fischerfrey · 5 months
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hpma; declan rovere, melvin scarth, and roe malinda
i made these for our friend who's tragically not on tumblr but i'm posting them anyway!
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Happy Place (2022) [4 min] by Ahnab Amin, Luba Bobrowski, Jess Fett, Amber Ou, Joe Pan, Emma Scarth, Rachel Shen, Jacob Tobin, Lucy Wu and Zoe Xu | Canada
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gentlemanpixelator · 1 year
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Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Scarth Street.
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leavethemtorot · 3 months
"Do you know what the fuck this is or what language it's in?"
"Let me see... oh that's just petty."
"What terms?"
"The ability to only make trades on the 7th of the months, no other day with punishment or forfeit of territory if not met. How scarthing am I allowed to respond?"
"Is your worst on the same level as hers?"
"Oh please, my sister learned everything from me and yet still was seen as the worse wordsmith. The only thing worse I could do would be going and taking blood. Which I would do, my lady."
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scotianostra · 2 months
Isobel Gunn was born on August 5th 1781 at Orphir on the Orkney Islands.
Little is known of her early life until the summer of 1806, she enrolled as a man in the Hudson's Bay Company and was the first European woman to reach western Canada, using her father's name, John Fubbister.
Gunn quickly distinguished herself for her bravery. Her canoe treks and expeditions through the most remote stretches of Canada saw her travelling some 1,800 miles between remote trading posts. Hugh Heney, who led one of the brigades Gunn travelled with to Pembina, wrote that she “worked at anything and well like the rest of the men.” She even earned herself a pay rise for performing her duties “willingly and well.”
Although she disguised the fact that she was female at least one man knew of her true gender for she fell pregnant. On December 29, 1807, she excused herself from work at the Pembina trading post, citing stomach pains to Alexander Henry, who was the head of the post. She begged him to let her rest in his home by the fire. Henry’s journal takes up the story.....I returned to my room, where I had not been long before he sent one of my own people, requesting the favour of speaking with me. Accordingly, I stepped down to him, and was much surprised to find him extended out upon the hearth, uttering most dreadful lamentations; he stretched out his hand towards me and in a pitiful tone of voice begg’d my assistance, and requested I would take pity upon a poor helpless abandoned wretch, who was not of the sex I had every reason to suppose. But was an unfortunate Orkney girl pregnant and actually in childbirth, in saying this she opened her jacket and display’d to my view a pair of beautiful round white breasts.”
Henry’s journal continued: “In about an hour she was safely delivered of a fine boy and that same day she was conveyed home in my cariole, where she soon recovered.”
The name Gunn registered on the birth certificate? Hudson’s Bay labourer John Scarth, who she said had forced himself upon her.
This story is plausible. There are records to show that Scarth had been with Gunn at numerous HBC postings. Some historians say Gunn was trying to cover up an affair gone wrong; others believe she likely was taken advantage of by Scarth, who could have discovered her ruse as a man, and threatened to tell their employer.
Gunn and her child were returned to Scotland on the ship Prince of Wales on 20th September 1809. There, she lived in poverty, working as a stocking and mitten maker until her death.
Canadian songstress Eileen McGann wrote the following song about Isobel, but called her Isobella, probably for artistic reasons....
My name it is Isabella Gunn, I'm a woman both true and strong From Orkney's rugged Isles I come, but now listen unto my song When I was young I had a lad, as I loved, so he loved me Poverty made him sell his land to travel across the sea It was in the summer of eighteen and six, my lover and I set sail To stay with him I used my wits and my courage it did not fail In men's atire I stowed away to join that jolly crew Side by side we worked each day and only my lover knew And oh how I loved those rocky cliffs and that windy and treeless shore And oh how it broke my heart to leave, but I loved my dear one more, one more But I loved my dear one more. My love was signed by the Hudson Bay for to be a Voyageur To map and explore the northern ways, to trade and to transport fur And if you think I'd be left behind, it's little you understand For on the very next line I signed for to do the work of a man And O how I loved the life we led, though my love and I worked apart But adventure delighted my very soul and the forest had healed my heart The company signed me to work three years, and well had I proved my worth But eighteen months fulfilled my fears and I found that I'd soon give birth. I hoped that the trees would give me rest but they found me where I lay With my newborn baby at my breast there was little that I could say. They sent me downriver to wash the clothes of the men I had worked beside And though I did well enough I suppose, I felt that I'd rather have died. The only thing that gave me joy, the baby grew strong and hale And I looked for the day I'd take my boy and we'd follow that northern trail Oh how I loved those rocky lakes and the stands of birch and pine And oh in the spring how my heart turned north for to search out this land of mine My name it is Isabella Gunn and it's many long miles I've roamed From Orkney's rugged Isles I come, now Canada is my home. For it's here I've come and here I'll be and Here I'll find my rest And my son's son's and daughters will follow me in the land that I love the best
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sturnioloxplr · 3 months
ℭ𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 ℑ 𝔠𝔞𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔪𝔶𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣ℑ𝔣 ℑ'𝔪 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔫 -3
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the rain poured down my face as I broke into Amber's house knife in my hand a sick psychopath look on my face I begun to walk towards her room where she was asleep ..
"Revenge bitch..."I mumble as I cut he black hair off
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I hid in her closet till morning when I heard it...the scream of Amber
"AHHHHHHHHHGG OH MY GOD MY HAIR MY HAIR "I smirked as I embraced her horror
"EEK"she opened the closet to see me
"Y/N what r u d-" SLASH my knife hit her face scarthing her face as the blood leaked through her face her limp body under my shoes
"This us pay back fir fuckijg my boyfriend you little slut"i replayed back standing on her dead body the blood leaking all over my shoes
"SHIT COPS" I screamed and tried to hide the body but there was no luck I was caught
"Y/N L/N your under arrest dor the murder of Amber Scholl"
The blood was all over my hands and face so there was no point in lying
"Ughh fine"i said getting the handcuffs on me
Atleast I got my revenge on Amber...she deserves it ...I looked over at her body blood all over her baby doll face
"Your under arrest for 4 years on convict murder"
This Story was created by samgolbachsangel and will officially end here Part 1 and 2 Part 1 https://www.tumblr.com/samgolbachsangel/754254978253750272/%E2%84%AD%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%B2%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2-%E2%84%91-%F0%9D%94%A0%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%AB%F0%9D%94%B1-%F0%9D%94%A3%F0%9D%94%AC%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%A4%F0%9D%94%A6%F0%9D%94%B3%F0%9D%94%A2-%F0%9D%94%AA%F0%9D%94%B6%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%A9%F0%9D%94%A3%E2%84%91%F0%9D%94%A3-%E2%84%91%F0%9D%94%AA-%F0%9D%94%A7%F0%9D%94%B2%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%B1-%F0%9D%94%9E-%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%B3%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%AB%F0%9D%94%B1?source=share PART 2 https://www.tumblr.com/samgolbachsangel/754268293623316480/%E2%84%AD%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%B2%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2-%E2%84%91-%F0%9D%94%A0%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%AB%F0%9D%94%B1-%F0%9D%94%A3%F0%9D%94%AC%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%A4%F0%9D%94%A6%F0%9D%94%B3%F0%9D%94%A2-%F0%9D%94%AA%F0%9D%94%B6%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%A9%F0%9D%94%A3-%E2%84%91%F0%9D%94%A3-%E2%84%91%F0%9D%94%AA-%F0%9D%94%A7%F0%9D%94%B2%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%B1-%F0%9D%94%9E-%F0%9D%94%B0%F0%9D%94%A2%F0%9D%94%AF%F0%9D%94%B3%F0%9D%94%9E%F0%9D%94%AB%F0%9D%94%B1?source=share
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deeisace · 1 year
So this morning, cs my brain is fried in many ways,
As a companion to the Draculas of New Jersey, have all the Frankensteins of England -
First, on the very first census, of 1841, we have Jacob Frankenstein and his family, living in Liverpool -
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There really wasn't much detail on early census records, and whoever's filled this in has done it a slightly odd order (dad, youngest son, mum, oldest daughter, middle son), but we see we have Jacob Frankenstein, who is a merchant, his wife Sarah, and their children Henrietty (age 5), Samuel (age 3) and Nathan (age 1 or possibly 7), and that F in the last column marks them as "born in Foreign Parts".
The house they live in, they seem to share with two other families - an English roper, his wife and four children, and an Irish tailor his wife and their servant. I imagine, if I might, that it may have been one of those tall buildings you get in the town centre occasionally, with a shop below and two or three storeys above - the tailor would have the shop and the floor above, and the one/s above that would be split between Frankenstein and Choppers (the roper)
I'm not certain, cs nothing much is certain on the 1841 census, but I think that must be the case, because there's a 1 for 1 dwelling/building, and then the families have little notch marks separating them (you can just see one above the J in Jacob there).
If we skip forward 20 years, we find them not in Liverpool, but having moved to Islington, London
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A little more detail on this record - we find out that Jacob and Sarah are from Hanover, which I gather is now a part of Germany. Henrietty has anglicised her name to Harriet, and that N must be Nathan, which means he was 1 on the 1841 record. We also see Harriet was born in Yorkshire, and Nathan in Liverpool, tho I can find neither record. And that Jacob's merchant-ing is going well enough that they needn't share housing and they actually have a live-in maid!
And, there's another record to show he joined the Freemasons in about 1850, so I imagine he was doing fairly well for himself.
There is, at the same time as our Jacob in 1841, another J Frankenstein, but this one is an "agent" - whatever that means 180 years ago - and he lives in Stepney!
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He is also "of Foreign Parts" and also in his 30s, but he is instead a lodger, with several other single German-sounding men (you can see Doctor Gotentag above him there), in the house of some laundresses (Sarah Kelly, Elizabeth Pryor, and her daughter Sarah)
I jumped forward 10 years to 1851, and couldn't confirm finding this same Frankenstein, but there are a couple of new ones -
We have Adolphus, a tailor from Breslau who is lodging in Manchester with a Polish hawker and his family
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And we have Isaac, a licensed hawker - a seller of things, the type that shout you over, like a marketstall man, tho maybe without a stall - in this case, jewellery - and he lodges in Portsea/Portsmouth, with Kitty Barnard and her daughters.
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Then, if we jump again to the 1870s, there are a great many more Frankensteins -
We have Jacob, Israel, Simon and Harris Frankenstein, who are all Polish tailors (tho sometimes the record says "Russia Poland"). Israel and Simon live in London, Whitechapel and Spitalfields respectively. Jacob is in Cheetham and Harris is in Manchester. And all their families, too.
Also in Cheetham, we find Reub and his family - I imagine he is Jacob's brother or cousin (he is also listed "Russia Poland") - he is a glazier, and his teenage sons are tailors.
Philip Frankenstein, also in Cheetham and from Poland and so likely another brother or cousin, is a waterproof manufacturer (did macks exist then?).
And Leon, who lives in Rochester, married a Kentish woman called Lydia Jolley (nee Gladdish), and he is a picture frame maker, also Polish - tho he, unlike the rest, is listed under "Poland, British Subject" - either, he lived in England most of his life and was just born in Poland (see, my John Scarth, who always listed himself as "Portugal, British Subject", and was from Orkney), or because he married an Englishwoman, I'm not sure, and he, nor the census man, are not here to quiz.
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If I go any later, I imagine there'll be a great deal many more records to trawl through and I don't really want to, so I shan't.
I am mildly disappointed there are no Adam Frankensteins, tho, I did check
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jackalgirl-01 · 8 months
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First art for this lovely fandom/community post to be a cover page for an comic I think about making but I scarth that idea
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nakamopapina · 2 years
I'm still working on Sunday Cyclone, and realized that I don't have a proper script and stuff...
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This is the rough draft. Too lazy to make it look decent. It's just important scenes.
And of course, can't forget the backgrounds. Which I'm making in clip studio. What I should've done in the first place.
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This is a drawing of the Warehouse district, one of the areas hit by the tornado in 1912. I'm terrible at drawing cars, so uh yeah.... I did finish this one, now I gotta finish the one of Scarth St.
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scarshiny98 · 2 years
E llegado a Tumbrl!
Finalmente podremos desarrollarnos aquí!
Bienvenidos!!!, Mía te espera ansiosa!
Resumen: Mía es una nueva idol la cual se postula para debutar en una empresa de no mucho prestigio llamada SunSun entretenimiento, la cual prometía hacer muy popular al primer grupo dehut pero mía no había sido tan positiva al querer estar dentro de la empresa y el reciente proyecto T.4, aquí dentro en su época de trainee conoce a sumi, una chica la cual es muy exigente, ya que si ella sería su próxima líder de unidad debía ser decente para merecerse el lugar en su corazón, a lo que mia se espanta y pide perdón por ser un fracaso, sumi la comprende a medias pero le insiste con que debe preocuparse más de sus vestimentas, entrenamiento y rango vocal.
También conoce a nara, la cual se quedó ansiosa al ver a Mía, Nara es una chica de prestigio la cual tiene una familia llena de dinero, Nara en si es famosa entre las chicas por más que todo hacer actividades que son para chicos, según las personas eso la hace ver más atractiva que cualquiera, al Nara saber montar caballos y saber esgrima la convierte en una chica ideal.
En el mismo transcurso de la historia conoce a yang, una chica la cual es muy solitaria, anteriormente había tenido una carrera de solista en actuación y había hecho novelas populares como " Dónde está esa dama? " La cual fue reconocida ganando el premio a mejor novela del año, Mía se acerca cuidadosamente a ella, pero yang la ignora, haciendo que mia si sintiera bastante fuerte el " No soy suficiente para nadie ", cuando todo había Sido un error, ese mismo día yang estaba demasiado preocupada de que sería de ella en un futuro, y por error no había visto a mia, lo cual género confusión en mia.
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Intellijel Sealegs review | Juno Daily
Versatile delay with an emphasis on hands-on control as well as CV modulation. Greg Scarth takes a deep dive into Intellijel’s latest offering. Anyone with an interest in modular synths is almost certainly familiar with Intellijel. The Canadian brand has been around since before the Eurorack scene went stratospheric, serving up consistently good modules across the board. We’ve previously raved…
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
ok u gonna show.this in court skeleton from scarthe movie
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linusjf · 6 months
Niccolo Machiavelli: Gift of penetration
Niccolo Machiavelli (Photo credit: Robert Scarth) “Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration.” —Niccolo Machiavelli
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lesterplatt · 1 year
Chevrolet — Go Beyond: An Overland Film from Goh Iromoto on Vimeo.
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CLIENT — CHEVROLET Brand Director — James Hodge Ntl Marketing Communications — George Saratlic Marketing Communications — Jenna Abraham Ntl Marketing — Doug Kenzie
AGENCY — COMMONWEALTH//MCCANN CCO — Joshua Stein VP / Creative Director — Michael Katzikowski Copywriter — Sean Pitre  Art Director — Vu Song Vu Agency Producer — Sharon Nelson-Bailey Managing Director — Kevin Pfuhl VP / Group Acct Director — Laura Rodriguez Acct Director — Michelle Acosta Acct Supervisor — Shayla Bodnar
CAST — Dean Petty / Casey Vanular
PRODUCTION — STEAM FILMS Director — Goh Iromoto EP — Krista Marshall Line Producer — John Scarth PM — Sharron Toews PC — Erin Tobman PC Asst — Vlad Tarasenko 1st AD — Travis Tetreault 2nd AD — Robbie Flynn
DP — Kris Bonnell DP Agent — MantlReps 1st AC — Ian Beer / Schane Godon 2nd AC — Chelsea Carrick / Dylan Zack Camera Operator — Evan West Key Grip — Jeff Delaney Best Grip — Blair Bourque Grip — Joe Hirsch / Corey Gomez Gaffer — Paul Connolly Best — David Whyte / Kaito Nyunoya DIT — Rick Yuck VTR — Oscar Irwin VTR Assist — Ron Burland / Meghan Cosenzo
Production Designer — Peter Kirkegaard Props Master — Dean Wadella Art Co-ordinator — Niki Kendall Art Asst — Matt Konrad Special FX — Travis Mackenzie Casting — Sonya Bertolozzi (Reel Athletes Agency) Location Mgr — Jason Nolan ALM — Kevin Larsen Stylist — Jayna Mansbridge Stylist Asst — Gabby Coates HMU — Barbara Zazeybida Floatplane Pilot — Rick Henderson Jetboards — James Bailey (Radinn) Stunt Co-Ordinator — Guy Bews Precision Driver — Chad Cosgrave / Peter Bews Car Prep — Clayton Homer Water Safety — Keith Francis / Scott Belton / Jay Hineyman / Maria Cashin PA — Brooke Siebert / Ken Austin / Darjusz Bukowski / Ari Leask / Lisbeth Madiment / Jan Cenon Storyboard Artist — Guy Perez
ARM CAR — BLACKHOUSE CINEMA Flighthead Op — Daniel Tillotson Driver — Brent Callow Tech — Calvin McAlary
DRONE — FLOW MOTION AERIALS Drone Pilot — Rapha Boudrealt-Simard Drone Lead — Jeremy Allen Drone Tech — Ian Dunsmore
EDITORIAL — OUTSIDER EDITORIAL Editor — Chris Murphy Assistant Editor — Kerstin Juby Executive Producer — Kristina Anzlinger Executive Producer — Kayan Choi
COLOUR / ONLINE — STUDIO FEATHER Colourist — Jason Zukowski Colour Assist — Rebecca-Koby Yamanaka Online Artist — Julian Van Mil Online Assist — Dequiera Atherton VFX Artists — Diego Dutra / Sergej Liamin / Matt Dochstader Producer — Sonia Ruffolo Executive Producer — Sara Windram
AUDIO — GRAYSON MATTHEWS Music Director — Tyson Kuteyi Sound Engineer — Vlad Nikolic Executive Producer — Kelly McCluskey Sound Design — Vlad Nikolic / Ben Swarbrick SVAC (Specialized Vehicle Audio Capture) — Vlad Nikolic / Ben Swarbrick Composer — Igor Correia Foley Studio — JRS Productions Inc. Foley Artist — Stefan Fraticelli Foley Engineer — Ron Mellegers Foley Assistant — Kyle Testa Voice Over — Calum J Moore
SHOT ON — Sony Venice 2 / Sony FX3 / Red Gemini / Red Komodo X / Red Komodo / Firefly Ember / GoPro 11 / Panavision Panatar
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the-lost-and-gone · 2 years
       The eruption of Mount Vesuvius was a catastrophic event that took place in 79 AD on the island of Pompeii (located in Campania Italy, Southeast of Naples). Some of the surviving documents that have been found included two letter written by Gaius Plinius Secundus (aka Pliny the Younger), a Roman lawyer, author and magistrate. One of the letters talks about his uncle and mentor, Pliny the Elder, and his efforts to save his friends on Pompeii. The second is about his own escape from Campania when the ash came down. Based on the letters, the fire and ash were so thick that it was impossible to see the daylight. “It was daylight everywhere else by this time, but they were still enveloped in a darkness that was blacker and denser than any night, and they were forced to light their torches and lamps... Then, suddenly, flames and a strong smell of Sulphur, giving warning of yet more flames to come, forced the others to flee” (Pliny 1) Many people had abandoned their homes and belongings to avoid the flames and disaster to come. In the surrounding areas,fear had spread amongst the residents as they witness the initial explosion and the incoming clouds of ash and smoke. the surrounding island had also been affected by the eruption, as they were too covered in smoke and ash, as Pliny states “Ash was already falling by now, but not very thickly. Then I turned around and saw a thick black cloud advancing over the land behind us like a flood...We were amazed by what we saw, because everything had changed and was buried deep in ash like snow” (Pliny 1)
       The city of Pompeii had been excavated starting in 1748 by English ambassdor to naples, Sir William Hamilton. Excavations have shown that some goods were fully preserved, like some buildings, mosaics and sculptures. " graffity (announcements, advertizing sales, expressing personal opinion) is still visible on street walls” (Scarth 1)
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scotianostra · 9 months
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On December 29th 1807 Isobel Gunn gave birth to a son while posing as a man and working for The Hudson’s Bay Company in Canada.
Isobel enrolled as a man in the Hudson’s Bay Company and was the first European woman to reach western Canada. She joined the service of Hudson Bay Company (HBC) in 1806 using her father’s name, John Fubbister.
Gunn quickly distinguished herself for her bravery. Her canoe treks and expeditions through the most remote stretches of Canada saw her traveling some 1,800 miles between remote trading posts. Hugh Heney, who led one of the brigades Gunn traveled with to Pembina, wrote that she “worked at anything and well like the rest of the men.” She even earned herself a pay rise for performing her duties “willingly and well.”
Although she disguised the fact that she was female at least one man knew of her true gender for she fell pregnant. On December 29, 1807, she excused herself from work at the Pembina trading post, citing stomach pains to Alexander Henry, who was the head of the post. She begged him to let her rest in his home by the fire. Henry’s journal takes up the story…..I returned to my room, where I had not been long before he sent one of my own people, requesting the favour of speaking with me. Accordingly, I stepped down to him, and was much surprised to find him extended out upon the hearth, uttering most dreadful lamentations; he stretched out his hand towards me and in a pitiful tone of voice begg’d my assistance, and requested I would take pity upon a poor helpless abandoned wretch, who was not of the sex I had every reason to suppose. But was an unfortunate Orkney girl pregnant and actually in childbirth, in saying this she opened her jacket and display’d to my view a pair of beautiful round white breasts.”
Henry’s journal continued: “In about an hour she was safely delivered of a fine boy and that same day she was conveyed home in my cariole, where she soon recovered.”
The name Gunn registered on the birth certificate? Hudson’s Bay labourer John Scarth, who she said had forced himself upon her.
This story is plausible. There are records to show that Scarth had been with Gunn at numerous HBC postings. Some historians say Gunn was trying to cover up an affair gone wrong; others believe she likely was taken advantage of by Scarth, who could have discovered her ruse as a man, and threatened to tell their employer.
Gunn and her child were returned to Scotland on the Prince of Wales on 20 September 1809. There, she lived in poverty, working as a stocking and mitten maker until her death.
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