#Sess dad
julytheartist · 5 months
A random polished sketch of involuntary DadSess, a happy Rin and a much happier Kag
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Reference found on Pinterest btw
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If Rumiko Takahashi wasn't so involved in Trashahime I would have given this women a fucking oscar for Sesshomarus character development.
I mean how isn't this the cutest idea that this giant, human hating dog demon becomes the father figure to TWO HUMAN CHILDREN???
This is so great because in most series or anime it happens through love interests (which is also great but with the right circumstances) and here it happened through adopting human kids and this just so beautiful.
Making Sesshomaru a adoptive dad was the greatest choice ever and Sunrise took it and threw it out the window.
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avionvadion · 10 months
Sesshomaru, after calming down a transformed Inuyasha and returning to his travel party:“I hope you have fared well?”
Rin, being the absolutely adorable tiny child that she is: “Ah-Un and I have been on our very best behavior! Jaken has been most melancholy though.”
*He’s such a good freaking dad. My heart. I’m crying. He’s so cute. He HOPES his daughter’s fared well. Sesshomaru!!!! Said he hopes she’s been okay in his absence!!! HE’S SUCH A GOOD DAD AND I LOVE HIM AHHHHHH*
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ech0fae · 10 months
whats up it's echofae and i am in the joehills city
i'm on a fieldtrip and some random person came up to me and told me they liked my pins and i ahfkkdiwnanaliehncncn
they're traffic life hearts
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
I'm thinking about this again, it would've been nice if they had let Rin remain non-verbal for a while at least.
Like, I think there's something really sweet and adorable about the poor little girl who's constantly bullied by her village meeting a demon that actually doesn't constantly berate her for not speaking and therefore is a sort of safe space for her. And this was the best choice for Sesshomaru's first moment of being a slightly nicer/decent person
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devilatelier · 1 year
Rin: (incoherent babbling about stars) Sesshomaru, listening intently: you don't say.
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black-eco-sage · 1 year
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WIP: "Rin vs. Sesshoumaru, Part 1"
Happy (belated) Dad's Day, 2023!
*Aggressive button mashing intensifies*
Who do YOU think would win?
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vampiratecaptain · 1 year
the pitfall of having your character playlist on in the background while also in some kinda mood is you almost start crying to a song mid-session
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stardew-shitposterino · 9 months
The Bachelors and how they’d react if you asked them to start a family
Same old same old. This post is inspired by @babiebom 's post about the bachelor/ettes and how many kids they’d have :3 I’m not really a person who is too keen on children and being a housewife, but I can’t deny that the thought of a picture perfect family does warm my heart, girlies. Enjoy 💅🏻🍼
Some answers are gender specific. I hope to anyone playing the game as a same sex couple that you can look past that 🙏🏻
-he’d be boots the house down in total shock
-don’t get it twisted, he is ecstatic, but damn he didn’t expect it to be this soon
-of course he is excited about every life stage of his potential little ones, but he can’t wait to have someone he can teach how to skate
-„really? A-and you’re not joking or anything? RAD!“
-maybe he is a bit too excited as he‘s definitely ripping his pants off his body as soon as the message sunk in
-„Oh you didn’t mean we should start it right now? Sorry my bad 😅“
-he is happy but can’t really show it
-anxiety is kicking hard rn
-it’s not that he doesn’t want this, but he has so many worries, after all he had lived through himself
-he definitely needs some time to think about this
-„Y/N, I’d really love to have this with you one day, but please give me time to adjust to this. It’s a lot for me to process.“
-he will eventually open up about it and you agree on not rushing things. If you’re an opposite sex couple, you agree on starting a family once you’re pregnant. No planning, just living and if it happens, it happens (it probably happened after like 2 months after you had the talk lol)
-„Heavens, Love! What wonderful news. I’ve been waiting for this moment. This will be the start of our legacy!“ (excuse me bruuuhh this is how I imagine him talk lol)
-he had heart-shaped eyes if you haven’t noticed
-as much as he loves the romance and allure of being a childless couple with a world to their feet, he can’t kick the idea of being a wholesome dad raising a curious child with his wonderful partner
-he emphasises on not rushing things as he doesn’t want you to feel pressure. He knows how stressful your job is so he doesn’t want you to feel overwhelmed though you proposed that idea first
-you can bet your ass you went to bed after that talk 👀 WHO SAID THAT 🤨
-he is a blushy mess thank you and amen
-he‘s so anxious but also so excited
-no way you actually proposed this to him. He actually accepted his fate as a childless bachelor
-but here he is, finally getting the happy little family he always wanted
-but it isn’t smooth sailing with him, oh no. You can bet your ass he has to calculate everything through before he feels comfortable enough starting to bring this wish to reality
-you know, you earn a shit ton of money but he is anxious ok. He needs to KNOW the child won’t end up homeless with nothing to wear once it’s here
-“Oh this is all so new and, I-I don’t even know how to say it without it sounding wrong. I just can’t grasp that this is happening. Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming”
-you didn’t sleep with each other that day but a make-out sess was in it. A wholesome one to say the least. This man is wholesome in my books 📕
-the only thing missing here is that he fainted and fell to the floor after you popped the question
-say WHAT NOW?!
-no way. He probably heard it wrong. You didn’t just ask HIM to have YOUR children… no wait the other way around. This is what that question did to his brain lol
-or generally having kids together. He isn’t opposed to adopting because he fears the kids will inherit his messed up brain so taking in kids that are in need of a nice, welcoming home doesn’t sound bad either
-but no wait wait back to the topic; he’s a MESS
-he always wanted children and a family in general, the very boring ass white picket fence fantasy is what he longed for but kind of accepted that it’s something he cannot have. Well guess what…HE CAN
-“wait…did you- and you mean with me? Or is there someone else I should know about? Ok sorry bad joke. But you mean it?! Really? A little sibling for Jas🥹”
-just know this burly man started crying a river of joy tears. But once the tears dried and it kicked in 👀
-“ok if we want this to work out we gotta get to business 😎”
-like Shane, he waited for this moment
-just he isn’t anxious like some of the others, he straight up jumps for joy lol
-“BABE NO WAY! I’ve been waiting for this!”
-he is a happy crier tho. Expect him to cry a little but in a good way
-but also expect him to propose the question of having a lot more kids in the future. He wants a football team of kids. But the amount is still negotiable of course (you gave him the “spouse stare” which made him go down a notch lol)
- he will babble about what gender the first kid might be, what he’d do with them depending on it and how he’d get them the smallest grid ball jerseys you’ll ever see because “LOOK THEY ARE SO TINY”
-like some of the others, he might be a bit too eager to start the baby project. Even if you can’t conceive yourself, he will live out that fantasy. You prepared yourself for this because it was very much predictable lol
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theglassesgirl · 2 years
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I think the cutest thing about Hisako’s artwork (besides post-canon Sessrin family goodness!) is how accurately it depicts how the family dynamic would work 😭😭😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Look at the seriousness in which Sess watches Rin doing something as simple as peeling oranges😅 she is literally doing the most Normal and Domestic thing possible but as far as Sess is concerned it is of the OUTMOST IMPORTANCE™️ and thus requires every fiber of his attention and involvement - if this is an important human tradition to Rin, he’s going to be So Intense about it
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Meanwhile look at how Rin is blushing!!! Yes she entirely aware that Sess is being 100% more enraptured than he probably should be that finds it adorable! Classic Sess behavior as far as she’s concerned. And her smile shows that she is simply THRILLED to finally be doing family activities with everyone she loves 😭😭 can you imagine??? Little orphan girl Rin who last had a new years celebration with her parents, now gets to host one with her own children🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Setsuna of course is no longer a stoic as she used to be, but I also see her as emulating her dad a bit here😅they’re both looking at members of their family with such love and care (and her specifically mirroring Sess I absolutely believe is supposed to help viewers know that Sess is very happy in this scene (yknow…for those who are unable to read Sess’s expressions no matter how many times it’s explained to them🙄))
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Towa being Towa 😂😂😂😂but also, I like how she’s passed out (drunk? Who knows! It’s funny even if she’s not) because in the present day Towa’s tried so hard to be responsible and put together…….now she’s happily the goofball of the family. (Her lil Riku charm I’m cry😭)
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Also someone pointed out on Twitter that Kilala is an official Sessrin Family adoptee❤️imagine if you will that she’s got her own room while Inuyasha doesn’t 🤭🤭🤭 AND LOOK AT JAKEN! He’s finally getting a chance to relax after years of trying to reunite the family - you go Master Jaken! (And he already has a peeled orange🥺Rin is so nice to him😫😫😫😫)
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I’m convinced Towa brought these from the present world btw - her parents are using traditional cups but THESE ARE FOR HER AND SETSUNA I wanna see what kind of face Sess made lmaooooo Rin probably love them so that means they’re sacred cups now - if they so much as get knicked Sess will raise hell. Towa can buy new ones but shhhhh no baby, these are SACRED CUPS
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avionvadion · 2 months
OK so I saw your Sora arc art for Forest deep and BABY SORA IS SO CUTE😍 can you draw Sesshomaru holding his baby girl (I just want to see some cute fuzzy Dad Sess art X3)please
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Absolutely, I sure can :3
Sesshomaru probably showed up at the village to find his wife, Irene, and their adopted daughter gone, and Inuyasha babysitting Sora (her full name is Sorano now, lol, for very important reasons, but everyone (except Sesshomaru himself) just calls her Sora because Irene does) and Sesshomaru took her from her uncle because that's his baby and he will look after her until the fam returns. Irene and Rin go back to the house to find the pleasant surprise of Sess asleep with baby Sora on his chest.
Irene laments the lack of a camera, but probably makes a quick sketch with charcoal before Sesshomaru wakes up since he doesn't need very long to recover his energy.
Rin goes from calling Irene "Big Sister" to "Mama" at a very specific point, but I won't say when. Hehehehe.
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
Gimme gay shit.
my first request everyone lmao
Being met with his face slamming into the coffee table at ass o'clock in the morning was hardly where Giovanni thought he'd wind up in life, but then again, these last several weeks had been anything but to his expectations.
One minute he was recruiting Bear Trap for a super secret mission, and then next he's in a totally rad 'dream bubble' with his minion's sister. All of that had been beyond awesome: the gargoyle thing, the cookies, that epic final battle; even getting to hit Bear Trap's shit dad with a baseball had been way more fun than it should have been. The only thing he had really planned that day was showing up at the toy store...and stealing Molly, and even that was more a hypothesis than a fully fledged plan...up until he took her, that is.
Oh well, it all had worked out for the best, no cops had come after him, Trixie didn't tattle on him, and neither did little miss goody two shoes. Crusher's parents had been nice enough to let them stay in the treehouse for a while (he had no idea just what Crusher had told them to get them to agree, but he wasn't about to question it), and in the meantime Gio had not so secretly been looking for an actual apartment for him and Molly to live in. Almost a month in had led to nothing, everything either too shitty or too expensive for the two of them. It was something he had been lamenting about to Rick when over at his apartment for dinner with Molly, (it had been cute watching him acclimate to land life and the 'weird customs' they had, though Gio was unsure just how much of it was weird and how much was Rick being too busy growing up in shithole to learn about) his 'bitch sess' being had while they actually cooked the dinner Rick didn't know was part of the whole 'inviting friends over for dinner' Thing, which somehow ended up with Gio now curled up on the guy's living room couch while Molly was hopefully sleeping in the spare bedroom.
It didn't take a genius to figure out how they got here; Gio and Molly needed a place to live, and it had become very clear very quickly that Rick didn't like being alone. At all. Gio didn't know how long he'd kept it to himself, but after that one dinner, every facade Rick had put up, willingly or not, had fallen apart, ending with a panicked phone call in the middle of the night, Gio scooping a sleeping Molly up yet again, and Rick breaking down on the very couch he lay upon now.
He'd gotten him to calm down after a while, Giovanni not ashamed to say he had also begun crying at one point, hearing what sort of things Rick had gone through. Even then, he knew he wasn't getting the whole story, only what he'd been able to get out between sobs as well as things he'd said while in Lorelai's bubble: he'd been 'harvested' as a child and forced to fight so their ruler could become stronger. Rick had gotten scared he'd 'ran out his use' and, with the help of a few friends he'd made of the fellow 'harvestees', he'd managed to escape, which was when the Neo Trio had found him on the beach.
It was no wonder the guy didn't want to be alone, and Giovanni wasn't about to leave him alone.
So, him and Molly had 'moved in' right then and there (not that Molly was awake enough to know yet), it being a promise that even if Rick was alone in the apartment at times, at least one of them would be back before he even knew it.
The only problem? There were only two bedrooms, and Gio wasn't about to make Molly sleep on the couch, nor did he want to invade Rick's space by making him share the bed. So, the couch it was, and Gio had been more than okay with that, this was everything he'd wanted for him and Molly and then some, with the bonus of Rick's mind getting put to ease as well. As it turns out, Gio needn't worry about invading Rick's space, seeing as it led to where they were now, on the living room floor after Giovanni had tripped over Rick when getting up for a glass of water sometime in the night.
"Quit fussin' shades, it's just a little cut! I'm more worried about your coffee table." A joke, but also not (he didn't bleed on it, did he? That was so unsanitary). "It's not the first time I've cut my lip on my teeth, and it won-mph-" Words were silenced by a band aid being slapped over said cut, Gio left to blink in confusion for a moment or two as he stared into Rick's smiling face.
"There! I have secured your life essence with the power of: Band-aids!" The box was held up triumphantly for Gio to see...there were little cat motifs decorating near every inch of it. "Pheonica informed me all about these wonderous things after I suffered a paper cut, a wound most horrible! I've certainly suffered worse, but my how that tiny affliction stung!" A pause, his hands being brought down to his lap where uncertain eyes stayed trained on the box while an idle finger (with a band aid similar to Gio's own) toyed with one of the flaps. "Is...it helping?"
Not wanting to disrupt Rick's hard work so soon, Gio simply gave a thumbs up in response, which earned him a bright, if not still a bit shaky, grin.
"Good!" Loud with a sudden stop, it was clear Rick wanted to say more, the words still trying to come forth where he stared a bit longer than what was considered normal at Giovanni.
"I...suppose you're wondering why I was-" Stopping in response to Gio's raised hand, he watched a bit perplexed as the other man shook his head and made to stand.
"No need to explain Shades!" Maybe later when they both weren't half asleep and Gio's words weren't muffled where the band aid held his lips closes. "Let's get you back to bed."
They only made it as far as Rick standing before he'd locked up like a statue, a look of pure fear being painfully recognizable, even in the low light.
Gio didn't give it the chance to dwell long.
"You want me to stay with you for a bit?" Asked in a gentle voice, judgment far from being a part of it as that band aid was removed. "I will, as long as you want."
He was happy to find that was met with a smile, even if still a little shaky, like Rick was unsure of it all. Like he thought he was a burden, being unable to sleep on his own.
"What if...I do not wish for you to leave? At all?" Quiet, hopeful, it was an indirect offer, but one Gio picked up on without missing a beat.
"Then I hope you like being the little spoon! I'm a sleep cuddler." His grin was so joyful, Rick couldn't help but reflect it back as he was led towards his their room, even if-
"What is this 'little spoon'?" A question that earned a dramatic gasp from Gio.
"Only the best cuddling position ever! Only thing better is laying on someone's chest, so you can hear their heart 'n stuff! We'll get to all that, don't you worry, for now we better get back to bed. It's very important to get at least eight hours of sleep!"
Yeah, none of this was planned, but Giovanni had a feeling this would be good for all of them.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
one afternoon, will was bored and decided to call mike for a little ‘hang out’.(more like a make out sess;) ) he dials the wheeler number and holly(she’s like 9) asks the phone. “hi, holly jolly, can i talk to mike, real quick?” will says. “oh, yea, just a minute.” holly replied. she puts the phone down and shouts “MICHAEL, YOUR BOYFRIEND’S ON THE PHONE!”
“COMIN!” mike shouts back. will snickered at holly’s words and waited for mike. “hey, baby doll.” mike answered the phone in a deep tone. “really, michael?” will said with a little chuckle. “sorry, what’s up?” mike said in his normal tone. “wanna come over?” will asked while twisting of the phone cord.(ifykyk)”you know i could never turn down that offer, hold up!” mike said excitedly “HEY, MA CAN I GO TO WILL’S?” he shouts away from the phone. “SURE, YA GONNA SLEEP OVER?” karen yells back. “YEA!” mike says “OK, HAVE FUN!” karen replies. mike then says in the phone “ya still there?”
“yup, heard every word.” will said playfully while rolling his eyes. mike laughs and says “see ya in a bit.” “see ya.” will replies with a smile. “was that mike?” el says suddenly appearing behind will. will jumped and replied “jesus christ, el! yes, that was mike.” el chuckled and said “sorry, you seemed in to the conversation so i wanted to scare you.” will rolled his eyes at his twin and said “whatever, he’s coming in half an hour, i gotta get pretty.” el guffaws and walks away to her room.
“what is this i hear? mike’s coming over?” hopper bellows “yup.” el chimes in “oh, ok, will, three inch minimum.” hopper points at will as he says this. “yea, yea, sure, dad.” will chuckled and goes to his room.
mike biking to the byers house while he sees a flower stand and thinks ‘maybe i’ll get some flowers for him?’ he goes over and buys some lilies.(I feel like will likes lilies :) ) when he arrives, he gets the flowers and knocks on the door. “I’LL GET IT!” mike hears will say then, he opens the door and mike is shocked. will has a little eyeliner and shadow on with some lip gloss. will smirks and says teasingly “like what ya see?” “uh, oh, yea-.” mike stutters. will chuckles and notices the flowers in mike’s hand “are those for me?”
mike looks down at his hand and exclaims “oh, yea, here.” will takes them and says “thank you, wanna come in?” “yea-.” mike walks in and gives will a little peck in the cheek. will slightly smiles at that and leads him to his room. mike sees hopper staring him down and gets a little afraid. will sees this and says “it’s fine as long as my doors open three inches.” will gets a vase with water for the lilies and places it on his bedside table.
in will’s room, they cuddled and looked through will’s recent drawings.(mike’s such a lover for will’s art, it’s insane) el stops by to annoy the peaceful couple but, they barely notice her. after a while, mike starts to kiss all over will’s face playfully, will laughs and smiles cutely. “my god, you’re so cute.” mike says in between each kiss then, he stops at will’s beauty mark. he kisses that and finally, kisses will’s lips. will hums in the kiss and turns to get on top of mike’s lap. they part and mike whispers against will’s lips ‘i love you.’ ‘i love you too, mike.’
will buried his head in the crook of mike’s neck and wraps his arms around mike’s neck. mike has his arms wrapped around will’s waist and slightly rocks the both of them. “i’m hungry.” will suddenly mumbles, mike turns his head to will and asks “what do you want to eat?” “i don’t know.” will says in mike’s neck. “i’ll go get you somethin’, gorgeous.” mike says as he places a kiss on will’s cheek and gets out of will’s hold to get up. he walks to the kitchen and grabs two bags of chips, he turns and there is joyce “oh, hi mike.” she says “hi, mrs. byers.” mike replies and walks back to will’s room.
he walks in to see will sketching something. “whatcha drawing?” mike says as he gives will a little peck on the forehead and tosses him his chips. “you.” will says still in his artist feel, mike smirks at this and says “am i your best muse?” “definitely” will replies as he throws his head back, signaling mike to kiss him. mike kisses him softly and quickly breaks apart the kiss. “cuddle me?” will whispers sweetly. “yea.” mike replies as he picks will up and sits down on will’s bed.
jonathan passes by(he’s home for the weekend) and peeks in to see the couple, he smiles and goes back to his room. “i’m bored~.” will groans “whatcha wanna do?” mike says. will thinks and says “let’s sleeeep.” mike chuckles, wrapping his arms tightly around will’s waist and lightly kisses the moles on will’s neck. will laughs and turns around to kiss mike’s freckles “i. love. your. freckles!!!” will says over and over while kissing every one. mike scrunches his face while laughing.
after dinner, they get ready for bed. will puts on his famous shorts and a crop top as his pajamas “what-.” mike begins to ask then, will shoves a hoodie and shorts on his chest “they’re yours, by the way.” will smiles as he says this. mike wasn’t even gonna question where he got these from and went to the bathroom to change.
after that,(cuz I wanna finish this NOW) mike and will cuddle in will’s bed.(cuz i love cuddling) will starts to get a little drowsy and mike whispers teasingly “aww, my baby’s so sleepy~.” “shut up!” will pouts but yawns shortly after. he starts to snuggle mike and pulls his body closer to his. “warm.” will mumbles “i love you, baby doll.” mike whispers, thinking he won’t get one back cuz will’s so ‘sleepy’. “love you too-.” will mumbles in reply and starts to snore softly. ‘such a cutie.’ mike thinks as he starts to drift off too.
@adorewillbyers @adoremaxmayfield @forever-augustine @forevereternally-janedoe @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @foodiewithdahoodie @l0v3c0r3e @lumaxer @willbyerswithagun @butterflies-for-michael @tinylittle-superfan @verashalurks @valiantallie @crazytogether4l @cloudycleric @cloudyhall @delusional-dingus @yelenapines @yelenbelovas @mjmayfield(have you checked this one out?)
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Inuyasha/Yashahime headcanons I have that I haven't been able to share anywhere else; warning: v girly.
Inu and Sess can tell when the women are about to begin their cycles and were able to tell when Kagome and Rin were pregnant.
they could hear their babys' heartbeats- Sess was the first to realize Rin was having twins
speaking of cycles, when the girls all hit shark week, the girls shoo the men out. just for fun, but it also helps to get Sess to spend time with the Other Dads. if u squint hard enough, you would almost swear he's softened ever so slightly!
Jaken secretly loves this bc he can hang out with Shippo bc finally another short king- and then Shippo finally has a growth spurt (rip)
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
What a giant flop that Inuyasha sequel was. It couldn't do anything right and was creepy (The Sess and Rin thing) 🤦‍♂️ Sesshomaru might not've been a good guardian, but he still stuck around with Rin since she was a kid. So the shit was icky. Iirc at the end of Inuyasha he visited her to give her gifts/check on her while she lived in a village.
I was in the thick of people tearing that sequel a new asshole when it was ongoing 😂😂 It was a trainwreck, don't know how it got 2 seasons. Oof, and the fanbase for that. They might give the HB fanbase a run for their money. But that's a story for another day 🙄
Anyways, I always saw Sesshomaru as like, a jerky older brother figure to Rin. Idk, ppl always default to a "mom/dad figure", what about the "older bro/sis/cousin figure"? Those are good too.
Ugh, I forgot he came by the village to give her gifts. Crazy to think they were a less creepy ship when he just ignored her completely.
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somekndofnature · 2 years
Sorry, no fancy header for this one. I didn’t have the energy. I still have to go find out what is making that terrible smell in my son’s playroom and that is causing me all sorts of anxiety. 😱 Pray for me you guys. 
Anyhoodles...this is an excerpt from a modern rock band AU that I have been working on. It's also got the fated mates troupe in there for kicks. In this snippet, I kind of wanted to explore what it would be like if Inu had a less fraught relationship with his older brother. They're less 'wanna kill each other' and more 'you've been the most annoying part of my life, unfortunately I can't get rid of you cause you're family' relationship. 🙄 Siblings... am I right? 
Anyway, hope you all enjoy this. Let me know what you think! OH! Almost forgot to give @shikonstar a tag since they asked when I post stuff for this AU idea. If anyone else wants a tag just let me know. 😁
HERE WITH YOU (tentative title)
Inuyasha growled under his breath and glared down on the city beneath him, dreading his last resort call, but needing answers regardless. He clicked on the picture staring back at him from the phone screen and leaned against the balcony railing. It rang twice before being answered.
“What do you want?”
“Nice to hear your voice too, Sess,” Inuyasha drawled.
There was a sigh on the other end of the line, as if his older half-brother was barely holding onto his last shred of patience. “I’m assuming you didn’t call me just to exchange verbal barbs.”
“Oh, but it’s so much fun,” he replied in a dry tone.
“Your purpose, little brother,” Sesshomaru snapped.
Inuyasha sighed and ruffled a hand through the silver bangs around his face. “Is Dad with you?”
“What about Mom?”
“No, I am not hanging around with your mother.”
“Hey! Cut it out with that crap!” Inuyasha growled. “If she hears you, it’ll make her cry.”
There was a beat of silence. “Fine. If you wanted to talk to either of them, why didn’t you call them instead?”
“You think I didn’t try?! No one is answering their fucking phones.” He dragged a hand over his face. “Please, Sess. I’m desperate.”
“That checks out. So, what’s the problem?” his brother asked, sounding bored.
Inuyasha took a deep breath. “I found her.”
He gnashed his fangs together to keep from shouting. “Her.”
“Little brother, I am about thirty seconds away from hanging up unless you start making sense.”
Fuck. He was going to have to say the words aloud, wasn’t he? “My mate. I found her.”
A long pause followed. “And? Do you need my advice on how to woo a woman?”
“What? Fuck no! I have no problems there,” Inuyasha said. “And seriously bruh, ‘woo’? What are you, some ancient feudal lord?”
Sesshomaru ignored his jibe. “Well, bruh, I’m not understanding. Father has spoken to you about this matter before.”
“Yeah, and he said it was rare, that most demons spend centuries looking for their mate, if they find them at all.”
“And I twenty-fucking-three!” he snarled, wishing that he had just been patient and waited for his dad to call back. “I don’t need some supernatural force trying to settle me down just yet.”
“If you truly think that’s how it works, then you’re as much of an idiot as I’ve always assumed.”
“Hey, don’t get jealous, man.”
“I do not want or need a woman in my life,” his brother said in a clipped tone.
“And you think I do?!” Inuyasha seethed, pacing the width of the balcony in agitation. “The band is just getting signed to a label. Soon, we’ll be in the studio and then touring. This fated mates shit is the last thing I need.”
Sesshomaru grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. “Have you ever considered that it may have nothing to do with her being your mate? Perhaps you’re simply attracted to her?”
He scoffed dismissively. “I think I would know.”
“Would you?” he challenged. “By Father’s own admission this is rare, even more so considering you are only a half-demon.”
“Oh great lord of the western lands, please excuse my tainted blood,” Inuyasha said in monotone.
“I’m serious. The odds of you finding or even having a fated mate are about the same as being struck by lightning. Maybe what you’re feeling is simple attraction.”
Inuyasha mulled over his words. It both pained and relieved him to admit that Sesshomaru was probably right. He had no idea how these things were supposed to go. Even now he was having trouble verbalizing the things Kagome had made him feel. Their intensity had faded once he had left that stifling room.
He rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Fuck. Maybe you’re right,” he conceded. “I just… I’m not ready for all that.”
His brother released a heavy breath. “Look, I have a meeting with Father later today. I’ll tell him to call you.”
“Thanks,” he replied, completely deflated.
“And Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru continued. “Please remember that we come from a long line of powerful demons. Fate does not control us, nor does it direct us what to feel.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled. “Spare me.”
Inuyasha heard movement on the other end of the line. “I have to go. Good luck, little brother.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
His phone beeped twice before going silent. Inuyasha shoved it back into his pocket and slumped against the rail, fiddling with the two rings in his eyebrow. Somehow, that entire conversation hadn’t made him feel any better. He knew that there was something inside of him that drew him to that woman. It was undeniable, but whether it was the hands of fate or simple horniness that drove him was still up for debate. Maybe I just need to get laid.
Inuyasha’s ear flicked toward the door as it opened and closed, drawing his gaze.
“Hey!” Kagome’s soft melodic voice called out as she walked towards him. “I just saw that you were done with your phone call and I kind of need to go over a few more things with everyone.”
He straightened and strode right past her, biting back a groan when he was once again engulfed in her scent. Had any woman ever smelled so fucking…edible? “Fine, let’s get this shit over with.”
Kagome scoffed behind him. “Seriously, what is your problem? Have I done something to offend you or is ‘moody asshole’ just part of your persona?”
Inuyasha whipped around and nearly choked on his tongue. Kagome was the picture of feminine pique with her hip cocked and arms crossed over her chest, accentuating the long line of cleavage between her breasts. The warm summer wind plastered her green dress to her body, outlining the little ‘v’ where her long legs met.
Mine, his demon growled from the back on his mind. “No!” Not yours, and sure as hell not mine.
“No?” Kagome asked with a shake of her head. “No, what?”
Fuck. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “No, I’m not a moody asshole.”
“Well, from where I’m standing…” She raised a brow.
“Shut up,” he snapped. “Not everyone is required to like you.”
“Like me?” she said with a delicate snort. “You don’t even know me. How could you decide one way or another?”
“I know enough.”
Kagome drew her head back like he had slapped her. She looked away, but not before he could see the hurt simmering in her eyes. “I’m not sure what there is to find so repulsive.”
Inuyasha cursed. What the hell was he doing? It wasn’t Kagome’s fault that he felt utterly confused. It wasn’t her fault that fate had the worst sense of timing. She hadn’t asked for any of this, and he had no right to keep treating her this way. Hell, if his mother ever found out, he would get the lecture of a lifetime accompanied by a slap upside the head from his father.
He sighed and rubbed at the space between his brows as he stepped closer to her. “Look, I’m sorry,” he said gently. “I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings and I don’t find you repulsive.”
Kagome finally met his eyes, biting at her plush bottom lip that looked softer than a flower petal. Definitely not repulsive…
A weak chuckle escaped him as he shrugged and scratched at the back of his neck. “It’s just been a crazy few days; it’s surreal. I keep expecting to wake up from a dream, ya know?”
She pursed her lips, gaze darting over his face before she took a deep breath. “I understand. This is… a lot. I get that you’re here for the music, not all off this relentless bureaucracy. So, let me handle that, it’s literally my job. You just keep focusing on what you’re great at. Deal?”
Kagome held out her small hand to him and Inuyasha stared at it. Part of him wanted to get as far away from her as he could, to insist that she find them a new manager and forget she even existed. Even that thought made another side of him want to howl in pain, like somehow her existence had become integral to his being. That scared the shit out of him, but it was impossible to crush the cautious hope lighting up her blue eyes.
Before he could think better of it, Inuyasha engulfed her hand in his, brushing his fingertips over the fluttering pulse at her wrist. “Deal.”
They didn’t even shake, just ended up holding hands as the summer breeze encircled them. Kagome offered him a glorious smile that warmed her whole face and struck him dumb.
Maybe Sess was right, maybe he had absolutely nothing to fear, given the odds. Either way, Inuyasha wouldn’t be standing out in any thunderstorms for the foreseeable future.
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