telscoba · 1 year
SendOwl-  Ultimate Website to Sell Digital Products Online
Discover the power of SendOwl, the ultimate platform for selling digital products online. Whether you're a solo creator or a large business, SendOwl has all the tools you need to succeed in the digital marketplace.
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fatliberation · 1 year
I saw a comment on your blog that says 'the way you eat does not cause diabetes'...are you able to expand on that or provide a source I could read? I've been told by doctors that my pre-diabetes was due to weight gain because I get more hungry on my anti psychotics and I'd like to fact check what they've told me! Thank you so much!
Pre-diabetes was rejected as a diagnosis by the World Health Organization (although it is used by the US and UK) - the correct term for the condition is impaired glucose tolerance. Approximately 2% of people with "pre-diabetes" go on to develop diabetes per year. You heard that right - TWO PERCENT. Most diabetics actually skip the pre-diabetic phase.
There are currently no treatments for pre-diabetes besides intentional weight loss. (Hmm, that's convenient, right?) There has yet to be evidence that losing weight prevents progression from pre-diabetes to T2DM beyond a year. Interestingly, drug companies are trying to persuade the medical world to start treating patients earlier and earlier. They are using the term “pre-diabetes” to sell their drugs (including Wegovy, a weight-loss drug). Surgeons are using it to sell weight loss surgery. Everyone’s a winner, right? Not patients. Especially fat patients.
Check out these articles:
Prediabetes: The epidemic that never was, and shouldn’t be
The war on ‘prediabetes' could be a boon for pharma—but is it good medicine?
Also - I love what Dr. Asher Larmie @fatdoctorUK has to say about T2DM and insulin resistance, so here's one of their threads I pulled from Twitter:
1️⃣ You can't prevent insulin resistance. It's coded in your DNA. It may be impacted by your environment. Studies have shown it has nothing to do with your BMI.
2️⃣ The term "pre-diabetes" is a PR stunt. The correct term is impaired glucose tolerance (or impaired fasting glucose) which is sometimes referred to as intermittent hyperglycemia. It does not predict T2DM. It is best ignored and tested for every 3-5yrs.
3️⃣ there is no evidence that losing weight prevents diabetes. That's because you can't reverse insulin resistance. You can possibly postpone it by 2yrs? Furthermore there is evidence that those who are fat at the time of diagnosis fair much better than those who are thin.
4️⃣ Weight loss does not reverse diabetes in the VAST majority of people. Those that do reverse it are usually thinner with recent onset T2DM and a low A1c. Only a tiny minority can sustain that over 2yrs. Weight loss does not improve A1c levels beyond 2 yrs either.
5️⃣ Weight loss in T2DM does not improve macrovascular or microvascular health outcomes beyond 2 years. In fact, weight loss in diabetics is associated with increased mortality and morbidity (although it is not clear why). Weight cycling is known to impacts A1c levels.
6️⃣ Weight GAIN does NOT increase the risk of cardiovascular OR all causes mortality in diabetics. In fact, one might even go so far as to say that it's better to be fat and diabetic than to be thin and diabetic.
Dr. Larmie cites 18 peer reviewed journal articles (most from the last decade) that are included in their webinar on the subject, linked below.
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quickienewyork · 1 year
So Long and Thanks For All The Sex
Well friends, after thirteen years, it’s finally time for little project to come to an end. Guy New York was a fun character to inhabit and often felt more like me than I did. But Guy and Quickies New York have done what they came to do. 
I wrote over a thousand short stories here on Tumblr, and I’ve published over eighty books. We posted original photos, shared thoughts on sex, kink, and open-relationships, and most importantly made a whole bunch of amazing friends.
From Tumblr, my work spread out to Amazon, B&N, Patreon, Medium, Substack, and a slew of other places, many of which Guy outlasted in the shifting landscape of the internet.  
But all things come to an end, and right now it’s time for QNY and GNY to sign off so I can turn to new things. 
I don’t know what’s next. 
I don’t imagine I’ll stop writing, and I’m sure I’ll keep taking photos and rambling about New York one way or another. But right now I need to say goodbye and close the door so the next one can open.
Thanks for all your love, support, and most importantly your willingness to share and be a part of something that often felt vulnerable as it touched upon many of our fears and desires.
It’s been a fun ride.
Lots of love,
If you enjoyed my stories here, I have two giant print volumes of pretty much everything I wrote here from 2009-2019--I haven't posted much new material since then––and you can find them on Amazon!
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And you can still buy my complete library of 80+ books for $100 directly from me via SendOwl/PayPal.
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(Outside of GNY, I’m not especially active on social media, but if you’d like to keep up with me, I occasionally post on Instagram @BenInNewYork)
You can also find Ben on Medium at https://medium.com/@bengoodwin
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taintedco · 2 years
Are you a graphic designer or a photographer and you are looking for a place to sell your digital images, logos, banners and more? Check out SendOwl! You can start with the free plan and work your way up! The free plan you get 10gbs of storage and no monthly fees. The only thing is they take a minimum of 0.50 cent per sale! So test it out and see how you like it!
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wikidist · 2 years
What is sendowl?
SendOwl is an e-commerce platform that enables businesses to sell products and services online. It offers features such as inventory management, payment processing, and shipping integration to help businesses manage their online sales. Additionally, it provides a range of tools for creating and customizing an online store, including the ability to add products, manage orders, and track customer information.
SendOwl is an e-commerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to sell their products and services online. It offers a wide range of features to help businesses manage their online sales, including:
Inventory management: Keep track of stock levels and set automatic reorder points to ensure you never run out of products.
Payment processing: SendOwl integrates with a variety of payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Square, to make it easy for customers to make payments online.
Shipping integration: SendOwl integrates with major shipping carriers, such as UPS and FedEx, to help businesses calculate shipping costs and print shipping labels.
Order management: SendOwl makes it easy to view and manage orders, including the ability to update order statuses, issue refunds, and print invoices.
Customer management: SendOwl stores customer information, making it easy to view order history and track customer interactions.
Customizable online store: SendOwl provides a range of tools for creating and customizing an online store, including the ability to add products, manage orders, and track customer information.
Marketing tools: SendOwl allows businesses to create and manage email campaigns, create discount codes, and track sales performance.
Reports and Analytics: SendOwl provides detailed reports and analytics on sales, customer behavior, and other key metrics to help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Overall, SendOwl is a comprehensive e-commerce platform that offers everything businesses need to sell their products and services online. It is a simple yet powerful solution that can be easily customized to suit the needs of any business.
In conclusion, SendOwl is a comprehensive e-commerce platform that offers businesses of all sizes a wide range of features to help them manage their online sales. It provides inventory management, payment processing, shipping integration, order management, and customer management tools. Additionally, it offers customizable online store options, marketing tools, and detailed reports and analytics. SendOwl is a simple yet powerful solution that can be easily customized to suit the needs of any business. It also has integration with major shipping and payment providers which makes it easy for businesses to manage their online sales. Overall, SendOwl is a great choice for businesses looking for an all-in-one e-commerce platform that can help them grow their online sales.
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amit0707 · 3 months
Can I sell digital and physical products together on Shopify?
 Yes, you can sell both digital and physical products on Shopify. When adding a product, indicate whether it is physical by checking or unchecking the "This is a physical product" box. For digital products, use apps like Digital Downloads or SendOwl to manage file delivery. Organize your products into collections to make it easy for customers to navigate your store. Offering a mix of digital and physical products can diversify your revenue streams and attract a broader audience, enhancing your store's overall appeal.
Level up your Shopify store and get a high conversion rate and low bounce rate with Premium Shopify themes: 
Get 500+ Shopify themes and templates:
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passiveincomemoney · 4 months
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Exploring Platforms for Selling Digital Products Online
Selling digital products online has created incredible opportunities for creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses. With various platforms and tools available, it's now easier than ever to reach a global audience and monetize digital goods. Whether you're selling e-books, courses, software, or other digital content, picking the right platform is essential for your success.
Here’s a quick guide to some of the best tools and platforms for hosting and selling digital products:
1. Payhip
Payhip is an e-commerce platform designed to help individuals and businesses sell their products directly to their customers. It provides a suite of tools to create an online storefront for both digital and physical products, manage sales, and communicate with customers. Key functions include the ability to handle transactions through PayPal or Stripe, automate the delivery of digital goods, and offer physical product sales with shipping management. Additionally, Payhip supports subscription-based models and coaching services, making it a versatile solution for various selling needs.
2. Podia
Podia is a platform designed to help online creators sell courses, memberships, and digital products. Its main functions include creating and hosting content, building a website, email marketing, and messaging customers. With Podia, creators can engage with their audience through on-page live chat, understand their needs, and provide support directly. This all-in-one platform aims to simplify the process of selling and marketing digital products, making it accessible even for those who are new to online business.
3. Sellfy
Sellfy provides a straightforward solution for creators looking to sell digital products directly from their website or through social media. It's especially popular among artists and designers.
4. SendOwl
SendOwl focuses on providing a seamless checkout experience for customers, making it a great choice for selling digital goods like music and videos.
5. Gumroad
Gumroad has gained popularity for its creator-friendly approach, offering tools for marketing and analytics alongside its sales platform.
6. Easy Digital Downloads
Designed specifically for WordPress users, Easy Digital Downloads integrates with your site to offer a complete e-commerce solution for digital products.
7. Digital Product Delivery (DPD)
DPD offers a range of features for selling downloads and services, with a focus on security and customer management.
8. Shopify
While primarily known for e-commerce, Shopify also supports selling digital products. Its extensive app store allows for customization and scaling as your business grows.
9. WooCommerce
As a WordPress plugin, WooCommerce provides a powerful and flexible way to sell digital products on your website, with numerous extensions to enhance functionality.
When choosing a platform, consider factors like ease of use, pricing plans, scalability, and specific features that align with your business needs. Many platforms offer free trials, so take the time to explore and find the one that feels most intuitive and supportive of your goals.
Remember, the success of selling digital products online doesn't just depend on the platform. It also hinges on the quality of your products, your marketing strategy, and the level of customer support you provide. With the right combination of platform and effort, you can build a thriving digital product business.
Selecting the appropriate platform is just the first step in your digital selling journey. As you embark on this exciting venture, stay informed, adapt to changes, and continually investigate how to improve your offerings and customer experience. Happy selling!
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afrotextilesblog · 7 months
Mastering the Art of Online Income
Generating $10,000 a month online requires a strategic approach, often involving a combination of different methods. Diversifying your income streams can help mitigate risks and increase the likelihood of reaching your financial goal. Here's an in-depth look at some effective strategies: ### 1. **E-commerce:**   - Launch an online store: Choose a niche you are passionate about, source or create quality products, and set up an e-commerce website.   - Utilize platforms: Leverage popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Etsy to reach a broader audience. ### 2. **Affiliate Marketing:**   - Partner with companies: Promote products or services through affiliate programs, earning a commission for each sale or lead generated through your unique affiliate link.   - Content creation: Develop engaging content, such as blog posts, videos, or social media posts, to drive traffic and increase your affiliate earnings. ### 3. **Freelancing:**   - Offer your skills: Join freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to provide services such as writing, graphic design, programming, or digital marketing.   - Build a portfolio: Showcase your previous work and gather positive reviews to attract more clients. ### 4. **Online Courses:**   - Share your expertise: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare.   - Identify demand: Research trending topics or skills that people are eager to learn, ensuring there's a market for your courses. ### 5. **Digital Products:**   - Create and sell eBooks, printables, or templates: Develop digital products that cater to your audience's needs.   - Automate sales: Utilize platforms like Gumroad or SendOwl to automate the selling process. ### Key Principles for Success:   - **Identify Your Skills and Interests:** Choose strategies that align with your strengths and passions. This will not only make the journey more enjoyable but also increase your chances of long-term success.   - **Consistency is Crucial:** Regularly produce and promote content, products, or services. Consistency builds trust with your audience and improves your online presence.   - **Dedication and Patience:** Building a sustainable online income takes time. Be patient, stay committed to your goals, and continually refine your strategies based on feedback and results.   - **Stay Informed about Trends:** The online landscape evolves rapidly. Stay updated on industry trends, algorithm changes, and emerging technologies to adapt your strategies accordingly.   - **Build a Strong Online Presence:** Establish a robust online presence through social media, a professional website, and networking. Engage with your audience and leverage their feedback to enhance your offerings. In conclusion, a diversified approach, coupled with a keen understanding of your skills and interests, can pave the way for a successful online venture. Keep refining your strategies, stay dedicated, and adapt to the dynamic online environment to achieve sustainable financial growth. #NyarJaduong ,nyar Jaduong,Prince indah,
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shadowytrashblaze · 9 months
Online Verkaufen Erstellen Sie Einen Kostenlosen Online-Shop Oder Eine E-Commerce-Website
So Erstellen Sie Einen Online-Shop
So Können Ihre Kunden Ihren Shop Ganz Einfach Nutzen
Welcher Stil Passt Zu Ihrer Marke?
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Beim Dropshipping können Sie eine beliebige Marge festlegen. Sie bieten angehenden Unternehmern eine risikoarme und lohnende Möglichkeit, in die Welt des E-Commerce einzusteigen. Insbesondere reduzieren sie die Notwendigkeit massiver Anfangsinvestitionen, die im traditionellen Einzelhandel erforderlich sind. Synchronisieren Sie Produkte mit Facebook und Instagram, um intelligentere Marketingkampagnen durchzuführen. Senden Sie eine Erinnerung per E-Mail an Kunden, die etwas in ihren Warenkorb legen, ohne es zu konvertieren.
Sie können zusätzliche Kosten wie das Zahlungssystem, Marketingkampagnen, Lieferkosten usw.
Die Fähigkeit von Walmart, innerhalb von zwei Tagen oder weniger zu liefern, hebt den Standard auf die nächste Stufe.
Was Sie online verkaufen möchten, sollte auf der Marktnachfrage, Ihrer Zielgruppe und E-Commerce-Trends basieren.
Gestalten Sie Ihre Website genau nach Ihren Wünschen – wir bieten alles, was Sie für den Einstieg benötigen.
Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Kunden, Konten zu erstellen, um Bestellungen zu verfolgen und Zahlungsinformationen zu speichern. Zeigen Sie wiederkehrenden Kunden personalisierte Empfehlungen, um sie zum Kauf anzuregen. Einfach fantastische Unterstützung und Vordenkerrolle von WFS bei der Einrichtung und exponentiellen Skalierung unseres WFS-Vertriebs in kurzer Zeit.
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So Erstellen Sie Einen Online-Shop
Unser robuster Online-Shop-Builder macht es Ihnen leicht, Ihre Produkte online zu verkaufen. Lassen Sie unser engagiertes Team von Fachleuten für Ihr Unternehmen eine schöne und elegante Schaufenstergestaltung schaffen, die den Umsatz steigern wird. Intuitives, intelligentes Design baut nicht nur eine bessere Beziehung zu Ihren Kunden auf, sondern erhöht auch Ihren ROI. Einfach ausgedrückt verkaufen professionell aussehende Websites mehr.
So Können Ihre Kunden Ihren Shop Ganz Einfach Nutzen
Obwohl es wie ein offensichtlicher Schritt erscheinen mag, ist es oft alles andere als das. Zu oft geraten Online-Unternehmen ins Stocken, weil sie Produkte ausgewählt haben, die auf ihrem Markt übersättigt oder einfach zu verfügbar sind. Der erste Schritt sollte darin bestehen, zu verstehen, welche Produkte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZOAidrVse4&list=UULFT27J17GskzEl3subQKiINA&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB Sie verkaufen möchten und wie viele. Wenn Sie vorhaben, ein kleineres Unternehmen zu leiten, können Sie mit einer kostengünstigeren Plattform ohne umfangreiche Funktionen auskommen.
Sobald das Design Ihres Online-Shops abgeschlossen ist; Fügen Sie die PrestaShop-Module hinzu, mit denen Sie eine effektive Web-Marketing-Strategie erstellen und Ihren Online-Umsatz steigern können. Die zweite Möglichkeit besteht darin, einen eigenen Shop aufzubauen, aber die Tools zu verwenden, die für kleinere Unternehmen gedacht sind. Gumroad, E-junkie und SendOwl sind alle einen Blick wert und deutlich günstiger als größere Plattformen, wenn Sie nur ein paar Artikel pro Monat verkaufen.
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healthy-reads · 1 year
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Latest research discovered the idea behind intermittent fasting is that by restricting food, our bodies will more quickly and efficiently tap our fat stores for energy.
Learn new ways to weight loss without sacrificing good food.
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moneymindsonline · 1 year
Payhip Reviews 2023: Is Getting a Payhip Account Worth It?
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Payhip is an accessible ecommerce platform that lets you sell digital products online without technical skills.
The Payhip platform is an all-in-one solution for managing your online store.
You can accomplish many tasks on Payhip. All the features of Payhip incorporate user-oriented marketing tools ideal for small-to-medium-sized businesses.
With Payhip, you can post digital downloads, like videos, music, software, and ebooks. You can also sell memberships, online courses, and your own expertise.
The platform’s features give you everything you need when selling digital products, but there is a limit when selling physical products.
I wrote this article to critique a leading eCommerce service platform: Payhip.
I will evaluate the features of Payhip thoroughly and discover if this e-commerce platform performs according to expectations.
My Payhip review aims to help you determine if your digital products are suitable for selling on Payhip.
Here are the features I assessed for sellers like you.
Payhip fees (transaction fees)
File management
Marketing tools
Coupon codes
Affiliate Program
Referral system
What Is Payhip?
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Payhip is a self-subsidized web based business administration stage that began in 2011. Payhip has had more than 130,000 makers throughout the long term.
Abs Farah, the organizer behind Payhip, shed light on this phenomenal across the board stage permitting anybody to earn enough to pay the rent while making every moment count with only a straightforward snap.
Payhip's slogan, "Your store, your direction," typifies the fantasies of a few venders as they imagine their brands and stores with Payhip's adaptable store manufacturer.
Payhip will transform your abilities into benefits when you buy into this internet business stage.
Who Should Use Payhip?
Consider Payhip if you’re:
A seller who wants to develop a store for selling their physical and digital products.
An entrepreneur who wants to sell subscriptions online without difficulty managing members.
An author who wants to sell a book without printing it.
A chef who wants to sell recipes without printing recipe books.
A creative designer who wants to sell digital products as printable copies without putting up an online store.
A coach who wants to offer coaching sessions without leaving the house.
A teacher who wants to publish online courses without a classroom setup.
You may not be any of the individuals mentioned above. Consider something less complicated than Payhip, like Gumroad, Sellfy, Sendowl, or Selz.
A Fair Payhip Review: What’s Good and What’s Bad
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I will discuss in-depth what Payhip offers its users to see if Payhip is worth it
Payhip Features
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Complex choices might overpower you, yet Payhip made them simple. When you transfer your computerized and actual items, Payhip consequently makes your item page and store plan.
Document the executives is vital for web based selling.
With Payhip, arranging your advanced downloads is simple. You can alter your advanced downloads' documents, titles, costs, and cover pictures straightforwardly on the webpage.
The simplified component adds to the appeal of Payhip in light of the fact that it's handier while transferring your advanced items and making your Web based business store.
The drawback of Payhip is having similar visual format as different merchants since Payhip has restricted customization. You have zero control over edges, line separating, and different components on the grounds that Payhip gives premade areas all through the store creation.
Furthermore, examination might be a feeble viewpoint for Payhip, however you get a nice outline of your client's requests and a breakdown of your supporters and endorsers.
What's the selling point of Payhip? It advances a simple and fast exchange since you can utilize Stripe or Paypal to get your benefit. Assuming anybody from Europe purchases your advanced items, Payhip in a flash adds Tank taking care of.
Payhip has many high level choices to make your selling life advantageous. Incredible highlights like ticking your items to be charge excluded, creating permit keys for every deal, and restricting the times an item sells are accessible on Payhip.
Payhip's engineer choices let you access details to give you more command over your experience.
Payhip Affiliate Program
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Payhip has the "Payhip Accomplice Program," a phenomenal subsidiary program to acquire additional pay.
You get half of a repetitive commission for each member and keep on procuring after some time from past partners.
There is no restriction to the sum you can get as a member, meaning Payhip has limitless acquiring potential.
Besides, accomplices have dashboards and apparatuses to stay aware of their presentation and know which regions to put forth more attempts in.
You get installments in a split second through a Paypal account in US$ once you arrive at the month to month $50 limit.
In the event that you're a dealer searching for additional ways of procuring, the Payhip Accomplice Program is a superb method for bringing in cash by accomplishing something you love.
Payhip Referrals
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Aside from the Payhip Affiliate Program, there’s also a Payhip Referral System. Sellers can initiate this referral program to promote their products.
If your client gets to invite a friend to purchase your product, they can get a coupon with a unique code with your desired percentage off as a reward (redeemable once). They will have a week to use their coupons, and when somebody they referred purchases them, the coupon expiry refreshes.
It takes work to promote your product to convince the market. Incentivizing your products with Payhip will help spread the good word—a win-win for Payhip and your store.
Payhip Integrations
Setting up an online store from scratch can be a hassle for sellers.
Through Payhip integrations, you can now integrate Payhip with WordPress (Classic Editor), WordPress (Gutenberg Editor), Squarespace, ConvertKit, Email Octopus, Wix, Weebly, and more.
Payhip also connects with Zapier for more comprehensive native integrations. You can pair Payhip with almost any application to run your business smoothly.
With Payhip integrations, sellers can do much more with their business, boosting marketing strategies.
Payhip Coupons
Payhip’s features let sellers promote products with coupons or discount codes. Payhip coupons enhance the seller’s marketing strategy and convince people to buy digital products with coupons.
The Payhip coupon code also includes customization of coupon usage, like the number of times the coupon is available and the expiry date.
If you want to remove the code, you can easily update and edit it through the Coupons page.
As a seller, coupons are an excellent way to interact with buyers. It increases the seller-buyer relationship.
Furthermore, Payhip supports flexible discounting tools for its clients.
Payhip Pricing
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Payhip has three pricing plans:
Free Forever
Other than the cost of each arrangement, the tremendous distinction between the three is the exchange charge.
Payhip won't cost anything for the Free Everlastingly plan, however Payhip takes +5% per exchange. In the mean time, In addition to has a +2% exchange charge, and Genius has no exchange expense.
Clients can pay for your items with PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Find, JCB, Coffee shops Club, and different choices.
PayPal and Stripe will in any case charge their standard rates for each exchange, which applies to all plans.
Try not to stress over requests to the EU and UK in light of the fact that Payhip consequently sets up charges for your sake.
Note: Each of the three costs have similar highlights. Payhip has no element gating and needs honestly and straightforward with its arrangements.
Payhip Reviews: Social Proof
Here’s what other sellers think of Payhip.
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Is Payhip the Right One for You?
Let’s talk about how you’ll benefit from Payhip.
A Seller
If you’re a seller looking for a great platform to sell your products, Payhip is an all-in-one solution.
Payhip provides a seller-friendly feature to ease your selling transaction and marketing process.
Payhip is ideal for a start-up because of its constantly growing clients. Its customizable online store gives you a headstart on promoting your brand, whether you sell digital or physical products.
You can use the convenience of its drag-and-drop feature to build your storefront, which is also easier with Payhip’s premade sections and themes. Though customization has limits, you can explore Payhip’s developer options.
If you’ve already started your online business and want to extend your market, Payhip allows integrations with WordPress, Squarespace, Convertkit, Email Octopus, Wix, Weebly, and many other applications.
You don’t have to worry about brand consistency.
Pricing may be another issue, but Payhip offers a Free Forever plan. If you can handle the 5% transaction fee, choose this plan.
Meanwhile, the Pro plan helps you avoid transaction fees.
An Author
If you’re an author who wants to keep up with tech trends and transition from physical products to digital products, Payhip is your friend.
Your customers will instantly get to download ebooks they purchased from your store. Payhip even directly emails the download page to customers’ accounts.
Authors will delight in using Payhip because it upgrades physical products to digital downloads while broadening your customer reach worldwide.
Note: Payhip accepts sales from social media, blogs, or other websites.
A Designer
As a designer, the struggle to showcase your skills can be taxing. Payhip takes it next level with the marketing of digital products for creative designers.
You can quickly put up your printable designs, workbooks, templates, and presets for sale with Payhip. The instant download feature is convenient for customers.
Payhip has a limit of 5GB per file. Think twice about paying for a Payhip account if you sell videos and other heavy files.
You can try shortening videos into parts and making them a series—an opportunity to increase revenue.
A Coach
If you’re a coach with various sessions and a hectic schedule, Payhip can help you.
You can put all your sessions in one place, making it less complicated to manage your clients. You can also schedule meetings and events, building a deeper relationship with your client.
Payhip integrates with Calendly and Zoom, which are excellent options for coaching setups. Payhip ensures a user-friendly platform to make clients’ lives easier.
What If You Don’t Like Payhip?
Payhip may give you second thoughts.
Perhaps you’d like to try another ecommerce platform instead.
Here are similar other sites you can try.
Payhip Review: Additional Info
Here is additional info to help your decision-making.
Payhip vs. Gumroad
Here’s what these two e-commerce platforms offer.
Lowest Pricing Plan – 5% transaction fee
Products You Can Sell – Online courses, digital downloads, coaching services, memberships and subscriptions, and physical products
Payouts – Instant
Best Feature – Automatic UK and EU VAT Handling
Lowest Pricing Plan – 10% transaction fee
Products You Can Sell – digital downloads, memberships and subscriptions, and physical products
Payouts – Fridays only
Best Feature – Built-in email marketing
Payhip vs. Sellfy
Here’s a quick overview of Payhip and Sellfy:
Lowest Pricing Plan – Forever-free with a 5% transaction fee
Products You Can Sell – Online courses, digital downloads, coaching services, memberships and subscriptions, and physical products
Payouts – Instant
Best Feature – Automatic UK and EU VAT Handling
Lowest Pricing Plan – $19 monthly with no transaction fee
Products You Can Sell – Digital downloads, memberships and subscriptions, and physical products
Payouts – Instant
Best Feature – Handles multiple languages
Payhip App
Payhip is a desktop and web-based platform. There’s no app for Android or iOS devices.
How Payhip Works
On you get a Payhip account, you can add your products, set up your checkout methods, and customize your online store with your branding. Complete these steps to offer your products for sale.
How To Get Payhip Files for Free
Payhip doesn’t have files that are free for download.
How To Buy on Payhip
Once you’re on the marketplace of Payhip, click Add to Cart if you haven’t decided what to buy. Click Buy Now to get to the checkout page and pay for the product.
Payhip Alternatives
If you’re unsatisfied with Payhip, try Gumroad, Sellfy, Sendowl, Podia, Shopify, or Thinkific.
Payhip: Examples of Products You Can Sell
Here are some products you can sell on Payhip.
Coaching lessons
Payhip VRChat
Payhip lets you sell VR Chat Avatars. If you want to sell them, go to Payhip and check them out.
Payhip Marketplace
The Payhip marketplace is a comprehensive selling platform. You can sell almost anything through Payhip.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is Payhip Safe?
Payhip is secure because Payhip does not store clients’ card details.
Is Payhip Legit?
Yes. Payhip is a legitimate ecommerce service with over 130,000 creators.
How Much Does Payhip Charge?
Payhip charges vary according to sellers’ payment plans.
If you choose to get the Free Forever plan, Payhip doesn’t charge you a monthly subscription but charges you +5% per transaction. Meanwhile, the Plus plan charges +2% per transaction, and the Pro plan doesn’t charge any transaction fees.
What File Formats Does Payhip Support?
Payhip supports ALL file formats, including audio, videos, texts, and other files with extensions.
How Can I Contact Payhip?
You can contact Payhip through [email protected] or Twitter if you have any concerns.
The Bottom Line
Payhip is an excellent platform for start-up businesses. You can launch your businesses without too much pressure and cost.
If you can handle a pricing package without the burden of transaction fees, consider Payhip’s Pro plan to avoid transaction fees taking too much out of your revenue.
I highly recommend Payhip for small businesses wanting a quick start, but if you’re looking for a feature-rich platform, look elsewhere.
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ongshat · 1 year
Synchronicity and Scarcity
The strange magick of books and binary files So, there I was a few weeks ago, adding a digital/print bundle to my SendOwl store page. Admittedly, I was setting up this offering in anticipation of a box of print books arriving the next day. Still, I figured if I didn’t formally announce the bundle, no one would find it and order it, and if they did, I knew the books would arrive the next day, and…
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naija-schools · 1 year
Tech Writer (Remote)
Our support strategy relies on self-service. If readers can’t find answers, it’s a failure. Each ticket is a chance to improve. As a tech writer, you simplify complex processes with clear writing and visuals. You’re the reader’s advocate, guiding them and boosting confidence. You’ll work on user-friendly content for SendOwl, helping creators and merchants sell digital content. You need 5+ years…
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unitingdigital · 4 years
A Complete .NET Cloud-Based Software Licensing Solution with Source Code for .NET Professionals
Secure and Affordable!  You own the source code! .NET Software Licensing Solution (No Monthly Fee!)
Bonus: SendOwl Connector
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You should focus your energy on making your software product, and not have to worry about licensing and protecting your software product or spending a lot of money before launching your product!
Uniting Digital (UD) .NET Cloud-Based Software Licensing Solution is complete and incredibly flexible. It includes source code, and you can quickly integrate into your project, and fit in with your use-cases and scenarios.
Why licensing your software?
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tasialawrence · 5 years
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Want to make some extra money? Click the link in my bio to join the affiliate program. 1.You will be able to track all sales through your personal link provided by Sendowl. 2.There is no limit on the amount of $ you can make. 3.Payments dispersed through Paypal. - - - - - - #affiliatemarketing #affiliateprogram #makemoney #sendowl #moneymaker #writersofinstagram #marketingstrategy #readersofinstagram #newbook #goodbooks #latestread #readers #dystopian #currentread #newbookalert #authortlawrence #kindle #ebooks #goodreads #urbanbooks #urbanauthor #suspensenovel #writers #writersofig #bestseller (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKZ2qlF5vH/?igshid=t4oxhzpw5u96
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amit0707 · 3 months
Which apps are best for selling digital products on Shopify?
Several apps can enhance your digital product sales on Shopify. Digital Downloads is Shopify’s native app, perfect for simple digital product listings. SendOwl offers advanced features like automated delivery and secure download links. FetchApp integrates seamlessly with Shopify to manage digital file delivery and tracking. Sky Pilot allows for selling files and streaming videos. These apps simplify managing digital products and provide a seamless download experience for customers, helping you efficiently handle your digital inventory.
Level up your Shopify store and get a high conversion rate and low bounce rate with Premium Shopify themes: 
Get 500+ Shopify themes and templates:
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