#Scorpio 10th house
astrojulia · 11 months
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10th house through the signs
ARIES: You possess a strong drive and a go-getter attitude that has propelled you towards great accomplishments. You enjoy exploring new opportunities and experiences, seeking challenges that will push you out of your comfort zone. While you have a desire for recognition and success, you are mindful that patience and hard work are critical to achieving long-term success. You possess a natural assertiveness and a pioneering spirit, qualities that can be an asset in your pursuit of your goals. However, it is important to remain mindful of your impulsiveness and the potential impact it can have on your reputation and relationships, don’t take to much tasks to make them all at once too, it can cause your more stress than success. It is important to take the time to plan, seek out guidance from mentors and experts, and pursue goals that are meaningful and aligned with your values. Your drive and passion make you well-suited for careers in fields such as law enforcement, military, medicine, construction, and design. While you are ambitious and confident in your abilities, it is important to remain humble and open-minded, recognizing that there is always room for growth and learning. When you channel your energy and passion towards worthy goals, you have the potential to achieve great things and leave a positive impact on the world around you.
TAURUS: The Taurus Midheaven represents the importance of material comfort and security in achieving life goals. While societal expectations may play a big role in defining success, you also value hard work, perseverance, and responsibility. It's no surprise that accumulating possessions, especially in a monetary sense, is a big part of determining success for you. But don't worry, you have other values too that are supported by your super-ego. It's important to remember not to get too attached to the trappings of success and to share its benefits with others. With this placement, careers in money matters, like accounting, stocks, bonds, and banking, could be advantageous for you. You also have artistic and creative talents that could bring financial gain or improve your reputation. Once you establish yourself in a profession, you value being in control and are unlikely to switch careers. Work and relaxation alternate in your life, and you possess characteristics like purpose, resistance, tolerance, narcissism, and mistrust. You seek comfort, financial gain, and reliability in your profession, and your charming demeanor and sensuous appearance make you stand out. While you have good friendships, it's important not to rely too heavily on them. Overall, you're known for your capacity to work hard and enjoy life's pleasures. Keep up the good work!
GEMINI: You're in luck because you have many potential paths to success. You have a unique ability to stay objective, which makes it easier for you to define success on your own terms. However, it can be challenging to commit to a single goal since you're fascinated by many things. As a Gemini MC, your perception of success is likely to be conceptual, with a wide field of vision that suits you well in mental professions or those that offer diverse experiences. Stimulation, action, and communication are key to your professional life, and you thrive when recognized for your intelligence. You may even excel in multiple professions simultaneously, particularly those in the communication industry such as writing, publishing, or speaking. Travel may also be a significant part of your work, and sales positions are attractive if you can use your persuasive communication skills to your advantage. You have a dynamic and versatile character with various strong aims and motivations. You're also artistically gifted, and you work well in groups. While you may struggle with self-doubt at times, you're always dedicated and busy with something. Your excellent sense of humor, appreciation for smart jokes, and wit make you appealing to others, especially those who are youthful and brilliant. You're a great communicator, making you an excellent instructor and valuable in the communication field. You likely inherited your intelligence and realism from your opposite-sex parents, which contributes to your sociable nature and many friendships. Monotony and repetition are not your style, as you strive for creativity and diversity in your life and work.
CANCER: Your Midheaven is in the sign opposite its natural position in Cancer, which means that your emotions have a big impact on your decision-making. Your family and their traditions have likely played a significant role in shaping your values and beliefs. If your family embodies the same values as your ego and super-ego, you may not notice much difference in behavior from someone with a Midheaven in Capricorn. Because your super-ego has a strong influence, you may tend to conform to societal norms and avoid conflict. However, when it comes to your personal needs and desires, you may prioritize them over societal expectations. This can sometimes be perceived as unreasonable by others who don't understand your emotions and subconscious motivations. You have a unique perspective and a good understanding of people. You may change your career path a few times, but you're intelligent and take ownership of your professional responsibilities. You value stability and a solid income, and you're successful in service and mercy-oriented professions. You prefer to work in a team and are sensitive to criticism, but you also have a longing for independence. You have a small circle of close friends and prefer quiet conversations over big social events. You have a diplomatic approach to achieving your objectives and try to avoid conflicts with others. Overall, you're a one-of-a-kind and eccentric personality with a sensitive and impressionable nature. It's important to be aware that suppressing your emotions can lead to skin problems, so it's important to take care of your mental health.
LEO: You're likely to have a strong and fiery energy and enjoy seeking control and authority. Sometimes this desire to express yourself and follow the demands of your super-ego can come across as dominant, but it can also provide greater freedom for you to define and express your individuality. You take pride in your work and have a desire to achieve something in life. You may be drawn to careers in education, finance, or even the public spotlight, as you enjoy being acknowledged and praised for your efforts. It's important for you to shine in your career and gain recognition, but you know that it takes hard work to get there. You have a strong sense of self and are self-assured in your abilities, but you also demonstrate subtlety, adaptability, charm, and diplomatic abilities. While you can be powerful and ambitious, excessive autocracy is something to be mindful of. It's okay to work on your own as you prefer to be in control, but it's important to also acknowledge the efforts of those around you. You're responsible for your own decisions and actions, and you have a strong desire to make a difference in the world. Overall, you're an optimistic and noble individual with a strong desire for success and personal growth.
VIRGO: You are likely to be focused on achieving success and professional accomplishments. You have a natural talent for assessing events and paying attention to details, and you work effectively with others to achieve your goals. You have high standards for yourself and may strive for perfection, but it's important to remember to be kind to yourself and not become too critical. In terms of career, you may be drawn to fields that involve communication, such as publishing or the electronics industry. You could also excel in administration and enjoy working in an office setting or a job that requires a lot of travel. It's important for you to have cerebral stimulation and to feel like your work is making a positive impact on society. You have a practical and prudent approach to life, and you enjoy bringing structure and organization to your surroundings. You may be interested in careers that involve teaching, nursing, or the service industry, and you are always looking for opportunities to improve your skills and make a difference.
LIBRA: So, here's the deal: there's this natural square thingy between the Midheaven and the seventh house naturally ruled by Libra, which may not always align perfectly with your super-ego objectives. But hey, that's not the end of the world. If you've got a Libra MC, you've got some serious skills when it comes to using your social prowess to chase those super goals. The only issue arises when your desire to maintain harmony and accommodate others in your professional life starts overshadowing your ego's need for super achievement. If that happens, you might find yourself always bending over backward for others at the expense of your own success, or focusing too much on connections for the sake of it instead of how they can help you reach your goals (and your ego's goals too). Now, to keep you motivated and nurture those ideals of competition, responsibility, and accomplishment ingrained in your super-ego awareness, your super-ego likes to remind you that you should prioritize being courteous to others. And let's be honest, these two messages can sometimes clash in your mind, leaving you with a boatload of guilt. It's like you feel guilty for either using others to get ahead or for letting people walk all over you and missing out on your own shot at success. But fear not, my friend! The key to resolving this inner conflict lies in using your people skills and abilities to bring harmony and balance to any situation. When you merge your interpersonal affinities with your goal of achievement, magic happens. Seriously! You can achieve success, satisfy your ego, and make your super-ego proud all at once. It's like becoming a master at turning your social connections into career opportunities. Your creative flair can come in handy in fields that deal with aesthetics. You might excel in industries like gemstone cutting, jewelry design, interior design, and décor. And let me tell you, in public, you come across as attractive and graceful. It's like you've got that natural charm that draws people in.
SCORPIO: You're seriously determined to achieve your big goals. Like, you've got this intense drive to succeed, and it's all tied up with your subconscious desires and the idea of what success means to you. Getting that success and meeting those super high expectations gives you a sense of emotional security. When your status or chances for success are threatened, you can feel pretty intimidated. It's like you're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you come out on top and get that super ego approval. Sometimes that might mean using your power and influence to climb the ladder. And if you can't get there yourself, you'll probably try to surround yourself with people who have that power. But hey, here's the cool part - you've got some seriously keen insight and intuition that can help you reach your goals and fulfill those super high expectations. You're a natural-born leader, and you've got some impressive self-control and discipline. Just be careful not to go overboard with your need to control everything to ensure success. You've got this strong desire to be recognized at work, and you're not afraid to dig deep and put in the hard work. I wouldn't be surprised if you're drawn to careers that involve research and resource gathering. And get this, you might find yourself working near or on the sea. Like, maybe you'll own a seafood restaurant on Fisherman's Wharf or dive into the world of underwater applications. You could even find your calling in medicine, working in a lab or researching diseases. Once you've made up your mind about your career path, you're not one to easily change direction. You're driven and focused on achieving your goals. You might even be interested in industries like soda, beer, or chemicals. But watch out for partnerships that could hinder your independence and desire to run your own show. People see you as powerful and strong in public, and you've got this mysterious, passionate, and slightly pessimistic detective vibe going on.
SAGITTARIUS: You have an advantage when it comes to handling ego-driven aspirations and achieving success. The fiery and expansive qualities of Sagittarius, along with the influence of Jupiter, make it easier for you to seek success in unconventional places and expand your horizons in pursuit of your ambitious goals. This naturally increases your chances of finding a path where you can thrive. The energy of Sagittarius also means you'll be enthusiastic and driven to accomplish your objectives. One thing to be mindful of with a Sagittarian Midheaven is setting your goals too high and taking on more than you can handle. Individuals with this placement often have grand visions of achievement and ambitious schemes to reach their goals. While having a vision can be instrumental in achieving success, it's important to strike a balance and not overreach. Taking calculated risks and enjoying the journey toward your goals are key. It's crucial to find satisfaction in your work or the role assigned by your ambitious self. Careers in government service, particularly in diplomacy or consular roles, might pique your interest. You might also be drawn to positions in the private sector, such as representing a large corporation in a foreign country. Financial markets, including credit institutions, stock markets, banks, accounting firms, and insurance companies, could spark your interest. The field of international trade, particularly in the maritime industry, offers opportunities for success. If you put in the effort, the publishing industry can also bring you a certain level of achievement. In essence, as you choose and pursue a specific profession or occupation, you have a favorable influence working in your favor. Your positive mindset toward your goals keeps you motivated, and as long as you work hard, you won't lose yourself in your work. Remember that you don't have to dedicate your entire life to just one job; you have a natural talent for sales, and your friendly and optimistic demeanor shines through. Careers in travel, teaching, writing, public speaking, expansion, or working with people from different cultures might resonate with you.
CAPRICORN: If you have a Capricorn Midheaven, it means you're all about those super-idealistic ego goals and aspirations. This is especially true when your tenth house doesn't have any planets in Aquarius. You're more inclined to chase after and achieve those ego-rewards through your super-ambitious pursuit of accomplishments. We're talking about going for that dream job, aiming for public recognition and status, or making some other socially useful achievement. Now, if you can't quite reach those goals, don't worry, you'll keep striving for them. You might start looking up to someone who embodies success or feeling a twinge of envy towards those who make it big, according to your super-concept of success. Capricorn characteristics are just the ticket for fulfilling those super-objectives. You've got motivation, ambition, a strong work ethic, a practical mindset, and a focus on the material world (being an Earth sign and all). Keep improving your skills, working effectively within organizations, and staying disciplined, and you'll eventually reach those objectives. Even if you don't quite hit the jackpot of success and prestige, at least you can take pride in knowing that you were responsible and did what you were supposed to do. This gig is perfect for starting and growing a successful business, but brace yourself for lots of hard work and patience. Your organizational skills and management prowess will help you climb the ladder to executive positions. You might find yourself thriving in the manufacturing industry, especially in producing everyday goods that people need. Whether you're working in the office or getting your hands dirty on the ground, you'll have various responsibilities in the mining business. Selling land and real estate can be a lucrative venture for you, and your perseverance will give you an edge and possibly set you up to start your own business. You approach things slowly, steadily, and with caution, giving off an air of determination and practicality. Success is likely to come later in life after years of hard work and gradual progress.
AQUARIUS: When it comes to this house, the super-ego might face its biggest challenge in dominating the psyche, especially with a Uranus-ruled Aquarian Midheaven. But hey, here's the thing, you might be able to find a way to balance the self with the ego and embrace those individualistic tendencies of Aquarius. Even if you manage that, there's still a chance of some conflict between your ego and super-ego. The super-ego's rules and directives can really rub you the wrong way with your Aquarian Midheaven. You just want to be free, you know? Free from all those rigid rules and predetermined goals that the super-ego has set for you. But here's the twist, even though you associate "freedom" with "success," the super-ego still plays a role in motivating you to achieve. You might see yourself as someone who's liberated from the traditional careers and organizations that hold others captive, as you pursue your own ambitions, doing things independently and even breaking a few rules along the way. You're more likely than most to find success on unconventional paths. Even if you outwardly conform, your approach to achieving your goals and contributing to an organization is likely to be innovative and out-of-the-box. In any job or company, you're all about seeking maximum autonomy for yourself. It could mean following the organization's rules (both written and unwritten) in order to climb up the ladder where you're above the rules or at least not accountable to others. You've got that visionary spirit, always drawn to careers or professions at the forefront of technology or finding new ways to do old things. Your interests are wide-ranging, from aircraft and computer technology to electronics and beyond—anything that tests your mental abilities. You might find fulfillment in writing, architectural design, or running a new-age bookstore. Whatever path you choose, one thing's for sure: it's gonna be unconventional and unpredictable. In your career, you bring a unique approach to the table, always doing things differently. You're a big-picture thinker, always planning for the long run and knowing exactly what you want right from the start. And here's a fun fact: despite feeling a bit uncomfortable, you actually work well in a group or in front of a crowd. Deep down, you'd rather have your work noticed than yourself.
PISCES: The sextile between Pisces and the natural Midheaven (Capricorn) offers opportunities, but it can also pose challenges for those with a Pisces Midheaven. Your ambition is fueled by a desire to succeed in various areas, but you may struggle with the discipline and structure necessary to actually achieve your goals. As a result, you might have a general desire to follow societal expectations, but lack the specific direction and motivation to take action and accomplish what you want. With so many different goals to consider, you may find yourself not focusing on any one of them in particular. This can lead to a lack of clarity regarding your life's path, vague thoughts that you should be doing something, or high levels of anxiety about success or failure. Others may perceive you as indifferent, disorganized, or unsure about where you want to go in life. However, with proper guidance and enough structure and discipline, both internally and externally, you can make significant progress and achieve success. Trusting your instincts will often guide you on the right path to success. Your natural inclination towards wholeness allows you to understand the hopes and aspirations of others, making you a unifier. This ability can help motivate others while also working towards your own objectives. You have a strong affinity for water, which may inspire you to pursue a career in marine biology, fisheries, or managing a maritime company that covers various aspects, from tugboats to salvage operations. Careers in healthcare, particularly those involving patient services like nursing, may also resonate with you. You are inclined towards occupations that are off the beaten path, where you can work alone or in small settings. Examples include working in prisons, hospitals, reformatories, or sanatoriums. You may develop strong emotional connections with the people around you, as they share similar experiences, or you may become deeply attached to your chosen field and spend a significant amount of time in it.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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kryptoniteastrology · 20 days
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"You really thought this was about you? How...naïve...."
Scorpio sun in the 11th, Pisces moon in 3rd, Sagittarius Ascendant, Sagittarius Venus in 12th, Scorpio Mars in 11th, Scorpio 10th house
Requested by @rainbthunder
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lonelyleliel · 7 months
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Oh Colleen
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Oooh Colleen
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Ooooooooh Colleen
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starsworldd · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬-𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
long post - thank you for 2k! i apologize for the wait but this took me a longggg time to prepare.
it’s also important to note that planets in taurus/scorpio will effect how you resonate with the interpretations below
reminder that readings are open! i’m now selling persona chart readings of planets/angles as well
take with a grain of salt
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1st (scorpio) - 7th (taurus)❤️: relationships are a source of comfort and wisdom. scorpio risings’ experience of reality has to do with trust, hard truths, and taking back your power but their relations with others often bring a sense of peace and value into their lives. people may perceive you to be useful and smart in these similar qualities as well. your partnerships help to balance out the chaos and even insecurity you face at times with your identity and precense in the world
2nd (scorpio) - 8th (taurus) ❤️‍🔥: you are powerful in your resources/skills and in the way you support yourself overall. in this lifetime, how you find worth and appreciation for yourself and what you have (skills, physical resources, etc…). you may feel suppressed or face much controversy for what you value or for how you choose to support yourself monetary-wise or as a person. your biggest comeback story in life may have to do with self-esteem and with how you accumulate worth and value (physical or moral/mental) into your life and goals.
although there may be much turbulence and important realizations/truths that are found in how you support yourself and your goals, the transformations and scary things you face in life ironically enough can bring you lots of support if you choose to make good use out of it (which taurus is naturally good at). of course, this is the house of fears and traumas so a big part of your life story may include building your own sense of independence by learning from times of distress.
3rd (scorpio) - 9th (taurus) 💋: you could be especially sensitive to input from others and be able to pick up undertones and double meanings from others easily. communication, creativity (especially having to do with hands or written words), is your superpower. you grab others’ attention easily with your stories and artistic output when you learn to harness your fears/limitations effectively. this also makes you very intelligent of your community + gossip because scorpio rules over extremes as well
while in your everyday communication and daily life you may uncover and discuss skeleton’s in other people’s closet and may be doing a lot of activities that use a lot of your energy (scorpio is ruled by mars, planet of action), this makes you very comfortable (taurus) in being able to adapt to different environments and perspectives (9th house). having taurus in this house can make someone very wise because they find value and meaning in variety.
4th (scorpio) - 10th (taurus) 💄: people with scorpio in this house have usually had some sort of significant event or trauma regarding their family or childhood or may have regrets as to their actions in the past. these people could be born out of either extreme poverty or wealth too. these people’s sense of safety/privacy can be very important to them or they could feel like this aspect of their life is being compromised often (mars = conflict) but you could also find safety/comfort in curiousity or things that are “off-limits”.
if the private/emotional life of the native is exacerbated and transformative for them the career and reputation for the native is where they feel appreciated and most creative. having these signs in this house-axis can be indicative of a strong comeback story (extreme poverty to extreme wealth or even the other way around). the career-field can be very fulfilling (emotionally or monetary wise) and where you are grateful or feel lucky for the events your work presents.
5th (scorpio) - 11th (taurus) 🌹: feelings of creativity, romance, and happiness are taken to extreme lows and highs throughout life. if you’re a cancer rising, i believe this is where the “moody” reputation for us comes from. like leo rising, there could have been significant changes or revelations during childhood that changed your way of deriving happiness and familial support. these people may crave for luxury and overindulgence and can do so by turning their pain into power. scorpio in this house can make someone very grateful as well.
if our sense of happiness and luck undergoes significant change and gives us our “comebacks” throughout life, the 11th house is where we have already found peace and prosperity with our place in society. we encounter valuable experiences when polishing our individualism (5th) within our community (11th). we can find personal contentment and growth in accepting our individual, unique role amongst the people around us. you may like to surround yourself with confident people as well.
6th (scorpio) - 12th (taurus) 👠: these people can feel very unlucky or trapped throughout life, with the 6h ruling bad luck + burdens and scorpio relating to extremes. scorpio is a smart zodiac i’ve noticed as well, so these people usually have a certain way (especially that requires much energy) of doing their work and job that could defy others’ expectations. extreme focus on a certain obstacle or insecurities is also possible and can take awhile to finally figure out what makes you feel secure and satisfied with how you manage your burdens.
if your everyday burdens and responsibilities test your strength to the max in this lifetime, your imagination, creativity and solitude is where you find peace. it could also be that these people do unusual things to satisfy their need for pleasure and wholeness, because the 12th house is where we are easily misled. these people are internally comfortable with their thoughts and ideas, regardless of how odd they may be because it takes them to a place of stability from their scorpio 6h.
7th (scorpio) - 1st (taurus) 🍒: these natives’ partnerships/commitments make the native have to look more deeply into their underlying intentions or feelings with said partnerships/commitment. this can bring a lot of disturbing but also very eye-opening and insightful experiences that affects the native’s identity and ambitions going forth. scorpio can also be a curious sign so there can be a little bit of investigative or persistent approach to your partnerships and this is where your power can derive from.
it may seem like your partnerships “destroy” parts of your identity, because you approach the world from a sense of wholeness and peace. at least, these are circumstances that you are ambitious to achieve in your life. pleasure and steadiness are big life themes and at first it may seem like life is rather dull or boring, but similar to scorpio in its opposite function, taurus asks us to dig a little deeper into the simpler things in life and to find enjoyment.
8th (scorpio) - 2nd (taurus) 🍫: when dealing with other people’s problems (financially, intimate connection, debts, etc…) it brings about experiences that require you to fix what’s wrong or holding you back in life in rather uncomfortable ways. this can indicate someone who is afraid to acknowledge psychological blockages or who lacks the necessary bravery/instincts to attack underlying problems. you could earn valuable assets (tangible or not) from others when you engage with activities that are “gross” but healing/heroic.
this native survives on feeling complete. having a sense of wholeness is very important to these people and makes these people very resourceful because they are able to make the seemingly mundane valuable and able to work in their favor. these people are good at feeling in control of their life, future, and choices because they are committed and secure in their abilities. these people place much importance on authenticity, diversity, and self-sufficiency.
9th (scorpio) - 3rd (taurus) ❤️: when achieving mastery/global knowledge, and self-discovery it may have to do with bringing up topics that you ignored or swept under the rug especially having to do with your identity/precense (in context of the world and society). your global approach and experiences have to do with dealing uncomfortable topics in order to achieve better awareness and understanding of all aspects of the world. how you navigate foreign environments and your sense of flexibility is your strength.
if foreign experiences provide you with strength through perseverance, your intuition and familiar environments provide you with strength through growth (tangible or not). although it may seem like the everyday social rituals and ideas (including intuition), can appear mundane, this setup of houses gives an opportunity to grow a garden that provides roots, beauty, and good taste in the way you perceive and express yourself local environments.
10th (scorpio) - 4th (taurus) 🪭: these people have to have a ton of intiative when working in their career and towards their big goals in life. it may feel as though these people have to start from a bad hand of cards (compared to everybody else) in order to make it to the top or that their working conditions and/or responsibilities throughout life may feel difficult to complete or deals with high stakes/status. but even though there are difficult tasks they have to be done and you have drive/resourcefulness to do it!!
if the workplace is where you see the thorns in your garden (where you have to get rid of them) your home life and condition is where you see the roses. taurus is good at being able to attract good circumstances for themselves because taurus is very representative of wholeness and the feeling of completion. there’s probably more opportunities for you to setup and manage your domestic life the way you like. wisdom may be found through your domestic life too.
11th (scorpio) - 5th (taurus) 🧨: your surrounding communities/people who support you seem to try to pick you apart. you may feel as if the people who you’re around with don’t actually support you or that there’s something incomplete or “wrong” with the circumstances and people that made you successful, imposter syndrome possibly? your supporters/friends could show you things you couldn’t see before, likely for the better although they may reveal this in dramatic or difficult circumstances.
if you feel incomplete about the people/circumstances that support your public achievements, your creativity and lust for life is where you find contentment. these people feel most stable and appreciated for their talents and way of enjoying themselves. for these people, they find stability, growth, and satisfaction when they engage with activities that bring them happiness. they find beauty and appreciation from others for their self-expression/creatvity.
12th (scorpio) - 6th (taurus) ♠️: your drive to feel complete is what can you mislead you in life. this may be because you feel as if there’s always something missing or not being to shown to you but you are persistent in finding what that something is. this same energy can make the native very wise because they have to overcome their demons over and over again throughout life. but at the same time, you could also feel like your sense of resourcefulness and strength fails to manifest in reality.
if there’s conflict/determination in trying to protect yourself from things that induce bad energy, then there’s likely to be tranquility and acceptance in doing activities that can put your life back on track. the 6h is known as the house of bad fortune in astrology so these people are good at being able to find the most reliable way out of a difficult situation. and while these natives could be good at finding solutions, slacking off and overindulgence can lead to oversight with tasks.
once again thank you for 2k!
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hope you enjoyed🥰
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alirarcane · 7 months
🌡~My take on scorpio placements ~
☆ scorpio in the 7th house- usually get cheated on by their partners. Go through Toxic/ narcissistic partners at some point in their lives. 3rd party situations. Partners lying and deceiving you.
☆ scorpio mars- usually center of attention (attention grabber not seeker). Females with this placement tend to attract jealously from their so called friends or just other people in general. Men tends to sexualize them alot, Might have spread rumors about them at some point.
Men with this placement, if underdeveloped, tends to be toxic af. The need to control everyone and everything around them is just awful. Fuck around a lot. Sleeping with different different people.
If developed, good achievers. Very strategic mindset. Usually get what they want in life. Bulletproof mindset. Very good at talking to people but still maintaining boundaries. Loyal.
☆scorpio suns- idk why and how, but when people get to know that someone is a scorpio, they get weirdly attracted to them??? Like staring at them, wanting to know them. Intimidated by them.
☆scorpio sun/moons- have a good sense of humour. They can make anyone laugh. And with this, they tend to attract alot of people who wants to be in a relationship with them.
☆ scorpio venus- won't say a loyal lover HOWEVER when they love love, they are loyal 100%. Underdeveloped can lie about being in love.
☆retrograde scorpio venus- feels unlovable. Extreme trust issues. Highly sensitive. Very very very high on trust. You know how they say scorpios take tests? With this placement? Tests x 100. Don't give 2nd chances. It's very very difficult for them to be vulnerable. People have rejected them alot. Might have been body shamed or criticised for looks. They feel like they don't deserve to be loved.
☆scorpio stellium in the natal chart- highly intuitive. Usually sees things beforehand. POWER. THE DARKNESS. THE EYES!!! Very beautiful people inside out. However they don't trust easily but if they do, for the love of lord, don't break it cuz you'll be coming back again and again to win them over.
☆scorpio moon- been through some serious shit. Been through hell and back with themselves. They understand people very well. However, they don't get the same understanding in return. They can see right through you so don't f with them. Hate mind games.
☆scorpio rising- very very intimidating. Females with this placement tends to attract jealousy in any form. People want to dominate you so bad. People telling them to tone it down. Basically people don't like your mindset, it triggers them cuz they can't have power over you. Hates 2 faced people. And the irony is, they usually deal with 2 faced people.
☆scorpio lilith- highly seductive. Very attractive. Sex appeal. Feelings run deep for them. Had people who wanted them only for sexual pleasures, wanted to touch them in any way. High vibration scorpio lilith is THE HEALER. also I've seen yall had some near death experiences?? Or witnessed someone dying in front of you.
☆ scorpio mercury- moves in silence. Very strategic and careful. Committed to anything they put their mind into. Always ready to be one on one while fighting. Their way of talking is very intense and mysterious which makes people wanna know how do you think like that. When they say something they really mean it. They take their time. Expects the worst. They figure things out so fast so don't even think of gaslighting them.
☆Scorpio in the 10th house- achievers. From a young age they had an insight of what they will become. Hold power in their work environment. If your a student, your classmates want to steal your notes, they feel envious that you make pretty good notes of whatever you're studying cuz yall go in depth and make pretty good observations of the topics. Authority figures.
☆scorpio in the 5th- gets extreme reactions from people. Ofcourse with any other placements, attracts jealousy. (Bruh I don't get it, what's with the scorpios dealing with alot of jealousy???? Like that's tiring) Grabs attention in parties, get togethers or any form of social gatherings. Might have dealt with people wanting to take your partners. Might have overly strict parents or very fucked up family issues.
That's it for now🫶🏻
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astrosouldivinity · 8 months
Beauty Placements/Degrees° in Astrology
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Taurus Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. + Libra Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Both of these signs are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus represents love, luxury, art, & beauty. People with Venusian energy in their chart tend to be naturally blessed with the beauty that Venus provides to them.
Leo Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by the luminary the sun, Leo’s naturally stand out from the beauty the Sun provides to them. Their beauty is like warm sunshine being engulfed in pure bliss. You cannot help but stare even if it blinds you in the process. Absolutely gorgeous.
Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is gifted with a dreamy & ethereal type of beauty. They are literally a fantasy come to life. Naturally, they embody a walking fantasy & adapt into your deepest darkest desires. They give off siren vibes. But their beauty is truly out of this world.
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by Mars & Pluto Scorpio is gifted with a dark & mysterious type of beauty. Danger awaits you & you know this in your soul but you proceed anyway. Scorpio is transformative in nature which can be addicting. Their dark allure will keep you obsessed & craving more.
Cancer Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus. Ruled by the luminary the moon, Cancer’s embody a dark feminine energy. It’s deeper than the ocean & as emotional as a raging river. They are nurturing yet fierce. They exude a mysterious contradictory energy you can’t help but want to know more.
10H Sun/Venus/Mars or 10H Stellium- fame placements especially in 10H Sun or Stellium. These individuals will naturally stand out. They are masters at embodying celebrity energy too. But many models tend to have their Mars, Sun, Venus, or Neptune in 10H.
Libra degrees 7, 19° these individuals tend to be conventionally attractive & poised in appearance. They literally radiate perfection. But they are so beautiful their features seem too perfect to be true. They have an unreal type of beauty truly unforgettable.
Gemini Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/MC. + Venus in Gemini degrees 3, 15, 27° they tend to be viewed as extremely beautiful. They will usually have a unique one of a kind look/aesthetic to them as well. Masters at communicating, they have a way with their vernacular. They are quite adaptable with their aesthetic too.
1H Stellium/Aries Sun/Moon/Venus/MC- it girl placements fr
Scorpio degrees in the ascendent/rising 8, 20° gives you an irresistible femme fatale type of beauty. Your beauty is alluring & even dangerous. I think you guys are aware of this too & may even use it to your advantage.
Taurus Degrees 2, 14, 26° these individuals will have an earthy, grounded, down to earth type of beauty about them. They tend to be naturally beautiful & have an aesthetically pleasing vibe to them overall.
Leo Degrees 5, 17, 29° exudes main character energy. These individuals will naturally standout. They have a star quality about them. They can easily influence & gain respect from people as well.
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sugasiren · 8 months
🧜🏾‍♀️ SIRENE (1009): Top 3 Sex Symbols! 💋
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SIREN: A seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men; A woman who is a very attractive but dangerous temptress. 🔥🔥
The Sirene (1009) asteroid is one of my absolute favorites to explore. 🧜🏾‍♀️ And I have many! Its placement in a woman's chart tells us about her brand of Dark Femininity. How she seduces and influences. How she harnesses her power and the TYPES of men who are helplessly drawn to her. 💋 Every Sign has incredible qualities! I'm simply sharing my Top 3 Sirens based on the research I've done. So enjoy and share your Siren below!
**FYI - Men with these placements are also very sexy and captivating in their own way. 💯 So I will include some famous examples for them as well.
Siren in Scorpio 🔥
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Famous Women:
Sophia Loren (pictured above)
Sade (pictured above)
Lisa Bonet (pictured above)
Lana Del Rey (pictured above)
Dita Von Teese (pictured above)
Traci Lords
Monica Bellucci
Mae West
Grace Kelly
Bridget Bardot
Christina Aguilera
Angelica Houston
Zeudi Araya
Liv Tyler
Siren in Scorpio MEN:
The Rock
Brad Pitt
Paul Newman
Ryan Gosling
Carlos Santana
Idris Elba
Bruno Mars
SCORPIO SIRENS lure you in with their hypnotic eyes that are as deep as the Blue Sea. 🧜🏾‍♀️ Their powerful aura will quickly swallow you whole and you will enjoy every moment of it. 💋 They effortlessly captivate and are explosive Lovers! They love to keep you guessing. As they know, you'll be addicted to the mystery of it all and keep coming back for more. And they're right! Just like Monica Bellucci and Lana Del Rey - these women can casually sit somewhere, smoking a cigarette, and *everyone* around them is watching in total ENVY of that damn cigarette. 🔥 Others like Lisa Bonet and Sade are gentle and ethereal but they will *still* snatch your SOUL. The Male Sirens are charismatic heartthrobs who make panties drop everywhere they roam. Women submit to them with glee. They want their 'Notebook' moment with Ryan Gosling, okay! And for The Rock to lay the smackdown (and pipe) on their kitty. 😺 And nothing less.
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Siren in Capricorn 👑
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Famous Women:
Brooke Shields (pictured above)
Megan Thee Stallion (pictured above)
January Jones (pictured above)
Stevie Nicks (pictured above)
Amal Clooney (pictured above)
Megan Fox (pictured above)
Teyana Taylor
Doja Cat
Mamie Van Doren
Ava Gardener
Mariah Carey
Shania Twain
Tyra Banks
Karrine Steffans
Amber Heard
Ellie Goulding
Eartha Kitt
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Siren in Capricorn MEN:
James Dean
Robert Plant
Robert Pattinson
Matthew McConaughey
William Holden
Prince William
Kobe Bryant
Suge Knight
Andrew Tate
AJ McLean
Gerard Butler
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CAPRICORN SIRENS lure you in with their deeply earthy, erotic energy. They are smoldering volcanoes underneath their cool IDGAF exterior and this enticing contrast drives people wild! 🔥 They have monstrous sex drives yet are very grounded in their personal power and selective about who they entertain, so others seek their approval. The Female Sirens often attract highly influential and/or dominant men who crave her submission and loyalty. Their desire to control her can truly consume them! 💯 They see her as the Ultimate Challenge and want her AT ALL COSTS. Their results vary depending upon what *she* actually wants. For instance, Amal Clooney. She was able to capture the heart of life-long bachelor George Clooney with impeccable ease. 🩷 He looks at her with stars in his eyes! They have the ideal marriage. Mariah Carey ultimately made Tommy Matola (the Record Executive who signed her to his label) wait until they were married before being intimate with him. She had such an effect on her ex-husband after **opening her luscious Pearly Gates** 🙌 that he put cameras up around the house to watch her every move. He was utterly obsessed with her! Amber Heard is an example of Capricorn Siren in full Destruction Mode. And Karrine "Superhead" Steffans in literal Maneater Mode slurping her way to THE TOP. The Male Sirens simply have Big Dick Energy - period. They are Doms, Bosses and Kings. 👑 Women yearn for them to (symbolically) suck their blood and their p***y like Robert Pattinson in 'Twilight' with carnivorous passion. 🔥 They want to surrender doggystyle to a man like Gerard Butler in the '300' movie. And even when they are stone cold killers like Suge Knight or manipulative pimps like Andrew Tate... they still command respect! They possess massive amounts of Masculine charm.
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Siren in Sagitarius 👠
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Famous Women:
Marilyn Monroe (pictured above)
Dorothy Dandridge (pictured above)
Rita Hayworth (pictured above)
Shakira (pictured above)
Indira Varma (pictured above)
Kim Cattrall
Margot Robbie
Robin Givens
Tina Turner
Dana Delaney
Emilia Clarke
Gwen Stefani
Aishwarya Rai
Rose McGowan
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Sagittarius Siren MEN:
Paul Walker
Patrick Swayze
Elvis Presley
Clark Gable
Mario Lopez
Marilyn Manson
Shia LaBeouf
Michele Marrone
Marvin Gaye
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SAGITTARIUS SIRENS lure you in like smoke rising from a bonfire in an enchanted forest during a Drum Circle. They illuminate dangerous levels of heat. ☀️ That will melt you like hot lava with their dynamic sex appeal. Baddies to the bone! Their esthetic widely appeals to the masses and individuals from *all* walks of life. People from *all* ethnic backgrounds admire and lust after them. 💋 They are exciting and make people feel ALIVE. And they're often the epitome of someone's Dream Girl or Guy. Marilyn Monroe is a FOREVER Icon who lives on generation after generation. 🌟 And her Feminine prowess remains unmatched no matter how much time goes by. Rita Hayworth is another immortal Sex Symbol and proud Latina. As is Dorothy Dandridge - who broke many barriers for Black Women in film and greatly appealed to a variety of powerful men such as Marlon Brando and Otto Priminger. Margot Robbie in the 'Wolf of Wallstreet' and 'Barbie' movies? 🩷 Nuff said! The Male Sirens are usually a strong yet suave bunch - like Clark Gable and Patrick Swayze. And that's a killer combination, my friends! They are often Rebels. 💪 Whether clean-cut ones like Paul Walker, goth ones like Marilyn Manson or rebels GONE WRONG like Shia LaBeouf. Either way, they are magnetic.
And that's a wrap for now! 💛 I'll be back soon with more on SIREN and other awesome asteroids. Thanks for reading.
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safiredreams · 4 months
♥️ more astro notes ♥️
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Venus isn't just about beauty, it's also about grace and how you interact with others, how you socialize and connect with people.
People who have Venus trine/sextile Moon are often very sought after and very well liked.
Leo's can be over performative, they can come off as try hard and annoying if they try to overcompensate for their fragile egos.
Although Libra Mars people tend to not enjoy being too aggressive they are actually quite prone to arguments.
Undeveloped Cancer Mars people can find it hard to not overreact and throw tantrums, they can be quite dramatic when upset. They also tend to view a disagreement as a personal attack on them.
7th House Moons are very sensitive to how others feel and they often put other peoples feelings above their own.
Pisces and Sagittarius Venus people are very much in search of that one ultimate soulmate.
Capricorns don't like lying and usually don't waste their time on that unless they want to climb that career ladder.
Aries Moons react fast, they are very easily pushed past their breaking point. They do tend to get over their upsets a little faster than most other Moon Signs.
Taurus Moon people tend to be well provided for, unless of course it is aspected by planets like Pluto, Saturn or Uranus.
Scorpio women tend to be very sweet and nothing like the Scorpio description we know. Until you get to know them they resemble more fun signs like Sagittarius or Geminis.
Venus conjunct MC is very concerned with how they look and how they are perceived by the world at large. They put in a lot of effort into how they present themselves.
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deepmochi · 3 months
SYNASTRY: Venus in the houses (7th-12th) part 2
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Note: Honestly, I had a draft for the 2nd part, but probably I deleted by mistake, or tumblr did it (idk). Maybe, That's why I thought I already posted the 2nd part, but I was wrong.
Part 1 🩷
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♡ Venus in the 7th house ♡
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These couple usually views commitment as all or nothing, are you in or not? They have strong values about true love, and they will follow them. Love is viewed as a contract by their souls or hearts. If they break any aspect proposed, they know it's the end. They can be reflections of themselves either the good or the bad. When the contract is done, it's over. The Venusian sees the house person as a very stable being. They feel safe and prepared for them. These two may live together before the year of knowing each other romantically. The pair just feel ready when it's about commitment. The house natives perceive the Venusian as very "wife/husband" material for them. With this overlay, their personalities blend well and work together. It feels natural for both of you to be close and intimate together. For others is moving too fast, and for them is easy to become intimate with each other. The seventh house person fits well for the planet native. These two feel like it's a soulmate connection, very easy. You’re both drawn to please each other. It's a very strong connection for long-term relationships. It takes time for them to move on if they ever break up. If Venus has bad aspects, it can be a toxic relationship. The reason for this, it's that they prefer to stay together instead of being alone or start something new. Intimate gesture like hugs and someone hand guiding the other. Cooking dates and going out at night the most. "Here, I bought this?";morning texts: " how are you today? My day...." "Can I call you, I miss your voice"; " My mom ask if we can go to her party?" ; "we should go to that restaurant"; Formal clothes; "hey, look me, they don't know how worthy you are". They like to spend time with people they love. Balance. If Venus cooks today, the house will do it tomorrow. Wearing nice clothes and a good perfume to impress the other. Compliments and physical touches, especially kisses in the cheek. Cheesy things like love letters. Having "the song" or the place.
♡ Venus in the 8th house ♡
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These two have a different kind of love. The Venusian feels like the house person bring something in them that they can explain. Sometimes, these people have taboos to share. Death has impact their lives. The house person may become obssess with the planet person. Sex isn't a way emerger together. Usually, they possess the same interest in taboo topics. In the beginning, Venus feels attracted to the house, but it's also scared of them. Their sexual energy is intense. The 8th house person wants to know the Venusian's secrets and fears. Both are possessive, but the house win the round. They detest when their partner don't respect them. Their relationship status will remain a secret for the public eye (in the beginning). They would share many things even traumas (if hardly aspected). The house native will protect the Planet from the world. Sex can be very intimate or aggressive (bsdm stuff). These people will not be the same they were when they met. For them, love is intense and transformational. The house feels that the Venus native is trustworthy, but they need to see their actions. Holding hands during intimate times. During sex they will talk and have intense stares. "I don't like that person, be aware of them", "Here, use this for yourself"; "if you need money, just let me know"; "don't lie to me, I know you are sad"; his/her hand on your thing while eyes are on the road; taking notes of your gestures. They have weird hobbies together and enjoy dark humor too. Moonlight sex and long sessions.
♡ Venus in the 9th house♡
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These individuals perceive love as a new adventure and try to go with the flow. If they're mature, they prefer to maintain a very healthy relationship. Both prefer to travel and know about new places and cultures. Love is not as other say. They may prefer to do things their way. Venusian isn't instantly involve, but they see the house as interesting. For the house native, the planet is nice an attractive, but they will not force things. The house native could be older than the Venusian. The house person likes the planet manners and life vision the most. They see the commitment as an experience. Sometimes, marriage isn't obligatory requirement. They may enjoy walks, museum, and play board games. One could be from another country or have a different culture. Their relationship presents a new chapter in their lives and their families. Besides, they like to engage in intellectual debates, maybe they are into philosophy. If they broke up, they will try to be professional or move on. They can meet later in life after maturing. It's likely that you will work together or in the same environment. Having a child or more is possible, so use protection. "Look at here, we can travel here"; "aww, baby, you were right they declare that"; ["I really want to buy that book" / "baby, you have that book already"]; Saving for vacations; buying esch other souvenirs or antique objects as gifts; reading books and doing a small debates about it; *knowing each other during trips, universities, conferences, cultural events, and religious activities" Buying new editions of books. Love to try new foods or learn about new places together. They could meet while traveling or in college.
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♡ Venus in the 10th house♡
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Coworkers to lover vibes. They are comfy with being mature. Similarly to the previous combo, the house partner is the older one or has more experience. This partner also has more dominant energy. They could meet in different levels. The negative aspect is that they could be very nitpicking and too logical when it comes to love. The planet individual sees the house person as straightforward and mature. Partnership is very important is like a contract. If one of the part broke a part of the deal, it's done. They can work together or met during their carrer path (college, conference). They are straightforward and mature when approaching the other. If badly aspect, it could have a power imbalance (not good). Big egos over emotions, this is the start of arguments. They plan their dates. The planet person accepts that the house individual cares for their image and professional life. The Venusian isn't afraid of being a home stayed wife. Here the Venusian knows and appreciates the house efforts to balance their stability. Nonetheless, the house person must value the venusian support. Doing plans after they leave the work; caring for the other in profesional settings; making food or leaving notes in the stuff *you can do it* in their computer. Making each other feel valuable "Here, i make you favorite food"; let's celebrate your new position"; *making time to luch together*; naming the other whenever they can "I'm grateful for my wife meals and support"; giving gifts and showing their s/o in public. Even thought people think they aren't super romantic, they will try to match things. It could be rings, watches or wearing the same brand. Looking good.
♡ Venus in the 11th house♡
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Love depicts a friend to lover storyline where both care for dreams and humanity. It's very possible that they met when they were helping other people. The Venusian fits the house' s ideal type. They seem more friendlier than other couples. You wouldn't think they were dating. They prefer to joke around, but they love each other. The Venusian share the dreams the house native have for life. It's also likely that they like each other in the future, even if they met since birth. They prefer to have experience with love before settling down. Its common to see them as "I thought they were friends". The Venusian see the house person as humanitarian and very interesting. Stay protected because big family can be a thing. The must clarify about what is a family for both. The house perceives the planet native as beautiful and too much to some people. Together, they will form a very unique pair and family. Regardless Venusian feel the planet as hopeful person. The eleventh house person sees a future with the venusian because they feel understood. Love for the house is independent, and the venusian can see this as as a relief. Making fun of the other in a non hurtful way. "I can't deal with you right now *kiss them*"; "Alexa play Celine one" *grabs the venusian; *hugs their s/o when they're cooking*; being romantic when they're alone; sending spicy texts "come home, I'm ready"; talking about the future; matching devices or wallpapers; a lot of trust, they share passwords. Having the same or similar friends. They like to help. Donating for other people as a hobby or helping to people who need. Dates in the nature. Cleaning beaches, rivers or places.
♡ Venus in the 12th house♡
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Love is simple but blurry. They can't get confused in how they love. The house sees the Venusian see them as the real deal. The planet perceive the house native as too good for them. There are some blurry aspects that they don't understand. When this synastry happens, it can feel too blurry for outsiders. Sometimes, they feel as friends and others as partners. At times, they hide their feelings without realizing or because they don't want to hurt the other. The house may hide their crush for the planet (too well). The Venus feel like the house person hides things for them. The house native don't want to bother the venusian. The house wants to give all they have to the venusian without having a concrete reason (maybe they are friends, but they are their #1 friend). This connection feel very special even divinely guided. The house is very observant with the Venusian Different backgrounds, it's possible that the house person has faith or not. One (usually the venusian) is more intuitive. Venus comes to open the house's eyes to other knowledge. The house will do all they can, so the venusian is happy. They can be soulmates (even non platonic). On the negative side, they don't have good communication because they avoid confronting each other. Both have experience paranormal activity, but only one believes more. The Venus person will try to invite the house to their home (pure opening of their soul). The Venusian can be quite delulu, but the house see it as funny. They met when something is ending for the Venusian. Romantic times, home dates, asking the other about thing carefully, a special vibe around them. *Big smiles and shiny eyes*, "I buy you this; you tell me two months ago around 9pm" "aww thank you", "are you sleeping well?" - "yes" , *astrology or tarot talks* "can you give your birth time?" - "12:34 am" " it was bad?" "No, we match". Talk about paranormal activities like any other topic, special dates, random celebrations, secret spots, discreet dates, spirtual conection, they may understand the other, but can't explain it.
Take what resonates only. 💚
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nefertitiacai · 11 months
THE MASTER MANIFESTERS (astro observations)
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Just to note: every person can become a master manifester. These are just some of my observations. Enjoy!
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧ It's 5:55 while I'm typing this.
🎖️ Part of fortune/ Pars fortunae in the second house or Taurus can manifest food that they crave and skincare/make-up products easily. (They can also potentially cook well).
🎖️ If a person lets down a person with prominent Leo placements (especially if it's in Sun, Mars, Mercury, or Saturn) and prays for their downfall then I must say that they will certainly be disappointed. Since Leos are fuming and you insulting them just fuels them to be more driven in their aspirations. It surely helps them manifest great things while proving haters wrong simultaneously.
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🎖️ The power that Jupiter in the 12th house natives hold when it comes to manifesting is immaculate. They just have stored a lot of good karma from their past lives is what I believe. The 12th house also rules the subconscious. The majority of our daily actions are done subconsciously due to habits and having Jupiter over this house comes in handy for these individuals. They are also mentally strong.
🎖️ Sagittarius or 9th house Moon/Venus/Jupiter can manifest philosophical, spiritual, or books with knowledge of higher studies pretty easily. They may have an upbringing with wise parents or their parents may also have a habit of reading, or just meet wise people & partners who gift/suggest them books.
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🎖️ If you are a person with 11th house placements then I'd suggest you manifest things by using technology and social media (for example: by making Pinterest vision boards).
🎖️ Listening/ saying affirmations while practicing mindfulness can be really beneficial for mercurians especially if they struggle with anxiety.
🎖️ Aries and Pisces placements can be "delusional". If it's done with a positive connotation then they will manifest great things.
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🎖️ If "lucky girl syndrome" was a person then I would say they would be a Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune dominant.
🎖️ And if listening to subliminals was a person it would be someone with prominent 12th house placements.
🎖️ Scorpio/Capricorn/10th house/8th house/ Venus-Pluto/ Venus-Saturn placements 🤝 manifesting that revenge glow-up. Their glow-up literally leaves people to be awestruck. You know the quiet and timid kids in school transforming and who have turned into a baddie when you meet them at reunions.
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🎖️ Saturnians are also very skilled people when it comes to manifesting. Their indifferent nature makes them detached from the outcome and once they start working for the things which they love then they are set to become great achievers and manifesters. Their stoic and patient demeanor is indeed very admiring.
🎖️ Natives with Jupiter in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) or houses (4th/8th /12th) can manifest through feelings. (meditating and visualizing the feeling which they will potentially feel if they got what they desired for example: visualizing the feeling of joy you get when you receive an email saying that you're hired.)
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astroaid · 3 months
Where You May Meet Your Spouse
This is the method I have seen most reliable in the chart’s of people I know in real life. The method is to locate where your 5th house ruler is in the natal.
The logic behind this method is that 5th house is associated with romance&dating. Locating its ruler in the natal can indicate where initial sparks appear. This can show us the place of meeting or themes of first dates.
7th house is mainly known as the relationship house but these are your long term connections with friends, lovers & business partners+clients.
However, I do see the house placement of natal venus (for wife) & jupiter (for husband) being accurate in vedic. All the different methods can get confusing so take this as entertainment. Don’t shut down potential partners because they don’t fit what the tarot or astro posts told you. Don’t stress over any of this at all. No one can be 100% sure of anything.
Also, I have made this post before on my now deleted blog. Just in case any of this sounds familiar. But I did not create this method. It has existed long before me.
5th H Ruler in 1st H:
ex1. My irl friend has an aries 5th house. Her natal mars is in her first house conjunct venus (her 11th house ruler).
She met her boyfriend through instagram.
11th H is associated with network and 1st H is associated with our self & body. Instagram is a prefect manifestation of these two houses coming together.
ex2. My other friend has 5th H sag. Her natal jupiter is in 1st H too. 1st H is associated with our body and appearance, she met her boyfriend at a hair salon.
5th H Ruler in 2nd H:
Unfortunately, I don’t have an irl example for this. However, possible examples are somewhere related to your resources. So maybe you’re at work, maybe you’re running an errand like grocery shopping.
Signs, planets in either 5th or 2nd may provide further insight.
5th H Ruler in 3rd H:
Again I don’t have irl examples for this. However, possible examples are meeting at community events, through friends/siblings/cousins. Places where you are mentally engaged with what’s going on as 3rd is our social interests. Ex: Library, transportation, mutuals on a social app.
5th H Ruler in 4th H
Generic manifestation of this placement would be meeting through the family or in the hometown.
My irl has an aqua 5th house. Her natal saturn (the traditional ruler of aqua) is in her 4th H. She met her boyfriend at a small party and went home with him that same night. Aqua is non conventional and associated with groups. Ofc this is very specific, I know not everyone with this placement is down for a hook up. This goes to show signs, planets in either houses + aspects are all very important.
5th H ruler in 5th H:
My friend has a pisces 5th house. Her natal jupiter (the traditional ruler of pisces) is in the 5th house. She has met many boyfriends through acting. 5th is associated with acting/entertainment and recreational activities/hobbies.
Other possible manifestations of this placement are meeting where children are involved. Or where self expression is important.
5th H Ruler in 6th H:
My mom’s friend has a taurus 5th house. Her natal venus is in gemini 6th house. She met her boyfriend at a company/work party. 6th house as association with daily routine/health, coworkers, pets, acts of service and obligated duties. She did say she felt like she had to be there due to her job and did not enjoy herself until she started chatting with him.
Other possible manifestations of this placement could be meeting at the gym, on a hike, doing something for your pet.
5th H Ruler in 7th H:
This doesn’t mean you’ll meet your partner while one of you is in a relationship. Possible manifestations of this placement are meeting through friends or business. Friend or work partners to lovers. Meeting while working in a group setting - group project.
5th H Ruler in 8th H:
My coworker has an aries 5th house. Her natal mars is in her 8th house conjunct her 10th house ruler. She is dating another coworker. And told me her ex was a coworker from a previous job!
This is ofc very specific so other possible manifestations of 5th ruler in 8th are…
8th is the death/rebirth house. So possibly when you meet one or the other is ending something/starting something new.
The place of meeting may be a secret due to being a somewhere taboo. or something a bit controversial like money, sex, literal death, slightly sus power dynamic is involved.
5th H Ruler in 9th H:
My aunt has a pisces 5th house. Her jupiter is in her 9th H. She met her spouse at vet school. 9th is associated with higher education.
Other possible examples of this placement could be… meeting where religion, higher beliefs are important. meeting where travel or foreign culture is the focus.
5th H Ruler in 10th H
Most obvious manifestation of this placement would be meeting in the workplace. Place of meeting could be where reputation/status or image is a focus. 10th house is a masculine house. You could meet where the masculine has authority over the feminine. Not in a weird way, like example: you’re both customers, they see you confused in the lamp aisle and they’re an expert in lamps that can come over to help.
5th H Ruler in 11th H
My mom’s friend’s boyfriend has a taurus 5th house. Natal venus in 11th conjunct MC. He is the one who met her at a work party. 11th is networking and mc is career, put them together and work party is the most literal example possible.
Other possible examples for 5th ruler in 11th could be.. meeting through friends or social media or a place where humanitarism/social awareness is important.
5th H Ruler in 12th H
12th is associated with what’s hidden, subconscious, endings, isolation and that can make it a tricky house. Luckily, I have a irl example. Uncle has a Capricorn 5th house. His natal saturn is in his 12th house. His wife was his long time, long distance friend. In a way, the romance was “hidden” for a long time. Saturn is an energy that brings delays too so the fact they were friends for years before seeing each other in a romantic light is very saturn. Their marriage is the best and longest lasting relationship of I know.
Other manifestations for 5th ruler in 12th could be…
meeting abroad, somewhere one is a bit isolated. for example, meeting while on a stroll alone. meeting later in life. meeting when healing is taking place - this sounds deep but could simply be meeting when having steeped out for a smoke break.
TYSM for reading. Would appreciate if you could share your experiences or if you can come up with better examples for the placements I didn’t have real life examples for. <3
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fgefrgbghv · 2 months
Astrology notes 1: Family & genetics & my placements
Capricorn Moons - very unstable, irresponsible and childish and overall can have a terrible, irresponsible and childish mother, often absent father, often are the oldest kids who raised themselves, their other siblings and partly also their parents.
Experiences: my best friend is an oldest child cap moon who raised basically themselves, her mother is almost as shit as mine,, which is A LOT,, also her father tends to be on long work trips a lot. like,, majority of her life and ive never actually seen him except her jokin glike two times about him being autistic -
Scorpio Sun - Often Black sheep of their family - raw, wild, different from their family and often put aside in a different box cuz of it.
Experiences: my scorp sun dad - he is literally an adhd energetic worcaholic goofball in a house full of conversative "mental differences & ilnesses aren't real" (I mean, he is this too tho-) lazy people. or at least,,, he grew up to be. I hope we're not like this lol.
Also this thing about scorp placements being neurodivergent -
Experiences: my moon and my dad's sun, both having adhd and possible autism
Scorpio Moon - The worst moon sign to have objectively. A terrible, over-controlling, border narcissistic mom. Were literally taught to be feared by her and her obsessions. Have it the worst. Also they get so much trust issues from their parents and overbearing, too-involved and wanting to be controlling everything in their lives, mother, so they aren't very good with relationships, and often feel
Ecperiences: Me. I have it, also a very terrible and fanatic and often crazy, mad and frantic - not in a good way - described by people who she has around and me, who knows this aspect of her way too much,
On the contrary, Taurus Moons - Objectively the best moon placement to have. Imagine taurian qualities and that in a mother -- boom, now you have won.
Exps: - My brother is this, and remember that frantic mom we have? Well, if you saw her around him, you'd almost believe she is actually normal. They have a great relationship. I mean, she IS kinda awful, but like, doesn't make his life hell,, in contrary to mine.
People often tell people with Lilith in 10th their worst horrible horrible secrets and their dark side. And like when they tell it about them to anyone else they're always like "noooo, them??? They'd NEVER do that." and just people
I have Pluto in 11th - which makes me always on the edge of social groups, people not trusting me easily and always having a thin line between friends and enemies, mixed with my moon sign never knowing who to trust because I KNOW people are gonna turn their back on me a lot. Happened a lot always and will happen, anyways. Also, combined with my Lilith in 10th, women don't like me in general, so, personally, as a man-repulsed person... Yayyy. I have a loooot of people to talk to and to choose from, lmao.
Peace out, guys.
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Astrology Observations 3
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The power pisces placements hold is actually insane, like everyone talks about how intuitive Scorpios are, but have you seen what a Pisces can do when they set their minds to something? Especially a Sun / Mercury Combination in this sign. Like these people can not only predict many things and easily read foretold messages, getting insight on something before it happens, but they also have heavy manifesting powers when they have a lot of faith in something that they think will happen. It's like they speak it into existence. These people have a sixth sense I swear.
Like everything people think Scorpios are Pisces IS.
Having a Libra or Gemini Moon in your Solar return chart could indicate you being put in a situation where you appear fake and/or two faced. ( NOT Natal chart, Solar Return Chart ) I remember during 2020 I had this, and I used to always wanna keep the peace and harmony in my friend group, but when certain people left that I didn't like, I used to talk SO MUCH SHIT. It's a thing of not being liked by certain people or not liking certain people and them making you irritated and angry, but not wanting to cause more problems that would make the situation worse. So you just leave it be but as soon as you get the chance to vent about it, it's like a flood gate opening.
Moon in 11th house people CANNOT live without their group. I know someone with this placement and he always has a group to tag along with and he has so many connections to people. He's the poster child of social butterfly.
Being around someone with a Debilitated or Fall Moon ( Capricorn and Scorpio ) when they're irritated or angry is so draining. Like they WILL suck the energy out of the room when they're mad. Like you're walking on eggshells with what you say to them. However usually when the native realizes that it's affecting everyone they will leave the scene until they cool down, or try to sit down and talk about their feelings. This is because they don't want to stew in their own anger because it's draining to them too, so most would rather solve the issue than keep being angry.
Pisces Mars is another powerful placement to have for intuition and being able to dissect people's mind, intentions and feelings. Mars is the energy we put out into the world, but Pisces Mars uses their energy to absorb other peoples' energies to get the feel about somebody. This can also indicate someone who is very sleepy all the time, espeically around emotionally and spiritually draining people because they have to use more energy on these people.
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In synastry, we all know to check Venus, Mars, Moon, ect. HOWEVER! I feel like another huge determining factor in synastry is ruler planet chemistry. For example. If person A has Gemini Rising, and person B has Capricorn Rising, You would check how person A's Mercury aspects person B's Saturn. If A's Mercury trines B's Saturn then they could have a relationship based off similar experiences and having similar ways of thinking, despite their Rising signs being in quincunx. Also take into account where the chart ruler falls in each others charts. Another example is if Person A's Mercury could be in B's 6th house, making their relationship more work related and, and they sharing everyday little details to eachother.
Having a lot of strong and prominent aspects to one planet can make it a key focal point in your life, even if it's not the chart ruler, dominant planet, ect. This also means that planet has a more far reaching and influential power over the many planets it's aspecting. Think of dividing and conquering in a sense. And the planets being aspected by this one planet can even take on the qualities of the planets sign(s).
For example, someone can have many planets in fire or air, initially giving them those fire/air qualities. However, if their Saturn aspects alot of their planets (especially personal planets), then they may take on a more serious and calculated demeanor. Similar to that or a Capricorn or Aquarius.
What is it with fixed Mars signs and BEING SO FUCKING STUBBORN!? Especially Scorpio or Taurus Martians. I mean I know I can be stubborn sometimes but this is insane. In some instances, they KNOW they're in the wrong but will still defend their side of the argument until they day they DIE!! Obviously this is not everyone with this placement, at all times, but I've seen a couple people with this placement do this in when debating or arguing and it's like talking to a brick wall.
Having a lot of planets in the 10th house, or having personal planets in the 10th house in many of your Persona charts can indicate being very conscious of what you say to people, or to the public as to not have anything you say ruin your reputation. Any vile or ill feelings you have towards people are said in private to people you trust. These people are VERY conscious of their social and digital footprint.
Sagittarius Risings can have be very clever and calculating with their addictions. They're excellent at saving up money and rolling on a tight budget, thanks to their 2nd house being in Capricorn, however, with the full intentions of blowing all that money on something most people would find reckless or not essential. For example, saving up a months worth of rent to blow it all at the mall on anything they find and like when they get there. Calculating enough to know how much money they'll likely need for their adventure, but vague enough not to know exactly what they'll buy when they actually get there.
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I think this kinda goes without saying but also look at the house your planets are in along with the sign! For example, Someone with Libra Mars may seem really chill and compromising but if they have it in the 1st house they can be way more agressive and bold than a normal Libra Mars, and take on many traits of an Aries Mars.
On the same note, look at which specific house the planets are in, I feel like planets can be effected by the whatever house they are exalt, domicile, detriment, or fall in. For example, Venus could be in it's home sign, Taurus, however if Venus is in the 6th house it would still be in a somewhat fall because Virgo rules the 6th house and is in fall in Venus.
ALONG THE SAME NOTE, I don't see people talk about this enough but signs in domicile can be just as malefic as signs in detriment!! While a Capricorn Moon can have trouble showing their emotions and opening up to people, a Cancer Moon could be too emotional and always make the topic about how they feel and their emotions. Or while a Pisces Mercury could be avoidant and emotionally persuasive with their words, a Virgo Mercury could be overly analytical and constantly nitpick.
If you don't relate to a house placement, check your chart in whole houses.
With most of us alive today having Neptune sextile Pluto, this means we tend give a LOT of power to people we heavily idolize or are obsessed with greatly, for good or for worse.
I feel like the people who get stereotyped the most and/or have a warped stereotype applied to them that isn't consistant with the signs original stereotype usually have Pluto, Neptune or sometimes Uranus in their first house because those planets stay in a sign for years and can affect that generation of people. For example, Sagittarius Risings are stereotypically optimistic, easy going, adventureous and free spirited. However with most of Gen Z having Pluto in Sagittarius, this gives our generation of Sagittarius Ascendant natives a more serious, intense and secretive qualities.
A conjunction between two planets that are in different signs can weaken the conjunction. This is because while the planets energies are still combining, the planets have different ways of outputting that energy, which can sometimes disrupt the synchronization of the two planets.
This goes for opposition too, and I think it makes it worse because usually when two planets are in opposition, they are in sister signs, which gives them similar qualities and a basic understanding for each others energies. However if two planets in opposition aren't in sister signs, then this can make the placement feel more like a Square/Quincunx combination because there won't be that initial understanding or similar qualities, And the signs won't share the same modality or element.
I feel like Lilith aspecting the Moon can be more detrimental and powerful than the Moon being in Scorpio or Capricorn. This is because Lilith in astrology, like the moon is related to feminine energy (After all it's black MOON Lilith). But because of this very powerful and similar influence to the Moon, this can warp the effects and qualities the Moon has on the native, and the line where Lilith and the Moon's influence seperate can blur for the native. Personally me, I think this placement is the most powerful Lilith placement/aspect to have, even more powerful than aspects to the Ascendant or Sun, and is what typically makes someone a Lilith dominant.
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Placements that indicate having strong manifestation powers -
Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house.
Neptune in the 1st, 3rd or 8th
Having Pisces in a fire house (1st, 5th, 9th)
Sagittarius in Neptune and/or 12th house
Having planetary conjunctions where the planets in conjunction are in Pisces/Aries (One planet is pisces and the other is Aries)
Saturn in the water houses
Stelliums that include saturn or Neptune
Stelliums in the 8th house
Ruler of the 12th house in the fire houses (Co rulers count too)
having many planets in the 10th or 11th house (because they are Saturn ruled houses and manifestation here is a result of good karma and time).
On that note, not every planet in the 12th house is good for manifestation. Brash and scattered planets like Mars, Mercury, Moon, ect can be too chaotic and scattered for accurate and great manifesting.
While Venus Persona Chart can show what kind of lover you are, Juno persona chart can show what your lover's chart may look like.
Look at where the Ascendant of the Ascendant Persona Chart Ruler is in your natal chart for more insight about your identity and what your core themes are. For example if your Acsendant PC Rising is in Aquarius, check where Uranus and Saturn lies in your natal chart.
Personally, I think Venus should be exalted in Cancer and Jupiter should be exalted Pisces, they need to swap because it would make so many things line up with the placements exalts and domiciles for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, ect. For a more in depth analysis check out my post here
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astroismypassion · 8 months
Astrology observations 🟢🟢🟢
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🟢I noticed high number of people that like the idea of saving yourself for marriage have Scorpio over the 8th house, but also often Capricorn Vesta, Vesta at 22 degree or Vesta in the 10th house.
🟢People with Pisces Vesta might have rather low libido. They really enjoy things that are more metaphysical and they are often very detached from their own body, not very in tune with it. They might do just well by watching films, TV series and indulging into their favourite movie snack. They are really fine with being on their own.
🟢Aquarius Ceres people had a mother that emphasized that their identity, personality and body are very unique. These are the people that will always tell you you're one of a kind, special and unique. This placement is very much "No one is you and that is your superpower" quote!
🟢Additionally, on Ceres note, your Ceres sign serves like the 2nd Moon sign. Ceres also shows how you perceived your mother's nurturing. So you could have a Virgo Moon, but Aquarius Ceres. And you might actually more relate to Aquarius Ceres when it comes to your relationship with your mother. Similarly, you can have Aries Moon, but your Ceres is in Pisces. But often times Moon and Ceres are compatible and connected.
🟢Scorpio Ceres doesn't want to think about money, although throughout their lifetime their life revolves A LOT around money. Either in form of debt, financial issues, help others with their money etc. Money for them is a veryy emotional topic. When they receive money they might actually tear up a little. When they give or lend money it's often an investment for them and they might have regrets connected with it or hold resentment later on for giving someone their money. Sometimes they make purchases that they not only regret, but might feel a bit ashamed that they even made this purchase in the first place. Also, this is very much the person to mix sex with money. Or they spend money on the person they are physically intimate with (sexually involved).
🟢Having Venus in someone's 10th house in a romantic Synastry is such an interesting overlay I notice. Often times one person really supports other's career and long-term goals to the point they help the other person set up a business. But I noticed that often that also become a weakness later in the partnership. So they continue the successful business, but the partnership dissolves.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house often has a crush on blond/light-haired people or those that have golden highlights.
🟢I'm not saying always, but most often in particular people who have Gemini over the 7th house often assume or very early on when meeting someone assume they the person is interested in them romantically. With Sagittarius over the 1st house (which points to an exaggerated sense of self and ego) they persistently think someone likes them despite clear evidence to the contrary. And Gemini Descendants even more so, they sometimes tend to believe they can "convince" someone if they put enough effort or try hard enough, even when the person verbally expressed that they are not interested in them. Even this Sagittarius Gemini axis can sometimes deal with delusion much like Pisces Virgo axis.
🟢Libra or Taurus over the 10th house: people at your workplace, random co-workers, even your boss will be very interested in your relationship status. Those around you will often speculate whether you have a partner or ask you if you are single. Also, if you have one of these two signs, be mindful with who you are connecting yourself with, because people around you might often make assumptions or jump to fast conclusions to who you are dating, even if the two of you are just friends! They could see you talking with someone and they might already assume you two have something going on.
🟢People with Scorpio Jupiter often go for Capricorn Sun as their spouse or committed partner. If you have Scorpio Jupiter in your Natal chart you are likely to attract a rather controlling partner.
🟢People with Pisces and Aries over the 4th house felt like they had to raise themselves. They are also really late bloomers. They might start raising themselves and working on themselves in late 20s, 30s.
🟢When you have Scorpio over the 7th house or Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart you will feel like don't receive help from anyone and it will be the year of many rejections, either in your love life, career or you will feel rejected by your loved ones.
🟢Composite Leo Mars in the 7th house make the two of you much more indecisive when together than independently/when you are apart. You often swing from "You choose, I don't mind anything" to "I don't know". When you are together you seem to make a decision much slower and it's harder to even pick to which restaurant you want to go eat. With the sign of Leo, you might have power struggles over making your choice as the final mutual decision. You will both want things to go your own way, not how the other person wants.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house are the biggest flirts that tend to be non-committal, because they value their independence a little too much, but also because they have the enough charming, charismatic confidence that they can get anyone.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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citieskyes · 11 months
astro observations (natal and solar chart) 💜
psst! I do $15-20 birth chart readings so message me if you want yours done <3
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natal chart:
People with their moon in the 6th are hard to get to know because they put up so many walls without realising.
Those with cancer in the 8th house may get their periods during the full moon. Alternatively, people with this placement can get heavier/painful periods.
Libras and Geminis are hella calculating. They play dumb but they’re always observing on the sidelines.
People with moon in the 1st house may be moody as the moon changes signs every 2.5 days, so their mood is constantly fluctuating.
Moon in the 5th is the cutest moon sign imo, they’re very creative and romantic. A lot of actors/actresses have this placement.
Jupiter in the 6th house is such a good placement as it can indicate luck in your day-to-day life.
Scorpio moons have an intense relationship with their mother. It doesn’t always have to necessarily mean a BAD relationship, more like, intense and emotional. Scorpio moons mother’s have a strong presence in their lives.
solar return chart:
Sun in the 1st of a solar return chart indicates this year is all about YOU. You’ll be focused on yourself and your identity. Alternatively this placement can manifest as a glow up hehe.
Having Saturn in the 7th of a solar return chart can indicate facing karma in your personal relationships. This placement can sometimes manifest as getting rejected in love.
Venus conjunct your ascendant in a solar return chart can indicate a physical glow up
Having sun in the 10h of a solar return chart can indicate a year you’re focused on your career and hustling.
TW: Uranus in the 12h of a solar return chart can indicate a year your mental health is unstable. You may be prone to depression/anxiety.
Taurus moon in a solar return chart can indicate a year your feelings are more stable and grounded.
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astrolocherry · 8 months
Astrology Midheaven in Fire Signs (Aries Midheaven, Leo Midheaven, Sagittarius Midheaven): Honourable sacrifice, emergency response, speculation and investment, manufacturing, devoting talents to the pursuit of one of them as a profession Midheaven in Earth Signs (Taurus Midheaven, Virgo Midheaven, Capricorn Midheaven: Business, trade, healing crafts, retail, cuisine, mechanics, accountants, jewellers Midheaven in Air Signs (Gemini Midheaven, Libra Midheaven, Aquarius Midheaven: Scientific and academic pursuits, thinkers and speakers, media, travel - vocations at altitude Midheaven in Water Signs (Cancer Midheaven, Scorpio Midheaven, Pisces Midheaven): Healing arts, incline to employment on/near water; attendants of spiritual/religious ritual - mortuaries, burials, matters surrounding birth and death Midheaven Taurus/Libra Venus in the 10th House: Signifies inclinations for perfumery, cosmetics, apparel & costumes, flowers, wines, cuisine, finance, financial advising Midheaven Gemini/Mercury in the 10th House: Teachers, salespeople, writers - all those who live by literature, informants, academics Midheaven Cancer/Moon in the 10th House: Produces teachers, nurses and carers for children, the elderly, & vulnerable people, storywriters, musicians Midheaven Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 10th House: Offices of magistrates, judges, tutors, business - specifically foreign trade
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