#Seyval Blanc
logi1974 · 4 months
Cornwall 2024 - Tag 19
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Zur Abwechselung steht heute einmal wieder ein Weingut auf dem Programm.
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Und zwar nicht irgendein Weingut, sondern Englands westlichster Weinberg Polgoon.
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Wer braucht schon die französische Champage Region, wenn wir hier unten in Cornwall einen eigenen Weinberg quasi vor der Tür haben? 
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Die Coulsons waren ursprünglich eine Fischhändler Familie in Newlyn.
Die Geschäfte liefen nicht mehr so gut und nachdem sie einen preisgekrönten Winzer aus Cornwall kennengelernt hatten, beschlossen sie, einen eigenen Weinberg in Cornwall anzulegen.
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2006 kauften sie bei Penzance eine überwucherte und heruntergekommene Blumenfarm und begannen Weinreben zu pflanzen.
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Nach und nach verwandelten John und Kim Coulson das Anwesen von einem heruntergekommenen Bauernhof in einen blühenden Weinberg und Obstgarten, in dem sie nicht nur Wein produzieren und anbauen, sondern jetzt auch einen Laden und ein Feinkostgeschäft haben.
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Der Name „Polgoon“, kornisch für „Teich in den Tiefen“, ist mit Bedacht gewählt. Er beschreibt die ursprüngliche Lage des Weinbergs und Obstgartens, der auf sonnigen Hügeln mit Blick auf das Meer der Mounts Bay liegt.
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Diese einzigartige Position spiegelt sich auch auf dem Etikett wieder, das eine abstrakte Sicht auf die Weinreben und das Meer zeigt.
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Aus ihrer ersten Weinernte kreierten sie den ersten Polgoon-Wein und wurden anschließend mit der Trophäe für den „Best Still Rose in the UK“ ausgezeichnet.
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Nachfolgende Ernten wurden jedoch durch schlechtes Wetter schwer beeinträchtigt und die Familie wandte sich dem Apfelwein zu.
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Man perfektionierte einen kornischen Apfelwein namens Aval - Cornish für „Apfel“. Ein Schaumweinprodukt, das nach tradiotioneller Methode hergestellt wird ...
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... der gleichen Methode, die französische Winzer zur Herstellung ihres Schaumweins verwenden – sowohl im Weinberg als auch im Obstgarten entstehen mittlerweile hervorragende, preisgekrönte Getränke.
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Inzwischen umfasst die Anbaufläche 4 Hektar und die Vielfalt der Rebsorten wurde ebenfalls ausgeweitet: Spätburgunder, Seyval Blanc, Bacchus, Ortega, Rondo, Spätburgunder sowie Sauvignon Blanc werden angebaut.
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Dazu kommen interessant Apfelweine: Aval-Apfelwein, Scrumpy-Apfelwein, rosa Himbeer-Apfelwein und schwarzer Johannisbeer-Apfelwein.
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Es werden Führungen durch den Weinberg mit Verkostungen am Ende angeboten.
Auch die beliebten, sogenannten "Selfguided Touren" sind möglich.
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Außerdem bietet "The Vine House Kitchen" Speisen, ausschließlich lokaler Produkte, an.
Die Speisekarte reicht von kornischen Käse- und Wurstplatten bis zur frischen Ofenpizza (sehr lecker!).
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Allerdings ist eine Tischreservierung angeraten, denn dieser Betrieb erfreut sich auch bei den Locals großer Beliebtheit.
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Bei unserem Besuch war fast jeder Tisch, entweder besetzt oder bereits reserviert.
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Fun Fact: die Türen der Toiletten sind mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Sie klemmen und ich musste aus dem Klo befreit werden.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear
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ruou-tot · 1 month
Ruou Ice Wine Canada
Khám Phá Rượu Ice Wine Canada – Tinh Hoa Của Vang Đá
Những người yêu thích rượu vang hẳn từng nghe đến rượu Ice Wine ít nhất một lần. Rượu Ice Wine, hay còn được gọi là vang đá, là một loại rượu vang tráng miệng độc đáo không chỉ bởi quy trình sản xuất mà còn bởi hương vị mà nó mang lại.
Ice Wine Là Gì? Quy Trình Sản Xuất Vang Đá
Rượu Ice Wine, hay vang đá, được sản xuất từ những trái nho đông lạnh khi chúng vẫn còn trên cây. Quy trình sản xuất đặc biệt này là điểm nổi bật của loại rượu này.
Các nhà làm rượu đợi đến đợt sương giá sâu đầu tiên của mùa đông để thu hoạch nho. Nho được thu hoạch vào lúc nửa đêm hoặc sáng sớm, khi nhiệt độ lạnh nhất (trên dưới -10 độ C). Sau khi thu hoạch, nho đông lạnh sẽ được mang đi ép ngay lập tức. Vì nước trong nho đóng băng nhưng đường thì không, nên quá trình này sẽ cho ra nước ép nho cô đặc và rất ngọt. Nước còn sót lại trong nho vẫn còn ở dạng đá và sẽ bị loại bỏ.
Nước ép chiết xuất sau đó sẽ được lên men. Do hàm lượng đường cao nên quá trình này diễn ra chậm và có thể mất từ 3 đến 6 tháng. Sản phẩm cuối cùng là một loại rượu đậm đà, ngọt ngào và thường có hương vị trái cây nhiệt đới, mật ong và cam quýt, được cân bằng bởi độ axit cao. Để tìm hiểu thêm chi tiết về quy trình sản xuất và sự đặc biệt của rượu Ice Wine Canada, bạn có thể tham khảo các thông tin hữu ích từ các chuyên gia.
Hương Vị Đặc Trưng Của Ice Wine
Hương vị của Ice Wine hay vang đá được đánh dấu bởi sự cân bằng đặc biệt giữa vị ngọt và chua. Quá trình đông lạnh dẫn đến nồng độ đường cao, mang lại cho rượu vang đá vị ngọt đặc trưng. Tuy nhiên, Ice Wine vẫn giữ được độ axit sáng giúp rượu không bị ngọt quá mức và có độ giòn sảng khoái, vô cùng dễ uống.
Vang đá thường có kết cấu đậm đà, thơm ngon và có vị như siro. Về hương vị, chúng có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào loại nho được sử dụng, nhưng vẫn sở hữu hương vị đặc trưng của trái cây nhiệt đới như vải thiều, dứa và xoài, cùng với hương cam quýt như chanh, cam và bưởi. Bạn có thể phát hiện dấu vết của các loại trái cây khác như táo, lê, đào và mơ. Những hương vị ngọt ngào hơn như mật ong, caramel và vani cũng thường xuất hiện, làm tăng thêm độ phức tạp tổng thể của rượu.
Tại Sao Nho Đông Lạnh Trên Cây Lại Làm Rượu Ngọt Hơn?
Lý giải khoa học đằng sau vị ngọt của Ice Wine xoay quanh mối quan hệ giữa nồng độ đường, hàm lượng nước và ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ đóng băng đến quá trình chín của nho.
Khi nho trưởng thành, chúng sẽ tích tụ đường một cách tự nhiên. Quá trình này diễn ra liên tục ngay cả vào cuối mùa và trong thời gian này, nho có thể đóng băng, tan băng và sau đó đóng băng lại. Mỗi khi chu kỳ đóng băng-tan băng này xảy ra, độ phức tạp và phong phú của hương vị nho sẽ tăng lên.
Do đường và các polyphenol khác (các hợp chất hữu cơ thường liên quan đến hương vị) có nhiệt độ đóng băng thấp hơn, nên quá trình đông lạnh thực chất chỉ diễn ra ở phần nước trong quả nho. Khi nước bên trong nho đóng băng, nó nở ra, phá vỡ các tế bào riêng lẻ của nho. Khi những quả nho này rã đông trở lại, những tế bào “bị tổn thương” bắt đầu chiết xuất nhiều hương vị đậm đặc hơn, bao gồm đường và polyphenol. Từ đó, tạo ra nước ép nho có vị ngọt hơn hẳn.
Điều quan trọng cần lưu ý là nồng độ đường cao trong nước nho không chỉ tạo ra vị ngọt. Những loại đường này cũng ảnh hưởng đến độ nhớt của rượu, mang lại cho Ice Wine cảm giác thơm ngon, đậm đà đặc trưng trong miệng. Hơn nữa, lượng đường cao hoạt động như một chất bảo quản tự nhiên, giúp rượu vang đá có thể được ủ trong nhiều năm, và phát triển các hương vị phức tạp hơn theo thời gian.
Ice Wine Được Sản Xuất Từ Giống Nho Nào?
Các loại nho được sử dụng phổ biến nhất để sản xuất Ice Wine bao gồm Vidal, Cabernet Franc, Riesling và Gewurztraminer. Những giống nho này có xu hướng có tính axit tự nhiên cao hơn, giúp cân bằng hương vị để rượu không bị ngọt như siro khi quá trình sản xuất hoàn tất. Hiện nay, các nhà sản xuất rượu vang cũng đang thử nghiệm sản xuất rượu vang đá Ice Wine với những giống nho khác, bao gồm Seyval Blanc, Pinot Blanc và Chardonnay.
Top 6 Dòng Ice Wine Nổi Tiếng Thế Giới
1. Rượu Vang Đá Inniskillin, Canada Được coi là một trong những loại rượu vang đá có tổng thể tốt nhất, rượu vang đá của Inniskillin xứng đáng nhận top 1. Nó có hương vị thơm ngon và kết cấu đậm đà, hoàn hảo để nhấm nháp hoặc kết hợp với món tráng miệng. Các chai rượu vang đá của Inniskillin bán chạy trên nhiều kênh, và nhận về hầu hết các đánh giá 4 và 5 sao.
2. Rượu Vang Đá Jackson-Triggs, Canada Jackson-Triggs là một nhà sản xuất nổi tiếng khác của Canada, với những chai rượu vang đá Vidal và Riesling xuất sắc. Những chai rượu này được chú ý bởi hương vị trái cây nhiệt đới tươi như đu đủ, mơ, xoài hòa quyện tốt với độ axit mượt mà. Hàm lượng cồn thấp và hương vị đặc biệt cũng khiến nó trở thành thức uống tốt cho các bữa tiệc ngoài trời. Jackson-Triggs nhận về đánh giá 5/5 sao trên Amazon cho sản phẩm Ice Wine Vidal.
3. Rượu Vang Đá Peller Estates, Canada Peller Estates được biết đến với việc sản xuất các loại rượu vang tuyết Canada cao cấp, nổi tiếng vì độ ngọt đậm cân bằng với axit sảng khoái. Cabernet Franc sẽ là một lựa chọn đáng thử của thương hiệu này. Rượu mang đến hương vị của mứt dâu rừng, đại hoàng chín, kẹo anh đào và lựu tươi.
4. Dr. Loosen, Đức Dr. Loosen là thương hiệu sở hữu một trong những chai rượu vang đá được người dùng đánh giá cao - Dr. Loosen 2020 Riesling Eiswein. Chai rượu có hương vị phong phú nhưng vẫn vô cùng cân bằng với độ axit ở mức cao. Kết cấu mềm, vị rượu mang độ đậm đà của đại hoàng, quả mơ hòa quyện cùng chút đất, hạt rau mùi và trà ô long mật ong.
5. Kiona Vineyards Ice Wine Kiona Vineyards là một thương hiệu đến từ bang Washington, Mỹ. Nhờ kinh nghiệm và thâm niên của trong ngành sản xuất rượu, Kiona đã sản xuất những chai rượu vang đá được đánh giá cao với hương vị đậm đà và dư vị sảng khoái. Rượu vang đá Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 sẽ là sự lựa chọn độc đáo cho những tháng mùa đông.
6. Wagner Vineyards Có trụ sở tại vùng Finger Lakes của New York, Wagner cung cấp rượu vang đá Vidal Blanc và Riesling được biết đến với sự cân bằng và phức tạp tuyệt vời. Các chai rượu của thương hiệu này đã giành về nhiều giải thưởng trong các cuộc thi như San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition, New York Wine & Food Classic.
Hiện nay, bạn hoàn toàn có thể mua được những chai vang Ice Wine chính hãng, chất lượng cao ở Rượu Tốt. Rượu Tốt tự hào là cơ sở phân phối rượu bia nhập khẩu chính hãng 100% với đầy đủ giấy tờ chứng minh, cùng nhiều ưu đãi lớn cho khách hàng.
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maisondesbieres · 5 months
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Nouveautés 5 Mai
On a la sélection du quartier en produit artisanale :
Tête d'Allumette Microbrasserie
- Tison
Rauchbier fumaison érable
- Zito
Saison fermière Brett au seigle
- Shot in the dark
Stout au café turc
- À demain le soleil collaboration Brasserie Dieu du Ciel
Scotch ale d'ébullition longue
- Clapp!
Vin d'orge fermenté avec des poires locales
- La fée prune
Saison au prunes locales
- La Pioche
Saison paysanne herbacée
- Grosse Fleur
Saison colossale aux fleurs locales
Très Précieux Sang
-Piquette - 23
Réhydratation de tous les marcs du vignoble (lucie-kuhlmann, marquette, frontenac blanc et seyval) dans de l’eau, puis pressurage. Ajout de vin et de cidre (20 % du volume). Prise de mousse avec du moût de raisin. Piquette pétillante, non dégorgée à servir froide.
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2clementines · 1 year
I love my partner so much but he always tries to tell me about all the ciders/wines he makes at work and my brain REFUSES to retain ANY of it. I feel so bad because he always has to re-explain things to me and remind me what the fuck a seyval blanc is but like… my brain does not care!
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ogicsub · 1 year
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Currently, 129 acres of land are dedicated to growing grapes in Oklahoma. That number has steadily increased over the years, and with the growing popularity of locally-made wines, that amount is sure to increase. As such, vintners and winery owners often look for new methods and strategies to expand and strengthen Oklahoma’s wine and grape industry. Part of that includes cultivating the right grape varieties.
Because of our state’s unique climate, some varieties grow better here than others. As such, to create Oklahoma grape wines, many vineyards will grow:
Cabernet Sauvignon. These grapes create a full-bodied red wine that is rich in tannins. Its aroma features cherries, cassis, and tobacco.
Muscat Blanc. This variety makes a white wine that can be sweet, dry, fortified, or sparkling. Its flavor profile features honey, citrus, and peach.
Riesling. These grapes yield an acidic white wine that can be sweet or dry. The wine tastes like lighter fruits and smells like honey or ginger.
Sangiovese. Rustic versions of this red grape create smokey and herbal wine. Wines can also be made from the more fruit-forward varieties.
Seyval Blanc. This variety creates an acidic white wine that is dry with some minerality. Its profile has notes of melon and green apple.
Tempranillo. These grapes make red wines that taste like blackberries and figs. Its fairly complex aroma features dill, tobacco, and wood.
Vignoles. This variety is used for both very dry and very sweet white wines. Its fruit flavors and floral aroma make it a popular dessert wine.
In addition to these grapes, there are many varieties of hybrid grapes that thrive in Oklahoma’s unique weather conditions.
Hybrid Grapes for Made In Oklahoma Wines
Why Hybrid Varieties are Used when Growing Grapes in Oklahoma
Hybrid grapes are created by crossing two or more existing varieties to get the best qualities of both. For example, with a hybrid variety, a vineyard owner can ensure that their crop has a natural resistance to local weather conditions, yet yield a wine that has the delicious flavor profile of something like a European merlot or chardonnay.
Two hybrid grape varieties that are especially popular for made in Oklahoma wines are Traminette and Chambourcin.
This white wine has delicious flavors of various fruits, notably apricot and peach, which are complemented by hints of honey. Whether it is dry or fairly sweet, Traminette wine almost always pairs well with rich foods.
Traminette grapes were created by crossing Gewürztraminer grapes with another existing hybrid (Joannes Seyve 23.416). The cross resulted in grapes that are cold-hardy, resistant to many diseases, and feature the flavor profile that Gewürztraminer wines are known for.
Well-known for its dark purple color, this red wine is made from one of the most popular hybrid grapes. Chambourcin’s plum and black cherry flavors are beautifully balanced with aromatic hints of herbs and spices.
Unlike the Traminette variety, the exact source of the Chambourcin grape hybrid is unknown. However, it likely contains some Seibel grapes in its lineage. Chambourcin grapes are very productive, resistant to many diseases, and create a wine that is bold and strongly flavored.
Enjoy Oklahoma Grape Wines
Whether you prefer classic flavors or want to expand your palette with something new, you are sure to enjoy quality wines whenever you try something made in Oklahoma. To learn more about local wines or the winemaking process, schedule a winery visit or vineyard tour with a member of the Oklahoma Grape Industry Council.
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alisportshots · 2 years
White Butterscotch Wine Bars
I was reading a blog this morning and saw a recipe I wanted to try. It’s one from Mix and Match Mama that she called Butterscotch Beer Bars. I didn’t have any beer open in the house, but I *did* have some Boordy Vineyards Rockfish, a lovely dry white wine that’s made with a blend of Pinot Gris, Albariño, and Seyval Blanc… would that work in this recipe? I decided it was worth trying and began…
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wine-porn · 2 years
Mind Your Manners
If you watched my stories, you know this is way colder than I usually drink such things… But still, it’s not hurting it a bit, and since it’s been 78 in my house the past couple days, feels quite refreshing. Solid milky pale yellow, a nose of mousse and crushed apple: papery and crisp. Great balance on the palate, no sharp edges to catch on the integration of acid and spritz. A sweet juiciness…
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pseudofaux · 4 years
hello i just need something absolutely filthy for kiro,, i cant think of anything in particular,, just filth.
Golden god snack-trap filth you shall HAVE, anon bb. <3 He’s so alidfjalksjfklasf DREAMY. Gonna try to make this one ACTUALLY filthy, I feel like I’ve been failing in that department so far. Bless you for going on anon, bless you for asking directly for what you needed. I tip my glass in your direction! And in MC’s.
this post brought to you by the Seyval Blanc grapes that made this WINE
He’s got his headphones on when she gets home, and he’s singing along to something slow, his voice hushed but even. The song is new to her and she likes it. He makes an elegant picture there in the apartment they share, and she appreciates how he’s still enough to be lost in the sound. Still enough that the flawlessly smooth marble of the floor reflects the length of his body.
Kiro is long. He’s so warm and truly puts himself at the level of fans and friends, so when he’s at peace it’s like he has somehow grown, but really he has just relaxed to his full height, beautifully long limbs and all. He’s holding a thin book, or maybe a magazine. She can’t read and hum at the same time, she envies him a little. He’s teased about needing to teach her to walk and chew gum at the same time before they advance to reading and making music, and they love each other so much she has only pouted a little, and allowed herself to be charmed by his sweet touch and sweeter kisses immediately thereafter.
Maybe she should tease him a little. Maybe she should really get him singing. She makes a plan while she puts away her shoes and hangs up her bag. When he notices and moves to take the headphones off with a smile, she carefully says “No, leave them on.” And he smiles like the sun itself is beaming what are you about?, but he does, in fact, leave them on.
He catches on when she kneels before him. The pillow she yanked off the couch will keep her comfortable. She looks up at him and his blue eyes are right on her, and clearly interested. “Keep singing,” she says slowly, careful to let him catch the shape of each word in case he can’t hear her. “I want to hear it.”
Kiro rocks back on his heels a little, so she grabs him by the hips. She wants to hear him sing, not watch him dance. He starts up again, voice not as sure as it was when she first heard him. He regains the steadiness as she undoes his pants and palms his cock out into the air.
So elegant. Kiro is long.
She keeps her eyes on his as she tilts her head and tongues him, stroking in time with the new song. She doesn’t want to torture him, only tease him, but it’s really his own fault the song is slow. Her smile feels a little unkind as she curls her tongue over the top of it and puts it back in her mouth, followed by the tip of his cock.
To his credit, he keeps singing, even when his voice loses its steadiness again. He doesn’t take his eyes off her, not even to throw his head back, so she lets him see how much she likes this as she rubs the underside with her tongue and leans back and forth to move her mouth over him.
He stutters when she leans all the way forward. There’s a jump in her throat but she reminds herself she is a professional (and stubborn), and smothers the signal from her body to stop. Instead, she holds him there, and loves the sight of him shocked and shaking and trying to keep singing. He’s framed in her vision by the pale, lovely gold of the hairs low on his belly, and he’s just so gorgeous she rebels against sense further and makes her throat contract in a swallow.
Kiro throws his head back, then. She starts humming to fuck with him. A few minutes later, when his hands are flexing against her scalp and creamy spit is making her chin feel clammy but victorious, it’s a little less clear who was fucking with who.
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logi1974 · 4 months
Südengland / Cornwall 2024 - Tag 9
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Nur 15 Fahrminuten von unserer Unterkunft entfernt liegt das Adgestone Vineyard.
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Ein 10 Hektar großes, sanft nach Süden abfallendes Weingut, dessen Hänge ursprünglich schon vor rund 2000 Jahren von den Römern mit Reben bepflanzt wurden. Derzeit sind neun Hektar mit Trauben bepflanzt und ein Hektar ungenutzt.
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Es handelt sich tatsächlich um das älteste kontinuierlich betriebene Weingut in Großbritannien, gegründet 1968. Produziert werden bis zu 30.000 Flaschen englischer und Country-Weine pro Jahr.
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Neben einer guten Auswahl an konventionelleren Weinen wird in Adgestone ein blauer Schaumwein aus Trauben hergestellt, die tatsächlich auch vor Ort angebaut werden.
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Something Blue ist eine leicht sprudelnde Cuvée, die nach der Methode Traditionelle hergestellt wird. Es ist der einzige blaue Sparkling Wine, der in Großbritannien hergestellt wird.
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Er wird nach der traditionellen Champagnermethode hergestellt und ruht vor der Freigabe zwei Jahre auf der Hefe, um seine Geschmackskomplexität zu steigern. Die natürliche blau-türkisfarbene Farbe des Cuvee ist besonders beliebt bei Hochzeiten, daher auch der Name. In vielerlei Hinsicht ist er wie traditionellere Schaumweine … nur eben in Blau.
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Blauer Wein wird im Allgemeinen aus einer Mischung roter und weißer Trauben hergestellt, denen Anthocyane – ein Pigment aus roten Traubenschalen – zusammen mit dem organischen, pflanzlichen Lebensmittelfarbstoff Indigotime zugesetzt werden. Die genaue Methode ist ein streng gehütetes Geheimnis.
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Der Schöpfer, der ehemalige Ingenieur Russ Broughton, arbeitete ursprünglich in der Robotik bei Ford, bevor er in die Containerhafenindustrie in Southampton und London Gateway wechselte. Zusammen mit der Unternehmensanwältin Philippa Jane kaufte er Adgestone Vineyard.
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Weder Broughton noch Jane hatten zuvor Erfahrung in der Weinindustrie. Während eines Urlaubs entdeckte er eine Anzeige in der Lokalzeitung: “Vineyard For Sale”.
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Adgestone Winery war einst ein prestigeträchtiges Weingut und gewann 1970 die Gore Brown Trophy für englischen Wein. 
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Die ursprünglichen Seyval Blanc Reben aus dem Jahr 1968 sind bis heute erhalten – sie werden liebevoll als „Old Ladies“ bezeichnet und sie sind die ältesten kommerziellen Reben im Vereinigten Königreich.
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Seit dem Kauf des Unternehmens im Jahr 2013 hat Broughton über 6.000 Reben gepflanzt, davon 3.000 im ersten Jahr, zusammen mit 600 Pfählen und 20 km Spalier. 
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Er hat die Produktion von 3.000 Flaschen auf über 25.000 erhöht. Daneben wurde das Geschäft auf die Landwein- und Likörproduktion ausgeweitet.
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Für 12 £ gibt es einen Audioguide, der die Besucher durch die Weinberge führt. Für 15 £ lässt sich auch ein 30-minütiger animierter und informativer Wein-Chat (inklusive Verkostung) buchen, der die Entwicklung der englischen Weinindustrie von den Römern bis heute, die verschiedenen angebauten Sorten und auch detailliertes Weinbauwissen, behandelt. Beides im Paket kostet 22 £.
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Die Tische waren nur mäßig voll. Zugegebenermaßen kamen wir erst nach dem Mittagsansturm um 14:30 Uhr an. Die Tiere des Hauses (verschiedene exotische Hühnerrassen & Hunde) wuselten zwischen den Tischen herum und hofften darauf, dass zufällig etwas herunter fällt. 
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Die Hühner waren ausgesprochen zahm und ließen sich streicheln. Sehr amüsierten wir uns darüber, als sie sich über die Wasserschalen der Hunde hermachten. 
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Als ob sie kein Wasser oben in ihrem Gehege hätten - aber woanders schmeckt es eben immer viel besser. Das war bei uns, als wir Kinder waren, auch nicht anders.
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Der Service war zügig. Überaus flott wurde unsere große, gemischte kalte Platte, natürlich begleitet von einem Glas “Something Blue”, serviert.
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Ganz günstig ist dieser Spaß natürlich nicht. 27 £ für die kalte Platte für zwei Personen und ein Glas “Something Blue” kostet schlappe 9,50 £ - für die ganze Flasche werden respektable 46 £ (im Shop 41,95 £) aufgerufen. 
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Adgestones charakteristische Geschmacksnote, der die Essensplatten begleitet, ist das auf Chili basierende „Arson Fire“, und der Nameszug erscheint auch auf der Rückseite der T-Shirts des Personals: mit Flammen, die aus ihrem Hintern aufsteigen. Englischer Humor eben!
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Die Audiotour, das Gartenlokal und mit dem angenehme Sitzbereich im Freien machen das Adgestone zu einem interessanten und angenehmen Weingut.
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Natürlich nehmen wir hier auch dieses Mal eine Kiste des Verkaufsschlagers “Something Blue” aus dem Shop mit.
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Wer hat schon englischen Schaumwein zu Hause - und noch dazu blauen Schaumwein? Ich kenne Keinen!
Good Night
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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maisondesbieres · 2 years
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Nouveautés 22 FévrierUn bon trio d'une microbrasserie qui ce démarque avec d'excellent produits biologique:Microbrasserie Le Castor Brewing Co. - Saison Macérée (Marc De Vin Rouge Du Vignoble d'Ovila )La Saison Macérée commence sa vie sous la forme d'un assemblage de saison bio, vieillie en fûts de vin pendant un à deux ans. L'assemblage est ensuite brièvement reposée sur du marc de vin, puis refermentée en bouteille. Cette version a été vieillie sur des peaux de marquette et de frontenac noir. - Saison NectaronFermentée avec une levure saison directement sur des peaux de raisin blanc utilisées auparavant (chardonnay & seyval de la Saison Macérée), cette bière fusionne des saveurs subtiles de vin blanc avec les arômes uniques du houblon néo-zélandais. - Saison Macerée  (Marc De Chardonnay Et Seyval)Saison Macerée est un assemblage de saison élevée en fûts de vin pendant un à deux ans, brièvement reposée sur marc de raisin, avant la refermentation en bouteille. Le marc provient du Vignoble Les Pervenches , un vignoble bio.
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mywinepal · 7 years
Whispering Horse Winery Surprises With L'Acadie
Whispering Horse Winery Surprises With L'Acadie #Chilliwack @whisperinghorsewinery #bcwine #bcvqa #fraserValley
Have You Heard of Whispering Horse Winery?
One of our newest wineries to BC, Whispering Horse Winery is located a little southwest of Chilliwack on Vedder Mountain Rd.  Cultus Lake is around the corner from the winery as well.  The story behind the name of the winery is, of course, related to horses.  In the words of the winery,
John Giesbrecht (Image courtesy Whispering Horse Winery)
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thearizonawinemonk · 7 years
Video Review: 2016 Steven Seyval, Chateau Tumbleweed
Video Review: 2016 Steven Seyval, Chateau Tumbleweed
Apologies for the lack of posts lately; harvest and crush has been a bit crazy… as per the usual.  In the meantime, here’s a video review of the 2016 Steven Seyval, from Chateau Tumbleweed.  Enjoy!
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ogicsub · 1 year
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If you want to start a vineyard or produce your own wines, you should learn about growing grapes in Oklahoma. As is the case when cultivating any crop, there is much to consider to ensure the success of your grape-growing endeavor. Here are a few steps that can help when starting a vineyard.
6 Essential Steps for Growing Grapes in Oklahoma
Step 1: Select a Planting Site
If you frequently go on wine tours or travel Oklahoma vineyards, you may have noticed that these places share some similarities regarding their vineyard setup. That is because selecting the right location is essential to ensure the long-term success of a vineyard. Before you start planting anything in your planned vineyard, consider the:
Climate. What is the average temperature in each season? How often does it rain?
Soil. How quickly does the soil drain? Can this affect moisture around the root zone?
Slope. Is there a slope in the area? How will this impact the sunlight and drainage?
Step 2: Select a Grape Variety
Many grape varieties thrive in Oklahoma vineyards near me, so there is sure to be a perfect option for your vineyard. If you want to produce red wine, consider growing:
Cabernet Sauvignon.
If your vineyard will primarily produce grapes for white wines, you may want to grow:
Muscat Blanc.
Seyval Blanc.
In addition to these varieties, a range of hybrid grapes grow well in Oklahoma’s climate.
Step 3: Preparing for Planting
Once you know what grapes to plant and where to put them, it is time to begin preparing your vineyard. This step may begin around a year before you start planting, as you must prepare the area by:
Cultivating the soil.
Killing weeds and reducing pests.
Making changes based on soil tests.
Marking your rows.
This process takes a lot of work, but that effort will pay off.
Step 4: Planting the Grapes
After the area is prepared, you can begin planting your grapes at the end of winter or early spring (depending on the grape variety and the area’s climate). Once you have planted the bare-rooted plants and have tied them to a training stake, you should keep them watered, weeded, and free from pests and diseases.
Depending on the grape variety, your intended use of the grapes, and the area’s slope, you may need to construct a trellis for a support system. However, this can often wait until the summer or fall, once the grapevines have grown larger. In addition to making your harvest easier, a trellis can help keep the vines away from small animals.
Step 5: Pruning and Maintenance
Once you start noticing growth on your vines, it can be tempting to let them grow freely until it is time to harvest. However, you will still need to wait to enjoy the rewards of your efforts; grapes can only grow on vines that are at least one year old. Once you reach that point, you will focus on regular maintenance.
Pruning will ensure that new growth develops. The vines will be dormant from December through March, making it the perfect time to prune them. Prime your plants for new growth by:
Cutting each vine back to one or two canes.
Trimming each cane until it has between two and eight buds.
Removing all but the two strongest shoots when growth resumes.
Occasionally pruning back more when needed.
At this point, only the main trunks and year-old growth should remain. Do not hesitate at this step; most places you see when visiting “Oklahoma vineyards near me” cut off more of the vines than they leave.
Of course, when growing grapes in Oklahoma, maintenance goes beyond pruning. Make sure that your plants are well-watered and free from weeds. Watch out for disease and pests, and have a plan in place for what to do if damage occurs. Also, consider fertilizing your grapevines.
Step 6: Harvest and Post-Harvest
The grapes will begin to ripen in July; this period is known as “Veraison.” At this step, keep focusing on maintenance, but start preparing for the harvest season. This may occur in late summer or early fall, depending on your grape variety. After your grapes have been harvested, the vines will go dormant, allowing you to repeat the process once it is time to prune your plants again.
Interested in Visiting Oklahoma Vineyards Near Me?
Whether you are starting your own business or want to enjoy homemade wines from plants grown in your backyard, starting a vineyard is a fun and fulfilling experience. To learn more about growing grapes in our state or to find exciting places to visit when you travel Oklahoma vineyards, get in touch with OGIC.
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jaynsandy · 5 years
Small surprises
Steven visited us yesterday and wanted to visit a local winery. Maps showed two in the local area so we thought we'd call to see if they were open. First number was disconnected. The second number was answered with a "Hello". When Sandy asked if she had reached the Potomac Highlands Winery she was told that she had. She asked if they were open and was told "we could be". We'd never had that type of response before but decided to give it a shot. Sandy told the man on the phone we'd be there in an hour or so.
We got into our cars and made our way to Fried Meat Ridge Road. When we spotted vines on the right side of the road we knew we were getting close. A small sign at the top of a driveway told us we were there. We turned into the driveway and were met by Charlie. I'm not sure how old Charlie is since it never seemed like a good time to ask but he shuffled as he led us to his basement.
We entered the basement through a short, dim and narrow passageway. One wall was covered with medals the winery had earned over the years. The other by hats of various styles and materials. Wine boxes were stacked in a seemingly haphazard fashion around the basement. Charlie called upstairs for his wife to bring the Seyval Blanc down when she came. After a short wait Becky made her careful way down some relatively steep stairs.
We tasted five white and four red wines. With the exception of a surprisingly good Chardonnay and a well done Chambourcin the wines weren't remarkable. What was remarkable is everything else that happened.
We learned, in addition to the innovative ways they continue to make wine, that the vines had been planted in 1979. They moved into their house in 1981. Charlie retired from his job as a music professor in 1994 and Becky retired soon after. They have a son who retired from the Navy after twenty years in the Navy band, he currently lives in Annapolis. Becky had knee surgery on one leg and had recently shattered the femur in her other leg. She liked that her physical therapist really pushed her when she needed it.
We had made our purchases and were making our way out when Charlie asked if we'd like to see his cars. When Becky said "they're his babies" how could we refuse? Charlie opened a door to reveal two immaculate MG cars, a red one from the 70's and a white one from the 50's. Becky told me and Steven how they packed the white one for their honeymoon while Sandy took a couple of pictures of a delighted Charlie.
Charlie then asked if we wanted to see his Porsche. Unable to say no to his delight we followed him uphill to a garage. There we saw, sitting next to a Subaru Forester, a covered Porsche 944 from the 80's. It was an immaculate car with a six speed manual transmission. Charlie told us that he still drives it and loves to go fast. "I may move slowly but still like to drive fast" he told us.
Charlie then said the he "could play the trumpet for you". We followed him to another outbuilding that doubles as a music studio and wine processing operation. We were shown all of the instruments he can play and the scores he's worked (and is working) on. We discussed the relative merits of different composing software and how he and his son collaborate over a long distance. Charlie then played a snippet of Amazing Grace for us
He then asked if we'd like to see the vines. We said "of course!" and followed him outside to see his vines. He told us about taking leaves off so the grapes get exposed to the right amount of sun as well as how and why suckers get removed. He told us that he used to get 12,000 pounds of grapes from his four acres under cultivation and that he now gets 6,000 pounds due to the age of the vines.
As we made our way to our cars Charlie also showed us his tractors, explained how they work and told us that he still does all the tractor work.
As we got into our cars Charlie shook our hands and wished us well. He specifically wished Steven good luck in his job.
Though I've written this like information only flowed one way that wasn't the case. Charlie and Becky showed a genuine interest in the stories we had and seemed like they really cherished the visit. Charlie wishing Steven good luck really drove that home for me
So we didn't just taste some wine and visit a vineyard. We got invited into a couple's long-time home as guests. We got to see how people continue to do the things they love with grace as it gets more difficult. We got to see how important human interaction really is. As a bonus we got to buy some wine.
If you ever find yourself on Fried Meat Ridge Road stop to visit the Potomac Highlands Winery (make sure you call first). It's hard to decide who'll cherish the visit more, you or Charlie and Becky.
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qualityinnsuites · 2 years
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donna-eats · 3 years
Trillium Brewing
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Daily Serving: Mango & Peach (Berliner Weisse with mango & peach) (♥)
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Fated Farmer Seyval Blanc (American wild ale aged in oak casks with seyval blanc grapes) 
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