#Satanic Influence in Scripture
moashdeservedbetter · 3 months
I'm an exmo, but I grew up *all in* the church and was until like a couple years ago, which I'm not proud of, but I don't hate that Branderson is LDS...
anyway my cold take is that the Cosmere is super heretical mormon fanfiction, hear me out
-people become Gods (he's said this has lds influence)
-there's lots of planets and peoples (yes mormons believe in lots of other worlds with life on them)
-Poeople-turned-Gods can create more life (it's why ur supposed to become a god)
-reading a holy book is a big part of what changes Dalinar's whole life (he reads WoK book over and over, he talks about it a lot like LDS people talk about reading scriptures everyday and how it will change your soul) -plus divine intervention, he asks for divine help and receives it (in Momonism, if you're just willing to ask, God is always willing to grant help) -Every religion has some truth, basically Sazed's worldview (okay mormons can be split on this but I love that Brandon leans into this aspect of Mormon theology, basically that all faiths can lead to God)
-overvaluing forgiveness and bypassing anger (imo, obviously I disagree here)
-Ruin can *plant* thoughts but not *read* thoughts, only preservation can (Satan can plant thoughts but can't read your thoughts, only God can)
-Odium is basically stroke for stroke "the natural man" i could write an essay about that
-also I could write a whole essay on Harmony's "why evil still exists if there's a God" take, also I literally have a big google doc filled with tiny (but sometimes pretty direct) references to Mormon lore in the Cosmere
BUT ALSO the cosmere is pretty heretical,
i.e. God dies, and soul's can be prevented from going to the spiritual realm, and Brandon's LGBTQ+ representation/allyship would probably get him fired from BYU if he weren't such a big author. Anyway my first tumblr post is a novel if you've read it this far thank you for listening ^_^
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the-devils-library · 2 years
Some books to get you started with Satanism (that aren't LaVey's bible)
Please note that none of these are simple "Satanism 101" titles. I don't really believe there is such a thing, at least not for me. However there is a good reason for each one being on the list, which I will explain. There also won't be any magic or witchcraft recommendations on this list, because while magic is absolutely compatible with Satanism, Satanism is a religion and witchcraft is a practice. I may update this list periodically, so if you reblog or save this post, check back in on it once in a while.
Paradise Lost by John Milton. I'd argue this text is one of the closest things Satanism has to "scripture," if there is a Satanic canon then Milton is absolutely a part of it. It can be a bit of a tricky read but it's a beautiful poem loaded with imagery and metaphor to feed the soul. If the style is a struggle for you to read, I'd recommend listening to an audio version, it's very beautiful when read aloud.
Revelations from the Christian Bible. Yes, I'm serious. If you, as a Satanist, are going to read any part of the Bible, make it Revelations. It's poetic and esoteric and full of references to Satan and the demonic.
Inferno by Dante Alighieri. The one might surprise some people, as Satan absolutely isn't depicted in a flattering light in it. However, Inferno has had a surprising amount of influence on the Christian understanding of Hell and the demonic, which is part of why I feel it is valuable, as Satanism is derived from Christianity. Many stereotypes about what one may expect when one gets to hell comes from this book. Furthermore, it's just a fun read.
Origins of Satan by Elaine Pagels. This one is a historical study of Satan as a religious figure, and I think it ought to be required reading for anyone getting into Satanism. Satan isn't just a vague or meaningless deity, he has been weaponized by Christianity throughout the centuries to target very specific groups of people for specific reasons. If you are to take on the mantle of Satanist, I recommend understanding what sort of legacy you're associating yourself with. You are becoming an adversary to God - but what, to the Christian eye, makes one an enemy?
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queersatanic · 9 months
Things definitely-not-a-cult organizations do? Tell you, “Don’t listen to criticisms from former members”
But at least we know The Satanic Temple’s owners aren’t mad. (Please don't put in the newspaper that they got mad.)
Maybe someone in one of the upper councils of The Satanic Temple should check and make sure that TST owners Doug "Lucien Greaves" Misicko and Cevin "Malcolm Jarry" Soling know that cult danger evaluation models are a warning, not a checklist.
Warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader 7. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances. Rick Ross's Cult Education Institute lists the following warning signs for followers of a cult: 10. Former followers are at best considered negative, and at worst, they are considered evil and/or under bad influences. They can not be trusted, and personal contact is avoided. The Cult Danger Evaluation Scale 4. Wisdom/Knowledge Credited to leader(s) by members: amount of trust in decisions or doctrinal/scriptural interpretations made by leader(s); amount of hostility by members towards internal or external critics and/or towards verification efforts
Anyway, if you're a member of a new religious movement or any sort of organization that has a high degree of control over your life, including a business or ad hoc collective, some self-reflection and critical re-evaluation might be worthwhile.
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spinallyspiraling · 9 months
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Satan or Lucifer was a role or a position. Satan and Lucifer played with creation and with matter. So it's possible to define this as a form of satanic practice if one looks at all of this with a narrow mindset. Remember in the Bible it is stated that as Moses lifted the brazen serpent to heal the Israelites so too must the son of man be lifted up. Therefore I would say when looking and observing the practices with a more grounded or centered perspective we could see there are many biblical references to the practice of kundalini. The scripture that mentions how God leads us to still waters is also a reference to the pit we obtain or achieve through full activation of Kundalini. The rod and the staff give us comfort. The spine is the rod and the staff that is being spoken of. Therefore the Bible acknowledges the importance of the spine and it's condition. People who indulge in sexual energy and spilling are damaging their nervous systems. Spilling is demonic or satanic and a direct threat or hindrance to evolution, spiritually being connected to God, and consciousness. The pulsation of the anal perenium during orgasm causes an influx of energy to descend downwards and to prevent spiritual connection or the evolution of consciousness for multiple days. Samael Aun Weor a renowned gnostic practitioner even says that to be abstinent from ejaculation creates christic atoms in the seminal fluid and Cerebrospinal fluid. To spill in his understanding would be to create satanic atoms charged with oppositional influence to go against the intended outcome. We leave our sinless disposition when we spill. When Kundalini activates it literally pushes us into Eden where we are reborn through the blood and sacrifice of Christ internally as a metaphysical force. Kundalini is the means to claim Christ's sacrifice as something you wish to receive and to exalt Christ as your Savior. The death of Christ happens within with Kundalini and this is what activated the Kundalini fully and brought us down into the pit which actually is superimposed with Eden. When in the pit or Eden the changes that were made through sin in our central nervous system becomes physically experiential as a sensory sensation where we are made conscious and aware of the sins and actions we committed that caused us to change and alter our central nervous systems. Eden is superimposed with the pit because if enough sin decimated our nervous systems before the Kundalini activated it results in a struggle or a difficulty to use certain nerves or muscles inside of the body. It's the pit and Eden because it's paradise but through this process we realize we are naked because of what we have done. The whole point of the process and the Kundalini is to bring us to a point where we spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically become restored to our original state or spotless nature.
~ SpinallySpiraling
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hiswordsarekisses · 5 months
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“With all the enemies from the world and from Satan arrayed against us - and a guerrilla army of flesh within our own hearts - how can we effectively watch against the temptations that constantly beset us?
The old adage "The best defense is a good offense" is good advice for watching against temptation. The best offense is meditation on the Word of God and prayer.
It’s surely no coincidence that they’re the only two spiritual exercises that we are encouraged to do continually. We’re to meditate on God’s Word -
"day and night" (Psalm 1:2)
- and Paul exhorted us to "pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NIV).
There is POWER in the Word of God to keep us from sin:
“I have stored up your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11).
For every temptation that you face, there are specific passages of Scripture that address that issue. If you’re not aware of some, ask your pastor or another mature Christian to help you find them. Then memorize those verses, meditate on them, and pray over them every day, asking the Holy Spirit to bring them to your mind in times of need. Ask, also, that he will strengthen your will to enable you to obey the Word that he brings to your mind.
All of us are being influenced by sinful society, so we want to do all we can to continually bring the Word of God to bear upon our thinking.
Also remember that Jesus told us to watch and pray against temptation (Matthew 26:41).
We aren’t capable of watching by ourselves. "Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain" (Psalm 127:1).
Even with our best diligence, we need the extra dimension of the Lord watching for us.”
~ Jerry Bridges
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noandpickles · 2 years
I wanna talk about a specific form of gaslighting I experienced as a teen that I haven't seen discussed elsewhere. Fair warning, this is going to require a discussion of some Mormon doctrine, and details of my own deconversion. But first, I know there's a lot of discourse about misuse of psychiatric terms, especially gaslighting, so let's start with a definition.
Gaslighting doesn't have a clinical definition, but I think this definition from Medical News Today sums it up pretty well:
"Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a person or group causes someone to question their own sanity, memories, or perception of reality."
Now for the Mormon doctrine, specifically a piece of scripture called Moroni's Challenge or Moroni's Promise. Moroni's Challenge is in the Book of Mormon, near the end, and is heavily emphasized in Mormon teachings as one of the key takeaways of the book. The relevant passage (Moroni, Chapter 10, Verse 4) reads:
"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."
This is the final hard sell of every Mormon missionary, every faith-affirming address in a church meeting, every script they teach for converting your friends and neighbors. If you read the book and ask god if it's true, and you really really mean it, you'll get the answer.
Moroni 10:4 is often compared to James 1:5-6, which, according to the church's foundational myth, is the scripture that led Joseph Smith to say the prayer that led to the founding of the church:
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
I can't overemphasize how significant these two passages are to Mormons. When I was a member (and for a few years after) I could quote both of these from memory. This is the instruction manual Mormons are given for saving souls, including their own.
And with the scene set, on to the story.
When I was a teen, I decided it was time for me to take Moroni's Challenge and find my own unwavering conviction that the church was true. Mormons call this "gaining a testimony," and it's something every Mormon is meant to do. I had already read the Book of Mormon, the Bible, and the other Mormon holy books a couple times, so I started by simply praying. And nothing happened.
Not to be deterred, I set about doing all the various things Mormons are taught to do when they need spiritual guidance and the reception's a bit fuzzy. I started reading the Book of Mormon more often, fasting for a day at a time, trying to cut out "satanic" influences in my life, etc. In case a lack of faith was the problem, I started reading articles by Mormon leaders about how to strengthen my faith, and following their advice.
Aaaand nothing happened.
It's not like the bar was high here. Mormons describe these spiritual confirmations as any one of a range of vague feelings. But no matter how much I wanted that confirmation, I didn't feel anything that I could convince myself was a sign.
This went on for a period of a few months. I don't need to go into much more detail about that process here, except to say that it was an increasingly desperate, frightening, and depressing experience, and I didn't allow myself to consider the possibility that there might not be an answer coming until I was sure I'd done everything I was meant to and received no response. In other words, by the time I stopped believing, I was as certain as I could possibly be.
Eventually, I started trying to talk to people in my life about what I had experienced, and the conclusion I had reached. I'm from a heavily Mormon area. Nearly everyone I'd ever met was Mormon, and everyone I spoke to about my faith in those days certainly was. From family to friends to, on one occasion, Mormon apostle Jeffrey Holland. These conversations took place over a long period, beginning when I was still hoping to get my confirmation somehow but was beginning to despair, and continuing until well after I had stopped believing. In each conversation, my question was basically the same: "I've read the scriptures, fasted, and prayed with faith for confirmation, and I've received no answer. What do you think that means?" And in each conversation, the immediate response was the same: "That didn't happen. Either you weren't faithful enough, or you got your answer and ignored it."
It's not hard to understand why every Mormon I spoke to reacted in the same way. They were just taking the easy out that was built into Moroni's Challenge. "If ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ." Those qualities are impossible to measure or prove. I couldn't demonstrate what my intentions were to anyone else, no matter how sure I was myself. So upon hearing my story, the people I spoke to could conclude one of three things: that the religion their entire life was built around was false, that I was lying, or that I had misremembered or misunderstood some part of my own internal experience.
The first option was obviously not on the table, and people don't like to accuse people they know and like of lying, so every one of them took the third option. These were not generally people with a history of manipulation or abuse. As far as I can remember, my mother had never gaslit or abused me before I lost my faith. And yet, because of this one piece of Mormon doctrine, otherwise caring people just trying to do the right thing ended up gaslighting a scared teenager who was reaching out to them for help. They weren't bad people, and they weren't behaving irrationally. Their decision-making skills were working fine, but they were operating on faulty information, and so they inflicted lasting psychological damage on someone they cared about.
To this day, when I second guess myself about the other shit I went through, telling myself "maybe it wasn't that bad, you're exaggerating, you're misremembering," I hear it in my mother's voice. I doubt my own memories frequently, especially memories of my own thoughts and feelings. Like nearly all the ex-Mormons I've known, I've gone through periods of intense interest in Mormon history and counter-apologetics. Because I'm still never quite sure if I can trust my own memory, but maybe I can back up my experiences with other sources that help confirm my conclusions.
This isn't something I've seen discussed in detail, although I've seen lots of ex-Mormons with similar deconversion stories say that their friends and family just dismissed what they'd experienced. I think our discussions of what we've gone through as ex-Mormons would be helped by understanding this as a form of gaslighting. It's not intentional or malicious, but the effects are the same.
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albertfinch · 1 year
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"Then war broke out in Heaven; Michael and his angels went forth to battle with the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought. But they were defeated, and there was no room found for them in Heaven any longer" (Revelation 12:7-8 AMP).
Notice the phrase, "there was no room...for them in Heaven" --  the war against principalities involves displacement -- Christ filling the spiritual territories once held by satan.
Because this war in Heaven is difficult for us to comprehend, these questions arise:
How do angels and demons -- beings who do not die from wounds, wage war?
With what do they do battle?
And how do they conquer one another?
All spiritual warfare is waged over one essential question: Who will control reality on earth, Heaven or Hell?
When it comes to angelic and demonic warfare, the battle rests not in physical weaponry but in the power of agreement between mankind and the spirit realm. We read in Ephesians 6 (NKJV) that "principalities" and "powers" occupy the "heavenly places" (verse 12). But we read in Ephesians 1:10 that it is the Father's expressed purpose to sum up all things in Christ, "things in the heavens and things on the earth."
Ephesians 3:10 reveals God's glorious plan, that "through the Church" God has purposed to make known His manifold wisdom to the principalities and powers "in the heavenly places." You see, as the Body of Christ on earth agrees with its Head in Heaven, the Spirit of Christ Himself displaces the powers of darkness in the heavenly places.
When the Church on earth is aggressive in its agreement with the will and Word of God, then the presence of God increases in the spiritual realm, proportionally displacing the influence of Hell on earth. Shortly thereafter, manifesting in the world of men, we see revivals, healings and miracles. But when the Church is passive, indifferent or carnal, the powers of Hell increase their rule over the affairs of men: marriages break up, crime increases, and wantonness becomes unbridled. We must see that our prayers, attitudes, and agreement with God are an integral part of establishing the reality of the Kingdom of God on earth!
From the spiritual realm, satan works to corrupt and control the mind of man through illusions built from mankind's carnal desires and fears. But the power of the lie is not merely the speaking of falsehoods, nor is it that this world is an illusion. The lie of the enemy appears most powerfully when men believe that this world, as it is, is the ONLY world we can live in. The truth is, of course, that God is establishing His Kingdom, and ultimately, every other reality will submit to and be ruled by that Kingdom! (See Hebrews 12:26-28; Revelation 11:15.)
The weapon God has given us to combat the lies of the enemy is the Word of God, which the Scriptures refer to as the "sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:17). Jesus said His words "are spirit and are life" (John 6:63), which is to say that the substance or meaning in Christ's words represents an actual reality: the living Spirit of the Kingdom of God.
The ancient Greeks, in whose language the New Testament was written, had no word for "reality." To them "truth" and "reality" were the same essence. If we seek to experience the true work of the Holy Spirit, we should understand that the Spirit has been sent to establish the reality of God's Kingdom in the lives of Jesus' followers. Thus, as we become one with the Spirit of Truth, and as we fully embrace the Word of Truth, we are brought into the reality of God Himself!
This point is essential: in our war over who controls man's world, the singular weapon God has given the Church is His Spirit-empowered Word. The living Word of the Spirit is the truth.
Paul taught that spiritual warfare deals specifically with the "pulling down of strongholds."
But what are those strongholds?
They are lies the devil has sown into our thought processes which, as we accepted and believed them, became reality to us. We do not fall into sin as much as we are seduced by it; every sin is cloaked in some measure of deception. But as these lies are uncovered and destroyed, as our thought processes are freed from illusions, we will discover the blamelessness, perfection, and truth of Christ in us, the hope of glory (see Colossians 1:27).
To be successful in life (COME TO KNOW AND IMPLEMENT GOD'S PURPOSE FOR OUR LIFE) we must know the Word of God. For all things come into being through the Word. It is the Word made alive in our hearts (through repeated affirmation and meditation), that builds our faith, and wins the war over reality.
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theprayerfulword · 2 months
August 03
John 15:4 Jesus said, “Abide in Me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me.”
John 7:37-38 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
Jeremiah 25:6 Do not go after other gods to serve and worship them, and do not provoke Me to anger with the works of your hands. Then I will do you no harm.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Luke 12:32 It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
Ephesians 1:5-6 Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
May you remove the foreign influences and get rid of images in your heart that exalt themselves against the Lord, and cast out anything that distracts from true worship of the one and only God. 2 Chronicles 33
May you do what is right in the eyes of the Lord and walk in the ways of God, not turning aside to the right or to the left. 2 Chronicles 34
May you seek God when the day is young, and walk with Him in all you do. 2 Chronicles 34
May your heart be responsive and humble before God when you hear what He speaks in your life, for He will hear you when you come in repentance, sorrowing because of sin, seeking to walk in His righteousness. 2 Chronicles 34
May you watch out for those who would cause divisions and put obstacles in your way which are contrary to the teaching you have learned; keep away from them for such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites, deceiving the minds of naive people with smooth talk and flattery. Romans 16
May you be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil, for the God of peace will soon crush Satan under you feet. Romans 16
My child, you have been entrusted with much. That is why much is being asked of you. My mercy is upon you and yours because you fear Me, giving reverential awe and respectful honor to My Name. As you walk in that mercy, should you not also show mercy to others, so that they, too, may learn to reverence Me? My goodness is great towards you, My dear one. As you take refuge in Me, I bring you to the secret place I have prepared for you, and give you access to the Father, sheltering you from the strife of men's tongues. Rest here and gain strength from Me before I send you forth again to rescue the perishing and care for the dying. As I have comforted you, even so comfort others with My compassion and My goodness. My relationship gives you access as a child, a close family member, to the One who impartially judges all people of the earth. I, Whom the Father loves and accepts fully, plead your case before Him and advocate for you that you may be forgiven and receive another chance. So, also, shall you consider My blood sufficient to repay the injury caused and the debt incurred by those who reject, revile, and abuse your name and character in the world. Do not usurp the role of the One who is the true and righteous Judge, and bring the same decision on yourself. My Presence abides with you, My close one, and My Spirit dwells within you. As you reverentially honor Me and offer respectful awe toward Me, I fulfill your desires, saving you as you cry out to Me. When I do, you are to testify of My goodness to those who have not learned of My majesty and saving grace. By bearing witness of My hand in your life, My strength in your weakness, My mercy in your failures, you will bring hope to others; when in the faith which comes by hearing they turn to Me, they will be healed from the inside out. My compassion and tender care is near when you are broken-hearted; I save you from total desolation when you feel crushed in your spirit. I look upon your distress with love and pour out My balm to salve your bruises and bind up your wounds. As you have been ministered to, My lovely one, so minister to the broken-hearted, the hopeless, the outcast, the rejected, bearing My comforting Spirit as you speak My words of love. Just as you have spoken words of anguish, loss, hurt, and anger to Me in your pain and despondency, do not be surprised if those to whom I send you lash out in their loss. Let them feel your uncritical, non-judging acceptance in the fellowship of your suffering that they may realize they are not alone. These, and so many more blessings have you been the recipient of from My heavenly throne, My child. They have healed you, strengthened you, and stabilized you in My kingdom, and now they are yours to give, gifts for those I am drawing, the fingerprints of My hand in your clay to show as evidence of My existence to those whose eyes have been blinded to other evidences. Be generous, My sweet one, giving even as you have been given to.
May you give glory forever through Jesus Christ to the only wise God, the One Who is able to establish you by the gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God so that all nations might believe and obey Him. Romans 16
May you trust in the Lord without wavering, for then the Lord will vindicate you. Psalm 26
May you walk continually in the truth of the Lord and keep His love ever before you, for then the Lord can test and try you, examining your heart and mind, and settle you in the truth of His Word. Psalm 26
May you not sit in agreement with deceitful men or consort in approval with hypocrites but abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit in acceptance with the wicked, but rather wash your hands in innocence and go about the altar of the Lord proclaiming aloud God's praise and telling of all His wonderful deeds. Psalm 26
May you love the house where the Lord lives and the place where His glory dwells. Psalm 26
May your feet stand on level ground and in the great assembly may you give praise to the Lord, for as you walk in the righteousness of Christ, clinging to Him and showing His compassion to others, He will redeem you and be merciful to you. Psalm 26
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Vatican Miracle Examiner Vocab: Chapter 1
100+ vocab terms from Ch 1, Vol 1 of the 5-part manga series.
Mostly Catholic terms in Japanese and unique usage related to the series.
This list is not exhaustive. I focused on terms that would be unfamiliar (or unfamiliar as used in this series), and/or directly relate to Catholic terminology in Japanese.
I list part of speech, pronunciation, and simple definitions. I have not included additional of these if they are not relevant to this series.
Character names will have titles where applicable and those will be in brackets to minimize confusion; titles will be listed under general vocab as well.
At the end of the list I’ll have a few sources for some of the more obscure terms in case you want to read more or get better context.
As of now I have things listed in the order in which they appear, roughly, in the manga.
Note: This will be a long post since it’s the first chapter in the series and 31 pages long.
Character Names/Places
Note: I’ve chosen to spell names close to the katakana spellings; keep in mind some may be transcribed with slightly different spellings (like Joseph instead of Josef).
平賀•ヨゼフ•庚 [神父] - Hiraga, Josef Kou [Father], Franciscan order
ロベルト•ニコラス[神父] - Roberto, Nicholas [Father], Franciscan order
良太 - Ryota (Josef’s younger brother)
サウロ[大司教] - Saul [Archbishop] , Franciscan order
ニコラス[枢機卿] - Nicholas [Cardinal], secretary of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints (also potentially the head of the miracle examiners), also known as “the prefect (of the Curia)” in English
ドンナ•ドロレス - Donna Dolores, a nun from St Rosario Church
[大天使]ミカエル - [Archangel] Michael
[聖]ペテ - [Saint] Peter
パウロ[大司教] - [Archbishop] Paul, Dominican order
アントニウス[神父] - [Father] Antonius
セントロザリオ教会 - St Rosario Church, a church in South America where Josef & Roberto are sent to investigate
バチカソ市国 - Vatican City, the City state of the Vatican
Other Vocab
奇跡、きせき (n; の adj) miracle
常識、じょうしき (n) common sense, common knowledge, common practice
科学、かがく (n) science
説明、せつめい (n, する v; trans v) explanation, account, caption, legend, description
不可思議、ふかしぎ (な adj; n; yojijukugo) mystery, miracle, something inexplicable, unfathomable
現象、げんしょう (n) phenomenon
神、かみ (n) God, divinity
御業、みわざ (n) the works (of the gods)
真偽、しんぎ (n) veracity, authenticity
確かめる、たしかめる (Ichidan v; trans v) to ascertain, to check, to make sure
神父、しんぷ (n) Catholic priest [Note: this is the term used when speaking to someone , like “Father” So-and-So, as opposed to a general word for priest, 司祭, which you don’t use when speaking TO someone but rather about them.]
害、がい (n) evil influence
礼服、れいふく (n) cassock, vestments, etc
暗号、あんごう (n; のadj) code, cipher, password
解読、かいどく (n; するv; trans v) deciphering, decoding
聖年、せいねん (n) holy year, jubilee [see additional notes below]
大聖年、だいせいねん (n) the Great Jubilee (of 2000)
聖堂、せいどう (n) church
バチカン (n) (the) Vatican
市国、しこく (n) city state (as in the Vatican)
宗教、しゅつきょう (n) religion, faith
ブラザー(n) brother (as in, a monk or priest)
天使、てんし (n;のadj) Angel
悪魔、あくま (n) devil, demon, the Devil (Satan)
骨肉腫、こつにくしゅ (n) osteosarcoma
治療費、ちりょうひ (n) cost of medical treatment
ルルドの泉、いすみ (n) Fountain of Lourdes, aka home of “Lourdes Water” in France
奇跡調査官、きせきちょうさかん (n) miracle examiner
調査、ちょうさ (n; するv; trans v) investigation, examination
聖痕現象、スティグマータ (n) stigmata (phenomenon)
未知、みち (のadj; n) the unknown
知れる、しれる (ichidan v; intrans v) to become known; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood
舞い込む、まいこむ (godan v む ending; intrans v) to happen unexpectedly
大司教、だいしきょう (n) archbishop
キリスト (n) (Jesus) Christ
聖書、せいしょ (n) Bible, scriptures, holy writ
黙示録、もくしろく (n) book of revelation; the apocalypse
悪魔が書いた魔法書 - literally, “magic writing written by the devil” [see additional notes below]
古文書、こもんじょ (n) historical document, ancient manuscripts
断片、だんぺん (n) fragment
読む、よむ (godan v, む ending; trans v) to decipher, to read, to recite (a sutra, prayer)
原文、げんぶん (n) original text
会、かい (n; n suffix) meeting, assembly, conference, clerical order
イエズス会 (n) society of Jesus, aka Jesuit order
ドミニコ会 (n) Dominican order
フランシスコ会 (n) Franciscan order (which Josef and Roberto belong to)
派閥 (n; のadj) faction; used in the manga as in orders of priests
破門、はもん (n; するv; のadj) excommunication
枢機卿、すうききょう (n) Cardinal (title)
執行部、しっこうぶ (n) leadership (for example, the Roman Curia, that is the administration of the Vatican)
列聖、れっせい (n; するv) canonization (of a Saint)
列聖省長官、れっせいしょうちょうかん (n) literally, “canonization ministry secretary”; I believe this is intended to refer to the Secretary/Director of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints; a position in the Vatican overseeing things related to canonization [see additional notes]
祈り、いのり (n) prayer
申請書、しんせいしょ(n) Written application
申請、 しんせい (n; する v; trans v) application, petition, request
教会、しょうかい (n) church, congregation
修道女、しゅうどうじょ (n) nun
大天使、だいてんし (n) archangel
神の子、かみのこ (n) son of God (Jesus Christ); child of God (Christian)
処女懐胎、しょじょかいたい (n) virgin birth, such as Mary with Jesus (immaculate conception)
受胎、じゅたい (n; するv; intrans v) conception
聖母、せいぼ (n) Virgin Mary; holy mother
カソリック (n) Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church [note there are a couple diff katakana spellings of this word, but this one is used in VME]
受肉、じゅにく(n) (Christ’s) incarnation (as Jesus of Nazareth)
降臨、こうりん (n; するv) descent to earth (of a god); advent; epiphany
罪、つみ (n; なadj; のadj) sin
永遠、えいえん (n; なadj) eternity; immortality
贖う、あがなう (godan v, う ending; trans v) to atone for
最後の審判、さいごのしんぱん (n) judgment day; final judgment (religious sense)
聖、せい (n) Saint (may also be written with katakana, as in 「セント」, like “St Rosario’s Church”
ローム (n) Rome
司教、しきょう (n) bishop (catholic)
代理人、だいりにん (n) proxy, representative
存在意義、ぞんざいいぎ (n) raison d'être, reason for existing
冒涜、ぼうとく (n; するv) blasphemy, sacrilege, desecration
主、しゅ (n) the Lord (God)
カルト (n) cult
教徒、しょうと (n) believer, adherent
法王、ほうおう (n) Pope; aka ローム法王
司祭、しさい (n; のadj) a priest [do not confuse with 神父, the title of “Father”]
大罪、たいざい、(n) mortal sin, grave sin
契約、けいやく (n; するv; trans v) covenant, contract, pact [as in a deal with the devil]
最高責任者、さいこうせきにんしゃ (n) chief executive [such as, of the Vatican Bank]
教皇庁、きょうこうちょう(n) the Curia, the administration of the Vatican
地位、ちい (n) position, such as within the Vatican hierarchy, or in line to be a papal candidate
潜り込む、 もぐりこみ (Godan v, む ending; intrans v) to go undercover, to infiltrate
マリア (n) (the Virgin) Mary [sometimes seen as 聖母マリア]
聖母子 (n) Virgin and Child, Mary & Baby Jesus
全知全能、ぜんちぜんのう (n; のadj; yojijukugo) omnipotence and omniscient, all powerful and all knowing
救世主、きゅうせいしゅ (n) savior, the messiah, Jesus Christ (the messiah, savior)
背徳、はいとく (n) immorality, corruption, lapse of virtue
堕落、だらく (n; するv) depravity, degradation, corruption
偶像、ぐうぞう (n) idol, image, statue
天罰、てんぼつ (n) divine punishment, wrath of God, judgment of heaven
主よ、しゅよ (なadj; n) Lord, head (of a group)
信仰、しんこう (n;するv; trans v) (religious) faith, belief
印、しるし (n) a sign
聖所、せいじゅ (n) sanctuary, inner sanctum
邪悪、じゃあく (なadj;n) wicked, evil
Additional Notes
Holy year, 聖年 ; Great Jubilee, 大聖年
“Devil’s book,” 悪魔が書いた魔法書
I did a lot of searching trying to figure out what book, specifically, was meant here, and came up with 2 possibilities:
the Gigas Codex, ギガス写本 or 悪魔の聖書, a book that is not held by the Vatican but was supposedly written with magical assistance from Satan himself;
the Grand Grimoire, 大奥義書 or 大いなる教書, not written by Satan but that is held by the Vatican.
It’s possibly intended to be vague, but the exact phrasing here is different than used for either of these actual books and I couldn’t find any other possible real option. Note the anime does call a book “the devil’s book” and describe it as a “Bible written by the devil” but it doesn’t seem to really be a reference to Gigas, so maybe it’s intended to be a fictional book inspired by these real texts for the purposes of the story.
Secretary of Dicastery of the Causes of Saints - 列聖省長官
As always, I’m human and make mistakes. If you find anything feel free to let me know.
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pugzman3 · 9 months
The multilayered lie of Christmas
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Above are two Public Notices that were produced in the Massachusetts area by the Puritains stating that the practicing of Christmas in any shape or form is banned and prohibited. The reason for this is why I called this post "a multilayered lie", and I will try to keep it short, and will by no means be able to hit all the layers.
The reason for this ban was because the early founders of this country didn't celebrate Christmas. They knew what it was, they knew that the Vatican had merged Jesus with the pagan festival of Saturnalia for deceptive reasons. So when catholics started coming to America "under authority" of the crown, they started bringing ALLLLLLLL the man made traditions and pagan practices of the catholic church. The VERY same ones that partially influenced the reformation, the wars, the mass murder of their brothers and sisters, and the very same religious persecution that they fled England from. They saw what the vatican was doing, so they put a ban on it. But the devil plays a patient game and he is still doing it today, and we are all watching it unfold with the lgbtq agenda. Same game.
But it wasn't just the early reformers and Puritans that spoke out against these pagan celebrations like Christmas. From the beginning some of this demonic merger, Christians were vocal against it. It is these Christians that started tearing Rome in two.
I've made multiple posts about actively participating in these things and opening up doors to demons. In the case of Christmas, I draw your attention to the term, "Stoicheion", which Paul calls "weak and beggerly elements". This isn't new, and Paul was warning the Galatians of this very thing. Read...
In Galatians 4:8, Paul brings up the subject of the idolatry and paganism that they had participated in before their conversion. "But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods." This obviously refers to the worship of pagan deities (Acts 14:8-18). He is making it clear that God had called them out of that way of life. Paul continues this thought in verse 9, where his obvious concern was that the Galatians were returning to the way of life from which God had called them. The "weak and beggarly elements" were demon-inspired, idolatrous practices, NOT something God had commanded. "Elements" here is the same word, stoicheion, translated "elements" in verse 3. An extension of stoicheion can refer to the heavenly bodies that regulate the calendar and are associated with pagan festivals. The apostle condemns the practices and way of life that had been inspired by Satan and his demons, the principal cause of all the world's evil. Paul recognized that the Galatians had begun to return to their former slavish, sinful practices.
It is evident that the "days, months, seasons and years" Paul refers to in verse 10 were the pagan, idolatrous festivals and observances that the Galatian Gentiles had observed before their conversion. They could not possibly be God's holy days because these Gentiles had never observed them before being called, nor would Paul ever call them "weak and beggarly." Rather, they were turning back to their old, heathen way of life that included keeping various superstitious holidays connected to the worship of pagan deities.
Far from doing away with God's holy days, these scriptures show that we should not be observing "days, months, seasons and years" that have their roots in paganism, such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, and any other days that originated from the worship of pagan gods.
Here is the link....
Now, by all means, use that same Bible tools website, search Saturnalia, and you will find all kinds of history, with references, to the pagan origins of Christmas, as well as the Vaticans own words in their writings that they knew the holiday was pagan, but the "made it about Jesus", to counteract the paganism. This....is another layer of lie because this is straight Spiritual Warfare. That is NOT how you fight in Spiritual Warfare. But they ran with that lie and have never repented from it. Then they forced the celebration of Christmas on the Christian community. They have hid the pagan roots, shamed those that speak like I am now, hidden history, allowed the non religious angle to be played that distracts further, made it kid friendly so parents have no choice but to keep playing the game, and layer upon layer of deceit and lies.
But back to the Stoicheion, those elements, the "demons", they get attached to all these christmas objects. Then when you bring them in your house, they come with it. Whether you believe it or not, whether you want it or not, whatever reason you celebrate christmas, it matters not.
You are playing THEIR game. Their game, their rules, you have zero choice in what happens next when you actively participate in this demonic holiday. But all the layers hide that.
God called his people to be set apart. If God wanted us to celebrate this, he would have told us to.
Celebrate the "birthday" of Jesus?
My Jesus has no birthday.
He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made, Amen and Amen.
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basicsofislam · 1 month
What About Involuntary Thoughts and Fancies?
Involuntary evil thoughts, fancies, or associations of ideas usually are the result of Satan’s whispering. Just as a battery has two poles, so do our hearts have two central points or poles. Like the two poles of a battery, there are two central points or poles in man’s heart: One receives angelic inspiration, and the other is vulnerable to Satan’s whispering.
Satan attacks those believers who are trying to deepen their belief and devotion. If they are scrupulous and delicate in feeling, he attacks them from different directions. When confronted with unbelievers, who follow him voluntarily by indulging in passing fancies and bodily pleasures, he whispers to the new and original ideas. In this way, he encourages them to increase their unbelief and learn new ways of struggling against true religion and all believers.
Satan’s attacks from different directions. When God cursed Satan because of his haughty disobedience, Satan asked for respite until the Day of Judgment and permission to try to seduce human beings. God granted his request, and Satan retorted: Then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right and from their left, and you will not find most of them grateful (7:17).
Satan does everything he can to seduce us. We are very complex beings, for God manifests all of His Names on us in this world of testing. We are sent here to be trained so that we can serve as a mirror to God and earn eternal happiness. In order to do this, we must train and develop all of our God-given feelings, faculties, and potentials. If some of these are not trained (e.g., intellect, anger, greed, obstinacy, and lust) and directed to lofty goals, but abused and used for disagreeable purposes, we will place our present and future life in danger. This is also true if we do not restrict our natural desires and animal by satisfying them in acceptable ways.
Approaching us from our left, Satan uses our animal aspect’s feelings and faculties to tempt us into sin. When he approaches us from the front, he drives us to despair over our future, whispers that the Day of Judgment will never come, that whatever religions say about the Hereafter is mere fiction and that religion belongs to the past and so is irrelevant to our present and future. When he comes upon us from behind, he tries to make us deny Prophethood, God’s Existence and Unity, Divine Scriptures, angels, and other essential matters of belief. Through such whispers and suggestions, Satan tries to sever our connections with religion and steer us toward sin.
Satan cannot seduce devout, practicing believers in these ways. Rather, he approaches from the believer’s right and encourages him to display and ostentation, to taking pride in their virtues and good deeds. He whispers that they are such good believers until the believers’ feelings of self-conceit and desire for praise are aroused. When this point is reached, believers begin to travel the road to perdition. For example, if we pray the supererogatory late-night prayer and then proclaim it so that others will praise us, and if we begin to take credit for our accomplishments and good deeds while criticizing others behind their backs, it means that we have fallen under Satan’s influence. We must do our best to resist Satan when he comes upon us from this direction.
Another of Satan’s ruses is to make unimportant things seem important and vice versa. If believers dispute with each other over a secondary matter (e.g., using a rosary when glorifying God after the daily prescribed prayers) while their children are being dragged along ways of unbelief and materialism, or are drowning in the swamp of immorality, this indicates that Satan has seduced them.
Satan’s whispering disagreeable thoughts and fancies. If Satan fails to seduce devout believers, he whispers some disagreeable thoughts and fancies to them. For example, through the association of ideas, he pushes believers toward having some negative conceptions of the Divine Being or of thinking about unbelief or disobedience. If we dwell on such thoughts, Satan pesters us until we fall into doubt about our belief or despair of a virtuous life.
Another ruse is to cause good, devout believers to suspect the correctness or validity of their religious acts. For example: Did I pray perfectly? Did I wash my face and hands completely while making wudu’? Have I washed the specific body parts of the required number of times? Believers pestered with such involuntary thoughts, fancies, and doubts should know that their hearts have no part in them. Just as thieves attempt to rob rich people and strong countries try to control rich countries, so does Satan make a last-ditch effort to seduce believers by troubling their hearts.
This is similar to a sick person having a high temperature. We know that antibodies formed in a patient’s blood to inhibit or destroy harmful bacteria or germs. This causes the body’s temperature to rise. Similarly, a heart troubled with Satan’s evil suggestions defends itself by fighting against them. Thus, the heart does not generate such thoughts, and neither does it approve of or adopt them. A reflection of something foul is not itself foul and cannot make us foul. In the same way, thinking about unbelief is not the same thing as actual unbelief.
We might even say that Satan’s evil suggestions actually benefit believers, for they cause us to remain alert, to struggle against our carnal selves and Satan, and to progress toward ever-higher spiritual ranks.
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psalmonesermons · 4 months
Loving One Another Part 2
Practical advice for dealing with rejection
There are 100+ scriptures in the New Testament that refer to ‘one another’, or to ‘each other’, or ‘together’. For example there are such references in the last 5 chapters of Romans.
So we are spoiled for choice in studying what the scriptures say about loving one another. Here is a selection of them.
Romans 15:7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Our basis for accepting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ is that the Lord himself has already accepted each one of us. There can be no higher recommendation than the approval of Jesus Christ. Most of our lives we can struggle to be accepted because many groups, teams and clubs, like you to be good at something e.g. golf, football, hockey, chess, bowling etc., but we accept each other in Christ.
We are now going on a slight detour to discuss what non-acceptance means.
Acceptance versus Rejection
Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 9 If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, 10 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone, which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Most of us at some time in life will experience some form of rejection.
Family or so-called friends might decide to terminate their relationship with us under various circumstances.
We might feel let-down, bewildered and angry that people can be as unkind, but it is a lesson unfortunately we need to learn in this world.
Even when we go for a job interview or some selection process for sports or team ventures, we might be rejected. In all these forms of rejection we must be humble, forgiving and fight any tendency towards bitterness.
This what Jesus Christ himself experienced. The one people in the world who should have known who and what the Son of God would be like, were the Jews. But when He came to them, most of them including their secular and religious leaders rejected and dismissed Him as an impostor. He was the precious stone which the builders rejected yet he was and still is the most important stone in the building known as the church, which is the cornerstone! The corner-stone or capstone is usually laid at a ceremony in honour of a new building.
All the other stones fit in around the cornerstone.
So, is there someone whose judgement that we can trust? When we look at people we can be so influenced by external things, such as their appearance, demeanour, dress sense, personality etc. But when God considers a person, He looks right into their heart. A clear example of this was when the Lord sent Samuel the prophet to anoint one of the sons of Jesse as King over Israel. Samuel considered each one of them from the natural point of view, how tall or handsome that they were. But God makes it quite clear in 1 Samuel 6:7 that He is interested in a person’s heart. The inner qualities not the external are much more important.
So, what does this mean in practice for us in our day to day lives?
Firstly, when we are rejected and put down, our loving heavenly Abba Father is always there to remind us of our true value, which is that you are valuable and precious to Him. So much so that He gave His only begotten Son…John 3:16.
The world’s value system is superficial and dangerous. Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light! Do not trust outward appearances, Jesus told the Pharisees that they were white-washed tombstones, white on the inside but inside dark and horrible, full of dead men’s bones!
Secondly, we must ask the Lord for discernment in all the appropriate areas of life. The wrong choice of a marriage or business partner can easily ruin someone’s life. Running with the wrong crowd of friends has also caused unnecessary suffering and grief in some lives.
We can take a good example from the disciples after the resurrection when they gathered to choose a replacement for the traitor Judas Iscariot. They prayed indicating that only God Himself truly knows what is in a man’s heart and therefore they asked the Lord to show who His choice for the vacant position was. The Lord then spoke to the hearts of the disciples, and they chose whom they believed that the Lord had already chosen.
In conclusion, no matter what people say or do to you, God will always love you and never let you down.
Since only God truly knows a person’s heart, we must ask Him to guide us in all our decisions involving people. We might not always get the answer we want or like, but we can console ourselves by the knowledge that the Lord’s choice will always be the right one!
Personal Prayer
In Part 3 we return to those wonderful ‘one another’ scriptures.
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tonysolomon4jc · 7 months
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Satanic Illuminati royalty dies at 87. The Bible says lose your soul. You can't sell it. Satan worshippers can repent of their sins & worship Jesus Christ & get forgiveness from God. The satanic Illuminati is anti-Christ & they love the numbers 13 & 33. Revelation 13 is the chapter that talks about the 1st & 2nd Beast (the Antichrist & the False Prophet) demanding the Mark of the Beast. Mark 13:13 says that we will be hated  for the name of Jesus, but if we endure as followers of Jesus Christ until the end then we will be saved from damnation in Hell. They love the number 33, because Jesus possibly died at 33 & 33% of the angels were kicked out of heaven with satan & turned into fallen angels/demons that are condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire. We'll get the crown of eternal life if we keep our faith in Jesus Christ until we die. Pay attention to how many news or movie statistics have 13 or 33 in them. The Antichrist & rapture are close. Go to Messiah2030 on YouTube to see how 53 Bible prophecies point to 2030 being the return of Jesus Christ. Watch Pope Francis and His Lies: The False Prophet Exposed, on YouTube. Fasting & praying to get closer to God, studying scripture daily, praising Jesus, sharing scripture, obeying Jesus, praying for everyone, loving God more than everything, loving everyone sincerely, remembering that it's people versus demons influencing people praying about everything in Jesus' name & trusting God's perfect will, word & timing are essential in these last days. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Matt. 18:7 Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. Watch Died Suddenly on Rumble. The vaccines are killing people. Research it. Pray for everyone that got a vaccine. Look up Dr. Peter A. McCulloughThe Image of the Beast technology from Revelation 13 is live & always active & against people. Microsoft patented #060606 from Rev.13 The Mark of the Beast/Antichrist. Guard your eyes, ears & heart. It's like the Eagle Eye movie. Father, I pray for everybody to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, to know that they are loved by you, & can be forgiven. In Jesus' name. Amen. Movies & secular music promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs & alcohol. Guard your heart. People that die without Jesus Christ as their Lord, God & Savior get judged & then get thrown into the Lake of Fire Revelation 20:15. Watch John MacArthur sermons on YouTube, the gotquestions app & a Bible app that reads to you. Put the New Testament on repeat. God warns Christians to not associate with Christians that have sex outside of marriage or are drunkards 1 Cor 5:9-11. 1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. W.W.J.D? Be holy, humble, pure, sober, loving & meek. Glorify God & please God with your thoughts & behavior. GOD WARNS US TO FLEE LUST & PRIDE. Friends should draw you closer to holiness & Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Obey Jesus Christ. Fellow Christians, please share this. 🙏
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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The scariest thing for me to think about is how [easy it is] to be self deceived [if you lack humility] and a proper holy fear of God.
Satan use to lead worship in heaven. He was created with amazing gifts and talents, as well as beauty. He had a front row seat to the living God. He loved the GLORY of God. He loved it so much that he wanted it for himself. Pride entered his heart and dark selfish motives began to conspire. God saw this. And for a time even allowed this. Until BAMMM!!! Like a bolt of lightning he was cast out of Heaven forever!!
This should serve as a terrifying warning to all of us against Pride and shifty selfish motives [that are seen by God].
THINK ABOUT THIS: 1/3 of the angels were so influenced by Satans beauty, power and giftings that they followed him instead of the One True God, and they too were cast out of heaven forever!
It’s terrifying to think we can follow someone straight to hell!
NOTE: “The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder,”
2 Timothy 2:9
BEWARE OF A PASTOR’S charisma, stunning miracles, signs, wonders, church size, bank account, flashy home and attractive qualities that [draw you to follow them]. subtle clues of corruption. These can have a seducing power that seem to point to God ‘blessing them’. Remember, they are getting rich off the sheep. Their God is their belly and they have ‘a system’ they follow. Not God.
JESUS WARNS in Matthew 7:13-16
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way [is easy] that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way [is hard] that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
[Beware of false prophets]. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’
Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you [workers of lawlessness]!’.”
So what we see in this scripture seems to describe what could appear as ROCK STARS of Christianity. Enamored by their own gifting and powers. In a major sense [they are confident] that their own great talents, signs, wonders and abilities are God’s [validation] ‘of them’.
Jesus points out hell bound christians inability to be transformed, corrected or sanctified by Truth.
They are inwardly selfish, prideful and [disobedient] to True [sacrificial] Love.
All of the following scriptures highlight [subtle clues] that we should be discerning of, both in our own heart, and that of those who teach, preach and prophesy.
I like to use the book of Acts as the [purest example] of how the church should look. What the Spirit led leaders did with the resources is a huge key and contrast to what we see today in many Churches.
They distributed to any who had need. So much so that multiple times in the book of Acts we hear the words, “there was none who had any need”. Why? Because the leaders [mentored tangible care] to the believers and the lost world.
Today we see the opposite and most don’t even bat an eye. Pastors (weekly) call for resources to be given so they can pay for their own houses, their own boat, their own religious business, and their own traveling the world and sitting in the best restaurants and at the best gatherings of other like minded ‘leaders’.
Who is paying for this?
The struggling single parent. The senior citizen that can’t pay their electrical bill. The big family that can’t make ends meet and are told week after week, “If you sow your seed into this ministry, God will bless you...If you don’t, God will curse you!”
The mind of Christ is our standard and the apostle Paul serves as the best example, in my opinion, of a true teacher.
25 WARNING SCRIPTURES we should all pay close attention to.
1. 1 Timothy 6:5 These people always cause trouble. Their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them, [a show of godliness] is just a way to become wealthy.
2. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will [follow their own desires] and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. [People will refuse to listen to the truth] and turn to myths.
Jesus exposes the heart of false prophets, teachers and pastors.
3. Luke 11:43 Jesus rebukes false teachers, “Woe to you Pharisees! You love the chief seats in the synagogues and the greetings in the marketplaces.”
4. Luke 20:46 “Beware of the scribes. They like to walk around in long robes, and they love the greetings in the marketplaces, the chief seats in the synagogues, and the [places of honor] at banquets.”
5. Matthew 7:15-17 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by [the way they act]. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit.
6. 1 John 2:22 And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.
7. Galatians 5:22-26 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. Now those who belong to the Messiah Jesus have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also be guided. [Let’s stop being arrogant], provoking one another and envying one another.
Can we judge and expose false teachers?
8. 1 Timothy 1:3-4 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and [stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth]. Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don’t help people live a life of faith in God.
9. Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
10. 1 Timothy 1:18-20 Timothy, my child, I am instructing you in keeping with the prophecies made earlier about you, so that by following them you may continue to fight the good fight with faith and a good conscience. [By ignoring their consciences], some people have destroyed their faith like a wrecked ship. These include Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I handed over to Satan so that they may learn not to blaspheme.
Watch out for false doctrine.
11. Galatians 1:7-8 not that there really is another gospel, but there are some who are disturbing you and [wanting to distort] the gospel of Christ. But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!
12. 2 John 1:10-11 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, [do not receive him] into your house and do not give him any greeting, because the person who gives him a greeting shares in his evil deeds.
13. Romans 16:17-18 And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; [they are serving their own personal interests]. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people.
14. Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Warning against adding, taking away, and twisting Scripture.
15. Revelation 22:18-19 And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.
Testing the spirit: Guard yourself with the Bible.
16. 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there [are many] false prophets in the world.
17. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 But test everything; hold fast what is good.
18. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Rebuke them
19. 2 Timothy 4:2 Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. Point out errors, [warn people], and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach.
20. Titus 3:10-11 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
21. Ephesians 4:14-15 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies [so clever they sound like the truth]. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.
22. Jude 1:4 For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who [pervert the grace] of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
They might look like a Christian and do good deeds, but even Satan disguises himself.
23. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.
24. 2 Timothy 3:5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
25. John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
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When You’re Under Attack (2)
“This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” 1Jn 5:4
Adversity is often the enemy’s attempt to rob you of the next season of God’s blessing in your life. If you’re under attack today, you need to do these three things:
(1) Rise up and fight back. You will be tempted to withdraw or become timid and passive, especially if you have been hurt. Don’t do it. A wounded animal just invites attack. Satan loves shy, fearful types, but real fighters intimidate him. So, be bold and claim the promise, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7).
(2) Use all your weapons. The Bible says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world…they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Co 10:4 NIV). Prayer is a weapon—use it daily. And join in prayer with others. One person alone can’t multiply faith; increase begins when two people get together (See Mt 18v19). Make sure you know the intercessors in your life, because they have influence with God. Scripture is also a weapon, so use it. “Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph 6v17). Find out what God’s Word says about your situation, and then use it like a sword to cut the enemy’s head off.
(3) Try to see the big picture. Few things are ever as they first appear, so look beyond the moment and see if something good is being birthed in you. After adversity comes blessing and favor, so get your eyes back on the big picture.
Paul, who suffered relentless attack, said, “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outlasts them all” (2Co 4v17 NIV). Bottom line: Today you can win.
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aonokumura · 6 months
I do wanna say that "demons" in Blue Exorcist aren't really the typical Ed & Lorraine Warren Conjuring type demons. There's a lot of references to western beliefs/religions, but it's mostly in name only. The demons are more similar to kami/yokai from Shinto beliefs and Japanese mythology. There's a lot of Buddhist influence too.
Like, hell doesn't exist, there's just Gehenna, which is basically a spiritual plane mirroring our physical one. Satan isn't some fallen angel who tortures souls of the damned, he's just the most powerful being from that plane. He didn't even have an ego/consciousness until not long before Rin and Yukio came into the world. Before that he just appeared as will o' the wisps/foxfire/etc, and was pretty much a neutral existence.
Demons possess both living and nonliving things to cross over into our material plane. Some of them gain more sentience than others, like the demon kings, who are much more powerful and human-like. Some of them do bad things, but a lot of them are neutral, or some are even worshiped as gods or guardian spirits.
"Demon" is basically used as a catch-all for these beings, but some have mentioned that it's just one name among many that humans give them. And like... aside from using prayer and scripture to exorcise demons, there's no mention of an actual god or anything. The closest things to angels are also in the demon category. So it's not a "heaven vs hell" type story, it's more of a "humans trying to keep supernatural beings under control, and is this okay? we don't know!" type story lol
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