#Sanoiro  S&S
sanoiro · 5 years
5x01 - Really Sad Devil Guy - Spoilers & Speculation
  Warning! There is always a possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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I’ll be clear about all this. Do not copy and paste the speculations, If you have found the original accounts from where the bts come from use yours do not get any of the photos from here. This post was NOT written to aid fandom spongers but in order to have fun with some dear friends and as a courtesy to the fans who come across my posts. I’m not a news blog nor a source and I’ll not be treated as such.
Written By: Jason Ning Directed By: Eagle Eglisson
Jason Ning has written/co-written the episodes:
1x03 - The Would-Be Prince of Darkness
1x06 - Favorite Son
2x05 - Weaponizer
2x16 - God Johnson
3x04 - What Would Lucifer Do?
3x11 - City of Angels?
3x14 - My Brother's Keeper
3x20 - The Angel of San Bernardino
4x03 - O, Ye of Little Faith, Father
4x08 - Super Bad Boyfriend
5x01 - Really Sad Devil Guy
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Erik Aude...Rod
Kelsey Chock...Kirby Jones
Patrick Duke Conboy...Club Guy
Joël Dupont...Lux patron
Mark Elias...Vincent Gill
Chasten Harmon...Megan Garner
Brian Majestic...Neighbor
Sierra Nowak...Emily
Jose Stephan Perez...Club Guy
Behind The Scenes Videos:
5x01 Locations:
1) LUX - Party
2) Precinct
3) The Yacht - Party - Maze (stunt) - Ella - (Ella & Maze) - Mr DOB? Money Lucifer?
4) The House - Night with Lucifer & Maze - Morning with Chloe Detective - Baby Shower - Girl
5) The DTLA Penthouse - Morning Lucifer - Night Chloe Sting  (Green Screen)
Due to the confusing titles we have ended up between friends to retitle them and this one is ‘The Gambler’ episode. The reason behind the name is because the case is taking place mainly in a high profile gambling establishment but also sets forward a very interesting concept for S5. 
Everything is a gamble and you need to be aware of what you are about to throw on the table. In my belief, the cards at our leads hands are misleading and sometimes some of them do not know what the power of the cards they hold. Pity that it’s not a card game though but a through of the dice with many unknown sides to the players. No God does not play dices with the universe as Neil Gaiman explains in Good Omens but how much of what is going on can be blamed on him? Not much in my humble opinion.
As you already know after all these years BTS is not easy on the contrary they are confusing and frustrating to no end… So stay cautious and try to have fun rather than search for definite answers. These answers may come only when the season P1 drops and if I managed to spot something correctly we were fortunate.
The first episode as Ellis said will clarify why Lucifer returned to Earth but unfortunately, we can only speculate as the bts do not give us a definite answer but we know one thing, do not expect Lucifer and Chloe to meet too soon in 5x01. For the most part, it seems like Lucifer tries to avoid her and for a very good reason. As Henderson said you cannot expect to lock an alcoholic to a liquor store for 20 years and do not have a regression.
The beginning of the episode will most probably take us to… Hell. The reason for that speculation is Ellis’ birthday cake. Yes, Ellis is an executive producer and usually, by now 5x01 should have wrapped as an episode its post-production so we assume that that scene takes place in the first 5-10 minutes of the first episode of S1.
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If the scene of that cake is not one of the S5 first scenes then probably is a cut scene from Chloe wondering how Lucifer is doing and the answer is well… he is delusional. According to Boris’s speculation we might get a similar scene like the beginning of S4 but this time it’s Chloe who works and the files pile up as well as the boxes around her office... Some bts suggest that might be actually happening but we simply cannot be sure. 
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We might also spot Gaudium on that cake but I would assume he appears like that because the delusion has not yet dropped so his real form might be a wonderful CGI. Henderson always wanted him somehow in the show so that would be the perfect time to do so…
So what has caused Lucifer wanting to get to earth? Again we do not know but it might be somehow related to the case Chloe will be working on. Of course, that relationship might not be obvious but more like the case of 5x04 where Lucifer’s connection to the case Chloe was trying to solve was purely accidental due to Eve.
Now the writers did tease that Lucifer will see a familiar face in Hell and many have speculated over that. When I heard it for the first time I thought it was Dan and I still hold that opinion mainly because Dan’s arc is more or less similar to the one of Charlotte. If a character is going to die in S5 I do expect it to be Dan even if it is for a little while, something that will lead to bigger problems later on and perhaps it will be the reason on why he needs the matching bracelet he wears with Lucifer and which appears in 5x03.
If that face is not Dan then who else could it be? Father Frank? In Hell, you may ask? Well, he felt immense guilt over accidentally killing his family and the boy’s family at that car crash so that’s where I place my next bet. In any case that familiar face is probably who shakes up things and causes Lucifer to seek something on Earth. 
My calculations on how long Lucifer is in Hell give out a 6 month period which has been confirmed and my speculation was based on that due to the babies that play Charlie :D. So what has changed 6 months later on Earth?
As we know from Lauren German fools everyone into believing she is doing well and she is supported by Maze and why not Ella. In 5x01 there is a bts which shows Chloe at a LUX party with Maze but Maze is dressed in leather and Chloe in work clothes. In the time of Lucifer’s absence, it was hinted by DB that Amenadiel has taken over LUX but fear not as LUX is the same place it always was and Amenadiel tries to imitate Lucifer’s dressing code and kind of entertainment in the establishment. At the same time if you notice the fridge at Linda’s apartment it has some photos with Amenadiel, Linda and Charlie so the domestic life is going well on that front as well for him.
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^If it’s Amenadiel it fits with the rehearsal if not then Lucifer and Chloe reunite earlier but I believe it’s Amenadiel. 
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Moving on as you know each episode has a case! Episode 5x01 features many different locations but I’ll start from Maze’s clothes at LUX. We do not know if the LUX scene is early in the episode and I would assume it is not. Maze’s clothes at LUX are seen in two locations LUX and at a boat where she is accompanied by Ella yet that’s not the murder scene.
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^That’s the main pattern I saw at LUX day of the extras wearing. 
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^Josh’s photo is upside down ;) 
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^Just a speculation but does LInda visit LUX? No idea. 
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After LUX day which lasted for over 13 hours I believe it lasted in total for about 15-16h... So it’s  big scene. 
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^Chloe shot and Lesley Ann waiting to enter the scene
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Ella’s shirt is also one of the reasons why I believe that’s at the beginning of the episode as later on, she wears a yellow and then a blue shirt during the episode. 
The murder scene takes place at a downtown Penthouse - not Lucifer’s - which acts as an illegal gambling establishment for rich players. If you have watched the movie Molly’s Game you will get what I mean. So let’s assume that murder happens there, the LAPD investigates the scene but afterwards, when Chloe is at the precinct she turns to Maze for some reason or Maze drags her to LUX. 
Note that Lucifer looks angry perhaps even dejected according to the available bts
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^No Green screen so do not expect something supernatural to happen just Lucifer infuriated giving a verbal point of how pointless everything is I presume. 
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Now call me a weird but there is a possibility of Ella being at the playing table BEFORE the murder case... or perhaps who could be the last person to see in Hell? Ella even for a fraction of a second? No idea again just a wild speculation...But I do not think that’s it... not entirely at least.. Aimee was well dressed at the following photo there... In my other speculation, Lucifer tries to get people to help him without involving Chloe at all.. Yet note that the dates they were posted on social media were different so we cannot be sure
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Now if Ella does help with the case is it too farfetched to hope that she will spill the beans about Candy to Chloe in 5x01? Dad I HOPE SO!. 
Afterwards, we see that Maze and Ella track down a rich guy on a boat. Maze is wearing the same clothes she did at LUX and I would speculate that the yacht belongs to Lee (The yacht is called the Lightbringer and is a known in L.A. yacht to rent for events etc.) with all the money he got OTHERWISE it was Lee who got killed and is the familiar face in hell and a close relative (his son?) took his fortune. You see a young black guy was hired as a guest so it is possible to assume that. There was a script page as well a blurry one but we do not know if the name was Les or Lee.. Here is the thing though... There was also a guy who looked like Jeremiah aka Lee in DTLA but I do not know if it was during the murder -if it happens there which if it does then fitting! or if he was there for his usual encounter with Lucifer...- 
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Now about that yacht...
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Now at that yacht we have Maze kicking some not so pretty behinds and we do not know how it goes from there unfortunately but I would assume that Lucifer and Maze are reunited early on that episode perhaps around the first quarter or so.
While everything happens Lucifer visits the DTLA Penthouse - Gambling establishment and he seems pissed possibly because his money was the reason Lee was murdered if we support that theory?
From there we also have a location that was shot at the WB ranch, the place where FRIENDS shot their intro scene at the fountain and which was sold by WB yet they can still use it for the time being.
At that ranch, there is a small town set which has some middle-class houses. In one of those houses, there was a baby shower for a baby girl I suppose and is where Lucifer seeks more answers. I do not know if someone bleeds or something but they had to wash the street afterwards. The scene happens at night and Lucifer again is NOT pleased. Along with Lucifer I believe that there was also Maze and I do not know if Maze was also there in the morning shots that follow with Chloe but she had her stunt with her and her presence at the stages suggest that she may have been at the precinct as well with those clothes but that’s a speculation. 
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Lucifer’s car at the lot in the main WB lot not the ranch. 
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Now do be careful as Chloe's visit in the morning might be before Lucifer’s one at night we just do not know exactly at the moment. 
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^You can see Lucifer in the middle of the shot. 
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^I believe that’s in that house at night. 
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^Maze Lucifer and the Guy?
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According to the guest's clothes I suspect that Chloe gets there in the morning and then Lucifer at night as he wears the exact same ones...
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At this point my belief is that perhaps Maze helps Chloe, then Lucifer gets involved without Chloe realising he is there or perhaps that’s the point she sees him and Maze along with Lucifer get into a fight. The suspect might have run or perhaps Lucifer and Maze protected Chloe unfortunately we cannot know what exactly is going on. 
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A third speculation at the same timeframe is that Maze is reunited with Lucifer at the penthouse and they start working together from that point. The follow Chloe perhaps even save her from the suspect as he runs and then both return at night to confront him. 
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Now there is also a morning shooting scene there or perhaps even two as we do know that Chloe as a Detective goes to ask the guy some questions while Lucifer has some action scenes at that point.
Ellis’ and Lesley-Ann’s stunts were there and took care of the scene which needed to be delivered yet, in my opinion, there was no meet up there. I do not know if Chloe managed to take a glimpse of Lucifer or not but I assume that at that point she knows Lucifer is back but he still avoids her to spare her the pain as he probably believes he will have to go back to Hell once his quest finishes.
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Fast forward we go to the last part of the episode which takes place at the DTLA Penthouse at night where Chloe appears to be on a sting operation, pretending to be a player and I would also assume that Ella is at the van guiding her through that. At the same time though we have Lucifer and Maze trying to do their own thing and Dan somewhere in the middle.
We know that it’s the final scene as there are police cars at the scene and my speculation is this.
Chloe is at the sting operation, Ella helps and Dan is also involved close by at a car. Lucifer and Maze try to gain entrance and we have a Green screen used and some wires as they were shooting two different scenes and one of them had Ellis suspended I believe from the wires. No idea if he was trying that the human way or Lucifer had enough and flew up there yet at some point the suspect break free and goes to the street.
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The last part of the episode is divided in two parts. The sting operation and the second painful part
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^ The building on the right with the helicopter landing space is the where the penthouse is located and the middle of the street in front of Hope park is where the conclusion of the episode was shot with some other additional scenes. 
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Two scenes were shot for the first time. One of them was Lucifer? lying, being levitated, using human means to climb to the penthouse? Who knows but there was a green screen behind him. Perhaps he was in the penthouse and was pushed or trying to avoid Chloe he opted to fall off? No idea. 
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Now at the same location, we have Ella with a messy ban like she was really into the game she might have been instructed to Chloe to play at the penthouse.
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Maze’s outfit makes me wonder if Maze decided to also go undercover to help Lucifer or even Chloe we will know once it drops I’m afraid. Yet it looks like she is along with the girls at the end of the episode. 
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At the end, I think that the guy who Lesley-Ann was hugging was the culprit and the one who starts a chain of events. 
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I do believe that Dan who might be in the car waiting for the sting to end up trapped with the culprit in the car and to be eventually be throwed outside the window. 
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Of course, that is one interpretation as there is also the following bts Lucifer in front of the car and then the car seems to have turned so either Lucifer is the cause for the guy’s, perhaps Dan’s injury or the reason why he is paradoxically saved. Perhaps both. You can see teh green screen be used which may suggest a car chase or something which Lucifer puts into a halt. The second car I believe is Chloe’s. 
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^The guy ends up on the street
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But someone in white seems to protect someone so we do not know what is going on. If Lucifer protects Chloe, if some power comes forward and saves Dan. 
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^The person in white next to the ambulance
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My opinion? Chloe indeed needs help and Lucifer comes forward in a scene that reminds me a bit of Lois and Superman in Superman Returns meaning that it might be him saving her that exposes his return from Hell to her. 
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Chloe, Ella - see the bun behind Chloe, and Maze in front of a dead body bag coroner bed. 
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Also Chloe appears to be in front of the guy who gets injured... Again we assume this is the end of the episode... But someone eventually DOES die as we know from the body bag and again I would assume that it is Dan. Do not ask me why I insist on that so much but I have this gut feeling he will have a short experience with Hell which will allow him to seek a second chance like Charlotte for when Death reclaims him once more. 
Now if Dan does die for a while and Lucifer has a hand in his revival it would also explain why in 5x03 or even at the end of 5x02 we have Dan and Lucifer wearing the same amethyst bracelet... Also why Lucifer cannot really leave again for the time being... 
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Additional info
We do know there is a woman guest with lines on the boat and the DTLA penthouse so I would keep an eye on her for the case.
Aimee Garcia was showing off Ella’s pens for the season and I have to admit that the screwdriver caught my interest for an obvious reason…
So has Amenadiel visited Lucifer at Hell? According to D.B.’s interview where he said that the character is currently busy so he has not, consider that Lucifer changing to a full Devil body in front of him may have not been the best memory he has of his baby brother. So in a way, Amenadiel might be deep down calm that the pieces have fallen into their place. He is of course sorely mistaken…
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pikefied · 6 years
Lucifer meta: identity
I was encouraged by @sanoiro to post this meta (first ever), which was born as a reply to her analysis of Lucifer ep. 3x23 (which is brilliant and, if you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to go over to her blog and read it - I would offer you a link if I knew how to do that but, alas, I’m more of a Tumblr lurker & replier than a poster, hence totally ignorant on how to do so). 
But what brings me here is a realization, through @sanoiro ‘s explanation of Lucifer’s attempts to recreate the past using certain chosen moments in the #Deckerstar trajectory, how it all boils down to what season 3 was gearing up to conveying: IDENTITY.
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Throughout the episode we see Lucifer desperate to go back to the way things were, a simpler time before the whole Marcus Pierce fiasco. To do so, he resorts to recreating certain key moments that marked their relationship: the first time they met, juggling evidence, smoking pot at a crime scene, the piano duet, the monopoly game, the prom night dance...etc. In essence, what he is desperately trying to do is find himself using those key moments that he deemed special in some way. He is basically defining himself through the eyes of the one human that means most to him in the world: the detective. It is how he sees himself at this point in the story, as he seems to be funneling every action through that prism. He just can’t see how much his very identity is tied to those moments, some mundane (juggling, monopoly), others way more significant (piano duet, prom night), yet every single one defining who he has become. 
When Amenadiel told Lucifer: “maybe it is up to us to judge ourselves”, he was essentially telling him that “our actions and beliefs make us who we are, not so much who we believe ourselves to be”.  So when Lucifer finally confesses his feelings and tells Chloe that he has a side that’s “monstrous” and that he is the Devil, she responds with an earth-shattering affirmation: “not to me”. It is a moment in which the raw truth is staring them both in the face. In that scene, Chloe has stripped him of the identity he has worn as a badge of honor for eons, and utterly shattered the rules of the game (going back to @sanoiro ‘s analogy). In the same way, Chloe has stopped being “the Detective” to Lucifer. He has made a conscious choice not to use that label and has called her by her name, her identity shifting to something deeper and way more personal (because all pretense is out the window at this point, their emotions bare). 
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So, with this realization came another, to quote our favorite devil. The return of his wings is not likely to be an elaborate ploy by dear old Dad to make him into something he is not, but rather, what he became the moment his moral barometer became the detective: an angel. He can’t show her his Devil face because he can no longer live up to that label. Not at the moment, anyway. 
My prediction is that, in the same way a tragedy brought about the return of Amenadiel’s wings, it will be a tragedy that brings back Lucifer’s Devil face. That, of course, it is only speculation on my part. 
I’d like to thank @sanoiro for the nudge to post this meta. It was actually fun to write. I tried to keep it not too long. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it (to those who made it to the end). 
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isk1212 · 7 years
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We might get it right guys in here It says “westside high class of 2001″ So acordding to cloe’s years 35 .We do the math and matches to a 18′s chloe graduation party after all ...It could be a nice spec sanoiro suggested in one of her posts so...We’ll hope the best and a fierce young chloe and lucifer finding out more about her little soulmate since as 1x02 she said when she was about to hit the paparazzi “that’s not me anymore”.Are we going to see a rebel cloe?a Rule breaker?A force of nature?Something lucifer will be excited to know about?...we’ll find out !Hoping for a juicy cloe with lots of layers.Will she be a headcheerleader?what fits in those steriotypes?I wish I was american to answer those roles rebel=aka old cloe
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adragonstale · 7 years
Meme of 5′s
I was tagged by @sanoiro
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
My tablet/ laptop thingie
Power bank
Dog leashes
Bike repair pocket tools
5 Things You’ll Find In My Room:
lot’s of comics, books, DVDs, posters, wallscrolls
usually my 2 dogs and the cat
my workspace including all my chemicals, headbases, computer...
Tape dummy from the latest customer
Myself :D
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do:
Visit all the people and places I love
Find something to make enough money to life, without hating it after a few days (or the job driving up my anxiety and depression)
Getting all the modifications I desire
Living together with the ones I love
5 Things That Make Me Happy:
Dogs, my pets in general
my friends
Conventions/ Cosplay
reading stories from my favorite author
walking the dogs at night without any human encounter
5 Things That I’m Currently Into:
Lucifer, It’s a shame that I didn’t know the comic before the show. Both is amazing and I’m sure this will be another “currently”
Hellsing, yeah currently…20 years since the beginning
Comics, Anime, Manga -yeah also currently, means as long as I remember
Constantine (movie, show, comics, aaaaall the things)
RPs with my little brother/ best friend, plotting stuff with my little sister @antarctic-echoes
5 Things On My To-Do List:
Still trying to loose more weight
Still trying to save money
Get better at Fursuit making
Getting more productive in general
Writing the grocery shopping list *master of procrastination*
I did that one half a year ago, most things stayed the same XD
This time I won’t tag anyone, because most people did this already
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homedevises · 6 years
This Story Behind Eve Lucifer Will Haunt You Forever! | eve lucifer
Adam wife Eve And Lucifer | Lucifer in 15 | Pinterest | Movies … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Sanoiro (A15) for Lucifer — 15×015 – All About Eve – Spoilers and … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer Season 15 Casts a Thrilling new Character Eve – YouTube – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Miles Carpenter, Adam and Eve with Satan For Sale at 1stdibs – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer: Erstes Bild von Eve in Staffel 15 – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Eve | Lucifer Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer – Season 4 – First Look at Inbar Lavi as Eve – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
To Sin, Or To Be Sin, Is The Question | Sabiazoth (the … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer Song – Download Eve Song Online Only on JioSaavn – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Así es Satanás Realmente – YouTube – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer – Season 4 – First Look at Inbar Lavi as Eve – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer's Daughter (Princess of Hell, #1) by Eve Langlais … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Stories by Mary Allan – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
Lucifer season 15 cast: Who is Eve? Who is actress Inbar Lavi? | TV … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
¡Primera imagen oficial de Lucifer junto a Eve en la … – eve lucifer | eve lucifer
from WordPress https://gardeneden.club/this-story-behind-eve-lucifer-will-haunt-you-forever-eve-lucifer/
0 notes
sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x06 - BluBallz - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Jen Graham Imada Directed By: Richard Speight Jr.
Jen Graham Imada has written/co-written the episodes:
3x07 - Off The Record
3x15 - High School Poppycock
3x25 - Boo Normal
4x07 - Devil Is as Devil Does
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Andrew Steven Hernandez...Dax
Alexandra Hoover...Belinda Roberts
Alveraz Ricardez...Raul Blanco
Behind The Scenes Videos:
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Marina Del Ray (Different scenes day & night)
WB Jungle Backlot & Neighbourhood Area
Linda’s House
Imada, as you can tell, knows how to reach us at that point where we believe that everything is up to be resolved and for Deckerstar to begin only to be halted mid-way. What you shouldn’t forget is that in 3x25 - Boo Normal this writer introduced us to Azrael and who knows it might be time for Ray Ray to make an appearance again although that’s an extremely wild speculation so treat it perhaps as a wishful thought than anything else. 
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Okay so, the sixth episode of Season 5 is called Bluballz and many may have hinted yet another unsuccessful Deckerstar ‘moment’ yet it is clearly also connected to the case so it is possible to carry a dual meaning. 
First, some had mentioned that it might be a drug and in an episode where a rave happens, it’s true that it would have been a plausible explanation. The other explanation is the crime scene blue led balls. Unfortunately if swallowed they can be toxic but a bts says something about shooting so at the moment no matter of how the title is connected to the episode let’s keep in mind that A) Lucifer & Chloe were not lucky in 5x05 and B) that it’s directly related to the death of this episode’s victim.
As we have several locations to explore I believe for 5x06we need to start from the case and then how the story is progressing through that murder case.
We do know 4 things about the case. 
First, we have the rave at night where the murder happens in the wee hours. 
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Second, almost before the sun is up Ella, Lucifer and Chloe are on the scene asking questions. 
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^As you can see there is some stiffness in both of their bodies and as we know that Ellis and Lauren can act that in a very good way I would assume that they are keeping their distance or they are perplexed. 
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^if you see the video she does not meet and hold his gaze. 
Third, for some reason, LUX is used for a rave party either as a sting operation or most probably because Lucifer decided to step in and help. The other possibility is that the rave at the end happens after the case has been closed but as they were shooting for days and almost 16h per day I would say it most probably be placed in the middle of the episode.
Fourth, the arrest happens back to the Marina Del Ray where everything started so the story of that case comes in a full circle, yet we do not really care about the case itself but how it relates to our main story.
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We have to note that in the bts we have Chloe and Lucifer seem a bit distant during their questioning on the murder scene. Chloe is uncomfortable as is Lucifer and Lucifer is almost too afraid to approach her in my opinion while she does not really hold his gaze. Whatever happened in 5x05 didn’t work on the contrary added a slight tension in Deckerstar. Nothing major in my opinion but it is enough for Chloe to need her space and her friends.
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^Prencinct scenes in between! 
Now we do know that the questioning also led Chloe and Lucifer (Lucifer had his Vette there) at a house at the WB lot yet what is more interesting for me is that they were close to the Jungle Backlot. It’s where the show “The Cabin” was shot in 4x02 but the vegetation is so good that it can be used for other projects as well. For example, if you go to the tour they will always mention that it was used for Jurassic Park :)
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The reason why I’m so interested in the Jungle is because in a bts I saw some props that made me wonder if they were just there because they didn’t have any other space to put them or they mixed shots from the Jungle backlot and the stages. As the camera is turned to that golden object I would be wary and add it in my “They are still searching” speculation. For what you may ask but all I can tell you is that everything is connected. Unfortunately, their quest may turn an unexpected factor to the mix. If my speculation is correct then the “Our Mojo” also involves Charlie.
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Now DB has been very excited with these episodes as I have as well mainly because it seems that Amenadiel is back in the very core of the series as he was in S1 while Charlie is growing and with crawling and teething other things come up as well. Perhaps wings, or powers. Perhaps… both.
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^Linda’s house shooting Kevin is probably the one on the left side. 
The scene though showed that it involved Amenadiel, Lucifer, Dan, Linda and Maze. Maze, as you may have noticed as a character, has remained quite elusive in the bts and the role it plays in this season but Charlie’s existence might be the key there or perhaps the 5x04 is. We shall see!
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Speaking of Charlie we had him in a wonderful lion top and there have been some scenes at Linda’s house. Now while the girls are busy at LUX which we will talk about in a bit, the boys or more specifically Amenadiel and Dan have some scenes together. Perhaps the reason for the bracelet was not Lucifer’s idea but Amenadiel’s and as such you should be prepared on Dan knowing early on that something is off if not the whole truth.
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Now one of the photos that make me wonder is the bts with their director and writer where Kevin has a weird doll on how left shoulder. Somehow it seems that time is running out and that makes sense as like with every other midseason finale or season finale the 3rd episode from the end gives us the route the next will follow. It sets the foundations if you like. Think of 1x11, 2x11, 2x16 or 3x08 & 3x22… The same happens in 4x08. There is always a chain of events that lead to the end and 5x06 will be no different.
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We do know we have some Penthouse scenes due to Rafferty and Graham but the content of these is a bit unclear. During a tour the couch was a bit roughed up with the cushions displaced and all that but we simply have no idea why or what will happen there. Also the book we saw in 5x03 during the Clarkson interview it’s still there on the coffee table so I would once again place my money on that one.
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^ I bet you didn't know that we have a new closet as it seems or even a bathroom as this may be either a towel hunger and to the left the shower curtain or an outfit hanger. I would bet on the bathroom set as for a hanger it seems a bit tall. ;) So... a shower scene is coming our way? Who knows... 
Edit: I was thinking about this and I now believe it’s an outfit valet it’s just that the wall is drilled on is also a hidden door to the penthouse set... 
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Moving on we get to what caught our eye on this episode the Ladies Night Out. It’s the third time we see them getting together and this time they are determined to have fun. The theme seems to be dress as crazy as you can something that is supported by Maze’s choice who perhaps consider Ella a lunatic so she decides to dress like her… I do wonder if they they just went and took everything from Ella’s closet to be honest… Although the net stocking might have been too much for Ella so no idea.
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Yet what would drive Chloe and the girls to go out? I expect that Linda needs a break from motherhood even for one night while Maze explores another side of her. As many may suspect I suppose she is growing a soul there somewhere so keep an eye on her. Now Ella was always quirky if you remember the wigs in S3 so do not see anything wrong there but why Chloe?
Episode 5x05 must have left Chloe with a lot to think about herself. Whether she finds out about her miracle status or not she seems to be in her own path of self awareness and as we have seen the only time she takes rush decisions of that kind is because of Lucifer. So whatever happened in 5x05 as been interrupted but I do expect that by the end of 5x06 she will have reached a decision once again but the timing will not be perfect in 5x07 as more problems arise.
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I should also mention that the setting of this episode does suggest that whatever Amenadiel, Lucifer and Kevin are up to is probably not known by Chloe and possibly by the rest of the leads aside perhaps Maze and even that is a big if. The reason of perhaps excluding Maze is because of a tangible connection that may aid or disrupt their plans yet that’s once again a speculation, yes based on actual spoilers but still a speculation on how an act will affect the rest of that plot. It is also why I connect in this episode Amenadiel with the Jungle set as well as with that set prop.
And finishing 5x06 it is funny as by the end of it a new set of problems will have begun and that includes of course a new threat. One supernatural in nature and the other as mundane as Earth killers come.
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^Last but not least up to 5x06 the Hell set was still standing so they have plans for it... For which episode we simply do not know but always keep it as a Joker card and you never know in which round it will drop... 
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^I do love Rafferty! 
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sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x05 - Detective Amenadiel - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always a possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Joe Henderson  Directed By: Sam Hill
Joe Henderson has written/co-written the episodes:
1x03 - Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.
1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell
2x01 - Everything’s Coming Up Lucifer
2x13-  A Good Day to Die
2x17 - Sympathy for the Goddess
3x02 - The One with the Baby Carrot
3x03 - Mr. & Mrs. Mazikeen Smith
3x14 - My Brother’s Keeper
3x24 - A Devil o My Word
4x01 - Everything’s Okay 
4x09 - Save Lucifer
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Carly J. Casey...Sister Andrea
Eddie Flake...UNI
Matt Gerald...Hank
Carrie Gibson...Landlady
Alexandra Grossi...Adriana Nassar
Chaley Rose...Destiny Page
Behind The Scenes Videos:
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Linda’s House or/and a Therapy Session - Rachael Harries was at the lot and although we do not know for sure when she shoots her absence in the bts does not mean she will be absent when I do mention her in S&S or if we do not have her in BTS. Moreover, the BTS do not reveal the ratio of scenes a character has over an other.
Murder Scene in DTLA - Amenadiel, Chloe & Ella
Long Beach - Los Angeles - Lucifer & Chloe
DTLA Jewelry District (Night Action Shooting) - Lucifer, Chloe + a few more stunts
This episode is a confusing one mainly because of its importance. Or at least its alleged importance that is based on two things. First that Lucifer may be finally free from the burden of Hell as he has finally found a dual solution on what ales him and Dan (I would call it more a co-dependence) and second because Peter Roth visited the set.
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Starting with Roth’s presence in the set I would like to say that whoever noted that him there was odd on many different levels, it’s correct. Roth is you already read the President  & Chief Content Officer of Warner Bros TV. He is the guy if I remember right who called Ellis and told him to shine his horns because the show had been saved and as rumour has it he is also a fan of the show.
If you look at the background it’s obvious they are in the precinct but the hilarious part is that someone thought to make a mind map which leads to the concept of what should happen when you are on time on and when on time off. Now at first, I thought it was Chloe’s idea but then that Lucifer decided to take advantage again of the precinct supplies to make a point sans a toy rock this time. There is also a chair there but can we claim that it is either Chloe or Lucifer’s board as it is in Ella’s lab? For all, we know Ella has had enough and decides to educate one of the two… or both.
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So the board ends with the supposedly that when they are working the time is on but when on a date they are on time meaning that Chloe should now SWITCH OFF her Detective mode and hopefully for everyone her phone. Like the fans, I suppose that Lucifer is aware of how many times he has been burned by technology and Detective work in general.
That leads us to the first stated importance of the episode. Lucifer is ready to date and this time I believe that Chloe is aware of that and nothing holds them back aside from A) her work and b) the fact that finding the answer to a problem and applying ourself to the solution is not the same.
At this point, we do not know how Lucifer and Dan are fairing but at least from Lucifer’s snippets on location he seems to be doing really well. There were no bts with Kevin nor any mention on the social media for him when that episode was shot but I believe he might have been at an award gathering out of L.A. However, the script does include him in the first page.
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PS I might be wrong but along with Sister Andrea we might have a few more... like a coven... I think 4 or even 5 but I might be wrong... Perhaps the murder happens in a monastery or a member is part of that coven and that is why Amenadiel’s help is needed? 
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^Well, this might be fun.... ^ 
Now what we can get from the bts first that we may have yet another Lucifer and Chloe moment on the penthouse piano as the stand-ins appear there in a bts. 
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There is also a monitor bts which is from the penthouse but for me, it looks like leopard pants or a couple embracing but that might be wishful thinking.
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What also has me thinking is a random drawing that was posted at that time where it shows a couple embracing. It might mean nothing and yet everything but I would advise starting this episode without expecting too much just in case.
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Lucifer yes does appear to have put a blindfold at Chloe and is dragging her across Long Beach. There is nothing else there so I would assume that the scene has more emotional depth than Lucifer’s usual grand displays. That’s good as it probably means he has learned to not rely on money to make a moment worthwhile with her. As far as I know, there might have also have transferred a car there but I do not know if the Vette was there, unfortunately.
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Yet should we rejoice? Is this is it? Well, we do see that there is  A LOT of trying yet this episode is titled ‘Detective Amenadiel’ not ‘Deckerstar overload’.  
It is true that we see Amenadiel and Chloe working a lot side by side, him visiting the murder scene and as far as we can tell not Lucifer. We also see that there is a weird Angel statue at the murder scene which resembles a lot of Azrael. Is this the time that Amenadiel learns the truth or that Azrael pops in and out for a guest appearance? Everything is possible but there are no bts to support it so I would once again advise to take this as a wild speculation.
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^Meaning that Lucifer was at the precinct with Chloe and Amenadiel at some point. 
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The bts at the interrogation room is a bit unnerving as it reminds me that Cain vibe but I don’t believe they are related to that yet it seems like a heinous crime has once again happened and this time the murderer is not about to go down that easily.
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How he is connected to Amenadiel working with Chloe well, we do not know. In my opinion whatever has happened it is also connected to Amenadiel trying to find something that will help Lucifer and Dan and it’s something that only he can spot. I wouldn’t be surprised if his necklace makes a comeback but again that’s a wild speculation. What we do see is that Amenadiel wears now casual clothes meaning that Lucifer is back on running LUX, yet at the same time we do know that there is at least one action scene that includes Amenadiel and Chloe according to their stands at one of the set stages.
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^Again just because we have few bts from certain actors or no info it does not mean they do not appear or that they are not important to the story!
Now the episode ends in a peculiar way, of course, it is impossible to know how and when I say episode, in reality, I mean case as that signals the end of the episode as well. The end of the episode takes as at the Jewelry District of Los Angeles in an alley where someone is expected to have a grand fall. If you remember the biker in 1x06 I’m expecting something like that but not exactly the same. We do know that Chloe that night wears her bullet necklace and that Lucifer comes to her aid or the other way around. We know that the resolution of the case is not easy but here is the thing… not everything is resolved as I do expect this episode to break us a bit.
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Henderson mentioned that we get answers to certain questions and the will not be pleasant. There is no guarantee that this episode is were Chloe finds out her miracle status but it is a likely scenario for a very simple reason. In 5x06 Lucifer and Chloe are a bit distant, something has happened, something that irks them and because of that they cannot move forward. Whatever we conquered in 5x05 perhaps comes in question in 5x06. Also, you should know that the Hell set up to that point was still up meaning they had more uses for it.
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Once again I remind you that this is a speculation but although 5x05 looks extremely good for Deckerstar fans it also appears to be coming with a lot of conditions… 
So 5x05 might not be what we expected but it will be memorable and that is guaranteed from Roth’s presence on set but also because Joe Henderson wrote this episode and thus we expect a leap in the story and of course Deckerstar.
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sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x03 - ¡Diablo! - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always a possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Mike Kosta
Directed By: Claudia Yarm
Mike Costa has written/co-written the episodes: 
1x10 - Pops
2x09 - Homewrecker
2x15 - Deceptive Little Parasite
3x07/2x21 - Off the Record
3x13  - Til Death Do Us Part
4x05 - Expire Erect
5x03 - ¡Diablo!
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Dan Andreiu...Skeezy Motel Tenant
Jacob Chattman...Detective Doofus
Ernesto Chaverri...Police officer
Brianne Davis...Detective Dancer
Genevieve Gauss...Officer Cacuzza
Alex Quijano...Diablo
Behind The Scenes Videos:
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Chloe’s Apartment - Maze & Trixie (There is all a Trixe-Lucifer scene)
Precinct - Dan, Lucifer and Ella. -Before the bracelets-
Pink Motel - Not a murder scene but I believe they question the owner as he is listed in the cast.
Warner Brothers Stars Hallow Set Area - Open Stages:
1) The Murder Scene - Dan, Ella, Lucifer & Chloe
2) Stage III - The room with the clowns. Prior to Halloween WB had built a clown maze for tourists and its workers although they didn’t the usual annual Halloween attraction but it was not the same one. However, I believe it may have been used for this episode nonetheless.
3) Stage Set - Hell set used as a Tv Series Prop although it acts as our actual Hell as well.
When an episode is shot at the lot it means it costs less money to be made still what it saved them on money it cost them on 1-2 days. 
This episode is called from us “Diablo: The Tv Series Episode” and we call it that because that’s what it is. There is no AU here but something like 3x02 where you see our leads investigating a case which is related to a show. Now that show is VERY similar to Lucifer. Extremely so but we will talk about that in a bit.
First of all the main themes of this episode is Lucifer’s ongoing instability but also a problem that seems to tie him eventually to Dan. Dan’s issue in my opinion started either in the first episode but is gradually getting worse so in 5x03 Lucifer provides a temporary solution. But is that him or Amenadiel? As we know Chloe and Amenadiel work together for a bit in this episode.
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As always in order to unravel this episode we will rely on the case of the week. Where does the murder takes place? At the WB lot actually, so be prepared to see it again like you did back in 3x26 yet that is a different area.
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^Aimee on the left
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They also shot at night at Stars Hallow Set. 
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We have some photos from Josh with Aimee and Kevin where you can clearly see that Dan does not wear the bracelet yet. Same goes with Lucifer’s bracelet at the beginning of the episode neither of them wears it and that makes sense.
Let’s talk now about the victim and the theme of the episode again. For some reason the murder is connected to a television show called ‘Diablo’. We know that because there are several hints and downright spoilers about that like the social media posts of some people which will not be posted for obvious reasons.
Diablo as a show has EVERYTHING Lucifer’s life has. Scratch that everything Lucifer as a show had in its first season down right to the… same poster. Yep!
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So when I say everything what do I mean? I mean that there are the following characters who take the place of our main leads:
Lucifer = Diablo
Chloe Dacker = Detective Dancer
Maze = Blaze (male)
Dan Espinoza aka Det. Douche = Det. Dooffus
We do not know who else is featured but I would expect Linda, perhaps Trixie and Amenadiel to have their own counterparts.
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^ Dancer was originally Chloe’s surname in the Kapinos Pilot do not be surprised is you see Linda being played by a Kim...
Yet who would do that? Who would make a Tv Show that resembles so much Lucifer’s life? My first thought was Ella but then I found a BTS about an Alex Lopez and I assumed he was one of her brothers taking advantage of her workalike stories. Although that may be true then how could anyone know how the actual Hell looks like?
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One day I got a glimpse of a woman which I think was Inbar on set. Additionally, at that time, Inbar Lavi posted a few S4 photos which seemed a bit peculiar. Therefore if Inbar was on set and is the person who made the tv series Diablo we are in for a hoot!
If that happens it means that Eve has found her way and she might eventually find her way back to Maze’s life in P2. Of course, that’s a speculation but we can always hope!
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The next question is why would our writers do that to Lucifer? Why would they put him through an experience that shows him his work and partnership so obviously to him through a series like Diablo? As we know Lucifer is a bit thick sometimes so for all the characters it would be nice to acknowledge certain dynamics as seen from a show that is, of course, a caricature of the actual actors.
I mean Diablo has frozen tips, Det. Doofus looks downright clueless and Blaze… Blaze is the equivalent of Maze but big… Congrats Eve! If that was you, of course, you made Maze looking butch!
So in that episode, Lucifer needs to come face to face with the facade of his life in Hell but also on Earth and I believe it’s time for him for another breakthrough. The same goes for the rest of the leads.
I stand by the opinion I posted on Twitter that 5x03 as far as I see it is a wake-up call that no matter for how long you keep a costume & a mask on that's not who you are. It's also a point where Lucifer's work & partnership may finally be unveiled for what they truly are. All that while they search for a solution. Yet for what solution do I talk about?
Something is wrong with Dan perhaps even Lucifer but I do believe the origin of the problem is Dan due to Lucifer’s actions back in 5x01. If I had to guess I would say that they need a way to make sure Dan is kept alive that a life source is sustained and that requires a link which I suppose is the bracelet. But that it’s just a temporary solution, the permanent one will come in 5x08 and will have its own consequences!
In any case we do have Lucifer and Chloe going to the Pink Motel for some questioning but then… then it seems like Lucifer disappears for a bit. If my speculation is correct during his recovery the events of 5x04 will happen but that will be explored in the next S&S!
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The Pink Hotel is considered a landmark btw. 
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Let’s say now that half of the episode is almost gone perhaps less, 15 min? And we have Lucifer out of commission or perhaps they search with Dan for what they need. That leads to two different groups working and I do not mean that it will be necessary on the case.
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^LUX as Hell it even has poles... 
*cough* priest collard male strippers*
On one hand, you have Lucifer and Dan. When Kelly Clarkson visited the penthouse aside from several cool parts of that episode like LUX that is now called HELL in the Diablo series we also had a glimpse of a book…
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A book? Again? You may lament like Mum at the end of 2x17. Well yes, a book… an ancient book which it may or may not be related to this episode although I will speculate that it is. For me, that book reminded me the Book of Destiny… 
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In order to understand what that means I have put some strips from the comics here for you. Lucifer and that book or to put it right Destiny, one of the Endless have had a disagreement about that book before but it didn’t work out that well…
The Book of Destiny as Sandman’s and Lucifer’s comics inform us:
“It contains your life. Every detail of your life. Everything that has happened to you. Everything that will happen one day. The things you have forgotten (ALERT on that one). The things you do not believe.”
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Yet the writers have never used a source from the comics without altering it so beware of that. It may be something that is based on that book or carries certain attributes of it.
So let’s assume that that book helps them create the bracelets and thus Dan remains alive for the time being. Also, does that mean that Dan will be exposed to the Devilish truth? If this speculation is correct I do not see how he can avoid it. At the same time learning all about Mom and most importantly Charlotte will do him A LOT of good. Yes, he has been healing in his own terms but whoever has lost someone knows that the pain never goes away it always nags you so I think it will make that pain a bit duller.
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^Do not forget that Dan’s office area is full of motivation quotes... Do not be surprised if he is in therapy again in s5...
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While Lucifer and Dan are preoccupied we have Chloe and Amenadiel working together I believe somewhat on the case or trying to help Dan. Who knows it might even be Eve - again IF she appears in that episode - who will give the temporary solution they need.
What intrigues me in DB’s photo from that episode is the official one that was released at ET where he is in front of a clown. It looks like a weird scary place, a theme park perhaps or even a set… 
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We do know that there were two crews and that scenes of the Diablo episode were requiring two crews, I mean would you let an actor near your 40K camera? Nope!
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So the circus/clown scene is what interests me most as I have no idea what is going on there… What I do know is that it corresponds with Ella’s shirt. Ella’s shirt has a clown on and it says ‘Big Clown’ and something other underneath yet on the murder scene she wears a light blue shirt.
Additional Info
We have a Scene at the Penthouse which may be connected with the scene of Maze and Trixie at the Decker Household. However! Scarlett almost always shoots more than one episode so it is possible that it might be connected to 5x04. Still we take it as if it is for 5x03.
There is a fight scene with Maze and Lucifer against some people. Still, Ellis’  stuntman also filled in for a different role this time so that might have been for the Diablo show.
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Finally, we did have Linda on set and there was a photo from within her house. Scenes from Linda’s house or her office during her sessions with Lucifer are rare so most of the time we do not know they are happening. 
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A background extra who played a police officer in this episode made it to an actor with lines. Of course now we know that she will have that role up to 5x08 yet we do not know if she will survive the serial killer ordeal of the last two episodes of S5 Part 1…
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Additional bts of that episode including the Kelly Clarkson photos etc. 
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^Did you see Marcus’ honourary tablet?
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^And of course the mermaid is back at her rightful place. It was there also in S4 but appeared only at a bts with Inbar. :) 
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sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x08 - Spoiler Alert - Spoilers & Speculation (Midseason Finale)
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Chris Rafferty
Directed By: Kevin Alejandro
Chris Rafferty has written/co-written the episodes:
1x09 - A Priest Walks into a Bar 2x06 - Monster 2x13 - A Good Day to Die 3x05 - Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards 3x07 - Off the Record 3x15 - High School Poppycock 4x04 - All About Eve 5x08 - Spoiler Alert
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 5 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
David Figlioli…Les Klumpsky
Behind The Scenes
The midseason finale…
In order to go through the S&S of the Midseason Finale, we will have in many points to go back to the rest of the S5P1 episodes, especially the 5x07, but also explore a part of 5x09 which up to this day remains untitled due to the spoiler it seems to give away.
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This episode can be better explained as the action and effect pattern. Whatever you do in due time it will catch up with you and that seems to be the theme here. We are not talking just about consequences although there will be plenty however the fact that in this episode we will probably realize that Lucifer’s decisions brought him to this point and the same applies for Chloe’s existence in his life and perhaps her entity as well. But I get ahead of myself…
Okay so as you have noticed throughout the season we have several subplots going and most of them will give way to 5x08 which in turn will lead us to the second part of S5.
First, we need to talk about the bracelets. I have mentioned many times that 5x08 will provide a permanent solution to whatever is going on with them and active seekers of that solution seem to be mainly Amenadiel and Maze. That is because most probably little Charlie provides part of that solution. If I’m correct then Charlie exhibits something that aids Lucifer and Daniel to a point but the real answer lies on 5x04. Additionally do remember that Dan seemed to be able to battle the influence of Azrael’s blade so keep that to the back of your head as well.  
As promised to many I will not reveal nothing of the script but I’ll provide you with a prop that laid in plain sight yet only the people who knew what it was about could decode it. That will be mentioned at the end of the episode as it is also connected to 5x09 so be sure that the bracelet issue will be out of the picture in this episode but we have so many things to cover still.
Second, comes the Serial Killer who appears in the episodes 5x07 and 5x08. It is true that on Twitter we were informed that Chloe and an Officer are in a very small freshly painted room and they had to act distresses and shaken. (I contemplated on hiding the name but then I decided against it mainly because she has already tagged Lauren in her posts. I’m still a bit uneasy about this to be honest).
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Many believe that Chloe gets kidnapped and that would be a good explanation yet as I have mentioned before do not expect her to die or at least to have a conventional ‘death’ believe the writers will not take that route. In this story we either get Lucifer to act impulsively and reclaim Chloe from death or in a very uncommon fashion we get that Chloe is more than a Miracle but do not go again to this poignant discussion she is an angel etc. Let’s speculate that Chloe is something more connected to Lucifer’s past and we will get how only at the end of 5x08 perhaps even in 5x09…
So enough with the small S&S of the two main subplots and let’s gate to what is happening during the episode!
Let’s talk locations something that I didn’t do in 5x07 because I wanted to focus more on the ones in 5x08.
- Precinct
- WB lot house
- Bronson Caves
- Linda’s house
- Freshly painted room
In order to break down the locations we need to see who is working with whom in this episode.
First, let’s start with Amenadiel and Maze. For the past episodes they have come very close and in this episode, they once again aim to deliver. There is a dedication there a need to protect their newfound family. Charlie, Lucifer, Dan and of course the rest of the not so much affected parties from the multiple threats they face in S1P1.
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We know that there is something like a fight breaking in at the precinct. A crowd gathers quickly I believe from the interrogation room to the main area. I believe it is mainly related to Chloe and the Officer being stuck in the small room (notice here she said room not cave) but that remains to be seen. 
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Lucifer and Maze seem to be rather pissed at least Maze that is and leads to probably the photo where Lucifer is behind an officer (the actor is a friend of Kevin Alejandro) where Lucifer shows him something (a photo? a number? a location?) and threatens to have some results. You can see that Maze is at the left side of that photo.
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Of course, the above scene might be happening somewhere else but my gut at the moment tells me that Lucifer has had enough and wants answers. I do not believe he ever recovered completely from 2x13 so that opens the proverbial can of worms…
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If I’m correct about this then Lucifer is wearing blue at the beginning of the episode and then purple. The reason for that speculation is because in one of Lesley-Ann’s videos Ellis’ stunt wears a purple shirt while Lucifer when he demands answers from that officer/security he wears the dark blue so I guess that the purple shirt is what we will see at the second half of the episode. PS I love the silver cufflinks on the blue shirt arrangement. That is also supported by Ella’s t-shirt in the precinct and then the car meaning Lucifer and Maze go in the precinct and then he leaves with Ella. 
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So perhaps that’s when Ella finds out? I’m not sure but it\s nice to suppose she does in 5x08. 
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Btw Alejandro here reminds me so much of James Marsters aka Spike in Buffy :P 
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Maybe today Satan... :D Rafferty was always a great tease... 
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In this episode, we have also seen Lucifer with some bullet halls but his shirts in 5x08 do not seem to fully support that incident in that episode as he wears deep purple and midnight blue shirts. Of course, that scene might be happening early on the episode but I could be cautious here.
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Now probably after the precinct scene, we had Amenadiel and Maze patterning up and of course Lucifer and Ella. Amenadiel and Maze seem to be again preoccupied with the bracelet mystery but also we have a scene where Maze is at Linda’s house with the same clothes and we also have Charlie in a beautiful onesie in light blue with moons and stars.
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^The baby proofed ceiling... 
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At the same time, Lucifer and Ella with his car pay a visit to a house at the suburbs which we know it’s at the lot and might or might not be connected to previous episodes of S5 yet I’m not certain about that one. In order for that to happen
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Okay so! We know that at some point Lucifer and Maze end up at the Bronson caves. Now here is a not so secret secret. Lucifer this season has three stages and many sets are constructed in order for the cast to not leave the lot often and for the requests of the writers' room to be easier to be full field. Of course, that has happened before with the country bar that was constructed in 4x04, or the hospital in 3x16 where Lucifer gets Abel’s soul back from Hell but in S5 they are doing some spectacular things with the props. Actually, one of the parts of the cave has been built in the stages so Lesley-Ann’s photo at the cave is in reality at the stages not on location.
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So we have Lucifer and Maze and also their stunts there (Well at least Lucifer’s that is). I do not know if the small room is supposed to be in the caves or somewhere completely different but for the most part of the episode our leads are trying to resolve the issue of the bracelet combined with Chloe and the Serial Killer.
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You can see that on location they changed the arrangement of the rocks a bit adding some bigger rocks to look perhaps like a planetary system. Also in Lesley-Ann’s photo, you can see at the right some stairs. I wished it was part of the prohibition tunnel Lucifer claimed LUX to be full with but only time will tell if that is true or it’s simply part of the cave system of the Bronson Caves.
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Notice the difference between the rocks that were placed from the production and down how the arrangement was a day before the shot on location. 
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A small trivia here. The Bronson Caves is mainly known as the Batcave as it was used as the Batcave for the Batman series back in the 1960s. Originally a quarry it remained unused in the 10th century and use for series and films have earned it a spot as an L.A. landmark from the state f California.
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Moving on!
The last acts of this episode will be interesting to see… We do have some unbelievable revelations and consequences in my opinion and in Lucifer series fashion we should be ready to perhaps welcome a hard to swallow, truth.
Lucifer in this season had an unparalleled growth. If you seek for Deckerstar romance I’m not sure we will get to have them in a relationship just yet and although that saddens me, in 5x09 it’s promised to finally move on towards that. Yes, they are in love and they appear to be also committed to each other but I do not think we have enough evidence to claim they are in a relationship but then again what happens in the stages between Ellis and Lauren as Lucifer and Chloe almost never gets out.
Concluding the 5x08 episode we should expect the following. Sure the serial will be killed or arrested with the probability laying on being killed but when have the writers ever played fair? I do not think that the officer who was with Chloe will make it either but here is into hoping! Usually, the reoccurring character that is mentioned or has few lines goes unsung into the light or fire…
We expect that Charlie will manifest an interesting side we were expecting since S4 but will become more prominent in S5 and even though it is expected it will probably catch us by surprise.
As I have said to expect Dan to be now aware of what is going on and who Lucifer actually is.
There is a young girl in the cast which I have no idea what her role is. Also, there is a small LUX scene in this episode for which we know next to nothing I’m afraid as it must be something really quick.
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Another information is that there was a bts with a flying harness. The bts says for floating only and I’ll believe that but I cannot swear to you it will be used for Lucifer. Sometimes stunts are employed in different jobs or have different routines so although I’m positive about it I cannot guarantee it’s for our show. Plus, we know that there is a lot of CGI happening in this episode.
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Now the last part I want to talk about before adding a small mention to 5x09. I have said many times that everything in this season is connected. When I saw that prop I wondered whether to not mention it or to do so with the minimal effect possible. So I did the second. I covered the extra spoilers around it and I left two things. Lucifer’s suit jacket and the engraved ankh on that prop. When the season drops you will get the whole thing but for now it.
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Borrowing some lines from Wikipedia you will probably realize where this is going:
This sequence was found in several Egyptian words, including the words meaning "mirror", "floral bouquet", and "life". In art, the symbol often appeared as a physical object representing either life or substances such as air or water that are related to it. It was especially commonly held in the hands of ancient Egyptian deities, or being given by them to the pharaoh, to represent their power to sustain life and to revive human souls in the afterlife.
Early versions bear a resemblance to the tyet symbol, a sign that represented the concept of "protection". In many respects the tyet resembles an ankh, except that its arms curve down. Its meaning is also reminiscent of the ankh, as it is often translated to mean "welfare" or "life" it’s also a symbol that came to be connected with the goddess Isis. In some decorative friezes in temples, all three signs, or the ankh and was alone, were positioned above the hieroglyph for a basket that represented the word "all": "all life and power" or "all life, power, and stability”.
For the ones who fear I have gone too far, fear not. Even with the above the actual plot is still well concealed but two things are exposed.
1) Everything at some point backfires.
2) AGN might have been into something.
That’s, of course, a spoiler based speculation but the spoiler is still there. The supernatural aspect of S5 rearranges things and views on people, reals and even entities. When they ask me - no idea with what authority I can answer those question as I’m but a fan - whether one will live more or they will both die or even if they will grow old etc the reality lies on a very simple truth. 
Most fans envision of Deckerstar and the series finale is based to what we know not what S5 introduces us to. New episodes mean new information and new facts to take into consideration. Above all? Lucifer as a series is not a regular show that abides to human rules meaning time, life, death and procreation. It goes beyond that and that is why we can rarely speculate about where it leads us as that damn Lightbringer shines too bright for any of us to see clearly where that path leads us.
Finally, I would like to add an observation from 5x09 but without bts. In one bts we saw that Lauren had certain marks but none noticed the deathly pale make up. 5x09 does not support Chloe’s death as you know but Deckerstar moving forward with also a romantic scene on location at Grand Park of L.A. So why should we so worried about?
Nothing really aside from the fact that Chloe was probably wrong as was Lucifer. Past and Present seem to be merged and new realizations arise thus giving our leads an equal footing but the consequences have most probably hit Chloe at the beginning of 5x09 not in a bad way necessarily yet enough for the whole mess of Dan, Charlie, Lucifer and Chloe to bring forward God’s appearance in 5x10 for some answers to be finally given as new problems once again plague the main storyline of the series. Nothing drastic ever brings forward only good or evil. Sometimes it makes you Fall, sometimes it makes you Rise Sometimes both happen and sometimes, sometimes everything is reinstated to the preconceived era of everything.
Spoiler Alert indeed…
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^That photo is placed chronologically at the time Lesley-Ann posted her stage ‘cave’photo. 
43 notes · View notes
sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x04 - It Never Ends Well for the Chicken - Spoilers And Speculation
Warning! There is always a possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
I would appreciate if no media from my S&S posts were taken (again!). I post bts directly from the OPs never from second sources. I spend hours on this as a fan but I’m not a news site nor a source for anyone, therefore, do not take anything from this post. If you want to post some of the photos or videos you see here find the OPs do not take advantage of the hours I’ve spent on this! 
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Written By: Aiyana White
Directed By: Viet Nguyen
Aiyana White has written/co-written the episodes:
4x05 - Orgy Pants At Work
5x04 - It Never Ends Well for the Chicken
5x10 - Resting Devil Face (Teleplay)
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Emil Beheshti...Abe Gantz
Iris Braydon...Portraitist
Patrick Daniel...Paddy
Christopher Gerse...Benny
Joe Sobalo Jr....Vincenzo
Behind The Scenes
(Including the ET intwerviews)
This episode was shot in two locations the WB lot and at a mansion at Beverly Hills.
- Penthouse?
- New York Street WB Lot
-New York Street WB Lot - The ‘Garden’ Club
-Beverly Hills Mansion (Ellis + German and a lot of background actors)
This S&S is different than the rest mainly because on some level I know certain parts of the plot so here I had to decide what to do. The writers are obviously really proud about this episode and they should be as it is based on an amazing concept. At the same time do I really need to spoil a magnificent episode by writing accurately around 1/3 or 1/2 of the episode? To prove what? To achieve what? After the Part has dropped I’ll share that script page.
So early on I talked to some friends and it was decided that the verified by a script page and crew call page spoilers would not make it in the S&S. At least not the actual core of the episode. Some minor details here and there will still be here yet that is met with another problem as 5x04 sets in motion the rest of the season and if I’m correct also affects 5x09. Therefore, I do hope you do not mind if I’m vague on some parts. Finally don’t you worry when I speculate about things I will tell you upfront like I have done in the previous episodes.
As you can imagine I struggled a lot on how to explain this episode and write the S&S by what has already been spoiled from the cast, mainly in their ET interview at that time from Lauren, Ellis, DB and Aimee.
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What I have to tell you first is that 5x04 moves on 3 levels. The first level is the present as a story is being told, it does not begin at random. If you remember 5x03 left us with a temporary solution and two amethyst bracelets on Dan and Lucifer. At the same time 5x05 features the title Detective Amenadiel. Lets speculate here that Lucifer is not that well so the clarity he gained in 5x03 with the show Diablo allowed him to recall of a different time that’s the second level, his past. The third level is how the episode is dressed meaning as a Noir episode that is set in the 1940s.
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First, let’s explore the first level. Lucifer for some reason he feels the need to take the audience back to his past, and in order to do that there must be a present audience in his story. Someone that will make him go back and forth. I remind you that the shootings of the noir episode didn’t give any space for a lot of present time shootings so I would guess that Lucifer is at a place he feels safe perhaps his penthouse or Chloe’s house. I do not think that must be happening during therapy as we need a place that comforts him and this is a story not a therapy session the whole structure of it does not support Lucifer talking during a therapy session but to someone he trusts.
Now as you know when you tell a story you need to put everything in a perspective that your audience will understand. Us yes but also the person/s Lucifer has in front of him so the story changes and is manipulated according to us the viewers but also Lucifer’s audience.
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w let’s go to the third level before the second for a very simple reason. We would expect for Lucifer to remember his past that this story to be set in Heaven, the Silver City to have angels and a pearly gate, clouds and harps but our genius writers take us somewhere else. They take us in 1940 before the US joined the Second World War. The US joined WII on December 7, 1941. The clothes the actors wear carry this late 1930s, early 1940s style where everything is bigger, there is colourful patterned fabric, no shortage of metal, there is no reason for grimness and of course, there is no war. So here is the thing as the audience you can hear the war drums echoing in the distance but this episode for its main part carries this innocence before WW2. WW2 is also relatable to the humans in Lucifer’s life, they get that people never expect a grand war and that certain behaviours are understandable.
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In addition to that film noir concept for 5x04, before WW2 that genre was popular but skyrocketed in the 1940s when we had two of the most amazing Hollywood noir films of all time. By the way, do remember that Hollywood thrived due to the war as the rest of the world either had to halt filming big productions or the technology was simply not affordable yet you will find some good foreign movies but without the same exposure Hollywood gave for the simple reason that it had not been affected directly by the war, meaning the bombs and the poverty.
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Now the Noir films I was talking about are The Maltese Falcon that was released in October of 1941 just two months before Pearl Harbor and Citizen Cain in May of 1941 that inspired so many great film noirs we can also mention of course High Sierra in January of 1941. All these movies are important to remember as Lucifer’s past is narrated in a very similar way but with a twist which I’ll let you know what it is when I start explaining the second level. Until I get there do remember that Lauren was watching the movie ‘Only Angels Have Wings’ (1939) which although it is not a film noir it is relatable to this episode and I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers recommended to the actors to watch it. So we gather that the film noir is not a random choice or an attempt to make this episode artistic as other shows have done but it actually deals with that atmosphere the misdealings and the unfortunate choices but also heartbreak. Well, for some that is.
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The second level of this episode is that Lucifer talks about his past. If level two and level three correspond then we can claim that it was before Lucifer Fell. I do believe and support this theory as on a level it follows the Comic’s concept that Lucifer Fell around the time he met Lilith. Lilith has been confirmed for 5x04.
Now if we are in a time when Lucifer didn’t Fell what does that mean for the episode itself? Who will. appear there? Why do we have Chloe dressed as a man? Why Lauren called her character Jack? What is going on? Unfortunately for all of us I know that part so I’ll have to skip it but at the same time I’ll not disappoint you.
First of all the second and the third level are connected so they are one thing and the whole story is on some level an allegory in some places and true on others. In order to understand this better you need to be familiar with the book/movie “The Life of Pi”. For the ones who have not read/watched it it’s basically a story of a boy stranded at sea with a Tiger, a Zebra, A Hyena and a Chimpanzee only in the end to realize that none of the zoo animals the ship carried had made it to the raft but the actual story involved humans, murder, cannibalism and the madness that led to boy’s survival through a long quest of keeping up faith to nothing yet everything. The same happens in this episode more or less.
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Our characters are changing and as Aimee said even her character in that episode is different. You see the only constant in this story is mainly Lucifer, most of the rest are ‘shifting’ and that’s the appropriate word to explain it. You should also go to all the leads social media and discover some more clues here and there because our leads do not do post in random. Like with my speculation with Inbar for 5x03 I support the same speculation here but from a different person.
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So let’s get to the story that Lucifer attempts to narrate. We are back in a time before the big war and we see a Lucifer with lighter colours, curious and of course young. We do not know if he has Fallen but as I speculate over and over in this S&S let’s say that he has not so perhaps we will see the process of that Fall of what or who helped him think for himself.
In the comics, Lucifer after Ibrael slept with Lilith and she bore him a Nephelim son called Briadach, Lucifer and Lilith started having long conversations over why she lays with demons, why she left Adam and the matter of will comes up something that Lucifer contemplates a lot after that. As the years pass in the comics the time comes when Briadach and Maze kill Ibrael because not only he refused his son but also wanted to exile all the Lilim from the Silver City which they have built. You see Lilith was so in love with Ibrael that she gave him her children as builders for the City of Heaven.
Long story short the Angels wanted to kill Maze and Briadach to atone the sin of Ibrael’s murder but Lucifer refuses to take a side which angers Gabriel. Samuel then takes the name Lucifer and leaves the Silver City,
The chances of all that happening are slim to none of course but the concept that Lucifer and Lilith talk at some point in that episode about will and freedom means a lot. There are a lot of firsts in this episode actually that the viewers will certainly love. Also, I do not think we should approach their meeting as a romance more like a platonic romance of similar ideas and a start of how Lucifer made a stand towards divine plans.
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Talking of firsts as some of fans noticed Lucifer in that episode didn’t wear his ring. The writers' room had two backstories (not from the start of the series!) for that according to Idly and apparently, they have decided which one to use so in 5x04 we will see how Lucifer got his ring but not everything is that simple or innocent. And talking about lack of innocence that is one of the reasons why the Garden is transformed to a club that bears the same name in the episode. Also perhaps that duet is actually Lucifer’s first introduction to a piano and he is a natural? Honestly no idea.
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^Video Here
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There is also always an alias... I told you this story is moving on 3 levels all the time. 
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It was first assumed that it was Lauren but as White was the writer of 5x04, in reality, we see Ellis and Lesley Ann before their duet if that tux is anything to go about. 
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From the bts we have seen that there is a case, there is always a case and there is even a police car so if I were you I would expect a body somewhere (you will probably be shocked when you see the victim) and so things will need to be investigated and unveiled. Meaning the culprit.
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We have seen Lauren with a black eye as well as a cut lip and that is again normal as the story progresses yet you will not get much of the story’s zest aside from the fact that Lucifer is working with Lauren’s ‘Jake’ and that in the Garden he meets Lesley-Ann with which he has a duet. Perhaps some mommy issues from Maze can finally be addressed when Lilith makes her entrance.
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^Lucifer getting in the Garden Club^
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^Remember there is always a trap... There is always a chase for riches and... power. 
Now you may ask and what of the Proprietor? Well, he might be our villain and he might be someone totally unexpected. Do not get fooled by titles and do expect the unexpected.
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As a final note, I’ll have to remind you this. Season 5 is a heavily supernatural based season like S4 was and before that S2. It’s basically what the Writers Room can do without being controlled by a Network and when they have the freedom to create the path they want for the characters. Season 1 was supposed to be a filler for FOX and to get a second season it was unexpected, to say the least and then in December of 2017 the news came that it had been renewed for a 3rd season at that point, the network wanted a full S2 meaning 22 episodes, 4 of which as you know were moved in S3. So S2, S4 and S5 are in the same tune and 5x04 will set the tune to synchronize with the supernatural elements of the past seasons.
Plot-wise you will notice that most of the shooting was done at night also Lucifer’s clothing lighten up here and there while the story becomes bleaker. 
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^Some bts suggest that Maze is present in Lucifer’s story or at least in the present aka the first level of that episode even if she is not around that story from the beginning. 
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Now early in this S&S I told you that this episode might affect Season 5 Part 1 as a whole and even 5x09 but I didn’t tell you why. The solution of 5x03 is temporary and Lucifer in 5x04 realizes that he can find a permanent one by recalling events of his past. Perhaps his audience comes to the conclusion that a solution may lie on a detail of 5x04. That leads to a quest but what frees Dan and Lucifer has other consequences and do not be surprised if in Part 2 you will see the younger version of Lucifer again that you met in 5x04. Confusing? Yes, but better than nothing I suppose at least we know that the season is well crafted.  
Unfortunately due to the circumstances under this S&S is written I’ll not answer any questions that will ask from me to clarify or further speculate details and in general what I have mentioned above. Thank you for your understanding.
PS As far as I know up to that point the Hell set was still up in the stage so we might see it again in 5x04. Only time will tell.
PS2 There are hints everywhere in every single bts above. Things that are obvious and others that you simply cannot spot until you watch the episode but trust me this will be an unforgettable experience for all Lucifans!
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Although some photos seem to be the same like the ones in 5x03, which is true, it is why sometimes we do not know which episode she shoots as multiple scenes from 2-3 episodes sometimes are shot in one day due to Scarlet’s other responsibilities and under the Child Actor Act that does not allow a child to work for more than a certain number of days and hours per week. 
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Bonding time I guess... 
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^The same t-shirt so we shall see :P 
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42 notes · View notes
sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x07 - Our Mojo - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Julia Fontana
Directed By: Nathan Hope
Julia Fontana has written/co-written the episodes:
2x10 - Quid Pro Ho
2x15 - Deceptive Little Parasite
3x08 - Chloe Does Lucifer
3x16 - Infernal Guinea Pig
5x07 - Our Mojo
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 5 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Giovanni Bejarano...Mario Canales
Nancy De Mayo...Nina
Glenn Fernandez...Danilo
David Figlioli...Les Klumpsky
Cara Koh...Madison Evans
Behind The Scenes
As we get close to the Midseason Finale S&S do remember the past seasons Midseason and Season Finales. There were never standalone. You see there is always a pattern to be followed and this will happen with 5x07 and 5x08. The two episodes 5x07 and 5x08 act both as a Finale but also as a medium to the story to move forward and for P2 to bring elements from P1.
Going back we should remember how the following episodes intertwined thus a recap is needed. 
1x12 - #TeamLucifer  & 1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell were based on three elements. One Lucifer’s vulnerability, Malcolm and the Pentecostal Coin. A bargain was made there which moved us to S2 and the introduction of Mum.
2x11 - Stewardess Interruptus, 2x12-  Love Handles and 2x13 - A Good Day to Die built up to the point of where the supernatural aspects of Lucifer’s mythos are explored with Chloe being revealed to be a Miracle while Dr Carlisle acted as a serial killer poisoning his victims and Chloe. What we also tend to forget here is that early in S2 Uriel’s threat was almost materialized as Chloe would have died if Lucifer had not gone to Hell and thus broke the balance of time and effect  Dr Carlisle had started. It is also why in that season we had to focus on Mum and the blade.
2x17 - Sympathy for the Goddess and 2x18 The Good, the Bad and the Crispy used the blade and Mum was set as yet another problem while Lucifer regained his wings. Again we needed two to three episodes if you add 2x16 - God Johnson into this, to build up the story.
In S3 3x09 - Sinnerman and 3x10 - The Sin Bin led to the Mid Season finale which foretold Marcus way of dying by a blade which Lucifer had struck. The end of S3 actually started from 3x19 and was led to the very end but again episodes 3x23 - Quintessential Deckerstar and 3x24 - A Devil of my Word delivered the conclusion of S3 and led to the issues of S4.
Now S4 actually help us structure S5. There were Kinley and the vial, in 4x04 - All About Eve we get Eve and the conclusion happens between the episodes 4x09 - Save Lucifer and 4x10 - Who’s Da New King of Hell. Also, certain episodes were connected like 4x06 - Orgy Pants To Work and 4x07 - Devil Is As Devil Does where Julian becomes the connection between the story as it involves
With all the above in mind, we see what the writers like to use but also how they pace their seasons and what is included.
In S5 up to 5x10 you will see this as far as I understand.
First 5x01 will set in motion an issue that needs to be resolved so Lucifer ascends but a new factor is introduced and that way the episode will end with a question of how things will move from there while the promise of Lucifer staying on Earth will not be that clear.
In 5x02 we get the realization that something is amiss and that action needs to be taken but that connects us to 5x03 so 5x02 and 5x03 connect through the lingering issue from 5x01, Lucifer’s desire to stay on earth or perhaps the insistence of others to keep him away from Hell. Hell you see is like a drug and it acts slowly so at some point we will get a cold turkey Lucifer in 5x02 with 5x03 acting as his re-introduction to society and his old life.
Amidst all that we get the consequence of Lucifer’s actions probably from 5x01 which I suspect will affect Dan and a more permanent solution will be sought which leads us to 5x04. 5x04 offers us a lot of answers but also questions and that is why it is tied so well with 5x05. Lucifer is not the same nothing is but a solution has been found as maintenance does not fix a hole in a sinking ship.
Along with all the above, we also have Deckerstar and revelations which are bound to be set in these episodes and which will lead to the rocky episode of 5x06. Fear not though as 5x06 opens the door to the last two episodes of P1. In these two episodes actions will be made that will turn the tables first to how our characters act but also what they expect from the future. It is also where we will understand why in 5x04 the title was “It never ends well for the Chicken”.
Divine solutions do not come without collateral and thus a sacrifice will be made yet to what extent and what that will mean for our leads it remains to be seen as we only have scattered pieces which hint that Chloe will take the blow but not in the conventional sense the fandom loves to lament over. Chloe dying is overplayed and in my opinion to fan fiction like to be put forward in the mid-season finale. No here we are talking about more revelations on Lucifer’s past but also Chloe’s which may date back to the Pre-Fall era.
So let’s try to go through 5x07 episode first as we connect it lightly to 5x08.
First of all, we know that we have a Serial Killer played by David Figlioli* in these two episodes so I would expect to see a plot similar to Dr Carlisle’s. That means that in one of the two episodes either the effect of the character will set in motion an unavoidable plot that will affect all the leads pr that past actions are bound to fade the immediate future.
*If you do not want to know who that is please do not look him up and think twice before spoiling that element to people who do not like spoilers or like the procedural subplot of the series. I do not add his bts here for that reason. 
Now our Serial Killer has been described as “Nerdy and Creepy” which fits the description from the locations they were used. 
At this point please remember that we usually LOVE to speculate only on Lucifer and Chloe but in reality their story is supported and the plot moves forward through the events on every single character’s life. So certain points might be considered from all angles meaning from every character’s point of view on 5x07 and 5x08. That is practically impossible as we have no idea what has happened to most of them during S5P1, we can only guess so let’s see.
Dan - We expect him to have a health issue that ties him to Lucifer for the most part of the season. As we have said Dan’s arc is very similar to Charlotte’s and also after 5x08 the bracelet disappears but that’s for the S&S of 5x08. So notice that Kevin Alejandro did not appear in the bts of 5x07 and 5x08 while the actor had some other engagement during the shooting of 5x07 and he directed 5x08. Of course, bts are not reliable on how much screen time a character has but is nonetheless suspicious. 
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Amenadiel - It seems that Amenadiel according to his garments has decided run LUX early in S5 but in some bts there were some hints of boxing yet I cannot tie them to an episode so I’m just mentioning that here. We also know from the photos at Linda’s fridge is you look closely that he has a calm domestic life but here is the twist we do not know if he is romantically involved with Linda or if in S5 the usual working pair Maze and Amenadiel move from where they left things in S1-S2. Whatever happens, what we know is that Amenadiel is deeply involved in this seasons plot so keep an eye on him.
Maze - You have seen her in different clothes and it does not seem like she has left her demonic character attitudes and choice of wardrobe behind in S5. On the contrary, her relationship with humans like Ella and Linda seem to now be better and I do not think she will be bitter towards Lucifer although who knows, as he left her when he went back to Hell. In short, she seems to be coping well but there are a lot of fights which I’m not sure whether she acts out in S5 towards Lucifer and Amenadiel or tries to fend off whatever attacks them. Do not go to oh the demons have ascended scenario just yet…
Linda - Linda seems to be in a very good place we know she has her son, Charlie is growing and all the baby proof wrapper is still on so you never know when wings or powers might come forward in her life. We do know that she continues to have a close relationship with Chloe and Maze and also an amicable one with Amenadiel. Finally, we know that she resumes her sessions with Lucifer.
Charlie - Charlie is a bit of an enigma and he may be one of the contributing factors of these two episodes. For all, we know the kid finally gets some powers and do expect him to surprise you.
Ella - You just don’t know with this character as all of Aimee’s bts are vague at best yet I do not believe she has found out yet about Lucifer but P2 might be her time to do so. She does not seem to occupy much of S5’s plot but I would keep an eye on her on the second part of the season and especially on 5x10.
Trixie - Trixie’s role is doubtful to be elevated to something more in this part but she has some great moments with Lucifer. At the moment I cannot really speculate about her as whatever happens in the stages rarely gets out so we have very few appearances of Scarlet at the lot…
Lucifer - Lucifer seems to be getting a bit different, you see a different side of him one that the perhaps wanted to forget as his past comes knocking throughout the season. His evolution through the series is interesting but the supernatural elements worrisome. Again the fact alone he is willing to help Dan says a lot.
Chloe - As you saw I was very brief with Lucifer as I wanted to focus a bit more on Chloe. Aside from her relationship to Lucifer in S5 we get to see that every person has two sides even if for some they were unaware it existed. That’s not a good and bad side kind scenario but I’m talking more about Chloe being more than a miracle. Before you speculate and ask I would just say that her being a Miracle is not where S5 will step on so look for clues while you watch because all lead to 5x08. I may be right I may be wrong but I’ll spend some more time explaining this in the S&S of 5x08.
So let’s start with 5x07’s case. It’s the easy way to figure out what is going on or at least put in order the scenes. Here we have two plots and we do not know if the Serial Killer’s victim/s is the case of the week. We do know that the Serial Killer, for the most part, was in the lot so I do not think he was on location much. The reason for this is because we have two locations at the backlot where 5x07 was mainly shot.
The first one is a flower shop which if I can guess is connected to the Serial Killer perhaps. He might be this kind of peaceful guys who run a flower shop and who you would never suspect on killing people in their free time. It adds up a bit but I cannot be sure.
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The second one is a house that was used as a crime scene location. In the heart of the WB lot they setup a house that exhibited a lot of wealth and eclectic taste. It’s only normal as this case is also connected to an opera?** performer or at least someone who is seen to be performing at the Los Angeles Theater a wonderful old Cinema and grand landmark in DTLA.
**We cannot know for sure of the genre he performs but the taste of his house shows he is into classical pieces so... 
(See the BTS video there I always include bts that I have not posted before and are all Lucifer related)
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^The police car and the coronary’s car outside the lot house location. 
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First, we need to remember that during a quick ext the cast and crew had to do from the Stages there was also an actress that played a human body. She wore a lot of grey and blue makeup and we can assume she was part of this story. I cannot tell if in 5x07 a body of that kind will make it to our screens but a cemetery will.
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The cemetery most probably is though related to the season’s supernatural plot. They filmed at the Rosedale cemetery with several stunts and from the videos you can see that Lesley Ann had a lot of action scenes in this episode. At the same time, DB had twitted to have a lot of scenes with her in that episode. According to what DB revealed the two characters are working together. I would predict that this has to do with whatever Amenadiel is searching for since 5x05.
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^In general D.B. has been thrilled with the final season and that pleases me a lot! 
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The Rosedale cemetery has several wonderful tombs and crypts which some of them could be used to a similar theme that was used early in the season. Confusing I know but let’s say that in P1 it seems like they are trying to find something, an object perhaps and I wouldn't be surprised if it was either hidden in a cemetery or simply that the object that they are looking for is connected to the serial killer somehow… I mean remember Azrael’s blade… I doubt they will use the same scenario but the divine influence on mortals never ends well.
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Now the second location which I mentioned before is the Los Angeles Theater. I do not know if Ellis and German were also in the cemetery but they will be at the Theater along with the opera? singer. There is also some stunts involved so I would keep an eye on someone escaping or at least putting a fight. For all we know this case might also be a bit similar to 3x17 one with Axara.
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^The stand-ins taking notes for the scene
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^We expect some to happen to that grand staircase oh and there were again a lot of stunts there so :D 
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As you can tell the majority of 5x07 as an episode eludes us and there are bts we cannot really explain but we can only speculate about.
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For example why Lucifer wears a budge and has a gun? Why now? Is he threatened or Chloe has decided that enough is enough. Perhaps even in order to not endanger her Lucifer might have taken her badge and gun. The possibilities are so many yet a definite answer cannot be given. If we take into account that the title is Our Mojo it can be a million different things. Like the opera? singer has the same captivating effect as Lucifer’s mojo for some reason but not a divine gift. It might have to do something with Charlie or it can be taken completely out of context. All we know is that Lucifer has to be armed so I would speculate this.
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I admit I was not the one to notice that but my dear Amy was :P I just did the visuals a bit clearer. 
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Let’s assume that Lucifer’s connection to Dan is weakened him and it goes both ways hence why we do not see Dan as much in 5x07 and a permanent solution becomes more urgent. His strength, mojo and overall his capacity to protect himself. Or perhaps he has to pose as Dan but that wouldn’t explain the protection of authority and a gun full of bullets. So we know things are dangerous when Chloe? caves in and hands Lucifer a gun to protect himself or if Lucifer has decided that in order to keep himself safe he has to play with human toys.
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What we also cannot totally explain is the green screen *around* the penthouse. After discussing this with some friends we have agreed that it should be a large scale event or something. We do not know when or if Lucifer and Chloe get intimate, if that’s why that green screen is there or if there is a divine consequence that has to be shown through VFX. All we know is that there is something big coming. The last time they had used such a big screen well it was smaller actually was for the Fall nightmare scene of 3x15.
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Additional Info
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The stunts were rehearsing a fight at the stages but that’s normal for when they have to perform on location. 
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Something seems to happen at the precinct and mainly in episode 5x08. Something like a fight 
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^Naughty Woman? Perhaps I’m wrong...
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The director posted this as a lucifer bts but here is the thing little Charlie as far as the babies used go cannot operate that but with CGI everything is possible. Also, the babies used were shooting for a different show at that time. 
34 notes · View notes
sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x04 - The Mega Meta
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This episode, the one all the cast and writers praised turned out to be the most challenging for the audience. Several hated it mainly for interrupting the flow of S5P1 whilst introducing a ‘weak’ story for Lucifer’s ring. Others loved it for all the meta, the concealed trivia and details that exist in that episode. 
In my opinion 5x04 took it’s time to warm up to my heart and therefore today it’s time to write a meta on it. I’ll try to cover all the bases and if I miss something I apologise! 
This meta will analyse, lines, settings, songs hopefully with the order they appear in the episode, as well as hints that it gives us for P2, the end of the series and many more things. 
The credits open to Lucifer whistling as per Netflix’s subtitles ‘Chattanooga Choo Choo’
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A song of about a man waiting for his train as he gets a shoe shine. The lyrics reveal at the end that a girl is waiting him at his destination and that he intents to marry her and settle... A good foreshadowing about Lucifer no? Especially after the S3 game night fiasco...  
There's gonna be a certain party at the station Satin and lace, I used to call funny face She's gonna cry until I tell her that I'll never roam
By the way what’s this obsession over daggers and them killing people? Didn’t we have enough with the Flaming Sword in S2? 
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Trixie: Has it ever killed anyone?
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Let’s keep it that way kid... Although I doubt it. 
Now take a moment to realise that Lucifer was in Hell for thousands of years. He hasn’t had sex since his relationship with Eve and for his last night on Earth he prefers to play a game of Monopoly with Trixie and only when she turns him down Lucifer suggests getting a drink at LUX always in her company. That’s progress...
It also busts all claims of Lucifer being a sex obsessed maniac. 
The year is 1946...
WW2 is over and we find Lucifer in a new setting, a familiar one where through the episode we see that he has not just visited again but he is frequent visitor around that time. Just a few years later after all he was seen through Kinley’s photos in Nazi Germany. Now we know it was because apparently he owns a castle there, in the Austrian Alps... Not exactly in mint condition after the war though... 
By the way the castle that corresponds to that 22 bedroom description Lucifer gives is Schloss Ernegg Castle which belongs to the same family since the 17th century and it’s in great condition. Actually it operates as a hotel! 
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The Hurry plays as we see Ellis strolling the WB New York area of the lot. Great old ones were shot there.. Like The Big Sleep (1946) staring Bogart and Bacall which was shot in 1944, reshot some parts in 1945 but was released after all the ‘proper’ war time movies were released first. 
A bit like this episode The Big Sleep carries ‘process of a criminal investigation, not its results’. Also around that time we have The Killers coming out, The Killers is important to mention as aside from being based on a story by Hemingway who was in Cuba in 1946 not in New York as Lucifer claims, it was directed by Robert :. Siodmak made most of the Hollywood’s noir classics and was always faithful to the doomed attraction which would always resolve to a nihilistic conclusion... (Thank you wiki! :P)
The connection to Lucifer, between the lines and the off hand comments like Hemingway is that noir films were based on the German Expressionism in cinema, and one of the most prominent figure for the US was that one German director Robert Siodmak. 
The purpose of the above information is in order to tell you that a black & whte effect and a crime story is not what makes a noir episode. The writers were faithful to the core of noir. Entrapment, flashbacks, narration. The tropes of murder, jealousy, backstabbing and crime is also there, easy to replicate after all for sure. A dead man walking and ‘selective’ amnesia is also convenient... 
Triumph and tragedy can be found and lost in the maze of the cities and in questionable establishments... Like in bars... 
Moving on!
The credits open and we listen to The Hurry Up played by The Heath And His Orchestra. Dear Heath was British not an American. A subtle nod to Ellis probably as the leading man. But here is the thing Heath was the performer not the composer of that piece. The composer was Kenny Graham (Again British) and probably that piece was written after 1958 but anyways it’s an inconsistency we (-I-) can certainly live with!
Lucifer and Lilith last meeting was at around 1770 (Marie Antoinette was born in 1755) now whether in Austria or France who knows....  I would assume that Lucifer stayed in Austria until WW2 as aside from the wars and other issues it had a great cultural field for him to explore such as literature, music and lacked the brashness of the new-founded then US (1776). 
Tiny issue here... Moctezuma (The 2nd) who Lilith claims to have met died in 1520, a bit after Cortés arrived in what we know today as Mexico so we can assume that Lilith travelled between the New World and Europe until Lucifer found her in New York in 1946. 
Lilith in a relationship with Tommy Stomponato who owned the club, she probably influenced him enough to name it ‘The Garden’ as se admits to Gertie later in the episode, she really loved that Garden hence why she took a small part of it with her. 
Now the name Tommy Stomponato is directly influenced by Johnny Stomponato part and bodyguard of the Cohen Mafia boss Mickey Cohen. Now funny thing he was stabbed by Lana Turner’s (Hollywood star) daughter Cheryl Crane... That remind us a bit of Gertie as she yes both were stabbed by a woman but both were not prosecuted. The first as Lilith didn’t want Gertie to lose the limited time she had with her husband and Cheryl because she claimed self-defense. 
The first time we see Lesley Ann as Lilith she sings ‘I want to be evil’ originally performed at the debut of Eartha Kitt and first released in 1953. It is considered brilliant for it’s feminism and ‘video clip’ starring Kitt... 
It’s a song that carries Lilith’s agony which even Eve carried. The need for freedom, the need to break the chains of what they should be and what we see that even Maze carries throughout the series. It’s a song that reaffirms that betrayal towards God, Adam and Lucifer in Maze’s case is not an act of evilness but the need of these women to re-sculpture themselves without aid or instructions. In Kitt’s case it was social conformity. Also Johnnie Ray was the ‘guy who cries’ aside from his hit song in 1951 ‘Cry’ him crying after his wedding was received with mixed feelings I believe from the press and his fans. 
Now we see that crime for Lucifer was fun and again he wanted to Laugh with Hemingway who again in 1946 was not in New York but had just starting to write his novel ‘Garden of Eden (published posthumously in 1986) and it explored the reversal of gender roles a bit like this Lucifer episode does. 
So Lucifer accepts the case of finding the ring but needs help. Jack Monroe is the one that can help him and the name is inspired probably by Iowa’s born Jack Monroe Marvel character who lived in New York, fought the Nazi (See Jack talking about the Battle of the Bulge), sidekick to Captain America - in a way - and ended up shot and killed. The character had many cliche detective phrases. But that’s mostly a likely speculation :P 
Now as Jack goes to talk to the ‘rat’ Lucifer comments on Gertie serving him a drink ‘Just what the doctor ordered’ an obvious connection to Harris playing Dr Linda. 
A nice prop is the machine gun over the bar an alleged gift from Al Capone who had been arrested 17 years earlier and died in 1947.
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Thanks for listening, XOXO A. Capone
Now Lucky Larry who ends up dead is wearing an eyepatch probably a nod to another great director of noir films and of german expressionism in cinematography Fritz Lang. 
At that point we have the talk between Lucifer and Jack concerning the laters problem with his wife.  The story as everyone has noticed is a parallel with the issue that Lucifer and Chloe never begun on an equal ground. Someone had manipulated them and in both cases both parties suffered. Both men were manipulated by someone over them in hierarchy and both stood on a dilemma on how to proceed. It took Lucifer over 60 years to realise how difficult it was to leave and even then in 2x14 he returned. 
 As Jack and Lucifer get to Willy’s mansion all the paintings depict him as a great warrior in all possible eras. As Napoleon, Fritz of Austro-Hungarian Empire, Henry the 8th, Ivan, and that armour I believe it was from Carlomagne?
Also Hannibal crossing the Alps? 
The little sausages are self-explenatory for the character and perhaps the lilies in his house a connection to the episode and the P1′s plot. 
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Lucifer checking the armour’s genital protector? Priceless :P As was Willy’s connection to Dan. 
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Now something that always make me wonder is why Lilith calls God Adam’s father as if she never considered him her own. At the same time she gives us a big hint there. She never walked away she was ‘sent’ away. 
Gertie reveals there that her husband was wounded at the Guadalcanal campaign which ended in 1943 meaning that Bill was unresponsive for about three years at that point. The good news is that Bill seems to have been inspired by Bill Lentsch. Lentsch wrote a memoir called My Story and then adapted under the Title Hope For Wounded Warriors.
As a wounded warrior, Bill Lentsch knows the frustrating feelings of apparent helplessness and hopelessness. A sea-going Marine on the cruiser USS Vincennes at the beginning of World War II, he was a "hot shell catcher". The story of Bill's survival when the Vincennes sank is a story of miracles. In contrast, the story of his post-war rehabilitation and readjustment to civilian life, including a bad marriage {Sanoiro: At this point we have a differentiation but you never know}, contains more than its share of dark pages and the consequences of poor choices. Contemplating the option of murder, then suicide, was a vivid reality. Thankfully, the story of his later years brings hope and inspiration as Bill shares his personal journey of discovery.
Meanwhile the investigation continues.  In the apartment we see pigeon cages a rather popular hobby back then in New York and not just for the messages they transported. Also do notice the WB water tower in the back. Iconic!
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Lucifer finds a cuban cigar. Romeo y Juliet. The meta here obvious bit nonetheless important to our main love story. 
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With Stomponato dead we have a chance to delve a bit to Egyptian mythology. 
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First the missing heart. The main organ that according to ancient Egyptians held the answer of how well you had done while you lived and what you deserved after death. It was measured and a conclusion sent you to afterlife or to damnation. 
Second the Anubis mask. He was the God of Death who oversaw the heart weighting process. The colour black symbolised the Nile’s sand and thus regeneration as the river was a symbol of life. Anubis was adopted by Isis
Third the Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus was used as a sign of prosperity and protection, derived from the myth of Isis and Osiris. This symbol has an astonishing connection between neuroanatomical structure and function.  
That’s the basics but you can go further from there if you want to just remember that Egyptian deities hold an Ankh the symbol and work of life. 
In 504 we learn that death is final, there is no eternal life. It cannot be given as a commodity, the ring cannot help so I would focus more on the stone itself and if Lilith’s immortality is used then it will not be used as it is in my opinion but more about that later on. 
The shop sacred eye and the high priest take us back to two episodes of S1. First in 1x07 - Wingman where the high priest parallels the auctioner who was ready to sell everything of ‘supernatural’ worth knowing they were mostly garbage to make money. Second 1x12 - #TeamLucifer the satanic high priest who had said ‘-the Devil ain't gonna buy me an Aston Martin’. In 504 the High Priest wanted a Pontiac. 
Lucifer comment on Tutankhamun loving the pre-sacrificed bloody heart might have to do with the Egyptian mythology that  If a heart during the scaling was judged to be not pure, Ammit (female demon/god) would devour it, and the person undergoing judgment would not allowed to continue their afterlife journey.
One of the best lines delivered in this episode is also foreshadowing P2 in my opinion and why not some bts but not clear or definite ones. 
In the modern age, we are taught to fear death. But the ancients understood that death... is power. - High Priest (Lucifer 5x04)
It is why I always say that death is not the last frontier in our series and as such it should be taken neither as the final chapter to an individual’s story nor as irreversible (with the right collaterals always) somehow. Although you cannot cheat death forever, this is the beauty of our story. Death is valued just as much as life. 
As such as we are in the High Priest ‘office’ it is not accidental we see the Tree of Life (See my Tree of Life Meta *Here*). The designs are Celtic around the mirroring tree of Life in what we can assume is in Life and Death is as vibrant and ‘alive’ in both sides. 
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1) triskelion: meaning the three legs, is an ancient pre-celtic symbol that can be traced to the bronze era. It symbolises the holy trinity in Christianism but also the inner and outer world of spirits. As you can tell it holds a variety of meanings and even if it is just there, picked in random from the WB prop house we should note that it also symbolises the trinity of life, death and rebirth as well as the trinity of the transition of womanhood. The Triple Goddess: maiden, mother and the (older?) wise woman. 
For this meta we will take the trinity of life, death and rebirth as well as elevate it to the transition of our lead characters. Chloe as a young woman, a mother and now a ‘wise’ older and more mature woman. Lucifer as the young rebel, a struggling with maturity and responsibility man and what he may become by the end of S5 without shedding any of his prior roles and identities. Only this time his identities no longer ‘stain’ him. 
2) Knotted symbol - Eternal knot: We see them in many cultures and religions in Buddhism they represent birth, death and rebirth. In the inside we see Solmon’s Knot a symbol of immortality and eternity but some also parallel it to Lover’s Knot (See True Lover’s Knot), an ancient symbol of commitment and love. From this keep the eternal part of the symbolism which is often depicted in jewish cemeteries. 
3) Celtic Cross: They are said to be based on some cases to the Egyptian Ankh (See Coptic Crosses), some also allege the design in the combination of the Christian cross and the pagan sun disk. 
4) The Celtic Tree of Life: For this I take what is written in this site
The tree represents rebirth. Trees were said to guard the land and acted as a doorway into the spirit world.
The Tree of Life connects the lower and upper worlds as its roots grow far down while its branches reach high. The tree trunk connects both of these worlds to the Earth’s plane. It was with this connection of worlds, that it was said that people are able communicate with the gods in the heavens using the Tree of Life.
Tree of Life knots symbolize the branches and roots of a tree which are woven together with no end to show how the cycle of life is continuous.
Through the second part of the episode I was always looking at Lucifer’s tie. I might be wrong but it reminded me a lot of gears, with a heart and clocks on it. Essentially the clock is ticking... in more ways that one as well as for Lilith but give me some more lines before I return to this meta point.
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As Lucifer asks how humans believe her ring makes her immortal she ends her story with the line:
“I survive, and... somebody writes it on a stone tablet. You know how these things start.”
For me that was always a direct reference to the Favourite Son deal we had with the book in episode 2x17. As Lucifer said in 2x18 when Chloe asked whether his Dad said that Amenadiel was His favourite, Lucifer replies: 
In so many Sumerian words. 
Later on in S3 (3x14) Lucifer tells to Cain that Amenadiel is the favourite when he asks him as: 
But the quick version: a book said it, so it must be true.
To be honest this re-occurring mentioning makes me hold to my belief that something was translated wrong there...
As the 5x04 sceheme to get the ring back is underway Lilith looks at Jack & Shirley’s interaction which is interesting not because it’s when Lilith starts to perhaps thinking of retiring her immortality but because a very special question comes to mind. 
Michael knew the ring’s story. He claimed that he was the one who manipulated Lucifer into having his vacation, but his vacation just ‘happened’ to be at the same time Chloe was on Earth? 
Here is a speculative meta. 
Lilith asks Lucifer if he ever connected with anyone emotionally to which he replies: 
Absolutely not. It would take a literal miracle for me to want something like that, and I'm fairly certain my father's not handing those out anymore.
It makes you wonder whether Michael was around listening, planning carefully his next moves. That that’s how he knew the ring’s story, or how he may have plotted Chloe’s miraculous birth by manipulating God. 
At this point everything is possible but we should never forget that God at that point is still powerful and omniscience so Michael might be only alf of the explanation why Chloe is on Earth as a key for Michael to take down his brother and materialise his other plans. The other half is only known by God but will he be willing to share in P2 or even in S6 if he appears there? 
Lesley-Ann as Lilith starts to sing ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’ a song written over the songwritter’s (Ira Gershwin) wedding anniversary, a true love song on many levels written in 1926 and featured in the Brodway Musical ‘Hey, Kay!’. 
The musical’s plot is about an engaged womaniser falls in love with Kay and the song after lots of thought was placed to reveal to the audience of Kay’s realising that she is in love with the male lead, womaniser Jimmy. 
We will never perhaps know if by imminence to Lilith’s first song lyrics, Lilith to a point was in love with Lucifer and held on to hope until she surrendered everything for a normal life not wanting to wait for the impossible. Of course that’s just one interpretation not a hard conviction of mine. 
An analysis of the song writes: 
When first composing this piece, the Gershwin brothers tried to capture the feeling of safety (and love) that everybody longs to have. The addition of the doll (a doll was added as the listener of the song in the rehearsals and stayed in the show) only enhanced the childlike, vulnerable side of the song that was being hinted at in lyrics such as, “I’m a little lamb who’s lost in the woods.”
Although many artists sing this like a love song, its first performance, directed at a doll, gave the piece an aura of safety not usually present in romantic songs.
Perhaps that safety should be also attributed here. Lilith still has her safety still holding on to her immortality knowing though that she will surrender it. Lucifer is unaware he one day will surrender his willingly because he fell in love. 
In the end they both carry the vulnerability of needing someone to understand and love them. No matter how cynical we find both Lilith and Lucifer with his brutal Caligula orgy comments, they both crave about someone. Both have lost hope to their Shepard aka God/Dad.
 Perhaps I’m wrong on my first impression with Lilith and her affection towards Lucifer. Perhaps they both are the prodigal children, lost in the woods wishing for someone to finally take care of them but no longer hoping for one, until Lilith takes the leap. Lucifer will need almost 80 more years and Chloe Decker to let someone take care of him. 
Perhaps that’s why they do a duet on the lyrics:
Someone who'll watch over me
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood I know I could, always be good To one who'll watch over me
And the case is back to move the episode forward and enter the present Lucifer Trixie interlude and ‘Forget it Trix. It’s Chinatown!’
That line was the most obvious one as it comes from the more recent noir movie with Bogart and Chinatown (1974).  In the movie aside from the mystery plot Evelyn - the mother eventually dies, the twist is that of an abuse which led to her daughter/sister’s birth and although that does not fit our serie’s plot the death of the main lady might. All a speculation so do not be dishearten remember all the above and this is not an S&S it’s a meta :P 
After all Lucifer’s line goes back to the complex dealings in Chinatown and how understanding something fully is not always feasible. 
Interesting is also how Lucifer shots, albeit the foot not the leg, of willy to prove Willy is not immortal. Like Chloe did to him in 1x04 and to Michael in 5x02. Jewelry is not going to save anyone. Big words but you know me. I believe in other provisions or actions even if they include the ring. 
We all die, Lily. And that's okay. Truth is... I'd rather die today trying to save the man I love... than live forever without him.
The past, the present and perhaps the future?
The case is resolved and Jack follows Shirley to Des Moines (Capital of Iowa). That’s an inner joke as Joe Henderson is from Iowa and graduated from the University of Iowa. 
Before Jack follows her remember that Shirley had asked more from him when he told her to be careful. A bit like Chloe in the evidence room in 5x08. If some have watched unconditional love then you might remember the scene where Kathy Bates tells to her husband played by Dan Aykroyd that him telling her ‘I love you was never a condition but at that point it now was. Similar to what we saw Chloe asking from Lucifer. A foreshadowing perhaps that eventually Lucifer will follow Chloe. 
Now two things. Lucifer in episode 504 prepares their game night. He is now comfortable and even enjoying their game nights, he find himself right where he wants to be without being fearful of being dull. He is a shoe and that’s fine. 
When Trixie asks Lucifer whether Jack and Shirley had a happy ending he tells her probably not as they moved to Des Moines meaning it was a boring move between New York and Iowa in general. Iowa and Des Moines have been used several times in jokes by the way due to Henderson. 
Now back to Lucifer, at that point he does not see that sometimes sacrifices that lead to ‘boring’ lives are the best outcome and happiness is not equal to excitement but he is a slowly maturing Devil... 
That part can help us to analyse the end of the story from 1946. 
Lucifer says: Once you do this, there's no going back.
This implies that whether you surrender your immortality or gain it -for the second I’m quite doubtful it can be done on the same terms - it is forever. No going back. 
Lilith’s next words reveal a broken woman who gets her Hail Mary and hopes for the best. As a parent she offered her children the best place to never realise they are lacking but Lucifer by bringing Maze to earth undid that as Maze slowly reaches her potential, learning there is a different way. God’s words echo since 3x26.
So was Lucifer a kindergarten guardian for Lilith? In a way yes but Lucifer in 5x04 understood Lilith’s logic. In their distorted image of how you can break an individual, the Lilims seemed safe from Lucifer’s and Lilith’s fates. Cast out, punished, unloved, lonely and in an unspoken despair to connect but too afraid to try again until Lilith tried again. The end of 504 showed she didn’t succeed o find what she was looking for. We have no way of knowing if we will see her again in P2 but it’s probable. 
Lilith kisses Lucifer goodbye, making me once again wonder if a part of her did had feelings for him and wishes him back to enjoy the rest of his life as if somehow she knew, although she couldn’t. 
The story ends here and perhaps the clock starts ticking for Lucifer through Michael. Perhaps the planning started with Penelope and John that were meant to be born, get married but not have children and then Chloe came along. But that’s just a theory...
And before the screen fades to dark, Lilith walks away with Lucifer standing in the middle of the street and we listen to ‘This Is Ours’ by Peter Sivo’s Band (1946-1961).
This is Ours lyrics are the words of a man which mystify me. For me it is a song that gives us a couple together after a very long time that reconnects. It was a meant to be couple but the past had to happen. He had to get married, for both of them to live apart their own lives until one day they get back together and now they can be together. There is no sadness, there is relief, contentment. 
Several say that How I Met Your Mother had an awful ending. If you have not watched it and want to please stop here but know that I believe that the ending was just right. 
In How I Met Your Mother, the lead (father) marries the mother of his children but it is revealed that she eventually dies and some years later he starts telling them a story that lasts ten years as all aspects of it in his belief is about how he met their mother. His daughter interrupts him saying that no it’s about how he met the woman he wants to be together now. They all know that the Mother was loved and was the One but in this life there is more, there are second chances because life happens and it’s not a bad thing and the time in between is as joyful as the future despite of the tragedies in between. 
So a part of me wonders if Deckerstar will go a bit through that to a point. 
Forget the past, for this is ours...
The thing is that a bittersweet ending gives as a possibility and then we are left wondering past that. 
Trixie: I bet Jack and Shirley talked the whole bus ride and fixed everything. Lucifer: Yes. Yes, perhaps they did.
After all they did move to Des Moines... After that we can only guess. 
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sanoiro · 4 years
I understand your reasons Sanoiro and I will live without your S&S, even if I think they are really interesting, but...the last part of your message, the sarcasm, in this year, sounds not so good to me I’m sorry, it’s really not necessary toward all the people that always respected your work. Goodbye
Ain’t sarcasm. If you perceive it as such I’m sorry but it’s not. 
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sanoiro · 4 years
Sanoiro are you close to publishing updated S&S?
At the moment not really as I’m working on my uni paper :P I’ll talk to a friend to see what they think and I will decide within next week ;) 
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sanoiro · 4 years
Hi sanoiro. In the netflix asia scene where lucifer and chloe first look at each other and then the kiss. Chloe's look seems so weird to me. I don't know why. It's different from the Lucifer's one. Maybe something bad did happened before? Maybe this is the moment db said to pay attention to chloe? What do you Think?
That I have covered it on the mega thread and in the S&S. :) 
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sanoiro · 6 years
The New Spoiler vs Sanoiro
Before you start searching for the new spoiler please read the first section of this post. 
I’m adamant that what TVLine released with permission a spoiler that just spoils a lot the plot of S4. Many do not seem to realise what that means and that’s good. It also means that I’m successfully staying under the radar (I hope). 
Although... As we speak the S&S post of 4x10 was reported and I have submitted an appeal to unflag it and make it visible again. 
Now under this line lies not only the spoiler but also why it is so disturbing in my opinion. I do remind you that I’m a person who does not just hunts spoilers but absolutely loves them. So what’s the big deal? With the S&S the main plot of S4 might be partly exposed. A bit like knowing in S3 that Marcus was Cain and would propose to Chloe...
If you have not read the spoiler and do not want to, move on. 
If you have read it, you are also warned although what will follow is speculation. 
The spoiler given by TvLine is the following:
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What we know for sure is that after reading the spoiler is that:
There is a prophecy but as we do know most of the time people tend to self-fulfil them. Father Kinley sure will in 4x10. Also, it might explain why Lucifer gets hurt in 4x05 not to mention why Lucifer is also so confused about love itself this season.  
What we do not know is who is the first love of Lucifer. Is it Eve or Chloe? I do believe it’s Chloe but Eve will be eventually targeted. Still, the truth will eventually make Eve retract. 
Another thing that we do not know is the prophecy itself. Like the Brass Book of S2 and the talk about who is God’s favourite the same goes for S4. Joe Henderson mentioned in LUX Brighton, that Lucifer is the favourite son but without realising he had let out a spoiler. 
What does that mean? The Church believes that the favourite is Lucifer, the gang and perhaps other Celestials and Demons believe it’s Amenadiel so everyone has a different agenda according to that prophecy if it refers the favourite son and not explicitly Lucifer or the Devil. 
The above means that essentially everyone is in danger. Linda, the baby, Eve and yes to an extant Chloe. Remember that in this season we do play with duality as Henderson and Ildy have said in Con and I have explained in the S&S. 
In the S&S I talked about the “what’s in a name?” Who is good, who is evil? Who is the favourite who is not and how does the story moves forward under assumptions that are taken to a point for granted. 
You see all the characters are in a Maze that leads the plot somewhere but as everyone assumes something different over vague words and prophesies, there is only one centre and that’s Chloe in S4. You see while everyone is chasing Eve, Linda and yes the Baby everyone loses their sight from Chloe. 
Am I overthinking things? Perhaps. What I see though is a clearer picture that I didn’t want to be aware of so far from the season 4 drop. 
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