#She is also a cas stan
claudtrait · 6 months
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misssakurapetal28 · 6 months
C@tra Stans: OMG why people are criticizing C@tra so much!? She’s a literal teenager! Poor baby! 🥺
Also C@tra Stans: OMG C@tra and C//A is SO sexy and spicy! I love it! 😍😍😍
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
I see this held up as major proof of Dean's badness, but couldn't it also be proof of Cas having faith Dean can get past anything without Cas having to change his behavior? The way it's structured the onus is on DEAN to work through it, not others to change or make amends. ---- CASTIEL: You know, Dean, he – he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on.
I see what you mean in a general sense, and it's extremely possible that Cas is thinking about his own past fights with Dean and Dean forgiving him, and from the perspective of the critique you have in mind that you're refuting, I agree. But of course deancrit casgirls will forever insist that Cas has never in his life done anything harmful to Dean either accidentally or on purpose, so any time Dean might dare try to hold him accountable for anything, he's actually just making shit up and being toxic and controlling, so here Cas is just apologizing for his own abusive relationship. You can only get their take by being deliberately obtuse/disingenuous.
That said, the context of that line (from 15.13 "Destinty's Child") is Cas answering soulless Jack's question about whether Dean will eventually forgive him for murdering Mary.
CASTIEL: Hey, Jack. JACK: Cas, you know what's good about being dead? CASTIEL: Uh, as I recall, very little. JACK: Well, when you come back, you – you really get into all that life is. Hot, cold, sweet, spicy, funny, scary. CASTIEL: And are you? "Into it"? JACK: I want to be. But I don't... feel things the way I used to. Before I lost my... CASTIEL: Your soul. JACK: I used to feel things. In my bones. It was glorious, and sometimes unbearable. But I felt them. Now, I understand joy or sadness, but... I know those things aren't in me. I understand why Sam and Dean were angered by what happened to Mary... CASTIEL: By what you did to Mary. JACK: Yes. I see that I've caused them pain. And it's clear that things have changed. Especially with – with Dean. Will he ever forgive me? CASTIEL: You know, Dean, he – he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on. JACK: How long will that take? CASTIEL: I don't know.
And yeah—I have seen people refer to Cas's little speech here as "condoning child abuse" and other bullshit. Because how DARE Dean not forgive soulless Jack for murdering his mother (something soulless Jack is unable to actually really acknowledge he did). I mean clearly any time someone murders your mom because she made them mad and threatened their sense of security by asking if they're okay and saying their concerning actions can’t stay a secret… That’s just natural understandable stuff! You need to forgive the person who murdered her instantly and if you don’t idk you’re kinda overreacting don’t you think? :/ I mean your mom probably deserved it kind of anyway for reading the room so wrong and talking about getting a person help. And I mean if you don't forgive the person who killed your mom or do anything trying to stop them from hurting more people you're really a child abuser... toward an adult... who murdered your mother in cold blood and is unable to even understand why it was wrong in any sense other than an intellectual one like he read it from a book... preferring to refer to it as "What happened to Mary" instead of acknowledge it as something he himself did because he was mad and felt threatened—which is what he circled back to in "Jack In The Box" too. It's only when Jack gets his soul back that he's able to actually feel true empathy, acknowledge his real actions and the gravity of them, and give an actual sincere apology. Because his soul is actually important—something this fandom refuses, by and large, to notice.
Anyway, this fandom's take on Mary's murder and soulless Jack vs. regular Jack is overwhelmingly a bag of wet third grader vomit and feces so what can one expect?
#mail#soulless jack killing mary is popularly regarded as an accident... but it's pretty transparent that it wasn't?#or rather it was on purpose but he regretted it the second after it happened. but that is still. Something he chose to do. Not an accident.#He saw her as a threat to his relationship with Sam and Dean and he acted.#This is indicated right before he kills her. He admits it outright also right before calling it an accident which unravels that whole idea.#It wasn’t pre-meditated but in that moment he wanted her to die. She was going to tell everyone there was something wrong with him.#And he did not want that.#It wasn't an accident and he can't handle his own culpability because it threatens his belief that he can make things be the way they were#before it happened. Which is why he killed her to begin with! He didn't want anyone to know/think anything was wrong with him!#And just like soulless Jack just wants everyone to forget about it and act like nothing happened and he's fine...#Many fans want Dean to forget about it. They want Dean to believe and say and feel and think that Mary did not matter.#And that being upset at her literal murder (even if it was an accident—which it was not) is bad and evil.#And Sam's great capacity for numbness (which we already saw in season 13) strengthen's their own lack of empathy for Dean#in a situation that in real life they would understand unless they're actual psychopaths.#It's only because Dean is a character in a narrative representing the need/capacity to be loved and accepted at all#that these demands that his thoughts and feelings bend to everyone else's emotional needs become so disturbingly intrusive#dont feed the stans after midnight#and cas is my best friend#hot girl cas
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serenuum · 1 year
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im sure its been pointed a hundred times already but still
some time ago me and @csyacsyacsya were talking about this scene and especially the colors in this scene and uh. this is the only i think scene where mike wears a bright colored tshirt— his usual palette is white/gray/black and dark colors like dark blue and dark green, but here. heres that bright shirt among the black&white outfits the others wear that reflects mikes mental state, how hes losing his mind after everything happened and how hes being on the edge, and the way he smiles like what the fuck?? mike doesnt smile like this. this nervousness in his moves, this like forced hysterical smile. what the fuck
and also the next to normal vibes? ugh
and also did i just make a whole ass gifset just to talk about the color if his tshirt? yea i did
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year
Holy shit dude, Peggy haters on this webbed site have the weirdest fucking takes
I mean honestly, talk about willfully ignoring canon to form your own (wrong) opinions about a character...
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hdmiports · 1 year
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30 shuffle sims day 7 - house party
she’s tired and only likes hanging out w her boyfriend #socialanxiety
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maipareshaan · 2 years
Never forget i got called incompetent in my spn opinions bcz i made a post that said i do not understand the Mary and Dean parallels, note that i did not even say its not there, i just said its something i do not understand well bcz you know there are some things you don't care about so don't see, but obvs spn hinges on how much Dean and Mary love bacon so my bad.
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lansangprincess · 6 months
Coming back from the dead for Heartbreak High S2∘—✧₊
Freaking out crying sobbing smiling laughing!!!!!!!!!!
Breakdown of trailer and initial reactions:
Amerie and Malakai are FWBs (strangers-to-friends-to-lovers-to-friends-to-FWBs-to-lovers slow burn i see the vision)
New love interest for Amerie causing a love triangle (I would theorize it ending up as a throuple if only Malakai didn't say he was done with threesomes lol) (i prob wont want them to end up as a throuple tho. we'll see when we meet this guy)
Ant and Harper ???? (kinda into it idk. did yall see that part where she tackled him on the field? Ant will be into being dominated i swear to god. we've already had one love interest that made her feel small we dont need another. also ant would never)
Missy and Spider ???? (so many random pairings this season i love it. if you think about it tho who better to put spider in his fucking place than Missy? it could work it could work) (thank fuck amerie/spider aint happening lmao sorry to yalls stans)
"Amerie's an asshole" again (idk what it is but youll never make me hate her so im not even gonna waste time trying to figure it out)
Malakai and Darren ???? (that feels cursed idk im sorry. they are siblingS. do yall not remember "do u want something gay to wear?" "yes pls" ?? it's giving eldest child and baby bro. But also i think it mightve just been a trailer bait type of thing. we're never giving up on ca$h and the writers should know that)
Darren in their celibacy era (I have no faith in u girlie but i love u dw)
idk what's up with Quinni but im still gonna mention her because I MISS HER SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHH please don't get back together with Sasha
I am very here for Amerie/Malakai, Ant/Harper and generally having a deeper dive into Ant, Missy and Spider. I want to see an out and about Malakai, cutesy dates for all my ships, even more Quinni & Darren, and Harper's friendship dynamics w everyone in the group.
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infiniteetcetera · 4 months
The recent discourse of “Cassian/Nesta don’t make sense as mates from a power standpoint” is so interesting (and true) but I also find it interesting that I don’t think there really is any other SJM world mates that parallel Cassian/Nesta?? Like there’s nothing about them that reads as mates to me. Whether you like them or not, Feysand, Rowaelin, Elucien, and Quinlar all make perfect sense to me as mates (even if it’s not in a romance sense but in like a powers/fantasy bond/parallels sense) The only SJM couple that comes close to Nessian in terms of parallels for me is (Nessian stans turn away now) Azriel/Mor.
There are actually a lot of interesting parallels here on the surface/in terms of scenes. I give you examples:
• Mor yanking her hand away from Az and Cassian yanking his hand away from Nesta, even though the action shows incredible (rare) vulnerability from Az/Nesta.
• The entire Cauldron/end of ACOMAF scene, Cassian’s reactions to Nesta being hurt and Azriel’s reactions to Mor getting hurt are the same.
• A complete lack of understanding for one another despite their connection?? Cassian and Nesta are almost never on the same page and Mor and Azriel still fail to understand each other after 500 years of friendship.
•Choosing Rhys/orders over each other, specifically when it matters most.
•The way Mor describes Azriel’s feelings of inadequacy and feeling undeserving of her are exactly how Nesta describes her feelings for Cassian and not being good enough for him (also neither Cas/Mor has ever told the other they’re wrong for feeling that way).
•Despite their own disregard of the others feelings, Cassian/Mor demonstrate a similar weird possessiveness over Nesta/Azriel, in particular i’m thinking of Cassians reaction to Neris (even though Nesta doesn’t even like Eris) and Mor’s reaction to Elriel (like you’re a Lesbian girl why do you care who Az is flirting with)
•A surface level parallel of powers that implies a subservience that isn’t normal with mating bonds (where powers are meant to compliment each other, even if one is slightly more powerful.) For example, Nesta’s power is death and Cassian is a war general (who delivers death, but is inherently subservient to it) and Mor’s power is “truth” while Azriel is an interrogator with a knife called truth teller (again sort of subservient to the idea and pursuit of truth, not equal to it)
•The implication of having no shared hobbies and one being forced into doing what the other likes (Nesta training to become more like Cas, Azriel going to Rita’s and generally putting himself out there to please Mor)
•The manipulation of emotions to force the other into doing what they want. Nesta goes from 0 to 100 in accepting the bond bc Cassian pushes this idea of being “shackled” to her and reminding her she’s inferior/not enough for him. Mor is constantly using Azriel’s feelings to force him to talk/agree to plans and just generally do what she/the IC wants
•The complete IGNORING of an implicit love confession (Az/Mor after the Autumn court debacle, Cas/Nes at the end of ACOWAR) even though ignoring it is weird and makes no sense.
WHY DO I POINT ALL THIS OUT? I think these parallels could mean some important things, especially because SJM could have chosen to ignore all the weird/bad things about Nessian and pretend they had a happily ever after following ACOSF but she didn’t. So, what are the options here?
1) I’ve seen this one a few times and I think it’s an interesting concept: there are “true” mating bonds, like those in TOG, and there are “cauldron” mating bonds, which have less to do with love/romance/compatibility and more to do with breeding and just generally creating a path the cauldron deems suitable. I think Mor/Azriel being “cauldron” mates would be a great way to explore this concept since Mor can’t love Azriel, giving Azriel a chance to be with someone purely out of choice (no matter who that is), and forcing the Archeron sisters to contemplate their mating bonds and whether they really want their mates (I focus more on Nes/Elain here, I hold true that Feysand is here to stay, though this could be an interesting contention point for Rhys)
2) This seems less likely to me but would be SO interesting: Rhys has the power to fake mating bonds to a certain degree and has been doing so when it suits him. Now let me specify one thing: Rhys did NOT fake his bond with Feyre, we do know this for certain. Based on his thoughts it’s also very likely he did NOT fake Elucien’s bond. HOWEVER i think it is totally plausible and makes sense for him to fake a bond between Mor/Azriel and Cassian/Nesta as a means of controlling Azriel and Nesta. We are told several times throughout the series Rhys doesn’t know how to control Az and the first time we see Az try to defy him (by being with Elain) what does Rhys immediately ask??? wHaT aBoUt mOr, aZ? Such a weird thing to bring up, except it’s not when you get to the basis of all Mor and Az’s interactions and why people think Az loves Mor (he does what she says and tries to make her happy, even to his own loss) except apparently when it suits Rhys. We’ve seen the SAME vibe with Nessian, and we know Rhys has been hardcore struggling to control Nesta. I think if he saw they had some mutual attraction, faking a bond there would make sense. it would also make sense they were able to avoid/ignore each other for so long (like the bond was faded) but then have an intense connection when around each other
3) These parallels mean nothing except SJM poorly wrote both of these pairings 💔
Truly, I know NOTHING for sure but I hope SJM chooses to do something interesting with these pairs rather then leaving them with weird icky damaging histories and ignoring them. Cant be too sure but I have some hope
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kenlvry · 2 years
team stan+team craig with a figure skater s/o🤭🤭
figure skater reader
HE LOVESSSSSS IT. whenever you practice he'd secretly take pics and blushes at you. when you perform he is you #1 supporter, he literally yells your name "THATS MY GIRLLLLL LETSGO Y/N" he also has your picture as his profile on Instagram .he'd ask you to teach him for sure "kenny you can't even skate without someone holding your arm" "SO? 😒". he would save the articles of you and literally has all of your skating vids saved
he finds it so interesting, like how did you that and how did you do this. he searches up your performances and is stunned. he tells randy about it and randy is like "YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS FAMOUS?" and brags to everyone "yeah thats my daughter in law". stan supports you though, he definitely has high hopes for you and is so sure you're gonna be known worldwide.
is amazed, he asks so many questions. how do you that? does it not hurt? how are you not cold?. he's strong on the aren't you cold because he sees you wearing thin as clothing and your skating as if its not fucking freezing. he would go shopping with you to buy a coat because he is convinced you don't have one.he saves videos of you skating and would watch them in his free time.
LOVES IT. he brags to everyone, if someone is watching a vid of you skating he brags "yep thats my girlfriend" and smiles to himself, he takes advantage of it sm. he'd go backstage and if the guards didnt allow him he just use his card "im y/ns boyfriend yk, if she finds out about this she won't let you off so easily 😒". he'd pretend to be your coach just so he can see you practice. he doesn't tell you but he also saves the videos, he doesn't know how you can be so pretty while skating in the cold like that fr.
shook to the core. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT??" he's very concerned at how you do the stunts and how your spine is still intact. somehow he has a backstage pass??? everytime you finish a performance he would give you water and a coat to cover yourself "you did so well y/n!!!!!! 😊😊🥰😚" . he gives you motivational cheers too. butters is always there as a full time supporter
HE IS YOUR SUPPORTER, might as well be the president of your fanclub. he saves the articles of you like "y/ns skating routine" or knowing damn well he couldve asked. he'd be yelling nonstop in the crowd whenever you do performances. you have to tell him that you have a performance coming up so he is first to have tickets. you did a quad once in boy was shook, he was literally screaming your name and when you did a quad he was like 🧍 "HWAR????". he 100% would compete with anyone in the crowd, like if someoen was yelling your name louder than him he takes that as a competition. you just hear "y/n letsgo!!!" followed with "Y/N YESS THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!".
loves it, he can tell you are going to be really really popular. saves the video and isn't ashamed of it, tells his parents about you because he's so proud of you. idk what else mans would do...
okay, he finds it so hot tbh. he loves the clothes you wear whenever you perform. i think he acts like he doesn't care that his girlfriend is a popular ice skater but in reality he loves it so much. he also would glare at anyone looking at you 'weirdly' since most of your clothing are thin and very revealing alot of people tend to stare and he would ready with a coat after evey performance to cover you up. he tried to ice skate once too and he was really good, if he becomes a ice skater he wants to be your partner fr
is also extremely worried for you, asks way too many questions "does it hurt?, are you cold? do you need a coat? dont you need to check a doctor? are you not dizzy? do you always do this? are you not scared? what if the blade hits your face?" he is so amazed at the dizzy part like you'd spin so many times and is still able to do things normally. if it was him he would puke himself on the spot. he can't watch most of your performances bc of how worried mans is, he still supports you though. he would get really worried about you and would end up watching at a live stream somewhere ong
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mysticmellowlove · 8 months
Saw this today and it has me thinking(more specifically slide 7 and 8)
Business woman x yandere
She has all these ideas for business and charity projects but since she has so many ideas she can find it alittle hard to come up with the driving force for all of them and that’s where yan steps in.
He’ll do anything to impress her so I just imagine his cute little brain coming up with these genius plans of action and showing them to her. I mean he has like 25 step plans and crazy layouts that are beautifully executed to a tea.
He just hope she likes his ideas and when he hands her a blueprint to let’s say some architectural design and she sees how good he did she looks at him and is just like: “Baby you are an absolute GENIUS!” And giving him all the kisses.
He is the muscle force to our desired reality we Stan a creative king 💪
note; honestly give me two people working in harmony! loving this idea of mutual support
warnings; soft hours, subtle yan, fem reader (req), gn reader,
Work has been stressing you out lately. It had all been long hours and hard work, some people would assume that being in the creative field was a piece of cake when in reality it was mentally and socially draining. You had withstood years and years of business deals, negotiations and vigorous planning. Finally, today it had paid off.
You had presented your city plan for the newest district, a mix of walkability and practicality all with green aesthetic surroundings. It had been your dream to change the dreary sight of your home city. You wanted to live here with pride and now... now you had managed to get there. Your childhood vision had been realised and now you were going to see it come true. This was a massive step not only for you but also for the environment. For people...
It was all placated smiles and polite nods until you reached your apartment, the one you would soon be donating because you were moving to the new district. As soon as the door swung shut you couldn't help but squeal in delight. With a rush of energy you launched yourself into your boyfriend's arms and hugged the life out of him.
In your peripheral you could see him grinning as he swung you around joyously. As of a couple years ago he had been by your side, the fuel to your fire. He took care of the technical side of things, planning out deliveries and harder design choices. He scoped streets and plotted roads, chose colours and researched plants. Your eyes slid shut as the first relaxed breath left your mouth and you sunk into him.
"You did it baby." He cooed as he carried you over to the couch. With your head still buried in his neck you shook your head.
"No, we did it." You squeezed your arms around him before letting yourself flop onto the couch. His smile was as bright as the sun as he looked down at you with that cheery look on his face that you loved so much. He was like a real-life golden retriever, always so eager to please and bouncy. He was a great influence actually. On those days where you just wanted to give up and hide away he would always be there to support you.
He hummed as he happily went into the kitchen, his whole body seeming to vibrate with energy. You knew he had been working hard as well, he tried to hide it but not much escaped you. He would work into the night, his computer in front of him as his eyes drooped and his bags darkened. In those moments you knew that he was looking to you for inspiration. When he thought you were sleeping he would whisper about how he would do anything to turn your dream into a reality, how much he wanted you to smile.
He would always kiss you before opening one more city draft, just one more before he would finally give in and sink into your arms. Sometimes you wondered if he knew you were awake in those moments but you also selfishly hoped that you were getting to see a secret side of him. One that you had all for yourself.
"Come on. Wine! We're celebrating." He yipped as he came out of the kitchen, a bottle and two glasses in his hands. You grinned, celebrating with him sounded perfect.
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queermania · 5 months
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i saw this post on a sam stan's blog tagged with destiel and i just... what? what well developed m/f ship are people ignoring in supernatural in favor of destiel? dean and the girl who was in one single episode in season 1 and then never mentioned again? dean and the girl who prompted a "....lisa???" from jensen because dean wiped her memories less than halfway through the show and then she was never mentioned again? dean and... oh wait. there were no other serious female love interests for him. well, surely we're talking about cas then. cas and meg? cas and april?? cas and daphne?? like??? or are we just talking about m/f relationships in general? what is the super well developed m/f relationship that everyone's ignoring in favor of destiel?? is it rowena and sam?? they're arguably the best developed romantic m/f relationship on the show and over a third of the works for them on ao3 also include destiel. so i'm just a little confused here. or maybe this is about how sam is female-c-[gunshots]
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via-l0ve · 1 year
Hi I want to request Spn boys dating someone who is a few years younger than them (They almost have to be in crowley and castiels case) and they sometimes use slang that they don't get at all. I loved the way your wrote Gabriel in latest work so could you add him.
I understood that reference! (SPN pref!) 🩷
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A/n: hi anon! i love this idea!! i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: swearing, modern vine/tiktok references
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“no, y/n!! you don’t understand! this is important, you could’ve died back there!! you need to be more careful! i’m tired of-“
“no need to shout. no need to yell. shut your eyes, take a deep breath.”
“aww look! you’ve gone all quiet.”
“what the fuck was that?”
you take it to your advantage when he’s arguing and just slip in some vine references (idk if anyone understands that one but i love it.)
“y/n, you want avocados on your toast like a heathen?”
“it’s an avocado! yayyy!”
“are you having a stroke? it’s just an avocado.”
one time a demon came through and a fight broke out and the table broke
“the tables broken. i’ll have to go out and get a new one in the morn-“
“oh no!! our table! it’s broken!!”
“…i just said that.”
the poor man is SO confused
side. eye.
he’s flabbergasted
let’s say he’s mad about something okay?
he’s ranting and ranting and then he turns to you
“woah. calm down there jamahl. don’t pull out the nine!”
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he’s giggling tho
he thinks it’s entertaining how you just say things for fun and it confuses everyone in the room
also also also
he tells you the most depressing news about the world and you go
“oh. slay.”
“slay? i just told you 20 people died y/n are you okay? are you high?”
“i wish i was.”
lmfao i’m sorry but imagine in the middle of a hunt you get punched in the face by a demon or something and he turns to you and
“you okay?”
“oh! oh! call an ambulance! call an ambulance! but not for me!!!”
and then you kill it.
he falls in love even more.
poor baby is so confused
“where are you going, y/n?”
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy.”
“w-what? weather boy? i’m an angel of the lord-“
it’s not even vine. if you use slang he is so confused
“she thought she ate that up.”
“ate what up? what was she eating y/n?”
“no… no she wasn’t eat-“
you do it just to mess with him lol
“cas, you’re such a snack.”
your humor makes him so confused
“cas! look at this video of a gerbil running up to the camera and it freezes right on his dumb face.”
“y/n you concern me.”
“i was laughing for ten minutes.”
he is so confused
he thinks your dying
but he also just goes along with it
any vine references he giggles a little bit ngl
he thinks you’re so funny even if he dosent get it too much LMFAOO
he gives you the look every time you reference something.
“was that a vine thing?”
he says meme like sebastian stan
“was that a mee-me?”
“meme, crowley.”
“oh. meeh-me.”
i’m cackling
i feel like he sucks at texting bro.
“hey bestie how was ur day?” - you
“good bestie i am not your bestie i am crowley your lover”
“use punctuation.”
he dosent understand your new language but he tries to keep up.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Benlie: Why I love these two
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A lot of people in the Ben 10 fandom don’t really like this ship these days. Even back when UAF was airing, most were gushing over Gwevin and there was very little Benlie content like AMVs, fanfics or fanart. Many view Julie as a bland character and while she could have been fleshed out more, I think that’s a bit unfair as well as the idea of her being controlling, toxic or abusive. On the flip side are those that view Ben as a misogynistic incel who only saved Jennifer, Elena and Eunice to get in their pants, when he did care a lot more about Julie than some say. I am aware that there are overzealous stans who treat Benlie like the greatest romance in history and usually do it to drag down Omniverse, but many of us who still ship or enjoy it do so because we wish it could have been done better.
I like these two as a couple, partially because they’re a nice contrast to Gwen and Kevin. Gwevin was the “bad boy and smart girl” opposites attract, angst filled romance people loved. Ben and Julie by contrast are people with similar interests and personalities like Sumo Slammers, horror movies, sports and can be pretty headstrong while having a more compassionate side. Both also used “you’re not a monster, you’re better than this” to get the Dragon/Ship to come to their senses, ironically both incidents involved the Forever Knights. Friends to lovers can be overused or cliche but it can also be wholesome.
One other thing I love about these two is how they bounce off each other. Julie is someone besides Gwen who can remind Ben that there’s more to life besides being a hero, something the original Ben 10,000 struggled with and who pushes him to reign in his jerkass tendencies. Sort of like Robin and Starfire in Teen Titans. She brings out the best in him and he is aware that he’s not a great boyfriend, but he does better than most give him credit for. No hate to Benkai fans but they really brought out the worst in each other while Julie got the short end of the stick from the writers.
I also really like how she’s the one that saved him from being corrupted by the power of Dagon, keeping him from letting the power go to his head which is a nice parallel to Azmuth and Zenith. She was kind of the fourth member of the team before Rook, having helped Ben during Big Chill’s pregnancy, and helping stop the Highbreed war, Ultimate Kevin’s rampage and Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon. She also saved him twice from Elena and as well as when he got his hand cut off and was trapped in the Null Void and reassured him when his identity was leaked.
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As stated above, many of us Benlie fans ship it because of its missed potential. The show should have really fleshed out their parents more as we never see them interact and Julie’s dad was shown to hate Ben in his only appearance. Julie could have staged an intervention with Carl and Sandra after the Ultimate Kevin incident and over their concerns about Ben’s fame as that arc needed more consequences. I think Julie would also have been fun to see interacting with Rook as well as the other characters Omniverse introduced.
One other reason I really like Benlie is it has a similar vibe to some of my other favorite ships like Hodaka x Hina or Connverse and it feels very animesque, which makes since as the series is quite similar to a magical girl anime. They genuinely care about each other despite their ups and downs and have a very cute vibe. I headcanon both as bisexual or biromantic given Ben’s “crush” on Nemesis and his interactions with Rook, Rex and Kevin. Julie also seems a bit queer, coming from a strict family, keeping secrets like Ship and slowly breaking out of her shell, realizing what she wants out of life.
People use them arguing or Ben screwing up as a reason it was toxic but I like seeing characters work out their issues and succeeding. They got together in AF and were fairly stable. Then conflicts arose in UA when Ben became famous and Julie began her own career in tennis, but they appear to have reconciled by the finale. Then OV could have had them as partners with Rook, having worked out their issues. Regardless of whether you like them as a couple, fans can all agree that Julie deserved better from the writers and isn’t as bad as the fandom makes her out to be. I’m aware that they were not a perfect romance but they don’t need to be for people to like them.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
So, I was just sent this this morning and…
“Spindlehorse supports Lackadaisy!”
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Apparently not!
(This was sent by someone who was actually in Vivziepop’s server. Can’t send the full screenshot because I don’t want to leak the usernames of people who don’t deserve to be in this post or mentioned here.)
Wow, if this isn’t some of the biggest pieces of hypocrisy from this fandom, I don’t know what is. Also to quote my friend on this:
“Hunter and the stans legit went “it’s not a contest!” whenever other shows were seen as better and got more attention but suddenly the others outright “don’t deserve” whenever Vivziepop is praised? Talk about disgusting. 😬”
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Also, I guess to Vivziepop giving credit and supportng artists “only” matters to her when it’s someone who praises her...
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Otherwise… she didn’t give them credit!
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The fact that they couldn’t edit the credits isn’t an excuse. This kind of situation has only happened to people who outwardly spoke out about their treatment within Spindlehorse! As mentioned last year: Cas wanted to be paid, but only didn’t after they spoke out. (Mentioned in the video posted down below.) -and now, after speaking out, Squidder wasn’t credited for their work on the “Oops!” episode of Helluva Boss.
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If Vivziepop actually cared about her studio, making sure that everyone is paid well, not just her mutuals, and that EVERYONE GETS CREDIT should be top priority. The fact that the only people who outright did not get paid or credited for their art for Vivziepop are people who spoke out about Vivienne’s behavior (Squidder and Cas, please do not harass anyone mentioned in this post.) is an actually horrible situation. This can’t be described as a “coisidence” anymore. People need to learn that you can enjoy something without tolerating all the bad behavior and hypocrisies from a creator. It doesn’t matter if you like someone’s art.
Don’t tolerate awful behavior!
Related Video:
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storiesbyjes2g · 10 months
More top 23 in '23
I make a looooooot of sims, as most of you know. I decided to take yesterday's tag and expand it a bit. So here are 23 of my favorite sims I created or remixed.
This is Lu! You've sorta kinda met him already through random pics I posted, but we'll meet him officially soon in The Piersons and Friends.
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2. Leland Sinclair 😍
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3. Danika "Dani" James (a.k.a "rude girl) lol
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4. I don't remember this dude's name, but he sure is fine!
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5. She is the CAS premade with the sunglasses and head wrap.
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6. I don't remember his name either, but I think he is adorable!
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7. Another CAS premade.
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8. I saw this hair and had to make a sim. I think I accidentally made a simself for Donald Glover lol.
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9. Matthew Tidwell. This was a hideous townie I saved. He's married to Mel's fan/stan from the club.
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10. I made a series of Asian sims when EA gave us those new presets. She is my fav.
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11. If this ever makes it into the Pierson save, she is going to be Nadia's biggest fan. The way I dressed her is very reminiscent of Nadia's style, so that will be part of her story if it comes to it.
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12. Another one of my new Asian sims. Personality-wise, she is the exact opposite of the other chick, and I would love to see them attempt to become friends lol.
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13. This is, Pierce Burton, one of the 5 minute sims I made in my tutorial with CC. He also had a cameo in @mysimsloveaffair's story.
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14. The sim from the how to make sims' parents video with CC.
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15. I think she's supposed to be a CAS premade but I don't recall which one.
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16. One of my vanilla cuties no longer vanilla. 😍
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17. Her name is Princess, and she is one of my favorite sims I've made with my random method. I was hoping she'd be imported to meet Luca, but Sophia's got him occupied lol.
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18. A rare vanilla cutie that I actually prefer vanilla.
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19. I made this sim for @trumpets0ng because she loved my basketball player Josef Ibarra but he wasn't a good match for her sim. So I created a brother for him who is unofficially Adam Rodriguez's simself lol.
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20. This sim (and hair) was created by @khadijah551. I downloaded a few of her sims to see what they would look like without the alpha skins. 😍
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21. Another khadijah sim. I love him the best!
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22. The last sim by khadijah. He looked like a family guy so he has a fiancé and a baby now lol.
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23. The last sim I made. I think I have plans for him. 😍
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