paininsideandout · 2 years
“Press that against the wound, I’m going to get the med kit.”
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"I don't even know why I'm here, I know how to patch myself up." He sighed but pressed on the wound, wincing a little. "Great, then I have to go, Miss. The fact I'm even here, isn't safe for you or anyone else."
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monstershearts · 2 years
@shermerclassclown liked the thing!
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Sarah Sanderson was a woman who vivaciously loved life. It was much better than the alternative, of course, but there was more to it than that. Each time she’d been brought back with her sisters, there always seemed to be more of the world to explore, more new things to try and to learn. Unlike practical Mary and cynical Winifred, Sarah saw and felt magic in the smallest and simplest of things, and it fascinated her endlessly.
This most recent jolt back to life was no different, and as her sisters set about coming up with a new scheme, Sarah was far too busy drinking everything in. It was as she was gazing wide-eyed at their surroundings, grinning ear to ear, that she spotted a shock of red hair peaking out from behind some crates. “Hello there!” she chirped happily, bouncing over to the hiding spot. “Didst thou summon us? Come out and play!”
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cloudybrews · 2 years
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For @shermerclassclown
Agatha flew.. well floated down questioning glance on her new neighbor. " Well.. Well.. Well who are you" she asked . " You are not related to the baby witch are you" she asked point blank.
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thebrainyboy · 2 years
You got plans for Halloween?
"Yeah, I'm in charge of taking my sister trick or treating while Mom stays home to hand out the candy. Uh, why do you ask?"
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@shermerclassclown asked “You can be rough with me, I won’t break.” (Tony)
Tony looks at her and tilts his head to the side as he maintains a hold on her waist. He had just kissed her and had done it gently, evidentially she didn't like gently or didn't like it right now so when he went back in for another kiss, he gives her a rough one and moves his hands up her sides to her neck to hold her there while he kissed her "How was that babe?" He says after he breaks the kiss
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the-mjolnir-owner · 2 years
So that story The Frog Prince--where Loki turned you into a Throg--is based on that story?
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"They are similar stories, yes. That one time, it wasn't Loki but a different Sorceress who turned me into a frog. Still, I needed a kiss from a Queen to turn back into my usual self."
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lamentingwclf · 2 years
send  🩹  for  an  injured  /  sick  starter .
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Bucky stumbled, finally falling to his knees after suffering the inability to right himself.  His head was aching, and he’d gone from a subtle throbbing to an all out red alert behind his eyes.  He knew it was blood loss, possibly a few broken ribs that had done it, and if he kept pushing himself, he wouldn’t heal; but he had to get somewhere safe. He’d just rest here. He told himself, as the darkness continued to creep into his vision.  But he still snapped alert when he recognized footsteps coming towards him, reaching for a knife in his belt.  He readied it in his palm, not sure how much of a fight he’d truly put up.
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uxanduva · 2 years
For Okoye and Ayo: did you always know that you were going to become a Dora Milaje?
Okoye's tone was neutral, keeping her emotions in check. "Mm, in a way. Most of the Dora Milaje are chosen when we were very young girls; those of us who had shown to possess potential. We were then trained in various areas and subjects to ensure we have the skills to be successful in our roles of protecting the royal family and Wakanda. It is a high honor and few would want or dare to deviant from this set path."
Ayo nodded in agreement.
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hcrctic · 2 years
❝ Dude, minty burp, still burp. ❞
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@shermerclassclown hit it.✨
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thebasketcasebabe · 2 years
"Trick or treat, sweetheart!" *shows up dressed as Groucho Marx*
-eyes Shiela's costume a moment before giving it a tiny smile and holding out a piece of hard candy for her to take-
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goddamnmuses · 2 years
Lucifer? Like the cat from Cinderella? (for Lucifer)
“The cat from Cinderella is called Lucifer!?”
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goddamndaddies · 1 year
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Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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"I do enjoy spanking."
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percentstardust · 2 years
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”  (Steve Rogers)
emptying out my inbox | @shermerclassclown
“Pizza actually sounds good right now.” He’s immediately getting out his phone. He has been training for hours and he’s now extremely hungry. He could eat a whole pizza by himself. Maybe even two pizzas.
“I can check to see which places are still open. There’s this one place I would go to with Bucky back in the 40s. It’s still around and own buy someone in the family. Let me make a few calls and I’ll get us something to eat, okay?”
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thebrainyboy · 2 years
"Trick or Treat!, sweetheart!" *dressed at Groucho Marx with a big grin*
“Shiela?” Brian asked, his mouth falling open as he answered the door holding a bowl of various plastic rings, noise makers, and Halloween themed bouncy balls. “Oh, uh, huh. You make a pretty good Brooks Brother. That’s uh, what the costume is, right?”
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@shermerclassclown asked “haunted  houses  are  so  lame."  *sees a witch* "AGGHH!!” (Tony)
"What was that about haunted house being lame? If their done right then they are far from lame and the people who pull this one of every year really know how to put one together." Tony looks at her and laughs at her reaction "What? It's just some girl dressed as a witch... don't tell me you're scared of witches. I thought you were fearless."
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the-mjolnir-owner · 2 years
Have you ever heard of the Norns?
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"Of course. They guide my fate."
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