#She is not a feminist queen
thetwistedbeauty · 1 year
So there’s some double standards we need to talk about, the WHOLE Inner Circle drinks in every scene we get of them, and understandably Nesta shouldn’t have been drinking as a coping mechanism but for Feyre to go ahead and stage an intervention, kick her out of her apartment, lock her away, and force her to train is not okay. It’s not okay for Cassian to sexualize Nesta when she has been starving herself, when she’s beaten and bruised, I don’t care if they were ‘helping’ her but that’s not how you do it no matter what. You don’t take away a person’s options until all they have is you and Nesta could not have gone back to the Human Lands because Feyre and Cassian wouldn’t have let her so I don’t want that excuse. Nesta shouldn’t have used drinking and sleeping around as a coping mechanism but it was a COPING mechanism. Y’all get so mad when Nesta slut shamed Feyre but when Feyre and Amren did it to Nesta it’s okay??? And let me bring up the fact that her mate and the whole Inner Circle have been alive for 500+ years … so let’s think about some things. Nesta shouldn’t have been mean I can agree with that because she said some rude things, should she have helped in the cabin more? Absolutely! But when the Inner Circle turns around and does the same thing is rude and doesn’t help Nesta in the way that she needs where are you all speaking then? Do you guys not see the double standard that you all hold towards the Inner Circle?
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charzoi · 15 days
I think people bitching and whining about chappell roan setting boundaries with not only her fans but also the press (who are known to be incredibly invasive and overbearing at times) is exactly why other celebrity women and even women in general are afraid to set boundaries or voice their discomfort the way chappell does. chappell gets labeled “rude” and “bitchy” for simply not wanting to take photos with people and wanting her personal space respected which is just fucking crazy honestly. she wouldn’t have to be “rude” about it if people just listened to her and treated her like a human being rather than an object. just goes to show how everyone still expects women to be seen and not heard, and to hide their discomfort to please the people around them.
anyway good on chappell for standing up for herself. she’s great and yeah she absolutely deserves to be praised for telling people off regardless of whether she’s nice about it or not. god bless you chappell roan feminist icon
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year
"A strong queen is just what this country needs!"
The Irish who know the queen in question as the famine queen:
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daeneryseastar · 7 months
On the topic of Rhaenyra having bastards, I think it’s pretty obvious that if she was going to have to have bastards she’d need to find a man who was willing to have his kids passed off as another man’s and not be a snitch to that fact. It would also need to be someone who could be around her constantly without drawing suspicion. As her sworn shield, Harwin wasn’t a terrible choice to fulfill those exact needs. Rhaenyra was just unlucky in the looks department, something she had no control over and overall didn’t matter. There was no way to prove that her children weren’t Laenor’s, due to paternity tests not magically existing during that time. The definition of bastard is a child born to parents who are not wed to each other, with no legal father (and before someone pops up with ‘Actually!! They’d have to be proclaimed bastards to be legitimized!’ I am begging you to pick up a history book). Her children are trueborn, they were born during her marriage to Laenor and legally he is their father because he claimed them as his. One could spend their time arguing semantics over the matter, but it would be a waste of time.
Her children’s last name is Velaryon, not Waters, like it should be in canon if they were indeed bastards. They live and die as the trueborn children between Rhaenyra and Laenor. Bastardy is considered to be a legal status during that time, not a state of being. One either is a bastard at birth or is not a bastard at birth. Contrary to what a few in the fandom believe nobody besides Alicent and her direct ilk viewed them as bastards and therefore undeserving of their station. Even Septon Eustace refutes all of these claims, and he makes it very clear throughout his testimony that he HATES Rhaenyra. It was a tactical move by the immediate members of the Green faction to sully and ruin Rhaenyra’s reputation (something used time and time again during the medieval days because it was the easiest way to take down a woman vying for power), to prove that she was unworthy of the throne as opposed to the candidate they wanted crowned. It didn’t work, considering most of the houses supported Rhaenyra over Aegon despite these rumors.
Rhaenyra’s ‘bastard’ heir, Jacaerys Velaryon, was mourned deeply by members of both Team Black and Team Green and heralded by many as worthy of the Iron Throne, so please, continue spewing your biased rhetoric of the Greens being justified in starting an entire civil war, plunging the realm into chaos, over Rhaenyra having supposed bastards, when that never happened. The rumors didn’t matter. No one cared. The realm was not plunged into war because of them, it was because of Team Green’s lust and greed for power. The entirety of those rumors is a red herring. In all honesty, the only reason I believe GRRM made those boys potentially bastards is to prove to the reader that being worthy to rule does not rely on whether one is trueborn. Aegon was trueborn and unworthy to rule. Jacaerys was rumored to not be trueborn and he was worthy. It’s not GRRM’s fault that some individuals who consume his stories aren’t intelligent enough to understand that.
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tw1nkitty · 1 year
to the people who say barbie promotes 'anti feminism'...
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man dont get me wrong i like kamala harris too and honestly always felt like she was unfairly villainized by progressive left-wingers but the absolute mental gymnastics being performed rn by people who hated her guts like 6 months ago is insane
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
Just read an upvoted comment that literally said "Although I am a woman, I've always felt more interested in men's rights over women's"
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gojuo · 2 years
targ nation proving to me time and time again that they do not understand the media they consume and are nothing but a bunch of illiterates just regurgitating the big buzzwords they see float around on twitter dot com. the fact they all say this objectively wrong trite while vocally and openly hating on the dornish (THE ONLY REGION IN WESTEROS THAT PRACTICES ABSOLUTE PRIMOGENITURE AND IS OVERTLY NOT WHITE) is very telling.
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here's a tip for the ones that still don't get it: the storming of the dragonpit was the moral of the story grrm was presenting. the fact that this event happened during rhaenyra's reign instead of aegon's should tell you enough.
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aangopologist · 2 years
Is baffling to me that some people don't understand that the Dance was just a struggle for power between two heirs, and not feminism vs misogyny (lol)
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mossytrashcan · 6 months
I am tired of having “this fictional dude is SUCH a feminist” shoved down my throat. are we even reading the same books at this point
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deusluxuria · 9 months
i feel like when abbacchio first saw buccellati it was like one of those cheesy teen drama scenes and it was like time slowed down with some ethereal song playing in the background because "oh no he's hot"
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sickofthis666 · 5 months
Gurl help there's a drag queen on BFMTW. He's carrying the olympic flame.
The woman there felt obligated to explain her feminist fight was similar to that drag queen's fight against lgbtqphobia. Not a fight of women vs men but to free yourself from "boxes" you're put in.
Who put us in those boxes in the first place?
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falsenote · 1 year
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Le Soldatesse (1965)
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midnightsslut · 1 year
after seeing @new-york-no-shoes’s post about cold as you, I decided to revisit taylor’s 2009 rolling stone interview to find a quote I couldn’t remember the source of, and this is a gold mine ngl. here are some highlights (but apparently this is not the rolling stone interview I was searching for💀)
“I’ve never seen this country so happy about a political decision in my entire time of being alive,” she says. “I’m so glad this was my first election.”
Says Borchetta, “Taylor and I made an aggressive deal on the back end.” He chuckles. “I’ve written her some very big checks,” he says. (💀)
I feel like whatever you say about whether you do or don’t, it makes people picture you naked,” she says, self-assuredly. “And as much as possible, I’m going to avoid that. It’s self-preservation, really.”
Swift admits that she was fascinated by girls like Paris Hilton when she was younger — in a rare moment of prurience, she notes that her high school football team was named the Commandos, then laughs wryly — but says that she never thought the gossip about these women was true. “You should never judge a person until you know the full story,” she explains, matter-of-factly.
In a way, Swift’s emotional state seems to be stuck at the time when she left school. She says that she has only a half-dozen friends now — “and that’s a lot for me” — and she talks constantly about her best friend, Abigail, a competitive swimmer and freshman at Kansas State, with a new nose ring and a new pet snake, doubtlessly having many experiences that Swift may not be ready for. In fact, Swift is a very young 19-year-old. “I feel like Miley, Selena and Demi are my age,” she says at one point, acknowledging the fast-paced lives of her Los Angeles-based contemporaries. “It’s crazy, I always forget that they’re 16.”
She maintains that marriage is something she would “only do if I find the person I absolutely can’t live without” and “it’s not my ultimate goal in life.”
She’s an unsure, semi-reckless driver, hitting the brake too hard, pointing the car this way and that at various intersections like she’s tacking a boat. She screams, “Five-oh!” as she spots a cop, then pulls into a drive-through Starbucks. “I’ve been in three accidents, but none of them were my fault,” she wails.
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colossalsharks · 11 months
Regina Mills is a badge bunny.
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
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Looking at you Maeve
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