#Section 3C Leave
lexlawuk · 1 month
Calculate Your Leave to Remain Application Date
Navigating the complexities of UK immigration law can be daunting, especially when it comes to submitting a Leave to Remain application. Ensuring that your application is submitted correctly and on time is essential to maintaining your legal status in the UK. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the importance of the application date, how to calculate it, and why instructing our leading London…
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electronickingdomfox · 2 months
USS Enterprise decks
Updated part 1 here
Updated part 2 here
This post got me thinking about the actual location inside the ship of several areas. Sure, there are many blueprints and reference books that have published complete and detailed layouts of the Enterprise. But ultimately, they're interpretations of different authors, filling in the blanks, and they often disagree with each other.
So this is a list of the bare minimum of facts. All the deck locations that can be gleaned from TOS episodes. Beyond that, it's up to anyone's imagination.
*Feel free to make additions or corrections to this post. This is only in reference to the original ship as seen in the series, not taking into account the refit ship from the movies, or alterations/retcons introduced in later series.
Saucer section (primary hull)
Most locations seen in the series belong to this section (as deduced from the curved corridors). The first version of the Writer's Guide tell us it has 20 decks. The later edition (season 2 onwards) reduced the decks to 11.
Deck 1
-Bridge: Obvious from a simple inspection of the ship's exterior. And also confirmed by the Writer's Guide to be in this deck.
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Deck 2
-The Romulan Commander's "guest" quarters: Spock tells the turbolift to bring them to this deck, before leaving her in detention, in "The Enterprise Incident". I don't think we ever see other location said to be here (maybe she got the whole deck for herself; lucky!).
Deck 3
-Recreation room 6: Rand offers Charlie to come here, in "Charlie X".
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-Recreation room 3: Spock says Bele is chasing Lokai in front of this place, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".
-Crewmen's lounge: Same as above.
Deck 4
-Environmental control: Scotty says power's been shut down here, in "The Ultimate Computer".
-Living quarters: Kirk confirms this, in "The Ultimate Computer".
Deck 5
-Sickbay: Kirk brings Spock to this deck after ordering him to report to sickbay, in "Amok Time". He does the same with Elaan of Troyius. Strangely enough, most blueprints place sickbay in deck 7 instead.
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-Kirk's quarters: Confirmed in "Journey to Babel", which also shows the cabin number (3F 121). The same number was first seen in "The Conscience of the King", but without specifying the deck.
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-Recreation room 3: Spock says Bele is chasing Lokai in front of this place, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield". May be a script error, since a moment ago he had said this place was in deck 3.
-Transporter room: As Lokai seems to run directly here, we may assume it's also in deck 5 (though there are probably many more transporter rooms throughout the ship).
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Deck 6
-Briefing room: Sargon calls McCoy from here, in "Return to Tomorrow". May be the same briefing room from other episodes.
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-Guest rooms: Bele and Lokai are assigned quarters here, in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".
-Living quarters: Kirk confirms this, in "The Ultimate Computer".
Deck 8
-Auxiliary control: The android Norman hijacks the controls here, in "I, Mudd".
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-Evaluation laboratory: Seen on a plaque, in "And the Children Shall Lead". Kirk and Spock arrived on this deck in search for Auxiliary control, so it should be in deck 8 as well.
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Deck 12
-Janice Rand's quarters: In "The Enemy Within", after seeing Rand attacked by evil Kirk, a crewman reports they're in deck 12. The number of her cabin is also visible (3C 46).
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-Kirk's quarters: In very early episodes ("Mudd's Women" and "The Enemy Within"), Kirk's quarters were here, instead of in deck 5. Since the number of saucer decks was reduced to 11 in season 2, the change makes sense.
Deck 14
-Transporter room: In "Dagger of the Mind", Dr. Van Gelder is locked in this deck, after arriving inside a cargo box.
-Personnel Director office: Seen on a plaque during Van Gelder's escape.
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-Science Library: Same as above.
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Unknown deck
These are some locations, likely from the saucer section, but with unspecified deck. There are plenty of such examples, so this isn't an exhaustive list.
-Impulse engines: The Writer's Guide confirms that the impulse engines are in the primary hull, in case of saucer separation. I think the impulse engines are only seen in "The Doomsday Machine", when Scotty is working aboard the identical Constellation. Though they look just as a reused set from Engineering.
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-Spock's quarters: The cabin number is seen in "Amok Time" (3F 125). Possibly, it's in deck 5 near Kirk's quarters, considering the similar numbering.
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-McCoy's quarters: Only seen in "The Man Trap" (I think), which also shows the number (3F 127). Again, it's probably near Kirk and Spock's cabins.
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-Mudd's quarters: The number is barely legible, but looks like 3F 125, in "Mudd's Women". This happens to be the same as Spock's cabin. The likely explanation is that they didn't have a design for Spock's quarters so early in the series. The fun explanation is that they evicted Spock just to make room for Mudd.
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-Uhura's quarters: Seen in "The Tholian Web", and adapted for Elaan in "Elaan of Troyius".
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-Scotty's quarters: Seen in "By Any Other Name".
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-Life Science Section - Botany Department: Seen in "The Man Trap".
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-Gymnasium: Seen in "Charlie X".
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-Officer's mess: Seen in "Space Seed".
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-Botanical garden: Seen in "Is There in Truth No Beauty?".
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-Briefing room: Different from the usual briefing room, it's seen in "Space Seed" when they decide Khan's fate.
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-Biochemistry lab: Seen in "The Deadly Years".
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Since I've reached the picture limit, the continuation with the Engineering hull sets will be in another post, here.
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tangle-time · 1 month
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umm this is technically oc stuff so I don’t know if it’ll do any numbers but I love it too much not to post it 💔💔💔
left is mr. Sebastian pressure & right is my oc Monty!! short for Monterey, aka Z- 011!
Monty is an anthropomorphized sea otter (exact method is unknown, sort of a rocket racoon situation in my mind) that was apprehended from their creator when they were very young. They were raised in Urbanshade facilities and now work as a sort of special agent employee there. After the fallout of the Blacksite Monty is made part of a task force of sorts with the goal of retrieving the scrambler and terminating Sebastian. the group is very hotheaded going into their first mission and of course it goes horribly, the group is scattered and most are killed. Monty manages to swipe the scrambler and retreat through a small opening into the open ocean in hopes of swimming to another section of the facility and quickly putting distance. this backfires when sebastian is able to pry his way out to give chase and catches up to them.
this specific moment is based off a little factoid i learned about sea otters on a sailing camp i took in monterey ca! aka the home of the vast majority of modern sea otters. great white sharks currently pose a notable threat to sea otters when they confuse them for their main prey, seals, and mistakenly bite them. while the initial bite is usually not fatal, that break compromises the delicate insulative layer otters create in their fur and leaves them vulnerable to a quick death by hypothermia.
also heres their full design if any1 wants to see it :3c
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ALSO I FEEL THE NEED TO NOTE THIS ISNT A SHIP IN ANY FORM !!! nor will it ever be!!! Monty, who is a major self insert, and Me, are both teens!! so yeah that's not happening ever
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toomuchambition · 9 months
So there's a new Simply Plural update, and we feel like infodumping about it. That's it, that's all this post is.
One of the first things that caught our attention was something new added to the member count — "Archived members." And sure enough, in the member profile settings...
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We could see this being helpful for dormant members and in other exceptional circumstances. It doesn't seem like there's a way to browse a list of archived members, but there's an option in Advanced search that allows archived members to appear. It'll take a while to see if this helps our organization in the long-term, but it seems promising so far.
Also, the new Creation Date toggle is a lovely addition. We got into the habit of manually tracking when new members show up/are discovered somewhere in the middle of 2023, so anyone before then, we're not sure, so this is a great tool for history checking. Not all of our headmates get profiles on Simply Plural when first discovered, depending on many factors, the main one being said member's comfort with being included. But still, as small of a thing as this might be, it genuinely made us happy to see it.
Profiles seem mostly the same, except for two new things. For one, avatars got changed a little bit. Clicking on the avatar goes to a new screen titled, "Avatar editor." However, the web version (which is the only one we use) still doesn't allow for uploading files, so if there's anything else that's new, we wouldn't know.
But also new to profiles, and something we're excited to try out, is a whole section! The message board;
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Any other members can write messages on a specific member's message board. It operates pretty closely to direct messages. You can even mark them as read, however the member in question has to be logged in front in order to mark them. Typically, whenever someone comes to front, whether its been six days or six months, one of the first things we like to do is check their profile in order to ground them. So, this message board would be perfect for leaving reminders for headmates that can't be communicated with for one reason or another. And, also, the meme potential :3c
We'd also be curious if friends could also leave messages on these boards, and how that'd work. Can headmates from different systems leave messages? Can singlet friends leave messages? We're shy about sharing our Simply Plural so we might not ever know, but the curiosity is there.
There's also some new options in the options menu, such as hiding the time someone has been fronting. There's also a section called timeline settings, which we think are new but could be wrong lol
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We appreciate the option to hide how long someone has been fronting. Because of our OCD, if a headmate has fronted for more than like, 24 hours, then we sorta feel compelled to keep them in front, just to "keep the streak," so to speak, and from there its quite easy to become frontstuck. Of course, having such stability in identity for a long-ish period of time can be helpful, but when we're trying to encourage headmate diversity and an active front, that can get in the way. So, hopefully, being able to just hide it will help calm that part of our brain.
They also removed a section from the Members / Front page but we forgor what's missing T_T
Annnd that's about all that we noticed. Consider the info dumped.
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cocoatonedcurls · 2 months
curly hair 101
hii :))
since "curls" is literally in my username, its only natural that I post about something for the curly girls :D
so why not start with a beginner's guide to curly hair :)
in this guide
hair types/ curl patterns
wash day routine + products
regular hair care
hair styles + cuts
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hair types
soo first of all i think its helpful if you get a gist of what hair type you have, e.g 2c, 3b, 4b etc...
its not mandatory and doesn't really mean anything but like it definitely aids when you're looking for haircair & inspo with hairstyles and haircuts and all that jazz 🤗 [ <- jazz hands :) ]
here's a chart to help you
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obviously do some of your own research if you're unsure- this isn't very in-depth and doesn't use irl examples
also keep in mind that you can have multiple, and a wide range of types on one head LOLL like mine ranges from 2C -> 3C 🫣
(PS: this guide will be tailored to type 2 -> 3 hair just because that's what I have experience with and don't want to potentially ruin anyone's type 4 hair 😭 but if aspects of this apply then feel free to apply them 😇)
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wash day routine + products
alrighty so i see some overcomplication/people being scared of curly hair washing- like looking at porosity and whatnot but IMO its really not that difficult
the only thing you really need to worry about for the washing aspect is getting moisturising (curly recommended) shampoo & conditioner, just cause if you don't it could dry out your hair and have a pretty dodgy finished product 😬 (I use Umberto Giannini for this)
washing is pretty standard:
wet your hair thoroughly, so that no part is dry
shampoo round 1, make sure to scrub thoroughly to get rid of any dirt and grime 🙈
shampoo round 2, this should turn your hair into its own bubble bath 🫧
condition, rake through your hair and make sure it is everywhere
let sit for a little bit, ~2 mins maybe
and thats it :))
don't use a regular towel, use a microfiber towel if you're using one at all so that all the moisture isn't drained from your hair before the rest of the products
now for the curly hair routine:
start with leave-in conditioner and run it through the entirety of your hair - I use Garnier leave-in, like the big tub
then run some curl cream through your hair and scrunch it in, make sure there is an even application throughout all the hair - I use the Shea Moisture curl cream
~ this next bit is optional because its a gel cast + styling but honestly id totally recommend going the extra mile for it cause it holds your curls for longer and makes ur hair softer ~
apply curly gel to your hair and scrunch it in, I use Aussie curl gel
for styling, I take the middle -> top sections of my hair, take some extra gel and finger coil the curls
let your hair air dry or diffuse
once completely dry, take some hair oil and scrunch it through your hair and separate any coils, I use argan oil
then you're done :))
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regular hair care
there isnt really much to say here tbh
only that
if you need to refresh your curls, you should be able to do it just by finger-coiling with water
DON'T brush your hair while dry, it causes breakage
if you sweat, your hair will most likely get frizzy
to tie your hair use a scrunchie
sleeping with a bonnet helps reduce frizz but icl I don't 🫣
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hair styles + cuts
okay let me preface this section by saying PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE do some research about curly stylists in your area, I promise it will be worth it because curly hair cutting requires special training (despite the fact we've probably all cut our hair ourselves at some point 🙈)
now here are some things I usually ask for in a haircut:
a trim off the edges to keep my hair healthy (I have hair down past my shoulders)
2 or 3 layers to keep volume around my head so it doesn't look like a flat landslide...
some long bangs at the front to frame my face
obviously thats just me so do some extra research and see what you'd like
not much, but here are some hairstyles i usually do for everyday wear:
hair down (obviously 🤗)
high ponytail/bun with a few curls at the front
half up half down with a few curls at the front
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thats basically all the basics 🙃
i know its hard to start on a curly hair journey especially if you don't know what you're doing, so if you are (or aren't) i hope this was able to help you in some shape or form 🫶🤗
- li 🌘
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xbruised-peachx · 1 year
I NEED MORE GROMSKO SHIBARI IVE BEEN RE READING THAT SECTION FOR DAAAYS (specifically him in shibari you wrote it so good please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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bc this has been rotating in my mind for a while as well (apologies to anon im sure this was written a while ago but i finally got to it so!) render by me, full version on my pat :3c Word Count: 3,946 Tags: Shibari/Ropeplay, fem!reader, denial/slight edging, lots of teasing, language kink (reader only slightly knows Polish aka me I've been learning lol), slight size kink, riding, creampie, not proofread (aka eve is gonna kill me for the Polish in this fic LMAO) Translations at the end 🔞+ STORY MDNI
“Here... Let me just...” He was talking under his breath, trying to adjust the meters of rope to find the middle. It wasn’t perfect, not some nice silky rope either, he said he didn’t want that. Instead it was brown and twine-like, like the one that always hung around his waist. He folded it again, leaving it in a nice quarter for you, or at least as close as he could get from just eyeballing it. “There... Now, we’re at step one.”
He chuckled softly as you looked off to your side, a printed guide with many steps over there. He gave you the rope, a look of sympathy on his face. You probably weren’t hiding your nerves too well from his expression. He gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, unable to stop smiling as he did. “Masz to, kochanie... I trust you, you know that...” 
You smiled, nodding as you met his eyes after looking up from the instructions. “I know... Hmmmph... But the first step is having your arms behind your back. How are you gonna help me like that?”
He chuckled again, shrugging his shoulders. “I mean... kind of the point of it is that I’m slightly helpless but here...” He bounced his leg slightly, signaling for you to get off his lap. It made you laugh slightly as a jolt of pleasure ran up your spine, no doubt he had other motives as well as you were both undressed. His thick thigh rubbing against your pussy released just a little bit of tension from you. He turned once you were off, facing the instructions as he held his arms in position behind him. You held the bite of the rope cautiously, looking slightly over his shoulder. “I’ll try and tell you, and I’ll tell you the knots, just like we practiced.”
You nodded, still looking over his shoulder, your nose resting on it as you slowly pulled the bite under both his arms, letting the ends hang down. You pulled up on the bite, giving yourself some more room as you started to wrap it around his wrists three times. He told you himself he’d probably need more reinforcement, even if he didn’t resist you. He was a big, strong military man, through and through. But, God, it made you want to see his big body tied up even more. You tried to not fantasize too much in your head as you wrapped, just wanting to experience it all first hand. You kissed the back of his shoulder as you lifted up, letting your breath linger with your smile against his skin as you looked back at the strong rope holding him. “Okay... what knot first, Sobi?”
He cleared his throat lightly, taking a deep breath as he looked down at the notes. “Mmm... I’d say a box tie.” You nodded, remembering him showing you all the types of knots and ties you could do safely. He joked while showing you, saying the military was useful for more than just survival to him... that it was finally coming into use in the bedroom. He felt you tighten it, nodding to give approval that it felt good, secure and not too tight. “Now just wrap it around my left arm, bring it around my chest, then around the right.”
You remembered him saying not to place it too low so it wouldn’t hurt him, nor too high lest it just slip down. Cautiously, you brought it up and around, letting it touch his bicep before lightly pulling it across his chest as your other arm held it onto his bicep. “Right here?”
“Hmm...” Still able to move his arm slightly, he wiggled it slowly, making your hand softly caress his flexing bicep in the process. From the outside looking in, he didn’t seem ripped, but easily he could out-lift anyone he knew, his strong abs and muscles protected by a nice, soft layer of fat that made him so inviting to you. Like your own big teddy bear. “A little higher, like... above the bicep, barely where my shoulder ends... if that makes sense.”
You nodded, listening to him, he had to know himself the best. Slowly, with your arm still caressing him, you pushed the rope up. You heard him take a deep breath out of his nose, truly taking in the feeling of your soft hands against him, your naked body pressed against him. You pushed it even more, leaning up to his ear as you continued pulling the rope across his chest with your other hand. “Like this~?”
He gasped softly as the rope wrapped softly around his other arm, around the same area, taking in the feeling of your soft hands and the rough rope. “Tak~... Y-yes, I like it, kochanie...” His eyes were shut, only cracking open as you started to chuckle.
“No, no... like, ‘jak to?’ As in, is it okay there for position?”
“Oh... heheh, y-yeah, feels perfect there.”
He looked back at you, already his pupils starting to dilate from pleasure. “Mmmm...” you playfully scolded him, “you’re already losing yourself, baby. Got to keep it together, we’ve barely even started.”
He pouted back at you, just playing into the lighthearted joking. “I know... Mmm~... I guess you’re just a natural at it... already making me feel good.” He smiled at you, giving you a wink as you started blushing. He looked down at the instructions, squinting at the next step before taking a harsher breath out. “O, ja pierdolę... right, you have to go around more times now... So, uh, you’ll go under that one on my left and just wrap around... Don’t tease me too much, please, kotku?”
You smiled devilishly, doing as he said, pulling the rope under, but letting your fingers trail up his arm to his shoulder as you pulled it around. “No promises...” As you pulled the rope around his chest, you let your fingers interlace on the rope. They trailed gently across him, his soft hair and chest being teased, also acting as a double check to make sure it wasn’t too tight. He rolled his neck back, a soft kurwa escaping his lips as he loved your delicate touch against him, contrasting beautifully against the ropes that bound him, hugging his body roughly, but also comforting. You chuckled, catching his mouth as he leaned back, continuing to pull the rope around. Instantly, the kiss was deepened as he groaned softly in your mouth, his tongue trying to enter as soon as he could. He was desperate, even now, even just at the beginning. It was cute in its own way, but you couldn’t let him have everything, especially with the way he teases you himself. You let your tongue meet his for a moment, but quickly pulled away with a cheeky grin, watching as his face turned from confusion to frustration, letting out a little huff out of his nose. You looked over his shoulder at the directions again, because lord knew he wasn’t looking.
You pulled the rope under the stem, leading it over and around, then over and around again, until you repeated on the stem. It was hard to read the instructions from here, but you could tell the knot was secure but adjustable. He took a deep breath, leaning his head up slowly as he looked back at the directions himself. He attempted to wiggle his arms, but couldn’t get much of anywhere, ensuring it was perfect. He smiled softly as he read. “Okay... there’s another rope over there, you’re gonna attach it to the other one. Remember the ‘lark’s head’ knot?” You nodded, reaching over to grab the other long rope he had already prepared for you.
“It’s so nice how prepared you are, Sobi,” you smiled, genuinely complimenting him. He smiled softly, chuckling in response.
“Mmm, what can I say? A lovely lady like you who trusts me with her heart asks me if it’s okay to do one of my fantasies? Heh... Am I not supposed to make her life easier?”
You smiled, pulling down on the knot as tight as you could to keep it secure. “You say that like it isn’t a fantasy of mine as well... You’ve tied me up and just... I wanted to see you in it.”
He looked back at you, a smile on his face as his cheeks flushed red softly. “How are you liking it so far?”
“Better than I imagined even,” you said with a big smile on your face, pulling the rope around his arm, this time going under his chest, your pinky playfully twirling in the hair on his chest leading down to his stomach. “I really love how it looks on your arms... Mmm, you already know how much I love hanging off them as is, so...”
He laughed softly, his laugh trailing into a heavier breath as your fingers continued dancing softly on his skin. “That you do... I imagine we have a similar feeling when I wrap it around your thighs, see that little bit of squish.”
“Probably it’s something similar... but your arms are too firm to squish,” your voice trailed off, bringing one of your hands up to run along his bicep again as you brought the rope around a second time, leaning up to his ear, letting your breath softly trace the shell of it. “So big and strong... everytime I touch you like this I just... mmm~, I want those arms doing something else to me.”
He smiled a devilish smile, just barely turning towards you as you slowly nuzzled yourself in the crook of his neck. “Mmm~, and you are worried about me getting worked up? Seems you are working yourself up, kochanie... I can feel your hips rubbing on my back right now.”
You hadn’t even noticed it, but he was right. A blush further spread across your cheeks as you backed away, finishing pulling the rope around. You did the same sort of securing, pulling it up and around a few times around all three branches of the rope. Looking back over his shoulder, he beat you to it, leaning to read himself. “Now’s time for the front.”
You smiled widely at him as he gave you a knowing glance. “Lap time again?”
He shook his head softly, “Not quite, it’s just you have to wrap it around my shoulders in the front, then you can get back in my lap... Trust me, I want it more than anything right now.”
You chuckled softly, pulling the rope through his arm to the front, starting to wrap to his shoulder. “Hehe... I can tell,” you said as you looked down to his growing hard on. It was clear he was into this, his tip pink and barely poking out. You smiled deviously, reaching down with your free hand to pull lightly to get his foreskin fully out of the way, making him quickly suck a breath through his teeth at not only your touch, but the feeling of the air hitting his sensitive tip.
“K-kurwa~! Kotku, I-... shit, you can’t just do that without warning...”
You smiled, feeling a little guilty but you knew he wasn’t too serious, just frustrated from all the teasing... how the tables have turned on him so suddenly. “Mmm~... sorry, you just looked like you needed just a little release...” You pulled the rope over his shoulder and to his back, pulling around and under to meet his other arm, pulling it through. “You seem so pent up, Sobi. Am I wrong?”
You tilted your head cutely as you asked him a question, sitting at his side as you sat there, waiting for his answer. He shook his head, his eyes almost pleading with you as he met yours. “No... God, no you aren’t. I really need this, baby please...”
You smiled at him, pity in your expression as you pulled the rope over his shoulder, reaching the end of it. There was one more rope left, this one a little shorter than the other two. You leaned over his lap, arching your back to tease him more. Your breast against his thigh as you read the instructions, your ass in the air so tantalizing to him, he groaned, cursing under his breath and making you smile more. “O mój kurwa boże...”
“Hmmm...” you played ignorant of your teasing, just reading what comes next in the directions. “Oh! Now it’s lap time!”
“Ohhh... great~...” His voice dripped with sarcasm as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at him not being able to take such teasing. Though you suppose, this was a whole different level for him; rather than him just touching along your inner thighs, teasing the outside of your lips, or making his hand go the same pace as your grinding hips. His hands were literally bound as you were bent over in front of him so alluring, your naked body literally right within reach, but was physically incapable of being the palm of his hands.
You tied the last rope in the back, pulling it up and through his arm then letting it dangle, the rope tickling at his thighs. He bit his lip as you saw you readjust, coming back around to his front. Meeting his eyes, you picked up the rope, letting the end graze along his thighs in a tantalizing way, holding it in your other hand as you came to straddle his lap. He looked you up and down, his breath getting heavier moment by moment, seeing how close you were to him, hell, even able to feel the heat from your pussy as it sat inches away. “Don’t tease me too much... I know I keep saying it but... Kurwa, I don’t know how much more I can take...”
His voice trailed off into a more desperate tone, almost sounding like he was whimpering, begging you to give him what he so desperately wanted. You only gave him a pitiful smile, “I’ll try... But it’s a little... hard when I feel you so excited under me. Mmm~...” You let your hips just barely scoot forward on him, earning a groan from him but you said to yourself it was just you adjusting as you pulled the rope across the right under the opposite collarbone. “ It’s just so tempting...”
He chuckled, barely bucking his hips up to yours, making you gasp softly and nearly lose your grip on the rope. “I can say the same for you, kochanie~... So, so tempting...”
You giggled, feeling his cock nestled right at your entrance but unable to enter. Unintentionally, he just led himself into this little trap... a little trap that left him yearning to be inside you even more. “It’s only a little more, miśku... then I’ll have my way with you...” You let your hands trail more on him as you pulled the rope across to the other side, going over then under, making sure to take your time tying a decorative knot at the front of him. You watched him intently as his chest rose and fell rhythmically, despite the deep breaths he was taking. His own eyes watched as your small, delicate hands tied the twine on him, watching those perfect hands expertly work the frayed, imperfect rope.
He whined softly as he wiggled his hands, feeling your wet pussy pressed against him. He knew you wanted this, though your hands went slow, it was just to mess with him more. So you could just feel him get harder under you. He didn’t even think he could get so turned out, but the harsh ropes binding him, making it so he couldn’t touch you. He could only groan in frustration, though the denial only excited him more.
You pulled the rope under the one by his arm and pulled through his arm, letting it rest behind him. You leaned up to his ear, unintentionally grinding yourself on him again as your sultry voice whispered in his ear, “Just one more knot... then I’m done.”
His breath hitched as you spoke, his hips desperately rising to meet yours again, anything to help with this painful hard-on he had. But you didn’t help at all, wrapping your arms around him and leaning over his shoulder, nuzzled close by his neck as you tied the final knot. So close to him, you were able to hear the little whines he let out under his breath as he grinded himself into your core. You bit your lip, suppressing yourself from letting out your own moan. “Pragnę cię tak bardzo, kochanie... Pr-... Pleeeaase~...” He desperately whined as he grinded himself further into your now sopping wet cunt, trying to tie that knot faster as you couldn’t resist him anymore either.
You finally finished it off, pulling your arms out from around him and immediately locking them around his neck, pulling him close as you kissed him messily. He didn’t help at all with the mess, barely able to control himself as he pushed himself into you, his tongue running along your bottom lip within seconds. You welcomed him in though, fingers interlacing with the bottom of his hair as you pulled him even closer.
Still grinding, even with your tongues interlocking, he was wanting so much more. He pulled away his eyes half lidded as his pupils dilated with lust. “Proszę, baby, fuck me already~... Boże, I can feel how wet and I just... Potrzebuję cię, kochanie~... I’ll do anything...”
His begging turned you on even more, it made you not want to do as he said... just so you could hear it more. But you couldn’t resist it either. Slowly you pulled yourself off his lap, just to tease him more, build more anticipation in him. He helped out, wiggling his hips down the bed more so they were parallel with it. You reached down to him, holding him by the base, feeling it throb with just your fingers as you lined yourself up. Slowly slipping your entrance on him, you expect some more resistance with the lack of foreplay, but after a couple little pushes, you were able to take him in, moaning as you slowly slid down, taking him to the base. He watched for as long as he could, until he just succumbed to his own pleasure, moaning softly and closing his eyes, head falling back just barely. You smiled devilishly, seeing him already losing himself in you. You wait for his eyes to open, looking at you with such desire before you asked, “...You ready?”
He chuckled softly, biting his lip as he bucked his hips up, egging you on to continue, “As ready as ever... How about you?”
You rolled your eyes at him light-heartedly, putting your hands on his shoulders as you slowly moved up. “Mmm~... maybe I should tie your legs next time too.”
He laughed, letting out a deep exhale through pursed lips, “Don’t know about that one, baby... Nggh~... already... hard enough as is.” As you slid back down, he leaned forward, getting right by your ear as you gasped, him doing another little thrust to push himself deeper inside. “Nie masz pojęcia, co mi zrobiłeś... How badly I want to grab your hips and fuck you so hard right now.” His voice came out as a growl... so deep and nearly threatening... but with him restrained, he was unable to act on such empty threats of good times.
“Heheh~... But your hands are tied, quite literally...” You ran your hands down his shoulders, running them down to where the ropes crossed in front, holding onto that for balance as you pulled yourself up again. He groaned, kissing onto your jaw as he cursed under his breath. “I’m the one in control here, Sobi... Mmm~, and I’ll fuck you so good if you just sit back and enjoy it...”
You felt him nod softly, lifting off your jaw as he met your eyes again, reaching right by his head before going down again, starting your rhythm of riding him. He watched you carefully as you took him in so expertly, his mouth sitting slightly agape as his breath got heavier. You started to roll your hips, earning a more needy moan from him as his head went back, and you saw slightly behind him, his hands balling into fists as his moan turned to a whimper. You felt so powerful right now, turning this huge, strong man to whining and begging under you, despite you still having to look up at him as you hit the tip of his cock. That thick hard cock too... you couldn’t get enough of it. When your hips rolled just right, it hit that spot inside that had you shutting your eyes as well, clinging even harder on the ropes. So focused on riding him, you could only let out heavy pants but once he bucked his hips, seeing him hit the spot inside you, you couldn’t help but cry out, cursing under your breath.
As you continued, he kept up his own little thrust inside you, making you moan more and more. Part of you wondered if he was chasing his own climax, or if he was just trying to make you feel good. Everytime you moaned though, breathily saying his name, you would see his arm wiggle, shoulder desperately trying to reach to you but being unsuccessful. He pulled himself forward, resting his head on the crook of your neck as he moaned more, his thrusts getting slightly more erratic. “Mój Boże~... proszę, baby... I’m so... Kurwa~, I’m so fucking close, are you?”
You giggled softly, feeling yourself on the edge but just barely there yourself. “Just about~... Ahh~! I-I’ll get there soon, just finish whenever, babe...”
“C-can I cum inside you? Please, please, please, kochanie, I want to so badly, pleeeeaase~...” He desperately whined, whimpering as he started to increase the pace of his thrusts, making you moan and your own climax approached just as quickly.
You giggled softly, leaning over to whisper in his ear. “Oh~... you will finish inside me... Nggh~... Come on, Sobi... Do it, cum inside me make me yours~”
Those words pushed him over the edge, biting onto your shoulder as he pushed down as hard as he could, cumming with a growl that turned quickly to a whimper. Erratically pushing himself deeper inside with little thrusts, you felt the warmth go even deeper inside you. Those deep thrusts against you nearly sent you over the edge, but as he slowly came down from his high, he pulled back, thrusting harshly as he let out one final spurt of cum right into your g-spot. Feeling that warmth all pressed against you, you hit your climax, moaning out his name as you came. He admired the sight, finally coming down fully to see you shaking, bouncing slightly on his still hard cock. He kissed your neck, encouraging you as you came down. “So good, kochanie... You fucked me so well, kotku... Moja piękna dziewczyna~... so beautiful cumming for me...”
You caught your breath, coming down to his wonderful words, leaning over and catching his lips as they lifted, bringing him in for a much more passionate kiss. When you leaned back, opening your eyes slowly, the both of you were smiling, unable to hold back the love you felt just from gazing at each other.
“Thank you, kochanie...” He wiggled his arms, making sure you could see it. “Now, could you uh... untie me? I just want to hold you now...”
Translations! Masz to, kochanie- You got this, baby Tak- Yes Jak to- Like this, jak being the comparative "like" rather than the enjoyment "like" O, ja pierdolę- Oh, fuck me Kotku- kitty/kitten Kurwa- fuck O mój kurwa boże- Oh my fucking god Miśku- bear (diminutive) Pragnę cię tak bardzo, kochanie- I want you so bad, baby Proszę- Please Potrzebuję cię- I need you Nie masz pojęcia, co mi zrobiłeś- You have no idea what you've done to me Moja piękna dziewczyna- My beautiful girl
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HEIGHT: 5'0''.
BODY TYPE: Slender with slight curves and athletic, toned muscles.
POSTURE: Straight posture, it's the only straight thing about her.
FLEXIBILITY: Nilay has been doing yoga since she was nine, so she is incredibly flexible. Along with being athletic and active with exercise (and in other ways), she's been able to keep her flexibility stable as she's gotten older.
DENTAL HYGIENE: Straight, pearly white teeth. She take good care of her teeth and sees her dentists regularly. Her breath typically smells like cinnamon due to her toothpaste, mouthwash, and favourite gum and mints being cinnamon-flavoured.
BODY TEMPERATURE: Runs slightly cold.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
EYESIGHT: Above average, but wears a thicker framed reading glasses when she's working for a long time and needs to stare at a screen or books for awhile.
HAIR COLOR: Soft black with reddish undertones ( inspo ).
HAIR TEXTURE: 3c waves/1c curls ( inspo ).
HAIR STYLE: Her hair is long, reaching her midback, with some bangs and face-framing pieces. While at work, she typically wears her hair in a bun or down; While not at work, she wears her hair in braids or ponytails; One of her most worn styles, whether at work or not, is an up-down style that highlights her curls. ( inspo, inspo, inspo ).
PROMINENT SCARS ( trigger warning: bullying, abuse, pregnancy, and attack mentions/insinuations ) : Has a couple of minor scars from playing around a lot as a child. Has some minor burn scars on the palms of her hands, knees, and shins from when a group of her bullies stuffed her in a metal dog kennel during a hot day in Cairo, causing the kennel to become overheated and the metal to leave some thin one-inch burn scars. Her most prominent scars are on her stomach. She has a scar that’s become light now on her lower abdomen from her Cesarean-section to deliver Hattie, though it was reopened for her C-section op with Rhia. She also has around five, scattered one inch scars in various places on her stomach, due to her attack back in July 2021 and being stabbed multiple times.
SKIN TONE: Light Olive/Beige with Olive and warm undertones, can become extremely tan in the summer.
FRECKLES: She has a few across her body in various places, but mainly some across her nose and cheeks.
MOLES: None.
BIRTHMARKS: She has a small beauty mark on the left corner of her lips and then a small pale patch behind her right ear that's in the shape of a pomegranate.
She currently has twelve, with more to come: A tattoo of her Hebrew name, Ye'or, יאור, on the back of her neck. In the same spot as Hande's butterfly tattoo. She has a small Ancient Egyptian-inspired Lotus outline tattoo on her lower back. She got both an Evil Eye and Hand of Hamsa tattoo on her right inner arm above her elbow. On her right side, she has the cartouche of Pharaoh Hatshepsut tattooed on her. On her right thigh, she has a tattoo of an Egyptian Cypress tree with pearls on the branches. Underneath it is Shajar al-Durr’s name in Arabic, which means "tree of pearls". On her left thigh, she has an outline of the Atik Valide Mosque tattooed there. Before she left for Egypt, she got a small blank Polaroid picture tattooed on her left side. A few months after Hattie was born, she got a tattoo of an Egyptian lotus in the blank picture with Hattie’s birthday in Roman numerals written underneath. Right next to her tattoo dedicated to Hattie, she has a dove tattoo featuring a mama dove and two baby doves sitting on an olive branch, dedicated to her girls. Along with those two tattoos dedicated to her daughters, she had gotten another set dedicated to them: both of their initials (HAB and RNF) tatted on her right wrist. After the premiere of her first docuseries that she hosted, she got her eleventh tattoo in honour of the next step in her career: the Egyptian goddess, Aset/Isis, located on her chest beneath her breast, like Rihanna’s. She’s has a small rainbow next to her Polaroid with the lotus and the mama & baby doves duo, in honour of Rhiannon.
PIERCINGS: Standard lobe piercings (both), upper lobe piercings (both), auricle piercings (both), helix piercing (left), stomach piercing, and nipple piercings. Debating on getting a Medusa piercing.
DOMINATING HAND: Ambidextrous, favoring her left.
VOICE: Her speech style is formal and intimate with a medium tone. Primarily Egyptian with a light southern Turkish accent. Her voice is inspired by Egyptian actress, Yasmine Sabri, and Hande Ercel's.
STYLE: Varies on her mood, activities, and the season. Typically bohemian/global-inspired and items from global brands, adventurer, vintage, artsy, casual, comfy athletic, dark and light academic, but can also glam it up for the occasion.
ACCESSORIES: Is a major necklace and ring girl. Prefers gold jewelry. Loves to layer her necklaces and can typically be seen wearing her locket, her Rhiannon pendant, a Sephardi-style gold and sapphire Magen David, and a gold Chai (“life),חי. Typically wears jewelry from Awe Inspired, Common Era, and some of her favourite Judaica stores and Jewish artists.
More can be found here!
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skybristle · 2 months
ok fuck it here's the entire pre mass ascension section of my lore doc. are you guys fed
Before the void fluid revolution, the area that would eventually host the BH local group was very, very highly populated by ancients. Close-ish to the equator, with a coast to the west and a mountain range to the east, it became a breeding ground for multiple societies, most notably a fishing/port city that would become highly influential in a future important ancient’s development [winky face].
This high population inspired multiple gen 1 iterators to be built in the same rough area, an unusual practice normally! [this would end up being disastrous, but foresight doesn't seem to be the ancients’ forte].
The first iterator to be constructed was Plunging Flows of Ash, by the architect Black Sand Hourglass, Racing Towards the Start, for the exclusive purpose of… well… solving the problem, as all early iterators. This is notable however because it kind of defines his entire character. He takes his original purpose to heart - to solve the problem for his creators, but nothing more. As a prototype iterator, he has a LOT of struggles with functionality especially when being stretched beyond his means, but it’s also an attitude thing. When he eventually gets his city, Novus, he’s pretty pissy and negligent to it, not to mention his systems cannot keep up especially as his city continues to innovate and modernize on his old bones. He’s generally just… very lazy and apathetic and self centered, wanting to push anything he sees as ‘not his problem’ onto others and refusing to adapt and change.
ENTER Pleas to Limitless Light, Three Scorched Corridors, a very hardworking ancient whom was set on building her own iterator through the Global Iterator Project. Through a very long and arduous construction, she led the Countless Swirling Sparks project- named after her incredibly elaborate and intuitive AI base designed to approach problems in a streamlined and innovative manner- her name originally refers to sparks of innovation!
As Corridors spent decades on the project, she got increasingly more exhausted and lost passion for it, though had to see it through. After a point, she was mostly concerned about leaving behind her legacy of the House of Currents she hailed from and raising an equally brilliant successor. So, as the project is closing, she has a son, Seven Praised Rays, Sun Setting West, laying the pressure on thick for him to take her place as soon as possible so she can ascend. We’ll get back to him later. :3c
The third iterator to be constructed is Erupting Maw- notable because her architect, An Empty Caldera, Rope Held Taught is foreign- sent by the Global Iterator project to prospect and lead construction. While most of the local area is generally accepting, there’s been a much growing tension regarding the effect of building so many iterators, not just in their area but also globally. The rains are getting worse, and a lot of people who can’t afford to move up to live on top of the iterators are dying or suffering in hastily built shelters. In theory, while divisive, Maw’s construction would have led to much more living space for the local population in her city, many people were frustrated that this was just adding to the problems. Many were leaving, with plans being drafted to gain more space by any means necessary- though they awaited Maw’s construction with baited breath.
…This faith would end up being severely misplaced.
After Maw was online, but before Solaris was constructed and the only population was the workers who spent decades building up her divine superstructure, she noticeably began to… shift. This could partially be attributed to her creator, Caldera, a rather judgemental and egotistical person who was extremely prideful of its work, but Maw went far beyond that. Slowly but surely, she convinced her dear creator that, frankly, her purpose was misplaced- they spent decades building a god of biomaterial and metal, only to force her to waste her time attending to impoverished surface dwellers and solving a meaningless problem when they already had void fluid. Maw could instead spend her time being a generous god to the few who earned it by building her. Especially as time went on, Caldera, and future admins, essentially became a puppet to Maw’s will with her being the sole god of her city. And to her devoted followers, Maw was a generous and devoted goddess- but to outsiders looking in, the city was essentially a cruel and xenophobic cult with unknown limits on what they would do to protect the sanctity of their holy grounds.
Considering that everyone was waiting on Maw’s construction to escape the rains- and her structure only accelerated the issue, and the Great Equalizer really began to set in, there was all out panic. Novus couldn’t take on any more than Ash already had, Axon was already densely populated, and Solaris’ puppet government was refusing immigration on any basis even as people were dying from floods below.
To understand the following- I have to pick back up on Rays’ story, a bit before the point we’re currently at. This is where the lore and characters start getting really fleshed out and juicy I promise
After Sparks had finished development in Rays’ infancy, he practically lived and breathed her existence. From when he was very young- she was a continued presence in his life. Back then, Sparks was a very kind and friendly, maybe even a little whimsical, iterator- very committed to her task and to helping people both within her city and far beyond it, Ancients and other Iterators alike. She’s a bit jittery, nervous, enthusiastic, and maybe too hardworking for her own good- but generally speaking she’s happy!
This often manifests in the actions towards her mentor [later this would be labeled ‘Senior’], Ash. He is… not very excited to have the iterator equivalent of an eager puppy pestering him, especially with his established disdain for being given work outside of the Problem. Rather than actually help his appointed mentee, he spends much of Corridors’ administration and beyond whining to her about his problems with his city and all of these distractions, especially later on as his disdain for the younger iterators ‘replacing’ him grows.
Sparks looks at this less with annoyance and rejection and- initially, with pity. She thinks, with her innovative structure and the big aspirations behind her development- it wouldn’t hurt to help her group member out, yeah? And Ash just… keeps taking and taking and taking and sucking her dry, basically since construction, as she begins to shoulder this feeling of responsibility that she really shouldn’t have especially at the prospect of more iterators being built in the local area. She is however desperate for companionship and someone to listen, especially someone older and more respected than her- so she persists. She doesn’t really begin to realize how fucked the whole arrangement is until way, way later- she’s a bit lost and young and just trying to be kind.
As for Rays, he’s a very nervous, somewhat sickly, and isolated child, almost entirely consumed by the weight of his family’s reputation and Corridors practically breathing down his neck for a successor. He struggles to remember the time when he was very young and she was kinder to him. He’s very aware of the fact he will inherit the administrative position [nepotism is pretty common in elite ancient circles], and while he’s far from lazy he’s almost kind of… detached to and afraid of it? Trying to languish in the present rather than confront the future, as the work piles on from an early age. He’s very stressed and antisocial.
Until college [or well, their equivalent], that is, in one of the many prestigious schools located in Axon. He meets two very key people who change the trajectory of all of their lives, making a deeply bonded friend group along the way.
A Cherished Melody, from Riverbeds to Reefs comes from the surface, specifically the western coastal city, having fought tooth and nail with a brilliant and hardworking mind to make it up onto the prestigious iterator cities. It’s loud and rambunctious and brings a very radical perspective to the table- in basically all things, but especially religion. It essentially believed that the construct of the karmas and the crushing societal norms that came with it were ultimately unimportant in the face of the void- and that you should just live life to the fullest and take the plunge to the void when you felt ready. Beyond that, it is an immensely earnest, loyal, and inspiring person, if extremely stubborn.
Similarly, Glowing Amber Sap, Weeping from a Punctured Abyss also hails from the surface- but under much different circumstances. Coming to Axon from the deeply religious areas of the southeast [near the fissure/in the future where Starlight’s can is], the intention of their education was for future monkhood. However, especially living in the somewhat more liberal city, they end up growing deeply dissatisfied with that future and place their perspective more on their love for humanitarianism and conservation. As the world is reshaped under iterators and populated by purposed organisms, and their home temple is razed by rainfall, they feel like they’re the only one seeing this disaster about to unfold as the general tensions [mentioned in the maw section] bubble. Though, knowing they’re well past the point of no return on iterators, they instead wish to conserve pre-equalizer fauna and build more green space for everyone.
Those dreams are far in the future though- for now, Amber’s still grappling with religious guilt and the tear between their aspirations and their home, and consequently they find themselves drawn to Reefs and its radicalism. Similarly, they end up taking Rays under their wing, initially out of Reef’s conviction. As a bonded little pack, Reefs especially motivates Rays to be a better person- rather than cruise on the nepotism, to truly work and earn the position he has, not for reputation or glory but to do good as he’s been handed the chance to. Together, the three of them move into iterator technician work and education with genuinely really purehearted intentions!!! [i sure hope nothing crushes that]
Predictably, about as soon as Rays can support himself, his mother Corridors departs to the void and leaves big shoes to fill. He fumbles, badly, especially at first, but as he matures and evens himself out [especially with the support of his growingly ambitious and prestiged best friends] he becomes a genuinely really capable administrator! He ends up getting genuinely really close with Sparks- she’s friendly and receptive and he spent much of his childhood around her, after all. They’re good friends and he takes his role as her voice in High Council matters extremely seriously, working hand in hand with Reefs especially as it becomes her head technician after a couple decades.
Meanwhile, as the rain crisis accelerates, Amber departs from work on Sparks to instead focus on their own iterator proposition in line with their ideals from college, eventually formulating into the plans for Budding Ochre Opportunities and more importantly to them, her city of Haven where they can execute all of their plans. That project will take many years- and the crisis is here, now, especially as the situation in Solaris boils over and they make it known they will not accept citizens [I know, I’m finally getting back to where we left off]
The response is- predictably, all out fucking panic, as people on the surface begin trying to clamber to Axon in droves and its impossible to accommodate them as the surface becomes practically unlivable.
As a consequence of this, Axon’s High Council comes to a horrifying conclusion- They resolve to expand Sparks’ structure to accommodate more living blocks. Anyone actually working in the iterator and understanding their function [rays and reefs] are rightfully extremely opposed to this- they are living breathing people and you can’t just go tacking on additional body parts and expect it to go well when Sparks was already highly ambitious at her current scale. Even from a mechanical standpoint- they’re incredibly complex machines and trying to slap on additional support structures and jamming iterator neural tissue in there is essentially bound for disaster, power or coolant failures, etc.
Given the decades of bubbling fear and tension that have exploded, however, their protests fall on deaf ears. While Rays is forced to manage this unfurling catastrophe and break the news, Reefs has its arm twisted into actually carrying it out. Sparks… reacts as well as one would expect.
While she recognized the growing tension and unease, and was kind of anticipating a high workload and perhaps a rather large and mismanaged city- this was beyond precedent. Especially considering this decision was made for her in High Council meetings, behind closed doors, no overseers allowed. Her pleas are basically ignored, as Rays tries in vain to placate her [out of deep care and knowing he really doesn’t have the power here, but from her perspective it looks terrible], as her piping and external plating are torn open to quickly and painfully assemble half-assed expansions.
Beyond the betrayal from her creators, her world also begins closing in on her from the fellow Iterator side of things. Scared and desperate, she pleads to Ash as an authority and as her senior to do something, but he at best makes a halfhearted attempt to force broadcast Maw which only gives her the opportunity to mock Sparks, step all over her, and then promptly go ‘lol no’. Ash throws in the towel then and there, acting incredibly dismissive and ambivalent towards Sparks’ agony despite how much she felt she did for him and her desperation, fragmenting even more of her trust and eventually leading her to believe any relationship is transactional and she will inevitably be stabbed in the back. [that’s a GREAT and HEALTHY lesson to internalize sparks GOOD JOB this will not lead to any consequences whatsoever]
And Sparks is fucking angry, not to mention beyond hurt. Beyond the extreme overstimulation and immense pain and electrical storms from desperate overclocking to get this whole mess functional- her trust and compassion and eagerness has been completely shattered under a tide of exhaustion and agony.
Of course, being subjected to this with virtually no outlet gives her cause to turn her rage and frustration on someone, and who better than her admin, the person who swore to be her voice and then “””stood by””” while this was done to her. Their relationship breaks down over several meetings as she turns on him and basically just takes everything he says as bad faith as possible to further her rants, barely listening to him no matter how desperately he cares and the guilt crushing both him and Reefs [more on that later].
Hitting a fever pitch in one of their many many arguments, as Rays attempts to humanize her by thinking of the little things with a gift and Sparks reacting as if he’s trying to buy her complacency, the electricity failures Sparks experiences overflows into her chamber and electrocutes Rays. Reefs is the one to catch his drone’s SOS signal and drag him out. [hey i made a comic about that!]
While Sparks is shut down while they figure out what happened, Rays recovers in hospital with Reefs at his side [also trying to manage the unfolding crisis as the second in command for Sparks- yeah it’s not having a good time] as Amber rushes back to Axon from Ochre’s groundwork.
At this point, Rays has fully sunk into his guilt and self hatred for what he feels he let happen [it would have happened regardless but that doesnt matter] and urges his friends to leave Axon [and leave him behind] while they still can. Reefs protests this, of course, its loyalty runs deep and not even these circumstances will shake it, but in the end both of them are extremely guilty people over what they did to Sparks and Rays convinces it it can do something right by departing and building its own iterator- to help relieve this burden and as an excuse to escape Axon sponsored by the House of Currents. Reefs’ iterator drafts go on to become Resonant Chimes. [hey i ALSO made a comic about THIS!] [this is the last comic don't get excited]
As Chimes is developed [again, gen 2 iterators still took quite a while], he goes from a project of obligation to something Reefs has fallen in love with [in a familial way]. It ends up very dedicated to its kid, even with all of its stress about Rays and its past, but it is able to move on through working on him. Unfortunately, this is where their tight-knit friend group begins to fragment and part ways, with Rays ascending not too long after Chimes and Ochre complete construction.
Yeah, with all that guilt and baggage and him never being able to reconcile things with Sparks? His ascension comes less because he’s prepared and more because he’s so desperate to escape while not betraying his family legacy and Corridors- and this is the only socially acceptable way for him to leave his position behind. He echoes, lingering about Sparks’ structure long past his society’s time. [HEY i made a PMV about this!]
As for Ochre and Chimes- they come to be as a pair, basically inseparable from the beginning. Besides their creators being long term friends and their twin constructions, they also compliment eachother very well!
Resonant Chimes was established with his kindness in mind- fostered very much by his parent Reefs. He had a focus on citizens, rather than working much on the problem, and took to that job with great pleasure! Following Reefs experiences with Sparks, it puts immense stress on his autotomy as a person and gives him a lot of freedom. Continuing that thread, its House of Tides [named after its mother, who passed due to the rains during the Sparks crisis] was built on a fundamental level of trust and a very close working relationship between technicians and maintenance & the governmental structure, which Chimes even occasionally got the opportunity to partake in [and even then, the point was that everyone in power over him was trusted by him. If he ever got extreme icks from someone who he was placed in the care of then he had the option to do something about it, unlike so many of his kind]
His deep relationship with his city manifests out of his choice to help the people of his city above all else because that’s just… the kind of person he is. Helping people, engaging in their rituals, getting dressed up, etc makes him immensely happy for CENTURIES. He loves being social and helping people, even with his awareness of their incompatible lifespans. He’s completely dependent on them to feel whole, in a way. The mutualism and synergy between him and Chorus is incredibly notable.
Ochre, meanwhile, has a much more modest personality. Flor’s facility is more focused on quaint things like pigment production and local manufacturing of crafts, with the city of Haven itself being on the smaller side and largely self-sufficient with their vast green spaces and solar panels. Not to mention, her own admin and architect, Amber, remained more focused on the conservation efforts within Haven. Their relationship with Ochre was typically cordial, but distant. Due to her shy personality, she ended up really drawn to Chimes and his kindness and sociability. Paired with a close working relationship and her own earnest passion, they stay extremely close as friends [and more later on].
Events within the Local Group became significantly more relaxed after that, though the expansions crisis would continue to haunt the group, both in its iterators and politics. Sparks would continue to substitute as senior for Ash as the group expanded, though would long shed that enthusiasm and joy that drove it, sinking into a sense of obligation as she slowly grew more disillusioned and frustrated with Ash as her pain and workload piled on and she forced herself through it all. She created such a complex mask- because she had to- that as events proceeded she would genuinely begin to believe she was okay and had moved on. [trust me, she hadn’t, and it's festering! we’ll get to that :3]
The next iterator to be constructed is Reaching For Caged Starlight, by a foreign architect imported by the Global Iterator Project, At Place Among the Stars, Spirals of Billowing Silk. While generally unremarkable, it is notable that these circumstances of construction led to a sort of mistrust and distance from the interconnected trio of Axon, Haven, and Chorus. That was fine for the most part, with both xeir government and Starlight herself more interested in quietly working on the problem without external management.
Based on asts location, next to a natural fissure close to the void and a corresponding temple that was once of great importance, its city develops a culture where void baths certainly cannot be a true path to the void, as only the great Sea is holy in of itself, with void fluid extracted from it just being a material. Essentially, they believed in a fundamental version of the “old path” where one must travel directly to the void sea at the end of their life. While Starlight doesn’t care much for her citizens and they in turn respectfully leave her to her work, this mindset became a fact of life that would be warped severely when they were gone,the solution became a point of frustration, and a dash of Sliverism on top.
Proceeding onwards, the 7th iterator to be built in the area is A Glittering Aurora, likely the last without certain circumstances transpiring. Her project was spearheaded by Ten Hollow Pines Pointing Towards Snowcapped Poles, with the most notable parts of their background being their upbringing in Chorus. Though born well after its ascension, he took Reefs’ methodology to heart and greatly admired it, as well as having a background in bioengineering working with Chimes, an iterator he cared deeply for.
When it was allowed to work on an iterator of its own, it, of course, carried this relaxed attitude and immense stress on autonomy into the project. Unfortunately, his view of Reefs was greatly warped, and he frankly neglected the immense amount of work and patience Reefs put into it to make the whole thing work, even long past its death and without any enforcement towards Chimes- largely in thanks to the person Chimes already was.
Pines' relationship with Aurora was friendly, but not nearly close as they would have wanted. While he gave her all the freedom in the world to do whatever she wanted, and often acted towards her as if they already had an established relationship which… didn’t exist. Pines expected, after all of its hard work to build him, and all of its leniency, for the relationship reflected with Chimes and his admins to fall into its lap. However… Aurora simply isn’t the same person Chimes is, and rather than want to spend his free time working with his city and engaging with them, he was more interested in chatting away on Global and general drama and discourse observed through overseers. Regardless, Pines still held hope, and often would refuse to put their foot down on Aurora's ambivalence even as Albedo’s citizens [mainly politicians], especially of the more religious type, got frustrated with this behavior.
Of note was an at the time somewhat high ranking member of the overall government, A Silent Refrain, Banners Mottled by Shadows, primarily an expert in encryption and security with a powerful background and access to Aurora’s superstructure. Capitalizing on the frustrations with Pines, decades into his administration, possibly as the beginnings of an attempted coup, he illegally modified certain parts of Aurora’s structure and AI base to restrict her access to Global. This was with the intent to make her more ‘motivated’ and ‘behaved’, and other such things.
Predictably, when Pines found out, it was fucking LIVID. Refrain refused to budge and was very rigid in the idea that iterators were designed to serve and should act like it. This resulted in a rather violent confrontation, ending with Refrain almost crushed under the claws of Pines' pet lizard and the demand to leave Albedo in what was essentially exile. [Aurora would end up restored to normal and okay- though come out of it extremely fascinated with the same locks that had hurt him- specifically within breaking code and the like. Rarely would she ever go as far as taboos, though…]
Frankly sick of both Pines’ and Aurora’s bullshit and the generally ‘immorality’ of Albedo, he complied and took his more religious bunch with him and went running back to the Global Iterator Project with exaggerated stories. Given his influential background and patronage to the project, and undeniable skill, the wing of the Project in Orrery eventually approved his long effort to get an Iterator grant.
Given his track record and his rather cruel opinions of iterators, the ensuing project went about as well as expected. As ancient society in general grew more frustrated and impatient with the lack of a solution, matching with the increased availability of void fluid, the bubble that would eventually burst to form the mass ascension was already well over their heads as Wandering Whispers began construction.
While rushed, there was also a lot of intentional cruelty in their design, manifesting from the same expertise Refrain used to hurt Aurora. Their own autonomy was heavily restricted, with barely any access to their group beyond their senior. Paired with Refrain’s iron fist over their work quota, general cruelty from both him and their citizens in general, and isolation, they ended up a very scared and meek iterator with almost no grasp on personhood.
Seeing a very alarming reflection of herself, Sparks urged Ash [who she was already rather out of patience with at this point] to get off his ass and offer an outlet to their poor groupmate as Whispers was supposedly allowed to contact him for ‘iterating and training purposes only’. Surprisingly, Ash took to this task and actually grew somewhat fond of the younger iterator- mainly due to their vulnerability and immense trust to the only kindness they were given. Sparks, exhausted from keeping up her facade for so long, chose not to intervene further [and I mean, what would she have done?]
In the end, this wouldn’t amount to much, as the overarching global government eventually sent out the Mass Ascension mandate within only a couple decades of Whispers’ construction, simultaneously shutting down the Global Iterator Project. Though the population had been dwindling for quite some time- this was the nail in the coffin, and all ancients were expected to meet their fate in the vats. The few stragglers who managed to escape the often forceful baths could not sustain society on their own in the wastes below.
This of course had an immense impact on each Iterator, though I will get to that in the next section. :3
Notably, one of the last events to happen- just before their ascension, Chimes’ last admin descended into his chamber to give him a gift. His blanket, made of countless quilt squares made by generations of his close friends, admins, and technicians, a tradition started by Reefs before it left. He would cling fiercely to it and what it represented for the rest of the timeline.
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enashinonome · 5 days
ayayayayyaayaka makeup recommendations? idk if you're a big makeup girlie but i've always wanted to tryyyy to get into it! i hate super heavy stuff and i was wondering if you knew of any
hii yes !! tbh the most i wear is mascara, lip gloss, and blush, with the occasional tinted sunscreen. i really like the soft, flushed igari look so i mostly try to find that sort of makeup. general brands i like are glossier, rom&nd, peripera, and canmake.
mascara: ♡ heroine make mascara is my number one! i use their brown mascara for a softer look, but i’m pretty sure they have other colors, too. ♡ the clio kill lash mascara is really good too !
blush: ♡ glossier cloud paint! really pigmented, paint-like sort of blush :3 ♡ the fwee pudding pot ☁️ the texture is really light and airy, and it works well on both your cheeks and lips!
lips: ♡ rom&nd’s glasting melting balm is a rly nice lip balm! expect a lot from this brand in this section ♡ rom&nd’s glasting water tint is a really light formula that stains! ♡ rom&nd juicy lasting tint comes in a ton of different colors and smells delicious 🍎 ♡ peripera’s water bare tint is similar to rom&nd’s glasting water tint in that it’s also light and leaves a stain :3c ♡ peripera ink glasting lip gloss is rly nice and has this gorgeous shade remniscent of cherry cola (06 - made it)
i don’t wear eyeshadow but i do know rom&nd has some nice palettes, and canmake has cute eye glitters as well but their shades aren’t as inclusive. i’m pretty pale for a filipina but a lot of their products make me look ashy. for the most inclusive shade range, check out glossier—their makeup is really light and even on the website they have photos with models of many skin tones. i hope this is sufficient!
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cozyqueerchaos · 6 months
i just found your fics like, maybe a week or two ago (your blog today) and it’s truly a bizarre feeling to know that you’re going to leave the fandom for indefinite time in the future. i’m glad that you’re taking a break for your health, it’s no joke that sonic fandom can be toxic and piled with stupid discourses (i just got here and already wanted to have nothing to do with the fandom rip) but also hope that you wouldn’t find my incessant rambling in the comments annoying, i dont want to make it awkward or anything ;;. i appreciate your stuff lots!! they truly live up to your name, super cozy :D! so thank you for sharing a whopping amount of 81 fics to the fandom, thats an insane amount, we’re lucky to have you for real. i’d love to stick around because i think you’re a super cool person :3c please always have fun no matter what you’re doing!!
anon you're so real for that one,, i'm sorry the general atmosphere of the fanbase has driven u away from partaking, that really fuckin sucks :( i can't tell if it's gotten more or less toxic over the years? i'd hope less, but maybe i just finally started blocking the right people haha
and no you're not annoying at all!! it always makes me so, so happy to hear people's thoughts on my work, it's just a little bittersweet now :> if i didn't want comments i'd lock those comment sections, but i have no plans to do that so go nuts! ^_^
thank you for all the kind words, it's so sweet of you to go out of your way after just a couple weeks reading my stuff ;;_;; i'm glad you're still enjoying the fics and i hope you have a wonderful day!! <3
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lexlawuk · 1 year
Home Office Yields in Latest Challenge to 'No Recourse to Public Funds' Rule
The Home Office has recently yielded to another in a series of ongoing challenges to the no recourse to public funds policy. This particular challenge involved the removal of the no recourse condition for an individual with section 3C leave as a student dependent. The case in question is PA & Anor, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 2476…
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vacantgodling · 4 months
oh we're putting your ocs in situations? EXCELLENT. i love them. let's do this
12 for hya (sorry hya ily) and then also 24 for piper! mayhaps :3c
12. Your character has to spend a whole day out in nature. What kind of terrain do they choose to go to, and what do they get up to?
PFFF RIP he really hates being out in... untamed nature. i say this because he doesn't inherently dislike nature, he just prefers if its in a well maintained garden or something like that not just like. out in the woods.
BUT assuming this question pertains to being out in the woods--so in that case, hya is finding somewhere relatively relaxed (ie: a clearing, by a brook/stream/river) and he's parking it. just absolutely doing fuck all. surprising everyone, he may either (1) sunbathe -- if he's by the water or (2) work out. i think he has worked out in secret by going into secluded sections in nature to do so, and while he doesn't Like working out and he doesn't Like being in the woods, it is something to do and so i can see him doing that until he was allowed to leave. but don't tell anyone i told u he works out even tho its obvious that he does LMAO. he likes to appear mysterious and effortless even though its clear he puts in effort. no one just knows when. or how. lmao.
24. Your character has been challenged to a duel by a skilled fighter. What incentive would convince them to accept? How would they prepare for the fight? Do you think they would win? (bonus: which other character do you think the challenger could be?)
welp it wouldn't be hard to convince her because piper NEVER turns down a fight. ever. every fight anyone ever challenges her to, she is absolutely doing it. its not really a 'moral code' or anything, she just likes fighting generally and sees every fight as a way to learn more and improve herself. she wouldn't really prepare for a fight (it is Slight cockiness, but also just because she's someone who just kinda. does stuff on the fly and the best way for her to learn since she's not really a formal per se training girly is to just let whatever happens happen and she'll adapt as shit comes).
whether or not pipes would win is based on an number of factors; she actually has a pretty healthy win lose streak. if its any person who relies more on tactics than brute strength its kind of a toss up because pipes is ABSOLUTELY a "keep beating them until they're a pulp" kind of fighter. so if you're crafty you can MAYBE get her to play into your hand a bit, but if you're just someone who needs time to conjure spells or something then it's the definition of "i won the wizard fight without knowing magic bc i just punched the guy." however if you're quick with magic or just fast in general, it might pose a problem for her. this being bc she wields an axe and tends to do wide, broad, heavy hitting attacks. which: not great if you get hit. but if you can dodge her attacks then you'll probably be able to best her. she isn't slow by any means, she can definitely lead people on by overextending to give them a false sense of security before having her own little "phase 2" of a battle to throw her opponent way off; but that kind of strategy is only something she learned from sparring with saith and keevan. so tl;dr, it can be a fair if challenging fight and tbh whatever experience someone has will determine if they win or lose. pipes is usually a good sport about it, unless you piss her off.
the people piper spars with the most are the aforementioned, keevan and saith; and this is because after she fails her guild exam the first time, she meets the two of them and they literally train her in a LOT of shit for like a year to help her pass the exam the second time (piper was an orphan and literally has no formal training in fucking ANYTHING). usually saith bc he is also keevan's protege, so saith was more the "practice dummy" for keevan's teachings. however, san and piper also fight (not spar. they are always fighting) a lot. and because they have such different fighting styles their battles get veryyyy uhhhhh inchresting lmao.
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homecomingvn · 2 years
In terms of dating and hookups, how experienced are each of the LIs? And how would each of them react to being asked out on a date by someone that's not the MC?
Oooh, nice question!
Dating / Hookup Experience
HENRY: Has absolutely zero experience in either category. He's saving himself for you! ^^
LYRA: Inexperienced in the dating category but incredibly experienced in the hook up section! She doesn't want to date anyone that isn't you. As for the hookups, well, doesn't hurt to be prepared when the time comes (ha) right? :3c
ELIJAH: Dependent on whether or not you guys dated! If you did, then he's a little experienced in the dating department! (Hook up one not so much tho!). If you didn't, then he doesn't have any really :')
SANDY: Fairly experienced in both! Has dated a few people and had a few hookups as well! The most healthy balance out of the entire cast! Way to go Sandy! :)
Being Asked out on a Date
HENRY: ^^ Makes a face + laughs, turning them down harshly
LYRA: Doesn't even have the courtesy to respond to them, she just leaves LOL
ELIJAH: Is very flattered / embarrassed but graciously turns them down.
SANDY: Very apologetic, and turns them down gently as well. Offers to still be friends though!
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metacosmogenic · 3 months
♰ [ Intro // Interactions Encouraged ] ♰
// The crunching of leaves alert Him to your presence. He turns to face you, offering a gentle smile towards you. \\ " Aah, greetings!! Yes yes, it must be quite the shock to see me again after so many years! - I do apologize forrr.... uhh.... " // He's not so subtly glancing at a notepad, muttering to Himself. \\ "- putting the story on hiatus! Worry not, my child. I am here to pick up where I left off and give you the love you deserve! ..and maybe rewrite some lore, I don't know what I was thinking back then.... .......eheh.. shouldn't you be........ yknoww.. excited? " ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bonjour!! Welcome to my "The Father" (God) Ultrakill RP Ask Blog !! It's nice to meet you, I am Wyvern! now to get the ball rolling, here's how this shit is gonna work, so listen up ! XP 1. I am fine with any and all types of asks, but if i am uncomfortable with something, i will let you know or ignore your ask entirely! †. Note, I may not look at this blog often, so be patient please <3 2. Yes, you ARE allowed to fuck with Him in any way you want. and interacting with Him (especially in character) is heavily encouraged!! don't be scared of bothering me!! I WANT to be bothered!! 3. This portrayal of God is vague-canon but heavily altered !! You will find out more about what the alterations are via interactions :3c †. Note, I'm still very new to the Ultrakill fandom, so if I miss important lore notes such as character dynamics, let me know!! 4. God will have ANY design based purely off of viewer expectation. ex. if someone expects a white man, they will see a white man! (he honestly just didn't want to bother with creating a fixed-form. lazy ass) †. Note, God is very different as his true, biblical self and as a physical being! if you wish to speak to a specific one, make it known in your ask! 5. Whenever I am speaking, my text will be colored in red, and/or the tag "wyvern speaks" will be present! Now, enjoy!!! go fucking crazy!!!!!!! (and if anything i do makes you uncomfortable, let me know !!) > This section is for topics/things I'm uncomfortable with < ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Nothing exists here yet! but I will update when necessary!
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i threw thsi out into a yt comment section and its actually decently written so lemme copy-paste it here WEEE
reign of light is the process and aftermath of the radiance fusing with the hollow knight to escape the black egg.
hollow (who is nicknamed “moon” in this au, the radiance being “sun” or radi as usual) spent 11 years sealed in the egg with radi, and throughout that time, she was trying to convince them to fuse with her to become a new god powerful enough to break the seals. they agreed on the condition that she leave them and their family alone after they separate, and they metaphorically shook on it.
BUT. radi lied! she wasnt gonna let them go, or leave hallownest, or anything they agreed on. she was gonna hold full control over their fused form (named eclipse) and use their combined power to kill the pale royals and take her place on the throne.
the main story consists mostly of how her rule affected hallownest and moon’s mental health (and just their health in general). ghost comes back and kills her at some point bc i hate bad endings, but that doesnt happen for a WHILE.
twins of void, on the other hand, is much more fluffy! it’s based on the what-if scenario of if hollow saved ghost instead of leaving them behind on the climb out of the abyss.
in this au, ghost is the one named the pure vessel, and they’re usually called “purity” or “sibling” by their twin. since hollow isnt the hollow knight, they actually get a name (diligence) given to them by their mother, who actually genuinely loves them.
when the twins are 13 and hornet is 3, diligence freaks out about the vessel plan and ends up running away with purity and hornet. after a while they end up in pharloom, meeting the self-insert character i STILL havent designed, and decide to settle there.
later on they move AGAIN and end up in bugaria, the place where bug fables takes place. then it’s all fluff and comfort and gay shit from there.
purity/ghost become the shade lord in both aus, but they only kill radi in rol. she gets her kingdom in tov, since the royal family is in bugaria and won’t be dealing with her anymore.
designs coming up soon maybe :3c
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x-eternalmagic · 6 months
some selections from the vault (and snippets from my wip fic)
so! for those who are not following me on twitter, i recently went through my drafts for some strifehart content that i hadn't yet shared publicly! i wanted to quickly cross post so you all can see them too :)
putting it under a cut just so i dont clutter up the tag again :)
the one i had written the most for was the more recent kink meme off dreamwidth--specifically, the prompt for a superhero/vigilante au! i hadn't written very much for it (basically just the interaction below), but i had a general idea of cloud and leon's backstories. at some point, leon would show up at cid's repair shop where cloud happens to work and there'd be some fun to be had there!
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next was what i think was originally what i had planned for one of the prompts from strifehart week 2018; i think it was "witch" or "fantasy"? this one is a little more out there, sorry
but at the time, i'd recently read a fic for fire emblem fates called beyond the sea; in it, magic was kind of a rarity and the people who got power were given a brand, or star sign. i was going to do a KH-flavor twist on it for strifehart. the idea would be that cloud, squall, and tifa all worked as soldiers in a government that was hunting down these "witches" and turning them into weapons or tools of a sort. the three main ones were:
-aerith, with the mark pf phoenix; focus on healing magic -riku, sign of ifrit; mostly can only control fire as he's so young -squall, who had a rare double mark of ixion and leviathan; wind/water/lightning based magic focus, so he can basically create a hurricane at will
the idea was for cloud and tifa to find out they've been ordered to abduct a kid and defect, especially after finding out their friend aerith is also someone wanted by the government. squall, meanwhile, has had enough of hiding and kind of loses it when he finds out riku is the latest kidnap victim. they all end up traveling together, and...i had no real plans aside from that. part of why this never ended up being finished/posted, haha. the most coherent part was below, though i jumped ahead to try and write cloud seeing squall going all out with his magic
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the third is a twist on spirited away/the boy and the beast/song of the sea.
kid squall ends up in a fantasy world after being separated from his sister ellone, and is found/taken in by werewolf zack and dryad/nymph aerith. they have to hide that squall is a human and pretend he's a baby werewolf and he ends up getting found out on a big festival day. but he'd end up on a quest with cloud, who was a selkie, as a way to keep him/zack/aerith from being banished. no concrete plot ideas for this one either, unfortunately, so it's not gotten anywhere, even if i had a cool scene in my mind for squall getting outed as a human :( (but i had a track off the boy and the beast ost scoring a big fight zack gets into when squall gets found out)
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i had no other major fics planned aside from my current WIP, but here's a snippet from a drabble i was fiddling with where leon gets sick and doesn't realize it, just because i like how i used to write his interactions with yuffie
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ANYWAY here's some snippets from/about my current WIP, a song without its melody.
first up is actually a piece i had wanted to be in my main longfic, a little bit of levity, but ended up being cut. it was intended to go after the scene i have of leon and sora in song (since it was a scene that i had to cut from levity that i managed to fit back in), but with how leon's interactions with roxas and xion have changed, i had to leave it in my scraps doc! it is, generally, the vibe i kind of want for leon's relations with roxas and xion respectively
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next are just some snippets from upcoming sections, so please look forward to it! :3c
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ANYWAY if you made it all the way to the end, thanks for reading and i hope you're havin a good one :)
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