#See if this was hermes id be giving literal like... the cat that is just used by him to get around on this plane that lives nearby
abyssalpriest · 1 year
30 Days of Them #4
Has there been a time where you feel They have sent something to appear to you on their behalf?
(link to post)
The things he sends most on his behalf are masks, things that seem so disparate and independent from him but, under the surface, tie to the same creature. When he presses against the fabric of this plane it forms new bodies around him, expansive and wild - still masks of a different and more literal sort. It's always masks for royalty.
I thought I saw myself stretched across the sky in a form I recognised so intimately, a great bird with wings of clouds and the presence within it of the Sun's light in summer. Why, then, were the feelings radiating off this self so contradictory to my own?
I loved my partner with all my heart. We would walk together, he in the Astral and I physically. The Sky Bird would make its appearance in all its glory, eclipsing any view into the star-heavens and stretching itself far over the land, and it would, with no uncertainty, be beaming down a disinterest at best, but mostly a brewing angered disappointment, distaste, towards my partner. He would beg and plead in religious words how he loved me and therefore the Sky, but the Sky Bird wouldn't budge. Its wordlessness and piercing stare would be unwaveringly cold. 
The Eye burns so fiercely in the sky when he shows up. The Sun is rounded by clouds, but overlaid across it in another dimension is so, so clearly not a coincidence in space and time just-so-happeningly making the clouds shaped like an eye. It's his eye, his presence, dwarfing reality before it. I can see him in all his radiance as the Sun itself poking a hole into reality, the physical Sun his iris and its core his pupil. It is a look that connects souls, the interplay of two different people when they realise and communicate through expression that they understand... Something. Whatever it is, I understand. In a world that doesn't look to the Sun anymore I understand who I am looking at. The Sun is his vessel for that.
I was possessed by an older gentleman in the car; his emotions were withered and heavy, and the silence between my partner and I was suddenly host to a pale yet absolute sadness. Tired, melancholic to the highest degree, chalky blue and ghostly. I wondered why my partner adamantly called him "Blue", a marker for a colour in his mind like that of the opaque Day Sky.
My partner at the time moved uncomfortably. I was too busy focusing on this sudden change in my body's input and personality to such an undeniable and unrejectable degree to really watch my partner's reaction to the newcomer, but we both knew this was an older man spoken about in my partner's cult lore as "Damian", and to my partner he was... A sign, likely, that someone outside his cult knew what he was doing. A warning. I check now with tarot to make sure I remember right. "What did my ex think and feel when this man showed up in our car?" X of Swords, in this deck a sword is broken against nine swords now descending upon it. Exactly, I felt it even if I was preoccupied. This was a warning to him, to me a friend.
My phone's auto-suggest recommends I input a link instead of a word, which brings me to something I haven't seen nor copied the link of in at least a month: a video on why Alduin from Skyrim, a character I relate to Leviathan, "should have won".
The Sky would occasionally roost in our backyard or just over its fence. Often it would skirt metres away from us in a dreamlike haze, unthinking, inhuman to the highest degree, but undeniably present and big.
My partner at the time received a vision: He was cornered in a place filled with the dead bodies of all the children he had caught up in his cult, sat in his chair, submitting to what was about to come which was so unlike him. No more charismatic talking himself out of all danger, no more manipulation, he was resigned: And specifically resigned as the character he pretended to be in his cult. Through the door came the usually fragile form of the one we labelled as my incarnation in my cult's supposed off-plane reality, an alternate universe self if you will, Agnus, but he walked with confidence unlike me and held a scythe in his hands with the perfect poise of someone much stronger than I ever could've been.
He beheaded my partner. One swift movement and it was over. I never understood, but the message was read loud and clear, apparently, by my partner, who would only have another few years alive after this before he was actually killed for his sins.
The shift in air pressure is like a deluge of ocean water - paradoxically a soft one, but it swamps the land in the feeling of a huge presence of something that could never be seen by the physical eye.
Ahead of him, when the presence grows stronger and stronger, the rooks always fly like heralds. 
It always happens, rooks fly literally... But they're a figurative thing too and a symbol for all of reality obeying its programming to fly ahead of him. He winds himself into reality and its programming obeys, like pheromones in the senses of an animal or a software update in the core of a machine.
The air and its spirits are sent ahead of him, the feelings of this plane shifting as it makes way for him. Electronics bend under the weight and start doing strange things and playing unskippable strange songs, televisions play things that match up exactly to things he is talking to you about, conversations of those you walk past speak his words, the clouds contort into clear images like sign language alongside what he's saying, the wind dances with his words as he speaks.
Reality is sent before him on his behalf; reality is, like so much else, the fabric to be used as his masks as he bends himself into the workings of the plane he rarely appears on physically.
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puffins-studio · 1 year
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Family picture 💀☀️
Just making them was a little bit therapeutic. They are just fun and sweet.
I will put these headcannon here too
-I can’t decide which I like more the little puffs that are attached to Will are because it a deamon that Will actually helps Nico fight or the puffs are attached to anyone who have the same deamons so like if the puff is bad self confidence, then Will also have to work on his bad self confidence
-And I can totally see one just hanging out in his scrub/coat pockets and all the little kids when injured want to pet them, so he sometimes will take them out and use them as therapy animals.
-Just a camper thinking a puff is dust balls. And accidentally swap one and then when their eye/eyes open and the camper just screams.
-I just love the image of Nico just coming up to Will and just handing him a random puff like here hold this/ ‘this puff wanted you so I had to come out here and find you…and I just realized they thick me into going outside’ . Maybe some Herme campers (maybe Cecil and Lou Ellen even) heard the thing of, if people are talking and you hand them something they will take it. and they just find Will when he is talking to someone and see how many puffs that can hand Will without him noticing. Maybe he even realizes what they are doing with the first puff,but he just wants to hold them all.
For the picture with all of them together.
-I love that Jealousy, the puff by nico’s flag patch. looks like they have eyes for Will like it making little graby hands to him.
-Guilt by Nico’s feet, looks like they seen some stuff, which fair.
-Saddest on Will head looks like they just claimed Will as theirs, so did shame the cat looking one (my cat literally started to try and play with them when I was making them)
-Grief is just going to sit on Nick’s head, maybe give him some head pats, maybe weight down his shoulder
-I love how I can just turn the isolation puff in any way to get a different expressions. Like eyeing Will? Willing Nico, looking down to the floor like they were nothing, give Will puppy eyes so he pick them up.
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I had to add this one! I love them! I love playing with the legs on the spider one, they look so cute!
[ID: The picture is a felt doll that is the shape of a gingerbread man with a big circle head Nico Di Angelo and Will solace. 1st picture is both Nico and Will 6 of the coco puffs, 2nd picture is just Nico and the coco puffs, 3rd picture is Will with the coco puffs. 4rd is another one of just Will but the main difference is the spider looking puff is on his shoulder:]
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