detroitbydark · 2 years
Soul Lies Chapter 12
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Chapter 12
Title: Tell Me That Your Soul Lies Now
Relationship: Sev/OC/Scorch
Rating: Teen
Characters: Jessa, Sev, Scorch, a smattering of commandos and nulls
Warnings: None
Summary: It's time to shine girl. The boys talk about The Rules.
Thank you all for your patience. as you know life happens and I'm so happy to get back to this story. Thank @fractiouskat​ for being an A+ cheerleader and thank you to @royalhandmaidens​ for the greatest banner ever!
What role should she play? Jessa wonders idly as she and her Mandalorian bodyguard move
 up through the queue to check in and receive her bidding number.  Wal’buir had discussed her options and the pros and cons each entailed. The first option had been the bubbly, dumb socialite, someone who wasn’t taken seriously and was easily looked over. The problem with that was that no one would take her seriously. In order to complete her given objective, she needed to be seen as a legitimate buyer and not a brainless waif playing with her Daddy’s money.
The second option had her channeling her own history, her mothers ability to look down her nose and her father’s ability to become the most important person in any room. Mix that with her recently acquired buir’s imperious, cool nature and she had a pretty good idea of the character she’d need to portray. 
As they reach the front of the loose line Jessa is halted by a sour looking young man. 
“Ma’am, we need to check for weapons.” The man in front of her towers, dressed in Imperial gray, he’s thin with birdlike features that give his face a tight, pinched look. He was put upon and not above letting the galaxy at large know his poor mood. He must have drawn the short straw. She couldn’t really blame him for the poor attitude he radiated. He was a soldier not a doorman. He probably hadn’t had the option of saying “no” and that had landed him babysitting elite for the evening.
“Do I look like someone who would carry a weapon?” Her arms cross loosely over her chest and her painted lips curl in disgust for good measure. The door man cringes before he can school his features.
 Yes, option two felt better.
The gray-clad imperial attendant makes little attempt to hide the contempt in his eyes. He persists.
“House rules. I’m sure you understand.”  Technically she did, but she also didn’t care. The thought of throwing out a “do you know who I am?” does cross her mind, but it feels like that’s a card she can only play once and get away with it. It would be a shame to waste it on someone that didn’t  matter.
“Fine.” she huffs, making no move to hide her disdain.  The Imp moves cautiously to kneel in front of her. He eyes her like a hungry nexu eyes a mouse. It’s a strange feeling. The attendant's hand wrapping around her ankle jolts her violently from any thoughts she’d have further on it.  She kicks out and the man's grip tightens.
“No pat down. No entry.”  The grin he’s trying to smother makes her feel like the power’s shifted and her heart rate changes in compliance, beating faster in her chest. 
Luckily for Jessa, a Mandalorian bodyguard came with certain perks. The first, Jessa notes is the sudden and immediate halt of the man’s hands as he looks up and- Jessa doesn’t need to look over her shoulder, she can feel Mereel there at her back. She looks anyway. Intimidating is not a strong enough word to describe a clone commando in full Mandalorian beskar’gam. The t-visor lends a certain menace to the already imposing figure Mereel cuts. 
“The lady doesn’t need a pat down.”
“You were just finishing up.”
“Yeah. Fine. What about you then?” The man's gaze lingers as he draws back up to his full spindly height. Jessa’s reminded of a toothpick and she doesn’t attempt to stifle the smile that crosses her face. The imp’s eyes narrow but Mereel is inserting himself between the two. 
“I’m Mandalorian. I have weapons to check. Obviously.”
“Well that was delightful.”  Mereel grumbles as they enter into the makeshift ballroom set up for the auction. A  twi’lek waiter passes, and he reaches out and snags a flute of something bubbly from his tray.  At her side again, he presses the stem into Jessa’s hand.
“Take a drink and relax.”
Jessa bristles as a string quartet situated off in the corner tunes up. His words feel accusing and it brings up her hackles. 
“I’m fine.” She asserts, taking an absent-minded sip. The bubbles tickle at her nose as the dry drink slips down her throat. She preferred it sweet. She takes another swallow.
“Don’t tell me to relax.” She can hear the amusement lacing his voice.
“Would you rather I make that an order?”
She pointedly ignores him. The room is large with a low-slung stage at the front. They’ve done an excellent job making it feel like something other than what it is. Jessa can’t even begin to imagine why a military outpost required a crystal chandelier or red velvet panels padding the walls. 
Tiny enclaves of participants to the festivities have gathered in various circles about the room. Jessa studies, remembering what she’d been told. While Kal had seen this as a snatch-and-grab rescue mission, Walon had been very clear that there was more to be accomplished on top of the mission at hand. Who were the Imperials in bed with? How did their networks function? Little details she could bring back could be invaluable in deciphering it all and, in the larger scheme of things, keep them all safe. 
The Mandalore system was rapidly approaching a tipping point- years of neutrality could not save them from the pressures the new Galactic regime was beginning to exert. Fenn Shysa was a good Mand’alor but years of the Kryze sisters infighting had created a rift that wasn’t soon healed. Mandalore would either crack or it would become something far more resilient, far stronger then it had ever been,  but it would not happen without work. That work began with intelligence.
The Pyke contingent is easy to pick out, standing in a semicircle speaking quietly amongst themselves. Their fish-like features were distinct and they could be mistaken for nothing else. In a sea of human participants they stood out like a sore thumb. Spice lords and drug runners, Jessa was sure their sights would be set on the half dozen decommissioned Imperial ships set to hit the auction block. While she was wary, the Pyke’s were not an immediate concern.
Jessa notes their orientation and the way their tiny almond-like eyes focus across the room. A pair of human guests, a man and a young woman, converse quietly. The woman has an arm wrapped around his forearm as he guides her toward the front of the room. She can’t place them on the side profile alone. As if drawn by her gaze the man’s head turns and Jessa recognizes him from one of her Buir’s holos. Dryden Vos of Crimson Dawn. 
“Some heavy hitters here tonight.” Mereel’s voice catches up with her thoughts. Jessa hums quietly.
“There’s no shame in saying you can’t do this.”
Jessa takes a slow drink from her fluted glass.  "If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had a wager out that I couldn’t do this,” she offers dryly. “There’s all the shame and you know it. Stop worrying about me and let’s do this.”
Mereel says nothing else, be it from a place of self preservation or another conversation in his comms she’s not privy to. Jessa doesn’t care. She’s set in this course and there’s no other option but to see it through to the end. 
The string quartet finishes their warmup and begins playing soft classical music. She recognizes it as something distinctly inner rim- Chandrillan. They may be in the system, but nothing about tonight was for Mandalorians. To her side a group begins to form, looking distinctly less crime syndicate and far more too-much-money-for-their-own-good. It’s what she’s been waiting for.
“Miss, may I?” A passing waiter gestures to her mostly empty glass. Jessa hands it over, fighting the urge to not wastefully abandon the last mouthful. In return he hands her a fresh one. She gives a small nod of thanks before casually making her way to the new group.
Don’t stand out. That’s what Wal’buir had said. These people offered the best option to remain unmemorable, as, outside of inflated bank accounts, they were entirely unremarkable themselves. Rich human men and their far-younger trophies; an ancient beady-eyed heiress; the exact people she’d been brought up to be one of.
That time seemed so long ago. She was a different person now, but she remembered. Skirata and Walon had counted on the fact and she was loath to disappoint her new-found aliit.
She doesn’t need to look to see Mereel taking up position a few feet behind her. He knew his job better than she knew hers. She trusted him with that. He may be playing the dutiful bodyguard, but she knew he and Scorch had words about it days ago- the same way she knew she was safe as long as she followed the plan.
“Lovely evening, isn’t it?” A man who seemed to be a round, amalgamous shape in a suit asks in greeting. On his arm his wife shifts, her eyes scanning the crowd with a boredom that Jessa can relate to.
“It really is. They’ve set the tone for such an interesting event. I’m thoroughly impressed.”
“Right.” He glances behind her and then makes a point of looking about her, “Are you here on your own then?”
Jessa bristles, “My father trusts my judgment.” That was true, her Buir had said as much. 
“And who is your father?” 
She’s honestly been waiting for this since they’d landed. Both Jessa and Walon had pored over the gossip sheets, him begrudgingly and her like she had when she’d been young. They’d found the Chandrillan family, heirs to a munitions fortune, in short work. Elderly patriarch that rarely left home and erstwhile daughter who was just as elusive. Unphotographed since childhood due to an unfortunate spice habit that had her family covertly shipping her off to rehab facilities on the regular, she’d been a perfect cover.
‘The Count of Wester.’
The man of shapes nods his head. Jessa offers him a droll smile as she glances over her shoulder.
“I’m hoping to find something special for my security. Mandalorians are well and good but,” she lowers her voice conspiratorially. “As I’m sure you know, they’re only loyal to money.”
A hearty chuckle wheezes from the man, “I’m sure money is no issue to your Father.”
“Agreed but I don’t feel like being extorted for my own safety by unscrupulous business practices.” She ignores the grumble from Mereel behind her, leaving her feeling quite pleased with herself indeed.
“Clever girl.”
“Very. Thank you.”
They went dark before they hit atmo, emergency lighting casting a dim glow about the bay. The Duke slides smoothly through space with Kom’rk at the controls. Sev stares ahead, eyes locked on a small red safety light. At his side Scorch fidgets. He’s been doing it since they left the airfield. It’s a genuine surprise he hasn’t been asked what was eating him yet. Maybe he was learning some patience. Maybe he should just assume Sev knew-
‘I screwed the bantha with this one.’
Atin doesn’t seem to notice the statement, but he’s become an expert at ignoring anything without a Skirata last name. Corr, though, allows his eyes to twitch to them. Scorch ignores it, focusing on his brother's lowly grumbled statement.
“Whadda ya mean?” Scorch feels itchy about the whole thing.
“Nevermind. Changed my mind. It’s fine.” Sev mutters gruffly, his head rocking back to find a new point of focus on the ceiling. Scorch has whiplash from the sudden change of tune.
“That’s great. Not my question.”
The Duke rattles quietly as they transition from the black of space further into the moon's atmosphere. They’d lay low, out of range of the outposts scanners until absolutely necessary. Scorch uses his boots to hold tight the bag of detonators between them as they threaten to vibrate away.
“I didn’t-“ a rough burst of air is forced through his lips, “I didn’t say why.”
“You didn’t…” Scorch lets the answer swirl in the air between them until, ‘You didn’t tell her why we were giving them.”
Scorch slumps into the jump seat. Fek. That wasn’t ideal.
“Sev’s telling who what?” Corr asks with all the tact of exuberant massiff pup. Great. That was just what they needed. Rule 10 had been created for a reason. Keep Kal out of it. As much as Scorch found common ground with the former demolitions expert he also knew right where he’d run when they hit the tarmac. There was nothing Kal Skirata loved more than being in the know. Strike that, there was nothing Kal Skirata loved more than sticking his nose in business that didn’t concern him. Their (hopeful) relationship with Jessa was not something that needed the Skirata touch. He wasn’t even sure it was going to survive their touch.
“Nothing that concerns you.”
“I gave Laseema the ugliest Lekku harness known to man for a courting gift.” Atin husks out a laugh. Scorch catches a small grin and a shake of the other commando's head. “She wore it too. Didn’t have the heart to tell me it was too small and the dye stained her skin.” There’s a fond look in place as he stares into the middle distance in front of him. “You can’t do much worse than that.”
“Can if she doesn’t know they were courting gifts.” Scorch zips his lips when Sev speaks. If he knew his brother- which he did- he was already feeling the sour twist of failure in his gut. There wasn’t much to say to change that.
Atin waves him off, “she’ll figure it out and you’ll be chasing around tiny psychopaths in no time.”
It’s a struggle to ignore Corr obviously storing the intel away but no more so than trying to pretend he couldn’t picture Jessa with ikaad of her own. That was an image he needed to be shove haphazardly into a box and pretend didn’t exist.
He catches Sev’s eye. His face is impassable. He makes a note to throw some dets in that particular mental box. 
“Who are you?” 
Jessa raises a perfectly arched brow at the heavily modulated voice. Mereel towers over her right shoulder, her imposing bodyguard/handler.
“Not sure what that’s supposed to mean.” She takes a lingering sip of sparkling wine. Small talk with the wife of an Imperial connected merchant had been enlightening. Seems there was a lot of interest in a retired beskar mine in Sundari. 
“You’re a natural.”
His tone lets her know it’s not necessarily a compliment. She doesn’t offer acknowledgement. If he wanted to pay backhanded compliments she’d pay them back with silence.
You know your worth. Wal’buirs voice echoes in her head.
She gazes past the small crowds of people and the rows of red velvet chairs to the stage at the front of the room. People are beginning to congregate as holobooks are passed out, presumably lots and their corresponding numbers. The room she’d been auctioned off in had lacked the opulence of the one she now stood in. The thought comes to her, intrusive and unwanted. She’d been to one other auction in her life- but she’d been the merchandise. 
She finishes the wine in her hand, setting the glass on a table as she makes her way to the front of the room. She hears a soft huff through Mereel’s vocoder. To everyone watching, he worked for her and she was not about to ask his permission for anything, lest that carefully cultivated ruse be damaged. 
A matte gunmetal droid begins handing out holobooks to the gathered crowds. Jessa takes a proffered tablet as a curtain to the left of the stage is pulled back. A disembodied voice smoothly announces the beginning of the preview. According to the holobook the auction would begin twenty minutes after the preview. She skims the contents. Rules. Schedule. Payment options. All seemingly above the board.
“I want to see if my money is well spent here.” She announces to the armored Mando behind her. She’s prim and haughty. “I assume you’ll be able to comment on the quality?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She smiles to herself, dipping her chin to hide her amusement at the Null’s tight response. Scorch would enjoy watching her acting. She’s sure of it. But now is not the time to let the thought of him warm her heart. She spots the rows of merchandise lined up and steals herself. They still had work to do.
She strolls, languid as a cat, toward the gathering crowds. She keeps her features neutral and passive, looking nothing more than the slightly bored debutante she’d assigned herself to play.
The first cluster of auction-goers has set up shop around various displays of weaponry. Heavy guns, smaller blasters, thermal detonators. Her boys would be in heaven. Her fingers graze the durasteel lid of a munitions crate as she moves toward more desirable merchandise.
“Could do a lot of damage with those.” Mereel’s reassuring presence is close. She can feel the bulk of him at her back.
“Looking to do a little shopping of your own?”
“If the situation presents itself.”
She smiles despite herself. 
It disappears quickly as it appears. The mission objective- objectives loom ahead. A row of men stand at parade rest. Clones. Five In total, identical as physically possible though small differences in build and stature are noticeable even with them at rest.
‘Different classes” Mereel offers quietly as if he can see the question on her face. “Two standard spec troopers. Next two- probably pilot class. Last one is a commando.”
“Anyone you know?” She glances at him and catches a shrug.
“They’re keeping them more in regs. GAR frowned on individuality but most generals didn’t bother to enforce regulations. Our glorious new Empire seems to feel differently.”
Jessa steps closer, stopping in front of the first captive in-line. He stares ahead with eyes familiar but dead. They don’t twitch to her as she takes in his appearance. He looks average in every way. Confusion and some other unnamed emotion flit at the edge of her consciousness. They were told there’d be more commandos . Maybe they were tucked away with the others in reserve? She takes a step further down the line, past the second trooper and to what Mereel had claimed were the pilots. She pays little attention, flipping through the holopad to find the list of goods. 
“Skid, Cap, Kivo, Rev, Merri…” the pilot she’s come to a stop in front of is mumbling to himself in a rapid, quaking voice. He’s worse for wear, obviously in poorer condition than the others around him. He’s thin and the high and tight haircut they all sported only accentuates  his stark cheekbones and the dip at his silvered temples. 
“Poor kid.” Mereel sighs, now at her side.
“What’s wrong with him?” 
The pilot continues his rapid nonsensical mumbling.
“Look at his eyes. All their eyes.” He tips his helmet down the line. “They drugged them like fathiers.” Disgust laces his words. Jessa feels the sick pull of it bubbling in her own stomach.
“It wasn’t good enough to put restraining collars on. They gave them all tranqs too.”
The holopad offers a small blurb on each item for auction. Each of these men’s lives broken down into a line or two touting their usefulness, “what does this mean?”
She points at the number following each description. The broken pilot has an 0458 behind his. Mereel takes the pad, his hands dwarfing it as he scrolls.
“Son of a bitch…”
“It’s his serial number. All of their serial numbers.”
Jessa scans the list and the seemingly nonsense numbers. One sticks out. Wal’buir had scolded Sev and Scorch days before, using their numbers like other parents would use the middle name of a contrary child.
If Four-Oh were here we wouldn’t have this issue.
Scorch’s expression had soured at the mention and her brows had furrowed in confusion. Wal’buir had noted and seemed to take pleasure in repeating what had made the demolitions expert so uncomfortable. 
Eleven Forty, one of their lost brothers.
The second glass of champagne threatens to make a reappearance as her eyes travel to the last man in line. 
One of two lost brothers.
‘Clear!’ Scorch’s crisp voice rings through the comms of the three commandos at his back. The adrenaline from the fast rope still pumped gleefully through his veins as the exterior door gives an electric pop as the bright flash of micro dets flare to life. The four commandos ready for entry as the faint lights of the Duke above, disappear from sight. They were on their own til rendezvous.
Sev and Corr slide past him as he gathers his supplies back into his kit. Atin covers his shebs, blasters at the ready.
It’s a clean breach. Buir would approve, he thinks in passing, swinging his pack back on and moving into the wide hallway. The muzzle fire of a blaster rings out with comforting familiarity. One down. 
The gray clad Imp lays at Corr’s feet as the commando crouches down and does a cursory check of his pockets. He palms a keycard. Sev holds steady behind him. 
With only the soft clatter of his beskar’gam, the former commando rises and gives Sev a nod. A rumbling, ‘move out’ echoes through their comms. 
A few long strides eat up the distance between them, Scorch slotting in behind him as they stalk down their predetermined route.
“May as well head back to the yaim, Scorch’ika. I’ve got the golden ticket.” Scorch can imagine the smug smile on the younger clone's face as he holds the keycard between gloved fingers. 
“Yeah, if you want to do it the boring way. I thought you knew better?” They fan out from their hallway to the open T of the next, Sev and Atin sweeping right while he and Corr clear the left.
“The boring way means I don’t risk these fancy new hands.”
Scorch guffaws. “The loss of your sense of adventure concerns and saddens me.”
Atin chuckles.
“You can’t hold it against me that I like to feel my own-“ the banter is cut short as a door a foot in front of Corr slides open with a shink. White plastoid invades the passage.
Sev’s large frame is already prepared. His arm raises and the butt of his blaster. comes down across the front first troopers helmet with enough force to crack the plastoid. As they crumble, Sev steps into the other's space, his beskar clad arm snaps up and makes contact between the edge of the unfortunate sentient's helmet and neck.
Scorch flinches at the clatter of armor as the second trooper slides down the corridor wall.
“Gonna ruin the surprise, vod.”
Sev’s buyce turns toward him.  “Sorry”. His voice is as flat as the expression Scorch knows he wears underneath.
Moving forward, Scorch takes a knee with his vod’e safely covering him. The first trooper has a fracture running up the length of his helmet. Katarn would never. He loved his beskar’gam, it made him feel like he was part of something greater. His katarn had done the same once and he’d grieve (just a little) the loss of that part of his life. 
Without his usual flair, he pulls the useless helmet off.  The trooper is out cold. Scorch takes in his appearance. Pale skin. A smattering of freckles over the bridge of their nose. Light brown hair.
He moves on to the next, unceremoniously yanking the helmet from the storm troopers head. He finds skin shades lighter than his own, thin blonde hair and a smattering of matching stubble along their jaw.
He lets the ruined helmet fall with a clatter next to the trooper. Rising to his full height he aims his blaster and places two bolts center mass before giving the first trooper a matching set.
Corr stares at the two lifeless stormtroopers, ‘what was that about?’’
‘Needed to make sure I wasn’t sending vod’e’ marching’ Scorch explains. Another set of plastoid rounds the corner and Sev answers the clatter of cheap armor with two quickly placed bolts dead center.
“Rule 17 is in effect now.”
“About that,” Corrs voice asks through their comms. “What’s rule number one?”
Atin, Sev, and Scorch answer in unison, “Eat your vegetables.”
taglist: @bylightofdawn @leias-left-hair-bun-again @skdubbs @passionofthesith @haloangel391​ @fractiouskat @clonewarslover55​ ​ @jedi-mando @shadylightbearherring @poppunkdee
@royalhandmaidens @wolfswing @generic-geek-girl @captainrexwouldnever @ahhrenata @apathetic-catastrophie @littledragon @my-own-oraclen
53 notes · View notes
vodika-vibes · 9 months
Okay I’m just gonna jump and ask for a piece with Rynn and Delta Squad. It can be anything you want: fluffy, spicy, smutty, etc (I won’t be complaining 😉)
What Works For Us
Summary: Rynn (oc) wakes up alone in bed, and suddenly finds herself in a new situation.
Pairing: Delta Squad x Rynn (oc) (no clonecest)
Word Count: 1591
Warnings: Smut, just smut
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This was hard, there were so many people to keep track of. And I'm not super happy with it, but I don't think I can make it better either.
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Rynn groans as sleep abandons her, and she rolls over, intent to bury herself in Sev’s chest until she can fall back to sleep, and is surprised when she realizes that she’s alone in bed. 
She sits up and squints, puzzled, at Sev’s side of the bed. He never wakes up early when she’s in bed with him. Ever. He guards his morning kisses and cuddles with all of the ire of a particularly foul tempered rancor.
And yet, his side of the bed is cold. 
She yawns, and stretches her arms over her head, working out the kinks that develop from the way she sleeps, and then she sends a lazily tendril of the force through the ship, looking for her husband…or husbands, as the case may be.
She finds him quickly, the Nightwing is only so big after all, and determines that all four of Delta seem to be awake and chatting in what amounts to the ship's living room. 
For a moment, she considers sending a comm, telling him to come back to bed. But hunger wins out in the end.
With a sigh, she shimmies to the end of the bed, and pulls on Sev’s shirt so she’s not walking around totally naked, and heads towards the door. She shoots out one last tendril through the force, to make sure that they aren’t on a holo (she would need to dress properly and cover her hair if they were), and as soon as she determines that they’re not, she presses the button to let the door slide open.
Silently Rynn pads her way through the ship, until she reaches the room her boys are in. “Morning,” She greets through a yawn.
Four pairs of identical eyes snap to her, and there’s a swell of affection through the force, pulling a sleepy smile to Rynn’s lips, “Did we wake you, sarad?” Sev asks as you slide between him and Boss on the couch.
She shakes her head and then lays her head on his shoulder, “Not sure why I woke up,” Rynn admits before she yawns again, and rubs her nose against his shoulder, “Why’re you all awake?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Boss says lightly, as he trails a calloused finger over her knee, “You can go back to bed if you want, cyare.”
She favors him with a small smile, “I’m okay. I should probably shower and get dressed though.”
Sev’s arm slides around her waist, and she squeaks when his lips press just below her ear, “You don’t have to,” He says in a low voice, “It’s just us here.”
“And I disconnected the holo terminal for the day.” Fixer added, his dark eyes dragging across Rynn’s face, “So no one will bother us.”
Rynn’s gaze is slightly startled as she listens to Fixer, and then her eyes narrow, “What are you four up to?”
Identical mischievous grins slide across their faces, and Rynn squeaks in surprise when Sev expertly peels his shirt off of her body, “We were thinking,” Sev says lazily, as his hands slide up her body to lazily caress her breasts, “That you’ve been working too hard.” Rynn’s breath hitches as Sev expertly tweaks her nipples.
Her head tilts back slightly, and she’s only a little surprised when she feels Boss’ lips against her pulse point, “There are four of you and one of me,” She points out, “How do you expect this to go without me doing more work?” 
She jumps when she feels warm lips on her hip, and a quick glance to the side shows her that Scorch has moved around the room, so he’s kneeling before her, there’s mischief on his handsome face, “Oh, babe.” He coos, “If you think this is work, then we’re not doing this right at all.”
Rynn flushes slightly, “You still haven’t answered my question.”
The four men share a look, “Well,” Boss says slowly, his breath warm against her throat, “Today happens to be our decanting day.”
Rynn blinks and then she feels a surge of guilt, “I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me, I would have gotten you presents-”
“Shh,” Sev catches her lips in a deep kiss, and she sighs into him, “We didn’t tell you because it didn’t matter to us until recently.”
“And so we were talking,” Fixer murmurs as he circles the room to press a light kiss to the back of her neck, “And we came to a decision that we’d like your input on.”
Rynn tilts her head, curiously, “Okay?”
“Our schedule works out amazing,” Scorch says as his lips linger on her hip, “But today, we don’t want to stick to the schedule.”
Rynn shoots him a puzzled look, “I’m sorry, I don’t-”
“We want you. All of us.” Fixer clarifies, shooting his brother an exasperated look. “If you’ll indulge us.”
Rynn flushes as heat shoots straight to her core, and she ducks her head, “Um…how would-”
“Are you saying you’ve never considered it?” Sev asks, amusement clear in his voice.
Somehow she flushes even more, and she squirms slightly, pressing her thighs together tightly, “Um…not seriously, no.”
There’s a flicker of delight through the force, and Rynn flushes even darker, “But you have considered it, then.” Scorch says lightly.
“I agreed to marry all four of you, is it really a surprise that I thought about other things involving all of you?” Rynn asks defensively.
“Not in the slightest,” Boss reassures, “It just makes this conversation so much easier.” He kisses her temple gently, “Our plan is that by the end of the day you’ll have had all of us, at least twice.”
“Twice-” Rynn repeats under her breath.
“But this morning, babe, this morning we would like you to put on a show for us.” Scorch picks up the line of thought effortlessly.
Sev rolls his eyes, “What he means, sarad, is that Fixer put together some new toys for you to try out, and we’d like to watch.”
“Here?” Rynn asks, “On the couch?”
“If you don’t mind.” Fixer says, before he vanishes into his room and returns with a small box of something, as well as a blanket. Rynn guesses that the boy has the toys in it.
Her boys pull away from her, and Rynn gets to her feet long enough for Fixer to adjust the couch so it’s laying flat, and he lays the thick blanket across the couch for her to sit on.
Rynn slides into the middle of the blanket, and accepts the box from Fixer, and she pulls the toys out. She can feel her boys staring at her, their gazes heavy as she examines the toys curiously. 
“I recognize most of these,” Rynn says thoughtfully, “But what’s this?” She holds up a small device, about the length of half her finger. 
Fixer’s fingers twitch, and he lightly takes the item from her fingers, “Let me show you,” He sits on the couch next to her, and pulls a remote from the box, “Lay back, angel,” Fixer murmurs, his fingers gentle as he directs her to lay on her back.
Sev’s calloused hands glide against her legs, spreading them so he and his brothers can see properly, “There you go, sarad,” He murmurs, “Look at you, so pretty for us.”
“She’s already wet,” Scorch groans, “Pretty girl’s been wanting this for a while, I think.”
Fixer slides the vibrator through her slick, and then presses it against her clit, “High or low, do you think?” He asks his brothers.
“Low,” Boss instructs, “We don’t want to go too fast.”
Fixer uses the remote to turn on the toy, and Rynn’s hips jerk slightly, and a pretty moan falls from her lips. Her legs twitch as she unconsciously closes her legs around the sensation, but strong hands are suddenly there again, holding her legs open.
“So much for just watching,” Boss chuckles as he lovingly strokes Rynn’s thigh. Opposite of him, Sev presses a lingering kiss against Rynn’s thigh.
“It’s better this way,” Sev agrees, and apparently Scorch agrees as he moves to sit next to Rynn’s head, lightly stroking her cheek with his thumb, “This means that we can touch her, right?” He asks, as he leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead.
“You are touching her.” Fixer replies dryly, as he fiddles with the remote for a moment, and Rynn releases a whine of pleasure, as he increases the speed of the toy he’s holding against her. 
“Enjoying yourself, cyare?” Boss asks as he trails a finger over her hips and then dips down to trail his finger through her folds, pulling another moan from her as she squirms. He gathers some of her slick on his fingers and then licks his fingers clean, “Tastes amazing,” He groans.
“Pretty sure that’s cheating,” Sev grumbles.
“10 am, which means what I say goes,” Boss replies smugly, his gaze locked on Rynn’s cunt, “Kriff, I want to taste her.”
“Hold on a minute,” Fixer murmurs, “Look at her, she’s close-”
And true to his word, not a moment later Rynn releases a shuddering moan as she falls apart under the toy still pressed against her. 
“Stars, she’s beautiful,” Fixer mumbles, as he pulls the toy away and sets it to the side, “You’re up, Boss.” He adds as he moves out of the way.
“Gladly,” He switches places with Fixer, “You ready, cyare?”
Rynn glances at him, her gaze slightly hazy, but she favors him with a warm, loving, smile and she nods.
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arcsimper5 · 10 months
Actions and Consequences - Chapter 1 Resolute
Delta Squad are forced to seek help from within the fleet for their injured Jedi, Jerra. Mixing with the GAR general is... an issue.
Pairing: OC!Jedi Jerra x Delta Squad Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, some blood, language. Rating: M (Explicit content in later chapters, minors DNI)
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Kix huffed as the hangar medical alert rang out into the med bay, the low buzz of it echoing through his skull.
It had been a long day already, the Resolute in orbit above Pravada 9, a large group assault on droid production bases having been ordered by the GAR while data was gathered by a specialist assault team.
Looking at the chrono, he frowned in confusion; the last of the teams from the 501st and 212th had returned hours ago, with no reports of lost ships or units. Everyone deployed from the ship had been accounted for.
So why, then, was the medical alert sounding if all troops had returned?
Grumbling in annoyance at the inevitable extension of his shift, he grabbed his medkit and made the short journey to the hangar, looking around for his new patients.
There were a few groups of troopers milling around, but none that seemed to need attention. One lot of four were playing sabacc on some nearby crates while another small gathering of softshells were working on a gunship which had taken quite a bit of damage in the incursion.
None of them seemed to need his attention, his annoyance growing further.
“Anyone call for a medic?” he asked loudly, several heads snapping in his direction.
A murmuring response of ‘no’ and ‘not me’ came from the troopers, Kix letting out a growl of annoyance.
“Then who the kark is wasting my time by calling me down here?” he snapped, some of the sabacc troopers exchanging concerned looks.
He was about to head back to medbay and file a false alarm report when a gravelly voice called across the hangar, a large, imposing clone in distinctive armour appearing from the end of a gunship, a large sniper rifle in his hands.
“I am,” the trooper called, the entire hangar silent now, watching the interaction.
Kix raised an eyebrow, looking the trooper up and down. He could tell by his bucket, which was still firmly in place, that he was a Commando. His bulk on its own was intimidating, but the paint job on his armour completed the picture, the white plastoid flashed with red on his legs, arms and midsection, what appeared to be a bloody handprint covering the area around his visor, giving the impression of it being fresh and dripping.
“You’re not 501st or 212nd,” Kix huffed, the sniper letting out an amused huff.
“What gave it away? You a medic or not?”
Kix stared at the Commando for a moment, caught between actions.
“You’re not on my treatment compliment,” he stated firmly, the sniper staring back. Even under his visor, Kix could practically feel the coldness of the look.
“But you are a medic,” he growled in return, “and we need you.”
“For what?” Kix questioned automatically, the larger clone almost certainly rolling his eyes.
“A fifth for sabacc. What do you think, di’kut?”
Kix was about to offer a sharp retort when another Commando appeared behind the sniper, his posture communicating his impatience.
“Sev! What the kriff is taking so long?”
It only took the other man a moment to register Kix’s presence, his size matching this so-called ‘Sev’, though his bucket was off, exposing a frustrated expression.
Even though he looked like a clone and his hair was slightly longer than regulation, the Commando armour he wore, mostly green with a white flashed chestpiece, he gave off the air of someone much more superior.
“You, medic! We’ve been waiting on you! Get your shebs back to the ship!”
Kix frowned, his frustration growing.
“I don’t know who you think you are,” he huffed, “but I’m assigned to the 501st. You can’t just turn up on a republic fleet ship, call a medic and demand medical attention without registering first.”
“Oh, look, the little shiny doctor doesn’t know who we are,” Sev chuckled lowly, the other Commando rolling his eyes and glaring at him.
“Can it, Sev. This is about Jerra, not you.”
“Look,” Kix sighed, shaking his head, “let me call the on-call medic. I’m sure they can…”
“No time!” the unidentified Commando cut him off, shaking his head, “Our Jedi is injured. Now are you gonna do your job or not?”
As Sev chuckled, Kix felt the urge to decline simply on principle, but hearing there was an injured Jedi piqued his interest, not to mention his innate need to help was kicking in. Whether it was in his genes or in his heart, he couldn’t fight it, relenting with a long suffering sigh as he trudged towards the commandos.
“Ugh, fine! Just… register after, okay? I need to record all treatment.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” the Commando nodded, waving behind him in a gesture for Kix to follow.
“What Battalion are you even from?” Kix asked as they weaved through the gunships, most in various states of battle damaged, towards the rear of the hangar.
“Battalion?” Sev rumbled, his tone amused, “That’s cute.”
“We’re Delta Squad,” the other clone responded tightly. “I’m Fixer, this is Sev. Boss and Scorch are still on the shuttle with Jerra, our Commander.”
“Delta Squad?” 
Kix froze in place for a second, Sev almost walking into him, barely dodging his stock still form. 
“The Delta Squad? The ones who ran the demo job on Geonosis during the first battle of the Clone Wars?”
“History lesson later,” Fixer urged him, reaching back and grabbing his arm, the medic stumbling a little as he was pulled along, “first, medic stuff.”
“But… You guys are… You’re a myth! You’re not… You’re not supposed to exist!”
“And yet, here we are,” Sev chuckled, a hiss sounding as he reached up with one hand, unclipping his bucket and pulling it off.
Kix took in his features, surprised. Again, although he looked the same as the rest of his brothers, Sev had a certain… severity to him, as obvious as it would seem.
Two large scars ran across his face, one down from the top of his hairline to just below his cheekbone over his right eye, the other across the same eye, from the bridge of his nose to the curve of his face. It looked oddly like a crosshair.
His hair was thick, tight curls cut short, shoots of grey showing through. Light amber eyes stared back at Kix, a wicked smirk tilting at chapped lips.
“Got an issue?” he grinned, Kix immediately shaking his head.
“N-No… Kriff… Rex is not gonna believe this…”
Turning to Sev, he hesitated for a moment. “Is it true the four of you took back an entire republic cruiser from trandoshan pirates on your own?” 
Sev smirked, raising an eyebrow at the medic. 
“Is that what they tell you?” he teased, the low tone of his voice sending an uncomfortable shiver down Kix's spine. 
“Like I said,” the other commando huffed from in front of them, “history lesson later. And to be fair, it was mostly Boss.” 
Within moments, they were free of the field of battleworn gunships, the path to a beat up looking attack shuttle appearing. Another Commando was waiting outside, this one with a white chest piece, grey and gold covering his arms and legs.
“Took ya long enough!” he yelled as they approached, his voice somehow softer than the average clone’s, “What were ya doing? Teaching him how to practice medicine?”
“Can it, Scorch,” Fixer snapped, releasing Kix’s arm as they approached the ramp, Scorch’s face scrunched in an unimpressed expression.
His hair was much longer than the others, thick curls pulled back into a loose braid at the back, a few ringlets falling around his face. He leant against the ship with his arms folded over his chest, eyes scanning Kix suspiciously.
“How’s she doing?” Sev quizzed Scorch, the expression on the slightly smaller clone’s face faltering a little.
“In pain,” he replied quickly, looking pointedly to Kix, “Boss is with her. He’s been pushing bacta, but you know how she is with supplies.”
“You,” Sev grunted at Kix before nodding to the door, sharp eyes locked on him, “inside.”
“Going, going!” Kix assured him, drawing in an attempt at a steadying breath as he pushed through the doorway of the ship, the insides dimly lit.
It was a modest set up in the shuttle, a bunk room off to one side, labelled as such on the door. A small refresher was marked at the back, top and rear gunner mount positions visible from the main gangway.
Looking down towards the rear, Kix soon found his target, watching curiously as he crept closer.
The Jedi, Jerra, was sat on one of the navigation seats, her left hand supporting a limp right arm, face twisted with pain as she let out a hiss.
She was human, at least she appeared to be, warm skin over tight features. Her eyes seemed to dance with a green light in the darkness, focused on the Commando in front of her, the clone kneeling as he looked over her knees, one of which was exposed and covered with a bacta patch.
Her long dark hair was pulled back into multiple braids that trailed down her back, pulled together with a gold band. The clone in front of her was helmetless, hair short and mussed, curls spilling onto his skin haphazardly as he rested on one knee, hands gentle as he rubbed bacta in a nasty looking cut on her leg.
Visibly, it seemed to be her only other urgent injury, save the small cuts that littered her face. They looked like shrapnel wounds, ones that Kix was, unfortunately, all too familiar with.
“Not long now, mesh’la,” he grumbled lowly, his accent thick and low, a warmth to it that made Kix raise an eyebrow, “we’ll get some meds into you.”
“I can wait,” Jerra replied with a forced smile, adoration clear on her face as she looked the commando over, letting out a huff of laughter, “you shouldn’t be wasting bacta on me, Boss, I told you…”
“Hush,” Boss ordered, his voice stern, though his smile betrayed his tone, “bacta can be replaced. You can’t.”
A moment stretched between them, intimate and deep, simply sharing a connection, and for a second, Kix felt like he was intruding on something private.
“Uh… Sorry to interrupt,” he managed, his voice cracking a little as Jerra’s intense gaze turned to meet him, Boss’s smile fading entirely as he stood back up to full height, “I’m Kix, the medic from the 501st.”
“About time you got here,” Boss grunted, stepping back to allow Kix access to Jerra, “does ‘rapid medical response’ mean something different in the fleet?”
“Boss,” Jerra chastised the Commando gently, Kix trying his best to keep his expression set as he approached, the large clone’s white and red armour adding to his intimidating presence, “leave him be. It’s not like we were announced.”
“Still,” Boss huffed, his eyes softening a little as Kix placed his back at Jerra’s feet, offering a weak smile.
“Sorry about them,” Jerra grinned softly, “they can be a little demanding. I hope they weren’t rude to you.”
“No more than any of my other vode,” Kix smiled back, earning a huff from Boss. “Now… the others mentioned you being in pain?”
His eyes travelled over her, noting the bacta patch on her leg and the way she still held her arm.
“Do you mind telling me what happened?”
“Big ass explosion!” a shout came from the doorway, Scorch leaning around it, watching intently, “Got caught in the shockwave. Uh… sorry, again, about that.”
“Out!” Boss yelled, stamping towards the ramp, his face set. Jerra simply rolled her eyes and let out a breath of laughter, focusing back on Kix.
“We were infiltrating one of the maintenance facilities while the battle distracted the main forces,” she explained as Kix reached up, flattening his palm for her to lower her arm onto it, “our objective was to take it out and get intel on the newer battle droids they’re pushing out. Things got a bit heated, more security than intel thought there’d be, and I got pushed off a walkway by one of the breach blasts. Boss caught me before I fell all the way down, but it jarred my arm some.”
Kix hummed as he listened, eyes now intently fixed on her arm as he rolled the fabric covering it up as gently as he could. Her robes were a dark brown, the tunic underneath faded greens and greys, all tattered and smelling distinctly of explosive residue.
“Lucky escape,” Kix smiled, Jerra wincing as he tried to straighten her arm, hissing in pain. In his peripheral, he saw Boss turn sharply at the noise, trying his best to focus. 
The skin around the joint was purple and black, bruised badly. The swelling was quite severe, but there seemed to be no obvious deformation.
“I can’t tell from just looking, but there’s some bruising and irritation around the joint. Did you hear a pop or crack when you were caught?”
Jerra hesitated for a moment, looking towards Boss, her expression caught.
“I need you to be honest,” Kix explained softly, “or we might miss something that could cause complications in the future. We can heal whatever it is, I promise.”
With a long exhale, Jerra closed her eyes and nodded, something close to shame echoing across her features.
“It dislocated when Boss caught me,” she murmured, gaze averted to her feet, “and I popped it back in. Hurt like a jawa-kriffer, but it let me keep going.”
Boss’s call cut through the silence, the pain in his tone apparent.
“You should have told me… I’m…”
“Don’t,” Jerra frowned back at him, watching cautiously as he approached, “you did what you had to. I’m alive, we’re all here, that’s what matters. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d worry.”
“Damn right I’d worry,” Boss glared back at her, “It’s my job to look out for you all!”
“And you did!”
“But you got hurt…”
“Instead of falling to my death!”
Boss considered her words for a moment, hovering over her as Kix looked between them, the tension growing.
“Well, uh, there might be some small fractures in the elbow joint,” he explained quickly, hoping to diffuse the situation, “but I’d need to do a scan to be sure. It might also be good to look at the rest of your joints too, mainly your shoulder. A force like that can dislodge things or pull other muscles. It’s nothing that a bacta wrap won’t fix overnight, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“No,” Boss growled, Kix’s gaze darting to Jerra as she rolled her eyes, letting out a huff, “we have orders to be back en-route by oh-four-hundred. We’re only here for medical attention, resupply and refuel.”
“And you’re getting medical attention,” Kix replied sternly, releasing Jerra’s arm back to her as gently as he could, gathering his pack and standing, “and I’m telling you she needs more treatment.”
“We’re not leaving without her.”
“Then you’re not leaving at all,” Kix frowned, gesturing at Jerra. “If you want to deny her treatment and possibly aggravate what is currently a minor injury, be my guest. But if it is broken, bone fragments could shift and damage both muscle and tissue, not to mention the pain will only build. She needs rest and recuperation, and as a medic, I am able to pull individuals from active service for that.”
“Need a hand, Boss?”
Sev’s deep voice echoed through the ship, two other faces also peering in, their expressions stern.
It was clear that they were willing to step in if there was an argument, Jerra huffing in frustration as Kix stood his ground, shouldering his bag.
The Commando and the Medic stared each other down for a long moment, Boss’s eyes searching Kix’s face.
After what felt like an eternity, Boss let out a frustrated huff and stepped back, allowing Kix to pass.
“One rotation. No longer,” he growled, looking back to Jerra, “and one of us is always with her.”
“Boss,” she protested, quickly cutting off her own reply as he glared back at her.
“That’s an order.”
“I outrank you,” she shot back, hissing again as she stood up, following Kix as he made his way through the ship, though she made no further argument.
Boss looked her up and down, putting out a hand against the durasteel wall on the other side of the galley, blocking her path while the medic disembarked, his intense gaze finding hers once more.
“Boss,” she breathed again, swallowing hard when his free hand moved to her face, tracing his knuckles down the side of her face, “I’ll be fine.”
“You should have told me,” he grumbled after a moment, the guilt in his eyes making her chest constrict. “I hurt you.”
“You saved my life,” she reminded him, stepping into his space, tucking her head under his chin.
Taking another deep breath, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tenderly, taking the upmost care not to put pressure on her arm. “Better broken than a pile of goop on the floor of a maintenance facility.”
Boss let out a soft chuckle, his expression softening once more. Pulling away slightly, he looked down at Jerra, a sigh escaping his lips.
“I’ll make it up to you, cabur,” he promised, voice little more than a whisper, “we all will.”
“I’m holding you to that,” she teased gently, shivering at the sensation of his breath ghosting over her cheeks, “it’s been too long, Boss.”
“I know, cyare,” he smiled, leaning down to brush his lips over hers, drawing a whimper from deep in her throat, “but what was it you taught us about patience?”
“Gar chayaikir,” she moaned softly, growling as he pulled away, “you’re going to pay for this.”
“Hey, riddurok’la, your medic is getting twitchy!” Scorch shouted from the doorway, leaning in with a sly grin on his face, looking over the scene with amusement. “Gar me'dinuir, vod?”
“Mir’sheb,” Boss growled in response, moving towards the door, Jerra following with a blush on her cheeks. “Come on then, my lady,” he teased bowing as he reached the door, “your medic awaits.”
*-*-* Translations: Di’kut - idiot Shebs - Ass/Butt Mesh’la - Beautiful Cabur - Protector/Guardian Cyare - Beloved/One who is beloved Gar chayaikir - You tease Gar me'dinuir, vod? - You share, brother? Riddurok’la - Married Couple (rough translation) Mir’sheb - Smartass
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cuddles-with-dragons · 7 months
Purge Trooper Squad 96: Explained in conversations/Incorrect quotes
AKA Hunter's side of the Switcheroo AU
Basically one giant spoiler for where my fic, Bridges, Blasters, Mud, and Blood is going.
Hunter: *tries not to get attached* Hunter: *gets attached anyway* Hunter: ...Fuck.
Hunter: Is stabbing someone immoral? Sev: Not if they consent to it. Scorch: Depends on who you're stabbing. Mayday: YES??!!?
Voltz: Ow! Hunter: What’s wrong? Voltz: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Hunter: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Scorch: Are you mad? Hunter: No. Scorch: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Scorch: I don't want to fight you! Hunter: I wouldn't want you to fight me either!
Hunter: Alright, listen up you little shits. Hunter: Not you Mayday. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Sev: ...So, you're a natborn? Voltz: Yes...? Sev: ...Why? Scorch: OH MY STARS Sev you can't just ask someone why they're a natborn!
*high-stakes situation* Voltz, driving up in a LAAT at the last second: Get in, losers.
Mayday: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration* Hunter: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table? Mayday: I- Mayday: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Voltz: I hate taking off my glasses, because without them, my vision goes from Full HD all the way down to buffering at 240p and I just can't handle that.
Voltz: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Hunter: Wasn't Mayday with you? Mayday: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Voltz, trying to comfort Scorch: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson? I've been there.
Hunter: I am a responsible adult! Mayday: *raises brow* Hunter: I am an adult.
Hunter: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Scorch: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Voltz? Voltz: Mayday, easily. Mayday, laughing: What the fuck, man. Voltz: Well, Hunter would be too easy. He'd probably be into it. Hunter, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
Mayday: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so shitty and still look so good?
Hunter: How did none of you hear what I just said?! Voltz: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Mayday: I got distracted halfway through. Scorch: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Hunter: Look, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but— Sev: That's because you're too short to do so. Hunter: ...Listen here you fucking—
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fanoflotofstuff · 1 year
Squad #2 - Time Is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense- Master Post
Organized by @cloneshippingbigbang
Writer: Me
Artist: @afinedeath @shadowlight17
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50,065
Pairing: Boss/OC, Scorch/OC, Sev/OC, Fixer/OC
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commandos, Alternate Universe, A/B/O, Clone Trooper Discrimination/Dehumanization, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips, Sheev Palpatine is his Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dubious Consent, mentions of non-con off screen, Magic Sith Space Zome Clones, Zombie Clone Troopers, The Force, Magic-ish
Summary: Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die to get a happier ending.
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I haven't written anything new this month since most of my writing time has been spent finishing a fic for the other account, but I hope you'll appreciate the announcement that I've updated my masterlist. Enjoy!
All of the works below are generally SFW, but may not necessarily be appropriate for minors. Please mind the warnings at the top of each fic. 
To keep things tidy, I have works split up by character. The links will take you to a page of everything I’ve written for that character.
The 501st:
Rex   |   Kix   |   Fives   |   Echo   |   Hardcase    |   Tup   |   Dogma     
Jesse   |   Denal   |   General 501st (No Pairing)   
The 212th:
Cody   |   Trapper
The Coruscant Guard: 
Fox   |   Thorn   |   Thire   |   Hound  |  Stone 
The Bad Batch:
Hunter   |   Tech   |    Crosshair   |   Wrecker   |   Echo 
Delta Squad (Republic Commando): 
Boss   |   Fixer   |   Scorch   |   Sev  
Omega Squad (Republic Commando):
Alpha-17   |   Fordo   
Other Characters: 
Howzer  |  Cad Bane  |  Hondo Ohnaka 
Original Characters: 
Limit   |   Curl   |   Drift 
Gar Cabur - Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Gar Cyare - Continued Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Warriors in Red Armor - Fox, Thorn, Thire, and Hound and fem!OCs
Now Boarding - Various 501st with various fem!readers
Refuge - Delta Squad and fem!reader (Eventual poly fic)
Nobody Listens to Kix - Kix’s patient files (no reader characters) 
Just for Kix - Extras from Nobody Listens to Kix
Voices Carry - Null ARC Mereel and fem!reader
Clone Trooper Rambles - Journal-esque blurbs featuring clone troopers
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year
WanderingInkSplot's Masterlist
Hello and welcome! Here’s hoping this masterlist sticks around for longer than the last one managed to. 
All of these works are based on Star Wars, but I’ve divided things up so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. Select the character you want to read about to see all my works about them, or look through my series under the ‘Series’ option at the bottom of the list.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!
- Ink
The 501st:
Rex   |   Kix   |   Fives   |   Echo   |   Hardcase    |   Tup   |   Dogma  | Jesse   |   Denal   |   General 501st (No Pairing)   
The 212th:
Cody   |   Trapper
The Coruscant Guard: 
Fox   |   Thorn   |   Thire   |   Hound  |  Stone 
The Bad Batch:
Hunter   |   Tech   |    Crosshair   |   Wrecker   |   Echo 
Delta Squad (Republic Commando): 
Boss   |   Fixer   |   Scorch   |   Sev  
Omega Squad (Republic Commando):
Other Characters: 
Howzer  |  Cad Bane  |  Hondo Ohnaka  
Original Characters: 
Limit   |   Curl   |   Drift 
Gar Cabur - Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Gar Cyare - Continued Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Warriors in Red Armor - Fox, Thorn, Thire, and Hound and fem!OCs
Now Boarding - Various 501st with various fem!readers
Refuge - Delta Squad and fem!reader (poly)
Nobody Listens to Kix - Kix’s patient files (no reader characters)
Just for Kix - Extras from Nobody Listens to Kix
Voices Carry - Null ARC Mereel and fem!reader
Clone Trooper Rambles - Journal-esque blurbs featuring clone troopers
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stars-n-spice · 8 months
Divider Masterpost:
Links to all the SW-Themed dividers I've made!
Like/Reblog if you use any! Credit me if you'd like :) If you like my work consider buying me a coffee 🩵☕️
TBB Halloween Pt. 1 TBB Halloween Pt. 2 TBB Halloween Pt. 3
TBB Holidays Pt. 1 TBB Holidays Pt. 2 Boba Fett Holidays Pt. 1 Boba Fett Holidays Pt. 2
TBB Valentines Pt. 1 TBB Valentines Pt. 2
TBB Pt. 1
Delta Squad Boss & Fixer Sev & Scorch
Tech & Crosshair/F!OC Hunter/F!OC Thrawn Mer-May Pt. 1 Mer-May Pt. 2
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
Rules - please read me if you're new!
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Writing Prompts
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OC x Canon Characters Masterlist
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo, Maze (Alpha-26)
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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TBB Masterlist - consists of Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Howzer, and CX-2
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Multi-Character List
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives, Hunter, Ordo Skirata, Dogma, Prudii Skirata, Crosshair, Alpha-17, Tech
800 Followers Event: September - October 2024 - Consisting of Commander Bacara, Commander Fox, Clone Commando Scorch, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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arcsimper5 · 8 months
Yaim'ol - Chapter 1
yaim'ol - [yai-MOHL] - return, homecoming
Pairing: Sev x F!Jedi OC, Scorch x F!Jedi OC Characters: Delta Squad (Republic Commando), F!Jedi OC Cin Rating: M - Explicit content in later chapters Warnings: Gore, Canon-typical violence, angst, smut (later chapters), descriptions of injury, force osik.
Following on from the end of Republic Commando, Sev and Cin must make their way through the galaxy, overcoming trials and tests in a bid to keep themselves alive long enough to reunite with their squad.
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Chapter 1 - Evac
Cin grinned at Boss as the flash of the explosion faded from the outside of the ship, the Separatist cruiser floating silently in pieces in their view. 
Another mission down, and the relief was palpable. Even beneath this helmet, she could almost sense the smirk on Boss’s face as the orders from Command came through their comms.
“Delta Squad, regroup at 38’s position for exfil.”
“Finally,” Scorch chuckled, Boss looking to Cin as she let out a snort of laughter, practically able to image Fixer’s eyeroll at his brother’s exclamation.
Moving towards the door hatch, Boss gestured for Cin to go ahead, the metal parting to allow them back into the main hull when another crackle of comms came through, the words making Cin’s blood run cold.
“Boss, I’ve got a problem here.”
The clatter of plasteel armour drew their attention into the hallway as Scorch and Fixer arrived from their positions, the tension in their bodies apparent. Boss’s demeanour shifted immediately, shoulders tensing.
“Sev, where are you?”
The static on the line got worse, pain lacing Sev’s tone, Cin’s hands beginning to tremble.
“Sector… multiple hostiles… Sir!”
“Sev!” Cin gasped, reaching out in the Force. He was panicked, she could feel that much. And Sev never panicked.
“Boss, we have to go,” she urged, Fixer stepping forward with urgency.
“Lost his signal, Boss.”
There was barely a beat before the Commando’s growl sounded.
“Well find it again, dammit!”
Hearing Boss curse sent another shiver down Cin’s spine, her entire body alight with the need for action. She needed to run, to get to Sev. Who knew what he was facing, alone?
After his first capture by the Trandoshans on the Prosecutor, she’d vowed to never let him suffer like that again. And yet…
“Squad, regroup,” Boss barked, moving past Scorch to look down the corridor, towards where they’d dropped Sev off in his gunner position. He would have done anything in the moment, anything, to see a flash of red and white, to hear the growl of his brother’s voice. “We’re going after Sev.”
There was an audible sigh of relief from Scorch, his body language betraying the urgency he felt.
But only a few steps into retracing their steps, Boss and Fixer stopped dead, COmmand ringing in their ears once more.
“Negative, negative 38! New orders came through from the Jedi Generals. Clear the area. Evac, now!”
Boss growled loudly, looking to Cin in confusion.
“What orders?” she demanded, gritting her teeth. Every moment they waited for answers was another moment Sev was along, and she hated it. “I’m a General, I’ve given no orders.”
With a nod, Boss voiced his agreement.
“I don’t care if they came from Master Yoda himself…”
“As a matter of fact, they did, soldier” Command snapped back, shutting down any argument. “Now get your squad out of there.”
The comm line went dead, leaving a deafening silence in it’s wake.
Scorch scoffed, shaking his head as he looked to Boss, then to Cin, visibly trembling.
“Kriff our orders!” he shouted angrily. “40?”
Fixer was stiff, looking up the corridor, then to Boss, pointedly ignoring Scorch.
“He’s right, Boss,” he managed after a moment, voice tight, “we gotta evac.”
Scorch took a step backwards in disbelief, towards Cin, looking for support from her.
“Boss,” he practically pleaded, voice thick even through his modulator, “we have to go back…”
“Deltas! Evac now!” Command came through again, having listened to the chatter, “That is an order.”
Boss was truly caught, his heart and his head warring inside him.
Cin’s gentle words and the feel of a hand creeping between his pauldron and shoulder bell caught his attention, soft green eyes shining as she looked him over.
“We can’t disobey orders,” he croaked, understanding already.
“I know,” she nodded in return, fingers grazing the blacks underneath his armour, just barely. Enough for him to feel her warmth, and her his. “Go. I’ll find him. I’ll bring him back.”
Scorch inhaled sharply, tearing his helmet off as he moved to Cin, tears tracking down his cheeks.
“Ner kar’ta, no,” he pleaded, Boss inclining his head in anger. 
“Scorch,” he reprimanded him, but the commando ignored him, pulling Cin towards him, pressing their foreheads together.
Cin let out a choked sob, unable to hold it in as the intimate action was initiated, barely able to resist pulling him into an embrace.
“We’ll be fine,” she reassured Scorch gently, tipping her head up enough to brush their lips together, Boss huffing in annoyance, “I’ll bring Sev back. I promise.”
“What about Master Yoda’s order?” Fixer interjected sharply, “You’d be defying him directly.”
“And the Council can do what they want with me when I get back to Coruscant,” she frowned, pulling away from Scorch and nodding to Fixer before turning to Boss, her gaze defiant. “Now go. Before they charge you with treason. I’ve got this.”
“Cyare,” Boss grumbled lowly, feeling utterly helpless. Reaching for his hand, she linked their fingers together, squeezing quickly before she was gone, already marching down the corridor with an urgency they all felt. “Jate’kara. Come back to us.”
They could only watch as she broke into a sprint, igniting the pale blue blade of her lightsaber. And then she was gone, out of sight when she rounded the corner, leaving the three of them to the empty silence of space, waiting for their evac.
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mereelskirata · 6 months
WIP game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Tagged by the lovely @mamuzzy-creates-stuff and @loverboy-havocboy <3
A lot of these wips I've posted before but have left in wip purgatory so i do apologize if you recognise some.
(what's) In a name
cody + rex fic
fox + thorn fic
ghostly encounter
lower than low
sev + scorch
umbaran got your tongue
bruiser + axil (o66 au)
gregor stardew au
oc gathering
wolfpack shenanigans
dogma + tup hair talk
no-pressure tagging: @coffeeandbatboys @the-bad-batch-baroness @desfraisespartout @iffylogic @varpusvaras @hurryupmerlin @smw-on-kamino @anko-art
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anyadarlingsdomain · 5 months
Thea looks at her textpad. (I honestly like to think clones have devices that receive texts like we do. But on their armor as well. So it’s like a text message but on their person)
Sev: You know what makes a Krayt Dragon go crazy?
Thea sighs.
Thea: What?
Sev: Explosives 💥💥
Thea: …that’s not even funny
*I honestly couldn’t decide between Scorch or Sev for this 😆🤣
Thea commission by- neeecrosh
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soldier-requests · 8 months
Ngl Scottish me Bakugo was very cursed. Thanks 👍
This is Completely Random Stranger. By the Way.
Could I get some pronouns for that Max gift stimboard you made for... [Checks notes.] ....a friend. Fangs OC seems very gender :]
hello!! glad you liked it, completely random stranger! :] i almost think i should give you that as an anon tag LOL.
and sure!! hopefully you like what i came up with. your pronouns are under the cut!
ax/axes, axe/axes
bee/bees, bie/bies
maxie/maxies, maxi/maxies
the/max (as in ‘to the max’)
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek!
Here is the sneak peek for Squad Two!! @cloneshippingbigbang
So excited to bring this to you all! It's my first time podficcing so this will be fun! PRESENTING With @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan as Author. And as Artists @artoforesteia, myself, and Lightning Dropkick (who is also Beta). Fic Title:
Time is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense
Rated: Mature. Word Count: 50,300
Pairings: Brill(OC)/Boss, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, OC/Scorch
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commando, Alternate Universe, A/B/O,  Clone Trooper Discrimination, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Sheev Palpatine is His Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, OC/Boss, OC/Scorch, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dub Con, mentions of non con off screen, The Force, Magic-ish
Major Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Dubcon.
Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die in order to get a happier ending.
Snippet and Sneak Peek below!
He... pauses and listens, asking questions and slowly following after Sev. Quiet and determined- and interested in that cure- and offering his help, in what little can, what with knowing only enough medical stuff to patch himself and his vode 'e up mid- and post-battle.
Still- Sev encouraged his interesting Other Things- rather than eyeing his blaster with the desperate gaze that he's seen in other vod'e- he's still on Being Watched- for... Suicidal Ideation. Just in case. Boss listens and learns much as the geneticists allow him to of the testing and what they are doing- them finding the Cure- and then later a shelf-stable version of it.
One that he very studiously learns how to make- his joints, oh, how they ache and crack, even though getting the rapid aging cure helps, he is still suffering the after-effects of the rapid aging, before it had been shifted to normal nat-born aging rates for a near-human species.
Still- during one of the times that they are helping the Rebels out with administrative tasks, teaching tactics, and whatnot, which helps them, most of these nat-borns are very painfully civilian.
It's interesting, teaching other skills to fight and defend and tactics to kill and harm. Then the alarm klaxons ring, and as the Empire descends on them, Boss makes sure to help others evacuate and fight.
He sees Sev get dragged on a transport- who turns to look- eyes widening in alarm as he sees Boss not on the ship as the last transport takes flight while he is still on the ground- Sev is trying to move there is noise and light and heat and pain... light, darkness, and a howling silence.
Boss's eyes snap open and his eyes flicker around swiftly as he tries to assess where he is, when it is, and what's going on. He mentally frowns as he looks around, everything seems... bigger- and he notices the harsh white walls and blinding- not blinding lights.
Kamino. Why the kark is he all the way on Kamino? That doesn't make sense- he should be somewhere in Kashyyyk not on Kamino. Perhaps it was because it had been so long since he had done a Return?
Hm... Finishing using the bacta tank dispenser on Kamino he walks- almost wobbling, Sweet karking force how young is he? He finds a mirror and sees a cadet just barely out of decanting peer at him in the mirror.
Well, kriff. He's back years in the past- before the start of the War, and well before the Rise of the Empire- and the fall of the Republic. Which had been more decaying into the Empire- but alas, such quibbles are for those that care about politics and mega-conglomerations.
One of the first things that the tubie-cadet Commandos are taught is how to use the bacta tank dispensers. The only times they are sent to the medics are for is when they get shots and their annual medical checks that all vod'e have to take.
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mamuzzy · 1 year
THIS MASTERLIST IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE UPDATED.  Ok so I try to make a coherent taglist here, for myself to easely find something I remember I reblogged and for anyone to search for something specific. Or just block the hell out of my blog. But it’s easier if you don’t follow me at this point. And most importantly: I LOVE ORGANIZING THINGS. *completely and deliberately ignoring the mess on my actual desk* Content warning: | cw: gore | cloneship | clonecest | I'm not much of a tagger when it's about triggers, so mutuals and followers if you see something that needs a warning (I won't put nsfw tag under posts, this is still a 18+ blog), feel free to dm me to discuss and we'll see what can we do about it.
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STAR WARS  THE CLONE WARS:  > Coruscant Guard: Commander Fox | Commander Thorn | Commander Thire | Commander Stone | Sergeant Hound & Grizzer |
> 501st: Captain Rex | ARC Trooper Fives | ARC Trooper Echo | Clone Trooper Hardcase | Clone Trooper Jesse | Clone Trooper Kix | Clone Trooper Tup | Clone Trooper Dogma |  > 212th: Commander Cody | Clone Trooper Boil  > 104th: Commander Wolffe  > 327th: Commander Bly  > Domino Squad: Clone Trooper Hevy | Clone Trooper Cutup | Clone Trooper Droidbait > Anakin Skywalker | Ahsoka Tano | Obi-Wan Kenobi  Plo Koon | Aayla Secura | Quinlan Vos | Luke Skywalker | Darth Vader > Riyo Chuchi THE BAD BATCH I decided to separate TBB and TCW tags unless it’s canon media where they shared episodes or fanarts/fanfics where specific characters from each show are present > Sergeant Hunter | Clone Trooper Tech | Clone Trooper Crosshair | Clone Trooper Wrecker | ARC Trooper Echo (501 Echo and TBB Echo are under the same tag)  > Omega > Captain Howzer |Captain Traito- Captain Gregor | Commander Mayday
REPUBLIC COMMANDO (the game and KT’s books)  >Null ARCs: Ordo Skirata | Mereel Skirata | A'den Skirata | Jaing Skirata | Prudii Skirata | Kom'rk Skirata  > Omega Squad: Darman Skirata | Niner Skirata | Fi Skirata | Atin Skirata | Corr Skirata > Delta Squad: RC Boss | RC Sev | RC Scorch | RC Fixer  > Kal Skirata | Walon Vau & Lord Mirdalan | Etain Tur-Mukan | Bardan Jusik > Alpha-17 | Captain Fordo | Captain Maze AHSOKA > Shin Hati | Baylan Skoll Misc. tags Movies: tpm | aotc | rots | Games: Jedi Outcast | Fallen Order | Survivor Other’s OC Other artist OCs I like! <3
Winged!AU Sw memes
SHIPS: I like certain ships and I don’t interact with ships I don’t like or not interested. Be civil about it. Ships with Clones goes under CLONESHIP or clonecest and their specific shiptag.
> Blyla | CodyWan |  Foxiyo | > 17Fordo | Codex | CrossHunter | DogmaTup | DogmaHardcase | EchoThorn | FivesEcho | FivesTup | FoxFives |  Jessix | MereelCorr | OrdoFi | SevFi | RexHunter | Techo > xreader
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✚✚ ABOUT ME ✚✚
(Just realised I haven't made one yet lol)
Name: 'IWillStealYourToes'
Nicknames (in order of pref): Toto, To, IWillStealYourToes (bit ominous saying my whole username 💀 /lh)
Pronouns + Gender: She/her + Female
Sexuality: Bisexual/a-spec(?) + maybe polyam (I'm open to trying)
Languages: English, though I'm learning German and Spanish too :)
Other: I'm neurodivergent bc I have OCD (and maybe smth else like ADHD)
Languages - Ever since early Highschool, I adored all languages! I currently only learn German and Spanish, but if I could I would learn French too. My dream is to be at least tri-lingual!!
Maths - I think since I was young I was always good at maths, which I'm very grateful for. I think my favourite type of Maths is probably shapes in triangles or something like that, though algebra in general is fun :)
Accounting (ik ew) - In the beginning I found it difficult, but the more I learnt the easier I found it. Sometimes it's nice just sit and do numbers and nothing super creative.
Gaming - I love gaming with all my heart. I think I've always been interested in games since I was at least 9 or something. My current favourite game is probably TF2!! I started playing in 2019 and haven't stopped loving it since (although the a lot of the playerbase can be toxic)
Drawing - I'm not the best at drawing, but a sketch now and then always helps me, especially when I want to make a new OC! I also like sketching up outfit ideas for me to try out later. I usually draw fem people, since I'm not that good at drawing masc people :(
Writing - Of course I love writing! I started writing 'x reader' fics when I was on Wattpad then moved to Tumblr!
Playing piano - I'm self-taught so I'm not that good, but I still enjoy playing simple tunes now and then. Last song I was learning was 'I Giorni'. :)
Swimming - I don't take classes, I just enjoy relaxing in the water. Sometimes it's really nice just to immerse yourself in the water and not make a sound, you know?
✚My current fandoms✚
TF2 - I think this is probably my special interest lol. I love TF2 more than anything, if I can relate it to TF2 I probably have tbh-
My fave character is Engie or Demo and my main is Medic!
PAYDAY 2 - Something about shooting things as a team is just rlly fun to me lmao. The OST is genuinely so good if you can't get the game just listen to it pls- I usually am a stealth guy but omg M1 garand yippeeeee- Used to be my hyperfixation lol
My fave character is Sokol or Dallas and my main is Joy (I play Sokol or Dallas sometimes)
Undertale - Probably the first game I actually loved??? It's literally still on my favourite list fr- I would play it again but I did the True Pacifist run and I don't wanna ruin Frisk's life 😭
My fave character is Papyrus!
Star Wars: Clone Wars - It's an amazing show with great characters and visuals! I definitely have it as one of my special interests... It's really interesting to watch the show and see how each season the animation/visuals improve. I wish there was a separate show or smth where the clones actually get a good ending for once... 😭
My favourite character is Fives, Tech or Plo Koon :)
(I literally just found out the graffiti on Plo Koon's ships say 'Plo's Bros' and I can't stop thinking about it)
Lethal Company - I love this little horror game so much! I had a hyperfixation (no longer) to the point I actually made a 67 slide PowerPoint about it... I might have a problem. I like playing it with my friends the most, since I get scared alone really easily!
Republic Commando - Recently got it and I am hyperfixating fr 😭 I love these lil guys so much I sure hope nothing bad happens to them (especially to Scorch and Sev haha) (/s, I know what happens)
My fave character for sure is Scorch :) He's just a silly guy (he has committed several murder-sprees and will continue to do so)
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