#Scarlett Alice Johnson
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"Dennis, my job offer still stands." "Like I said, I can take care of myself in that department."
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starrygalaxy04 · 1 year
Moon’s Tides
Summary: Scarlett Mirachei lives in a military family. When her father is stationed in Seattle, she and her dad pick up and move to Forks. However, when her first day ay school goes in many ways she doesn’t expect, questions are raised she can’t easily find answers to. (A Jasper x OC fic, though you can insert yourself into Scarlett’s position if you want to. Jasper and Alice are not together in this one. I also took liberties in putting this fic closer to modern day than the early 2000s.)
TW: Minor mentions of nudity
Chapter 1: Wolfish Tendencies
The first day at a new school. It was something Scarlett had become almost intimately familiar with. Every couple of years her father would be relocated to a different military base, and they would pack everything up and move where the job required. For most of Scarlett’s life, her father had been stationed in various bases around Louisiana. Whether it was Fort Johnson (originally Fort Polk, she still got the names mixed up), Camp Beauregard, or the occasional visit to the Marine Corps Support Facility in New Orleans, there was always something new. More places to explore, new houses to live in, and new people to get to know.
 This time however, the move was a bit more drastic. Instead of moving to another part of sunny, humid, and sometimes downright miserable Louisiana, her father had been told he was moving up to Washington. He was being relocated to the military base located in Seattle, meaning she and her father were going to have to get acclimated to much different weather. Long gone were the days of the weather roulette wheel. Spring and Fall were no longer constant toss-ups of rain, wind, and windy storms. Summer no longer heraled hurricane season. And Winter no longer meant the wonder of if Louisiana would be lucky to enough to get snow that year.
 Instead, Washinton proved to be a bit more consistent in its weather patterns. Cloudy, almost constantly rainy, with a couple days of sunshine mixed in. Forks was almost constantly under the cover of rain or fog. Snow was a guaranteed spectacle when Winter decided to show itself and blow its freezing breath over the soggy green landscape. And Summer could hardly be called Summer. There weren’t any putridly hot days, no humid air that felt so thick it was like inhaling a blanket. It was very different than what Scarlett was used to.
 But what she didn’t expect was for her sinus problems to somehow be even worse when she moved up there. It had only been a couple of days and drainage was kicking her ass. Sore throat, sneezing, coughing up phlegm, the whole nine yards. It felt like she had been assaulted with a full face of pollen, when it was most likely because of the moss that covered almost every tree in the neighborhood. She had thanked herself multiple times for buying a surplus of her nasal spray on a whim, inhaling three sprays of the medicine in each nostril.
 But even with that assistance, as soon as she stepped out of her car in the school parking lot a sneeze wracked her frame so hard it felt like she had dislodged something. She doubles over, taking a moment to collect herself with her nose tucked firmly into her jacket-covered elbow. She makes a noise of displeasure before grabbing her backpack, trying her best not to rub at her eyes. She was almost certain she looked sick as she walked across the parking lot and into the school’s office, awkwardly standing at the front desk as she waits for the woman behind the desk to notice her.
The woman had to have been middle-aged. Her hair was so red it had to have been box-dyed, which made Scarlett fight back a cringe. Her green eyes were framed by a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, slowly looking over something on her monitor. It takes a couple more minutes before the lady notices Scarlett, eyes widening in shock before she turns to face her.
 “Good morning. How may I help you?”
She sounded so similar to a customer service person that Scarlett almost talked to her professionally rather than simply asking for her schedule like a normal person.
“Um, hi. I’m Scarlett Mirachei, a new transfer from New Orleans. I was told I could get my class schedule here.”
“Scarlett…Scarlett…Oh yes! Here you are.” She clicks a couple times with her mouse, and Scarlett chews on the inside of her cheek as she waits.
The printer whirs to life, slowly printing out a block schedule on a piece of printer paper. Scarlett smiles as the lady hands the piece of paper to her.
“The room numbers and buildings are printed on the paper. Makes it a little hard to get lost. You’re in here a bit early as well, so it might give you a little time to get to your class or find your locker before the day starts.”
Scarlett nods, reading over the piece of paper. Calculus first period. Just her luck. Scarlett somehow had always managed to get her math class as her first period since freshman year. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, she couldn’t be sure. Physics as second period. Her two most difficult classes first thing in the morning. She sighs as she looks at her third period class, World Literature. She had the universal lunch period, followed by her Dance class, which had been put in as an elective since she already had the required PE credits. Last up was her World History class.
Scarlett was happy she had packed her dance bag, making a mental note to grab it during her lunch break. It didn’t specify what kind of dance the class was focused on, so unless the teacher went into it, she would just have to pack all her shoes. Even her tap shoes. Scarlett sighs as she exits the office, folding up the schedule and tucking it in her pocket so it wouldn’t get wet in the drizzling rain.
 More cars had pulled into the parking lot, and Scarlett could hear the chatter of the various students as they waited to go inside. Scarlett sighed as she walked to her car, a little Nissan painted midnight blue. She’d most likely have to wait as well, so she simply leaned against her car while quietly humming to herself. She gazed around the parking lot, eyes ending up on what looked like an old rusted red Chevy truck. Her brow raised as she looked at the truck, slowly running her gaze over it.
Scarlett briefly saw her reflection in one of the side mirrors. Her hair, chin length, had been pulled back into a short ponytail with her bangs hanging out on each side of her face. The lock on the right side was dyed the same midnight blue as her car. The rest of her hair was light brown, a little more red than brown in the right lighting. It was something she had gotten from her mother’s side of the family. Her amber eyes, which she called doe eyes because they looked big to her, seemed to have the same steely wall of conviction that her father held wherever he went. Her face was quite traingular in shape, sharp cheekbones, and chin. Her nose was just big enough to fit her face, not quite a button nose with a subtle hook to it. Her black brows, sharp and angular, added an intensity to her facial expression that would scare most people off.
 She looked like she was a member of the military herself.
She hadn’t worn anything special to school. A simple band t-shirt adorned with a grey hoodie, black ripped jeans and her favorite pair of combat boots. Her backpack was slung over one shoulder, adorned with various pins and keychains. It was the only thing on her that screamed something other than resting bitch face. Of course, the pentagram keychain would cause some controversy, along with the genderfluid keychain and the demisexual pin. Various witch and gothic-themed pins littered her backapck. A crystal ball with a banner reading “YOU ARE FULL OF MAGIC” in curisve, a black snake wrapped around a crescent moon, and a couple pins from her old schools. Her favorite pin was circular, depicting a golden crescent moon, the rest of the pin colored purple with little golden stars. Engraved in it were the words “Stay Wild Moon Child.” It was the first pin her father had ever gotten her and stayed with her throughout her school years.
Scarlett could feel the charms of the necklaces tucked under her shirt move every now and again as she leaned against her car. She wore three, two were made of cord and one was a metal chain. The first neckalce was a circular pendant, depicting three phases of the moon, waxing crescent, the full moon, and waning crescent. The second was a simple cage for a crystal, amethyst. The last one, the metal chain, held a much larger version of the pentagram keychain that hung from her backpack.
 Scarlett was quite literally any Christian kid’s worst nightmare.
Her eyes roam over the rest of the parking lot, brow raising again when she notices a silver Volvo. Whoever’s Daddy bought that has some money. Scarlett looks over the car, eyes eventually wandering to the math building as she thinks about how boring Calculus will be. The bell rings, and Scarlett is quick to make her way into the building, finding the room with a little difficulty. She makes it a few minutes early, sitting down in a vacant spot in the far back corner. She tries to not draw attention to herself as she pulls out her notebook and led pencil, lightly chewing on her nail as she waits for class to start.
Once all of the students file in and take their seats, the teacher begins roll. Scarlett was one of the last kids on the list, correcting the teacher when he inevitably gets her last name wrong. Mirachei was not always an easy name to pronounce, and it often took a couple weeks before people were able to say it correctly.
 As she expected, her first two classes went horribly slow. Calculus was just an intro day, just covering foundations students would have learned if not reviewed in Pre-Calculus. Physics was a little more difficult, though it was Calculus based Physics so she would have to learn the principles then implement the math as she learned both subjects. World Literature wasn’t hard, considering there had been no material given out to any of the students yet. Lunch eventually rolled around, and Scarlett had decided to grab her dance bag on the way to lunch instead of on the way out. Once she grabbed her bag, hauling it over her shoulder, she made her way into the cafateria. There was some hustle and bustle, mostly people chatting amongst each other. Once Scarlett had grabbed a tray, her brow furrowed as she thought of where to sit. However, that train of thought was quickly thrown out the window when a boy, most likely a year younger than her, walked up to her with a large smile.
He looked nerdy, his hair cut into a sideswept spiky style. He wore rectangular glasses that didn’t quite fit his face, and looked a little lanky in stature.
“Hi! I’m Eric, you must be the other new girl! Scarlett, right?” He smiled brightly at Scarlett, offering his hand for a shake.
Scarlett nods before awkwardly shaking his hand.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Her brow furrows a fraction of an inch as she chews on the inside of her cheek.
“Oh, you and Bella are basically the talk of the school right now. Two new students? Almost never happens! You can come to sit with us if you want. Bella is with us. I can introduce you!”
Before Scarlett can respond he rushes back to a somewhat crowded table. Three girls and three guys, one of them Eric, sit at the table and he waves Scarlett over. Scarlett takes a breath before walking over to the table, readjusting her dance bag.
 “Here, I’ll pull up a chair.” Eric wastes no time in grabbing a spare chair from the table next to the group, sliding it between him and a girl with decently long brunette hair and brown eyes.
Scarlett slowly sits down, shrugging off her dance bag and slipping it under her chair.
“Everybody, this is Scarlett! The other new girl.” Eric announces, a wide smile on his face.
Scarlett waves, chewing on the inside of her cheek as all eyes are drawn to her for the moment.
One of the girls, also brunette with brown eyes, smiles at Scarlett. It seems a little forced, and Scarlett picks up on a little bit of snarkiness from her.
“I’m Jessica Stanley. The girl next to me is Angela. The guy with the short blond hair is Mike. You already know Eric, and the last boy over here is Tyler.”
Scarlett nods in acknowledgement to each of them, feeling a little out of place.
“And I’m sure you already know the girl next to you. She’s Bella, the police chief’s daughter.”
Jessica nudges the girl next to Scarlett, making the girl flush before awkwardly waving to Scarlett.
“Hi, I’m Bella.” Her voice is small, and she tries her best to seem friendly.
“Well, its already obvious, but I’m Scarlett Mirachei. Moved from New Orleans if the accent doesn’t give it away.” Scarlett smiles wryly.
“Really? We were just talking about how Bella moved up from Phoenix.” Jessica smiles.
Scarlett looks over to Bella, who seems to be looking through the cafateria windows.
“Who are they?” She asks, eyes on the door as it opens.
“The Cullens? They’re Dr. and Mrs. Cullen’s foster kids.” Jessica leans in, almost as though the information is secretive. Scarlett raises a brow, listening intently. “They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. “
“They…kind of keep to themselves.” Angela added.
“Yeah, cuz they’re all together. Like, together together. Well, I say that. It’s only two of them. The blonde girl? That’s Rosalie. And then there’s the big dark-haired guy, Emmett. They’re like, a thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.”
“Well, I mean, they’re not actually related.” Angela smiles.
“Well, yeah but they live together, its weird.”
Scarlett takes a bite of her food, watching as Rosalie and Emmett pass. As they do, it feels like pins and needles are suddenly jabbed into her nose. She covers her nose, hoping to mask the face she makes as her nose begins to burn.
Another two come in and Jessica begins talking again.
“Okay, the little dark-haired girl is Alice. She’s really weird. And that’s Jasper, the blond one who looks like he’s in pain.”
As they pass, two different smells seem to assault Scarlett’s nose simultaneously. One of them has the same burning smell as before, while the other is still a little unpleasant, but much more muted on the pain scale. Aside from the sharpness, she can pick up a faint hint of leather and pine. Something warm settles in her chest, making her body convulse. She masks it behind a cough, desperately trying to settle down.
No one seems to notice as Jessica keeps talking.
“Um, Dr. Cullen is like this foster dad/match maker.”
“Maybe he’ll adopt me.” Angela smiles, a dreamy look in her eyes.
Scarlett can feel her body drastically warming up, the convulsions seeming to not want to calm down. Scarlett tries desperately to take deep breaths, which seem to ward them off for the moment.
“Who’s he?”
Bella looks at the door as a boy with reddish-brown hair walks in, an almost sullen look on his face. Scarlett fights back another convulsion, her nose almost on fire as the burning scent assaults her nose once more.
Jessica smiles for a moment before speaking again.
“That’s Edward Cullen. He’s totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Jasper and Alice seem to think the same. But, like I care, you know?”
Its getting hard for Scarlett to focus on the conversation, and as soon as Edward passes by, she’s grabbing her dance bag.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
Scarlett puts a hand over her mouth as she grabs her dance bag before making a beeline to the door, rushing out as fast as she possibly can. The convulsions are only getting worse, more frequent and in some cases more violent. She doesn’t know what compels her to dash into the nearby woods, but as soon as she’s shielded by the foliage she’s dropping her dance bag. Her body feels too warm. Like there’s too many layers on her.
First goes her jacket, then her shirt. And when that’s not enough, the rest of her clothes go, too. As soon as the last of her garments are off of her, the convulsions become much more violent. They’re not painful, if anything they feel like dry heaving. Her eyes close as she leans against a tree for support.
And then suddenly they’ve stopped.
Scarlett’s eyes open, but things look different. She can see the detailing in the tree bark, look at each individual speck of moss. She almost feels taller in a sense, and she can smell things she’d never been able to before. She could smell the various animals in the trees, squirrels, birds, the occasional rat. She could smell the dormant gasoline in the cars in the parking lot. She could smell the leather of the seats, smell the various scents of the student body. Could smell that burning, overpowering scent. It was like a magnified spearmint, strong, cold, and unbearably sharp.
Scarlett looked down and her body went rigid. Instead of legs, she had paws. White, fluffy paws. Her head whips behind her, only to be met with a large, white fluffy pelt. Her large white fluffy pelt. Her tail was ramrod straight, and she heard the loud panting from her open mouth as panic flooded her system. She felt her ears twitch on top of her head as she desperately tried to process what she was seeing. She looked down at her clothes before looking back at her body.
Her first instinct was to panic. In a matter of seconds she was yelping in terror, whining as her head flitted this way and that. Trying to figure out what to do. She had to be dreaming, right? There’s no way she just turned into a fucking wolf. She needed to be admitted into a mental hospital.
But even as she spiraled, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a dew drop resting on a fern. In striking clarity, she saw the wolf standing where she would have stood. Its fur was snow white, its eyes the exact same amber as Scarlett’s. Its snout was long, pointed, and large sharp teeth showed when she opened her mouth. She stood abnormally large. She would assume just standing on all fours she would be taller than her normal height.
The whining eventually died down as she analyzed her reflection in harsh detail. Was this…her? Was she…actually grounded in reality right now? Was she going insane? But everything felt real. Everything felt…alive. Like some dormant part of her was finally allowed to come out and play. Like this was something she had in her as long as she had been born, but there had just never been a right time to explore it.
 Ironically, in that moment, the song “She Wolf” popped into her mind.
As she gradually calmed down, she was able to shift back into her regular self. Once she was back into her regular form, she was quick to put her clothes back on. Her skin seemed much more sensitive than before, and the abnormal body heat hadn’t gone away. Her sight was sharper than before, her hearing magnified as though she had put her ear to a megaphone. And her sense of smell… No longer was she sneezing, but everything seemed to have a heightened smell. Everything seemed…different.
Scarlett grabs her dance bag, thoughts racing a mile a minute.
What the hell was that? What just happened? Please let this just be a moment where I lost touch with reality. That…That wasn’t real. It can’t be.
Though it felt like that moment of insanity had last hours, in reality it had maybe lasted ten minutes. Most students were still in the cafateria. Scarlett could hear the buzzing of chatter from the woods, making her brow furrow. She decides to not go back to the cafateria, the noise is overwhelming from a distance. She makes her way to the athletic building, shocked to find it open. Her warm hand meets the cold, damp metal of the door, a shock to her system. She had to be running a fever.
Nonetheless, she felt fine, so she walked in.
Scarlett found the girl’s changing room and make quick work of changing into her leotard and tights. She grabs her jazz and ballet shoes, slipping on her jazz shoes to be safe before walking into the small dance studio. It had decent quality marley, though it had clearly been worn down and would need to be replaced soon. The mirrors didn’t span the entire wall and looked like they needed cleaning. And the ballet bars had clearly seen better days, most of them made from piping instead of proper plastic.
Scarlett grabbed her phone and wireless earbuds, slipping one into her ear before unlocking her phone. She walks to the center of the small studio, scrolling through her music library before picking up a song to stretch to. She slides into a split, making sure her feet are pointed before she leans first to her right side, stretching out the muscles in her legs and core. She does the same to her left side before transitioning into lunges, falling into an old ballet stretch routine.
She just finishes stretching out her ankles when other students and the teacher walk in. She puts her phone and earbuds away, finding a place on the floor as she waits for the other students. The teacher explains that this dance class covers jazz, ballet, and modern, and Scarlett can’t help the smile that comes over her face. The first unit is jazz, and within a couple minutes the students are stretching and getting to work.
The school had lumped beginner, intermediate, and advanced students together. Whether that would be helpful or detrimental, Scarlett wasn’t sure. It made the skill gap obvious, which no doubt would make the beginners feel insecure. But it would push the intermediates to perform on the level of the advanced students. So, it might just be a very delicate balance.
The teacher goes through a couple of stretch routines before doing a small lesson on technique. After that, she begins the students on a combination. It incorporates basic skills all dancers need for a jazz routine, though it is modified for the advanced dancers with a couple tricks and turn sequences.
The dance class is decently enjoyable for Scarlett, allowing her to forget all of her worries, fears, concerns, and questions about her mental stability. She rides the endorphin high of dancing into her last class of the day. She hums the combination music as she sits down, a pretty catchy song called “Bole to Harlem”. She pulls out her notebook, setting it on her desk as she runs through the dance combination in her head.
She’s only broken out of her reverie when that biting scent fills her nose again. She looks up, only to spot two of the Cullen kids finding their seats. One is the blonde girl Jessica had said was Rosalie. The other was the second blond, which Jessica had said was Jasper. Only two seats were available, one next to Scarlett and one at the front of the classroom. Rosalie quickly sat in the chair at the front, leaving Jasper to sit next to Scarlett. Scarlett was thankful Rosalie had sat in the front, as pretty as she looked her scent was making Scarlett’s lungs feel inflamed. As Jasper gradually got closer, Rosalie’s scent was eventually drowned out. Once Jasper sat down, a much different scent enveloped her senses.
The mix of leather and pine, with just a hint of that spearmint sensation. It felt much more welcoming and warm than his brother and sister’s scents. It was almost pleasant to breathe in, had her nose not been so terribly sensitive. Scarlett kept her head down, trying her best to keep her hand away from her nose as she fiddled with her pencil. She could vaguely feel warmth beginning to blossom in her chest as he settled in his seat, eyes facing forward.
He looked stiff, elbows on the table. The side of his right hand was pressed against his lips, his left hand covering his right. His chin-length hair partially obscured his face. Scarlett couldn’t get a read on him even if she wanted to, and some part of her seemed hurt at the realization. Class had begun, and Scarlett found it hard to tear her attention away from him. Part of her wanted to talk to him, get as close to him as possible. A very deep, almost possessive piece of her wanted to get close enough that her scent would waft onto him, warning people to stay away from him.
She had no clue where any of that was coming from, shaking her head to clear her mind before opening her notebook and beginning to take notes.
Nonetheless, the intrusive thoughts kept coming. With each inhale, another thought almost derailed her from focusing on the history lesson. It was near impossible for her to keep her head on straight. Her eyes would always drift to Jasper, who didn’t seem to have changed positions at all during the lesson so far. His back was rigid, his jaw clenched tight.
He looked uncomfortable.
Part of Scarlett wanted to reach out and comfort him, and for some odd reason she felt a whine building in the back of her throat. She quickly stamps it down, frowning as she tries her best to focus on the tail end of the lesson. She needed to check in with a therapist if not a mental hospital.
The bell rings, signalling the end of the lesson. As soon as it sounds, Jasper is bolting out the room, a huffy Rosalie following behind him. That part of Scarlett seems hurt, and its almost physically painful to watch him leave. Scarlett winces, closing her eyes. What the hell is wrong with me?
She grabs her notebook and bag, making her way to her car. As she throws her dance bag into the back of her car, she hears footsteps approaching from a longer distance than she normally could before. Her eyes peer up to find Bella tentatively walking over, watching her feet carefully as she walked. Once she makes it to Scarlett’s car, she smiles sheepishly.
“Hey, I never got to check on you? Are you feeling better?”
Despite not knowing Scarlett at all, Bella sounded oddly concerned. Scarlett fought with herself between telling the full truth or telling a half truth. Certainly this girl would think her crazy if she went “Yeah I’m okay, I just turned into a wolf and now all my senses are heightened.”
It was bad enough Scarlett already felt crazy, she didn’t need people believing that about her.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I have bad anxiety so social situations like that can really get the better of me.” Not an entire lie. Scarlett truthfully did have social anxiety, and in some cases would be bad enough to make her sick.
“Well, I’m glad you’re doing better. Hopefully tomorrow will be better?”
“I’m hoping. I never did get to hear much about you. I heard you’re new here, too?” Scarlett raises a brow, leaning against her car. She catches a whiff of Bella’s scent. Kind of floral, almost like peonies. Its much more tolerable than the scent the Cullens give off. Well, except for Jasper…
“Yeah, I moved up here with my dad a couple days ago.” Bella nods. “He’s the police chief for the town, so moving up here was a pretty big deal for the town, I guess.”
Scarlett chuckles, nodding.
“I came up here with my dad, too, funnily enough. Though he’s a military man. Got re-assigned to a position in Seattle. He likes to be away from all the hustle and bustle and found a little house for him and me up here. He lives on base most of the time, but he tries to come home when he can.”
Bella nods, fiddling with one of her book covers.
“Seems like a pretty big change from New Orleans. Though I guess I can empathize in that aspect. Its so much greener here than Phoenix.” Bella makes a face, wrinkling her nose.
Scarlett chuckles, popping her neck.
“Well, I’m just used to humid swamps. I’m basically getting the opposite here. And there’s no gators to make it interesting.” Scarlett mock pouts. “I’m hoping me and my dad can go crabbing in the Summer. Though if we do it up here it would be a lot different than back home.”
Bella nods, smiling.
“My dad fishes, I’m more of a homebody. Sit and home and read books, you know?”
“Felt you there, sis. Felt you there.” Scarlett smiles. “I probably shouldn’t keep you much longer, huh? Don’t want that police chief of a dad getting worried, yeah?”
Bella chuckles, smiling at Scarlett.
“No, worrying Charlie wouldn’t be a good idea. So…see you tomorrow?”
Scarlett nods, smiling at Bella.
“I’ll be here.”
Bella smiles before walking to her vehicle, the old and rusted red Chevy that Scarlett had spotted earlier. She slips into the truck, buckling in before starting it. The truck loudly revs to life, making Scarlett flinch. One of the bad things about old trucks, they’re fucking loud. Scarlett slips into her own car as she watches Bella pull out and take a right, driving down the highway. Scarlett buckles her own seatbelt as she shuts the car door, starting her own car. She checks her mirrors before pulling out, taking a left onto the highway.
The drive is short, and within ten minutes she’s taking the turn at Snakehill Road. At the end of the road is the little house her father had bought. It’s a little two-story house, two bedroom and two bathroom. There was a small balcony on the second floor, in front of Scarlett’s bedroom. The house was painted light blue, giving off a nice contrast to the green of the trees and grass around it. She pulls into the small carport, her dad’s spot empty. He most likely wouldn’t be back until the end of the month, leaving Scarlett with money to get groceries as needbe.
Scarlett slips out of her car, grabbing both of her bags before shutting the door and locking her car. She grabs the house key on her key ring, slipping it into the lock on the door before pushing the door open. The living room is mid-sized, homey. A white sofa and loveseat sit parallel to each other, propped against the two grey walls. A TV is mounted on the wall, an entertainment center under it full of movies, video games, and various consoles. A couple framed photos sit on top of the entertainment center, most of them of Scarlett and her father.
 A large fluffy grey rug covers the space between the couches and in front of the entertainment center, a nice place to sit when Scarlett gets bored of the couches. To the right of the large couch is the framed entrance to the kitchen. It followed the same grey and white color scheme as the living room. A small grey island with a white and black granite countertop, the same granite along the rest of the counter. The cabinets were painted grey, the double sink pristine and shiny. The oven was just as clean, the dish washer light blinking to signal that the load of dishes was done.
Scarlett takes a right, walking into the little hallway that held the staircase. It was almost entirely tucked away from the first floor of the house, next to her father’s bedroom. She walks up the carpeted stairs, making her way to her bedroom. She smiles as she looks at the small painting that hangs on it. It’s a purple, pink, and blue galaxy she hand-painted her freshman year. She slowly opens the door to her bedroom.
It’s covered in moon-themed décor. The ceiling has countless stars and a large moon right above her bed. The walls, painted dark purple, are covered in countless posters, some from video games, others from book series. An ornate dream catcher, made of wood with white, blue, and purple thread, hangs from her ceiling fan. Her white desk sits by the wall next to her window, her black and white gaming chair pushed in as far as it would go. Her monitor sits calmly on the desk, her lilac mouse sitting calmly on its matching mousepad.
Lavender fairy lights were strung along the ceiling along with decorative vines. Some of those vines were strung above her window. Various plants sat on the windowsill. Various flowers and a couple decorative succulents. Her dresser and closet were both terribly messy, the only real indicator that she was still a teenager. Various articles of clothing (most of them black) were strewn around that area, a couple folded socks poking out from one of her dresser drawers.
Her mattress sat on an ornate metal frame, loops of metal partially covered by a slew of pillows and stuffed animals. Lavender sheets and a lilac lacy bedspread covered the mattress, matching pillows cushioning what she lovingly called her “plushie army”. Various stuffed animals, from squishmallows to Pokemon plushes to Five Nights at Freddy’s plushes to even the odd Cabbage Patch Kids doll. Truly, it was a respectable army, notorious for the soft comfort they provided her in sleep and during her darkest moments.
Her favorite thing in her room, however, had to be her bluetooth speaker. She carried it with her when she would go down to the living room to practice her dance routines, rolling up the carpet to give herself the proper surface to practice her turns or grabbing her slab of wood so she can practice a tap routine. She would always have it when she would go to take a shower, playing music depending on her mood. It could result in a jam session or even an emotional karaoke session depending on the day.
She was thinking that karaoke might be the way to go tonight after getting some dinner. After putting her bags on her bed, Scarlett makes her way into the kitchen. She fixes herself a couple ham and cheese sandwiches before grabbing a bag of jalapeno Cheetos. She honestly didn’t know why her father hadn’t just stocked the pantry with chips, it was one of the few things Scarlett ever ate consistently.
She sat on the couch, flipping through the various TV channels as she ate before eventually settling for opening YouTube and finding a true crime video. As the video played, she ate her food, eventually going through the entire bag of Cheetos. For some reason she was abnormally hungry, eating much more than usual. For a split second her mind went to pregnancy before she rolled her eyes, reminding herself that wasn’t a possibility since she’d never had sex before.
 As she thought about it, her mind eventually went back to the spectacle that had caused all of her mental anguish. Could it be because of the wolf transformation? “Transformation” was the only word she could use to describe what happened. One minute she was normal, then the next she was a wolf. It was something she had only heard in horror stories but had happened to her. She pinches herself, wincing when it hurts. She wasn’t dreaming, and she certainly wasn’t hallucinating. But if those weren’t explanations, then what was? Surely if she brought this up to her father, he would think she had watched another scary movie and had a nightmare. And no one at school could give her an explanation. They didn’t even know her.
If she wanted any answers, she’d have to look them up on her own. She sighed as she got up from the couch, throwing the empty bag of chips in the trash can before washing her hands. She dies them off before grabbing her World Literature book, walking back into the living room. She begins her reading assignment, which isn’t due until the end of the week. True crime videos play one after the other as she reads. It’s almost eight by the time she finishes reading and taking notes, putting together a summary of her understanding of the story.
She looks at the clock, frowning. It’s still early by her standards, but maybe a shower would do her some good. After all, today had been less than normal. She walks back up the stairs, putting her books away before grabbing a change of clothes and making her way into her bathroom. She turns the water on to scalding hot, making quick work of stripping out of her clothes. But she stops when she looks in the mirror, brows furrowing in confusion.
 Instead of a soft, squishy tummy like she was used to, hard and chiseled muscles had begun to form. She didn’t quite have abs yet, but she looks well on her way to it without having done anything. Muscles had also begun to form along her arms, shoulders, and legs. She shakes her head, walking into the shower. But unlike usual, the scalding water doesn’t feel the same. It’s much more comfortable than it is burning. Scarlett can smell the leftover scent of her body wash from the night before. She pops open the cap, the scent of the bottle much more distinctive to her nose. The hints of grapefruit are much stronger, along with the hints of other fruit mixed in.
She sighs, squirting some of the soap onto the loofa before cleaning her body, much more aware of what parts of her were dirty and what was covered in sweat. She washes her hair next, hyperaware of the notes of lavender and rosemary in the shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing the conditioner out of her hair she steps out of the shower, brows furrowed. She buries her nose in her towel, finding that the smell of the detergent and scent crystals is much more prominent to her as well. Even her own clothes had a scent to them, something vaguely tropical, almost like hibiscus.
She dries off, feeling each fiber of the towel as it rubs against her skin, collecting the leftover water. She slips on her nightclothes, a t-shirt, and a pair of shorts, before drying her hair and walking back to her room. She sits in her chair, turning on her computer. She sets an alarm for ten before opening her Steam client and looking for a game to play. She eventually settles on playing Plants Vs. Zombies. She had already beaten the game to full completion aside from a couple achievements and decides to see if she can get them.
She plays until her alarm goes off, “The Kids Aren’t Alright” by Fall Out Boy playing as the alarm goes off. Scarlett turns off the alarm, pausing the Pool level before closing the game. She turns off her computer, sliding out from under her desk so she can collapse on her bed. She lazily plugs in her phone, making sure her alarm is set for the next morning.
She rearranges her plushie army so that she can slip under the covers, turning on her fairy lights so the room is bathed in a light purple glow. She lay her head on one of her fluffy pillows, laying on her stomach. As she closes her eyes, her mind drifts to the Cullen family. Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Edward, Jasper…
Jasper seemed to want to stick in her mind more than the rest. Why did only Jasper smell nice out of all of them? Why did Jasper look so uncomfortable all the time? Why did Jasper seem so closed off? And what was with all this wolf business? Why did seeing him like that make her feel so…bad? Like she needed to comfort him?
Late night thoughts were the bane of her existence, and Jasper’s expression was on her mind even as she fell asleep, surrounded by the smiling faces of her squishmallows.
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Much Ado About MOANA
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Say it ain't so!
Walt Disney Pictures is working on a live-action "reimagining" of MOANA that will involve Dwayne Johnson himself, who of course voiced Maui in the original animated feature directed by Ron Clements and John Musker for Walt Disney Animation Studios and released in 2016.
As of now, the movie has three forthcoming extensions: This project, a land at Epcot in Walt Disney World, and an animated series being produced at WDAS (namely its recently-opened Vancouver unit) for Disney+.
I used to grouse to the moon and back about how much I detested much of these particular remakes and reimaginings of Disney's animated features and characters. You know, the ones made in the aftermath of Tim Burton's ALICE IN WONDERLAND throughout the 2010s, and even into now. I used to see them as something of a threat to animation's reputation, and they all came at us fast! MALEFICENT in 2014, CINDERELLA in 2015, THE JUNGLE BOOK (a largely CGI movie with one live actor and maybe like, 5 real-life plants) and ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS in 2016, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST in 2017, and a five-finger-punch of DUMBO, ALADDIN, THE LION KING, a MALEFICENT sequel, and LADY AND THE TRAMP in 2019... And then MULAN in 2020, CRUELLA in 2021, and PINOCCHIO this past year. Mixed in with these movies were a genuine new take on hybrid film PETE'S DRAGON and a legacy sequel to MARY POPPINS, MARY POPPINS RETURNS. Even Burton's ALICE, which got this whole ball rolling, was pretty much its own thing, ditto the 2016 sequel.
On the horizon? PETER PAN & WENDY, THE LITTLE MERMAID, SNOW WHITE, MUFASA: THE LION KING, BAMBI, THE SWORD IN THE STONE, a JUNGLE BOOK sequel, THE ARISTOCATS, ROBIN HOOD, THE CHRONICLES OF PRYDAIN (which the 1985 animated feature THE BLACK CAULDRON was adapted from), THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, HERCULES, and LILO & STITCH. Now MOANA joins the ranks, the first all-CG animated Disney film to get the "live-action" treatment.
That's a ton of remakes in the span of almost 10 years, if we peg the actual start of this trend with 2014's MALEFICENT.
I think I've only seen... ALICE IN WONDERLAND, and THE JUNGLE BOOK, in full. I refused to watch the others. Back then it was out of protest and me just genuinely not being interested, nowadays? It's just the latter. These things aren't for me, and that's okay I guess. They haven't erased animation, nor did other recent "realistic" takes on animated classics, such as the 2017 GHOST IN THE SHELL movie with Scarlett Johansson. It hit me one day at my cinema job when THE LION KING was released. The Cinemark that I work at used to have a cart for movie merchandise, including things like T-shirts and Funko Pops and such. Most of the merchandise for the remakes that came out that year? Were for the animated originals... (I use the word loosely, but... You know what I mean!) I'd say it was an 85/15 ratio. Some stuff for the new remake, but mostly stuff for the classic animated movies that inspired them... It hit me... These are just over-glorified theatrical re-releases of the animated classics, made to move some merch and stuff at your local Hot Topic. It's kind of a weird transition from the way Disney used to keep their films in the public eye, whether it was a re-release cycle from the 1940s up until the mid-1990s, or their video releases being available for a limited time before being retired to the infamous "Disney Vault" (a ruthless marketing strategy thankfully put to rest with the arrival of Disney+ in 2019).
But in 2017-ish, I remember just being so goddamn grumpy about these things. Made worse by various directors, actors, and producers involved with the remakes making disparaging remarks about the classic movies for being... Well... **Animated**. Imagine that! The director of live-action BEAUTY AND THE BEAST declared that filming that story with real people gave it layers of psychological depth and nuance or some such bullshit. An actor on ALADDIN said almost verbatim the same exact thing. Disney stressed that their LION KING remake wasn't animated, even though the entire thing except a single shot was computer generated and "animated"! Then of course, several folks involved with the remakes making up nonsense about the princesses and heroines in the originals. We're seeing that now, even, with THE LITTLE MERMAID. Though these particular remarks about classic Disney heroines are nothing new, they remain nonetheless a bit irritating and proof that media literacy is lacking in many people. Then again, we do live in a world where people constantly parrot nonsense like "Batman is a rich guy who beats up poor people" and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is about being bullied until you're useful to your bullies."
Some people just don't pay attention to what they watch, do they?
But really, the remakes come, make a lot of noise, often times make a crapton of money at the box office... And then they just... Disappear. Like, it was insisted that BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 2017 fixed the plot holes of the 1991 movie and was "darker", more "adult", whatever- Uhhh, I don't really feel its presence anymore, whereas the 1991 animated movie directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale? Still here, still beloved, still holds up. I guess you could not outmode the dumb ol' kiddie cartoon, now could you? All that "darker" and "more psychology" talk is gimmicks at best, and most folks just kinda watch 'em because they saw the originals... and then that's it. It's a movie, it's a thing, it exists. You got what was on the tin: It's [insert Disney movie here], all over again!
This all being said... Now the CG movies are fair game, and possibly Pixar's some time in the future. It ain't just the 2D movies they're going after anymore. Look at Universal, they're readying a HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON live-action movie for 2025 with Dean DeBlois himself - director of all three of the animated DreamWorks HTTYD movies - at the helm! It's either going to be a straight-up live-action version of the DreamWorks adaptation released back in 2010, or it's going to be a whole new take on Cressida Cowell's book series. I hope it's the latter, honestly, then I might give it my attention.
To this day, many rightfully concerned folks still feel that these live-action/photorealistic remakes insult pure animation. Pure animation as in, animation that KNOWS it's animated. Straight-up cartoon or abstract. That Hollywood sees animated movies as but a "stepping stone" to superior live-action, but really... What I see is this... Money. People love an animated movie or show? Money. How many different coats of paint can we put on the car?
Some are asking... Why not just a MOANA sequel?
The weird thing about that is, Ron Clements and John Musker left Disney Animation. They were last seen developing a METAL MEN movie for Warner Animation Group. Of course, the directors being off on a new adventure doesn't mean anything in capitalism, Disney could plow ahead with a MOANA sequel if they wanted to. But they choose not to at the moment, only this and a D+ series. Kind of keeping in line with a history of not really making sequels in-house, and the days of outsourced direct-to-video fare has been loooooong over. (The remakes are often compared to the DTV sequels of the '90s and '00s, and for good reason. They're little more than brand extensions, and you can ex 'em out of the equation if you so choose to do so. Disney EU or Disney "Elseworlds" if you will...)
But what's actually seemingly upsetting is that... In the past few months, on the year of Disney's 100th anniversary... Most of the movie announcements have been nothing but continuations and brand extensions. They also serve as a nice distraction from needless layoffs, but yes... The big announcements have been things like TOY STORY 5, FROZEN III, ZOOTOPIA 2, Live-Action MOANA, etc. etc.
However, one ought to look closer. In-between all the franchisey stuff and synergetic things, there's still original movies being made... Like, there's not only 20th Century Studios continuing to make new live-action movies that aren't remakes or re-dos or new adaptations of books (y'all seen THE MENU and BARBARIAN last year? Great stuff! Highly recommended.), but you still have Pixar. From March 2020 to March 2022? Four straight original animated movies: ONWARD, SOUL, LUCA, TURNING RED. After spin-off LIGHTYEAR, we're getting ELEMENTAL in two months, ELIO in spring 2024, and presumably many more on the horizon.
Oh, but ELEMENTAL looks "mid", you say? "A parody of Pixar"? Or whatever else is being mindlessly parroted at the moment? Whatever, I don't know what to say to that, but like it or not, a movie like ELEMENTAL is the rare original movie from Disney, a small island in a sea of remakes, Marvel, and Star Wars. Ditto ELIO, and again, whatever is in the works after that that isn't a sequel.
And of course, Walt Disney Animation Studios, who have all but abandoned literary adaptations outside of public domain fairy tales, keeps up with original stuff, too. After releasing no new movies in 2017, two back-to-back sequels from 2018-2019 and taking 2020 off due to COVID-19 complications, they hit us with RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, ENCANTO, and STRANGE WORLD. Next up is WISH, also an original story, despite the weird way it was presented and reported on at D23. Whatever releases after that, I do not know, but FROZEN III and ZOOTOPIA 2 aren't the only things in development there. Plus, they have partnered with Nigerian upstart studio Kugali to make an original show for Disney+ called IWAJU.
Much like the reception ELEMENTAL is getting online, a movie that isn't even out yet, a lot of the recent WDAS output and what's next is just being written off... But it's all there, it's original, it's a mere morsel of something coming out of the company that seems to be all about them brands. I'm not blaming audiences specifically for, say, STRANGE WORLD's epic floppage this past holiday season, buuuuut- Those numbers are looked at, and they possibly bring about consequences.
I do get the worries, though. Under former CEO Bob Chapek, we saw Pixar's originals post-ONWARD all go straight to streaming while franchise entry LIGHTYEAR hit the big screen... and lost money. WDAS movies had a hard time, too. RAYA did a day-and-date thing with Disney+ before most of the vaccine rollout, ENCANTO dealt with Delta and Omicron before being a huge hit at home, STRANGE WORLD was straight up left for dead after testing very poorly.
With Bob Iger back in charge, Chapek's strong pivot to streaming is being reversed, as it's being realized that streaming is not the be-all end-all of the movie world. And sharp eyes knew it never would be, either, but you know how things go in capitalism: New thing shows up, abandon everything for the new thing! Disaster! Hey, that's how hand-drawn animated features prematurely got the boot circa 2001. Anyways- Yes, Iger rearranged a lot of things, and now the release strategies and marketing campaigns are back in the hands of the studios and creatives, and I'm pretty sure that there's an effort, a commitment to make ELEMENTAL the first Pixar box office success in four years. That's right, the last Pixar movie to make its money back at the box office was... TOY STORY 4... Back in 2019... And you wonder why a fifth one was greenlit?
I'd imagine Iger saw how Chapek and co mandated Pixar to send TURNING RED straight to streaming, and knew what to do from there. Ditto how, on the WDAS front, STRANGE WORLD was just straight up abandoned. TURNING RED probably would've made ENCANTO or BAD GUYS numbers at best, which wouldn't have been enough for its hefty budget (Pixar needs to stop overspending on these things), but I wonder what's in store for ELEMENTAL. Few animated movies post-2020 have passed the $100m threshold domestically, and I feel that is due to how many trips to the movies families can afford a year. (Say the line, Kyle: In 2014, statistics showed that the average American family goes to the movies four times a y-) It's opening amidst a ton of blockbusters and other animated family movies, including Disney's own LITTLE MERMAID, and the fifth INDIANA JONES movie. Maybe movies should just be more affordable? And theaters, better places to sit down and see a movie? I can see why many just don't go anymore, again, having worked at a theater for 7 1/2 years (and ready to move on to something better).
Or better yet, Pixar and WDAS need not spend more than $150m on the movies that they make. DreamWorks, Illumination, Sony, et al. put out dynamic-looking movies that are rewriting the CG animation book for way less, WDAS and Pixar should probably consider that. Leave the tech-flexing to things like that LION KING remake and prequel, let their animated movies experiment and have fun again. But even movies they don't seem to be flexing tech cost so much. Why, though? I know in California, these things are expensive, but DreamWorks is based out of California, too. I guess that Moonray software they themselves created and other solutions have gotten their movies to cost less than $100m each time out. Well, WDAS opened their Vancouver unit, so maybe they can up them to feature status? Like they did with the defunct Florida unit way back when? Split the effort with Vancouver, lower the cost? I dunno, just spit-balling here.
Basically, I don't want ELEMENTAL and WISH to come up short at the box office. Or any of the original stuff coming out, period. Again, WDAS, Pixar, and 20th Century/Searchlight are like Disney's last outlets for that kind of stuff on the movie end of things. 20th is fine and good, because in small-scale live-action, most of the time the studios know how to be smart with budgets. $150m budgets make the average WDAS and Pixar movie a risk, that they have to get on the stage and essentially perform like a Marvel movie just to break even! That's a lot to ask of an original animated movie! And not even the WDAS name nor the Pixar name can guarantee people will show up, both have had their fair share of flops. And now, judging by how ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA is doing, the Marvel name ain't a guarantee anymore either. Ditto Star Wars, remember how SOLO just sorta existed at the box office and lost a lot of money? TV and elsewhere is a different story, of course, there's plenty of original stuff to choose from there.
MOANA Live-Action is likely being made to fund the fun cool stuff, much in the same way sequels help fund originals. They... Pay the bills, shall we say.
In other words, I'm just indifferent. Whatever. Tell me more about the original stuff coming out, and you'll have my ear.
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lovingpromise · 8 months
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**Goal is for everyone to have their own little info post, but it's slow goings. OCs will always have one before I put them on here though.
Agatha Danbury | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Adjoa Andoh Benedict Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Luke Thompson Edmund Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Rupert Evans Simon Basset | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Regé-Jean Page Violet Bridgerton | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Ruth Gemmell
Lae'zel | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lesley-Ann Brandt Withers | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Crystal Palace | Netflix's DBD Canon | Low Activity | FC: Kassius Nelson
Leo Manfred | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Aaron Paul Markus | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Jesse Williams
Alice Liddell | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elle Fanning Beast / Prince Adam | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Chris Pine
9th Doctor | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Christopher Eccleston
Alistair | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ??? Fenris | Canon | Low Activity | FC: ???
Joan Waston | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Lucy Lu
Yamano Arai | Pirate, Affiliated | Medium Activity | FC: Anna Sawai
Dr. Bruce Banner | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Mark Ruffalo Clea (Strange) | 616 & MCU Headcanoned | FC: Beth Riesgraf Deke Shaw | MCU Canon | FC: Jeff Ward Edwin Jarvis | MCU | FC: James D'Arcy Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk | 616 & MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Tatiana Maslany Natasha Romanoff | MCU & 616 Mesh | FC: Scarlett Johansson Sam Wilson | MCU | FC: Anthony Mackie Sarah Wilson | MCU | FC: Adepero Oduye Pietro Maximoff | MCU Canon Divergent | FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson Vision | MCU Canon | FC: Paul Bettany
Molly Hooper | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Louise Brealey Mary Watson | Canon Divergent | Low Activity | FC: Amanda Abbington Sherrinford (Ford) Holmes | OC | Medium Activity | FC: Cillian Murphy
Joyce Byers | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Winona Ryder Ted Wheeler | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Joe Chrest
Christa | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Dewanda Wise Clementine | Canon | High Activity | FC: Maddison Pettis Kenny | Canon | Medium Activity | FC: Nick Offerman Lee | Canon | High Activity | FC: Isaiah Mustafa Mariana | High Activity | FC: Jenna Ortega Sarah | Medium Activity | FC: Selena Gomez Sarita | High Activity | FC: Chitrangada Singh
Beth | Canon | Low Activity | FC: Elizabeth Gilles
Howl, Calcifer, & Sophie from HMC 12th Doctor Glenn, Michonne, + Rick from TWD Monk
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charamult1aes · 20 days
ocs muses.
SHEILA MILLER, fleetwood mac the chain’s inspired, girl who left school to raise her sisters and brothers and is a muse of somebody, twenty-five, nicola peltz, bisexual.
DAVINA DELACROIX, witch and salem’s ancestor, girl who hold a psychic shop and loves to sell potions or crystals, twenty-six, florence pugh, bisexual.
ISLA KHATRI, affiliated to @SHADOWBRN, witch who element is water. loves to smile and help people a lot. even though, she can get burn, twenty, charithra chandran, bicurious.
RILEY BENNETT, girl from the outer banks who likes fishing and doesn’t have a problem to roast people when it is needed. another one of the pogue’s gang. hates kooks but does so does they. eighteen. bisexual. mia goth.
BRIANNA LAWSON, figure skating girl who study law like it is not that hard. she’s twenty one and is from san fransisco. loves her brother daniel and is a good girl who likes to be right all the time, bisexual, dina denoire.
SARAH FITZGERALD, twenty-five years old girl who just got graduated from college and is now journalist who loves storytelling and hunt ghosts when she does have the time. bisexual. mimi keene.
SABRINA BOWERS, elven and leadsinger of the blue elves band, twenty six and know how to party and sing song that alurre people in, bisexual, maggie lindemann.
ARIA BROOKS, actress who loves the act but is also a little bie psycho. ( ghostface ) don’t get fooled, she has two faced personality, twenty-two, bisexual, caterina ferioli.
alex fitzalan as EVAN RIVERS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious and isn’t afraid to shows it. even when he hates the people for the most part, he is determined and would do anything to achieve his ends.
vinnie hacker as JACKSON “ JAX ” MARTINS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious with a strong preference for men. in love with his best friend, evan but would never admit it because it’s not good for the press.
savannah smith as ARIA JOHNSON. eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she’s a lesbian who loves women and would give it all up to follow them around.
natasha liu bordizzo as LILA CHEN, eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she is bicurious and loves to explore her option before it is too late to settle down.
EMMA THOMPSON, twenty-seven years old woman who is in a gang and tries to fit in her new world. without daddy’s money and with only her pride and sweats. bisexual disaster and the faceclaim is leela fleek.
WOLFGANG WOLFIE LUPIN, son of the big bad wolf and a human woman who loves her son dearly and would do anything for him to remind him that he is more than just what other people might think, 17 years, live in auradon now that he is going to auradon prep. bisexual and faceclaim is leo howard.
PRINCESS SCARLETT OF HEARTS, daughter of the king of heart and queen of heart. left wonderland when her mother instaured something that was going against alice’s wishes with both of her parents, ending up in the isle of the lost. is now aat auradon prep school and would do anything to achieve her ends. 18 years, bisexual and faceclaim is madelaine petsch.
VANESSA MARIE MOORE, thirty years old, cia agent, loves to fight for what’s right in this world. is good in her agence and would do anything to avenge people who are struggling with criminals, is french and love to curse in that languages. tries not to die on anyone’s watch. bisexual, faceclaim is alicia vikander.
ELENA “ VOLT ” TORRES, twenty-eight year old californian girl who is a former electrical engineer, now a rogue vigilante. is against vought indiusdtry and would do anything to save the world, even destroying herself for it, the boys oc, bisexual and faceclaim is brianne tju.
AVERY JOHNSON is a 17-year-old sophomore at Degrassi Community School. she comes from a middle-class family and has a younger sibling with special needs, which has shaped her responsible and nurturing personality. avery is known among her peers for her strong work ethic and dedication to her studies. she is pansexual and is portrayed by olivia holt.
MARIANA WALSH. is a twenty yeard old girl who study physiotherapy at briar u. loves to party and is against dating hockey player since she has herself her own little hockey player ( family ) to take care off, pansexual and camila mendes.
RAVEN BLACKWOOD, twenty four years old girl who is a rockstar and bassist for the eclipsed eternity and tries to live a normal life without get burn by the spotlight and magazines. pansexual, tara yummy.
AMELIA PAIGE, maze runner oc who is eighteen ( verse depend between sixteen through eighteen nineteen ) ava paige’s daughter who hates wcked with all her being. tries to save everyone but who saves her? pansexual and saoirse ronan.
0 notes
mult1aescharas · 2 months
ocs muses.
SHEILA MILLER, fleetwood mac the chain’s inspired, girl who left school to raise her sisters and brothers and is a muse of somebody, twenty-five, nicola peltz, bisexual.
DAVINA DELACROIX, witch and salem’s ancestor, girl who hold a psychic shop and loves to sell potions or crystals, twenty-six, florence pugh, bisexual.
ISLA KHATRI, affiliated to @SHADOWBRN, witch who element is water. loves to smile and help people a lot. even though, she can get burn, twenty, charithra chandran, bicurious.
RILEY BENNETT, girl from the outer banks who likes fishing and doesn’t have a problem to roast people when it is needed. another one of the pogue’s gang. hates kooks but does so does they. eighteen. bisexual. mia goth.
BRIANNA LAWSON, figure skating girl who study law like it is not that hard. she’s twenty one and is from san fransisco. loves her brother daniel and is a good girl who likes to be right all the time, bisexual, dina denoire.
SARAH FITZGERALD, twenty-five years old girl who just got graduated from college and is now journalist who loves storytelling and hunt ghosts when she does have the time. bisexual. mimi keene.
SABRINA BOWERS, elven and leadsinger of the blue elves band, twenty six and know how to party and sing song that alurre people in, bisexual, maggie lindemann.
ARIA BROOKS, actress who loves the act but is also a little bie psycho. ( ghostface ) don’t get fooled, she has two faced personality, twenty-two, bisexual, caterina ferioli.
alex fitzalan as EVAN RIVERS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious and isn’t afraid to shows it. even when he hates the people for the most part, he is determined and would do anything to achieve his ends.
vinnie hacker as JACKSON “ JAX ” MARTINS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious with a strong preference for men. in love with his best friend, evan but would never admit it because it’s not good for the press.
savannah smith as ARIA JOHNSON. eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she’s a lesbian who loves women and would give it all up to follow them around.
natasha liu bordizzo as LILA CHEN, eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she is bicurious and loves to explore her option before it is too late to settle down.
EMMA THOMPSON, twenty-seven years old woman who is in a gang and tries to fit in her new world. without daddy’s money and with only her pride and sweats. bisexual disaster and the faceclaim is leela fleek.
WOLFGANG WOLFIE LUPIN, son of the big bad wolf and a human woman who loves her son dearly and would do anything for him to remind him that he is more than just what other people might think, 17 years, live in auradon now that he is going to auradon prep. bisexual and faceclaim is leo howard.
PRINCESS SCARLETT OF HEARTS, daughter of the king of heart and queen of heart. left wonderland when her mother instaured something that was going against alice’s wishes with both of her parents, ending up in the isle of the lost. is now aat auradon prep school and would do anything to achieve her ends. 18 years, bisexual and faceclaim is madelaine petsch.
VANESSA MARIE MOORE, thirty years old, cia agent, loves to fight for what’s right in this world. is good in her agence and would do anything to avenge people who are struggling with criminals, is french and love to curse in that languages. tries not to die on anyone’s watch. bisexual, faceclaim is alicia vikander.
ELENA “ VOLT ” TORRES, twenty-eight year old californian girl who is a former electrical engineer, now a rogue vigilante. is against vought indiusdtry and would do anything to save the world, even destroying herself for it, the boys oc, bisexual and faceclaim is brianne tju.
AVERY JOHNSON is a 17-year-old sophomore at Degrassi Community School. she comes from a middle-class family and has a younger sibling with special needs, which has shaped her responsible and nurturing personality. avery is known among her peers for her strong work ethic and dedication to her studies. she is pansexual and is portrayed by olivia holt.
MARIANA WALSH. is a twenty yeard old girl who study physiotherapy at briar u. loves to party and is against dating hockey player since she has herself her own little hockey player ( family ) to take care off, pansexual and camila mendes.
RAVEN BLACKWOOD, twenty four years old girl who is a rockstar and bassist for the eclipsed eternity and tries to live a normal life without get burn by the spotlight and magazines. pansexual, tara yummy.
AMELIA PAIGE, maze runner oc who is eighteen ( verse depend between sixteen through eighteen nineteen ) ava paige’s daughter who hates wcked with all her being. tries to save everyone but who saves her? pansexual and saoirse ronan.
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n0velaescharas · 2 months
ocs muses.
SHEILA MILLER, fleetwood mac the chain’s inspired, girl who left school to raise her sisters and brothers and is a muse of somebody, twenty-five, nicola peltz, bisexual.
DAVINA DELACROIX, witch and salem’s ancestor, girl who hold a psychic shop and loves to sell potions or crystals, twenty-six, florence pugh, bisexual.
ISLA KHATRI, affiliated to @SHADOWBRN, witch who element is water. loves to smile and help people a lot. even though, she can get burn, twenty, charithra chandran, bicurious.
RILEY BENNETT, girl from the outer banks who likes fishing and doesn’t have a problem to roast people when it is needed. another one of the pogue’s gang. hates kooks but does so does they. eighteen. bisexual. mia goth.
BRIANNA LAWSON, figure skating girl who study law like it is not that hard. she’s twenty one and is from san fransisco. loves her brother daniel and is a good girl who likes to be right all the time, bisexual, dina denoire.
SARAH FITZGERALD, twenty-five years old girl who just got graduated from college and is now journalist who loves storytelling and hunt ghosts when she does have the time. bisexual. mimi keene.
SABRINA BOWERS, elven and leadsinger of the blue elves band, twenty six and know how to party and sing song that alurre people in, bisexual, maggie lindemann.
ARIA BROOKS, actress who loves the act but is also a little bie psycho. ( ghostface ) don’t get fooled, she has two faced personality, twenty-two, bisexual, caterina ferioli.
alex fitzalan as EVAN RIVERS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious and isn’t afraid to shows it. even when he hates the people for the most part, he is determined and would do anything to achieve his ends.
vinnie hacker as JACKSON “ JAX ” MARTINS, eighteen years old singer and dancer for the vocal adrenaline. he is bicurious with a strong preference for men. in love with his best friend, evan but would never admit it because it’s not good for the press.
savannah smith as ARIA JOHNSON. eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she’s a lesbian who loves women and would give it all up to follow them around.
natasha liu bordizzo as LILA CHEN, eighteen years old singer and dancer for vocal adrenaline. she is bicurious and loves to explore her option before it is too late to settle down.
EMMA THOMPSON, twenty-seven years old woman who is in a gang and tries to fit in her new world. without daddy’s money and with only her pride and sweats. bisexual disaster and the faceclaim is leela fleek.
WOLFGANG WOLFIE LUPIN, son of the big bad wolf and a human woman who loves her son dearly and would do anything for him to remind him that he is more than just what other people might think, 17 years, live in auradon now that he is going to auradon prep. bisexual and faceclaim is leo howard.
PRINCESS SCARLETT OF HEARTS, daughter of the king of heart and queen of heart. left wonderland when her mother instaured something that was going against alice’s wishes with both of her parents, ending up in the isle of the lost. is now aat auradon prep school and would do anything to achieve her ends. 18 years, bisexual and faceclaim is madelaine petsch.
VANESSA MARIE MOORE, thirty years old, cia agent, loves to fight for what’s right in this world. is good in her agence and would do anything to avenge people who are struggling with criminals, is french and love to curse in that languages. tries not to die on anyone’s watch. bisexual, faceclaim is alicia vikander.
ELENA “ VOLT ” TORRES, twenty-eight year old californian girl who is a former electrical engineer, now a rogue vigilante. is against vought indiusdtry and would do anything to save the world, even destroying herself for it, the boys oc, bisexual and faceclaim is bri chen.
AVERY JOHNSON is a 17-year-old sophomore at Degrassi Community School. she comes from a middle-class family and has a younger sibling with special needs, which has shaped her responsible and nurturing personality. avery is known among her peers for her strong work ethic and dedication to her studies. she is pansexual and is portrayed by olivia holt.
MARIANA WALSH. is a twenty yeard old girl who study physiotherapy at briar u. loves to party and is against dating hockey player since she has herself her own little hockey player ( family ) to take care off, pansexual and camila mendes.
RAVEN BLACKWOOD, twenty four years old girl who is a rockstar and bassist for the eclipsed eternity and tries to live a normal life without get burn by the spotlight and magazines. pansexual, tara yummy.
AMELIA PAIGE, maze runner oc who is eighteen ( verse depend between sixteen through eighteen nineteen ) ava paige's daughter who hates wcked with all her being. tries to save everyone but who saves her? pansexual and saoirse ronan.
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jbaileyfansite · 2 years
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Jonathan Bailey as Glynn
Pramface (1x03)
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michaelfenton · 3 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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garfieldsladybird · 3 years
Fandoms + Characters.
when it’s crossed out it means I’m not writing for them.request are; open. — requesting info.
(p) = platonic.
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• Celebrities
Timothée Chalamet. Andrew Garfield. Adam driver. Billie Eilish. Oscar Isaac. Finn Wolfhard. Sturniolo triplets. Dylan is in trouble. Joseph Quinn. Jamie campbell bower. Henry Cavill. Cillian Murphy. Dylan O’brien. Scarlett Johansson.
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• Harry Potter.
— golden trio era.
Hermione Granger. Harry potter. Draco Malfoy. Ron Weasley. Fred Weasley. George Weasley. Ginny Weasley. Luna lovegood. Neville Longbottom. Theodore Nott. Cederic Diggory. Pansy Parkinson. Blaise zabini.
— marauders era.
James Potter. Remus Lupin. Sirius Black. Lily Evens. Frank Longbottom. Alice Fortescue. Peter Pettigrew. Marlene McKinnon. Dorcas Meadowes. Regulus Black. Severus Snape. Lucius Malfoy. Bellatrix Black. Narcissa Black.
— lords & beasts era.
Tom riddle. Abraxas Malfoy. Gellert Grindelwald. Newt Scamander. Tina Goldstein. Credence Barebone. Queenie Goldstein. Nagini. Leta Lestrange. Theseus Scamander. Jacob Kowalski.
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• Marvel.
Avengers: Steve Rogers. Thor. Tony stark. Natasha Romanoff. Bruce Banner. Clint Barton.
-> Doctor Strange. Vision. Wanda Maximoff. Pietro Maximoff. Bucky Barnes. Sam Wilson. Kate bishop. Yelena Belova. Shang-Chi. T'Challa Udaku. Matt Murdock. Scott Lang. Peter quill. Gamora. Loki. Hela.
spider-men: tasm!Peter Parker. tom.h!Peter Parker. Gwen Stacy(s). Aunt may.
spider-man: into the spider-verse: Miles Morales. Gwen Stacy Aaron Davis. Miguel O’Hara. Jessica Drew. Hobie Brown, a.k.a. Spider-Punk. Peter B. Parker. Pavitr Prabhakar.
eternals: Thena. Ikaris. Sersi. Druig. Makkari. Kingo. Gilgamesh. Thena.
S.H.I.E.L.D: Daisy Johnson. Melinda May. Bobbi Morse. Maria Hill. Leo Fitz. Jemma Simmons. Robbie Reyes. Deke Shaw. Lance Hunter. Grant Ward. Lincoln Campbell. Yo-yo Rodriguez. Al ‘Mack’ McKenzie. Antoine Triplett.
• Arrowverse.
Barry Allen. Wally West. Iris West. Cisco Ramon. Caitlin Snow. Nora West-Allen. Ralph Dibny. Allegra Garcia. Chunk. Gypsy. Julian Albert. Harrison Wells(all). Oliver Queen. Thea Queen. Felicity Smoak. Sara Lance. Ray Palmer. Nathan Heywood. Leonard Snart. Jefferson Jackson. Mona Wu. Astra Logue. Behrad Tarazi. Gary Green. Amaya Jiwe. Kuasa. Spooner. Gideon. Martin Stein. Mick Rory. Kara Zor-El. Alex Danvers. Lena Luthor. Winn Schott. Nia Nal. Mon-El. Jimmy Olsen. Andrea Rojas. Lois Lane. Brainiac 5. Kal-El, Clark Kent, Superman. Louis Lane. Jordan Kent. Jonathan Kent. Sarah Cushing.
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• Twilight.
Edward Cullen. Jasper Hale. Rosalie Hale. Carlisle Cullen. Emmett Cullen. Charlie Swan. Bella Swan. Jacob Black. Angela Weber. Leah Clearwater. Seth Clearwater. Sam Uley. Laurent.
• Avatar 1 & 2. (way of water)
Water Avatars: Ronal. Tsireya. Tonowari. Aonung. Rotxo.
Jake Sully. Neytiri. Tsu'tey. Dr. Grace Augustine. Mo'at. Miles Quaritch(depends). Norm Spellman. Trudy Chacon.
2: Neteyam. Lo'ak. Kiri Sully. Spider(NO SMUT!). Tuktirey(NO SMUT!)
• Peaky Blinders.
Thomas 'Tommy' Shelby. Polly Gray. Arthur Shelby. Sir Oswald Mosley. Grace Burgess. Alfie Solomons. Finn Shelby. John Shelby. Michael Gray. Lizzie Stark. Ada Shelby. Esme Shelby. Gina Gray. Freddie Thorne. May Carleton. Bonnie Gold.
• The Witcher.
Geralt of Rivia. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Ciri. Dara. Yennefer. Tissaia. Queen Calanthe. Renfri Vellga. Triss Merigold. Fringilla Vigo. Fringilla Vigo. Eskel.
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• Stranger Things.
Mike Wheeler. Will Byers. Dustin Henderson. Lucas Sinclair. Jonathan Byers. Argyle. Steve Harrington. Eddie Munson. Peter Ballard/One-001/Henry Creel. Jim Hopper. Max Mayfield. Eleven-011/Jane Hopper. Nancy Wheeler. Barbara Holland. Vickie. Robin Buckley. Chrissy. Joyce Byers.
• The One Hundred.
Octavia Blake. Bellamy Blake. Clarke Griffin. Lexa. Finn Collins. Raven Reyes. Jasper Jordan. John Murphy. Monty Green. Madi Griffin. Lincoln. Jordan Green.
• The umbrella Academy.
Vanya/Victor Hargreeves. Number Five. Allison Hargreeves. Klaus Hargreeves. Diego Hargreeves. Ben Hargreeves. Lila Pitts. New #1, Marcus Hargreeves. New #2, Ben Hargreeves. New #3, Fei Hargreeves. New #5, Sloane Hargreeves. New #6, Jayme Hargreeves.
• Teen Wolf.
Stiles Stilinski. Scott McCall. Derek Hale. Allison Argent. Lydia Martin. Isaac Lahey. Liam Dunbar. Theo Raeken. Brett Talbot. Nolan Holloway. Malia Tate. Jackson Whittemore. Kira Yukimura. Erica Reyes. Cora Hale. Ethan and Aiden. Paige Krasikeva.
• Maze Runner.
Thomas. Newt. Minho. Teresa. Chuck(NO SMUT!) Alby. Gally. Ben. Frypan. Aris Jones.
• Wednesday series.
Enid Sinclair. Ajax Petropolus. Bianca Barclay. Eugene Otinger. Dr. Valerie Kinbott. Thing. Yoko Tanaka. Young Gomez. Wednesday Addams. Morticia Addams. Gomez Addams. Pugsley Addams. Marilyn Thornhill. Tyler Galpin. Larissa Weems. Xavier Thorpe.
• Sex Education.
Maeve Wiley. Aimee Gibbs. Ruby Matthews. Olivia. Ola Nyman. Lily Iglehart. Jean Milburn. Vivienne Odusanya. Maureen Groff. Otis Milburn. Steve Morley. Isaac Goodwin. Jakob Nyman. Sean Wiley. Dex Thompson. Eric Effiong; platonic. Adam Groff; depends. Rahim; platonic. Anwar Bakshi; platonic.
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• Psych.
Shawn Spencer. Burton "Gus" Guster. Carlton Lassiter. Juliet O'Hara. Abigail Lytar. Pierre Despereaux. Marlowe Viccellio. Buzz McNab.
• 911.
Evan Buckley. Howie Han. Albert Han. Maddie Kendall. Bobby Nash. Athena Grant. Michael Grant. May Grant. Eddie Diaz. Christopher Diaz(p). Henrietta Wilson. Karen Wilson. Abby Clark. Ravi Panikkar.
• 911: Lone Star.
Tk; Tyler Kennedy Strand. Carlos Reyes. Judson Ryder(p). Owen Strand. Charles Vega (p). Wyatt Harris. Nancy Gillian. Marjan Marwani. Mateo Chavez. Paul Strickland. Michelle Blake. Tommy Vega. Grace Ryder. Julius Vega.
• Hawaii Five-0.
Steve McGarrett. Danny "Danno" Williams. Kono Kalakaua. Wo Fat. Catherine Rollins. Grace Williams (p). Lori Weston. Adam Noshimuri. Joe White (p). Tani Rey. Lou Grover (p). Jenna Kaye. Chin Ho Kelly. Kamekona. Jerry Ortega. Sang Min Soo. Rachel Edwards. Gabriel Waincroft. Junior Reigns. Doris McGarrett. Eric Russo. Michael Noshimuri. Charlie Fong. Dr. Max Bergman. Samantha Grover (p). Mary Ann McGarrett. Renee Grover. Clara Williams. Kawika.
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• Disney.
Wizards of Waverly place; Alex Russo. Max Russo. Justin Russo. Mason Grayback. Harper Finkle. Zeke.
Good Luck Charlie; Teddy Duncan. Pj Duncan. Gabe Duncan. Spencer Walsh. Ivy Wentz. Skyler. Emmett Heglin.
Descendents; Mal. Evie. Ben. Carlos. Jay. Harry Hook. Uma. Lonnie. Doug.
Liv and Maddie; Liv Rooney. Parker Rooney. Josh Willcox. Diggie Smalls. Maddie Rooney. Joey Rooney. Dump Truck. Andie. Willow Cruz. Holden Dippledorf.
Kickin' It; Jack Brewer. Kim Crawford. Milton David Krupnick. Jerry Martínez.
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"Bit over dressed for Paul Trueman, aren't you?" "Don't wait up."
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aconites · 3 years
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hello!  since work has finally slowed down and i have more free time on my hands, i’m looking for new partners and friends who are interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will literally message you at 3am with random headcanons, musings and create graphics ( manips, videos, gifs, etc )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut-friendly and love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already.
faceclaims i’d love to play!
florence pugh*
jessica alexander*
jenny boyd
greta onieogou
ana de armas
casimere jollette
hande ercel
melisa pamuk
josefine frida pettersen
madelyn cline*
madison bailey
lily collins*
sydney sweeney*
alexa demie
gabriella wilde*
sofia carson
kristine froseth
haley lu richardson
anya taylor joy
laura harrier
imogen poots*
minka kelly
madelaine petsch
lili reinhart
zoey deutch
camila queiroz*
josephine langford
kaylee bryant
danielle rose russell
halston sage*
emily ratajkowski*
benedetta porcaroli
scarlett leithold
margot robbie*
camila mendes
josefine frida pattersen*
danielle campbell
camila morrone
maia mitchell
alycia debnam-carey
phoebe tonkin
abigail cowen
elle fanning
barbie ferreira*
dove cameron
emma mackey*
kathryn newton*
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
any of the ladies above
henry cavill*
ben barnes*
clayton cardenas
jd pardo
rudy pankow*
felix mallard*
chase stokes
dacre montgomery *
joe keery *
david harbour
sebastian stan*
lorenzo zurzolo
alex fitzalan*
noah centineo
dylan o’brien*
nick robinson*
hero fiennes tiffin
manny montana
chris evans*
jordan connor*
casey deidrick *
milo ventimiglia*
tommy martinez *
dj cotrona *
charlie hunnam *
jeffrey dean morgan *
tom hardy
jason momoa
wolfgang novogratz*
cody christian
harry styles
jacob elordi*
giuseppe maggio
ships i’d love to do!
any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f )
emma mackey & nico mirallegro
jd pardo & florence pugh
jd pardo & phoebe tonkin*
ben barnes & lily collins
ben barnes & ana de armas
danielle campbell & casey deidrick
casey deidrick & margot robbie
clayton cardenas & sydney sweeney*
clayton cardenas & lily james
clayton cardenas &  phoebe tonkin*
hande ercel & can yaman*
dylan o’brien & kristine froseth*
dylan o’brien & danielle rose russell
jacob elordi & josephine langford*
ben barnes & crystal reed*
ben barnes & phoebe tonkin*
dacre montgomery & madelaine petsch
henry cavill & dakota johnson*
henry cavill & sydney sweeney*
ana de armas & dj cotrona
rudy pankow & kristine froseth*
rudy pankow & sydney sweeney*
felix mallard & kristine froseth
felix mallard & sydney sweeney*
bill skarsgard & madelaine petsch
camila mendes & dj cotrona
hero fiennes tiffin & alexa demie
hero fiennes tiffin & kristine froseth
lily james & charlie hunnam
dakota johnson & sebastian stan
chris evans & margot robbie
cindy kimberly & harry styles
chase stokes & madelyn cline*
rudy pankow & madelyn cline
madison bailey & madelyn cline
dove cameron & sofia carson
benedetta porcaroli & alice pagani*
cindy kimberly & madison beer
kathryn newton & alex fitzalan
manny montana & camila mendes
danielle campbell & skeet ulrich
hero fiennes tiffin & alexa demie
madison davenport & dj cotrona*
sydney sweeney & charlie hunnam
noah centenio & camila mendes
ana de armas & margot robbie
& anyone.
canon ships i’d love to do!
my marissa cooper ( madelyn cline ) & ryan atwood ( choose his fc )
my serena van der woodsen ( benedetta porcaroli/tba. )  & nate archibald ( choose his fc!)
my blair waldorf ( sofia carson )  & chuck bass ( choose his fc!)
my peyton sawyer ( kathryn newton )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
my hayley james ( zoey deutch)  & nathan scott ( choose his fc! )
my brooke davis ( danielle campbell )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
plots id love to do!
famous/non famous plots or even famous/famous tbh
g.ang/c.rime plots*
zombie apocalypse plots*
mc/b.iker plots!!!!!!*
nanny/single dad*
grumpy ceo/soft lil assistant*
best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angsty )
bad boy/good girl plots
best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend heh
age ga.p stuff?  ( both fcs over the age of 21 tho ) *
sugar baby / sugar d.addy plots
bodyguard/client pls!!!!!!
muse a is in college and decides to become a stri,pper at an elite club to pay for her tuition. the club is run by this m.afia boss, muse b, who’s enchanted with her from the get-go and the feeling was mutual. so for the next year, on every friday night, muse b books a private dance from her for two hours, and muse a who has only been comfortable giving them to him and no one else, starts to look forward to it every time. she knows he’s dangerous but he doesn’t scare her like he probably should and every week the tension becomes thicker and thicker… i think it would b very cool to develop this and see what could happen when they eventually hook up. muse b doesn’t want to bring her into his world, not wanting for her to get hurt but the heart wants what it wants. 😈*
can i please have a precious lil broke girl who’s working herself to the bone as a waitress or something to put herself through college, meeting a wealthy older man who becomes totally smitten with her and wants to take care of her but she’s not used to not doing everything herself and he does stuff like renting out her entire restaurant on days she’s supposed to work bc he wants to see her, and taking her shopping so she has stuff to wear to his super fancy business galas, and constantly buying her fancy sparkly gifts, and there’s angst bc all the rich ladies are like ‘oh shes just his s.ugar baby/midlife crisis’ and she’s all ‘i don’t belong in your world’ and just please give me this xoxo
a f.ucked up modern day marriage plot where a rival m.ob boss marries his daughter, muse a, off to muse b to calm the tension between the families. at first they hate each other, but once forced to live together, they start warming up to each other, too stubborn to let it show. then one night he comes back from an important deal gone wrong, his face is f.ucked up and he’s feverish and she takes care of him all night and etc etc etc…i need it?
okay so i read a fanfic with this plot and i can’t stop thinking about it and i really would love to do it with someone if anyone is interested!  basically, muse a and muse b have been best friends their entire life, they were always that duo everyone thought would end up together but things never went in a romantic route ( other than a few drunk kisses they never talked about throughout their late teens ) and now muse a has been dating his girlfriend for the last two years but was still just as close with muse b despite his girlfriend’s hidden jealousy. they’re now in their mid-twenties and muse a really wants to have a child and to start a family but his girlfriend is unable to carry them due to medical reasons. the topic of surrogates is brought up when he and muse b are hanging out one night and since she would do anything to make her best friend happy, she offers to carry his baby. after a sperm donation and a visit to the clinic, muse b finds out two weeks later that she’s pregnant and muse a couldn’t be happier and believes his girlfriend is just as over the moon as he is. unfortunately, she isn’t. it’s not until muse b is over four months pregnant that his girlfriend drops a bombshell – she doesn’t want to be a mother and she thought that she’d change her mind as things went further along but she can’t. the break up comes next and overwhelmed by the turn of events, muse b starts to panic and wonder what the hell she’s going to do. even though half of the baby’s dna is her own, she hadn’t been prepared to actually raise it but luckily muse a doesn’t bring up his expectations on the matter. he still wants to be a dad but doesn’t want to make muse b feel any pressure to be by his side when the baby is born. they don’t talk about it for the next few weeks and as time goes on, they get closer. muse a is super supportive and involved with the pregnancy, making sure to go to the doctor appointments with her and prenatal classes. he brushes off her mood swings and when she’s craving chocolate cupcakes at two in the morning, he doesn’t think twice about getting up and going to the store to get them for her. feelings start to develop and muse b comes to the conclusion that she’s inlove with him and thinks she always has been, despite wanting to push those feelings away when they were growing up. muse b also realizes that she wants to raise the baby with him and after an emotional conversation and mutual confessions come to light, they end up sleeping together and all seems like it’s falling into place. it’s not until the morning after that muse a gets a phone call from his ex, who suddenly has a change of heart and wants to get back together. to be a mother like they had originally planned… drama ensues.
when the m.ob princess meets the m.ob prince: forbi.dden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always f.orbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival ga.ng’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they ho.ok up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
i want a plot where muse a is in a popular band that goes on tour and muse b is a new makeup artist or a hair stylist hired for the upcoming tour that just so happens to be muse a’s ex (though the breakup was something both really didn’t want tbh) and the tour is just filled with tension like pls imagine the silence during makeup when muse b is leaning over really close to muse a’s face or the jealousy when muse b is touchy with the other band members god pls*
god i just got an imagine of a trophy wife who is way younger than her husband. as in she’s in her second year of college and he’s in his thirties. she is absolutely spoiled by him and she’s all too eager to please him in & out of bed. for all intends and purposes he seems like he’s in charge. he’s older. he has the money. yet he is so weak for her and wanting to give her the world. yet when they’re in the bedroom he f.ucks her like he doesn’t love her and she’s too into it. someone let me play this out.
someone give me an angsty plot of “i’m pregnant and your m.istress. what do you mean you won’t leave your wife?? you said you love me.” imagine the angst when she cuts all ties with him for months and then he runs into her and she’s got this big belly. he just stands there like f.uck i do love her. i gotta win her back.
during a bank rob.bery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crim.e syndicate and has you placed on a “no harm” list. you decide to pay them a visit after all these years.*
‘we met at one of your concerts and you’re super famous and we f.ucked at the meet and greet once everyone was gone but now you’re asking to see me again and fly me out to these incredible locations but i’ve actually got a boyfriend and he doesn’t know about any of this. are you sure that the paps won’t see us?’
aight but how about a plot that’s like “i met a boy that’s super rich so i’m gonna start dating him just so he can buy me nice things. im gonna play with his heart and flirt with his rich friends behind his back. whoops he’s actually nice and he really likes me. i might like him back.  what do you mean you found out i was just using you for your money?? come back i think i fell in love with you”
‘we’ve been f.ucking with no strings attached but i just saw you go upstairs with another guy and im dru.nk and following you both upstairs to punch the s.hit out of him’
hi somebody pls give me a summer camp plot where they’re both camp counselors !!  it’d be hella cute tbh, like imagine giving each other these lil yarn bracelets they made during arts + crafts ?  also lil dates at the lake after everyone’s asleep + they’re just there getting h.igh + skin.ny dipping ??*
a plot about a college student on the verge of losing her scholarship. with a full schedule and no free time, she has no shot at finding a job. so in a last ditch attempt she puts herself on suga.rbabies.com and searches through suga.rdaddy.com. a week passed by. many blind meetings with ceos, doctors, lawyers, even a few actors. yet nothing pans out. one day, late at night. a message pops up. inside waiting is a message from her favorite professor. *
a single dad x kindergarten teacher plot where his kid is in love with the teacher, always talking about them when they get home, making them pictures and always raising their hand in class being the best student they can be. the father finds this adorable because the kid is so whipped by this teacher he’s never met due to work and the fact his mother is always picking them up. so, parent teacher night finally comes and it’s time for them to meet. and the dad realizes the reasons why his kid is so whipped in the first place.
plot: rich business man tries out a c.all girl (inexperienced and much younger) but they end up having a+++ s.ex (can be v rough bc he’s so stressed) so he ends up calling her up quite often and they grow attached to each other xcept there can be drama bc a) he’s married or engaged or something or b) he wants to keep them a secret or maybe even she tells him that she doesn’t date clients and ahhh yeah pls gimme
no but gimme a plot where the girl’s a m.ob boss’s daughter, and the boy is a cop fresh outta the academy and he doesn’t realize that the girl he’s been flirting with is the daughter of the guy he’s trying to get behind bars.
okay so um i need a plot where this like young precious innocent lil cinnamon roll of a girl somehow stumbles upon some kinda se.xy chatroom thing (that may or may not be p.rison/inm.ate related) and starts chatting with this older guy who’s in prison (bc he was in a ga.ng or dr.ug ring or something, nothing too crazy ok) and they spend like months chatting pretty soon he convinces her to send him pictures and he gives her like d.irty little ‘missions’ (like wear vib,rating panti.es to school and take nud.es in public places and stuff like that) and then he eventually gets out of pri.son and they meet but she’s still a vi.rgin and he’s spent months not getting any and like can i please just have this  debauchery
i want to have a plot where ballerina/bad boy and she has very strict parents and they force to dedicate her life to dancing which she agrees to until she meets a boy who s.mokes a lot, gets into a lot of fights, and always has a cocky smile on his face. but she doesn’t mind because he makes her feel like she isn’t someone’s doll anymore, like a normal person.
um, give me a plot where she used to be this s.exy, wild girl and had a bad boy boyfriend to match but when he turned eighteen he was caught for some cr.ime and sent to pris.on for a couple years. he came out fully expecting for her to be waiting for him but when he finds her she’s this prim and proper girl who is dating some pretentious ivy league di.ck. she pretends to be happy with her vanilla, boring relationship, but soon he wraps her up in his world again.
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s hellbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her.
i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with benefits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their v.irginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a m.anwhore. they are completely different at school (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) but when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a real relationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a d.ick but he starts to give her more attention at school bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!give it to me pls
also, presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard. he has no idea what he’s in for or the trouble she attracts. she has a problem with the word ‘no’ and he likes to say it a lot.
i need a famous ship where they’re both insanely busy with album recordings & red carpets & tours & they’re trying to make this whole long distance relationship work but with the time differences & going months without seeing each other it’s difficult, not to mention all the rumors & s.hit. but then there’s all the cute things like showing up on tour to surprise each other & going to award shows together & just finally seeing each other again after going so long with only facetime dates, missed calls, & late night texts to get them by.
anyone wanna do a modern romeo/juliet plot?? where their parents are the heads of rival companies or are huge celebrities who have been in a known feud for years and they meet and try to sneak around in secret but there’s paparazzi and tabloids and all that someone please do this with me
why am i not some musician’s cute girlfriend who takes pictures backstage at gigs and hangs around with the rest of his band and looks really fashionable and makes all his little fangirls jealous i hate everything
i just really want a cute college plot where she’s a cute tiny thing and is super smart and he’s the campus heartthrob on a baseball scholarship hoping to make it to the pros and they’re just so into each other and she helps him with studying and goes to all of his games and he’s super overprotective but sweet and ugh i need something like this please
but like imagine you and best friend luke are just on his bed tickling each other and play fighting and then suddenly he flips you over onto your back and pins your arms above your head and he’s all smirking because he knows you wont be able to get away and your tshirt is after riding up and he gives you this wicked grin and starts blowing raspberries on your tummy and you’re giggling and squealing telling him to stop because it tickles but he just continues, but soon his raspberries turn into kisses that trail down your stomach towards the hem of your sweatpants and he looks up at you through his eyelashes as if looking for approval and you just nod your head and he starts tugging your sweats down and let’s just say you’re not exactly just friends after
i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with benefits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their v.irginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a manw.hore. they are completely different at school (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) but when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a real relationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a d.ick but he starts to give her more attention at school to try to manipulate her to stay bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!give it to me pls
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yes please *
idk why but it’s hella cute to me to think about a plot of a pop star and her backup guitarist/tour manager/opening act/some sort of somebody that would be on tour. cute flirtation during rehearsals. tour bus antics. late night kisses on the balcony of a hotel room under the moonlight. paparazzi catching the loving gazes. rumors starting to swirl. just yes.
since i’m on a s.ugar baby phase imagine a plot where a college student is absolutely pampered by annoymous guy. all he asks in return is to be remained mysterious, occasion n.udes, & all the attention he craves. she’s all too willing to give it for the pretty penny he’s offering. but her birthday comes around & he surprises her with a trip to see her favorite singer / actor with vip access / meet & oh hold a second, how does he know my name ?? oh my god you’re my sugar daddy !!  *
ok but a “you’re my best friend’s girl and i know i should stay away but i liked you first and god dammit i want you (oh and i’m a much better fu.ck let me prove it too you)”
uhhhhh so i was just watching an interview noah centineo did where he read his most romantic tweets and basically one of them was @ this girl he saw walking down the streets of new york while he was heading to some meeting or whatever and he was totally entranced by her but couldn’t do anything about it bc he was in the car then as he was getting out she walked right past him and he didn’t approach her even tho he normally would have and he’s definitely regretting it. in the tweet he wrote “to the girl in the high waisted denim shorts, dark spaghetti strap t-shirt and red clip in her hair who i haven’t stopped thinking about since earlier today when i didn’t even attempt to talk to you as you walked past me… i’m still thinking about you. and it’s heartbreaking 😑” let’s fast forward to this mystery girl finding out about the interview and being intrigued by him so she slides into his dms and we can go from there ? she could either recall seeing him that day too or not and just going thru the ins and outs of talking to someone who’s in the spotlight. idk we can discuss the details just give me this please
big bad m,ob guy put in charge of protecting a snarky younger girl ( maybe also involved w organized c.rime in some way??? ) who is thoroughly not amused by the fact that she now has someone following her around all the time trying to keep her in check
can i have a plot where best friends drifted as they got older because lets be real they were in love and never wanted to admit it because it scared the hell out of them so they went their own way and now 10 years later, they bump into each other and it’s like things havent changed except oh wait, he’s engaged to be married and they spend the last few weeks leading up to the wedding together and the final night they end up sleeping together (for the first time) and things get angsty because they realize that they are in love and theyre the ones supposed to be married, but she cant bring herself to ruin something he’s built without her ?????? and he pushes the wedding date because he wants her and just pls
“i said that i love you but you didn’t say it back and just left me crying but now two months later and i’m trying to move on, you tell me that you’re in love with me?” plot
& anything and everything.
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bookbaran · 3 years
2021 Books
The Highwayman by Megan Derr
Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir by R.A Dick
The Girl of Hawthron and Glass by Adan Jerreat-Poole
Camp by Lec A.C. Rosen
Half and Half by Lensey Namioka
Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo
Valor on the Move by Keira Andrews
Super Adjacent by Crystal Cestari
Rival Magic by Deva Fagan
The Huntsman by Megan Derr
Marry Me by Mia Monroe
Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega
The King's Harem by Megan Derr
Fly Back, Agnes by Elizabeth Atkinson
The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala
The Anxiety Toolkit by Alice Boyes
Unplugged by Gordon Korman
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Root Magic by Eden Rocye
City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda
Finna by Nino Cipri
Nightshade City by Hilary Wagner
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell
101 Things You Didn't Know About Jane Austen by Patrice Hannon
Spellbound by Allie Therin
Starcrossed by Allie Therin
Wilde Fire by Lucy Lennox
Love Always, Wild by A.M. Johnson
The World Between Blinks by Amie Kaufman and Ryan Graudin
The Voyage to Magical North by Claire Fayers
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers
The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester
I kissed Alice by Anna Birch
Wonderstruck by Allie Therin
In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens
Nightingale by Deva Fagan
The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner
The Magic Misfits: The Minor Third by Neil Patrick Harris
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales
Clashing Hearts by Nicky James
Pepper's Rules for Secret Sleuthing by Briana McDonald
Six Angry Girls by Adrienne Kisner
The Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane
A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling
Thirteen at Dinner by Agatha Christie
Goldie Vance: The Hotel Whodunit by Lilliam Rivera
Love is for Losers by Wibke Brueggemann
Keeping Casey by Amy Aislin
Second Dad Summer by Benjamin Klas
Devotions by Mary Oliver
Nine Horses by Billy Collins
The Sky Blues by Robbie Couch
The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems by Billy Collins
Diamond City by Francesca Flores
Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler
Sailing Alone Around the Room by Billy Collins
When You Get the Chance by Tom Ryan
Jay's Gay Agenda by Jason June
Fence: Striking Distance by Sarah Rees Brennan
Emily Dickinson Selected Poems
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
Last Gate of the Emperor by Mbalia Kwame
Gladiatrix by Amy Zoll
Caulky by K.M. Neuhold
Falling for Trouble by R. Cayden
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Fence: Disarmed by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater
The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
Love and Other Natural Disasters by Misa Sugiura
If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales
Between Perfect and Real by Ray Stoeve
How to Become a Planet by Nicole Melleby
Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth
Willowdeen by Katherine Applegate
The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea by Ashley Herring Blake
Say You'll be Nine by Lucy Lennox
Whale Day: And Other Poems by Billy Collins
Fake the Date by Ana Bryde
Not so Fake by Emma Lyon
Kaleidoscope by Brian Selznick
Luca by L.A. Witt
The Husband Gambit by L.A. Witt
Live Oak, With Moss by Walt Witman
Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Dumplin by Julie Murphy
Before We Disappear by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud
My Life as a Book by Janet Tashjian
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avarogers021 · 3 years
Updated List 2021 For Netflix Cancelled & Renewed Shows
Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime are watched by a number of people all over the world. Both of these platforms telecast movies, shows, and series which are related to different genres. From thriller to action, anime, mystery, documentaries, history, and more, everything can be seen on these platforms.
Before getting started let us first talk about the shows/series you like to watch? Friends, Riverdale, Game Of Thrones? Well, all of them has a huge fan following. I personally can never get enough of watching Riverdale and Friends. Whether I am back home after work or I wanted to spend some time, Netflix has always been a savior. However, lately I got a news and it just felt like the end of the world.
Were you aware of the fact that some of the Netflix shows have been going off air and cancelled real soon? Yes, you are reading this right. The reasons behind the cancellation of various reasons bring together a plethora of reasons. Of course some shows like Dear White People and Dead To Me have a huge fan following and will be missed for sure. However, since we know that sooner or later good things do make their way, all these shows also came to an end soon.
Have you been wondering which shows got canceled? This is the piece which is apt for you. You will be able to find out all of them here itself. Hence, let’s get started without any further ado.
Netflix shows that have been renewed and cancelled in the year 2021Below mentioned is a list of the top twenty shows that have been canceled this year. Check them out to find the reasons behind the big decision. In addition to this, you will also find out if they are coming back anytime soon.
Ozark: This one has been renewed for season four. The famous television series is coming to an end in 2021. You could find this series on Netflix. Even after gaining so much of popularity, the show is gong off air this year. The show did receive a number of nominations of awards and has also won numerou titles. Some of them are the Guild award, and Emmy award. To people who have watched this series, the fourth season has divided into two different categories. Each category consists of seven episodes. However, at present the director wanted to take a break and made sure that the series is remembered by the fans.
Cast of Ozark
Jason Bateman
Alik Bateman
Andrew Bernstein
Ellen Kuras
Daniel Sackheim
Amanda Marsalis
Benjamin Semanoff
Phil Abraham
Cherien Dabis
Dead To Me: This one has been renewed for season three. The series is known to end in the year 2021. However, the series finale is a big hit and funny. But, this one did not gain too much attention. Time changes, and so does the audience. This is why it is now time to bid adieu to this series, Jenny and Judy. Even though the series was loved by some of them till date, it is finally coming to an end yet not off air.
Cast of Dead To Me
Kat Coiro
Geeta V. Patel
Minkie Spiro
Abe Sylvia
Amy York Rubin
Tamra Davis
Jennifer Getzinger
Liza Johnson
Silver Tree
Elizabeth Allen
Lucifer: The series is renewed for season six. Another fantastic which is coming to an end is Lucifer. The series premiered on 25 January 2016. With time the first season received mixed reviews from critics. A number of them praised certain characters and Elli’s performance was no exception. With time more and more seasons were released. However, they did not gain much popularity. Platforms like Netflix also cancelled the pick up of the third season.
Cast Of Lucifer
Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar
Lauren German
Kevin Alejandro
D B. Woodside as Amenadiel
Lesley as Ann Branch
Scarlett Estevez as Beatrice
Rachael Harris
Kevin Rankin
Tricia Helfer as Mum
Tom Welling as Lieutenant Marcus Pierce
Inbar Lavi as Eve
You: This one got renewed for season three. There are only very few Netflix series that have grabbed the attention of people. However unfortunately, this famous thriller series has come to an end now. However, a statement was made by the director where he said that the series will be ending with a season three. The series is based on a novel which was written by Caroline Kepnes. The main role was played by Penn Badgley who was a bookseller. During the second season, the seller was a movie from New York to LA. Even though this is an irresistible show, the fans may not get to watch it anymore.
Cast of You
Penn Badgley
Victoria Pedretti
Ambyr Childers
Elizabeth Lail
Luca Padovan
Jenna Ortega
Zach Cherry
James Scully
Carmeta Zumbado
Nicole Kang
Shalita Grant
Scott Speedman
Travis Van Winkle
Atypical: This show has been renewed for season four. With the season finale, this show is going off air in 2021. However, it will still remain in the hearts of so many of them. No reasons have been found as to why the show is going off air. However, some of them are saying that the reason is because the show is very underrated.
Cast of Atypical
Keir Gilchrist
Brigette Lundy-Paine
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Michael Rapaport
Nik Dodani
Amy Okuda
Jenna Boyd
Graham Rogers
Fivel Stewart
Nina Ameri
Raúl Castillo
Ariela Barer
Graham Phillips
Sara Gilbert
Rachel Redleaf
Allie Rae Treharne
Eric McCormack
Casey Wilson
Angel Laketa Moore
Christina Offley
Kimia Behpoornia
Karl T. Wright
Major Curda
Marietta Melrose
On My Block: There is no official announcement related to the renewal of On My Block. However, it is going to end in 2021 mainly because of the pandemic. The show gained popularity but is still ending. Centered in Los Angeles, this one was based on high school teens who face different challenges.
Cast of On My Block
Diego Tinoco
Sierra Capri
Jason Genao
Brett Gray
Jessica Marie Garcia
Julio Macias
Ronni Hawk
Peggy Blow
Jahking Guillory
Paula Garcés
Danny Ramirez
Reggie Austin
Eric Neil Gutierrez
Eme Ikwuakor
Emilio Rivera
Lisa Marcos
Angela Elayne Gibbs
Ada Luz Pla
Troy Leigh-Anne Johnson
Shoshana Bush
Rob Murat
Mallory James Mahoney
Raushanah Simmons
Gilberto Ortiz
Dear White People: This series is renewed for season four. This one is coming to an end in 2021. The final episodes will show you the nest conversational end.
Cast of Dear White People
Logan Browning
Antoinette Robertson
Brandon P. Bell
Ashley Blaine Featherson
Marque Richardson
DeRon Horton
John Patrick Amedori
Giancarlo Esposito
Tyler James Williams
Caitlin Carver
Jeremy Tardy
Obba Babatundé
Brandon Black
Sheridan Pierce
Nia Long
Ally Maki
Quei Tann
Brant Daugherty
Wendy Raquel Robinson
John Rubinstein
Jeff Larson
Alex Alcheh
Francia Raisa
Rome Flynn
Luke O’Sullivan
Taylor Foster
John Paul Jones II
Tessa Thompson
Ratched: This series is renewed for season two but is going off air very soon. The series is about a nurse Ratched and is based on a real story. As of now it is twisted and ended with a superb episode.
Cast of Ratched
Sarah Paulson
Cynthia Nixon
Finn Wittrock
Sharon Stone
Judy Davis
Jon Jon Briones
Charlie Carver
Amanda Plummer
Corey Stoll
Alice Englert
Sophie Okonedo
Vincent D’Onofrio
Hunter Parrish
Brandon Flynn
Harriet Sansom Harris
Rosanna Arquette
Jermaine Williams
Michael Benjamin Washington
Don Cheadle
Linda Bisesti
Annie Starke
Teo Briones
Emily Mest
Liz Femi
Jeff B. Davis
Robert Curtis Brown
Kirk Bovill
Grasie Mercedes
Siaka Massaquoi
Ben Crowley
Elinor Gunn
Clayton Farris
Aaron Jay Rome
Patrick Duke Conboy
Zabeth Russell
Albert Malafronte
Jake McDermott
Heather McPhaul
Lita Lopez
Lucas Barker
Greg Ballora
Alfred Rubin Thompson
Germain Arroyo
Kristin Charney
Fred Maske
Casey James Knight
Glow: This one is straightaway cancelled. A very famous wrestling drama, this had to be cancelled because of the pandemic.
Cast of Glow
Alison Brie
Betty Gilpin
Marc Maron
Kate Nash
Jackie Tohn
Sydelle Noel
Sunita Mani
Britney Young
Gayle Rankin
Awesome Kong
Britt Baron
Ellen Wong
Chris Lowell
Kimmy Gatewood
Rebekka Johnson
Marianna Palka
Shakira Barrera
Rich Sommer
Bashir Salahuddin
Geena Davis
Victor Quinaz
Ursula Hayden
Alex Rich
Andrew Friedman
Elizabeth Perkins
Annabella Sciorra
Brooke Hogan
Breeda Wool
Kevin Cahoon
Horatio Sanz
Wyatt Nash
Joey Ryan
Toby Huss
Paul Fitzgerald (actor)
Eli Goree
Marc Evan Jackson
Phoebe Strole
Amy Farrington
Ravil Isyanov
Messiah: The series was cancelled because it had to go through ups and downs. However, for the year 2021, this high class show has been canceled. The reason behind this is the dropping popularity.
Cast of Messiah
Mehdi Dehbi
Michelle Monaghan
Stefania LaVie Owen
Rona-Lee Shimon
Sayyid El Alami
Melinda Page Hamilton
Wil Traval
John Ortiz
Fares Landoulsi
Jane Adams
Beau Bridges
Philip Baker Hall
Dermot Mulroney
Teenage Bounty Hunters: This one got cancelled too. Even though this was considered as one of the best teen comedy series, it came to an end. The series received amazing reviews from the critics and the jury.Sadly, the first season of this show fails to draw the attention of the audience. This is one major reason why the series ended.
Cast of Teenage Bounty Hunters
Maddie Phillips
Anjelica Bette Fellini
Devon Hales
Kadeem Hardison
Virginia Williams
Spencer House
Mackenzie Astin
Myles Evans
Charity Cervantes
Method Man
Eric Graise
Given Sharp
Shirley Rumierk
Randy Havens
Jacob Rhodes
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: The series got cancelled even after umpteen gigs and comedy episodes.
Cast of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Anya Taylor-Joy
Taron Egerton
Nathalie Emmanuel
Mark Hamill
Simon Pegg
Jason Isaacs
Helena Bonham Carter
Andy Samberg
Natalie Dormer
Keegan-Michael Key
Caitriona Balfe
Alicia Vikander
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Mark Strong
Harvey Fierstein
Theo James
Toby Jones
Lena Headey
Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
Shazad Latif
Donna Kimball
Harris Dickinson
Benedict Wong
Sigourney Weaver
Hannah John-Kamen
Neil Sterenberg
Louise Gold
Beccy Henderson
Kevin Clash
Dave Chapman
Warrick Brownlow-Pike
Helena Smee
Bill Hader
Theo Ogundipe
Kemi-Bo Jacobs
Dave Goelz
Eddie Izzard
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj; This American show has grabbed the attention of so many of them during the lockdown. However, the show is now cancelled and no reasons behind the same have been found out yet.
Cast of Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj
Hasan Minhaj
Joyelle Johnson
Arnab Goswami
Andrew Yang
Cory Booker
Maeve Higgins
Adi Ash
Michelle C Bonilla
Rahm Braslaw
Julian Zane Chawdhary
Sean Hartman
Alexis Landry
James Adam Tucker
Rayan Zaim-Sassi
Emily Grace Buck
Vinod Chaproo
Joan Dickson
Michael Eric Dyson
Jann Ellis
Lori Hammel
Smith Harrison
John Hodgman
Siraj Huda
Jacob Dylan
Aurea Jolly
The Summary
These are some of the famous Netflix series and shows that got cancelled in the year 2021. As mentioned above, the reasons behind the cancellation differ from series to series. However, you need not lose hope. Netflix still have amazing series coming up. Whatever genre you prefer, keep that in mind and start searching for them. This way you will surely end up finding the ones that will be suitable for you. If not Netflix, then you can check out IMDB. This is a platform where you can search for various shows and movies. While doing do, what you can do is check out the ratings. This way you will find out whether or not the show should be watched or not. IMDB shows new series ans shows that are released every week or month. Search for the one you want to watch and get started without any further ado.
We hope this piece has helped in understanding which and why the shows got cancelled. However, you need not worry about anything. There are a plethora of shows you will come across on this platform, and something or the other will surely be worth watching. Thus, do not wait further and make use of the time this lockdown. Do not let the cancellation and lockdown spoil your mood. Your mood will be cherished and who knows you find out facts you never thought could happen? Also, exploring various genres never goes waste. So, why not make use of this wonderful opportunity?
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maaarine · 3 years
MBTI Typing Index: Fictional Characters — ISTJ ESTJ ISFJ ESFJ
Fictional characters: NF, NT, SJ, SP. Real people: index.
Anna Karenina: Alexei Karenin
Babylon Berlin: Gereon Rath
(The) Bear: Sydney Adamu
Better Call Saul: Kim Wexler
Bloodline: John Rayburn
Bridget Jones’s Diary: Mark Darcy
Downton Abbey: Robert Crawley, Charles Carlson, Alfred Nugent
Dragon Ball: Vegeta
ER: Neela Rasgotra, Peter Benton
Friday Night Lights: Eric Taylor
Game Of Thrones: Stannis Baratheon, Brienne of Tarth, Barristan Selmy
Gilmore Girls: Luke Danes
Gladiator: Maximus
Harry Potter: Hermione Granger
Hope Gap: Edward
House of the Dragon: Aemond Targaryen
J’accuse: Picquart
Jurassic Park: Alan Grant
(The) King’s Speech: Bertie
(The) Last Kingdom: Alfred
(Les) Misérables: Javert
Money Heist (La Casa de Papel): Governor
Rome: Lucius Vorenus
Rush: Niki Lauda
Skam: Sana
Stranger Things: Jim Hopper
True Detective: Marty Hart
(The) Wire: Cedric Daniels
Better Call Saul: Chuck McGill
(The) Big Lebowski: Walter Sobchak
(The) Crown: Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill
Downton Abbey: Violet Crawley, Thomas Barrow
ER: Kerry Weaver
For All Mankind: Ed Baldwin
Friday Night Lights: Jason Street
Friends: Monica Geller
Game Of Thrones: Alisser Thorne, Brynden Tully
Gilmore Girls: Emily Gilmore
(The) Good Wife: David Lee
Halt and Catch Fire: John Bosworth
Happy Valley: Catherine Cawood
(The) Last Kingdom: Odda
Malcolm in the Middle: Lois
Mindhunter: Bill Tench
Money Heist (La Casa de Papel): Arturo, Tamayo
Mrs. America: Phyllis Schlafly
Orange Is The New Black: Red
Parenthood: Zeek Braverman
Six Feet Under: Keith Charles, Rico Diaz
Star Wars: Leia Organa
Big Little Lies: Celeste Wright
Black Swan: Nina Sayers
(The) Crown: Elizabeth, Charles
Downton Abbey: Edith Crawley, John Bates, Sarah O’Brien
Friday Night Lights: Julie Taylor
Game Of Thrones: Sansa Stark
Gilmore Girls: Dean Forester
Happy Valley: Clare Cartwright
House of the Dragon: Alicent Hightower
(The) Last Kingdom: Aelswith
Money Heist (La Casa de Papel): Stockholm (Mónica), Angel
Mrs. America: Alice Macray
(The) OA: Nancy Johnson
Parenthood: Kristina Braverman
Six Feet Under: David Fisher, Ruth Fisher
(The) Sopranos: Meadow Soprano
Titanic: Ruth Dewitt Bukater
Better Call Saul: Howard Hamlin
Big Little Lies: Madeline Mackenzie
Bridesmaids: Helen
Downton Abbey: Cora Crawley, Elsie Hughes
Emma: Emma Woodhouse
For All Mankind: Karen Baldwin
Friday Night Lights: Lyla Garrity
Friends: Rachel Green
Game Of Thrones: Cersei Lannister
Gone with the Wind: Scarlett O’Hara
(The) Good Wife: Jackie Florrick
Harry Potter: Molly Weasley
(The) Hour: Marnie Madden
House of the Dragon: Viserys Targaryen
Industry: Yasmin Kara-Hanani
(The) Last Kingdom: Beocca
Legally Blonde: Elle Woods
Masters of Sex: Libby Masters
Mean Girls: Regina George
Nana: Nana Komatsu
(The) OC: Summer Roberts
Pride & Prejudice: Mrs. Bennett
Queer As Folk: Vince Taylor
Rome: Attia of the Julii
Sex and the City: Charlotte York
Skam: Vilde
Skins: Mini
(The) Sopranos: Carmela Soprano
Suits: Louis Litt
Veep: Gary Walsh
Fictional characters: NF, NT, SJ, SP. Real people: index.
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slowlyfantasticfart · 4 years
Il y a beaucoup  d'acteurs et d'actrices que j'aime beaucoup et que j'admire énormément et parmi cette liste il y a ACTEURS Johnny Deep Paul Walker Channing Tatum Robin Williams Adam Slander Jason Stanham Dwyane Johnson Kellan Lutz Chris Hemsworth Liam Hemsworth Heat Ledger Nicholas Cage Liam Neeson Brad Pitt Tom cruise steve Martin James Franco James Marsden ACTRICES Katherine Heighl Rachel Mc Adams Zoe Saldana Mila Kunis Anne Hathaway Drew Barrymore Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba Scarlett Johansson Natalie Portman Reese Witherspoon Sandra Bullock Julia Roberts Cameron Diaz J'aime beaucoup le domaine du cinéma, c'est une passion c'est quelque chose que j'aime quand je veut relaxer. N'es ce pas réconfortant. Ici je me suis fait tout un répertoire de film de tout les genre vous y voyez tout un choix films et de série que j'ai beaucoup aimer alors l'es voici. HORREUR Annabelle série Us La conjuration série Ma Silence Dead (Silence de mort) Malédiction de l'enfer (Drag Me to Hell) Le cauchemar de Molly Hartley 2008 Le bal de l'horreur (Prom Night) 2008 Terreur sur la ligne (When a stranger calls) A Qiet Place (Un coin tranquille) Ça, Dans le noir One missed Call (Un appel manqué) Mortelle St Valentin Instinct de survie Visions, Ouija Ne t'endors pas Poltergeist Sinistre 1 Jessabelle Mama insidous 2,3,4 I Still I Know what you did last summer Halloween Chucky Jaws (les dents de la mer) Scream (Frisson) 1,2,3,4 N'aie pas peur du noir Freddy Krueger les griffes de la nuit (2010) Boogeyman Apparence Meurtre a la St Valentin destination ultime (Final Destination) La maison de cire The darkness Jeepers creepers SCIENCE FICTION ET FANTASTIQUE Les animeaux fantastique 1,2 La momie, Thor La belle et la bête le film Le livre de la jungle le film Coeur d'encre Pan, Pete's Dragon (Peter Elliot et le dragon) Oz le magnifique Alice au pays des merveilles 1,2 Percy Jackson 1 et 2 Chronique de narnia 1,2,3 Légende 1985 Merlin 1998 Casper, Maléfique Le labyrinthe de pan Le cygne noir (2011) Harry Potter série Bright Les gardiens de la galaxie 1,2 L'ascension de Jupiter A-X-L Transformers Armageddon Le jour d'après La stratégie Ender X-Men Life, Prometheus Alien, Passager La guerre des mondes La stratégie d'enfer La série Star Was Chappie Le chaos La guerre des mondes COMÉDIE DE FILLE Année bixestille Le journal d'une princesse 1, 2 Gagner un rendez vous avec Tad Hamilton 13 ans bientot 30 Elle a tout pour elle, Monte Carlo The Parent Trap Sweet Home Alabama, Le prince et moi Et si c'était vrai, Un amour infini Comment perdre son mec en 10 jours Something Borrowed (Duos en trois) Le mariage de mon meilleur ami 27 Robes Les douzes coups de minuit Ma belle est un monstre La fille du président Éloge de la liberté Blonde et légale Méchantes Ados Bring It On (Le tout pour le tout) 1,2,3,4,5 Lettre a Juliette Le diable s'habille en prada Confession d'une accro du shopping Profession hôtesse de l'air Julie & Julia Meilleure ennemies Because I Said So (Cherche homme parfait) Sexfriends, Sexe entre amis A Cinderella Story ACTION ET AVENTURE 300 1 et 2 Rambo : la dernière mission Le casse noisette et les quatres royaumes (The Nutcraker an... Un raccourci dans le temps ( A Wrinkle on Time) Aquaman Venom Le masque de Zorro série Mission impossible série Bumblebee Divergence série Spider Man série Charlie's Angel série Hancok The Island Jumanji 1,2 Life of Pie San Andreas Pacifim Rim 1 et 2 Voyage au centre de la terre 1 et 2 Les aventures de Tintin : Le secret de la licorne Jurassic World série John Wick 1,2 The Equalizer 1,2 Skyscraper (Gratte Ciel) Ant-Man et guêpe (Ant-Man and the Wasp 1,2 Mégalodon (The Meg) Peppermint (Déchainée) La légende d'Hercule, Lara Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Parker Trésor National 1,2 Fast Furious 4,5,6,7,8 le 1 et 2 (version française Rapide et Dangereux) Blanche neige et le chasseur 1 et 2 Mr. S Smith Bleu d'enfer Le mécano : la résurrection 47 Ronin Tigre et dragon Jake Ryan Le gardien Die Hard Rampage Maraudeurs Top Gun (1986) Underworld V for Vendetta ENFANT ET FAMILLE Dora et la cité perdue UglyDolls Jack Frost (1998) Free Willy The Polar Express (Boréal Express) Une nuit au musée Moins Cher La Douzaine 1 et 2 The Lizzie McGuire Movie Hanna Montana: The Movie Une princesse sur la glace Nancy Drew Les 101 Dalmatien Happy Family Pierre Lapin Enchantés Stailion Benji Mes vies de chiens 1,2 Whisper série L'incroyable histoire de Winter le dauphin 1,et 2 Tobby The Amazing Penda Le dragon des mers Chérie j'ai agrandi le bébé The House With a Clock In its Walls Incredibles 1 et 2 DRAME The lake house (La maison près du lac) La série Twilight Salt À Cinq pied de toi (Five feet Apart Midnight Sun (Soleil de minuit) A Star is Born (Une étoile est née) Forever my Girl Beastly (Sortilège) Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain 1995 Crossroads (A la croisé des chemins) 2002 Stepmom (La blonde a mon père) Match Point Doux Novembre The Roommate The Other Woman Red Eye (Vol sous haute pression) Flight Plan (Plan de Vol) My Girl (L'été de mes 11 ans) L'arrivée (Arrival) Sully Wicker Park Pearl Harbor P.S. I love You Le porte bonheur (The Lucky One) Tristan & Yseult Le secret de Charlie Hors du temps The Lovely Bones The Notebook Remember Me (La rage de vivre) A Walk To Remember (Une promenade Inoubliable) Une bouteille a la mer Coyote Ugly Apparitions (Libelule) La maison sur la falaise Flicka Sexe Intemtions Black Swan Ou le coeur nous mène Brothers FILM DISNEY À MONSIEUR Dumbo The Lion King Maléfique FILM D'ANIMATION Tout ce qui est film d'animation de Walt Disney, Dream Works. Peut importe, c'est les films que je préfère écouter. Quand j'étais enfant, je me souviendrai toujours à quel point, que j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à l'es écouter en boucle. Et encore aujourd'hui, j'ai du plaisir à l'es regarder. C'est des film qui sont réconfortant mais aussi que du bonheur. ANIMATION Ballerina La reine des neiges Coraline Kung fu Penda Rebelle (Brave) Dragon Hôtel Transylvanie Ratatouille Volt L'ère de glace La belle et la bête La petite sirène Pocahontas Cendrillon Le roi Lion Aladdin La princesse des cygnes 1 Le livre de la jungle Moana Abominable Storks Raiponce La princesse et la grenouille Zootopia Lilo et Stich La route d`Eldorado Rox et Rouky Spirit L'empereur du nouveau genre Le chat potté Drôle d'abeille Planet 51 THRILLER The Boy Next Door (2015) La prison de verre Fenêtre secrète The tourist Before I Fall Truth Or Dannce Le beau père (The Stepfather) Sans un bruit 2:22 Kidnap Home Invasion Get Out Sex Crimes COMÉDIE MUSICALE Heartbeats High Strung, Mamma Mia 1,2 Dirty Dancing 1,2 Honey 1,2 The Fame La série Step Up Footloose Romance Titanic Nos étoiles contraires Le voeux un été sur terre The longuest Ride (Le plus beau des chemins) Une seconde chance, Un havre de paix Cher John Everything, Everything Cinquante nuances plus sombres, 10 choses que je déteste de toi Get Over It, Adaline Bleu Saphir Cendrillon Amour et honneur Twilight Fascination A tout les garçons que j'ai aimés Love Simon À tout jamais 1998 COMÉDIE Sex and the City Simplement Irrésistible (Simply Irresistible) 1999 Miss congeniality (Miss personnalité) Patch Adams In Good Company, (En bonne compagnie) Never Been Kissed Home Alone (Maman j'ai ratée l'avion 1,2,3 Dr. Seus 'How the grinch Stole Christmas Le lutin (Elf) Madame Doubtfire The Santa Clause What a Girl Wants Pyjamas Party Sisterhood of the traveling pants New York Minute (Escapade à New York) Clic Bay Watch Game Night l'Abominable vérité Pas si simple Baby boss Book Club Drink, Slay, Love Mère indigne 1 et 2 Pourquoi lui ? Le stagiaire Famille recomposée Joue-la comme Beckham De père en flic 1,2 Intouchable Chérie nous avons été rétrécis Papa, j'ai une maman pour toi (It Takes Two) 1995 Little Giants Back to the Future Trilogy Encore 17 ans (17 Again) Grandes personnes Just Go With It (méchant menteur) LES MEILLEURES SÉRIES QUE J'AI ÉCOUTER Buffy contre les vampires Charmed 2018 Charmed Le chalet Chicago fire Dawson Dexter Elite Everwood Greenhouse Académie Good Witch (un soupçon de magie) Gossip Girl Grimm Gilmore Girls Heroes Izombie Jane the Virgin Lucifer Nashville Newport Beach Once Upon A Time Orange the new Black Prison Break Pretty Little Liars Riverdale Stranger things Scream Shadow Hunters Sense 8 Supernatural (Surnaturel) Switched at Birth Teen Wolf True Blood That' 70s Show Thirteen Reason Why - 13 Raisons Vampire Diaries PALMARÈS DE MES MEILLEURES FILMS Tout les films de Nicholas Sparks Le mariage de mon meilleur ami La blonde a mon père Titanic L'homme au masque de fer High Strung L'été de mes 11 ans Crossroad Le secret de bear mountain Un baiser enfin Coraline Miss personnalité A tout jamais (1998) Le jour d'après La belle et la bête (film à monsieur) La reine des neiges Ballerina Le livre de la jungle(film à monsieur) Fenêtre Secrète AUTRES SÉRIES À DÉCOUVRIR Younger Scandal Murder Revenge Beauté Désespérées   Hart of Dixie gg
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