francescointoppa · 8 months
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S – Saxifraga rotundifolia L. – Sassifraga a foglie rotonde (Saxifragaceae)
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faguscarolinensis · 3 months
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Astilbe chinensis 'Visions' / 'Visions' False Goat's Beard at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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saxifraga-silly · 2 years
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Saxifraga mertensiana - 2022
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blogflores0 · 4 months
Autor: Olga Guedes
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thebotanicalarcade · 6 months
n230_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Monographie; ou, Histoire naturelle du genre groseillier, contenant la description, l'histoire, la culture et les usages de toutes les groseilles connues Paris,P. Dufart,1829. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15307184
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konjaku · 2 years
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雪の下[Yukinoshita] Saxifraga stolonifera
雪[Yuki] : Snow
の[No] : Of
下[Shita] : Under, bottom
The origin of the name is not clear. They say it is because the leaves keep green even under snow, or because the large petals growing on the underside look like a 舌[Shita](tongue) as white as snow, and so on.
The Saxifragales order is called ユキノシタ目[Yukinoshita-moku]. Until the plant classification was changed to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system, 紫陽花[Ajisai](Hydrangea,) 空木[Utsugi](Deutzia,) etc. were in ユキノシタ科[Yukinoshita-ka](the Saxifragaceae family.)
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kadunudtarkus · 1 year
Bergenia crassifolia (L). Fritsch, Saxifragaceae Kahelehine bergeenia Bergenia
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Kahelehine bergeenia on meil aedades, sageli kiviktaimlates kasvav mitmeaastane taim.
Ravimina kasutatakse bergeenia juurte vedelekstrakti.
Seda kasutatakse põletikuliste haiguste, günekoloogiliste verejooksude ja igemepõletiku puhul.
Bergeenia juuri korjatakse juunis ja juulis.
Kahelehine bergeenia on meil aedades, sageli kiviktaimlates kasvav mitmeaastane, kuni 50cm kõrgune taim. Pärineb Siberist. Varred on jämedad ja paljad. Lehed juurumise kodarikuna, läikivad, nahkjad, talvituvad, ümardunud või laielliptilised, 15-30cm pikad ja kuni 30cm laiad, pikarootsulised, vahel südaja algusega. Õied mõlemasugulised, tipmistes kännasjates õisikutes. Tupp viietine, tupplehed alusel liitunud, tipmed kuni 4mm pikad. Kroon kellukjas, viietine, lahklehine; kroonlehed punakaslillad, äraspidimunajad. Õitseb mais ja juunis.
Droogiks kasutatakse juurikaid - rhizoma Bergeniae. Juunis või juulis kaevatakse juurikad välja, puhastatakse mullast ja peentest juurtest, pestakse, lõigatakse pikuti lõhki ja kuivatatakse. Piiratud ulatuses kasutatakse ka kahelehise bergeenia lehti.
Droog sisaldab 15-28% parkaineid, mis valdavas enamikus kuuluvad pürogalloolgruppi, ja vabu polüfenoole. Juurikais on ka isokumariin-glükosiidi bergeniini, rohkesti tärklist ja suhkruid.
Rohkesti parkaineid sisaldavad ka lehed, peale selle vaba gallushapet, kuni 22% arvutiini ja 2-4% vaba hüdokinooni.
Kahelehise bergeenia preparaate, peamiselt vedelekstrakti - extractum Bergeniae fluidum - kasutatakse koliitide puhul, günekoloogilises praktikas verejooksu sulgeva vahendina ning igemepõletiku vastu.
Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
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whatsbloomingnow · 3 months
Alpine Saxifrage (Micranthes petiolaris (Raf.) Bush)
Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family) Synonym(s): Michaux’s Saxifrage, Cliff Saxifrage, Mountain Saxifrage. Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, OctNotes: Formally Saxifraga michauxii. There is still debate where this plant goes. I use ITIS as my source. For more information about this plant, Click Here.
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daniela--anna · 1 year
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Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
Redcurrant (Ribes rubrum)
Family - Saxifragaceae.
The red currant fruits have a diuretic and thirst-quenching action.
The blackcurrant fruits have similar properties, while the leaves are used for the elimination of excess uric acid in the body, and are indicated in cases of acute and chronic rheumatism, gout, nenella gallstones, allergic rhinitis and chronic, allergic manifestations of the respiratory tract, hypertension.
In the preparation of bud extract (glyceric macerate), currant is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
It is therefore recommended in all allergic forms of bronchial asthma, urticaria, rhinitis, and pollen allergic conjunctivitis, drug allergies, inflammation of any origin and also in the case of headaches, asthenia, arterial hypotension, uterine fibroids and ovarian cystitis.
In cosmetics, blackcurrant, due to its emollient action, can be used to prepare masks for reddened and inflamed skin.
📚Article from the portal:
"The Casket of Nature"
Ribes nero ( Ribes nigrum)
Ribes rosso ( Ribes rubrum)
Famiglia - Saxifragacee.
I frutti di ribes rosso, esercitano azione diuretica e dissetante. I frutti di ribes nero, hanno proprietà analoghe, mentre le foglie vengono usate per l'eliminazione dell'acido urico in eccesso nell'organismo, e risultato indicate nei casi di, reumatismo acuto e cronico, gotta, calcoli biliari nenella, rinite allergica e cronica, manifestazioni allergiche delle vie respiratorie, ipertensione. Nella preparazione di gemmoderivato ( macerato glicerico), il ribes è un potentissimo antinfiammatorio e antiallergico. È consigliato quindi, in tutte le forme allergiche di asma bronchiale, orticaria, riniti, e congiuntiviti allergiche da pollini, allergie da farmaci, infiammazioni do qualsiasi origine e anche in caso di cefalee, astenie, ipotensione arteriosa, fibromi uterini e cistiti ovariche.
Nella cosmesi, il ribes nero, per la sua azione emolliente, può essere usato per preparare maschere per pelli arrossate e infiammate.
📚Articolo dal portale:
"Lo Scrigno della Natura"
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francescointoppa · 1 month
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Sassifraga a foglie rotonde (Saxifraga rotundifolia L., Saxifragaceae)
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faguscarolinensis · 3 months
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Astilbe chinensis 'Purple Candles' / 'Purple Candles' False Goat's Beard
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kleingartenonline · 1 year
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walkinggreen · 2 years
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Das Wechselblättrige Milzkraut (Chrysosplenium alternifolium), auch Gold-Milzkraut, Wechselblatt-Milzkraut oder Krätzenblume genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Steinbrechgewächse (Saxifragaceae).https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinbrechgewächse
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Die Steinbrechgewächse (Saxifragaceae) sind eine Pflanzenfamilie in der Ordnung der Steinbrechartigen (Saxifragales) innerhalb der Bedecktsamigen Pflanzen (Magnoliopsida).https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinbrechgewächse
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saxifragaceae Arten
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syngoniums · 3 years
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Miscellaneous June views.
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blogflores0 · 5 months
Autor: Olga Guedes
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vandaliatraveler · 3 years
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The rocky seeps, springs, and gurgling brooks of Appalachia’s mountains are home to a perennial herb much sought after for its edible leaves, which have long been foraged by mountain folk for spring greens while their gardens are still bare. Brook lettuce (Micranthes micranthidifolia), also known as branch lettuce, mountain lettuce, and lettuce-leaf saxifrage, is a spectacular, clumping member of the saxifrage family whose long, coarsely-toothed basal leaves have a sharp, somewhat bitter flavor - perfect in a fresh salad or wilted with a little vinegar and oil. For me, however, brook lettuce is better left undisturbed in its natural setting, where its massed, intensely-green foliage leaves a lasting impression. This moisture-loving plant blooms around here in mid-May, producing sprays of delicate white flowers from multiple stems branching off a central, hairy stalk. A  true Appalachian endemic, brook lettuce figures prominently in the region’s cuisine and cultural traditions - one hopes the trendy restaurants on the eastern seaboard don’t discover it any time soon and send it into decline along with ramp. The photos above were taken at the Falls of Hills Creek Scenic Area along the Highland Scenic Highway.
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