#She witnessed the awakening of Zee after he went through the transformation and she fell in madness for him
hymnoire Β· 5 months
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Entry 1837.
Monday, second of the month.
"He is magnificient. Through the tinted glass, my eyes could not possible leave the sight of him. The way he responded to his environment was fascinating to me, he appeared as more than just a prototype, he appeared as the rebirth I have always foreseen. My breath was held, as I dived into the contemplation of him, I knew he would then never leave my thoughts. I only wished to rest the palm of my hand against the glass for him to come to me, yet I had to control myself. The Professor in charge of the experiment was standing by my side, a fellow colleague from Oxford University with whom we have collaborated and exchanged multiple times. The contract between the House of MisΓ©ricorde and their organization meant that I will sooner than later be able to meet him, the creation. How proud Professor was, discussing on the grandiosity of the success of such a world changing operation. I appreciated the recognition he attributed to my work, the wires of the protoype's brain were solely based after my research ; the technology however, belongs to them. Our laboratories rely on a different philosophy, I believe I will be able to perform similar miracles without relying on the burden of machines. With the perfect knowledge of the human brain and its subtilities as it is, combined with mastering the beauty of genomics, our prototypes will rise higher. Or perhaps my pride has been ahead of me. The words we exchanged with the Professor are quite a blur by now, all I can think of is him. Zephyr, what a noble name for a noble creature. Days have passed, I have dreamed of him on many nights, dreams that I cannot quite decypher myself. I have dreamed of a conversation with him, I have dreamed of my hands on his skin, I have dreamed of the sight of blood running down his neck under the sharp of my scalpel. Sleeping became impossible for me as I ended up studying the files relating the procedure - even though our collaboration implies complete transparency, I assure some elements have missing, birthing inside of me the obsession of performing my own experiments on him. Does he feel warmth. Does he feel pain. Does he have a God."
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