rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
Vanilla is considered the most popular flavor of ice cream, but ever  since the Italians froze hot chocolate in 1692, chocolate has been a  close contender. The celebratory day itself was likely started by an ice  cream manufacturer to encourage greater sales of the delightful  dessert, but the question remains whether there was really any need to  encourage people to eat more chocolate ice cream.
Chocolate ice cream is made by combining the cocoa powder with eggs,  cream, vanilla, and sugar. The recipe is then frozen, and the more  adventurous celebrant could consider making their own ice cream-based  dessert in order to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, or  simply open the freezer and grab any tub that is close to hand.
But what is it exactly about chocolate ice cream that we should be celebrating?
The US is the third-highest producer and consumer of the cold stuff  in the world. Whilst the good old chocolate flavor may have been pipped  to the post by vanilla, it is not any less worthy of being celebrated  with its own day every year and is still in the top 5 rated ice cream  flavors!
So, if you need a reason other than the fact that chocolate ice cream  even exists, you have come to the right place! Well, if that is the  case be prepared to eat your words or rather, ice cream! A firm favorite  in America and of course, the rest of the world, ice cream is not just  for those who are going through a breakup. But, whilst we are discussing  this – has anyone actually seen a dumped party consume their body  weight in ice cream whilst sobbing hysterically in front of a TV in real  life? No? We did not think so but that does not negate the essential  food item that is chocolate ice cream. Or even just ice cream.
Ice Cream is a luxury – honest! Up until the late 1800s, ice  cream was only for the rich and super-elite. This is due to the fact  that they were the only ones who could afford to import it and then  freeze it when it arrived. So next time you are looking for a more  upmarket snack – look no further than the humble yet mighty tub of  chocolate ice cream.
Just like a bar of chocolate, chocolate ice  cream is highly versatile – add it to desserts, milkshakes, top it with  an assortment of sweet and savory foods, or even combine it with other  chocolate foodstuffs to make a delectable dessert that is sure to induce  a food coma.
Ice Cream Sundaes. That is it. No elaboration  needed. Did you know, Ice Cream Sundaes were actually made to be served  on a Sunday? Ice cream was a popular addition to soda drinks in local  soda shops. By law, on Sundays, this drink was not allowed to be sold.  As a way around this, a popular ice cream parlor chose to serve the ice  cream and syrup without the soda to get around laws about sugary treats  on the Sabbath. So the story goes anyway. But either way, the treat is  still a firm favorite all over the world.
How to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
As we mentioned earlier, the delicious chocolate ice cream is a  versatile treat, and whilst it is perfectly tasty all on its own, it is  safe to say some enhancements can actually increase the appeal of the  brown colored frozen snack.
Chocolate ice cream is also a staple ingredient in many other flavors of ice cream including;
Rocky Road
Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Alternatively, or even alongside if you wish, you can make some  lip-smacking desserts with chocolate ice cream that will make you want  to skip right past starters and mains and just feast on dessert until  your body is 99.99% ice cream and sugar!
Be warned: the following suggestions could cause brain freeze. Please  enjoy ice cream responsibly. But if you can’t, the following advice is  for those who need this:
Brain freeze can be combated by placing your tongue on the top of  your mouth. This will help warm the temperature sensors in the roof of  your mouth which are the cause of brain freeze. A drop in temperatures  sends a signal to your brain letting it know of heat loss. This is why  you get the sudden pain halfway through enjoying your favorite frozen  treats!
The Best Time to Enjoy Chocolate Ice Cream
Whether you are celebrating, commiserating, catching up, or enjoying a  film, there is no wrong time to indulge in a little bit of what you  fancy. Especially if what you fancy is chocolate ice cream. Well, that  is unless you are driving, or at work – your boss may not be best  pleased!
Head to your local ice cream parlor for a treat for the kids, yourself, or even a catch up with pals.
Enjoy your chocolate ice cream on its own, in a cone, sandwiched in  between wafers or in a classic ice cream glass or tall sundae glass.
A typical sundae glass is tall, wider a the top and tapers to the  bottom, and features a flat disc base. Traditionally served with a thin  long spoon so you can delve to the bottom to scrape out as much as  possible, sundaes combine ice creams with many different toppings in a  variety of flavors.
Ice cream bowls tend to be shorter and wider round bowls on a short  stand with a flat base for stability. The exact shape can vary depending  on location, size, and the type of serving you are ordering. But the  dishware is irrelevant as everyone knows, it is what it holds that  matters!
7 Totally Random Ice Cream Facts You Didn’t Know you Needed To Know.
Romans used to send slaves up the mountains to collect snow and  flavor it with fruits. Kinda makes you grateful all you need to do is go  to the store, doesn’t it?
Hawaii has an “ice cream bean” fruit that tastes like ice cream!
The world record for eating ice cream was broken in 2017. Miki Sudo managed to get through 16.5 pints of ice cream in 6 minutes!
In 2016, Americans ate 2.7 billion liters of ice cream.
Do  you know how many licks it takes to consume a cone of ice cream?  Researchers discovered the magic number is 50 licks. Try it when you  have your next cone, see if it is true.
Chocolate is the most preferred ice cream topping. Chocolate sauce and chocolate ice cream. A match made in ice cream heaven!
The most popular day to consume ice cream is Sunday!
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tagesnotizen · 4 months
10.6.2024 | Götschendorf | 14.45h
Eine Donauwelle, beantwortet der Mann am Tresen der kleinen Eisdiele meine Frage, sei ein Kuchen. Er wirkt dabei ein wenig irritiert. Wir bestellen zwei Schwedenbecher, eine ostdeutsche Spezialität. Verkauft werden hier auch Setzlinge einer Pflanze, die als „Klimabaum“ gilt. Schön, aber zu gross für deinen Garten, sagt K., und zu aufwändig im Transport. Gibt es bestimmt auch in der Schweiz!
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lucky-rebel-com · 6 years
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Schwedeneisbecher mal anders! 😂 #luckyrebel #trotzenburg #schwedenbecher (hier: Forsthausbrauerei Trotzenburg)
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undsowiesogenau · 3 years
»Ich liebe meine Finger«
Schon klar: Die Zahl der Menschen, mit denen man was anfangen kann, ist in Berlin höher als anderswo. Das hat mit der schieren Größe der Stadt zu tun und mit der Art von Menschen, die sie anzieht. Ich freue mich irgendwie über sie, die Freunde und die Fremden, zum Beispiel auch über den kleinen Jungen im Sommerbad Pankow, der gestern in der Pommesschlange vor mir stand und zu einem kleinen Mädchen sagte: »Ich LIEBE meine Finger«, und als das Mädchen etwas ratlos schaute: »Damit kann ich alles anfassen.«
In Zeitungsartikeln ist jetzt viel zu lesen von einer Überforderung, die wohl manche Menschen empfinden angesichts der Aussicht, wieder viele Menschen treffen zu müssen oder auch zu wollen, aber noch lockdownmäßig eingerostet zu sein. Nach solchen Treffen sei es ganz normal, sich besonders erschöpft zu fühlen, erklären Psychologen. Geht mir umgekehrt; früher war ich oft erschöpft davon, jetzt gerade bin ich es nicht.
In der Straßenbahn zum Zionskirchplatz zwei Teeniemädchen, die einander vorerzählen, auf welches Essengehen sie sich am meisten freuten. »Italienisch wär geil.« – » Bei mir safe asiatisch.« – »Boah ja. Oder auch griechisch.« – »Ja, voll.«
Keine Testpflicht mehr in der Außengastronomie, dafür darf man sich überall reinsetzen und nur was trinken und das Essen von woanders holen. Aperol Spritz mit Pommes ist der Klassiker. Zu Hause für die Gäste dann Spargel mit Spargel, Erdbeerbowle, Schwedenbecher. Im Bienenhotel ist jetzt eine zweite kleine Höhle mit Lehm verschlossen. Die Touristen kommen zurück.
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wellenmesser · 14 years
Menschen essen gern
Des Kellners entstellte Fresse erschreckt den Esser.
"Der Herr bestellt Entenleber? Leckere Entenleber, fettgeschwenkt, crèmeveredelt, neben gepfefferten Kresseerbsen. Sehr empfehlenswert."
("Schnell, schnell")
Der Kellner geht, der Esser denkt: Gegerbte Lederfresse, erschreckend.
Der entstellte Kellner steht neben dem Esser: "Dessert?" - "Erst Entenleber, Herr Kellner."
Der Kellner verbessert: "Krebse, Schneckchen? - "Sehr gern."
Der Kellner kredenzt dem Esser Sekt. Der Kellner besteht: Der Esser testet Herbergen; wenn neben dem Essen der Kellner den Test besteht, verschenkt der Esser STERNE.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
Vanilla is considered the most popular flavor of ice cream, but ever  since the Italians froze hot chocolate in 1692, chocolate has been a  close contender. The celebratory day itself was likely started by an ice  cream manufacturer to encourage greater sales of the delightful  dessert, but the question remains whether there was really any need to  encourage people to eat more chocolate ice cream.
Chocolate ice cream is made by combining the cocoa powder with eggs,  cream, vanilla, and sugar. The recipe is then frozen, and the more  adventurous celebrant could consider making their own ice cream-based  dessert in order to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, or  simply open the freezer and grab any tub that is close to hand.
But what is it exactly about chocolate ice cream that we should be celebrating?
The US is the third-highest producer and consumer of the cold stuff  in the world. Whilst the good old chocolate flavor may have been pipped  to the post by vanilla, it is not any less worthy of being celebrated  with its own day every year and is still in the top 5 rated ice cream  flavors!
So, if you need a reason other than the fact that chocolate ice cream  even exists, you have come to the right place! Well, if that is the  case be prepared to eat your words or rather, ice cream! A firm favorite  in America and of course, the rest of the world, ice cream is not just  for those who are going through a breakup. But, whilst we are discussing  this – has anyone actually seen a dumped party consume their body  weight in ice cream whilst sobbing hysterically in front of a TV in real  life? No? We did not think so but that does not negate the essential  food item that is chocolate ice cream. Or even just ice cream.
Ice Cream is a luxury – honest! Up until the late 1800s, ice  cream was only for the rich and super-elite. This is due to the fact  that they were the only ones who could afford to import it and then  freeze it when it arrived. So next time you are looking for a more  upmarket snack – look no further than the humble yet mighty tub of  chocolate ice cream.
Just like a bar of chocolate, chocolate ice  cream is highly versatile – add it to desserts, milkshakes, top it with  an assortment of sweet and savory foods, or even combine it with other  chocolate foodstuffs to make a delectable dessert that is sure to induce  a food coma.
Ice Cream Sundaes. That is it. No elaboration  needed. Did you know, Ice Cream Sundaes were actually made to be served  on a Sunday? Ice cream was a popular addition to soda drinks in local  soda shops. By law, on Sundays, this drink was not allowed to be sold.  As a way around this, a popular ice cream parlor chose to serve the ice  cream and syrup without the soda to get around laws about sugary treats  on the Sabbath. So the story goes anyway. But either way, the treat is  still a firm favorite all over the world.
How to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
As we mentioned earlier, the delicious chocolate ice cream is a  versatile treat, and whilst it is perfectly tasty all on its own, it is  safe to say some enhancements can actually increase the appeal of the  brown colored frozen snack.
Chocolate ice cream is also a staple ingredient in many other flavors of ice cream including;
Rocky Road
Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Alternatively, or even alongside if you wish, you can make some  lip-smacking desserts with chocolate ice cream that will make you want  to skip right past starters and mains and just feast on dessert until  your body is 99.99% ice cream and sugar!
Be warned: the following suggestions could cause brain freeze. Please  enjoy ice cream responsibly. But if you can’t, the following advice is  for those who need this:
Brain freeze can be combated by placing your tongue on the top of  your mouth. This will help warm the temperature sensors in the roof of  your mouth which are the cause of brain freeze. A drop in temperatures  sends a signal to your brain letting it know of heat loss. This is why  you get the sudden pain halfway through enjoying your favorite frozen  treats!
The Best Time to Enjoy Chocolate Ice Cream
Whether you are celebrating, commiserating, catching up, or enjoying a  film, there is no wrong time to indulge in a little bit of what you  fancy. Especially if what you fancy is chocolate ice cream. Well, that  is unless you are driving, or at work – your boss may not be best  pleased!
Head to your local ice cream parlor for a treat for the kids, yourself, or even a catch up with pals.
Enjoy your chocolate ice cream on its own, in a cone, sandwiched in  between wafers or in a classic ice cream glass or tall sundae glass.
A typical sundae glass is tall, wider a the top and tapers to the  bottom, and features a flat disc base. Traditionally served with a thin  long spoon so you can delve to the bottom to scrape out as much as  possible, sundaes combine ice creams with many different toppings in a  variety of flavors.
Ice cream bowls tend to be shorter and wider round bowls on a short  stand with a flat base for stability. The exact shape can vary depending  on location, size, and the type of serving you are ordering. But the  dishware is irrelevant as everyone knows, it is what it holds that  matters!
7 Totally Random Ice Cream Facts You Didn’t Know you Needed To Know.
Romans used to send slaves up the mountains to collect snow and  flavor it with fruits. Kinda makes you grateful all you need to do is go  to the store, doesn’t it?
Hawaii has an “ice cream bean” fruit that tastes like ice cream!
The world record for eating ice cream was broken in 2017. Miki Sudo managed to get through 16.5 pints of ice cream in 6 minutes!
In 2016, Americans ate 2.7 billion liters of ice cream.
Do  you know how many licks it takes to consume a cone of ice cream?  Researchers discovered the magic number is 50 licks. Try it when you  have your next cone, see if it is true.
Chocolate is the most preferred ice cream topping. Chocolate sauce and chocolate ice cream. A match made in ice cream heaven!
The most popular day to consume ice cream is Sunday!
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