#Savanaclaw Student A
au-yuukiemcee · 4 months
Savana Vitani: Territorial Lioness
~Little Lion fiercely protects Ace and Deuce from her bullying Dorm Mates. Too bad for him she's just the right height for a punch to his more sensitive anatomy. (Sidenote: I've always been annoyed by the red headed Savanaclaw Student A. Something about him just makes me wanna punch him in the gonads myself.)
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justanotherfanfolks · 11 months
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Detective Time! Book 2 keeping the ball rolling with mystery, lore, Grilled Cheeseburglers, and wild Malleus appearances.
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harunayuuka2060 · 10 months
Blithesome/Housewarden MC's Vignette Story:
MC: Eh~. *giggles* Trying to be tough, aren't we~?
Former Savanaclaw student A: You're just a psycho!
MC: A psycho~? *turns their head at the former Heartslabyul students*
MC: But wouldn't you agree that I'm an attractive one~?
Former Savanaclaw students: !!!
Former Savanaclaw students: Wh-What the...
Former Octavinelle students: *joins in* YOU ARE A VERY ATTRACTIVE PSYCHO, HOUSEWARDEN!
MC: *giggles* Thank~ you~.
The former Savanaclaw students: What's wrong with all of you?!
The former Heartslabyul's and Octavinelle's: Shut up. The teachers will arrive soon. You should go back to your respective seats.
The former Savanaclaw's: *gritted their teeth in annoyance* We can beat them!
Former Heartslabyul's: Then try it.
The former Savanaclaw's: HUH?!
Former Octavinelle's: You can go ahead and fight them, but don't say that we didn't warn you.
The former Savanaclaw's: Oh we will! Just watch!
MC: *petting Grim while he sleeps on their lap*
The former Savanaclaw students: *waiting to ambush them*
The former Savanaclaw students: Those morons will regret not teaming with us. Haha...
MC: Not at all~.
The former Savanaclaw students: !!!
MC: *turns to look in their direction and smirks*
The former Savanaclaw students: How do they- ACK!
MC: *giggles* Be careful~. If you move a single inch, those iron maidens are going to swallow you whole and you might never get out~.
The former Savanaclaw students: Th-This is not allowed!
MC: Indeed, it's not~! But I can always have the option to turn you into zombies~.
MC: Oh! And no one will know the difference~.
The former Savanaclaw students: P-Please! Have mercy on us! Housewarden MC!
MC: Mercy~? But~ I am a psycho, remember~?
The former Savanaclaw students: *some of them crying* Please... We were just joking... Huu...
MC: Hmm~.
MC: *smiles* I don't need cowards~.
MC: Be gone~.
The former Savanaclaw students: *behaving properly*
The former Heartslabyul's and Octavinelle's: ...
MC: Good morning~.
The former Savanaclaw students: Good morning, housewarden! *all beaming at them*
MC: *smiles*
The former Heartslabyul's: They got the taste of it, huh?
The former Octavinelle's: *nods*
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Their S/O Is Twisted From Prof. Ratigan
Characters: Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Deuce Spade, and Rook Hunt Inspired By: Me watching a clip of him looking overjoyed A/N: This took me almost three days to write, it was hard, but worth it! Hope you guys enjoy this! You should totally watch The Great Mouse Detective, it is a true hidden gem in Disney films! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of crime, plans of harming another, bribery. Also, a hair bit (not even that descriptive) of seduction topics being in Rook's ⚠️
Bits of Information on TWST Ratigan! Reader
A 3rd Year student at Night Raven College hailing from the intelligent, yet feared Octavinelle dorm. Reigning from a family centered around underground crime, they are widely known for their incredible intelligence yet-steamy nature. Beware calling them a rat- they may just throw you into the hands of their right and left-hands, Manasseh Omnia and Felix Cattus.
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╚═════ Ruggie Bucchi ═══════════════════════════╝
🍩 As a member of a very high-ranking family, you always surrounded yourself among powerful figures. Ranging from royalty to even those involved in what your family was against, the law
🍩 Once you joined Night Raven, you were surrounded by many new characters. Both stupid and intelligent, but you had to admit, those from stupid dorms (Savanaclaw), were intelligent in their own ways. Like their unofficial Vice-Housewarden
🍩 Ruggie Bucchi was an interesting character in your opinion. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he wasn't the most dull either. You don't think anybody could be more dull then Manasseh Omina (Fidget)
🍩 One day, you were in need of some assistance with luring a couple beastmen into your scheme. They were far to hesitant with your plans in getting an upper-hand on your rival at Royal Sword Academy, so you had come to the hyena-beastman and asked for a little assistance in the matter
"What's in it for me?" He had asked, an eyebrow cocked down while the other was up, matching his interested tone.
"I shall give you whatever you want. You want food, you've got it. Money is also negotiable with any amount. My family does work in some notable places." You said. The snap of your fingers alerting Manasseh to bring out a list of things for the beastman to chose from.
"Hmm~ What can I go against here? Alrighty, Sir/Madame L/N, I can help ya' out for this all. What kind of info do you need exactly?"
🍩 After that day, you would come to him for information on any of your men inside of his dorm, and he happily accepted pretty much every offer you gave him. From helping with his home payments to giving him and his grandmother anything you need, nothing was off the table for you to give him
🍩 This exchange was one that allowed you two to grow close, and allowing him to see why your men feared you so much. He really got the point when a beastman that he knew fairly well, but didn't exactly like, was getting upset with you and called you a rat
🍩 Instead of keeping calm like the rest of your fellow Octavinelle students, you lunged at him, grabbed his collar and dragged him to look into your eyes, making Ruggie stare in both shock and fear at what you were possibly going to do to the ill-fated male
"Do you wish to repeat yourself, Zachery?" You asked him, your obviously angry gaze burning holes into his skull as you waited an answer.
"N-no, Sir/Madame! I meant to call you an intelligent leader- yes that's what I meant to say!"
"It better have been." You replied, your temper cooling quickly as you let go quickly, leaving claw-made holes in his uniform's collar as you snapped up and announced a celebratory party being held at one of your family's many homes at the ending of your school year.
"Also, Ruggie, may I speak to you in my office, please?"
🍩 The man practically sprinted to follow you into your room's small office. And despite the limited space, you made your organization work excellently with it. And when you closed the door and hung your cape a top hat on the nearby coat hanger, he noticed a slight shift in your mood. It wasn't bad, thankfully for him
"Ruggie, we have been working together for many months, perhaps a year and four months if I remember correctly. But, throughout that time I have come to feel a growing connection with you. One incomparable to any other I've had throughout my life. At the start of our bond, you were a mere piece of the machine I call my work, but now you are a heavy-hitting ally of mine, one that I value far beyond my others. What I am attempting to word is that- well, I would really enjoy it if you and I stepped up our bond from a close-knitted friendship to a possibly romantic one."
🍩 Ruggie couldn't image what you were saying was real. You wanted a relationship with him?! And not just a friendship, but a romantic relationship?
"What do you say, Ruggie?"
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╚═════ Jade Leech ════════════════════════════╝
🍄 As a fellow Octavinelle student, Jade knew you far better than most students at the College. And since Azul liked your, let's just say, connections when it came to business, you grew to have a close relationship with the trio
🍄 Jade loves to mess around with Manasseh. He's just like a fish out of water, but instead of a fish, he's a bat-beastman, and instead of out of water, he's out of, air I guess?
🍄 Anyways, because of his job being the right-hand to Azul, he was normally the one to hand over some special documents that the octopus-mer needed you to look over just in case there could be a plot hole in the papers
🍄 One day, Jade had come by with maybe 10 contracts in a file, while it was quite the hard fit to carry, he was doing it relatively easily. And when he passed your two helpers, Manasseh and Felix, he just gave them his calm smile and went into your office
🍄 You had given him, and only him, allowance into your office without knocking. While if any of your other subordinates did this, you would give them to Felix as a 'little treat for being such a good helper'
🍄 Jade closed the door behind him and noticed you were writing down some information on a random student at the school. And while he normally could keep his curiosity to himself, he couldn't help but voice a question to you
"If you do not mind me asking, Sir/Madame Y/N. Who is this and what are you planning on doing with them?~" A teasing tone was evident in his voice, but you just stayed stoic and answered him without an issue.
"This little mouse was caught being a double-agent for that wretched detective at Royal Sword Academy. I cannot have any kind of holes being punctured in my blimp of operations, now can I?"
🍄 The eel smirked and nodded, agreeing. If he was in your similar footsteps he would've done the same. Though, who's to stay he hasn't done the same already?
🍄 Jade laid the papers down and asked if he could look at a photograph of the man. To which you nodded and handed him a small Polaroid of him and went back to writing down some more plans on his background. From ransacking your office one time to even stealing from you. To which these were all fabricated, but who's to say he hasn't done it without your awareness?~
"How devilishly unexpected. I have seen this one around Mostro Lounge so much more often now. What a coincidence." Jade chuckled before continuing. "You know if you wanted some help with catching this, mouse, I would be willing to do so under the right payment."
"What is it you want in return?"
"Oh nothing to extravagant, my family is quite high up on the food-chain as well. Perhaps a few extra trips of allowance from the Headmaster for me to go for some hikes to retrieve more mushrooms. Yes, that would suffice quite well."
🍄 Cocking an eyebrow and smirking sneakily back, you began laughing. Jade looked at you calmly as you reached out and grabbed his hand, bringing it into yours and interlocking your fingers tightly. You were thankfully strong enough to endure a good bit of this guy's strength
"I just love how twisted your little mind is, Jade."
"What can I say, love? I can't help it~"
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╚═════ Deuce Spade ═══════════════════════════╝
♠️ Deuce has heard your surname, L/N, many times before he began his stay at Night Raven College. Back when he was a younger teenager and a member of a gang of delinquents, your family was one of their biggest connections. Meaning, your family was how most of them stayed out of the news and out of jail
♠️ When he heard your name get brought up by Yuu when he came back from a meeting with you. Deuce just froze as he remembered you being mentioned many times by his old friends for getting them out of trouble
"Deuce? Are you alright?" Jack asked, looking at the blue-haired male with a questioning look.
"Uh... y-yeah! I'm perfectly fine. Why?"
"You just zoned out when that Octavinelle person was mentioned by Yuu." Epel answered.
♠️ Deuce sighed and bunched his hands into fists before letting them go. He then looked at his friends and began his small story, explaining what your family, specifically you and your father, had done for his old delinquent gang
♠️ They were shocked to hear just how close he seemingly knew you. While it certainly wasn't person, you did have the connection through slight illegal activity
"Oh, talking bad about our boss, huh, first years?" A scratchy voice echoed.
♠️ Looking up from their friends, everybody could see a scary trio, a bat-beastman, a cat-beastman, and a fairly tall lizard-beastman, walking up to them, holding either a stern and cold expression or a teasing and scary one. Much like the eels from your same dorm
"Why, I never expected such a betrayal from a close friend of Sir/Madame Y/N's. How saddening, Yuu. For shame."
"Shut it, Felix."
♠️ Grabbing Manasseh's shirt collar, Deuce glared down at the bat-man, making him quiver in fear. He knew how wimpy he really was, he did grow up with him in the same gang
"Butt out or I'll make sure the next time L/N sees you, it'll be with more than a couple bruises on your face."
♠️ Practically throwing him down, the defeated man stood up and dusted himself off, the sound of his peg-leg hitting the ground making the only sound against the heavy breathing of Deuce and himself
"No wonder Y/N admired you so much, Spade."
♠️ You... admired him?
"Felix, Wylie, let's go."
♠️ Deuce looked back at the group as they stared with wide eyes, you may have a deeper connection than they first thought...
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╚═════ Rook Hunt ═════════════════════════════╝
🏹 Rook admired you from afar ever since your first years at Night Raven. And while you were annoyed to the point that you kept Felix around you at all times, over time, you warmed up to his gaze. Maybe it was your 'slight' arrogance or your love of being admired, who knows?
🏹 This hunter began to pop out of nowhere as you would make plans on finding some members and getting the information you needed out of them. Not caring who you needed to manipulate or bribe into assisting you
🏹 But with him? He could care less about some material things and he was so admiring of you that using manipulation tactics would just waste your time and patience
🏹 As he spoke about how amazingly gorgeous you were while giving a pep-talk to your close men, he was interrupted as a nearby mouse, who was most likely illegally drinking. Classic Mewl then called your dearest Rook a 'rat', making you go stiff and make your eye twitch in hidden anger
🏹 Everyone else went silent and Rook watched as you walked up to the man and put a hand on his shoulder, slightly shaking it and patting his other with the opposite hand as you chuckled darkly, making all hearing it shiver in fear. Well, everyone other than Rook
"Oh Mewly, I'm afraid that you have gone and upset me... you know what happens when someone upsets me, don't you?" You asked, pulling out a small hand-bell and make it ring loudly in the ears of all there.
🏹 Felix then stood up, his burly muscles being more obvious as he took off his jacket and began to stock his way towards Mewl. The poor guy just watched drunkly as he was dragged away by Felix and down the hallways of Octavinelle, probably outside of the school for a 'punishment' for offending your beloved
"Are you alright, Rook? I understand how some idiot's words could end up taking a mental toll on someone." You asked, cupping one of his cheek's and making him look into your eyes.
"Oh no, I'm far from upset, chérie. Rather, I'm quite... active from your previous attitude. The way you handled him was quite admirable. La façon dont tu le regardais avec une colère si contrôlée était magnifique~" He said.
🏹 Your eyebrow went up as your eyes went halfway, a smirk appearing as you grabbed his hat and yours, swapping them quickly before booping his nose and kissing it before announcing that the celebration would now continue without the presence of Mewl
🏹 Rook just watched with half-lidded, matching your previous ones, and sighed lovingly. You really were one-of-a-kind, weren't you?
(Chérie ; Dear / La façon dont tu le regardais avec une colère si contrôlée était magnifique ; The way you looked at him with such controlled anger was beautiful )
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✨ let’s do a twst trade ✨
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Hello ^^;;
This might be coming out of the blue. I’m typically a very private person and tend to stick with social circles I’m already familiar with.
Recently, I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to put myself out there and interact more! I can get easily overwhelmed, so I thought a good way to go about this is to do a handful of art/writing trades. This keeps the number low and conversation approachable, and I think that’d help slowly ease me into being more comfortable interacting and participating in community events.
***UPDATE: Trades now closed, thank you all for the interest!***
Here are the parameters and other important notes (setting these for my own comfort and lifestyle):
This will be a Twisted Wonderland themed trade because that’s the one thing we can guarantee to have in common.
I’ll write a fic for you! Minimum 1-2k words (but I tend to ramble so it could easily go higher than that), starring at least 2 characters (I can write more, but let’s not go too crazy and ask for all 22 NRC students in one fic).
I CAN write platonic, romantic, angst, fluff, yandere, AUs, etc.
I’m okay with writing any and all TWST characters, including staff, RSA students, family members, and other NPCs.
Of course, OCs are also welcome! I’d love to learn more about yours.
Be prepared with references for your OC(s) if applicable. This could include illustrations, but at the bare minimum should include a written explanation of who the character is, their personality, likes/dislikes, and relationships with canon characters.
There are limits to what I will write, as I am uncomfortable with some subject matters. For example, I’m not willing to write anything pregnancy-related. We can discuss my “no goes” in more detail if we decide to trade!
Upon request, I can do a simple digital piece of art OR a washi tape illustration (you won’t receive the physical piece, just a picture of it) for you. I believe most people know me more for my writing, but I wanted to keep these options on the table!
You trade me a fic of your own OR an artwork of roughly the same quantity/quality. As the saying goes, “what you give is what you get.”
We will talk and agree before we start on our pieces what each of us will generally provide at the end. (For example, a 5k word fic for a full color waist up illustration, 1k word fic for a black-white doodle, etc.)
You have to be okay with receiving a vague prompt. I like to be surprised, so I’ll probably just give you a list of general themes, ideas, and characters I like, then set you loose to see what you come up with.
You can be as specific as you like with your own prompt for me though—I’m flexible. Let me know what you don’t like as well so I can avoid including those elements.
To keep things fair, we’ll both hold onto our pieces and exchange them at the same time.
Regarding my written piece, it will be in a Google Doc for you to access.
This is NOT first come, first serve. I can only realistically take on 3-5 trades at this time depending on interest and complexity. If I turn you down, it’s nothing personal!
Priority will be given to mutuals (chances are that there’s more likely to be common ground if we’re already following each other).
Preference will be given to those indicated as adults in their blog intros/profiles (this is just what vibes the best with my personal communication style)
Be patient!! It may take me a few weeks or more to complete my part.
Be aware that doing a trade with me does NOT necessarily mean we will become best friends, and nor should this be the expectation 😅
If you’re okay with the above and are interested in a trade, please DM me! In your DM, you should indicate some prompts/ideas for what you’d like me to write. Please wait for me to respond; do NOT assume that I’ve accepted the trade request just because you’ve messaged me.
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official-nrc-prophet · 3 months
The Monstro Longue is open if you need a place to hide?
- @jadeleech-official
Im on my way, sneaking out the back now.
That was very overwhelming, my head hurts from all the predictions.
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lkinguscara · 1 month
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How about ghost bride did anyone else try the ghost bride event I liked the ghost bride event !
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST Incorrect quotes#204 RUN BITCH RUN!?!
Rugg: Hey, do you like chicken?
Leona: Not really
Rugg: And curry?
Leona: Not much
Rugg: Then you’re not gonna like what I did
Leona: What? You made chicken curry?
Rugg: Nah, I made out with "Your" Herbivore
*several minutes later*
Jack: Why’s Ruggie running?*Looks confused*
Savanaclaw students @ Ruggie:
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miloicy · 1 year
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i had to show my friend a vision (they dont know twst) (before you ask, no they didnt get it) :(
idk maybe jackdeu sprained their ankles during club
left box means expectations/fantasy, right means reality
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kami-kun1003 · 1 year
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
(normal voice) . self-indulgent twst × dunmeshi au . dorm assignments . based on vibes
Laios - Savanaclaw (easiest pick ever. let him b with his #wolf pack)
Falin - would probably b in RSA, but if she was in NRC ... maybe a Ramshackler (even though canonically its just the ghosts, Grim, and Yuu there)
Marcille - Diasomnia for sure
Chilchuck - Uhh maybe Ignihyde ? idk tbh.
Senshi - Scarabia or Octavinelle (since they have . a restaurant there. not rlly his vibe but . its a cooking environment)
Izutsumi - Heartslabyul but I want her to be a #hater in it because its the rules dorm and she wants to b free...
Kabru - Pomefiore or Scarabia or maybe even Octavinelle . the vibes
Toshiro - Diasomnia... smth smth . noble warrior... or Ignihyde (the u dont have to talk to ppl environmence)
Namari - Savanaclaw >:D !!
Thistle - his ass in Pomefiore because ourple
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bunnyhatty · 1 year
carefree laughs, watercolor eyes and bright hair.
ruggie bucchi x you!
hello again ^__^ you must be surprised after nearly a month of me not updating this blog. but i have not forgotten! i just didn't know what to write so i figured it's finally time to write for my favorite twst boy. unfortunately i did not know how to end this so dont bully me for it... i ask you again to please be nice to me ☝️ alao huge warning this is very self indulgent because i am ruggie fan n1 okay bye
his blonde hair swayed with the wind, making it more messy than it already was. blue eyes that shined like the sun, and a cheeky grin that embodied mischief itself.
these are what people see when they come across ruggie bucchi, but not you. you can see so much more of him.
his calloused hands that handle things more gently than anyone, his happiness regarding food, and his gentle, caring nature. he was beautiful and you just can't believe how hard you've fallen.
it was any ordinary day for you; run endless errands for crowley, make sure grim doesn't get in trouble, oh prefect can you help over here as well? it was like the school was draining you of life while also pulling all your limbs in different directions. it gets overwhelming, even for someone as stubborn as you.
so, here you were, hiding on top of a tree. it was a difficult struggle to climb, but it provided you some peace. "prefect?" great, you spoke too soon.
you casted your eyes downward and was met with ruggie's big, blue eyes. as you made eye contact, he smirks and his eyes turned cresent. "running away from your chores?" he asked jokingly, and it made you smile just a little bit.
"maybe," you replied as you began wondering how to climb back down. this is so stupid, you're stuck on a tree and ruggie will definitely make fun of you.
as you turned silent, ruggie's eyebrow rose up before a knowing look spread across his face. "are you... stuck? pfft. no, sorry. i didn't mean to laugh," he clears his throat and looked away when you glared at him.
"i'll help you down, prefect! just don't overthink it!" well, now you're definitely overthinking it. you took a deep breath and tried to climb back down just doing the steps you did to climb up but in reverse. obviously, you don't know what you're doing and began falling off the tree.
"prefect!" ruggie squeaked, somehow he caught you. or well, you landed on top of him. both of you groan in pain.
"shit, ruggie! are you okay?" you scrambled off the poor boy and he gives you a smile that almost looked like a grimace. oops.
you were apologizing profusely as you helped him up and he laughed it off, joking that you owe him lunch. while you knew it was a joke, you promised him sincerely to treat him tomorrow and for once he gave you a smile so bright that hid nothing. and your hurt is thumping loudly against your chest and your face is warm. jesus, are you so depraved that you gained a crush on someone just because they were nice?
"your knee's bleeding. we gotta get that cleaned before you get stuck on another tree," he teased but before you could complain, he gently takes your hand and led both of you to the infirmary.
he was pretty fussy, like an older brother, when he was caring for someone. you think he's not even aware of it. and somehow you were unaware of how long you watched him work, by the time you snapped back to reality, he was standing in front of you looking over his work. your knee had been cleaned and bandaged delicately.
"wow, you're really good at this. thank you, ruggie." ruggie waved off your gratitude.
"next time, you can hide in the garden instead of on trees." you jokingly kick his leg and he laughs that unusual giggle of his, the one that goes 'shehehe' it's cute. oh god, you're hopeless.
you opted to stick your out instead, since you don't trust your mouth at this moment. this only made him fall deeper into fits of giggles, is it just you or is it really hot in here? you asked yourself as you touched your warm cheeks.
soon, too soon, ruggie leaves you be with the words "leona's gonna be mad!" and you're left with your thoughts and feelings. not a recommended experience as you laid down on a bed and re-evaluated your entire life decisions that ended you crushing on the guy that injured your friends and some other students for a school sport. christ.
since then, you've became hyper-aware of the blonde boy. his lingering smell in the hallway, his giggle that echoes in your ears, he's everywhere and maybe it's just in your head but it feels like the world really doesn't want you to move on from this little crush.
when it's finally your turn to order food, that little promise struck you and you bought an extra sandwich for ruggie. grim gave you a questioning stare when you told him you had to go somewhere but you didn't care. you had one thing in your mind.
ruggie, suprisingly, was alone in the garden when you found him. determined leona wasn't around, you marched in front of him. "hey, ruggie." you cringed a little at your stiffness but whatever.
ruggie cracked an eye open before he flashed you a smirk. "prefect! couldn't get enough of me, can'tcha? shishishi!" you kinda wanted to pinch him but you decided to be nice enough not to, for today.
"here, like i promised." and you gently sat the wrapped sandwich on his stomach, and his expression stops at a surprised one before he smiled again.
"woah! i thought you were jokin'! thanks!" he eagerly unwraps the sandwich and takes bites that were big enough to savor the taste.
you watched him silently as he made his way to end of the sandwich, his cheeks full and some crumbs stuck next to his mouth but oh god, he was so cute. he was cute and pretty and you really wanted ro kiss him.
"thanks again, prefect!" he exaggeratedly laid back down while petting his stomach. you laugh a little, stress relieved due to how happy he was. unconciously, you reached out and dusted the crumbs away from his mouth and uniform.
"you eat like a child, ruggie." ruggie stared at you, eyes a little wide and mouth agape. you didn't know what you did, but you were glad you did it as you watched red spread across his cheeks. he lets out a fake cough before standing up.
"uh- i forgot! leona needed me to get his laundry! bye, prefect!" he rushed out and left you in shock. before you toppled over in a fit of laughter. maybe you weren't the only hopeless one.
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bloodiegawz · 10 months
Jack! The good boy!
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The good boy indeed! This is Bo's workout partner :3
As goes for all of Savanaclaw, Jack is one of the people Bo is closest to. A decent guy with a good heart and a shit ton of fluff and muscle. What's not to love? Though, Bo has a habit of getting touchy with him a lot- he doesn't intend to make him uncomfortable, but he feels a lot safer when he has someone to cling to. He's getting better about it...
Bo asked Jack about working out together fairly early on. He's a small girl with little to no muscle and zero stamina on a campus full of people who will pick a fight over anything. Plus having something more tailored to his level than Vargas' reps would probably benefit him. Jack mostly just spots him while Bo works at his own pace, trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself (which happens incredibly often because he tends to push himself through his pains), but he also gets super proud when Bo reaches a new best. Did five pushups? Hell yeah, that's more than the three from yesterday!
Bo also planned to join him for morning jogging, albeit with plenty more breaks than usual, but that meant getting up earlier. Which was miserable. He dropped that pretty quickly.
Jack will never admit it, but he lets Bo crash in his room fairly often when he's sleep deprived or hurting particularly bad because he gets worried. Bo is just happy to be there. As much as he likes Grim, the beast isn't exactly the greatest company for him if he's in a lot of pain (mostly because poor Grim doesn't have an off switch), meaning Ramshackle isn't a super pleasant place to rest.
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littlesistersti · 1 year
Rant or Trauma Dump: Overblot Leona is Relatable as a Student in American Public School
Will keep this short as possible
Abstract: Leona's trauma = shared trauma but (American) 12th grader student edition. I share my experience. Am I allowed to say it's my trauma when it's just resentment?
Work count: 585
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Leona expressed strong resentment at the idea of birth > skill so why r bother trying? Nobody cares. I understood it from a story writing standpoint at first then this came to me and I felt things.
Not sure how common this is around the globe but I went to an American public school for high school/secondary school education (why do I sound like a foreign exchange student haha) and every week of/before homecoming or winter break or some major event, there’s spirit week in which each grade level compete with themed outfits, lunch time activity\games, and assembly games. Win enough points to beat the other grade.
Off topic but my school’s Assembled Student Body have zero creativity for lip sync and themes because why do they keep doing Marvel and Disney? I might as well think we’re sponsored by Disney because we could’ve had HTTYD or Wonder Woman for crying out loud. Also there was a spirit day for “hype beast” in which you wear the high end stuff like Supreme. Well, I was bullied in elementary school for being NOT high income so I held resentment for those things.
Freshman year (9th grade), I did my best but we came in last place. Seniors won. Sophomore year, I felt bad for the freshmen who tried harder than us last year and they lost. Their side was decked out in white, it looked like Big Bear. Seniors won. Junior year, I figured it out it was pointless. Seniors won. Then came our turn. I noticed it. My fellow seniors would not bother trying because they knew they’d win anyway or would cheat the system like raising their hands for points even though they’re not wearing anything spirit (sometimes they be counting shoes). I hated it. I hated it more when the senior favoritism happens before your eyes.
Every winter assembly, there should be a sled race where one player is in a cardboard box and another pulls. Seniors never pull because their box has a giant hole so they can stand up and run to the finish line like a Grinch. I never saw that my senior year. Every assembly ever, there’s supposed to be a clapping game similar to Simon Says. The freshman are always duped on the first “clap” and the seniors don’t even play the game, it’s an applause! A standing ovation even! Even the seniors get to win the lip sync battle every time. Makes me wonder if they could stand in the corner then still win first place. In elective and math (above Algebra 1) classes, you would find mixed grade levels so not sure how much the point-counters scrutinize. They are not nit picky with seniors. If you raise your hand, we don’t check. Below seniors? They check. Yet, I think the cronyism is the main problem.
Seniors don’t need any skill set. They just need to be that class and bam, easy win. Any other class could try as they might and never win. I hated it more when people say, “let them win, they’re graduating.” Might as well give them all passing grades, senior year is the easiest anyways. No worries about senioritis. All the teachers love you because you’re mature baby-adults and about to leave. Hate the freshmen because they’re the hooligans. Let’s bully the freshmen.
Conclusion: Leona is relatable in the birth order > skill set resentment and not trying hard if nobody cares, because of the high school seniors favouritism I witnessed during spirit week.
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I don’t really understand?are the twst boys Humans or not?
Hi, I think you might have been confused by the lore being explained in this post?
The Ramshackle Ghosts make mention of race, which means that human is only one of many races in Twisted Wonderland. Only 1 in 10 humans are capable of using magic; this statistic is different for other races (so magic may be more or less common for others).
A majority of the cast is human, but some of the characters are clearly not human or are referred to as being a different race. For example:
Leona, Jack, and Ruggie are beastmen. (Presumably, so are Chenya and Cheka.)
Azul, Floyd, and Jade are merfolk. Azul is an octopus merman, whereas the twins are moray eel mermen.
Malleus and Lilia are fairies. Malleus is, more specifically, some kind of (western) dragon fairy. In Fairy Gala If, Lilia is referred to as a “dark fairy”.
Sebek is half human (on his father’s side) and half nocturnal fae (on his mother’s side). Note that a lot of fan art likes to portray Sebek as part crocodile, but he is not said to be a “crocodile fairy” in canon.
Something else I’d like to add is that though the game version of TWST tends to portray beastmen as being entirely in Savanaclaw, the manga adaptation and various voice lines seem to indicate that the dorms are actually mixed. For example, in multiple panels of the Episode of Heartslabyul, we see many beastmen among the humans.
It may be more difficult to pinpoint which students are mermen (as they look no different from humans after transforming to gain legs) or fae, but based on the lore, it’s likely that these two races are less likely to mingle with humans and thus the population of merfolk/fairies at school is relatively low compared to the number of humans. Floyd says in his Beans Camo vignettes that it’s rare for merfolk to want to come up to the surface, though he doesn’t state any statistics. This made it easy for him, Azul, and Jade to sign up for a boot camp that prepares merpeople for life on land.
As for fairies, it’s been implied multiple times that they can be very isolated from others and don’t like it when their territory is encroached on. Recall that many smaller fairies attacked the boys during their camping trips, and the fairies of Fairy Gala were about to accost the students as well. The Briar Valley is a prime example of fairy isolationism and aversion to change (Sebek’s mother received social scorn for her decision to marry a human). This seems to imply that not many fairies go out of their way to interact with humans, which leads me to believe that there aren’t many fairy students attending NRC either. Plus, unlike merfolk, fairies would be easier to spot since they seem to have a shared physical trait of pointy ears (regardless of fairy subspecies). The only NPCs I can think of that are fairies are the Seven Dwarves at RSA, which are implied one of Yuu’s dialogue choices to be a short species of fairy.
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blind0raven · 2 years
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Im thinking Leona's dislike to Malleus infected almost all of Savanaclaw to act this way towards Diasomnia
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Lol Silver fell asleep again in the middle of the line
Sebek just carry him and walk, you're pillow after all
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Lilia: it ain't working, he's ded alright
Lilia describing how deep asleep Silver is. You've been keeping him up all night playing video games again haven't you old man.
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... you guys have a death wish?
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Rip Savanaclaw student A and B, Leona will pay respects to your funeral maybe
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