, but cloth is also often used.
-longest tail out of all tribes, parents sometimes carry hatchlings with them.
-shorter horns, usually curvy.
-scales get duller with age, and elder ones change scale color less.
-very curved claws to help em climb, also useful when hunting.
-Short wings like harpy eagles so flying through trees is easier.
-eyecolor cannot change neither can the horns nor claws or mouth.
-the older the individual the duller the scale color.
-largest tribe, also strongest tribe.
-due to needing to have a higher body temp to be able to breathe fire, they rely on teeth, claws and overall strength.
-strongest bite force, one bite can amputate a leg with ease.
-they may have different variants of tusks, male typically have larger ones.
-slowest flyers, the prefer the ground.
-Fire is more magma like, more liquidity.
-the usually have 2 sets of horns, 1 large and 1 small.
-eggs are large and typically tan to dark brown with spots, 6 eggs per clutch sometimes even 8.
-younger individuals are typically kinder, and more likely to help.
-they have shorter but incredibly strong tails.
-wings are more round in shape, and are used as extra legs sometimes.
-require a lot of meat, all different kinds, prefer red.
-jewelry usually consists of different kinds of metals and such, imbedded with gemstones and old tusks.
-mudwings love play-fighting and sparring and will do so often with their siblings, very good fighters.
-strong bite, maybe 3rd strongest.
-more nocturnal, but are perfectly functional during the day.
-their flames have tints of different colors, unique to every individual.
-some have more star scales than others, depending on how starry the night was when they hatched.
-strong sense of smell and very good eyesight.
-veils, and a bunch of jewelry imbedded with gems and crystals, they like their silver and gold.
-eggs are oval and black with hints of different colors.
-their wings have accents of different colors at the edges or in the middle, usually the brightest part of their body.
-Fire is very Smokey, their range isn’t that far either but it’s the second hottest fire.
-typically only 1 egg per clutch, 2 is rare.
-Mindreaders will have one teardrop scale for each moon they were born under, so all 3 would be 6.
-Prophets will have one starscale on their forehead for each moon they were born under, all 3 would be 3.
-padded feet like t-rex makes them quite even on the ground.
-blood varies from violet to more turquoise on the spectrum.
-claws are long and curved for extras grip but instead of be serrated, it’s their feet that are.
-the older the individual the more spines the will have.
-prefer to eat fish, but often eat red meat as well.
-eggs are long and white. Typically 1-2 per clutch.
-furs, silver and platinum are often seen, but royals will wear gold.
-teeth are long and thin, very similar to orcas.
-spines start growing along the horns as well, making them look similar to antlers.
-they are almost completely frostproof, as in, they cannot be hurt by frostbreath, or hypothermia.
-Frostscales are a thing, essentially the same as Firescales but frosty.
-about as trusting as Skywings, they are not particularly respectful either until you earn their respect.
-Medium to large in size, they grow incredibly large.
-venom is more similar to Sandwing venom, and all of them have fangs and a barb, the strength of the venom varies though.
-most agile flyers, maybe even second in speed.
-teeth are thin and needle-like, the rely on their venom to weaken their opponents.
-piercings and warm colored Jewelry are a must, usually imbedded with ambers and other similar stones.
-loud during flight.
-blood is dark, almost black.
-eggs are oval and black, typically 1-2 eggs per clutch.
-very curved claws, good for holding onto things, for climbing too.
I may add some more as I come up with it!
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lihim-oa · 9 months
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+ my deranged process
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Inspired by @otiksimr!
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miscellaneouscanine · 6 months
All the tribe designs so far! I will do Pantala tmmrw!
Click for better quality!
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I updated both the Skywing and Mudwing designs, they just looked so plain!
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flawseer · 1 month
#18 - "Fire"
Smaugust 2024
The last few submissions have been mostly visual, but today I want to do something more text-based. I'm always looking for opportunities to ramble ad nauseam about my headcanons and thoughts, but am usually hesitant if I don't think I can make a subject interesting or particularly insightful.
A few months back I was playing with the thought of publishing a speculative analysis on Pyrrhian dragon breath weapons, and how they might differ between tribes. I got up to the conceptualization stage, but then @sidyashchiy-na-plakhe came out with a better and more put-together version of what I was thinking about and touched on some similar points, so I filed those plans away to not step on any toes. If you're enjoying this type of deliberation, I recommend that you check out his take, as it is very thoughtfully put together with some cool visuals.
But, seeing as I have no other ideas for this prompt, and since it's been a while since then, I'm going to air out my scrapped draft here. I guess this is a mixture between canon information and headcanons, with a bias toward the latter.
General Information
Each of the seven Pyrrhian tribes is capable of using a kind of orally-discharged means of attack. For the purpose of this deliberation, I am going to refer to all of these as "breath weapons", even though not all of them are activated via exhalation. It will make things easier to talk about.
There are three general factors to each type of breath weapon, those being potency, range, and start-up time. In the case of fire breath--the most ubiquitous type of breath weapon on the continent--these would roughly correlate to the temperature of the flames, how far they can travel from the source while maintaining their shape and intensity, and for how long the fire must be stoked inside of the user before it can be expelled.
How developed these factors are differs for every dragon, but the two biggest determining modifiers are constitution and age. Being physically fit will make your breath weapon more efficient--and thus stronger--because you have better control over your breathing after exertion. As a dragon advances in age, the three factors all increase proportionally. A Mudwing hatchling can produce a puff of flame very quickly, but it will barely heat up the surrounding air. An elder meanwhile might take several minutes to get their fire going, but when they do, the result will be fearsome and devastating.
Fire is the most common element on the continent, with four of the seven tribes being able to command it. I will go through those first and then follow up with the other variants .
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Nightwing fire is a dark purple in color, due to a slight variation in the gas component that fuels the flames.
The flames have no particularly outstanding properties strength-wise, but they emit comparatively little light, meaning they don't stand out as much against the night sky. This makes them ideal for low-profile ambushing, but very unsuitable as signal flares.
If a Nightwing ignites an object, the flames will gradually lose this characteristic as they will begin to consume the air around them and turn into ordinary, orange fire.
Nightwing flames are sometimes colloquially referred to as "Moonfire".
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Sandwing fire is, on average, the least powerful among all the fire-breathing dragons. In terms of potency and range, flames emitted by a Sandwing of 20 years will be roughly equivalent to those of a twelve-year-old from the other fire-breathing tribes.
Their unique advantage is that Sandwings can produce these flames extremely quickly, usually within seconds. If readying fire takes a dragon 30 seconds, an equivalent Sandwing can do it in 5.
While for most other dragons the use of their breath weapon is a deliberate and calculated affair, the severely reduced start-up time allows Sandwings to "shoot from the hip" without having to commit to the action, making them less predictable in combat.
A popular Sandwing combat technique is to open a fight by blowing a quick plume of weak fire into an opponent's face and then using the resulting distraction to strike with their venomous tails.
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Skywings command the strongest and purest variation of fire among all tribes. Their flames come out very straight and can maintain their shape over vast distances.
They can "cook" their fire by holding it inside themselves for longer than necessary. While this becomes unpleasant or even painful if done for long, it will increase the temperature and purity of the resulting flames far beyond what any of the other tribes are capable of.
Flames emitted after doing this for long enough will come out with an intense blue color that can cut through stone.
For dragons afflicted with firescales, all of the fire they breathe will be like this, as their bodies are already channeling flames at all times to fuel the burning scales.
Because Skywing fire is so intense, it is at times difficult to control. Skywings who become emotional will often start smoking from their nostrils involuntarily.
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Mudwing fire, sometimes referred to as "moody fire", is very temperamental. Its strength will vary widely based on a number of different factors, not all of them fully understood, making it appear random at times.
The most commonly understood factor that influences a Mudwing's fire is the ambient temperature. Mudwings will struggle to produce flames in environments that are too cold (close to freezing weather, very cold water, etc.). This can be partially mitigated by ingesting hot stews, soups, or beverages before fire usage.
A factor that isn't as well documented is that the Mudwing's fire breath and their uncanny healing factor are fueled by the same source. This means a Mudwing's fire will be strongest when they are healthy, and begin to diminish if they become injured, as their body will divert resources away from the breath weapon to prioritize keeping itself alive, functioning, and mobile.
Mudwings hatched from blood eggs have a tendency to develop poor breath weapons, as their super-charged healing factor--while potent enough to outpace most damage sustained from fire--is even more resource-hungry than that of a regular Mudwing.
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Icewings don't breathe fire. Instead, they are able to exhale a stream of frost magic. There is nothing I can think of to scientifically explain all the properties of frostbreath as they are presented in canon, especially with regards to Queen Battlewinner. Ice that makes you lava-proof? Nah, this is straight-up magic. All Icewings are born with a small piece of magic and this is how it expresses itself.
Contrary to popular belief, frostbreath is not stronger than firebreath. In terms of general characteristics, Icewings and Nightwings are actually roughly equivalent.
What makes frostbreath more overtly lethal than fire breath is the magical component. When frostbreath comes in contact with living tissue, it will form ice crystals on and inside the surface. All flesh in contact with these crystals will gradually turn necrotic. This process is very painful.
The crystals are very persistent and it requires sustained exposure to intense heat to melt them. The best way to accomplish this is via prolonged bath in warm water (close to boiling). This method, if applied quickly after the injury, will usually result in recovery after a few hours of bathing.
Getting hit while in a situation with no access to warm water is very dangerous and potentially lethal. If treatment does not begin soon after, the crystals will begin to spread, killing more tissue and making recovery increasingly less likely, especially once the injury spreads to internal organs.
It is not uncommon for soldiers who get hit by frost breath and are caught out in the open with no treatment options to cut off the afflicted body part to minimize tissue loss.
Icewings are more resistant to frostbreath than other dragons, but not fully immune. They can succumb to the same injuries.
If an Icewing suffers an intense burn, particularly in and around the face, they become completely unable to exhale frost until the burn begins to heal.
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Rainwings do not have a breath weapon. Instead, they produce an acidic venom within their bodies, which can be administered through biting, or launched at targets through a pair of collapsible, hollow fangs.
The gland that produces this venom needs sunlight to develop properly. Once the Rainwing has been exposed to sufficient sunlight, venom production will begin, and may even continue without further exposure, but it is recommended to sunbathe for at least 5 hours a week to keep the gland healthy and the venom potent.
The venom is strongly corrosive and able to dissolve most organic materials like wood, plant matter, and flesh. It is potent enough that, if it enters another creature's blood stream directly (via bite, an open wound, or the eyes), that creature will die within seconds.
The venom's lethality will rapidly decrease once it separates from the user. If it hits surface tissue and has to burn through layers flesh, it will usually lose too much of its toxicity before it reaches the blood stream (though it will still function as acid and be excruciatingly painful).
Rainwings are immune to their own venom, but not the venom of other Rainwings. Mixing a sample of venom with the venom of a close blood relative will cancel out the destructive properties of both.
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Seawings are amphibious dragons who prefer to live in water, but can also go on land and exist there in relative comfort for a decent while. Their body contains an organ that stores water, from which it periodically draws to keep the Seawing's skin from drying out.
When under duress, a Seawing can forcefully expel the contents of this organ through their mouth as a pressurized jet of water. While this is not very destructive, it can momentarily stun aggressors and allow the Seawing to retreat to the safety of a nearby lake or river.
If the blast is held inside and charged up similar to the fire breath of other tribes, the Seawing is able to draw from their body heat to increase the water's temperature to scalding degrees.
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drinkinggblood · 11 months
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panel re-redraw
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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Blister. Twisted Sister.
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oaktrex · 27 days
Sketches of my Dod designs
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Reblogs greatly appreciated
Individuals under cut
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endlessknights · 4 months
Wings of Fire tribe headcanons!
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MudWings - bovine coded (affectionate). Only males have tusks.
SeaWings - made them a liiiiitle more streamlined and gave them more barbels for pizzazz.
RainWings - Kermit pupils! Also gave their ears that shape since Clay describes Glory’s ears as “feathery” in book 1.
NightWings - horns curl downwards, like a crescent moon.
SandWings - antelope-like horns. They have a dark patch of scales underneath their eyes to reduce glare (like cheetahs!)
IceWings - shrank their ears (less likely to get frostbite, I assumed). Not a full design element but general headcanon, I imagine that most of an IceWing’s crest(?) is made up of icicles that form on their scales and are kept frozen by their low body temperature.
SkyWings - their design was already really solid imo so I just gave ‘em a long bird neck.
SilkWings - made them rounder to better reflect the tribe’s personality and simplified their nightmarishly complex facial scale pattern.
HiveWings - they look like they could actually maybe kind of be descended from a NightWing and share a common ancestor with SilkWings now.
LeafWings - simplified scales again, gave them frog eyes, and gave their sail(?) more surface area (better for photosynthesis).
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lightryi · 2 months
Dragons of Pyrrhia (headcanon designs)
• Skywings:
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-The shape of thorns on the spine is similar to the feathers of birds
-Narrow pupil, giving dragons very good vision, allowing to see a clear picture at long distances
-Arrow point, able to drive through the opponent with a sharp push
-The shape of the wings is similar to that of a bird
-Are the best flying dragons
-High ears, good hearing but inferior to sand and night dragons
-Very sharp claws, thorns, horns
-Pent face; the upper jaw may have various shapes, reminiscent of beaks of different birds
-Height reaches 4 meters
*The design was based on common European dragons and birds
• Mudwings:
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-Rounded horns of various forms (like the horns of sheep, buffalo, bulls and goats). Necessary for defense
-The keeper of the horned nest is bigger than the other dragons from one clutch
-Large lower fangs, needed for eating and defense
-A large, rectangular muzzle with raised nostrils facing upwards so that the earthy could breathe, being almost entirely in water or mud and only looking at the top of its head
-Very mobile ears, necessary to discharge dirt/water that has entered
-Solid scale, which in some way pulls the face, because of which the grounders look almost emotionless and dark (this feature appears with age, so dragons look too cheerful and emotional against their background)
-On the sides of the neck and tail are thorns, same as on the back, extra protection for weak spots of the dragon
-Massive tail with a cluster of large thorns at the end, some kind of a pin necessary for protection. The tail itself is very mobile
-Although they are predatory animals, their pupils have square
-In general, the earthlings are slow moving, fly worse than other dragons due to their massive and heavy
-Some of the largest dragons, second only to ice, due to their short limbs and neck (reaching up to 5 meters)
*The design was based on ankylosaurus, crocodiles and artiodactyls
• Seawings:
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-Long, massive tail with fins that may differ in different individuals
-Behind the ears is a fin with luminous appendages
-Round/oval eye
-Round, flat face (in the perspective where I drew this not very noticeable), giving a more rounded shape to the whole body
-There is a sexual dimorphism (external differences of the sexes). The distribution of the proboscis on the mordocus is different: in males they are near the nostrils, in females on the chin. With age the proboscis becomes longer
-2 row of teeth
-No earshell
-Horns often turn in
-Luminous glands and patterns are not only necessary for underwater communication, but also for attracting marine life in the dark
-They have, like earthen, rather short limbs. Only in the case of marine this feature is caused by frequent presence in water, where they use the tail more often than the paws for movement
-Also, the flying is not very good. But unlike the earthly, they have another reason, namely the anatomy of the wings, which is more adapted to swimming (plays the role of certain fins) than for flying
-Not too big, can reach a maximum of 2.5 meters
*The design was based on sharks, deep sea fish and partly dolphins
• Rainwings:
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-Snake face (or more precisely, face of a cobra)
-The hind legs have a specific structure: 3 long fingers and one opposite finger located on the other end of the paw (structure like bird's feet)
-Double nostrils
-Huge ruffs, which in the stressful environment is fully opened and gives the dragon magnitude
-Eye structure closer to the snake
-Movable thorns on the neck (play the same role as the ruffs)
-Long horns with multiple ends, which resemble tree branches
-The horns themselves are brown in color, with few scales on them to completely change their color. Horns are usually hidden among the same branches, which have grown in the forest
-Long flexible neck, able to writhe like a snake
-The eye also has a collar resemblance, is some protection of the eye from branches and other foreign objects
-Claw on the thumb of wings is very long, the end slightly bent. It is necessary to grab with the help of wings branches
-Height reaches 3 meters
*The design was based on snakes, chameleons, dilophosaurus (Jurassic Park ver.), geckos, flying foxes and partly tropical birds
• Nightwings:
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-Nose of a bat giving dragons good sense
-Huge ears, thanks to which they have a sensitive ear, the best among all dragons
-In addition to silver teardrop scale may have a star on his forehead, which shows the ability to see the future
-There are night with black teardrop and stars indicating that the dragon was born during the moon, but the egg was hidden from their light, because of which the night ability is not and only the black scales indicates its lost ability
-The lower part of the body, from the neck to the beginning of the tail, is present with a small fur that was previously necessary for warming itself and eggs (due to the low temperatures at night, during which the night wakes). But due to the relocation first to the volcanic island, then to the rainforest, the wool became practically useless
-There is a glare in the pupils, it does not affect the vision
-Good night vision, besides their eyes can shine in the dark (like cats)
-Structure of the hind feet specific: 4 long fingers (much longer than rainwing) and one opposite finger. This is necessary for strong coupling between branches and other surfaces
-Claws on the hind legs are also much sharper than on the front (for the same reason as the leg structure itself)
-Small web on the wings between the thumb and the rest. Need to use thumb to grab objects (similarly rainwings)
-Not too big, reach a maximum of 2-3 meters, but there are exceptions
*The design was based on the work of chiroptera, especially bats
• Sandwings:
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-The upper fangs are very close to the nostrils, creating the illusion that they seem to grow from the nose
-Long ears, necessary for heat transfer and to prevent overheating. (the crest, presumably, also plays a similar role) Also add a dragon's pretty good hearing
-More than half of the body is covered with hard scales. Such armor is more necessary for dragonets, whose poison is much weaker than the adult dragons. For protection they curl into a ball, pointing up the tail with a spike. Because of their hard from the genus scales it is difficult to pierce them. By old age, these scales become much softer than in childhood
-End of the tail, namely a thorn, similar in structure to the tail of a scorpion
-Crest has the property of "flattening", so many individuals have some streaks
-Growth reaches 3.5-5 meters
*Design based on girdle-tail lizards and scorpions
• Icewings:
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-The body is covered with sharp scales, from which protrude thorns
-Ear shell, like in the seawings, missing
-Large antlers, resembling deer antlers
-Very long limbs that make their gait remotely resemble a deer
-Have a pointed nose
-There are clumps of scales above the eyes, similar to eyebrows
-There are some small, soft thorns at the beginning of the neck
-The largest dragons in Pyrrhia, capable of reaching almost 6 meters
*Design was created partly based on the appearance of reindeer
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3zethe3zr · 1 year
WOF marriage hcs:
Icewings: Marriage is absolutely expected and societally pressured for everyone, Marriage for political reasons is common, Monogamy is a must, children are raised by both parents
Skywings: Marriage is mostly for the rich, monogamy is common, children are often raised by only one parent
Sandwings: Marriage is for political leaders (Royal Family & Nomadic group leaders) only, Marriage for political reasons is the rule, polyamory is common, children are raised by whoever wants them
Mudwings: No concept of marriage, romance is stigmatized, Children raised by the fathers sib group and the community as a whole
Seawings: Marriage is for whoever wants to get married, Political Marriages are common amongst the rich, equal split between monogamy and polyamory, children are raised by parents and extended family
Rainwings: No concept of marriage, polyamory is common, children are raised by the community as a whole
Nightwings: Marriage is for spiritual reasons, Marriages for the right kind of fate or power are common, monogamy is very common, children are raised by both parents
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scrollwyrm · 2 months
SandWing Headcanon:
SandWings who grew up under better circumstances (e.g. royal SandWings,) relax with their tails on the ground like other Phyrrian tribes, but SandWings who grew up in places like the Scorpion Den (e.g. Qibli or Thorn,) relax with their tails curled.
This is because dragons from places like the Scorpion Den have to live with the constant fear of accidentally scratching someone with their tails, even while relaxing, so they keep their stingers protected. Dragons from places where the luxury of being able to have space to themselves however, have no such reflex, holding their tails like the other tribes. This is often dangerous when they are in tightly packed spaces because they often scratch dragons or themselves by accident.
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miscellaneouscanine · 6 months
Some sketches of age progression in wof dragons! Here is mudwing sandwings and sky wing!
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Mudwings had a lot of water buffalo and some croc inspo
Mudwings age quite well! Scales often darken dramatically with the years, partly due to stains from mud. It is said that the darker the mudwing, the stronger the scales! Though senior Mudwings are still quite strong, they are prone to arthritis and seem to be very slow moving, no matter how much time they spend in the mud.
Sandwings had ibex and goat, aswell as a bit of lizard inspo
Sandwings are some of the most frail dragons out there, in old age their bones weaken significantly and almost seem ratty, their sails are easily torn and often appear stringy later in life.
And sky wings are kind of just sky wings? Not really based of any animals!
Skywings age the most “gracefully” out of all the tribes, excluding seawings. Though they seem to develop vision loss later in life much more then the other tribes, this may be due to their exposure to sunlight or that they have high body temperatures. A senior Skywing is often adorned with scars, as many of them either faught in the war or in Scarlets arena.
These stages of life are Hatchling, Young adult, Senior
These aren’t characters, and don’t have names, feel free to use the designs!
Edited cuz I made the Skywing design a tad more rugged! (Also the little tidbits about each tribe)
I will be continuing this series with the other tribes!
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