#Satanic teaching
luciferjeremywhite · 2 years
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queenofallimagines · 6 months
Oooh I have a Obey Me writing idea for you but you can ignore if you don’t wanna do it. So when you first come to the Devildom, almost all of the brothers are cold/petty asf to the MC (in my Pisces opinion). Imagine MC’s like “fuck that” and doesn’t try to pander to them as much as the game script wants you to. Like the story still progresses bc the MC is still nosy when it counts, but she doesn’t center them around her world and instead gets closer someone who was nicer/more helpful in the beginning (say like Solomon or Simeon). I’m sorryyy I’m not hating on the brothers but realistically you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Like yeah being a tsundere is cute to an extent but most of em were doing too much in the beginning. Maybe a reaction from the brothers (doesn’t have to be specific for each brother) as they slowly start to warm up to MC but they can’t stand that they’re not gonna be as close as they wanted to be. And either Solomon or Simeon (or both) reacting to you getting closer to them ;) Again this request may be highly specific so you can either tweak it or toss it if it doesn’t sound appealing to write. It can be SFW or NSFW. I love your writing!
A/n: YOURE SO RIGHT BESTIE!! Like the dick ain’t good enough for them to be all over MC like that CRAZY disrespectful 😒 like in my head I was being fake nice to them to secure the pacts until like you make one with Satan and then it’s like okay, maybe I can be genuine w yall. Bc like I’m making friends w any of the billions of other demons there like Diavolo is all but head over heels for you.
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- I’m so on board with this
- Like if they want to go low I can take it right to hell
- They want to throw UP
- Mammon thinks you’re joking but when you fr never come ask him for help he’s crying himself to sleep
- Asmo hates being ignored so after that time in the maze(catacombs? wtf was those) he’s antsy that you don’t really talk to him
- They feel you having fun through your pacts but when you’re around just them it’s like nothing
- Like when a lightbulb dies
- Student council meetings become increasingly more tense as they watch you get along with Solomon and Luke and Simeon and you’re cold to them
- They don’t even really realize they the problem at first
- Lucifer always itching to punish someone so when he snaps at you and you clapback and the issue never comes up again he’s a little disappointed
- Like him and Satan make fun of your grades?
- Bet. you’re being tutored by Solomon and a demon in your potions class
- Like bitch how the FUCK were we ever supposed to take demon philosophy before?? We just got here!!
- Refuse to work with them on any school activities
- You and mammon partnered up to decorate for some school event?
- You work only when he’s not around
- Beel is the one who sounds the alarm by realizing it’s hard to keep track of you
- Like he’ll go asking where you are and nobody can even say when the last time they saw you was
- Belphagor tried to pull that “I’m a human” shit and you didn’t visit the attic for like three weeks😭
- Had to actually force himself to be genuinely nice
- Remember how they said they sent a demon to like the human realm to pretty much do the same thing? who was that because I don’t think we ever hear about them😭
- But you get their number and talk about your shared experiences
- Fish out of water if you will!
- Lucifer WANTS to yell but you do the bare minimum of what they ask he can’t mandate you to join family movie night😔
- Asks a pouting mammon where tf you are and he lists off like any number of random demons you could be chilling with
- Asmo is burning with envy as he catches you at a party with a group of old acquaintinces
- Can see they are so obviously enjoying your company
- Tries to steal the attention for himself
- Levi seeing you on other mfs socials cosplaying w them and doing a TSL marathon like he’s right there??
- Dinner be so awkward but you brush it off like a G
- only texts the family group chat for confirmation, dinners ready, and when is lord diavolo asking for everyone
- Lucifer comes to Dia’s house bc paperwork and he plans to spill the tea when he sees you and him already HAVING TEA🤨
- Like excuse me??
- “Ah just who I was looking for-“
- “Sorry Lucifer I have exams to study for I was just asking Lord Diavolo some history questions I’ll be on my way.”
- He’s literally WILTING💀
- Whines to Dia and he’s like I’m sorry ?? have yall not been spending time with them??
- “Yall….LIVE together. I ain’t out just you and them in the same house for no reason??”
- He can’t eleven rly do shit bc you’re integrating into demon society very well and are pretty sociable
- Like you gain regular popularity but not through them
- Rest of RAD forgets you’re under their protection tbh
- Like you’re your own entity and not at all attached to them so when a random demon is caught talking about like chilling w you and mammon is like IM THEIR FIRST MAN YOU GOTTA AS ME
- he looses about 500 years when the demon goes
- “Oh yeah you are their hired help huh?”
- Yeah he’s picking out a coffin
- Bc he rly tries to curb his tsun behaviors but he hasn’t made it to that level with you where he can be genuine in private
- Levi too like he calls you a stupid normie on reflex and is whimpering when he sees he’s been blocked on devilgram
- What did yall expect??
- Beel is the ONLY one who you regularly talk to
- And even then he’s got his own stuff going on
- But you guys always eat together
- Jaws dropping when he offered you food
- I imagine Beel is like “oh they don’t be talking to yall?….That’s crazy”
- Precious boy so unaware of the conflict
- Nor bc he’s dumb but he’s like “tf that got to do with me?? MC likes me.”
- Very “okay what does that mean to me tho” energy
- I imagine after the Levi pact arc when mammon is wrapping your sprained wrist and he’s all
- “If I can’t come save ya next time, Die.”
- You pull away completely
- Even Satan is having to control himself be he sees your purposefully avoiding him
- He would congratulate you on how well you’re dodging his advances if it didn’t piss him off so bad
- Keeps it a little secret to himself that he can feel your pact mark burning right under his skin whenever you talk to them
- Played hot and cold to see how he can make you less mad when he interacts with you
- Lucifer is so desperate he’s fr about to make a pact early to feel any sort of proof you exist
- Idk if peacocks do it but you know how birds will rip out their own feathers under stress?
- Yeah That’s HIM😭
- Barbados just sit back and observe
- Even the season 3(?) characters come in early! Like you meet 13 as an extension of Solomon and y’all are thick as thieves
- You’re flourishing in your Magic practices bc you still have their pacts, them helping you with magic or not you’re still not one to be fucked with
- Mephistopheles is so giddy that you’re close to him and not Lucifer
- Offers to hide you in his news room to avoid them
- “It’s so quiet a perfect place to study!”
- Sees them scrambling to get ahold of you but your in his office w your phone on silent
- “Oh hmmm, idk I saw them in the forbidden section of the library maybe check there? Weird y’all supposed to be watching them and have no clue about their whereabouts.”
- Lucifer can take it NO LONGER when we’re about right before lesson 16 and he’s making a scene at dinner
- “Why do you never stay in this house? You a mere human think you’re too good to talk?”
- “That. That shit right there is why I don’t talk to any of you. Do you not notice how rude you are?”
- Before Satan can even say his “we’re demons” line you’re cutting his ass off
- “Why would I want to spend time around people who threaten my life for fun?🤨my job is to heal demon human relations and I’m doing that just not with the help of YOU.”
- Dips to purgatory hall bc it’s not Solomon’s night to cook
- They all just kinda 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍for a few days bc wtf can they say to that??
- Like you’re absolutely right
- You were already humbling Lucifer before but now he has this irrational anger towards you
- But in a nice way??
- He’s like packing your lunch and throwing away whatever you had
- Pushing you out the way to do whatever chore or task you’re doing
- Makes your favorite foods when is his turn to cook dinner
- Like he’s completely unhinged
- To stir the pot let’s say this is lesson 16 and they show up to all that
- Can you imagine??
- Their filled with even more regret than before!! They never got a chance to establish a deep bond with you
- Not really. Not like you have with everyone else
- And now you’re gone??
- They barely even care about the Lilith reveal like😭
- They do everything they can to win your favor but it’s like the end of the program now who’s to say it was enough??
- Beel is elated while the othered are broken that you and belphie become close
- Poor belphie is exhausted w all this drama so to make amends even more he goes out of his way to heal the gaps between you and the others so it’s all good now
- Not Lucifer tho
- He’s still moping
- Can’t hurt his pride by saying how glad he is that your back
- Can’t tell you how he watched his world fall apart when he saw the light leave your eyes
- DEFINITELY can’t tell you how he prayed to Lilith that he would protect you from now on and that he’s sorry
- All of RAD throws a huge goodbye party for you
- Lots of tears
- During the movie night of like that last few days
- As a little treat for you, you still sleep w Lucifer lmao
- Like you sneak out to go to the bathroom and none of the brother see you for the rest of the night?? Yeah we knew already
- He WILL cry jsyk
- He’s pressing kisses all over you and holding you like you’ll disappear
- Mumbling praises into your skin
- The most he’s ever said “I love you” in his entire existence
- Looking at you with teary eyes
- Can’t keep up his prideful façade
- He’s okay with being vulnerable to you
- Again hit him w the “my morning star”
- And he will go crazy
- Tears up when you leave
- Like he can’t even front like he’s not about to go throw up
- They’re all anxious that they won’t ever see you again because you still hate them
- I promise you on everything in all three realms
- They almost do NOT let you leave when you go
- “Thank you for my time here, I love all of you.”
- They are inconsolable
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months
-yk who 😞
i do know who😈😈‼️‼️‼️
i love writing michael sm heehee anyway thanks for the ask pooks 🫶🫶🫶
grma <3
Unsane Uncles-An Obey Me x Reader
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Summary: Michael realises some shocking news, has a crisis, as per usual, chaos ensues. Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: nothing I don't think, for anyone that doesnt know, i headcannon michael as lucifers twin, this was written with my 'Death is a Debatable Thing' Au in mind, but it can be read as a stand alone <3
post dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The café was quaint, quiet and out of the way. It had been ages since you'd last visited the Human Realm. The soft sounds of chatter and cutlery clinking created a calm atmosphere. Well calm for the most part.
Michael sat on the chair opposite to yours looking quite frazzled. His white button down rolled up to just above the elbows and a few of the topmost buttons undone. His long golden curls done up in a messy plait, nonconforming strands coiling around his unusually antsy face. Long dexterous fingers wrap around his coffee mug, he brings it to his lips and takes a sip before setting it down with a little too much force. You watch the scene amusedly.
“I just- I don’t know what to do!” he runs a hand through his hair, looking up at you with stressed, ruby red eyes. "I mean?- Is it too late to give my congratulations?!...Or a push present?!"
You bite your tongue to keep from laughing, the Archangel notices. "This is serious MC! I am the worst uncle ever!"
You tilt your head, "Did you not think it was strange when the brothers first fell that Satan just kind of poofed into existence?"
Michael gives a thoughtful look, before making a 'meh' face and shrugging his shoulders. "I kind of just thought Satan was a low ranking angel that fell with the actual memorable ones, and that I had just... never cared to learn his name before he fell."
"You didn't ask?" You take a sip of your warm drink, revelling in how satisfying the hot liquid felt when it hit the back of your throat and warmed you up from the inside, especially as it was fucking baltic outside.
"Yes." Michael smiles sarcastically, "Because taking a trip down to the Devildom straight after the Celestial War to ask about the demon who kept biting people and snarling would've gone great for me."
"Touché." You grin. Michael's expression falls back from sarcastic to strained, his gorgeous features bathed in stress.
"But seriously MC! I've missed out on centuries as an uncle! That's so many birthdays! Luke must think I'm a deadbeat! I already act like I'm a divorced dad with visitation rights because I can't visit very often!"
You snort. "I don't think Luke knows."
Michael sinks into his seat, "Oh thank Father."
He stays there for a moment, the soft golden glow of the café lights on his dark skin so similar to the aureate ambiance of the Celestial Realm that you almost forget that you're back in the human world. He flutters his eyes closed, a hand over his brow in what can only be described as a himbo-ified imitation of a sickly Victorian woman saying something along the lines of 'Woe is I!" after finding out poor people actually have feelings. What a fucking drama king. You hold back a snort. Michael groans before swinging back up like a jack-in-the-box, his usual cheerful yet cheeky smile on his handsome face, he joins his hands together as he rests his arms on the wooden table, as if completely oblivious to the complete 180 he had turned. "So! MC, have I ever told you about the time Lucifer ran into a glass door in the Celestial Realm?"
You shake your head, grinning mischieviously, "I don't think you have!"
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Hours Later, down in the Devildom, in RAD's royal library, Satan sneezed. He paused for a moment more before folding his handkerchief up and putting it back in his pocket, making a mental note to wash it when he got back to the House of Lamentation.
He groans, arching his back and stretching his arms out in an attempt to weave out any knots in his muscles. He'd been in the library since school had ended. Still unable to shake the feeling something was going to happen, Satan got up off of his chair, packed his books away, and made the journey home.
Walking alone through the cobbled streets of the Realm was calming and peaceful. Halfway through his siúl suaimneach, he comes face to face with a gathering of the stray cats he'd normally feed.
The Avatar of Wrath coos at them, hunkering down and reaching into his bag for some of the cat treats he'd normally kept in there. "Aww..." He mutters, speaking in a baby voice to the cats, scratching an old tabby's fur. "You've gotten so big, Purrsephone!" He scritches underneath the young cats chin, smiling as she purrs and remembering fondly when the cat was just a small kitten trailing behind her mother like a second, small adorable shadow.
As he pulls out the bag of treats onehanded, the symphony of meowing reaches a polyphonic crescendo, cats and kittens of all shapes, colours and sizes scramble towards Satan with more purpose now, all meowing for food. He chuckles, indulging the felines, petting them as they nibble and chew on the kitty treats.
Unbeknownst to the Avatar of Wrath, a good quarter of a mile away from where he congregated with the cats, a certain Archangel and his accomplice stood hiding in an alleyway.
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In the shadows of the alleyway, Michael was clumsily putting on his batman mask. He already had a matching batman suit and cape on, you however were much more serious, and were dressed up as Robin.
"Michael." You hiss exasperatedly. "You seriously can't think that sneaking up on the Avatar of Wrath is a good idea!"
Michael merely waved you off with one hand, his other carrying his 'surprise for his most favouritest nephew in the three realms' as he'd deemed it. "Besides MC is worst comes to worst, you can just pop out!"
You nod. "Good point. "You face breaks into a grin matching Michael's, "This is going to be fun to watch."
Michael goes to say something before you both hear footsteps, your eyes widen. "Oh shit...he's coming..."
Quickly you dart behind the dumpsters, Michael moves to the wall of the alleyway. Holding his breath as he listens to the footsteps of a certain green-eyed demon.
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After having petted the cats, Satan got up and begrudgingly left them in order to continue his journey home.
Lost in his thoughts, he can't help but feel as if something is watching him, thinking its just his imagination, he walks on. Who would be stupid enough to sneak up on the Avatar of Wrath?
An idiot in a batman costume apparently.
Satan jumped as the lunatic hopped out from the alleyway, hands behind his back.
"Psst! Kid!" The stranger in the batman costume says, ruby red eyes that reminded him of Lucifer staring at him. "I have a surprise for you!"
Satan's tail whips around his legs, on the defensive. "I'm not a kid." He says coldly. "And what surprise?"
"Heeheehee." The strange man giggles, before taking his hands away from where they were behind his back and revealling a small tiny little kitten, fur as dark as night, with an emerald green bow wrapped loosely around its little neck, having been jostled, the tiny creature meows in protest, big green eyes blinking sleepily. Satan's harsh, mistrusting glare softens as he looks at the kitten, moving to take it out of the strangers hands before his eyes narrow.
"What's the catch?"
"The catch?" 'Batman' says indignantly, as if Satan had gravely offended him. "The catch? How dare you! There is no catch! Can't an uncle give his nephew a present to make up for millennia upon millennia of missed birthdays?!"
Satan blinks. "It's March. It's nowhere near my birthday. And Uncle?" Green eyes narrow again. "I don't have any uncles."
The stranger sticks his tongue out. "Blah blah blah. You are just like your father. Take the fucking cat or I'm telling everyone that you're secretly Lucifer's son."
A vein pops on Satan's head. "Excuse me?!"
The stranger chuckles nervously upon sensing Satan's wrath bubble like magma beneath the surface of his skin, ready to boil over and erupt. When Satan's eyes flashed dangerously the stranger spluttered out. "Oh shit....! Uhhh....Cat Attack!!!" That was the only warning Satan got before the tiny kitten was shoved gently but firmly into his hands, his eyes immedietely softened, the rage slowed down from a boil as he looked into the soft innocent eyes of the kittykat.
He looked up at the stranger, who in his frenzy, had lost his batman mask. Ruby red eyes and golden curls tied in french plaits and tucked into the rest of the suit greeted him. Unholy fuck. Was that Archangel Michael.
The Archangel grins at him, "Enjoy your gift! Tell Lucikins I said hi! Oh and also the cats a girl, you can name her! Come visit your favourite uncle soon! Byebye!" Michael shouts to him, before he turns around, and fucking books it, sprinting away from the Avatar of Wrath at a speed that could rival Mammon running from Lucifer.
Satan stood shellshocked by the whole ordeal having acquired a tiny kitten and an uncle who needed to be institutionalised.
He grinned down at the kitten, "I'm gonna call you Dorcha."
Judging by the small creatures tiny meow, he'd gamble that she liked that name.
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A/N: im so sorry this is so short, ive been busy w irl stuff, but this was a fun ask <3
also dorcha is sort of pronounced 'door-ah-ha' but you sort of say the 'ch' with your throat, idk how to explain it, but it means 'dark' 💗💗
siúl suaimhneach (shoe-el soo-ehve-neyak, except dont pronounce the 'ch' as a 'keh' and pronounce it liek gutturally!!!) it means 'peaceful walk' but suaimhneach can also mean tranquil or quiet
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Whb characters reacting to Mc teaching them a cultural dance
I'm in an Erasmus as I'm writing this and I need to put my pookies in every scenario of my life to be complete.
Satan is very open to learning about other cultures. He would follow in your steps making sure he doesn't make a mistake. He's surprisingly good at this and he'll swoop you away with his smooth moves. Would teach you traditional dances from Gehenna as well so you'll be able to understand your cultures better. Starts with the hardest one so you'll get annoyed at him. It's not his fault you don't have the stamina of a demon.
Sitri would gladly do anything you ask of him. He's also very good at dancing and he's a swift learner, which makes him a wonderful dance partner. He would tell you a lot about how he remembers all the other dances you (read: Solomon) thought him and he's more than happy to remind you of them. As long as you're in his company, he's the happiest demon alive.
Gamigin has two left feet, so, please have mercy on his poor soul. He'll get the hang of it eventually and he'll be so happy for doing so. If it's a dance that requires more people, he'll gladly take the whole of Paradise Lost and dance alongside them. No, the staff stays with him even during the dance. He's very excited to learn about your culture and he'll bombard you with questions left and right. Would constantly ask you if you want to dance with him once more or if you know other dances. Asks Jjok to record him dancing with you and even though the video ends up blury, he'll still treasure it for all the years to come.
Morax is another bad dancer (if we're being honest, only Lucifer can dance from Paradise Lost and he's not doing it for free.) It's fine, if he steps on your feet or hurts you in any other way, he can cure you instantly. He's stiff, and his moves are akward, almost forced (since he has wounds everywhere) but he'll try his best and have a blast doing it. Would hug you at the end of the dance and thank you for sharing it with him. Very polite gentleman.
Barbatos is all for it. You show him a the moves and he picks you up and starts dancing. He's very flexible and willing, so he can bend in whatever way is neccessery. He'll dance with you constantly and he preferes faster dances since he can flex more that way. Would totally ask you to dance with him in the sun, feel your bodies touched by the sun's warm rays as you enjoy eachother's body (not in that way).
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bettylatrepadora · 17 days
Being in the Dan and Phil fandom and accidentally learning Danny Phantom lore because both fandoms share the same stupid tag
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dubhdove156 · 1 year
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accio-motivation · 9 months
Gotta teach them young!
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murdermost-foul · 1 year
they don't know i'm thinking about well i've seen a lot of this universe i've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi gods and would be gods i've had the whole pantheon but if i believe in one thing just one thing I BELIEVE IN HER !!!!!!!!!!
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the-derpy-duck · 8 months
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St. Peter redesign sort of. I mostly just gave him one of the Pope robes because St. Peter was the first Pope if I am not mistaken, and also I think this might mean that Hazbin Hotel is supposed to follow a more Catholic based lore (obviously this goes in tandem with the cardinal/mortal sins (aka 7 deadly sins) which is a more catholic thing and Al being dressed as a nun, but saints are mostly recognized as a catholic thing but I know that some orthodox sects and I think maybe one Protestant sect also recognize a few saints.).
So anyway I gave him the Pope robe thingy and I made the cross on it upside down to reference how he was crucified and made him a bit more stressed out. Also keys because I thought it would be fun
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littlestardescendants · 10 months
He's Jealous.
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*More and more Mirjami forgets what her therapist told her about her temper*
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
I have to admit : despite the fact that I actually do like Mephisto a lot...
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I felt insanely proud of Satan for getting back at Mephisto like this ~
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I agree. It did serve him right poor Mephisto but lol anyway xD
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I had to praise Satan, no hesitation about it.
Our angry boy is a vengeful boy, and I highly approve 🥹
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nemesis-infinite · 5 months
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mydarlingdahlia · 9 months
Warning : a rant about religion/religious stuff below, read with that in mind.
I’m tired of seeing people on TikTok (or any other social media platform, really) put down or berate others for their opinions or beliefs.
For example…
I saw an innocent video of a girl reading some scripture from her Bible and just talking about a dream she had. Not harming anyone, right? Apparently not…
I can’t tell you how many comments I saw of people from other religions putting her down and just flat out making fun of her belief. As a Christian, it did hurt seeing my faith being treated the way it was in that comment section.
But, here’s another example…
I saw another video of this girl showing off some of her crystals and tapestries that she had gotten, and I thought they looked neat! I liked the video, and went to leave a comment about where she got them, when I saw some other messages.
Basically to sum up what they were saying is that if she kept doing the blasphemous things she was doing she’d go to hell, and other hateful things.
It also hurt seeing her being put down/being for her opinions/beliefs, when she wasn’t even doing anything wrong or hurtful to another religion!
It’s rude. And you aren’t “saving” anyone by doing it either.
The same things goes for people who flat out just make videos hurtfully ridiculing a comment or person for their own religion. (Not just Christians or Satanists.)
Being a Satanist or an Atheist doesn’t make someone a devil worshipper. If someone is a Satanist, it doesn’t mean they’re in a cult. It simply means they worship mainly themselves or act as their own god. (Which isn’t right in my opinion, but who am I to tell them what to do?)
If someone is an Atheist, that doesn’t make them anymore wayward than the rest of us. They may not worship the Lord, but that doesn’t mean we should treat them like dirt or anything less than a human being.
Same thing goes for any other religion.
I have friends that come for other religions, and they’re some of the nicest/awesome people I’ve met! Sure, we don’t see eye to eye on a few things, but that’s okay! It doesn’t mean I should end a relationship over a little disagreement.
Also, I’ve also seen some controversial takes on people of the LGBTQIA+ community, and as a Christian, it intrigues me to listen to them, as I am a member of that community.
I’ve heard some people say that all who are apart of or even support the LGBTQIA+ community should go to hell, which I think is a bit rash. I’ve also seen people who say they just need forgiveness, but I’m curious, what do they need to be forgiven of?
I know in the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin, but ever since humanity fell, we’ve been stuck in sin’s (or the devil’s) trap, and I believe we won’t be able to get out of said trap until Jesus comes back. (The Rapture, The Second Coming, call it what you like.)
I can’t help the way I am, and you can’t just convert me to become straight just like that. I am very happy with Mia, and she is with me, and there is no way I’d leave her, for any faith.
And you know what, I respect your opinion if you think I’m wrong. I won’t say anything against it. Wanna know why? I’ve been taught and brought up my whole life to be kind to others, even if they don’t deserve it. And yes, I forget that sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be respectful towards them.
Especially if it’s about their beliefs or religion.
So, say it with me.
I will love and respect all of my witch, celestial, and earthy girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Christian girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Atheist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Satanist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Hindu girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Islamic girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Buddhist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect people regardless of their religion, beliefs, or opinions, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
See, that’s not so hard is it?
Treat people how you’d wanna be treated. Give respect, get respect.
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friendofthecrows · 6 months
they gotta make nap-length sleep mediations. Also ones where the speaker doesn't sound like the world's most annoying yoga intructer or perhaps therapist.
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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A Gustav Dore image of Satan's fall from Heaven taking 1/3 of the Angels with him.
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jacksprostate · 7 months
dunno what that users on about... people on tumblr put way too much attention on the unnecessary
Eh I was a little annoyed but ultimately I just kind of feel bad for that person, it takes a lot of shit being fucked up for you to be a wholeass grown adult arguing to the death on tumblr + believing in a sort of catholic 'suffering means I'm moral' thing as a way to make yourself feel better about what feels unchangeably cruel about your life. It's why I was like, no I'm not gonna continue this. Not healthy for either of us.
#sfa#i also have a tendency to debate people on a relatively soft level for myself#but it ends up feeling very charged for others#partially because I talk a whole lot#but also because especially on here#there's so much encouragement of assuming the worst of people who even vaguely disagree with you#highly defensive reading etc#it's really sad#something I had to actively teach myself not to do as much too#tumblr is bad for your growing brain lol. terrible habits#taking a step back and realizing shit 1. is not that important 2. the other person is a person not the embodiment of stupidity or evil#3. you almost certainly have tons of shared ground and both people are taking positions they feel are the most beneficial to those they care#about. idk once you really work on keeping that in mind it all just seems way less intense and all a bit dumb#i usually try to avoid arguing with people for this reason but my initial second response was a little hopeful maybe we could have like. a#cool little discussion#and then i saw the 2nd post and i was like ohhhhhhhh its like this#mm.#anyway#yeah people generally arent your enemy and you can have disagreements over pretty huge things but it doesnt mean theyre evil or literally#satan or whatever#and when you realize all that polarization is a lie#idk stuff like this is just such small hotcakes#thats also what made me stop. that person seemed like desperately way more invested and i sort of just felt bad#rambling now.........#anyway i should've just not engaged and it's a reminder for next time. i love discussing stuff with people but this platform does not#usually house people fully capable of that#also thank you i am indeed trying not to fry my brain#honestly even just limiting myself to making comments instead of aimlessly reblogging stuff has helped me engage with this better#f fc is the only thing ill rb... even then i must have comments via tags.. etc#little rules for myself. its a good idea i think
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