#Series of all time again! 🎉 And my fave
don-dake · 11 months
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《命轉情真》 (1999) | “Life for Life”
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bloody-wonder · 9 months
2023 reading wrap up
sort sort sort i love to arbitrarily sort😌📚
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*i decided to get even more creative this time and named the tiers after different things from the books featured on this list. see explanation below🙃 **the following series i read in full are represented only by the first book: the aurelian cycle, the radiant emperor, the winnowing flame, sorcery of thorns, monk & robot, lilywhite boys
so in 2023 my reading was heavily curated: i challenged myself to finish at least 5 series i started a long time ago, to start at least 5 new ones, to read at least 10 classics, at least 5 dark academia books, at least 10 books not in english and to re-read at least 5 books i've been meaning to re-read for some time - and i did well at all of these challenges except for the last two (missed the goal by one book in each case). it's still difficult for me to find books in languages i can read other than english which i actually want to read as well as prioritizing re-reads over new exciting books😒🤷‍♀️
but overall i would say this was a good way to organize my reading year. i like planning, i like structure, i like crossing things off different lists so completing these challenges gave me a great sense of accomplishment. but more importantly, i feel like they achieved their respective purpose: i returned to stories i fell in love with years ago and finally followed some of those journeys to their end. i discovered new fun journeys - some of them so exciting i had to finish the series immediately and some that will last me for a few more years to come. i finally feel like i trained my classics brain muscle back to its glory days and i can't express how pleasantly surprised i am to see one of those dusty tomes i read by the dozen as a teen on my top 5 again. i rediscovered my love for dark academia. i did read books in different languages and some of them ended up quite high on my tier list as well.
at the same time i had plenty of opportunities left to mood-read. boy parts, my favorite book of the year, for example wasn't a part of any challenge. the same goes for semantic error which i picked up at random during the bl manhwa revival i experienced at the end of 2023. so my top tiers ended up being a mix of different genres, the new and the old series and books, the expected and the unexpected faves.
i wasn't trying to read a certain amount of books this year but surprisingly i managed to read even more than last year (when it comes to the page count). and as for the quality, i do have a better feeling than i had in 2022 too. while i didn't manage to regain the heights of literary enjoyment from the golden era of 2019-2021, i think i'm on my way there :)
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here's another curious wrap up thingy @magpiefngrl tagged me in! very representative of my reading tastes, though i must say i have only 6 unread kj charles books left and i'm starting to get concerned about what i'm going to do when i inevitably gobble them up in 2024😬
what about you guys? please tell me about your reading year! you can do a tier list (if you're a virgo) or the my year in books overview (if you regularly update your goodreads) or just write a post, if you want to. or you can also ignore me and go have a fantastic year😉🍾🎉🎆🎄
@figuringthengsout @fugitoidkry @pinkasrenzo @fandomreferencepending @counterwiddershins @magpiefngrl @sugarbabywenkexing @weirdsociology @theodoradove @doh-rae-me @venndaai @sixappleseeds @oliviermiraarmstrongs @bookish-moony
goodreads │ old yearly wrap ups 2020 2021 2022
explanation of the tier titles under the cut (if you even care)
spermaceti is a precious substance derived from the head of the sperm whale that may or may not be the whale's sperm. these are the books i absolutely loved. the vibe is that scene from moby dick where they are all on deck slicking each other with spermaceti and chanting "sperm!🙌" (that's how i remember it anyways)
toy excavator is the source of his strongest positive feelings for the main character of semantic error chu sangwoo. these are the books that i loved too but not on the spermaceti level, you know. the vibe is that scene where sangwoo realizes he's in love with jaeyoung and is like,, damn. this feels exactly like that time they gifted me a toy excavator🤔😒 (he's autistic)
skyfish is the least cool type of dragon in the aurelian cycle. the hufflepuff dragon, if you will. but it's still a dragon so these were some good books i still enjoyed😌
defekta are sentient furniture in nino cipri's sci fi novella defekt. now, in this book the concept of defekta very much serves the purpose of questioning what things we see as defective and the ethics of of how we treat them. for the purposes of this tier list however defekta are the books which range from good to great but which at the same time have some big issue that made me want to throw them at a wall. that's why the radiant emperor is ranked twice lol it has to be on my top 5 bc i'm obsessed but also ragsghhjdsgjhjbbdsd
kerinne is a made up drink the characters of mca hogarth's cozy sci fi series the dreamhealers like to drink. in 2023 i found out that i am not immune to cozy sff but one genre-specific thing i will forever remain indifferent towards is foods & beverages - i don't care about them too much irl so when they're fictional i care even less. these are the books that were just whatever🤷‍♀️
holism is art's annoying coworker we're introduced to in system collapse. a totally overrated guy, just like these books🙄
green varnish is a resin-like substance a certain type of creature in the winnowing flame excretes after consuming everything it finds in its path so that entire towns together with their residents get entombed under it forever. it's also transparent so the areas attacked by these creatures basically turn into see-through graveyards brrrr. these were The Worst books i read in 2023😬
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I have not done a fic rec post in a while so here are some faves I have been reading lately. 🎉
Restoration Ecology - The REmix (Baz’s version) WIP, currently 29k, Rated E by @royalasstronaut
Y’all. Y’ALL. If you loved Restoration Ecology by @captain-aralias and are as obsessed with it as I am, then you are going to FLIP for this remix that holds pretty close to the original plot, but shows it all through Baz’s POV. The events of each chapter are roughly the same, with a few new off camera scenes, and the dialogue is the same, but the author adds SO MUCH just by fleshing out how Baz perceives everything and all he is going through (but keeping under wraps from Simon). We’re four chapters in and it’s updating almost daily so don’t miss out!
Good morning, good night, good morning WIP, currently 4k, Rated E by @chen-chen-chen-again-chen
Strangers to lovers story in which Baz and Simon have both been kidnapped, stripped naked (except for a collar around the neck chaining them to the wall) and put in a dark cell together. If that premise alone doesn’t get you, let me tell you that Baz hasn’t fed in a few days and Simon is more than happy to help this strange vampire. (Much to Baz’s horror.) The banter is excellent and Baz’s spiraling is top notch. I can’t wait to see where this story goes!
Believe Complete, 3k, Rated T by @prettygoododds
Ted Lasso AU! For anyone who thinks Baz would make a sexy Trent Crimm, this fic is for you! And even if you’ve never seen Ted Lasso, just read it. Cute football coach/sports writer get together that stands alone just as well if you haven’t seen the show. This was written for COC, but I just got around to reading it the other day and I adored it!
Mishaps on Zoom, Complete, 10k, Rated E by @eelwinks (LakeWitch)
Sexy Zoom misunderstandings lead to two coworkers meeting up and navigating a coffee friend date turned real date in this pandemic story. Super funny, sweet and sexy. Don’t we all love a good LakeWitch fic? If you missed this one, go check it out!
More Than Friends, WIP, Currently 9k, Rated E by @fatalfangirl
Friends with benefits, non-magical AU, and they were roommates. If you are not reading this what are you even doing with your life? Seriously, this fic is SO SEXY. Slutty Simon just wants to give his sexually frustrated friend a hand. What could possibly go wrong? We’ve got mutual pining, miscommunications, and sex galore. This fic is funny, tender, and so hot!
Scenes Before Sleeping, Series of 8 fics, 11k, mostly Rated M, by @tea-brigade
I know, I know, sometimes I miss the boat and don’t get around to reading something until a year later after it’s been recc’ed 20 times but I finally read these and they are so good! As everyone promised they would be! I kept this on the list for this exact reason, because I know there are other like me with a mile long tbr list and sometimes seeing a title come round again at the right time gives you a chance to get to it. This series is so sexy, tender and sweet. Watching these two take care of each other over and over again (and having lots of sex) is so delicious.
For a bonus, if you’ve read this far you can also check out my two WIPs, How to Avoid a Scandal and Depth of Reason, both of which updated this week!
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canayams-art · 7 months
it's meee, the qianqing anon✨ it certainly been a while since ive been in your asks jsjdjdjd the uni has been crazy and the finals were approaching so i had to force my focus on studying instead of screaming about my faves to anyone who was willing to listen :") but now that that's out of the way for a while now because the second semester has already started, im free to go back to my deranged brainrots sjejejejjeke
OH I ALMOST FORGOT very very late merry christmas (if you celebrated) and happy new years!! 🎉🎉
im rewatching the second season of tgcf at the moment and im going crazy over the small lqq moments i missed in my first watch wjejejek he's just such an amazing character and soo 😍 i love/hate that im now restarting the angst 😭😭
SOMEHOW I ALSO MISSED THE BRIEF BLURRY SHI WUDU CAMEO AND I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT IT FOR HALF AN HOUR TO MY FRIEND!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM IN HIS FULL CORRUPTED GLORY IF WE EVER GET GHE BLACK WATER ARC ANIMATED!! he actually might be in my top three favorite characters from tgcf even if i don't talk about him nearly as much as i talk about mq
anyways. LQQ!! i know i already watched everything and i know that i know what's going to happen but man i am not prepared to go through that again! while i am EXTREMELY glad that we got to see him boil qr alive AND slice him in half, THE PAIN THE ANGUISH THE CONFLICT JWJWIEKEKKEJJE
i don't think i will be getting him out of my head anytime soon :")) im even more salty that he doesn't get a more important scenes later in the series :((
unfortunately ive been a bit brain-dead because of the most boring subjects in the world ughhh so i don't have any new lqq and mq thoughts :(( if you do pls share with me, im dying for every crumb of creativity available skkekekeke
also idk if i mentioned this in my last ask, but it makes me so happy that both you and your followers like these little lqq/mq rants 🥹 it makes me excited to share whatever new idea pops into my brain and know that there are somewhere ppl who get just as excited about them as i do
anyways, i hope you're doing well!! 😽😽
Welcome back qianqing anon!!!
I hope finals went well for you and that you’ve been able to catch your breath again. I also hope you enjoyed the holiday season!
Every time I see or think about donghua lqq I feel so grateful to the production team for depicting the way lqq feels and expresses himself so intensely. I know we all know this by now but his arc really is my favorite within the entire story,,, 🥹 It’s a shame we really only see him in the early chapters and the final ones— I genuinely think his story could easily be its own novel/extra.
Also where does shi wudu show up???! If it’s later in s2 then I haven’t spotted him yet cos I,,,,, still haven’t gotten around to finishing s2 (life got in the way of quality time in lqq land 😭). I feel you though— I find shi wudu interesting in such a way where I love his character but I also feel he 100% got what was coming to him LMAO. Blackwater arc is gonna be so wild to see.
But!! Back to qianqing lol. I was thinking earlier about the fact that lqq answers any personal communication array regardless of who is contacting him. Meanwhile mq haunts the public communication array but gives this vibe that not a lot of people have access to his personal array,,,, made me think about how mq seems like the type who always reaches out to lqq privately, knowing that lqq will always answer, but refuses to give his password in return. Lqq probably asked him once and mq probably told him something like “It’s pointless when I know you’ll answer me no matter what.” (Bonus: maybe mq finally decides to hand his password over when lqq ends up going down to the mortal realm to seek his revenge— like it’s mq’s way of telling lqq that he’s concerned but without flat out saying he’s concerned for lqq LOL)
Anyway! Please always feel free to slide into the inbox. I may be slow to reply to these but they really do make my day. The qianqing brainrot never sleeps 😂
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coolbeans32 · 3 years
Birthday Gift from ME!
Today is my birthday and I finally turned 18! 🎉I have been on this app for such a long time and the people I’ve met here are amazing. I’ve read a variety of different works and have read many different authors’ fanfics from mainly Harry Potter and Marvel. 
To celebrate this amazing day and to show my appreciation to many fanfic writers on this app, I have decided to share an entire list of recommendations from both HP and Marvel that you can read. 
I am also opening a celebration that you can ask and request anything from the following until February 4th! Let me get to know you and provide works!!
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send me any HP character or Marvel character + scenario to write a drabble (300-500 words approx)
send me any characters (HP or Marvel) + scenario and I’ll write a short dialogue
ask anything you want that you’d like to know about me or if you are a moot, send this to me to write a short letter about you and to send a song recommendation
🌸 games
any games like fmk, top 3, would you rather, this or that. i’m a sucker for games
🥀poetry or book
send me this if you’d like a poetry recommendation or a book rec
i’m also writing a fanfic that I hope to upload asap amd again I thank each and every one of you for everything you do. I could write so many more recs but here are a few that were at the top of my list for reading likes and some I follow
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Marvel Recs!
@existenceisfunny | Masterlist
My (writing) fiance, is an absolute amazing writer, despite her not thinking so. Absolutely amazing style of writing and I adore the different AUs and plot changed you added towards the Marvel fandom. Your incorporation of the reader feels so real, anyone can picture themselves as a badass you portray the character to be. Don’t stop what you do babe. Love you so much!
@im-in-love-with-pizza-bites | Masterlist 
Lex, I swear your writing is pure chef’s kiss. I am a sucker for your !teen reader stories and I love the platonic relationships. I never really have read any teen reader or child reader but they are amazing. I swear I cry and I love it. You need more recognition!! Go read Ranch Hand right now!!! 
@rachaelswrites | Masterlist
Racheal, you angsty and fluffy queen! How dare you write amazing fics?!! No frr, there’s such an amazing art form that you add into each fic and series that make your stories unique. I loved your FATWS Rewrite, and I gotta say, I think I’m officially a fan of !daughter reader fics. Keep writing girl!
@writing-for-marvel | Masterlist
Em, you deserve more appreciation for your writing. Period. I swear ever since you popped up onto my stuff for you, I had to keep reading. I love your Peter Parker fic and two part series. Everyone go read! 
@tylerdown13rw | Masterlist
There’s so many things that I can write rn but you were the first person I actually ever followed you when I first opened Tumblr and created an account. I have seen and read your amazing fics and I think everyone should just enjoy your art for themselves. Absolutely amazing!
@kiritella | Masterlist
Fuck, AMAZING FICS! I swear that I love all your Bucky Barnes fics! A New Maybe to Flames and Bridges...you’ve broken me and mended me...and all I can say is thank you. For all the content and beautiful writing you share to the Tumblr community, you deserve everything and more. I hope college is going well and that you have me supporting you every step of the way.
@afictionaladventure16 | Masterlist
I absolutely love your writing, especially Remember Me. Everyone needs to read this Butasha fic with !daughter reader. The suspense is immaculate and each chapter is more and more interesting. Made me tear drop at the memory parts. 
@pellucid-constellations | Masterlist
Kathie! what a queen! Let me tell everyone that you have my fave Bucky fics! Everything you write is immaculate anyways. Obvs my fave was For the Love of the Game. Ingenious I swear! Keep sharing your amazing art! Everyone needs to go read! 
@youre-a-total--poser | Masterlist
Maddie, your Natasha fics are sublime! I can’t believe that your writing doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Your fics are amazing and everyone should appreciate your writing and works. 
@smilexcaptainx​ | Masterlist
Lily, you are an absolute amazing queen of writing. Each and every fic I have read is beautiful and heartwarming. You have such a way with words and anyone and everyone will love your fics. 
@mrsdrysdale18 | Masterlist
Dara, I recently found you on my stuff for you page and I absolutely love all your series!!! IMMACULATE ✨chefs kiss✨ he promised and tfatws rewrite were my faves. your art form deserves more appreciation and everyone go READ!!!!
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Harry Potter Recs!
@dr4cking | Masterlist
one of my fav HP writers who has an amazing heart and an amazing imagination. her works are sublime and never fails to amaze me. cinta you have grown so much and i am happy to have been a part of your journey. i can’t wait to keep reading and hyping you up with tea. go read her entire masterlist asap.
@papillon-mechant | Masterlist
amazing writing and papillon, you have a gift! i really love the way you write and i can’t wait to see you hopefully start your own poetry blog. especially your works with angst breaks my heart. keep doing you and please go read!
@fortisfilia | Masterlist 
Filia! I absolutely love your writing. You have a way with words and the series you have written about Tom Riddle are fucking amazing! You gave me such a roller coaster ride in the first series, I can’t wait to read more on Promised and Kept. I look up to you as a writer and I love how you have such a beautiful relationship with your boyfriend! you deserve the world! Go read Promised rn peeps!
@missdawnandherdusk | Draco Masterlist
i have so much to say but first and foremost, anyone who reads anything you write will be captivated. even though you aren’t writing anything HP currently, I still think everyone deserves to appreciate your art and enjoy it! 
@adorerdraco | Masterlist
Gigi, you are an absolute fucking genius with angst. Ugh you killed me with Healing Heart. I am so glad you were able to come back to upload the last chapter of that series! Everyone needs to read Healing Heart and all of your other works. Idk what you all are waiting for. 
@iliveiloveiwrite | Masterlist
Millie, i swear to you, I will bow down with your fluffy writing, i can’t. I LOVE yuor HP writing and basically anything you write. My absolute fave fic is Paging Healer Malfoy and Time Heals. Both raw and amazing in stylistic choice. Anyone would fall in love with your writing. I also love your marvel fanfics but ill add that in my Marvel Recs. 
@willowbleedsonpaper | Masterlist
Willow, my dear, anyone in love with Theodore Nott will fall in love with you. You have an amazing gift with angst and fluff. You give such humanization to such characters and amazing depth that she-who-must-not-be-named failed to do with her bias and hatred towards Slytherin. Every Theodore Nott fan or Draco Malfoy lover, to our dear Padfoot should go on and read your works. 
@hannitizer | To Have a Home Masterlist
Ace, you have talent from the writing Gods. Your own creation of an AU that travels into the world of Draco Malfoy and his development with each chapter is beautiful. Readers can see a different light of the broken boy who has a chance to experience a gift he never had- true family love. Go read!
@k2padfoot | Masterlist
Cora, please you need more attention. You have amazing soft fluff and don’t stop what you’re doing. Every fic counts and I can’t wait to read more from you. Everyone go read and request! Spam her with love!
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© coolbeans32 2024
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lemony-snickers · 3 years
Hey boo 💕
I have three numbers for you 😤
33, 39 and 44 🎊🎉
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hello, my love. i've already answered a few of these, but happy to do so again for one of my fave moots. <3
33. what’s a cool skill, party trick, or talent you have?
i can do a headstand! (but not a handstand, which would obviously be much cooler, lol.)
39. do you have any pets?
i have one too many cats and hope to get a dog when i have a backyard one day. oh, vague and unrealizable real estate dreams, how i love/hate thee.
44. what does your favorite shirt look like?
it's a grey sweater with embroidered flowers on it. i wear it way too much and the neck is getting all stretched out because of it.
46. what are your unpopular opinions?
i gave an unpopular naruto opinion here. but i'll try to answer something more general... hm...
oh! okay, so i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion everywhere, but it is within my friend circle... i cannot understand the appeal of breaking bad. like, i have tried to watch that series a half dozen times and i can't get into it at all; i think it's pretty boring.
ask me stuff if ya wanna.
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chateautae · 2 years
sammy my love!! i forgot to tell you that im fully caught up on all of your works and im just so in awe!! first, im so glad to see hotter than hell jk again!! im down bad for that man and id fold so quick for him, im serious😮‍💨 the tension was BUBBLING in the car scene and im going crazy!! THE SECOND HOTTER THAN HELL JK GOES DOWN ON OC IS WHEN IM GONNA LOSE THE REMAINING BITS OF MY MIND!!! aghh i can’t wait to read the next part!! were both of their minds erased and how?? are they soulmates that will keep finding each other despite what happens to them? ALSO I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE NIGHTMARE THINGY!! I HAVE SO MANY THEORIES AND QUESTIONS!! AGH PART II WENT CRAZY AND THIS SERIES IS TOO GOOD!! IM HOOKED!! (also i dont know if you know about jujutsu kaisen, but for some reason i just could not stop picturing hotter than hell jk having the same marks as sukuna?? 😩)
I also read the joon fic and i almost choked my GOD!! IT WAS TOO HOT STOP. ive been down bad for joon and his big body and sexy brain and that fic just 🤌🏼🤌🏼 prof joon is too hot and i needed three business days to process it😭 the roughness of prof joon really did it for me🫣
ALL OF THESE FICS REALLY WERE A HUGE HIGHLIGHT TO MY DAYS AND IM NOT ONLY FEELING RATHER HOT AND HEAVY, BUT IM ALSO JUST SO IN AWE!! you’re so so talented and i hope you know that im genuinely one of your biggest fans and supporters!! thank you for all of the content that you put out😭 you work so hard, and your passion and love that you put into your craft really shows in all of your fics! you rlly do inspire me to work harder, sammy🥹
HELLOOO SATURN ANON I AM SO SO SORRY FOR MY LATE ASS REPLY!! I was stuck at work because i finally quit my job (YASS 🎉🎉🎉) but my horrible manager retaliated by giving me 4 long closing shifts in a row RIGHT during finals time where i'm the supervisor and continued to bully me throughout all the shifts... it's been a lovely few days for me 😀 anywhooo let me reply to your lovely feedback babes!!!
FJWOEIFNOWO SPEAKING OF HOTTER THAN HELL JK GOING DOWN ON OC... YOU'RE IN FOR A TREAT THE NEXT CHAPTER THAT'S ALL IM SAYING!! I'm so so glad you loved the tension, that was my number 1 concern!! GOODBYEEEE yes yes i would love to hear your theories babes like i’m genuienly going ham with the backstory for this fic dwwoidenoawi and hELLO??? YES YES YES TO IMAGINING SUKUNA like idc that man is hot as hell,,, IMAGINE LUCIFER JK HAVING THE MARKINGS!! IMAGINE LUCIFER JK HAVING SOMETHING LIKE A DOMAIN EXPANSION AND IT LOOKS LIKE SUKUNA’S MALEVOLENT SHRINE DOWJEDPIO (ahem btw my fave character is my man fushiguro what about yours saturn anon 👀) 
YASSS tysm for reading bubs i just couldn’t get the idea of prof joon out of my head and the second i told my sister she freaked out and begged me to write it so it happened <33 joon really has me down bad for his big body and sexy brain like sir who gave you the permission 😣
AHH I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED THE HOBI FIC!! It literally just randomly popped into my head when I was dreaming and then I remembered hobi bias-wrecking me in LA and i was like wait,,, what if he literally catches her in the act?? I GOT OUT OF BED IMMEDIATELY AND STARTED DRAFTINGOWEDOI
PLEASE I MISSED THEM TOO and ugh i love them the most for comfort. I couldn’t help but write our mid babies as parents either because they’re really just the softest family <33
GOODBYEEEE SATURN ANON THIS IS SO SO SWEET OF YOU?? Ugh everything you just said has literally always been my concerns with writing, I stress over tension and story-building a lot so I’m so so happy to hear that it delivers!!! 
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND ALL THIS LOVELY FEEDBACK MY LOVE!!! Seriously your support means the world to me and I couldn’t have asked for anything more, I’m so so grateful for you saturn anon you always manage to turn my heart into mush and always make my day better!!! YES YES NEW MID DRABBLE IN THE WORKS AND WILL COME AS SOON AS I CAN!!
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