#She-ra season 1
clfixationstation · 4 months
Promise is such a gorgeous episode
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mdantics · 12 days
make sure to also check out the youtube upload!
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yourhighness6 · 8 months
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purpleambrosia · 4 months
Hi today I present one of my favorite Shera episodes. The reunion after the spiciness of princess prom. Big oof. Al’s it’s the 4 year anniversary of the final season of Shera.
Idk why I love this show so much but I really really do. Idk. The female empowerment is so beautiful to me. The way it’s about friendship and love is so beautiful. I enjoyed every single moment of this show. From the story to the scenery and soundtrack. I love this show. Honestly there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss this show. I low-key wish they would make a movie or at least one last season.
Happy 4 year anniversary.
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sherafaces · 2 years
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all the drawings in SheRa part 1
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tippenfunkaport · 10 months
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As part of their strike agreement, Netflix has to release more transparent viewership data and here's how our girls did from Jan to June of 2023.
You can see their article about it here.
And the actual excel file is here if you want to download for yourself
And if you ever want to see how the last 30 days went, Parrot has you covered...
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
The Truth Of Appearances
One of the many secondary themes in She-Ra is appearances. Specifically, how false they are. People repeatedly put up facades that fool even themselves, and one of the villains of the entire story's whole gimmick is illusions and masks.
Enter episode five, The Sea Gate, and all the shenaniganry that accompanies that. This episode focuses almost entirely on that subtheme through the characters featured.
Let me explain.
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Let's start with three of the characters who are introduced here. Sea Hawk, Mermista, and Scorpia.
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Sea Hawk is introduced ego first. He is immediately preceded by feats and skills, he wins an arm wrestling match, then you hear his voice, then you finally see him. This is someone with a loud personality and a reputation that preceeds him. He's a somehow more annoying Han Solo, complete with a reference to the Kessel Run. Immediately, you are put in the mind of Star Wars and how over competent the character he's emulating is.
However, when you get to know this character, he's an idiot. He's all facade, with very little actual self-confidence, or actual skill. And he relies on force of personality to get him anywhere in life.
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Mermista needs to be understood in relation to her kingdom, Salineas. Empty. Her people have abandoned her, and she is left with one guy helping her out, that being her guard/butler/harbourmaster. Salineas, like its ruler, is holding up this extremely strong facade. There's a literal wall there, but there's nothing actually there. It's empty, it has given up hope.
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"It figures I would inherit a kingdom that's crumbling. But it's totally fine. I'm handling it."
This is the most blatant lie in the episode, and it is accompanied by a shot of someone staring out at a beautiful kingdom, with nothing in it. The gate that she needs to keep working is failing. This is someone who knows their foundation is crumbling.
Accompanying this with the small detail that her shoulders are flanked by statues, almost like the devil and angel on her shoulders. Tradition is keeping her stuck, tradition that she verbally mocks.
"Sure, because that went so great the first time."
And that's the key here. People are keeping up tradition for the sake of it, and that isn't working. Laura Greenwood is attributed the quote:
"Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people"
This very clearly fits with Mermista's whole deal. She's stuck trying to appease people who have long since faded.
Glimmer is in a similar situation, she's trying to impress her mother, an while Angella isn't dead, yet, there's still that attempt to appease and impress people.
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The biggest symbol of this is the gate itself, created by the first ones, it has been handed down all the way to Mermista, but the first ones technology is failing, and so is the tradition that it symbolizes.
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Scorpia is objectively the best character in this entire series. This isn't up for debate. I'm right. But, for the sake of discussion, let me delve into why.
Scorpia is the antithesis to every theme in the series. She is untraumatized, uncomplicated in terms of moral fiber, and when it comes to appearances and illusions, she is one of the few characters who doesn't engage with that. This is made extremely clear by her introduction. Take this shot for example:
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Scorpia is designed to contrast Shadow Weaver here. Design wise, Shadow Weaver is covered from head to toe, and Scorpia doesn't believe in sleeves. Shadow Weaver uses her hair to make herself look bigger, Scorpia is genuinely that tall. Shadow Weaver is diminutive, and emotionally imposing, with a glare to fit, Scorpia is built like a brick privy and has an open smile. These two are opposites, and their influence on Catra is similar. Where Shadow Weaver is manipulative, Scorpia is entirely comfortable being a support character. And which way does Catra lean? We shall see as the series goes on.
The point I am getting at here is that Shadow Weaver embodies the themes of the series, Scorpia is a vital counterbalance to all of that malevolence.
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Ok lets talk about Adora and She-Ra, because there is something fascinating here. She-Ra is uncomfortably close to Mr Hyde, the alter ego of Dr Jekyll in The Mysterious Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
For context, Jekyll and Hyde are the archetypal split personality disorder in literature. But they aren't that in the actual book. In the original text, it is made clear that nothing changes in the transformation except the appearance.
I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both.
Jekyll just uses the formula to transform and as a cover up for his base desires. Hyde kills a guy, and that's not an alter ego doing its own thing, that's Jekyll getting all murdery because he is free from consequences. This is a story about addiction.
And what is She-Ra? She's a physical transformation, not a mental one, that Adora refers to as a different person, who is free to do things Adora can't. She's not villainous, but on a technical level, She-Ra and Mr Hyde fill the same function in their respective lives. They are an outlet for their desires. For Jekyll, this is crime, apparently, and for Adora, this is usefulness.
Just take a look at this big empty grin that she gives when Mermista points out her importance.
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But who is Mermista thanking here?
"Your friend over there can turn into a, like, eight ft. tall lady with a sword, and I want her on my side."
Even subconsciously, this is attributing the usefulness to She-Ra, not Adora. And to someone who isn't quite sure if the two are the same, that's confusing.
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tostadamika · 8 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E2- 'The Sword Part 2'
Today's She-Ra Watchthrough Art: Another Messy Glimmer Sketch
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Okay so, it's safe to say as of episode 2:
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Glimmer is my favorite by a wide fuckin' mile she's so real.
I don't know if it's been made obvious to anyone, but in case you haven't noticed yet. I have a huge soft spot for characters that fit under a very specific aesthetic. Glimmer most certainly fits it.
"But Daniel, what kind of aesthetic is it that you speak of?" I hear you ask?
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The Best Kind.
(I don't even like MHA but I do love Mina, wish the show was good)
I find it really funny that when Adora turns into She-Ra she just is like, bigger. Like one of She-Ra's superpowers is being fucking tall.
Like being tall is one of her magical abilities.
I really liked the moment Glimmer actually started sounding like she was about to cry. Phenomenal voice acting right there, that alone says so much.
Just hearing Glimmers' voice breaking & hearing her struggling to hold back crying in the middle of her rant.
It just makes everything she's been saying feel a lot more impactful now. Seeing that it had this much of an affect on her.
She doesn't even specify how many people were lost. Like, fuck she might mean it's not just a few, it's not a thousand it's probably like millions.
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Like, they didn't have to flashback or explain it, just that one moment made me go "Oh shit." It tells you more than enough to understand what kind of horrible shit she's been through. Amazing voice acting right there. I love it.
Shadow Weaver is still a cunt. Fuck you shadow weaver.
Hope your pillow is warm on both sides you wizard bitch.
Also Bow was literally the best this episode he was just like so endearing & every time he spoke I had a big goofy smile on my face. He's so fucking joyful. His optimism is infectious.
What else happened uhhhhh.....
Cat-Ra is angry because idk she's lesbian or something & she's decided to make it everyone elses' problem.
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Like geez, Cat-Ra was throwing a real HISSY fit at the end there.
(please laugh i'm fucking desperate here)
Also I see they kept Swiftwind in this reboot.
I really fucking hope he still sounds like that because it's the funniest thing ever & I adore it.
So anyways, new ship dropped.
I ship these two & they are canon & nobody can fucking stop me.
If they don't kiss I'm going to burn down a church.
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Don't be surprised if most of the she-ra watchalong art is just them.
Also Hordak showed up. He seems like he's a better villain in this one but he's still not even close to Skeletor levels yet.
You're gonna have to wow me a lot more than that, Mr. Whore-Dak.
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pearltiddys · 2 years
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baby let's ruin each other
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loganslowdown4 · 6 months
I’ve been rewatching She-Ra and every time i see Catra and Scorpia I CAN’T NOT SEE THEM 🩵💜
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bi-dykes · 2 years
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She can’t keep her hands off of this boy (and I don’t blame her)
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mdantics · 11 days
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Thought I'd go ahead and just drop all the Spop but bad characters
make sure to check out spop season 1 but bad
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 8 months
i finished seasons 2 and 3 of spop within 24 hours of finishing season 1. i am unstoppable
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
Stop she's just a baby!!
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ronancexists · 1 year
I've finally decided to start She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. I'm on season 1 episode 4 but when I tell you there is tension between Adora and Catra, I am telling you there is TENSION between them. If they don't get together I am actually going to kms 😩😩
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haemosexuality · 5 months
i have a bat fursona but i kinda wanna make myself a cat fursona too
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