#Secret Society of Super Villians
how do you write the league of villians what are things to pay attention to when writeing them like with dialouge and gestures and stuff
Uhhhh, to be honest what I do is try to reread the manga a lot or write down certain chapters that help me with the characterization. Maybe another list would do it? Idk idk, I'm terrible with trying to explain myself today ejdndnjf. Let's try anyway.
Tips on what to pay attention to when writing the League of Villains:
1) You need to understand that the League is very individualistic.
If you compare the League of Villains to other teams like the Meta Liberation Army, then you will find out that the League really values their personal freedom and the ability to do as they please.
They have strong personalities that clash all the time, but they also know how to act together because they have a common goal. You need to be careful with those, because it's like handling the little threads of a puppet to make him walk in a certain direction.
Dabi tends to like working alone, but he always comes back when the LOV needs him. Twice is not very good in solo missions, but he's a real overkiller when he has someone he wants to protect or take care of. Mr. Compress doesn't like big fights and prefers to stick to subtle roles— he's the wild card of the team. Spinner is often in the support role, while Toga is the one with more secret missions among them. As the leader, Tomura is the main show and the most direct attacker.
I often try to categorize their dynamics and study how Horikoshi uses them in the manga.
2) Pay attention to how their backstories dictate how they see the world around them and how they interact with it.
A good characterization comes from knowing the character, understanding how they came to be and how they can grow. I suggest that you reread the manga and ask a lot of questions.
One of the best examples is Dabi. I've seen him depicted as this cool suave character, when in truth his very awkward!
There are several moments in the manga when a LOV member pointed out his low self-esteem or tried to comfort him over it. Toga said that he was running away because his fire couldn't hurt Gigantomachia, while Twice tried to cheer him up during the attack to the summer camp. He dances like a little kid when he gets excited and couldn't recruit one (1) good new member, the only one being a traitor. He's also very very dramatic, "falling from a second floor widow as I destroy a building" dramatic, which would be super aloof if it wasn't for Toga noticing that he did that to cheer her up after Twice died.
Another example is the difference between Dabi and Spinner:
Even when they are both Stain fanboys, they differ on what is a pro-hero and who gets to become one. Spinner is more idealistic, being a civilian kid that still has hope. Dabi is way more cynical, given that he knows by experience the inside workings of the Hero Society 'cause his dad was a pro-hero. On the other hand, Spinner suffered from a type of discrimination no one else in the League could understand.
They do not see the world the same way, so they won't react to it the same way either.
3) You don't want to turn them into a stereotype instead of the multifaceted characters they are.
I find that fandom spaces are deadly scared of making a character ooc or scared of turning them into a stereotype. I personslly think it's kinda silly to expect fan creations to be exactly like the main source.
Characters are defined by maaaany things like their past, their environment or the setting of the story, the current arcs, the message that the author wants to communicate, etc. They'll be different in each story, but the goal is not to write them to the point they are unrecognizable
If you're afraid of writing the LOV shallow or making them feel alien, remember: the most important part is to figure out the core of the character, aka those traits that cannot change under any circumstances or you'd be writing an original character.
Once you have those traits, you should focus on consistent writing. Every action must have an explanation, an origin. Create your own guidelines and stick to them.
For example, in my I Don't Dance au, Tomura leans into his "Tomura" persona for a healthier reason, but he still does it. AFO didn't force the identify change on him, instead Tomura took it as an artistic name to distant himself from the Shimura tragedy. While Tomura is still a shield for Tenko to hide behind, just like in the manga, giving him an artistic way to express his sorrow and guilt instead of a destructive quirk and the worst mentor figure ever— well, it gave me an excuse to make Tomura just as unwell, but a lot more sane and in control of his emotions.
He might be a bit ooc, but that's expected of an alternative universe where I changed a lot of his past! The important thing is that he's still a menace and that his issues are the same, just treated differently.
4) Like when you're learning a new language, you will have to exaggerate before you learn how to control their personal "accents".
Remember the essential traits I mentioned? One of them is the way they talk!!!!!
Try to think about the level of education they had, who were their friends, the socioeconomic status of their families, what jobs they worked in, what series they watch... Of course, you can ignore this and try to write them all on a basic vocabulary. This really depends on how deep you want to dive in the characterization.
You know that Dabi is really rude and that he grew up in a wealthy family. However, he'd try to hide his upbringing so as not to make others question him. You can write him talking more in the street style and maybe make him slip and add a witty comment from time to time.
Toga has a very kawaii talk. It's exaggerated when she's on beast mode. Like Dabi, Toga is pretending because she wants the world to perceive her as a little girl and not a monster. When Toga feels more comfortable she is kinda childish, but something closer to her age. She is more calm, more sober with her words.
This applies to the gestures too!
Spinner would try to act cooler because he wants to look like Stain, but he's a nervous wreck. You can write him as someone who tries to flex with his giant sword, while screams the most nerd stuff ever to exist.
In serious moments, Twice is able to look fully present, less divided; on the day to day he jumps from grumpy to childish with little worry. He's movement is probably clearer when in a fight and his words are more severe.
Mr. Compress acts like a coward, but when the time comes he's not afraid of the spotlight. He is not one to talk a lot. Theatric gestures like fixing his coat, his hat or his gloves are unique of him.
An exercise is to make them all say the same dialogue or do the same gesture, exploring how different can they perform under the same circumstances.
5) Know your limits as a writer or know when you want to explore / expand your range.
As a writer, you must know where you are, where you want to go and what you want to do. Or at least realize you don't know and that it's a new adventure for you!
Sometimes you'll have to write that fanfic and let it be for a while. You can reread it later and ask yourself what can be improved. Art is a process of failing and failing and taking notes of those failures, so you can get better.
Another good exercise is to read a lot of fics and study them. If you think a fic has good characterization, try to pinpoint what gives you that feeling. Be critical. Overanalyze. Complain on your own if you need to.
Instead of expecting it to be perfect on the first try, imagine you're building a stair. One step will not take you there. Work with one character at the time or with only one aspect, maybe the dialogues only. Focus on a part and then you can continue with others.
I'm aware of how general and vague I'm being, but I don't have specific rules for writing the League of Villains. I try to do the same thing I'd do with any other characters. So....
Hope this works for you too <3
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roseamongroses · 1 year
Idc if im the asshole tbh but I think this is funny. I (15F) am a hero intern for this fairly big company, think superhuman secret society typa shit.
The thing is because I'm more of a "in the chair" hero, I spend a fair amount of time in the Headquarter's lab. My work load swings between nothing to fucking do and non-stop crisis mode.
Somedays I literally can't afford to take normal breaks and go home This facility, despite all the money we get, is held together with a paperclip cyber-security wise (and security wise. there's one them that lowkey be stealing but i aint a snitch okay). We do have an AI program (she's great, love her) but she's hella overworked too and essentially babysits the boss in the field, in his personal life, etc.
So forgive me if during the brief moments of peace, I happen be playing the sims. I never use the work monitors for this and the AI is fully aware that this is how I take my "breaks" and is FINE with it.
But one day the boss randomly walked in while I was busy browsing some hair options and lost his shit. "Something, something, anomoly" I don't even remember what he said, all ik is he was growling n shit over my shoulder with his stank ass breath. I didn't even think he was mad at ME fr-- he's just unhealed like that, so i let that shit go this time.
i leave to grab lunch rq and come back. day goes by normally. but when i log back into MY PERSONAL COMPUTER, my shit was gone.
Obviously ik it was him. No one else cares enough to do anything like that. So i go confront him. And of course that villianous ass bitch is cracking a smile talking bout some "you can play dress up at home,". like NO???? SIR I NEVER GO HOOOMMME. IM HERE ALL THE TIME???
keep in mind i do NOT get paid for this. the most i get is experience and a therapy session on Wednesdays, thats it.
unhealthy yes, but he knows that i care about this work and he def knows my home life isn't the best anyways. so idk why he was being so petty about it.
but since we're being petty now of course i had to go lower.
he has this lil hologram suit. it's cute or whatever, super secure. but i just asked his AI for a favor and she let me go ham on the programing.
everytime the program detects his heartrate above a certain level, his costume will change. i have it cycling through a few options, but the bunny suit has been a fan favorite lately.
he's pretty pissed about it and ik he suspects me, but he doesn't want to admit that i somehow got into his superfancy tech and embaressed him. so its a lot of passive aggressiveness and for sulking now. everytime he changes it, i change it back and then some. it's fun.
it has also become a growing meme in the work gcs, tho some of the heros have tried to scold me about it. but tbh idc. none of the costumes impede his work, if anything the distraction helps him catch villians off guard. so pretty harmless, i could do worst. so im taking suggestions on how to keep ruining his day until i get bored of it (or till i get all my cc redownloaded).
update: thank you for all the outfit suggestions!! also to the grown men mad at me in my messages, check ur emails for something fun :)
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So Leverage Team.
Nate Ford: Quirkless, haven't decided if he worked for the HPSC or still in insurance fraud but either way son's quirkless, get's fatal disease, and quirklessness counts as a pre-existing condition and dies. Perfect revamp for showing off how badly society is in a different world.
Sophie Devereaux: Short Burst mind reading. A quirk perfect for grifting but she still needs a high level of grifting skill due to the small amount she gets. Also a quirk unfit for hero work and would probably be classified under "villian"
Hardison: Slowed Perception. Hardison was the charecter second most likely not to become a criminal in the show and I wanted to emphasize that with a quirk that wouldn't immidietly think of for hacking. Slowed Perception has a ton of uses and Movie Hacking is definitly not most people's first thought. Hardison has near perfect control of his hands while he's slowing down his perception so with a custom keyboard he can hack very quickly.
Parker: Invisibility & Heat Mimicry: Parker unlike Hardison was the most likely to go criminal with her past and I wanted to emphasize that with her quirk. A quirk that turns her invisible while perfectly mimicking the heat of her surroundings. It doesn't help her get out with the stolen valuables but it can help her get away if shit hits the fan or get in.
Elliot: super strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and healing. Elliot in this universe was apart of the HPSC in a similar manor to Lady Nagant except more secret. After the Lady Nagant incident he was retired and joined Moreau's villian group and then became a freelance agent.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Captain Cold
“I don't believe in "evil." Different shades of gray is all.” - Captain Cold
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Real Name: Leonard “Len” Snart
Citizen Cold
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 2″
Weight: 196 lbs (89 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Tactical Analysis
Captain Cold's Snow Goggles
Captain Cold's Cold Gun
New Earth
Base of Operations: Central City 
Citizenship: American
Parents: Lawrence Snart; father
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Showcase #8 (June, 1957)
Last Appearance: Brightest Day #18 (March, 2011)
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Leadership: He is a natural leader and has lead the Rogues through countless years of criminality. He also led a splinter group of villains during a hellish event.
Marksmanship: In addition, Leonard Snart is a very skilled marksman, though not on the same level as people like Deadshot and Deathstroke.
Tactical Analysis: He also has a very tactical mind, and his own personal sense of honor.
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Captain Cold's Snow Goggles: Minimize the flashes of energy given off by his guns within his field of vision.
Captain Cold's Cold Gun: Cold created his own freeze guns off of machine parts from a custom-made ice vehicle. They can create ice slicks, shatter metal or entomb victims in suspended animation in blocks of ice.
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Leonard Snart grew up with an abusive, hard-drinking father. Through his beatings, Leonard's father taught him that emotion was a weakness, and that a cold heart would take him further in life. Leonard's grandfather protected him and whisked him away to his ice cream truck. It was cold, but one of the only places Leonard felt safe. Only when he was older did he eventually run away from home. Through a life of crime, he was eventually caught and placed in jail by the Flash. Seeking to counter the Flash, Snart researched an article that theorized that the emissions of a cyclotron could interfere with the Flash's speed. Using a stolen cyclotron, Snart constructed a gun which shot ice that reduced temperatures to absolute zero, and began calling himself Captain Cold. Most of his crimes were in attempt to win the heart of a lady. Often he would team up with Heat Wave or his sister, Golden Glider.
Cold escaped from prison when he learned that the Picture News was planning to raise $100,000 at a charity event, which he planned to steal. However, Trickster had done the same thing. At first competing for the money, they decided to join forces when they were pursued but not only one, but two Flashes, as Jay Garrick had briefly come out of retirement. The pair successfully made their getaway, but were later captured when the two speedsters lured them into a trap by claiming that a recently discovered meteorite contained a fortune in diamonds.
After Captain Cold was released from prison, his fellow Rogues held a party for him, which turned into a riot.
Cold supposedly reformed from his criminal ways, even making a guest appearance on the Guillermo show announcing his new way of life. With his sister, Golden Glider, Snart, established Golden Snowball Recoveries, 1-800-GET-COLD, a company which recovers lost or stolen items or your money back.
The Rogues were later hired by the city council of Swainsville, New Mexico, to find the Porcupine Man and his victims. They battled with the Porcupine Man, who turned out to be Wally West. However, West evaded them and quickly got away. Three boys had been trapped in a nearby cave, and were have thought to have been the victims of the Porcupine Man. They were not, and it was even Wally who saved them. West later split the reward money with Golden Snowball.
During this time, he flew to Los Angeles and killed former prison mate Brad Brickley, resulting in a murder investigation that remained unsolved, eventually becoming a project to challenge cadets at the LA Police Academy. It was finally solved five years later by Bart Allen.
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Underworld Unleashed
The Rogues undertake a strange mission under the urging of Abra Kadabra. Given little explanation, they agree to strike at five specific though seemingly unremarkable locations across the United States. Each attack is committed simultaneously yielding explosive results far beyond their expectations. Each of the Rogues is consumed by raging green fire as their respective target sites go up in flames. These explosions formed a pentagram and unleashed the lord of hell, Neron.
Pretty soon after, the soulless husks of Captain Cold and the other Rogues were sent to terrorize Earth by Neron. Wally West and Linda Park were able to negotiate with the demon and got the Rogues' souls back in exchange for their love.
Afterwards, Snart remained as a low profile citizen in Keystone City and he was occasionally spotted watching hockey games. One time, a new monster appeared and tried to steal the hockey trophy during a game. Flash arrived in time to confront the creature known as Tar Pit and Snart decided to help Flash. In the struggle, Snart was attacked by Tar Pit and Flash had to deal with the monster alone. As he got the situation under control, Snart managed to sneak away unnoticed by the police and Flash.
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The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive
Inertia reunited Cold and the rest of the Rogues, claiming that he could build a device that could stop time, allowing them to do whatever they wanted. However, the machine's actual use was to transfer the Speed Force from the new Flash to himself. When the Flash arrived to stop them, the machine rendered him powerless. However, the Rogues soon realized that someone was helping the speedster, and it was possible that his powers could be returned. Not wanting this to happen, Cold, along with Heat Wave and Weather Wizard, shot the powerless Flash in the back, resulting in his death.
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Final Crisis
After being hunted remorselessly by heroes, and a year of chaos and trouble, including deportation to the Hell Planet during the events of Salvation Run, the Rogues' decided to quit the business, but not before they strike back against Inertia during the events of Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge.
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Secret Society of Super-Villains
Captain Cold, along with the rest of the Rogues, has met with constant trouble from Libra and his new Secret Society of Super-Villains, attempting to press them into their ranks as a safety precaution against Speedsters. Cold, however, angrily rejected Libra's invitation, saying that the villain community had done nothing to help the Rogues following the murder of Bart. As of yet, Cold and the Rogues have completely outright refused membership, despite numerous threats made to their families. The New Rogues were sent to enlist them by holding Captain Cold's father hostage, but after Cold had the rest of the Rogues slaughter the new group, he had Heat Wave murder his father.
Following the murders of the New Rogues, Cold and the other Rogues resumed their plan to kill Inertia. However, they had trouble from Inertia's new mentor, Zoom. They were also still stalked by Libra, who had Weather Wizard's infant son. Inertia killed the boy and took on the mantle of "Kid Zoom", vowing to cause tragedy to the Rogues. Paying him back for all the trouble he had caused them, the Rogues broke their unspoken pact against killing speedsters for a second time. Pleased, Libra revealed why he so desperately wanted the Rogues in the Secret Society: Barry Allen had returned from the dead, and the Rogues were the only ones who knew him well enough to stop him and allow evil to triumph. Though shocked at the news of return of Barry Barry, Cold still rejected Libra's request for membership, saying he did not believe in evil. Inertia's body was left in front of the Keystone City Police Department, next to the written words "Tell the Flash we're even - The Rogues". Following these events, Cold announced that he was not going to retire, both to not appear as a quitter to Barry Allen, and because he knew that Barry would not just let him walk away.
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Fun Facts
Snart went straight around the same time as the Trickster who was working as a technical adviser for the Institute for Hyper-Normal Conflict Studies. Snart visited as a guest lecturer, which he claimed was as lucrative as a life of crime. Jesse wanted the gig for himself and secretly manipulated Snart into breaking into a radiation lab. The framed Snart was arrested while Jesse took his lecture circuit.
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Dr. Isabel Maru: Legion of Collectors exclusive
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seether23 · 6 years
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androjello · 3 years
so many thoughts about hosab
1. the hind/lidia is now in the top 3 of my favorite characters (#1 is jesiba for being a hot magic lady who does whatever she wants #2 is ruhn). like we don't get much of her really but she's so interesting and I need an entire book of just her life story
2. danika was a shit best friend. like the stuff from hoeab i could excuse because it was dangerous to bryce and wasn't like "these secrets would shatter our whole society" level. and I could get not telling bryce about her research and the asteri stuff, because again dangerous. but not telling bryce about her dad? when bryce trusted her with the secret of who her dad is? and for....no real reason? like it wasn't politically shocking like with bryce so wtf. and not telling her about baxian like sure yeah bryce thought/thinks he's a monster but I feel like she would have been fine with it eventually bc bryce loved danika so much. not even touching on the whole danika said she only ever told bryce i love you thing. and then also not telling her she was a bloodhound like bryce trusted danika with knowing she was starborn and danika doesn't even mention her special gift that other people already know about, ok cool. it's really her dad and bloodhound gift that gets me because why were those such huge secrets for danika.
3. can sjm please just tell us what fury's deal is. the whole "fury is super scary to everybody but nobody knows why and knows all these things but nobody knows how" is getting really old. I like fury's character because I like the whole super badass assassin thing but we're beating a dead horse here. either explain or stop hinting at some big reveal.
4. I don't like what happened with tharion. I get why but I don't see what his plot line can do now. I'm sure it'll make a lot more sense in the next book but I just didn't connect with his character enough to like...really care. his whole interaction with the viper queen was way too rushed to really be impactful, in my opinion
5. celestina is interesting and I like her a lot (and love her and hypaxia's tragic love <3). I'm curious about her motives. I don't think she's bad for selling out hunt because what if she really had no choice? all we get is rigelus telling them what she did but I feel like we don't truly know the relationship between the asteri and archangels to judge her accurately. I feel like she had a good reason and genuinely is against the asteri and is just in a hard place. I also like her being somewhat of an antagonist because she has layers and isn't just like a complete and utter asshole like micah and the asteri. complex villians/antagonists are the best ones. I'm excited to see how her character develops and see more of her (and hypaxia <3)
6. what was the point of juniper's plot and bryce messing up? just to have that voicemail for rigelus to hear? just to show bryce using her title? bc if it was for those it was totally unnecessary. bryce could have called her mom and left a similar voicemail and she used her title to meet celestina sooooo...I thought that would resolve and show why it was important at some point so I hope next book it does?? and I hope it isn't another "you did something really shitty but I love you so I'm gonna forgive you and act like it never happened without actually talking about it and working through it" like with fury abandoning bryce and her and June dating and not telling her (still mad bryce didn't like. have any issues with those things past being initially mad. also why does nobody tell bryce anything???)
7. I'm so curious to see how this is all gonna be fixed bc seems to me hunt and ruhn are totally fucked but I'm sure it'll make sense once we get there. though I'm more interested to see how much of book 3 is hunt & ruhn being captured, like how early in the book (or how late) that whole situation gets resolved. very excited for lidia & ruhn's relationship to develop and the angst I'm sure will come with him being captured.
8. I haven't read acotar so I need to now bc I was like who are these people, but I'm curious about how the whole merge will play out in that series. like will the next acotar book be after or before bryce showing up?
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browsethestacks · 7 years
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R.I.P. Rich Buckler (1949-2017)
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
Ayo, Good Morning Beautiful People
Welcome to my blog :D
Current Read: Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
My name is Olivia, and I've been on Tumblr for over a year but I've just now started to get more into actually writing and interacting. My pronouns are she/her.
I honestly stan a lot of different people depending of what I'm feeling/what they're doing. I absolutely love One Direction and am a no stunts Larrie. Some of my fave actors are Leonardo Dicaprio, Robert Sean Leonard, Gale Hansen, Dove Cameron, and Liz Gillies, and some of my fave musicians are Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, and Taylor Swift. Someday I want to be an author.
Favorite movies/shows: Dead Poets Society, Dynasty, Victorious, Clueless, Schmigadoon!, The Great Gatsby, Titanic, the Twilight saga and Romeo and Juliet.
Favorite ships: Jade x Beck (Victorious), Jack x Rose (Titanic), Nick x Gatsby (The Great Gatsby), Bella x Edward / Bella x Alice / Alice x Jasper (Twilight), Betsy x Danny (Schmigadoon!), Neil x Todd / Charlie x Knox (Dead Poets Society).
Favorite books: The Secret History - Donna Tartt, We Were Villians - M.L. Rio, Dead Poets Society - N.H. Kleinbaum, Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare and The Great Gatsby - F. Scott. Fitzgerald Zelda Fitzgerald.
Becasue I absolutely love writing, most of my posts are going to be pretty long and just kinda a collab of a bunch of my ideas, so I apologize in advance haha.
Currently, I am going to be blogging a shit ton about hsmtmts. I've been watching the episodes since they first came out but have just now actually joined the fandom for portwell. I love Matt Cornett and Ej is my fave character. Aside from Ej x Gina I also adore Seb x Carlos.
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Fun facts about me: I love collecting CDs and have a CD collection; I have an unhealthy obsession with constantly paining my nails tons of different colors; I love reading, my fave genre is dark academia; my fave bookstores are the Strand Book Store in NYC and the Harvard Book Store in Massachusetts.
Anyways, I am super super friendly so if you ever want to talk/interact, please do. xoxo
Gina: I thought I'd packed a granola bar. I did not.
Ej: I brought you a granola bar incase you were hungry.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 9 Roundup!  We’re loving all the Bucky content, go give the creators some love!
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Title: Return to Hawkeye Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - free space Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Pandemic adjacent Summary: Bucky's Pandemic Mask Collection may have gotten a bit out of hand, but if he had to wear one, he was going to own it.He just hadn't counted on certain people seeing the one he was wearing today. Word Count: 5838
Title: (I Can) Brew this All Day Collaborator: tisfan Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C5 - Bucky/Wanda Ship: Bucky/Wanda Rating: Teen Major Tags: coffeeshop AU Summary: Wanda works at a coffee shop. Clint does not understand why she’s crushing on a patron. Word Count: 1559
Title: On Offer Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Vulnerability Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: "Is it supposed to do that?" Bucky asked. Tony looked down to see the comforting blue light of the arc reactor flickering intermittently. "Uh. No. Nope. That's - that's not normal functionality. In fact, that's very, very bad. The casing must have cracked in the crash and some water got into the core. Sh-sh-shit." "Can it wait or does it need fixing now?" Tony chewed his lip, trying to think through the fog of hypothermia. "If - If I don't fix it now, and it craps out completely, I'll pass out in a few minutes and you'll have about ten more to fix it yourself or I'm toast." "We'd better fix it now then." Word Count:
Title: End Of All Days - Chapter 14: Part XIII Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Road Trip Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Violence and adult themes Summary: Captain Steve Rogers had thought his military days were behind him, left in the bloody nightmare that was Saigon.  Retired and working as a History Professor, the last thing he expected was to get caught up in a cataclysmic Slavic prophesy foreshadowing the end of the known world. With Cold War tensions running high, Steve finds himself in need of a guide and translator to get him behind the Iron Curtain and into the isolated snowdrifts of Siberia. It’s deep in the heart of Bucharest’s resistance fighters that Steve finds the ideal candidate, but swaying the enigmatic ex-operative known as The Winter Soldier proves to be complicated.  Trust is hard-won, especially in the world of espionage, and with a KGB death squad nipping at his heels, the Soldier has countless reasons to stay presumably dead. As the lines between right, wrong and the supernatural begin to blur, Steve is forced to reconsider everything he’s ever believed, right from the sanctity of his own country to the very foundations of creation itself.  —  Aka the Indiana Jones/Atomic Blonde lovechild of a fic that literally no one ever asked for but you’re bloody well going to get anyway. Word Count: 63,205
Title: You Know You Love Me Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y3 - You Know You Love Me Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Explicit Major Tags: fluff, smut, aftercare, some language, mentions of poly-relationships, pregnancy Summary: Steve is away on a mission when you return from a particularly grueling one. Bucky makes sure that their best girl is taken care of in every way possible. Word Count: 709
Title: The Red Bathroom Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Pseudo-villian Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: horror movie AU, The Shining fusion, Ghosts/reincarnation, implied murder, implied child death Summary: Bucky is the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. It isn't going the way he expected. Or, Bucky has an unsettling conversation with an impossible man in a very red bathroom. Word Count: 1405
Title: Everyday With You Collaborator: lovewhatyoudo Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Glitter Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: glitter  Summary: When Bucky was invited into Tony's workshop for the first time, he definitely didn't expect to find a meddling robot covered in glitter and a birthday he didn't have a present for (yet). Word Count: 1740
Title: Morning People - Chapter 2 Collaborator: RiotFalling Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Bucky/Tony Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: consensual somnophilia, super soldier refractory periods Summary: Tony will never be a morning person. Bucky is doing his best to change his mind. Word Count: 3231
Title: Doppelgängers are real, RIGHT? Collaborator: betheflame Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Phone Sex Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: porn AU Summary: Everything in James Barnes' professional life was fine - until someone leaked his top client's PornHub history and it turns out that all the videos in Steve Rogers' favorites star actors who look a lot like him. Word Count: 2234
Title: Done in the Dark Collaborator: arrowsandmixtapes Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - What Did You Do? Ship: Bucky/Reader, Tony/Reader Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Drinking, naked Bucky, bubble bath with Bucky, implied smut, nightmares, Winter Soldier type violence, choking (not the fun kind).   Summary: Your secret relationship with Bucky comes to light in the worst possible way. Word Count: 3805
Title: Regency Buck Collaborator: diner_drama Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - AU: historical Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: historical AU Summary: Steven Grant Rogers, for all that he was a man of noble birth and no small status, had very particular views on the injustice of contemporary society and would expound upon them with remarkable length and ferocity with very little provocation. Being an eligible young man with a not inconsiderable fortune and a large and beautiful estate, one might have expected that he would make an attractive prospect for a lady in search of a husband, but it was whispered that without tempering his attitudes and his fiery spirit, any gentlewoman to wed him would find herself quite at odds with polite society.Following the passing of his gentle mother, there was but one influence that could entice him into smoothing over his prickly manners for the sake of propriety — the dashing young James Buchanan Barnes, his childhood friend and intimate acquaintance.Would Mr. Barnes' good influence be enough to secure for Steven the hand of the beautiful and accomplished Margaret Elizabeth Carter, and to win the good graces of his neighbours? Word Count: 3579
Title: Auctioned Collaborator: The_Alias (Artemis_Day) Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Alien Planet Ship: Loki/Jane/Bucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: none Summary: When Loki gets kidnapped, Bucky and Jane will do whatever it takes to save him, no matter how absurd the situation turns out to be. Word Count: 2009
Title: So Many Beds Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: Bucky and Clint need a new bed Word Count: 1264
Title: Trauma Bingo (the Avengers need ALL the therapy) Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Occupational hazard Ship: Bucky & Avengers Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst and humour, PTSD (many traumatic topics mentioned briefly - see fic tags) Summary: SHIELD remembers that trauma therapy exists, and their sights are set on the Avengers. Aka. How many issues can you fit in one team, and can you also get them all in the same person. Succeeding at trauma bingo is not actually winning… Word Count: 1180
Title: A Sticky Situation Turned Sweet Collaborator: polizwrites Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - AU: Bakery Ship: Sam/Steve Rating: Explicit Major Tags:  Explicit sexual language, prejudice, cap!Sam Summary: All Sam Wilson wanted was a damn lemon bar. Instead, he ends up helping out a couple of dudes working at a bakery who are being harassed by an EB … and one of them is just Sam’s type. Maybe being Captain America has a couple of perks, after all. Word Count: 986
Title: Killing Time Collaborator: gabby227 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Family of Choice Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: This is based on a Discord prompt I found about how the Avengers would act if they were stuck in Quarantine. The first in a series. Word Count: 2026
Title: Short, Sweet, and Just a Little Spicy Collaborator: arrowsandmixtapes Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - Height Difference Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: A little insecurity on the reader’s part, implied sexy times. Summary: Bucky finds the reader’s short stature absolutely adorable … for several reasons. Word Count: 725
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spadesofthecards · 5 years
Trans!Spaghetti (Food Fantasy)
Quick note: Thank y'all again in the food fantasy lore server for hearing me out on this idea! ❤️🍝❤️
Anyway, soi had this idea; what if Spaghetti was transgender, originally female? I know, sounds a bit crazy, but hear me out.
A female is in a society where men look down on women, and women have no chance at rising to a position of power. The only chance they have is to find a man of high power and ride his coat tails, sitting like a pretty decoration on his arm, or find a man stupid enough but charming enough to manipulate.
Or you disguise yourself as a man.
So Spaghetti, being a women, and not wanting to have to rely any on the men who betrayed and subsequently killed his Master Attendant, disguises himself as a noble man (probably even using his dead MA's clothes) and wiggled his way up the male dominated food chain, until he finally reached the top.
Of course, his problems don't end there.
Once he reaches the top, finnaly getting his revenge, of course he just doesn't want to give up everything he's worked so hard for. So, he builds his empire, with his group of food souls he takes in. Of course, only those he is closest to knows the truth of him actually being a female.
Borscht knows because she was the first Food Soul he felt comfortable telling his darkest secrets too. She tries to help him as much as she can, taking over when Spaghetti is on his period, or when he just gets so mad at his own body (which he hates being reminded of being a female, cause it makes him feel super weak and such), and just generally helps him and is a silent shoulder to lean on when he really needs one.
Black Pudding only knows cause she has to give Spaghetti his medicine on his period. Or, rather, she has to give the medicine to Oyster, as Spaghetti sometimes cannot have any of the girls around him, or he'll blow up\implode. Borscht and Oyster tried to hide it from her, but she is too nosy and found out. But she has kept her promise to keep it a secret.
Oyster is the only one who can console Spaghetti when he gets super mad\depressed. Mostly because Oyster doesn't quiet directly remind him of his body and what he is ashamed of. More like Oyster reminds him of what he wants to be, and see it in a more positive light (with Oyster's help) about being masculine. Also, especially when Spaghetti is on his period, Oyster is the only one that can sometimes touch him and give him medicine, if Spaghetti is consolable.
The rest of the group, Black Forrest Cake, Stargazey Pie, B-52 (when he was with them), they don't know cause they can't be trusted, or they dont want too many people to know, or feel like they won't understand and possibly let it out without knowing the possible consequences. Spaghetti is just really parinoid about letting others know about him actually being a female, so he keeps it under tight wraps (much like his chest wink wink sorry that was a bad pun lol).
But yeah, today Spaghetti still fights with depression about still having a female body, when he wants a male body. He still views his female side as weak, useless, and good for nothing. So, those in the pasta platoon who know have to constantly encourage him, reminding him of how strong he is, etc. He also always makes sure, even in the smallest, menial things, that he appreciates the support and always gifts them little things, especially after his meltdown periods he gets. Also, gets super emotionally involved in jobs where the person is known to look down on women. (tbh i think canon Spaghetti is the same way, but trans! spags has a relatable reason ontop of him thinking they are utter scum)
So yeah! thanks for reading this! i may draw up some stuff regarding this later, idk. I really like this idea. adds yet another layer to Spaghetti, and its always fun draw my #1 favorite villian from food fantasy and his family!
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stars-and-rose · 5 years
Can you make an AU where Virgil and Logan are supervillians and Patton and Roman are the heroes? I see a lot with the vice versa, but I want to see some villainous Analogical! But, of course, they start falling for the other two and vice versa. And if your not going to write it, can you point me in the direction of one or someone I ask for one?
really? i thought it would be the opposite!i thought i being creative when i made Ro and Pat supervillains in a.s.h.es, ashes (we all fall down). darn it! anyway, i don’t think i’m capable of writing another superhero au, butttttttt will a bullet fic suffice?
also i’m taking this as LAMP because i think that’s what you’re asking for here but a) i have one working brain cell and b) i’m in a mood to write some LAMP
also trigger warning! violence, blackmail, kidnapping
so i’m recycling the powers from my au and the aliases because i’m ridiculously proud of them, so Logan is Glitch and has a control over technology and can teleport, Virgil is Adrenaline and has super strength/speed/etc, Roman is Knight and controls illusions, and Patton is Nova and controls energy.
Logan and Virgil are roommates, both living in a busy city and hiding their superpowers.
but Virgil accidentally revealed to one of his coworkers than he has powers, and in a panic said he’d do anything to keep his secret hidden
the coworker is an ass, and uses his knowledge of Virgil’s superpowers to blackmail him
Logan has been trying to convince Virgil to stop letting his coworker blackmail him, but Vee refuses to listen to logic and Logan eventually agrees to allow Virgil to handle his own issues
until Virgil comes home with a black eye
and Logan loses it.
(it’s definitely not because he likes Virgil. no. not all at. illogical)
Logan uses his ability with computers to track down the coworker, dig up some dirt on the man, and after dressing in dark clothes, teleports to the coworker’s place.
he confronts the coworker, threating to reveal the man’s secrets if he keeps blackmailing Virgil
it gets physical
Logan was not prepared for that and gets punched in the face
and just when the coworker is about to hit him again, the man gets thrown into a wall
when Logan gets up he sees Virgil, also dressed in dark clothes, looking at his coworker and disgust, and then his eyes meet Logan’s
they both realize, at the same time, what they’ve done, how many laws have been broken and Logan gets them out of there
but not fast enough, as a neighbor managed to get video footage and know they’re being labeled as SuperVillians on the news
and after an hour of panic, they decide to screw it
why not become SuperVillians? people are assholes, society sucks, both Logan and Virgil are bitter, so why not go against that?
within two months, they’ve become the top SuperVillians in the city. labeled as Glitch and Adrenaline, they run unchecked, none of the SuperHeroes able to stop them, and people fear seeings glimpses of violet and navy after dark
and no one suspects them. serious Logan and anxious Virgil would never be considered SuperVillians
(however, Virgil’s coworker stays far away from him)
but in their third month, something changes
The duo is robbing a bank, and are coming out of the bank when their surroundings change. the bank becomes an alley, and the money fades to dust
‘that was too easy.’ another voice enters the alley, and soon the voice becomes a figure. two figures, actually.
the four stand in the alley in silence, studying each other and ignoring the heavy beating in their hearts
realizing they’re not equipped for the situation, Lo and Vee teleport away and spend the rest of the night trying to figure out who that others are
they quickly learn the duo is the SuperHero team Knight and Nova, from the next city over, come to stop them
their nights suddenly become more interesting
at every crime, Knight and Nova are there to stops. nights end in impossible victories and bitter defeats, nights end in bruises and blood, and now, reporters are waiting up at night, waiting for the streaks of red and blue and violet and the sounds of battle to fill the dark
but there was a spark that first night and that spark began to grow
the battles become filled with thinly veiled flirting and suddenly the Heroes and Villians are unable to truly injure the other side, and now the battles are lasting longer and longer and the people are confused. why are there no victories?
until an anonymous post goes viral, talking about how the Heroes and Villians are infatuated with each other
and since honestly the civilian’s lives have gotten boring without interesting battles, they jump on the idea like twelve-year-old girls at a boy band, shipping them like crazy
but the fun part?
said Heroes and Villians are obvious.
and by obvious, i mean completely utterly clueless
let me back that up for a sec, actually.
other villains and heroes are aware of their own feelings, but there’s no way that feeling is reciprocated, right?
and then someone gets sick of their obviousness. it has bene going on for almost a year now, this pining game. he isn’t anyone special, he’s just sick of these SuperHeroes and SuperVillians lying to themselves
so he forms a plan
a week later, the news is interrupted by a recording of a masked man holding the mayor captive. he threatens the mayor’s, a kind man who had just stepped into office, life. they only why he claims the mayor will be spared is if both Nova and Knight, AND Glitch and Adrenaline show up to a secret location.
our SuperVillians are curious and our SuperHeroes want justice, so they show up at the location. they find the mayor tied to a chair, and the masked man next to him, but the strange part?
the four chairs on the opposite side of the room and the powerpoint set up
‘have a seat’ the masked man says.
they don’t
the man rolls his eyes and then starts his powerpoint
the four were expected a plan for world destruction.
they were given a powerpoint explaining how all four of them are madly in love with each other
at the end, the room has four blushing SuperHumans
the mayor smiles at them, before looking at the masked man. ‘can i go now? the masked man nods, untying the mayor, and they leave
the next morning, Roman Aurum and Patton Lark ae waiting at a cafe when Virgil and Logan find them
they order coffee, and the spark they’ve been feeling for months grows overwhelming, and the day ends with two fewer SuperVillians, two fewer SuperHeroes, and more dates on the way for a group of soon-to-be-boyfriends
the city is sad they don’t have any more action, but soon more action appears through the SuperVillian DreamWalker and the SuperHero Animator, who are clearly in love-
(i’m sorry, this is definitly not what you wanted-)
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
The Book Club: My Analysis
 I just posted a long look at the ATOM analysis but I couldn't comment on their posts because it would have been too confusing.  Here is where I will make comments to their analysis.  As always my comments in parenthesis and italicized.
In this first post, notice that Abby isn’t looking for big themes and symbols-although she did catch the big ones- instead she is picking out single words and short phrases and drawing analogies to Darren. This is the literature version of cutting up an already short video into 1-2 seconds, slowing it down for drama and making it a gif. It’s how you distort the truth. 
December 26, 2019 by this is a submission to ajw (X)
Submission from a friend (I posted my brief thoughts at the end). Major spoilers below. Scroll past if you haven’t read and don’t want to know.
First off, just in the note to the readers, I knew this book was going to be full of some good stuff.
Obviously, all interpretations are my own, after my first read through.
“A tale of magic follows a group of young fairies as they fight for acceptance in an oppressive world where magic is outlawed and despised. This story is very close to my heart, and writing it was the most challenging and emotional process I’ve experienced as an author to date. …… I hope it encourages and comforts anyone who may be fighting their own battle for acceptance and equality.”
Fairies= anyone feeling different or told they can’t be who they are, perhaps including the LGBT community? Hmm.. Close to his heart? What closer to his heart than the reality he’s living?  (Yes, it is definitely the LGBTQ community. If you couldn’t tell from reading the story Chris says “For me, the magic in A Tale of Magic is an allegory for being gay.” and faires are the people who have magical abilities. This is a story he calls “close to my heart”  because he is a gay man who grew up in a town that is now represented by Devin “the dunce” Nunes- so super fake-religious, judgemental and intolerant. He’s been getting mail from gay kids for a decade and he wrote a story to tell his truth and Abby is turning it into a story about Darren and the reality she has created for Chris to be living)
“If we want to change the world’s opinion it must be encouraged, not forced– and nothing encourages people like a good spectacle.”
Hmm… a spectacle? Sounds familiar. You can’t force anyone to believe anything, but it can be encouraged by opening your eyes to a good spectacle, like say a wedding, and realizing that it just doesn’t make sense if you open your eyes. Nuff said. (Except in this case Mrs. Weatherberry is saying they need to encourage people to accept magic not force them to and a good spectacle is the best way to encourage change. For this to be a reference to the wedding, Chris would have to be happy about the wedding). 
One of the books that Brystal comes across is by Daisy Peppernickel. I think that speaks for itself. It’s clearly known that Daisy is a certain someone’s nickname, especially used by the part of his fans that believe in Daisy. (This is stupid. It’s a silly, British-sounding name- not a reference to Darren. I can’t imagine a Chris celebrating the fandom’s fetishization of Darren’s efferent movements by labeling it “Daisy”) 
“.. each author’s cause of death was EXECUTED FOR CONSPIRACY AGAINS THE KINGDOM. … It was a graveyard for truth and an archive of people the Justices had silenced.”
Deleted tweets, accounts vanishing into thin air. This sounds a lot like the conspiracies against (str8) fandom. It’s no secret that people have been silenced. (yes, deleted tweets, accounts vanishing in thin air (what?) are exactly conspiracy against the fandom.  Both Chris and Darren are super worried about a handful of fans in the Str8 fandom.  You guys MATTER so much Chris included you in his book. He loves you, dudes).  
“All the books in the secret room were written by people who felt and thought exactly like she did, by people who questioned information, who criticized social restrictions, who challenged the systems set in place, and who weren’t afraid to make their ideas known.”
Questioning information? Challenging the system? Not afraid to make their ideas known? Can’t think of anybody that might do that. (It’s almost like Chris was talking about all the brave people who push back against society’s unfair treatment of the disenfranchised and minority persons who are discriminated against whether that is because of their race, nationality, gender, age or income. I know for a FACT he was NOT talking about the cc fandom. who do not do these things for the better good of society but rather for their own needs. Chris was honoring people like Mrs. Weatherberry and MLK, Rosa Parks, Harvey Milk,, people who push boundaries to make positive changes for the good of all people. What you all do is petty and based not on genuine inconsistencies in the system but rather your own refusal to accept that you are wrong and have always been wrong.)  
“Personally, I think life is way to complicated for anyone’s life to be set in stone.”
Even though D seems to be in a death sentence, there’s way more to life and his fate is not set in stone. C believes in his man, and knows he can overcome this. (Um what?)
“Sometimes as  a survival method, fairies suppress their magic so deep within themselves that it becomes extremely difficult to reach it.”
This reminds me of D’s dudebro persona that he brings out. He’s suppressing himself so far that at times he’ll turn himself into a different caricature of himself. We all know Daisy is in there somewhere under the layers of D-bag. (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You mean when Darren is acting exactly like Darren?  People are like onions, they have layers. Dude bro is one of Darren’s layers. Not understanding that Darren is who Darren proves that you aren’t are the one who isn’t actually paying attention. It’s so obvious )  
“It’s very hard watching someone you love in so much pain.”
C watching the person he loves get knocked down over and over, he’s speaking directly from his own experience here. (How do you know this? Chris has never once suggested he finds life difficult right now or that he is in pain.  It’s almost like you made it up)  
“Horence had the misfortune of falling in love with a witch. … Naturally, such a relationship was forbidden, so for over a decade, Horence and the witch carried on a secret affair. When Horence’s soldiers discovered the relationship, the men betrayed their commander. They burned Horence at the stake and forced the witch to watch it happen.”
Using LGBT to equal ‘magical’ (As I’ve found countless references I haven’t even put in here) D fell in love with someone magical (gay), and their relationship was forbidden and secret. Once their secret was out, the team made D pay for it and C had to watch it all go down with nothing that he could do. (Except throw all his angst into his books ;) ) (Good job Abby- you got the most obvious allegory. The one that Chris acknowledged  “For me, the magic in A Tale of Magic is an allegory for being gay.” The rest of your nonsense is silly- the secret isn’t out and nobody except Abby has ever suggested anyone is making Darren or Chris pay anything).   
“We must pity the people who close to hate, Brystal. Their lives will never be as meaningful as those of the people who choose to love.”
The pathetic souls that do nothing but hate on C C and spread hate will never have as meaningful of life as those that chose to love and support our boys. (Um...I guess you don’t believe in coincidences but you believe in Karma. That doesn’t make a lot of sense. I am 100% positive that karma will get the people who don’t support cc. Both Chris and Darren have both denied a relationship and neither has ever suggested any of it is true). 
“We all know how terrible keeping a secret can feel. Secrets are like parasites, the longer you keep them inside you, the more damage they cause.”
The longer D is force to stay closeted, the more damage it does to him.
“If we had had everything we wanted then, we might never have found what we needed now.”
This to me feels like C is actually a little bit thankful for the bumps in the road. He’s trying to look on the bright side. If things had always been easy for them, they might have taken it for granted. Everything they’ve been through has only made them stronger. If they can get through all of this shit alive, they can make it through absolutely anything. (What twisted mind writes crisscolfer so that Darren’s life is a living hell with literally nobody to trust or on his side except his one true love and his mommy and daddy but also Chris is happy to have been put through the “bumps” in the road? ) 
“She dreamed the fairy was repeatedly knocked to the ground by a ferocious monster in a fur coat and snowflake crown.”
The ferocious monster in a fur coat? Makes me think of another monster that wears a fur coat. Shade. (Chris is a vindictive dick when he writes?)
“You can stop pretending, Brystal. I know you’re aware of much more than you’re letting on.”
C knows that we know. He’s not living under a rock. (yes, this is exactly the kind of sentence anyone would add to make sure your fandom knows that you are on to them.  I agree- Chris is sending you messages of support because though all of this, he’s worried about you). 
“I don’t know about you guys, but I refuse to sit back and let a frosty old witch take Madame Weatherberry away from us.”
Frosty old witch= Obviously M (wait I thought Mia was the monster in a fur coat and crown? She can’t be all the villians) 
“Do you guys know what your love languages are? Mine is quality time. It used to be physical touch, but that wasn’t working very well, so I had to change it. People are so picky about personal space and–”
C cherishes any quality time that he gets to have with D, since it’s not always available. (I can’t.... the 5 love languages are specific and about how you communicate with other people. You don’t pick a love language based on what is going on in your life.) 
“Sometimes good people do bad things for the right reasons.”
I have this bookmarked, along with some other passages about the Snow Queen / Mrs. Weatherberry. I know that there’s /some/ significance around this, but I haven’t fully figured out exactly what all it symbolizes. I have a few ideas, but nothing really seems to line up completely to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it at some point! (The significance is that Brystal has to made a tough decision to do something that at first glance is reprehensible but is much more complicated than that. Sometimes- like in war- people do bad things for the right reason)  
I think those are the big things that I’ve bookmarked. There’s so much more I could talk about, but I’m afraid it would start to not make any sense if I just started rambling, so I decided to go off of passages from the book and my thoughts on why I think they’re significant or tie into C C.
You can feel free to just keep this for yourself, or post it at a later date, or take pieces parts to post. Whatever you want!
ajw adds:  know I’ve been really bad about posting on the book. I saved this submission because I thought it was brilliant and a lot of great insights.
My opinion on the Madame W/Horence/Ice Queen? C is Madame W/Ice Queen and D is Horence. I too thought frosty old queen at first referred to m. But once the twist was revealed I’m convinced it’s c and his dual personality like the twins. He is a Gemini as he likes to remind us. It’s his struggle between being happy with the love he was blessed with and his desire to destroy for the people that have so gravely hurt them.
The quote above to think about most.
Sometimes good people do bad things for the right reasons
That’s him talking about their Pr life and I’d guess directly addressing the fraud in NOLA. He’s believed in d and he wants us to believe in him too.  (No, it is just a plot point in a story about “good and bad” written for kids) 
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Killer Frost
“Death is a subject with which I have become intimately familiar.” - Killer Frost
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Real Name: Louise Lincoln
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 3″
Weight: 105 lbs (48 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue (Blonde formerly)
Skin: White
Thermokinetic Cryokinesis
New Earth
Base of Operations: Manhattan
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Firestorm Vol 2 #21 (March, 1984)
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Thermokinetic Cryokinesis: Killer Frost has the ability to generate extreme temperatures of cold from her body. Primarily this is used to freeze others in place or to create a sheen of ice over an intended target. Killer Frost can also use her powers to summon gusts of super-cold air, with which she uses to hurl frozen objects at specified targets. She often uses hand gestures while doing this to make it appear as if she can project ice directly from her fingertips. This is not necessary however, and is done mostly for theatrical effect.
Energy Absorption: By absorbing heat from the atmosphere, she can freeze molecules of moisture that hang in the air, creating a variety of effects.
Thermokinesis: Heat does little damage to Killer Frost. In fact, heat is essential to her continued existence. Attacking Killer Frost with a heat based-weapon only serves to strengthen her.
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Dr. Louise Lincoln was a colleague and friend of Crystal Frost, the villainess known as Killer Frost. After Frost died, she decided to repeat the experiment as a last respect to her former mentor, and became the new Killer Frost. She became just as ruthless as her predecessor and began her own personal vendetta against Firestorm, who she blamed for Frost's death. She briefly served as a member of the Suicide Squad and sold her soul to Neron for more power.
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Underworld Unleashed
During the Underworld Unleashed event, Killer Frost attacked Hawaii, freezing part of the islands before being stopped by Superboy and Knockout. Killer Frost was later freed by Effigy and the two had a brief flirtatious partnership before she was apprehended by Green Lantern.
Killer Frost was one of many super-villains seeking to earn a $1 billion reward offered by President Lex Luthor to sanction Superman and Batman, whom he considered treasonous. She teamed with Mister Freeze, Icicle, and Captain Cold in an attempt to ambush the two heroes, but all four were defeated. It was later discover that this ice-themed team of villains was being mind controlled by Gorilla Grodd.
Doctor Light hired Killer Frost and Mirror Master to attack Green Arrow and Black Lightning at a hospital in Chicago, Illinois where Kimiyo Hoshi was being held. Green Arrow stopped Killer Frost by firing an arrow filled with Greek fire into her thigh. Unable to absorb the heat from the arrow, she was soundly defeated by Green Arrow.
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One Year Later and Countdown
Killer Frost was invited to join the new Injustice League by Lex Luthor, Joker and Cheetah.
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Fun Facts
Prior to becoming Killer Frost, Louise Lincoln required prescription eye-glasses. Her transformation into Killer Frost appears to have corrected any eye sight irregularities and she no longer wears them.
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knight-of-trash · 5 years
Listen, I can't stop talking about the fucking Handmaid's Tale and I honestly don't know why people haven't watched it. So here are some highlights of the show:
It's set in a dystopian America, during an sharp decline in fertility, where a fascist, male dominated, super religious society rises up and overthrows the government. Families are ripped apart, children are taken and given to powerful, wealthy families, and women are gathered up and seperated into three classes. "Aunts", who are women who help enforce the law and take care of and train Handmaids. "Marthas", who are women who are infertile, used as house servants. And "Handmaids", fertile women who are clathed in red and passed from one household to another, where they are r*ped, impregnated, and forced to give birth to children for the rich and powerful. Handmaids are stripped of their names, and forbidden to speak them. They instead go by the first name of whatever Commander currently owns them. Ex: Fred's handmaid is "Offred". New household, new name.
The "new America" is called Gilead. They tear down churches that aren't their brand of Christian, convert buildings, and basically live like it's colonial times again.
Women are not allowed to read. (Except the Aunts, because they select which Handmaid is sent to which house.) The penelty for reading is having your fingers cut off. Not even Wives (wives of the wealthy men or "Commanders") are allowed to read, nor are any of their daughters.
Homosexuality is punishable by death. One Handmaid in particular is punished with female castration.
The Handmaids, though treasured in the community, are often brutalized. One girl has an eye removed for insubordination. Other girls, later in the show, have their mouths sewn shut after "taking a vow of silence".
The entire story revolves around one woman's quest to find her daughter and escape to Canada, where escapees from Gilead are offered asylum, and those who perpetuated this violence are prosecuted accordingly.
This show is also about the power of women and their ability to endure anything, and the violent cruelty of men, and how change doesn't happen overnight, but slowly.
There is a lot of tension in the show, regarding who the maincharacter, June, can and cannot trust, because the secret police of Gilead, the Eyes, are always watching. Handmaids travel in pairs to spy on each other. So it's hard to tell who you can and cannot trust.
Gilead has been around for 5 years, give or take. Which means many children are coming of age, and hitting puberty. In one episode, in season 3, it shows girls going to the doctor after their first periods to see if they are fertile or not. They'll most likely be married off at age 14.
Reasons I love this show;
The dialouge is absolutely amazing! Between June's inner monologues, the ominous threats, and the dark humor thrown around between characters, it's hard to single out a favorite quotable line, but Janine's, "Suck my dick!" stands out.
The characters are all really believable and real, which is something I am always looking for in media. Some people bare the hardships of this world better (June), others (Janine) do not. Some characters (Serena Joy) who are supposed to be villians are so complex that you have to feel some degree of sympathy for them for finding themselves in this situation and not knowing how to make it better, except to accept it or find a way to get them what they want.
The basis of this story is about women, motherhood, and hope. Those are things I am always here to hear stories about.
The mindblowing cinematography and scores. I cannot stress enough how much of a masterpiece every frame is.
It does a great job of balancing tension and comedy which keeps the show lively, and helps set the pace rather evenly throughout the show.
It doesn't kill off characters for shock value, and does a great job of representing LGBT characters in realistic ways.
Speaking of shock value, it does a great job of subverting expectation. You want something to happen, and for the most part that thing will happen, but at a price. Which is waaaaaaaay better than the total opposite happening.
I want to talk about more, but I literally can't without giving away obvious spoilers!!! Please just someone watch it and yell with me about it!!!
Anyways, have some gifs so you can understand the gorgeous cinematography that goes into this show:
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seether23 · 7 years
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