dale-art-revival · 1 year
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Big Batch of Bears!
The species of wood in order of appearance: Hackberry, Eastern Red Cedar, Cherry and Walnut. For the little bears, the first two are walnut and the rest are basswood.
With the exception of the two little walnut bears, these are all for sale. 40 USD for the big bears, and 15 USD for the small ones; free shipping within the US, outside of the US is an additional 15 bucks (I'm sorry 😬)
I can attach a keychain to the little ones, if you want!
If you'd like to support me, I always appreciate a few bucks here and there:
Venmo and Cashapp @kodiakcass and PayPal @BigBearCass
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lunamarish · 4 months
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thereisnoafter · 10 months
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baaardi · 1 month
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Buenos Aires, 2024
Canonet QL17, Kodak Ultramax 400
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capra-persa · 6 months
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📍Metropolitan Museum (MET), New York 🇺🇸
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harveyphotography · 2 months
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Contemplando quel popolo di giganti, di eroi, di atleti, di figure volanti, di cavalli impennati e domati.
Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen - Roma
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authentic-boredom · 5 months
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Round About Midnight, 1986 + Boundless I, 1975_Christian Herdeg
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p0gue-m0h0n3 · 15 days
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dale-art-revival · 2 years
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Long Fella
Spalted Maple Coated with Linseed Oil
I have one more block of this maple that I still need to work with, but I think after that, I'm gonna try working more with harder woods. The only hard woods I've worked with so far are cherry and walnut and I really like how those two clean up!
Available for 150$ USD (free shipping to continental US).
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zibaldone-di-pensieri · 5 months
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 11 months
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Sculptor: Josep Llimona i Bruguera (Spanish, 1864-1934) Architect: Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó (Spanish/Catalan, 1862-1940) El Masnou, Panteó Pere Grau Maristany, ca.1901-02 Cementiri del Masnou, Catalunya
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fromthedust · 2 years
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Isamu Noguchi (Japanese/American, 1904-1988) - York Fossil marble
suiseki stone
stonework - sacred district, Machu Picchu
Dragon Eye - a metamorphic rock formation found in a stone mine in Lancashire, England
Jon Rafman (b.1981, Montréal) - Guerrero Xeno (Xeno Warrior) - green onyx - 2017
Al Naslaa - rock formation in Tayma, Saudi Arabia
Rogério Timóteo (Portuguese, b.1967) - Abyss - marble - 2020
basalt columns - Iceland
Herbert List (German photographer, 1903-1975) - Archaic Phallus - Sanctuary of Dionysos, Delos - 1937
marble quarry - Carrara
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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100 opere di Rita Gallé 1986
Gioielli, Sculture e multipli, argenti, ceramiche, acquarelli, litografie
Enrico La Stella
a cura di Giorgio Upiglio e Piero Marras
Gallerita, Milano 1986, 60 pagine, 21X21cm
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Rita Gallé (Caltanissetta 1931 – Oaxaca, Messico 2009) Artista poliedrica e vulcanica, di madre siciliana e padre francese, è cresciuta a Palermo, ma poco più che ventenne si trasferisce a Milano dove prende a frequentare l'ambiente artistico ed esordisce come pittrice e scultrice nel 1952. Nel 1967 apre la sua prima galleria d'arte, seguita da una seconda nel 1974, dove oltre ai propri lavori propone le opere dei maggiori artisti emergenti dell'epoca. Negli anni Sessanta inizia a produrre opere uniche in ceramica, mentre dalla metà degli anni Settanta si cimenta nella creazione di gioielli, molti dei quali realizzati in un unico esemplare, che ottengono un buon successo di pubblico e critica, tanto da farle meritare l’epiteto di ‘Sacerdotessa delle pietre’. “I suoi gioielli sono caratterizzati da uno stile talmente insolito da travalicare mode e tendenze, passato e presente”. Forme particolari, spesso geometriche ma mai spigolose, nei cui volumi bombati si ravvisa la stilizzazione di soggetti naturali, oltre che di figure umane e di motivi o materiali mutuati dall’antichità, valorizzate da originali accostamenti di pietre e materiali
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thereisnoafter · 2 years
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baaardi · 2 months
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Golden Park
San Francisco. Julio 2024
Canonet QL17 Portra 400
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miciagalattica · 7 months
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Le tre grazie...
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