#Sec. 93
columboscreens · 1 year
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retrogeographie · 9 months
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Noisy-le-Sec, avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier.
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morninkim · 1 year
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Power Weapons & Alpha V
When the Rangers morph for the first time, something pops up on the HUDs in their helmets. A transmission from a small crab-looking robot?? He introduces himself as Alpha V, robotic assistant to the Power Rangers and... someone else he can’t seem to remember at the moment.
Alpha guides the Rangers in their fights, teaching them to use their individual suit powers and, eventually, their weapons. He doesn’t seem to remember much aside from basic functions, he doesn’t even quite know where his signal is coming from, but that doesn’t stop him from being an invaluable ally to the team.
Billy is the first to summon his Power Weapon, the Power Lance. As a reach weapon, he’s able to use it to attack at range by thrusting, slashing or throwing it. With some guidance from Jason, he’s able to wield it to great effect.
Next up, Kimberly is able to summon the Power Bow, a longbow capable of loosing pink energy bolts to strike at a distance. To an extent, she can also use it as a melee weapon, however this is less effective than the energy arrows.
Zack’s Power Weapon, the Power Axe, perfectly compliments his sturdier Ranger suit and packs a heavy punch. The Black Ranger is a powerhouse while utilizing this weapon with his forcefield generating suit power.
With her super speed and the Power Daggers, Trini is able to slash and strike so quickly that Putties barely register they’ve been hit before they fall. they also assist with slowing down, as she’s able to stab into the ground or a cliff face without fear of blunting the blades’ edge.
Jason, cornered in a one-on-one fight with Goldar, unable to call for backup, is able to summon the final Power Weapon, his Power Sword. Having trained since he was a little kid, (by swinging big sticks and toy lightsabers, before his formal martial arts training, of course) he’s able to wield it to great effect and sever Goldar’s wings from his armor, severely weakening the zealot and scoring a big victory for the Power Rangers.
However, while the two of them were occupied with their battle, and the others finished off the last of Goldar’s putties attacking the Youth Center, Squatt returned from his recon assignment. Once Goldar returns to the ship, the spiky blue alien announces.
“I know where the Urn is.”
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 6 months
you make a funny little post about Pete wentz and suddenly you have 85 notes
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m3msalesgallery · 1 year
Signature Global City Sector 93 A Serene Residential Haven in Gurgaon
Investing in Signature Global City provides not only a lavish lifestyle but also access to a flourishing community. The township brings together like-minded individuals and families, promoting a strong sense of belonging and community spirit. Residents can participate in a variety of social and cultural activities, interact with their neighbours, and feel a feeling of community. Signature Global City Sector 93 Gurgaon stands out as an exceptional residential destination that delivers a life of luxury, convenience, and refinement thanks to its great location, magnificent residences, thoughtful amenities, and dynamic community.
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Signature Global City township is designed to provide a variety of amenities and services that improve the quality of life for its residents. Landscaped gardens, jogging tracks, children's play areas, swimming pools, fitness centres, and dedicated recreational spaces are all part of the concept. Furthermore, the project includes 24-hour security, power backup, and adequate parking spots, offering a safe and convenient living environment for inhabitants.
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anna-neko · 3 months
hello and welcome to yet another DnDads live show notes, the Boston edition
Once again, shout-out to all you awesome nerds out there!!! Ms Mothman, at least 2 Trudy's, a delightful group in Teen High shirts... I've been given bracelets, a tiny crocheted heart, smol die (d12) as black as my soul~♡ and most absolutely freakin amazingly someone remembered me frm before!!
--- Glenn dad fact is instead of the "boston left" his beat up tour van does a "Glenn left" ...which is just turning left whenever the fuck u want, slowly edging into that space while just sheepishly gesturing (like sorry! dunno what happened! unidentifiable arm flailing) .. this maneuver works about 93% of the time
--- Darryl dad fact is he loves mowing lawns so much! ....that the only time he got arrested was....for hopping on thr Boston Common lawnmower when the Park Ranger was distracted.... and mowing some of that oldest grass in the country!
--- Henry dad fact was a Massachusetts fact about his favorite "Henry"
--- tonight's adventure involved time-travel
--- they go to Ancient Rome
--- Anthony kept trying to name places, failing (Acropolis?!?! no!) and getting audience yelling at him. Will knew the differnt types of classic columns and threw a quick pun in there
--- Glenn gets moar guns and nowhas a whole $18 in his wallet
--- as a vegan Henry believes the only ethical meat for him to eat...would have been...himself the dads proceed to eat their dead future selves (that appeared inna very beat up Honda Odyssey with Paeden at the wheel) Freddie is the only one failing his roll and getting no bonuses
--- it wasn't really relevant game-wise but the bonuses were: for eating "himself" all of Henry's spell slots are doubled for eating Glenn - Ron can do all of his spells now for eating himself Darryl can do FOUR attacks (aka his own attacks are doubled)
--- Abe Lincoln and JKF make out
--- columns everywhere.... So Many Columns
--- while doing a "macho" walk with a water bottle wagging about as his dick... the bottle cap POPPED OFF and water spilled everywhere yes there's already video online
--- in an unrelated scene, Anthony totalz broke Will... who didn't just facepalm and turn away in his chair... Will stood up and wandered off stage for a sec!!
--- Freddie forgot that there was still one more musical number to go and started doin the "end of East Coast tour" guitar giveaway waaay too early
--- Beth trying to describe the most perfect shoulder ((Freddie cuts in that his most perf shoulder is pork)) ...someone in audience yells an actor name, Anthony yells back for them to stop interrupting a woman being horny
--- Darryl can't chose between which president....someone yells he has two hands... queue Matt agreeing, leaning back confidently with his arms behind his head
-- they killed half of Caesar's crew, Statue of Liberty is now a giant statue of Darryl ((Anthony copies Matt's earlier lean pose to illustrate)), Mt Rushmore is just JFK & Abe making out, The Civil War never happened
--- Ron has a +1 in Religion ...where does it come from? Above, clearly
--- Ron trying (and failing) to get Dionysius to invest in his...Caesar Salad business opportunity (did Beth forget what even goes into a salad?)
but really, lets be honest. We all paid money just for this moment
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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ssavinggrace · 1 year
heres the EW article!!
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LOOK AT THEMMMM yall r gonna hate me when that 93 sec. teaser drops tomorrow
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purplegirl20 · 1 year
Secret Meetup
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me), along with judgment day and Edge.
Summary: A certain someone decide to visit me before the induction ceremony.
Warning: Light Smut.
Tagging:@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sparkleva95 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @sparklykryptonitequeen91
Note: I hope you love my story after a long hiatus from writer's block.
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March 31st: Los Angeles.
It was a hectic Friday night at the Arena. I was in the staying in the Judgement's Locker room, getting myself ready for the Induction Ceremony. I was getting my makeup done by Rhea.
Rhea: You're going to look good for Damian for tonight's ceremony.
Shaynell: You think so?
Rhea: I know so.
Shaynell: Alright.
Rhea: Good. I'm almost done.
He continue applying some dark eye shadow and lipstick.
Rhea: And Done.
She then passed me a hand mirror. I quickly gasped at my appearance.
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Shaynell: Holy Shit! I look beautiful!
Rhea:(chuckling) You like?
Shaynell: I do. I'm surprised that you actually have make up that matches my skin tone.
Rhea: Hey. I have done your boyfriend makeup, like all the time.
Shaynell:(smirks) Well I look fantastic.
Rhea: Thank you.
Dominik : Hey Rhea. Are you ready for you segment with Charlotte?
Rhea: Yea. Give me a sec. Dom!
Dominik: Yes Mami?
Rhea: Give her a compliment. I worked so hard to make her gorgeous.
Dominik: You look very Bonita, princessa. You look good in Purple.
Shaynell: Oh! Thank you. It my favorite color
Rhea: I'll see you later. Try on the new dress while we're gone.
Shaynell: Ok. See you later.
They smile and left the room. I removed my dress from the garment bag, revealing a dark purple evening gown.
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Shaynell:(sighs) It look beautiful.
"Purple is such a regal color on you, my little boston cream"
I gasped as I quickly recognize the voice. I turn around and saw Edge at the entrance.
Shaynell:(gasp) Sprinkles!
Edge:(chuckling) We meet again, my love.
I ran off to him and hugged him. He smile and wrapped his arms around me.
Shaynell: Edge! What you doing here? You're on the judgement day's hit list. We'll be in huge trouble if they say found us together.
Edge: I know, but I haven't seen your face for a long time. I just want to see you before my match.
Shaynell:(blushing) Sprinkles. I miss you. But your wife--
Edge: Don't worry. I won't let anyone know about our meetups.
Shaynell:(blushing) Sprinkles... I love you.
Edge: I love you too, Boston Cream. I miss your warm smile. Our secrets escapades together.
Shaynell: I miss them too.
I smile and hold him tight.
Shaynell:(sighs) I can't believe it been 1 year since we meet.
Edge: It had been.
Shaynell:(sighs) I wish we went back to relive those memories.
He sighs as he ran his fingers, through my crochet braids.
Edge: Before I go, Can you let me help put on your evening gown.
Shaynell: Yes.
He smiles and removes my clothes, leaving me in my undergarments.
Edge: It been a while since I saw your body.
He smiles and help me put on my dress and zip me up.
Shaynell:(blushing) How do I look?
Edge: Beautiful.
Shaynell:(smiles) Thank you.
I gave him a small, but warm smile.
Edge: This outfit is missing something.
Shaynell: Really? What does this outfit need?
Edge: This.
He then produced a purple a black and purple choker.
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Shaynell:(gasp) It so beautiful.
Edge: Think of it as my anniversary gift to you.
Shaynell: Oh Edge. Thank you.
He smiles and put it around my neck.
Edge: Such as a exquiste necklace for a exquiste girl like you.
He smirks and starts placing soft kisses on my neck.
Shaynell:(whimpering) Edge.
Edge: I miss your soft moans.
Shaynell: I miss your warm touch and smile.
Then we heard faint footsteps.
Edge:(gasp) I must go, my love.
Shaynell: Please be safe and beat Finn.
Edge: I will, Boston cream.
He smile and passionately kissed me on the lips, making me blush.
Edge: We shall meet again, Boston cream.
Shaynell: Farewell, sprinkles.
He smile and quickly left the locker room.
Shaynell:(thinking) Good thing the lipstick is smudge free.
I sighs and look myself in the mirror. I quickly grabs a breath mint to conceal Edge's breath in my mouth.
(door creaking)
I look over and saw Finn and Damian at the door, donning their suit in their faction's colors.
Shaynell: Damian.
Damian: Princessa. You look so beautiful.
Shaynell:(blushing) Thank you.
He smirks and lift my chin up to see my face.
Damian: You're look fantastic. Rhea did a good job doing your makeup.
He smile and smash his lips against mine.
He smirks and wrapped his arms around me.
Shaynell:(sighs) Damian. I love your cologne.
Damian: Why thank you, mija. I make sure that I smell good for my own princess.
Shaynell:(blushing) Damian.
He smirks and gave me another kiss, making me blush.
Finn: Not to interrupt your lovefest, but we have to do our photoshoot.
Damian: Alright. Let's go princessa.
He smiles and take my hand to lead the way.
Shaynell: Wait! Hold on!
I quickly grabs my purse and took his hand.
Shaynell: Let's go.
Damian and Finn escort me out the locker room and left for the photoshoot.
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impossible-rat-babies · 3 months
DT 93 spoilers:
not to be a negative nancy for a sec but like. I really do not enjoy how fourteen has a habit of setting up a big thing happening with a dungeon + trial and then drags that tension through the mud. it’s kinda. grating? it stalls out the sense of urgency, thus I’m just kinda. sitting there. EW did it between babil and zodiark, but at least the moon stuff was Interesting. ShB kinda did it between dohn mheg and Titania, but at least there was something interesting going on in the task we were doing.
idk I’m only lvl 93, so take this with a huge grain of salt but the hand holding through quest objectives is throwing me off. like why do we have to stop between these places so many times to go over a point we established at the start? I’m at lvl 90 I feel like I can trusted to know where to go
this might also be that my mood is kinda trashed bc after every dungeon I’ve done with my friends there’s been so much negatively over how that dungeon went. like yeah I get other players can suck, but by god it’s not the end of the world if the dungeon doesn’t go perfect. it’s just absolute ass to come out of a dungeon feeling like I had fun figuring out the mechanics and what is going on even if there was some death, only to be met with how much this tank sucked, or how much the other dps sucked. it’s not fun, it bums me out and makes me so anxious
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les-degustations-ugo · 9 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, aimez-vous les Côtes de Bergerac blanc ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac blanc 2020 du @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
97% Sémillon (vignes de 70 ans)
3% Muscadelle (vignes de 26 ans)
Production de 3046 bouteilles
Sols Argilo calcaires
Fermentation en barriques
👁️ :
Robe de couleur jaune avec quelques reflets verts
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits à chair blanche
💋 :
En bouche, on a un vin avec une belle fraîcheur. Sur des arômes de pêche, poires, fleurs blanches. Une belle longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes de pommes vertes et une belle tension qui fait saliver les papilles. Un régal.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un beau Bergerac blanc avec du fruit mûr et de la tension en bouche. Une belle cuvée avec un équilibre parfait.
🧆Dégusté sur du Saumon fumé🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 :Bouchées à la reine aux fruits de mer, Chair de crabe, Croustillants de saumon,...
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont était dégustés et recrachés.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Le vignoble de Bergerac s’étend dans le département de la Dordogne (sud-ouest de la France), autour de la ville de Bergerac, sur 93 communes, dont fait partie la commune de Monestier.
Le Château Monestier La Tour produit du vin sous trois appellations : Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac et Saussignac. La surface totale exploitée est de près de 30 hectares, 17 hectares en cépages rouges (63% de Merlot, 30% de Cabernet Franc, 5% de Cabernet Sauvignon et 2% de Malbec) et 12,5 hectares en cépages blancs, secs et doux (61% de Sémillon, 30% de Sauvignon Blanc et 9% de Muscadelle).
La plus grande production annuelle du Château Monestier La Tour se fait sous l’appellation Bergerac, qui réunit environ 35 000 bouteilles de vin rouge, 30 000 bouteilles de vin blanc et 5 000 bouteilles de vin rosé (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L’AOC Bergerac est située au sud-ouest de la Dordogne, sur les bords de la rivière du même nom. La superficie du vignoble en production est proche des 13 000 hectares et s’étend sur 93 communes du département.
Le vignoble est implanté sur des sols variés de calcaires, de boulbènes, de sables, d’argiles et de limons. Le climat océanique, aidé dans le Bergeracois par les reliefs de la vallée de la Dordogne et les vents marins qui la remontent, tempère l’atmosphère et conserve une humidité élevée toute l’année. Cette dernière favorise le développement de la vigne, surtout lors des étés chauds et ensoleillés.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you like white Côtes de Bergerac ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac white 2020 from @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (70 year old vines)
3% Muscadelle (26 year old vines)
Production of 3046 bottles
Clay-limestone soils
Fermentation in barrels
Yellow color with some green highlights
A nose with notes of white-fleshed fruit
On the palate, we have a wine with beautiful freshness. With aromas of peach, pears, white flowers. A nice length in the mouth with a finish with notes of green apples and a nice tension that makes the taste buds salivate. A delight.
📜In summary📜:
A beautiful white Bergerac with ripe fruit and tension on the palate. A beautiful vintage with perfect balance.
🧆Tasted with smoked salmon🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this vintage🍷: Seafood queen bites, Crab meat, Crispy salmon,...
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winemaker. Go to the estate's website to see all the current vintages and promotions📌.
🔞 “Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞 Most of the wines were tasted and spat out.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
The Bergerac vineyard extends in the Dordogne department (south-west of France), around the town of Bergerac, over 93 municipalities, including the municipality of Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produces wine under three appellations: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac and Saussignac. The total area under cultivation is nearly 30 hectares, 17 hectares in red grape varieties (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 2% Malbec) and 12.5 hectares in white, dry and sweet (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc and 9% Muscadelle).
The largest annual production of Château Monestier La Tour is under the Bergerac appellation, which brings together around 35,000 bottles of red wine, 30,000 bottles of white wine and 5,000 bottles of rosé wine (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
The AOC Bergerac is located in the south-west of the Dordogne, on the banks of the river of the same name. The area of ​​the vineyard in production is close to 13,000 hectares and extends over 93 communes in the department.
The vineyard is planted on varied soils of limestone, boulbènes, sand, clay and silt. The oceanic climate, helped in the Bergerac region by the reliefs of the Dordogne valley and the sea winds that go up it, tempers the atmosphere and maintains high humidity all year round. The latter favors the development of the vine, especially during hot and sunny summers.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E a te, ti piacciono le Côtes de Bergerac bianche ❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac bianco 2020 di @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (viti di 70 anni)
3% Muscadelle (viti di 26 anni)
Produzione di 3046 bottiglie
Terreni argillosi-calcarei
Fermentazione in botti
Colore giallo con alcuni riflessi verdi
Al naso presenta note di frutta a polpa bianca
Al palato abbiamo un vino di bella freschezza. Con aromi di pesca, pera, fiori bianchi. Bella persistenza in bocca con un finale con note di mela verde e una bella tensione che fa venire l'acquolina in bocca. Una delizia.
📜In sintesi📜:
Un bellissimo Bergerac bianco con frutta matura e tensione al palato. Una bella annata con un equilibrio perfetto.
🧆Gustato con salmone affumicato🧆.
🍷Alcuni possibili abbinamenti enogastronomici con questa annata🍷: Bocconcini di regina dei frutti di mare, Polpa di granchio, Salmone croccante,...
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte fa risparmiare
un enologo. Vai al sito dell'azienda per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento📌.
🔞 “L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumare con moderazione”🔞 La maggior parte dei vini sono stati assaggiati e sputati.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Il vigneto di Bergerac si estende nel dipartimento della Dordogna (sud-ovest della Francia), intorno alla città di Bergerac, su 93 comuni, compreso il comune di Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produce vino con tre denominazioni: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac e Saussignac. La superficie totale sfruttata è di quasi 30 ettari, di cui 17 ettari a bacca rossa (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon e 2% Malbec) e 12,5 ettari a bacca bianca, secca e dolce (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc e 9% Muscadelle).
La più grande produzione annuale di Château Monestier La Tour è sotto la denominazione Bergerac, che riunisce circa 35.000 bottiglie di vino rosso, 30.000 bottiglie di vino bianco e 5.000 bottiglie di vino rosato (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L'AOC Bergerac si trova nel sud-ovest della Dordogna, sulle rive del fiume omonimo. La superficie del vigneto in produzione sfiora i 13.000 ettari e si estende su 93 comuni del dipartimento.
Il vigneto è piantato su terreni vari di calcare, boulbènes, sabbia, argilla e limo. Il clima oceanico, aiutato nella regione di Bergerac dai rilievi della valle della Dordogna e dai venti marini che la risalgono, tempera l'atmosfera e mantiene un'elevata umidità tutto l'anno. Quest'ultimo favorisce lo sviluppo della vite, soprattutto durante le estati calde e soleggiate.
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plusmetals · 7 months
Cobalt Alloy Haynes 188 Sheet Suppliers
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Haynes 188™ is a cobalt based alloy with excellent high temperature strength and great oxidation resistance up to 2000° F. Haynes 188’s™ has good resistance to sulfidation and good metallurgical stability, therefore Haynes 188™ can be easily fabricated.
Physical Properties
Physical Properties
British Units
Metric Units
0.324 lb./in.(3)
8.98 g/cm(3)
Incipient Fusion Temperature
2375- 2425
1302- 1330--
Electrical Resistivity
39.6 microhm-in.
1.01 microhm-m
Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
70 to -400
5.4 microin./in.-°F
21 to -200
9.7 X 10(-6)m/m-K
70 to -200
5.8 microin./in.-°F
21 to -129
10.4 X 10(-6)m/m-K
6.2 microin./in.-°F
21 to -18
11.2 X 10(-6)m/m-K
6.2 microin./in.-°F
11.5 X 10(-6)m/m-K
6.6 microin./in.-°F
11.9 X 10(-6)m/m-K
7.0 microin./in.-°F
12.6 X 10(-6)m/m-K
7.4 microin./in.-°F
13.3 X 10(-6)m/m-K
7.8 microin./in.-°F
14.0 X 10(-6)m/m-K
8.2 microin./in.-°F
14.8 X 10(-6)m/m-K
8.6 microin./in.-°F
15.5 X 10(-6)m/m-K
9.0 microin./in.-°F
16.2 X 10(-6)m/m-K
9.4 microin./in.-°F
16.9 X 10(-6)m/m-K
9.9 microin./in.-°F
17.8 X 10(-6)m/m-K
10.3 microin./in.-°F
18.5 X 10(-6)m/m-K
Thermal Conductivity
75 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
10.8 W/m-K
100 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
14.4 W/m-K
112 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
16.1 W/m-K
125 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
18.0 W/m-K
138 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
19.9 W/m-K
152 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
21.9 W/m-K
167 Btu-in/ft²-hr-°F
24.1 W/m-K
Thermal Diffusivity
0.006 in²/sec
3.9 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.006 in²/sec
3.9 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.007 in²/sec
4.5 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.007 in²/sec
4.5 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.008 in²/sec
5.2 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.008 in²/sec
5.2 x 10(-6)m²/s
0.009 in²/sec
5.8 x 10(-6)m²/s
Magnetic Permeability (Room Temperature)
1.01 at 200 oersteds (15,900 A/m)
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itsgerges · 1 year
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Best Greetings
Can A Light Beam Its Velocity 1.16 Million Km Per Second Is Found In The Solar System?
The Concept
The solar system be created from one light beam energy – this light beam travels with a velocity 1.16 million km per second - the velocity is registered in the planets data because from this energy the planets be created –
We have seen this proof data before for that, Let's summarize this proof in following
Planet velocity analysis proves the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s
(Point no. **) 
The planets orbits creation prove the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s
(Point no. **)
The necessity of the using the rate of time (1 second =24 hours) proves the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s
The planets distribution proves the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s
The light motion defines each planet orbit directly and the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s (Point no.**)
Light motion defines each planet rotation period (point no.**)
Light velocity connects between each planet diameter and its orbital period (point no.**)
The planets distances prove the existence of the velocity 1.16 million km/s
For example
(778.6 / 671) = (721/629) = 4900/4188) = (5906/5127)= (5127/4437) = (4345/3717)= 1.16
778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance 
721 million km    = Jupiter Mercury Distance 
671 million km    = Jupiter Venus Distance 
629 million km    = Jupiter Earth Distance 
4188 million km  = 2 x 2094  million km (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
4900 million km  = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
5906 million km  = Pluto Orbital Distance
5127 million km  = Pluto Jupiter Distance
4437 million km  = Mercury Neptune Distance
4345 million km  = The Earth Neptune Distance
3717 million km  = Jupiter Neptune Distance
Simply, the light uses each distance as a period of time to pass the next distance and by that the distances be created in one network and depends on one design.
(Point No. 1)
Planets orbital circumferences depend on light beam its velocity 1.16 mkm/s
I repeat the data one more time - because – I Put the data of light effect on planet data together in one place to prove the massive effect of light motion on planet motion
Mercury Orbital Circumference = 360 Million Km
1.16 million km/ sec x 310 sec = 360 million km
300000 km per second x 310 seconds = 93 million km
93 million km x 2π = 586 million km
The data shows light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 310 seconds a distance = 360 mkm = (Mercury Orbital Circumference).
This is the used system and the produced distance (586 million km) is the required number to define Venus Orbital Circumference – but – the light uses this distance as a period of time (586 seconds)
The data shows– light motion uses Mercury Orbit To Define Venus Orbit
That explains why each planet orbit depends on its neighbor orbit as be proved by my first equation.
The data proves– Light Motion Created The Planets And Caused Their Motions
Venus Orbital Circumference = 680 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 586 sec = 680 million km
300000 km per second x 586 seconds = 175.9 million km
175.9 million km x  2π = 1105 million km
The data tells light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 586 seconds a distance = 680 mkm = (Venus orbital circumference).
According the system- Light should use the period (1105s) for the Earth orbit -
But it's not true – the fact is that
1.16 million km per /sec x 810 sec = 940 million km (Earth orbital circumference)
1105 million km = 810 million km x (1.16)2
The distance (1.16 million km) uses the velocity (1.16 mkm/s) two times –
This is done because of the moon motion effect on the Earth motion -
In fact -
Venus defines The moon orbit at first (940 mkm) and based on this orbit the Earth orbit be defined (940 mkm) – where the 2 orbits are equal that causes the double using of the value  (1.16)2 –
175.9 mkm refer to 175.9 days (Mercury Day Period) - And
810 s x 0.3 mkm/s = 243 mkm refer to 243 days (Venus rotation period)
That shows – each planet defines its previous neighbor Cycle period 
And also that shows the period 810 s is the correct one for the Earth orbit because it produces the distance 243 mkm – means- the Earth orbit follows the system correctly but the double using of the velocity (1.16 mkm/s) is happened only as a result for the moon motion effect on the Earth motion – the next data will support this fact with more proves.
The Earth
Earth Orbital Circumference = 940 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 1105 sec = 1282 million km
300000 km per second x 1105 seconds = 331.5 million km
331.5 million km x 2π = 2082 million km
We use the same system to define the next planet after the Earth –
We know The Earth orbital circumference (940 mkm) be defined by the period 810 s – but here we use the period (1105s) to follow the same line of data
331.5 days (= 327.6 days = The Moon Sidereal Year) (error 1%)
The Earth orbit defines the moon sidereal year – proves that – the double using of the velocity (1.16 mkm/s) is done by the moon effect on the Earth motion.
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated for that Mars orbit isn't defined in the basic system of the light motion because Mars had migrated.  (Mars Migration Theory Point no. 9)
The distance be produced by the Earth orbit (2082 mkm) will be used for Jupiter but it uses the double value (2 x 2082)
Jupiter Orbital Circumference = 4900 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 2082 sec x 2 = 4830 million km
300000 km per second x 2082 sec x 2 = 629 million km x 2
629 million km x 4π = 7855 million km (629 million km = Earth Jupiter Distance)
The data tells light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 2082 x 2 seconds a distance = 4830 million km = (Jupiter orbital circumference 4900 mkm error 1.4%).
The data shows – Earth orbit caused to create Jupiter orbit but the data uses only the rate (2) – that may because of Mars effect on the data – also – the other number is (629 mkm) which is the distance between Jupiter and Earth – and this distance isn't used as a cycle period – we remember in Mercury, Venus and Earth these distances were (175.9 and 243 and 327.6) which be used as cycles periods – but this part of the system is stopped here and no longer provides a cycle period may that be also Mars effect of the data.
We see clearly the light motion travels from a planet orbit to another to create them depending on one another – here we see light motion is a fact proved clearly
The produced distance (7855 mkm) will be as a period of time for Saturn orbit
Saturn Orbital Circumference = 9000 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 7855 sec = 9100 million km
300000 km per second x 7855 seconds = 2356 million km
2356 million km x 2π = 14804 million km
The data tells light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 7855 seconds a distance = 9100 mkm = (Saturn orbital circumference 9000 mkm error 1%).
The produced distance 14804 mkm will be used as a period of time for Uranus Orbit. 
Uranus Orbital Circumference = 18048 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 14804 sec = 17173 million km
300000 km per second x 14804 seconds = 4444 million km
4444 million km x 2π = 27923 million km
The data tells light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 14804 seconds a distance =17173 mkm = (Uranus orbital circumference 18048 mkm error 5%).
The produced distance (27923 mkm) will be used as a period of time for Pluto orbit
The distance 27923 mkm = Neptune orbital circumference (28244 mkm) (error 1%) 
Pluto Orbital Circumference = 37100 Million Km
1.16 million km per /sec x 27923 sec = 32400 million km
1.16 million km per /sec x 32400 sec = 37572 million km
(the error between 37100 and 37572 be 1.3%)
300000 km per second x 27923 seconds = 8377 million km
The data tells light (1.16 mkm/s) passes during 27923 seconds a distance = 37572
Mkm (Pluto orbital circumference 37100 million km – error 1.3%) – but the data uses the light velocity double times –
The data shows, Neptune and Pluto orbits depend on Uranus orbit and this fact is proved also by my first equation – but – Neptune orbital circumference is created by some strange method for the system that may affect on Pluto data and caused to use the light velocity in double value.
The massive importance of this data is (The Light Continuous Motion Through The Solar System) – shortly – all planets orbits are connected together with one another by light motion which proves that the light creates these orbits and (more important) the light creates a continuum of data through the solar system
This is the idea I provide under my theory – and this is the idea I prove by all means – the solar system is NOT separated planets (rigid bodies) – on the contrary- it's a continuum of data – one river of water – in some parts this water be in solid form (as ice) and in other parts the water be in liquid form – but all be created from the same one water –
Means- the planets matters and their distances be created from the same one source of energy which is one light beam its velocity 1.16 million km per second.
The continuum is the major discovery in the solar system vision
As a result – the planets be geometrical points on the same light beam – and the planets be similar to carriages in the same one train – and the train is the light beam - the planets move with this light beam motion.
This fact is decisive to understand the planets motions because the planets move equal distances in equal periods of time (why?) because the light beam moves one motion passes one distance in one period of time – for that – the planets have to pass this same distance and in this same period of time – and because the planets velocities are less than light velocity that necessitates to create a geometrical design to perform the basic requirement which is (the planets have to move equal distances in equal periods of time)   
The light defines each planet orbit depends on its neighbor orbit –
This fact is proved clearly in the data- this meaning is proved by my first equation (more details be found in the point 1-19)
(Point No. 2)
Planets Velocities Depend On Light Velocity   
My fifth equation tells (vt=322)
v = Planet Velocity  
t = another planet velocity be used as a period of time
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 seconds a distance = 322 km  but
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 seconds a distance   = 322 km 
By that, Planet velocity be used as a period of time for the distance 322 km - Why??
Details Data
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance           = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance                      = 1160000 km 
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance              = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance                     = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance                    = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance     = 1160000 km 
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance           = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
The data shows that – The planets velocities be created as functions in light velocity 1.16 million km per second and complementary one another
Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km 
(between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%) 
The equation tells
Mercury velocity be complementary with Uranus Velocity
Venus velocity be complementary with Pluto Velocity
Earth velocity be complementary with Neptune Velocity
Mars velocity be complementary with Jupiter Velocity
Saturn velocity be complementary with Venus Velocity (with great error 5%)
Why? How Does Each Planet Choose Its Mate?
We notice that
The couple (Earth and Neptune) be used in my (5th equation) and my (4th equation)
The same couple be used in both equations –
A Question
Why does Mercury choose Uranus to be its mate? Jupiter choose Mars why?!
The answer
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance     = 1.16 million km
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance       = 1.16 million km
Why Mercury and Uranus? (as example)
This is a result of the geometrical distribution of the planet velocities –
The point is that the distance (1.16 million km) controls all planets motions –we should discuss this distance later – because
The data analysis shows that a light beam its velocity be = 1.16 million km per second be found and affect on the planets motions data – that causes the velocities depend on this distance as a reference –  (My five equations be tested in point no.A)
(Point No. 3)
Light Motion Effect on Planets Data
Light motion another effect is seen in Planet Rotation Period Definition – I repeat its data here also for better vision
(153.3/24)   = (29.8/4.7) = 6.4
(24/24.6)     = (24.1 x 2 x 0.3) /(4.7π)
(9.9/24)       = (29.8 x 2 x (0.3)2)/ (13.1) 
(10.7/24)     = (24.1 x 2 x (0.3)2) /(9.7)      
(17.2/24)     = (6.8 x 2 x (0.3)) /(5.4) (error 5.5%) 
(16.1/24)     = (5.4 x 4 x (0.3)) /(9.7)
Data No. (1)
(9.9/24) = (29.8 x 2 x (0.3)2)/ (13.1) 
9.9 hours     = Jupiter Rotation Period
29.8 km/s    = Earth velocity
13.1 km/s    = Jupiter velocity
Let's analyze the data in following
The data tells –Jupiter rotation period be defined as a function in the period (24 h) by using the light velocity (300000 km/s) as a reference and Earth velocity as a partner in motion
We know that – Jupiter uses The Earth moon velocity in its planet diameter equation  here – Jupiter rotation period be defined based on the Jupiter and Earth velocities by that the rate of time be transported inside the rotation period – but – the definition be done by using light velocity as a measurement and reference because the motion be done by light motion –
We need to observe the period (24 h) in Jupiter equation because this period be used for all other planets as a reference because this period is the used one by light motion and because the equation defines Jupiter rotation period by using the light motion as a reference that makes the equation uses the period (24 h) which is the period time of the light motion
Please remember-light supposed velocity (1.16 m km/s) travels in the solar day period (24 h) a distance = 100733 million = (The planets orbital circumferences total)  that explains why the equation uses (24 hours) as a reference for all planets rotation period
This equation (data) is important because it shows the planet rotation period be defined based on the velocities rate and based on the planet rotation  period this planet diameter will be defined-
In this point we need to observe the following –
This equation is reflected one because Jupiter equation to define its diameter uses also a reflected form (also Saturn does that) – for that reason this equation which defines Jupiter rotation period uses also a reflected form.
For that reason the light velocity (300000 km/s) be used two times for Jupiter and Saturn- this using is produced because Jupiter and Saturn equations to define their diameters use reflected forms- please review planet diameter equation Point no. (E) 
The equation uses the rate (2) with all planets but with Neptune it uses the rate (4) -  
Notice / Jupiter diameter equation uses the moon velocity in place of the Earth velocity in the current equation – that tells Jupiter motion be a partner inside the interaction between the Earth and its moon motions.  
The Earth and Pluto equation is the basic one in this data we discuss it at end because it explains the whole process clearly
(Point No. 4)
Light Creates A Dependency Between Planet Diameter And Orbital Period
This data also be discussed before –I try to put all light effect data together
Light Motion Effect On The Planets Data Creation.
Planet Diameter and Orbital period Dependency
4879 x (0.3)2 = 88 x 4.93 (error 1%)
12104 x (0.3)2 = 224.7 x 4.93
12756 x (0.3)2 = 365.25 x π
3475 x  (0.3)2 = 327.6 (error 4.5%)
6792 x  (0.3)2 = 611
142984 x  (0.3)2 = 4331 x π (error 5.5%)
120536 x  (0.3)2 = 10747  (error 1%)
2 x 51118 x  (0.3) = 30589
49528 x (0.3)2 = 4495
2390 x (0.3) = 717
The data provides the planets diameters in order – where – (4879 km is Mercury diameter – and 2390 km is Pluto diameter) –
Each diameter be used as a period of time for light motion for that (4879 km be used as 4879 seconds)
The rate (0.3)^2 refers to light velocity (300000 km/s) be used for 2 times
the produced values be in (distances) for the light motion and for us be Planets orbital periods in order (88 days = Mercury orbital period, 224.7 days = Venus orbital period)
the data tells – the planet orbital period be defined by light motion based on the planet diameter –
Notice - 4.93 = (π2/2)
There are some modifications for each planet but the rule be seen clearly and shows trustee using – the only 2 planets don't use the rule are – Mars and Pluto because the 2 planets had migrated from their original orbital distances –
Mars original orbital distance was 84 million km between Mercury and Venus – and Mars had migrated -
Also - Pluto was the Mercury moon revolves around it and had migrated with Mars migration – the story be discussed in point no. (6)
For that Pluto diameter shows the distance 717 million km (where 721 million km = Mercury Jupiter distance = 2 Mercury orbital circumferences).
Thanks a lot – kind regards
Please read
Planet Diameter Equation Shows The Matter Origin (The Proves Discussions)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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eclipse89 · 2 years
Tumblr media
93% moon
ISO 100 / 300mm / F/11 / 1/100 sec / ~90 frames stacked out of ~3,600
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achitka · 2 years
Chapter 31: Butterflies
So it's day 31...Can't believe I managed to write something every day...was a good challenge. Gonna miss that. Also my thanks to everyone that participated. I've enjoyed writing, reading and looking at so many wonderful works of art here on tumblr. Extra, extra thanks for the crew running the event. @encantober-official I've had a blast writing all month. I feel a lotta bit of inspiration to work on my other fic. . That said off we go...day 31 Is Camilo that much of a jerk...
Mirabel and Camilo were together in Camilo’s room learning to make small boats out of paper. The book they were using was very beat up. It had survived two house fires and many a re-read. Camilo flipped through the pages, fascinated by the pictures of people inside. The came from a faraway place called ‘The Orient’ and their face shapes were new to him.
“Hey,” Mirabel said, “Go back to the directions for a sec, I think I missed a step.”
Camilo set the book on the floor and turned back to the page. Mirabel scanned the page and half way down she frowned, “Yep…” she sighed and tossed the incomplete boat behind her and got another piece of paper. Camilo flipped toward the end of the book and nudged his prima. Mirabel looked at it and smiled.
“You think we can make it? I mean we’re struggling to make a boat.”
“You’re struggling to make a boat,” Camilo said, “I am not being helpful, sans no struggling…see how this works out for me?”
“Whatever,” Mirabel said, “Let me read this.”
Camilo leaned back against his bed and thought about the drawing of the people in the books. He felt his face shift but didn’t get up to look at it. He was pretty sure it matched the face on page 93.
“What are you doing?” Mirabel asked. She was holding a razor blade and Camilo shifted back to himself.
“What are you doing?” Camilo asked back.
“Wow, short attention span much? I need you to hold the paper while I cut out the shapes,” she said and pushed the paper over to him. There were three different colors, purple, blue and yellow. “I’m going to try and cut them all at the same time.”
“How long is that going to take?”
“I don’t know, it’s pretty intricate.”
“Longer than five minutes?
“Why did you agree to help if you’re not going to help?”
“Fair point, but how long?”
“You know what, never mind. I’ll finish it myself,” Mirabel said as she gathered up the paper, string and glue. Camilo went to reach for the book and Mirabel snapped it shut and picked that up as well. “I need this,” she said and was up and out the door.
Camilo looked at the door for a while trying to decide if he should go after her. Truth was, he didn’t want to help make any gifts for Abuela and he couldn’t understand why Mirabel would want to. They way she talked to her, the just mean things she would say…as far as he was concerned, she didn’t deserve them. Antonio’s fifth birthday was less than six months away and his parents and little brother were already stressing out about it. While he wanted Antonio to get a Gift, he also did not.
Camilo got up and pulled on his ruana and shoes. He walked outside and around the house to the back garden. Mira was right where he knew she would be. She always came here when she was mad at him. He heard her let out a curse as the page she was working on ripped.
“Need some help?” he asked. Mirabel looked up from what she was doing and shook her head as she pulled out another piece of paper. Camilo glanced at the pages that had already been discarded and smiled. Only one was ripped, the rest looked fine…but not perfect and Mira needed them to be.
“Mind if I help, anyway?” he asked as he sat down next to her and put his hands on the edges. He wasn’t going to try and talk sense into her. She wouldn’t listen anyway.  She’d keep chasing the light of that candle ‘til it killed her. Waiting for a miracle that was too late in coming.
Mirabel was humming now, a clear sign she was completely focused on what she was doing and would finish this up pretty quickly. After a few minutes, she made the last cut and removed the pieces of cut paper. She tapped his hand and he lifted the page up. He noticed the butterfly she’d cut out was shining on the table where the sun shone through and was hitting the table.
“Pretty nice, Mira,” he said lifting the others.
“Thanks, and thanks for helping…it was not going well by myself.”
“Mind if I keep the scraps,” he asked indicating her abandon attempts.
“Sure, can’t use them for this anyway.”
“Great, I’ll see ya later,” he said and gathered up the papers, “Gotta go into town and be useful for a few hours.”
“Okay, thanks again, I’ll save you seconds.”
“Gonna need ‘em,” he said and went back to his room. He reached under his bed and pulled out a box. He took off the lid. Inside was a jumble of half-finished projects that Mira had decided were not perfect enough. He put the butterfly cut outs in it and reached around and picked up the incomplete boat placing it in there as well. Lately there had been a lot of them. If she kept it up, he was going to need a bigger box. Maybe he’d show it to her one day…he wondered if he would have to wait for Abuela to die before he did.
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
So I did the test since I hadn’t done it in a year and my god how it changed-
93% switch
87% Rigger
83% Non-Monogamist
78% Vanilla
72% Daddy/Mommy
69% Owner
66% Experimentalist
64% Dominant
63% Boy/Girl
62% Master/Mistress
60% Submissive
55% Ageplayer
47% Rope bunny
47% Pet
46% Primal (Hunter)
37% Voyeur
33% Brat tamer
25% Sadist
18% Degrader
10% Slave
8% Brat
6% Masochist
5% Primal (Prey)
3% Degradee
0% Exhibitionist
One thing that didn’t change is that I’m very vanilla
Also…Can I have Urogi for a bit of Primal/Prey and pet play please ? I’m just borrowing him for a sec-
-EDS anon
Urogi is heavy into primal and pet play.
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