#Shapping culture
igate777 · 1 year
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syscultureis · 9 months
plular culture is having your innerworld be shapped like your favirte childhood book so you never really need to make a map of the inner world yourself cus you can just open to book and trace that map and chage a few small things and bam its our innerworld
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cellphishthekaiju · 5 months
Sennar, the Dragon (Deranged OC Rambling)
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*Art used in this post is for approximation/reference of the character's appearance and may be replaced in the future with more accurate depictions
CONTENT WARNING: Heavy talk/reference/implication of rape, sexual abuse and subjects pertaining to gender identity and the like.
I'm back with more deranged character ramblings studies, this time with an original character for a sapphic smut short story I am, still, working on... part of a larger world I've sat on for the better part of a decade now (If folks would like a very lengthy lore dump on this world, comments/asks are always encouraging).
Meet Sennar, the Dragon.
Sennar is a female dragon of steel-grey scales that shimmer blue in the light. For her species, Sennar tends to be stand-offish and passive unless her temper is provoked or something of interest is presented to her (she enjoys stories and cultural behaviors & rituals that are foreign to her). Though identifying as female, Sennar is Rhaen (an Intersex gender identity) and suffers dysphoria due to how draconian culture treats and reviles her assignment.
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*Ravine - Stjepan Sejic
Hailing from an undiscovered land far to the north-east of the continent of Aphrosia(where the short story takes place), across a seemingly endless ocean, Sennar flew for several days and nights before, in her exhaustion, crash-landed into a mountain range of Aphrosia known as Dracyn's Slumber. Not only did she suffer injuries from the landing (nearly destroying both her wings), she was also bearing relatively fresh claw and bite marks, having been attacked by another dragon.
In draconian society, males rule and females are nothing more than breeding stock to perpetuate the species (dragons were nearly hunted to extinction during a massive conflict they call The Fallen Eclipse, which led to their predecessors fleeing Aphrosia). Rhaen dragons are reviled by their own kin and few that make it to adulthood forever live a life of secrecy, else they be executed for bearing the 'curse' of the 'Betrayer God' Rh'ae (Goddess of Creation, Life, the Sun, Fire and Destruction and 'mother' to the dragons). Rhaen's, if not outright killed, are forced to go through torturous procedures to 'correct' their assignment.
Sennar was one of the few female Rhaen dragons that lived freely, as part of an exile clan. She had an unfortunate encounter with a young male dragon, that sought to add her to his harem. His claws gouged her flanks and teeth nearly snapped her neck as she fought back against his attempted rape. Upon discovering she was Rhaen, the male dragon left deep gouges over her groin in an attempt to castrate her. Sennar overpowered and killed the offending dragon despite the debilitation of her injuries.
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*Ravine-inspired Dragon Bust by FABRICIO_BATISTA
Unfortunately, the clan's matriarch, an ancient dragon believed to have lived before The Fallen Eclipse occurred, feared retribution against Sennar now that her true nature was exposed and convinced her to fly across the 'Endless Sea' to find their ancestral home and live at peace.
Despite her injuries, Sennar made the flight and barely survived.
A human woman (Jorunn Fafindottir) discovered Sennar within the mountains and nursed her back to health, coaxing the dragon to follow her back to her homeland, Jormunheim, where the ravaging winter storms would hide the dragon while she finished recovering. There, Sennar learned some of the forgotten and omitted history of her kind and grew to understand the matriarch's fondness for mortal creatures such as Humans. To be among mortals that revered, not feared, her kind was quite a cultural shock... as well as coming to term with the fact that her position as a 'Rhaen' female was not hated or even registered as much more than a sexual curiosity.
Once the winter storms calmed and her injuries were healed, Sennar left to travel across Aphrosia, adopting the guise of a human. Though a shapeshifter, she could not maintain a total human disguise for longer than a day at a time. Most times, she adopted a 'half' form that most mistook for a Rh'xol, a species of mortals said to be the direct daughters of Rhae herself; partially draconian in physical appearance
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*Dragon Girl by Giush
Before the next Fivulvinter came to cut Jormunheim off from the rest of Aphrosia for the winter, Sennar returned to the village with a sizable 'offering' (basically a dowry) to claim Jorunn as her mate. The previous year, the dragon had observed how her own people were only interested in her for brief carnal affairs and Jorunn's companionship had deeply touched and attracted Sennar, coming to see the woman as an equal during their time spent together.
Sennar was prepare to be rejected but Jorunn happily accepted the dragon's proposal and they become bonded/married. Sennar guards and cherishes her wife quite fiercely, as well as the entire settlement.
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*Old art of them, done by me when I first made the characters. This started out as a smut comic (never finished it)
Welp, that's all I got. I hope you enjoyed and, as always, if you ever want to see more, comments & asks help me focus on doing this kinda stuff.
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*Current, updated, piece I'm working on form Sennar and Jorunn. Sennar's design is not set yet.
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icharchivist · 2 months
I love watching tumblr users realize certain seiyuu are haunting them
I was also previously unaware that it'd be such a problem
seiyuu haunting people is always really fun but Gackt is a massive blow because he's technically not a seiyuu, he's a famous musician, probably the most famous J-Rock/Visual Kei musician of the 00s, who especially shapped the scene of this specific culture at the time. He is a super star. It may be less obvious nowadays but Gackt is a serious big deal who is a MUSICIAN first and foremost.
his voice acting's career was supposed to be very few and far between. He got a role in FFVII only because he actually made the ending song and they gave him a cameo bc he loved FFVII, and then it ended up becoming one of the most important character of the continuity. It was an accident because he was singing the themesong!!! it wasn't supposed to be the start of his career!!
so seeing him in other projects is much more bewildering. He's NOT supposed to be here it's NOT HIS JOB, he's NOT a Seiyuu. That's the whole thing.
Like yeah we can joke about it bc i know in here we have many seiyuu haunting, but it has to be clear that when we talk about Gackt it's bewildering because it's NOT HIS JOB
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zedecksiew · 1 year
Three Clerks
Last week I tweaked my back. It hurt. A lot. As I recovered, I found that sketching with pen and pencil was less strenuous than writing on keyboard. So that's what I did.
Sketched characters from an adventure I am currently writing for Colin Le Sueur's We Deal In Lead. It began as a homage to Wisit Sasanatieng's tomyamgong western Fa Thalai Chon / Tears Of The Black Tiger.
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SHIN SUL SHAP, SHRINE CLERK 4 Grit 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Switch (d4)
Face hidden by a broad-brimmed bonnet and veil. Patrols the lines of pilgrims; like a schoolmarm she thwacks anybody chit-chatting. Piety should be silent!
A waif snatches a lead token from her pouch, and bolts. A chase ensues. He begs your help. If Sul Shap finds him, she will sell him to captive takers.
Sul Shap is a clerk at the Shrine To The Headless Sun: a bare plaza; a marble pavilion; a golden man, with an ever-burning flame where his head should be.
The Headless Sun is patron saint of the Admiralty, whose laws now govern both Ocean and Sea. He was its founder. The kings of old captured and beheaded him. He overthrew them anyway.
References for Sul Shap were basically Buddhist nun robes (mainly for the volume of fabric), plus an European bonnet.
Initially I'd imagined a conventional broad-brim hat---ie: her veil would be a cylinder around her whole head. But as I sketched I thought the bonnet made a more interesting shape? Also its rear was an opportunity to create a crest / halo of sun-rays. Religious iconography!
Alms bowl, because giving is a virtue. But the Headless Sun values ego-death, not asceticism---so colourful beads and gold amulets and pouches full of lead tokens (money).
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RIS SHAY NAM, RECORDS CLERK 2 Grit 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Swung typewriter (d4)
In a wheelbarrow, pulled by a servitor, typewriter balanced on her belly, pockets filled with banana fritters. Greasy fingerprints on any document she works on.
Shay Nam thinks herself a moral soul. Will side with abolitionists and revolutionaries, with justice—until her own skin is at risk.
Shay Nam works at the Hibiscus Court. Princess Khur San, distancing herself from the old order, surrendered this palace to bureaucrats.
Clerks have filled its once-airy halls with shelves. By sympathetic sorcery, all contracts in the province manifest copies here. Rumour has it that this magic works both ways.
This was my first sketch. In pain and bored I just started drawing.
No references, and it shows? Skirt and stockings and boots because these were the easiest for me to do. In my mind Shay Nam was an archetypal overweight NEET. Here she looks to be a sassy layabout. I like her better, now!
Also: a servitor is an empty body. Created when you ritually touch a shrine-stone to the Headless Sun---your soul is obliterated. What is left behind is mindless, hence the harness and reins.
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KHAN YUL MIN, COURT CLERK 4 Grit 1 DEF 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Sabre (d8)
A university grad and former marine. But his townhouse sits below Rose Hill, on Merchant’s Row, beneath the old families' notice.
Yul Min means to change this. He has his eye on the Widow Gon. He will hire ruffians to waylay her palanquin—then swoop in, to rescue her. Elaborate theatre.
Yul Min, like all these characters, live on the Sea of Sorrows, whose waters are literally the souls of the dead.
Roses always bleach within sight of it; to retain their colour they must be shipped in glass, then kept in arboreta—never once sharing air with the Sea.
Those who can afford red-rose gardens tend them on the south end of the city, where streets begin to climb Mount Go, in compounds walled like fortresses.
Drew Yul Min last night. Had tabs open for "Thai traditional clothing" & "military uniforms 18th century" & "krabi" & "Vajiralongkorn".
Given my inspiration, I think the referencing of Mainland Southeast Asian material culture is appropriate. Maybe a little to obvious, though? Ie: the visual forms haven't been composted well, into new and more imaginative shapes ...
Still: very pleased with the proportions and details.
I liked how the hamsa-esque icon of the Headless Sun developed over the course of these sketches. I would not have discovered it, otherwise; it's one of those details, too small for words.
Drawing is an intrinsic part of the writing process, I guess!
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How to lie in a job interview
I saw a post floating around about unspoken rules of a job interview, as a resource for people who struggle with them. I want to provide some hot tips to help you nail an interview that are a little more tongue-in-cheek about how underhanded they may be.
For context, i've never not gotten a job after an interview and I'm a very good sales person. Imo, getting the interview is the hardest part. But once you're there, its pretty easy. What you need to do to explain (or prove in the case of group interviews) the value you bring to a position. If you weren't qualified you wouldn't have the interview.
This requires an understanding of two elements.
Your experience
Expectations of the job role.
Once you understand how your experience can relate to the position you're looking for, then you'll nail the interview every time.
There are also two kinds of lying
Stretching the truth
Completely falsifying your experience.
Stretching the truth means either misrepresenting the nature of a precious position to make you sound better than you were or working with the fundamental experience you have and connecting it back to the position you want.
For example, i've worked largely in retail and sales roles. I have very little data entry experience. But, I'm looking for a role change. I could misrepresent the experience i gained from a previous position by saying that I have used digital management systems to keep track of stock over time, and aided in determining sales trends based on that. Which is true. I definitely look up stock levels a lot and I've done a stock take before. I've totally chatted with my manager, off hand, about ordering stock.
Or I might say that my role in sales required a level of interpersonal development which allows me to fit in well with an office culture. Which is does, but those skills were developed with customers and not other staff.
In either case, what I'm saying is technically true, but shapped to suit the role before me.
Outright lying is higher risk but offers greater reward. The benefit of lying now is that they already believe you. Afterall, you have the interview. Now, you need to show how your fake experience brings value to the new business. A basic understanding of the role you're lying about, and how to talk about it authentically is vital. It is usually best to lie about a role adjacent or structurally similar to one you've already worked.
To carry on from the previous example, let's say I've claimed to already work in an office. What value can I bring from an existing office position that sounds like it comes from someone whose worked in that role before? Well, I might say that I have experience developing stakeholder relationships and multitasking several different roles at a time. I could even make up examples.
When lying you need to stay confident. Whether you have worked the job or not doesn't matter. Your confidence needs to be the way this experience is relevant to your new role. And if you're asked to give an example, make up anything in the context of the job that lead to that outcome. At the end of the day, they don't know anything about your actual experience except what you've told them.
An element of all of this, and the underlying reason why it works, is that confidence and the ability to think on your feet will be infinitely more valuable to an employer than the actual experience you show. Even if the lie is found out, you were able to so confidentally understand the job criteria and relate to it on the fly and that makes you worth holding on to. Because it means you can be given a problem and can be expected to solve it with minimal assistance.
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stranger-rants · 2 years
(1) I hate how the Duffers and no one im the ST fandom allows Nancy to be flawed and how she's now shapped as this person incapable of making mistakes. With that mentioned, all these anons around Billy Tumblr finding genuine joy when she's bullied by Carol and Tommy (which i admittedly like how they embrace their mean energy), even after she's concerned about finding Barb, saying that her hitting Steve was wrong and that she shouldn't have reacted like that, making "nancy wheeler slander" party posts, the whole sex shaming situation that a lot of fans still feed into these days, blame her for Barb's death, claiming that all those moments that she was ridiculized weren't a big deal, pretty much laughing and saying that she deserves all that treatment just because she is annoying and entitled its something that pretty much makes my stomach churn in ways that i can hardly describe...
(2) This is coming from someone that stopped caring about her after S3, bur also from someone who has been in same slut shaming bullying situations and that possessive jealosy treatment Steve (i'm not saying he's bad either) gave her on S1 just because he thought she was cheating on him with Jonathan
I’ve only gotten a couple negative anons about Nancy, and they’re usually about Nancy and Steve. Otherwise, I don’t get these posts on my dash nor do I see them in the tags because I don’t follow anyone doing these things and I generally stick to the Billy Hargrove tag only. I think a possible reason for the antagonism in “Billy fandom” have to do with how many vocal Nancy fans are Antis, but at the same time there’s prominent Steve fans who are Antis as well and Steve does tend to avoid criticism for a lot of things. It just reads to me like two characters being pit against each other for the nice guy love interest Steve which is a tale as old as time in fandom spaces.
I do think Nancy and Steve come with an entitled attitude to certain situations, but that’s because of class. I am also critical of the way that the Duffers use her as a “girl boss” while also positioning her and her family as conservative. There’s something about how they’re not just trying to capture the pop culture nostalgia of the 80s, but the political nostalgia of the 80s through their most popular characters that really bothers me… but again Nancy is ultimately a teenage girl with her own flaws just like any other character on the show. I wish fans of the character and fans who hate the character alike would spend less time making it our problem.
I’m not particularly interested in The Wheelers, so I don’t spend a lot of time willingly talking about them unless something comes up that I want to address. I’m ambivalent to Nancy, but I will get defensive if fans pull unfair criticisms of just plain hate against her on my blog but really this isn’t a Billy fandom problem exclusively. I know post season two and three, there was a lot of discourse among Steve fans about her and what she “owed” or didn’t owe Steve. That pissed me off and I’ve spoken up about that in the past on my main blog, but really she is not the character I care to spend the majority of my time talking about outside of that.
I understand the discomfort this brings, but it also makes me uncomfortable how a wedge has been purposefully driven between Nancy fans and Billy fans despite the characters hardly interacting. The amount of hate comments I’ve seen from Nancy fans in the Billy tag is astounding and I’ve blocked many of their accounts, which might be why I don’t see this particular fandom discourse all the time. I don’t go into the Nancy tag, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they get similar hate posts. I just don’t see any of my mutuals doing that, nor giving love and support to hateful anons. I think it’s worthwhile to look at the wider fandom for criticism on this one.
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whosbex · 1 year
This is for @th3p0rtalmaker’s ask abt my shape shifter story. Here’s my main character’s profile.
Gianna Ivanov🥀🔪🐻
She’s 16,her birthday is Nov.3,and she’s half shape shifter,her mom is human,her dad’s the shape shifter,she has a little brother named Adavya(meaning Generous,happy,charming,and joyful person),her dad in animal form is an ox,her brother is a Scottish deerhound,and she’s a grizzly bear,in her dad’s culture you first get your ability to shape shift when you’re 9 on the first full moon after your birthday,if you’re a full Shape shifter ,after this ceremony you can shape shift between your animal self or normal self,and if full you will also have some part from your animal form in your normal form(like her dad is an ox so he has horns,a tail,a nose ring,and back legs of an ox),but if half,once u have the ability to shape shift you only have the parts of your animal at night and you can only shape shift into your animal on a full moon like at the ceremony.
Her mom is a human,she isn’t that nice to Gianna or her brother,when her parents were married,her dad would be out most of the day at his job at a pub for his kind,and while he would be gone Gianna would go to school and her brother would stay home with their mom. When Gianna went home her mom would yell all the time at her for not doing her chores(mind u she would be 6 or 7,and Adavya would be 1 or 2 at this time)and she would beat the crap out of her sometimes too if she tried to defend her brother,she’d do this so much that when her dad would come home she would be passed out on the sofa with her brother.Her dad always wondered why they both had bruises(mostly Gianna tho since she had the most),he finally found out that her mom was being abusive to them when he came home early and walked in on her trying to beat Adavya with Gianna in front of him,he shap shifted into an ox and got in front of them just in time to stop the wooden bat from hitting Gianna.They started to argue,and her dad filed for a divorce and went to court for the custody of the kids.
In court the whole room was all eyes on Gianna’s dad,most people didn’t like the shape shifters who lived just out side of their town,they always had a fear that they’d attack them,since they were not only different with more advantages but there were also many more of them then there were humans.
But Immanuil(Gianna’s dad) stood tall,head up,shoulders back,and walked with pride in that court room,as he took the stand and explained what he saw,his best friend and kids beside him,he spoke the truth and said he did no harm to his wife,and if he did it was to defend his children. But Amil(Gianna’s mom)had the advantage in this case,these people were her kind,so no matter how truthful Gianna’s father was,her mother had already won the battle. She lied to the judge,saying that Immanuil would come home late,drunk and not only hurt the kids,but her as well,which she had no proof of,un like Gianna and her brother who had bruises everywhere.
Either way,weather they liked it or not,Amil had won custody over Gianna since she had the most bruises,therefore the judge thought she was in more danger. Her father got to have her brother since he was a boy and needed a male role model in his life,not to mention they were half breeds,no one really cared that deeply or on what would happen to them.
Fast forward to 10 years latter. Yes she did get her ability to shape shift along with her god brother\best friend,Sasha.
Sasha,helped her sneak out that night so they could go to their ceremony together.
Gianna got a bear and Sasha got a hawk.He’s also a half breed,and they always walk to school together even though Amil would rather Gianna to stay away from her dad’s kind,but she couldn’t stop her neither could Shawn.
Shawn was Amil’s “boyfriend”,he was almost as bad if not worse then Amil when it came to Gianna. They’d team up on her sometimes and she’d go to school with a bunch of marks on her. He would also be kind of a pervert. Sasha wound go to her house and get her to stay the night at his place so she wouldn’t get hurt,he wanted to keep her safe,he’d do anything for her,because not only was she his best friend and god sister,he had fallen in love with her as well.Sasha’s parents would always cover for her if she wasn’t home at a certain time, so she could see her dad.
School’s also a struggle for Gianna,Sasha,and Adavya,since they’re the ONLY half breeds in the school,it doesn’t really help either that Shawn’s daughter,Scarlett likes to pick on them all the time.
Her and Gianna have gotten into fights A LOT,and when they’d go to the office Gianna is usually the one to blame even if she was triggered.
Sasha is either cheering her on or helping Adavya hold her back.
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gender-mailman · 2 years
Hearts for me represent the person's soul or whatever 😭Can we please stop using them to show only love, attraction and etc?
That's why I used the hearts pointing on each other, because at least for me Y/N is literally a mirror of a reader and hearts are just what I see as a persons being qq
(In my species culture spark is the same as peoples soul and heart at the same time and I just... went with Heart using the same definition, who could have thought that hearts for everyone are just a LoVe /mad)
-- @hypnosiacon
Ooooooooooh!!!! :00 i didnt knew thats why ryu dod them like that :0!!
Also, hearts are just cool looking shapped things /silly /pos
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ejesgistnews · 1 month
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, World's Richest Woman, Loses $13 Billion in 2024.     Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, the world’s wealthiest woman and heiress to the L’Oréal fortune, has faced a significant financial setback in 2024, losing $13.1 billion of her net worth over the first seven months of the year.   This decline, which brings her fortune down to $86 billion from nearly $100 billion at the start of the year, reflects broader challenges within the luxury beauty and fashion sectors. The Bloomberg Billionaire Index reports that Bettencourt Meyers’ wealth reduction mirrors the difficulties faced by other luxury industry titans, such as Bernard Arnault, the head of Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH).   Read Also : EFCC Detains NAHCON Chairman, Secretary Over N90 Billion Hajj Subsidy Scam   The downturn in Bettencourt Meyers' fortune is closely tied to her substantial stake in L’Oréal, the global cosmetics giant, which has been adversely impacted by a slowdown in the Chinese market. As a result, L’Oréal shares have fallen by 14.25% year-to-date, stoking investor concerns over the company’s growth prospects in key markets.   L’Oréal’s Response to Market Challenges In response to the challenges facing the luxury market, L’Oréal has been actively working to diversify its portfolio. One significant move is the planned acquisition of a 10% stake in the Swiss skincare company Galderma, valued at $1.85 billion. This strategic investment, which involves purchasing shares from Sunshine SwissCo AG—a consortium that includes Swedish private equity firm EQT, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and Auba Investment Pte. Ltd.—is part of L’Oréal’s broader effort to strengthen its position in the global skincare market and reduce its reliance on more volatile luxury segments. Additionally, L’Oréal has continued to invest in its workforce through the expansion of its Employee Share Ownership Plan, launched in 2018. This plan, now available in 63 countries, allows employees to purchase L’Oréal shares at a 20% discount. Over 37,000 employees have participated in the initiative, which aims to align their interests with the company’s long-term growth and values. Nicolas Hieronimus, Chief Executive Officer of L’Oréal Groupe, emphasized that this plan reflects the company’s commitment to fostering a sense of shared ownership and responsibility among its employees. About Francoise Bettencourt Meyers Françoise Bettencourt Meyers controls approximately one-third of L’Oréal, the world’s largest cosmetics company. She became chairwoman of the holding company that manages the family’s stake following the death of her mother, Liliane Bettencourt, in 2017. Under her leadership, L’Oréal has continued to thrive, generating €41.2 billion ($44.5 billion) in revenue in 2023. The Bettencourt family has received more than €10 billion ($11.2 billion) in dividends from L’Oréal over the years, according to analyses of company filings and market data. Beyond her business acumen, Bettencourt Meyers is deeply involved in philanthropy. She oversees her family’s charitable foundation, which is dedicated to advancing French sciences and arts. Notably, following the 2019 Notre Dame Cathedral fire, the Bettencourt Meyers family, along with L’Oréal, donated $226 million towards the restoration efforts.   This philanthropic commitment highlights Bettencourt Meyers’ influence not only in the business world but also in cultural and social spheres.   As L’Oréal navigates the complexities of the current market environment, Bettencourt Meyers remains a central figure in the luxury industry, with her wealth and influence continuing to shape the future of the sector.
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arvind-1 · 2 months
Mosque Carpet In Dubai
Mosque Carpet In Dubai plays an essential role in creating a serene and comfortable environment for worshippers. These carpets are often richly designed, with patterns that reflect cultural heritage. Mosque carpets provide a soft, warm surface for prayer, enhancing the overall spiritual experience. Their durability and ease of maintenance make them ideal for high-traffic areas.
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curtainabudhabi1 · 2 months
Mosque Carpets Dubai
Mosque carpets often feature intricate geometric patterns, floral motifs, or prayer rug designs that are culturally significant and aesthetically pleasing. These designs may be symbolic or decorative, reflecting Islamic art and architecture traditions.
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withinreach1 · 2 months
The Japanese Language & Civilization course at WITHINREACH is more than just a language program; it's an invitation to explore and appreciate the depth of Japanese culture and history. By bridging language skills with cultural understanding, we aim to provide a well-rounded educational experience that stays with you for life. Join us and embark on a journey to discover the fascinating world of Japan with WITHINREACH.
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vijudon · 6 months
Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education
As an esteemed educational institution, the Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education upholds rigorous academic standards and promotes a culture of continuous learning. Students under this board benefit from a well-rounded education that includes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
For more details:- https://collegetour.in/news/jammu-and-kashmir-state-board-of-school-education
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f0xd13-blog · 6 months
Guys most portuguese are POOR AF!! Because their.entire goal in the past was to erase us. Obviously that a country that had ties with africa and rich history with it that in return shapped usa culture would be a problem right? Specially when it was created by visigothic romany like.... cri.cri cri that's why we found a hot gypsy president to flirt with hitler duh that fuckinv faggot
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chhaperiablogs · 6 months
Heating the Future: Chhaperia's Journey as Premier Air Heater Manufacturers in India
In the realm of industrial heating solutions, Chhaperia Electro Components Pvt. Ltd. stands as a beacon of innovation and reliability, particularly renowned for its expertise in air heaters. With a steadfast commitment to quality, technological excellence, and customer satisfaction, Chhaperia has emerged as a leading force in the Indian market. In this article, we explore the illustrious journey of Chhaperia as premier air heater manufacturers in India, shedding light on their contributions and impact on the heating industry.
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A Legacy of Excellence:
Chhaperia's foray into air heater manufacturing is steeped in a rich legacy of excellence. With decades of experience and a culture of innovation, the company has continually pushed the boundaries of heating technology. From humble beginnings to becoming an industry stalwart, Chhaperia's journey underscores a relentless pursuit of perfection and a commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions to its customers.
Unrivaled Quality Assurance:
At the heart of Chhaperia's operations lies an unwavering commitment to quality assurance. Every air heater manufactured undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure compliance with international standards and specifications. Utilizing premium-grade materials, advanced manufacturing processes, and rigorous testing protocols, Chhaperia guarantees the reliability, efficiency, and durability of its air heaters, even in the most demanding industrial environments.
Diverse Product Portfolio:
Chhaperia boasts a diverse range of air heaters tailored to meet the unique requirements of various industries and applications. Whether it's tubular air heaters, finned air heaters, or custom-designed solutions, the company offers versatility in its product offerings. With the ability to customize heaters based on parameters such as heating capacity, airflow, temperature control, and mounting options, Chhaperia ensures optimal performance and compatibility across diverse sectors.
Innovation at its Core:
Innovation is ingrained in Chhaperia's DNA, driving continuous improvement and technological advancement. The company invests significantly in research and development to stay at the forefront of heating technology. By embracing cutting-edge design methodologies, materials, and manufacturing techniques, Chhaperia enhances the efficiency, reliability, and functionality of its air heaters, setting new benchmarks for industry standards.
Customer-Centric Approach:
Chhaperia places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, adopting a proactive and responsive approach to address the unique needs of its clients. The company's dedicated team of professionals collaborates closely with customers to understand their specific heating requirements and provide tailored solutions that exceed expectations. With a focus on timely delivery, technical support, and ongoing customer engagement, Chhaperia fosters enduring partnerships built on trust and mutual success.
Sustainability Initiatives:
As sustainability emerges as a key imperative in today's industrial landscape, Chhaperia remains committed to environmentally responsible practices. The company prioritizes energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly materials in its manufacturing processes, minimizing its environmental footprint. By embracing sustainability initiatives, Chhaperia not only fulfills its corporate social responsibility but also contributes to a cleaner, greener future for generations to come.
In the dynamic world of industrial heating solutions, Chhaperia Electro Components Pvt. Ltd. With a legacy of excellence, a diverse product portfolio, and a relentless pursuit of technological advancement, Chhaperia continues to lead the way as premier air heater manufacturers in India. As the company embarks on its journey towards greater heights, it remains steadfast in its commitment to shaping the future of heating technology, driving progress, and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of industrial heating solutions.
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