I hope someday you'll want to find me again
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🌊 ✨💖⚡☄if you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄go send this to 10 people who make you happy or who you think need cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄If you get it back then the better🌊💞💖⚡✨
Lol I never do these, but thank you for sending this to me! You make me happy, too! 💖
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vulcan-moon · 5 years
Omfg you're ace and in the GO fandom!!! I love seeing other aces in the fandom!! Thank you for your art and for existing 💕
im an ace enby lesbian, yehaw, whole buncha things people dont think exist lmaoo
have a lil aceiraphale doodle for positive ace energy
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sketches-by-lexie · 5 years
your good omens art oh my god your god omens art is killing me!! I will never have enough of it, it's great!! thank you so much for sharing!!!
Ahhhh!! This totally made my day!! You’re so sweet!! Thank you!!
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liquidlikecats · 5 years
Hello, can you explain further what aromush/arohaze means please? I don't really understand the definition... maybe some examples could help too?? thanks.
Hi! Sorry for the delay;;; I'll try to explain it best I can.
Arohaze is a non-sam label, means it doesn't quite split your attraction. The defined part is aro - which stands for aro-spectrum - while "haze" itself is for your sexuality. Haze in this case is for people whose sexuality is hard to define. Personally, I feel that I am both allosexual as well as on the asexual spectrum. Yet I don't want to prioritize one of the labels. So I made a label that vaguely states that I am between or both allosexual and asexual. Haze would also work alone, meaning that your sexuality and romantic orientations are both between/both allo and ace, or as acehaze.
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thesentientmango · 5 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in the notifications.
Thank you!
1- Talking to all the lovely people I've gotten to know on here
2- Singing
3- Playing board games
4- Looking at the stars
5- Writing!
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l-a-l-o-u · 6 years
I've just read a post about your art without lineart (the one I love so much) explaining it a bit (like how it takes more time and so many more layers) and I'm wondering if you ever made a tutorial or if you'd be interested in making one. (I'm dying to try my hand at it, it's so damn pretty!)
HEY i kind of wanted to make a tutorial for a long time to show my process so here u go!! this is just how I do it, idk if it’s better than another artist’s way lmao
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these came out really blurry im SORRY but hopefully they’re readable!!! thanks tumblr
hey btw i have a Ko-Fi so if you found this useful pls consider leaving a little something? it would mean a lot!! ♥
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pillowfort-social · 6 years
Hi! I've just made a pledge and am currently patiently (or more accurately, impatiently lol) waiting to receive the registration link but I was wondering, even if it may be too soon to ask: how much do you think a premium account will cost?
Thank you for your pledge!!
First of all, there will be two different types of getting premium features: you’ll be able to get individual features a la carte, in case you only want some and don’t care for others, or you can pay to get all of them together. We currently anticipate that the entire package of features will probably amount to being around $6-$9 per month, depending on how many features are included initially.
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saintdollyparton · 6 years
forget-me-not, calla lily, windflower, prairie gentian, dandelion. :)
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you? - Umm my favorite blogs are usually my mutuals, tbh lol. calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening? - I try to be a sunny day as often as I can.windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why you like them -  @holylancee @juliawickcr @emiliusthegreat @pab-loco and @canaries are all my buddies and they post quality nerdy and/or gay content. Also @themightyneiin @thehedgewitches @toodrunktofindaurl @juliaowicker and more I HAVE SO MANY AWESOME MUTUALS!prairie gentian: do you have a significant other? - I am single.dandelion: any special talent that you have? - I’m a decent writer and storyteller. Other than that, I’m a skilled procrastinator and overthinker. 
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fuckyeahasexual · 7 years
Hello! I was wondering how can one become proud of being ace? I see some posts of asexuals who are proud of their orientation from time to time and I find it amazing and I really wish I could be like that. I already follow lots of ace-related blogs and ace positivity blogs but that doesn't do much except reminds me I'm not alone (which is still nice). Also, is being proud mean no fear of coming out? I can't help but fear being mocked, ostracized or way worse.
Everybody has their own relationship with themselves. And all aspects of ourselves will be diverse and different. 
You’re not wrong for feeling the way you do. It’s what happens, and that’s perfectly ok.
- Fae
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askanaroace · 5 years
Hello! I wondering what does aplatonic mean exactly. Does it mean you don't get squishes? Or that you don't want/need friends? Or that you don't want to be in a QPR? I've seen several definitions for that word so I'm confused...
I don’t know who started passing around this mis-definition, but thanks for asking to get it cleared up! It is definitely A Thing(TM) right now that people are re-defining words when the word they needed already existed. D:
Aplatonic means that you do not really form platonic relationships/feel the desire to form platonic relationships. An aplatonic person commonly has acquaintances and family (including non-related people they come to see as family), though this isn’t a strict part of aplatonic’s definition. So, simply by definition of aplatonic, no, we don’t really get squishes, but that’s not the standard definition.
Someone who doesn’t desire a queerplatonic relationship is someone who experiences “nonamory” (which is not the limiting definition of nonamory but a big part of it).
I have a tag here which I’ve gotten pretty in depth on what aplatonic means (mostly, I’ve reblogged people who’ve been aplatonic longer than I and were more involved in aplatonic’s coining and evolution - as well as reblogged the original post where someone brought up being aplatonic). There’s some good reads!
And here’s a good post on nonamory! I should go find some more to queue up, though.
I hope this clears it up? Let me know if you have more questions!
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tarajaws · 7 years
Oh. My. God!!! Your art is breathtakingly beautiful!!
😊😊thank you!!
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if they haven't been named yet, may I propose Love for this one? (or Amour if you want to use French lol, I just think it sounds cuter in English)
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I really like Amour for it. Thank you!
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sameen-shawv · 5 years
scavenger-reyofsunshine -> scavengerrey-and-rebelfinn
After the spoilers I couldn't keep my previous url at it was, I feel too betrayed by J.J. Abrams.
url is susceptible to change again in a short while
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drawing-with-lena · 6 years
I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for coming up with so many lessons! Can't wait to see what's coming next! :D
Aww, thank you! I’m so glad it’s helpful. I have admittedly let this blog fall a bit to the wayside, but knowing folks are getting something from it, I’m going to try to get back into updating it soon. :)
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cathnes · 5 years
Tag game yaass!
I was tagged by @sofisnow, thank you for tagging me!! ✨🙌🏼
top 10 songs/pieces I can’t stop listening to: ooooh this is hard but lately I’ve played these songs a lot (in no particular order)
Happy - Pink
My attic - Pink
Shotgun - George Ezra
I Have Nothing - Whitney Houston
I Am Here - Pink
What Is This Feeling - Wicked (though basically all of Wicked, i love that musical )
She Used To Be Mine - Jessie Mueller (Waitress)
90 Days (feat. Wrabel) - Pink, Wrabel
Nowhere Fast - Fire Inc.
What I Need - Hayley Kiyoko, Kehlani
Favorite colors: Purpleee but i also really like some shades of blue and green
Favorite ships: ahhh there are so many to pick from uhhh Avalance, Wayhaught, Beauyasha, Clexa, Bechloe also Supercorp even though i don’t watch Supergirl anymore
Lipstick or chapstick: Definitely Chapstick
Last movie: Booksmart, AND IT WAS SO GOOD!!
Currently reading: I’m not currently reading anything but the last book i read was Breaking Legacies by Zoe Reed and holy shit it was so good!! Seriously people go read it, it’s an amazing book and the main characters are great ahhhhh I loved it so much!!
I’m tagging @scavenger-reyofsunshine and @queerdox/@forest-blue  🌸
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