#Seven's 5th Vanishing
seven-thewanderer · 1 year
I just wanna let you guys know...
Counting today, there are only 4 days left of me being online, before I basically have to vanish for 2 whole months (and then idk how much of the 3rd month I'll be gone, but a portion of that month too...)
I wanna spend it as well as I can, but I also don't really know what I'll do, nor am I sure I'll have the time to really do anything, as I still gotta prepare a bunch to go before I do go...
So yeah if I end up going quiet before I go then I'm sorry, but I really hope I at least talk a bit more before suddenly vanishing!!!
...I also at least wanna list some of the tags I have on my blog(s) that may interest yall while I'm gone... ...though I doubt it'll interest yall for 2 whole months + a unknown portion of a 3rd month)
But yeah if I end up not getting the chance to say bye, just know I'll miss u guys, and I care about yall & love u all!! (platonically, of course XD)
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malfoysprinces · 11 months
The Minister’s Daughter
- draco malfoy -
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin Reader
Summary: The Minister’s daughter who fell in love with a death eater.
Warnings: Death Eaters, Break- up, Angst with a happy ending.
Word Count: 4.9k
Author’s Note: This is the Part One of a 5 part story. Requests & feedbacks are always welcome. 🤍
Her whole world shattered in a split moment. Never in a million years she thought the man once she loved would be allied with darkness. Her body was trembling, her hands were shaking, her mind was blurred but most of all didn't seem to matter because she could swear that the man standing in front of her was nobody but a stranger from now on.
Let me take you to the beginning of it. Let me take you take you to the beginning of the end.
She was the Minister of Magic’s daughter, which made her popular in a way that is expected. She was everybody's acquittance in one way or another. As for Slytherins, she was a fellow house member. She was a part of the pride that this house took consideration in. For Gryffindors, she was unexpectedly nice, someone who exchanges smiles despite the dispute between two houses. For Ravenclaws, she was a friendly face in the library. She was harmless. For Hufflepuff's she was someone who was pretty kind for a Slytherin while she had a certain reputation to hold as the Minister's daughter. Well, she certainly had her disputes with other students every now and then, but she never crossed a line, which was pretty exceptional for a Slytherin.
Up until her 5th year, she was holding pretty well. She had close-knit friend group which consisted Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson. Those three were practically inseparable since their childhood. Then there was this bigger group she was involved in which consisted Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Mattheo Riddle. They were called "The Sacred Seven" in school grounds. This was basically a side-name founded after The Sacred Twenty-Eight. They were the cool kids of cool parents. The parents symbolized wealth, power, nobility, wisdom, prudence and dignity, while the kids symbolized the next generation of all these virtues. They were the upholder's of these virtues. They were the future of The Wizarding World. They held power into their hands and no one could take it away from them. It was pretty obvious that they all had some kind of reputation to hold, but hers was different. Y/N's case was totally different than the rest. First of all, her parents were not Slytherins. Never in a million years they could be. Both her parents were Ravenclaws, known for their academic excellence. Her father had been an esteemed healer, known for his exceptional skills that attracted patients from around the world. It wasn't long before he assumed the position of Minister of Magic. Yet, when it came to their loyalties, the situation was even more intricate. Their loyalties were to Order. But as for Y/N, her loyalty was to Draco Malfoy and Draco Malfoy only. She could usually tell right from wrong and good from bad, but when it came to Draco, her judgment seemed to vanish.
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It was the summer that links 4th year to 5th when she started to notice her interest in Draco. Not like Theo, Blaise or Mattheo but in a heart-skipping way. Whenever Draco's gaze settled on her, it stole her breath away. It sent shivers down her spine, and her heart raced so loudly in her chest that she feared he could hear it. There was no denying his undeniable handsomeness; he was, in every sense, flawless.
That summer was pretty normal. The Sacred Seven united every once a week what felt like an eternity to her. They were closer than ever. But why did she felt like it was not enough?
Y/N has never really been a summer girl. She never really liked hot. However, The Ministry was throwing an end of the summer party and her Sacred Seven was invited, as well. Her father being the Minister of Magic, they were automatically the hosts for the party. Their house was surely a perfect fit for a posh party with it's great entrance hall and it's big garden.
For the upcoming party, Y/N decided to invite Daphne and Pansy over to prepare together. The girls were brimming with excitement and had been buzzing about this event for weeks. Choosing the perfect outfit had become a significant task for them. However for Y/N, one thing became important more and more each minute. And it was him liking her. Although they have been friends since forever, something inside her started to change towards him. And she can only hope that he was feeling the same.
"What do you think about this one?" asked Daphne shaking diamond earrings.
"They are a favourite for me and they'd look perfect on you." answered Y/N.
Daphne wore the earrings.
"Guys, I dont think I can do my zip. Can you help?" asked Y/N.
"Coming." answered Pansy.
Y/N was wearing an shiny emerald gown. She chose to wear the color emerald because she thought he would like it. She thought Draco would like it. So now, she was standing in front of a mirror, looking at herself only hoping for his fancy.
Her friends, not aware of her feelings towards Draco, was standing behind her and looking at her, as well.
"This dress is a total dream." said Daphne.
"Yes and it must cost a fortune." added Pansy.
"Actually, I don't remember how much I payed for it, I just thought it was nice so I bought it." smiled Y/N.
"Says The Minister's Daughter." added Pansy rolling her eyes.
While girls were chatting and getting ready Y/N's mother knocked the door.
"Come in." said Y/N.
"Girls, you all look amazing. Our guests have started to arrive. I will go down stairs now and your presence will be needed within few minutes." said Y/N's mother.
"Okay mom, we will be down stairs shortly." answered Y/N.
One last breath and then she was ready to go.
She was walking in front of Daphe and Pansy. As Y/N led the girls down stairs, there was a feeling of excitement in her stomach. She was trembling, not because she was unsure of herself but because she knew the moment she has been waiting all summer has came. However, she wanted more. She wanted Draco's attention all to herself, she just didn't realized it yet. Y/N was looking for him as she was walking down the stairs. Her gaze wandered around the room only to land on his grey eyes. Draco was looking at her, like she was some kind of precious gemstone. The type that you only get to see once in your life because it is so rare yet so shiny.
Y/N captured everyone's attention let alone Draco. She was shining. She couldn't hide her smile.
The Sacred Seven united, for the last time that summer. For the last time before Hogwarts. As they grew up more and more each day, they started to see the motive behind the "pure-blood ideal." Which made Y/N sick to her stomach. Her parents were never pure-blood idealists, and never was she either. The thought of claiming one was superior to other was nothing but a non-sense to her. She knew the pressure this ideal put on to her friends so decided to keep quiet about it. After all, they were called "The Sacred Seven" for a reason.
The night of the party went on quite well. For the first quarter of the night, the boys of The Sacred Seven were in awe because of the girls's beauty. The second and the third quarter was what Y/N expected, the group went to the garden to have some time together. Y/N's houses garden was dimly lit, and decorated with vanilla scented candles. It was the perfect place for serenity, far from the party's noise.
"I never realized your garden was this big." said Theo to Y/N.
"Well, that depends on how you decorate it and my mum definitely knows how to do it." answered Y/N smiling.
"Yeah, she has got quite the taste." added Daphne.
"Still, it's not the Malfoy Manor tho." Y/N said to Draco.
"Oh well, this will do as well." he answered smirking.
"If you say so." Y/N answered smiling.
They sat by the small puddle in the garden. They started to talk about going back to school, how they are sure of they would get detention from Snape, how they missed their little trips to Hogsmeade.
After some cozy talking, a guy approached to them. Y/N had lifted her up to see who was the guy. It was one of her friends, Graham Montaque.
"Hi, guys." said Graham.
"Hi." few answered.
"Can I talk to Y/N? Promise I will bring her back soon." asked Graham. Draco was staying still, hadn't shown a response.
"Coming Graham." said Y/N.
Y/N and Graham Montaque took a stroll around the garden. Y/L/N and Montaque family have been friends since before even Y/N was born. Graham's father and Y/N's father's friendship goes back to their Hogwarts year. The father's ongoing friendship caused their children to be friends, as well. Graham was like a brother to Y/N. Even though they both had their separate friend groups, they hung out every now and then. Montaque family ,without a doubt, was invited to party as well. Graham and Y/N's continued talking.
After Y/N had left the group, Daphne, Pansy and Theo went inside to get drinks.
For a split moment, Y/N turned her back to look at Draco. He was talking with Blaise, intensely. She wondered what he was talking about. He was making hand gestures and his mimics were just as expressive as his gestures. Y/N couldn't help but wonder what they were discussing. Draco's hand movements and the way he conveyed his thoughts with his expressions piqued her curiosity. It seemed like an intense and intriguing conversation was taking place, and she couldn't help but be curious about the topic that had captured Draco's attention.
After their stroll, Y/N went back to her friend group just to find Blaise and Mattheo talking. Daphne, Pansy, and Draco and Theo weren't there.
"I don't know mate, he has a weird obsession with her curls." was the only thing Y/N could hear from their conversation. Y/N who had curly hair, had straightened it just for the night, was shocked. Who else does have curly hair she thought. Oh millions of girls she answered herself. Who could they be referring to? Draco or Theo? Or someone completely different?
"Y/N, didn't see you there." said Blaise in a shock.
"Oh, I just came." she answered.
Theo and Blaise were looking at each other shocked. Like they didn't know what else to say. Like they have just spilled some kind of secret.
"Guys, is something wrong?" Y/N asked.
"No, we are perfectly fine." Mattheo answered.
Just then, the girls and Draco arrived.
"Father called me in to meet some people." Draco said. Like he owned some kind of explanation to Y/N.
Y/N nodded.
They continued to sit and talk as they drank and enjoyed the night.
When it was time to call it a night, there was a dull feeling inside Y/N's chest. She didn't want her friends to leave just yet, even thought they were going to take the train to Hogwarts the day after tomorrow.
And just like that, it was the end of their end of the summer party. It was time to go back to Hogwarts. The place which feels like home. The place which she belongs to most, like the autumn leaves belong to gentle breeze.
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The Sacred Seven settled in a compartment of The Hogwarts Express. Each one of them being excited more than ever to return Hogwarts. Y/N was sitting and listening in her friends conversations. Her mind wandered back to Draco. Whilst her eyes also wandered back to him. She was looking at him as he was looking outside the window of the train. Then only for a minute, she turned away only to find out his gaze landed on her already.
He smiled at her saying "Your hair looks nice today”.
She was in a total shock, they might be close friends but compliments weren't something she was used to getting from Draco. Then she remembered what she heard last night between the conversation of Blaise and Mattheo "I don't know mate, he has a weird obsession with her curls." The sentence echoed in her head. Could she really be the topic of that sentence? Could "he" refer to Draco? Her body started to feel like it was on fire. Her skin was burning.
"Thanks" she smiled at Draco.
Luckily Daphne and Pansy were too caught up in their conversation to notice what just happened between Y/N and Draco.
She was trying to comprehend what just happened when she heard a familiar voice "Y/N!". She turned away to look at what who was shouting.
"Oh, hi Graham." She smiled and walked away to talk with Graham.
She had to get away from Draco otherwise he would see her blushing.
While Y/N was away talking with Graham, Theo leaned into Draco and said "That's best infamous Draco Malfoy could do?" mocking him.
"What the hell are you talking about Nott?" Draco asked in a cold tone.
"Oh, come on man. We all saw how you look at her." Theo said rubbing his shoulder to him.
"And how would that be?" asked Draco, unintentionally.
"Like you want her to be yours and yours only." said Theo. Unexpected words from Theo.
They were both shocked.
"I never knew your emotional intelligence was this high, you sucker." said Draco.
“What? What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Theo asked.
Blaise pointed at Y/N who happened to be talking to Graham Montaque.
Y/N was talking casually to Graham. It could be seen from miles that they were just two friends, enjoying each other's company. But Draco was far too jealous to acknowledge it.
As Y/N was walking back to her seat, she noticed the grumpy look on Draco's face.
What's with the face?" she asked pointing out his face.
"Nothing, he is moody as usual." said Blaise.
"Yeah, as usual." said Theo.
"Well then, excuse us we have to use the bathroom." said Pansy dragging Daphne and Y/N by their arms and leading them across the carriage.
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"What now Pansy?" Y/N asked laughing.
"Since you are close with Graham, I thought maybe, just maybe…" Pansy was looking at Y/N with puppy eyes.
 “Oh here it comes.” said Daphne chuckling. "Say it already Pansy." Daphne laughed.
"Fine. The thing is..... a double date would be nice. You know, Graham and you and me and Adrian?" said Pansy whispering.
"Oh. My. God. Adrian asin Adrian Pucey?" Y/N answered.
Pansy nodded.
"Graham is like a brother to me! I can't ask him that Pansy and you know it." Y/N answered.
"For Salazar's Sake Y/N! She's not actually asking you to take Graham on a date! She's asking if you guys can accompany them." said Daphne rolling her eyes.
"Oh... well then. I'll think about it." answered Y/N."But please, give me some time so I can come up with a plan." she added.
"Oh thank you Y/N, take as much as time you need." said Pansy hugging her. Girls walked back to their seats as the train was approaching Hogwarts.
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Hogwarts was standing in front them with all its magnificence. The castle, with its imposing stone walls, looked both familiar and distant. It was as though it held the echoes of her past, each turret and spire whispering tales of adventures and friendships. Hogwarts, in all its familiarity, was a place of comfort and belonging. It was a place where she had made lifelong friends and had discovered her true self. Returning to Hogwarts was like returning to a piece of her own heart, a reminder of the magical journey that had shaped her into the person she had become.
Students were led inside to have dinner and to settle into their rooms. Y/N, as usual, shared her dorm with Daphne and Pansy. Draco has had his own room since he was a Prefect this year. Mattheo, Blaise, and Theo all shared one room. The first night was always the most exciting one. Settling in and giggling with the girls as the night unfolds, deciding what to wear tomorrow were all special moments Y/N got to share with her friends.
The next morning, the girls woke up early and went to the Great Hall together. As they sat down, the boys of The Sacred Seven approached them and "Finally. The Sacred Seven. At where we belong." said Mattheo smiling. Their first breakfast at Hogwarts for the year was filled with joy and coziness. Shortly after, they all headed to class.
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 As autumn made itself felt, it was already the second week of school. The castle was filled with the sound of students. It was a busy Tuesday. Girls were walking down to the Slytherin Common Room until they heard a "mrrrrrr" sound. Y/N turned away to look, only to find her car Purry was following them.
"Oh Purry, baby what happened?" Y/N asked her cat.
"Mrrrrr" answered Purry.
"What is she trying to tell?" asked Pansy.
"I don't know, maybe she is just grumpy this morning." answered Y/N. Y/N went back to her room to feed Purry -who had already had her breakfast- and told her "Oh Purry, more breakfast was all that you wanted?" said Y/N and Purry murmured again.
Y/N was a little late for her own breakfast. She walked towards the Slytherin table and sat down with her friends.
"Where were you?" asked Draco.
"Oh Purry was feeling a little bit hungry today. More than usual." answered Y/N smiling.
"That little cat of yours eats everything and still not enough?" answered Draco laughing.
"Yeah, she seems little but her stomach is bigger than ours combined. Trust me." laughed Y/N.
"Y/N, can I talk to you before class?" said Pansy.
"Yeah, Pans." said Y/N smiling.
Y/N got off the table to talk to Pansy.
"Pansy, before you start, I will talk to Graham today. I couldn't talk to him earlier because he was busy with Quidditch Team." Y/N said.
"Oh, thank you." said Pansy and two girls started to walk to classroom together. They entered the potions class and went on to sit with others.
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After class, Y/N left the classroom in a hurry to find Graham who happened to be standing in the middle of the corridor.
"Graham!" she called.
"Oh, hi Y/N. How are you?" he said.
"I'm fine Graham, I have a little favor to ask from you. But promise you won't laugh." Y/N said in a serious tone.
"Well, well, well, this is getting interesting. Keep going." said Graham in a funny voice and leaned in to Y/N.
"Oh come on! Don't start already." Y/N said rolling her eyes.
Draco had been looking at her for a while when she noticed his gaze. He was looking at them from across the corridor.
"Oh, so a date accompanied by me and you. I wouldn't call it a serious date tho." Graham laughed.
"Y/N?" Graham said.
Y/N was looking at Draco.
"Please Graham, I am doing this for Pansy. It's not that I fancy a night out with you, either." said teasingly Y/N.
Draco was still on her mind. She wondered if he was still standing there looking at them. She turned away for a moment to look at Draco only to find he was gone.
"Well, I'll talk to Adrian tonight and I am assuming he would be down for it. So I am saying this Friday night. Is it okay for you girls?" asked Graham.
"Yeah, I'll double check with Pansy. Oh, and Graham, please let me know after you talk with Adrian. I don't want any last-minute problems." said Y/N.
"Who would have guessed you'd be so serious about the dates Y/N?" said Graham mockingly.
"Well, technically it’s not my date. But I don’t want to risk it for Pansy." said Y/N walking away.
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When Y/N entered the common room. She found The Sacred Seven sitting by the fireplace. She leaned in to Pansy and whispered "Be ready for Friday evening Pans. Your girl here got it all sorted."
Pansy screamed which caused everyone to shock.
"What now?" asked Blaise.
"Oh, it is nothing." Pansy answered.
Draco's face was stoned cold. He didn't show any expressions. It's not that he did that often, but Y/N wondered if it had something to do with her conversation with Graham earlier.
It was supposed to be a cozy night by the fireplace, sitting all together talking nonsense. But Draco threw cold looks to Y/N every now and then and it made the night unbearable. Y/N was unsure of what to do. She decided maybe it wasn't about her. Maybe Draco wouldn’t go too far since he knew Graham was Y/N’s friend since they were babies. She was not going to take it personally.
It was not until the midnight when they decided to go to their dorms. Pansy was wearing her heart on her sleeve since she heard the news from Y/N.
"Y/N? Can I talk to you in private for a second?" asked Pansy.
"Yeah, Pans, of course." Y/N answered. They walked towards the window, far from the fireplace where The Sacred Seven was sitting already.
"Yeah Pans? What is it?" said Y/N wondering.
"First of all, thank you for arranging the date with Adrian. I will be forever grateful." said Pansy.
"Oh? It's nothing Pansy. I am glad to help. And? That was it is all about?" asked Y/N.
"No actually. There is one other thing. This date. I know you and Graham are friends since you were babies. I can think of the possible gossip this double date will cause. But the later, the better. I just don't want anyone in our group to hear about this date, except Daphne you know. The boys will make fun of it and- you know they-" said Pansy in a rather sad tone.
"Oh Pans, don't worry about the boys. I won't tell them anything. Besides, it's none of their business." answered Y/N smiling.
"Thank you, Y/N.” said Pansy and they walked back to the fireplace.
 "So, if you mix the polyjuice potion with the Felix Felicis---" Theo was trying to make a point
"Oh. My. God. Just stop it Theo, we are not mixing anything.” said Daphne.
It was clear that she got enough of Theo's bullshit. Mattheo, Draco and Blaise was laughing so hard.
"Well, let's hope that you won't try it in potions, tomorrow." said Y/N laughing.
Next morning, Y/N and Daphne left their room while Pansy was still getting ready. It was a windy autumn morning. The trees of the Forbidden Forest  surrounding the school had already started to shed their colorful leaves, creating a vibrant carpet of reds, yellows, and oranges that covered the cobblestone paths. The aroma of earthy leaves and wood-burning fires from the castle's hearths was filling the air, creating a unique, autumnal ambiance.
"She will spent hours in front of the mirror just to get Pucey to notice her, won't she?" asked Daphne.
"Yeah, probably. But still, I want their date to be perfect tomorrow night so she can finally have what she wants." said Y/N.
"Yeah, quite a job you did there arranging the date." Daphne said looking at Y/N.
"Yeah, tell me about it. Hope Graham wouldn't make fun of it for the rest of our lives." Y/N said laughing. When Y/N and Daphne entered the Great Hall, they saw the boys were already having their breakfast.
"Morning, morning." said Mattheo.
"Good morning guys." Y/N said.
After a short while, it was time for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Luckily they all had the same class. Which was a opportunity for Y/N to figure out what was wrong with Draco last night.
However, he seemed normal this morning. Nothing more, nothing less, just normal.
The Sacred Seven was headed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Class started as soon as they sat in pairs. As the lesson began, the Professor addressed the class, "Today, we delve into the intricacies of countering the Imperius Curse, one of the Unforgivable Curses. You must be prepared for any situation where your willpower may be tested. The ability to resist and overcome this curse could be a matter of life and death." This was an important topic.
The classroom's atmosphere remained intense, but it was clear that these students were not just learning to defend themselves; they were preparing to protect others from the darkest of magical threats.
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After the class Y/N, Pansy and Blaise decided to go out to get some fresh air. However, after a short walk, Y/N was pulled away by Graham.
"Hey! Can we talk for a minute?" he asked.
"Sure." Y/N answered.
They were walking through the corridors of Hogwarts.
"So, I talked to Adrian." Graham said.
"So? Please, don't tell me he said no." Y/N said in a rather concerned voice.
"Oh, no. He is pretty interested in Parkinson actually. So our little double date is going to happen. Without a doubt." Graham said.
"Oh, thanks Salazar. Otherwise, Pansy wouldn't shut up about it for weeks." Y/N chuckled.
"You know, you are lucky to have me as a friend." Graham said in a rather snobby tone.
"No need to praise yourself now, Montaque." Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Since when do you call me Montaque? It is Graham to you, you know, it's your father's privilege." he says.
"Oh? So just my father's?" Y/N asked mockingly.
Graham throws his hand around Y/N's shoulder and addresses her "You know you are one of my favorite Slytherin girls. I know you since you were a baby." said Graham, still walking with his hand over Y/N's shoulder.
"Snobby, aren't you?" Y/N said mocking him.
In that moment they heard a sharp intake of breath. Y/N turned her back to look and saw Draco walking behind them with Theo.
"Oh, didn't see you guys there." Graham said.
"Apparently." said Theo while throwing a glance at Draco.
Draco furrowed his eyebrows and hissed. "Whatever." said looking away.
"So, thanks again, Graham. I'll see you around?" Y/N said stuttering. Graham left, nodding his head. She was afraid that Draco saw Graham's arm around Y/N. Well, the worst was yet to come, Y/N didn't know it just yet.
"So Y/N, being one of Graham's favourites from Slytherin must be flattering. Huh? Isn't it?" said Draco mocking. He rolled his eyes at Y/N. "Carrying you around like some kind of trophy in his arms? What a gentleman is Montaque." added Draco.
So he not only saw his arms around her but he also heard Graham's words towards Y/N.
And Draco was non-stop talking about Y/N's interaction with Graham. This was the first time Draco was this reactive. His reactions were getting out of hand and he was eventually stopped by Theo. "Cool down, dude." said Theo to Draco.
Draco scoffed.
Well, this was new. 
"Theo, may I talk to Draco alone please?" Y/N asked politely.
Theo nodded and walked away.
Draco still wouldn't look Y/N in the eyes.
"Dray?" she asked.
No answer.
"D-Dray?" she asks again.
"Don't Dray me now, Y/N." Draco said, anger in his voice causing Y/N to stutter.
"I-I- just….What's the problem then Draco?" Y/N asked.
"There is no problem. Everything is fine." Draco said rolling his eyes.
"Oh come on! Why are you so hard on me lately?" Y/N asked as if she didn't know the answer.
"I am not hard on you. I am not the one who's making things harder." Draco looked away again.
"Making things harder? I don't understand." Y/N's heart was beating too fast.
"Why is Montaque so clingy to you? He should take his dirty hands off of you. Or else." he finishes.
"I'm sorry Draco? He is my friend." Y/N answered, sensing Draco's jealousy.
"Well, then he should act like it. Who is he to touch you? Hell, who is he to lay a finger on you?" Draco was getting angrier each minute.
"I didn't know that you hated him that much." Y/N said, unsure of what will happen next.
"He does not mean anything to me. But I will go out of my way to make him sorry for being this close to you, if I have to." Draco said in a rather serious tone.
"You will?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, I will Y/N." he answered.
"No need tho, he is a friend. That's all he'll ever be." Y/N assured. Draco and Y/N started walking towards the Slytherin common room.
But this time, Draco was different. He was walking extremely close to Y/N and his hand almost touched Y/N's. Tension between them could be sensed from miles away. A quite tense walk ended with them entering the common room. However, Y/N was never going to forget how jealous and protective Draco got of her. And he almost held her hand, for the first time. For the first time in eternity.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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scotianostra · 9 months
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On January 5th 1993 the Liberian registered oil tanker Braer hit rocks off the Shetland Islands.
At 05.19 hrs on Tuesday 5th January 1993, Lerwick coastguard were advised that a tanker, the Braer, en route from Mongstad, Norway to Quebec, laden with 85,000 tonnes of Norwegian Gullfaks crude oil, had lost engine power but was in no immediate danger. She had sailed from the Norwegian port on 3rd January intending to pass through the northerly Fair Isle Strait before heading into the open Atlantic towards her destination.
The journey up to this point had been fraught with problems as first four steel pipe sections which had been secured on the port side after deck broke loose and were dangerously rolling about on deck. Later on the 4th, after routine adjustments to the auxiliary boiler, difficulty was experienced in re-igniting it. This boiler was needed to pre-heat the heavy engine oil used to run the main engine and so the main engine was switched to lighter diesel fuel until the problem with the auxiliary boiler could be resolved. The final straw in this litany of problems occurred when seawater contamination in the diesel fuel stopped the engine and caused the main generator to fail at 4:40am on 5th January. It was later established that fuel lines had been damaged by the loose pipe sections allowing seawater to penetrate the fuel lines and contaminate the diesel fuel.
The ship was carrying twice as much oil as the official figure for what the infamous Exxon Valdez had spilled in Prince William Sound Alaska, just four years earlier and on the same latitude of 60 degrees north. Not surprisingly, reports about an iniment environmental disaster were extremely fearful, particularly when the ship became a total loss and the gale-driven fumes could be smelt as far away as Bressay.
By the following morning the bay was full of oil and the slick was spreading north and south from the bay along the Shetland coast. Critically however, the oil aboard, recently recovered from the North Sea oilfields, was not as heavy as crude oil from other oilfields and breakers that were smashing the Braer to pieces were, in fact, already helping to disperse the oil very quickly. The spillage was still enormous and very damaging but thankfully the final environmental impact was much less than was initially feared. The ship, in it’s very exposed position, finally broke on January 11th and most of it disappeared beneath the surface. Only the upturned bow was visible as a reminder of the loss of the ship and eventually, around seven years later, it too vanished beneath the waves.
Reports state only 1% of the oil washed up on the beaches, but there was still a large environmental impact. Over 7500 birds died from the spill and large amount of marine life was impacted as well.
Some 95 million USD were paid out in claims by those impacted by the spill.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days ~ Chapter Six
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - This story is the sequel to Miss Fortune, but is a stand alone story. 
Summary: Syd has a surprise visitor and later, a fire yanks Frerin from his warm bed and troubled thoughts…
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Syd, Charlie, Frerin, Nico Zarelli, Jana, Brewer, Chief Pratt, Holly, a scared mother and her two sons 
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,446
Tag Lsit: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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December 5th
Sundays were usually quiet in the shop, and this one was no exception. In fact, it was quieter than usual, with Gram, Teddy, and Alex all away. Alex was due home sometime that afternoon, but she wouldn’t be in the shop until Monday. Charlie was there with her, but was in with someone doing a tarot reading.
She sighed softly as she moved along the shelves, taking each item down to swipe at it with the feather duster, then dusting each shelf before putting the items back. It was slow and tedious, but it kept her busy in between customers. 
The bell over the door jingled as she was crouched at the bottom shelf, setting boxes of incense and charcoal disks back in place. “I’ll be right with you!”
“No hurry. I don’t mind waiting.”
She jumped at the unexpected sound of Frerin’s voice and when she looked up, she nearly fell over. He came around the end cap and she was absolutely certain she’d never seen a guy look as hot as he did right then and there.
Before that moment, she’d never paid much attention to the uniforms firefighters wore. The only image that came to mind was the yellow and black turnout that was associated with every fireman in existence and while that alone was enough to bring a few delicious fantasies to mind, it was nothing compared to what he looked like at that moment in his navy blue trousers and short-sleeved navy shirt with the letters CFFD in red above his badge. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Things are quiet so I stepped out to grab us lunch and I thought I’d drop in.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the station?”
“Yeah, but it’s quiet and it’s only two blocks away. I can be there in two minutes if I book it.” He came around the corner and crouched beside her. “What’re you doing?”
“Keeping busy. It’s so slow, I’d go insane otherwise.”
He took a box of charcoal disks. “What’re these used for?”
“When you burn herbs or incense in a brazier. You light it until it sparks, put your herbs or whatever on it and let it burn.”
“Ah… it’s shit like this that gives me job security. Do you know how many fires start because of candles and sage and all that?”
“You’re supposed to be careful with it.”
“Yeah, not everyone is you, Syd.” He set the box on the bottom shelf and straightened up, then held out a hand. “Is it always this quiet in here?”
She laid her hand in his, a soft tingle running up her arm as he helped her up from the floor. “Sundays are, yeah. It’ll pick up later, though. Especially if it stays nice out.”
“It’s getting cloudy. Weatherman is called for flurries tonight. I hope it’s quiet. I hate getting calls when it’s snowing or freezing rain. Makes our job that much more difficult.”
“Well, maybe it’ll be quiet for you tonight.”
“I hope so. I was out too late last night.” He grinned and offered up a wink. “And the girl I was with shut me down.”
“She did no such thing and you know it, Frerin.”
A low, velvety chuckle rolled her way. “I don’t know, seems to me, I’m not the one who got off last night—”
He slid his arm about her waist and tugged her close. “What? Tell me I’m wrong.”
The bell jangled again and she said, “No, you’re not, but I offered—”
“I know. You can owe me, honey. I don’t mind.”
He bent to her, brushing her lips with a playful kiss. “I’ll let you get back to work. I just wanted to see you.”
“Yeah. I wanted to see you.” The arm about her waist tightened briefly, then he let go of her. “And I have, so now I’ll be on my way.”
The door to one of the reading rooms opened and Charlie and her client came out, and Syd turned to Frerin. “I’m glad you came by. Pop-ins are nice.”
“Yeah? I’ll remember that.” He leaned in to kiss her again, a bit more deeply this time, and without thinking, Syd slipped an arm about his neck, her fingers lingering on the back of his neck, brushing along the bristly hairs at his nape. 
He broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to hers as he whispered, “I need to get back to the station, honey, and I should probably let you get back to work as well.”
He drew back and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Syd.”
“Have you decided where you want to go?”
“Not yet.”
“Just pick a place. Pick someplace you’ve never been and always wanted to go, and I’ll take you there.”
She smiled. “Aruba?”
“That requires a vacation request and I haven’t put one in, but if you want to go… we can. Maybe next month, after the holidays.”
She just stared at him. “Are you serious?”
“Sure.” He shrugged. “It’ll be cold and miserable here and I might have the chance to see you in a bikini, so I’m all for it.”
“We can’t just run off to Aruba.”
“Sure we can.” He winked. “But, you’ve got to promise me the bikini first.”
“What? I bet you look amazing in a bikini, Syd.”
Heat flashed through her even as she shook her head. “You’re crazy, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know. I run into burning buildings for a living, remember? No sane man does that. Anyway,” he brushed her lips once more, and then pulled back, “I’m putting in for a weekend in January and taking you away from New Jersey in the winter, so be prepared. I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”
She smiled as he winked once more and turned back toward the doors. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Frerin. Be careful.”
“I always am!”
She joined Charlie at the counter. “He’s nuts.”
“He wants to take me to Aruba next month.”
Charlie smiled. “Nice. You must’ve done something he liked, for him to want to do that.”
Syd shook her head, watching as he pushed open the door and strolled off down the street back toward his firehouse. “Char, we haven’t done anything but kiss.”
“Yes, really.” She shook her head as a mother and daughter came into the shop. “He keeps telling me he’s going to prove to me I can trust him and I… I really do want to, you know.”
“Well, what if, Charlie?” She let out a low sigh. “What if I do and he just vanishes again?”
“What if he doesn’t, though? He seems to like you, Syd. I saw that kiss. You don’t kiss someone that way if you don’t want them in some way.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem. I’m not saying he doesn’t want me—” The memory of the thick ridge of his erection as he arched hard against her the night before sent a teasing shiver along her back—“it’s the part where he vanishes the next day that I’m afraid of.”
“Well, I can’t tell you whether or not to trust him, but you like him. He seems to like you. Just have fun with him. Fun’s okay, too, you know.”
“I know, but…”
“No, no but. You’re allowed to just fool around with a guy a few times. It doesn’t always have to be this serious relationship. Just enjoy him. He’s hot. You like him. Scorch the sheets with him, Syd. You never know what might happen.”
Syd sighed again. “That’s what I’m afraid of, Charlie.”
Frerin didn't even feel the cold as he strolled back to the firehouse with lunch for the crew. As he came back into the garage, Nico Zarelli looked up from the television. “Where did you go? New York?”
“No.” Frerin set the bag on the table and dove into it to start unpacking everything. “I stopped to see someone quick.”
“Yeah?” Nico’s eyebrows shot up. “Who?”
“No one you know and that’s all I’m saying.” 
“Oh, come on, man, that’s not fair.” Nico rose from the sofa to come into the dining area. “At least tell me her name.”
“Not a chance,” Frerin told him with a grin. “I like this girl and I’m not having you fucking that up for me.”
“Me? How would I fuck it up for you?”
“I don’t know, but you’d find a way, so she shall remain nameless.” Frerin passed him his sandwich. “All you need to know is she’s a hot little redhead.”
“Damn, that’s cold. What happened to the hot blonde?”
“Lisa? Yeah,” Frerin dove back into the bag, “she doesn’t even come close to my hot little redhead, okay?”
“Yeah, but we liked seeing her from time to time.”
“So call her and ask her out.” Frerin unpacked the rest of the bag and sank into his chair to lean back in it. “But, I promise you, you will regret it if you do.”
“Yeah. That’s all I’m saying about her as well.”
“Jeez, what a grownup.”
“I know. Deal with it.”
It was a thankfully a quiet night, aside from Nico trying—and failing—to get more information out of him in regards to Syd, and by midnight, they were all tucked away to get some sleep in the dormitory up on the second floor. Usually, Frerin had no trouble falling asleep. Nico snored. Brewer talked in his sleep. Dunbar was a mumbler. And from time to time, Adams yelled. Although a few of his bedmates had complained that he also talked in his sleep, Frerin had yet to hear a single complaint from one of his brothers.
But tonight, he couldn't sleep. He stared in to the darkness, trying very hard to not think about the fact that it was now almost Monday. Time was speeding by and he just didn't know if he was actually convincing Syd. 
He let his eyes close, trying to will sleep into being. For all the good it did. Instead of sleep, his mind kept going back to the previous evening. And all he could think about was just how perfect she felt against him. He hadn’t planned on doing anything more than kissing her, but as soon as their lips met, he ached with the need touch her, to feel her skin bare against his. And when he’d slid his hand up beneath her soft gray sweater? 
He hadn’t forgotten what being with her had been like that first time. Hadn’t forgotten the way she felt beneath him, the way she’d wrapped herself around him and moved so perfectly with him. 
He certainly hadn’t forgotten how she made him feel, how he’d hoped he made her feel as good as she made him feel. Making love to her was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. No woman lingered in his mind the way she did. Even today, he’d caught a hint of her perfume against his shirt when he undressed and his blood warmed at the slightest whiff. 
Fourteen. That was how old he was when he first crossed paths with Syd Prescott. She was one of the popular girls, a cheerleader, and so far out of his league, it wasn’t funny. Not that girls didn't pay any attention to him. No, he was a Durin and like his brother, had no trouble getting the girls in his class to notice him. But the trouble was, not one of them was Syd. 
Then she graduated and the next time he saw her was last summer, at Darcy’s. He was there with Dave and Holly and Nico, when Syd and a group of her friends came into to the bar. The hostess seated them at a table just a couple over and he couldn’t help but keep looking at her.
Finally, he’d gotten up the guts to go over to her and before he knew it, they were back at his place, where the trail of clothing started just inside his front door and ended at the foot of his bed. 
The biggest mistake he’d ever made was letting her back out of his bed. And he would rectify that if it literally was the last thing he ever did. 
The alarm bells went off just as he was drifting to sleep, and he leaped out of bed at the first peal. Residential fire over off Parkland Street, on the northern end of town that, hopefully, wouldn’t take long to get under control. 
As they rolled up to the house, his spirits sank at the sight that greeted him. The house was in one of the newer neighborhoods, and what locals called a McMansion—a huge house on a postage-stamp type property. It had a three-car garage that was currently engulfed and the fire had spread to the eastern wall of the house itself.
Frerin tugged on his protective hood, slid his mask on, and clapped his helmet in place. “Is everyone out?”
Chief Pratt shook his head. “No. Dad got out and he’s going crazy, says mom and two boys are probably trapped at the back of the house, second floor. Sweep and grab, Durin. You and Zarelli know the drill.”
He nodded and followed Nico in through the front door, into the thick, smoke-choked living room. He could barely see more than a few feet in front of him as he and Nico made their way up to the second floor. 
“Back bedroom!” Nico shouted, gesturing to the end of the hallway. “They’re right over the garage.”
At the end of the smoky hallway, flames crawled along the wall and down over the floor as they approached the closed door. Nico went through them, banging on the door to yell, “Fire department! Anyone in here?”
“Oh, thank god! Yes, we’re in here!” A woman shouted back between coughs. “I have two children with me.”
“Okay, ma’am, we’re coming in. Back away from the door. I’m going on three. One! Two! Three!”
The door swung open and Frerin followed him into the room, where Nico hit the button on his radio. “We’ve got them! Two boys and their mom. Is there anyone else in the house? Over.”
The radio crackled. “No. Get them and get out. Over.”
“Copy that.”
Frerin crouched before the two little boys huddled with their mother. All three were coughing as the smoke grew thicker by the second and the heat grew more intense. “Come here, guys. It’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here.”
The older of the two boys flung himself at Frerin, wrapping his arms about his neck and Frerin scooped him close with one arm. “What’s your brother’s name?”
“Okay.” Frerin gestured toward Jayden with his free arm. “Come here, Jayden, it’s okay. We’re going to run for it, but you have to hold on to me. Can you do that?”
“Go on, baby. He’s a fireman. It’s okay.”
The toddler nodded and hesitantly moved closer. Frerin shifted his weight to lunge, scooped him up as well, and said, “Let’s go, Z!”
Nico nodded as he grabbed their mother and Frerin turned to carry both boys from the room as the flames crept along the far wall. Both boys clung to him, almost choking him. “It’s all right, guys. I promise you,” he told them over the roar of the hoses as the rest of the company fought to bring the blaze under control. “It’s okay. I’ve got you both, don’t worry.”
As he stepped back out into the night, both boys began shivering almost immediately, as they were only in their pajamas, and Frerin hurried over to the EMTs to set both down on an ambulance tailgate, and then he tugged off his helmet and mask to smile at them. “See? You’re both safe and Paramedic Jana is one of the good ones. You’re in good hands.” 
Jana smiled as she unfolded a blanket to drape around Jayden’s shoulders, and then got one for his brother. “Let me just check you both out, okay?” She looked up at him. “Is their mother out?”
“Zarelli has her and he was right behind me.” Frerin looked back to see Nico emerging from the house, then he turned back to the boys. “And there’s your mom, guys.”
He tried to step back, but Jayden reached for him. “Where’s Bear?”
“Bear? Who’s Bear?”
“He’s our cat,” the older boy replied softly, his eyes tearing as he looked back toward the house. “He ran when the smoke detector went off.”
“He’s probably fine. Cats are really smart.”
“Bear!” Jayden’s lower lip trembled and tears spilled over his lower lashes.
Frerin sighed softly, tugging his mask back into place. “I’ll go look for him.”
Nico brought the boys’ mother over. “Durin, where’re you going?”
“There’s a cat in there somewhere.”
“No way, that floor is about to go. Pratt’ll never let you go back in.”
Both boys were crying now and their mother tried to console them, and Frerin shook his head. “I have to at least look.”
“Are you crazy? Remember what happened the last time you went through the floor?”
“Yeah, but this time, no one will land on me.” Frerin started back toward the house. He got halfway up the lawn when embers blew into the night sky and the roof collapsed into the hallway where he and Nico had just been. 
Pratt caught him by the arm. “Forget it, Durin. You’re not finding a fucking cat in there. Look at it. Half the house is gone. Go help Brewer.”
Frerin sighed, but did as he was ordered and as the night wore on, they managed to get the fire first under control and then put it out and as the first light of dawn streaked pale gold across the sky, what had been a house was now half-house and half-charred skeleton. Smoke hung low in the air, which held a heavy scent of devastation. He thought he saw a dark gray cat take off into the woods behind what was left of the house, but by then, the boys and their parents had been transported to Cranford Falls Medical Center for evaluation. 
He sank against the chrome tailgate of their truck, his helmet on the ground between his booted feet, his mask and air tank discarded and his coat open to let the sweat evaporate from his tee shirt. All he wanted was to go back to the station and take a shower to de-grime himself. His shift ended in two hours and he’d go home and go to sleep for a while, then he’d give Syd a call. Or maybe he’d call her first. Or maybe he’d just go and see her, since that was really what he wanted to do.
But no, he couldn’t. He was sweaty and sooty, his hair frozen in places where the spray kicked back from the hoses and the frigid temps did their thing. A shower was definitely in order. 
Nico leaned up against the rear of the truck, raking his fingers through his wiry black hair to make it stand almost on end. “Anyone hungry?”
Holly Cassidy, the house’s lone female firefighter, nodded. “I could eat.”
Frerin offered up a tired grin. “Diner? They won’t care that we look like hell.”
“Especially if we go to Felix,” Dave chimed in. “They’re used to us looking like hell.”
“Felix?” Nico asked. 
“Felix,” the rest of them chimed in unison.
The Felix Number Nine diner was their home away from home and Frerin was right, they didn't care that a group of dirty, sweaty firefighters walked through the door. It was their go-to after a fire, before they were ready to decompress entirely. 
It was nearly ten o’clock before Frerin dragged himself through the front door. Riley flung herself at him, all wiggling soft fur and furiously swishing tail and while he knew he should walk her, he was simply too tired. He let her out the kitchen door and sighed softly as a stray cat cut through his backyard. He hoped Bear was okay and that a neighbor found him and returned him to the family that had lost their house only a few hours earlier. 
Riley clattered back up the stairs, and into the kitchen where he locked the door, tossed down some biscuits, and then dragged himself up to his room. He managed only to kick off his shoes before collapsing facedown across the bed, asleep before his head hit the mattress. 
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
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#but he's definitely standing over their bassinet and holding their tiny fists and going 'yesss yess finally. look at your liddle hands.'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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repeat after me!
766 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
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vice principal all for one au, ft. immortal nedzu, contract-type quirks with legal loopholes afo had not known he could get entangled in, and (of course) afohiko
tl;dr premise: Prior to Nana’s husband’s death, Nedzu manages to trap AfO in a Quirk-binding contract to be U.A.’s vice-principal as a ‘guiding hand to the future of society.’ However, the VP’s responsibilities are subject to Nedzu’s discretion, and Nedzu comes down HARD, effectively rendering AfO as nominally unpaid (he gets free room and board) window dressing.
A few years on, Nedzu hires Gran Torino with the ulterior motive of honey-trapping AfO into revealing the Break Out Scheme (Gran Torino has zero idea this is supposed to happen).
further details:
Nedzu knew Shinomori (4th) when he escaped from the laboratory to the woods; he agreed to watch over Banjo (5th) and after failing the first attempt to subdue AfO with En (6th), managed to ensnare AfO at the cost of En’s life (unbeknownst to Nana).
AfO initially thought this would provide ample opportunity to sabotage the future of one year’s worth of pro heroes. He is swiftly disillusioned - the students, faculty, and general administration of U.A. don’t respect any of his machinations or lessons. Trying to recruit for the League of Villains is a total lost cause, because Nedzu co-opts the name and applies it to some ridiculous after-school drama club.
What are his duties as VP? Meeting with parents and students (most of whom are obtuse and dismissive of him as VP). Planning emergency drills (which, to his chagrin, actually help the students). Doing Nedzu’s paperwork as Nedzu engineers U.A. into being the Most Pro Hero School in the country.
afohiko happens because Nedzu needs a new homeroom teacher for the Hero Course and he suspects AfO of scheming, but he’s too busy with the school’s re-accreditation process to investigate. Knowing from Recovery Girl of Gran Torino’s penchant for dating red flags in the making, Nedzu sets up a meet-cute (job interview) and waits for the dominos to fall.
Toshinori is Nana’s chosen successor, but neither of them know about All for One. He vanished sometime after En passed on OfA, and no amount of digging from either Nana or Sorahiko has unearthed information. What Toshinori does know, however, is that Gran Torino cannot be trusted in one-on-one conversations with Arrogantly Confident (with a Dose of Villainy) People. So he gives it his all - Plus Ultra! - to prevent Gran Torino from flirting with the VP.
872 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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final battle | day seven of ofa legacy week
1,157 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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Frantic shouts rise among the nomads. I snap out of it and direct the syringe toward his wrist. But his armor stops me from finding a vein.
“Open up!” I raise my head.
Half his face is melting.
I shriek, and so does he.
Ch.44: “The Emperor’s Mausoleum”, from @xiranjayzhao‘s Iron Widow
1,341 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
1,781 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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trash-neptune · 1 year
100 Songs
1. I’m Blue - The Shangri-Las
2. Paris, Texas - Lana Del Rey ft. SYML
3. Whispering Sea - Loretta Lynn
4. Heads Or Tails - Shannon and the Clams
5. Ku-U-I-Po - Elvis Presley
6. Riot In Cell Block no. 9 - Wanda Jackson
7. Blister - Midriff
8. Mirror Forever - Weyes Blood
9. Littlest Things - Lily Allen
10. The Bargain Store - Dolly Parton
11. Comment Di Tire Adeiu - Françoise Hardy
12. Love You Madly - Cake
13. Cowboy Like Me - Taylor Swift
14. One More Time With Feeling - Regina Spector
15. Grapejuice - Harry Styles
16. This Little Bird - Marianne Faithful
17. Moi Je Joue - Brigitte Bardot
18. I Want You Around - The Ramones
19. Paris Summer - Nancy Sinatra + Lee Hazlewood
20. Marigold - Nirvana
21. It Ain’t Me, Babe - Johnny Cash + June Carter Cash
22. Too Much - Spice Girls
23. Space Cowboy - Kacey Musgraves
24. I’d Rather Go Blind - Etta James
25. No Love Allowed - Rihanna
26. Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys
27. Pandora’s Box - MARINA
28. Weary Blues From Waitin’ - Hank Williams
29. Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks
30. Lavender Blue - The Fleetwoods
31. (You Don’t Know) How Glad I Am - Nancy Wilson
32. Carmelita - Warren Zevon
33. Home On The Rage - Nick Shoulders
34. Dark Heart - Painted Hands
35. Stand On The Word - The Joubert Singers
36. I’m So Young - The Students
37. Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating In Space - Spiritualized
38. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Elvis Presley
39. Rootless - MARINA
40. Morning Elvis - Florence and the Machine
41. Joey - Concrete Blonde
42. Blue Spanish Sky - Chris Isaak
43. Sad Dream - Sky Ferreira
44. Love I Can’t Explain - Shannon Shaw
45. I Call Your Name - The Mamas and Papas
46. Dangerous Girl - Lana Del Rey
47. Seven - Taylor Swift
48. In My Hour Of Darkness - Gram Parsons
49. Some Day You’ll Want Me To Want You - Brenda Lee
50. It’s Raining - Irma Thomas
51. Thinning - Snail Mail
52. I’ll Never Find Another You - The Seekers
54. The Air That I Breathe - The Hollies
55. Deep End - Lykke Li
56. Some Velvet Morning - Nancy Sinatra + Lee Hazlewood
57. Vanishing - Shannon and the Clams
58. Lonely Like Me- Nick Shoulders
59. Strange - Patsy Cline
60. Kathy’s Song - The Secret Sisters
61. Lonesome 77203 - Loretta Lynn
62. Motion Sickness - Phoebe Bridgers
63. In Spite Of Ourselves - John Prine + Iris DeMent
64. Into My Arms - Nick Cave + the Bad Seeds
65. Sing To Me - Walter Martin + Karen O.
66. Can’t Find My Way Home - Blind Faith
67. My rifle, my pony and me - Ricky Nelson + Dean Martin
68. Call Me Irresponsible - Bobby Darin
69. Bubblegum - Clairo
70. I’ll Be Here In The Morning - Townes Van Zandt
71. Work Song - Hozier
72. Sweet Dreams, TN - The Last Shadow Puppets
73. I Can’t Stand The Rain - Tina Turner
74. Beggin’ -Frankie Valli + the Four Seasons
75. Living Legend - Lana Del Rey
76. Lottie - Blair Dunlop + Larkin Poe
77. Gracias A La Vida - Kacey Musgraves
78. Magic Man - Heart
79. Gonna Hurry (As Slow As I Can) - Dolly Parton
80. He’s Fine - The Secret Sisters
81. Stickwitu- The Pussycat Dolls
82. It’s Not For Me To Say - Johnny Mathis
83. Silver Threads and Golden Needles - Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn + Tammy Wynette
84. Yer So Bad - Tom Petty
85. Desire - Meg Meyers
86. Cold, cold water - Mirah
87. Careless Love - Eartha Kitt
88. Coin Operated Boy - The Dresden Dolls
89. Buckskin Stallion Blues - Amy Annelle
90. After Laughter (Comes Tears) -Wendy Rene
91. Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) - Irma Thomas
92. Love Is A Laserquest - Arctic Monkeys
93. Forever Blue - Chris Isaak
94. In The Flesh - Blondie
95. Wedding Bell Blues - The 5th Dimension
96. New World Coming - Mama Cass
97. Blues Run The Game - Janileigh Cohen
98. Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) - Quindon Tarver
99. A Lot’s Gonna Change - Weyes Blood
100. I Could Say - Lily Allen
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The Dark Team (part 4)
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The cold chains immobilizing your whole body were the thing you first noticed once you woke up. When your eyes finally opened, you observed your surroundings carefully, silently. Barely opening your eyes, just in case. Your teammates were equally tied up by your sides, and Bucky was unconscious. Loki, on the other hand, was looking around less confused than he should have.
“Oh, you did this”, you spat suddenly, realizing what was going on. Of course he would betray the team; it was all you knew about him, and history did not disappoint.
“What?” he asked, now confused. “I certainly did not. I’m trying to figure out where we are”.
“Yeah, and you want me to blindly trust you on this one? What did you do to Tony? A dumb potion or…”.
“He doesn’t need me and my magic to act idiotic, he manages that himself”, he said. Once he actually got to talk, he wouldn't stop, would he? “But if you need me to, I can try to make him even dumber, then he would have some idea to form a Dark Team. Oh, wait”, said sarcastically.
“Be free to give us your input on the crew, come on, don’t be shy”.
While you two argued, Bucky was gaining consciousness again.
“Look who decided to get up from his nappy”.
“Shut up”, he managed to say, looking around. He quickly realized where you were. “Fuck. I know this place”.
“Do enlighten us”.
“Loki, I swear to God, shut up or I’m gonna shove my metal arm through your…”.
“Where are we, Buck?”, you interrupted impatiently.
“This is a Hydra base”.
“Oh fuck”.
You started making escape plans in your head in record time, but then you realized; maybe you shouldn’t escape. Maybe you should arrange some plan to make the mission done from the inside. The chances of the stick being there were bigger than somewhere else.
“That’s a better idea”, resonates Loki’s voice in your head. You screamed, not expecting his magic. So he has telepathy, you thought. You looked at him amazed, and he smiled smugly. You realized, if he can access your head, then he could’ve heard…
“Oh yes, I’ve heard it all, dear. But don’t worry, I’m used to it. Many people find me... how did you say? Extremely attractive?”.
You blushed and looked uncomfortably to the roof, trying to get the plan straight, ignoring his mockery. But he kept going.
“Comparing me to a british mortal man, though… I don’t appreciate it. A Nordic God is way better in every sense”.
Your blush turned to bright red paint all over your face, and he chuckled. Bucky was observing the interaction fascinated. For him, you were two idiots who looked at each other weirdly and reacted to that. But as much as you tried to avoid him, he kept talking in your head.
“It’s alright, darling. I like to be praised, even at the strangest moments. Can’t believe you went for a plain ‘hot’, though. I think I’d be worth at least a ‘so hot my brain is melting at his only sight…”.
“Oh my God, shut up!” you shouted, interrupting his egocentric rant.
“What the… he didn’t say anything” said Bucky, even more confused than before. You were quite a pair.
“Yes, y/n, I didn’t say anything. Are you hallucinating? Did they poison you?”.
“I’m gonna choke you with those chains as soon as I get my hands free”.
“I would love to see you trying”, he challenged.
“Guys, can you pleeeeaaassseee focus?”, said Bucky, losing his patience.
“I’m trying to focus on making a plan,” you whispered. “It would be much easier if you two shut up for the love of God”.
“How could you not predict our ship would get hijacked? Aren’t you the brainy of the team?”.
“James, don’t make me spit on your face”.
“I’d suggest whatever ‘plan’ you’re thinking that would get us out of here, do it faster, because I don’t think they’d leave us here alone much more time”, said Loki.
“What? You afraid of some little mortal kidnappers? I thought, for a God, it wouldn’t be so hard to take them down. Unless you’re full of crap. You know, once in my life I finally think I’d be alright being on charge of the mission, you two had to be here, ready to ruin...”.
“Are you still planning on choking me? Because that would do wonders to my ears, to finally stop listening to you”.
“Can you two stop flirting?”, interrupted Bucky. “I didn’t think the worst thing about getting kidnapped by Hydra would be not being alone".
"But here we are”.
Bucky ripped the chains off him and freed you too, leaving Loki tied. The God didn't complain, and instead made the chains dissolve with a spell. You looked around again. A plan started to form in your head and you followed your instinct through it, knowing it’d lead somewhere good at some point. After a few minutes of complete silence, you finally have it all figured out.
“Tiny genius has an idea”, announced Loki, who apparently was reading your mind the whole time. You looked at Bucky and he nodded, as he made his way through the room, destroying every camera and microphone he was able to find.
“We’re listening now”.
“Alright. Look”. You took out of your pocket a whiteboard marker and started scribbling nonsense on the tiles of the wall. Loki and Bucky shared a concerned look. You explained the whole plan, head to toes. It included explosions, illusions of dead bodies and infiltrations of high risk throughout the building. But they didn’t seem fazed at the difficulty of the idea. “Any questions?”.
“Yeah. Do you always carry a whiteboard marker or just on very dangerous missions?”, asked Bucky.
“Oh. No, always. Anyways, what do you think of the plan?”.
“I think you’re nuts”, said Bucky. Loki was paying very little attention and you doubted he even heard your plan. You sighed.
“Look, Barnes. My poor self preservation instincts are what got me in this Stark internship in the first place, so if you’re gonna insult my nuttery consider how far it got me”, you answered, pointing at him with the marker. “And you, did you even hear it? What do you think?”.
“Oh, yes. I think you’re out of your mind”.
“Are you kidding me, Loki? You did worse things”.
“But I support your idea. It 's madness. It’ll work”, he added, and you smirked.
“Well, it’s better than the alternative, at least”, accepted Bucky. “So, we have an escape plan, but we don’t have an actual plan to get the mission done, you realize that?”.
“We can figure it out once we’re out of sight from the Hydra toys”.
“You know, I don’t know what is it with you, Steve and Sam, but you guys never have plans, and it gets on my nerves”.
“I have a plan, I always have a plan, Buck. That’s my part of the job. Just… trust me, okay?”, you asked.
“You’re getting kinda hard to trust”, he said crossing his arms.
“I trust you”, added Loki after long seconds of painful silence. You felt the need to ask him why on Earth would he trust you, when not even your best friend trusted you on this one. But he looked at you with a glimmer of certainty in his eyes, and you didn’t want to push it, or make it vanish.
When everything was already set, Loki made the highly realistic illusions of your dead bodies (it even gave you chills, but you wouldn’t admit that, of course not). Bucky ran his hand through the pavement floor at the same time that you threw your watch against it, causing an explosion. You three flew away from the impact. You realized you haven’t thought this part very thoroughly, since they could obviously take the impact (a God and a supersoldier, why wouldn’t they?), but you were a mere human mortal with no superpowers or super suits.
You couldn’t look around as you fell from the building, since the remains of the room were falling apart, and the smoke and fire from the explosion were overwhelmingly close to your eyes, but you could sense you still had enough time to find the button on your suit to get the parachute on. You just had to find the damn button, that it was…
Loki grabbed you instantly, covering you with his whole body before the impact, making sure you didn’t even get a scratch. Then you realized you maybe didn’t have the parachute back-up plan under control, after all.
“Well, that was bigger than I had anticipated”, you said, getting up from Loki’s tired body and brushing off some ashes. He stayed there and sighed. “Now we know where we were. 5th floor, apparently”.
“And now we’re not even inside the building, as we needed. Great. Smart”.
“You know, I’d say this is a win. We’re not being held hostage now, and we have enough time to recalculate the plan from the outside. Less risk of getting…”. But you were interrupted by the cocking guns of the seven guards surrounding you.
“No, please, let them finish their sentence”, said Loki sarcastically, still laying on the smashed floor. “getting caught, were you gonna say?”.
“Well, yes. But I think, given the current circumstances, that you’d differ”.
“What could possibly make you think that?”.
“Not the time, guys”, cut Bucky, getting up and knocking down two guards. You fought with one of them. Loki didn’t even bother in body-to-body combat, and casted them away, fading their bodies into thin air.
“Where did you take them?”, asked Bucky.
“The explosion”.
“Are you stupid? They’ll notice the bodies are fake!”.
“No, not the past explosion. The current explosion”, he explained, and behind him you heard a building collapsing in the distance. You didn’t even ask. What for. Honestly.
After a while of walking around and not really getting anything from it, Bucky finally asked:
“So, the watch. Is it normal for you to keep explosive reactive components in there, or was that just part of a very premeditated plan we weren’t aware of?”.
“Oh, it was just a precaution I have. In case of emergencies”, you explained. They decided it would be better to not ask you why and how could you possibly keep pulling weirdly necessary things in the strangest moments. Why would they bother. Honestly.
You touched your earbud, trying to communicate with Stark. He was supposed to be in the line at some time around that, but, well, you didn’t have your watch with you anymore. Gladly, he answered. He said he was getting the coordinates to a hotel room, and he’d take you three to a different place than the anticipated, far away from that Hydra base. You needed time to establish, refill energy and make a better plan. Better than blowing things up. You had some time to spare now that you were temporarily presumed death.
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Chapter One: A Chat With Death
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        Harry Potter is gone. Dead. 
        This was the absolute worst case scenario for one Draco Lucius Malfoy, for at the height of the battle, the boy had gone against the Death Eaters and had fought with the Order of the Phoenix. Draco might as well be dead himself at this point. A few months ago, he had overheard a conversation between his aunt Belatrix Lestrange and his father about a prophecy. If Harry had only decided to live through the battle instead of being an idiot Gryffindor and going to the trap in the forest, the battle was as good as won! But Harry Potter just had to go and die. Stupid Gryffindor. Of course the forest was a trap! Did you really think he would let your friends live if they wouldn’t join him? Idiot. Draco was sure he would be executed or publicly tortured for his actions; however, he couldn’t bring himself to regret what he had done.
        When Lord Voldemort strode into the courtyard proclaiming his victory with all his followers at his back laughing in the faces of the survivors was the moment Draco finally lost hope. He felt ashamed as he tuned out the Dark Lord’s victory taunts and avoided his family’s eyes. He felt terrible for betraying them; but, it could not be helped. Despite his family loyalties, Draco understood that it was best if the Order of the Phoenix walked out of the war victorious, there was little hope for that now, though. However, when his Mother called for him, he allowed his familial ties to pull him back to his parents, they had already lost. 
        Several things happened at once. Neville Longbottom, of all people, pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and beheaded Nagini. In the midst of the chaos, Harry vanished. He’s alive! Elated, Draco sprinted across the no-man’s land barely dodging several crucios from his lovely aunt to join Neville in valiantly battling the quickly thinning crowd of fleeing death eaters. 
        Across the field, Harry was dodging curses left and right. Harry doesn’t have a wand. In the most Griffindor thing Draco would probably ever do in his lifetime he shouted.
        “Harry!” and Draco threw his wand. However, he would never know if he caught it. At that precise moment, He turned and Lucius Malfoy was standing a few feet away. As he met his father’s eyes, Draco heard two words leave his mouth, Avada Kedavra, and the world went green.
         An Eternity later, the green mist gave way to a forest. Not a dark forest like the forbidden one, but more towards something that could be painted in a tasteful child’s bedroom. It was… soothing. Is this what death is like? Draco strolled down one of the many paths, after a few minutes, he came to a pond with an iron and wood bench by it’s shore. The water seemed to be made of diamonds and glorious Koi fish swam in it’s depths. Finally glancing at the branch, Draco was surprised to find it occupied. Am I not dead? The woman on the bench appeared to be at least the equivalent of a ninety year-old muggle. She had wispy white hair that was neatly tucked into a knit, striped hat. At her side was a similarly knit bag filled with needles and yarn. She makes them herself. I was sure I was dead, I heard the curse. The elderly woman on the bench seemed to sense his hesitation and moved her purse to her lap and patted for him to sit with her. 
        “I must say, I cannot kill you, you are already dead. Sit, let us talk.” He approached the woman and cautiously relaxed into the surprisingly comfortable bench. “That’s better, child.”
        “Who are you, exactly and why are we the only ones here? Hundreds of people died today.” The woman smiled.
        “Yes, but only one Draco Malfoy died today.” She gave him a few moments to think. “Where do you think we are?” He looked around.
        “A forest pond. But I’m dead, so we can’t be at a real pond." Draco thought for a beat. “Are you Death?” The woman grinned wider.
        “You are a smart boy, Mr. Malfoy. Very observant. Yes, I am Death. Very clever, very clever.” 
        “If I may ask, out of all the forms you could take, why an elderly woman?” He politely inquired. 
        “Most people fear me, Draco. If they fear me, my form will frighten them.” 
        “So,” Draco frowned. “I don’t fear you? That doesn’t sound right. Everyone fears death.” She shook her head. 
        “No Draco, you do not fear me, you respect me. Fear and warryness are entirely different.” Death smiled pleasantly, the wrinkles scrunching up in the most welcoming way he could imagine was possible. “It has been a long while since I've talked with someone who is not frightened. It is pleasant.”
        “Thank you?”
        “Tell me, Draco, how did you die?” He grimaced. What do I have to lose by telling her?
        “I betrayed Lord Voldemort and my father killed me for it.” Draco winced in one breath. Death only nodded knowingly. 
        “Do you feel like you died a noble death, Draco?” He shook his head. Death frowned, “Why would you answer no?” 
        “I was a coward, I switched sides when things weren’t going my way. I died a cowardly traitor. I betrayed my family!” he had tears in his eyes now, “The worst part is I would do it again! How could I do that to my own parents?” Death’s eyes shone with understanding. “Hell! If I had the chance I would change sides as soon as I received my Hogwarts letter! There’s so much I did wrong! So much.” He sobbed out the last few words and Death began to rub circles on his back comfortingly.
        “Oh, poor dear, would you really change everything?”
        “If I really knew how wrong I was, I would. I would live on the streets if I had to.” Draco sniffed
        “You are a very loyal young man when you believe in something, Draco, this may help you. Could you fetch the golden cube in the pond for me, dear?” Draco frowned, confused, but nodded anyway. “Good! Bring it back to me when you're done.” Draco nodded again and turned to the pond.
        Wading Into the water, Draco was pleasantly surprised by the soothing temperature of the crystal clear water. The deeper Draco waded the more koi noticed his presence in their territory. Not used to visitors, the fish swam excitedly around him in circles, some rubbing gently against his legs. It was a deeper pond than he thought it was, he was up to his natural waist when he spotted a shimmer of gold ahead of him that was not a fish. Stepping up to the glimmer, Draco nudged it with his foot. It was heavy and square, so he ducked under the water to grasp at the weighty block. Why in Salazar would Death need a golden cube? With great struggle, Draco managed to carry the cube out of the shimmering water and lie back on the shore. Merlin! I underestimated how big the cube was.
        Draco, after a few minutes, rolled over and tiredly sat up to examine his prize. Unlike what he initially suspected, the cube was intricately carved with runes that despite taking Ancient Runes for several years at Hogwarts, Draco could not read or even decide what culture it belonged to. Could it be Death’s own handwriting? That would explain how I have no knowledge about these characters. As Draco contemplated the golden object, a hand tapped him on the shoulder startling him. 
        “Hello Draco, I see you have the golden cube I asked for.” Death held out her hand with kind eyes and Draco almost felt compelled to give it to her; however, after a second of consideration, he handed it over. It would not be wise to anger Death. 
        Death turned the gold over in her hand as if it weighed no more than an empty box and began muttering to herself. 
        “Yes, this will do. Draco, Come here please.” Draco followed her instructions and took both her hands in his hands when she held them out. Death spoke once more and the cube began to spin between them. 
        “En odn uebe mit dnaht aedy am. Lle wtie su, er ar eras ecna hcdno ces. N osos uo yeva el ots uoi cerpo otsi ti ofu oyot erus aer tsi htn rute ri, evo lym, Efil.” And with the last word, the world went black.
        The ground is soft. Grass should not be this soft. What’s the last thing you remember, Draco. … Death. I met Death. Is this the official afterlife? Despite his curiosity, Draco could not bring himself to open his eyes, instead opting for feeling around his surroundings. Moving his hands out to his sides, He determined that he was laying on a blanket. Come on Draco, open your eyes!  And he did. 
        Above him was a canopy enchanted to show an accurate depiction of the stars above in real time. Turning his head he noticed the many dragons chasing each other around on the walls of the room. Salazar! This is my childhood bedroom. The bedroom I vacated in third year! Draco sat up in shock. How did he end up here? Draco immediately began scanning his room for clues, yet, everything was where her remembered they were supposed to be. How odd. At that moment, he noticed a folded piece of paper on the nightstand with his name in the most beautiful handwriting he did not recognise. Did Death send this? 
        I hope your journey has not caused too much shock on your part. However, inquiring about your health is not the purpose of this letter. This is proof. Proof that all you remember is not some strange dream. In your left pocket, you will find a small cube similar to the one I had you retrieve as further proof of your story. You are not crazy. This is a second chance. I have decided that you meant what you said and I will give you the opportunity to turn your speech into action. 
        Today’s date, as you will soon discover, is June 5th, 1991, the day you receive your Hogwarts letter. I implore you to remember and keep your promise and make good with the time you have received with Life. Good luck and may Death and Time be undone. 
Your Final Friend
        Draco immediately ran across the room to find an empty notebook to copy the letter into. When he grabbed a quill and ink bottle, Draco used wandless magic to charm the ink invisible to all but him and duplicated the letter, word for word, in his own neat handwriting. The following pages were filled with everything he could remember about the seven years he attended at Hogwarts as well as all the details from the three years Voldemort occupied Malfoy Manor. Ugh. The occupation, arguably the worst three years of his life.  The next list Draco made was of people who he didn’t want to die again. The list was short, for now, Draco was certain that it would grow as he got to know the other members of the Order of the Phoenix. Oh Merlin, I’ll have to help Harry Potter on all his little quests throughout the years. He groaned. At least school would never be boring outside of History of Magic class. 
        There was a knock at the door and Draco steeled his nerves. He would soon have to face his father, the very man who had shot a killing curse at his only son. Who shot a killing curse at him. It was going to be a very rough morning. Lucius, despite his neglect, made sure to attend all birthday breakfasts. Probably for the special food that was prepared on such occasions. Finally collecting his thoughts into a practiced state of occlumency, Draco opened the door.
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Translation of the ritual.
         Life, my love, I return this treasure to you for it is too precious to leave you so soon. Second chances are rare, use it well. May death and time be undone.
Hey yall, MJ here
I’ve decided to start on a harry potter Fiction (Adventures After a Chat With Death)  with my new Pseud! (what do you think?) feel free to comment and message me with questions, criticism and POLITE conversation. If you would like to be tagged please let me know
      Kisses, MJ
@ no one yet
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metanetsoftware · 3 years
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We're back with more Featured levels, thanks to the N++ community! Every time we're surprised and delighted by the level designs, and we're so thankful for the awesome creativity you all have. Thank you for the submissions, bigblargh, and to everyone who contributed levels (Kalanchoe, docq!, Melancholy, VR456, and Gealx3) and commentary ( donfuy, DarkStuff, and bigblargh)!
Here are the levels, from the top screenshot above, to bottom: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Kid’s room by Kalanchoe
WHEREAS, in November 2021, I, bigblargh, Member of N++ Mapmaking Quality Control Commission, issued a Declaration of Mapmaking Violation to facilitate the protection of the Mapmaking Community,
WHEREAS, on September 5th, 2021, Mapmaker, Kalanchoe, composed a Cavalier Graphical Projection despite established D.A.L.T.O.N. standards Sec. 6(9) requiring Isometric or Dimetric Graphical Projections only,
WHEREAS, on September 5th, 2021, Mapmaker, Kalanchoe, partially encased three (3) Deathballs within wall tiles in direct violation of Deathball Right to Travel,
WHEREAS, on September 5th, 2021, Mapmaker, Kalanchoe, placed topologically inaccessible gold arranged in shapes not submitted or approved by the Universal Gold Placement Volunteer Group,
NOW THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as Reviewer and the Laws of The Userlevels Tab,
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT Kalanchoe is mandated to attend Mapmaking Standards & Ethics School by 2022. It is the personal opinion of this Commission Member that Kalanchoe heed Mapmaking standards or they will never have a chance at a featured map.
Hitbox Differences by docq!
There are plenty of N map genres that aren't strictly gameplay related, like DDA, machines, and art maps. But what about levels that teach you how to play the game? In "Hitbox Differences" docq instructs us with seven crystal-clear hitbox demonstrations. It's no surprise that docq is privy to this arcane knowledge considering his intensely difficult maps and terrifying Switch high scores. If anyone ever gets 100% on Switch, it will definitely be him. Only N can help us should he ever decide to set his terrible visage upon the PC version.
Six out of seven of docq!'s hitbox demonstrations leave the ninja dead.
96-02 by Melancholy
No seriously, I'm telling you, these people are so rich they leave piles of money in the rosebushes out front! Come on, they won't even notice it's missing. Easy in and out, won't take us five minutes. Hm? Gunshots? I heard no such thing.
- DarkStuff
Foul vapors (CN188) by VR456
it's a poisonous life
fluffy clouds hanging above and beneath you
small, blocky objects vanish in your mind as quickly as they enter it - who cares! look at all the fluffy clouds!
so comfy! so nice and beautiful and cozy! embracing you, helping you; it's just what you needed - it's all you'll ever need!
nononono don't go! let me embrace you once again, just one more time.
haha oops you slipped! if it wasn't for me you'd be seriously hurt!
come onnnn, you know you don't want to leave me.
you won't leave me.
bike chain by Gealx3
Found object art is art that functions by placing everyday — or at least typically "mundane" objects — into a new context that gives them depth and meaning. Here, we see Geal's latest entry into this storied art tradition, "bike chain." He has boldly placed this vehicle component into a completely new medium: N++. The bike chain has been reinterpreted, reworked, as a ninja death trap, or is it a ninja playground? That is the beauty of such art. It is interpretive. Personally, I think ninja go whee.
Want to play these levels? Awesome! All levels can be played from all platforms.
First, get N++: Nintendo Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/en_CA/games/detail/n-plus-plus-switch Xbox One: https://www.microsoft.com/en-CA/store/p/N-/BT33CHSSB89V Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/230270 PS4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/n-plus-plus-(n)/cid=UP2108-CUSA00041_00-NPPGAMENPPGAMENP Kartridge: https://www.kartridge.com/games/MetanetSoftware/n-nplusplus
Then from the Main Menu, just go to Browse, and choose the “Featured” tab. So easy! Of course the levels probably aren’t ;)
Want to suggest levels to feature, to make your own levels, or to enter design contests?
Join the excellent community on discord: http://discord.gg/nplusplus
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
Okay so since idk how much of today I'll be able to spend as a "final day before I'm gone for 2 whole months (and then return for just a week & disappear again" imma do some stuff I wanted to do later today
but instead early today
So firsty, since this is a very important part, I love all of you!!! Of course platonically, but I still love you all!! I feel like you guys have been there for me plenty while I was here, and all the friends I made I'm happy to have made them!! Sure, I lost some friends (kinda), and I'm sad about that, but I just hope those friends are having amazing times still!!! But still, to the friends I still have, and also to the followers (since I feel like I don't type it enough but it's still true:), I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!
And then the second thing (which isn't as important but I still wanna list it):
Since I'll be gone, if there's peeps who still wanna see my stuff, but there won't be an update to my blog since I'll be gone, here are some main tags that I use:
Random Post This tag is for when I just say stuff that's random, like this for example. So kinda little rambles from me, but they don't often have art with it
My Art This tag's more main than the Random Post tag (idk why I didn't do this one first), but it has all of my art, even from my first(?) ever post!! Though you could go all the way back, you don't really have to, as it has things like when I drew Sun & Moon as pokemon, my first ever drawings of my Sun & Moon Bug AU (which to me it did not look that good back then), my FNAF(SB) Parts & Service ocs (Known as Pax & Simon) who I never drew again (I will at some point trust me-), some old Sun & Moon designs, and even my old intro!! So it's kinda like a memory lane if you think about it, buuut it's a long lane so you don't have to XD
Random Reblog + Random Art Reblog These are my reblog tags!! One is mainly just for random reblogs, and the other is just for art reblogs, which can include drawings, paintings, music, and I'm pretty sure photography (i don't remember exactly what I reblogged but I'm pretty sure I reblogged photography at least once w/ the random art reblog tag). Again, these would be long scrolls, so you wouldn't have to go through all of em
Important Reblog + Important These tags are for important things, and things that either I find as helpful for others to know, things that I believe are important, things that aren't important but I've listed as important (which I think I've done that at least 3 times and I'm sorry), and things that others say are important so I just list em as important. That last one's the most common. Most of the time I'll tag things with both tags, but sometimes I tag things just with the important tag, and less commonly I'll reblog it with just the important reblog tag.
Now not as main tags:
Tag Game This one i don't know if I tag tag games as that oftenly, so if I do, then this tag'll lead to those I did tag as such.
Asks (+ Ask Game) This is for when I get asks (that's the asks tag), and also for when I see an ask game & hope to get asks for that (both the asks tag & ask game tag). However, I don't always get asks, or at least I don't get them as often as I see/assume others do, but there's 4 invisible ones in my inbox that I'm still sorry about not being able to see... (also I know I can just change what I said, but imma leave the last part & add that I actually have more asks than I thought I did, I just never looked at them all collectively before, so thanks to all of you that sent asks!! <3)
Sun & Moon AUs (+ that one SAMS AU) This tag is mainly for the Sun & Moon related AUs I have (one of which being a Sun and Moon Show AU if I'm not mistaken), but it includes ones like my Bug! AU (which was once just tagged as Bug AU), Slime! AU, Pastry! AU, Celestial Bard! AU, Lost! AU, Witch! AU, Celestial Inn! AU, Toyshop! AU, Celestial Tasks! AU (also called RPG! AU), Fortune Teller! AU, Unisatyr! AU, and specifically for the SAMS AU tag, Different! AU (which we do not talk about Different! AU cus I honestly forgot I even made it until just now XD)
Treats! AU This tag, which sadly didn't get too much stuff made for it, is a tag for a QSMP Au I randomly was doing, where everyone was a form of treat/snack. I wish I got more time on it, but for now there is a little bit of ideas sitting there for it
Clowns This tag should be avoided if you have a fear of clowns, but this is the tag for my clown ocs from a little circus I made up known as Bunzy's circus!! Of course Bunzy's the ring master, but there's more characters (who do not have names yet), who are a Clown Rat, a Clown Dog, a Clown Cat, a Clown Bear (who is a teddy bear), and a Clown Spider
My Ocs This tag is for ocs of mine. There's not really much to it, it's just my ocs.
Sona/Sonas These tags are for my different Sonas, like Seven (the main Sona of this blog), Silly, Tabby (who currently has been listed as dead), Chromey, Swii, Phon, and that Pirahna Plant sona I never got the chance to draw again (they never got a tag specific to them but they're known as Berry). There's technically another Sona, but they never got a tag on this blog, as they're the sona for my side blog, which I'll bring up later
rant this is a tag I prefer to forget, but it is a tag, so I will not ignore it. This is for the chance that I rant about something, which I don't like to rant about stuff that happens for me. So this could be a tag to avoid if yall want (there's only like... 4 posts? But still)
💖/<3 These tags are hard to follow, but these are tags for when I heart something a lot. It's like a show of affection. The <3 tag was more of a backup when I couldn't put the sparkle heart emojis, but now they both coexist. There's mainly more than one, but sometimes there's just 1 (idk how to work this one, so I guess just try & slightly up the amount of hearts to find other tags? idk sorry...)
Extra tags:
I'm not gonna link these ones, but these are tags that I've drawn stuff for, but aren't really special tags of mine, and this includes tags like:
FNAF (Five Night's at Freddy's)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Fandroid/Fandroid the Musical Robot
TWOMP (The World of Mr Plant)
Gen Loss (Generation Loss)
SAMS (Sun and Moon Show)
Roblox T2D/Roblox T2D DCO (Roblox Try to Die/Roblox Try to Die DCO)
Cookie Run
Sussy Schoolgrounds
Pokemon (+ Fakemon)
Now some of these I only did once (TWOMP, Diep.Io, Rainworld, Undertale, Roblox T2D, and Fakemon), but some got at least 2 or more (Fandroid, Deltarune, Pokemon, and Sussy Schoolgrounds got just 2 I think)
But yeah, I think that gets the tags outta the way now
Now as an extra thing to bring up, I do have a side blog, which is specifically for a lil thing I made/am working on...
...and it's about a little furry(?) species I made called Floserds!!
Please don't just go & follow the blog because it's my side blog, I mainly just want that blog to be followed if it's because someone's actually interested in that species idea I made.
But as a summary, it's a species of flower (and herb) cows called Floserds (Flos is latin for Flower, if im not mistaken, and the -erds part is just the word herds without the h), and most of the info I've worked on/am working on is on that blog
That blog's also run by my fursona, Chamomile, who is a Floserd!!
But yeah that blog's known as @floserd-theflowercows, and you could technically follow it, but only if you're actually interested in the concept, not just due to association
But yeah I guess this might be it, and if I get the chance to say goodbye before I have to go, then I'll say goodbye, let you guys know that I love you (which I do) (platonically), and then either link back to this post, or just copy + paste the important stuff
But yeah in case this post is really my goodbye (for now), then I love you all, I'll miss you, and I'll (assumably) see you guys again in November!!!!!
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troybeecham · 3 years
Today the Church remembers St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Monk.
Ora pro nobis.
St. Bernard de Clairvaux, (born 1090 AD, probably Fontaine-les-Dijon, near Dijon, Burgundy [France]—died August 20, 1153 AD, Clairvaux, Champagne; canonized January 18, 1174; feast day August 20), was a Cistercian monk and mystic, the founder and abbot of the abbey of Clairvaux, and one of the most influential churchmen of his time.
Born of Burgundian landowning aristocracy, Bernard grew up in a family of five brothers and one sister. The familial atmosphere engendered in him a deep respect for mercy, justice, and loyal affection for others. Faith and morals were taken seriously, but without priggishness. Both his parents were exceptional models of virtue. It is said that his mother, Aleth, exerted a virtuous influence upon Bernard only second to what Monica had done for Augustine of Hippo in the 5th century. Her death, in 1107, so affected Bernard that he claimed that this is when his “long path to complete conversion” began.
He turned away from his literary education, begun at the school at Châtillon-sur-Seine, and from ecclesiastical advancement, toward a life of renunciation and solitude. Bernard sought the counsel of the abbot of Cîteaux, Stephen Harding, and decided to enter this struggling, small, new community that had been established by Robert of Molesmes in 1098 as an effort to restore Benedictinism to a more primitive and austere pattern of life. Bernard took his time in terminating his domestic affairs and in persuading his brothers and some 25 companions to join him. He entered the Cîteaux community in 1112, and from then until 1115 he cultivated his spiritual and theological studies.
Bernard’s struggles with the flesh during this period may account for his early and rather consistent penchant for physical austerities. He was plagued most of his life by impaired health, which took the form of anemia, migraine, gastritis, hypertension, and an atrophied sense of taste.
Founder And Abbot Of Clairvaux
In 1115 Stephen Harding appointed him to lead a small group of monks to establish a monastery at Clairvaux, on the borders of Burgundy and Champagne. Four brothers, an uncle, two cousins, an architect, and two seasoned monks under the leadership of Bernard endured extreme deprivations for well over a decade before Clairvaux was self-sufficient. Meanwhile, as Bernard’s health worsened, his spirituality deepened. Under pressure from his ecclesiastical superiors and his friends, notably the bishop and scholar William of Champeaux, he retired to a hut near the monastery and to the discipline of a quack physician. It was here that his first writings evolved. They are characterized by repetition of references to the Church Fathers and by the use of analogues, etymologies, alliterations, and biblical symbols, and they are imbued with resonance and poetic genius. It was here, also, that he produced a small but complete treatise on Mariology (study of doctrines and dogmas concerning the Virgin Mary), “Praises of the Virgin Mother.” Bernard was to become a major champion of a moderate cult of the Virgin, though he did not support the notion of Mary’s immaculate conception.
By 1119 the Cistercians had a charter approved by Pope Calixtus II for nine abbeys under the primacy of the abbot of Cîteaux. Bernard struggled and learned to live with the inevitable tension created by his desire to serve others in charity through obedience and his desire to cultivate his inner life by remaining in his monastic enclosure. His more than 300 letters and sermons manifest his quest to combine a mystical life of absorption in God with his friendship for those in misery and his concern for the faithful execution of responsibilities as a guardian of the life of the church.
It was a time when Bernard was experiencing what he apprehended as the divine in a mystical and intuitive manner. He could claim a form of higher knowledge that is the complement and fruition of faith and that reaches completion in prayer and contemplation. He could also commune with nature and say:
Believe me, for I know, you will find something far greater in the woods than in books. Stones and trees will teach you that which you cannot learn from the masters.
After writing a eulogy for the new military order of the Knights Templar he would write about the fundamentals of the Christian’s spiritual life, namely, the contemplation and imitation of Christ, which he expressed in his sermons “The Steps of Humility” and “The Love of God.”
Pillar Of The Church
The mature and most active phase of Bernard’s career occurred between 1130 and 1145. In these years both Clairvaux and Rome, the centre of gravity of medieval Christendom, focussed upon Bernard. Mediator and counsellor for several civil and ecclesiastical councils and for theological debates during seven years of papal disunity, he nevertheless found time to produce an extensive number of sermons on the Song of Solomon. As the confidant of five popes, he considered it his role to assist in healing the church of wounds inflicted by the antipopes (those elected pope contrary to prevailing clerical procedures), to oppose the rationalistic influence of the greatest and most popular dialectician of the age, Peter Abelard, and to cultivate the friendship of the greatest churchmen of the time. He could also rebuke a pope, as he did in his letter to Innocent II:
There is but one opinion among all the faithful shepherds among us, namely, that justice is vanishing in the Church, that the power of the keys is gone, that episcopal authority is altogether turning rotten while not a bishop is able to avenge the wrongs done to God, nor is allowed to punish any misdeeds whatever, not even in his own diocese (parochia). And the cause of this they put down to you and the Roman Court.
Bernard’s confrontations with Abelard ended in inevitable opposition because of their significant differences of temperament and attitudes. In contrast with the tradition of “silent opposition” by those of the school of monastic spirituality, Bernard vigorously denounced dialectical Scholasticism as degrading God’s mysteries, as one technique among others, though tending to exalt itself above the alleged limits of faith. One seeks God by learning to live in a school of charity and not through “scandalous curiosity,” he held. “We search in a worthier manner, we discover with greater facility through prayer than through disputation.” Possession of love is the first condition of the knowledge of God. However, Bernard finally claimed a victory over Abelard, not because of skill or cogency in argument but because of his homiletical denunciation and his favoured position with the bishops and the papacy.
Pope Eugenius III and King Louis VII of France induced Bernard to promote the cause of a Second Crusade (1147–49) to quell the prospect of a great Muslim surge engulfing both Latin and Greek Orthodox Christians. The Crusade ended in failure because of Bernard’s inability to account for the quarrelsome nature of politics, peoples, dynasties, and adventurers. He was an idealist with the ascetic ideals of Cîteaux grafted upon those of his father’s knightly tradition and his mother’s piety, who read into the hearts of the Crusaders—many of whom were bloodthirsty fanatics—his own integrity of motive.
In his remaining years he participated in the condemnation of Gilbert de La Porrée—a scholarly dialectician and bishop of Poitiers who held that Christ’s divine nature was only a human concept. He exhorted Pope Eugenius to stress his role as spiritual leader of the church over his role as leader of a great temporal power, and he was a major figure in church councils. His greatest literary endeavour, “Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles,” was written during this active time. It revealed his teaching, often described as “sweet as honey,” as in his later title doctor mellifluus. It was a love song supreme: “The Father is never fully known if He is not loved perfectly.” Add to this one of Bernard’s favourite prayers, “Whence arises the love of God? From God. And what is the measure of this love? To love without measure,” and one has a key to his doctrine.
St. Bernard was declared a doctor of the church in 1830 and was extolled in 1953 as doctor mellifluus in an encyclical of Pius XII.
O God, by whose grace your servant Bernard, kindled with the flame of your love, became a burning and a shining light in your Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and walk before you as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On January 5th 1993 the Liberian registered oil tanker Braer hit rocks off the Shetland Islands.
At 05.19 hrs on Tuesday 5th January 1993, Lerwick coastguard were advised that a tanker, the Braer, en route from Mongstad, Norway to Quebec, laden with 85,000 tonnes of Norwegian Gullfaks crude oil, had lost engine power but was in no immediate danger. She had sailed from the Norwegian port on 3rd January intending to pass through the northerly Fair Isle Strait before heading into the open Atlantic towards her destination.
The journey up to this point had been fraught with problems as first four steel pipe sections which had been secured on the port side after deck broke loose and were dangerously rolling about on deck. Later on the 4th, after routine adjustments to the auxiliary boiler, difficulty was experienced in re-igniting it. This boiler was needed to pre-heat the heavy engine oil used to run the main engine and so the main engine was switched to lighter diesel fuel until the problem with the auxiliary boiler could be resolved. The final straw in this litany of problems occurred when seawater contamination in the diesel fuel stopped the engine and caused the main generator to fail at 4:40am on 5th January. It was later established that fuel lines had been damaged by the loose pipe sections allowing seawater to penetrate the fuel lines and contaminate the diesel fuel.
The ship was carrying twice as much oil as the official figure for what the infamous Exxon Valdez had spilled in Prince William Sound Alaska, just four years earlier and on the same latitude of 60 degrees north. Not surprisingly,  reports about an iniment environmental disaster were extremely fearful, particularly when the ship became a total loss and the gale-driven fumes could be smelt as far away as Bressay.
By the following morning the bay was full of oil and the slick was spreading north and south from the bay along the Shetland coast. Critically however, the oil aboard, recently recovered from the North Sea oilfields, was not as heavy as crude oil from other oilfields and breakers that were smashing the Braer to pieces were, in fact, already helping to disperse the oil very quickly. The spillage was still enormous and very damaging but thankfully the final environmental impact  was much less than was initially feared. The ship, in it’s very exposed position, finally broke on January 11th and most of it disappeared beneath the surface. Only the upturned bow was visible as a reminder of the loss of the ship and eventually, around seven years later, it too vanished beneath the waves.
Reports state only 1% of the oil washed up on the beaches, but there was still a large environmental impact.  Over 7500 birds died from the spill and large amount of marine life was impacted as well.  Some 95 million USD were paid out in claims by those impacted by the spill.
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gyll-yee-haw · 5 years
Christmas special
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Hiii! I'm so excited about this one because I ADORE disney❤❤❤
If you don't celebrate christmas, it's okay cause you can absolutely ignore the fact that it's christmas through 95% of it.
I'm wishing everyone great hollidays and a beautiful new year! 🌟
Prompt: You and Jake taking your kids to disneyland. But you have a special christmas present for Jake.
Warnings: pregnancy. Pure fluff.
Like 1k words.
You smiled at yourself, remembering the moment Jake suggested to you that you should get your kids something different for christmas this year. You weren't sure if he was thinking about the kids or himself, but you loved his idea.
You waited till december 24th to reveal to them what it was. But the two of you were so excited that it felt like an eternity.
The 7 year-old boy, Heath, and the 5 year-old girl, Elena, were sitting on the floor, playing beside the big christmas tree they decorated, when you and Jake sat in front of them.
"Hey." Jake said first. "We have news for you guys. Santa said he won't be able to come here tonight, so he asked us to tell you what your present is."
"Why can't he come?" Elena asked sadly.
"Cause we won't be home, we have to go to the airport in a few hours." You explained.
"Daddy's gonna travel again?" Heath sighed. "But It's christmas."
"No." Jake felt his heart drop at their sad expression, specially after Heath's comment. "We are all gonna travel together."
"We're going to disneyland." You said, watching their expression change completely.
Now you watched your children and your husband (pretty much your third children) riding the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. You would love to be there, but you knew you shouldn't, specially because of the sickness.
You recently found out you were pregnant again, but nobody knew about it. Not even Jake.
You thought about telling him on his birthday, but after he suggested this family trip, you thought you should wait a bit and the perfect moment would come.
The only sad part of all this was not being able to go on most rides.
"Mommy!" You heard your little girl running to you.
"Hey!" You smiled and picked her up. "Did you have fun?"
"We did!" Heath joined you. "You should have gone with us, I swear it wasn't scary."
"Oh no? I think it was a bit scary." Jake was the last one to arrive. "Specially the part when we waited 38 hours in that line."
You laughed and sent him an apologetic look.
"Mommy, will you come with us on the next one?" Elena asked, giving you puppy eyes.
"Alright." You looked away, because you couldn't resist those eyes. She had Jake's eyes. "Do you know where I can join you? The candy store."
Suddently, there was a whole new light in the children's eyes.
You walked them until the store and allowed them to explore while Jake called aside to talk.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
You had to tell him you felt a little sick, that's why you couldn't join them on the rides.
"I'll be fine." You told him. "Just isn't my day, I guess. But I'm having fun, I swear."
"These place has a lot of stores, doesn't it?" He joked. That was probably the 5th store you took them. "So you can buy all those pushies and pretend it's for the children."
"It is!" You pretended to be offended.
"You get jealous and don't even let them touch them!" He chucked and rolled his eyes.
"Mommy, can we buy everything?" Heath interrupted your discussion.
"Of course, we can." You smirked. "Daddy left his wallet with me."
After a long day, and when all that sugar energy was almost over, the four of you sat down, waiting for the fireworks at Cinderella's castle.
When the show started, it was like magic, all the tiredness seemed to vanish from your children's body and they stood up in one jump.
You and Jake followed their action, just not as quick. Jake rested his arm on your shoulders and brought you close, hugging you as you watched the lights in awe.
At some point, you looked at Jake and saw that he wasn't really watching the fireworks. He was looking at your two little angels, who looked up with the purest expression. They didn't move a muscle since the show started, keeping their lips partly open and their eyes wide and shiny. Jake had a smile on. It wasn't a smile you had seen before Heath was born. He looked at them like they were the most amazing thing in the universe. And they really were to you.
That was definitely the perfect moment.
"Jake?" You called him, taking a step back.
"Bringing them here was the best decision we ever made." He smiled even wider at you.
"I know." You smiled back. "I can't wait to come back. But all five of us next time."
"Five?" He frowned.
You took his hand and placed it on your belly.
"FIVE?" He asked excitedly. "Are you pregnant?"
You nodded.
He hugged you tightly, spinning you around and repeating "this is amazing" or "thank you so much".
"Jacob!" You pushed him, making him put you on the floor. "I'm gonna throw up on you. I didn't spend the entire day just watching you play to end up throwing up anyway."
"Right, sorry." He laughed. "But this has to be the best day of my life. I love you so much."
He placed his hand securently on your belly and you placed yours on top of his.
"I love you too." You smiled, feeling your eyes starting to water.
He looked at the kids and they didn't notice anything. Their eyes still glued to the colors in the castle.
"We should tell them tomorrow." Jake chuckled. "They won't hear it right now."
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slivermxgic · 4 years
{cis woman; she/her; questioning} –  illyana rasputina/magik who comes from marvel has been spotted in sydney. they are nineteen years old and are a mutant. they have been called +loyal, +powerful, -cunning. it seems like their memories are faded. i’ve also heard that they are a dead ringer for anya taylor-joy. 
“Dear Scott Summers, It is Illyana Rasputin. If you are reading this message that means you realize that I broke a rule today. But I had to. I had to see for myself. Things have been so tumultuous for all of us. The mutant race has not caught a break in so very long. We live in chaos. Charles Xavier is no longer with us... The original X-Men live in present day with seemingly no care for how it will affect us in the long run... The X-Men are split right down the middle over how best to serve all of the new mutants popping up all over the world. And still the humans hate and fear us. I just had to see. I used my powers to slip into the future. I just had to see for myself... I had to see for myself that the future was worth fighting for“
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ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖: illyana nikolievna rasputina/rasputin
ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖: magik (superhero name), lightchilde, darkchilde/darkchild
𝔸𝕘𝕖 : nineteen
𝕡𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤: inter-dimensional teleportation magic,sorcery,dimensional energy empowerment,soulsword summoning, eldritch armor generatio, portal creation,telekinesis   
𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤: mutant (half demon queen)
ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟:   siberia, russia
𝕆𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 : college student
𝕊𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕆𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 : questioning
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕤: single
𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪:  September 5th, 2001
𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥: escaping facility that doctor rayes was keeping her in along side some other mutants after it is destroy while fighting the demon bear
𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 : evil/good
movie canon : 
illyana was born to Nikolai Rasputin and Alexandra Rasputina on September 5th, 2001 she is the youngest and only female and has an older brother named Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin  also known Colossus (in the comics she still the only female of the three siblings and the youngest , in the comics she also have a brother named Mikhail Nikolaievitch Rasputin)
as a young child she was taken as a sex slave
limbo an imaginary dimension in illyana’s she created due to all the suffering she went though . she transported herself here along side her dragon  Lockheed (outside of limbo  Lockheed is a stuffed dragon toy, in limbo he is very much real ) to to be safe she is a very powerful sorceress.this place has become real to her after spending so much time there (in the comics limbo is a very much real place at the age of six after being saved she lived at the x mansion with her brother and she tagged along when the  her brother and the current x men were setting up a base of operations on a mysterious island , while the xmen were busy , illyana was lured away from the xmen and safety and was taken into limbo by Belasco , the xmen followed her into the dimension in tempt to recuse her. this wasn’t the first time the xmen were pulled into limbo, the current  members that fell into limbo with illyana an alternate group of the same current xmen from a different reality were pulled into there years prior and they couldnt escape two of those current five of the alternate realities self were killed, the alternative reality storm who goes by ororo , she hold off  Belasco’s demonic hordes so the newly trapped xmen can escape with the young illyana however not everything went as planned at the last minute Belasco pulled illyana back into limbo, after he pulled her away from kitty and back into limbo he forced a piece of her soul into a bloodstone ororo attempted to stop Belasco but with her old age and the power of the blood stone she was no match , lucky the alternative reality kitty came to the scene she drove Belasco away , her and ororo took the young girl to ororo’s garden sanctuary , the alternate universe version of storm attempted to sever the magical link Belasco hold on the young girl but she failed so instead she decided to tutor the girl in magic which would allow the young girl to better defend herself kitty then left being upset after a while of training with ororo cat snuck back into the sanctuary to convince the girl to leave with her, cat brought the girl to limbo’s savage land where cat taught the girl how to fight with a sword after three years of teaching the young girl cat brought here back to where Belasco’s territory with the intention to send the girl home and far away from Belasco they got through the alternative version of nightclawer who was under Belasco’s control, they had made in to Belasco’s alter before they could send her home Belasco’s came to further corrupt her  and transformed her into his dark chilld, her further muntanted cat so she was now under his control, his plan has work she had cut herself and make Belasco a second blood stone , she spend another two years under his control, she had also attempted to use the same magic the alternative version of storm taught her but she couldn’t even conjure a single acorn, during those two years the demon sim would punish the young girl  at the smallest mistakes or for even no reason at all. it was during this time the girls mutant powers manifested. for xx amount years she was in limbo until she used her own mutant  powers to bring her back to her time and place, with only a few seconds passing in her time , she was in the hellish dimension for limbo for seven years. illyana was now a teenage) 
illyana along with lockheed and her sword she killed eighteen men , including the men that used her as a sex slave. this cause her to be landed in Milbury Hospital where she meet three other mutants one who she doesn’t get along with when they were first admitted into the hospital 
when Illyana first meet Dani Moonstar she hated her she tried to kill her more the once . 
dani was the one who summed the demon bear to fight against dr reyes, after the bear killed dr reyes and the barriers keeping the mutants there fell vanished , Illyana takes on the demon bear and wins 
after that she and the three other mutants are free and get they stuff and head to town 
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doubleattitude · 4 years
Project 21 Season V Group Results
Teach Me How To Shimmy-Mini-Jazz
Radix, Anaheim: 1st mini group, Best of Radix (Mini), 1st mini jazz
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 1st mini group (tie), 1st mini jazz
NYCDA, Burlingame: 2nd mini group, 2nd mini jazz
Radix Nationals, Live: 1st mini group (tie)
Hey Boy-Mini-Jazz
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA, Burlingame: 3rd mini group, 3rd mini jazz
Grease Is the Word-Mini-Jazz Line
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 3rd mini line
NYCDA, Burlingame : 1st mini line, 1st mini jazz, overall mini high score, critics choice winner
Vanishing Act-Mini-Contemporary
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 1st mini group (tie), 11 O’Clock (Mini)
NYCDA, Burlingame: didn’t place, 2nd mini contemporary
Radix Nationals, Live: 1st mini group, 2nd mini group
Everybody Got Their Something-Junior-Jazz
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
Men In Black-Junior-Jazz
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA, Burlingame: 1st junior group, 1st junior jazz, overall junior high score, critics choice winner
Everybody Have Fun Tonight-Junior-Jazz Extended Line
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place, 11 O’Clock (Junior)
NYCDA,  Burlingame: 1st junior production, 2nd junior jazz
My Memories-Junior-Contemporary
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA, Burlingame: 2nd junior group, 1st junior contemporary
Black and Gold-Teen-Jazz
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 1st teen group, Studio Showcase, 11 O’Clock (Teen), 1st teen jazz
NYCDA, Burlingame: didn’t place, 1st teen jazz, critics choice winner
Radix Nationals, Live: 1st teen group
Change Yr Mind-Teen-Contemporary
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 3rd teen group (tie)
NYCDA, Burlingame: 1st teen group, 1st teen open
Radix Nationals, Live: didn’t place
Pound Sterling-Teen-Contemporary
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA, Burlingame: 5th teen group, 6th teen contemporary
Tantra-Teen-Contemporary Line
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: 3rd teen line
NYCDA,  Burlingame: 5th teen line, 5th teen contemporary
Radix Nationals, Live: 1st teen line (tie)
Who Can It Be Now?-Teen-Specialty?
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA, Burlingame: 7th junior group, 4th junior contemporary
Hours-Teen-Specialty Line
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA,  Burlingame: 3rd teen line, 1st teen specialty
24/SEVEN, Anaheim: didn’t place
NYCDA,  Burlingame: 9th senior group
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naviarlab · 4 years
naviarhaiku343 – Persistently I stare
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Persistently I stare At the moon Still I cannot hear
Sugiyama Sanpu (1647-1732) suffered from severe hearing problems for his whole life.
What differentiates Sanpu from the other disciples of Matsuo Basho is that he was also a patron, helping Basho establish his school of haiku. At the end of his life, the great haiku master wrote a goodbye letter to Sanpu:
“I tell you, Sanpu, that I shall never forget the generous support I have received from you over the years, even after my body no longer exists. It is regrettable for both of us that my life is ending in an unexpected place and therefore I cannot say farewell to you in person. I hope you will keep working on your haiku and that it provides entertain- ment for you in your old age.”
From “The History of Nihonbashi Uogashi Part 4: The Vanishing Uogashi” by Issei Tomioka
Seven days to make music in response to the assigned haiku: to participate visit https://www.naviarrecords.com/about/naviar-haiku
Deadline: 5th August 2020
haiku by Sugiyama Sanpu https://wkdhaikutopics.blogspot.com/2012/10/sugiyama-sanpu.html
picture by Guzmán Barquín https://unsplash.com/@guzmanbarquin
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